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ted to the hospital were selected as the observation group, and 30 healthy patients who were examined during the same
period were selected as the control group. All selected candidates were tested for anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies
pared and analyzed. Results There was a statistically significant difference in the positive rates of autoantibodies be鄄
tween group A (SLE), group B (other immune system diseases), and the control group (P约0.05). Observation group A
学意义渊P约0.05冤曰联合检测诊断 SLE 的准确度渊97.89%冤高于 4 种自身抗体渊抗 dsDNA尧ANUA尧ANA尧抗 SM冤单独
检测诊断准确度 渊71.13%尧70.42%尧66.90%尧64.08%冤袁 差异有统计学意义 渊字2=38.835尧40.164尧46.994尧52.684袁P=
[Abstract] Objective To study the value of combined detection of autoantibodies in the diagnosis of systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE). Methods From January 2017 to January 2019, 142 patients with suspected SLE who were admit鄄
anti-dsDNA, ANUA, and anti -SM positive rates (46.34%, 21.95% , 25.61% ) were higher than those of observation
group B (5.00%, 6.67%, 0.00%), and the differences were statistically significant (字2=28.835, 6.182, 18.033, P=0.000,
0.013, 0.000); There were significant differences in the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 4 individual autoantibod鄄
(anti-dsDNA), anti-nucleosome antibodies (ANUA), anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA), and anti-SM. The clinical manifes鄄
tations, laboratory tests, histopathological examinations, the final diagnosis results of imaging examination were com鄄
[关键词] 系统性红斑狼疮曰自身抗体曰阳性率曰敏感性曰特异性
[中图分类号] R593
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 2096-1782渊圆园员9冤12渊b冤原园051-03
Value of Combined Detection of Autoantibodies in Diagnosis of Systemic
系统医学 2019 年 12 月第 4 卷第 24 期 DOI:10.19368/ki.2096-1782.2019.24.051
窑临床医学系统研究 窑
杨玉芹 南京医科大学附属淮安第一医院检验科袁江苏南京 223300
[摘要] 目的 研究自身抗体联合检测诊断系统性红斑狼疮渊SLE冤的价值遥 方法 选择 2017 年 1 月要2019 年 1 月该
病冤 及对照组自身抗体阳性率比较袁 差异有统计学意义 渊P约0.05冤曰 观察 A 组抗 dsDNA尧ANUA尧 抗 SM 阳性率
渊46.34%尧21.95%尧25.61%冤均高于观察 B 组渊5.00%尧6.67%尧0.00%冤袁差异有统计学意义渊字2=28.835尧6.182尧18.033袁
P=0.000尧0.013尧0.000冤曰4 种自身抗体单独检测和联合检测诊断 SLE 的敏感性尧特异性及准确度比较袁差异有统计
0.000尧0.000尧0.000尧0.000冤遥 结论 ANA 检测诊断 SLE 敏感性较高袁特异性较低袁可作为筛查项目袁抗 SM 检测具
有高度特异性袁可用于 SLE 与其他自身免疫性疾病的鉴别诊断袁ANUA尧抗 dsDNA 的特异性均较高袁因此研究中 4
项自身抗体检测在 SLE 诊断方面均有一定价值袁且联合检测可进一步提升诊断准确度遥
院收治的疑似 SLE 患者 142 例作为观察组袁 另选取同期体检健康者 30 名作为对照组遥 所有入选者均行抗双链
DNA 抗体渊抗 dsDNA冤尧抗核小体抗体渊ANUA冤尧抗核抗体渊ANA冤及抗 SM 检测袁并与其查尧影像学检查的最终确诊结果做对比分析遥 结果 观察 A 组渊SLE冤尧观察 B 组渊其他免疫系统疾
Lupus Erythematosus
Y A NG Y u-qin
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Huai'an First Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu
Province, 223300 China