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Input was: This is a test ============================= 8. 从文件流中读取一个字符串,直到遇到换行符,而且换行符也会被读入,并且不会自动转换 为'\0';或者读入 n-1 个字符后自动添加一个'\0',有标准和宽字符两种版本。 Get a string from a stream. char *fgets(
Example // basic_istream_get.cpp // compile with: /EHsc #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main( ) {
char c[10]; c[0] = cin.get( ); //读取一个字符,存入 c[0] cin.get( c[1] ); //读取一个字符,存入 c[1] cin.get( &c[2],3 );//读取 3 个字符,从 c[2]开始存放,或遇到'\n' cin.get( &c[4], 4, '7' );//读取 4 个字符,从 c[4]开始存放,或遇到'7' cout << c << endl; } Input 11 Output 11 ============================= 3. cin.getline() 从标准输入读取一行,有下面两种重载,没有指定终结符时,实际上默认为'\n'。例子中&c[0] 等于直接写 c,这样写只是说明可以指定精确存放位置。 basic_istream& getline( char_type *_Str, streamsize _Count ); basic_istream& getline( char_type *_Str, streamsize _Count, char_type _Delim ); Example // basic_istream_getline.cpp // compile with: /EHsc #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main( ) { char c[10]; cin.getline( &c[0], 5, '2' ); cout << c << endl; } Input 12
&& (ch != '\n'); i++ ) buffer[i] = (char)ch; /* Terminate string with null character: */ buffer[i] = '\0'; printf( "Input was: %s\n", buffer ); } Input This is a test Output
// Much preferable: fgets( line, 21, stdin ); // but you'd have to remove the trailing '\n' printf( "The line entered was: %s\n", line ); } Input Hello there! Output The line entered was: Hello there! Note that input longer than 20 characters will overrun the line buffer and almost certainly cause the program to crash. ================== 6. 从终端读取一个字符,有标准和宽字符两者,一组带回显,一组不带。注意返回值是 int(或 wint_t) Get a character from the console without echo (_getch, _getchw) or with echo (_getche, _getwche). int _getch( void ); wint_t _getwch( void ); int _getche( void ); wint_t _getwche( void ); Example // crt_getch.c // compile with: /c /* This program reads characters from * the keyboard until it receives a 'Y' or 'y'. */ #include <conio.h> #include <ctype.h> int main( void ) { int ch; _cputs( "Type 'Y' when finished typing keys: " ); do { ch = _getch(); ch = toupper( ch );
string s1; cout << "Enter a sentence (use <space> as the delimiter): "; getline(cin,s1, ' '); cout << "You entered: " << s1 << endl;; } Input test this Sample Output Enter a sentence (use <space> as the delimiter): test this You entered: test Requirements Header: <string> ==================== 5. gets()/_getws() 从标准输入流读取一行,结尾的换行符'\n'会被替换成'\0'。注意它不检查缓存大小,因此可 能造成缓冲区溢出漏洞,尽量少用。 Get a line from the stdin stream. char *gets( char *buffer ); wchar_t *_getws( wchar_t *buffer
); Example // crt_gets.c #include <stdio.h> int main( void ) {
char line[21]; // room for 20 chars + '\0' gets( line ); // Danger: No way to limit input to 20 ars.
看了网上有人写的,不是很全,而且还有几处错误,所以自己重新找了一下 MSDN 中的相 关内容。
1. cin/wcin 标准 C++输入流,有 ANSI 版本和宽字符版本,用法基本相同,不用多说,下面的例子是 cerr, 中间也用到了这两个输入函数。 Example // iostream_cerr.cpp // compile with: /EHsc // By default, cerr and clog are the same as cout #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void TestWide( ) {
char *string, int n, FILE *stream ); wchar_t *fgetws( wchar_t *string, int n, FILE *stream ); Example // crt_fgets.c /* This program uses fgets to display * a line from a file on the screen. */ #include <stdio.h> int main( void ) { FILE *stream; char line[100]; if( (stream = fopen( "crt_fgets.txt", "r" )) != NULL ) {
Output 1 ============================== 4. getline() 从键盘读取一行,可以不指定终结符,默认为'\n',当然也可以像例子中指定空格。这个是 string 流,使用时需要包含头文件<string>,注意与前面的 cin.getline()区别。 Example // string_getline_sample.cpp // compile with: /EHsc // Illustrates how to use the getline function to read a // line of text from the keyboard. // // Functions: // // getline Returns a string from the input stream. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma warning(disable:4786) #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main() {
int i = 0; wcout << L"Enter a number: "; wcin >> i; wcerr << L"test for wcerr" << endl; wclog << L"test for wclog" << endl; } int main( ) { int i = 0; cout << "Enter a number: "; cin >> i; cerr << "test for cerr" << endl; clog << "test for clog" << endl; TestWide( ); } Input 3 1 Sample Output Enter a number: 3 test for cerr test for clog Enter a number: 1 test for wcerr test for wclog =========================== 2. cin.get() 用来读入字符或字符串,可以设置读取的个数和终结字符,而且如下示例可以指定存放的精 确位置。注意最后需要留一个位置用来存放'\0'。
} while( ch != 'Y' ); _putch( ch ); _putch( '\r' ); /* Carriage return */ _putch( '\n' ); /* Line feed */ } Input abcdey Output Type 'Y' when finished typing keys: Y ============================ 7. 从流(getc, getwc)或者标准输入(getchar, getwchar)读取一个字符,有标准和宽字符两种版本, 返回值也是 int(或 wint_t)。 Read a character from a stream (getc, getwc), or get a character from stdin (getchar, getwchar). int getc( FILE *stream ); wint_t getwc( FILE *stream ); int getchar( void ); wint_t getwchar( void ); Example // crt_getc.c /* This program uses getchar to read a single line * of input from stdin, places this input in buffer, then * terminates the string before printing it to the screen. */ #include <stdio.h> int main( void ) { char buffer[81]; int i, ch; /* Read in single line from "stdin": */ for( i = 0; (i < 80) && ((ch = getchar()) != EOF)