
首席代表:罗伯特·巴特(ROBERT C BATA)。
4.新加坡谢凯文律师事务所驻上海代表处(KELVIN CHIA PARTNERSHIP
首席代表:沈秀娟(SIM SIEW KIANG)。

〔4〕 参见杨芳:《德国一般 人 格权 中 的 隐私保护———信息自 由原则 下对 “自决” 观念的 限 制 》, 《东 方 法 学 》 2016 年第 6期,第 116页。
〔5〕 Staudinger/Hager(2017),C.DasPersnlichkeitsrecht,Rn.C173,Rn.B140. 〔6〕 [德] 卡尔·拉伦茨:《德国民法通论》 上册,王晓晔等译,法律出版社 2013年版,第 276页,第 286页。
体现为一种消极性的防御权,〔7〕 权利人能够对人格要素具有的支配权 能 极 其 有 限。信 息 主 体对个人信息的支配主要体现为信息的使用 (自己使用),主旨在于维护自身人格的自由发 展。至于收益权能 (许可他人使用),其实是个人信息属性中的财产属性的应用,并非信息 人格权的固有内涵。信息主体对个人信息几乎不享有什么处分权能,信息人格权益既不可 移转也不可继承。因此,信息不是物,信息主体对个人信息不享有无限制的任意支配权, 全面的信息保护不会造成信息主体对信息的恣意支配。 第二,人格权的排他性 与 支 配 权 的 排 他 性 也 有 重 大 不 同。 支 配 权 “是 一 种 全 面 的 排 他 性的权利,根据这种权利,一切他人都不得对此物施加影响”;而人格权本质上 “是一种受 尊重权,即承认并且不侵害人所固有的 ‘尊严’,以及人的身体和精神,人的存在和应然的 存在”。〔8〕 可见,与支配权的排他 性 服 务 于 其 强 大 的 支 配 效 力 不 同, 人 格 权 的 排 他 性 主 旨 在于获得他人尊重,亦即,只有当外界的介入损害到主体尊严时,这种排他性才会发挥作 用。就此而言,个人信息被他人收集或使用,只要在一般观念上没有损害到信息主体尊严, 即不构成对后者权益的侵犯。事实上,依据欧盟 《一般数据保护条例》 (GeneralDataProtec tionRegulation,下称 《数据条例》) 第 6条,获得信息主体同意仅仅是 “合法处理数据” 的 六种法定依据之一。可见,信息主体对个人信息所能享有的排他性是非常弱的。全面保护 个人信息不会引发信息交流停滞。 第三,个人信息的侵权判定原则上要进行利益衡量。在判定人格权侵权是否成立时, 或者说在判 定 处 理 他 人 信 息 的 行 为 是 否 违 法 时, 利 益 衡 量 必 不 可 少。〔9〕 梅 迪 库 斯 指 出, “一般人格权的主要问题在于它的不确定性,因为对一个人的保护,往往是以牺牲 另 一 个 人 的权利或利益为代价的。因此 在 发 生 争 议 时, 必 须 进 行 利 益 衡 量。”〔10〕 这 种 特 定 意 义 上 的 利益衡量在物权等其他领 域 并 不 存 在, 而 只 存 在 于 一 般 人 格 权 领 域 (德 国 将 名 誉 权、 隐 私 权也纳入一般人格权)。因此,若将信息主体对信息的利益界定为一般人 格 权,那 么,在 判 断个人信息是否被侵害时,就应当进行利益衡量,即比较信息主体的信息利益与信息收集 者或处理者对信息处理所具有的其他利益,只有当前者大于后者时,才可以禁止信息处理。 更一般地说,对个人信息一般性地提供保护与具体场景下提供保护不是一回事。在具体场 景下,应否保护个人信息并拒绝他 人 使 用, 须 个 案 综 合 判 断, 并 不 能 从 “一 般 性 地 全 面 保 护个人信息” 直接 推 导 出 “书 写 或 呼 叫 他 人 姓 名 即 侵 犯 他 人 信 息 权 益 ” 这 样 的 极 端 结 论。 保护范围的宽广性与保护要件设定的严格程度,是可以分离也应当分离的两个问题。 当然,信息敏感度不同,法 律 保 护 力 度 亦 不 同。 对 隐 私 信 息 (敏 感 信 息 ) 和 一 般 信 息 作区别对待是比较法上的通例,如欧盟 《数据条例》 第 9条、2018年 5月 25日生效的最新 德国联邦数据保护法 (BDSG,下 称 “德 国 数 据 法”) 第 46条 第 14款、 我 国 台 湾 个 人 资 料 保护法 (2015) 第 6条等等。个人 信 息 敏 感 度 的 划 分 源 于 隐 私 领 域 的 分 类。 德 国 法 中 的 领 域理论将私领域分为诸如家 庭 住 址、电 话 号 码 等 一 般 私 人 领 域 (Privatsphaere),诸 如 书 信、

Dear Sir,尊敬的先生:We, INDUSTRIAL BANK OF CHINA (Head Office) Address xxx , China, represented by the undersigned officers, hereby irrevocably confirm,with Full Bank Responsibility our receipt of Cash Financial Instrument,on behalf of our Client: under our reference [ to be advised ], which wecertify and confirm is equivalent to a Calculated and ConfirmedCurrent Value of €8,845,643,520.00 (Euro Eight Billion Eight HundredForty Five Million Six Hundred Forty Three Thousand Five Hundredand Twenty Only), at Calculated Average – Exchange Rate of USD3566=€1.00, as Applied by Three Banking Day Average (16th,17th and 18th February,2011, Prior to this CDR Issuance, asquoted from European Central Bank relevant Website-USD/Euro),which shall be held by ourselves in a Safe Custody on Deposit fora period of fourteen (14) months plus one (1) day from the dateof the issuance of this Document, i.e. 21st February, 2011, due on22nd April, 2012, on the behalf of our Bank.中国兴业银行代表客户特此确认,以欧洲央行官方网站2011年2月16-18三日汇率平均值1.3566美元兑1欧元为汇兑汇率,承诺对现值为8,845,643,520.00欧元的存款安全保管,保管时间为14个月又一天。

匯款通知書郵寄地址(Mailing Address):
同意書簽訂日於: 年 月 日
1.公司名稱(開立發票之公司全名)(Beneficiary’s Name)___________________________________
2.廠商代號(Vendor Code):__________________________________________________________
(We certify that the information below, is true and correct, and that We, as a representative for the below named company, hereby authorizeAshine Technologies (BVI)Inc.to wire payments to the designated bank account. This authority remains in full force untilAshine Technologies (BVI)Inc.receives written notification requesting a change or cancellation.)

英文投标书模板篇一:标书(英文版)样本及常用词汇标书中英文样本及常用词汇1. Tender1.1 Among the tender documents, tenderers shall fill out completely the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and Tender Quotation. The Quotation (all items in the Quotation shall be filled out except for the prices) and three copies (one Original and two Duplicates) of the Instructions to Quotations as well as the letter of guarantee from the bank of tenderers must be sealed separately, and be submitted together with the tender documents.1.2 The Attachment 6 to be submitted after the tender documents have been clarified the Original and Duplicate copies of the Quotation must be sealed separately in different envelops, on which the item names, tender codes, tenderer addresses, words of ‘Original’, ‘Duplicate’ and‘Item Price’ and ‘Confidential’ must be written. Ane-version of the Quotation (in WORD format) that is1separately sealed must be furnished at the same time.2. Tender Offers2.1 On the tender offer summary sheet and the item tender offer sheets, tenderers shall indicate clearly the unit price (if applicable) and the total price of the goods planned to be provided according to the Contract.2.2 Prices on the item tender offer sheet shall be filled out in the following manner:2.2.1 Goods provided from the People’s Republic ofChina:1) Price of delivering goods to the site, inclusive of the EXW (inclusive of VAT), transportation cost from factory to site, insurance premium, costs generated because of the delivery of goods, as well as other incidental expenses.2) Cost for technical services and trainingsThis item includes:A) Cost for technical service provided by the Seller’spersonnel:Expenses for on-site installation instruction, debugging, and inspectionB) Expenses for training the personnel of the Buyer3) In the tender price sheet, tenderers shall include the2unit prices of the attached parts and components, special tools and instrumentations that are listed in the Technical Specifications. Theprice of these goods shall be included into the tender sum, and shall be deliberated at the tender evaluation.4) Tenderers shall list separately parts and components that satisfy the recommended three years’ normaloperation, and quote their prices. The owner has the option to purchase these goods, and their expenses will be referred to at the tender evaluation.2.2.2 Goods provided outside the People’s Republic ofChina:1) Shanghai CIF berth terms (the price is inclusive of the packaging cost of equipments and documents, as well asunloading expenses in the destination). When offering, tenders may obtain insurance services from an eligible country of origin that is to the satisfaction of the People’sRepublic of China or the Buyer.2) Expenses for technical services and trainingsThis item includes:A) Expenses for technical services provided by the Seller: costs for on-site project installation instruction, debugging,3and testingB) Training expenses for the BuyerThe above A) and B) clauses refer to the expenses of the Selleritself and do not include the cost for Buyer’spersonnel for traveling abroad.Tenderers shall list and offer separately after the item tenderoffer sheet the cost per person per day for Buyer’spersonnel to attend designing communication meetings and factory inspection outside China and to receive trainings from Seller outside China. Expenses of the above three items will serve as references for Buyer when the Contract is signed, but will not be included into the tender sum. It is to make it convenient for Buyer to compare and choose from the combinations of the final contract price. It does not restrict the rights of Buyer to choose one quotation or the combination of several quotations to sign the Contract.3) In the tender price sheet, tenderers shall list the unit price of the required parts, components, special tools andinstrumentations that are listed in the Technical Specifications. The prices of these goods shall be included in the tender sum for tender evaluation.4) Tenderers shall list and quote separately parts and4components that satisfy the three years’ recommendednormal operation. The owner has the option to purchase these goods, the price of which will serve as reference for Tenderee at tender evaluation.2.3 Ex works (EXW), CIF, ‘carriage and insurance paidto’ (CIP) and other technical terms shall be construed according to the 2000 Paris version of International Chamber of Commerce Terms (Incoterms 2000).2.4 According to Clause 2.2 of the Notice, tenderers shall dividethe tender price into several parts, the sole objective of which is to make it convenient for Tenderee and Buyer to compare the tender documents, but will not restrict Buyer’srights to conclude the Contract according to any of the above terms.2.5 A tender price offered by a tenderer shall remain unchanged during the performance of the Contract, but shall not be modified because of any reasons. According to Clause 2.4 of the Notice, tender documents containing any adjustable prices will be rejected as non-responsive tenders.3. Tender CurrencyGoods and services to be provided by tenderers shall be quoted inthe currency of US dollar.54. Tender bond4.1 Tenderers shall submit a tender bond that is no less than 2% of the total sum of the tender offer. It shall be part of the tender.4.2 Tender bond is designed to protect Tenderee and Buyer fromlosses because of any actions of tenderers. In caseTenderee and Buyer suffers any losses because of any actions of tenderers, the tender bond will be confiscated according to Clause 15.7 of the Notice.4.3 The tender bond shall be in the tender currency and shall be in the following form:A bank that enjoys good reputation in or outside the People’s Republic of China issues a letter of guarantee and anirrevocable stand-by letter of credit in the form provided by the tender invitation documents or in a form that is acceptable to Tenderee, the valid period being thirty (30) days more than the valid period of the tender;4.4 Tenders to which a tender bond is not attached according to Clause 15.1 and 15.3 of the Notice shall be rejected as non-responsive tenders according to Clause 24 of6the Notice.4.5 Tender bonds of tenderers who fail in the tender will bereturned to tenders in full amount as soon as possible and no later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the valid period of the tender as provided in Clause 16 of the Notice.4.6 The tender bond of the successful tenderer will be returnedafter the tenderer signs the Contract according to Clause 34 of the Notice and submits the performance bond according to Clause 35 of the Notice.4.7 Tender bond will be confiscated in case:1) Tenderers withdraw their tenders within the valid period of the tender as provided in the tender invitation documents; or2) The successful tenderer fails to sign the Contract within the prescribed period according to Clause 34 of the Notice; or3) The successful tenderer fails to submit the performance bondwithin the prescribed period according to Clause 35 of the Notice.5. Valid period of tender5.1 According to Clause 19 of the Notice, a tender remains validwithin the 180 days after the prescribed tender opening7date. Tenders with an ineligible valid period shall be rejected asnon-responsive tenders.6(Termination of Contract for Buyer’s Convenience6.1 Buyer may send a written notice to Seller at any time for itsown convenience to terminate all or part of the Contract. Thetermination notice shall indicate clearly that it is for Buyer’s convenience that the Contract is terminated, the scale to which the Contract is terminated, as well as the effective date of the termination.6.2 Buyer shall receive according to the original contract price and terms goods that Seller has completed and prepared for shipping within thirty (30) days after it receives the termination notice. For the restof goods, Buyer may:1) Accept only part of goods according to the original contractprice and terms; or2) Cancel the purchase to the remained goods, and pay Seller the amount agreed by both parties for part of the goods and services completed as well as materials and parts Seller has purchased.7( Dispute Settlement7.1 Both parties shall aim to settle any disputes concerning the Contract or the execution of the Contract8through consultation. In case any dispute cannot be settled within60 days after the consultation begins, it shall be brought to arbitration.7.2 Arbitration shall be held in Beijing or some other place within China by China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee (CIETAC) according to its arbitration rules and procedures. Except where both sides otherwise agree, the official language for arbitration shall be English.7.3 The arbitration award shall be final and has legal bindingforces to both sides.7.4 The cost for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party ifit is not otherwise ruled by the arbitration authority.7.5 During arbitration, except for the parts of the Contract that is under arbitration, other parts of the Contract shall continue to rule.8(Contract languages8.1 Except where both sides otherwise agree, the Contract languages shall be Chinese and English, and the Chinese version shall prevail. Correspondences between both sides concerning the Contract shall be written in the Contract languages.99(Applicable lawThe Contract shall be construed according to laws of thePeople’s Republic of China标书常用词汇:报价 quotation、采购 procurement、撤标 withdrawal of bid、承包商contractor、澄清要求 requests of clarification、迟到的标书 late bid、采购代理 procurement agent、采购公告 procurement notice、采购计划 procurement plan、采购决定 procurement decision、付款方式 methods of payment、工程范围scope of works、工程量清单 bill of quantities、工程量清单报价 priced bill of quantities、工期 days for construction、公开招标 open tendering、固定总价 fixed lump sum、分包商 subcontractor、封标 sealing of bid、货物清单 list of goods、计划完工日期 intended completion date、每投标人一标 one bid per bidder、评标标准 evaluation criteria、潜在的投标人potential bidder、施工机械 construction equipment,construction plant、实质性响应 substantial response, besubstantially responsive to、事后情况说明 debriefing、事后审查 post review、事前审查 prior review、适用法律 applicable law、授予合同 award of contract、替代方案 alternative solution、替代建议alternative proposal、两步法10招标 two-stage bidding、履约保证金 performance security、合格标准eligibility criteria、合格的投标人 eligible bidder、合同价格 contract price、合同金额 contract amount、核标 examination of bid、初步描述preliminary description、初步设计 preliminary design、错误纠正correction of error、单一招标或局限性招标 single or restricted tendering、通用条款 general terms and conditions、土建承包商 civil construction contractor、完工日期 date of completion, completion date、完税后交货 Delivered Duty Paid, DDP、违约赔偿 liquidated damages、现场参观 site visit、现场查勘 site survey、现场管理人员 site management personnel、现场技术人员 site technical personnel、响应性responsiveness、项目评估文件 Project Appraisal Document, PAD、项目时间表,项目计划 project schedule、修改标书 modification of bid、选择性招标 selective tendering、询价采购 shopping、银行保函 bank guarantee、应标response to the bidding documents、有限国际招标 Limited International Bidding, LIB、招标代理 bidding agency、招标附录 appendix to tender、招标公告 notification of bidding, tender notice、招标号 bidding no., tendering no、招标文件澄清 clarification of bidding documents、招标文件修改 amendment of bidding documents、招标资料表11bidding data sheet, tendering data sheet、招投标范围 scope of bid、争端解决 settlement of dispute、政府采购法government procurement law、政府采购协议 government procurement agreement、政府采购指令 government procurement directives、直接签订合同direct contracting、中标标准 award criteria、中标通知 notification of award, award of tender、注册地点 place of registration、专用条款special terms and conditions、准备投标书 preparation of bid, preparation of tender、资金来源 source of fund、资质信息qualification information、自营工程 force accounting、技术规范 specifications、监理 supervisor、建筑工程construction works、交货时间 delivery time、接受函 letter of acceptance、截止时间 deadline、截至日期 deadline、解释要求 requests of explanation、局限性招标 limited tendering、开标bid opening, tender opening, opening oftender、开标地点 place of bid opening、开工日期 date of commence、联营体 joint venture、投标保证金 bid security, tender security、投标保证金bid security、投标费用 cost of bidding、投标函 bid letter、投标价格 bid price、投标书澄清 clarification of bid、投标书的提交 submission of bid, submission of tender、投标书有效期 validity of bid、投标书有效期延长 extension of validity of bid、投标书语言12language of bid、投标书组成 documents comprising the bid、投标邀请 invitation for bids, invitation to tenders、投标有效性 bid availability、投标人合格性 eligibility of bidder、投标人须知 instruction to bidders, instruction to tenderers、投标人资质 qualifications of the bidder、投标书 bid, tender篇二:标书中英文翻译样本及常用词汇西安标书翻译:标书中英文翻译样本及常用词汇发布时间:2010-7-29 阅读次数:699 字体大小: 【小】【中】【大】西安标书翻译:标书中英文翻译样本及常用词汇1. 投标书Tender1.1 投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的商务投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表(包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表)。

売却側アドバイザー FA: Daiwa Securities Group; Deutsche Bank; Goldman Sachs; Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group LA: Mori Hamada & Matsumoto (Advising FA); Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu; Shearman & Sterling; Simpson Thacher & Bartlett (Advising FA) FA: Credit Suisse; Goldman Sachs LA: Moelis & Company; Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer; Plesner; White & Case FA: Deloitte
Value ($bn) No. of Deals
Value of Deals ($bn)
25 80 20 60 15 40
Number of deals
公表日 22/09/2011
買収企業 Nippon Steel Corporation
被買収企業 売却企業 Sumitomo Metal Industries Ltd (90.6% Stake)
買収側アドバイザー FA: Bank of America Merrill Lynch; JPMorgan; Mizuho Financial Group; Morgan Stanley LA: Nishimura & Asahi; Sullivan & Cromwell


Chapter 3Adjusting Accounts and Preparing1. The cash basis of accounting reports revenues when cash is received while theaccrual basis reports revenues when they are earned. The cash basis reports expenses when cash is paid while the accrual basis reports expenses when they are incurred and matched with revenues they generated.2. The accrual basis of accounting generally provides a better indication of companyperformance and financial condition than does the cash basis. Also, the accrual basis increases the comparability of financial statements from one period to the next.Thus, business decision makers generally prefer the accrual basis.3. Businesses that have major seasonal variations in sales are most likely to select thenatural business year as the fiscal year.4. A prepaid expense is an item paid for in advance of receiving its benefits. As such, itis reported as an asset on the balance sheet.5. Long-term tangible plant assets such as equipment, buildings, and machinery leadto adjustments for depreciation. Generally, land is the only long-term tangible plant asset that does not require depreciation.6. The Accumulated Depreciation contra account is used for depreciation. It providesfinancial statement users with additional information about the relative age of the assets. Without the contra account information, the reader would not be able to tell whether the assets are new or in need of replacement.7. Unearned revenue refers to cash received in advance of providing products andservices. Another name for unearned revenue is deferred revenue. It is reported asa liability on the balance sheet.8. Accrued revenue is revenue that is earned but is not yet received in cash (and/orother assets) and the customer has not been billed prior to the end of the period.Therefore, end-of-period adjustments are made to record accrued revenue.Examples are interest income that has been earned but not collected and revenues from services performed that are neither collected nor billed.9.A If prepaid expenses are initially recorded with debits to expense accounts, then theprepaid expenses asset accounts are debited in the adjusting entries.10. For Best Buy, all of the accounts under the category of Property and Equipment(except for Land), require adjusting entries. The expense related to the depreciation expense account would be understated on the income statement if Best Buy fails to adjust these asset accounts. If the adjusting entries are not made, net income would be overstated. Note: Students might also correctly identify accounts receivable, goodwill, and tradenames as needing adjustment.11. Circuit City must make adjusting entries to Prepaid expenses and other currentassets; Deferred income taxes; Accrued expenses and other current liabilities;Accrued income taxes; and possibly other assets and liabilities such as Receivables for bad debts. (It is also possible that Circuit City would need to adjust Goodwill and Other intangible assets.)12. RadioShack would need to debit interest receivable and credit interest revenue.13. The Accrued Wages Expense would be reported as part of “Accrued Expenses” onCash AccountingRevenues (cash receipts) ...................................................... $52,000Expenses (cash payments: $37,500 - $6,000 + $3,250) ...... 34,750Net income ............................................................................. $17,250 Accrual AccountingRevenues (earned) ................................................................ $60,000Expenses (incurred) .............................................................. 37,500Net income .............................................................................. $22,500 Quick Study 3-2 (10 minutes)a. AE Accrued expensesb. PE Prepaid expensesc. UR Unearned revenuesd. PE Prepaid expenses (Depreciation)e. AR Accrued revenuesa. Debit Unearned Revenue Balance SheetCredit Revenue Earned Income Statementb. Debit Wages Expense Income StatementCredit Wages Payable Balance Sheetc. Debit Accounts Receivable Balance SheetCredit Revenue Earned Income Statementd. Debit Insurance Expense Income StatementCredit Prepaid Insurance Balance Sheete. Debit Depreciation Expense Income StatementCredit Accumulated Depreciation Balance SheetQuick Study 3-4 (15 minutes)a. Insurance Expense ....................................................... 3,000Prepaid Insurance ................................................. 3,000 To record 6-month insurance coverage expired.b. Supplies Expense ......................................................... 4,150Supplies .................................................................. 4,150 To record supplies used during the year.($900 + $4,000 – [?] = $750)Quick Study 3-5 (15 minutes)a. Depreciation Expense—Equipment ............................ 8,400Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment ............. 8,400 To record depreciation expense for the year.($45,000 - $3,000) / 5 years = $8,400b. No depreciation adjustments are made for land asit is expected to last indefinitely.Salaries Expense (400)Salaries Payable (400)To record salaries incurred but not yet paid.[One student earns $100 x 4 days, Mondaythrough Thursday]Quick Study 3-7 (15 minutes)a. Unearned Revenue ........................................................ 22,500Legal Revenue ....................................................... 22,500 To recognize legal revenue earned (30,000 x 3/4).b. Unearned Subscription Revenue ................................ 1,200Subscription Revenue ........................................... 1,200 To recognize subscription revenue earned.[100 x ($24 / 12 months) x 6 months]1. Accrue salaries expense e ga f2. Adjust the Unearned Services Revenue accountto recognize earned revenueb f3. Record the earning of services revenue for whichcash will be received the following periodQuick Study 3-9 (10 minutes)The answer is a.ExplanationThe debit balance in Prepaid Insurance was reduced by $400, implying a $400 debit to Insurance Expense. The credit balance in Interest Payable increased by $800, implying an $800 debit to Interest Expense.The answer is 2.ExplanationInsurance premium errorUnderstates expenses (and overstates assets) by .......... $1,600 Accrued salaries errorUnderstates expenses (and understates liabilities) by .... 1,000The collective effects from this company’s errors follow:Understates expenses by ..................................................... $2,600Overstates assets by ............................................................. $1,600Understates liabilities by ...................................................... $1,000 Quick Study 3-11 (10 minutes)Profit margin = $78,750 / $630,000 = 12.5%Interpretation: For each dollar that records as revenue, it earns 12.5 cents in net income. Miller’s 12.5% is markedly lower than competitors’ average profit margin of 15%—it must improve performance.Quick Study 3-12A (5 minutes)1. B 4. A2. F 5. D3. C 6. EExercise 3-2 (25 minutes)a. Depreciation Expense—Equipment ................................ 16,000Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment..................... 16,000 To record depreciation expense for the year.b. Insurance Expense ........................................................... 5,360Prepaid Insurance* ....................................................... 5,360 To record insurance coverage that expired($6,000 - $640).c. Office Supplies Expense .................................................. 3,422Office Supplies**............................................................ 3,422 To record office supplies used ($325 + $3,480 - $383).d. Unearned Fee Revenue .................................................... 3,000Fee Revenue .................................................................. 3,000 To record earned portion of fee received in advance($15,000 x 1/5).e. Insurance Expense ........................................................... 6,160Prepaid Insurance ......................................................... 6,160 To record insurance coverage that expired.f. Wages Expense ................................................................. 2,700Wages Payable .............................................................. 2,700 To record wages accrued but not yet paid.a. Unearned Fee Revenue .................................................... 5,000Fee Revenue .................................................................. 5,000 To record earned portion of fee received in advance($15,000 x 1/3).b. Wages Expense ................................................................. 7,500Wages Payable .............................................................. 7,500 To record wages accrued but not yet paid.c. Depreciation Expense—Equipment ................................ 17,251Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment..................... 17,251 To record depreciation expense for the year.d. Office Supplies Expense .................................................. 5,682Office Supplies*............................................................. 5,682 To record office supplies used ($240 + $6,102 - $660).e. Insurance Expense ........................................................... 2,700Prepaid Insurance†........................................................ 2,700 To record insurance coverage expired ($4,000 - $1,300).f. Interest Receivable ......................................................... 1,400Interest Revenue ........................................................ 1,400 To record interest earned but not yet received.g. Interest Expense ............................................................. 2,000Interest Payable........................................................... 2,000 To record interest incurred but not yet paid.a. Adjusting entry2009Dec. 31 Wages Expense (825)Wages Payable (825)To record accrued wages for one day.(5 workers x $165)b. Payday entry2010Jan. 4 Wages Expense.......................................................2,475Wages Payable (825)Cash .....................................................................3,300To record accrued and current wages.Wages expense = 5 workers x 3 days x $165Cash = 5 workers x 4 days x $165Exercise 3-5 (15 minutes)a. $ 2,000b. $ 6,607c. $11,987d. $ 1,375Proof: (a) (b) (c) (d) Supplies available – prior year-end ......... $ 350 $1,855 $ 1,576 $1,375 Supplies purchased in current year ........ 2,450 6,307 11,987 6,907 Total supplies available ............................ 2,800 8,162 13,563 8,282 Supplies available – current year-end ..... (800) (6,607) (2,056) (800) Supplies expense for current year........... $2,000 $1,555 $11,507 $7,482a.Apr. 30 Legal Fees Expense ........................................... 4,500Legal Fees Payable ..................................... 4,500 To record accrued legal fees.May 12 Legal Fees Payable ............................................ 4,500Cash ............................................................. 4,500 To pay accrued legal fees.b.Apr. 30 Interest Expense ................................................. 1,900Interest Payable .......................................... 1,900 To record accrued interest expense($5,700 x 10/30).May 20 Interest Payable .................................................. 1,900Interest Expense ................................................. 3,800Cash ............................................................. 5,700 To record payment of accrued and currentinterest expense ($5,700 x 20/30).c.Apr. 30 Salaries Expense ................................................ 4,800Salaries Payable.......................................... 4,800 To record accrued salaries($12,000 x 2/5 week).May 3 Salaries Payable ................................................. 4,800Salaries Expense ................................................ 7,200Cash ............................................................. 12,000 To record payment of accrued andcurrent salaries ($12,000 x 3/5 week).Basis*Basis Basis**Basis Dec. 31, 2007 ........$14,450 $0 2007 ..........$ 850 $15,300 Dec. 31, 2008 ........9,350 0 2008 ..........5,100 0 Dec. 31, 2009 ........4,250 0 2009 .......... 5,100 0 Dec. 31, 2010 ........0 0 2010 .......... 4,250 0$15,300 $15,300 Explanations:*Accrual asset balance equals months left in the policy x $425 per month (monthly cost is computed as $15,300 / 36 months).Months Left Balance12/31/2007 .. 34 $14,45012/31/2008 .. 22 9,35012/31/2009 .. 10 4,25012/31/2010 .. 0 0**Accrual insurance expense equals months covered in the year x $425 per month.Months Covered Expense2007 ............ 2 $ 8502008 ............12 5,1002009 ............12 5,1002010 ............10 4,250$15,300Dec. 31 Accounts Receivable ............................................. 1,980Fees Earned ..................................................... 1,980 To record earned but unbilled fees (30% x $6,600).31 Unearned Fees ........................................................ 4,620Fees Earned ..................................................... 4,620 To record earned fees collected in advance(70% x $6,600).31 Depreciation Expense—Computers ..................... 1,650Accumulated Depreciation-Computers ........ 1,650 To record depreciation on computers.31 Depreciation Expense—Office Furniture ............. . 1,925A ccumulated Depreciation—Office Furniture ... 1,925To record depreciation on office furniture.31 Salaries Expense .................................................... 2,695Salaries Payable.............................................. 2,695 To record accrued salaries.31 Insurance Expense.................................................. 1,430Prepaid Insurance ........................................... 1,430 To record expired prepaid insurance.31 Rent Expense (700)Rent Payable (700)To record accrued rent expense.31 Office Supplies Expense (528)Office Supplies (528)To record use of office supplies.31 Advertising Expense (500)Advertising Payable (500)To record accrued advertising expense.31 Utilities Expense (77)Utilities Payable (77)To record incurred and unpaid utility costs.a. $ 6,039 / $ 52,970 = 11.4%b. $100,890 / $ 471,430 = 21.4%c. $106,880 / $ 301,920 = 35.4%d. $ 67,140 / $1,721,520 = 3.9%e. $ 84,780 / $ 513,800 = 16.5%Analysis and Interpretation: Company c has the highest profitability according to the profit margin ratio. Company c earns 35.4 cents in net income for every one dollar of net sales earned.Exercise 3-10A (30 minutes)a.Dec. 1 Supplies Expense ................................................... 2,000Cash ................................................................. 2,000 Purchased supplies.b.Dec. 2 Insurance Expense ................................................. 1,540Cash ................................................................. 1,540 Paid insurance premiums.c.Dec. 15 Cash ......................................................................... 13,000Remodeling Fees Earned ............................... 13,000 Received fees for work to be done.d.Dec. 28 Cash ......................................................................... 3,700Remodeling Fees Earned ............................... 3,700 Received fees for work to be done.e.Dec. 31 Supplies .................................................................. 1,840Supplies Expense ........................................... 1,840 Adjust expenses for unused supplies.f.Dec. 31 Prepaid Insurance .................................................. 1,200Insurance Expense ......................................... 1,200 Adjust expenses for unexpired coverage($1,540 - $340).g.Dec. 31 Remodeling Fees Earned ..................................... 11,130Unearned Remodeling Fees .......................... 11,130 Adjusted revenues for unfinished projects($13,000 + 3,700 - $5,570).a. Initial credit recorded in the Unearned Fees accountJuly 1 Cash ....................................................................... 2,800Unearned Fees .............................................. 2,800 Received fees for work to be done for Solana.6 Cash ....................................................................... 8,100Unearned Fees .............................................. 8,100 Received fees for work to be done for Haru.12 Unearned Fees ...................................................... 2,800Fees Earned ................................................... 2,800 Completed work for Solana.18 Cash ....................................................................... 7,300Unearned Fees .............................................. 7,300 Received fees for work to be done for Jordan.27 Unearned Fees ...................................................... 8,100Fees Earned ................................................... 8,100 Completed work for customer Haru.31 No adjusting entries required.b. Initial credit recorded in the Fees Earned accountJuly 1 Cash ....................................................................... 2,800Fees Earned ................................................... 2,800 Received fees for work to be done for Solana.6 Cash ....................................................................... 8,100Fees Earned ................................................... 8,100 Received fees for work to be done for Haru.12 No entry required.18 Cash ....................................................................... 7,300Fees Earned ................................................... 7,300 Received fees for work to be done for Jordan.27 No entry required.31 Fees Earned .......................................................... 7,300Unearned Fees .............................................. 7,300 Adjusted to reflect unearned fees for unfinishedjob for Jordan.c. Under the first method (and using entries from a)Unearned Fees = $2,800 + $8,100 - $2,800 + $7,300 - $8,100 = $7,300 Fees Earned = $2,800 + $8,100 = $10,900Unearned Fees = $7,300Fees Earned = $2,800 + $8,100 + $7,300 - $7,300 = $10,9001. I 5. G 9. H2. D 6. C 10. E3. F 7. I 11. H4. B 8. A 12. BProblem 3-2A (35 minutes)Part 1Adjustment (a)Dec. 31 Office Supplies Expense ................................ 12,325Office Supplies ......................................... 12,325 To record cost of supplies used($2,900 + $11,977 - $2,552).Adjustment (b)31 Insurance Expense .......................................... 12,280Prepaid Insurance .................................... 12,280B 290 ($10,440/36 mo.) 9 2,610C 770 ($ 9,240 /12 mo.) 5 3,850Total $12,280Adjustment (c)31 Salaries Expense ............................................. 3,660Salaries Payable....................................... 3,660 To record accrued but unpaid wages(2 days x $1,830).Adjustment (d)Dec. 31 Depreciation Expense—Building ................... 18,875Accumulated Depreciation—Building ... 18,875 To record annual depreciation expense[($800,000 -$45,000) / 40 years = $18,875]Adjustment (e)31 Rent Receivable ............................................ 3,000Rent Earned ........................................... 3,000 To record earned but unpaid Dec. rent.Adjustment (f)31 Unearned Rent .............................................. 5,436Rent Earned ........................................... 5,436 To record the amount of rent earned forNovember and December (2 x $2,718).Part 2Cash Payment for (c)Jan. 6 Salaries Payable ........................................... 3,660Salaries Expense* ........................................ 5,490Cash ....................................................... 9,150 To record payment of accrued andcurrent salaries. *(3 days x $1,830)Cash Payment for (e)15Cash ............................................................... 6,000Rent Receivable .................................... 3,000Rent Earned ........................................... 3,000 To record past due rent for two months.Part 2Adjustment (a)Dec. 31 Insurance Expense ...............................................3,000Prepaid Insurance ...........................................3,000 To record the insurance expired.Adjustment (b)31 Teaching Supplies Expense ................................9,000Teaching Supplies ..........................................9,000 To record supplies used ($11,000 - $2,000).Adjustment (c)31 Depreciation Expense—Equipment ....................10,000Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment ............10,000 To record equipment depreciation.Adjustment (d)31 Depreciation Expense—Profess. Library ...........5,000A ccumul. Depreciation—Profess. Library.........5,000To record professional library depreciation.Adjustment (e)31 Unearned Training Fees .......................................5,000Training Fees Earned .....................................5,000 To record 2 months’ training fees earnedthat were collected in advance.Adjustment (f)31 Accounts Receivable ............................................4,000Tuition Fees Earned........................................4,000 To record tuition earned($1,600 x 2 1/2 months).Adjustment (g)31 Salaries Expense (480)Salaries Payable (480)To record accrued salaries(2 days x $120 x 2 employees).Adjustment (h)31 Rent Expense ........................................................2,178Prepaid Rent ....................................................2,178 To record expiration of prepaid rent.Part 3WELLS TEACHING INSTITUTEAdjusted Trial BalanceDecember 31, 2009Debit Credit Cash .......................................................................... $ 28,064Accounts receivable ................................................ 4,000Teaching supplies ................................................... 2,000Prepaid insurance .................................................... 13,000Prepaid rent 0Professional library ................................................. 33,000 Accumulated depreciation—Professional library ... $ 15,000 Equipment ................................................................ 75,800 Accumulated depreciation—Equipment ................ 25,000 Accounts payable .................................................... 39,500 Salaries payable . (480)Unearned training fees ............................................ 7,500 T. Wells, Capital ....................................................... 71,000 T. Wells, Withdrawals .............................................. 44,000Tuition fees earned .................................................. 115,000 Training fees earned ................................................ 46,000 Depreciation expense—Professional library ........ 5,000 Depreciation expense—Equipment ....................... 10,000Salaries expense ..................................................... 52,480Insurance expense................................................... 3,000Rent expense ............................................................ 26,136Teaching supplies expense .................................... 9,000 Advertising expense ................................................ 8,000Utilities expense....................................................... 6,000 _______ Totals ........................................................................ $319,480 $319,480Part 4WELLS TEACHING INSTITUTEIncome StatementFor Year Ended December 31, 2009RevenuesTuition fees earned ............................................ $115,000Training fees earned .......................................... 46,000Total revenues .................................................... $161,000 ExpensesDepreciation expense—Professional library ... 5,000Depreciation expense—Equipment .................. 10,000Salaries expense ................................................ 52,480Insurance expense ............................................. 3,000Rent expense ...................................................... 26,136Teaching supplies expense ............................... 9,000Advertising expense .......................................... 8,000Utilities expense ................................................. 6,000Total expenses ................................................... 119,616 Net income ............................................................ $ 41,384WELLS TEACHING INSTITUTEStatement of Owner’s EquityFor Year Ended December 31, 2009T. Wells, Capital, December 31, 2008 ................................. $ 71,000 Plus: Net income .................................................................. 41,384112,384 Less: Withdrawals by owner ............................................... 44,000 T. Wells, Capital, December 31, 2009 ................................. $ 68,384Problem 3-3A (Concluded)WELLS TEACHING INSTITUTEBalance SheetDecember 31, 2009AssetsCash ................................................................................. $ 28,064 Accounts receivable ...................................................... 4,000 Teaching supplies .......................................................... 2,000 Prepaid insurance .......................................................... 13,000 Professional library ........................................................ $33,000 Accumulated depreciation—Professional library ....... (15,000) 18,000 Equipment ....................................................................... 75,800 Accumulated depreciation—Equipment ...................... (25,000) 50,800 Total assets ..................................................................... $115,864LiabilitiesAccounts payable ........................................................... $ 39,500 Salaries payable . (480)Unearned training fees .................................................. 7,500 Total liabilities ................................................................ 47,480EquityT. Wells, Capital .............................................................. 68,384 Total liabilities and equity ............................................. $115,864Problem 3-4A (45 minutes) —Part 1Cash ......................................... $ 86,000 $ 86,000 Accounts receivable ........... 15,000 (a) 4,000 19,000Office supplies ...................... 17,800 (b) 8,800 9,000Prepaid insurance ................ 6,040 (c) 2,080 3,960Office equipment .................. 87,000 87,000 Accumulated depreciation—Office equipment ........... $ 24,000 (d) 2,000 $ 26,000 Accounts payable ................ 9,100 (e) 14,900 24,000 Interest payable ..................... (f) 2,500 2,500 Salaries payable ................... (g) 15,000 15,000 Unearned consulting fees .20,000 (h) 7,000 13,000 Long-term notes payable .. 54,000 54,000 K. Jenkins, Capital ............... 46,000 46,000 K. Jenkins, Withdrawals .... 10,000 10,000Consulting feesearned .................................... 165,000 (a)(h)4,0007,000 176,000Depreciation expense—Office equipment ................ (d) 2,000 2,000Salaries expense .................. 67,990 (g) 15,000 82,990Interest expense ................... 1,270 (f) 2,500 3,770 Insurance expense .............. (c) 2,080 2,080Rent expense ........................ 14,540 14,540Office supplies expense .... (b) 8,800 8,800 Advertising expense ........... 12,460 _______ (e) 14,900 ______ 27,360 _______ Totals ........................................ $318,100 $318,100 $56,280 $56,280 $356,500 $356,500 Adjustment description(a) Earned but uncollected revenues.(b) Cost of office supplies used.(c) Cost of expired insurance coverage.(d) Depreciation expense on office equipment.(e) Incurred but unpaid advertising expense.(f) Incurred but unpaid interest expense.(g) Incurred but unpaid salaries expense.(h) Earned revenues previously received in advance.。

为此,授权人特此出具本授权书,具体内容如下:一、授权范围1. 授权人授予被授权人在以下区域内对____________________(具体产品或服务)进行独家销售和推广的权利:- 地域:____________________- 时间:自本授权书生效之日起至____________________年____________________月止。
2. 被授权人可在授权区域内开展以下业务:- 销售授权产品;- 推广授权产品;- 提供授权产品的售后服务;- 参与授权产品相关的市场调研和用户反馈收集。
二、授权条件1. 被授权人须具备以下条件:- 具有合法经营资格,并遵守我国相关法律法规;- 拥有良好的商业信誉和品牌形象;- 具有较强的市场开拓能力和销售团队;- 具备必要的销售渠道和售后服务能力。
2. 被授权人须在签订本授权书之日起五日内,向授权人提交以下材料:- 营业执照副本复印件;- 法定代表人身份证明复印件;- 销售团队及售后服务团队人员名单及联系方式;- 销售渠道及售后服务体系介绍。
三、权利义务1. 授权人有权对被授权人的业务进行监督,包括但不限于销售渠道、售后服务等方面。
2. 被授权人应严格按照授权人提供的产品质量标准进行销售,确保产品质量。
Fortinet FortiEDR产品说明书

FortiEDR Product OfferingsSEE ALSOOther FortiEDR SKUs are orderable for the following deployments. See the FortiEDR datasheet for information about these deployments:•Protect and Respond (P&R): for special cases where customers may have complimentary vulnerability discovery in place already, a special subscription is available. This subscription supports the standard XDR, MDR, and MXDR variations.•On-premise : for special deployments, an on-premise hosting option with FortiGuard Cloud Services (FCS) connection enabled is available.DISCOVER, PROTECT, AND RESPONDEDRXDRManaged EDRManaged XDR25-pack FC1-10-FEDR1-348-01-DD FC1-10-FEDR1-394-01-DD FC1-10-FEDR1-349-01-DD FC1-10-FEDR1-597-01-DD 500-pack FC2-10-FEDR1-348-01-DD FC2-10-FEDR1-394-01-DD FC2-10-FEDR1-349-01-DD FC2-10-FEDR1-597-01-DD 2,000-pack FC3-10-FEDR1-348-01-DD FC3-10-FEDR1-394-01-DD FC3-10-FEDR1-349-01-DD FC3-10-FEDR1-597-01-DD 10,000-packFC4-10-FEDR1-348-01-DDFC4-10-FEDR1-394-01-DDFC4-10-FEDR1-349-01-DDFC4-10-FEDR1-597-01-DDORDER INFORMATIONDISCOVER AND PROTECTEPP/EDR-LightManaged EDR25-pack FC1-10-FEDR1-350-01-DD FC1-10-FEDR1-391-01-DD 500-pack FC2-10-FEDR1-350-01-DD FC2-10-FEDR1-391-01-DD 2,000-pack FC3-10-FEDR1-350-01-DD FC3-10-FEDR1-391-01-DD 10,000-packFC4-10-FEDR1-350-01-DDFC4-10-FEDR1-391-01-DDADDITIONAL SERVICESSERVICESSKU LICENSECloud StorageDisk Expansion (512 GB storage)FC-10-FEDR0-344-01-DD FortiCare Best Practices Onboarding Service (mandatory for onboarding customers)Up to 1,000 endpoints FC1-10-EDBPS-310-02-DD 1,001 to 3,000 endpointsFC2-10-EDBPS-310-02-DD 3,001 to 10,000 endpoints FC3-10-EDBPS-310-02-DD 10,001 to 30,000 endpoints FC5-10-EDBPS-310-02-DD 30,001 or more endpoints FP-10-EDR-PS (per day)Professional ServicesFortiEDR Professional ServiceFP-10-FTEDR-000-00-00FortiEDR DayFP-10-EDR-PS Incident Response Training FP-10-PS-TRAINING Forensics and IR Consultancy FP-10-EDR-FRNSCSTraining Services Classroom - Virtual ILTFT-EDR Lab Access - Standard NSE Training Lab Environment FT-EDR-LAB NSE5 Exam VoucherNSE-EX-SPL522ORDERING GUIDE | FortiEDRFortiEDR is available in flexible combinations. For the best security coverage, the all-in-one subscription is recommended.For customers in the process of migrating from a traditional endpoint protection platform or next generation antivirus solution towards EDR, a basic Discover and Protect option is available, which supports future migration to full EDR.Additional services available include expanded cloud storage, NSE training, professional services, and best practice deployment consultation.ORDER LIFECYCLENew OrderExample: 500 EDR endpointsDirect purchase 1x500-pack• FC2-10-FEDR1-348-01-12• FC1-10-EDBPS-310-02-DDAdd More EndpointsExample: add 50 EDR endpointsUse the co-term tool to add more endpoints and align the end dates:• FC1Z-15-FEDR1-348-02-00 (x2)Renew All EndpointsExample: renew all 550 EDR endpointsRegardless of the option used above, use the co-term tool for all renewals. This aligns all contracts to the same expiration date.• FC1Z-15-FEDR1-348-02-00 (x2)• FC2Z-15-FEDR1-348-02-00 (x1)Upgrade All EndpointsExample: upgrade all 550 EDR endpoints to XDRUse the co-term tool to upgrade all endpoints to the end of the term, then follow standard renewal:• FC1Z-15-FEDR1-394-02-00 (x2)• FC2Z-15-FEDR1-394-02-00 (x1)UPGRADE MATRIXFortiEDR contains three subscriptions, and each subscription contains multiple different service levels. You can convert one subscription to another in two steps:1. Change the subscription level if required2. Change the service level if required To use the upgrade matrix below:1. Select your current version in the left column2. Locate the desired version columnIf the cell is blue, you can upgrade in one step using the co-term tool. If not, you may need to complete two steps. UPGRADE TODiscover and Protect Protect and Respond Discover, Protect, and RespondUpgrade FROM EDR-Light ManagedEDR-Light EDR XDR MDR MXDR EDR XDR MDR MXDR On-premise EDR-LightManaged EDR-LightEDR (P&R)XDR (P&R)MDR (P&R)MXDR (P&R)EDRXDRMDRTo use this matrix, select the current subscription in the left column and follow the row to the right to see what is directly upgradable with the co-term tool.3ORDERING GUIDE | FortiEDR。

不 支付租 金 。如 果 当事 人双 方 希望 在期
租合 约 下将 海盗 劫 持 的情 况计 入停 租事 项 .应 当在 租船 合 同 中 明确约 定 “ 船舶 遭 遇 海盗 劫 持 ”所损 时 间 可以停 租 ,或
物发 生海 损事 故 而 延误 ” 的说 法 .高 等
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定 ,承租 人仍 需 要支 付租 金 。承租 人不
服裁 决 于是 诉至英 国 高等法 院 。
承租 人认 为 ,停租 条款 规定 的海 损 事 故 并 不 意 味 着 确 实 存 在 对 船 舶 的 损 害 .而仅 是列 举 了万 一发 生延迟 时船 舶
持 引 发 的租 金风 波划 上 了句 号 。 S lhn ”号 散 货 船 ,于 2 0 a aa d 09 年 2 2 日从 印 度 尼 西 亚 到 斯 洛 文 尼 月 2 亚 西 南 部 港 市 科 佩 尔 .途 经 亚 丁 湾 被 海盗劫持。后于4 5 月2 臼获 得 释 放 5
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诉至英 国高等法院。
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法院 法官认 为 . a hn 被全 副武 装 S l a a 轮 d 的海盗 劫持 不 能称 为 ” 海损 事故 ” 。该 轮 在4 2 月 5日离 开 了E L .从而 可 以推 Y 城


一、授权范围1. [授权人]被授权代表我公司签署、提交、执行与[授权事务名称]相关的文件、协议和合同。
2. [授权人]被授权代表我公司参加与[授权事务名称]相关的会议、谈判和讨论。
3. [授权人]被授权代表我公司接收、发送与[授权事务名称]相关的电子邮件、信件和其他通讯。
4. [授权人]被授权代表我公司处理与[授权事务名称]相关的付款、收款和其他财务事宜。
5. [授权人]被授权代表我公司向相关政府部门、机构或个人提交所需的申请、报告和其他文件。
6. [授权人]被授权代表我公司进行与[授权事务名称]相关的法律诉讼或其他法律程序。
7. [授权人]被授权代表我公司处理与[授权事务名称]相关的其他事宜。
二、授权人资质1. [授权人姓名]是[英国公司名称]的法定代表人/董事/高级管理人员,具备处理授权事务的资格和能力。
2. [授权人]熟悉与[授权事务名称]相关的法律法规和行业惯例。
3. [授权人]在过去[时间段]内,一直担任我公司[职位名称],表现出色,具备良好的职业素养和信誉。
四、授权书的撤销和变更1. 我公司有权随时撤销或变更本授权书所授权的事项。
2. 如授权人违反法律法规或与我公司的约定,我公司有权立即撤销本授权书。
3. 授权人如不再担任我公司法定代表人/董事/高级管理人员,本授权书自动失效。
五、保密条款1. 授权人应保守与我公司相关的商业秘密和机密信息,不得向第三方泄露。
2. 授权人在授权期限内及授权结束后,不得利用与我公司相关的信息从事与授权事务相竞争的业务。

授权编号:[授权编号]授权日期:[授权日期]鉴于以下事实:1. 欧路莎(以下简称“授权方”)是一家专注于[产品类别,如:卫浴洁具、厨房电器、智能家居等]研发、生产和销售的企业,拥有“欧路莎”品牌及其相关知识产权。
2. [被授权方全称](以下简称“被授权方”)是一家合法注册的企业,从事[被授权方业务范围]。
3. 授权方与被授权方本着平等互利、共同发展的原则,经友好协商,决定授予被授权方在指定区域内使用“欧路莎”品牌及其相关知识产权的权利。
根据上述事实,授权方特此作出如下授权:一、授权范围1. 被授权方获得在[授权区域,如:全国、特定省份、特定城市等]范围内,使用“欧路莎”品牌及其相关知识产权的权利。
2. 被授权方有权在授权区域内销售授权方指定的产品,包括但不限于[具体产品名称]。
3. 被授权方有权在授权区域内进行“欧路莎”品牌的宣传和推广活动。
三、授权费用及支付方式1. 被授权方应向授权方支付授权费用,具体金额及支付方式如下:[授权费用金额]元,分[支付次数]次支付,每次支付[金额]元。
2. 支付方式:[支付方式,如:银行转账、支票等]。
四、被授权方的义务1. 被授权方应遵守国家法律法规,合法经营,不得从事任何违反国家法律法规和社会公德的活动。
2. 被授权方应维护“欧路莎”品牌的形象和声誉,不得损害授权方的合法权益。
3. 被授权方应保证销售的产品质量,不得销售假冒伪劣产品。
4. 被授权方应按照授权方的要求,提供销售数据、市场反馈等信息。
5. 被授权方应接受授权方的监督和检查。
五、授权方的权利1. 授权方有权对被授权方的经营行为进行监督和检查。
2. 授权方有权要求被授权方停止任何损害“欧路莎”品牌形象的行为。
quota share reinsurance contract -回复

quota share reinsurance contract -回复什么是配额分保合同(quota share reinsurance contract)?配额分保合同(quota share reinsurance contract)是一种再保险合同,其中保险公司将其承担的风险和责任的一部分转移给再保险公司。

一、授权范围1. 贵方在本授权书规定的范围内,有权以我方名义与第三方进行商务洽谈、签订合同、履行合同、收取款项等业务活动。
2. 贵方有权代表我方处理与第三方之间的争议,包括但不限于调解、仲裁、诉讼等。
3. 贵方有权代表我方进行市场调研、产品推广、品牌宣传等活动。
4. 贵方有权代表我方参加各类展会、论坛、研讨会等活动。
5. 贵方有权代表我方处理与第三方之间的业务往来,包括但不限于订单处理、物流跟踪、售后服务等。
6. 贵方有权代表我方进行市场开拓、业务拓展等工作。
三、授权条件1. 贵方应具备合法的经营资格,遵守我国法律法规,具有良好的商业信誉。
2. 贵方应确保在授权范围内的业务活动符合我方经营理念和发展战略。
3. 贵方应确保在授权范围内的业务活动不会损害我方利益,造成我方名誉损失。
4. 贵方应向我方及时报告授权范围内的业务进展情况,并接受我方的监督检查。
四、保密条款1. 贵方应严格遵守本授权书及其附件中的保密条款,对授权范围内的业务信息、技术秘密、商业秘密等予以严格保密。

我代表公司在此向您,[受托人姓名],发出此份授权委托书,以证明您已被授权代表我公司处理以下事宜:1. 与[具体事项]相关的全部事宜,包括但不限于谈判、签订合同、支付费用、收取款项等。
2. 在[授权期限]内,您有权代表我公司与第三方进行业务往来,签订合同,并代表公司对外签署文件。
3. 您有权代表我公司处理与[具体事项]相关的许可、审批、备案等事宜。
4. 您有权代表我公司参与各类会议、活动,并代表公司发表意见。
5. 您有权代表我公司处理与[具体事项]相关的其他一切事宜。
此致,[英国公司名称][公司负责人签名][公司负责人职位] [授权日期]。
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上海新世界股份有限公司关于属下全资子公司上海新世界城物业管理有限公司(以下简称“本公司子公司”), 于2005年7月4日在上海同英国杜莎NBD 有限公司(以下简称“杜莎NBD”)签订的《租赁合同》,因2005年11月11日本公司子公司将新世界城十楼交付给杜莎NBD代表签收确认而正式生效。
日前(2005年10月18日), 本公司董事会已审议并批准该合同生效。
杜莎NBD[Tussauds (NBD) Limited], 是英国杜莎集团(The Tussauds Group) 的全资子公司。
杜莎集团作为一家国际一流的休闲娱乐集团, 拥有坐落在英国、欧洲、美国和亚洲11个场所的13个主要观光景点, 每年吸引超过1400万游客;其2004年总收入为1.981亿英镑, 主营业务利润1.765亿英镑, 经营利润0.706亿英镑;成功运营着欧洲第一大也是全球第六大观光景点业务。
杜莎集团的历史可追溯至18世纪, 杜莎夫人的第一家永久性蜡像馆于1835年在伦敦开业。
杜莎集团经营运行着众多一流的城市中心旅游景点(伦敦、阿姆斯特丹、纽约、拉斯维加斯和香港的杜莎夫人蜡像馆, 华威城堡, 伦敦眼),主题公园(Alton Towers, 英国Thorpe Park乐园、海德公园、Chessington探险世界)及其他相关业务。
杜莎NBD的法定代表人和杜莎集团的首席执行官为彼德・菲力普森 (Peter Philipson)先生。
⒈本公司子公司租赁给杜莎NBD的房屋, 包括南京西路2~68号新世界城整个第十层9,200m2,另加位于大厦底层西南角面积约80m2的区域, 实际建筑面积以房地产权证或上海市有关产权部门实测面积为准。
⒉杜莎NBD租赁房屋用于按杜莎集团通常运作的方式, 运作一家与其在伦敦、香港、拉斯维加斯和纽约的现有运作相似的杜莎夫人的娱乐设施及附属用途。
⒋杜莎NBD在本租赁合同签署之后的20个工作日内向出租人支付人民币100万元保证金的50%, 并于租赁房屋交付之后10个工作日支付另一半。
⒌租金:自交付日之日起的第一个10年为免租期, 免租期只免除租金,杜莎NBD仍需按合同有关条款向本公司子公司支付其他费用:包括每年的固定年费, 以及不固定年费, 并按规定支付其他相关费用。
租金起算日为自交付日之日起满10年后的第一日,杜莎NBD应自该日后的10年期间, 按双方约定的公式支付租金。
⒍在租赁期届满一年前, 杜莎NBD对是否续租作出决定, 并书面通知本公司子公司, 逾期视为杜莎NBD放弃优先承租权。
本公司子公司同意杜莎NBD续租的, 双方重新签订租赁合同, 租金的标准将由双方另行协商确定。
⒐仲裁解决:任何与本租赁合同有关的争议, 双方应通过友好协商解决。
如果在一方向另一方书面通知该争议发生之日起60日内, 仍无法解决相关争议的, 通过仲裁解决, 仲裁应在香港仲裁中心进行。
仲裁庭由三位仲裁员组成:一位由出租人任命、一位由承租人任命, 第三位由双方共同协议选择。
任何仲裁员不得是英国公民或中国公民, 但可以是香港特别行政区的公民。
自本公司子公司和杜莎NBD签订《租赁合同》后, 杜莎NBD即向上海市黄浦区人民政府申请设立外商独资企业——杜莎夫人展览(上海)有限公司Madame Tussauds Exhibition(Shanghai)Company limited(以下简称“杜莎上海公司”)。
2005年9月6日, 黄浦区政府以黄府外经【2005】108号文, 向上海市外国投资工作委员会转报杜莎NBD设立独资公司的可行性研究及章程。
10月14日, 上海市外资委以沪外资委批【2005】2776号批复, 同意设立杜莎上海公司, 并规定其蜡像陈列, 展示的蜡像应事先报市外资委, 由该委会同市文广局审核批准。
杜莎上海公司投资总额:1,560万英镑, 注册资本624万英镑, 以英镑现汇投入;注册地址:上海市南京西路2~68号新世界城第十层;经营范围:蜡像互动展示, 附设卖品部、餐厅、咖啡吧、承办宴会, 投币式自动售货机业务, 摄影服务,制作并出售蜡制手印及提供相关配套服务(涉及许可证的凭许可证经营);经营期限:50年;公司法定代人:Glenn Earlam, 国籍:英国。
该公司的目标和宗旨:采用先进的技术在上海提供以高质量蜡像为基础的展览,以增强上海作为国内外旅游中心的吸引力,创造当地就业机会, 从而对上海经济的发展作出贡献, 并取得令投资方满意的经济效益。
四、该项租赁的目的, 意义及其对本公司的影响
⑴据上海市统计局《2004年上海市国民经济和社会发展统计公报》, 上海全年接待国际旅游入境人数491.92万人次, 比上年增长53.8%。
国际旅游外汇收入30.89亿美元, 比上年增长48.3%。
全年接待国内旅游者8505.13万人次, 比上年增长11.9%, 国内旅游收入1216.34亿元, 比上年增长12.6%。
据有关方面测算, 南京路步行街日客流量60~100万人次。
其中, 外地人占50﹪, 外国人20﹪, 本地人30﹪。
另据致联公司调研和麦肯锡分析:新世界日均客流8.7万人次,顾客人流中有近 3/4的消费者以新世界为其最经常或首选的购物场所, 单位面积人流为同行之最, 忠诚顾客比例在全市各大商场中首居一指。
目前, 黄浦区政府和步行街商企正准备联合启动新一轮开发, 以使南京路步行街进一步“留住外地人、吸引外国人、召回年轻人”。
⑵杜莎夫人蜡像馆, 是一个文化底蕴非常深厚的旅游展览项目, 在全世界享有盛名。
伦敦杜莎夫人蜡像馆, 是伦敦十大景点之一, 在英国家喻户晓。
由80个演员组成表演团队, 每天24场进行时尚歌舞表演;游客可与皇马明星贝克汉姆进行射门比赛,与007主角詹姆斯邦德亲密接触;同时, 各式装扮的演员穿梭于游客之间, 或合影或攀谈, 使游客仿佛置身于party, 而不是简单、机械地排队参观蜡像。
在荷兰馆, 则将荷兰历史、风情文化做成动态的道具, 尤其是将荷兰历史上的民族英雄做成巨形蜡像, 放置于进口处, 使游客不经意间时光倒退了几百年。
该项租赁正式生效后, 新世界杜莎夫人蜡像馆将于2006年年中开张。
该馆将放置400多个蜡像, 分八个展区和四到六个娱乐休闲区。
据中介机构预测, 凭借杜莎NBD先进的管理理念和闻名世界的蜡像文化, 以及新世界得天独厚、无与伦比的地理位置和优异的商业条件, 该馆年均参观者数量可达100万人次左右, 参观者预计包括前来上海的国内外游客以及本地和江浙地区居民等。
据国际经济专家预测:“世界进入一个休闲时代, 休闲、娱乐和旅游业掀起的经济大潮将席卷世界各地, 休闲经济的高速增长将为世人瞩目”。
由此, 可预言新世界杜莎夫人蜡像馆——这个中国大陆唯一的世界级大型蜡像展览, 与现代百货、综合消费相融, 将成为上海乃至中国的文化娱乐、旅游休闲新亮点和热点, 能起到集聚人气、吸纳消费的作用。
它将不仅给本公司带来直接收益, 而且会使整个新世界综合消费圈乃至周边商圈产生间接收益。