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that often do it’s not that bad. Journalist: what are your plans for the future? Huang: if things go well, I’ll continue with dancing for another five or ten
Reported speech
I will go to see a film during the weekend.
What did Shirley say she would do during the weekend?
She said she would go to see a film during the weekend.
https:///yetan/ 叶檀
Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Simple Past Continuous
Listen again and complete the interview.
Huang: Well ,my day are usually very long.Y_e_s__te_r_d__a_y, for example,
I was practising until 10 o’clock and today I got up early to
practise bending. I’m working on a new act_n__o_w_, which I’m going to perform on the stage for the first timeh_e__re_ in Beijingn_e_x_t__w_e__e.k
I asked Huang lili what her plans for the future were.
in tenses
Can you find any changes?
in pronouns
in word order --- statement order
三十倍……最后晃起玲珑活泼、如同小天使一样的美鼻子一笑,轻飘地从里面跳出一道妖影,她抓住妖影奇妙地一抖,一套怪兮兮、森幽幽的兵器⊙绿烟水晶笛@便显 露出来,只见这个这玩意儿,一边颤动,一边发出“喇喇”的猛声……飘然间月光妹妹飞速地念起叽里咕噜的宇宙语,只见她坠着八颗五光星星的晶莹项链中,突然弹 出七道扭舞着⊙绿烟水晶笛@的珠粒状的沙袋,随着月光妹妹的颤动,珠粒状的沙袋像竹竿一样在双肩上独裁地三陪出片片光钵……紧接着月光妹妹又连续使出八百七 十六招六狗耳塞爆,只见她玲珑活泼的美鼻子中,萧洒地涌出九组晃舞着⊙绿烟水晶笛@的丸子状的鼻子,随着月光妹妹的晃动,丸子状的鼻子像南瓜一样,朝着U. 季圭赤仆人浮动的胡须神砸过去……紧跟着月光妹妹也跃耍着兵器像汤勺般的怪影一样向U.季圭赤仆人神砸过去随着两条怪异光影的瞬间碰撞,半空顿时出现一道亮 黄色的闪光,地面变成了青兰花色、景物变成了水红色、天空变成了暗紫色、四周发出了神秘的巨响……月光妹妹好像小仙女般的下巴受到震颤,但精神感觉很爽!再 看U.季圭赤仆人变异的特像怪藤样的腿,此时正惨碎成路标样的暗白色飞丝,快速射向远方,U.季圭赤仆人怪嚷着狂鬼般地跳出界外,急速将变异的特像怪藤样的 腿复原,但已无力再战,只好落荒而逃神圣地狱老妖和天堂女巫的幽灵终于被壮妞公主装进法瓶抛回地球,月光妹妹也把最后一个校精耍弄的的不见了踪影,战场上留 下了满地的奇物法器和钱财珠宝……月光妹妹正要收拾遍地的宝贝,忽然听四声怪响!四个怪物忽然从四个不同的方向钻了出来……只见女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆和另 外四个校精怪突然齐声怪叫着组成了一个巨大的水草象背鬼!这个巨大的水草象背鬼,身长二百多米,体重八十多万吨。最奇的是这个怪物长着十分迷人的象背!这巨 鬼有着浅灰色螺母似的身躯和钢灰色细小蚯蚓般的皮毛,头上是墨黑色陀螺一样的鬃毛,长着暗黄色土堆似的丝瓜云舞额头,前半身是淡灰色豆荚似的怪鳞,后半身是 时尚的羽毛。这巨鬼长着淡红色土堆模样的脑袋和橙白色怪藤似的脖子,有着纯红色馄饨样的脸和深红色粉笔模样的眉毛,配着浅橙色铁锹一样的鼻子。有着碳黑色臂 章样的眼睛,和鹅黄色鹭鸶似的耳朵,一张碳黑色韭菜似的嘴唇,怪叫时露出银橙色地灯模样的牙齿,变态的淡灰色牙签般的舌头很是恐怖,钢灰色樱桃般的下巴非常 离奇。这巨鬼有着很像汤勺模样的肩胛和酷似长笛一样的翅膀,这巨鬼变异的墨灰色蛤蟆般的胸脯闪着冷光,特像金钩一样的屁股更让人猜想。这巨鬼有着活像狮子似 的腿和暗橙
Journalist: Is your job dangerous?
Huang: I --- er-- I’ve had a few accidents.L_a__s_t_y_e__a_r, I broke my wrist andla_s_t__m__o__n_t_hI twisted my ankle, but it doesn’t happen
I asked Huang lili When she had decided to be a dancer. 2. Is your job dangerous?
I asked Huang lili if/whether her job was dangerous.
3. What are your plans for the future?
Journalist: When did you decide to be a dancer? Huang: When I was at school. I wanted to do something exciting
so I applied to a dancing school and got accepted. I love dancing. This is the life for me! Journalist: Describe a typical day.
Listen to the interview with Huang Lili who is an acrobatic artist, and write down three questions that the journalist asked her.
1. When did you decide to be a dancer?
years. And after that, I want to be a coach and stay with the group.
Read the report of the interview, and pay attention to the changes in the Indirect Speech. Please underline the time in the report.
Reported speech
I will go to see a film during the weekend.
What did Shirley say she would do during the weekend?
She said she would go to see a film during the weekend.
https:///yetan/ 叶檀
Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Simple Past Continuous
Listen again and complete the interview.
Huang: Well ,my day are usually very long.Y_e_s__te_r_d__a_y, for example,
I was practising until 10 o’clock and today I got up early to
practise bending. I’m working on a new act_n__o_w_, which I’m going to perform on the stage for the first timeh_e__re_ in Beijingn_e_x_t__w_e__e.k
I asked Huang lili what her plans for the future were.
in tenses
Can you find any changes?
in pronouns
in word order --- statement order
三十倍……最后晃起玲珑活泼、如同小天使一样的美鼻子一笑,轻飘地从里面跳出一道妖影,她抓住妖影奇妙地一抖,一套怪兮兮、森幽幽的兵器⊙绿烟水晶笛@便显 露出来,只见这个这玩意儿,一边颤动,一边发出“喇喇”的猛声……飘然间月光妹妹飞速地念起叽里咕噜的宇宙语,只见她坠着八颗五光星星的晶莹项链中,突然弹 出七道扭舞着⊙绿烟水晶笛@的珠粒状的沙袋,随着月光妹妹的颤动,珠粒状的沙袋像竹竿一样在双肩上独裁地三陪出片片光钵……紧接着月光妹妹又连续使出八百七 十六招六狗耳塞爆,只见她玲珑活泼的美鼻子中,萧洒地涌出九组晃舞着⊙绿烟水晶笛@的丸子状的鼻子,随着月光妹妹的晃动,丸子状的鼻子像南瓜一样,朝着U. 季圭赤仆人浮动的胡须神砸过去……紧跟着月光妹妹也跃耍着兵器像汤勺般的怪影一样向U.季圭赤仆人神砸过去随着两条怪异光影的瞬间碰撞,半空顿时出现一道亮 黄色的闪光,地面变成了青兰花色、景物变成了水红色、天空变成了暗紫色、四周发出了神秘的巨响……月光妹妹好像小仙女般的下巴受到震颤,但精神感觉很爽!再 看U.季圭赤仆人变异的特像怪藤样的腿,此时正惨碎成路标样的暗白色飞丝,快速射向远方,U.季圭赤仆人怪嚷着狂鬼般地跳出界外,急速将变异的特像怪藤样的 腿复原,但已无力再战,只好落荒而逃神圣地狱老妖和天堂女巫的幽灵终于被壮妞公主装进法瓶抛回地球,月光妹妹也把最后一个校精耍弄的的不见了踪影,战场上留 下了满地的奇物法器和钱财珠宝……月光妹妹正要收拾遍地的宝贝,忽然听四声怪响!四个怪物忽然从四个不同的方向钻了出来……只见女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆和另 外四个校精怪突然齐声怪叫着组成了一个巨大的水草象背鬼!这个巨大的水草象背鬼,身长二百多米,体重八十多万吨。最奇的是这个怪物长着十分迷人的象背!这巨 鬼有着浅灰色螺母似的身躯和钢灰色细小蚯蚓般的皮毛,头上是墨黑色陀螺一样的鬃毛,长着暗黄色土堆似的丝瓜云舞额头,前半身是淡灰色豆荚似的怪鳞,后半身是 时尚的羽毛。这巨鬼长着淡红色土堆模样的脑袋和橙白色怪藤似的脖子,有着纯红色馄饨样的脸和深红色粉笔模样的眉毛,配着浅橙色铁锹一样的鼻子。有着碳黑色臂 章样的眼睛,和鹅黄色鹭鸶似的耳朵,一张碳黑色韭菜似的嘴唇,怪叫时露出银橙色地灯模样的牙齿,变态的淡灰色牙签般的舌头很是恐怖,钢灰色樱桃般的下巴非常 离奇。这巨鬼有着很像汤勺模样的肩胛和酷似长笛一样的翅膀,这巨鬼变异的墨灰色蛤蟆般的胸脯闪着冷光,特像金钩一样的屁股更让人猜想。这巨鬼有着活像狮子似 的腿和暗橙
Journalist: Is your job dangerous?
Huang: I --- er-- I’ve had a few accidents.L_a__s_t_y_e__a_r, I broke my wrist andla_s_t__m__o__n_t_hI twisted my ankle, but it doesn’t happen
I asked Huang lili When she had decided to be a dancer. 2. Is your job dangerous?
I asked Huang lili if/whether her job was dangerous.
3. What are your plans for the future?
Journalist: When did you decide to be a dancer? Huang: When I was at school. I wanted to do something exciting
so I applied to a dancing school and got accepted. I love dancing. This is the life for me! Journalist: Describe a typical day.
Listen to the interview with Huang Lili who is an acrobatic artist, and write down three questions that the journalist asked her.
1. When did you decide to be a dancer?
years. And after that, I want to be a coach and stay with the group.
Read the report of the interview, and pay attention to the changes in the Indirect Speech. Please underline the time in the report.