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2. Xinchun returned from aboard a different man. The italicized part functions as a (n) ______. A. appositive (同位语) B. object C. adverbial D. complement
I smell something burning. You must have your hair cut.
提示 在SVOC句型中,如果宾语带有较长的修饰语,宾语往往后置于 补语之后,变成SVCO。 e.g. She has proved wrong the forecasts made by the country’s leading economic experts. 这是句尾重心原则在起作用。
熟悉简单句的扩大手段不仅可以丰富我们的表达,而且可 助力我们分析长难句。
1. 句型扩大的主要语法手段 (1)在各个层次增加修饰成分: Clause + Modifiers
Phrase + Modifiers Word + Modifiers
(2)使用并列结构和/或从属分句: Clause + Clause
特征3:名词性复合谓语(或叫主语补语)可由形容词词 组、名词词组、介词词组、分词分句等充当。例如:
1. The sun rose red. (= When the sun rose, it was red.) 太阳升起红艳艳。
2. He died a beggar. (= He was a beggar when he died.) 他死时是个乞丐。
2、表示感官及心理思维活动的动词 see / watch / hear / notice; think / find / consider / suppose / believe; can’t bear / hate / like; intend / want / wish / would like / prefer / rely on…
(2) They treated her kindly. 他们待她很好。( SVOA )
提示1 区分SV / SVA及SVO / SVOA的关键是看如果缺少状语部分句子结 构的完整性如何。若缺少状语,尽管意义有所不同,但是句子结 构仍然完整,则为SV / SVO;否则,则为SVA / SVOA。
creamy white.) We all know him to be a good man. (He is a good man.)
提示 补语为形容词词组、名词词组、介词词组,或不定式为“to be” 时通常为这种情形。
(2) 主—动型,即补语表示宾语的动作。 e.g. I noticed him entering the office. (He was entering the
该题考查基本句型SVOC。选项A、B、C中的remained,looked和appeared均 为连系动词,其后的形容词locked,disappointed和worried在句中都作 主语补语,构成SVC句型。D项中的动词词组为seemed to have,中心 词have为及物动词,其后的no money为其宾语,left用来说明no money 的状况,因此是宾语no money的补语,所以选D。
1 并列谓语
并列谓语就是句子的谓语部分由一个并列结构充当,是两 个谓语的并列。例如:
Leah jumped on her bike and rode around the block.
提示 该句也可以视为省略了主语的并列句Leah jumped on her bike and (she) rode around the block。
区分的关键:状语在结构上是否必须(obligatory)。例如: Springtime has arrived at last. 春天终于到了。(SV) A light heart lives long. 心胸坦荡寿命长。(SVA)
2 SVO和SVOA 区分的关键:状语在结构上是否必须(obligatory)。例如: (1) He folded the paper carefully. 他小心地把那张纸折起来。(SVO)
该题考查英语中的双重谓语现象。双重谓语可以理解为某些不及物动 词兼作连系动词,既表行为又表状态,其后可接形容词词组、名词词 组、介词词组、分词分句等作补语。该句可视为“Xinchun became a different man when he returned from abroad”中两个分句合二为一的简 洁版,名词词组a different man说明主语Xinchun的状态,作主语补语, 因此D为正确答案。相关内容可参见《教程》P14。
United States to overseas theaters [during periods of increased
international tensions] and can be ready for combat there [in a matter of a few days]. (《教程》P17[1])
比如,我们不能说: *I wish the work. 我们可以说:I wish the work to be finished this week.
2 在逻辑意义上,宾语与补语之间存在着逻辑上的主谓关系, 具体表现为两种情形:
(1) 主—补型,即补语说明宾语的性质、状态、特征等。 e.g. They painted the walls creamy white. (The walls were
3 谓语动词的类别和性质不同,宾补的表现形式也不同。有 时主要是名词、形容词、介词词组,有时则主要是动词不定式、 分词等。例如:
We call him Teddy. Do you consider him trustworthy? What makes you in such a hurry? His tutor instructed him to draw everything he could.
3 典型错误
例1: *All men are created equally. √ All men are created equal. (相当于All men are equal when they are created.)
例2: Translation: 妈妈静静地坐在那里,想起了她的过去。 *Mother sat there silently, thinking of her past. √ Mother sat there silent, thinking of her past. (相当于Mother sat there and was silent ...)
①、这句话谓语动词是was,是一个以SVC结构为基本构 架的复杂句。
②、由两个从属连词that可以切分出三个分句,C1, C2和 C3。
③、therefore是连接性状语,“Hell on Wheels”是同位语,
through a combination of prepositioned heavy equipment and mass airlift 是 方 式 状 语 , during periods of increased international tensions是时间状语,in a matter of a few days是时间状语。
C1 (SVC)
备注1 备2
therefore C2 that-分句 (SVOA句型被动态) C3 that-分句 (A + SVOA句型被动态 + A + and + VCA + A )
1. Which of the following italicized parts is used as an object complement? A. The front door remained locked. B. The boy looked disappointed. C. Nancy appeared worried. D. He seemed to have no money left.
提示 与上述动词不同,英语中还有少数动词可以用as或for引导宾语补 语 , 构 成 SVOC 句 型 , 这些 动 词如 : regard / treat / recognize / interpret…; take / mistake…。
1 “宾语+宾补”在语义上是一个整体,结构上密不可分。
(“Hell on Wheels”), was designated to prove the theory that,
[through a combination of prepositioned heavy equipment and
mass airlift], major combat units can be rapidly moved from the
SVA和SVOA这两种句型只限于少数几个动词的某些用法,如live, stay,lie,fly,last,put,bring,drive,leave,treat等,这些动词 由于词汇意义的关系使得状语对于保持谓语含义的“完整性”来 说是必不可少的。
1 关于SVOC句型
SVOC句型中的动词为“复杂宾语及物动词”,这类动词 的主要类别及SVOC句型的特点如下。
复杂宾语及物动词主要类别 1、表示致使、要求、指派等意义的动词 make / let / have / get / keep…; ask / force / advise / instruct / forbid / encourage / permit / expect…; appoint / choose / name / call / elect…; paint / push / pull…
3. He ran into the room out of breath.(= He was out of breath when he ran into the room.) 他冲进房间时已是上气不接下气。
提示 (1)双重谓语句常可视为SV和SVC句型的结合体; (2)双重谓语句结构简单,表意丰富,如果运用得当,可收到言 简意赅、生动活泼的效果,写作中可以模仿使用; (3)双重谓语句常用在文学语言中; (4)双重谓语句也可有其他解释,如将名词性复合谓语解释为 “伴随状语”。
﹄Clause ﹄Clause
2. 分析理解长难句的基本步骤 (1)通过谓语动词,找出句子的主干结构;
(2)通过并列连词、从属连词、标点符号等,切分出主 从结构;
(3)找出修饰成分; (4)理清结构关系。 例如:
It was appropriate, [therefore], that the 2nd Armored Division,
2 双重谓语
双重谓语:指在同一个分句中同时含有简单谓语和名词性复 合谓语,是将两个谓语合二为一的谓语结构。例如:
They parted good friends.
特征1:含有两个谓语(简单谓语和名词性复合谓语),同 时说明主语的行为及特征等。
特征2:简单谓语主要由某些不及物动词充当,在句中弱 化为连系动词,起着既表行为又表状态的双重作用。常用的这 类动词有rise,lie,die,stand,sit,come,leave,part,marry 等。
office.) You must get them to come over here. (They come over here.) He couldn’t make his voice heard. (His voice was heard.)
提示 补语为动词不定式(不含to be)、-ing分词、-ed分词时通常属该 情形。