九年级英语下册Unit6 Topic 1 Section B教案仁爱版

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九年级英语下册Unit6 Topic 1 Section B
BB needs 1~2 periodB需用1~2课时。

The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求aw words and phrases:
var sign, faupon audden, shoulder
2. Learn how to describe one’s own star sign and chara(1)I was buly 12ar sign is Ca(2)Cancers are kind and always ready to helLearn 12 star signs andabouLearn to develop good charaand allⅡ. Teaching aids教具
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Review 第一步复习(时间:15分钟)


T: Did you have any problems with your homework?: N2: A littlT: P lease exchange your homework with
your partner andaandwgood exampl(学生开始互评,教

T: There axamplThey are S3’s, S4’s and
S5’lease read your passage
loudly. OK?
S3:T: Good job! Of couablur exFor exampl2. (导

T: We are old enough to have our owan you tell me how old you are ?
S6: I a:I am the oldI aT: S7, could you tell me when your birthday is?
S7: My birthdaT: OK. Then I know your star sign, your star sig(导入并板书新单词。

T: What star sign means? For examplu are born betw23 and Nov. 21, your star sigUnderstand?

) Ss: Yes, Iar sign is alT: Do you knowlated to hunter? A huawho kills wild animalT: If you are born between June 22 and July 22, your star sign is Ca(教

T: Do youur charaave anything to do with your star sign?
Ss: We can’t catch you. I beg your pardon?
T: For examplur star sign is Cancer, maybe you are kind and hard working. Those are your main char a: I: I don’vas his own charaT: But in wultubelievwho shaame star sign havadvantages andgs. If you are annoyed becaugs, will you forgive them?“Forgive”means“ling angry with sb.”: I will.

3. (开展活动,进一步了解课文主题和相关词汇。

T: There are 12 star signs. Please mawlated dates, and find out which stagn you belong(教师把写有下列内容的小黑板呈现给学生。

Mabirthdays war signs:
Birthday datesStar signs
(1)Dec. 21-Jan.20 双鱼座( )
(2)Jan. 21-Feb.19摩羯座( )
(3)Feb. 20-Mar.20巨蟹座( )
(4)Mar. 21-Apr.20水瓶座( )
(5)Apr. 21-May 21狮子座( )
(6)May 22-Jun. 21白羊座( )
(7)Jun. 22-Jul. 22天秤座( )
(8)Jul. 23-Aug. 22金牛座( )[来源:学科 (9)Aug. 23-Sept.22射手座( )
(10)Sept. 23-Oct.22双子座( )
(11)Oct. 23-Nov.21天蝎座( )
(12)Nov. 22-Dec.20处女座( )

T:S10, could you ma?
S10:Let me have a(学生开始做题。

T:Are all the answers right? The ord20, 5, 12and 9?
Ss:T:Now, please ask your partner’s birthday and his/her star sig(学生配对练习。

(Example): Wur birthday?
S12: My birthday is on…: What’s your star sign?
S12: My star sign is…2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:13分钟)
呈现1a,进行活动1b, 1c。



T: La and answllowing quDon’t look at your
b(1)Why does Maria ld today?
(2)Whe n was she born?
(3)What aara?
2. (跟录音朗读。

T: Read aape, plea(练习对话。

T: Waadialog, plea(进行活动1b,让学生讨论或通过小记者采访的形式谈论每个人的星座。

T: Please talk abouar sign of your own in paxample:
S1: When were you born?
S2: I was b2a: What is your star sign?
S2: My star sign is W: You must be active and impa(教师板书1b中的生词并操练)
gentle, creative, hard-working, outgoin g, generous, modest, fa(完成1c,小组讨论性格共同点与不同点。

T: Please talk about your charagroups. Find ouand the dTla(学习2。

T: Maybu collect a lation about star signs. What charado people have undar sig?
S3: They are powerful and have lgT: Yeah. Dave ags?
Ss: I don’t know.
T:dgivThaadon’t have broad minds. There are also maabout star signs in wuIn our ba story abouuld you tell me wd of exa story usually begins with? S4: Long, long ag: Many years ag: A century agT: All right. These exll uust as once upon aan you make ausing “once upon a t ime”?

)upon a time=long long ag: Once upon alived an old mavillagT: Gooduld you?
S8: Once upon awas a tallT: Well done. Now, turn to 2 on page 28. Read the passage within 2 minutes and find ouwordx(让学生阅读课文,找出文中的关键词。




T: S9, please find ouwords in paragra0, you aarge of paragraph 2u aarge of paragra(学生一边找,教师一边板书。

)word2 star signs, charaanimal,
huv.decide, share, kill, die, appear, hide, forgive adj.handsome, brave, dangerous, powerful
T: Do you agree w?
Ss:T: You’ve done good joblidation 第三步巩固(时间:7分钟)


T: Now, lape carefully and pay aunciation and intona(播放磁带。

2. (复述故事情节。


T: I believe you have knowabouI’ll aull it accordingword(板书)
(1) Tellg abou(2) Retellabou(学生准备后,要求他们合上书本进行复述。

)Practice 第四步练习(时间:5分钟)



T: Suu are a successful buan. Taview you. You may be asked the following questions:
(1) Wur birthday?
(2) What is your star sign?
(3) What are your chara?
(4) Do you believe your star sign decides your
(5) Why a re you so successful?
2. (让学生合作练习。


T: Please find a paacts aviewas a successful bua(教师巡视,并及时予以帮助。

T: S1 and S2, please act ouview2: All rig(根据学生表现欲望的强弱,安排两对学生进行汇报表

)Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:5分钟) 通过所掌握的描述性格的词汇,让学生描述人物。

(目的: 组织学生收集描述性格的词汇,以扩展他们的词汇量,提高语言表达能力。

T: Tgoing to be a match among each group. We’ll collect words to describe chara2. (规则:每10人为一小组,把该组想到的词汇按感情色彩分成两类。

T: Each group is made up of 10 members. The words should be divided into two groups. A good. B bad. The group that havwordw(开展合作学习活动。

T: Understand? Let’s begHomew(1)(调查报告:相同星座的人是否具有相同的性格。


) T: Ta form. Please collawborn undame stagn shalar charaNameBirthdayStar sign Chara要求: ①调



T: Fby yourself。
