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【摘要】不老青山是位于河北省南部太行山东麓的森林景观,至今没有鳞翅目多样性方面的专门考察报道.本研究于2015年和2016年的5-9月,从该区选取多个样地,采用网捕以及灯光诱集的方法,共获得鳞翅目标本7438头,隶属26科306属419种,其中蛾类21科268属370种,蝶类5科38属49种.在物种数以及个体数量构成上,蛾类的夜蛾科、尺蛾科、螟蛾科以及蝶类的蛱蝶科为优势种群,占总种数的52.19%,其他类群共计占47.81%;对其物种丰富度(S)、多样性指数(H)、均匀度指数(.J)、和优势度指数(D)分析结果表明,蛾类的各项指数在7月、8月份达到较高水平,多样性指数达到11.9894,表明该森林景观的蛾类种群组成结构趋于合理;而蝶类在各个水平上的指数均较低,表明该森林景观的生境条件对蝶类多样性均产生了明显影响.%The Bulaoqing Mountain is a forest landscape of the southern Taihang Mountains in Hebei Province,so far no special inspection reports of Lepidoptera diversity.During May to September in 2015 and 2016,we collected multiple sample from the area,using the screen trap and the light trap methods,received 7438 specimens belonging to 26 families,306 genera and 419 species,of which there were 21 families,268 genera and 370 species of the moth;5 families,38 genera and 49 species of butterflies.From the number of species and individuals,the Noctuidae,Geometridae,Pyralidae and Nymphalidae were the dominant
groups,accounting 52.19% of the total species in the mountain,and other groups were accounted for 47.81%.Regarding the species richness (S),diversity index (H),evenness index (J),and the dominance index (D);the results of the analysis showed that the moth in all kinds of index reached a higher level in July and August,diversity index was 11.9894,it showed that the forest landscape of moth population structure was more reasonable.The each level of the index of butterflies was low,it showed that the forest landscape of habitat conditions had significant effect on the butterflies diversity.
1.青藏高原地区不同环境条件下鳞翅目昆虫物种多样性与系统发育多样性的初步研究 [J], 金倩;阮倩倩;陈芬;刘博;蔡卫佳;张爱兵
2.不老青山流域鞘翅目昆虫的多样性调查 [J], 曹维林;崔文霞
3.大青山永运的护林人——记山东省莱西市大青山林区护林防火队队长赵庶奎 [J],
4.《青山不老》教学设计 [J], 庞玉红
5.青山不老绿水长流——赞河北省心连心艺术团 [J], 郑毓华
