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Hale Waihona Puke [关键词] 阿司匹林;抵抗;Sonoclot;复方丹参滴丸
[中图分类号] R259
方丹参滴丸组。1月后用S o n o c l o t测定C R、P F,观察服药期间心绞痛发作,急性心肌梗死,心源性猝死,出血临床终点事件的发生率。结
果:治疗后A组、C组C R、P F水平均显著低于治疗前,B组、D组与治疗前比较无显著性差异。治疗后A组、C组C R、P F水平显著低于B组、
阿司匹林抵抗(aspirin resistance,AR)是指规范化使用阿 司匹林后仍不能有效抑制血小板聚集和血栓素形成、不能 对血栓栓塞事件进行有效预防的一种现象[1-2]。AR的发生多 存在于缺血性心脑血管疾病二级预防应用中,如不及时发现 并加以治疗,则很有可能酿成不良后果。本研究旨在观察复 方丹参滴丸对阿司匹林抵抗的冠心病患者的临床疗效。 1 材料与方法 1.1 对象与分组 2016年10月至2018年1月大同市第三人 民医院门诊及住院诊断为冠心病稳定型心绞痛、规律服 用阿司匹林100mg,每日1次、平均服药时间(1.52±0.42) 年、经Sonoclot凝血和血小板功能分析仪检测存在阿司匹 林抵抗的患者240例。除外下列任一情况者:①合并感 染;②合并风湿免疫系统疾病;③合并恶性肿瘤、严重的 心力衰竭(NYHA IV级);严重的肝肾功能衰竭。 1.2 治疗方法 240例患者随机分为四组,A组(n=60)给予 复方丹参滴丸(每次10粒,3次/d)联合阿司匹林(100mg/次, 1次/d)治疗;B组(n=60)给予阿司匹林(100mg/次,1次/d)治 疗,C组(n=60)给予阿司匹林(150mg/次,1次/d)治疗,D组 (n=60)给予复方丹参滴丸(每次10粒,3次/d)治疗。所有患
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1672-2809(2019)18-0003-03
Clinical intervention study of Aspirin Resistance in patients with Coronary Heart Disease by Sonoclot
BAI Ru-bing1, SONG Xiao-li2 1. Heart Center, Datong Third People’s Hospital, Datong Shanxi 037008, China; 2. Datong Second People’s Hospital, Datong Shanxi 037000, China [Abstract] Objective: To study the clinical intervention of aspirin resistant patients with coronary heart disease by sonoclot coagulation and platelet function analyzer. Methods: 240 patients with coronary heart disease(CHD)who took Aspirin were selected to measure thrombocytopenia by sonoclot. They were randomly divided into four groups: group A(n=60)with compound Danshen pills and Aspirin, group B(n=60)Aspirin, group C(n=60)Highdose aspirin, group D(n=60)Danshen pills. Determination of CR and PF by sonoclot after one month. The incidence of angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death and hemorrhage were observed. Results: The level of CR and PF in group of A\C was significantly lower than that before the test, There was no significant difference between group B and group D compared with that before the trial. The level of CR and PF in group A and group C was significantly lower than that in group B and group D after treatment. The incidence of angina pectoris and myocardial infarction in group D was significantly higher than that in the other four groups. The bleeding events in group C were significantly higher than those in the other four groups. Conclusion: Danshen pills combined with aspirin can be used as an economic, effective, and more dependent alternative to inhibit platelet activity, which can further reduce the incidence of acute coronary events. [Key words] Aspirin; Resistance; Sonoclot; Danshen Pills
Drugs and Clinic 药物与临床
1.山西省大同市第三人民医院心脏中心,山西 大同 037008;2.山西省大同市第二人民医院,山西 大同 037000
[摘要] 目的:观察复方丹参滴丸对阿司匹林抵抗的冠心病患者的临床作用。方法:选240例应用Sonoclot测定血小板功能低下的服用阿司匹