quick fix society 课文翻译
Quick fix society对快节奏生活的感悟英文版

More terrible is that people begin to feel that it is waste of your time to deal with interpersonal relationship, they become numb to friends. They quickly communicate with friends and quickly forget. only a rough understanding, unwilling to fraternize.
Thanks for your listening.
Slow or fast, Is up to youhe Past
Remember young days in the past. People were sincere and honest. They honored what they said. Early morning in the railway station. Long, dark and empty was the street. The soybean milk diner was steaming with heat.
got her salary, she would take me to the supermarket, let me choose a few things which I love to eat, although sometimes just a pack of tomato chips, can also makes me happy for a long time, that is not only the love of food, but also the joy of waiting.

Text A急于求成的社会Quick Fix Society詹妮特·曼德尔·戈德斯坦Janet Mendell Goldstein我和老公在西弗吉尼亚州度了一周的假,刚回来。
My husband and I just got back from a week's vacation in West Virginia.不用说,我们迫不及待地想到那里,于是便走了宾夕法尼亚收费高速公路和几条州际公路。
Of course, we couldn’t wait to get there, so we took the Pennsylvania Turnpike and a couple of interstates.“看哪,那些美丽的农场!”老公高声喊道,田园景色以每小时五十五英里的速度在我们身边滑过。
"Look at those gorgeous farms!" my husband exclaimed as pastoral scenery slid by us at 55 mph.“你看见那些奶牛了吗?”可是,每小时五十五英里的速度,很难看清任何东西。
“Did you see those cows?” But at 55 mph, it's difficult to see anything; the gorgeous farms look like moving green checkerboards, and the herd ofcows is reduced to a few dots in the rear-view mirror.四个小时里,我们唯一真正的乐趣就是数出口的标志,还有就是想再次停车时会有什么样的感觉。
For four hours, our only real amusement consisted of counting exit signs and wondering what it would feel like to hold still again.I can feel how cold the water is. 我能摸出来这水有多么凉。
lesson 5 精读

• Old Order children attend one-room schools through the eighth grade.
They are a private people who believe God
has kept them together. They are a strong example of a community that supports and cares for its members. They are a people apart; they are also a people together.
Unit 5 — Quick Fix Society
2. Text Appreciation
① Theme:
Let’s slow down and enjoy what nature offers us and what mankind has left us and rediscover life.
Unit 5 — Quick Fix Society
Contemporary College English – Intensive Reading
intensiveeng@; intensive
Unit 5 — Quick Fix Society
Warm-up Discussion:
Unit 5 — Quick Fix Society
1.4 Pennsylvania Dutch Town
④ Antique shopping (Para. 2):
“Sunday Antiques Capital of the United States". Over 3000 antique dealers gather
现代大学英语精读2第五课quick fix society 原文带段落

Quick Fix SocietyJanet Mendell Goldstein1.My husband and I just got back from a week's vacation in West Virginia. Of course, we couldn't wait to get there, so we took the Pennsylvania Turnpike and a couple of interstates. "Look at those gorgeous farms!" my husband exclaimed as pastoral scenery slid by us at 55 mph. "Did you see those cows?" But at 55 mph, it's difficult to see anything; the gorgeous farms look like moving green checkerboards, and the herd of cows is reduced to a few dots in the rear-view mirror. For four hours, our only real amusement consisted of counting exit signs and wondering what it would feel like to hold still again. Getting there certainly didn't seem like half the fun; in fact, getting there wasn't any fun at all.2.So, when it was time to return to our home outside of Philadelphia, I insisted that we take a different route. "Let's explore that countryside," I suggested. The two days it took us to make the return trip were filled with new experiences. We toured a Civil War battlefield and stood on the little hill that fifteen thousand Confederate soldiers had tried to take on another hot July afternoon, one hundred and twenty-five years ago, not knowing that half of them would get killed in the vain attempt. We drove slowly through main streets of sleepy Pennsylvania Dutch towns, slowing to twenty miles an hour so as not to crowd the horses and horse carriages on their way to market. We admired toy trains and antique cars in country museums and saved 70 percent in factory outlets. We stuffed ourselves with spicy salads and homemade bread in an "all-you-can-eat" farmhouse restaurant, then wandered outside to enjoy the sunshine and the herds of cows—no little dots this time—lying in it. And we returned home refreshed, revitalized, and reeducated. This time, getting there had been the fun.3.Why is it that the featureless turnpikes and interstates are the routes of choice for so many of us? Why doesn't everybody try slowing down and exploring the countryside? But more and more, the fast lane seems to be the only way for us to go. In fact, most Americans are constantly in a hurry—and not just to get from Point A to Point B. Our country has become a nation in search of the quick fix—in more ways than one.4.Now instead of later: Americans understood the principle of deferred gratification. We put a little of each paycheck away "for a rainy day." If we wanted a new sofa or a week at a lakeside cabin, we saved up for it, and the banks helped us out by providing special Christmas Club and vacation Club accounts. If we lived in the right part of the country, we planted corn and beans and waited patiently for the harvest. If we wanted to be thinner, we simply ate less of our favorite foods and waited patiently for the scale to drop, a pound at a time. But today we aren't so patient. We take out loans instead of making deposits, or we use our credit card to get that furniture or vacation trip—relax now, pay later. We buy our food, like our clothing, ready-made and off the rack. And if we're in a hurry to lose weight, we try the latest miracle diet, guaranteed to take away ten pounds in ten days... unless we’re rich enough to afford liposuction.5.Faster instead of slower: Not only do we want it now; we don't even want to be kept waiting for it. This general impatience, the "I-hate-to-wait" attitude, has infected every level of our lives. Instead of standing in line at the bank, we withdraw twenty dollars in as many seconds from an automatic teller machine. Then we take our fast money to a fast convenience store (why wait in line at the supermarket?), where we buy a frozen dinner all wrapped up and ready to be put into the microwave... unless we don't care to wait even that long and pick up some fast food instead.And if our fast meal doesn't agree with us, we hurry to the medicine cabinet for—you guessed it—some fast relief. We like fast pictures, so we buy Polaroid cameras. We like fast entertainment, so we record our favorite TV show on the VCR. We like our information fast, too: messages flashed on a computer screen, documents faxed from your telephone to mine, current events in 90-second bursts on Eyewitness News, history reduced to Bicentennial Minutes. Symbolically, the American eagle now flies for Express Mail. How dare anyone keep America waiting longer than overnight?6.Superficially instead of thoroughly: What's more, we don't even want all of it. Once, we lingered over every word of a classic novel or the latest best seller. Today, since faster is better, we read the condensed version or put a tape of the book into our car's tape player to listen to on the way to work. Or we buy the Cliff’s Notes, especially if we are students, so we don't have to deal with the book at all. Once, we listened to every note of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. Today, we don't have the time; instead, we can enjoy 26 seconds of that famous "da-da-da-DUM theme"—and 99 other musical excerpts almost as famous—on our Greatest Moments of the Classics CD. After all, why waste 45 minutes listening to the whole thing when someone else has saved us the trouble of picking out the best parts? Our magazine articles come to us pre-digested in Reader’s Digest. Our news briefings, thanks to USA Today, are more brief than ever. Even our personal relationships have become compressed. Instead of devoting large parts of our days to our loved ones, we replace them with something called "quality time," which, more often than not, is no time at all. As we rush from book to music to news item to relationship, we do not realize that we are living our lives by the iceberg principle—paying attention only to the top and ignoring the 8/9 that lies just below the surface.7.When did it all begin, this urge to do it now, to get it over with, to skim the surface of life? Why are we in such a hurry to save time? And what are we going to do with all the time we save besides, of course, rushing out to save more time? The sad truth is that we don't know how to use the time we save, because all we're good at is saving time... not spending time.8.Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying we should go back to growing our own vegetables or making our own clothes. I'm not even advocating a mass movement to cut all our credit cards into little pieces. But I am saying that all of us need to think more seriously about putting the brakes on our "we-want-it-all-and-we-want-it-now" lifestyle before we speed completely out of control. Let's take the time to read every word of that story, hear every note of that music, and enjoy every subtle change of that countryside. Let's rediscover life in the slow lane.。
unit6-wisdom of bearwood-课文分析3

Of course, we couldn’t wait to get there, so we took the Pennsylvania Turnpike and a couple of interstates.
they have only two lanes while near cities, they may have three or four lanes going in each direction.
superhighway: a road with several lanes. freeways: roads within a city on which you
Can’t wait/can hardly wait: used when you are emphasizing that sb. is very excited about sth. or keen to do it.
Eg. When she received the letter of admission from
can drive very fast without stopping, and they usually have three or more lanes going in each direction. expressway: fast roads in or near cities.
3. If you want to read a novel, which one would you like to read, a complete one or a compressed one? Why?
Lesson 5 Translation Quick fix society

我们的车缓慢地穿行于宾州阿曼门诺派人定居的那些小镇的主路,为了不影响前往市场的马和马车的行进,我们把速度减到每小时20英里, 我们赞叹乡村博物馆里的玩具火车和古老的轿车。
unit fivequick fix society 课后翻译 translation

5. There is no easy fix for our social problems. We should explore all possibilities and move one step at a time. 6. All old traditions die a slow and lingering death. Customs and habits that have taken so long to form can't be expected to disappear overnight.
9. The soldiers are learning how to survive in the wilderness. 10. I'll go there with you if you insist. But really I won't be much help to you.
3. They thought they might take a different route on their return trip so as to explore the great canyon in Tibet. 4. She traveled around the world and came back home quite a changed person, educated and greatly revitalized.

下面是店铺整理的新视野大学英语2课文翻译,欢迎阅读!新视野大学英语第二册Unit 9课文翻译(1)“孩子,起来,做个有出息的人!”虽然母亲已经过世,但她的话依然清晰地在我脑海中回响,就如我在孩提时代听到的一样。
Quick Fix Society

Cliff‟s Notes
Cliff‟s notes is a series of reference book written to help undergraduate students to understand and appreciate important literary works. With such notes, students don‟t have to read the work itself and be able to write papers and take exams.
Pennsylvania Dutch Town
It refers to the German-speaking communities who immigrated to Pennsylvania during the 17th ad 18th centuries in their research for freedom. They were most Lutheran路 德派 and Reformed Protestants新教徒, but also included a unique religious sect the Amish, who have retained their original culture up to this day and reject modern machinery, e.g. the car, The word "Dutch" actually comes form "Deutsch" which means "German" in German" in German.
Pennsylvania Dutch town

E.g. Conversion of sexist English into nonsexist English is not a quick fix—it is anything but mechanical.将性别歧 视的英语转变为非性别歧视的英语不是权宜之计,这一过 程只是机械性的改变,别无意义.
Gettysburg Address
Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new Nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now, we are engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether that Nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who gave their lives that Nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that wehway:connect cities
Superhighway:a road with six or more lanes
Unit 5 quick_fix_society

We drove slowly through main streets…, slowing to twenty miles an hour… … the herds of cows—no longer little dots this time—lying in it. … getting there had been the fun.
3. being old and therefore valuable 4. to force into less space antique
5. to put into a smaller or shortened form
Check of preview
Find the words from the text which have the same meanin as the following. 6. to delay until a later date defer
I. What Is “Quick Fix Society”?
“Quick fix society” can be reflected in several aspects. What are they ?How is “quick fix society” reflected in these aspects?
quick fix society 课文翻译

急于求成的社会Quick Fix Society詹妮特·曼德尔·戈德斯坦Janet Mendell Goldstein我和老公在西弗吉尼亚州度了一周的假,刚回来。
My husband and I just got back from a week's vacation in West Virginia.不用说,我们迫不及待地想到那里,于是便走了宾夕法尼亚收费高速公路和几条州际公路。
Of course, we couldn’t wait to get there, so we took the Pennsylvania Turnpike and a couple of interstates.“看哪,那些美丽的农场!”老公高声喊道,田园景色以每小时五十五英里的速度在我们身边滑过。
"Look at those gorgeous farms!" my husband exclaimed as pastoral scenery slid by us at 55 mph.“你看见那些奶牛了吗?”可是,每小时五十五英里的速度,很难看清任何东西。
“Did you see those cows?”But at 55 mph, it's difficult to see anything; the gorgeous farms look like moving green checkerboards, and the herd of cows is reduced to a few dots in the rear-view mirror.四个小时里,我们唯一真正的乐趣就是数出口的标志,还有就是想再次停车时会有什么样的感觉。
For four hours, our only real amusement consisted of counting exit signs and wondering what it would feel like to hold still again.的确,去那里看上去没多少快乐,事实上根本就没一点儿快乐。

急于求成的社会Quick Fix Society詹妮特·曼德尔·戈德斯坦 Janet Mendell Goldstein我和老公在西弗吉尼亚州度了一周的假,刚回来.My husband and I just got back from a week’s vacation in West Virginia。
Of course, we couldn’t wait to get there, so we took the Pennsylvania Turnpike and a couple of interstates.“看哪,那些美丽的农场!"老公高声喊道,田园景色以每小时五十五英里的速度在我们身边滑过。
”Look at those gorgeous farms!” my husband exclaimed as pastoral scenery slid by us at 55 mph.“你看见那些奶牛了吗?”可是,每小时五十五英里的速度,很难看清任何东西。
“Did you see those cows?” But at 55 mph, it’s difficult to see anything; the gorgeous farms look like moving green checkerboards, and the herd of cows is reduced to a few dots in the rear —view mirror。
For four hours, our only real amusement consisted of counting exit signs and wondering what it would feel like to hold still again.的确,去那里看上去没多少快乐,事实上根本就没一点儿快乐。
Unit5 Quick Fix Society

精读Unit5 Quick Fix Society p114advocate/ ˈædvəkeɪt/ v [Tn, Tf, Tg, Tsg] speak publicly in favour of (sth); recommend; support 拥护; 提倡; 支持: I advocate a policy of gradual reform. 我拥护逐步改革的政策. * Do you advocate banning cars in the city centre?n~ (of sth) person who supports or speaks in favour of a cause, policy, etc (对一事业﹑方针﹑政策等的)支持者, 拥护者, 鼓吹者, 提倡者: a lifelong advocate of disarmament为裁军奋斗终生的人.person who pleads on behalf of another, esp a lawyer who presents a client's case in a lawcourt 律师. Cf 参看barrister, solicitor.(idm 习语) devil's advocate => devil.antique/ ænˈtiːk;/ adj / n(a) belonging to the distant past 古时的. (b) existing since old times 自古就有的. valuable because of age and rarity (因古老和稀少而)珍贵的. =>Usage at old用法见old.n object, eg a piece of furniture or a work of art, that is old and valuable, esp one that is of interest to collectors 文物; 古董; 古玩: [attrib 作定语] an antique shop, ie one that sells antiques 古玩店.bicentennial/ ˏbaɪsenˈtenɪəl / adj happening once in two hundred years; marking a bicentenary 二百年一次的; 二百周年纪念的: a bicentennialanniversary/celebration二百周年纪念活动[庆典].> bicentennial n = bicentenary.brief1/ briːf/ adj (-er, -est)(a) lasting only a short time; short 时间短暂的; 简短的: a brief conver-sation, discussion, meeting, visit, delay 短暂的谈话﹑讨论﹑会议﹑访问﹑耽搁* Mozart's life was brief. 莫扎特的一生是短暂的. (b) (of speech or writing) using few words; concise (指说话或写作)简短的; 简洁的: a brief account, report, description, etc of the accident 对事故简短的叙述﹑报道﹑描述* Please be brief, ie say what you want to say quickly. 请简断截说.(of clothes) short; scanty (指衣着)短的, 刚刚够大的: a brief bikini短小的比基尼游泳衣.(idm 习语) in brief in a few words 简言之: In brief, your work is bad. 总之, 你做得不好.> briefly adv1 for a short time 短暂地: He paused briefly before continuing. 他停了片刻又继续进行.2 in a few words 简单地说: Briefly, you're fired! 一句话, 你被解雇了!n(a) summary of the facts of a legal case prepared for a barrister (为讼务律师准备的)案情摘要. (b) case given to a barrister (给讼务律师承办的)案件: Will you accept this brief?你接受这个案件吗?instructions and information relating to a particular situation, job, or task (对某情况﹑工作或任务的)指示和资料: stick to one's brief, ie only do what one is required to do 照章办事(仅做分内的事)* It's not part of my brief to train new employees. 训练新雇员不是我工作范围以内的事.(idm 习语) hold no brief for (sb/sth) not wish to support or be in favour of (sb/sth) 不支持, 不赞成(某人[某事物]): I hold no brief for those who say that violence can be justified. 我不赞成人们说有时使用暴力是合乎情理的.v1 [Tn, Tnt] give a brief2(1a) to (sb) 将案件委托(某人): The company has briefed a top lawyer to defend it. 公司已将案件委托给最好的律师进行辩护.2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (on sth) give sb detailed information or instructions in advance (about sth) 事先给某人详细介绍或指示(某事物): The Prime Minister was fully briefed before the meeting. 首相在会议前已掌握了详尽资料.debrief. briefing n[C, U] detailed instructions and information given at a meeting (esp before a military operation) (会议上作的)详细指示和介绍; (尤指军事行动前的)会议部署: receive (a) thorough briefing 听取详细指示* [attrib 作定语] a briefing session任务布置会.civil/ ˈsɪvl/ adjof or relating to the citizens of a country 公民的; 民间的; 国内的: civil disorder, eg rioting 民间的动乱* civil strife, eg fighting between different political or religious groups within a country 内乱.of or relating to ordinary citizens rather than the armed forces or the Church 普通公民的(非军队的或教会的); 文职的; 文官的: civil government文官政府.polite and helpful 礼貌的; 助人的; 文明的: How very civil of you! 你多麽彬彬有礼呀! involving civil law rather than criminal law 民法的(非刑法的): civil cases 民事案件* a civil court民事诉讼法庭. Cf 参看criminal 2 (crime).> civility / sɪˈvɪlətɪɪ/ n [C, U] (fml 文) (act of) politeness 礼貌; 客气: You should show more civility to your host. 你是客人, 应该对主人有礼貌.civilly / ˈsɪvəlɪ; ˋsɪvlɪ/ adv politely 有礼貌地.civil de`fence民防.,civil diso`bedience refusal to obey certain laws, pay taxes, etc, as a peaceful means of (esp political) protest (人民针对政府的)非暴力反抗: a campaign of civil disobedience非暴力反抗运动.,civil engi`neering土木工程. ,civil engi`neer 土木工程师.,civil `law民法.,civil `liberty 公民自由.`civil list (Brit) 王室年俸.,civil `marriage 公证结婚(未经宗教仪式但为法律承认的婚姻).,civil `rights公民权. ,civil `rights movement民权运动.,civil `servant(政府中的)公务员, 文职人员, 文官.the ,Civil `Service (a)(政府中的)文职部门, 行政机关: She works in the Civil Service, eg in the Home Office. 她在政府行政机关中工作(如在内政部). (b) [Gp] all the people employed in these (政府文职部门中的)全体公务员: The Civil Service is/are threatening to strike. 政府行政部门的全体公务员威胁要举行罢工.,civil `war内战: the Spanish Civil War 西班牙内战convenience/ kənˈviːnɪəns; / n[U] quality of being convenient or suitable; freedom from trouble or difficulty 方便; 便利; 适宜; 省事: a library planned for the users' convenience 旨在方便读者的图书馆[C] (a) arrangement, appliance or device that is useful, helpful or suitable 有用﹑有益或适宜的安排﹑用具或设施: It was a great convenience to have the doctor living near us. 有医生住在我们附近真是太方便了. (b) (Brit euph婉) lavatory for the use of the general public (公共)厕所: There is a public convenience on the corner of the street. 在街道的拐角处有公共厕所.(idm 习语) at one's con`venience when and where it suits one 在方便的时候及在适宜的地方: With a caravan, you can stop at your own convenience; you're not dependent on hotels. 开着一辆大篷车, 可以随意停下来, 不用住旅馆. at your earliestcon`venience => early. a flag of convenience => flag1.# con`venience food food (eg in a tin, packet, etc) that needs very litttle preparation after being bought 方便食品.defer1/ dɪˈfɜː(r); / v (-rr-) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tg] ~ sth (to sth) delay sth until a later time; postpone sth 使(某事)延期; 推迟: deferred payment, ie made in instalments after purchase 分期付款* defer one's departure to a later date 推迟行期* defer making a decision暂缓决定. > deferment, deferral / dɪˈfɜːrəl; dɪˋfəəl/ ns [U, C].# de,ferred `shares shares (share1 3) on which dividends are paid only after they have been paid on all other shares 延期付息股份.同词同音异意v (-rr-) [Ipr] ~ to sb/sth give way to sb or sb's wishes, judgement, etc, usu out of respect 服从某人的意愿﹑判断等; (通常为)遵从: On technical matters, I defer to the experts. 在技术问题上, 我遵从专家的意见. * I defer to your greater experience in such things. 在这些问题上, 我尊重你丰富的经验.deference/ ˈdefərəns; / n [U]giving way to the views, wishes, etc of others, usu out of respect; respect 遵从; 服从; 顺从; 尊敬; 尊重; 敬重: treat one's elders with due deference 以应有的尊敬对待较自己年长的人* show deference to a judge表示对裁判的尊重.(idm 习语) in deference to sb/sth out of respect for sb/sth 出於对某人[某事物]的尊重: In deference to our host I decided not to challenge his controversial remarks. 我出於对主人的尊敬, 不对他那易引起争论的话表示异议.> deferential / ˏdefəˈrenʃl; / adj showing deference 顺从的; 恭顺的. deferentially/adv.digest1/ ˈdaɪdʒest; / n short condensed account; summary 摘要; 概要: a digest of the week's news一周新闻摘要./ dɪˈdʒest, -/ v(a) [Tn] change (food) in the stomach and bowels so that it can be used by the body 消化(食物): Fish is easy to digest when you're ill. 生病时吃鱼容易消化. (b) [I] (of food) be changed in this way (指食物)被消化: It takes hours for a meal to digest. 一顿饭要几小时才能消化掉.[Tn] take (information) in mentally; fully understand 吸收(信息); 完全理解; 彻底领会: Have you digested the report yet? 这个报告你吃透了吗?> digestible / dɪˈdʒestəbl, -/ adj that can be digested 可消化的; 可吸收的. digestibility/dIˏdʒestəˈbɪlətɪ/n [U]./ vfeature/ ˈfiːtʃə(r); / n(a) [C] one of the named parts of the face (eg nose, mouth, eyes) which together form its appearance 面部的一部分(如鼻﹑口﹑眼): His eyes are his most striking feature. 他面部最突出的部分是那双眼睛.. (b) features [pl] face viewed as a whole 面貌; 容貌: a woman of handsome, striking, delicate, etc features相貌漂亮﹑动人﹑秀气等的女子.[C] distinctive characteristic; aspect 特徵; 特色; 特点: an interesting feature of city life 城市生活的一个有趣特点* memorable features of the Scottish landscape 苏格兰景色中令人难忘的特徵* Many examples and extra grammatical information are among the special features of this dictionary. 本词典别具特色, 诸如例证多及新增语法要点等. [C] (a) ~ (on sb/sth) (in newspapers, television, etc) special or prominent article or programme (about sb/sth) (报纸﹑电视等中)(关於某人[某事物]的)特写或专题节目: This magazine will be running a special feature on education next week. 这一杂志下周要发表一篇关於教育的专题文章. (b) full-length film(电影的)正片, 故事片: the main feature following the cartoon 动画片之後的正片* [attrib 作定语] a feature film故事片.v [Tn] give a prominent part to (sb/sth) 给(某人[某事物])以显着地位; 由(某人[某物])主演: a film that features a new French actress由法国新女星主演的电影. 2 [Ipr] ~ in sth have an important or prominent part in sth 在某事物中起重要作用或扮演主要角色: Does a new job feature in your future plans? 新的工作在你的未来计画中十分重要吗? featureless adj without distinct features (feature 2); uninteresting 无特色的; 无趣味的.gratify/ ˈgrætɪfaɪ; / v (pt, pp -fied) (fml 文)[Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] give pleasure or satisfaction to (sb) 使(某人)高兴或满意: I was most gratified at/by/with the outcome of the meeting. 我对会议的结果感到极其满意.[Tn] give (sb) what is desired; indulge 满足(某人)所欲; 纵容: gratify a person's whims 满足一人的奇想* To gratify my curiosity, do tell me what it is. 为满足我的好奇心, 你一定得告诉我那是什麽.gratification / ˏgrætɪfɪˈkeɪʃn; ˏ / n (fml 文)1 [U] gratifying or being gratified; state of being pleased or satisfied 喜悦; 满意; 满足: the gratification of knowing one's plans have succeeded 得知计画实现後的喜悦* sexual gratification性满足.2 [C] thing that gives one pleasure or satisfaction 令人高兴或满意的事物: one of the few gratifications of an otherwise boring job枯燥的工作中少有的一项乐趣.gratifying adj ~ (to do sth/that...) (fml 文) pleasing; satisfying 令人高兴的; 令人满意的: It is gratifying to see one's efforts rewarded. 看到自己的努力有所收获是令人高兴的. gratifyingly adv.ignore/ ɪgˈnɔː(r) / v [Tn]take no notice of (sb/sth) 忽视(某人[某事物]): You've been ignoring me. 你一直不把我放在眼里.deliberately refuse to greet or acknowledge (sb) 对(某人)故意不打招呼﹑不予承认或不予理睬: I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely! 我向她打招呼, 可她根本不理我!ignorance/ ˈɪgnərəns; / n [U] ~ (of sth) lack of knowledge or information(about sth) (对某事物)无知: We are in complete ignorance of your plans. 我们对你的计画一无所知. * If he did wrong it was only through ignorance. 要是他做错了, 那也只是出於无知.infect/ ɪnˈfekt; ɪnˋfɛkt/ v [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (withsth) 1 cause sb/sth to have a disease; contaminate sb/sth 使某人[某物]传染﹑感染; 污染某人[某事物]: The laboratory animals had been infected with the bacteria. 实验室的动物都已受到这种细菌的感染.(fig derog 比喻, 贬) fill (sb's mind) with undesirable ideas 用坏思想感染(某人的思想): a mind infected with racial prejudice受到种族偏见影响的头脑.(fig approv 比喻, 褒) fill (sb's mind or spirit) with happy and positive ideas or feelings 用快乐的﹑好的思想感情感染(某人的心灵): Her cheerful spirits and bubbling laughter infected the whole class. 她那快乐的情绪和爽朗的笑声感染了全班.infected adj.受感染的; 受污染的The wound from the dog bite had become infected.infectious/ ɪnˈfekʃəs; / adj(of a disease) caused by bacteria, etc that are passed on from one person to another (指疾病)传染的, 感染的: Flu is highly infectious. 流感的传染性很强.[usu pred 通常作表语] (of a person) in danger of infecting others (with a disease) (指人)能传染他人(疾病): While you have this rash you are still infectious. 身上还有这种疹子, 就仍然有传染性.(fig approv 比喻, 褒) quickly influencing others; likely to spread to others 有感染力的; 易传播给他人的: infectious enthusiasm 有感染力的热情* an infectious laugh有感染作用的笑声. > infectiously adv: laugh infectiously笑得富有感染力. infectiousness n [U]. Cf 参看contagious.infection/ ɪnˈfekʃn; / n[U] ~ (with sth) (a) becoming ill through contact with bacteria, etc 传染; 感染; 侵染: be exposed to infection 处於受感染范围(b) (fig derog 比喻, 贬) filling the mind with undesirableideas 头脑中充斥着坏思想: the infection of young people with dangerous ideologies危险的思想意识对年轻人的影响.[C] disease caused by a micro-organism 传染病: spread/pass on an infection 传播[传染]某种病* People catch all kinds of infections in the winter. 冬天人们易患多种传染病. Cf 参看contagion.linger/ ˈlɪŋgə(r); / v [I, Ipr, Ip]stay for a long time; be unwilling to leave 逗留; 徘徊: She lingered after the concert, hoping to meet the star. 音乐会後她徘徊不去, 希望能一见明星.be slow; dawdle 动作迟缓; 磨蹭; 拖沓: There's no time to linger it'll soon be dark. 没时间拖延了--天快黑了. * linger (long) over one's meal慢腾腾吃饭.remain in existence althoughbecoming weaker 苟延残喘; 奄奄一息: Though desperately ill he could linger on (ie not die) for months. 他虽病入膏肓, 却尚能苟延数月. > lingerer n逗留者; 徘徊者.lingering adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] (a) long; protracted 逗留的; 拖延的: a lingering illness 缠绵的疾病(b) remaining 继续存在的: a few lingering doubts 萦绕脑际的几点疑问lingeringly adv.outlet/ ˈautlet; / n~ (for sth) way out (for water, steam, etc) (水蒸汽等的)出口, 出路, 排放孔: an outlet for water 排水孔* [attrib 作定语] an outlet valve排气阀.~ (for sth) (fig 比喻) means of releasing (energy, strong feelings, etc) (精力﹑强烈情感等的)发泄的出路: Children need an outlet for their energy. 儿童的精力需要发泄出来. (commerce商) shop, etc that sells goods made by a particular company 经销店: This cosmetics firm has 34 outlets in Britain. 这家化妆品公司在英国有34个经销店. overnight/ˏəuvəˈnaɪt / adv / ˈəuvənaɪt; ˋovɚˋnaɪt/ adj [attrib 作定语] during or for the night 在晚上; 在夜里: stay overnight at a friend's house, ie sleep there for the night 在朋友家过夜.(infml 口) suddenly or very quickly 突然; 很快: She became a celebrity overnight. 她一下子成了名人了.1 during or for the night 晚上的; 夜里的: an overnight journey 夜间旅行2 (infml 口) suddenly; very quickly 突然的; 很快的: an overnight success突然间的成功. pastoral/ ˈpɑːstərəl; US ˋpæstərəl/ adjrelatingto or portraying country life, the countryside or shepherds, esp in an idealized way 乡村生活的, 田园风光的, 牧人的, 田园式的(尤指理想化描述的): a pastoral scene, poem, painting 田园风光﹑诗﹑画(of land) used for pasture; grassy (指土地)供放牧的, 长满草的.of or relating to a clergyman or his work (esp the spiritual guidance he gives to his congregation) 牧师的, 牧师工作的(尤指对会众心灵上的指引): pastoral care, duties, responsibilities, etc牧师对会众的关顾﹑职责﹑责任等.n1 pastoral(1) poem, picture, etc 田园诗﹑画等.2 (also pastoral `letter) letter from a clergyman 教牧书信, (尤指)主教教书(牧师或主教给会众或神职人员的公开信); 牧函.refresh/ rɪˈfreʃ; rɪˋfrɛʃ/ v [Tn]give new strength or vigour to (sb/sth); restore or revive 给(某人[某事物])新的力量或活力; 使恢复; 使振作: refresh oneself with a cup of tea/a hot bath 喝杯茶[洗个热水澡]以提神* She felt refreshed after her sleep. 她睡了一觉就精神了.(idm 习语) refresh one's/sb's memory (about sb/sth) remind oneself/sb of facts by referring to notes, etc (藉助笔记等)使自己[某人]想起: Just refresh my memory: were you born in York? 请再告诉我一次: 你是在约克郡出生的吧?refreshing adj1 giving new strength or vigour; restoring or reviving 给人以新的力量或活力的; 提神的; 使人重新振作的: a refreshing bath, sleep, cup of tea 使人恢复精力的一个澡﹑一觉﹑一杯茶* This breeze is very refreshing. 这微风使人心旷神怡.2 (fig 比喻) welcome and interesting because unusual or novel (因少见或新奇)令人欣喜闻, 使人耳目一新的: a refreshing sense of humour 别具一格的幽默感refreshingly adv: refreshingly honest, original, different极其老实的﹑新颖的﹑不同的. re`fresher course进修课程(如为教师等设的业务知识更新课).revitalize, revitalise1/ riːˈvaɪtəlaɪz; / v [Tn] put new life into (sth); regenerate 使(某事物)恢复生机; 使新生; 使再兴: revitalize industry, the economy, education, etc 振兴工业﹑经济﹑教育等revitalization, -isation / riːˏvaɪtəlaɪˈzeɪʃn; / n [U].subtle/ ˈsʌtl; / adj (-r, -st) (esp approv 尤作褒义)not easy to detect or describe; fine; delicate 难以察觉或描述的; 细微的; 精细的: a subtle charm, flavour, style 难以形容的魅力﹑滋味﹑式样* subtle humour 巧妙的幽默* paint in subtle shades of pink粉红色度略微不同的颜料.organized in a clever and complex way; ingenious; cunning 巧安排的; 巧妙的; 狡诈的: a subtle argument, design, strategy 巧妙的议论﹑设计﹑策略* a subtle analysis of the problem对该问题的精辟的分析.able to see and describe fine and delicate differences; sensitive 敏锐的; 感觉灵敏的: a subtle observer, critic, analyst, etc 细心的观察者﹑评论者﹑分析者等* She has a very subtle mind. 她头脑灵敏.> subtlety / ˈsʌtltɪ; ˋsʌtltɪ/ n1 [U] quality of being subtle 细微; 精细; 巧妙; 灵巧; 诡诈; 敏锐.2 [C] subtle distinction, etc 细微的差别等.subtly / ˈsʌtlɪ; ˋsʌtlɪ/ adv.superficial/ ˏsuːpəˈfɪʃl; / adjof or on the surface only 表面的; 在表面上的: a superficial wound 表皮的损伤apparent when looked at quickly or carelessly, but perhaps not real 表面的(乍看起来的, 未必真实): a superficial similarity表面上的相似.(a) not thorough or profound 肤浅的; 浅薄的: a superficial book, mind 立论肤浅的书﹑浅薄无知的头脑(b) (derog 贬) having no depth of character, feeling or commitment (性格﹑感情或承诺方面)缺乏深度的, 停留在表面的: You're too superficial to appreciate great literature like this. 你没有钻劲, 无法欣赏这类文学巨着. > superficiality/suːpəˏfɪʃɪˈælətɪ; / n [U]. superficially / -ʃəlɪ/ adv: only superficially alike仅仅表面上相似.urge/ ɜːdʒ; ədʒ/ v / n[Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.t] drive forcibly or hurry (a horse, etc) in a certain direction 驱赶, 驱策(马等): urge a pony into a canter, up a slope 驱策小马慢跑﹑上斜坡* She urged her mare to jump the fence. 她策马跳过障碍物.[Tn, Tf, Tg, Tsg, Cn.t] try earnestly or persistently to persuade (sb) 诚恳地或持续地催促(某人). * He urged that we should go/urged (our) going/urged us to go. 他催我们走. [Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.t] ~ sth (on/upon sb/sth) recommend sth strongly with reasoning or entreaty 竭力推荐或力陈某事物: We urged caution. 我们特别提出要小心谨慎. * Motoring organizations are urging drivers not to travel by road if possible. 机动车协会劝告开车的人暂时不要使用公路.(phr v) urge sb on encourage or stimulate sb to do sth 鼓励或激励某人做某事* Urged on by his colleagues, he stood for election. 他受到同事的鼓励而参加竞选. * The need to find a solution urged him on. 亟须找出解决方法, 这是鞭策他的动力.> urge n strong desire or impulse 强烈的慾望或冲动: sexual urges 性慾冲动* get, have, feel, give in to a sudden urge to travel心血来潮去旅行.contract1/ ˈkɔntrækt; ˋkɑntrækt/ n~ (with sb) (for sth/to do sth) legally binding agreement, usu in writing 合同; 契约: You shouldn't enter into/make a contract until you have studied its provisions carefully. 你应该先仔细研究合同的条款, 然後再签订.房子的买方和卖方办妥法律手续即可交换契约. * [attrib 作定语] the contract price, date, etc, 合同价格﹑日期等* a contract worker合同工.(idm 习语) be under contract (to sb) have made a contract to work (for sb) 立约(为某人)工作: a pop group that is under contract to one of the big record companies与一家大唱片公司签有合约的流行音乐乐队. put sth out to `contract invite people to make a contract to do work, supply (goods, etc) 请人承包工作﹑供货等事: We haven't the resources to do the work ourselves, so we'll put it out to contract. 我们自己无法做这项工作, 所以要承包出去.> contractual / kənˈtrktʃuəl; kənˋtræktʃʊəl/ adj of or contained in a contract 合同的;契约性的: contractual liability, obligations, etc合同责任﹑义务等.# ,contract `bridge定约桥牌.contract2/ kənˈtrækt; kənˋtrækt/ v(a) [Ipr, It] ~ with sb for sth make (a legal agreement) with sb for a purpose 与某人签订(合同或契约): Having contracted (with them) to do the repairs, we cannot withdraw now. 我们(与他们)订有维修合约, 现在不能撤消. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sb) (fml 文) enter into or undertake sth formally 正式缔结或确定(某事物): She had contracted a most unsuitable marriage. 她订下的婚约极不匹配.[Tn] (a) catch or develop (an illness) 感染(疾病): contract measles, a cold, etc患麻疹﹑感冒等. (b) (fml 文) acquire (sth) 招致(某事物): contract debts, bad habits负债﹑染上恶习.(phr v) contract `out (of sth) (Brit)退出或不参加某合约: You can contract out (of the pension scheme) if you wish. 你愿意的话, 可以退出(这个养老金计划). contract sth out (to sb)把工作包出去(让别人做).> contractor n person or firm that does jobs (esp construction) under contract 订约者; (尤指建筑工程的)承包人, 承包商: a building contractor 承建商* a firm of defence contractors军火承包商contract3/ kənˈtrækt; kənˋtrækt/ v[I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (to sth) 1 make or become smaller or shorter (使)缩小, 缩短, 缩约: Metals contract as they get cooler. 金属遇冷则收缩. * (fig比喻) Our business has contracted a lot recently. 我们的生意近来大为减少了.(cause sth to) become tighter or narrower; constrict (使某物)紧缩或收缩; 缩: contract a muscle 收缩肌肉* The tunnel contracts to a narrow passageway as you go deeper. 再往里走, 坑道缩小成了一条窄窄的通道参看expand.> contractible adj that can be contracted 可收缩的; 有收缩性的.contractile / kənˈtræktaɪl / adj (fml 文) 可收缩的; 有收缩力的; 有收缩性的: contractile tissue可缩组织.contraction / kənˈtrækʃn; kənˋtrækʃən/ n1 [U] contracting or being contracted 缩小; 缩短; 紧缩; 收缩: the contraction of a muscle 肌肉的收缩.2 [C] (medical医)(分娩时阵发性的)子宫收缩.3 [C] 词的缩约形式; 缩约词: `Can't' is a contraction of `cannot'. can't是cannot的缩约形式.condense/ kənˈdens; kənˋdɛns/ v[I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (into/to sth) (a) (cause sth to) become thicker or more concentrated (使某物)变稠或变浓; 浓缩: Soup condenses when boiled汤煮过後就浓了(失去大量的水分). * condensed milk, soup, etc炼乳﹑浓缩汤等. (b) (cause sth to) change from gas or vapour to a liquid (使某物)由气体或蒸气变成液体; 凝结: Steam condenses/is condensed into water when it touches a cold surface. 蒸气接触冷的表面而凝结成水珠. =>Usage at water1用法见water1.[Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (into sth) put sth into fewer words 简缩; 摘要; 简述: condense a long report into a brief summary将长篇报告简缩为摘要.compress1/ kəmˈpres; kəmˋprɛs/ v~ sth (into sth) 1 press sth together; force sth into a small(er) space 压紧; 将某物压进(较)小的空间; 挤压; 压缩: compressed air, ie at higher than atmospheric pressure 压缩空气express (ideas, etc) in a shorter form; condense 使(意见等)简短, 精简, 浓缩: compress an argument into just a few sentences 将论点概括成几句话➢compression / kəmˈpreʃn; kəmˋprɛʃən/ n [U]1压缩: the compression of gas气体的压缩.2(内燃机的)压缩冲程.compressor / kəmˈpresə(r); kəmˋprɛsɚ/ n 压缩机; 压气机.➢compress2/ ˈkɔmpres; / n(用以止血﹑退烧等的)敷布, 压布: a cold/hot compress冷[热]敷布.defer1/ dɪˈfɜː(r); dɪˋfə/ v (-rr-)~ sth (to sth) delay sth until a later time; postpone sth 使(某事)延期; 推迟: deferred payment, ie made in instalments after purchase 分期付款> deferment, deferral /dɪˈfɜːrəl; dɪˋfəəl/ ns [U, C].# de,ferred `shares 延期付息股份.defer2/ dɪˈfɜː(r); dɪˋfə/ v (-rr-)[Ipr] ~ to sb/sth give way to sb or sb's wishes, judgement, etc, usu out of respect 服从某人的意愿﹑判断等; (通常为)遵从: On technical matters, I defer to the experts. 在技术问题上, 我遵从专家的意见.postpone/ pəˈspəun; posˋpon/ v[Tn, Tn.pr, Tg] ~ sth (to sth) arrange sth at a later time; defer sth 使某事物延期; 推迟某事物: The match was postponed to the following Saturday because of bad weather. 比赛因天气不好而延期到下星期六进行(idm 习语) postpone the evil `hour/`day缓做一终须做的厌恶事.> postponement n (a) [U] act of postponing or delaying 延期; 推迟: Rain caused the postponement of several race-meetings. 几次赛马大会因雨延期. (b) [C] instance of this 延期的事: After many difficulties and postponements, the ship was ready for launching. 该船几经周折拖宕後, 已准备下水.delay/ dɪˈleɪ; dɪˋle/ v[I, In/pr, Tn] (cause sb to) be slow or late 使(某人)慢或迟到; 耽搁; 延误: Don't delay! Book your holiday today! 别拖延! 今天就定下你休假的日子![Tn, Tg] put (sth) off until later; postpone 推迟(某事); 延期: We must delay our journey until the weather improves. 我们必须把旅行推迟, 等天气好转再说.delay n1 [U] delaying or being delayed 耽搁; 延误; 推迟; 延期: We must leave without delay. 我们必须立即离开.2 [C] amount of time for which sb/sth is delayed 被耽搁或推迟的时间: There was a delay (of two hours) before the plane took off. 飞机起飞推迟了(两个小时).# de,layed-`action adj [usu attrib 通常作定语在隔一段时间後进行的: a de,layed-action `fuse, `bomb, `camera延时熔断器﹑guarantee1/ ˏgærənˈtiː; ˏɡærənˋti/ n(a) ~ (against sth) promise (usu in writing) that certain conditions agreed to in a transaction will be fulfilled (交易的)保证, 保证书: The watch comes with a year's guarantee, ie a promise to repair it free for a year after purchase. 这手表保修一年. (b) ~ (of sth/that...) promise given by one person to another that he will be responsible for seeing that sth is done (eg payment of a debt by another person) 担保, 保证(如另一人偿还债务): give a guarantee of (one's/sb's) good behaviour对(自己的[某人的])良好品行给予保证. (c) document, property, etc offered as security for carrying out the conditions in a guarantee (作为保证物的)契据﹑财产等; 抵押品: `What guarantee can you offer?' `I can offer my house as a guarantee.'‘你用什麽做抵押?’‘我可以拿房子抵押.’ person who promises to be responsible for seeing that sth is done 保证人; 担保人: Areyou willing to be a guarantee of your friend's good behaviour, ie undertake to make sure that he behaves himself properly? 你愿担保你朋友品行良好吗?~ (of sth/that...) (infml 口) 担保(某事可能发生)的事物: Blue skies are not a guarantee of continuing fine weather. 蔚蓝的天空不一定担保天气持续晴朗.guarantee2/ ˏgærənˈtiː; ˏɡærənˋti/ v通常用於被动语态~ sth (to sb))(向某人)担保某事物; 保证: We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather. 我们不能保证火车在雾天正点到达.[Tn, Tf, Tt] undertake to be legally responsible for (sth/doing sth) 承诺对(某事[做某事])负法律责任; 保证; 担保: guarantee sb's debts/the payment of sb's debts 为某人的债务作保[担保某人偿还债务[Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (against sth)承担(所购物品)的修理费: a clock guaranteed for one year against mechanical failure or faulty workmanship对机械故障或制造缺陷有一年保修的钟.[Tn] make (an event) likely to happen 使(事情)很可能发生: His turning up will guarantee the success of the meeting. 他一出席, 会议便成功在望.(idm 习语) be guaranteed to do sth (infml ironic 口,反语) be certain to do sth 必定做某事; 准做某事: It's guaranteed to rain when you want to go out. 你想出门, 天准下雨.slide1/ slaɪd; slaɪd/ n[sing] act of sliding 滑; 滑行: have a slide on the ice在冰上滑行.[C] smooth stretch of ice, hard snow, etc used esp by children on sledges (冰﹑压实的雪等的)滑面(尤为儿童用以乘雪橇的).[C] smooth slope, track or chute down which goods can slide or on which children can play at sliding (运送货物用的)滑坡﹑滑道或滑槽; (儿童游戏用的)滑梯.[C] (a)幻灯片(有框的透明软片). (b) (formerly) such a picture on a glass plate (旧时)幻灯片(玻璃的).[C] microscope (显微镜的)载片.[C](机器等的)滑动部件(如长号上的U形管)[C] (in compounds 用以构成复合词) sudden fall of a mass of earth, mud, etc (土﹑泥等的)突然崩落: a `landslide * a `mudslide.[C] = hair-slide (hair).slide2/ slaɪd; slaɪd/ v (pt, pp slid / slɪd; slɪd/)[I, Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.a] (cause sth to) move smoothly along an even, polished or slippery surface (使某物)滑动: I was sliding (about) helplessly (on the ice). 我(在冰上)身不由己地滑起来了.[Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (cause sth to) move quietly or so as not to be noticed (使某物)悄悄地或偷偷地移动: The thief slid out (of the door) while no one was looking. 小偷乘没人注意时溜了出去[I] (eg of prices) fall gradually (如指价格)逐渐降低: House values may begin to slide. 房价可能开始逐渐下降了.(idm 习语) let sth `slide (infml 口)放任某事; 听其自然: She got depressed and began to let things slide. 她情绪低落, 一切都听之任之.(phr v) slide into sth (no passive 不用於被动语态)慢慢进入(某状态, 通常指坏的): slide into bad habits, debt 逐渐染上了坏习惯﹑背上了债slide over sth避免深入涉及(某问题等): She discussed sales, but slid over the problem of how to increase production. 她谈论了销售情况, 却对增加生产的问题一带而过.# `slide-rule n滑尺; 计算尺.,sliding `door滑门; 拉门.,sliding `scale滑动费率, 滑动折算制(相关的两项目相应增减制glide/ glaɪd; ɡlaɪd/ v [I, Ipr, Ip]move along smoothly and continuously 滑行; 滑动; 滑翔: So graceful was the ballerina that she just seemed to glide. 那芭蕾舞女演员翩跹起舞, 宛如滑翔.fly without engine power (either in a glider or in an aeroplane with engine failure) (滑翔机或飞机发动机有故障时)滑行, 滑翔: The pilot managed to glide down to a safe landing. 驾驶员设法使飞机滑行下降安全着陆.> glide n (a)滑行; 滑动; 滑翔: the graceful glide of a skater滑冰者优美的滑行动作. (b) [C the tongue from one position to another 音渡; 过渡音: a palatal glide颚音的音渡. glider / ˈglaɪdə(r); ˋɡlaɪdɚ/ n滑翔机.gliding n [U] sport of flying in gliders 滑翔运动.slip1/ slɪp; slɪp/ n[C usu sing通常作单数] act of slipping; false step 滑动; 滑倒; 失足: One slip and you could fall off the cliff. 脚下一滑就可能从悬崖上跌下去.[C] minor error caused by carelessness or lack of attention 小错误; 小疏忽: make a slip 失误* There were a few trivial slips in the translation. 译文中有几个小错误.[C] (a) loose sleeveless garment worn under a dress; petticoat (有肩带的)衬裙. (b) = gym-slip (gym).[C] = pillowcase (pillow).[C] thin or small piece of paper 纸条: a salary slip, ie giving details of earnings, tax paid, etc 薪金单(列有收入﹑税款等细节)* write a phone number on a slip of paper把电话号码写在纸条上.slip2 / slɪp; slɪp/ v (-pp-)(a) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (over) (onsth) (of a person, an animal, a car, etc) slide accidentally; lose one's balance and fall or nearly fall in this way (指人﹑动物﹑汽车等)意外滑动, 失去平衡跌倒或险些跌倒: The climber's foot slipped, and she fell. 那个攀登的女子脚下一滑就摔倒了.(a) [Ipr, Ip] go somewhere quietly or quickly, eg in order not to be noticed, or without being noticed 悄悄或匆匆到某处(如以免受注意或无人注意到): The thief slipped out (by the back door). 那个贼偷偷(从後门)溜出去了. (b) ~ sth (to sb)将某物放在某处(常指悄悄地或偷偷地): slip an envelope into one's pocket 把信封悄悄塞进口袋~ from/out of/through sth; ~ out/through 滑落; 滑脱; 逃走: The fish slipped out of my hand. 鱼从我手中滑走了.。


Quick-fix Society 一切都追求速成的社会With the development of society, the more quickrhythm working and living,we hope to use shorter time to be succe ss,we name it Quick-fix Society.Quick-fix Society have threecharacteristics.First,more peoledo not care the program,only care aboutthe result instead.Second,it leadsto the majori ty person in a depres sion,losessleep, unstab le mood and less securi ty sensestate.Third,it result to people become increasingly alienated to others.In china,more and more people become more or less adopted this quick-fix society.People try to fast food,work with little leisurely conversation and participate in a wide variety of crashcourses.The quick-fix society promote the economic development ,at the same time it enhances the ability of individualin a shorttime training.On the contrary,we ignore the relationship between people,so we should pay more attention to increase communication.The phenomenonof quicik-fix social in chinacaused by the more and more social pressure.Peopleseek for a measure to solvethe problem,but they have to devote themselvesinto this kind of life mode,avoiding be eliminatedby the society.The quick-fix social is the need of social development ,we should work hard to adoptto it .随着社会的发展,快节奏工作和生活,我们希望短的时间取得成功,这一切被称为一切速成的社会。
2019年高中英语作文及翻译-Please Slow Down

请慢点 Please Slow Down
With the fast development of society, we are in a new society whicty”. People are now becoming more and more impatient. We are always in a hurry.
We need to think more seriously about putting brakes on this impatient lifestyle. We should slow down so that we have time to enjoy music, to read, to enjoy beautiful scenery, to rediscover life.
This general impatience, the hurry attitude, has infected every level of our lives. Today people usually travel by the fast tool, eat fast food, take fast pictures, enjoy fast entertainment, read fast news. The whole society has become a quick fax society. Therefore people don’t have time to enjoy many beautiful things around them.
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急于求成的社会Quick Fix Society詹妮特·曼德尔·戈德斯坦Janet Mendell Goldstein我和老公在西弗吉尼亚州度了一周的假,刚回来。
My husband and I just got back from a week's vacation in West Virginia.不用说,我们迫不及待地想到那里,于是便走了宾夕法尼亚收费高速公路和几条州际公路。
Of course, we couldn’t wait to get there, so we took the Pennsylvania Turnpike and a couple of interstates.“看哪,那些美丽的农场!”老公高声喊道,田园景色以每小时五十五英里的速度在我们身边滑过。
"Look at those gorgeous farms!" my husband exclaimed as pastoral scenery slid by us at 55 mph.“你看见那些奶牛了吗?”可是,每小时五十五英里的速度,很难看清任何东西。
“Did you see those cows?”But at 55 mph, it's difficult to see anything; the gorgeous farms look like moving green checkerboards, and the herd of cows is reduced to a few dots in the rear-view mirror.四个小时里,我们唯一真正的乐趣就是数出口的标志,还有就是想再次停车时会有什么样的感觉。
For four hours, our only real amusement consisted of counting exit signs and wondering what it would feel like to hold still again.的确,去那里看上去没多少快乐,事实上根本就没一点儿快乐。
Getting there certainly didn't seem like half the fun; in fact, getting there wasn't any fun at all. 所以,该回费城外的家的时候,我坚持要换条路走。
So, when it was time to return to our home outside of Philadelphia, I insisted that we take a different route.我建议说:“咱们去考察一下农村吧。
“Let's explore that countryside,”I suggested. The two days it took us to make the return trip were filled with new experiences.我们游览了内战时的一个战场,站在了一座小山上。
We toured a Civil War battlefield and stood on the little hill that fifteen thousand Confederate soldiers had tried to take on another hot July afternoon, one hundred and twenty-five years ago, not knowing that half of them would get killed in the vain attempt.我们驾车缓慢地驶过宾夕法尼亚安静的德国城的主要街道,将速度降至每小时二十英里,以免和去赶集的马匹和马车挤在一起。
We drove slowly through main streets of sleepy Pennsylvania Dutch towns, slowing to twenty miles an hour so as not to crowd the horses and horse carriages on their way to market.在县城的博物馆里,我们欣赏了玩具火车和老式汽车;在工厂的直销商店里(购物),省了七成的钱。
We admired toy trains and antique cars in county museums and saved 70 percent in factory outlets.在农户的自助餐厅里,我们饱饱地吃了一顿香料沙拉和家庭自制面包,而后便在外边闲逛,享受着阳光,欣赏着卧在阳光里的成群奶牛——这时可不是小黑点了。
We stuffed ourselves with spicy salads and homemade bread in an "all-you-can-eat" farmhouse restaurant, then wandered outside to enjoy the sunshine and the herds of cows—no little dots this time —lying in it.我们回到家里,恢复了精力,也恢复了活力,还又一次受到教育。
And We returned home refreshed, revitalized, and reeducated. This time, getting there had been the fun.毫无特色的收费高速公路和州际公路成了我们许多人的专门选择,这是为什么呢?Why is it that the featureless turnpikes and interstates are the routes of choice for so many of us?大家为什么不试着放慢速度,去考察一下农村呢?Why doesn't everybody try slowing down and exploring the countryside?可是,越来越多的情况是,快车道看来成了我们要走的唯一道路。
But more and more, the fast lane seems to be the only way for us to go.实际上,大多数美国人总是匆匆忙忙——而且不光是在从甲地赶到乙地这样的事上。
In fact, most Americans are constantly in a hurry—and not just to get from Point A to Point B. 我们的国家已经变成了一个追求速战速决的国家——不止在一个方面。
Our country has become a nation in search of the quick fix—in more ways than one.不要将来,只求现在:从前,美国人明白“好事多磨”的道理。
Now instead of later: Americans understood the principle of deferred gratification (被推迟的满足). We put a little of each paycheck away "for a rainy day".如果我们想要一个新沙发,或者在湖边的小屋里过上一周,我们就为此攒些钱。
If we wanted a new sofa or a week at a lakeside cabin, we saved up for it, and the banks helped us out by providing special Christmas Club and Vacation Club accounts.如果我们住在乡下,地方合适,就种下玉米和豆子,耐心地等待着收获。
If we lived in the right part of the country, we planted corn and beans and waited patiently for the harvest.如果我们想要瘦一些,我们就少吃一些最喜爱的食物,耐心地等着磅秤降下来,一次降一磅。
If we wanted to be thinner, we simply ate less of our favorite foods and waited patiently for the scale to drop, a pound at a time.可是现在,我们没有这份耐心了。
But today we aren't so patient. We take out loans instead of making deposits, or we use our credit card to get that furniture or vacation trip—relax now, pay later.我们买食品也像买衣服一样,都是已经弄好的,现成的。
We buy our food, like our clothing, ready-made and off the rack.如果我们急着要减轻体重,就试用最新的神奇套餐,它保证能在十天之内减去十磅……除非我们很有钱,可以去做吸脂手术。
And If we're in a hurry to lose weight, we try the latest miracle diet, guaranteed to take away ten pounds in ten days ... unless we're rich enough to afford liposuction.不要缓慢,只求快速:我们不但现在就要,我们甚至不想被动地等待。