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bulky巨大的,笨重的 翼龙由于巨大的体型而无法适应活跃的飞行 Pterosaurs were not well adapted for active fight due to their bulky size
Sepecies are becoming extinct in vast numbers, and the planet's air and water are becoming even more polluted There are tremendous advantages to involve parents or guardians in the program, where such relationships exist.
let-小 booklet小册子 droplet小水滴 leaflet小叶,传单 bullet子弹(bull=ball+let)
imitate模仿 immense巨大的 的 impact影响 impair损害
xx老师深受超级模仿秀节目的impact 决定imitate著名歌手韩红 但由于自身条件限制给我们的耳朵带来了 immense的impair 久而久之,我们对他的歌声都immune
sizable 相当大的 表演艺术中心定期接受富有赞助者的大笔资 助
(范围、大小、数量、程度)巨大的、壮观的 vast enormous massive tremendous (大小、数量)相当大的 sizable (大小、力量)大的 immense colossal gigantic (体积大而笨重的) bulky
vast 巨大的,辽阔的 在我们消耗的大量石油与天然气中,超过90%的都 被用作了燃料 Over 90 percent of the vast amount of petroleum and natural gas we consume is burned up as fuel
micro-表示“微,小” microscope显微镜(micro+scope看)
microworld微观世界(micro+world世界) microcosm 微观世界,缩影(micro+cosm)
To see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour. Auguries of Innocence William Blake
mini,min=small,表示“小”" minister n 仆人;部长(mini+ster) administerv 管理,治理(ad+minister) minify v 使…缩小(mini+ify→使…小) minimize v 使缩小到最少(minim+ize→使缩 小) minus v 减去(min+us→变少→减去) minutia n 细微末节(minute小+ia→小事 件)
A rocket motor's 'bullets' are minute, high - sp eed p art icles p roduced b y burning propellants(推进物) in a suitable chamber (枪膛) But the classic eruption- cone-shaped mountain, big bang, mushroom cloud and surges of molten lava-is only a tiny part of a global story.
magn 大
magnify 放大,扩大 magnitude 巨大,重要性,震级 magnificent 壮丽的,伟大的
mega 大的,伟大的 megaphone 扩音器
megawatt 兆瓦 megalith 巨石
megalopolis 巨大都市
minimal最小的 minor 无关紧要的,小 的 tiny 小的 minute极小的
tremendous 极大的 约翰 杜威的哲学及教育理论对思想家们产生 了极大的影响
John Dewey's theories on philosophy and education have a tremendous impact on thinkers
tranquility 安静 tribal(部落的) tremendous (巨大的) trepidation(n 害怕,不安) trifle (琐事,小东西) trickle (v 滴) tremor(v震颤, 发抖) tribal 残杀 tremendous灾难 让每一个人都trepidation
秦始皇 enrich enlist 奴隶 enslave他们 entail 徭役 enormous苦难
massive 巨大的,辽阔的 在东京,建筑者们正计划在接下来的十年里建造一 个大型的地下城 In Tokyo builders are planning a massive underground city to be built in the next decade
ampl = large, 表示“大” ample a 宽大的;充足的
amplitude n 广大,宽阔( ampl+itude 表名词)
maj=great,表示“大,伟大” major a 较大的;主要的 majority n 大多数(major主要的+ity) majestic a 雄伟的,壮丽的(maj+estic 表形容词)
variation(变化) vast(巨大的)vegetarian(素食 主义者)veil(面纱) vein(血管)vampire 研究人员通过对吸血鬼vein的分析
The performing arts center regularly receives sizable donations from wealthy patrons
colossal 巨大的 科学家警告说这些巨大的岩石与冰块的结合 体可能随时撞击地球
Scientists warn that thee could hit Earth anytime
The annual value of these subsidies is immense: about $ 250 bilion, or more than all World Bank lending in the 1980s They are stalled by a strike and it was just when they were thinking about making a colossal investment in new machinery for their plants
It's a mass extinction, and whether we will ever rebound from the loss is difficult to know There is enormous cognitive involvement in play
large give
mighty adj强大的 mimic v. 模仿 mince v. 剁碎 minority n. 少数民族;少数 minute adj. 微小的 miraculous adj. 神奇的,超自然的 minority巫师 用mimic 来表明自己有miraculous的力量
Medication is regarded by many as a last resort and often takes the form of sleeping pills, normally benzodiazepines(苯异丙胺), which are minor tranquilisers.
immense 极大的,巨大的 immensity n巨大
国王与贵族们常常雇佣专业建筑师为他们建 造巨型宫殿
Kings and nobles often hired professional architects to design their immense palaces
tiny adj极小的 鲸会吃大量的小型动植物 Whales eat huge quantities of tiny plants and animals
timber n. 木材,木料 timid adj. 羞涩的,胆怯的 tint v. 染色,色 tiny adj. 小的,极小的 tissue n. [生物]组织 XX老师,timid的少年 胆量非常的tiny 锻炼自己的胆量,每天砍timber 与此同时,把自己的头发tint成了红色 但很不幸,在伐木过程中拉伤了tissue
macro-表示“宏伟,大” macroworld宏观世界(macro+world世界) macrostructure宏观结构(macro+structure 结构) macroscale大规模的(macro+scale规模) macrobian长寿的(macro+bi生命+an)
enormous 巨大的(大得超出一般尺寸)
那个项目的预计费用为500万美元,在那时候 可是一大笔钱 The estimated cost of the project was $5million, which was an enormous sum of money in those days
enrich ( v富足,充实)enlist ( v使入伍 ) enslave ( v 奴役) entail(v 使必然,牵涉 ) enormous(巨大的)
minimal 最小的,最低限度的 新婚夫妇和父母住在一起,所以他们的花费 最少
The new couple stayed with their parents, so their expenses were minimal
minute adj极小的,极少的 重力作用对于云层中雨点的影响是很微小的 The effect of gravity on the rain droplets in clouds is minute
The position of Flight attendant is one of prestige and immense responsibility. R e c r ui t m e nt i s c o n d uc t e d a c c o r d i n g t o operational demands and there can be periods of up to 12 months where no new intake is required. However, applicants are always welcomed. After you submit your initial application online, the Kiwi Air HR Services Team review the details you have provided.