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This second door is "read shooting",the emperor watched
阅 Prince Huang Sun Archery
place.Hanging above the door there was a plaque that says "Summer
射 Villa"four gold-filled characters,the
Emperor Kangxi Ciming"chime hammer peak."The construction of summer resortm,the clever to King,so that inside and outside Villa seamless,expanded sense of space,creating a new artistic conception,it is Villa designers use "by the King"is a successful example of garden art.Generally,Chengde must go to the mountains touching about clappers Hill,because of Chengde popular among the phrase:"touch the clappers Hill,130 live."
full,Tibetan,Han,Uygur,Mongolian five words inscribed,"Korea at the main
entrance,"which symbolizes our country is a united multi-ethnic country.There
are two doors on both sides of the lions to show the emperor's
这座玲珑秀丽的建筑,叫烟雨楼。这是 一座宽五米,上下两层的小楼,楼上下 还有围廊。二楼上的云龙金匾是乾隆皇 帝题写的。烟雨楼是仿浙江嘉兴的烟雨 楼而建的。楼东有“青阳书屋”,是皇帝 习文读书的地方,楼西南有“对山斋”, 面对着假山。山上建有六角形凉亭,名 字叫翼亭。
You see this beautiful old buildings is a collection of the Qing Dynasty famous floor-Wenjin Pavilion.Tianjin,a water crossing,Wen-chun,is crossing cultural knowledge.To obtain the knowledge,the meaning would be since one is interested.Within it and the Forbidden City in Beijing Wenyuan Ge,Yuanmingyuan Wenyuan Pavilion,Shenyang Imperial Palace of Culture Club back together,the"Inner Court 4 Court."This group of buildings facing south,house doors,rockery,ponds,pavilions arranged one after another.Wenjin Pavilion in the main building of water hold among the hills,up and down the 6,is built in imitation of Ningbo Tianyi Pavilion.From the exterior view,it is two,actually three layers inside the middle layer of the dark layer,the sun can not directly into the goal,to better protect the books.Genei has possession masterpiece,"Past and the Present Integrated"and"Si Ku Quan Shu"the one.
Kangxi Emperor Yubi,this plaque
门 exquisite,exceptionally smart. The two bronze lions in front of both sides ,majestic.Speaking of the two bronze lions,there is still a touching legend too.
澹 泊 敬 诚 殿
这个殿是避暑山庄的主殿,是清代皇帝 在山庄居住是处理朝政和举行盛大庆典 的地方。整个大殿用珍贵的楠木建造, 因此又叫“楠木殿”。每当阴雨连绵之 时,楠木散发着缕缕清香,沁人心脾。 大殿外观古朴淡雅,不饰彩绘,殿内大 理石铺地,正中地坪上设有皇帝的宝座。 宝座周围设有宝象,端,仙鹤,香亭, 如意等,精雕细刻,造型十分优美。
use,just right,blow people away.Film"Intimate"is the first set of shots
taken here
这是湖区最大的岛屿---如意洲岛。岛上建 筑很多,康乾七十二景中有十景在这里。 主体建筑是一座宫殿。门殿的名字是“无 暑清凉”,正殿为“延薰山馆”,面宽七 楹,建筑宏伟,殿后有“水芳岩秀”殿。 正宫落成前,这里是康熙皇帝处理朝政和 居住的地方。岛的西北处是著名的园中之 园---沧浪屿,是仿苏州“沧浪亭”而建的。 虽面积不大,但殿堂,水阁,清泉,小亭, 回廊巧妙的组织在一起,相互因借,恰到 好处,令人流连忘返。电影《知音》的第 一组镜头就是在这里拍摄的。
----- 避暑山庄
系别:信息与计算机科学系 班级:网络工程班 组员:李晓星 马勇 王茜 杨旭龙
封面 丽正门 阅射门 如意洲岛 文津阁 封底
避暑山庄总括 棒槌山 澹泊敬诚殿 烟雨楼 走进承德(视频)
Chengde Mountain Resort was the emperor's Summer Palace of the Qing Dynasty in china. 180 km from Beijing. By the emperor palace, royal gardens and magnificent temples. Mountain Resort is located in downtown Chengde to the north, Wulie River west area narrow Chengde Mountain Resort plaque Valley, villa construction layout can be roughly divided into two parts the palace area and park area, garden area can be divided into lakes, plain and mountainous part three.
This is the largest island--wishful Chau Island.Many buildings on the
如 island,Kangxi 72 King in Shi Jing here.The main building is a palace.The
door is the name e main hall for the
避 暑 山 庄 总 括 ( 英 )
承德避暑山庄曾是中国清朝皇帝的夏宫。距 离北京180公里。是由皇帝宫室、皇家园林 和宏伟壮观的寺庙群所组成。避暑山庄位于
避 暑
山 承德市中心区以北,武烈河西岸一带狭长的
承德避暑山庄牌匾谷地上,山庄的建筑布局 大体可分为宫殿区和苑景区两大部分,苑景 区又可分成湖区、平原区和山区三部分。
岛 that famous garden park-Canglang Island,is the imitation of
Suzhou"Canglang pavilion"built.Although small in size,but the hall,pavilion,springs,kiosk,gallery cleverly organized with each other for
庄 总
这座古色古香的门,就是避暑山庄的正门, 叫丽正门,是清代皇帝进出的门。宫门面宽 三间,上下两层。下层辟有三个方形的门洞, 上层有城台和阙楼。中间门洞的上方有一块 石匾,上面是乾隆皇帝用满,藏,汉,维, 蒙五种文字题写的“丽正门”,它象征着我 们祖国是一个统一的多民族国家。门的两边 有两尊石狮广场东西各立一块石碑,又叫下 马碑。广场南边有一道红色照壁,使这座皇
意 "extension of smoked Mountain Hall",volumino us seven Ying,a grand
building,bring up the rear with"Water Fang Rock Show"Hall.Palace is
completed,this was the deal with affairs of state and the emperor lived.Now here is the Qing items on display.Northwest of the island is
这道门叫“阅射门”,是皇 帝观看皇子皇孙射箭比赛的地 方。门的上方悬有一块匾,上 面写着“避暑山庄”四个镏金 大字,是康熙皇帝的御笔,此 匾精美绝伦,分外醒目。
门前两侧有两个铜狮,威 风凛凛。这两个铜狮还有一段 动人的传说呢。
The temple's main hall is a summer resort,is a Qing Dynasty emperor lived in the Villa deal with affairs of state and when the grand ceremonies.The main hall built with precious Phoebe,so called "Phoebe Hall".When raining when Phoebe fragrance exudes continuously,refreshing.Si mple and elegant hall appearance,not decorative painting,marble hall floor,the middle ground with the emperor's throne aerodromes.Throne surrounded by treasure like,end,cranes,XiangTing ,wishful so exquisite,very biautiful shape.
three,and lower layers.Lower Biyou three square openings,the upper floor
there is the city station and Que.You see,among the top of the doorway there
was a Dan Bian,above the Qianlong Emperor,with
authority.Square has a red screen wall south to the royal garden and separatde
from the outside world.
“棒庄磐时内空境艺运术承去承活话一 槌 锤,外间美 用的德摸德 :百 山 峰巧浑感, “成的一民 “三 , ”借然,这 借功人下间 摸” 康 。此一创是 景典,棒流 到。 熙 修景体造山 ”范都槌传 棒 皇 建,,了庄 这。要山这 槌 帝 避使扩新设 一一到,样 山 赐 暑山大的计 造般山因一 , 名 山庄了意者 园来上为句 能
丽正门 家园林与外界隔开。
This antique door is the summer resort's main entrance,callde Korea the main
entrance is the door out of the Qing Dynasty emperor.Kumon voluminous
This beautiful building ,callde Yanyu Lou.This is a voluminous e-ying,Twostory house from top to bottom,the upper and lower floor there is a veranda.Yunlong Jinbian on the second floor of the Qianlong Emperor,inscribe ight trees at the old pines.Yanyu Lou is the imitation of Yanyu Lou Jiaxing,Zhejiang built.Floor east,"Qingyang Random House"is a place where the emperor practice reading the text;floor southwest of "the mountain fast,"facing rockery.Hexagonal pavilion built hill called the Pavilion wing.