FL09015-(CE) 单驱 BOM-Rev1.3-20091223



7 发音齿轮 2209 单摆组 2216 声波演示器 2225 声传播演示器 2206 440Hz共振音叉 2201 弹簧振子 2219 波动图象投影演示器 2224 音频发生器 2221 受迫振动和共振演示器 2251 量热器 2252 内聚力演示器 2253 空气压缩引火仪 2254 机械能热能互换演示器 2258 金属线膨胀演示器 2259 固体缩力演示器 2260 热传导演示器 2265 双金属片 2276 气体做功内能减少演示器 2280 油膜实验器 2266 液体表面张力演示器 2267 毛细现象演示器 2261 气体定律实验器 2257 气体定律演示器 2241 鼓 2242 锣 2243 乐器 2244 电吹风 2213 振动合成演示器 2262 荼的熔解凝固实验器 2264 液体对流演示器 2301 玻棒(附丝绸) 2302 胶棒(附毛皮) 2304 箔片验电器 2305 指针验电器 2310 感应起电机 2351 小灯座 2352 单刀单掷开关 2354 滑动变阻器(20Ω ,2A) 2354 滑动变阻器(50Ω ,1.5A) 2354 滑动变阻器1250Ω ,0.3A) 2354 滑动变阻器150Ω ,1A) 2354 滑动变阻器(5Ω ,3A) 2357 电阻 2358 电阻圈(5Ω ,10Ω ,15Ω ) 2359 电阻定律演示器 2360 演示电阻箱
新编号 旧编号 名称 2010 2012 2013 2015 2016 2020 2022 2023 2115 2125 3001 3002 3004 4001 4004 4006 4006 4007 4010 4011 4012 4041 10001 10002 10004 10009 10010 10011 11001 11002 11004 11005 11010 11021 11021 12002 12006 12007 12008 12010 13001 13003 13004 13005 1013 手摇抽气机 1007 真空泵 1008 两用气筒 1018 皮唧 1017 抽气盘 1019 仪器车 1014 水准器 2444 充磁器 1016 透明盛液筒 2278 碘的升华与凝华演示器 1101 物理支架 1102 方座支架 1110 升降台 1202 学生电源 1202 数控式初中学生电源 1201 直流低压电源 1209 教学电源 1203 蓄电池 2374 电池盒 1206 感应圈 1205 直流高压电源 1208 实验电源 1 演示米尺 2 木直尺 4 塑料尺 7 布卷尺 5 游标卡尺 6 螺旋测微器 103 物理天平(500g) 104 学生天平 (200g,0.02g) 106 托盘天平(200g,0.2 g) 105 托盘天平(500g,0.5g) 110 5000g电子台秤 2106 50 g×10金属钩码 2106 200g×4金属钩码 205 机械停钟 203 电磁打点计时器 201 数字计时器 202 简式计时器 206 电子节拍器 6071 红液温度计,0—100°C 6075 水银温度计,200°C 302 演示温度计 301 热敏温度计



汽车零配件海关商品编码8542310000集成电路/数据处理及控制(汽车音响用.线宽0.2μm切割非原片富士通51-03567Z01-A) 8542310000单片集成块(处理作用/汽车音响用)(ROHM/BU4SU69G2-TR 线宽0.6微米矩形/经切割加工) 8542310000数字式单片集成块(处理作用/汽车音响用)(ROHM/BA7820CP-E2 线宽0.6微米矩形/经切割加工) 8542310000集成块(切割非原片,线宽0.4微米,双列直插式)(汽车音响数据处理及控制用;;松下;51-09762 Z03-A) 8542310000单片集成电路(汽车音响;处理;ROHM;BD5245G-TR等;3等;切割非原片)8542310000单片集成电路(汽车音响;处理;NEC;C2DBYY000286等;100等;切割非原片)8542310000数字式单片集成块(处理作用/汽车音响用)(ROHM/BA05SFP-E2等矩形/经切割加工线宽0.6微米) 8542310000数字式单片集成块(处理作用/汽车音响用)(ROHM/BA4558F-E2 线宽0.6微米矩形/经切割加工) 8542310000数字式单片集成块(处理作用/汽车音响用)(ROHM/BD5229G-TR等线宽0.6微米矩形/经切割加工) 8542310000单片集成电路(汽车音响;处理;ROHM;BA33BC0FP-E2等;3;切割非原片)8542320000单片集成电路(汽车音响;存储;ROHM;BR93L46RF-WE2;8;切割非原片)8542330000单片集成电路(汽车音响;放大;ROHM;BH5510KV-E2;48;切割非原片)8542320000单片集成电路(汽车音响;存储;ROHM;BR93L46RF-WE2;8;切割非原片)8542330000单片集成电路(汽车音响;放大;ROHM;BH5510KV-E2;48;切割非原片)8542390000集成电路/韩国佑理(TA8050P/汽车空调用/经切割加工)8543209090信号发生器/调制信号输入检测汽车音响治具(ROHDE&SCHWARZ牌AMIQ型输出信号功率300KHZ-3.3GHZ) 8543709990遥控器(ALPS)(01T55446Y09-A/汽车音响用/红外线)8543709990编码器(ALPS)(汽车音响用/输出通断路信号/KON130C00011等)8543709990遥控器(ALPS)(01T45518Y04-0;汽车音响用/红外线)8543709990编码器(ALPS)(汽车音响用/输出通断路信号/K9AA015B0048等)8543709990编码器(ALPS)(K0N130C00017等/汽车音响用/输出通断路信号)8543709990编码器(ALPS)(K9AA015B0051/汽车音响用/输出通断路信号)8543709990编码器(ALPS)(K0N130C00010等/汽车音响用/输出通断路信号)8543709990编码器(ALPS)(K9AA015B0056/汽车音响用/输出通断路信号)8544302090汽车连接线路组(913002H010913292H440)8544421900汽车音响用线(额定电压16伏)(HITACHI,09-02715Z02-A等内芯铜线7股,塑料外皮,有接头) 8544421900汽车音响用线(额定电压16伏)(HITACHI,09-04203Z01-B等内芯铜线7股,塑料外皮,有接头) 8544421900汽车音响用线(额定电压16伏)(HITACHI,01T75137Y01-A等内芯铜线7股塑料外皮有接头) 8544421900汽车音响用线(额定电压16伏)(HITACHI,01T65226W01-A等内芯铜线7股塑料外皮有接头) 8544421900有接头电导体(HITACHI牌,ASSY(ATFA-0316-01A等,内芯铜线,塑料外皮,汽车音响用,16V)) 8544421900汽车音响用线(HITACHI/额定电压16伏)(09-02734Z01-B等,内芯铜线7股塑料外皮有接头) 8544491900电线(汽车线C035-1)(无接头耐压<=80伏,10026144M)8544491900电线A(不含插头/80伏以下/非汽车专用)8544491900电线(汽车线C035-6)(无接头耐压<=80伏)8544491900电线(汽车线C035-5)(无接头耐压<=80伏,22121794M)8544491900电线(无接头,耐压20V)(用于生产汽车座椅加热垫的线束)8544491900电线(汽车线C035-3)(无接头耐压<=80伏,1046566M)8544491900电线(汽车线C035-4)(无接头耐压<=80伏)8544491900电线(汽车线C035-7)(无接头耐压<=80伏,12739573M)8544491900电线(汽车线C035-2)(无接头耐压<=80伏,3144366M)8544492900电线/无接头(直径1-10MM/非汽车用/>80V)8544492900导线C/非汽车用导线(电器连接线,电压220伏,不带插头)8545200000汽车电动机用碳刷(品牌:ECS/型号:F00S62F005(205))8547200000绝缘件(NEC TOKIN)(14-00799Z05-A/聚酯薄片/汽车音响用)8548900001贴片滤波器/汽车音响用(纠正畸波抗电磁干扰,ALPINE,91T65149Y01-A) 8548900001贴片滤波器/汽车音响用,ALPINE(纠正畸波抗电磁干扰,91T75391Y01-0等) 8548900001贴片滤波器/汽车音响用,ALPINE(纠正畸波抗电磁干扰,91T95084W27-0等) 8706004000汽车起重机底盘8706009000汽车底盘(除税号87060010至0040以外的)8707100000车身/马自达(S/J64E53010/马自达汽车试机件)8707100000车身/马自达(S/J64E BIW/马自达汽车试机件)8708100000汽车保险杠(皮卡车用 TY11061P01等)8708100000汽车保险杠(皮卡车用 TY11001P01等)8708100000汽车前杠(不锈钢+铁制)(183X67X43-216X73X61CM 120套)8708210000座椅安全带/汽车用/三松/VT车型(898215H100C)8708294100汽车电动天窗/INALFA(S/AD57031000/HF3轿车)8708295100马自达侧围/DG8070 115/1115(车轮罩外板,马自达汽车试车件) 8708295200丰田车前门内板(汽车车门)(67143,4SHEET)8708295200丰田车后门右板(汽车车门)(670030D16000)8708295200汽车车门(皮卡车用 TY06151-01等)8708295200丰田车后门内板(汽车车门)(67141,2SHEET)8708295200汽车用车门/大宇(新)(W/96547281/大宇1.8型)8708295200汽车车门(皮卡车用 TY03152-01等)8708295200汽车车门/奔驰(轿车车门 27MA2117201405)8708295200丰田车后门左板(汽车车门)(670040D16000)8708295200丰田车前门右板(汽车车门)(670010D21000)8708295200丰田车前门左板(汽车车门)(670020D21000)8708295700汽车翼子板(皮卡车用 TY11071R01等)8708295700汽车翼子板(皮卡车用 MZ04031-02)8708295900汽车车身部件(71618-1E000)8708299000右上臂完成体(-ABS)(54001-H1100汽车底盘用钢铁制)8708299000右导轨(用于汽车天窗品牌LIGHT METALS别克君(威用)型号1199-WA-7002A-C MS2000 TRACK RH 8708299000右侧机械总成(用于汽车天窗,品牌:WEBASTO用于别克(君威)型号:2913305A MECHANISM ASSY RH) 8708299000右上臂完成体(54401-H1400汽车底盘用钢铁制)8708299000右前滴水块(用于汽车天窗,品牌:WEBASTO(用于海南马自达3)型号:7700388B)8708299000左上臂完成体(+ABS)(54400-H1150汽车底盘用钢铁制)8708299000汽车零件/YY1-63182(塑料片N/尼龙支撑材料/铃木/YY1)8708299000右前滴水块(用于汽车天窗品牌:WEBASTO用于(海南马自达3)型号:7700388B 7200PCS FRONT DRIP R) 8708299000汽车天窗遮阳板把手(63328-OD020-A0 丰田用)8708299000右安装片(用于汽车天窗,品牌:WEBASTO(用于海南马自达3)型号:7702215A)8708299000右下臂完成体(54503-H1002汽车底盘用钢铁制)8708299000汽车排档手柄(汽车零部件)(33504-ON030-EO)8708299000左上臂完成体(MB109630A汽车底盘用钢铁制)8708299000传感器线/汽车用/三松/TB车型(0140-TB11WSC)8708299000右上臂完成体(+ABS)(54401-H1150汽车底盘用钢铁制)8708299000汽车配件(连接件)(LUG)8708299000右后安装片(用于汽车天窗品牌:WEBASTO用于海南(马自达3)型号:7701302A SET PLATE B.R) 8708299000遮阳板(汽车天窗用)(KH05-16900 8M)8708299000左下臂完成体(54502-H1002汽车底盘用钢铁制)8708299000衬套(B)(汽车底盘用钢铁制)8708299000汽车天窗遮阳板(63326-X1F01 丰田用)8708299000控制板组件(ECS/汽车仪表板用配件)8708299000汽车零件(塑料制消音件)(YY1-63181)8708299000玻璃导槽/汽车零配件(6147PCS AUTOMOTIVE PARTS)8708299000汽车操控台用塑料工件/SGK01(起引导固定作用)8708299000右侧流水槽端盖(用于汽车天窗,品牌:INJECTECH-PART-A(别克君威用)型号:7196-U-1002A-G 2800PCS TROUGH END)8708299000汽车用仪表外部盘盖([S]/PH257773-09606C/丰田威驰)8708299000车身构件(BKD)(现代汽车用)8708302900防抱死制动系统(ABS)/东南汽车(S/MR955673/东南汽车戈蓝PS41)8708309500重型汽车制动用刹车器零件(原理:与凸轮轴配合使用)8708309900汽车零部件 02042K2503/A(制动系上的右支架)8708309900汽车零部件 02042J2844/D(制动系上的CS左后钳体)8708309900管束总成(汽车配件),用于输送制动液,无品牌,适用(DG8045020)8708309900连动支架(汽车制动器用)/丰田(S/462314202000/丰田皇冠)8708309900连动杆(汽车制动器用)/丰田(S/462252013000/丰田皇冠)8708309900平衡器(汽车制动器用)/丰田(S/463410203000/丰田皇冠)8708309900制动操纵杆(汽车制动器用)/丰田(S/462111218000/丰田皇冠)8708409900汽车变速器换档拨杆GEAR SHIFT DOME,品牌:FSG(型号:02T301230M)8708709000小汽车轮毂(30座以下客车及小客车用)汽车铝合金轮毂(MMV560K)8708709000轮辋(9.75X16.5 用于汽车轮胎)8708801000后悬架副车架带弹性衬套总成/MG(S/000131/R75/汽车悬挂系统车架)8708801000汽车减震器/奔驰(W/27MA221 320 55 13 28)8708910000散热器水箱(汽车使用,无品牌)(适用大型货车,70%铜,30%铁制)8708920000汽车尾管(EXHAUST TIP)8708920000汽车排气管/奔驰(W/27MA220 490 85 19)8708920000汽车排气管用消音器(不带排气管)(不锈钢制,无品牌)8708920000不锈钢汽车消声器(DIFFERENT TREND牌)870893200036座的客车用离合器分离轴承CLUTCH RELEASER,用于汽车(品:ZF SACHS,用于安凯客车,型:KZI4.5) 870893200036座的客车用离合器分离轴承CLUTCH RELEASER,用于汽车(品:ZF SACHS,用于金华尼澳普蓝客车,型:KZISZ-5)870893200036座的客车用离合器从动盘DRIVEN PLATE,用于汽车底盘,(品:ZF SACHS,用于金华尼澳普蓝,型:430WGTZ)8708939000小汽车离合器摩擦片PRESSURE,尺寸223.3*35.2MM(S/22300-PWA-0510,AP牌)8708939000小汽车离合器摩擦片FRICTION,尺寸190*26MM(S/22200-PWC-0510,AP牌)8708939000小汽车用面板/北京现代(S/21012-13100/北京现代雅绅特(离合器零件))8708939000小汽车用止转盘毂(离合器零件)8708939000小汽车用离合器金属盘(S/20112-20920/北京现代雅绅特1)8708939000小汽车离合器摩擦片FRICTION,尺寸190*26MM(S/22200-PWA-0150,AP牌)8708949000汽车方向盘(TOYOTA)(革卷,低密度)8708949000万向节组成B/钢铁(汽车转向器配件)8708950000气体发生器/用于汽车安全气囊用零件/品牌TRW(型号30363709/适用于MODELX/整机比19%)气体发生器/用于汽车副安全气囊零件/品牌TRW/适用于福(型号30367458/占整机比37%) 8708950000气体发生器/用于汽车安全气囊用零件/品牌TRW(型号61305260/适用于MODELX/整机比24%) 8708950000门盖总成/用于汽车安全气囊用零件/品牌TRW(型号61377214/适用于福特C307/整机比21%) 8708950000气体发生器/用于汽车安全气囊用零件/品牌TRW(型号30367458/适用于MODELX/整机比33%) 8708950000汽车安全气囊气体发生器(APH)8708950000气袋/用于汽车安全气囊用零件/品牌GMBH(型号34005645/适用于大众B5 GP/整机比24%) 8708950000气体发生器/用于汽车安全气囊用零件/品牌TRW(型号34002797/适用于MODELX/整机比20%) 8708950000门盖总成/用于汽车安全气囊用零件/品牌TRW(型号61834210/适用于大众B5 GP/整机比21%) 8708950000气体发生器/用于汽车副安全气囊用零件/品牌TRW(型号34010945/适用于福特C307/整机比28%) 8708999990汽车扶手箱SANTAFE扶手箱CM(ARI-51)8708999990汽车零件[马达支架]PARTS,支撑马达用支架,VW,POLO1.4用(6Q0 199 851 AM等)8708999990汽车零件[轿车用通气硬管等](ENTLUEFTUNGSROHR 06B103209F等[帕萨特小轿车用])8708999990汽车扶手箱LOTZE扶手箱MG(ARI-63-1)8708999990汽车零件[马达支架]PARTS,支撑马达用支架,VW,POLO1.4用(6Q0 199 167CM等)8708999990汽车零件[踏板支架]PARTS,油门踏板支架等,VW,帕萨特2.0用(1J1 723 058CF等)8708999990汽车零件[马达支架]PARTS,支撑马达用支架等,VW,POLO1.4用(6Q0 199 851AM等)8708999990汽车零件[轿车用油管等](OELLEITUNG 4B0317819AB等[帕萨特小轿车用])8708999990汽车零件[马达支架]PARTS,支撑马达用支架,VW,斯柯达1.8L用(1K0 199 762 CG等)8708999990汽车零件[轿车用油管等](OELLEITUNG 4B0317819AB等[帕萨特小轿车用])8708999990汽车零件[马达支架]PARTS,支撑马达用支架,VW,斯柯达1.8L用(1K0 199 762 CG等)8708999990汽车空调系统零件(模块框架)AIR CONDITION PARTS,(用于组成汽车空调系统,牌BEHR,型F8716002) 8708999990汽车空调系统零件(暖风散热管等)AIR CONDITION PARTS,(用于组成汽车空调系统,牌BEHR,型F7290等)汽车扶手箱JM扶手箱(ARI-31C)8708999990滑动叉/汽车传动轴零件(DS125-4A002)8708999990汽车零件[贮水壶]PARTS,轿车清洗挡风玻璃用贮水壶,VW,途安1.8用(1T1 959 552D)8708999990汽车零件/4"除尘管(P#1000-14A)8708999990汽车空调系统零件(汇集管等)AIR CONDITION PARTS,(用于组成汽车空调系统,牌BEHR,型C2065003等) 8708999990汽车零件[冷却水管]PARTS,轿车用冷却水管等,VW,斯柯达"明锐"1.8L用(1KD 122 096等) 8708999990汽车零件[马达支架]PARTS,支撑马达用支架等,VW,斯柯达1.8用(1K0 122 157等)8708999990汽车零件[仪表板支架]PARTS,轿车仪表板用支架等,VW,POLO1.4L用(3B5 035 493D等)8708999990汽车空调系统零件(暖风主片等)AIR CONDITION PARTS,(用于组成汽车空调系统,牌BEHR,型H2272等8708999990汽车零件[冷却管]PARTS,轿车用机油冷却管,VW,桑塔纳3000型用(330 317 019)8708999990汽车油管(BP4K-45-111)8708999990汽车平衡器(EQ-1304)8708999990汽车零件[轿车用油管等](OELLEITUNG 8D0317819P等[帕萨特小轿车用])8708999990关节支架(钢铁制)(汽车减震器用)8708999990汽车配件(门柱托架)(MW399-11)8708999990汽车油门拉索(17910-SAA-T000-M1)8708999990汽车零件[轿车用内注油管总成等](ZROHRSTUTZEN 1C0201107等[途安等小轿车用])8708999990汽车空调系统零件(隔片等)AIR CONDITION PARTS,(用于组成汽车空调系统,牌BEHR,型A4798等) 8708999990汽车零件[马达支架]PARTS,支撑马达用支架等,明锐,斯柯达1.8用(1K0 199 618AJ等)8708999990汽车等速万向节(10个)(43410-0W050/43420)8708999990汽车空调系统零件(水管底架)AIR CONDITION PARTS,(用于组成汽车空调系统,牌BEHR,型D6937) 8708999990汽车零件[仪表板饰条等],轿车用仪表板饰条等,VW,斯柯达1.8用(1K0 857 701AN等)汽车底盘零件(5档套筒)(SLEEVE-5TH SPEED GEAR)8708999990汽车零件[油门踏板支架]PARTS,轿车用油门踏板支架,VW,途安轿车2.0用(1T0 729 131M等) 8708999990汽车零件[轿车用通气硬管等](ENTLUEFTUNGSROHR 06B103209F等[途安等小轿车用])8708999990汽车零件/高压调节旋钮(P#1000-22B)9001200000偏光板(汽车音响零件用于电子发光器(上,塑料制)BPCT-HL56-138HCSC4A1167 22MMX80MM无品牌) 9013803000汽车CD一体机用液晶显示片(黑白)(121921-2260A700,260,070528)9017300000球形制规(测量汽车坐椅支架用)(1.5-4.5MM)9026900000空气流量敏感件(汽车发动机用)9029201000车辆用速度计SPEED METER,记录汽车行驶的速度等数据(型号A2C53245732,品牌SIEMENS) 9030401000Agilent牌频谱分析仪/E4404B(对汽车天线的接收信号强度的测量)9031200040汽车制动测试台(IW2 WB型 MAHA牌)9031200090DUERR车轮定位仪;对汽车车桥几何尺寸的测量;采用非接触数字激光测量技术;在车轮转动时进行多点测量;有,显示前束角和外倾角(汽车车桥,X-wheel,测量精度小于等于1°)9031200090DUERR转鼓试验台;对汽车进行动态驾驶测试和制动力测试;用4套转鼓组模拟地面状况测量速度;驱动和制动力;有,显示速度、制动力大小等参数(发动机,X-road,制动力检测精度小于±1%)9031809090汽车性能检测仪(GXU-6256)9031809090汽车支架检测器(检测成品(打孔后孔的倾斜度 77751-02120)9031809090汽车音响功能测试机(YARN TEST)9031809090品质测试机(测试汽车座椅垂直度)(52141-02140)9031809090检验仪器(检验汽车内饰规格)(61675-02020)9031809090汽车电子控制器功能检测仪(NQ39349)9031809090检验仪器(检测汽车内饰规格)(61655-02051)9032890090自动控制装置,汽车用,品牌为日立,实行燃料喷射控制,点(型号为MEC50-010)自动控制装置,汽车用,品牌为日立,实行燃料喷射控制,点(型号为MEC91-100F)9401201000汽车用躺椅(丰田面包车用皮革面躺椅)9401201000汽车用座椅(丰田面包车用皮革面座椅)9401209000汽车儿童座椅(纺织材料制面/宝马)(规格型号W/82220392330/宝马7系可靠背)9401209000汽车儿童座椅(纺织材料制面/宝马)(规格型号W/82220153306合并申报/宝马5系)9401209000座椅(用于汽车,非皮革或再生皮革面的)9401209000汽车座椅(绒布制)9401209000单人丝绒座椅(用于汽车)9401209000汽车儿童座椅(纺织材料制面/宝马)(规格型号W/82220153307/宝马3系可靠背)9401209000丝绒座椅(用于汽车)9401209000汽车儿童座椅(纺织材料制面/宝马)(规格型号W/82220413412/宝马5系可靠背)9401209000汽车儿童座椅(纺织材料制面/宝马)(规格型号W/82220153308/宝马5系可靠背)9401209000单座椅(用于汽车,非皮革或再生皮革面的)9401209000汽车儿童座椅(纺织材料制面/宝马)(规格型号W/82220153325/宝马5系可靠背)9401209000汽车坐椅,大巴上使用,装软垫(不可调节,塑料制)9401901100调角器(铁制,汽车座椅靠背调节角度用)9401901100汽车座椅调角器(铁制可调节)(规格型号HK-2007 316731)9401901100汽车座椅调角器(钢铁制)(STEEL RECLINER)9401901100汽车座椅调角器 /TRM 机动车辆座椅用/无软垫(可调节//钢铁制品 RECLINER-TRM)9401901100汽车座椅调角器 WRM(机动车辆座椅用/无软垫/可调节//钢铁制)9401901900后头枕插入件REAR HEADREST INSERT,汽车座椅用零件(铁制)9401901900手动执动器ACTUATOR,与其它零件配合使用最终达到控(制汽车座椅腰托舒适度,塑料制,可调节,品牌:SCHUKRA.)9401901900汽车座椅用右侧椅外塑料护板(规格型号宝马S/7126914)9401901900汽车座椅移动执行器(钢铁及塑料制,用于调节座椅上下)(规格型号71519/71612/71611/71439/71444/) 9401901900汽车座椅移动件(滑轨凹槽,钢铁制)(规格型号9453514/9453512)9401901900汽车座椅用前靠骨架(钢铁)(规格型号宝马S/9113105)9401901900汽车座椅固定件(锁紧挡圈,定位卡片,钢铁制)(规格型号9428582/9444032)9401901900汽车座椅用滑道锁体护套HOUSING-LATCH PLATE.(用于汽车座椅滑道锁止部分的保护,粉末冶金制品.) 9401901900汽车座椅用滑道锁体保护套HOUSIN-LATCH PLATE.(用于汽车座椅滑道锁止部分的保护,粉末冶金制品.) 9401901900汽车座椅用左右侧分体部件(规格型号宝马S/7071143)9401901900高度调节器HEIGHT ADJUSTER,汽车座椅调节高度用(不是调角器,铁制)9401901900手动执动器,汽车座椅零件,与其他零件配合使用来调节(腰托舒适度,塑料制,可调节,品牌SCHUKRA.) 9401901900头枕导管HEADREST GUIDE,汽车座椅用零件,塑料制9401901900铝合金滑块ALU GUIDE BLOCK ASSY,汽车座椅用零件,铝制9401901900头枕导管HEADREST GUIDING,汽车座椅用零件(塑料制)9401901900汽车座椅移动件(卡口定位件/滑轨凹槽,滑轨加强板,钢铁(规格型号9418680/9418681/9481954/9481956/9400157/9400158/94)9401901900紧固扣CLIP,汽车座椅专用零件通过它把其他座椅零件紧(在一起,塑料制,品牌:SCHUKRA.) 9401901900汽车座椅用中间扶手后塑料盖(规格型号宝马S/7068104)9401901900铝合金滑块ALU BLOCK ASSY,汽车座椅用零件,铝制9401901900汽车座椅用塑料板(规格型号宝马S/7152204)9401901900头枕导管HEADREST PLASTIC GUIDE,汽车座椅用零件(塑料制)9401901900汽车座椅用左右侧椅内塑料盖(规格型号宝马S/7111148等)9401901900奥迪A4汽车座椅面罩(布料制)(规格型号C303671002A4)9401901900后头枕插入件REAR HEADREST,汽车座椅用零件,铁制9401901900后头枕插入件REAR HEADREST INSERT,汽车座椅用零件,铁9401901900手动汽车座椅调高器HEIGHT ADJUSTER UNIT(调节汽车座椅高度,钢铁制,可调节,品牌LANDER.) 9401901900铝合金滑块AUL GUIDE BLOCK ASSY,汽车座椅用零件(铝制)9401901900铝合金滑块GUIDE BLOCK ASSY,汽车座椅用零件(铝制)9401901900奥迪A4汽车座椅面罩(布料制)(规格型号C303671002A0/C303670602A0)9401901900篮板,汽车座椅专用零件,汽车座椅的靠垫,塑料制(不可调节,品牌SCHUKRA.)9401901900汽车座椅用前座外塑料护板(规格型号宝马S/7154263)9401901900汽车座椅移动执行器(钢铁及塑料制,用于调节座椅高低)(规格型号71443/71444/71507/71611/71612/71591)9401901900汽车座椅用后背板上部件(塑料)(规格型号宝马S/8038387)9401901900汽车座椅用左传动管总成(规格型号 B6/C6)9401901900汽车座椅高度调节器(手动)MANUAL HEIGHT ADJUSTER.(调节汽车座椅高度,钢铁制,可调节,品牌FAUYECIA.)9401901900汽车座椅用功能桌(塑料)(规格型号宝马S/8038224)9401901900头枕导管REAR HEADREST GUIDE,汽车座椅用零件(塑料制)9401901900汽车座椅移动执行器(钢铁及塑料制,用于调节座椅高低)(规格型号71443/71507/71611/71612/71439/71515/71591)9401901900汽车座椅用左右侧椅外塑料护板(规格型号宝马S/7154267,7126916)9401901900汽车座椅用前座骨架(钢铁)(规格型号宝马S/9113111)9401901900腰托AUTOMOTIVE SEAT PARTS,汽车座椅零件,塑料和钢制(不具有按摩调角功能,品牌:SCHUKRA.) 9401901900高度调节器HEIGHT ADJUSTER,汽车座椅用零件(铁制)9401901900汽车座椅用塑料盖板(规格型号宝马S/8036569)9401901900汽车座椅用后背板下部件(塑料)(规格型号宝马S/8038215)9401901900汽车座椅传动轴GEARBOX PEUGEOT,调节汽车座椅前排(座椅前后距离,钢铁制,可调节,品牌GEAR.) 9503001000儿童玩具车(可供儿童乘骑,宝马小(汽车展厅用)宝马牌80910417900等)9503001000儿童玩具车(可供儿童乘骑,宝马小(汽车展厅用)宝马牌 80930006909)9503001000儿童脚踏车(可供儿童乘骑,宝马小汽车展厅用)(宝马牌)9503001000儿童玩具车(可供儿童乘骑,宝马小(汽车展厅用)宝马牌80930413555等)9503001000三轮脚踏车(可供儿童乘骑,宝马小(汽车展厅用)宝马牌 80930145906)9503003900汽车模型DIE-CAST TOY MODEL,模型.(品牌:TIM.)9503008200电动玩具(小汽车)9504909000模拟汽车方向盘1#(模拟汽车方向盘用LOGITEC)9504909000模拟汽车方向盘1#(LOGITECH牌模拟汽车方向盘用)950699000013’汽车跳床含篮球架(规格型号13’)9603509190羊毛抛光刷(用于汽车漆面抛光)(PN85103)9603509990车辆用清洁刷/汽车专用清洁刷/塑料制(上旋转抛光,型号3110016等)8415909000汽车空调用塑料面板(CJB503A001/3)8415909000汽车空调用塑料面板(MX146452-7902)8415909000汽车空调用旋钮(塑料制)8415909000汽车空调用风道(116660-3381-RP)8415909000汽车空调用塑料外壳(MX146452-7152)8419899090烤漆房(汽车烤漆房)8421230000汽车内燃发动机用燃油滤清器FILTER无品牌(零件号25170842,用于别克轿车发动机) 8421230000汽油滤清器(汽车用)(77745-52030,1050,070312)8421230000汽车内燃发动机用燃油滤清器FILTER无品牌(零件号12605565,用于别克轿车发动机)8421230000燃油过滤器成套散件(现代汽车配套件用于雅绅特)8421310000进气过滤器AIR CLEANERS,用于汽车内燃式发动机上,品牌(型号G150092,唐纳森,原理:通过进气过滤器滤芯过滤)8421399000催化转换器和前消声器总成(前者为主,过滤汽车尾气 LF672055X)8421999000滤芯(汽车滤清器用)(带塑料外壳)8424200000手提式高压喷射器/汽车刷车用(利优比牌AJP1400型/喷射水)8425429000汽车大梁矫正仪(VEHICLE STRIGHTENING SYSTEM)8425429000汽车维修用专用举升机(Master Gear 10)8425499000二柱电动汽车举升机(NUSSBAUM牌230SLBMW型提升量3T)8426411000加藤全液压汽车起重机(NK-500E-V)8431200000叉车专用轮毂(新)(不能用于汽车)(91B43-11800 MITSUBISHI牌)8443329090条码机(AC220V用于汽车空调打印条码)8458110000数控车床(数控卧式车床,用于加工汽车零件,品:ACE)(型号T-20C,CNC AUTOMATIC LATHE) 8463900090销压入机(SUMIL品牌)(MP-1,用于汽车门锁销的铆接)8468800000焊接夹具用于汽车焊接生产线(手动及自动操作/HOKUTO/YV1)8477409000电脑真空模具成型机(品牌:KURTZ)(生产汽车塑件及包装件 K1214HP5)8479501000多功能工业机器人(功能:堆垛,铸造,涂漆,抛光,搬运,切(型:IRB 6600,品:ABB,用于生产汽车的生产线上.)8479899090汽车用专业轴承安装机(HPF 25)8479909090汽车尾灯装配生产线用夹具(MG-7车型用)(无型号,夹住尾灯壳体面以便装配用,韩国SL产) 8479909090装卸小汽车轮胎用机器零件(钢铁制鸟头等)8480410010注模(汽车及家用电器的)8480410010压铸模(汽车及家用电器的)8480410010汽车注模(YOKOWO牌/V3-06456C)8480410010压模(用于汽车及家用电器生产的)8480410010模具(用于汽车及家用电器生产的)8480710090注塑模具(汽车油路保护盖)(AC272727-0040)8480710090汽车灯用注塑模具(280MMX400MMX270MM)8481100090减压阀/用于汽车管路中,起减压作用/品牌CONTINENTAL.(型号03-6045-1009-3/适用于别克君威.) 8481300000气门芯,用于汽车轮胎,TOPSEL(100-MKW)8481801090电磁阀(汽车发动机用)(6QE 906 517)8482109000汽车用滚珠轴承(减震器用)(4P-6302ZCX12)8482109000汽车用滚珠轴承(MINEBEA牌,POP58LY121)8482109000汽车用滚珠轴承(DACF 1092A/TOYOTA)8482109000汽车用滚珠轴承(MINEBEA牌,P0P58LY121)8482109000滚珠轴承(非汽车用,品牌:RS,滚珠轴承,4089984)8482109000汽车用滚珠轴承(MINEBEA牌,P5P811LY121)8482109000汽车用滚珠轴承(DACF 1091A/TOYOTA)8482109000汽车用滚珠轴承(POP58LY121 MINEBEA牌)8482109000汽车用滚珠轴承(POP25LY72T MINEBEA牌)8482400000汽车用滚针轴承(#92)8482400000滚针轴承/用于调节汽车方向(TRUNNION ASSY#82)8482910000滚柱(铁制,汽车座椅用)(89962-X1401,114000,070525)8482990000轴承衬套(非汽车用滚珠轴承衬套,品牌:RS,814893)8483109000凸轮轴,用于汽车发动机,LINAMAR牌(LTD,LE5)8483300090滑动轴承/汽车泵用/千住(MBI-2830)8483409000齿轮/汽车发动机用(06H 103 731D/MIBA牌/传动原理)8483900090轴瓦FLANGE BEARINGS,用于小汽车发动机主轴上,减少摩(型号:12576951,镔翎牌)8483900090轴瓦FLANGE BEARINGS,用于小汽车发动机主轴上,减少摩(型号:12576953,镔翎牌)8501109190马达MOTOR,用途:用于汽车自动门锁,品:MABCCHI.(型:FC280PT-33605A,输出功率:3.6W,机座直径:24.2mm.)8501109190电动机MOTOR ACTUATOR,用于汽车雨刮器,品牌:VALEO.(型号:5027523350F,输出功率:30W,机座直径:30MM)8501109190马达MOTOR,用于汽车自动门锁,品:MABUCHI.(型:FC280PD-32378A,输出功率:4.3W,机座尺寸:直径24.2M)8501109190马达MOTOR,用于汽车自动门锁,品:MABUCHI.(型:FC280PT-33607A,输出功率:3.6W,机座尺寸:直径24.2m)8501109190马达MOTOR,用于汽车自动门锁,品:MABUCHI.(型:FC 280 PT-3360TA,输出功率:3.6W,机座尺寸:直径24.) 8501109190马达MOTOR,用于汽车自动门锁,品:MABUCHI.(型:FC280PD-32378A,输出功率:4.3W,机座尺寸:直径24.2M)8501109190马达MOTOR,用于汽车自动门锁,品:MABUCHI.(型:FC280PT-33607A,输出功率:3.6W,机座尺寸:直径24.2m)8501109190马达MOTOR,用于汽车自动门锁,品:MABUCHI.(型:FC 280 PT-3360TA,输出功率:3.6W,机座尺寸:直径24.) 8501109990马达(松下牌/59-03798Z02-A)(汽车音响用/耗散功率3.5W/机座尺寸/10X12MM)8501109990马达(松下牌/59T65140Y02-B等)(汽车音响用/耗散功率3.5W/机座尺寸8X10MM/10X12MM) 8501109990马达(松下牌/59T65140Y02-B等)(汽车音响用/耗散功率3.5W/机座尺寸/10X12MM)8501109990马达(松下牌/汽车音响用)(59-03798Z02-A/机座尺寸10X12MM/耗散功率3.5W)8501320000直流电动机(汽车发电机用)(2880W 24V/120A 无品牌)8503001000外壳(微型汽车车窗马达自动升降电机用))汽车冲压线用压力机变频调速装置8504409990充电器(适配器/汽车充电器)8504500000电感器((Epcos/汽车用零部件)(B82793/电磁感应作用/电流量感应原理) 8504500000汽车音响用电感器(EI-14MM)8505119000磁铁(汽车用)(AC059145-0760)8505119000电磁铁(汽车自动换档器用;HARTING牌;金属铜;1K1972535)8507100000铅酸蓄电池/46B24R(S)/HITACHI(汽车启动引擎用)8507100000铅酸蓄电池(汽车启动用,不含汞)(型号:78-500,12V 50AH)8507100000铅酸蓄电池(汽车启动用,不含汞)(型号:55415,12V 54AH)8507100000铅酸蓄电池(汽车启动用,不含汞)(型号:58-490,12V 49AH)8507100000铅酸蓄电池(汽车启动用,不含汞)(型号:55415,12V 54AH)8507100000铅酸蓄电池(汽车启动用,不含汞)(型号:58-490,12V 49AH)8507100000铅酸蓄电池/75D23R/HITACHI/(汽车启动引擎用)8508110000车用吸尘器,用于车内吸尘用,TRAMONTNA牌,汽车内置蓄电(0.63KG/台,VC-1,电压60W) 8511201000汽车用永磁直流发电机8511309000点火线圈/德尔福(S/19005265/TY 汽车用)8511309000点火线圈/德尔福(S/19005252/TY/汽车用)8511401000汽车起动机8511901000集电环,汽车起动机用,无品牌,耐电压功能(3千瓦)8511909000汽车用点火线圈磁芯8511909000汽车用点火线圈骨架8512201000HID氙气灯(汽车用 35W)汽车照明大灯/奔驰(W/27MA221 820 38 61)8512201000车灯,汽车用,无品牌,照明功能(PRA21-B25001/008) 8512201000汽车尾灯/丰田牌(W/P21W12498/丰田SIENNA)8512201000汽车前大灯/STANLEY(S/P5752L/R适用于丰田汽车246L) 8512201000汽车照明总成/本田/成套散件(S/本田HONDA 2.0L,33101S5AA51) 8512201000汽车高位制动灯(P4584)8512201000车灯,汽车用,无品牌,照明功能(YY4)8512209000汽车组合后车灯/丰田(S/81550-02330/丰田华冠316N) 8512209000汽车后尾灯/奔驰(警示用 27MA27982002648512209000汽车组合后灯/丰田(S/11-2301/丰田花冠107L)8512301100汽车喇叭8512301100汽车用蜂鸣器(KPE-1600LTBW1204)8512301100蜂鸣器/汽车用(10X15X8CM)8512301100汽车喇叭12" MDS牌8512301100汽车用蜂鸣器(UMT-8523 904KG)8512301900汽车倒车信号装置8512400000汽车用雨刮器(B120)8512400000汽车雨刷(HERCULESCAR牌)8512900000遮光罩(汽车灯用)(070327进04-115-2003NJD)8512900000汽车风挡刮水器器臂(铝合金制)(型号:1780 490)8512900000雨刷板(汽车风挡刮水器零件)(AC059164-1262)8512900000汽车蜂鸣器用铁制底座雾灯座(汽车灯用)(08#215-2022L)8512900000汽车雨刷胶条(汽车)8512900000汽车用刮雨气壁及刮片占总成的15%(规格550*560MM,型号V250,HST牌)8512900000汽车零部件(雨刷大支)(1296PCS PRIMARY LEVER)8512900000汽车蜂鸣器用聚酰胺塑料上盖8512900000汽车前大灯灯罩GLACE COND用途:用于汽车前灯,品牌:VAL(C型号 T5/307,材质:塑料) 8512900000汽车风挡刮水器器臂(铝合金制)(型号:178 977)8512900000汽车风挡刮水器器臂(铝合金制)(型号:178 976)8512900000护盖(汽车灯上用)(02-005A等)8512900000汽车前大灯灯罩GLACE COND用途:用于汽车前灯,品牌:VAL(2160PC型号:T1/206 TD G HG,材质:塑料) 8512900000固定耳(汽车灯用)(070327进28-005等)8512900000汽车信号灯灯壳(I228311A)8516800000碳纤维加热电阻器(fiber,用于生产汽车座椅加热垫)8517629900信息收发器(汽车用)8517629900蓝牙通信器(汽车导航仪用)(434900-0011,1000,070313)8518100090麦克风(汽车音响用)8518290000汽车用电子防盗报警器用喇叭(2012CSPCUSBKPX(电子防盗报警器))8518290000同轴扬声器(汽车音响用)(2.8和10CM SONY牌)8518290000汽车喇叭(TSP-4027T)8518400090汽车音响放大器(BT568/XM-SD14X,品牌:SONY)8518400090汽车音响放大器(BT560/KS-AX3300,品牌:JVC)8518400090汽车音响放大器(BT561/KS-AX3500,品牌:JVC)汽车音响放大器(BT539/XM-1652Z,品牌:SONY)8518400090汽车音响放大器(BT605/MRP-F250,品牌:ALPINE)8518400090汽车音响放大器(BT606/MRP-F450,品牌:ALPINE)8518900090汽车音响配件:塑胶面框加铁网(92190201 P2282 Onyx Grille) 8519812100汽车用CD激光唱机12V(无录制功能(W/8103385/沃尔沃XC90) 8519812100汽车CD机芯(TN-2007-1002V)852*******DVD机(单碟,无录制功能)/宝马(W/65839138443/宝马7系汽车用) 852*******汽车放音机芯(盒式磁带录音机或放声机用)852*******汽车音响机芯(盒式磁带录音机或放声机用)852*******磁头(汽车音响磁带机用)852*******汽车DVD机芯852*******汽车导航仪用DVD机芯852*******激光头(汽车DVD机用)852*******测试光盘/测试汽车音响用,已录制(非商用,ALPINE牌,93541-11型) 852*******测试光盘/测试汽车音响用,已录制(非商用,ALMEDIO牌,TCD-785型) 852*******邻近卡TSD-303200(装在汽车钥匙中有密码材料电子元)852*******摄像头(汽车倒车观察用)(29万像素 PSVT牌无型号)852*******汽车用GPS定位系统(JLR-7700MK2品牌JRC卫星定位)852*******汽车用无线电导航仪/沃尔沃(W/30730126/沃尔沃P1X)852*******汽车导航仪主体852*******汽车自动定位识别系统(JHS-182 品牌JRC 卫星定位)852*******汽车导航仪总成。



+125℃ 48h
Hale Waihona Puke 细检漏按GJB548A-96方法1014A-A1
委筛单位: 产品名称 规格型号 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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-55℃~+125℃ 5次
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岛津 电子探针E MA 12 岛津国际贸易上海有限 公司 P 一 70
高性能微区x射线荧光 光谱 仪 德 国布 鲁克A s x 北京代表 处
工业C 检测 系统 丹东奥龙 射线仪器有限公 司 T 手持 式能量色散矿石分析仪E 7 0 江苏天 瑞仪器股份有限公 司 DX P 3
二 、色谱 类产品
三 、质谱类产 品 安捷伦6 4 型超高解析 度四极杆一 50 飞行时问质 谱仪 安捷 伦科技有限公 司 L Q Or i a e s T bt pV l 线性离子阱静 电场轨 道阱组合质谱仪 赛默 飞世尔 科技 r o
S NA TG2 Y P 质谱仪 沃特世科技 上海有限公司
大型工业 制备色谱 系统 北京创新通恒科 技有限公司
Ut t 00 l Mae 0 双三 元梯度液Hale Waihona Puke 色谱 戴安中 国有限 公司 i 3
多功能气相 色谱仪 自动进样器 郑州克莱克特科 学仪 器有限公 司
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安捷伦 1 9 n nt 2 0If i i y液相色谱 系统 安捷 伦科技有限公 司
21年第3 00 期
A3 1
“ 09 度科学仪器优秀新产 品”揭晓 2 0年
由中国仪器仪表行业协会 、中国仪器仪表学 会分析仪器分会 、仪器 信息 网联合主 办 ,中国分析测试协会 协办的 “ 0 0 中国科学仪 器发展年会( CC I 0 0 ”于2 1 年4 2 1年 A S 1 ) 2 O 0 月9 日在 北京召开。会上揭 晓了 “ 0 9 2 0  ̄ 度科学仪器优秀 新产 品”奖。名单如 下。

光谱类 、x 线类产品 射

Agilent SPME Fiber or Arrow Manual Injection Kit U

Agilent SPME Fiber or Arrow Manual Injection Kit U

12345SPME Fiber or Arrow Manual Injection KitSPME manual samplingThe Agilent manual injection kit will allow the end user to extract samples using SPME fibers or Arrows. They can then inject the samples into a GC inlet.Manual SPME SamplingSPME fibers and Arrowsp/n 5191-58772PAL3 alignment ring (gray) for split/splitless (S/SL) inletManual injectionManual injection guidePAL3 alignment ring (Gray) for S/SL inlet (G7371-67001)The manual injection guide sits on thealignment ring for manual sample injection.3Methodology—manual samplingInstalling a PDMS SPME (100 μm) Arrow into the manual syringeLoosen the cap at the base of the syringe and remove it.Depress the black plunger completely.Screw the hub of an SPME fiber/Arrow into the bottom of the plunger at the end of thesyringe bodyRetract the black plunger and slide the cap over the SPME fiber/Arrow and tighten itonto the syringe.4The extraction guide has two positions where the syringe can be installed.The upper position is used for headspace extraction.The lower position is used for immersion extraction.Incorrect and correct position of the lower locking screw.Do not tighten the screw against the black plunger or you will not be able to move the SPME fiber/Arrow intoposition for sampling.Setting the locking screwsLarge inner diameter (id) locking screwSmall inner diameter (id) locking screwSlide the locking screws onto the syringe from the plunger side (the right side as shown above).• Install the large id locking screw onto the silver body of the syringe.• Install the small id locking screw onto the wider portion of the black plunger.•Tighten the locking screws until finger-tight. Do not overtighten, as they will be adjusted in later steps.5• Raise the syringe plunger to the fully extended position and insert the syringe and lower locking screw into the upper position of the extraction guide.•Lock the syringe into place by rotating it until the locking screw is positioned in the notch.• Adjust the syringe so that the SPME fiber/Arrow is protruding ~1 cm beyond the inner base of the extraction guide (A).• Tighten the lower locking screw securely.•The tip of the SPME fiber/Arrow will be recessed at least 1 mm in from the end ofthe extraction guide (B).A BSetting the locking screws for septum penetration depthPlace the extraction guide (with syringe in place) on a headspace sampling vial and loosen the upper locking screw.Adjust the SPME fiber/Arrow to the desired exposure depth by moving the black plunger.Choose a depth that ensures that the SPME fiber/Arrow will be in the gas phase.Once the SPME fiber/Arrow is at the proper depth, hold the plunger in place and slide the upper locking screw until it is flush against the top of the silver syringe body. Then tighten the upper locking screw securely.Setting the exposure depth for headspace extraction6Fine depth adjustment for direct immersion extractionAdjusting the injector penetration depthInsert the syringe into the lower position of the extraction guide.1. Manual SPME injection guide2. PAL3 alignment ring (gray) forS/SL inlet (G7371-67001)• Carefully insert the syringe into the injection guide.• Use caution to avoid damaging the SPME fiber/Arrow when threading it through the hole in the base of the injection guide.•Lock the syringe into place by rotating it until the locking screw is positioned in the notch.Penetrate a vial and fully expose the SPME fiber/Arrow within the vial.Adjust the lower locking screw and upper locking screw to obtain the desired exposure depth (to ensureimmersion in the sample liquid).127Setting injector penetration depthWith the appropriate GC-specific adaptor cup on the end of the injection guide, measure the distance from the tip of the SPME fiber/Arrow to the groove inside the adaptor cup.Adjust the desorption depth by screwing the body of the injection guide up or down (maximum depth = 67 mm).Twist the locking ring down until it locks on the body of the injection guide./chemDE.3985648148This information is subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2020 Printed in the USA, March 6, 2020 5994-1732ENInjection onto the GC inletRemove the adapter cup from the injection guide.The adapter cup is placed onto the GC inlet to guide the manual injection.Push the plunger down until the top locking screw is resting on the body of the syringe.The sample is then injected.。

Agilia SP 注射器滴注机配件部件目录2019说明书

Agilia SP 注射器滴注机配件部件目录2019说明书

Agilia SP range Syringe Infusion Pump Spare Parts Catalog 2019This Spare Parts Catalog is applicable to the following Agilia SP range:▪Agilia SP▪Agilia SP MC / Agilia SP MC WiFi▪Agilia SP TIVA / Agilia SP TIVA WiFi.This Spare Parts Catalog is applicable to devices whose serial number is from 23499291.WarningONLY use the recommended accessories and options delivered with the pump. NO PART ISREPAIRABLE. When replacing components, only use Fresenius Kabi spare parts.Critical Components Type 1 (CS1)The CS1 critical components listed in this Spare Parts Catalog must be traceable.InformationThe critical components are identified into the column 'CS1’ of the spare parts tables. Those components are delivered with a batch or serial number. The After Sales Services are responsible for the traceabilityof those components. A critical component batch or serial number must be linked, by the After SalesService, with the serial number of the infusion pump repaired.Release NotesDate Revision DescriptionOctober 2015 0 CreationJuly 2017 1 ▪The Agilia SP TIVA WiFi is added in this page.▪Mark 200: Z178972, Z178973 and the note are added ; Z179973 and Z179974 are removed from this document since they are dedicated to VP range.▪Z173408 (mark 408), Z178271 (mark 506) and Z178245 (mark 604) are removed since they are not available.▪Z161776 is no more available for sale but included in ref Z179556 (mark 311).▪Z178245 is no more available for sale but included in ref Z178979 (mark 600).▪Z178912 is replaced by Z178970 (mark 101) ; Z178909 is replaced by Z178971 (mark 104) ; Z179043 is replaced by Z179971 (mark 309) ; Z178911 is replaced by Z178975 (mark 401) ; Z178693 is replaced by Z178963 (mark 405) ; Z178903 is replaced by Z178976 (mark 407) ; Z178920 is replaced by Z178977 (mark 406) ;Z178901 is replaced by Z178978 (mark 500) ; Z178907 is replaced by Z178979 (mark 600) ; Z178585 is replaced by Z179585 (mark 703).▪Z190890 (old mark 605) is replaced by Z199716 (new mark 604).▪Marks 415 and 416 are inverted to match the right spare parts.▪Z179590 (mark 312) is a CS1 component while Z178959 (mark 403) and Z178978 (mark 500) are not CS1 components.▪Z178424 is replaced by Z180692 (mark 505).May 2018 2 ▪References Z178357 (Potentiometer assembly, in the Base section) and Z178457 (Strain gauge, in the Plunger section) are no more available for sale since they require soldering.▪Reference Z179556 (mark 311) is no more part of kit referenced Z178958 (mark 310).▪New covers.July 2018 3 Z178275 (mark 415): quantity changed to 1.September 2018 4In section Angle Bracket:▪Z180693 Male socket sealing is now delivered in the Bracket and mains board kit for Agilia SP (mark 310) in pumps whose serial number is from 23882455.It replaces ref. Z179584.▪Z178958 Bracket and mains board kit for A gilia SP is replaced by Z178381.10062-4_SPC_Agilia_SP_Eng1 BASE 42 COVER 53 ANGLE BRACKET 64 PLUNGER 75 MECHANICAL FRAMEWORK 96 MOTOR LEFT FLANGE 107 WI-FI 1134Base104MarkQtyReferenceDescription Price100 1 Z178156 Pusher protection 322,- 101 1 Z178970 Base kit for Agilia SP293,- 102 1 Z178436 Dual syringe wings holder 65,- 103 1 Z178440 Syringe holder assembly 890,- 104 1 Z178971 Syringe detection kit for Agilia SP 552,- 105 1 Z178186 Wing detection membrane 17,- 106 2 Z178299 Grey Diam. 7 screw cap 6,- 107 1 Z178434 Grease damping 58,- 108 2 Z178206 Foot 12,- 109 1 Z178431 Racked clip 116,- 110 1 Z178921 Bracket clip kit179,- 1111Z178951Syringe holder bridle kit for Agilia SP345,-105100 102 103107106 1081091111011105Cover201MarkQtyReferenceDescriptionPrice200(1)1 Z178952 Upper case kit for Agilia SP 982,- 1 Z178953 Upper case kit for Agilia SP MC 982,- 1 Z178972 Upper case kit for Agilia SP MC WiFi982,- 1 Z178973 Upper case kit for Agilia SP MC WiFi (FDA registered - for NAM countries only)982,- 1 Z178954 Upper case kit for Agilia SP TIVA 982,- 1 Z178956 Upper case kit for Agilia SP TIVA WiFi982,-1Z178955 Upper case kit for Agilia SP TIVA (Japanese market - Soon available) 982,- 201 1 Z178401 Display board 1982,-202 1 Z178181 Hood hook 9,- 2031Z179413Card to card ribbon130,-(*) See Critical Components Type 1 (CS1), page 2.(1) Only one reference is to be ordered depending on the model to be repaired or maintained.2002022036315Angle Bracket307MarkQtyReferenceDescriptionPrice300 1 Z179978 Hook nut kit for Agilia SP & VP 1086,- 301 1 Z178315 Pole clamp rotate axle 3 39,- 302 1 Z179569 Pole clamp bolt button 9,- 303 1 Z178294 Pole clamp spring9,- 304 1 Z179568 Pole clamp M8 screw overmoulded 65,- 305 1 Z182108 Clamp screw tip22,- 306 1 Z178292 Pole clamp axle tip - angled 40,- 307 1 Z179976 Handle + bolt kit (for Agilia SP & VP) 750,- 308 1 Z178188 IRDA window 75,- 309 1 Z179971 Agilia battery kit537,- 310 1 Z178381 Bracket and mains board kit for Agilia SP1624,- 311 1 Z179556 Flexible IC flex binder assembly (includes speaker and binder socket)722,- 312 1 Z179590 Power supply board (for Agilia SP & VP) 2297,- 313 1 Z178189 Handle retainer 11,- 314 1Z178455 Blue Diam. 7 screw cap 7,- 315(1)1Z170416 Z170430 Z170447Mains lead - angled - black Mains angled cable UK Mains cable US/CA144,-(*) See Critical Components Type 1 (CS1), page 2.(1) Only one reference is to be ordered depending on the country where the pump is used. Other cables are available, contact your Fresenius Kabi sales representative.308310313314 30231230430330931130630130530074PlungerMarkQtyReferenceDescription Price400 1 Z178441 Link push carriage 12,- 401 1 Z178975 Plunger kit for Agilia SP 3225,- 402 1 Z178452 Flex pusher462,- 403 1 Z178959 Pressure sensor kit for Agilia SP 1139,- 404 1 Z178963 Flange and lever kit for Agilia SP 245,- 405 1 Z178977 Carriage kit for Agilia SP917,- 406 1 Z178976 Disengagement flex. IC kit for Agilia SP 392,- 407 1 Z199680 D3 Truarc 3,- 408 1 Z178286 Stirrup captor 2 14,- 409 2 Z178217 Arm axis pusher 49,- 4101Z178194Detection finger hat12,-(*) See Critical Components Type 1 (CS1), page 2.406401407...405400 ...402403.........409......408............410404...8MarkQtyReferenceDescription Price411 1 Z178450 Plunger arm 140,- 412 1 Z178235 Stainless ball 30,- 413 1 Z178266 Left helico lever 2 18,- 414 1 Z178274 T DES-DF.6 spring 18,- 415 1 Z178275 T DE3.3-DF.35 spring 18,- 416 1 Z178276 C DE7.7-DF.45 spring 8,- 417 1 Z178284 Sup. pusher arm 90,- 418 1 Z178285 Inf. pusher arm90,- 419 2 Z178281 White diam.7 screw cap 2 6,- 420 1 Z178210 Pusher membrane hold 12,- 421 1 Z178280 Pusher membrane 2 15,- 4221Z199698Quicklock D1.5 ring3,-.........422...417......419418411...414413...420416421415......41295Mechanical Framework500MarkQtyReferenceDescriptionPrice500 1 Z178978 Linear sensor kit for Agilia SP513,- 501 1 Z178964 Motor kit for Agilia SP 786,- 502 (1) 1 Z178400 CPU board 1433,- 503 1 Z199716 Quicklock ring D2.5 12,- 504 1 Z178224 Carriage guide 51,- 505 1 Z180692 Right flask assembly16,- 5061Z178317Wormwheel M6x1 with bearing306,-(*) See Critical Components Type 1 (CS1), page 2.(1) REACH Article 33(1) Declaration about substances identified by the European Chemical Agency as candidates for Annex XIV according to article 59:“Current knowledge available to us from our supplier on the presence of substances included in the candidate list in a concen tration above 0.1% (m/m) in our LCD is as follows: Boric acid (CAS No.: 10043-35-3, 11113-50-1), Disodium tetraborate, anhydrous (CAS No.: 1303-96-4, 1330-43-4, 12179-04-3), Tetraboron disodium heptaoxide hydrate (CAS No.: 12267-73-1). We are in constant dialogue with our suppliers in order to gather further information."5045055015035065026Motor Left Flange600605601604603602Mark Qty Reference Description Price 600 1 Z178979 Motor flask kit for Agilia SP 532,- 601 1 Z178196 Z34 M.0.55 sproket 20,- 602 1 Z178241 Retainer bearing 17,- 603 1 Z178242 Threaded retainer bearing 27,- 604 1 Z199716 Quicklock ring diam 2.5 11,- 605 1 Z178380 Z 22 M 0.55 Gearing axle mod 38,-107Wi-Fi702 700701703Mark Qty Reference Description Price 700 1 Z178428 WiFi board support 35,- 701 1 Z179411 WiFi module board 2013,- 702 1 Z178801 WiFi flexible circuit 100,- 703 1 Z179585 WiFi US label 15,-11This document may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors.Modifications may thus be done, and included in later editions.Due to the evolution of standards, and of legal texts and materials, the characteristics indicated in the text and images of this document are applicable only to the device with which it is included.The illustrations in this document are for illustrative purposes only. Their contents may vary based on individual configurations and minor software modifications; therefore, some illustrations may appear slightly different from what you see on the product.This document may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Fresenius Kabi. Agilia® is a registered trademark in the name of Fresenius Kabi in selected countries.Made in FranceRevision date: September 2018Document reference: 10062-4_SPC_Agilia_SP_Eng0123First CE Mark: December 20151213Local Contacts for Servicing10062-4_SPC_Agilia_SP_EngFresenius Kabi AG 61346 Bad Homburg Germany Fresenius Vial S.A.SLe Grand Chemin 38590 Brézins - FranceFRESENIUS KABI NORGE AS Gjerdrums vei 10a0484 OSLOT: 22 58 80 00M: *********************************。

罗克韦尔自动化 FactoryTalk Alarms and Events 系统配置指南说明书

罗克韦尔自动化 FactoryTalk Alarms and Events 系统配置指南说明书

章节 4
在 Studio 5000 控制器中定 义基于设备的报警
控制器连接丢失时的报警缓冲 ............................................................... 27 在开始之前 ................................................................................................28 先决条件 ....................................................................................................28 遵照下列步骤............................................................................................ 28 定义基于 Logix 标签的报警................................................................. 28
注意:标识可能导致人员伤亡、财物损害或经济损失的做法或环境的相关信息。注意事项可帮助您识别危险,避开 危险,以及意识到后果。
重要 标识对成功应用和了解产品至关重要的信息。 还会在设备上或内部使用标签来提供具体预防措施。
典型的独立系统 ................................................................................. 24 安装 FactoryTalk 软件.................................................................... 25 安装 Microsoft SQL Server .............................................................. 26



PTO Applications New Venture GearCatalog HY25-3019/USJu ly 2002Supersedes P400A-NVG August 1999Parker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USABulletin HY25-2XXX-M1/USPower T ake-Off XXX SeriesThe items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance are governed by the provisions stated in the "Offer of Sale".Offer of Sale© Copyright 2002, Parker Hannifin Corporation, All Rights ReservedParker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USANEW VENTURE TRANSMISSION INDEX1Transmission P .T.O. Driver & Aperatures (Viewed from Rear of T ransmission)L-Left Side R-Right Side B-Bottom Side T -Top SideFor transmission not listed, contact your authorized Chelsea Distributor.IMPORTANT: See Safety Information in thePower T ake-Off Safety & General Information catalog HY25-3001/US.241HD NVG-3 2 R384500 (DODGE)(CHEV/GMC-AFTER FEB.15,1994) NVG-2 5 L30-R30Parker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USANEW VENTURE GEAREngine %Caution: Application Approval Required for P.T.O. Output Shaft Speeds Above 2500 R.P.M.Chelsea NVG-1PITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:32 Teeth - R.H. HELIXInter.Torq.Dir.Rot.Filler BlockAdapter Assy.Stud KitPITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:®RevLoHi32 Teeth - R.H. HELIXR.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear Forward of Centerline.1.0110" (25.6794MM)Stud KitAdapter Assy.Filler BlockRevLoHiEngine %Dir.Rot.Inter.Torq.L.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear Forward of Centerline.1.0110" (25.6794MM)ONE SPEED - TWO GEARFurnished 48Opp 250442XLFBX-*3 (1)Furnished 48Opp 250442XLFBX-*5 (1)Furnished 52Furnished 22552442XQFBX-*5 (1)442XQFBX-*3 (1)225Opp Opp Furnished 60Furnished 22560442XRFBX-*5 (1)442XRFBX-*3 (1)225Opp Opp Furnished 72Furnished 20072442XSFBX-*5 (1)442XSFBX-*3 (1)200Opp Opp Furnished 85Furnished 19585442XUFBX-*5 (1)442XUFBX-*3 (1)195Opp Opp Furnished 100Furnished 175100442XWFBX-*5 (1)442XWFBX-*3 (1)175Opp Opp Furnished119Furnished140119442XXFBX-*5 (1)442XXFBX-*3 (1)140OppOppONE SPEED - DUAL SHAFTFurnished73Opp140452XSFBX-*3 (1)Furnished73Opp140452XSFBX-*3 (1)ONE SPEED FORWARD & REVERSEFurnished9473Opp140352XSFBX-*3 (1)Furnished9473Opp140352XSFBX-*5 (1)(1) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1063NOTE: No adapters available for this application.NOTE: The 100 series is not released for this transmission because there is no tooth round on the P.T.O. drive gear.July 20022Parker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USANEW VENTURE GEAREngine %Caution: Application Approval Required for P.T.O. Output Shaft Speeds Above 2500 R.P.M.NVG-2Chelsea PITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:30 Teeth - R.H. HELIXInter.Torq.Dir.Rot.Filler BlockAdapter Assy.Stud KitPITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:®RevLoHi30 Teeth - R.H. HELIXR.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear Forward of Centerline.1.1200" (30.4800MM)Stud KitAdapter Assy.Filler BlockRevLoHiEngine %Dir.Rot.Inter.Torq.L.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear Forward of Centerline.1.1200" (30.4800MM)ONE SPEED - TWO GEARFurnished 49Opp 250442XLFCX-*3 (1)Furnished 49Opp 250442XLFCX-*5 (1)Furnished 53Furnished 22553442XQFCX-*5 (1)442XQFCX-*3 (1)225Opp Opp Furnished 61Furnished 22561442XRFCX-*5 (1)442XRFCX-*3 (1)225Opp Opp Furnished 73Furnished 20073442XSFCX-*5 (1)442XSFCX-*3 (1)200Opp Opp Furnished 87Furnished 19587442XUFCX-*5 (1)442XUFCX-*3 (1)195Opp Opp Furnished 102Furnished 175102442XWFCX-*5 (1)442XWFCX-*3 (1)175Opp Opp Furnished121Furnished140121442XXFCX-*5 (1)442XXFCX-*3 (1)140OppOppONE SPEED - DUAL SHAFTFurnished74Opp140452XSFCX-*3 (1)Furnished74Opp140452XSFCX-*3 (1)ONE SPEED FORWARD & REVERSEFurnished9674Opp140352XSFCX-*3 (1)Furnished9674Opp140352XSFCX-*5 (1)GEARED ADAPTERSFurnished 626XFCX-3HP Furnished 626XFCX-4HP FurnishedFurnished645XFCX-4HP645XFCX-3HP(1) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1064NOTE: The 100 series is not released for this transmission because there is no tooth round on the P.T.O. drive gear.July 20023Parker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USANEW VENTURE GEAREngine %Caution: Application Approval Required for P.T.O. Output Shaft Speeds Above 2500 R.P.M.Chelsea NVG-3Inter.Torq.Dir.Rot.Filler BlockAdapter Assy.Stud KitPITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:®RevLoHi38 Teeth - SPURR.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear Forward of Centerline.1.0630" (27.0002MM)Stud KitAdapter Assy.Filler BlockRevLoHiEngine %Dir.Rot.Inter.Torq.ONE SPEED - SINGLE GEARFurnished7-A-03258Opp125100XRAHX-*3 (1)ONE SPEED - TWO GEARFurnished 7-A-032 38Eng 250236XDAHX-*3 (2)7-A-032 48Furnished 250236XKAHX-*3 (2)Eng 7-A-032 65Furnished 250236XQAHX-*3 (2)Eng 7-A-032 75Furnished 225236XUAHX-*3 (2)Eng 7-A-032 23Furnished 250442XAAHX-*3 (3)Eng 7-A-032 29Furnished 250442XCAHX-*3 (4)Eng 7-A-032 36Furnished 250442XFAHX-*3 (5)Eng 7-A-032 42Furnished 250442XHAHX-*3 (6)Eng 7-A-032 47Furnished 250442XLAHX-*3 (2)Eng 7-A-032 50Furnished 225442XQAHX-*3 (2)Eng 7-A-032 58Furnished 225442XRAHX-*3 (2)Eng 7-A-032 69Furnished 200442XSAHX-*3 (2)Eng 7-A-032 82Furnished 195442XUAHX-*3 (2)Eng 7-A-032 97Furnished 175442XWAHX-*3 (2)Eng 7-A-032115Furnished140442XXAHX-*3 (2)EngONE SPEED FORWARD & REVERSEFurnished 7-A-140 3331Eng 200340XFAHX-*5 (7)7-A-0327091Furnished140352XSAHX-*3 (2)EngGEARED ADAPTERSFurnished 626XAHX-3AH Furnished645XAHX-3AH(1) Gear and Shaft Kit No. KXA-2-P-565(2) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1004(3) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1280(4) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1287(5) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1077(6) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1364(7) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-581(8) Filler block furnished with P.T.O.NOTE: You may notice some interference when using a transfer case housing along with the 100 Series PTO. Instead use an adapter or go to a 442 Series PTO.CAUTION: Do not use geared adapters with 442 'A' and 'C' ratios.July 20024Parker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USANEW VENTURE GEAREngine %Caution: Application Approval Required for P.T.O. Output Shaft Speeds Above 2500 R.P.M.NVG-4Chelsea Inter.Torq.Dir.Rot.Filler BlockAdapter Assy.Stud KitPITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:®RevLoHi38 Teeth - SPURR.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear Forward of Centerline.1.0630" (27.0002MM)Stud KitAdapter Assy.Filler BlockRevLoHiEngine %Dir.Rot.Inter.Torq.ONE SPEED - SINGLE GEARFurnished7-A-032158Opp125100XRAHX-*3 (1)ONE SPEED - TWO GEARFurnished 7-A-032 71Eng 250221XCAHX-*37-A-032 81Furnished 250221XEAHX-*3Eng 7-A-032 109Furnished 200221XLAHX-*3Eng 7-A-032 132Furnished 200221XPAHX-*3Eng 7-A-032 103Furnished 250236XDAHX-*3 (3)Eng 7-A-032 131Furnished 250236XKAHX-*3 (3)Eng 7-A-032 177Furnished 250236XQAHX-*3 (3)Eng 7-A-032 204Furnished 225236XUAHX-*3 (3)Eng 7-A-032 62Furnished 250442XAAHX-*3 (4)Eng 7-A-032 79Furnished 250442XCAHX-*3 (5)Eng 7-A-032 98Furnished 250442XFAHX-*3 (6)Eng 7-A-032 114Furnished 250442XHAHX-*3 (7)Eng 7-A-032 127Furnished 250442XLAHX-*3 (3)Eng 7-A-032 137Furnished 225442XQAHX-*3 (3)Eng 7-A-032 158Furnished 225442XRAHX-*3 (3)Eng 7-A-032 188Furnished 200442XSAHX-*3 (3)Eng 7-A-032 225Furnished 195442XUAHX-*3 (3)Eng 7-A-032 264Furnished 175442XWAHX-*3 (3)Eng 7-A-032313Furnished140442XXAHX-*3 (3)EngONE SPEED FORWARD & REVERSEFurnished 7-A-140 9086Eng 200340XFAHX-*3 (8)7-A-032191247Furnished140352XSAHX-*3 (3)EngGEARED ADAPTERSFurnished 7-A-032 626XAHX-3AH 7-A-032 Furnished645XAHX-3AH(1) Gear and Shaft Kit No. KXA-2-P-565(2) Filler block furnished with P.T.O.(3) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1004(4) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1280(5) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1287(6) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1077(7) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1364(8) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-581July 20025Parker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USANEW VENTURE GEAREngine %Caution: Application Approval Required for P.T.O. Output Shaft Speeds Above 2500 R.P.M.Chelsea NVG-5PITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:57 Teeth - R.H. HELIXInter.Torq.Dir.Rot.Filler BlockAdapter Assy.Stud KitPITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:®RevLoHi57 Teeth - R.H. HELIXR.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear to Rear of Centerline.1.0840" (27.5336MM)Stud KitAdapter Assy.Filler BlockRevLoHiEngine %Dir.Rot.Inter.Torq.L.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear to Rear of Centerline.1.0840" (27.5336MM)ONE SPEED - TWO GEARFurnished 57Opp 250442XFJPX-*4Furnished 57Opp 250442XFJPX-*6Furnished 73Furnished 25073442XLJPX-*6 (1)442XLJPX-*4 (1)250Opp Opp Furnished 79Furnished 22579442XQJPX-*6 (1)442XQJPX-*4 (1)225Opp Opp Furnished 91Furnished 22591442XRJPX-*6 (1)442XRJPX-*4 (1)225Opp Opp Furnished 109Furnished 200109442XSJPX-*6 (1)442XSJPX-*4 (1)200Opp Opp Furnished 130Furnished 195130442XUJPX-*6 (1)442XUJPX-*4 (1)195Opp Opp Furnished 152Furnished 175152442XWJPX-*6 (1)442XWJPX-*4 (1)175Opp Opp Furnished180Furnished140180442XXJPX-*6 (1)442XXJPX-*4 (1)140OppOppONE SPEED - DUAL SHAFTFurnished109Opp140452XSJPX-*4 (1)Furnished109Opp140452XSJPX-*6 (1)ONE SPEED FORWARD & REVERSEFurnished143113Opp140352XSJPX-*4 (1)Furnished143113Opp140352XSJPX-*6 (1)(1) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1268NOTE: The 626/645 Series adapter can be used on this transmission by putting the 5-P-1268 gear in the adapter and 5-P-1269 gear in the 442 Series.NOTE: Use the 7-A-187 spacer and the 7170-3X stud kit to mount the 442 Series to the adapter.July 20026Parker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USA7NOTESParker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USA8NOTESThe items described in this document and other documents or descriptions provided by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and its authorized distributors are hereby offered for sale at prices to be established by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance by any customer ("Buyer") shall be governed by all of the following Terms and Conditions. Buyer’s order for any such items,when communicated to Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiary or an authorized distributor ("Seller") verbally or in writing, shall constitute acceptance of this offer.have the right to alter, discard or otherwise dispose of any special tooling or other property in its sole discretion at any time.8. Buyer’s Property: Any designs, tools, patterns, materials, drawings,confidential information or equipment furnished by Buyer or any other items which become Buyer’s property, may be considered obsolete and may be destroyed by Seller after two (2) consecutive years have elapsed without Buyer placing an order for the items which are manufactured using such property, Seller shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to such property while it is in Seller’s possession or control.9. Taxes: Unless otherwise indicated on the face hereof, all prices and charges are exclusive of excise, sales, use, property, occupational or like taxes which may be imposed by any taxing authority upon the manufac-ture, sale or delivery of the items sold hereunder. If any such taxes must be paid by Seller or if Seller is liable for the collection of such tax, the amount thereof shall be in addition to the amounts for the items sold. Buyer agrees to pay all such taxes or to reimburse Seller therefore upon receipt of its invoice. If Buyer claims exemption from any sales, use or other tax imposed by any taxing authority, Buyer shall save Seller harmless from and against any such tax, together with any interest or penalties thereon which may be assessed if the items are held to be taxable.10. Indemnity For Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights:Seller shall have no liability for infringement of any patents, trademarks,copyrights, trade dress, trade secrets or similar rights except as provided in this Part 10. Seller will defend and indemnify Buyer against allegations of infringement of U.S. Patents, U.S. Trademarks, copyrights, trade dress and trade secrets (hereinafter ‘Intellectual Property Rights’). Seller will defend at its expense and will pay the cost of any settlement or damages awarded in an action brought against Buyer based on an allegation that an item sold pursuant to this contract infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party. Seller’s obligation to defend and indemnify Buyer is contingent on Buyer notifying Seller within ten (10) days after Buyer becomes aware of such allegations of infringe-ment, and Seller having sole control over the defense of any allegations or actions including all negotiations for settlement or compromise. If an item sold hereunder is subject to a claim that it infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party, Seller may, at its sole expense and option, procure for Buyer the right to continue using said item, replace or modify said item so as to make it noninfringing, or offer to accept return of said item and return the purchase price less a reasonable allowance for depreciation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller shall have no liability for claims of infringement based on information provided by Buyer, or directed to items delivered hereunder for which the designs are specified in whole or part by Buyer, or infringements resulting from the modification, combination or use in a system of any item sold hereunder.The foregoing provisions of this Part 10 shall constitute Seller’s sole and exclusive liability and Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy for infringe-ment of Intellectual Property Rights.If a claim is based on information provided by Buyer or if the design for an item delivered hereunder is specified in whole or in part by Buyer,Buyer shall defend and indemnify Seller for all costs, expenses or judgments resulting from any claim that such item infringes any patent,trademark, copyright, trade dress, trade secret or any similar right.11. Force Majeure: Seller does not assume the risk of and shall not be liable for delay or failure to perform any of Seller’s obligations by reason of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Seller (hereinafter ‘Events of Force Majeure’). Events of Force Majeure shall include without limitation, accidents, acts of God, strikes or labor disputes, acts,laws, rules or regulations of any government or government agency,fires, floods, delays or failures in delivery of carriers or suppliers,shortages of materials and any other cause beyond Seller’s control.12. Entire Agreement/Governing Law: The terms and conditions set forth herein, together with any amendments, modifications and any different terms or conditions expressly accepted by Seller in writing, shall constitute the entire Agreement concerning the items sold, and there are no oral or other representations or agreements which pertain there/to.This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the law of the State of Ohio. No actions arising out of the sale of the items sold hereunder or this Agreement may be brought by either party more than two (2) years after the cause of action accrues.9/01-P1. Terms and Conditions of Sale: All descriptions, quotations, propos-als, offers, acknowledgments, acceptances and sales of Seller’s prod-ucts are subject to and shall be governed exclusively by the terms and conditions stated herein. Buyer’s acceptance of any offer to sell is limited to these terms and conditions. Any terms or conditions in addition to, or inconsistent with those stated herein, proposed by Buyer in any accep-tance of an offer by Seller, are hereby objected to. No such additional,different or inconsistent terms and conditions shall become part of the contract between Buyer and Seller unless expressly accepted in writing by Seller. Seller’s acceptance of any offer to purchase by Buyer is expressly conditional upon Buyer’s assent to all the terms and conditions stated herein, including any terms in addition to, or inconsistent with those contained in Buyer’s offer, Acceptance of Seller’s products shall in all events constitute such assent.2. Payment: Payment shall be made by Buyer net 30 days from the date of delivery of the items purchased hereunder. Amounts not timely paid shall bear interest at the maximum rate permitted by law for each month or portion thereof that the Buyer is late in making payment. Any claims by Buyer for omissions or shortages in a shipment shall be waived unless Seller receives notice thereof within 30 days after Buyer’s receipt of the shipment.3. Delivery: Unless otherwise provided on the face hereof, delivery shall be made F.O.B. Seller’s plant. Regardless of the method of delivery,however, risk of loss shall pass to Buyer upon Seller’s delivery to a carrier. Any delivery dates shown are approximate only and Seller shall have no liability for any delays in delivery.4. Warranty: Seller warrants that the items sold hereunder shall be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of:(A) All Power Take-Off units one (1) year from date of installation.(B) Except 267, 277, 278, 242, 244, 250, 251 and 859 series two (2) years from date of installation. THIS WARRANTY COMPRISES THE SOLE AND ENTIRE WARRANTY PERTAINING TO ITEMS PROVIDED HERE-UNDER. SELLER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY, GUARANTEE,OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IM-PLIED, OR ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, TRADE USAGE, OR COURSE OF DEALING ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. NOTWITH-STANDING THE FOREGOING, THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHAT-SOEVER ON ITEMS BUILT OR ACQUIRED WHOLLY OR PAR-TIALLY, TO BUYER’S DESIGNS OR SPECIFICATIONS.5. Limitation Of Remedy: SELLER’S LIABILITY ARISING FROM OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE ITEMS SOLD OR THIS CON-TRACT SHALL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO REPAIR OR RE-PLACEMENT OF THE ITEMS SOLD OR REFUND OF THE PUR-CHASE PRICE PAID BY BUYER, AT SELLER’S SOLE OPTION. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CON-SEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND OR NATURE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS ARISING FROM OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THIS AGREE-MENT OR ITEMS SOLD HEREUNDER, WHETHER ALLEGED TO ARISE FROM BREACH OF CONTRACT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, OR IN TORT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION,NEGLIGENCE, FAILURE TO WARN OR STRICT LIABILITY.6. Changes, Reschedules and Cancellations: Buyer may request to modify the designs or specifications for the items sold hereunder as well as the quantities and delivery dates thereof, or may request to cancel all or part of this order, however, no such requested modification or cancellation shall become part of the contract between Buyer and Seller unless accepted by Seller in a written amendment to this Agreement.Acceptance of any such requested modification or cancellation shall be at Seller’s discretion, and shall be upon such terms and conditions as Seller may require.7. Special Tooling: A tooling charge may be imposed for any special tooling, including without limitation, dies, fixtures, molds and patterns,acquired to manufacture items sold pursuant to this contract. Such special tooling shall be and remain Seller’s property notwithstanding payment of any charges by Buyer. In no event will Buyer acquire any interest in apparatus belonging to Seller which is utilized in the manufac-ture of the items sold hereunder, even if such apparatus has been specially converted or adapted for such manufacture and notwithstand-ing any charges paid by Buyer. Unless otherwise agreed, Seller shallOffer of SaleParker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USAParker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products Division 8225 Hacks Cross Road Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA Phone: (662) 895-1011Fax: (662) 895-1019/chelsea Catalog HY25-3019/US, 8M, 07/02, TGHydraulics GroupSales Offices Integrated Hydraulics Division 595 Schelter Road Lincolnshire, IL 60069Phone: (847) 955-5000Fax: (847) 821-9622/ihd。


真空计必须连接符合超低电压接地保护(SELV-E,按照EN 61010)要求的电源和测量仪器。连接真空计必须有保险丝。
最大纹波2 Vpp
120 90(法兰DN 25 ISO-KF)
120 92(法兰DN 40 CF-R)
120 91(法兰DN 25 ISO-KF)
120 94(法兰DN 40 CF-R)
1.4赔偿与保修责任如最终用户或第三方有以下情况,Leybold Inficon将不承担赔偿


GA30பைடு நூலகம்.1-2001



法国(RADIO-ENERGIE)雷恩编码器常用型号:RKA190-PSDV-1418-PV1650-SD55RCO100M-S2-1612-SW-30-SC010-R2RCM58S-32057-S3009RCI444RS-1024-JBX1-S101RCI120T25X2N1CR10000S20MRCM58-B1A1G-0016-DR23RCM58-SS2-18-00-36-10SC-R4RCI580136S002RCI580136S002-30CRCI90TS01024SJBX3,RCI115TSCT11024S11,RCI115TSCT22048S11RCI90TS-01024-S-T45RCI90TS-1000-S-0081RCI90TS-1000-M-S005RCI90T-HSA4-1024-S005+ RCI90T-HSA4-0050-S007+RCOE01RO1480BR(模块式编码器)RCI90T-HSA4-1024-S005+ RCI90T-HSA4-0050-S007(模块式编码器)RCI444R FS11 4 2048JBX2RCI444R-001024-012-SA010RCI444R-002048-012-SA010RCI444R-1000-S175RCI58B BS15 2 04096 CA02RCI58B HS15 2 01024 23C1(插头式)RE.0110S1CB0.005CARE.0444R1B0.04CA003ALT02C08507042+RE.0444R1CB0.2CA+联轴器125V100TT05-03 100MN23-7170H-CR-22MC/1000/20M/A0009401/10-10AHM916//5SSG//131//B06//S6R1//615EZAMH5_14//P-SS-G-13B12D5-S6R050ASH930 5CP G 13 C7R150ASH9305CPG13C7R100CD50-1500-L005-OP10CD80MEC-204.8-L005-P10CM12H-1024-006 1024HTLCMB1350-01000-M420-AL001-H030CP14L2.1-Φ11/2.1-Φ16PIF1111 5G5MC 100 BRPIF1111 5G5MC BR 01024BRPIF11R11 5G5MC 01024BRPIH12-425G5MC1024CR020PIH5-12/5GTMC/2048/CR020R81H-1024-255170-HR-A3RCH5848R/1024-00112HZRCI.58.GHM5.10.2G2.Z.2500.G3.B.01.1RCI160TS-T50-1024-JBX1-S10C + C350A01RCI160TS-TA8-500-JBX3-TL350-S25CRCI16TS-TK35-1024-JBX3-LH200-S101RCI40C-081KTL-E10RCI40TS-1024-S105RCI444R FS11 4 1024 JBX1RCI444R FS11 4 1200 JBX1RCI444R FS11 4 2048JBX1RCI510-2048S005RCI58B BS15 2 01024 23C1(插头式)RCI58B BS15 2 01024 CA01RCI58B BS15 2 01024 CA02RCI58B BS15 2 02048 CA02RCI58B HS15 2 02048 23C1(插头式)RCI58B-BS15-2-01024-23C1(配母插头加2米电缆)RCI58B-BS15-2-01024-CA0210-30VDC HTLRCI58B-HS12-2-01024 23C1RCI58B-HS12-2-10000 23C1RCI58B-HS12-2-2800 23C1RCI58B-HS14-2-01024-CA01RCI58C-BS05-01024-CR020RCI58C-FS3-F-1024-1RCI58T FS10 S 01024 CA02(电缆式)RCI58T-21105-2048RCI58T-HS12-S-01024-CA02-S002RCI58T-HS14-1-01024-CA02RCI58T-HS14-S-01024-CA02-S001RCI58T-HS14-S-01024-CA05-S001RCI58T-HS14-S-01024-CA05-S005RCI58TS-1024-S105-IP67RCI58TS-HS14-C-01024-CA01RCI90B HS20 1 01024 CA02RCI90B HS25 1 1024 CA02RCI90B HS30 1 01024 23C1(插头式)RCI90B HS30 1 01024 CA01RCI90B HS30 1 01024 CA02RCI90B HS42 1 01024 CA02RCI90C-100-00102-RCI90C-1BVD-1024-51-S1RCI90C-1BVA-1024-F1+9416RCI90C-1BVD-1024-F1+9416RCI90C-1EVD-1024-51-S002RCI90-GHW945-1024-S016-BL200RCI90TS-02500-S001RCI90TS-HS16-C-01000-CA02-S001RCI90TS-HS16-C-01024-JBX3-F150-S001RCI90TS-HS20-C-01024-CA01-S002RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-23A0-F150-S007RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-CA01-S002RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-CA02-S001RCI90TS-T5HD-1024-E1-S000RCM90SS-TC20-25-S003RCO 058 R 06 2 9 BR 00600 I1RCO 058 R 06 5 9 BR 01024 I1RCO 058 R 06 5 9 BR 02048 I1RCO 058 R 06 5 9 BR 04096 I1RCO 058 R 06 8 9 BR 00200 I1RCO E01R O 0825 BRRCO E01R O 1480 BRRCO INT 444 R - Shaft end 11x30 mmRCO-058-R0689 BR-200I1RCOE01 RO950BRRCOE01 RO990BRRHI115-FS01-1024-S023RKL-200-A42-S10RM170H//CR//22MC//1000//30M//A009RMF510-5DP-PGR-6425SRMF510-PROF-001S152-129 EBD00656TYPE-115110080705-1024-GM028-DC24VASF5-10//5CPG//13//C6B//KF001AVS58N-011K1ROGN-0012CMF15-11-5533-1024-BR-A91COM 20337-AMI10H-16//5533//1024//BGR//LH150I5H14-5533-1024-CR2000-AMI5F-10-5533-01024-CR2000-A075PCIPE-11M+MPCE553301024BGR1024HTL,UB=10...30VDCPCIPE-11M+MPCE553301024BGR1024HTL,UB=10...30VDC**h5**通轴PCIPE-11M+MPCE553301024BGR1024HTL,UB=10...30VDC**s5**非通轴PCIPE-5880GS + RCOE-S1416BR-2KBDP + RCOS-HO825BR **PIF11R1159BR001024I//RF006PIF510-PG5MC-4096DR//MK016PIF510-PG5MC-4096-DR//MK016PKA190-PPSB-01316-BGR-1H200-SD25 DC12-30VPREO-1416-C300105(含GSD软件)RC19B HS30 1 01024 CA03RCDW-25KM-HLS25 (SN:12010C08P)RCI190-GHW930-2G29-5000-G3R010RCI444R 11 59BR 00 1024 I1RCI444R1159BR00/1024/I1RCI444R1159BR00/500/I1RCI444R-FS11-01024-4-BJX1-T115RCI444r-fS11-1000-4-JBX1RCI444R-FS11-1024-SB103+9401RCI444R-FS11-S-01024-JBX1RCI58B-00460RCI58B-FS10-S-01024-CA01RCI58EEX-1024-S12103(防爆编码器)RCI58T-16-02048-S102RCI58TB-T3-1024-S05RCI90 GHW9205 G59 1024 G6 RXXIRCI90C-1BVA-4096-F1+9416RCI90C-T359-1000-BR-S115/BF150RCI90T-HS30-S-01024-CA05-S002RCI90TS-38-01024-S104RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-F150-S104RCI90TX-1024-S30105 (含附件)RCM58C-1BESA-1312-S1+9416RCM90SS-T30-25-S005+接头3米电缆+附件RCM9-12T//BGB//13B16//XTR00-S003RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810)RCS5S-S10-13-SG100+9401RCDW-25KM-HLS25 拉线盒RCOF-42875F-5093RPEO-1418-C900115RCI58EEX-1024-S12103(防爆编码器)RCI90TX-1024-S30105 (含附件)M5F10-5-P-25-CR2000RONE-50025-4768K(SN:7726805 )RONE-160758DNRONE-70047-2269K(SN:8014109)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704915)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704715)RCM90SP-T20-1319-CT12R-S107 **SD** 9445/018-D20RCOF-D1416-TS20057RCI090-C01-NH-D00-1024-003RCON-TS105-SS10200RCOF-D0016-TT10024RCON-DEKX3-S819115RCOF-42875F-5093( SN:704704 )RCOE-4K6B-200216RCI58TS-HS14-00020-CA01-S103RCI90TS-T30-1024-S003RCI190-HA05-S-01024-23C1-F150RCI90TS-T30-1024-S003RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-CA01-S102RCI100TP-S36T-1024-CR20-F0150RCI90T-11045-415-APRCI190-HA05-S-01024-23C1-F350-S007 RCI190-HA05-S-01024-23C1-F350-S007 *** RKA190-PPSB-01316-BGR-LH200-SD25RCI58T-00130/1024RCI58T-HS14-01024-CA01-S106RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-JBX3-S117RCI58B-00125/1024RCM9SP-TA5-325-S138RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-23C1-S101RCI100TS-200451DRCI58B-FS10-S-01024-CA01FRABA—项目型号OCD58-33058UCD58-303600DOCD58-300610BRCI90C-1BVA-1024-F2RCM9120E-1416-S107RCI58C-1BVA-1024-F2M9F12P-1313-DR-S101COI-60157-1KBH-S101RCI90TS-HS30-C-01000-CA02-S002RCOE-4K6B-200216(增量)RCDW-25KM-HLS25(拉绳)RCOF-42875F-5093(增量)RPEO-1418-C900115(绝对)RCI58EEX-1024-S12103RCI90TX-1024-S30105 (含附件)RCI58TS-H10-S037RCI125-1024HT007-T150AC1501-2C10-5PG-0013-26AC1501-2C10-5F-1213-8AC1500-T12-5SG-1212-26AC1500-B15-5F-1213-8RCI90C-1BVD-1024-51-S1**soRCI58TS-HS14-C-01024-CA01MRE-32SP061FKBRCI158B-D0460配套弹片RCI158B-D0460HTL-2048-M60-S0013RCI115-1024-M2303RCI58B-HS12-SS2083RCM90SP-T30-SS12GCCI58-20674-SS103RCOF-6K4B-DV0418RCOF-1313-CS9182RCOE-1215V-PD6530I5H-1024-DRRCI160-T20-NH-BR-10204-TX150RCM58-2C10-5F-1213-8RCM58-B10-5SG-0812-28RCI160-T35-NH-BR-10204-TX200RCM58SP-PROF-001RCON-1416-PV3004 (SN:505423)SLJ-11/11RCM9120E-1416-S107RCI58TS-T4-01024-CA05-S002RDON-T0025-TS20031AC1501-2C10-5F-1213-8-S1RCS9SP-HA03-13G-S207RCON-TP1416-DF2015RKA190-PPSB-01316-BGR-LH200-SD25 AC1500-B12-5PG-1213-16-S07RCI100TS-P20035DRCM58SP-M10-SS1213UCD58-303600DRCI100TS-200451DOCD58-300610BPIF-1000-C05DRCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-23C1-S101 RE.0588US1CB0.06CARCM9SP-TA5-325-S138RCM5-SP-T20-1312-S106RCON-DEKX3-S819115 (SN:605327) RCOF-42875F-5093( SN:704704 ) RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810) RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810)CC1400-4T6-65-300-26RCOF-D1416-TS20057 (SN:805321)RCI090-C01-NH-D00-1024-003 (SN:201404093568) RCON-TS105-SS10200 (SN:505421)RCOF-D0016-TT10024 (SN:605701)9445/018-D20RCM90SP-T20-1319-CT12R-S107 **SD**RCM9SP-TA5-325-S138CC1601-4T60-23-2048-26RCM90SP-T20-1312-S106**OD**RCI90TS-HS20-C-01024-CA01-S002CC1401-2C6-23-2048-16CC1501-2C10-65-1024-26RONE-50025-4768K(SN:7726805 )RONE-160758DN (SN:9920115)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704915)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704715)AC1501-2C10-5F-1213-8AC1500-T12-5SG-1212-26AC1500-B15-5F-1213-8CC1610-4T60-23-26-S001RCI90C-01430RCI58TS-T4-01024-CA05-S002PIF11R115G5MC01024BR11RF001RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810)RCDW-25KM-HLS25 (SN:12010C08P)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704915)RPEO-1418-C900115 (SN:704950)RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810)RCDW-25KM-HLS25 (SN:12010C08P)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704915)RPEO-1418-C900115 (SN:704950)RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810)RCDW-25KM-HLS25 (SN:12010C08P)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704915)RPEO-1418-C900115 (SN:704950)RCI58EEX-1024-S12103(防爆编码器)RCI90TX-1024-S30105 (含附件)RCI90TX-1024-S30105 (含附件)RCI90T-11045-415-AP (含插头带线)RCI58T-00130/1024RCI90TS-T30-T-1024-S003RCI58C-1BVA-1024-F2RCI58C-1BVA-1024-F2RCI58C-1BVA-1024-F2COI-60157-1KBH-S101RCM9120E-1416-S107RCI90C-1BVA-1024-F2RCM9120E-1416-S107RCI90C-1BVA-1024-F2RCM9120E-1416-S107RCI90C-1BVA-1024-F2RCI190-HA05-S-01024-23C1-F350-S007 *** CC1900E-4S30-65-1024-29-HSCC1900E-4S45-65-1024-29-HSRCI190-HA05-S-01024-JBX3-F250-S007 *** AC1501-2C10-5SB-1213-26AC1501-2C10-5SB-1213-26AC1501-2C10-5SB-1213-28AC1500-B10-5F-1213-8CC1900-4T16-65-01024-26CC1900-4T25-65-01024-26CC1500-4T14-65-04096-26CC1500-4T14-65-01024-26CC1210-4T38-65-04096-26COM20232-PG/1212/S102RCI58C-FS10-S-01024-CA02-S001RKA190-1200DN-PB25-ST175RCI58T-HS14-1024-S002RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-CA02-S001 QXPC 3550RCI90C-02146OCD58-33058RCI58B-00125/1024RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-CA01-S001RCM912-1316-S102M9F12-5SG-1312-DR278K0096RCI510-2048S005RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-JBX3-S117RCI90TS-HS16-C-01024-JBX3-F150-S001 RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-JBX3-S117RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-JBX3-F150-S005 COM 20337-AMCOM 20337-AMRCM90SP-T20-1319-CT12R-S107 **SD** MI16H-45//5533//2048//BGR//LH300+ES100 RCM90SP-T16-25-S005EL115A1000S8/24L11X3MRRCI90TS-T30-T-1024-S003CD230-MEC-12000-300-L001+-OP10+PHM510-1312 RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-23A0-F150-S007RKI-C-F150RCI90C-1BVA-4096-F1+9416CC1500-4T10-65-1024-26。







B-1级:完全符合MIL-STD-883(微电子器件试验方法和程序)的节所要求,并按照标准军用图样(SMD –Standard Microcicuit Drawing),国防电子供应中心(DESC –DefenceElectronic Supply Center)图样或政府批准的其它文件进行采购。

即通常称883级,器件上有5962 –xxx号。


MIL-PRF-38534D混合集成电路规范(依次低→高等级)电阻、电容、电感元件MIL 标准中有可靠性指标的元件失效等级分五级MIL 标准中有可靠性指标的失效率等级和失效率的对应关系三、欧空局元器件半导体分立器件:ESA/SCC(Europe SpaceAgency/Space Componet Cooperation)5000标准试验等级:B级、C级(从高到低)批接收等级:1级、2级、3级(从高到低)微电路:ESA/SCC(Europe SpaceAgency/Space Componet Cooperation)9000标准试验等级:B级、C级(从高到低)批接收等级:1级、2级、3级(从高到低)电阻、电容、电感器件:ESA/SCC(Europe SpaceAgency/Space Componet Cooperation)3000和4000标准试验等级:B级、C级(从高到低)批接收等级:1级、2级、3级(从高到低)四、国外军用元器件与我国军用元器件质量等级对应关系半导体分立器件质量等级对应关系微电路质量对应等级阻容电感失效率等级对应参考来源:融融网及网络资料。



SCS-900(C) CEMS常用备件产品目录(共2页)
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 名称 密封压环 (φ 6) 密封压环 (φ 8) 白螺帽(φ 6) 硅胶垫(φ 6) 分水器 硅胶垫(φ 8) 白锣帽(φ 8) 保护过滤器 FP-2T 保护过滤器滤芯 FP-2T 保护过滤器O型圈 直角终端接头1/4NPT-F6 取样泵 取样泵膜片 取样泵阀片 取样泵接头 两通电磁阀(PTFE)24V 两通电磁阀(PTFE)220V 温控器 信号隔离端子 接触器 三通接头(φ 6) 四氟管 φ 6*1 蠕动泵 蠕动泵接头 蠕动泵管 制冷器CGC-03(无泵有腔) 致冷器 1/2(无泵无腔) 玻璃冷腔(双腔) 两位一通电磁阀 G1/4,220V 两位一通电磁阀 G1/4,24V 两通针阀(PTFE) 两位一通切换阀(PTFE) 两通针阀 (φ 8) 探头滤芯 探头"O"圈 探头探杆 采样探头SD200CD-11 探头滤芯 探头密封垫 PTFE 探头探杆 采样管线 铂电阻 伴热带终端接头 取样管接头 氧传感器 MODEL 1080分析仪 SO2光源 型号及规格 寿命估计 3个月 3个月 3个月 3个月 12个月 3个月 3个月 12个月 6个月 6个月 24个月 12个月 6个月 6个月 24个月 12个月 12个月 12个月 12个月 12个月 24个月 12个月 12个月 3个月 6个月 24个月 24个月 12个月 12个月 12个月 12个月 12个月 12个月 12个月 6个月 12个月 24个月 6个月 3个月 6个月 24个月 6个月 24个月 24个月 6个月 12个月 S0705-A0401-002 S0705-A0401-003 S0705-A0302-002 S0705-A0504-003 S0307-A0101-004 S0705-A0504-001 S0705-A0302-001 S0304-A0101-001 S0701-A0406-003 S0705-A0503-001 S0507-A0102-003 S0306-A0101-001 S0306-A0101-009 S0306-A0101-011 S0508-A0101-003 S0603-A0602-001 S0603-A0602-002 S0410-A0301-001 S0408-A0101-002 S0405-A0502-001 S0508-A0201-001 S0901-A0201-001 S0306-A0202-001 S0306-A0202-003 S0901-A0202-005 S0305-A0101-002 S0305-A0102-001 S0305-A0203-001 S0603-A0201-003 S0603-A0201-002 S0606-A0305-001 S0601-A0702-001 S0606-A0306-002 S0302-A0102-001 S0902-A0701-005 S0302-A0303-001 S0302-A0301-003 S0701-A0201-001 S0701-A0201-011 S0302-A0303-001 S0303-A0102-001 S0410-A0201-001 S0418-A0105-001 S0705-A0104-001 S0102-A0901-002 根据具体配置 S0102-A1001-023

1794 FLEX I O 输入输出终端基单元及配件说明书

1794 FLEX I O 输入输出终端基单元及配件说明书

Technical Data1794 FLEX I/O Terminal Base UnitsStandard FLEX I/O Catalog Numbers 1794-TB2, 1794-TB3, 1794-TB3K, 1794-TB32, 1794-TB3G, 1794-TB3GK, 1794-TB3T, 1794-TB3TK, 1794-TB3S, 1794-TB3SK, 1794-TB32S, 1794-TB3GS, 1794-TB3GSK, 1794-TB3TS, 1794-TB3TSK, 1794-TBN, 1794-TBNF, 1794-TBNK, 1794-TBKD, 1794-TB37DS, 1794-TB62DSThe letter K in the last position of the catalog number, before the series designation, indicates a conformal coated versions of standard modules and can be used with extended temperature modules (modules ending in -XT).FLEX I/O Accessories Catalog Numbers 1794-CE1, 1794-CE3, 1794-NM1, 1794-LBL, 1794-N2, 1794-CJC2Each FLEX I/O™ module requires a terminal base unit that snaps onto the DIN rail to the right of the I/O adapter. The terminal bases provide terminal connection points for I/O wiring and plug together to form the backplane. They are available with cage, screw or spring - clamp terminations.Each FLEX I/O module has optional accessories available depending on the I/O module, field system set-up and requirements.Additional ResourcesThese documents contain additional information concerning related products from Rockwell Automation.Y ou can view or download publications at /literature/. T o order paper copies of technical documentation, contact your local Allen-Bradley® distributor or Rockwell Automation sales representative.TopicPageAdditional Resources1Available Terminal Base Units and Accessories2ResourceDescriptionIndustrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system.Product Certifications website, /products/certification/Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.1794 FLEX I/O Terminal Base UnitsAvailable Terminal Base Units and AccessoriesTypes of Terminal Base and AccessoriesType DescriptionTerminal Base Standard terminal base units which consist of different available temination types such as cage-clamp, spring-clamp and screw-clamp. D-Shell Terminal Base D-shell termination for both digital and analog modules, available with 37-pin or 62-pin.Accessories Accessories consist of panel kit, label kit, dummy filler module, cold junction compensation kit and extender cables.Catalog NumbersModule Type Catalog Numbers Page3Terminal Base Units1794-TB21794-TB31794-TB3K1794-TB321794-TB3G1794-TB3GK1794-TB3T1794-TB3TK1794-TB3S1794-TB3SK1794-TB32S1794-TB3GS1794-TB3GSK1794-TB3TS1794-TB3TSK1794-TBKD1794-TBN1794-TBNK1794-TBNF6D-Shell Terminal Base1794-TB37DS1794-TB62DS7Accessories1794-CE11794-CE31794-NM11794-LBL1794-N21794-CJC22Rockwell Automation Publication 1794-TD019A-EN-E - September 2013Rockwell Automation Publication 1794-TD019A-EN-E - September 201331794 FLEX I/O Terminal Base Units1794-TB2, 1794-TB3, 1794-TB3K, 1794-TB32, 1794-TB3G, 1794-TB3GK, 1794-TB3T, 1794-TB3TK, 1794-TB3S, 1794-TB3SK, 1794-TB32S, 1794-TB3GS, 1794-TB3GSK, 1794-TB3TS, 1794-TB3TSK, 1794-TBN, 1794-TBNF, 1794-TBNK, 1794-TBKD, 1794-TB37DS, 1794-TB62DSFLEX I/O T erminal Base UnitsTechnical SpecificationsCatalogTermination type ConnectionsUsed in applicationsCurrent capacity, max Wiring category Purpose1794-TB2Cage clamp16 I/O;18 common terminals;2 +V terminals Up to 125V AC/DC 10 A2A generic 2-wire version of the 1794-TB3.1794-TB31794-TB3K (1)(1)The letter K in the last position of the catalog number, before the series designation, indicates a conformal coated versions of standard modules and can be used with extended temperature modules(modules ending in -XT)16 I/O;18 common terminals;18 +V terminals2,3 or 4Primarily intended for use with input modules when using 3-wire input proximity switches – can also be used with output modules.1794-TB3S 1794-TB3SK Spring clamp A spring clamp version of the 1794-TB3 – provides faster, simpler wire installation.1794-TB32Cage clamp 32 I/O;8 common terminals;8 +V terminals Up to 31.2V DCA 32-point version of the 1794-TB3 to be used with 32-point digital modules and the 1794-IB16D module.1794-TB32S Spring clamp A spring clamp version of the 1794-TB32.1794-TB3G 1794-TB3GK Grounded screw clamp 36 I/O;2 common terminals;2 +V terminals;10 chassis ground terminals A screw clamp terminal base unit with individual grounding used with certain analog modules.1794-TB3GS 1794-TB3GSK Grounded spring clamp A spring clamp version of the 1794-TB3G.1794-TB3T 1794-TB3TK Cage clamp, temperature 16 I/O;10 common terminals; 4 +V terminals;8 chassis ground terminals;2 sets (6 terminals)of CJC for temperature modules Up to 125V AC/DCA cage clamp terminal base to be used with the 1794-IT8. It also provides chassis ground connections for 1794-IR8 (RTD module) and analog modules.1794-TB3TS 1794-TB3TSK Spring clamp, temperature A spring clamp version of the 1794-TB3T.1794-TBKDCage clamp, knife disconnect 16 I/O;18 common terminals;2 +V terminals Up to 132V AC A cage clamp terminal base with 16 knife disconnects.1794-TBN 1794-TBNK Screw clamp, NEMA-style 16 I/O;2 common terminals;2 +V terminals250V AC/DCA NEMA-style screw clamp terminal base for larger gauge wires with a cover for I/O wiring.1794-TBNF (2)(2)Contains eight 5 x 20 mm fuses (one for each even-numbered terminal – 0…14 on row B). Shipped with 1.6 A, 250V AC Slow Blow fuse suitable for the 1794-OA8 AC output module and 1794-OW8module with a replacement fuse. Refer to individual installation instructions for fusing recommendations for other modules.Screw clamp, fused NEMA-styleProvides eight 5 x 20 mm fused, screw terminals with a cover for I/O wiring.1794 FLEX I/O Terminal Base UnitsGeneral SpecificationsAttribute ValueTerminal screw torque1794-TB3TK, 1794-TB3G, 1794-TB3GK, 1794-TB2, 1794-TB32, 1794-TB3, 1794-TB3K, 1794-TB3T:0.56...0.79 Nm (5...7 lb-in)1794-TBKD:0.3...0.6 Nm (2.6...5.3 lb-in)1794-TBN, 1794-TBNF, 1794-TBNK:1.4 Nm (12 lb-in)Supply voltage range FLEXBUS: 5V DC, 640 mAI/O Terminals: 2 A max1794-TB3SK, 1794-TB3TK,1794-TB2, 1794-TB3, 1794-TB3K, 1794 -TB3S, 1794-TB3T, 1794-TB3TS:V/COM Terminals: 125V DC/AC, 50/60 Hz, 10 A1794-TB3GSK, 1794-TB3G, 1794-TB3GS, 1794-TB3GK, 1794-TB32, 1794-TB32S:V/COM Terminals: 31.2V DC/AC, 50/60 Hz, 10 A1794-TBN, 1794-TBNF, 1794-TBNK:V/COM Terminals: 250V DC/AC, 50/60 Hz, 10 A1794-TBKD only:Terminal Block: 120V AC, 50/60 Hz, 10 ADisconnecting Switch: 3 A, 20 mΩATTENTIONA disconnecting switch does not shut off the current. Make or break a circuit only under no-load conditions.Isolation voltage1794-TBN, 1794-TBNF, 1794-TBNK:Capable of 250V (continuous) maximum, Basic Insulation Type, Field Wiring Terminals to FLEXBUS, or the lesser of the installed module.1794-TB3SK, 1794-TB3TK, 1794-TB3T, 1794-TB3TSK, 1794-TB2, 1794-TB3, 1794-TB3K, 1794 -TB3S, 1794-TB3TS:Capable of 125V (continuous) maximum, Basic Insulation Type, Field Wiring Terminals to FLEXBUS, or the lesser of the installed module1794-TB3G, 1794-TB3GS, 1794-TB3GK, 1794-TB3GSK, 1794-TB32, 1794 -TB32S:Capable of 50V (continuous) maximum, Basic Insulation Type, Field Wiring Terminals to FLEXBUS, or the lesser of the installed module.Tested at 2121V DC/60s, Field Wiring Terminals to FLEXBUS.1794-TBKD:220V DC/s, Field Wiring Terminals to Functional Ground.Wire size1794-TB3SK, 1794-TB3GSK, 1794-TB3TSK, 1794-TB3GK, 1794-TB3GS, 1794-TB32S, 1794-TB3,1794-TB3K, 1794-TB3S, 1794-TB3TS, 1794-TBN, 1794-TBNF, 1794 -TBNK:0.34... 3.3 mm2 (22…12 AWG) solid or stranded copper wire rated at 75 °C (167 °F ) or greater, 1.2 mm (3/64 in.) insulation max. Strip Length: 5…6 mm (0.20...0.24 in.)1794-TBKD:0.34…2.1 mm2 (22...14 AWG) solid or stranded copper wire rated at 75 °C (167 °F) or greater, 1.2 mm (3/64 in.) insulation max1794-TB3TK, 1794-TB3G, 1794-TB2, 1794-TB32:0.21... 1.3 mm2 (24…16 AWG) stranded copper wire rated at 75 °C (167 °F) or greater, 1.2 mm (3/64 in.) insulation maxNorth American temp code1794-TB3G, 1794-TB3GS, 1794-TB3GSK, 1794-TB3GK, 1794-TB3, 1794-TB3K, 1794-TB3T, 1794-TB3TK, 1794-TB3S, 1794-TB3SK, 1794-TB3TS, 1794-TB3TSK, 1794-TBN, 1794-TBNK, 1794-TB32, 1794-TB32S:T4A1794-TB2:T6IEC temp code1794-TB3G, 1794-TB3GS, 1794-TB3GSK, 1794-TB3GK, 1794-TB3, 1794-TB3K, 1794-TB3T, 1794-TB3TK, 1794-TB3S, 1794-TB3SK, 1794-TB3TS, 1794-TB3TSK, 1794-TBN, 1794-TBNK:T41794-TB2:T694 x 94 x 69 mm (3.7 x 3.7 x 2.7 in.)Dimensions, HxWxD(with module installed interminal base)Publication,1794-IN092installation instructions4Rockwell Automation Publication 1794-TD019A-EN-E - September 2013Rockwell Automation Publication 1794-TD019A-EN-E - September 201351794 FLEX I/O Terminal Base UnitsEnvironmental (1)(1)EMC specifications determined by the installed modules.Attribute ValueTemperature, operating1794-TB3G, 1794-TB3GS, 1794-TB3GSK, 1794-TB3GK, 1794-TB3, 1794-TB3K, 1794-TB3T, 1794-TB3TK, 1794-TB3S, 1794-TB3SK, 1794-TB3TS, 1794-TB3TSK, 1794-TB32, 1794-TB32S, 1794-TBN, 1794-TBNK:IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock):-20…70 °C (-4…158 °F)1794-TBKD, 1794-TB37DS, 1794-TB62DS:0…55 °C (32…131 °F)1794-TBNF, 1794-TB2:-20…55 °C (-4…131 °F)Temperature, nonoperatingIEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Non-operating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Non-operating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Non-operating Thermal Shock):-40…85 °C (-40…185 °F)1794-TBKD only:-20…85 °C (-4…185 °F)Relative humidity IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Damp Heat):5…95% noncondensing Vibration IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating):5 g @ 10…500 HzShock, operatingAll catalogs except 1794-TBKD:IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock):30 gShock, nonoperatingAll catalogs except 1794-TBKD:IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock):50 gCertificationsCertifications (when product is marked)(1)DescriptionUL 1794-TB2:UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment. See UL File E65584.c-UL-us1794-TB3G, 1794-TB3GS, 1794-TB3GSK, 1794-TB3GK, 1794 -TB3, 1794-TB3K, 1794-TB3T, 1794-TB3TK, 1794-TB3S, 1794-TB3TS, 1794-TB3SK, 1794-TB3TSK, 1794-TBN, 1794 -TBNK, 1794-TB32, 1794-TB32S:UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E194810.1794 -TBKD, 1794-TBNF:UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.CSA1794-TB2, 1794-TB3, 1794-TB3K, 1794-TB3T, 1794-TB3S, 1794-TB3TS, 1794-TB3TK, 1794-TB3SK, 1794-TB3TSK, 1794-TBN, 1794-TBNK, 1794-TB3G, 1794-TB3GK, 1794-TB3GS, 1794-TB3GSK:CSA Certified Process Control Equipment. See CSA File LR54689C.CSA Certified Process Control Equipment for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations. See CSA File LR69960C.1794-TBNF:CSA Certified Process Control Equipment. See CSA File LR54689C.CEEuropean Union 2004/108/EC EMC Directive, compliant with:EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity EN 61000-6-4; Industrial EmissionsEN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)European Union 2006/95/EC LVD, compliant with:EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 11)C-TickAustralian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with:AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial Emissions6Rockwell Automation Publication 1794-TD019A-EN-E - September 20131794 FLEX I/O Terminal Base Units1794-TB37DS, 1794TB62DSFLEX I/O D-Shell T erminal Base UnitsEx1794-TB3G, 1794-TB3GS, 1794-TB3GSK, 1794-TB3GK, 1794-TB3, 1794-TB3K, 1794-TB3T, 1794-TB3S, 1794-TB3TS, 1794-TB3TK, 1794-TB3SK, 1794-TB3TSK, 1794-TBN, 1794-TBNK:European Union 94/9/EC ATEX Directive, compliant with:EN 60079-15; Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Protection "n" EN 60079-0; General Requirements (Zone 2)II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc 1794-TB2:European Union 94/9/EC ATEX Directive, compliant with:EN 60079-15; Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Protection "n"EN 60079-0; General Requirements (Zone 2)II 3 G Ex nA IIC T6 GcTÜV1794-TB3G, 1794-TB3GS, 1794-TB3GSK, 1794-TB3GK, 1794-TB3, 1794-TB3K, 1794-TB3T, 1794-TB3S, 1794 -TB3TS, 1794-TB3TK, 1794-TB3SK, 1794-TB3TSK, 1794-TBNF:TÜV Certified for Functional Safety:Capable of SIL 2KCKorean Registration of Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, compliant with:Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3(1)See the Product Certification link at /products/certification/ for Declaration of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.Technical SpecificationsCatalogTermination type ConnectionsUsed in applicationsCurrent capacity, max Wiring category Purpose1794-TB37DS D-shell37 pin; digital and analog Up to 31.2 V DC10 AModule dependentA 37-pin D-shell termination for both digital and analog modules.1794-TB62DS62 pin; digitalA 62-pin D-shell termination for both digital and analog modules.General SpecificationsAttribute Value Terminal Screw Torque 0.6 Nm (5 lb-in.) Dimensions, HxWxD(with expansion module installed)127.0 x 94 x 69 mm (5.0 x 3.7 x 2.7 in.)Current Capacity1794-TB62DS:V1 - 8 A max V2 - 6 A max10 A max per module 5 A per pin 1794-TB37DS:10 A max per module 5 A per pinEnclosure type rating None (open style)Conductors wire size Category (1)(1)You use this category information for planning conductor routing as described in Allen-Bradley publication 1770-4.1, Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines12AWG (4 mm 2) stranded copper wire rated at 75 °C or higher 3/64 in.(1.2 mm) insulation maximum Established by installed module Isolation voltageEstablished by installed module Publication, installation instructions1794-IN107CertificationsCertifications (when product is marked)(1)DescriptionRockwell Automation Publication 1794-TD019A-EN-E - September 201371794 FLEX I/O Terminal Base Units1794-NM1, 1794-LBL, 1794-N2, 1794-CJC2, 1794-CE1, 1794-CE3FLEX I/O Accessory ProductsEnvironmental (1)AttributeValueTemperature, operatingIEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock):0…55 °C (32…131 °F)Temperature, nonoperatingIEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock):–40…85 °C (–40…185 °F)Relative humidity IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Nonoperating Damp Heat):5…95% noncondensing Vibration IEC60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating):5 g @ 10…500 HzShock, operating IEC60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged shock):30 gShock, nonoperatingIEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock):50 g(1)EMC specifications determined by the installed modules.CertificationsCertifications (when product is marked)(1)DescriptionUL UL Recognized Component Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584CEEuropean Union 2004/108/EC EMC Directive, compliant with:EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity EN 61000-6-4; Industrial EmissionsEN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)C-Tick Australian Radiocommunications Act compliant with AS/NZS CISPR 11, Industrial Emissions KCKorean Registration of Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, compliant with:Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3(1)See the Product Certification link at /products/certification/ for Declaration of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.ItemDescriptionPublication1794-CE1FLEX I/O 1 ft Extender Cable (0.3 m)to arrange your system in two rows or split your system into horizontal and vertical orientation 1794-IN0121794-CE3FLEX I/O 3 ft Extender Cable (0.9 m)to arrange your system in two rows or split your system into horizontal and vertical orientation 1794-IN0121794-NM1FLEX I/O Panel Mounting Kit to mount your FLEX I/O system on a panel without a DIN rail.1794-IN1351794-LBL FLEX I/O Label Kit to tailor the label on your FLEX I/O terminal base unit. Kit includes a diecut drawing and label sheet with five labels -1794-N2FLEX Dummy Filler Module - Slot Cover to fill a vacant slot, if desired-1794-CJC2Cold Junction Compensation Kit used as replacements for CJCs supplied with 1794-IT8 and 1794-IRT8-Allen-Bradley, FLEX I/O, RSLogix 5000, Rockwell Software, Rockwell Automation, and LISTEN. THINK. SOLVE are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.T rademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Publication 1794-TD019A-EN-E - September 2013Copyright © 2013 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.Important User InformationSolid-state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanical equipment. SafetyGuidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (publication SGI-1.1 available from your local Rockwell Automation sales office or online at /literature/) describes some important differences between solid-state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices. Because of this difference, and also because of the wide variety of uses for solid-state equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves that each intended application of this equipment is acceptable.In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.The examples and diagrams in this publication are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc., is prohibited.Documentation FeedbackY our comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document, complete this form, publication RA-DU002, available at /literature/.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş., Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752 İçerenköy, İstanbul, T el: +90 (216) 5698400。

FLS M9.50 批量控制器 说明书

FLS M9.50 批量控制器 说明书

1FLS M9.50批量控制器安全说明包装清单通用说明• 必须按以下说明手册安装并使用产品。

• 此产品设计用于连接其他仪表,如果使用不当,这些仪表可能存在危险。


• 产品安装与接线只能由有资质的人员完成。

• 请勿改动产品构造。

安装与调试说明• 在进行输入与输出接线之前,应切断仪表电源。

• 仪表使用不得超过极限值规定。

• 要清洁设备单元,请只使用兼容化学制品。


必须包含以下物品:• M9.50 批量控制器• M9.50 批量控制器说明手册说明新的FLS M9.50是一种用于准确控制不同液体分批或混和的专用电子设备。



指导软件可以确保 无错误地快速设置每个参数。

还有少数高级选项 可用于增加精确度以及批量处理时间。

设置不同体积(最多 10 个批量)的可行性与具体的校准系数相关联,可以优化系统灵活性,确保更高等级的精确度。


仪表接线技术数据通则• 相关传感器:带有频率输出的 FLS 霍耳效应流量传感器或 FLS F6.60 电磁流量计系列• 材料:- 箱体:ABS- 显示屏窗口:PC- 面板与挂墙式安装垫圈:硅橡胶- 键盘:5 按钮硅橡胶• 显示屏:- LC全图形显示屏- 背光版本:3 色- 背光激活:用户可调整式5级定时- 更新速率:1秒- 外壳:正面 IP65 防护等级• 流量输入范围(频率):0÷1500Hz• 流量输入精确度(频率):0.5%2电气• 电源电压:12 - 24VDC±10%(稳压)• 最大电流消耗:300 mA• FLS 霍耳效应流量传感器功率:- 5 VDC @ < 20 mA- 与电流环路光隔离- 短路防护• 2 x 固态继电器输出:- 光隔离,50mA最大漏电流,24VDC最大上拉电压- 最大脉冲/分钟:300- 迟滞:用户可选- 用户可选:双段式关机、源溶液体积警报、超程或丢失信号警报• 2 x 继电器输出:- 机械 SPDT 触点- 预期机械使用寿命(最低操作量):107- 预期电气使用寿命(最低操作量):105常开/常闭切换性能5A/240VAC- 最大脉冲/分钟:60- 迟滞:用户可选择- 用户可选:OUT1 - 选项:双段式关机、源溶液体积警报、超程或丢失信号警报OUT2 - 批量:处理中的批量显示环境• 操作温度:-20°C - +70°C(-4°F - 158°F)• 存储温度:-30°C - +80°C(-22°F - 176°F)• 相对湿度:0 - 95%(无结露)标准和认证• 按照ISO 9001要求制造• 按照ISO 14001要求制造• CE• RoHS合规性• EAC34机械安装M9.50 批量控制器仅采用一体式包装,以适合面板或挂墙式安装。

中科院青能所公共测试收费标准(2016.3.9) (1)

中科院青能所公共测试收费标准(2016.3.9) (1)

100元/小时(自带buffer), 80元/小时(自带柱和buffer),3万/年 (自带柱和buffer)
AKTApurifier 100 快速纯化 液相色谱系统
100元/小时(自带buffer), 80元/小时(自带柱和buffer),3万/ 年(自带柱和buffer)
目标蛋白快速 鉴定系统 目标蛋白快速 分离系统 蛋白大分子相 互作用系统 全自动荧光定 量PCR系统 高速冷冻离心 机 超速离心机 电转化仪 快速核酸提取 仪 荧光分光光度 计 荧光显微镜 体式显微镜 倒置荧光相差 显微镜 显微操作系统 叶绿素荧光仪 叶绿素荧光成 像系统 液相氧电极 高压灭菌锅 HV-110 四联3L发酵罐 20L发酵罐 100L发酵罐
真空蒸镀系统 熔点测定仪 铜片腐蚀测定 仪
30元/小时 50元/样品 50元/样品
低温多功能石 油测定仪 闪点测定仪 燃料电池测试 系统 微波平行反应 器 洁净室 场地占用及内部装 修及配套设施运行 维护 场地占用及内部装 修及配套设施运行 维护
50元/样品·项目 50元/样品 20元/小时 50元/次,超过1小时+20元
真空冷冻干燥 荧光的定位定量分 激光共聚焦显 析 微镜 、组织光学切片观 FV1000 察等
接触模式和轻敲模 式
原子力显微镜 生物样品包括细菌 和DNA,多糖等
常压 高压热重分析 仪 高压
180元/小时 260元/小时
红外光谱仪 Nicolet 6700
红外显微分析 红外光谱检测-ATR 仪 反射法 Nicolet iN10 红外光谱检测-显微 红外点扫描

NI R 系列多功能 RIO 产品规范

NI R 系列多功能 RIO 产品规范
NI 7811R/7830R/7831R FPGA 类型......................... Virtex-II V1000 触发器数............................. 10240 4 输入 LUT 数 .................... 10240 18 ×18 乘法器数 .............. 40 嵌入式块 RAM ................. 720 Kb
本文档主要介绍 NI 781x R/783x R/784x R/785x R 的产品规范。除非另外声明,否则下列规范的适用温度均为 25 °C。
模拟输入 (仅限于 NI 783x R/784x R/785x R)
NI 7830R............................ 4 NI 7831R/7833R/ 7841R/7842R/ 7851R/7852R/ 7853R/7854R................... 8
±2 LSB 40 μs 5.1 μs 3.6 μs 8 μs 1.8 μs 1.2 μs
串扰 ............................................. –80 dB, DC 至 100 kHz
NI R 系列多功能 RIO 产品规范
模拟输出 (仅限于 NI 783x R/784x R/785x R)
输入...................................... 25 ns 输出...................................... 12.5 ns
最小采样周期 ............................ 5 ns
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1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 Prepared By:
DW2 DW1 U2 IC1 R21 VR1 C2 C3 C6 C7 C9 C5 C14 C4 DB1 D5 D7 D1 C15 U1 L1 L2 T3 T4 B1 F1 Q1 J1 J2 J3 J4 C1
Approved By:
Yangzhou Xianghe Optolight Co,.Ltd
Driver BOM For LED Light Tube PC PP/N Item 可应用于: Item 1 成品产品代码 FL09015 N/A 01331200210 XH P/N Product Descriotion Revision REV1.3 Vender Vender P/N QTY (pcs)
Hale Waihona Puke 13 4 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 4
1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 Prepared By:
R1 R2 R27 R3 R4 R28 R29 R17 R22 R23 R24 R10 R11 R18 R19 R15 R5 R6 R26 R30 R16 R14 R20 R7 R8 R9 R13 R12 R25 C13 C8 C10 C11 C12 D3 D4 D6
Release Date(Y-M-D) 2009-12-15 Location
FL09015單條驅動 BOM
Part Description
V5-DB/V2.0/324*18*1mm 贴片电阻 0R/1206/±5%/SMD2 贴片电阻/1M/1206/±1%/SMD2 贴片电阻/1K/0805/±1%/SMD2 贴片电阻/1R/1206/±1%/SMD2 贴片电阻/1.2R/1206/±1%/SMD2 贴片电阻/1.3R/1206/±1%/SMD3 贴片电阻/100R/0805/±1%/SMD2 贴片电阻/10K/0805/±1%/SMD2 贴片电阻/10K/1206/±5%/SMD2 贴片电阻/6.65K/0805/±1%/SMD2 贴片电阻/200K/1206/±5%/SMD2 贴片电阻/3.9k/0805/±5%/SMD2 贴片电阻/22K/0805/±1%/SMD2 贴片电阻/47K/1206/±5%/SMD2 贴片电阻/100R/1206/±5%/SMD2 贴片电阻/510R/1206/±1%/SMD2 贴片电阻/82K/0805/±1%/SMD2 贴片电阻/3K/0805/±1%/SMD2 贴片电阻/2K/0805/±1%/SMD2 贴片电容/1nF/25V/0805/SMD2 贴片电容/100nF/25V/0805/SMD2 贴片电容/1uF/25V/0805/SMD2 贴片二极管/1N4148/SOD123/SMD2 Checked By:
Release Date(Y-M-D) 2009-12-15 Location
FL09015單條驅動 BOM
Part Description
贴片二极管/稳压15V/SOD123/SMD2 贴片二极管/稳压18V/SOD123/SMD2 IC/L6561/SOP8/SMD8 IC/AP4313/SOT-6/SMD6 插件/电阻/0.68R/1W金属膜/DIP2 插件/压敏电阻/471/DIP2 插件/安规电容/100nF/275V/13*12*6mm(宽*高*厚)/DIP2 插件/电解电容/330uF/50V/10*20mm/DIP2 插件/电解电容/47uF/35V/6.3*11mm/DIP2 插件/Y1电容/2.2nF/400V/7mm/DIP2 插件/聚丙乙烯电容/100nF/400V/12*10mm/DIP2 插件整流桥/DB107/DB/DIP4 插件二极管/FR107/DO-41/DIP2 插件二极管/1N5401/DO-27/DIP2 插件二极管/HER305/DO-27/DIP2 插件电容/2.2nF/2KV/DIP2 插件/光耦/PC817/DIP4 插件/工字电感/2mH/8*10mm/DIP2 插件/共模电感/25mH/卧式环形14*9*5mm/DIP4 平面变压器/800uH/34*18*9.5mm/DIP6 保险丝(慢断)/玻璃管/1A/250V/5*10mm/DIP2 插件MOS管/8N60/TO220/DIP3 金属导线/银白色/0.2mm/6mm/DIP2 OPEN Checked By:
Yangzhou Xianghe Optolight Co,.Ltd
Driver BOM For LED Light Tube PC PP/N Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 N/A 01331200210 XH P/N 32140324180 32010000501 32011050001 32011020002 32011011001 32011211001 32011311001 32011010002 32011030002 32011030501 32016620002 32012040501 32013920502 32012230502 32014730501 32011010501 32015110001 32018230002 32013020002 32012020002 32021020002 32021040002 32021050002 32054148001 Product Descriotion Revision REV1.3 Vender Vender P/N QTY (pcs)
Release Date(Y-M-D) 2009-12-15 Location
FL09015單條驅動 BOM
Part Description
Approved By:
Checked By:
Prepared By:
Approved By:
Yangzhou Xianghe Optolight Co,.Ltd
Driver BOM For LED Light Tube PC PP/N Item 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 N/A 01331200210 XH P/N 32050015001 32050018001 3210L656100 3210AP43131 33016821001 33014710000 33021040275 33023340050 33024700035 33022210400 33021040001 3305DB10702 3305FR10700 33051N54010 3305HER3050 33022210202 3307PC81701 33030200003 33032500004 33030000001 33080250002 33048N60001 3311W020006 Product Descriotion Revision REV1.3 Vender Vender P/N QTY (pcs)