



Beauty and the Beast script第一幕:城堡Once upon a time in a faraway landa young prince lived in a shining castle.Although he had everything his heart desiredthe prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind.But then, one winter's nightan old beggar woman came to the castleand offered him a single rosein return for shelter from the bitter cold.Knock 。

Witch:my majesty,it is too cold outside ,would you please to offer me a shelter ,in return ,i will offer you a beautiful rose!Prince:(with a disgusted facial expression)i will not offer a shelter to such an ugly person as you ,go away....Witch:you should not be deceived by appearance for beauty is found within . Prince:( action)he slammed the door.旁白:the witch did not give up ,and she knocked the door again.But the prince dismissed her again. This time,the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress.The prince :my beauty,please forgive me. Please come in ,you are so welcomed.Witch: you are such a merciless person .i will cast a spell on you so you can learn how to be a nice person.So as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there. Ashamed of his monstrous form the Beast concealed himself inside his castle with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose which would bloom until his 21st year. If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time.As the years passed, he fell into despair and lost all hope for who could ever learn to love a beast?第二幕:女一出场,男二求婚Song.........(男二与随从的对话)Lefou :Wow, you didn't miss a shot, Gaston. You're the greatest hunter in the whole world.Gaston:I know.No beast alive stands a chance against you and no girl, for that matter. It's true, Lefou and I've got my sights set on that one. The inventor's daughter?She's the one... the lucky girl I'm going to marry. The most beautiful girl in town. That makes her the best and don't I deserve the best? Right from the moment when I met her, saw her I said, "She's gorgeous," and I fell Here in town there's only she who is beautiful as meSo, I'm making plans to woo and marry Belle三位美女欣赏帅哥的感言Look, there he goes, isn't he dreamy? Monsieur Gaston, oh, he's so cute Be still, my heart, I'm hardly breathing He's such a tall, dark, strong and handsome brute人员流动。



难以忘怀电影对白:音乐之声场景那些难以忘记的电影,电影对白,每天读一点英文,这也是一种学习英语的方法,以下是我给大家整理的难以忘记电影对白:音乐之声场景,盼望可以帮到大家Selected Scene 1场景1Captain: In the future, youre kind to remember certain rooms in this house are not to be disturbed.上校:以后请你记住,这儿有些房间是不能乱闯的。

Maria: Yes, captain, sir.玛丽亚:是,上校,先生。

Captain: Why do you stare at me that way?上校:为什么这样盯着我?Maria: You dont look like at all a sea captain.玛丽亚:先生,你看起来一点都不像海军上校。

Captain: Im afraid you dont look very much like a governess, Turn around, please.上校:唯恐你也不怎么像家庭老师。


Maria: What?玛丽亚:什么?Captain: Turn. Hat off. Its the dress. You have to put on another before meeting the Children.上校:转身,脱帽,是衣服不对劲。


Maria: But I dont have another. When we enter the abbey, our worldly clothes go to the poor.玛丽亚:但是,我没有其他衣服。


Captain: What about this one?上校:那这一件呢?Maria: The poor didnt want it.玛丽亚:穷人不要这一套。



《神犬奇兵》经典台词1 自从得了神经病,精神比以前好多了。

妈呀,咋啥人都往三连整呢?2 没有走不通的路,只有想不通的人。

3 你能不能给我最起码的一点点尊重。

4 你爹说你爹说你爹话咋那么多呢搞的我想把你爹嘴给缝上!5 郭有栋:不是,你这话说得就不对了,怎么能是野狗呢,我跟你说,要论辈的话我是它干爹,你是我上级,那怎么着,你都是它大舅吧。

那你说侄子饿了,这当大舅的能眼瞅着吗?6 人这一生可以养许多只犬但犬这一生却只认一个主人!7 好犬有的是,但它们不是子弹。

8 郭有栋:有人说,这个世界上最通人性的动物就是犬,就像我眼前的这只小野狗,正在试图用一切办法与我交谈,它的眼神,它的叫声,都是一种语言。

9 痛苦是人生的一部分,逃不开也躲不掉,所以必须学会去面对!10 付兽医:犬命关天,比人金贵。

11 巴伊是我闺女,出了问题我负责!12 我没有保护好子弹,对不起。

13 如果我们牺牲了,我们的魂魄将永远守护着祖国的疆土。


14 坚信它一定能够帮我搬来救兵。

15 爹,它牺牲了,我不能对不起小米。

16 白鹰:赌狗那是小打小闹,要想干大事,那得卖粉。

17 谢连城:我说做饭的,这吹牛得控制吧,不怕风大闪了舌头啊。


神犬奇兵经典台词,对白,语录,语句汇总_总有一话触动你的心18 郭有栋:自从得了神经病,这精神好多了。

19 这不叫滚,叫圆润的离开!20 它(小米)好像从出生到死都是为了我(谢连城)21 三连没有散,三连永远不会倒!22 郭有栋:对于一只非凡的犬来说,它的日常生活,就是种种非同寻常的传奇组成的。


23 谢连城:我梦见小米了,它没有死,它在青寨狗市等着我。

24 郭有栋:小人得志,步枪啊,记住他的模样,以后见一次咬一次。



难以忘怀电影对白34:闻香识女人场景1(+双语)场景1Mr. Slade: Get out of here, Charlie.斯莱德:出去,查理!Chartie: I thought we had a deal.查理:我认为我们说好了的。

Mr. Slade: I welched. I'm a welcher. Didn't I tell you?斯莱德:我反悔了。

我爱反悔,没告诉过你吗?Charlie: No, what you told me was that you gave me all the bullets.查理:没有,你说你把所有的子弹都给我了。

Mr. Slade: I lied.斯莱德:骗你的。

Chartie: Yeah, well, you could have fooled me.查理:你是把我骗住了。

Mr. Slade: And I did. Charlie, how you ever gonna survive in this world without me?斯莱德:可不是吗,没有我,你能生存下去吗?Charlie: Why don't you just give me the gun,all right ? What... What are you doing?查理:把枪给我,好吗?你,你要干什么?Mr. Slade: I'm gonna shoot you too. Your life's finished anyway.Your friend George's gonna sing like a canary.And so are you. Andonce you've sung, Charlie, my boy, you're gonna take your place on that long, gray line of American manhood. And you will be through.斯莱德:一枪毙了你,反正你完蛋了。



万万没想到经典台词对白爱情电影英文独白万万没想到经典台词对白爱情电影英文独白更新:2018-11-27 11:36:07《万万没想到》用夸张和幽默的方式描绘出了屌丝大王王大锤的故事,剧情内容包罗万象,从当下热门话题到经典历史故事,调侃的视角幽默的语言独树一帜。



















《邪恶力量》经典台词1. Saving people, hunting things, family business!猎杀邪恶,拯救世人,就是我们的家族事业!2. Sammy: I lost my shoe...我的鞋丢了...3. Castiel: I am an angel of the lord.我是神之天使.4. Sam: Hey dude! You're not gonna poke her with a stick!老兄! 你不能真拿棍子捅她!5. Dude, I'm not enabling your sick habit. You're like one of those lab rats that pushes the pleasure button instead of the food button until it dies.老哥,我可不会纵容你这个恶心的习惯。

你跟那种宁愿饿死也要享受的实验老鼠一摸一样6. Sam: Why,W-Why me?Ruby & Lucifer: Because,because it had to be you,Sammy,it always had to be you.为什么,为什么是我?因为,注定是你,Sammy,一直都是。

这句话422和503都出现过·········ruby和Lulu对sam命运的判定啊···Dean: "My boobs."假冒联邦探员,假造信用卡....你还有点什么东西是真的么?我的胸部.14. Sam:Find anything?Dean:Besides a whole new level of frustration? No.15. Sam: What do you think? She infects them during sex? 你怎么看? 她通过性交来传染那些东西吗?Bobby: Maybe.. 也许吧...Dean: Supernatural STD. 超自然性病~16. Cass: I still serve god.我依旧侍奉上帝.17. Dean: We are teddy bear doctors!我们是泰迪熊医生! 7. Sam: jerk! 笨蛋!Dean: bitch! 贱人!8. nobody kills a virgin!不准杀处女!9. Dean: Can you be more gay?你能再娘点儿么...-_-ll10. Sam:Look,man, I know this all has to be so hard. But I want you to know... I'm here for you. You brave little soldier. I acknowledge your pain. Come here. You're too precious for this world…嘿,我知道这很难,但我希望你知道,我就和你站在一起,你是一个勇敢的小斗士,我能够感受到你的痛,到这来……(巨抱)你是这世界的珍宝……Sam:Look, dean, Um...Um... Dean……我想说……(爱老虎油……)Dean:Hey.me too…嘿……我也是……(爱老虎油兔……)Bobby:You guys are breaking my heart. Could we please just leave?你们俩简直让我心碎了,我们可以只是跑路了吗?11. Dean:I couldn't live with you dead.你死了我也不活不下去了……(好耳熟的词儿……)12. Dean: you fudge'n touch me again ,i'll fudge'n kill you.你要是再胡说八道和摸我,我就灭了你.13. Cop: "So. Fake US Marshal, fake credit cards...you got anything that's real?"。



Okay, Max. Go search.Careful, Max.Coast clear?Good to go.- Sir, just move to the circle. - All right, let's go.- Come on. Come on. - Outside the door. Outside the door.All right. Back up. Back up.Why is it just a bunch of old people? Where are the young studs?We have surveillance of this village.We know you're selling weapons to the Taliban. Where is your supply?Calm down. Ma'am, calm down.Well, look what we have here.We hit the jackpot.Attaboy, Max. Attaboy.Mom, I know it's been too long since we last talked. They doubled our patrols, but it's paying off.Our battalion's never had a find like this. We owe it all to Max.We're so proud of you both.Oh, you hear that, Max? Say "hi."- Hi. Can he see me? - Y eah, of course he can, Mom. Come on. We're just an ocean of pixels in a dog's eyes, Pam.- Hey, Dad. How you doing? - I'm good, Kyle.- Y ou shouldn't mess with your mother like that. - Y es, sir. Sorry.- What'd y'all dig up over there? - The usual. Just a lot more of it.Y ou know, RPGs, AKs. A lot of Russian junk left over from the '80s.I'd trade that M-4 for one of those Russian AKs any day of the week.- I'll run that up the flagpole, sir. - Well...Anyway, I think both of you deserve a medal or something.Y eah. Kyle's so awesome, even his fricking dog's a hero. Feet off the table. No cussing in this house.- I didn't cuss. - Y ou can't hide the words in your mind... from God by switching letters in your mouth.- Y ou think he cares what I got in my mind? - Hey. Cut it out. (美国军队自第一次世界大战起便使用军犬)(曾在伊拉克和阿富汗服役的军犬超过三千条)-=片名:军犬麦克斯=-(坎大哈省)(阿富汗)好吧麦克斯去搜查小心麦克斯安全吗?可以进去了-先生站到圈子里去-来吧过去站好-快点快点-出来出来好啦退后退后这里为什么只有老年人? 年轻人去哪了?我们一直监视这座村庄我们知道你们向塔利班出售武器你们的军火藏在哪?安静女士请安静看看我们找到了什么我们中了大奖了好样的麦克斯好样的妈妈我们好长时间没聊了我们加倍的巡逻还是值得的我们营从未有这么大的收获都是麦克斯的功劳我们为你们俩骄傲你听见了吗麦克斯? 过来打个招呼-嗨它能看见我吗? -当然可以我们在狗的眼睛里不过是一堆像素-嘿爸爸你好吗? -我很好凯尔-你不应该这么蒙你妈妈-对不起长官-你们发现了什么? -和往常一样不过这次多得多火箭筒AK步枪很多八十年代留下来的苏联垃圾我随时都愿意用那些苏联垃圾换掉手里的M4步枪倒是可以试试看长官我想你们俩都应该得勋章They ask me how I sleep so good in a war zone.Y ou can sleep because I got your back, K-dog.- Well, hi. - Hey, Tyler.Y ou still wrestling with that kitchen sink?Y eah, but I think it's about to tap out.- Y ou boys keeping out of trouble? - Still making trouble, Ms. W.- Now I'm just bringing it down on the bad guys. - Hoorah.- Waste them all. Let God sort them out. - Hey.- Hoorah. - Boys, we need you to report to command.- Hey, Mom, I gotta go. Okay? I love you. - Oh, all right.- Well, okay. Bye. We love you. Love you. - Be safe. Justin, come say goodbye to your brother.- Justin. - Hey, Mom. Just leave him be, okay?I'm just dealing with a minor insurgency.He's trying to save the whole universe.This is the weapons cache your unit uncovered. Is that correct?- Y es, sir. - And this is the field report.And there are several more weapons in the photos than are listed in the report.- Not enough to set off alarm bells. - This is not the first time...we've noted discrepancies in your unit's field reports. After a while, a trickle turns into a stream.Anything you want to tell us, Marine?I just handle the dog, sir.Sergeant Harne, step inside, front and center. Sergeant Harne reporting, sir.Can you believe those office pogues coming at us like that?- We're putting our lives on the line for them. - Ty, this ain't fifth grade.I can't cover for you like that here.Until yesterday, I had no idea what you were doing.Y ou crossed the line. Put the brakes on it or I will.- Kyle, it's me you're talking to. - When are you gon... What's he got?- Wants us to stay put. - No. We have our orders. Move him out.Max.- Everybody down! - Take cover! Take cover! 是啊凯尔真棒就连他的烂狗都是英雄不许把脚放在桌子上也不许说粗话-我没有说粗话-就算你没有直说... 上帝也知道你心里的粗话-你认为他在乎我想什么吗? -嘿别说了他们问我怎么能在战区睡得这么好你睡得好是因为有我保护你-嗨-嘿泰勒你还在和那个水池搏斗吗?对啊不过我想它快输了-你们可别去惹麻烦啊-我们就是制造麻烦的我专给那些坏蛋找麻烦把他们都灭了让上帝去对付他们吧所有人都去指挥部报告-妈我得走了我爱你-好吧-再见我们爱你再见-注意安全贾斯汀过来和你哥哥说再见-贾斯汀-妈随他去吧我们要去平息一场小暴动了他要拯救整个宇宙了这是你们组发现的武器库存对不对?-是长官-而这个是现场报告照片里的武器比报告里列的多-但还没有多到要调查的地步-这不是我们第一次...发现你们组的现场报告有出入这样下去小溪就要汇成大河了你想告诉我们什么吗陆战队貝?我只负责军犬长官哈恩中士进来站在中间长官哈恩中士报告那些坐办公室的大爷怎么能这么问我们?-我们在替他们玩命呢-泰勒我们不是五年级的孩子了我不能替你遮掩了直到昨天我才知道你在干什么你越界了悬崖勒马吧不然我就帮你勒-凯尔你别忘了我是谁-你什么时候Max!Tyler!Tyler!- Smith, Rodrigues, with me! - Henderson, March, go, go, go!- I can't see it! I can't see it! - I'm blind!All right, everybody, move up! Move up!Where's Wincott?- Sarge! - I got him, I got him.Easy, Max.Easy. I got you, Max.All right. There's no security codes or encryptions or anything like that on it.- Y eah, I get it. Y ou're proud of your work, B. - Whoa, whoa.I want an extra 200 for this one. Okay? Tell Emilio that. - Y ou said what? - I heard he's selling...that "Assassin's Creed" I ripped all the way in Austin.Y ou don't want beef with my cousin. Y ou know what I'm saying?Look, man, 200 more or this is gonna be the last one. Oh, hey, Mr. Wincott. Gotta go. Be seeing you later, Justin. Peace out.Okay.Come here.- What are you doing? - Hanging out.I thought I was gonna see you at work this morning, 8a.m.And waste my summer? Sweeping floors for 8 bucks an hour?Y ou'd rather sit in your room on your butt, playing video games? That suit you better?It's better than renting storage for junk...people should've thrown out in the first place.That junk puts food in your mouth, smart guy.And I don't just run it, I own it.A lot of people around here, they gotta punch a time clock. I'm my own boss.- Y eah, well, you ain't mine. - What's that?Stay here, Justin.Dad.- Stay here. - Dad, what are they doing here?Dad.Ma'am. Sir. 才能...它发现什么了?-它要我们别动-不行我们有命令让它前进麦克斯-大家卧倒! -隐蔽! 隐蔽!麦克斯!泰勒!泰勒!-史密斯罗德里格斯跟我来! -韩德森马驰上!-我看不见! 我看不见! -我看不见! 全体前进! 前进!文考特在哪?-中士! -我抓住他了我抓住他了别紧张麦克斯别紧张麦克斯我在这(下载及刻盘完毕)这个没有安全码或是加密什么的我明白了你为自己感到骄傲这个我想多要两百块告诉埃米利奥-你说什么? -我听说...他把我破解的《刺客信条》都卖到奥斯汀去了你最好别向我的堂兄发牢骚你明白我的意思吗?听着多付我两百块要不然这就是最后一次了嘿文考特先生我得走了待会见贾斯汀好吧过来-你在干什么? -聊天你早上为什么没去上班? 八点钟为了八块钱一小时去拖地? 就这么浪费我的夏天?你宁愿坐在房间里玩游戏? 这个更适合你?总好过出租地方给别人存放垃圾那些垃圾就应该被直接扔掉是那些垃圾让你有饭吃我不仅是掌柜而且是老板遠里有很多人还要打卡上班我却是自己的老板Sorry I'm so late. I trained your son and his dog at Maitland.They sent Max back for an eval. Figured since we were only a short drive away...- Thank you. - Thank you.We gotta go, Max. Come on.I'm sorry. He was trained better than this.Come on, Max.I know how he feels.Max.Excuse me, son. Who might you be?It's Justin. Kyle's brother.I guess Max already figured that out.Y ou wanna help us get him back to the van?Might go a lot easier if you did.Thank you.Here comes the hard part.A lot to learn from there.- About what? - About becoming a man.Enlisting? Getting killed like Kyle?Getting my leg shot up like you? What would that prove?Y ou speak of Kyle, you speak respectfully. Do you understand me?He didn't have to prove anything to anybody.Y ou think Kyle wasn't trying to prove himself to you? All Kyle ever did was try to prove himself to you. And if he didn't...- bet he would have never joined. - What would you know?Y ou never sacrificed anything, much less your life.- Guys. - Y ou'd like me to do that?Guys!They're gonna kill Max.Animals can come down with post traumatic stress same as people can.Max bonded so closely with Kyle, it's proven impossible to get him to follow orders...from anyone else.He can't handle sharp noises anymore, gunshots, explosions send him into a panic.These dogs were bred to work.Take away that sense of purpose and they're lost.Max can't serve here and he's a danger everywhere else. -反正不是我的老板-你说什么?呆在这贾斯汀爸爸-呆在那-爸爸他们来干什么?爸爸女士先生对不起我来晚了我在梅特兰训练您的儿子和他的军犬他们把麦克斯送回来治疗我想既然离这里不远...-谢谢-谢谢我们得走了麦克斯来吧对不起其实它没有这么不听话走吧麦克斯我明白他的感受麦克斯对不起小伙子你是谁?他是凯尔的弟弟贾斯汀我猜麦克斯已经知道了你能帮我们把它领回车上去吗?也许你来做会容易得多谢谢现在是最伤心的时候了(嘿你在哪? 我看见你在线说话啊) (你不说话让我紧张)这会让你学到东西-学到什么? -学会如何成为男人入伍? 像凯尔那样被打死?像你那样丢掉一条腿? 这能证明什么?你说到凯尔要放尊重点明白吗?他不需要向别人证明什么难道凯尔不是向你证明自己?凯尔所做的一切都是为了向你证明自己-否则他就不会参军-你怎么知道? 别说牺牲生命了你什么都没牺牲过-你们俩听着-你希望我牺牲吗?听着!他们要杀死麦克斯动物也可以像人一样患上创伤后紧张症麦克斯和凯尔太亲密了现在已经无法让它..Well, this family takes care of its own.How we doing, Max?Go on.Hey.Remember me?Y ou sure you wanna do this?Y eah.Okay. Slowly.No sudden moves.That's a cool toy. Right?How do I get him to sit?Better focus on giving him that kong while keeping your hand attached to your wrist.I mean, like what... What do I do with my hand to get him to...Sit.Sit.Good. Psycho hound.Good boy.Just enjoy that in peace.Okay, sergeant. We'll be taking him home.Do we have to tie him up? I feel bad for him.He's too unstable to stay in the house...and I can't have him running around loose.- Why don't we just build a fence? - That's a great idea. - Easy, Max. Easy, easy. Easy. - Who's gonna pay for it? Y ou?No.If you do, I'll trick the neighborhood kids into whitewashing it.- Ha, ha. Y ou sure this one's ours? - I got the stretch marks to prove it.- Here. - Careful, honey.Okay. Well...let's you and me go get this dog some dinner.Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.I did not sign on to babysit Kyle's crazy dog.Hey.Kyle's gone. So this dog is officially your dog.Do you understand?Y our brother loved you so much, more than you'll ever know.If he did, he wouldn't have left me here to deal with Dad all by myself. 听别人的指挥它现在受不了刺耳的声音了枪声爆炸声让它害怕这些狗生来就是工作的没有了目标它们就迷茫了麦克斯不能在此服役它在任何地方都是个威胁我们家是不会放弃家人的你还好吗麦克斯?去吧嘿记得我吗?你确信要这么做吗?是好吧慢慢地动作别太猛这个玩具很酷是不是?我怎么让它坐下?你给它的时候要仔细些别把手咬了我是说我用什么手势让它坐下坐下坐下很好疯狗好孩子平平安安地玩吧中士我们要带他回家我们一定要把他拴起来吗? 我为他难过它太不稳定不能待在房子里我也不能让它四处乱跑-我们为什么不修一道篱笆? -这个主意不错-放松麦克斯放松放松-谁出钱? 你吗?不是如果你来做我可以让附近的小孩们来粉刷-他是我们亲生的吗? -我的妊娠纹可以作证-给你-小心宝贝好吧我们去给这条狗弄点吃的哦喔喔喔我可没有报名照顾凯尔的疯狗Y our father loves you too.Just none of you Wincott boys are very good at showing it.If you wanna buck that trend, I sure could use a hug right about now.He'll tire himself out.That's what you said about Justin and he hasn't quit barking yet.Justin! Get that dog to shut up!Hey. Hey. Dude, seriously, this is how it's gonna be?Y eah. Okay. Sit.Easy, boy. Easy.Okay. Good boy.Right.Well, see you in the morning, I guess.What is wrong with you?- Justin! - Oh, my God. Look, I'm trying!Shut that dog up before I come out there with my .45! Man, come on over. Y ou'll be doing me a favor!What do you want, Max?What? What, do you want me to stay? I can't stay out here all night.Sit. Sit.All right. Fine.Just till you fall asleep.Good morning.Sweetheart, good morning.I was looking all over for you. Y ou been out here all night?- I don't wanna talk about it. - Y our friend called. What's his name? Chuy.He says it's urgent. Y ou gotta call him back.Oh. If you want me to start going to the bathroom out here, I can do that too.Sounds good to me, as long as you pick up after yourself.- Y o, Justin! What's up? - Hey, Justin!Hey, what's up, dude?- Y o, half the bikes here are mountain. - All right. Do a trick.- I just do trails. - Heh. What trails, man?- I don't see you doing trails. - Hey. Hey.Hey, what's up, man? Y o, Justin, how you ride?- Like this? - Y o, shut up, man. 嘿凯尔不在了所以这条狗就正式成为你的了明白了吗?你哥哥非常爱你远超你所知道的如果他真的爱我就不会留我一个人来对付爸爸你父亲也爱你只是文考特家的男人都不善于表达如果你想打破这种传统现在就可以来抱抱我他累了就会停下来的你也是这么说贾斯汀的但他现在仍然会吼贾斯汀让那条狗闭嘴!嘿哥们你非要这么为难我吗?好吧坐下安静安静好样的对了那么明天早上见了你到底怎么了?-贾斯汀! -天啊我正在努力呢!让那条狗闭嘴否则我就要动枪了! 哥们就算你帮我个忙好吗?麦克斯你想要什么?什么? 你要我留在这? 我不能整夜都待在这啊坐下坐下好吧我就待到你睡着为止早上好宝贝早上好我到处找你你整晚都在这?-别再问了你的朋友来电话了... 他叫什么来着?楚伊... 他说有急事让你回电话如果你想让我在这里方便我也没问题我完全同意只要你事后捡起来就行-贾斯汀你好啊-嘿贾斯汀哥们你怎么样?-这里一半的自行车是山地车-好吧来个特技看看- Y o, sorry to call your house, but... - Emilio was breathing down your neck?- Because you never gave him... - Is this the new one? That's for Emilio.Y ou took off like your pants were on fire when my dad came out.- I don't mess with no war heroes, B. - War heroes?I heard your pops got his leg shot up in a crazy firefight in 'Nam.It was Iraq. But whatever.Y o, he was like:Cool under fire, huh?- No, we... It's like a, um... - And that's my cousin, Carmen.Why you looking at me like that? Think I should look like the maid?Should I be wearing an apron? Or no, maybe overalls would be better, huh?Ooh.- Y ou got a lot of cousins. - Tell me about it.She's staying with us, man. I can't even sit on my own couch, B.My uncle chased her out with a machete.Why you always making up stories all the time? Wait, what happened?- Oh, yo, check it out. - That's cool.We were at dinner. Pop told me to have it removed or he'd do it for me.So I slid over my knife, said, "Go ahead."He got up, called my aunt, told her he didn't wanna see me anymore.So she said for me to come over.End of story.Trust me, machetes were involved.- Come on, B. Ride with us. - No. I gotta go take care of that dog, so...Y o, your brother's war dog, right? I heard he's loco, homes.My cousin Felix works up at the church, said he tore up like 10 Marines.- Put them in the hospital. - He didn't put anybody in the hospital.Y ou got an MWD? What kind?- What kind? - Y our dog. What breed is he? -我只在车道上骑-什么车道?-我可没见过他在车道上-嘿嘿贾斯汀你是怎么骑车的?-像这样? -你闭嘴-抱歉给你家里打电话-是不是埃米利奥逼你打的?-因为你没有给他... -这是新的一集吗?这是给埃米利奥的我爸爸出来的时候你溜得比兔子还快-我不想招惹战斗英雄-战斗英雄? 我听说你老爸的腿是在越南的一场激战中丢掉的是伊拉克管他是哪呢他一定是这样...临危不惧啊-不我们只是... -她是我表妹卡门干嘛那么看着我? 我是不是应该穿得像个女仆?扎个围裙怎么样? 也许穿上工作服更好?哦-你的亲戚真多啊-你算说对了她现在和我们住我都不能坐在自己的沙发上了我舅舅举着大砍JJ把她赶出家门了你干嘛总是编故事?到底怎么回事?-你看-酷啊吃晚饭的时候我爸让我去把它磨掉否则他就自己来我就掏出刀子说"你试试看"他站起来给我姨打电话说不想再看见我她说让我过来住住故事结束了相信我真的有大砍刀-来吧跟我们一起骑车吧-不了我得去照顾那条狗是你哥哥的军犬对吗? 我听说它疯了我表兄菲利克斯在教堂工作他说那条狗拖倒了十个陆战队员Oh.Y eah, um. He's like a German shepherd. Like black in his face.- Belgian Malinois. - Mallen-what?Cool dog.He's crazy, actually. I'm the only one he'll let near him. Won't even let me touch him.Just gotta be patient with him. He'll come around.She's like the chick version of Cesar Millan. Got the mustache and everything.Don't touch me.Hey. If you want, I can come over and show you a few tricks.Y eah, sure. Why not?How about later, so I can cook up some treats? Say, 3:00?- Cool. - Cool.- What just happened? - Y ou're stupid. That's what just happened.Hey. Easy.Y o. That dog reminds me of your pops.Maybe this was a bad idea.Pink Floyd. Y ou're one of those deep ones, huh?Hey, there, Max. Like some home cooking? Smells nice, doesn't it?Hey, I wouldn't get too close to him.This is close enough for now. Let him think about it for a minute.Y o, I'm out. Carmen, you get bit, it ain't my fault, right? Hey, no, Chuy. Y ou can stay if you want.- Not if your mean old man is around. - He's at work, dude.That man ain't got no love for his light brown brothers. Know what I'm saying?That's messed up. The way you let Chuy hate on your dad like that.- That's cold. - Are you serious?I can say whatever I want about my old man. Someone else disrespects him, go upside their head.- It's called being loyal. - It's called being psycho...so you and Max should get along pretty well.I'm not the one he has to get along with.Don't give this to him until he lets you touch him.So how'd you get to be such an expert in all this? Do -他们都被送到医院去了-谁也没去医院你有一条军犬? 哪一种?-什么哪一种? -你的狗是什么种的? 哦它长得像德国牧羊犬脸是黑色的-比利时马林犬-马林...很棒的狗它疯了只让我靠近它可是却不让我摸它你对它要有耐心它会适应的她就是女版的西萨米兰就连胡子都有呢别碰我如果你愿意我可以去教你几招当然可以我做点吃的带去所以会晚点到二点钟怎么样?-好-好-刚才怎么回事? -你是个蠢货就是这么回事嘿安静那条狗让我想起你老爸也许这不是个好主意平克·弗洛伊德? 你倒是很深沉啊嘿麦克斯想吃点私家菜吗? 很香对不对?我觉得你最好还是别靠近现在已经够近了让它想想再说我要走了卡门你要是被咬了可不是我的错楚伊你可以留下-除非你老爸不在家-他在上班那家伙一点都不喜欢棕色的朋友你明白吗?你居然允许楚伊这么说你爸爸这可不对-太冷酷了-你是说真的?我可以随便说自己的老爸但是谁不尊重他我就跳上去教训谁-这叫做忠诚-这叫疯狂你和麦克斯会相处得很好的和它相处得好的不该是我在它让你摸它之前别给它吃这个you have credentials or...Y ou gonna eat that carnita or are you gonna give it to your dog?- Don't do it, man! - Chuy.- Ow. Are you trying to get my boy killed? - Shut up, Chuy!- Maybe I should just give it to him first. - No, it's a reward.Y ou can't get a reward if you didn't do anything to deserve it.Okay.It's a start. Y ou got a leash?Heel. Y ou don't let your dog walk you, you walk your dog.Dogs run in packs so if he's leading you, he's leading the pack.My brother said Max was like a specialized search dog. He could go out in front of his handler for like 300 yards.Locate weapons and explosives and stuff.Y o, we got the Air Jordan of dogs here, man. Y ou got him shooting layups?- Sorry, Chuy. Did you wanna try walking him? - Heck, no. Are you crazy?Make sure to keep him to your left a little bit.All right, Max, you're such a superstar, let's see you work off-leash.I don't think it's a good idea. If something happens, my dad will kill me, so...No guts, no glory. Now walk with him like you were just doing.Heel, Max.Well, I do not believe what I'm seeing.- How'd you get him to do that? - He already knew.We were just refreshing his memory.Mom, this is Carmen. She's Chuy's cousin.- She's, uh, real good with dogs. - Well, I can see that. - Nice to meet you, Carmen. Hi, Chuy. - Ma'am.I was thinking that, you know, we could just give Max to her.No such luck, Chuck. That's your dog.But I'm fixing to start supper. If y'all are hungry, you're welcome to stay.Oh, thanks, ma'am. I'd be glad to. 你怎么会成为训狗的专家? 你有证书还是...那块炖肉你是要自己吃还是要给你的狗吃?-别去哥们! -楚伊!-你想让我的朋友被咬死吗? -闭嘴楚伊!-也许我应该先给它-不那是个奖赏如果你没有什么功劳就不该得奖赏好吧这是个开始你有皮条吗?是你在遛狗别让狗遛你狗是成群跑的如果它领着你跑它就是全群的领导我哥哥说麦克斯是专门的搜索犬它可以在主人前面约三百米远带路搜寻武器和爆炸物什么的听起来像是狗中的飞人乔丹啊你要教它上篮吗?-楚伊你想遛遛它吗? -才不呢你疯了吗?要确保它在你左边一点点好啦麦克斯你真是个超级明星我们给你解开带子看看我认为这不是个好主意如果出事了我爸爸会杀了我的胆小不得将军作现在和它一起走就像刚才一样走吧麦克斯真不敢相信-你是怎么让它做到的? -它早就知道怎么做我们只是在帮它恢复记忆妈这位是卡门楚伊的表姐-她很会训狗-这就不用说了-卡门很高兴见到你... 嗨楚伊-你好太太我在想我们可以把麦克斯给她这不可能它是你的狗我要开始做晚饭了如果你们饿了可以留下来吃饭诩f谢你太太我很高兴留下来谢了我得回去看看边境巡逻队有没有去我家搜查Thanks. I gotta go home, make sure the border patrol hasn't invaded my house.I'll tell my moms gringos have kidnapped my cousin. Y'all have fun.Everything's outstanding, Pam. Thank you.Y eah, it's really good.Now, you guys know this is overcooked.I don't know what happened. I've made it a hundred times.I put it in and Mary called. Y ou know how she can get. And, um...And I just forgot to take it out.Y ou having fun yet?I'm so sorry.Carmen, we lost our oldest son recently and, um...- Well... - I'm really sorry.Thank you.Why don't you tell us something about you?How'd you get to be so good working with dogs?Oh, um...Well, my old ma...My father used to raise pit bulls. And my brother trains them, so...Pit bulls? Does he train them for dog fighting?My brother rescues strays.Well, you should see Carmen with Max.And she's showing Justin how to work with him too. He's really coming along.I got it.My goodness. Wow. Look at you, kid.- All grown up. How you doing? - Good.Can I come in?- Well... - I hope it's okay I came by like this.- I've been home for a couple of days. - Good to see you. Good to see you. Well...I just, uh... I wanted to tell you how sorry I am.- Glad to see you. - Me too.- Y ou're back sooner than we expected. - Y eah. Medical discharge.Got shrapnel all up and down my back. Got a few pieces lodged in my spine.Man, makes us a couple of beat-up old Marines, I guess. I'm proud to be one alongside you.Y ou're back just in time for the 4th. 我去告诉我妈表姐被外国佬绑架了你们好好吃吧饭菜都很好吃谢谢你潘密拉很好吃你们知道这个烤过头了这个我做过几百遍了这次也不知道是怎么了我把它放进烤箱玛丽打电话过来你们也知道她有多能聊我忘了拿出来了你喜欢这样吗?真抱歉卡门我们的大儿子最近没了-所以... -我很难过...谢谢你还是说说你自己吧你怎么这么会训狗?哦嗯...我老爸...我父亲过去曾培育斗牛犬我哥哥训练它们斗牛犬? 他训练它们去斗狗吗?我哥哥营救迷路者你应该看看卡门训练麦克斯她告诉贾斯汀如何与它相处他学得很快我去开门天啊你这个小朋友...-长这么大了... 你好吗? -很好我可以进来吗?希望我没有打搅你们-我回家已经有几天了-很高兴见到你很高兴见到你我... 我想告诉你我有多难过-很高兴见到你-我也是-我们没想到你回来得这么早-是啊因伤复员我的背上全是弹片有几片留在脊椎里了又是一个伤痕累累的老兵我很骄傲能和您一样你正好能赶上独立日我想请你游行的时候走在我旁边And I'd really like to have you alongside me marching in the parade.Doesn't it hurt? All that metal in your back?Y eah. Uh, well, they got me on so many meds, I hardly notice it. I'm sorry, you are?This is Carmen, Justin's friend.She's... Oh, you know what?I know somebody else who'll be glad to see you. Come on.I'll put these in water in just a minute.Here he is.Max.- Max, stay! - Max!- Stay! Stay! Stay. - Easy, Max! Max!Max! Easy. Easy, Max.I can't believe Max did that, you know?- I mean, after everything that you did with him. - After everything we did.- He's your dog. - Whatever.Y ou know, dogs are usually pretty good judges of character.Then I guess Max likes me pretty well.Y eah, well, even dogs can make mistakes.Hey, are you gonna be at the, uh, bike park tomorrow? Wouldn't you like to know?Min! No, no, no.Come on, girl. No!Y o, Justin!Justin, got more chores for you when you're done.- Y eah, come mow my lawn! - After that, take my trash out!Right.Okay, sit. Max, sit.Max, you mess up now, you're grounded for life. Y ou understand?My God. Come on, Max.That's it? No tricks? Flips?Well, how about you do it?Hey, Max.What are you doing off-leash?Y ou in a better mood today or something?Y o, Justin, I was gonna call you, but I didn't want to be calling your house.Get a cell, join the 21 st century. 不疼吗? 有那么多弹片在背上是啊我用了很多药几乎感觉不到对不起你是...这位是卡门贾斯汀的朋友她是... 哦你知道吗?还有一位也会很高兴见到你的跟我来我过会就把花插进水里它在这里麦克斯-麦克斯退后! -麦克斯!-退后! 退后! -安静麦克斯!麦克斯安静!真不敢相信麦克斯会这样-我是说你花了这么多工夫... -是我们一起花的工夫它是你的狗一般来说狗看人是看得很准的这么说来麦克斯很喜欢我了不过狗也会犯错误的你明天会去山地车场吗?你干嘛要知道?不好不好!过来! 不许这样!贾斯汀!贾斯汀遛完狗还有别的活要干-对了帮我修草坪! -然后把垃圾拿出去!好吧好吧麦克斯坐下麦克斯你要是惹祸就一辈子别想出门... 明白吗?天啊走吧麦克斯就是这些? 没有特技? 翻转...你做一个我看看嘿麦克斯你怎么没有被拴住?你今天的心情好点啦?贾斯汀我想给你打电话但是又不想打到你家里弄个手机吧赶上新世纪看看你盯着那个白人男孩不放-要背叛你的种族吗? -墨西哥人不是一个种族蠢货。









忠⽝⼋公的故事的经典句⼦英⽂1. 忠⽝⼋公的故事经典台词I have said that the soul is not more than the body.我曾说过躯体与灵魂交融And I said that the body is no more than the soul.难以分出孰轻孰重And nothing,世上任何事物not God is greater than one, than one itself is.即使是上帝也当众⽣平等I hear and see holy God in every object,神迹四处可见yet understand God not at least.我却不解其故Nor do I understand也不相信who there can be more wonderful than myself.有谁会⽐⾃⼰过得更精彩In the faces of men and women I see God,在⼈们的脸上我看到了上帝的⾝影and in my own face in the glass.当我看向镜中的⾃⼰亦是如此I find letters from God dropped in the street我拾到了上帝遗落凡间的信笺and everyone has signed by God's mean.上⾯列着上帝为众⼈安排的命运And I leave them where they are.我任⼀切顺其⾃然For I know that wherever I go,因为我知道⽆论我去往何⽅others will punctually(准时地) come.总有⼈接替我⽽来Forever and ever(⽣⽣世世,⽣⽣不息).⽣⽣不息Another Translation(另⼀种翻译):我曾说,灵魂并不优于⾁体,我曾说,⾁体并不优于灵魂。




奥斯卡经典电影对白1. In that case, I'd say this is an excellent mission, sir, with an extremely valuable objective, sir,Worthy of my best efforts。

Captain Miller: 如果是那样的话,我会说这是一次极佳的使命,长官,这次任务的目的太有价值了,长官。


————(拯救大兵瑞恩)2. There’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.Sam: 这个世界并非不可救药,值得我们奋战到底。

————(魔戒)3. You'll never have that kind of relationship in a world where you're always afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing ten-miles down the road.Sean:你只看到这个世界中负面的事,如果你不踏出这第一步,就永远不会拥有那种关系。

————(心灵捕手)4. Home. I'll go home, and I'll think of some way to get him back! After all, tomorrow is another day!Scarlett:家!我要回家。

总有一天我会让他回来的!毕竟,明天又是新的一天!————(乱世佳人)5. How do you know it's love if you've never been in love before?Léon:你从没恋爱过怎么知道这是爱?————(这个杀手不太冷)6. When I was your age, they would say you could become cops or criminals. What I'm saying is this: When you're facing a loaded gun, what's the difference?Frank Costello: 当我在你这个年纪时,他们说我以后不是警察就是罪犯。



一条狗的使命台词英文1.I have a new mission, and people need me, again, and again, in every new life, I can find a new meaning, I try to understand the meaning of all see, this journey I have meaning? Where does it come from?我有了新的使命,又有人需要我了,又一次,又一次,在每一段新生命里,我都能发现新的意义,我尝试着理解所见一切的意义,我的这段旅程有意义吗?意义从何而来?2.What we save will save us.我们所拯救的,终将拯救我们。

3.If I can bring happiness to you, I will fulfill my mission.若我能将幸福带给你,我就完成了自己的使命。

4.What is the meaning of life, there is a reason? So what's the point?生命的意义何在,存在有理由?这样有什么意义可言吗?5.Also, why food is much better than junk food, this is me, this is me, in return, this little guy is me.还有,为什么食物就是比垃圾好吃得多,这是我,这是我,话说回来,这小家伙也是我。

6.As a dog, there are many ways to choose life, but this is a bit early, we start from the beginning of the story.作为一只狗,可选择的生活方式有很多,不过,这话说的有点早,我们还是从故事的开头说起吧。



《神犬奇兵》经典台词1 犬魂一缕荡悠悠,天地亦生愁;空天阔地何处去,东西狂漂流。




2 革命怎么取得胜利的?小米加步枪。

3 不是全都闹犬瘟了4 如果我们牺牲了,我们的魂魄将永远守护祖国的疆土。

5 想不想立功,想不想出息,想不想当侦察兵,一点远大的理想和抱负都没有,怎么和我混。

6 犬命关天,比人金贵。

7 小人得志,步枪啊,记住他的模样,以后见一次咬一次。

8 活着,就有念想;活着,就有希望。

9 为了不被我们察觉,它把所有的食物都埋起来,活活把自己给饿死了,其实,冠军、飞虎、无敌,都是自杀,我曾经试着阻止过,但是都失败了。


10.痛苦是人生的一部分,逃不开也躲不掉,所以必须学会去面对!11.傻丫头(巴伊),我把这半张饼,我给你带来了.12.它(小米)好像从出生到死都是为了我(谢连城)13.谢连城:我梦见小米了,它没有死,它在青寨狗市等着我 .14.巴伊我知道你老了,可是我也老了啊,我受不住你这样吓唬我.15.如果我活着回来,我一定娶你.16.活着,就有念想;活着,就有希望。


























银湖动物救助中心SILVERLAKE ANIMAL RESCUE就这个That one.乖孩子Here boy.你很重耶You're heavy.还爱流口水And slobbery.戴上There.你是个好孩子You're a good boy!我的好孩子You're my good boy!5年之后5 YEARS LATER喂!Hello!宝贝我时间不多Honey, I don't have much time!爸爸?Daddy?你还好么?Are you okay?工作上出了些事情宝贝Something came up at work, honey.爸爸这段时间不能回家了Daddy is not gonna be home for a while.我不明白I don't understand.你也不能再回家里去知道了么Penny You can't go back to the house, Penny. Okay? 发生什么事了?What's happening? 没事的你不会孤单的It's allright. You won't be alone.有Bolt陪你You have Bolt.我改造了他I've altered him.他现在能保护你了He can protect you now.<font color="ffff00">片名: 闪电狗</font>谢谢这可真是个好消息Thank you. Which that of course is wonderful news.一切都已经就位Everything is positioning nicely.就是他卡利科博士!There he is, doctor Calico!有没有运气能激发我们客人的勇气?Any luck getting our guest to spill his guts?噢会激发出他的勇气来的Oh, his guts will spill.看用什么办法了One way or another.不我绝不会说的Never, I'll never talk.爸爸!Daddy!你是在激怒我教授我很生气You're beginning to urge me profesor, I'm urged.但这无济于事一旦包裹到达...And that will not do. As the package arrived...我想我们亲爱的朋友会更容易沟通... ...I think it might make our dear friend a bit more communicative.我正派人去把它取来I'm sending an agent to pick it up.太好了让他做头班飞机带给我Gorgeous! Have him bring it to me on the first flight.Bolt 出发!Bolt, let's go!我们只要那女孩!We only need the girl!- 什么? - 卡利科在哪?- What? - Where is Calico?我才不会告诉你呢I'm not talking to you.玻利维亚玻利维亚卡利科在玻利维亚! Bolivia, Bolivia, Calico is in Bolivia!靠近罗加瓜多湖Near lake Rogaguado!罗加瓜多湖? 我早该想到的Lake Rogaguado? I should have known!来吧Bolt 我们走Come on Bolt, let's go.玻利维亚10分钟后有一班飞机去那儿Bolivia, there is a flight leaving in 10 minutes. Bolt 急速移动!Bolt, zoom zoom!Bolt 去取回来Bolt, prinde.小狗狗!Puppy!锁定LOCK好样的!Good boy!去机场!Airport!Bolt 狮子吼Bolt, speak. 好了Okay, okay...干得漂亮伙计Good job, buddy.任务完成!Mission accomplished!那是个守卫That's a keeper!没事了硬汉你把他们都抓住了It's allright tough guy, you caught them all.没事啦Bolt 你又一次拯救了世界Don't worry Bolt, you've saved the day again. 好孩子!Good boy!去机场!Airport!Bolt 狮子吼Bolt, speak.麦克风吊杆!Boom mike!- 有一个传声器架- 是个传声器架- We got a boom mike. - That's a boom mike. 真糟糕That's sloppy.狗会看见这个的他可能已经看见了!The dog could've seen that. He could've seen that!就算是狗看到了又怎样?Uh, who cares if the dog sees a boom mike? 请允许我先问一句...Forgive me for answering a question with a question,...你又是谁?...but who are you?联播网的明迪·帕克Mindy Parker, from the network.当然我来问你联播网的明迪·帕克Of course. Let me ask you, Mindy from the network...你从这里看到了什么?What do you see here?- 呃小狗? - 她说"小狗"- Uhh... the dog? - "The dog" she says.噢明迪可怜的明迪Oh, Mindy. Poor, poor Mindy.我说错什么了么?Am I missing something?你大错特错了明迪You're missing everything, Mindy.你看见的是一只狗我看见的是这样一个动物You see a dog. I see an animal that believes... 他全心全意相信...with every fiber of his being, every fiber... 他爱的女孩处在最危险的关头...that the girl he loves is in mortal danger.狗的表情里流露出的深沉情感I see a depth of emotion on the face of that canine the likes of which...此前从未在荧幕上出现过...has never been captured on screen before. 从未啊联播网的明迪Never, Mindy from the network.我们就是要让他相信这一切都是真实的We jump through hoops to make sure Bolt believes everything is real.这就是为什么我们不用场记不重拍It's why we don't miss marks. It's why we don't reshoot.这就是为什么我们绝不让狗看到传声器架And it's why we most certainly do not let the dog see boom mikes!因为联播网的明迪Because, Mindy from the network,... 只有那狗相信......if the dog believes it,...观众们才会相信...the audience believes it.好吧你想要现实就给你现实Wow. Okay, you want reality, here you go chief.这个剧情太老套了The show's too predictable.女孩有危险小狗从可怕的英国佬手里救下她我们都知道The girl's in danger, the dog saves her from the creepy english guy, we get it.总是个大团圆的结局There's always a happy ending.我们的调查小组称18到35岁的成人并不满意And our focus groups tell us 18 to 35 year olds are unhappy.他们不喜欢皆大欢喜的结局They're not happy with happy.或许你可以...So maybe you should, I don't know,...少花点时间担心小狗的行动方式...spend a little less time worrying about the dog's method acting,...而多花点时间想想...and more time figuring out how to stop 20 year olds in Topeka...如何阻止20岁的人换频道...from changing the channel.要是收视率下降半个点...Because if you lose so much as half a rating point,...我发誓把你们都炒了就从你开始! ...so help me, I will fire everyone in this room, starting with you!这个够现实吧How's that for real?贴这里很好There. Perfect.你又一次救了我BoltYou saved me again, Bolt.好了没什么的It's okay, it's nothing.没有坏人了No more bad guys.你要吃东西么你饿不饿?Do you want some food, Bolty? Huh? Are you hungry?你把他们都逮住了Bolt 没人能伤害我了You've got them, Bolt, no one is gonna hurt me.Bolt 看看我我没事的看到没?Bolt, look at me. I'm fine, see?到这来伙计到这来!Come here buddy, come here!去捡回来Bolt 去呀Go, get it Bolt! Go, get it!这个也不好玩了Yeah, that one is no funny either.看哪我们找到什么了?Well, what we have here?你的老朋友胡萝卜先生!Your old buddy, Mister Carrot!噢Bolt!Oh, Bolt!我得走了You know I have to go.真是我的好孩子Yeah, you are my good boy.在这里啊我的超级明星And there she is, my little superstar!我们来为"青少年"杂志拍张封面照吧Let's get to that "Teen" vogue cover shoot.妈妈我想带Bolt回家度周末Mam, I wanna take Bolt home for this weekend.- 这个...我... - 噢这很好- Well, I... I'm... - Oh, that be nice. That be great.会很不错的小女孩和她的狗That would. A little girl and her dog.再好不过了Nothing better that.这么说我能带Bolt回家了?So I can bring Bolt home?作为你的朋友我会说是的当然可以As your friend, I say yes, absolutely...但是作为你的经纪人我得提醒你对Bolt 的规则是...but as your agent, I have to remind you. This is Bolt's law.他必须留在这里He has to stay right here.好了我们走Okay, let's go.但他从没有过过真正的生活But he never gets to be a real dog.就一次这周末带他回家And it will be only for the weekend and I just once...什么知道吗这问题很公平这么着吧比方说拿出来个别针What? You know what? It's a fair question. Let's do this, let's put a pin in it.别在这这样就行了现在让我们先放一放吧Pin in, there you go. Now, let's let that hang there a little bit...等想通了我们再来讨论好么?...and then we'll address that when we thought things through, okay?大家觉得怎么样? 都笑一笑!Good enough for everybody? Smiles all around!我们走吧快点Let's get out of here. Come on.我不想想那么多我想带Bolt回家I don't need to think it through. I wanna take Bolt home.瞧瞧你可爱的小脸我家里也有个小女儿Look at this face! I have a little girl at home,... 我毕生的爱我愿意为她做任何事...love of my life. I would do anything for her. 但我还是会心跳不已地拿她和你换!And I would trade her for you in a heartbeat! 真的True story.这提醒我这就得重新做衣柜了That reminds me, uh, we need to begin over to wardrobe.我们走吧Let's go.- 我需要... - 我...我只是...- I need every... - I... I just...这么说小狗认为这全都是真的?So, the dog thinks this is all real?是啊新鲜吧这家伙从没离开过片场Oh, yeah. Hear new. Guy never leaves the set.难以置信等有机会我就把这个公布出来It's unbelievable. Whenever I get a chance this is the perfect way to unwind.就用邪恶的大笑来开始I like to start with an evil laugh.嘿小毛球!Hello, hairballs!或许今天你赢了Bolt 但最终You may have one today Bolt, but in the end... 我们还是会抓到你的小Penny...we will get your little Penny.不见得小猫既然你选择了邪恶之路Not likely cat. For you've choosen to follow the path of evil,...到头来我们会摧毁你还有你邪恶的傀儡主人...ultimately we'll destroy you, along with your fiendish puppet master.- 喔! - 我知道看看这个- Wow! - I know. Okay, watch this.她要完蛋了小狗绿眼人已经制定了计划She is a goner, dog. But green-eyed man has a plan...很快就会付诸实施的...and soon he will execute it.然后他会干掉她的!Yeah and then he will execute her!说的不错!Nice!我本可以用狮子吼来让你们两个滚蛋I would super bark you both back into the hole you crawled out of...但我需要你活着...but I need you alive...因为我要你给绿眼人捎个信儿...because I got a little message for you to take back to your green-eyed man.告诉他他的老朋友Bolt说他...You tell him, his old friend Bolt said he...这很长么?Is it long?- 什么长不长? - 要带的口信- Is what long? - The message.那口信很长么? 我的记性不好Is it a long message? Because I have a horrible memory.长话短说好了吧你告诉他说我要...Yeah, I'll make a brief, all right? You tell him Isaid, I'm gonna...干脆我们这么着吧You know what? Why don't we do this?你来记前一半我来记后面的部分You remember the first half of the message and then I remember the second.然后我们拼在一起就可以把它带绿眼人了And then we can pass it on green-eyed man together.我不管你们怎么把话带到I don't care how the message is translated, alright?只要带到就行告诉绿眼人我不会轻易罢手的Just do it, okay? Tell the green-eyed man, that I will not sleep,...不将Penny救出来我绝不善罢甘休...I will not rest until my Penny is safe from his evil clutches.你告诉绿眼人我会...You tell the green-eyed man, I'll...字数太多了像什么"什么?""呼?"...Way too many words! I was like, "what?", and then I was like "huh?"...还有什么"我有点无聊" 还有些跟爪子有关系?...and then "I got a little bored". Some about clutches?无论如何我尽力吧再见Anyway, I'll do my best! Ciao!顺便说粉丝很多都喜欢这个喜欢你得走了谢谢By the way, huge fan, love it, love you, gotta go. Thank you!给我回来你这坏蛋讨厌又下贱Get back here, you... You sick! Revolting, low some little...狗啊!Dogs! 猫啊!Cats!我绝不会让他们抓到你的Penny!I'll never let them get you, Penny!准备好了么Bolt?You ready, Bolt?三号摄影机拉远Let's widen out camera three.四号准备开始!Ready four! Go four!还有...司机And... driver.谢谢拉里Thanks, Larry.脚踏车就位栏杆准备好Allright Scooter, right the grade. Ready on the propel bars.跟上他们!And track with them!卡利科的超级电脑Calico's super computer.要是我们能侵入...If we can access it...就能知道他们把我爸爸关在哪里了...we'll find and learn where they're keeping my father.武器准备就绪热The weapon is hot.准备激光眼"Heat vision" time.Bolt 激光眼!Bolt, stare!快!Now!干得好Nice move.快点快啊!Come on, come on!如此的牺牲精神感动死我啦!Such devotion... It brings tears to my eyes! 卡利科!Calico!你父亲的发现对我们组织极为重要Your father's discoveries could be a great use to our organization.等我抓到了"幸运的Penny"后I'm sure, he will be more commutating...他会更加合作一些!...now that I've got his "lucky Penny"!Bolt!Bolt!世界将由我掌握!World domination is waiting my grasp!调查小组对这个结尾怎么看?How did you focus groups feel about the end of this?你要迎合18到35岁的观众群You asked for unhappy 18 to 35 years old,... 我就给他们一个悲剧的结局...I give you unhappy 18 to 35 year olds. Bolt 没事的Bolt 我很好Bolt, it's okay Bolt. I'm fine.守卫拦住她Guards, stop her!- 嘿嘿! - Bolt!- Hey, hey! - Bolt!- 停下来! - 听听他的叫声- Hold on! - Listen to him.- 他需要知道我没事- 不你有事- He needs to know I'm okay. - No, you're not okay.你已经被恶魔般的卡利科博士绑架You've been kidnapped by fiendish Doctor Calico.至少我们要那只小狗这么想...At least that is what the dog needs to think but...想一想吧等他明天营救了你后...just imagine, close your eyes and imagine how excited he'll be...他该多兴奋...when he saves you, tomorrow. OK?但他整晚都会担心的求你了让我...But he's gonna be freaking out all night. Please, just let me...等一下你耳朵后面是什么东西?Wait a second. What's that behind your ear?是个...对了是个别针!Is that a... Yes, it is! It's a pin!这么着吧先把这次谈话别起来Let's do this. Let's take the pin and put it in this conversation.但不是完全搁下不管不是的直到这件事情解决And we will not take it down, no m'am, until this matter is resolved.- 但我只是... - 我记得有件什么事来着?- But I just... - What's that reminds me up? DVD发售会赶紧出发吧那可是很大的活动The DVD release junket. Let's get going. It's a big push.我想打扮时髦的去参加发售会I want to go with a modern looks.好了给她点空间吧别挤着我们的天才了Allright, okay. Let's give her some air. Let's not crowd the talent.我一直在练习这种邪恶的笑有没有一种邪恶的笑I've been working on my evil laugh. Is there an evil laugh like...像这样的With that.好了是这么回事你还不会邪恶的笑Okay, here is the thing. You're not ready for the evil laugh.你可以在我邪恶笑之后吃吃的轻笑几声You could do a chuckle, like a mildly upset chuckle...像是让人心烦的吃吃笑听我的...after my evil laugh. Listen to mine.嘿Bolt!Hey Bolt!他爬出来了!Climbing here!Bolt 回来!Bolt, come back!我来晚了I'm too late.- Bolt 救命! - 我来了Penny!- Bolt, help! - I'm coming Penny!Bolt 救命!Bolt, help!坚持住Penny 坚持住!Hold on, Penny. Hold on!Bolt 救命!Bolt, help!Bolt 救命!Bolt, help!Penny!Penny!Bolt 到这来Bolt!Bolt! Here, Bolt!好了Bolt 冷静! 你要冷静Bolt! Okay, Bolty, okay! Stay cool! You're cool, Bolty!绿眼人!The green-eyed man! Penny! Penny!Penny! Penny!Penny!Penny!目标出现!Target acquired!到此为止吧!It ends here!Penny!Penny!Penny! 她被转移走了Penny! They moved her.顾不上礼数了兄弟There is no time for formalities, brothers.我主人处在危险中我...My person is in danger and I... I...- 喔你在干嘛! - 哦对不起- Wow! What're you doing? - Oh, I'm sorry. - 你想先闻闻我么? - 什么?- You wanna sniff mine first? - What?- 你不是这片儿的对吧? - 嘿停下!- Not from around here, are you? - Hey, stop it!- 怎么了? - 这事很严肃- What? - This is serious.嘿你在这里你走丢了么宝贝?Hey, there. Are you lost sweety?嘿等等!Hey, wait!为什么我弄不弯这些讨厌的栏杆?Why can't I bend these stupid bars?噢伙计Oh, buddy!你的头卡得还真是刚刚好啊You got your head stucked pretty good, huh guy?嘿伙计们到这了看看这个他的大头给卡住了Hey guys, come here. Check this out! He's got his mellon stucked.是呀真是个傻大头Yup, that is one stucked mellon.嘿嘿伙计放松慢点Hey, hey buddy, take it easy! Slow down.我没法放松我的主人失踪了I will not take it easy, because I'm missing my person.放松点伙计像这样转头然后拉Hey buddy, relax. Like this, turn and pull. Turn and pull.别在意你一会就会出来的Forget about it, you'll be out no time.这都是什么东西它们减弱了我的能力What are these things? They're weaken me. - 泡沫塑料包装粒- 泡沫塑料?- Polystyrofoam packing peanuts. - Styrofoam?肯定是绿眼人谋划的!This is a "green-eyed man" written all of it!你们有没有见到一个绿眼睛的人?Have you seen a man with a green eye?我得说两句要是可以的话You know, I gotta say something, if I could say something here.你很眼熟啊乔伊看看他的脸You look familiar. Joey, look at this guy's mug. 是啊我发誓我以前见过他的Yeah, you know, I could've sworn I've seen this guy before.对对对Yeah, yeah, yeah.我可跟你说我过目不忘的I gotta tell ya, I never forget a face.- 他从来不忘- 是啊- He never does. - Oh, yeah, yeah.- 从不- 是他很擅长记人相貌- Never. - Yeah, he's really good with the faces and such.听着我要找绿眼人你们都知道些什么小鸟!Listen, listen! The man with the green eye. Tell me what you know, birds!- 我认识这狗- 对啊我也是- I know this dog. - Yeah, yeah, me too!我明明记得的这可要了命等一下I gotta remember, it's gonna kill me. Hold on. 不我还是想不起来我以为我知道的No, I don't know. I, I, I thought I know.你没有和一个叫开尔文的流浪狗一起在第14大街闲逛?Hey, you ever hang out down on 14th Street with a stray named Kelvin?- 对对对开尔文拉布拉多狗- 什么? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Kelvin, the Labrador. - What?你得告诉我点什么这实在是太"欢谬"了You gotta gimme something here, cause this is redonkulous.绝对完全的"欢谬"!Absolutely redonkulous!最最"欢谬"! 你知道那什么意思么? Capisch redonkulous! Ya know what that means?你们这些鸽子真没用You pigeons are useless.我需要有绿眼人身边的人I need someone on the inside, someone close to the green-eyed man.- 一只猫- 哦找一只猫?- A cat. - Oh, a cat?是的一只猫一旦找到他...Yeah, a cat. When I find him...一旦我找到他就会让他生不如死When I find him, I'm gonna make that cat wish never born.我想我们认得你说的猫I think we know just the cat.很准时索尔进来吧Right on time, Saul. Come on in.好索尔干得不错下次给我找点芥末好吧?Okay, Saul, nice work. Let's find some mustard next time. Okay, babe?好的米滕谢谢你米滕Yes, Mittens. Thank you, Mittens.这是你弄来的全部么特德?Is that everything you've pickled, Ted?- 好孩子! - 再见米滕- What a boy! - Good day, Mittens.路易!Louie!这是什么?What is this?这星期不景气这可是我一半的家当It was a slow week. I mean, that's half of what I got.你听到了么路易我都快饿死了You hear this, Louie? I'm starving here.要是我的胃开始说话它就不是跟我说了And when the old stomach starts talking, it's not talking to me.- 而是跟我的爪子说- 别举爪子求求你! - It's talking to... the claws! - Not the claws! Please!我在努力控制这些坏家伙但事情也不是全取决于我I'm holding these bad boys back as best as I can, but the thing is it's not up to me.胃和爪子之间有一条直线...The stomach got a direct line to these babies,... 而且都在对我喋喋不休呢...and I'm picking up a lot of chatter!要我和爪子谈的话作为交换So, I'll talk to the claws, but in exchange...- 下周你要交出所有的食物- 可是我们有约在先的!...next week, all your food comes to me. - But that's not our deal!我给你一半你保护我我们说好的I bring you half, you give me protection! That's our deal.那好吧这个协议已经过期了现在给我消失Yeah, well, the deal just expired. Now, get lost.记住我的话米滕Mark my words, Mittens.总有一天会有人教训你的!One day, someone's gonna stand up to you! Someone's gonna teach you a lesson!是么我都要害怕死了Yeah, I'm really scared now.你是该害怕!You should be!哦好的你...Aaah! Okay! You...她在哪?Where is she?- 谁? - 你知道我干嘛来的!- Who? - You know why I'm here!她在哪?Where is she?好吧伙计我不知道你在找什么... Okay, okay! Look buddy, I don't know what you're getting at, but...说吧米滕告诉这家伙她在哪Come on, Mittens. Just tell the guy where she is.- 告诉这小狗别惹他不高兴- 对啊说吧告诉他- Tell the dog, make him happy. - Yeah, yeah, come on, Mittens! Tell him!乔伊文尼鲍比我的好孩子!Joey, Vinnie, Bobby, my boys!你们干嘛不告诉这疯狗他找错了猫? Would you tell the crazy canine that he's got the wrong cat?- 你找到她了伙计! - 就是她!- You got her, pal! - That's her!- 就是你要找的那只猫! - 绝对是!- She's the one! - That is definitely the right cat!看来非得用狠招了Looks like we're gonna do this the hard way.喔啊你疯了哥们Whoa! Aaah! You're crazy, man!乔伊我们是不是有点过分了?Hey Joey, do we go too far on this?开什么玩笑这是我生命中最好的一天You kidding? This is the best day in my life.你为本和巴特工作他们是绿眼人的手下You work for Ben and Bart, who work with the man green-eye.他们带走了Penny 她现在在哪?They take him Penny. Where is she?- 我不知道你在说什么- 这让人有点累了...- I don't know what you're talking about. - This is becoming tiring so cat...事实上我正想打一个哈欠...in fact, I feel a yawn coming on.好吧好吧我说我全说我知道Penny在哪Okay, okay, I'll talk, I'll talk. I know where Penny is.没错他们抓住了她Yeah, they have her. 那个蓝眼睛的黑衣人Yes, the men in black and the guy, the guy with the blue eyes.蓝眼睛?Blue eyes?哦绿眼睛那个绿眼睛的人Oh, green! Yes, green! The one green eye.你还在撒谎天生的谎言家真让人讨厌You just can't stop lying, can you cat? It's in the genes. This is gross.我知道这很讨厌我也讨厌我自己I know, it's disgusting, I disgust myself.好莱坞?Hollywood?你放我下来我就告诉你她在哪But if you put me down, I'll show you where she is.松饼之家瞧你得明白我这可是冒风险的You know, I hope you appreciate the risk I'm taking here.我邪恶身体的每一根骨头都在告诉我Every bone in my evil cat body is telling me...不要背叛绿眼人...not to betray the trust of the green-eyed man.好了这是全世界Okay, this is a top, top secret map...最最机密的地图!...of the entire earth!现在我们是在这里举着大火炬的绿女士旁边Now, we're over here, by the green lady with the big torch.而我的老板把Penny关在...And my boss has Penny locked up...就在...就在这里这个戴太阳镜的饼干这里! Right, right over... Here, here! By the wafflewith the sun glasses!你现在只需要从这里去到那里Now all you need to do is get from here to there.好了我告诉你去哪找他你放开我我马上闪人Well, I told you where you find her, so if you'll just untie me, I'll be on my way.找到Penny就放了你I'll release you cat, when we found Penny.什么不是这样的我们有约在先的Excuse me? That wasn't the deal! We had a deal!你的协议刚刚过期Your deal just expired.十分钟前她也是这么跟我说的She said that to me, not 10 minutes ago.真讽刺!The irony!太好了Perfect.嗯锁上了Hmm... padlock.听着疯狗(Cujo电影名又名凶狗古卓) 我的手掌下面藏着邪恶的利爪...Listen Cujo, I got some pretty wicked claws under these mitts,...别逼我把它们亮出来!...do not, I beg of you do not make me bring out these bad boys!会很吓人的!It gets ugly!- 你在干什么? - 待在后面!- What are you doing? - Stay back!要是我用力凝视这把锁它就会着火然后熔化的If I stare at the lock really hard, it'll burst into flames and melt. 现在我越来越担心了Now I'm concerned on a number of levels.- 轻点看着路- 我很好还是往前走吧- Easy, watch! Watch it those! - I'm good. We gotta go.有人来了!Intruders!嘿慢一点你这疯狗...Hey! Slow down you screwy borrowed of mind...- 哦哥们这东西很重- 嘿嘿先放下来- Oh, boy, this thing is heavy. - Hey, hey! Put it down.我把钥匙拉下了I forgot the keys.我就回来I'll be right back.嘿幸运硬币Hey, lucky Penny.谢了起来干活儿吧Thanks. Now move your butt.好了往左面抬我抬不... 不我能抬住Okay, just upon your left. Yeah. I got... No, I got, I got mine.好了么?You got it?话都快到嘴边了我认识那狗It's on tipping my tongue. I know that dog.我跟你们说乔伊鲍比我好像是... 我跟你们说I'm telling you, Joey. Bobby, you guys looking at me like, you don't know. I'm telling you... 我认得这狗我在哪见过他...I know this dog. I've seen him somewhere. 你今晚就会想起来的等你飞落后You remember it tonight, when you're perching.好的是...这么回事Allright, that's... That's will happen.- 我有些好消息! - 真的么?- I've got some good news! - Really?是的我刚安排你当今晚节目的主要嘉宾! Yes, I do. I just booked you, on the tonight show's "main guest"!那很好我是说...That's right. That, I mean...要是Bolt还没找到这又有什么意思...which means just absolutely nothing, if Bolt is still missing.这连不算是个好消息上今晚的节目我才稀罕It's not even a good news, like whatever, so up tonight show. Who cares? I don't care.没事的宝贝It's okay, baby.- 他一定很害怕- 害怕? 他是Bolt啊- He must be so scared. - Scared? This is Bolt we're talking about.他从不害怕He's not scared of anything.我猜Bolt希望你上今晚的节目I bet Bolt would want you to the tonight show.这...It is...或许不是I just... or maybe not.Bolt非常爱你你在这里Bolt loves you very much sweety. And you're here.他不会走远的He couldn't have gone far.欢迎来到俄亥俄州期待您的发现! Welcome to Ohio. So much to Discover!要是你有超能力的话我想这会让你... So, if you got super powers, I guess that would make you, what...成为超狗什么的? - 这是机密消息...like some kind a super dog? - That information is classified.哦说说嘛你最强的能力是什么?Oh, come on! Like, what's your best power? 你移动快么还有飞呢你能飞么?You go to move. How about flying? Can you fly?别傻了我不能飞Don't be silly, I can't fly.好吧要是你没有任何能力的话...Okay, okay, fine. If you don't have any powers,...你有没有超能力和我有什么相干?...you don't have any powers. What's it to me? - 我会狮子吼- 超级狗叫吗? 喔开什么玩笑?- I have super bark. - A super bark? Wow,you're kidding me?这个狮子吼到底有什么用?What exactly this one do with the super bark? 我真的不能告诉你那是机密I really can't talk about it. It's classified.我建议你别再问了带我去见PennyI suggest you pipe down and take me to Penny.看来你和这个Penny 彼此分不开咯小子? You're awfully attached to this Penny character, huh wags?- 她是我的主人- 拜托她只是个人而已- She is my person. - Oh, please. She's a person.如果你问我的话唯一的好人是...And if you ask me, the only good person is a... 泡沫塑料!Styrofoam!跟紧了!翻滚!Tag and roll!跟紧了然后什么?Tag and what?这是? 我爪子里流出来的红色液体是什么?What? What is this red liquid coming from my paw?那是血大英雄!It's called blood, hero!-我需要它么? -是的- Do I need it? - Yes.要是你不想让它流光的话...So if you want it to keep inside your body where it belongs,......你就不该再从高速路的飞车上纵身跳下! ...you should stop jumping off trucks doing eighty on the interstate!是啊...通常我是刀枪不入的一定是因为... Yeah, well, normally I'm attain more indestructible. Must have been the...泡沫塑料! 是那东西使我变弱的! Styrofoam! That stuff, it weakens me!- 你在干吗?把它放下! - 好吧我已经受够你了- What are you doing? Put that down! - Allright, that's it. I've had with you.小狗为我松绑不然... 我就会给你点颜色瞧瞧!Untie me, pooch or I'm gonna... I'm gonna... Uhmm... I'm gonna seriously wound you!我会用这个泡沫塑料来教训你!I'm gonna seriously wound you with this styrofoam!你疯了么?你难道不知道泡沫塑料的威力么!Are you mad? You don't know the power of styrofoam!哦你说对了小宝贝我现在要释放它了! Oh, you bet on that, baby. And I'm about to unleash it! - 泡沫塑料的威力! - 不要!- The power of the styrofoam! - No!好吧猫咪好吧你赢了我会为你松绑的Alright, cat. Okay, you win. I'll untie you.能让那架钢琴飞起来的一定是种奇异的力量!That's a weird push to put a piano!- 我们之间还会有什么问题吗小猫? - 不不不没有了- Are we gonna have any more problems, cat? - No, no, no. No more problems.我带你去见PennyI'll take you to Penny.噢!那是什么?Ah! What is that?- 什么? - 就是这个!- What? - That!好吧给你2秒钟告诉我下了什么毒猫! Okay, you have two seconds to tell me what you've implanted in me, cat!毒药?寄生虫?毒药? 等等这个我说过了是吧?Poison? A parasite? Poison? Wait, I just said that, didn't I?你看我已经糊涂了! 我不能思考了! See, I'm all discombobulated! I can't think straight!噢不是吧你肚子饿了!Oh, I don't believe this. You're hungry!- 解药在哪? - 行啦行啦!好吧!- Where is the antidote? - Okay, okay! Alright! 那就是你的解药...There's your antidote...食物!Food!好吧!谁想吃汉堡?Alright! Who wants burgers?。









































但好的地方在于,这部《一条狗的使命》并不是虐心电影,电影结尾是一个happy ending,各位观众大可放心。








































难以忘怀电影对白-2:海底总动员场景相信大家对于电影是不少看的,那么关于电影里面的一些经典台词或者是一些经典语句不知道大家会不会收藏起来呢?因为这是很多伙伴学习英语的好方法,以下是小编给大家整理的难以忘怀电影对白-2:海底总动员场景,希望可以帮到大家Selected Scene 2场景2Peach: Oh, Nigel. You just missed an extraction.皮奇:哦,奈杰尔。

你刚刚错过了一场拔牙的好戏!Nigel: Ooh! Has he loosened the periodontal ligament Yet-oh, what I'm talking about?奈杰尔:他切断牙周韧带了没有?噢,我在谈什么呢?Nemo: Where's Nemo? I got to speak with him.尼莫:尼莫在哪,我要跟他说话。

Nemo: What? What is it?尼莫:跟我说什么?Nigel: Your dad's been fighting the entire ocean looking for you.奈杰尔:你的父亲翻遍了整个海域……就是为了找你!Nemo: My father? Really?尼莫:我的父亲?是真的吗?Gill: Really?吉尔:是真的?Nigel: Oh yeah. He's traveled hundreds of miles. He's been battling sharks and jellyfish and all sorts of...奈杰尔:他游了数百海里,一路上曾与鲨鱼、水母拼命搏斗。

Nemo: Sharks? That can't be him.尼莫:鲨鱼?那不会是我的父亲。

Nigel: Are you sure ?What was his name? Some sort of sport fish or something: tuna, uh, trout?奈杰尔:你确定吗?他叫什么名字?跟垂钓有关的是什么,金枪鱼?鳟鱼?Nemo: Marlin?尼莫:玛林?Nigel: That's it! Marlin! The little clown fish from the reef.奈杰尔:就是这个名字!玛林!珊瑚礁里的小丑鱼!Nemo: It's my dad! He took on a shark!尼莫:那就是我的父亲!他与鲨鱼搏斗!Nigel: I heard he took on three.奈杰尔:我听说的他确实是跟三条鲨鱼搏斗过。

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