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心气heart qi
心血heart blood
心阴heart yin
心阳heart yang
神明mental activity; mind; spirit
清窍①theseven orifices ②the brain
泥丸①brain ②clay pellet (a point in the head used in Daoist meditation; níwán, 泥丸)
奇恒之腑extraordinary fu organ(s); extraordinary bowel(s)
肺合皮毛the lung is connected to the skin and bodyhair
肺为娇脏the lung is the delicate viscus
肝主身之筋膜the liver governs the sinew-membranes of the body
精室essence chamber
水火之脏viscus of water and fire (referring to the kidney)
肾精kidney essence
天癸tiāngu?0?9(reproduction-stimulating essence, corresponds with the tenth heavenly stem; 天癸)
三焦sanjiao upper/middle/lower
脑户back of the head
头者精明之府the head is the house of bright essence
元神之府house of original spirit
乙癸同源y?0?9(乙;i.e., liver) and gu?0?9(癸;i.e., kidney) are from the same source
腠理striae and interstices; interstitial space
哮喘wheezing and panting (asthma)
中风 1. wind-strike (Shang Han Lun, TCM concept)
stroke;CVA; apoplexy (Western medicine concept)
痞①p?0?9 (痞) (see 痞证for definition to include inglossary) ②chest or abdominal mass (of the category of jījù) -- see "accumulations andgatherings" (积聚)for definition to include in glossary
痞证p?0?9 syndrome (p?0?9 zhâng, 痞证; localized sensation of blockageoccuring in the chest or abdomen with or without palpable lumps, painless uponpressure) 厥证;厥①fainting(loss of consciousness); syncope ②reversal cold of the limbs
痹病bì(痹);bìdisease (痹病)
痹证bìsyndrome (痹证)
疮疡sores and ulcers
肿疡swollen sore(s)
疖boil (furuncle)
痈abscess (carbuncle)
phlegmon; cellulitis
月经先期early periods
崩漏flooding and spotting (bēng lîu, 崩漏)
胎动不安restless fetus; threatened miscarriage (spotting with lumbar aching andabdominal pain)
癥瘕concretions and conglomerations (lower abdominal masses; zhēng ji?0?0, 癥瘕) 恶阻morningsickness; pernicious vomiting during pregnancy
恶露不尽persistentflow of lochia; lochiorrhea
滑胎habitual miscarriage("slippery fetus"; huátāi, 滑胎)
堕胎①earlymiscarriage (within 12 weeks of pregnancy) ②induced abortion
产后郁冒①postpartumdepression and dizziness ②postpartum fainting
戴阳证floating yang syndrome
阳虚气滞证yang deficiency and qi stagnation
湿热发黄damp-heat jaundice
肺气不利dysfunction of lung qi
肺失清肃failure of lung qi to purify; lung qi failingto purify
肺失宣降lung failing to diffuse and govern descent
肺津不布failure of lung qi to distribute fluids; lung failing to distribute fluids
脾气不升failure of spleen qi to ascend; spleen qi failing to ascend
带脉失约dai mai failing to ensure retention
脾失健运failure of the spleen to transport[nutrients]; the spleen failing to transport [nutrients]; failure/loss of splenictransportation
肝气不疏/ 肝气不舒inhibited flow of liver qi; constrained liver qi; liver qi failing to flowsmoothly; failure of liver qi to flow smoothly
肝郁liver constraint
肝气郁结binding constraint of liver qi
肝失条达liver failing to govern free activity
肝风内动internal stirring of liver wind; liver wind stirring internally
肾不纳气failure of the kidney to receive/grasp qi (sent down from the lung)
相火妄动frenetic stirring of ministerial fire
火旺刑金vigorous fire tormenting metal
木火刑金wood fire tormenting metal
经脉挛急channel spasms and tension
阴竭阳脱yin e xhaustion and yang desertion
精脱essence desertion
阳亡阴竭yang collapse and yin exhaustion
胃纳呆滞poor appetite and digestion
脾约splenic constipation
肝着liver fixed bì
邪留三焦pathogens lingering in the sanjiao
气逆/血逆qi counterflow
气闭qi block
气上rising of qi; qi rising
气陷qi sinking
气脱/血脱qi desertion
气滞qi stagnation
气郁qi constraint
水停气阻water retention with qi obstruction
壮热high fever
潮热tidal fever
日晡潮热late afternoon tidal fever
午后潮热afternoon tidal fever
身热不扬unsurfaced fever; unsurfaced generalized heat
飧泄lienteric diarrhea (diarrhea with undigested food)
五更泄fifth-watch diarrhea (diarrhea before dawn)
虚劳虚痨deficiency-consumption (xūláo, 虚劳or 虚痨)
厥证;厥①fainting(loss of consciousness); syncope ②reversal cold of the limbs 历节pain of multiple joints
肌肤甲错dry, scaly skin
瘀血static blood
血瘀blood stasis
外燥external dryness
湿毒dampness toxin
天受airborne or waterborne infection
上受upper attack
温邪上受,首先犯肺Upper attack of warm pathogens starts with the lung.; Warm pathoge ns receivedfrom the external environment first attack the lung.
三因three categories of disease cause
猝发sudden onset
晚发delayed onset
徐发gradual onset
劳复relapse due to overstrain
病势tendency of disease
病性nature of disease
胀痛distending pain
stuffy pain; oppression and pain
刺痛stabbing pain
窜痛scurrying pain
痛无定处migratory pain
游走痛wandering pain 固定痛fixed pain
冷痛cold pain
灼痛burning pain
剧痛severe pain
绞痛colicky pain; colic 隐痛dull pain
重痛heavy pain
掣痛pulling pain
空痛empty pain
酸痛aching pain
持续痛persistent pain
少腹急结spasmodic pain in the lesser abdomen (lateral aspect of lower abdomen) 项背拘急spasm of the nape and back
四肢拘急spasms of the limbs; hypertonicity of the limbs
心下急epigastric distress; <for premodern texts> distress below the heart
里急abdominal urgency
急者缓之when there is tension/spasm, treat it with relaxation; treat tension/spasm withrelaxation
急则治其标In urgent conditions, treat the branch.
急下drastic purgation
急火high/strong flame 慢火low/mild flame
急黄acute jaundice
产后三急three postpartum crises
经脉挛急channel spasms and tension
急躁impatience; irritability
咽喉不利throat discomfort
小大不利治其标in cases with inhibited urination anddefecation, treat the branch 气机不利disturbance of qi movement
肺气不利dysfunction of lung qi
Menstrualhematemesis and epistaxis is characterized by the periodic discharge of bloodfrom the mouth and the mouth, usually appearing around or during menstruation.Although the symptoms are obvious, they will be relieved or disappear aftermenstruation. It usually can be cured with a clear diagnosis, a correct patterndifferentiation, proper treatment, and has an ideal prognosis.
Thelocation of this disease is in the upper jiao, the mouth and on the tongue. Itis most often caused by a fire-heat fumigating upward. The fire can be eitheran e xcess-fire (stomach heat or heart fire) or a deficiency fire, like a yindeficiency resulting in effulgent fire. There is also false heat due to anextreme deficiency of the yin-qi or a deficiency yang straying upwards.
An oral ulcer is caused by thestreaming of the stomach-heat which is taken up when chong qi is excessive during the periods and invades upward. Thisis because there is an accumulated heat in the intestine and the stomach due tothe overeating of pungent, aromatic, and dry food or a fatty diet and theyangming stomach channel connecting with the chong mai
玄府sweat pore
玄府不通blockage of sweat pores
虚里疼痛pain of the xūl?0?9(虚里)region; pain at the region of the apical pulse
胃脘痛pain in the stomach cavity; gastric cavity pain
气门①sweatpore②qìmãn(气门)<name of an extra point, Ex-CA>
肌表fleshy exterior
百节joints of the body
膏肓gāohuāng(cardiodiaphragmatic interspace; 膏肓)
四极four extremities
七冲门seven important portals
睛明(a.k.a. 精明)①eye②vision③BL 1 (jīngmíng)
明堂①nose②tipof nose ③acupointchart ④anothername of DU 23 (shàngxīng)卫气<at first mention> wei qi (wâi qì, 卫气; a.k.a. defensive qi);<thereafter> wei qi 营卫ying-wei
卫分wei (defensive) level;
津①thinfluids (liquid) ②saliva
液thick fluids (humor)
神①spirit ②vitality ③mental activity
经络channels and collaterals
气海the sea of qi
髓海the sea of marrow
血海the sea of blood
水谷之海the sea of water and grain
血室①chongmai ②uterus③liver
寒入血室cold invading the uterus
痰phlegm (when referring to the pathogenic factor or substance expectorated fromlung/throat); sputum (when referring to the substance expectorated from thelung/throat)
饮①rheum; fluid retention ②drink ③decoction
玄府不通blockage of sweat pores
上脘upper-third portion ofthe stomach cavity (shàng w?0?0n, 上脘)
寸口radial pulse; wrist pulse; cùn k?0?0u
气口radial pulse; wrist pulse;
小腹lower abdomen
lesser abdomen (lateral aspects of thelower abdomen) <include explanation in parentheses at first mention>
三宝the three treasures (i.e., essence, qi, and spirit)
太阳1. taiyang (channel); 2. name of extra point; 3. the temple; 4. the sun
Thesmall and large intestines are connected by channels to the heart and the lung,with which they stand in interior-exterior relationship respectively. However,the small intestine’s function of separating the clear from the turbid and thelarge intestine’s transforming and conveying wastes are part of the digestiveprocess, and intestinal pathology—as well as it’s pattern identi fication andtreatment in clinical practice—is closely related to that of the spleen andstomach
诊法diagnostic method
闻诊listeningand smelling
望色inspectionof the complexion
萎黄sallowyellow; withered-yellow
尿血bloodyurine; hematuria
舌诊tongue inspection
淡红舌light red tongue
淡白舌pale tongue
红舌red tongue
绛舌crimson tongue
紫舌purple tongue
青舌blue tongue
暗舌dusky tongue
紫暗舌purple, dusky tongue 舌形tongue shape
舌质tongue body
flourishing, withered, tough and tender
胖大舌enlarged tongue
齿痕舌teeth-marked tongue
swollen tongue (pathologically worse than enlarged)
瘦薄舌thin tongue
点刺舌spotted tongue 芒刺舌prickly tongue
cracked tongue; fissured tongue
裂纹(tongue) crack/fissure (舌上)瘀斑stasis macules
(舌上)瘀点stasis spots
舌态tongue motility
tongue coating
滑苔glossy coating
腻苔greasy coating
腐苔curd-like coating
粘腻苔sticky greasy coating
剥苔peeled coating
类剥苔peeled-like coating
问汗inquiry about sweating
无汗absence of sweating
自汗spontaneous sweating
盗汗night sweat
大汗profuse sweating
大汗淋漓great dripping sweating
多汗profuse sweating
大便干燥dry stool
大便硬结hard stool
便如羊屎stool similar to sheep's feces
热结旁流heat retention with watery discharge
便溏loose stool
鹜溏duck-stool diarrhea
水泻watery diarrhea
泻下如注pouring diarrhea
自利清水diarrhea with watery discharge
下利清谷diarrhea with undigested food
完谷不化undigested food in the stool
溏结不调alternating loose and dry stool
便脓血stool containing pus and blood
肠垢putrid stool ("intestinal grime" in Chinese)里急abdominal urgency
abdominal urgency with rectal heaviness; tenesmus
diarrhea with sensation of incomplete defecation
大便滑脱fecal incontinence
大便不爽ungratifying/incomplete defecation 小便黄赤dark urine
小便频数frequent urination
小便涩痛difficult and painful urination
小便浑浊turbid urine
尿浊turbid urine
小便淋漓dribbling urination 小便失禁urinary incontinence
palpation of the radial pulse; palpation of the wrist pulse
寸关尺cùn, guān, and ch?0?9
三部九候three positions and nine indicators
扶弱support weakness
抑强inhibit excessiveness
产后三禁three postpartum contraindications
despoliation of sweat diminishes the blood; when sweat is despoliated, there is no blood
despoliation of the blood diminishes sweating; when blood is despoliated, there is no sweat
治未病treat disease before it arises
未病先防prevent disease before it arises
control the development of existing disease
to treat disease, it is necessary to seek the root
to treat w?0?7i (atrophy and/or flaccidity, 痿), select the yangming channel only
when there is retention, treat it with purgation; treat retention with purgation
when there is deficiency, treat it with supplementation; treat deficiency with supplementation
when there is cold, treat it with heat; treat cold with heat
when there is heat, treat it with cold; treat heat with cold
热因热用treat heat with heat 寒因寒用treat cold with cold
通因通用塞因塞用treat the flowing by promoting its flow treat the blocked by blocking
清热生津clear heat and promote fluid production
泄热存阴discharge heat to preserve yin
清心clear heart heat
清热解毒clear heat and resolve toxins
排脓解毒evacuate pus and resolve toxins
解毒resolve toxins
泄热和胃discharge heat and harmonize the stomach
甘寒益胃treat impairment of stomach fluids with sweet-cold medicinals 清肝火clear liver heat
清肝泻火clear liver heat and drain fire
清热利胆clear heat and promote gallbladder function
解郁泄热resolve constraint and discharge heat
清肾火clear kidney fire
清相火clear ministerial fire
交通心肾restore interaction between the heart and the kidney
泻南补北drain the south and supplement the north
清利三焦clear sanjiao damp-heat
清肝泻肺clear liver heat and drain the lung
甘寒滋润nourish and moisten with sweet-cold medicinals
清暑热clear summerheat-heat
泻下法purgative method; purgation
下法purgative method; purgation; purge
缓攻mild purgation
峻下drastic purgation
轻下mild purgation
急下drastic purgation
润下moistening purgation
攻补兼施treatment with both attack and supplementation
导滞通便remove stagnation by promoting defecation
寒下cold purgation
泻热导滞drain heat and remove stagnation
泻下泄热drain and discharge heat downward
通腑泄热unblock the bowels and discharge heat
急下存阴emergency purgation to preserve yin
釜底抽薪raking the firewood from beneath the cauldron
温下warm purgation
温阳通便warm yang to promote defecation
温下寒积remove cold accumulation with warm purgation
泻下逐饮expel fluid retention by drastic purgation
和法harmonization (treatment method)
清泄少阳clear and discharge damp-heat from the shaoyang level
疏肝理脾soothe the liver and rectify the spleen
补法supplementing method; supplementation
清补clearing and supplementing
温补warming and supplementing; warm supplementation
缓补mild supplementation
峻补drastic supplementation
补气supplement qi
下者举之treat fallen by raising
陷者升之treat sinking by raising
升陷raise the sunken
大补元气powerful supplementation of original qi
补气生血supplement qi and engender blood
升提中气raise center qi
补血养心supplement the blood and nourish the heart
补阴supplement yin
滋阴潜阳enrich yin and subdue yang
潜阳subdue yang
益气养阴boost qi and nourish yin
补养心气supplement qi and nourish the heart
温补心阳warm and supplement heart yang
滋阴养心enrich yin and nourish the heart
补益心脾supplement and boost the heart and spleen
益火补土boost fire to nourish earth
滋阴润肺enrich yin to moisten the lung
补肺益气supplement the lung to boost qi
养阴润肺nourish yin to moisten the lung
清热润肺clear heat and moisten the lung
纳气平喘improve qi reception and relieve panting
肺肾同治treat the lung and kidney simultaneously; simultaneous treatment o 金水相生mutual generation between metal and water
升阳举陷raise yang and lift the sunken
升举中气raise and lift center qi
补中益气supplement the center and boost qi
健脾扶阳fortify the spleen and reinforce yang
健脾利湿fortify the spleen and drain dampness
补气健脾supplement qi and fortify the spleen
健脾消食fortify the spleen and promote digestion
滋阴益胃enrich yin to boost the stomach
养阴和胃nourish yin and harmonize the stomach
温补脾肾warm and supplement the spleen and kidney
养肝阴nourish liver yin
平肝潜阳calm the liver and subdue yang
养肝nourish the liver
柔肝soften the liver
滋养肝肾enrich and nourish the liver and kidney
温补下元warm and supplement kidney qi
滋补肾阴enrich and nourish kidney yin
培土生金bank up earth to generate metal
滋肾益阴nourish the kidney and boost yin
甘温除热relieve fever with sweet-warm medicinals
分清泄浊raise the clear and direct the turbid downward
补虚固涩supplement deficiency and astringe discharge
固表止汗consolidate the exterior and arrest sweating
敛肺止咳astringe the lung and relieve cough
涩肠止泻astringe the intestines and arrest diarrhea
固涩止遗arrest enuresis and emission with astringents
镇摄肾气contain and astringe kidney qi
固崩止带stop profuse uterine bleeding and arrest vaginal discharge 重镇安神calm the mind with heavy sedatives
镇心安神tranquilize the heart and calm the mind
重可去怯heavy medicinals can eliminate timidity
镇惊安神suppress fright and calm the mind
养心安神nourish the heart and calm the mind
行气止痛move qi to relieve pain
理气健脾rectify qi and fortify the spleen
疏肝soothe the liver
疏肝解郁soothe the liver and resolve constraint
疏肝理气soothe the liver and rectify qi
破气消痞break stagnant qi and disperse p?0?9
疏肝利胆soothe the liver and promote bile secretion
降气direct qi downward
降气平喘direct qi downward and relieve panting
理气和胃rectify qi and harmonize the stomach
和胃降逆harmonize the stomach and direct counterflow downward 降气止呃direct qi downward and relieve hiccup
降逆下气宣痹通络direct counterflow downward and lower qi diffuse bì and unblock the collaterals
祛瘀生新dispel stasis to promote regeneration
祛瘀软坚dispel stasis and soften hard masses
化瘀消积dissolve stasis and disperse accumulation 破血消癓break up blood stasis and resolve masses 凉血止血cool the blood and stanch bleeding
dispel wind
疏风散寒scatter wind and dissipate cold
疏风泄热scatter wind and discharge heat
疏风清热scatter wind and clear heat
宣肺化痰diffuse the lung and dissolve phlegm
疏表润燥dredge the exterior and moisten dryness 祛风通络dispel wind and unblock the collaterals 平肝熄风calm the liver and extinguish wind
镇肝熄风tranquilize the liver and extinguish wind 镇痉止抽suppress convulsion and arrest tremors 熄风止痉extinguish wind and arrest convulsion
润燥剂dryness-moistening formula
清燥润肺relieve dryness and moisten the lung
润肺止咳moisten the lung to relieve cough
promote fluid production to quench thirst; engender fluids to quenc thirst
润燥止咳moisten dryness and relieve cough
养阴增液nourish yin and increase humor (thick fluids)
利湿drain dampness
燥湿dry dampness
分消上下disperse evils from the upper and the lower separately 化气利湿transform qi and drain dampness
芳香化湿aromatic medicinals remove dampness
芳香辟秽dispel filth with aromatic medicinals
除湿散满eliminate dampness and relieve abdominal fullness 化湿remove dampness
化湿和中remove dampness and harmonize the center
化湿行气remove dampness and move qi
燥湿健脾dry dampness and fortify the spleen
化湿降浊remove dampness and direct turbidity downward
醒脾化湿awaken the spleen and remove dampness
健脾化湿fortify the spleen and remove dampness
苦温燥湿bitter-warm medicinals dry dampness
温阳利水warm yang and promote urination
利水渗湿promote urination and percolate dampness
通利小便promote urination
通淋排石relieve strangury and expel stones
化气行水warm qi to move water (promote urination)
化气利水transform qi and promote urination
渗湿止泻drain dampness and arrest diarrhea
祛痰dispel phlegm
化痰dissolve phlegm
化痰平喘dissolve phlegm and relieve panting
清热化痰clear heat and dissolve phlegm
消法dispersion method
abdominal fullness is treated by elimination
promote digestion and resolve [food] stagnation 消食化滞
promote digestion
and resolve [food]
行气导滞move qi and remove food stagnation
导滞通腑remove stagnation and dredge the bowels
和中安神harmonize the center and calm the mind
消痞化积disperse p?0?9 and remove accumulation
化积remove accumulation
软坚散结soften hardness and dissipate masses
化痰散结dissolve phlegm and dissipate masses
安胎calm the fetus; prevent abortion
下乳promote lactation
平冲降逆calm surging and direct counterflow downward
下气消痰lower qi and disperse phlegm
降气化痰direct qi downward and dissolve phlegm
降逆止咳平喘direct counterflow downward, relieve cough, and calm panting 调和气血regulate and harmonize qi and blood
益气活血boost qi and invigorate blood
补气摄血supplement qi and contain blood (i.e., keep it within the vessels)益气摄血boost qi to contain blood (i.e., keep it within the vessels)
理血法blood-rectifying method
活血化瘀invigorate blood and dissolve stasis
破血逐瘀break up blood and expel stasis
破血break up blood
破瘀break up stasis
通经活络unblock the channels and quicken the collaterals
疏经dredge the channels
舒筋活络relax the sinews and quicken the collaterals
通络止痛unblock the collaterals and relieve pain
苦辛通降unblock and purge with bitter-acrid medicinals
寒热平调combination of cold and warm medicinals
时明时昧sometimes conscious, sometimes unconscious; <of the mind>sometimes clear, sometimes m 揆度奇恒assessment of the normal and abnormal
四诊合参correlation of all four examinations; comprehensive analysis of the fourexaminations
透天凉heaven-penetrating cooling method
烧山火mountain-burning warming method
青龙摆尾green dragon swaying its tail
白虎摇头white tiger shaking its head
司外揣内inspecting the exterior to judge the interior; judging the interior fromobservation of the exterior 揆度奇恒assessment of the normal and abnormal
杏苏散----Apricot Kerneland Perilla Powder
桑菊饮----Mulberry Leaf andChrysanthemum Beverage
黄芩汤----Radix Scutellariae Decoction
牡蛎散----Concha Ostreae Powder
杞菊地黄汤----Lycium Berry, Chrysanthemumand Rehmannia Decoction
疝气汤----Hernia Decoction
阴虚丸----Yin Deficiency Pill
补中益气丸----Center-Supplementing and Qi-Boosting Pill
肾气丸----Kidney Qi Pill
清署益气汤----Summerheat-Clearingand Qi-Boosting Decoction
牛黄清心丸----Bovine BezoarHeart-Clearing Pill
干草泻心汤----Radix Glycyrrhizae Heart-Draining Decoction
当归补血散----Chinese AngelicaBlood-Supplementing Decoction
羌活胜湿汤----Notopterygium Dampness-Drying Decoction
霍香正气散----AgastacheQi-Correcting Powder
安宫牛黄丸----Peaceful PalaceBovine Bezoar Pill
加味香苏散---- Supplemented Cyperusand Perilla Powder
新加香薷饮----Newly Supplemented Mosla Beverage
大承气汤----Major Purgative Decoction
加减复脉汤----Pulse-Restoring Variant Decoction
桂枝汤加减----Modified Cinnamon Twig Decoction
白虎加桂枝汤----White Tiger Decoction Plus Cinnamon Twig
白虎加人参汤----White Tiger Decoction Plus Ginseng
理法方药principles,methods, formulas, and medicinals
单方①simpleformula ②single-medicinalformula
奇方odd-number formula
偶方even-number formula
复方compound formula
十剂ten formula types
宣剂dispersing formula
通剂①obstruction-removing formula; unblocking formula ②formula wi 补剂tonic formula; supplementing formula
泄剂purgative formula
轻剂light formula
重剂heavy formula
涩剂astringent formula
滑剂lubricating formula
燥剂drying formula
湿剂moistening formula
chief, deputy, assistant and envoy
君药chief medicinal
臣药deputy medicinal
佐药assistant medicinal
使药envoy medicinal
调和诸药harmonizes the actions of all medicinals in a formula
反佐paradoxical assistant
寒热格拒repelling of cold and heat; cold-heat repulsion
汤剂decoction (preparation)
线剂medicated thread
条剂medicated roll
冲剂soluble granules; infusion granules
茶剂medicated tea
熏洗剂formula for fumigation and washing; steam-wash preparation 气雾剂aerosol
熨剂hot compress preparation
酒剂wine preparation
掺药medicinal powder; topping with powder 洗剂wash formula; wash preparation
膏药plaster (for external application)
药膏medicinal paste (for oral administration)油膏oil paste
流浸膏liquid extract
煎膏decocted extract
软膏ointment (soft plaster)
粉膏剂powder-paste formula
Warming Powder (温粉, a powder formula consisting of bái zhú, g?0 patted on the body to stop incessant sweating)
硬膏hard plaster
汤液醪醴thick liquor and sweet liquor
药酒medicinal wine
酒醴medicinal wine
薄贴thin medicinal paste
药露distilled medicinal liquid; distillate 蜡丸wax pill
糊丸flour and water paste pill
水泛丸water pill
水丸water pill
蜜丸honey pill
滴丸drop pill
浓缩丸concentrated pill
微丸minute pellet
药捻medicated thread
药线medicated thread
丹药pellet ②medicinal powder 君药chief medicinal
臣药deputy medicinal
佐药assistant medicinal 使药envoy medicinal
to be decocted first (add "decocted first" in parentheses after the Latin medicinal in a chart)
to be added at the end (add "added at the end" in parentheses after th medicinal in a chart)
decoct while wrapped (add "wrapped" in parentheses after the Latin medicinal in a chart)
decocted separately (add "decocted separately" in parentheses after th medicinal in a chart)
decocted alone (add "decocted alone" in parentheses after the Latin na in a chart)
酒煎decocted with wine 溶化dissolve
冲服take infused
decocted separately (add "decocted separately" in parentheses after th medicinal in a chart)
熬boil; boiling
顿服take in a single dose
烊化melt; melting
潦水rain water on the ground
代茶饮take as tea
噙化melt in the mouth (take as a lozenge)
泡腾片effervescent tablet
浓缩丸concentrated pill
汤液醪醴thick liquor and sweet liquor
辛甘发散为阳acrid and sweet (flavors of medicinals) with a dispersing effect pertain toyang
酸苦涌泄为阴sour and bitter flavors with emetic and purgative effects pertain to yin 淡味渗泄为阳 a bland flavor with percolating and diureticeffects pertain to yang 五灵脂散
W?0?9 Líng Zhī S?0?0n(FlyingSquirrel Feces Powder,五灵脂散)
W?0?9 Líng Zhī S?0?0n is indicated for women’sflooding (sudden massive uterine bleeding) and men’s spleen-qi accumulation. Zhang Jingyue (张景岳),a famous physician in Ming (明) Dynasty, said: Flying squirrel feces exert desirable effect
on flooding whenother medicinals fail to arrest bleeding. Use selected droppings, stir-fry it till the smoke is exhausted and makeit into powder. Take one qián(钱,one of theChinese units of measurement, equaling to 5g) eachtime, swallowing with wine. Additionally, it can also antidote poison and healbites by a snake, scorpion or centipede soon after it applied to the affectedlocations.
桂枝三两,(去皮)芍药三两甘草二两,(炙) 生姜三两,(切)大枣十二枚,(擘)上五味,父咀三味,以水七升,微火煮取三升,去滓,适寒温,服一升。
Cinnamon Twig Decoction
cinnamon twig (gui zhi,Cinnamomi Ramulus) 3 liang (remove bark)
peony (shao yao, Paeoniae Radix)3 liang
mix-fried licorice (gancao, Glycyrrhizae Radix) 3 liang
fresh ginger (shengJiang, Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens) 3 liang (cut)
jujube (da zao, ZiziphiFructus) 12 pieces (broken)
[For] the preceding five ingredients, breakthe [first] three ingredients into small pieces and use seven sheng of water.Boil over a mild flame to get three sheng and remove the dregs. Take one shengat moderate temperature.
Shortly after taking [thefirst dose] drink approximately one sheng of hot, thin gruel to reinforce thestrength of the medicinals. Warm [the body] by covering [with a blanket] for ashort period, ideally until the whole body is moist, as if sweating verylightly. One cannot allow [the sweat] to flow like water, since the diseasewill not be eliminated [in this way].
If one dose [causes]sweating and the disease is diminished, cease taking further [doses]. One neednot finish the whole packet. If sweating is absent, take another dose accordingto the previous method.
If sweating is againabsent, reduce the time between doses, finishing three doses in half aday. If the disease is severe, take[doses] throughout the whole day, and observe [the patient] the whole time.After finishing one packet, [if] the disease signs are still evident, takeagain.
If sweating is absent, one can take up to twoor three packets. Foods contraindicated[while taking the formula] include raw and cold foods, sticky and slimy foods,meat and noodles, the five acrids, liquor, milk products, and foods with apeculiar or spoiled flavor or odor.。