Speaking for BEC vantage





202X年新编剑桥商务英语BEC中级第三版BEC中级(BEC Vantage)是指剑桥商务英语考试的中级水平。


以下是一篇关于BEC中级考试第三版的的新编剑桥商务英语BEC中级第三版:Introduction to BEC VantageBEC Vantage, or Business English Certificate Vantage, is an internationally recognized English language exam that measures a person's ability to communicate effectively in a business environment. It is designed for individuals who have an intermediate level of English and wish to improve their language skills for the workplace.The third edition of the BEC Vantage exam has been recently released. This updated version reflects the changing needs of businesses and provides candidates with the most relevant and up-to-date business English materials.BEC Vantage is divided into four parts: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Each section is designed to test a different aspect of the candidate's language skills. In the Reading section, candidates are required to read and comprehend business-related texts, such as articles or reports. They will need to demonstrate theirability to understand the main ideas, as well as the specific details, of the text.第1页/共3页锲而不舍,金石可镂。

BEC_Vantge_Speaking(Part II)

BEC_Vantge_Speaking(Part II)
What is important when selecting staff for a job / promotion?
Working experience Personal qualities ... Current performance Experience
suggested notes
Well, that’s all my points.
Of course, … is also very important. In addition, we should also consider … We can’t overlook the importance of … In my opinion there is one more key factor that we need to think about: …. Last but not least…
Part II 技巧
第二式: 环环相扣
Logical Structure
开始:To start with; Generally speaking; First of all 递进:Besides; Then; what’s more; In addition, moreover 转折:but; However; whereas, on the other hand 举例/进一步说明:that is to say; in other words; for instance 回到原来topic:any way 总结:so; therefore, in a word in short; To conclude




BEC 考试通常分为三个级别:BEC Preliminary (B1 level)、BEC Vantage (B2 level) 和BEC Higher (C1 level)。

1.Listening (听力):能够理解商务场景中的对话和讲话,并回答

2.Reading (阅读):能够理解商务文档,包括报告、邮件和文章。

3.Writing (写作):能够以清晰、准确和连贯的方式书写商务文

4.Speaking (口语):能够进行商务场景中的口头交流,包括面试、



BEC Vantage Speaking Test-1

BEC Vantage Speaking Test-1

• Do you think the internet will become more widely used by companies in the future? Why/ why not? • (Will more companies use the internet in the future? Why/why not?) • Yes, I think so. Information sharing will become extremely important to companies in the future. In order to gain information ASAP, company will more widely use the internet which can provide a comprehensive range of information on marketing, transporting, suppliers, staff training, technical assistance and support.
3. Business and the Internet
• Do you find the internet useful for your work or studies? Why/why not? • (Does the internet help you in your work or studies? Why/why not?) • The internet is very useful for my work. I can dial into my corporate network via modem, and download the data I need. I can create the requested document and e-mail it via the internet from my home computer. I don't have to return to the office to use a fax machine. By using wireless network technology I’m able to connect a notebook computer with modem to my cellular phone! I even leave my home computer on-line so I can receive faxes on evenings and weekends.

剑桥商务英语中级第三单元BEC vantage module 3

剑桥商务英语中级第三单元BEC vantage module 3
Exercise 2: The table below lists things to remember if you are setting up a new business sole trader.
Read the article and complete the right-hand column.
剑桥商务英语中级第三单 元BEC vantage module
Module Thrting a business
3.2 Business skills: Leaving and taking
3.3 Exam spotlight: Listening Test: Part One
9.Sometimes the training programs provided by the franchisors are weak--- too brief and staffed by trainers who do not have instructional skill.
3.1Reading: We wanna hold your hand
Business Topic
▪ 3.1 Vocabulary: Types of business 3.1 Reading: We wanna hold your hand
3.1 Listening: Advice on franchises 3.1 Listening: Planning a seminar 3.1 Grammar: will and the future
9. ludicrous adj.
10. charge one’s own prices 自行定价收费



Preparing for BEC Vantage Speaking口试部分Candidates should给应试者的建议1.familiarise themselves with the form, function and procedures for all parts of the test要熟悉口试中每一部分的格式、功能和步骤2.take every opportunity to practice their English in groups and pairs, both inside and outside the classroom before the test, particularly in a business environment, if possible.利用好每一个开口讲英语的机会,不论是小组讨论也好还是双人练习也好,无论是课堂上还是课外,都要多说多练。


3.take opportunities to show what they are capable of and try to produce an extended sample of language for the examiner to assess抓住机会向考官展示英语能力,证明自己的英语水平比考试要求得更高。

4. listen carefully to instructions and questions asked throughout the test在整个口试过程中,都要认真听清楚考试官的指示和问题。

5.ask for repetition of instructions if you are unclear about what to do如果你不知道该这么做,那就请考试官再重复一遍问题,或者请他们给点指示。

6.try to avoid long silences and frequent pauses尽量避免长时间的冷场,也不要经常停顿。

剑桥商务英语中级(BEC_Vantage)应试技巧 2013应试必备

剑桥商务英语中级(BEC_Vantage)应试技巧 2013应试必备

剑桥商务英语中级(BEC Vantage)应试技巧商务英语证书(BEC)考试是由剑桥大学考试委员会与教育部考试中心联合推出的一项权威性的考试,该证书在英国、英联邦各国及欧洲大多数国家的商业企业部门获得认可,并且能作为考生英语能力的证明。

商务英语证书(BEC)考试分三个级别,初级(BEC Preliminary)针对大学英语二级或高中以上水平的学生,中级(BEC Vantage)则主要适合通过了大学英语四、六级的学生,同时也适合于从事国际商务的专业人士和公司的职员。

商务英语高级(BEC Higher)由于对英语水平及商务知识都有较高的要求,证书含金量高,目前参加该级别考试的人数呈上升的趋势。




下面拟从读、写、听、说四个方面分别介绍一下参加商务英语中级(BEC Vantage)考试应该注意的问题以及相关的应试技巧。










剑桥商务英语(BEC)考试概况商务英语证书(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE)是教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作,于1993年起举办的考试。






BEC共分三个等级:BEC初级(BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为BEC P),BEC中级(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为BEC V),BEC高级(BEC Higher Level,缩略为BEC H)。




考试时间分别为:BEC 初级阅读写作90分钟,听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间),口试12分钟;BEC 中级阅读60分钟、写作45分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试14分钟;BEC 高级阅读60分钟、写作70分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试16分钟。








bec vantage是什么意思bec vantage是什么意思下面是店铺给大家整理的bec vantage 是什么意思,供大家参阅!bec vantage是什么意思BEC简介BEC其英文全称为BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE,中文名称为:剑桥商务英语资格考试。




也是在所有举办该项考试的国家和地区求职的“ 通行证”。


等级划分BEC共分三个等级:BEC初级(BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为BEC Pre.),BEC中级(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为BEC Van.),BEC 高级(BEC Higher Level,缩略为BEC Hi.)。


BEC是什么意思BEC(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE)商务英语证书是教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学地方考试委员会合作,于1993年起举办商务英语证书(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE)考试。




• Minor spelling and small grammar mistakes are no catastrophe (when you complete the tasks!) • Use the language that you feel confident about • Do not repeat words! Show that you know more than the most basic words.
5 Different Parts
• Part 4: Gap-Filling task • This is mainly a vocabulary exercise where you have to choose the correct word for each of the 15 gaps. Read the text again to check your choices!
Useful expressions for reports:
• Introduction • The aim of this report/proposal is to... This report aims to..பைடு நூலகம் This report sets out to... • Findings • If was found that. .clearly shows that. • The following findings can be presented...
5 Different Parts
• Part 3: Comprehension Check • Read carefully and find the best answer to the 6 questions regarding the content of the longer text.

剑桥商务英语中级 BEC vantage module

剑桥商务英语中级 BEC vantage module
3.1 Speaking: Discussing a schedule
3.1 Vocabulary: Types of business
Useful Words and Expressions
1. sole trader
2. partnership n.
3. franchise n.
2 关键信息… make sure that the brand is strong and that it’s something you are interested in.
Key and Analysis
4 growth。与growth搭配的词组:a huge growth in orders
5 concept。与concept搭配的词组:a simple concept
6 branch out。含有branch out的词组: branch out into stickers
Key and Analysis:说出每种公司开设方式的一个优点和缺 点,并且举例说出一家你所熟悉的公司。如果没有经验,可 以参考以下思路:
独立经销店 合伙经营店 加盟连锁店
如果破产则丧失 一切
策略可能产生分 歧
给定经营模式, 部分利润要上交

Useful Words and Expressions
网上数据库 订购;订阅 移动电话 MP3播放器 手提电脑 时间表,计划 班车,机场班车 冷餐,自助餐
About British Franchise Association
The British Franchise Association is the voluntary self regulating governing body for franchising. All the members have chosen to be vetted against a strict code of business practice --- they endeavour to be good franchisors that can deliver the success that you want.

BEC Vantage Speaking(Part 3)

BEC Vantage Speaking(Part 3)

A: Hi, you know, our company is sort of out of control these days. Don’t you think so?(开题) B: Yeah. Everything seems to be in disorder here in our company. And that obviously has a lot to do with poor time management.(回应) A: You mean poor time management has caused all these problems. Why? (问题1) B: When time is not well planned within a company, staff usually do not allocate blocks of time to specified tasks. They do not have a definite idea of when they should complete a certain task. (观点1) A: And I think they often neglect the ordering of priorities. I mean certain tasks need our prior attention. But in our company every task is treated on an equal basis, even if it is a very urgent task.(观点2) B: That’s the point. So time should be planned according to the importance of the tasks we need to deal with. A: You are absolutely correct. Besides, poor time management has caused much production downtime and revenue loss. Haven’t you noticed that?(观点3)



BEC Vantage 课本部分口语和写作练习参考答案•Look at the following characteristics of a good team, discuss and choose the five most important and put them in order. State briefly the reason.•Pair Discussion: How can teamwork help you prepare for the Cambridge BEC Vantage Examination?•Work in pairs: Compare the following forms of communication, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?What do you find difficult about understanding native English speakers?Culture-specific humorFast speed Cultural difference Slang expressionLocal accent Idiomatic language•Work in pairs: look at the tape script and choose one of the difficult messages. Make it easier to understand.•Suggested answer:•Call 3is relatively concise. However, you might have difficulty because of the socializing added in before Sue gets down to the message (How are you? I hope you're not too busy ...),you may also find her use of phrasal verbs difficult (work out, put back)Sue also uses a rather British way of asking for a postponement (I don’t suppose ,.., could we?).It may be helpful for her to say whenexactly she called and to give her number.•Call 4is longer and therefore difficult to retain the message. one reason is that Colin includesunnecessary information (e.g. I'm traveling to ameeting with a client). The purpose of the call comes rather late and the sentences are very long, withmore that one idea in each. it may be more helpful to leave his number at the end rather than near thebeginning of the message. once again, it may behelpful to say exactly when he rang.•Call 5is quite long. Steve uses many of the features of British English mentioned in the articleunderstatement (e.g. a little bit on the optimistic side), get uses with different meanings (e.g. which I'll get off to you today), and a generally idiomatic approach to language. Colin could say when he called and give a telephone or extension number.Taking messages•Work in pairs.•Student A: Look at the Activity sheet on page 145.•Student B: Look at the Activity sheet on page 150.Taking messages •Useful expressions:•Work in pairs: use the criteria above to ask your partner questions about the last restaurant he/she went to.•Would Porters be a suitable restaurant in these situations?–an end-of-year office party –an evening with a new client and his/her partner –a corporate event to launch a new product or service –a negotiation for a contract with a new client –an end-of-week meal with a small group of colleagues √√√•Suggested answer:•Porter would seem suitable for an end-of-year office party or an end-of-week meal as the restaurant is very popular and appears to encourage groups. It would also appear suitable for a product launch as theadvertisement mentions corporate events and company presentations. However, even though the advertisement says the restaurant had semi-private facilities, it might bea better idea to choose a restaurant that is quieter and/or designed to impress for a negotiation or an evening with a new client.•Work in pairs: describe the most memorable restaurant you have ever been to.Mixing business with pleasure—speaking•Read the profiles of the business people below. Choose ways of entertaining them from the following list.Mixing business with pleasure—speaking•Brainstorm the advantages and disadvantages of mixing business with pleasure.Arranging a company visit —sample letter•Otto, the Hamburg-based order company, has suppliers all over the world. What qualities do you think Otto looks for its suppliers?Placing an order—writing •Write a clearer version of Antonella's fax.Confirming changes—writing •Write a 40-50 words reply to Antonella.Dear AntonellaThank you for your fax. In answer to your queries, I can confirm that the measurements charts do not need changing and all knitted skirts will now be produced in a standard length. We would like to propose a delivery date of 30 June. Does that suit you?Best regardsKorinnaWhat are typical inflows and outflows for your company?•Work in pairs. Think of 3 other reasons why small companies fail.•Steve and Sue are finding it difficult to pay suppliers because of a shortage of cash. Steve e-mails Barbara Capel to ask for help. What solutions are Steve and Sue considering?•Write a 40-50 reply to Steve.Suggested AnswerHi SteveIt's good to know that business is going well, of course I'll help! I think Sue's idea could be one solution but wait and let's discuss it together in more detail. How about a meeting on Friday at 10 am in my office? See you then.Barbara•Work in pairs and choose the best five suggestions. How would they benefit the company?Selling points---speaking •Work in pairs. Look at the products below, What brand of each product would your partner buy? Why?Sainsbury’s Bank---speaking •What would be the advantages and disadvantages of buying all of these financial products from the same provider?The benefit of good PR---speaking•Work in pairs. What is the public image of your partner's company and its products/services? Does your partner share the same view of the company?The benefit of good PR---speakingspeaking•Work in pairs. Your company is launching a new product in four month's time. Agree on the following details. Then presenting your ideas to the class.speakingspeakingspeakingOrganizing a PR event---writing•Write a formal letter inviting a journalist to the launch in 120-140 word, including the five points in the previous task.Organizing a PR event---writingDear Mr. DowneI am pleased to be able to invite you to the launch of English Tomorrow, the exciting new multi-level CD-ROM program for business English learners. English Tomorrow is published by Talk International in cooperation with Bookers publishers.The official launch will take place at 3pm on 25th July at The Royal Bell Hotel, South Harford, Somerset.During the afternoon there will be an opportunity for you to try out the material Moreover, the designers -Mark Brightman and Sally Waters, and representatives of Bookers Publishers will be present to answer any questions you may have.I do hope your schedule will allow you to accept our invitation. I would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance by 20 June at the latest and look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerelyRuth WilliamsPR ManagerWhy do companies relocate---speaking •Work in pairs and discuss the questions.Why do companies relocate---speaking •Put six reasons for relocating to Ireland in order of importance for your company.Arrange to relocate---speaking •Work in pair and discuss the questions.Arrange to relocate---writing•Which relocation company should Fenway choose?•Write a report 0f 120-140 words comparing the two companies and making your recommendation.Arrange to relocate---writingA comparison of ERS and Worldwide RelocationIntroductionThe aim of this report is to assess which of the two companies, ERS or Worldwide Relocation, would be the most suitable for the relocation of Fenway employees and their families from Seattle to Dublin.FindingsBoth ERS and Worldwide Relocation offer an accommodation and school search services. Both companies can organize visas and work permits. In addition to these basic services, ERS also offers removal and shipping assistance whereas Worldwide Relocation offers an integration programme and assistance with partner employment The latter is a key requirement for Fenway.ConclusionIt was concluded that both companies go some way to fulfilling Fenway's needs, but neither meets all its needs.RecommendationWe would recommend that Worldwide Relocations be chosen to facilitate the relocation process as its services match Fenway's requirements more closely than ERS' do.Finding the right location---speaking •Work in pairs.•Student A: look at the activity sheet on page 146.•Student B: look at the activity sheet on page 151.Finding the right location---speaking•You are Jim's assistant. Read the information about the property below, and Jim's notes.•Write a letter of 120-140 to Gerald at PLP asking for further information.4 place Jean MoulinDear Mr. SlaterI am writing to say that, after having visited the site, my company is very interested in renting the office premises at 4 place Jean Moulin. However, I would be very grateful lf you could give me some further information.Firstly, would it be possible for you to tell me which companies share the site? Could you also tell me how many floors there are in the building in total? We are only interested in renting a single floor of the building. Would this be possible? You say the property is near two metro stations. Please can you tell me which they are? I would also like to know where the additional surface car-parking is exactly.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerelyWhat information is used to measure the performance of a company? What can you find this information?Measuring performance—speakingLook at the Activity sheet on page 146 and 151 and practice using the above terms.。

BEC Vantage Speaking - 第七课

BEC Vantage Speaking - 第七课

• What’s important when setting prices for new products
– Production cost – Competition's prices
• What’s important when dealing with client’s complaint
• How is Guangzhou different from Luoyang? • What do you think of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of computers? • Would you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside? Why?
Corporate culture

Creating healthy corporate culture
Elements of weakness How to improve?
What’s important when creating a healthy corporate culture 1. support; 2. communication; 3. evaluation (promotion) 4. corporate responsibility
– Recruitment agencies – Financial incentives
• What’s important when attending an interview
– Appearance of applicant – Knowledge of the company

剑桥商务英语中级第二单元BEC vantage module 2

剑桥商务英语中级第二单元BEC vantage module 2

40. senior management
About Xerox
Xerox is one of the Fortune 500 dealing in office equipment.
Module Two
BEC Vantage
Section A _______________
Section B _______________
Section C _______________
2.1 Business topic: Company benefits
Key and Analysis
1 a company car。答案信息在my wife use the one at home and we even take mine away at weekends,后面还补充“they don’t seem to mind how I use it”。
2 flexible working hours。答案信息在can do a half day, might work later, take work home,都是关于各种灵活的工作方式。
2.1 Vocabulary: Benefits and incentives
Exercise 1: What is important when choosing a job?
Rank the following in order of importance from 1 to 10.
- an impressive job title

BEC Vantage Speaking

BEC Vantage Speaking

Recruiting●Working experienceApplicants who have already had the work experience in the relevant fields will learn the new job easier and quicker and it will also save the company a lot of training fees.●Personal qualitiesSuch as personality health. Companies tend to employ people whose character fits a special job. For example, consulting company tends to employ applicant who is analytical and knowledgeable, but advertising agency like their employees to be energetic and creative.●LanguageNowadays. We do business with people globally. A foreign language especially English is needed if company wants to expand to the world. Applicants who can speak one or more foreign languages will have a better chance to get the job.●Communicative skillsGood communicative skills such as interpersonal skills and team spirit are also becoming an important precondition in selecting qualified employees.Preparing for a job interview●Studying the job advertisementStudy the job advertisement carefully so that you can match your knowledge, skills and abilities with the specifications required for the post. You must assure the interviewer that you have all the qualifications required, so you are the right sort of person they are looking for.●Finding out about the companyKnow more about the company, such as its profile, structure, existing problems, requirements, campaigns and future plans.●Prepare yourself psychologicallyThis will help you combat stress. Rehearsing the interview with you friends, for example, is a good relaxation exercise that can install confidence in you.Team workThe importance of team work●Teamwork reflects the combined experiences, knowledge, intelligence and views of a groupof people, so it will definitely improve the quality and efficiency of the work.●If the participants worked together, it would be easy for them to come up with creative ideas.This is particularly valuable for a relatively complex work, for the people working in a team, if one of them gets stuck on a matter, the rest could contribute their ideas and get the problem sorted.●You will get bored quickly if you work on you own. But if you work in a team, you will beinspired by others.●Working in a team can increase personal awareness of abilities and complementary skills incolleague.How to improve teamworkFriendly atmosphere, not bossy, patient, good manners, modest leadership, good interpersonal skills, variety of experience, mutual trust.●Variety of experience and a broad horizon would help to cope with urgent matters andestablish one’s personal prestige. Well-experienced staff are capable of overcoming storms and crises.●On coming across trouble issues, new or inexperienced staff usually will feel depressed andeven start to panic. One or a number of experienced staff will, in this kind of situation, automatically become the spiritual leaders of the team and can get the problem solved quickly.● A wide range of experiences are important to a team member, because you never know whatkind of problems might suddenly come up to you. Experiences in different fields will enhance the chance of successfully sorting out the problem with your knowledge which is based on your past experience.Project managementTeam work & time pressureTime pressure / keeping to the schedule● A well-designed schedule can clarify yourself to the project. You should ensure that youwould be running before the schedule rather than after it,●Failure to keep to the schedule will result in/cause lat completion. Late completion will leadto the civil litigation and damage the company’s image.CompetitionPricing, advertising, production costs, competitor’s price, marketing, a wide range of services and products.Pricing●All consumers would like to go for higher quality and less expensive products. It is acommon sense.●Correct pricing policies can capture a large number of consumers in a short period of time.●Correct pricing policies are particularly important for newly established businesses. Themajor task for them at the early stage is to draw the public attention and make their company and their brand known to the public.Competitors’ price●Once a new product is put into market, it will immediately face the competition from rivals.The price war sometimes can be incredibly fierce and crude.●If you fixed the price higher than your rivals without higher quality of service, you mightsoon fid yourself in an unfavorable situation.●Correct pricing policies could also defeat some competitors in a short period of time Motivating staffFinancial benefits, career development/structure, reduce staff turnoverFinancial benefits●The staff always want reward for their contribution to the company and what they are worth.Staff often work overtime under their managers’ demand. If the company fails to give proper financial benefits staff might subsequently feel not being fairly treated, and therefore frustrate their enthusiasm for their work.●Staff want some sort of recognition for the job that they do. Correct financial benefits planwill arouse their enthusiasm. Otherwise they would feel being ignored。

BEC vantage speaking

BEC vantage speaking
考生要讲的话题说出来的。考官的指示语请看本 文最后一部分。
第三部分是考生间讨论问题,(三 个考生则采取三向讨论的形式)。
• 考官给考生一个讨论题目,里面有关于主 题的背景介绍和两个和主题相关的小问题。 讨论前给考生30秒的时间阅读题卡要求, 不可以写笔记,然后直接进入讨论,讨论 时间是3分钟左右,考官可以进行恰当的引 导。讨论结束后,考官会向两位考生提一 些与主题有关的问题。考试时间总共为5分 钟左右。
3.Collaborative Interactive communication.交际能
task and
• 第一部分,考官对每个考生轮流提问,问 一些一般性问题,并不严格按照顺序进行。 这部分考试时间为3分钟左右。主要考查考 生自我介绍的能力,提供有关自己家庭、 兴趣、学习和工作的信息,并表达如同意、 反对或喜好等意见的能力。
• Can I have your mark sheets, please?(评 分卡不是握手
• Thank you.
• (pass mark sheets to Assessor.)
• 老师有可能问一个问题,也有可能问两个 问题,从A开始,轮换着问,按 ABBAABBA的顺序来。3人组按ABCBC ACAB的顺序来。)
Interactive communication 交际能力 Total 总分
General impression, pronunciation整体印象,挂挡, 发音。
2. minipresentation
Discourse management. Grammar & vocabulary.篇章,词汇 语法。
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Speaking for BEC vantagePart I InterviewQuestions in phase 1Good morning / afternoon / evening. I’m… and this is my colleague … S/he just going to listen to us.Could I have your mark-sheets, please?To A: What’s your name? Where are you from? Thank you.To B: And you? Thanks.Do you work or are you a student…, B?What about you, A?What do / did you like most about your studies / jobs, A? (Why?)What about you, B? (Why?)Topics in phase 2Starting a new job TeamworkLooking for a job working with other peopleJob interviews new technologyGoals and objectives Internet salesCareer and motivation working environmentsCareer goals Leisure and workBusiness news Work and holidaysTraveling abroad on business clothes for workTime management ConferencesManaging staff Selling productsTraining opportunities Customer service1.Part 1a.Part 1 phase1b.Practicec.Part 1 Phase II (examples)I: I’m going to ask you both same questions about office hours. How many hours do you study every day, X?C: About 10 hours.I: What about you, Miss X?C: Eight hours.I: Do you think working overtime is a good thing for a company, Miss X?C: No, I don’t think so.I: Why not?C: Working overtime will cause complains from employees and ruin theirhealth in the long run. If the workers form the habits of working overtime, their efficiency tends to be lower. And that means the company should pay more for them.I: What do you think of it, Mr. X?C: I don’t think working overtime a good thing. That makes the job very stressful and tiring. Of course, it’s understandable to work overtime occasionally when it’s really busy and necessary.I: Mr. X, do you think people in the future will work longer hours or shorter hours? Why?C: I think people will work shorter hours in the future. With the help of computers, work efficiency will be much higher than before. Within the short hours, they can do the same even more work than what they can do now.I: Do you think people will feel free to choose the work hours in the future, Miss X? Why?C: Yes, I guess so. Computers have made it possible for people to work at home. So they may choose to work in the part-time or full-time, work in the office or at home as they like.d.more examplesTopic 1 Working as part of a team1)Do you prefer working as a member of a team on your own? (Why? / Whynot?)--- I prefer working in a team because working in a team I won’t feel lonely.And what’s more, as the old saying goes, many heads are better than one.Working in a team, I will be stronger. When I am faced with problems, my team will give me their hands.--- Personally speaking, I prefer working on my own. It has something to do with my personality. I am kind of shy introverted. And I don’t like disturbed by others all the time.2)Which do you think are more effective, small teams or large teams? Why /Why not?--- In my opinion, small teams are better than larger teams because small teams are easily controlled. Make sure that everybody in the small team is charge of something. This way can keep the team more focused. Moreover, I think, most large teams may cause overstaffing.--- Just as the old saying goes, many hands make light work. I believe large teams are more effective than small teams. The more people, the more strength.3)Do you think it’s important for a team to have a leader? Why / Why not?Of course, teams need to have a leader. A leader is just a core. All staff will work around him or her. Without a leader, the company will be out of control.4)Do you think teams always need to have a regular meeting? Why / Why not?--- I don’t think it’s important to have a regular meeting. As far as I amconcerned, too many business meetings are ill-directed, digressive and draw out. So we should call a meeting only when it’s absolutely critical, and structure it firmly so that it achieves its purpose.--- Having regular meeting is a good idea. I’m afraid that most people don’t think so. But as far as I know, members in a team will know more about each other by meeting regularly.Topic 2 Customer service1) How to understand customer service?--- Simply speaking, good customer service is the bread and butter of business. So it’s very important. It’s involves not only good service but also good relationship with customers. You have to know well what they need and meet their needs. In a word, good customer service means satisfying their needs at all cost.--- Good customer service is a positive way of relating to people that lets them know you care about them. If you offer good service, each customer will leave with a smile on his face and feel satisfied and valued.2) What do you think companies can do to improve their customer service?--- In my opinion, there are a lot of secrets that help improve their customer service. Building business to customer loyalty is my Number One customer service secret, and is by far the most importantone. When you can show concern about what matters to yourcustomer, that’s Business to Customer Loyalty, and you bet on it,you’ve just acquired a customer for life.3) Should employees always be trained to deliver good customer service?Why / Why not?--- When it comes to whether training is necessary for delivering good customer service, I think, it depends.The most important thing is thatevery employee should realize customer service is every staff’sresponsibility. Undoubtedly with training, employee will deliver bettercustomer service.--- Training is necessary because if people aren’t trained on specifics (not just smile and use people’s names), they don’t know how to buildcustomer loyalty even when they want to.4) Do you think you would like to work in customer service? Why / Why not?Frankly speaking, I don’t think I will be the right person to work in customer service because it’s really a demanding for me. I’m impatient sometimes. But I do have the chance, I’ll have a try and I’ll try my best to doa good job because I do think good customer service is the bread and butter ofmy business.Topic 3 Business news1)What kind of business news is the most interesting for you? Why?--- Generally I’m interested in all kinds of business news. After all, a member in working in business should be very sensitive to all kinds of business news. Those business news related to the job I’m doing right now is the most interesting, I think.2)How important is it for people working in business to keep up-to-date withbusiness news? Why / Why not?--- It’s very important for people working in business to keep up-to-date with business news. Up-to-date business news will provide you the latest, real-time and accurate news. Neglecting this news, you will lag behind. 3)Do you think the internet is a good way to get business news? Why / Whynot?Of course, Internet, a global web of computer networks, has been a hothouse for business growth. Hundreds of companies are linking the internet each month in the brief that cyber space hold new customers, new profit and fundamentally new ways of doing business. Internet News provide real-time news updated throughout the business day, covering IT issues and Internet-related technologies for cooperate managers and high-tech professionals.4) Would you buy a business magazine regularly? Why / Why not?--- Yes, as a businessman I’ll buy business magazine regularly which offers plenty of business information and business opportunities as well.---Right now, I am a student, and I am short of money. So I couldn’t buy amagazine regularly. But I am interested in business and plan to be a businessman after graduation. So I have formed the habit of reading business magazines in the library. They are free of charge.Topic 4 what people wear for work?1)How do you normally dress for work / college?--- Normally I wear a sweater and jeans or slacks (宽松的裤子) foe college. I wear casually on campus.--- It depends on job’s location. At a cooperate office, I wear a conservative business suit. A pantsuit with a sweater or blouse (宽松的上衣) is appropriate for informal office.--- I generally wear a good-quality blouse or knit shirt. Sometimes I just weara casual blazer (运动上衣) or cardigan (开襟毛衣) if appropriate.--- I generally wear a collared shirt with an undershirt and wear khakis (卡其) slacks, Anyway I select clean, pressed and wrinkle-free clothes.2)Should companies have a dress code for their employees? Why / Why not?--- In my opinion, the requirement for a dress code will vary from job to job within a company. Companies with employees that are in contact with customers will generally set fourth standards of dress, hygiene and attitude. That is, if anyone in your organization deals with the public, you should have a dress code for all employees. A dress code is a simple document that tells people in various functions what is appropriate workclothing, and why.3)Is it necessary to be smartly dressed to gain promotion? Why / Why not?Yes, I do think so. Because to an employer, how you dress says a great deal about you. Dressing well indicates that you love life and you love your work as well. Of course, whether you get promotion or not depends more on your performance.4)Do you think business people will dress more formally or less formally in thefuture? Why / Why not?In my opinion, business people will dress less formally, which is also my wish. Anyway it must be the trend because with the help of high technology, work time will be more flexible and people will even work at home. Then why not dress in a comfortable way since nobody will know?Topic 5 Promoting products and service1)What kind of way do you think is the most effective in order to promoteproduct or service?There are a lot of ways we can employ to promote out product and service, including the print and graphic arts media. In my opinion, electronic media is the most effective because it allows customers from every corner of the word easy access to our business.2)How important is it to employ television to promote product or service?Why / Why not?It’s really important to turn to television because television captures more audience time than any other medium and it has the powerful advantage of visual impact. It’s generally believed that as much as 90 percent of a person’s total perception is the result of images convoyed to the brain in one way or another.3)Do you think TV commercial is a good way to promote product or service?Why / Why not?Yes, I do. TV commercial is targeted at home audience in a relaxed and suggestive atmosphere, by using shout, repetitive, and high impact message. TV remote has changed viewing habits so that commercial spots are now formatted in clusters of ten and fifteen second clips.4)Do you have any other suggestion as to promoting product or service?Yes, I do have one. There are an increasing number of online directories available with which we list our business. Not only are many of directories available at reasonable rates, but also they allow customers from all parts of the province, country and the world easy access to our business.More extending for topics above:Topic 4(1) I want to be a successful business in the future. I am a business major, and Iwan to apply what I learn in school in to the practical work.(2) Of course they should take professional advice. Doing this will save themmany troubles, and also save them much time in consideration.(3) It depends. One’s ultimate purpose may always stay stable, but the periodicalplan should be modified according to different situation.(4) A long-term goal is necessary. For a long-term goal will provide us withpowerful and sustainable motivation.Topic 5(1) I am a student now. I usually wear casual clothes to class, for example, sportswear, T-shirt, jeans and so on.(2) I think a company may a dress code. It’s a very important part of company’sculture and image.(3) One should know that different kinds of dress suit different situation, so onecan dress smartly. But the promotion comes with one’s ability, not dress. (4) In my opinion, businessmen may dress less formally in the future, becausepeople pay much more attention to personality and comfort, which means less rigid regulation.Topic 6(1) If I were to decide what is the most effective way to promote product orservice, I would say that advertisement is my No.1 choice.(2) Television is the most direct and vivid way to make your promote and serviceknown to your customer. So, every enterprise, including all the companies and factories, regards TV as their first choice.(3) TV commercial is definitely a good way to promote product and service.Because TV is now the most popular way of entertainment, and has the greatest number of audience, thus has the greatest influence among the people.(4) As far as I am concerned, I think to successfully promote product and service,one should but fully aware of the distinguished feature, then give prominence to it, and finally try to make it known and remembered by everyone who ever see the ad.Topic 7(1) Web site can provide me with the latest information, and also can express myinformation to the most people.(2) Normally, I’d like to visit the websites which can provide the latest andcomplete professional information.(3) Most important elements of successful website for marketing are thefollowing: latest information, popularity, classification of possible viewer and so on.(4) I think internet advertising is very promising in the future. with thedeveloping of internet, and more and more people becoming net users, internet advertising will be more effective in the near future.Topic 8 selling products(1) What is most important to customers about a product? Why?I think quality of a product is most important to customers. The qualitywill affect the public image of the company. The high quality will help company to earn more customers.(2) Are you good at selling products?At present I am not good. But I am sure I will be good at selling products after some time. For one thing, I have great interest. For another, I will pursue further study, receive training and practice more.(3) Is training essential for a sales job?Yes, I think so. A sales job involves a range of skills, some of which are difficult to grasp. Salespeople should be equipped with such knowledge to facilitate their work.(4) Do you think employers should pay more money to sales staff who aresuccessful?Yes. Employers should pay more money if sales staff sell more products.This kind of way can be incentives to motivate salespeople to do better.Topic 9 Starting a new job(1) What kind of information about a company do you want to get before startingwork here?There is much to know about a company if planning to work there. But two things stand out for me: the first and most important is to find out how is its business. Is it doing well? Does it make big money? The second point is about the location, because I would prefer to work near my living place. (2) How can you get the information?Since it’s an information age, it is not difficult to get some information, for there are many channels. I think I will go to the internet and google the company first so that I can get access to many different links; I will also contract people who recommend me that company.(3) If you are an old employee, what will you do to welcome the new ones?I will be very friendly and nice to them, ready to offer help at any time. Iwill also give them some helpful tips for working in the company.(4) What should you do to create a good impression at the start of a new job?It is very important to leave a good first impression at the start of a new job. I will dress properly, speakly politely, take my job seriously, and get along well with my colleagues.Topic 10 Leisure & Work(1) Do you think companies should provide leisure facilities for their staff?Absolutely, Leisure facilities should be provided for the relief of staff’s pressures from the daily work. They can relax themselves and job involvement may also be encouraged at the same time.(2) In your opinion, which matters more to business people, money or free time?Both are important. It’s no denying that money is not everything. But without money they can do nothing. Free time is also indispensible. Are the saying goes: Rest is sauce to labor, people need relax and recharge themselves.(3) If you are required to work overtime, what’s your first response?My first response is to say: no. I need take rest. However, when something is special or the company must finish the task ahead of time, I will work overtime.(4) Do you like business trips? Why (not)?Yes, I do. Business trips give me an opportunity to visit other places and people, made new friends and expand my career. In addition, if I have free time, I may go sightseeing.Topic 11 Career Choice(1) What kind of job would you prefer to take? Why?I am interested in business management, so I’d like to follow themanagement career path. When I gain enough experience in management, I will start my own business.(2) What kind of profession will be most popular in twenty years’ time?To be honest, it’s difficult to predict things far into the future. But maybe farming will be popular in twenty years’time. As we know, less and lesspeople are engaged in farming and we can’t live on without eating. We must rely on farm products. So I think to develop farming will be a tendency. (3) Do you prefer to work in a team or alone? Why?As far as I’m concerned, I prefer to work in a team. To work with team also can save the time and make more money for companies. Two heads are always better than one’s. Team members may share ideas and information. In addition, it helps to improve communication skills and team-cooperated abilities.(4) What will you do if the profession you are engaged in is not what you want?In my opinion, I’d like to go job-hunting and find a new job. Although I’m a loyal employee, I believe that whether a company is right for me is crucial. If I show no interest in the present job, I will not fulfill the task very well.Topic 12 Corporate Hospitality(1) Do you think it is important to entertain your business partners and clients?Of course, it is important to entertain our business partners and clients.It can enable us to build a good business relationship and to enhance mutual understanding. If you fulfill their expectation, your efforts will put a lot of weight on your credibility.(2) What will you do to entertain your clients?It depends. Because different clients have different tastes, interest andhobbies, I will entertain them in different ways, such as a round of golf, a sightseeing tour of the city, a visit to a sports event and a shopping trip.Therefore, I will make a wise decision according to different clients.(3) How can hosts and clients build a good business relationship?In my opinion, to be sincere, honest and hospitality is the key to build a good business relationship. Besides, host may mix business with pleasure effectively, for example, doing business with their clients in the restaurant.(4) Do you think it is a good idea to send clients to corporate events?I don’t think so. Generally speaking, staff members prefer to standaround chatting rather than talking to clients. They see corporate events as an opportunity to make friends and communicate with each other. If you send clients to corporate events, they will feel ill at ease.Topic 13 supply and price(1) What is supply?Quantity of a product offered on the market at a specified price is called supply. The supply of a product only includes the amount which is for sale ata certain time.(2) Do you think the price of the product will influence the supply?Yes, definitely. An increase in price will usually cause the supply of a product to grow up. When price is lower, supply usually goes down.(3) How does supply influence price?The change in supply influences the price in a similar way, if the supply of a product rises.(4) How does the rule of supply influence the market?The rule of supply indicates that a marketer is willing to supply more of a product if the price is higher and reluctant to sell the product when the price is lower.Topic 14 Profession(1) Can you predict the best-paid work in the future?As far as I am concerned, the best-paid work in the future would be doctors/lawyers.(2) Why do you say so?I have two points to support my opinion. First, with the development of human society, people pay more attention to their health. Even they have no disease, people are willing to pay for a body examination each year. When they get ill, they spend more. Second, doctors are demanding jobs involve professional knowledge and skills. Only those hand-working people can become qualified doctors, and they deserve big pay.(2) Would people mind if the doctors charge too much for the treatment?That depends. If the treatment can save your life, people will never care about the high cost. If the treatment is simple and it’s only for a common cold, people will get annoyed if the doctors charge too much, because it’s notworthwhile.(4) What kind of profession will become less important? Why?In my opinion, drivers will become less and less important. Because private cars are becoming more popular and more people are able to drive for themselves. And the trend is still going on.Topic 15 Computers in our life(1) Do you think computers are becoming more and more important in business?Yes, I think computers are becoming more and more popular in business life. Using computers can help raise working efficiency and relieve people from heavy workload.(2) When do people usually use computer?People use computers to surf the net, obtain information, write messages, fill out forms, give and receive orders of goods, sign contracts, communicate with friends and so on.(3) How do you predict in business life?Computers have become very indispensable in business due to its convenience and high efficiency. It’s a great change to our traditional way of thinking and doing things. I predict the influence of computers in business life will deeper and deeper in the near future.(4) How important is computer in your work and study?It’s essential to my life. I’m used to doing things on a computer. It reallysaves me s lot of time and energy. I can’t image how hard life will be without mu computer.Part II Mini-presentationTopics in part IISelecting a retail sales assistantAttending a business conferenceChoosing a sports team to sponsorEncouraging new ideas in a companyPreparing a room for a meetingMaking a corporate videoAiming to become a managerWorking as a teamChoosing office premises to rentRenting office equipmentSelecting a business school to attendChoosing an employment agency to recruit staffConsidering setting up a stuff canteenSelecting a conference centreWorking from homeRetailing luxury goodsDealing with late paymentsImproving a company websiteDesigning a sales brochureChoosing a hotel for a company visitor Managing changeHaving a professional image at work Evaluating computers’ productsContacting clients by telephonePlanning working hours for staffWorking with a new bossOrdering office suppliesOrganizing a program for visitors to a company Selecting a sales a agent abroadSelecting appropriate wage levels Negotiating a contract with a customer Planning a distribution networkAiming a reduce administration costs Planning to sub-contract workDeciding on a pricing strategyControlling stock levelsTopic 1In most cases, we have to work in teams in order to finish a task, especially a tough task. Then,choosing people to work in teams. As far as I’m concerned, since we have to spend some time working together and finishing a tough task together, I’m willing to work with those people who can help me when I’m faced with difficulties. That is to say, I choose to work with one who has his own specialty. It goes without doubt that personal qualities also should be taken into consideration. When considering personal qualities, I prefer to work with people who are warm-hearted, easy-going, optimistic, energetic and conscientious to work in teams. Of course, if he or she has a sense of humor, that will be better. After all, working with a humorous person is really a pleasant thing,Topic 2Undoubtedly, starting a new job is really an existing moment, and you wantto adjust yourself to the new environment as soon as possible. Then as far as I’m concerned, help from the existing staff will be very useful and necessary. You know, existing staff must be quite familiar with the company since they have worked there for a period of time. They can not only tell you something about company procedures, but also tell you how to use company equipment when you start a new job. With their help you will get to know the company and your colleagues gradually and don’t feel nervous any more as a newcomer. In a word, I think having help from existing staff is quite important when you starting a new job.Topic 3When it comes to selecting staff for making trips abroad, different people have difference choices. Some people will say the position of staff members is the most important thing to consider. In my opinion, previous experiences of working in other countries are more important than the position of staff members in a company. For one thing, the staffs who have worked abroad must have got a good command of foreign language. And as we all know, foreign language skills are essential for trips abroad. For another, if the staff have worked in othercountries, they come up with more valuable suggestions to the company by contrasting after marketing trips abroad. In conclusion, I think experiences of working in other countries are more important.Topic 4What is important when promoting staff members?(提升员工时什么是重要的)Attitude toward work;Achievement;CreativityWhen talking about what is important when promoting staff members, different people may have different opinions. Some say that attitude toward work is very important; others may say achievement is important. But in my opinion, creativity is the most important. Nowadays, the destine of a company lines more in the creativity than other aspects. As we all know, ―created in China‖ is a more advanced stage than ―Made in China‖. It is also true to any company. A worker who only has a good attitude is no more than a good worker, but one who can give the new idea or create the model is undoubtedly the one that the company can’t do without. So, I regard creation as the key to promotion.Topic 5When making a business trip, we should take into consideration the purposeof the trip. Because after the purpose is set, can we arrange other items. After the company decides the purpose, executives can figure out the details, such as how many people should be set out, who should be chosen to do the trip, what is company’s strategy, how long should they stay there , and so on. That is to say, the travel arrangement and cost both could determined after company decides the purpose of that trip.Topic 6The essential of selling a new product is quality. Generally speaking, advertising and price both play important roles in the making of buying decision. But the most decisive factor is quality. Consumers are very practical in the buying process: a very beautiful and well-produced advertisement may persuade people to try a certain kind of the new choice in the supermarket, or cheap price may attract buyers for one time, when they get to know the poor quality of the new thing, they will soon desert it and perhaps never touch it again. So, if the company wants to establish the brand loyalty in consumers lifelong, quality should be put in the first place at all the time.Topic 7Business partner is more than someone you doing business with, he is part of your company’s image, and he is also a very important factor which can play in your success. Everyone knows that in doing business, credit is the decisive。
