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1 Plants play a crucial role in our ______ by providing oxygen. (植物在我们的生态系统中发挥着重要作用,通过提供氧气。

2 I am looking forward to the school ________ (音乐会) where I will perform.
3 What do we call the person who delivers letters?
A. Teacher
B. Mailman
C. Doctor
D. Driver
4 We will have ______ for dessert after dinner. (cake)
5 The ancient Romans spoke ________.
6 The _____ (toy) is broken.
7 A _______ is a chemical reaction that results in the formation of a new substance.
8 The ancient Greeks celebrated athletic competitions at the ________ (奥林匹克运动会).
9 The tree has green _______ (这棵树有绿色的_______).
10 My dad drives a ___ (car/bike).
11 What do you call the action of helping someone in need?
A. Assisting
C. Neglecting
D. Abandoning
答案: A
12 The movie was very _______ (interesting).
13 What do we call the food we eat at lunchtime?
A. Breakfast
B. Lunch
C. Dinner
D. Snack
14 What is the term for the distance around a shape?
A. Area
B. Perimeter
C. Volume
D. Surface area
答案: B. Perimeter
15 My _______ (猫) scratches the furniture.
16 小鱼儿) swim together in schools. The ___
17 I have a collection of ______ (邮票) from my travels around the ______ (世界).
18 I have a special talent for ______ (唱歌). I love performing in front of my family and friends.
19 What is the capital of the United Kingdom?
A. London
B. Edinburgh
C. Cardiff
20 The __________ (历史的串联) creates meaningful connections.
21 What do we call a scientist who studies the properties of matter?
A. Chemist
B. Physicist
C. Biologist
D. Geologist
答案: A
22 What do we call the bright display of lights seen in the northern sky?
A. Aurora Borealis
B. Northern Lights
C. Southern Lights
D. Star Shower
答案: A. Aurora Borealis
23 What do you call a young dog?
A. Kitten
B. Puppy
C. Cub
D. Calf
答案: B
24 My favorite thing to do during the week is ______.
25 The goldfish swims in a ________________ (鱼缸).
26 I have a special ________ that I keep as a memory.
27 What do you call a person who makes food?
B. Baker
C. Chef
D. All of the above
28 A desert has very little __________.
29 The ______ is a skilled writer.
30 My favorite vegetable is ________.
31 What do we call a young frog?
A. Tadpole
B. Kit
C. Calf
D. Chick
32 I like to ___ (color) in my coloring book.
33 Age is known for the use of _____ tools. The Ston
34 What is the name of the famous river that runs through Egypt?
A. Amazon
B. Mississippi
C. Nile
D. Yangtze
答案: C. Nile
35 The __________ is important for understanding the distribution of minerals.
36 The ________ (果树) produces delicious fruit.
37 The _____ (植物文化遗产) enriches human history.
38 I enjoy playing ______ (团体运动) with my classmates.
39 The ________ (探索) of new places is exciting.
40 The chemical formula for ammonium thiocyanate is _______.
41 What do you call the study of ancient artifacts?
A. Archaeology
B. Anthropology
C. Sociology
D. History
42 My mom is ______ (cooking) dinner.
43 I see a rainbow after the ______ (rain).
44 A rabbit has large _______ to help it hear all the sounds around it.
45 What is the name of the famous American actor known for his role in "Titanic"?
A. Brad Pitt
B. Leonardo DiCaprio
C. Johnny Depp
D. Tom Cruise
46 The process of combining elements to form a compound is called ______.
47 The dog is barking ___. (softly)
48 The ______ is a talented actress.
49 The __________ (历史的探讨) encourages engagement with the past.
50 The capital of Libya is _____.
51 The sun sets later during ______ (夏天).
52 A gecko can climb up ________________ (墙壁).
53 My ________ (玩具) is easy to carry around.
54 The first successful heart surgery was performed by _______.
55 My dog loves to play with its ______ (玩具).
56 The process of ______ can lead to the formation of minerals.
57 What instrument is used to measure temperature?
A. Barometer
B. Thermometer
C. Hygrometer
D. Anemometer
58 The _____ (lattice) supports climbing plants.
59 The ice cream is ________ cold.
60 The __________ (科学发现) change our understanding.
61 My sister has a ______ (pretty) dress.
62 How many planets are in the Milky Way galaxy?
A. 8
B. 9
C. 10
D. Many
答案: D
63 The ________ (植物经济研究) impacts industries.
64 The _____ (sun/moon) is bright.
65 A _____ (植物监测) program helps track changes in populations.
66 What is the opposite of polite?
A. Rude
B. Courteous
C. Respectful
D. Civil
67 What color is the sky on a clear day?
A. Green
B. Blue
C. Yellow
D. Gray
68 The __________ is a famous city known for its art and architecture. (佛罗伦萨)
69 What do you call a person who swims?
A. Diver
B. Surfer
C. Swimmer
D. Sailor
70 What color are strawberries?
A. Blue
B. Red
C. Green
D. Yellow
答案: B
71 The __________ (水果) is sweet and juicy.
72 ic Ocean was crossed by explorers like _____. The Paci
73 My mom has a _____ (new/old) car.
74 I have a pet turtle named “.”
75 The ______ (阳光) is needed for photosynthesis.
76 He is my best _____ (伙伴).
77 They are _____ (dancing) at the party.
78 What is the primary language spoken in the USA?
A. Spanish
B. French
C. English
D. Chinese
答案: C
79 The ______ of a plant can tell you about its environment. (植物的特征可以告诉你它的环境。

80 What is the name of the famous princess who lost her glass slipper?
A. Rapunzel
B. Belle
C. Cinderella
D. Ariel
81 I think music brings people together. My favorite song is __________.
82 The ________ can change its color.
83 What do we use to cut paper?
A. Glue
B. Scissors
C. Tape
D. Ruler
84 A __________ has a long neck and legs, often found in Africa.
85 What do bees produce?
A. Milk
B. Honey
C. Eggs
D. Silk
86 I watched a _______ (小鸭子) follow its mother.
87 What is the name of the famous bridge in San Francisco?
A. Golden Gate Bridge
B. Brooklyn Bridge
C. London Bridge
D. Tower Bridge
答案: A
88 I enjoy going to ________ (电影院) with my friends.
89 The process of combining two or more elements is called _______.
90 What is the term for a young kangaroo?
A. Joey
B. Cub
C. Calf
D. Chick
答案: A. Joey
91 What is the largest dwarf planet in our Solar System?
A. Eris
B. Haumea
C. Makemake
D. Pluto
92 We have a _____ (运动会) at school.
93 What do we use to take photographs?
A. Camera
C. Computer
D. Phone
94 citizen science) involves the public in research. The ____
95 I like to build ________ with blocks.
96 A bison can run surprisingly ______ (快).
97 What do we call the tool used to measure angles?
A. Ruler
B. Protractor
C. Compass
D. Divider
98 The dog is ________ (听话).
99 What is the name of the largest ocean on Earth?
A. Atlantic
B. Indian
C. Arctic
D. Pacific
答案: D
100 My grandpa tells stories that make me ____.。
