课件3:Learning about Language

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However, she suggested that I should produce a _p_e_r_fu_m__e_ from my new lily. With her encouragement, I decided to _s_e_iz_e_ the opportunity to make a real invention, so I _s_e_t_a_b_o_u_t_ my studies on developing my _p_r_o_d_u_c_t_, for which I hope I will succeed in applying for a patent.
Answer key for exercise 4 on page 24 1. We saw _th__e_p_l_a_y_p_e_r_f_o_r_m_e_d_ on TV yesterday. 2. He left the car lights on overnight and in the
morning she couldn’t get _t_h_e_c_a_r_s_t_a_r_te_d__. 3. Catherine wants _h_e_r_p_a_i_n_ti_n_g_s_d_i_s_p_la_y_e_d_ in the
4. You’d better have _y_o_u_r_b__ed__ro_o_m___ti_d_ie_d__ before I get home from work. It’s in a mess.
5. I felt _m_y_s_e_l_f_th__ro_w__n_ forward when the bus stopped.
Each idea _t_es_t_e_d_ by you will need to be _i_m_p__ro_v_e_d_ until it leads you closer to a new invention. Once this hard work has been completed and the patent committee has approved your design, you will find your new invention _a_d_o_p_te_d_ on all sides.
6. I won’t have _m_y__t_im__e_t_a_k_e_n_u_p__ with useless discussion.
7. I cannot bear the smell of _b_u_r_n_t_s_a_u_s_a_g_e_ on the barbecue.
8. The host found s_o_m__e_g_u_e_s_t_s_in__v_it_e_d_ to the party were late because of traffic jams.
Learning about Language
Discovering useful words and expressions
1 In groups make word pairs with the same suffix. Add more of your own.
EXAMPLE: n. convenience independence
Discovering useful structures
Answer key for exercise 2 on page 24 1. We need another copy of the _si_g_n_e_d_ agreement. 2. He seemed d_i_s_a_p_p_o_in__te_d_ by the failure of his patent. 3. She tried to make herself u__n_d_e_r_s_to_o__d while giving her talk. 4. I was e_m__b_a_r_r_a_s_se_d_ to see our team _b_e_a_te_n_ by a weaker
3 Complete the passage using the correct form of the words or phrase below.
file abruptly seize perfume
criterion set about
When I first applied for a patent I was very puzzled by the c_r_i_te_r_i_a. I had produced a new type of lily. I was amazed when my application was _a_b_r_u_p_t_ly_ refused. The patent officer dealing with my _f_il_e_ explained to me that a new plant variety is not a _v_a_li_d_ invention as it is a result of adjusting growth scientifically.
team. 5. My mother appeared p_l_e_a_s_ed_ with the lanterns she had
Answer key for exercise 3 on page 24 If you want to be an inventor, you must have a plan _d_e_si_g_n_e_d_ to solve a particular problem. This is not as easy as it sounds. Many ideas, _d_e_v_el_o_p_e_d_ after weeks of research, may not prove successful. Many unsuccessful approaches are r_e_j_e_c_te_d_, and only the most creative and successful ones are w__e_lc_o_m__e_d_.
2. If you want to apply for a credit card, you must
provide officially acceptable identification. valid
3. You need to approach that animal with great care
adj. convenient; independent
n. cube base fancy mercy stain care caution poision
adj. cubic basic fanciful merciful stainless careless cautious poisonous
call/ring him up
6. I don’t think of my hometown very much, only sometimes. now and then 7. Luckily the rainfall stopped suddenly before I left.
abruptly 8. In a courtroom it is sometimes difficult to recognize who is innocent and who is guilty. distinguish
as it may bite.
4. She accepts everything during meetings and does not contribute to discussions at all.
is passive 5. I found his phone number in the directory and tried to telephone him last night, but there was no reply. Later I found I dialed the wrong number.

expect expectation
relax relaxation
produce production
reduce reduction
identify identification
satisfy satisfaction
Homework 1. Finish the exercises on grammar in this unit. 2. Preview the reading materials in Using
disappointing disappoint
2 Replace the underlined parts with words that have the same meaning. Rewrite the sentence when necessary. 1. The greengrocer at the corner is probably the easiest and nearest to reach. most convenient