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[关键词] 护理干预曰社区曰老年 2 型糖尿病曰血糖水平曰遵医率ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ效果
[中图分类号] R587.1
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1672-4062渊圆园员9冤06渊a冤原园173-02
Effect of Nursing Intervention on Elderly Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Community
47.6%和 97.6%袁在遵医率和疾病认知情况方面两组相比差异有统计学意义渊P约0.05冤遥 对照组达到了 40.48%的血糖控
制率袁观察组达到了 95.23%的血糖控制率袁两组相比差异有统计学意义渊P约0.05冤遥 结论 护理干预能够使老年 2 型糖
ZHA O Y an Department of Nursing, Community Health Service Center, Yinqueshan Sub-district Office, Lanshan District, Linyi, Shan鄄 dong Province, 276000 China [Abstract] Objective To analyze and study the effect of nursing intervention in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes in the community. Methods Eighty-four elderly patients with type 2 diabetes admitted to our center from August 2016 to June 2017 were selected as subjects and randomly divided into control group and observation group. The control group was treat鄄 ed with routine nursing, and the observation group was treated with nursing intervention. The nursing effects of the two groups of patients were analyzed and compared. Results The control rate of diet control in the control group and the obser鄄 vation group was 38.1% and 95.2%, the exercise compliance rate was 35.7% and 95.2%, the medication compliance rate was 35.7% and 92.8% , and the diabetes cognition rate was 47.6% and 97.6% , the difference between the two groups in terms of compliance rate and disease cognition was significant (P约0.05). The control group achieved a blood glucose control rate of 40.48%, and the observation group achieved a blood glucose control rate of 95.23%. The difference between the two groups was significant(P约0.05). Conclusion Nursing intervention can effectively control the blood sugar level of elderly pa鄄 tients with type 2 diabetes and improve the compliance rate of patients. [Key words] Nursing intervention; Community; Elderly type 2 diabetes; Blood glucose level; Compliance rate; Effect
糖尿病新世界 2019 年 6 月
窑 临床护理 窑
护理干预在社区老年 2 型糖尿病患者中的效果研究
赵琰 山东临沂兰山区银雀山街道办事处社区卫生服务中心护理部袁山东临沂 276000
[摘要] 目的 对护理干预在社区老年 2 型糖尿病患者中的效果进行分析和研究遥 方法 2016 年 8 月要2017 年 6 月选择
在糖尿病中 2 型糖尿病属于最为常见的类型袁其 主要特点就是血糖升高遥 糖尿病会对人体的各个组织 器官产生损害袁特别是极大的伤害到了患者的神经尧心 脏尧肾和眼等袁不仅影响患者的身体健康袁还降低了患 者的生活质量[1]遥 近年来我国的糖尿病患人数变的越来 越多袁如何针对糖尿病患者实施有效的护理干预袁指导 患者进行科学的自我管理袁对于控制病情具有重要意义遥 为了对护理干预在社区老年 2 型糖尿病患者中的效果 进行分析和研究袁 该文选择该中心在 2016 年 8 月要 2017 年 6 月期间收治的 84 例老年 2 型糖尿病患者作 为研究对象袁回顾性分析其临床资料袁现报道如下遥 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料
该中心收治的 84 例老年 2 型糖尿病患者作为研究对象袁随机将其划分为对照组和观察组遥 采用常规护理对对照组进
行护理袁应用护理干预的方式对观察组进行护理遥 对两组患者的护理效果进行分析和比较遥 结果 对照组和观察组
的饮食控制遵医率为 38.1%和 95.2%袁运动遵医率为 35.7%和 95.2%袁用药遵医率为 35.7%和 92.8%袁糖尿病认知率为