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Shanghai Angels International Bilingual Kindergarten®
Application for Admissions
Student Name 学生姓名:___________________________
No.487 Huaxu Gonglu, Xujing Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇华徐公路487号Tel 电话: +86-21-59883458/59883488 | Email: admission@ |
In the admissions process, Angels International Bilingual Kindergarten (“the School”) does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, nationality, origin or religion. Our students come from diverse lifestyles and economic backgrounds. We are committed to serving families who share our values and educational philosophy.
1. Registration
a) Registration to be considered for admissions to the School is made by completing and returning this form.
b) However, the Student’s place is not reserved until all entry requirements are fulfilled, the in-person interview is passed, and all appropriate dues are paid.
c) An in-person interview with the Parents or Guardian(s) and the Student is an integral part of the admissions process. The School reserves the right to deny admission to any Student at the end of the application process, even after the interview has been conducted, if the School believes that the best interests of the Student cannot be served.
2. Trial Class Fee
Trial Class Fee of 500 RMB must be paid. An application is considered incomplete if said fee is not paid in full.
3. Tuition Fee
Tuition fees must be paid in full by the due date specified on your payment notice. If payment is not received by the due date, the Student’s place will be forfeited at the School’s discretion and given to another student. The Student cannot attend class until tuition fees have been paid in full.
4. Payment Methods
a) Cash (RMB only)
b) Foreign currency -- If a currency other than RMB is used, the final amount received by the School after currency exchange has to equal the amount of the tuition in RMB. The School will use the currency exchange rate of the day that the remittance is received. If the amount comes short of the total RMB amount, the difference needs to be paid in full before the Student’s first day of school. The payment can also be made in cash or by credit card, but please note that credit card payments are subject to a service charge by the bank, which the school will collect on the bank's behalf (foreign credit cards and non-Union Pay cards are charged a 3% service charge).
c) Bank wire transfer -- to be made to the School’s bank account according to instructions from the School’s Finance Office. Please add the Student’s name as a remark on the wire transfer. A photocopy of the proof of transfer, with the Student’s name clearly visible as a remark, is required. Payment is considered complete only when it is received in the School’s bank account.
Acc’t Name: 上海青浦区私立安乔幼儿园
Acc’t Number: 03863100040010740
Bank: Agricultural Bank of China- Xujing Branch
5. Leaves and Absences
Three months before the start of a new school year, the School will publish a calendar of events for the year. We request that Parents plan family vacations accordingly so as to avoid taking the Student away while school is in session, as this interferes with the quality of education that the Student receives at the School as well as causes disadvantages to the Student during primary school entry tests. We ask that Parents work together with the School to cultivate a responsible attitude towards learning.
If the Student must take a leave of absence due to special circumstances, Parents must submit an application one month in advance and receive approval from the School before leaving. If the Student is absent without reason, without submitting an application for leave, or without a proof of illness or hospitalization from an accredited hospital, and if the total number of days absent exceeds two calendar weeks within any given month, the School may give the Student’s place to another student from a more cooperative family before the end of the semester.
Any kind of leave (such as injury outside the School and need long term sick leave) or absence is non-refundable.
6. Withdrawal and Refunds
New Students
1)Withdrawal Before Attendance
Parents must submit a written request for withdrawal for approval by the School’s Board of Directors. The School will deduct one month’s tuition fee (if school bus service is requested, one month of school bus fee will also be deducted) and refund the remaining amount of the tuition fee and school bus fee. Other fees are non-refundable. An additional 500 RMB administrative fee will also be deducted.
(continues on next page)
2)Withdrawal After Attendance of Less Than Two Weeks
The School will deduct two months’ tuition fee (if school bus service is requested, two months’ school bus fee will also be deducted) and refund the remaining amount of the tuition fee and school bus fee. Other fees are non-refundable. An additional 500 RMB administrative fee will also be deducted.
3)Withdrawal After More Than Two Weeks Attendance
The tuition fee and other fees of the semester are non-refundable.
Returning Students
1)Withdrawal Before the Start of a New Semester
Parents must submit a written notice of withdrawal at least three months before the start of the semester for approval by the School’s Board of Directors. The School will deduct one month’s tuition fee (if school bus service is requested, one month of school bus fee will also be deducted) and refund the remaining amount of the tuition fee and school bus fee. Other fees are non-refundable. An additional 500 RMB administrative fee will also be deducted.
2)Withdrawal After the Start of a New Semester
If Parents submit a withdrawal notice after a semester has already begun, the tuition fee and other fees of the semester are non-refundable.
7. Special Notice
Before the Student begins attendance at the School, Parents must clearly understand the school calendar and vacation policies. Parents must agree to abide by the vacation schedule arranged by the school. School vacations include Chinese National Holidays stipulated by the government, as well as Christmas, Chinese New Year, and Spring Break.
8. Official Invoice
The School collects tuition fees by semester. The School issues official invoices for tuition after receiving tuition fee. If you are requesting a refund, please bring back the original official invoice; but if you can’t bring back the original one, you have to bare the extra tax which is charged by the tax bureau. Therefore, we ask Parents to please keep the original official invoice safe. To ensure that Parents receive this invoice, the School requires Parents to pick it up and sign for it at the Finance Office. Under special circumstances where Parents are unable pick up the invoice in-person, the Finance Office will keep the invoice for a year, after which the invoice will be discarded.
9. Pick-up and Drop-off
9.1 School Bus Pick-up and Drop-off
a) The school bus is a service provided by the School. If you choose to take the school bus, please be at the designated pick-up point at the time assigned by the School.
b) Students who take the school bus must be at the pick-up point prior to the arrival of the bus. In order to ensure that all students arrive at school in a timely manner, the school bus will not wait for those who are tardy. In the event of tardiness, Parents are responsible for the Student’s transportation to the School.
c) At the end of a school day, please be at the designated bus drop-off point prior to the designated time to wait for the Student.
d) If the Student normally rides the school bus but Parents decide to pick him or her up on any given day, please inform the Administration Office and Homeroom Teacher in advance.
e) If the Student rides the bus but cannot attend class or will not ride the school bus on any given day, Parents must inform the Administration Office or Homeroom Teacher before 7:30 am.
f) When school buses leave the School, bus monitors will send text messages to Parents. Every text message will contain a number that serves as the day’s secret password. When Parents pick up the Student, please say this password to the bus monitor. Since the password changes everyday, and each family's password is different from one another, so please make sure to check your mobile phone. If your phone runs out of battery or has poor signal, please contact the School Office immediately to receive the password. If the person picking up the Student does not know the password, the school bus will take the child back to the School and wait for a Parent to come and pick up the Student.
g) In keeping with the Education Bureau and the Police Department’s regulations: for the safety of all children, no persons other than the bus monitor and driver are allowed to ride the school bus. We request that Parents adhere strictly to this policy. If the Police discover any violations to this policy, violating Parents shall be subject to legal consequences.
Tel 电话: +86-21-59883458/59883488 | Email: admission@ |
(continues on next page)
i) The person picking up the Student must carry a cell phone with. In the event of poor traffic conditions and other unpredictable situations, the School will contact Parents who can then contact the person responsible for pick-up and inform him or her of the approximate time of arrival.
9.2 Parent Pick-up and Drop-off (No School Bus)
a) If the Student cannot attend class on any given day, Parents must inform the School and the Homeroom Teacher before 9:00 am (office phone number: +86-21-59883458/59883488).
b) If Parents pick-up and drop-off the Student on your own or with your personal driver, please make sure your car has an “Angels Parking Permit.” The Parking Permit must be placed visibly inside the windshield of your car. Only cars with Parking Permits will be permitted on-campus. Without a Parking Permit, the security guards will refuse entry to your vehicle.
c) The School will be produce picture IDs for Parents and Guardians who pick up and drop off Students personally. Please have the ID on you for the School Staff to see. School Personnel will swipe Parents into the corridor waiting area after the first set of glass doors to wait for Students.
d) Please pick up the Student within half an hour of the end of the school day. Please wait outside the School Office in front of the glass doors. If you discover that the glass door is open, please notify the Office immediately to prevent random persons from entering the School.
e) If you ask someone else to pick up the Student on your behalf, please notify the School Office beforehand and tell us the person’s name and physical attributes so that we can ensure the Student is not taken away by a stranger. Before the Student leaves, the Teacher will verify with Parents.
f) When picking up and dropping off Students, Parents are asked to adhere strictly to the policy of entering through the front gates on Shuangbang Road and exiting through the side gates on Huaxu Road. The side gates on Shuangbang Road will only be open during drop-off and pick-up times; no private vehicles shall be allowed entry through this gate at any other time.
10. Parents agree that the Student will wear the school uniform to School. If the Student does not come to School in uniform, the School will provide the Student with a new set of uniform, which Parents will have to purchase.
11. The School reserves the right to warn, suspend or expel a student if the Student’s behavior poses a problem to the well-being and security of the School community.
12. Parents are liable for any damage to the School’s property, the belongings of other students, teachers, or employees, etc. caused by the Student.
13. Parents authorize the School’s medical staff to administer treatment in minor emergencies. In the event of more serious injuries such as bone fractures, the School will send the Student to the hospital designated by Parents on the application form (if none is given, Parents agree to accept the School’s arrangements). Parents must inform the School of the Student’s health condition and medical history in a truthful and timely manner upon enrollment and update important medical records during attendance at the School, including such information as congenital or infectious diseases, and any physical or mental deficiencies. The School does not take any responsibility for any accidents caused by the Student’s personal health problems that occur while at School.
14. Parents agree to promptly inform the School of any changes to the information provided in this form, such as contacts, addresses, phone numbers, etc.
15. Parents agree to fully support the School’s internal regulations and policies as stated here and in the Parent Handbook.
16. The School reserves the right to use the Student’s photograph and video/audio recording taken inside classrooms or outside at other school functions for publicity and public relations purposes, including publication on the website.
I, ___________________, hereby submit an application on behalf of my child (“the Student”),____________________, for admission to Shanghai Angels International Bilingual Kindergarten (“the School”), and authorize the School to transfer the information contained in this application form to the School’s database(s), and archive it in any way seen fit by the School. I also certify that the information given in this form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if I fail to provide accurate information about the Student, the School reserves the right to deny the Student enrollment and/or revoke his/her place at the School. I hereby declare that I have read all of the Terms and Conditions listed on this application form, and agree to abide by them.
Signature:_______________________ Date:__________________
1. 入学申请
a) 报名上海安乔国际双语幼儿园时应填写本入学申请表并递交给学校。
b) 只有当所有的入学和申请条件完全满足并且应付款项到账的情况下,所申请的名额才会被保留。
c) 作为申请程序不可缺少的一部分,安乔国际双语幼儿园将安排与家长或监护人以及孩子进行面谈。
若学校确信无法满足该学生的最大 利益,安乔国际双语幼儿园有权在申请程序完成、乃至之前提到的面谈结束之后,保留最后决定权。
2. 课程体验费:
3. 学费:
4. 付款方式:
如以外币现金方式付款,校方将 以当天汇率为准折成人民币。
付款方式可以是现金、信用卡,但通过信用卡付账,我们将代银行收取相关的手续费(外卡和非银联卡 收取3%的服务费)。
只有当学校账户里收到该笔资金时,支付才 算成功。
户名:上海青浦区私立安乔幼儿园 账号:03863100040010740 银行:农行股份有限公司青浦区徐泾支行
5. 关于请假
6. 退学与退款
7. 特别声明
8. 发票
9. 关于接送
a) 校车是学校提供给无法自行接送学生家长们的一项服务!所以若有选择校车,家长同意服从学校校车接送点、校车时间的安排。
b) 乘坐校车时,学生必须在指定的时间之前在指定的接送地点等待校车。
若迟到校车无法等待,以确保所有乘坐校车学生准时到校,未 赶上校车的学生,请家长自行送学生上学。
c) 放学接学生时,请务必在指定的时间之前,在校车接送学生的地点等待,接学生回家。
e) 乘坐校车的学生若不上学,需在7:30之前通知行政办公室及班级老师。
f) 在校车离园时,跟车老师会例行群发校车离开学校的微信,而在中午时分,您会收到密语信息,请您接学生时,告诉跟车老师此密
语,学校每日会更换不同的密语,每辆校车每个家庭的密语也不同,请家长在中午期间一定注意手机的微信,若手机没电或通讯不良 没接到信息,请立刻与办公室联络,以便得知密语。
g) 依教育局及公安部门的规定:为了孩童安全起见,校车上除了跟车老师与司机,一律不允许搭载其他成人。
h) 学校保留调整校车接送路线、时刻表及其站点的权利,以便更好地为安乔的学生服务。
i) 接孩子的人请务必带上手机,以便校车若因交通堵塞等突发状况无法准时到达时,跟车老师能通知妈妈,由妈妈告知接车的人,校车 将到达的时间,以免造成接孩子的人长时间等待。
9.2 家长接送
a) 自己接送的学生若无法到校,家长必须在九点以前通知行政办公室及班级老师。
b) 家长自行或司机驾车到学校,需出示《安乔停车证》方可进入校园停车场,停车证请务必放在车上,以便门卫识别,若车上无停车
c) 自行接送的家长,学校制作印有家长照片的识别卡,来园接学生时请佩戴在身上,工作人员将凭此卡让家长在第一道玻璃门后面的长 廊内等待。
d) 请在放学半小时内来园接学生。
e) 如果您委派他人来接学生,请预先电话告知行政办公室接送人的姓名及特征,为确保学生不会让陌生人接走,学生被接走前,老师将 以电话再次确认。
f)接送孩子时需依照“双浜路侧门进,华徐公路正门出”的驶向行驶,且双浜路侧门只在上学及放学时间开放,其余时间不接受任何私 家车辆通行。
10. 本人同意除周三外,每天让学生穿校服,若学生未穿校服上学,本人同意购买学校为学生换上的新校服。
11. 若学生的行为有损于学校及社会的福利和安全,安乔国际双语幼儿园有权对该学生作出警告、停学乃至取消学籍的决定。
12. 学生对学校财产或其他学生、老师、职员的财务造成损失,由其家长负责赔偿。
13. 若学生在学校期间发生轻微意外,家长授权学校采取急救等措施。
若发生骨折等严重意外,学校将送学生至家长所指定之医院若未提 供指定医院,家长同意服从校方就医安排)。
在该学生入学前及入学期间,家长/监护人应当明确及时告知学生的身体状况,例如先天 性或后天的疾病史。
14. 家长同意就本申请表所包含的信息如联系人、地址和电话等有关信息变动时,及时通知安乔国际双语幼儿园行政办公室。
15. 家长同意安乔国际双语幼儿园内部及家长手册里的管理规定。
16. 安乔国际双语幼儿园有权使用学生在学校或其它地方所拍摄的照片和音像资料,用于宣传和公共关系及学校网站:
签名:_________________________ 日期:________________________
校方填写部分Principal's Notes
Official Signatures 签名确认
Finance Supervisor Admin. Supervisor Vice-Principal (CH)Vice-Principal (EN)财务部主管行政主管中文部副园长英文部副园长
Admissions Date of application 报名申请日期:
Date of interview
Education 1st day of school 入园日期: Graduation date
Date of class
transfers Stream change 班型转换:
or Deceleration
Finance Date of full payment 学费缴清日期:
Last day of school