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go bad
食物“坏掉”了,最简单的说法就是go bad(变坏),很容易理解吧!
Originally, I wanted to make a cheese omelet for breakfast this morning, but then I found the eggs had gone bad, so I ate some cereal instead.(今天早上我本来想煎蛋卷当早餐吃,后来却发现蛋都坏掉了,所以我就改吃麦片。
turn sour
除了go bad,如果想说牛奶或汤“酸掉”了,可以直接说turn sour。
Milk turns sour easily if you don’t keep it in a refrigerator.(牛奶如果不放在冰箱里,就很容易酸掉。
spoil是动词,最常见的意思是“破坏、毁掉”,也可以指“食物变质、变坏”,例如 the food spoils或是 the food is spoilt。
Emma, don’t eat the soup! I think it’s spoilt; it tastes weird.(艾玛,别喝那些汤!我觉得汤已经坏掉了,尝起来怪怪的。
) stale
像是面包、饼干这些食物,有时候不见得有发霉,但放久了就会变软、不好吃,就可以说go stale。
This bag of chips has gone stale. Let’s just throw it away.(这包洋芋片已经变得不新鲜了,我们把它丢了吧。
mold(英式为 mould)是“霉菌”,moldy是 mold的形容词,也
Even if you cut away the moldy parts of the bread, eating it can still make you ill.(即使你把面包发霉的部分切除,吃了这样的面包还是可能让你生病。
这时候也可以用上面说过的 moldy,例如:Eric, please take these moldy clothes outside and give them an airing.(艾瑞克,把这些发霉的衣服拿出去晾一晾、通通风。
) The old hotel room was damp and smelled really moldy. I had to open all the windows to get some fresh air in.(这间老旧的旅馆房间很潮湿,霉味也很重,我得把所有的窗户打开让新鲜空气进来。
) mildewed
除了 moldy,还有另一个形容词 mildewed也是发霉的意思(名词是mildew“霉菌”→点这边听发音),通常用来形容纸张、植物、建筑或布等物品因为环境太潮湿、温暖而发霉。
The gardener cut off some mildewed leaves from the rose bushes.(园丁修剪掉了玫瑰丛里一些发霉的叶子。
musty/ fusty
musty和 fusty都可以用来形容东西“有霉味”。
There are some musty old books in my father’s study. Nobody has read them in ages.(我爸爸的书房里有些发霉的旧书,已经好久没有人读这些书了。
Your room smells a bit fusty. Do you mind opening the window?(你的房间有点霉味,可以开个窗户吗?)