




超宽带无线通信技术由美国率先提出,并对超宽带的界限进行了梳理,明确提出当一个信号在20dB 环境下,当宽带超过1.5GHz 时,就可以认定该信号为超宽带信号。




2 超宽带无线通信技术的特点超宽带无线通信技术优势较为明显,通过分析相关技术应用的合理性以及有效性,帮助相关企业以及人员进一步明确超宽带无线通信技术应用的必要性,在一定程度上,降低超宽带无线通信技术应用难度。

2.1 通信距离短根据实践经验来看,无线通信空间距离的长短对于信号强度有着最为直接的影响,无线通信的空间距离越大,信号强度衰减的越快,通信质量越差。


从相关科研机构公布的数据来看,当距离超过12km 时,超带宽无线通信的信道容量将会急剧下降,小于传统无线通信的窄带系统信道容量,因此无线通信网络搭建的过程中,技术人员应当做好相应的准备工作,根据相关区域的实际,进行技术方案的制定与优化,确保超宽带无线通信技术作用的有效发挥。

2.2 分辨率高超带宽无线通信技术使用窄脉冲,这种脉冲持续时间较短,传播距离较为有限,但是窄脉冲在时间维度以及空间维度上的分辨率相对较强,这种技术特性使得超宽带无线通信技术的多径分辨率较高。



Wireless Communications*byJoshua S。

Gans,Stephen P。

King and Julian Wright1. IntroductionIn 1895, Guglielmo Marconi opened the way for modern wireless communications by transmitting the three—dot Morse code for the letter ‘S’ over a distance of th ree kilometers using electromagnetic waves。

From this beginning,wireless communications has developed into a key element of modern society. From satellite transmission, radio and television broadcasting to the now ubiquitous mobile telephone,wireless communications has revolutionized the way societies function.This chapter surveys the economics literature on wireless communications。

Wireless communications and the economic goods and services that utilise it have some special characteristics that have motivated specialised studies。

First, wireless communications relies on a scarce resource –namely,radio spectrum –the property rights for which were traditionally vested with the state. In order to foster the development of wireless communications (including telephony and broadcasting)those assets were privatised。



外文翻译--超宽带技术的短期或中期范围内的无线通信外文文献原文Ultra-Wideband Technology for Short-or Medium-RangeWireless CommunicationsJeff Foerster, Intel Architecture Labs, Intel Corp.Evan Green, Intel Architecture Labs, Intel Corp.Srinivasa Somayazulu, Intel Architecture Labs, Intel Corp.David Leeper, Intel Connected Products Division, Intel Corp. Index words: UWB, wireless, communications, LAN, PANABSTRACTUltra-Wideband (UWB) technology is loosely defined as any wireless transmission scheme that occupies a bandwidth of more than 25% of a center frequency, or more than 1.5GHz. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is currently working on setting emissions limits that would allow UWB communication systems to be deployed on an unlicensed basis following the Part 15.209 rules for radiated emissions of intentional radiators, the same rules governing the radiated emissions from home computers, for example. This rule change would allow UWB-enabled devices to overlay existing narrowband systems, which is currently not allowed, and result in a much more efficient use of the available spectrum. Devices could, in essence, fill in the unused portions of the frequency spectrum in any particular location.1These recent developments by the FCC give Intel a unique opportunity to develop equipment that could potentially take advantage of the vast amount of usable spectrum that exists in the wireless space, and that could provide an engine to drive the future high-rate applications that are being conceived throughout this industry.Intel? Architecture Labs (IAL) is currently researching UWB technology in order to better understand its benefits, limitations, and technical challenges when used for high-rate communications. This paper introduces the reader to this technology, from potential applications to regulatory hurdles, to possible implementations and future challenges. INTRODUCTIONUltra-Wideband (UWB) technology has been around since the 1980s, but it has been mainly used for radar-based applications until now (see [1] and the references therein), because of the wideband nature of thesignal that results in very accurate timing information. However, due to recent developments in high-speed switching technology, UWB is becoming more attractive for lowcost consumer communications applications (as detailed in the “Implementation Advantages” section of this paper). Intel Architecture Labs (IAL) is currently working on an internally funded research project whose intent is to further explore the potential benefits and future challenges for extending UWB technology into the high-rate communications arena.2Although the term Ultra-Wideband (UWB) is not very descriptive, itdoes help to separate this technology from more traditional “narrowband” systems as well as newer “wideband” systems typically referred to in theliterature describing the future 3G cellular technology. There aretwo main differences between UWB and other “narrowband” or “wideband” systems. First, the bandwidth of UWB systems, as defined by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in [2], is more than 25% ofa center frequency or more than 1.5GHz. Clearly, this bandwidth is much greater than the bandwidth used by any current technology for communication. Second, UWB is typically implemented in a carrierlessfa shion. Conventional “narrowband” and “wideband” systems use Radio Frequency (RF) carriers to move the signal in the frequency domain from baseband to the actual carrier frequency where the system is allowed to operate. Conversely, UWB implementations can directly modulate an “impulse” that has a very sharp rise and fall time, thus resulting ina waveform that occupies several GHz of bandwidth. Although there are other methods for generating a UWB waveform (using a chirped signal, for example), in this paper, we focus on the impulse-based UWB waveform. but, first, a breakdown of how this paper is organized. WIRELESS ALTERNATIVES In order to understand where UWB fits in with the current trends in wireless communications, we need to consider the general problem that3communications systems try to solve. Specifically, if wireless werean ideal medium, we could use it to send.1. a lot of data,2. very far,3. very fast,4. for many users,5. all at once.Unfortunately, it is impossible to achieve all five attributes simultaneously for systems supporting unique, private, two-way communication streams; one or more have to be given up if the others are to do well. Original wireless systems were built to bridge large distances in order to link two parties together. However, recent history of radio shows a clear trend toward improving on the other four attributes at theexpense of distance. Cellular telephony is the most obvious example, covering distances of 30 kilometers to as little as 300 meters. Shorter distances allow for spectrum reuse, thereby serving more users, and the systems are practical because they are supported by an underlying wired infrastructure– the telephone network in the case of cellular. In the past few years, even shorter range systems, from 10 to 100 meters, have begun emerging, driven primarily by data applications. Here, the Internet is the underlying wired infrastructure, rather than the telephone network. Many expect the combination of short-range wireless and wired Internet to4become a fast-growing complement to next generation cellular systems for data, voice, audio, and video. Four trends are driving short-range wireless in general and ultra-wideband in particular:1. The growing demand for wireless data capability in portabledevices at higher bandwidth but lower in cost and power consumption than currently available.2. Crowding in the spectrum that is segmented and licensed by regulatory authorities in traditional ways.3. The growth of high-speed wired access to the Internet in enterprises,homes, and public spaces.4. Shrinking semiconductor cost and power consumption for signal processing.Trends 1 and 2 favor systems that offer not just high-peak bit rates, but high spatial capacity1 as well, where spatial capacity is defined as bits/sec/square-meter. Just as the telephone network enabledcellulartelephony, Trend 3 makes possible high-bandwidth, in-buildingservice provision to low-power portable devices using short-range wireless standards like Bluetooth () and IEEE 802.11 (). Finally, Trend4 makes possible the use of signal processing techniques that would have been impractical only a few years ago. It is this final trend that makes Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology practical. When used as intended, the emerging short- and5medium-range wireless standards vary widely in their implicitspatial capacities. For example :1.IEEE 802.11b has a rated operating range of 100 meters. In the2.4GHz ISM band, there is about 80MHz of useable spectrum. Hence, in a circle with a radius of 100 meters, three 22MHz IEEE 802.11b systems can operate on a non-interfering basis, each offering a peak over-the-air speed of 11Mbps. The total aggregate speed of 33Mbps, divided by thearea of the circle, yields a spatial capacity of approximately 1,000bits/sec/square-meter.2.Bluetooth, in its low-power mode, has a rated 10-meter range and a peak over-the-air speed of 1Mbps. Studies have shown that approximately 10 Bluetooth “piconets” can operate simultaneously in the same 10-meter circle with minimal degradation yielding an aggregate speed of10Mbps [3]. Dividing this speed by the area of the circle produces a spatial capacity of approximately 30,000bits/sec/square-meter.3.IEEE 802.11a is projected to have an operating range of 50 meters and a peak speed of 54Mbps. Given the 200MHz of available spectrumwithin the lower part of the 5GHz U-NII band, 12 such systems canoperate simultaneously within a 50-meter circle with minimal degradation, for an aggregate speed of 648Mbps. The projected spatial capacity ofthis system is therefore approximately 83,000 bits/sec/square-meter.64.UWB systems vary widely in their projected capabilities, but one UWB technology developer has measured peak speeds of over 50Mbps at a range of 10 meters and projects that six such systems could operate within the same 10-meter radius circle with only minimal degradation. Following the same procedure, the projected spatial capacity for this system would be over 1,000,000 bits/sec/square-meterCurrent low data-rate Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) and Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs), which have data rates of ~1-10Mbps, are typically used for applications such as packet-switched data and cordless voice telephony, using Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) voice circuits. Example technologies supporting these applications are the IEEE 802.11b (Wi-Fi)*, Bluetooth?, and HomeRF*networking standards. As the IEEE 802.11 and ETSI BRANHiperLAN/2* standards (the European equivalent of 802.11) have added physical layer specifications with raw data rates up to 54Mbps, the application space is enlarging to include audio/video applications that are enabled by these higher data rates. These diverse traffic types all have different requirements in terms of the service parameters that quantify the network performance for a user of each of those applications. Thus, for example, voice telephony and video teleconferencing applications place tough demands on the latency and jitter performance. Audio/video applications require large amounts of bandwidth and may need close7synchronization (e.g., connecting stereo speakers in a surround sound system). Ultra-Wideband (UWB) systems, with their potential for extremely large data rates over short distances, are naturally going to be used for networking these kinds of high-bandwidth/delaycritical data sources and sinks. Hence, it would be natural to look at the approaches to the MAC design undertaken in these other standards when considering the MAC layer design for UWB systems. The most important functions of the MAC layer for a wireless network include controlling channel access, maintaining Quality of Service (QoS), and providing security.8外文文献翻译超宽带技术的短期或中期范围内的无线通信杰夫福斯特~英特尔架构实验室~英特尔公司埃文格林~英特尔架构实验室~英特尔公司斯里尼瓦萨~英特尔架构实验室~英特尔公司大卫利珀~英特尔部连接的产品~英特尔公司关键字:超宽带~无线~通讯~局域网~无源光网络摘要超宽带,UWB,技术可以大致的被定义为一个占有超过25,中心频率的带宽~或者涨幅比为1.5GHz的带宽的任何无线传输方案。









































毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院通信与信息工程学院专业通信工程学生姓名班级学号外文出处Robert Clyde Dixon.Spread Spectrum Techniques[M].IEEE Press,1976附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文附件1:外文资料翻译译文扩频技术摘要扩频技术是信号(例如一个电气、电磁,或声信号)生成的特定带宽频率域中特意传播,从而导致更大带宽的信号的方法。










一名波兰的工程师(Leonard Danilewicz),在1929年提出了这个想法。





技术创新《微计算机信息》(管控一体化)2010年第26卷第11-3期360元/年邮局订阅号:82-946《现场总线技术应用200例》网络与通信超宽带无线通信Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communications(中国海洋大学)魏磊磊熊建设WEI Lei-lei XIONG Jian-she摘要:超宽带(Ultra-Wideband UWB)是新一代的无线电通信技术。


关键词:超宽带;无线通信中图分类号:T 文献标识码:AAbstract:Ultra-Wideband is one of the most popular wireless communications technologies.On the basis of introducing the concept of Ultra-Wideband,the paper analyses the characteristics and applications of Ultra-Wideband.Key words:Ultra-Wideband;Wireless Communications文章编号:1008-0570(2010)11-3-0058-03引言超宽带无线技术(UWB)起源于20世纪60年代对时域电磁学的研究,最初主要应用于军用的雷达高精度测距、测角和隐秘通信。


1概念超宽带无线通信的概念首先由美国军方于1990年提出,其定义的特征是信号的相对带宽(Fractional Bandwidth)大于25%的任何波形。

这里,信号的相对带宽是指2(f H -f L )/(f H +f L ),其中,f H 表示信号高端频率,f L 表示信号低端频率,f H -f L 表示信号带宽,即有:信号的相对带宽(1.1)式中,f c =(f H +f L )/2为信号的中心频率。

通信工程 毕业设计 外文文献翻译:超宽带系统的数据通信

通信工程 毕业设计 外文文献翻译:超宽带系统的数据通信

英文资料Ultra-Wideband Systems for Data CommunicationsG. Racherla, J.L. Ellis, D.S. Furuno, S.C. LinGeneral Atomics, Advanced Wireless Group10240 Flanders Ct. San Diego CA 92121WebsitABSTRACTUltra-Widebandt (UWB) is a radio transmission scheme that uses extremely low power pulses of radio energy spread across a wide spectrum of frequencies. UWB has several advantages over conventional continuous wave radio communications including potential support for high data rates, robustness to multipath interference and fading. We present an overview of UWB technology and its use in data communications and networking. We look at design considerations for UWB based networks at various layers of the protocol stack.1.INTRODUCTIONUltra-Wideband [1-6]一also known as baseband or impulse radio一is a carrier-free radio transmission that uses narrow, extremely low power pulses of radio energy spread across a wide spectrum of frequencies. UWB has recently gained a great deal of interest due to the recent Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Report and Order which allocates the UWB band一7.5 GHz of unlicensed spectrum for indoor and outdoor communication applications. UWB communications are required to have a -10 dB fractional bandwidth of more than 20% or a -10 dB bandwidth of more than 500 MHz [7]. It is important to note that the FCC has not defined a specific modulation scheme to be used. UWB systems offer the promise of high data rate, low susceptibilityto multipath fading, high transmission security low prime power requirements, low cost, and simple design [1,2,5,6].UWB has been used in military applications for the past several years for ground-penetrating precision radar applications and secure communications [3,8]. For the past few years, UWB has been developed for commercial applications [1,2,5,6]. With the recent FCC [7] report and order for theuse of UWB technology, there has been an added impetus to this endeavor. Other notable UWB applications include collision avoidance radar, tagging/identification; geolocation [9] and data communications in personal area networks (PAN) and local area network (LAN) environments.There are several future challenges to the wide adoption of UWB for wireless data communications including the infancy of the technology in the commercial arena, lack of reliablechannel models, the early stages of standardization effort and lack of low-cost system on chip (SoC) implementations. In this paper, we look at UWB technology for data communications and inside a UWB physical (PHY) layer characteristics. We also briefly introduce other related wireless standards such as 802.11 [10], 802.15.3 [11-13] Bluetooth [14], HomeRF [15] and HIPERLAN [16] and present a brief synopsis of the regulatory effort worldwide with special emphasis on the FCC. We also present the design considerations for UWB based data networking.2.ULTRA-WIDEBAND TECHNOLOGYThe basic waveform that employed in a UWB system is an approximation to an impulse, such as that shown in Fig. 1. The short duration of the pulse is associated with large inherent bandwidth; hence, the nomenclature "Ultra-Wideband". Typical attributes of UWB waveforms are summarized in Table 1.Fig. 1. UWB waveform example.The high spectral content of the UWB waveform gives rise to one of the primary advantages UWB operation for communications where a UWB system is robust against multipath fading[17] and narrowband interference [18]. In multipath fading, where the transmitted radio frequency (rt) signal can reflect off objects in its transmission path and can cause destructive interferences at the receiver, a loss of reception can occur. ThisTable 1: Characteristics of Typical UWB SystemsFractional Bandwidth > 20%Pulse Width 0.1-2 asPulse Repetition Frequency 1 kHz-2 GHzAverage Transmitted Power<1mWeffect is particularly problematic indoors where there are many reflecting surfaces. In the frequency domain, multipath is shown as frequency selective fading. Because UWB communications systems spreads the transmitted data over a broad frequency band if destructive interference occurs at a specific frequency, whether due to multipath or narrowband interference, the information can still be recovered over the good frequencies.UWB implementations can provide low complexity, low cost solutions [19], thus enabling vast deployments of the technology. A critical component that reaffirms a low cost solution is noting that UWB signals, being carrier-less, have greater simplicity over narrowband transceivers and require smaller silicon die sizes [20]. UWB can be designed to achieve very high bit rates while still achieving low power consumption, a feature set which will be exploited by the consumer electronics industry [21]. UWB schemes can further be designed to be very scalable in terms of complexity, bit rate, power consumption, and range.UWB technology can support many applications. Different UWB modulation schemes offer different advantages for communication, radar, and precisiongeo-location applications. UWB technology, which operates between 3.1 and 10.6 GHz, intrinsically offers an efficient reuse of precious spectrum by operating stealthily at the noise floor [22]. This UWB system operates at low power, to be compliant with operating under FCC Part 15 emissions, across a wide range of frequencies. As a spread spectrum technology, UWB offers a low probability of intercept and a low probability of detection [8]. Thus, it is particularly well suited for covert military or sensitive usage seenarios [8]. Because UWB signals have extremely short bursts in time (e.g., durations of 1 ns or less) they are suited for precision geo-location applications. Though UWB intrinsically offers the above-mentioned features, application optimization and improvements on these characteristics are left to specific designs and implementations, most notably by careful consideration of modulation schemes.2.1. UWB System Design ConsiderationsSeveral considerations are needed when designing a PAN. First, low power design is necessary because the portable devices within the network are battery powered. Second, high data rate transmission is crucial for broadcasting multiple digi\tal audio and video streams: Lastly, low cost is a prerequisite to broadening consumer adoption. In addition to these criteria, the UWB system designer must address synchronization and coexistence. Capturing and locking onto these short pulses make synchronization a non-trivial task. Coexisting peacefully with other wireless systems without interference is important;In particular, one needs to pay attention to the 802.1 la wireless LANs that operate in the 5 GHz ISM bands.At the physical layer, additional challenges lie in the transceiver and antenna design. At the transmitter, pulse shaping is required to produce flat and wideband emission in the desired frequency bands. Although new integrated circuits provide less expensive forms of integration, the pulses can be affected by the parasitics from the component and packaging [23]. To accommodate the high data rates, tradeoffs between high and low pulse repetition frequency (PRF) and modulation schemes must be considered. The low PRF system with higher modulation (more bits per symbol) may require a more complex receiver, while the high PRF system with lower modulation may lead to performance degradation for delay spread in the channel. Finally, traditional antenna designs gear towards narrow band systems. To avoid dispersion at the receiver, the new wideband antennas need phase linearity and a fixed phase center [23].3. UWB STANDARDIZATION ANDREGULATORY EFFORTSThere are several standards bodies presently considering, at some level, UWB technologies. The standards body most advanced in the consideration of UWB is study group "a" of IEEE 802.15.3, which was formed in November 2001 [11-13]. A serious effort is well underway to define a UWB channel model, and numerous UWB tutorials have been given. Many hallway conversations talk to a physical layer standard being ratified in 2004 (though there is no formal knowledge or position on this) and will accompany the soon to be approved 802.15.3 Medium Access Control (MAC) which supports quality of service (QoS) for real-time multimedia applications [12]. The technical requirements presently call for bit rates of 110 to 200 Mbps at ranges up to 10 m, with the option to achieve 480 Mbps possibly at shorter distances. The powerconsumption requirement is presently set at 100 to 250 mW with lOe 5 bit error rate at the top of the physical layer. Complexity/cost are presently expected to be comparable to Bluetooth and the physical layer is required to support four collocated piconets. Coexistence is presently crucial (e.g., IEEE 802.1 la) and the ability to scale the technology is key to a long lasting and widely adopted standard. These technical requirements come from documents that are still being revised; additionally, it is not possible to predict if proposals may fall short of meeting some of the desired requirements.The United States FCC issued a report and order in the early part of 2002. This landmark decision to permit UWB operation in the 3.1 to 10.6 GHz spectrum under Part 15 emis- sion limits, with some additional restrictions, has catalyzed development and standardization processes as is evident by the sheer number of entities (companies, academic and government institutions) associated with UWB and through the serious efforts of the IEEE 802.15.3 group. The FCC carefully chose the frequency band of operation to be above 3.1 GHz to avoid interfering with GPS and other life critical systems. Furthermore, the FCC ruled that emissions below Part 15 would pro-vide for peaceful coexistence, the ability to have narrowband and UWB systems collocated on a non-interfering basis, because unintentional emissions from devicessuch as laptops are also limited to Part 15 rules. This ruling makes it possible to have up to 15 UWB frequency bands in the 7.5 GHz allocated unlicensed spectrum [7]. Extensive efforts are being conducted throughout Europe (CEPT, ETSI, and the European Commission), Korea, and Japan (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses, and the Japanese Ministry of Telecommunications).4. NETWORKING WITH UWB SYSTEMSThere is a significant interest in the ability to perform location determination and tracking of assets and people throughout warehouses, factories, ships, hospita梦,business environments, and other buildings or structures. The ability for UWB technologies to operate within such intense multipath environments in conjunction with the ability for UWB to provide very accurate geo-location capability at low cost and long battery life justifies the increasing technological activity in this market [20].As the rf tags [24] are distributed, it is also recognized tha they can be coordinated and networked. To further reduce the cost of the transceivers, position determination can occur at networked computer terminals. Additionally, it is quite conceivable that tag complexity can be further simplified by installink transmitters that chirp periodically [8]. Just as UWB demonstrates many benefits for rf tags, the technology equally lends itself to distributed sensor networks [9]. Sensor network applications include feedback controls systems and environmental surveillance for commercial, industrial,_ and military applications.In the data communication area, UWB technology may be used to implement ad-hoc networks. An ad-hoc network [25-27] is characterized by a collection of hosts that form a network "on-the-fly". An ad-hoc network is a multi-hop wireless network wherein each host also acts as a router. Mobile TRANSPORT Ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs) [25-27] are ad-hoc networks wherein the wireless hosts have the ability to move. Mobility of hosts in MANETs has a profound impact on the topology of the network and its performance. Figure 2 illustrates how the various layers of the OSI protocol stack have to operate in order to successfully complete a communication session. We look at some of relevant design issues at the different layers for UWB-based sensor networks and MANETs.4.1. Design Issues for Layers of the Protocol StackThere are several design considerations of sensor networks setup (including rftags) [24]. The sensors typically work on batteries and need be low cost, low power, with LPI/LPD and the ability to do geo-location. All of these requirements are satisfied by a UWB PHY.The PHY layer [26,27] is a very complex layer which deals with the medium specification (physical, electrical and mechanical) for data transmission between devices. The PHY layer specifies the operating frequency range, the operating temperature range, modulation scheme, channelization scheme. channel switch time, timing, synchronization, symbol coding, and interference from other systems, carrier-sensing and transmit/receive operations of symbols and power requirements for operations. The PHY layer interacts closely with, the MAC sublayer to ensure smooth performance of the network. The PHY layer for wireless systems (such as MANETs) has special considerations to take into account as the wireless medium is inherently error-prone and prone to interference from other wireless and rf systems in the proximity. Multipath is important to consider when designing wireless PHY layer as the rf propagation environment changes dynamically with time; frequent disconnections may occur. The problem is exacerbated when the devices in the network are mobile because of handoffs and new route establishment. It should be noted that there is a concerted effort by several UWB companies muster supportfor a UWB-based high data rate PITY in the IEEE 802.15.3 working group.The data link layer consists of the Logical Link Control (LLC) and the MAC sub layers. The MAC sublayer is responsible for channel access and the LLC is responsible for link maintenance, framing data unit, synchronization, error detection and possible recovery, and flow control. The MAC sublayer tries to gain access to the shared channel to prevent collision and distortion of transmitted frames with frames sent by the MAC sublayers of other nodes sharing the medium. TheMAC sublayer in sensor networks and MANETs needs to be power-aware, self-organizing and support mobility and handoffs.The network layer of such networks should perform routing so as to minimize power and the number of node hops in the route. In some cases, flooding/gossiping may be required to increase chances of the packets reaching the destination. Data aggregation/fusion may be used for. data-centric routing [24] in the network layer. The network layer needs to allow for route maintenance and updates for fast changing network topology.The transport layer is responsible for the end-to-end integrity of data in thenetwork. The transport layer performs multiplexing, segmenting, blocking, concatenating, error detection and recovery, flow control and expedited data transfer. In the MANET environment, the mobility of the nodes will almost certainly cause packets to be delivered out of order and a significant delay in the acknowledgements is to be expected as a result. Retransmissions are very expensive in terms of the power requirements. Transport protocols for MANETs and sensor networks need to focus on the development of feedback mechanisms that enable the transport layer to recognize the dynamics of the network and adjust its retransmission timer, window size and perform congestion control with more information on the network.Fig. 2. Issues at each layer of the protocol stackThe application layer needs support for location-based services, network management, task assignment, query and data dissemination for sensor networks and possible MANETs.5. RELATED TECHNOLOGIESIn order to better understand UWB-based technologies, we look at some related technology standards. More information on these technologies can be found in Ref. 27.5.1. BluetoothBluetooth [14] is a short-range radio technology standard originallyintended as a wireless cable replacement to connect portable computers, wireless devices, handsets and headsets. Bluetooth devices operate in the 2.4 GHz ISM band. Bluetooth uses the concept of a piconet which is a MANET with a master device controlling one or several slave devices. Bluetooth also allow scatternets wherein a slave device can be part of multiple piconets. Bluetooth has beed designed to handle both voice and data. traffic.5.2. HIPERIANl1 and HIPERIANIlHIPERLAN/I and HIPERLAN/2 [16] are European wireless LAN (WLAN) standards developed by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). HIPERLAN/1 is a wireless equivalent of Ethernet while HIPERLAN/2 has architecture based on wireless Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). Both the standards use dedicated frequency spectrum at -5 GHz. HIPERLAN/I provides a gross data rate of 23.5 Mb/s and net data rate of more than 18 Mb/s while HIPERLAN/2 provides gross data rates of 6/16/36154 Mb/s and a maximum of 50 Mb/s net data rate. Both standards use 10/100/1000 mW of transmit power and have a maximum range of 50 m. Also, the standards provide isochronous and asynchronous services with support for QoS. However, they have different channel a-ss and modulation schemes.5.3. IEEE 802]]This IEEE family of wireless Etherdet standards is primarily intended for indoor and in-building WLANs. There are several varities of this standard. The current available versions are the 802.1 la, 802.11b and 802.llg (emerging draft standard) with other versions which are starting to show on the horizon [10]. The 802.11 standards support ad-hoc networking as well as connections using an access point (AP). The standard provides specifications of the PHY and the MAC layers. The MAC specified uses CSMA/CA for access and provides service discovery and scanning, link setup and tear down, data fragmentation, security, power management and roaming facilities. The 802.1 la PHY is similar to the HIPERLAN/2 PHY. The PHY uses OFDM and operates in the 5 GHz UNII band. 802.1 la supports data rates ranging from 6 to 54 Mbps. 802.11 a currently offers much less potential for rf interference than other PHYs (e.g., 802.11b and 802.11g) that utilize the crowded 2.4 GHz ISM band. 802.11 a can support multimedia applications in densely populated user environments.' The 802.11b standard, proposed jointly by Harris and Lucent Technologies, extends the 802.11 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) PHY to provide 5.5 and 11 Mb/s data rates.5.4. IEEE 802.75.3The emerging draft standard [11-13] defines MAC and PHY (2.4 GHz) layer specifications for a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN). The standard is based on the concept of a piconet which is a network confined to a 10 m personal operating space (POS) around a person or object. A WPAN consists of one or more collocated piconets. Each piconet is controlled by a piconet coordinator (PNC) and may consist of devices (DEVs). The 802.15.3 PHY is defined for 2.4 to 2.4835 GHz band and has two defined channel plans. It supports five different data rates (11 to 55 Mb/s). The base uncoded PHY rate is 22 Mb/s5.5. HomeRFHomeRF [15] working group was formed to develop a standard for wireless data communication between personal computers and consumer electronics in a home environment. The HomeRF standard is technically solid, simple, secure, and is easy to use. HomeRF networks provide a range of up to 150 ft typically enough for home networking. HomeRF uses Shared Wireless Access Protocol (SWAP) to provide efficient delivery of voice and data traffic. SWAP uses a transmit power of up to 100 mW and a gross data rate of 2 Mb/s. It can support a maximum of 127 devices per network. A SWAP-based system can work as an ad-hoc network or as a managed network using a connection point6. CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we presented an overview of UWB technology and its characteristics and advantages over conventional, continuous wave transmissions. We presented how UWB is well suited for several applications like sensor networks and MANETs. UWB technology has garnered a lot of interest among vendors who are looking at standardizing the use of the technology in various forums including IEEE.中文翻译超宽带系统的数据通信G. Racherla, J.L. Ellis, D.S. Furuno, S.C. LinGeneral Atomics, Advanced Wireless Group10240 Flanders Ct.San Diego CA 92121E-mail: {gopal.racherla, jason.ellis, susan.lin,超宽带(UWB)是一种在宽频谱范围内使用超低功耗传播无线脉冲能量的无线电传输方案。














作者签名:日期:年月日导师签名:日期:年月日指导教师评阅书评阅教师评阅书教研室(或答辩小组)及教学系意见摘要UWB(超宽带无线通信技术)的核心是冲击无线电技术,它之所以成为无线通信领域关注的热点,是由用户需求和UWB技术的性能特点共同决定的,其带宽大于目前所有通信技术的带宽,抗干扰性能强、传输速率高,满足 10m之内的无线个人局域网。



Ultra-Wideband Sampling Down Converter With Sampling Phase DetectorAlexander Reisenzahn, Student Member, IEEE, Stefan Matzinger,Thomas Buchegger, Student Member, IEEE, Sebastian Hantscher,Christian G. Diskus, Senior Member, IEEEA. Reisenzahn, S. Matzinger, S. Hantscher, C. G. Diskus are with the Institute for Microelectronicsat the Johannes KeplerUniversity, Altenberger-Strasse 69, Linz, 4040, Austria,email: alexander.reisenzahn@jku.atT. Buchegger is with the Linz Center of Competence in Mechatronics, Altenberger-Strasse 69,Linz, 4040, Austria.摘要:对于无损检测墙壁和公路结构方面,超宽带雷达是一个非常优秀的工具。
















【关键词】超宽带无线通信超宽带(UWB)技术调制方式多址方式【Abstract】In the past twenty years, wireless technology in communication, in the course of development, has always been playing an important role. With the mobile communication for more than a decade of booming development and 3 G, B3G concepts such as the increasing popularity of the wireless in the family, another member--broadband wireless access technology in recent years as a new force. But along with the development of wireless communication technology, people on the high-speed short-range wireless communication and taller to the requirement of. Ultra-wideband (UWB) technique appears, to achieve the short distances bandwidth, high speed of the data transmission. The modulation mode and multiple address thecharacteristics of the technology to make it are other wireless communication technology can have wide bandwidth and high speed data transfer, low power consumption, safety performance is higher characteristic. This paper introduces the principle of the basic theory, UWB, main technical characteristics, some key technology and its application and the development of the future, for the purpose of the broadband wireless communication technology to do a preliminary exploration and research.【Keywords】The broadband wireless communication ultra-wideband (UWB)technology modulation mode multi-access way一、超宽带无线通信简介1、超宽带无线通信概念无线通信技术是当前发展最迅速、最具活力的技术领域之一,在这个领域中,各种新技术、新方法层出不穷。





















最新毕设外文翻译 (英文原文 翻译)

最新毕设外文翻译 (英文原文 翻译)

英文翻译:PARTⅠ各种光纤接入技术Optical Fiber Technology With Various Access1 光网络主流1.1 光纤技术光纤生产技术已经成熟,现在大批量生产,广泛应用于今天的零色散波长λ0=1.3μm的单模光纤,而零色散波长λ0=1.55μm的单模光纤已开发并已进入实用阶段,这是非常小的1.55μm的波长衰减,约0.22dB/km,它更适合长距离大容量传输,是首选的长途骨干传输介质。



1.2 光纤放大器1550nm波长掺铒(ER)的光纤放大器(EDFA),掺铒数字,模拟和相干光通信中继器可以以不同的速率传输光纤放大器,也可以发送特定波长的光信号。



1.3 宽带接入不同的环境中企业和住宅客户提供了多种宽带接入解决方案。


目前,接入系统的主流技术,ADSL 技术可以双绞铜线传输经济每秒几兆比特的信息,即支持传统的语音服务,而且还支持面向数据的因特网接入位,理事会结束的ADSL多路复用访问的数据流量,路由的分组网络,语音流量将传送到PSTN,ISDN或其它分组网络。





计算机专业时文选读——超宽带无线技术(一)Ultrawideband(1)There’s certainly no lack of choices when it comes to wireless communications and networking technologies. With all the currently available forms of wireless access ——cell phones, 3G, Wi-Fi, WiMax, Bluetooth, power lines, and 802.11a, b, g and n——you wou ldn’t think there’s room for anything more. But technology marches forward, and in the next couple of years, we’re going to be seeing a new and different wireless technology.The new kid on the radio block is ultrawideband, also known as UWB or digital pulse wireless. It will help deliver television programs, movies, games and multimegabyte data files throughout our wireless homes and offices. UWB is faster than current wireless LAN technologies and provides a short-range, high-bandwidth pipe that eliminates interference.Origins of UWBGerald F. Ross first demonstrated the feasibility of UWB waveforms for radar and communications applications in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Originally developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the technology was called baseband, carrier-free, impulse communications or time-domain signaling, until the U.S. Department of Defense named it ultrawideband in 1989.In some respects, UWB technology goes back to the dawn of radio and Guglielmo Marconi’s early spark-gap transmissions. UWB is also a successor to spread-spectrum radio (also called frequency-hopping), a World War II technology that splits a broadcast across many different radio frequencies, using one at a time to avoid jamming. In contrast, UWB uses every frequency available to it, all at the same time.UWB isn’t a direct substitute for any other form of wireless communications, but it does some things that no other technology can match. A UWB transmitter sends billions of short-duration pulses across a wide spectrum of radio frequencies. These RF bursts come so fast——lasting only from a few trillionths of a second to a few nanoseconds——that each actually uses only a few cycles of an RF carrier wave.This short duration gives UWB waveforms some unique properties. They are relatively immune to multipath cancellation effects, such as when a strong reflected wave arrives out of phase with the direct path signal, reducing the signal strength in the receiver. UWB pulses are so short that the direct signal has come and gone before the reflected path arrives, so no cancellation takes place. Because UWB pulses are so short, they can use very wide frequency spectra; this allows signals to use very low power, which minimizes interference with and from other radio frequencies, reduces health hazards and often falls below the normal noise floor, thus making it harder to detect.Technically, UWB is defined as any radio technology whose spectrum occupies more than 20% of the center frequency, or a bandwidth of at least 500 MHz. Modern UWB systems use various modulation techniques, including Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, to occupy these extremely wide bandwidths.In 2002, the Federal Communications Commission approved the commercial use of UWB transmissions in the range from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz, at a limited transmission power. UWBsystems can, in principle, be designed to use nearly any part of the RF spectrum.This will allow the streaming of high-definition video between media servers and high-definition monitors, as well as the extremely fast transfer of files between servers and portable devices.(To Be Continued)超宽带无线技术(1)说到无线通信和联网技术时,肯定不乏选择。



毕业设计(论文)英文翻译学院通信与信息工程学院专业及班级姓名学号指导教师日期 2013年4月12日LTE系统中PUSCH关键技术的研究与实现摘要新一代宽带无线移动通信网属于《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》中确立的十六个重大科技专项之一,其中的一项主要内容是窝移动通信系统的后续演进,包括通常所说的LTE技术、HSPA技术、4G等,代表了通信技术发展的主要方向。












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这一规则的改变将使UWB 的可以启用的频谱更有效地利用现有的窄带系统来覆盖,并使得有用的频谱更为有效,但目前这是不允许的。











其次,UWB 是一个典型的实施载波方式。



















正如电话功能的蜂窝电话网络,趋势3使高带宽成为可能,包括在建的服务提供低功率短距离如使用蓝牙和IEEE 802.11成为可能。





在2.4GHz ISM频段,可用频谱大约为80MHz。

因此,在一个有100米,3 22MHz IEEE 802.11b 的系统能在不干扰的基础上,各有一峰值为11Mbps的速度半径。








(4)UWB系统按照他们的预测具有很大的不同功能,但有超宽带技术的开发商已经测量在10米范围和项目等六大系统可以在同一个10米半径有超过50Mbps的峰值并且只有很少的操作降解速度 。

按照同样的程序,预计该系统的空间能力将超过100万比特/秒/ 平方。


例如技术支持这些应用的IEEE 802.11(Wi-Fi的)蓝牙和HomeRF网络标准。

由于802.11和ETSI BRAN HiperLAN / 2 *标准(相当于欧洲的802.11)已添加原始数据的物理层速率高达54Mbps规格,应用空间扩大到包括音频/视频这些数据应用的更高速率。







外文文献原文Ultra-Wideband Technology for Short-or Medium-RangeWireless CommunicationsJeff Foerster, Intel Architecture Labs, Intel Corp.Evan Green, Intel Architecture Labs, Intel Corp.Srinivasa Somayazulu, Intel Architecture Labs, Intel Corp.David Leeper, Intel Connected Products Division, Intel Corp. Index words: UWB, wireless, communications, LAN, PANABSTRACTUltra-Wideband (UWB) technology is loosely defined as any wireless transmission scheme that occupies a bandwidth of more than 25% of a center frequency, or more than 1.5GHz. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is currently working on setting emissions limits that would allow UWB communication systems to be deployed on an unlicensed basis following the Part 15.209 rules for radiated emissions of intentional radiators, the same rules governing the radiated emissions from home computers, for example.This rule change would allow UWB-enabled devices to overlay existing narrowband systems, which is currently not allowed, and result in a much more efficient use of the available spectrum. Devices could, in essence, fill in the unused portions of the frequency spectrum in any particular location.These recent developments by the FCC give Intel a unique opportunity to develop equipment that could potentially take advantage of the vast amount of usable spectrum that exists in the wireless space, and that could provide an engine to drive the future high-rate applications that are being conceived throughout this industry.Intel® Architecture Labs (IAL) is currently researching UWB technology in order to better understand its benefits, limitations, and technical challenges when used for high-rate communications. This paper introduces the reader to this technology, from potential applications toregulatory hurdles, to possible implementations and future challenges. INTRODUCTIONUltra-Wideband (UWB) technology has been around since the 1980s, but it has been mainly used for radar-based applications until now (see [1] and the references therein), because of the wideband nature of the signal that results in very accurate timing information. However, due to recent developments in high-speed switching technology, UWB is becoming more attractive for lowcost consumer communications applications (as detailed in the “Implementation Advantages” section of this paper). Intel Architecture Labs (IAL) is currently working on an internally funded research project whose intent is to further explore the potential benefits and future challenges for extending UWB technology into the high-rate communications arena.Although the term Ultra-Wideband (UWB) is not very descriptive, it does help to separate this technology from more traditional “narrowband” systems as well as newer “wideband” systems typically referred to in the literature describing the future 3G cellular technology. There are two main differences between UWB and other “narrowband” or “wideband” systems. First, the bandwidth of UWB systems, as defined by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in [2], is more than 25% of a center frequency or more than 1.5GHz. Clearly, this bandwidth is much greater than the bandwidth used by any current technology for communication. Second, UWB is typically implemented in a carrierless fashion. Conventional “narrowband” and “wideband” systems use Radio Frequency (RF) carriers to move the signal in the frequency domain from baseband to the actual carrier frequency where the system is allowed to operate. Conversely, UWB implementations can directly modulate an “impulse” that has a very sharp rise and fall time, thus resulting in a waveform that occupies several GHz of bandwidth. Although there are other methods for generating a UWB waveform (using a chirped signal, for example), in this paper, we focus on the impulse-based UWB waveform.but, first, a breakdown of how this paper is organized. WIRELESS ALTERNATIVESIn order to understand where UWB fits in with the current trends in wireless communications, we need to consider the general problem thatcommunications systems try to solve. Specifically, if wireless were an ideal medium, we could use it to send.1. a lot of data,2. very far,3. very fast,4. for many users,5. all at once.Unfortunately, it is impossible to achieve all five attributes simultaneously for systems supporting unique, private, two-way communication streams; one or more have to be given up if the others are to do well. Original wireless systems were built to bridge large distances in order to link two parties together. However, recent history of radio shows a clear trend toward improving on the other four attributes at the expense of distance. Cellular telephony is the most obvious example, covering distances of 30 kilometers to as little as 300 meters. Shorter distances allow for spectrum reuse, thereby serving more users, and the systems are practical because they are supported by an underlying wired infrastructure– the telephone network in the case of cellular. In the past few years, even shorter range systems, from 10 to 100 meters, have begun emerging, driven primarily by data applications. Here, the Internet is the underlying wired infrastructure, rather than the telephone network. Many expect the combination of short-range wireless and wired Internet tobecome a fast-growing complement to nextgeneration cellular systems for data, voice, audio, and video. Four trends are driving short-range wireless in general and ultra-wideband in particular:1. The growing demand for wireless data capability in portable devices at higher bandwidth but lower in cost and power consumption than currently available.2. Crowding in the spectrum that is segmented and licensed by regulatory authorities in traditional ways.3. The growth of high-speed wired access to the Internet in enterprises, homes, and public spaces.4. Shrinking semiconductor cost and power consumption for signal processing.Trends 1 and 2 favor systems that offer not just high-peak bit rates, but high spatial capacity1 as well, where spatial capacity is defined as bits/sec/square-meter. Just as the telephone network enabled cellular telephony, Trend 3 makes possible high-bandwidth, in-building service provision to low-power portable devices using short-range wireless standards like Bluetooth () and IEEE 802.11 (/groups/802). Finally, Trend 4 makes possible the use of signal processing techniques that would have been impractical only a few years ago. It is this final trend that makes Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology practical. When used as intended, the emerging short- andmedium-range wireless standards vary widely in their implicit spatial capacities. Forexample:1.IEEE 802.11b has a rated operating range of 100 meters. In the 2.4GHz ISM band, there is about 80MHz of useable spectrum. Hence, in a circle with a radius of 100 meters, three 22MHz IEEE 802.11b systems can operate on a non-interfering basis, each offering a peak over-the-air speed of 11Mbps. The total aggregate speed of 33Mbps, divided by the area of the circle, yields a spatial capacity of approximately 1,000 bits/sec/square-meter.2.Bluetooth, in its low-power mode, has a rated 10-meter range and a peak over-the-air speed of 1Mbps. Studies have shown that approximately 10 Bluetooth “piconets” can operate simultaneously in the same 10-meter circle with minimal degradation yielding an aggregate speed of 10Mbps [3]. Dividing this speed by the area of the circle produces a spatial capacity of approximately 30,000 bits/sec/square-meter.3.IEEE 802.11a is projected to have an operating range of 50 meters anda peak speed of 54Mbps. Given the 200MHz of available spectrum within the lower part of the 5GHz U-NII band, 12 such systems can operate simultaneously within a 50-meter circle with minimal degradation, for an aggregate speed of 648Mbps. The projected spatial capacity of this system is therefore approximately 83,000 bits/sec/square-meter.4.UWB systems vary widely in their projected capabilities, but one UWB technology developer has measured peak speeds of over 50Mbps at a range of 10 meters and projects that six such systems could operate within the same 10-meter radius circle with only minimal degradation. Following the same procedure, the projected spatial capacity for this system would be over 1,000,000 bits/sec/square-meterCurrent low data-rate Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) and Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs), which have data rates of ~1-10Mbps, are typically used for applications such as packet-switched data and cordless voice telephony, using Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) voice circuits. Example technologies supporting these applications are the IEEE 802.11b (Wi-Fi)*, Bluetooth∗, and HomeRF* networking standards. As the IEEE 802.11 and ETSI BRAN HiperLAN/2* standards (the European equivalent of 802.11) have added physical layer specifications with raw data rates up to 54Mbps, the application space is enlarging to include audio/video applications that are enabled by these higher data rates. These diverse traffic types all have different requirements in terms of the service parameters that quantify the network performance for a user of each of those applications. Thus, for example, voice telephony and video teleconferencing applications place tough demands on the latency and jitter performance. Audio/video applications require large amounts of bandwidth and may need closesynchronization (e.g., connecting stereo speakers in a surround sound system). Ultra-Wideband (UWB) systems, with their potential for extremely large datarates over short distances, are naturally going to be used for networking these kinds of high-bandwidth/delaycritical data sources and sinks. Hence, it would be natural to look at the approaches to the MAC design undertaken in these other standards when considering the MAC layer design for UWB systems. The most important functions of the MAC layer for a wireless network include controlling channel access, maintaining Quality of Service (QoS), and providing security.。
