反间谍法 Counterespionage Law

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反间谍法Counterespionage Law

On Wednesday, the State Council issued a document for the implementation of China's Counterespionage Law.


《反间谍法》于2014年11月颁布实施,是我国为了防范对国家安全的威胁(guard against perceived threats to national security)而实施的一部法律。根据这部法律,国家安全机关在执行反间谍任务(carry out counterespionage duties)时拥有广泛权力,包括可以调查任何涉嫌间谍行为的个人或组织(investigate any individual or organization suspected of espionage),冻结或没收任何与间谍行为有关的财物(freeze or seize any property linked to acts of espionage)。

国务院6日发布了该法律的实施细则(detailed rules for the implementation of the law)。根据细则,被认为入境后可能进行危害国家安全活动(be likely to engage in activities that might endanger national security)的境外个人,国家安全机关可以决定其在一定时期内不得入境。对涉嫌间谍行为的人员(individuals suspected of espionage),国家安全机关可以决定其在一定期限内不得出境。对违反反间谍法(violate the counter-espionage law)的境外个人,国家安全机关可以决定将其驱逐出境。

根据细则,国家安全机关依法执行反间谍工作任务时,对发现身份不明、有危害国家安全行为的嫌疑人员,可以检查其随带物品(check the personal belongings)。需严厉对待的行为定义也扩大了,例如利用宗教或邪教危害国家安全(use religion or cults to harm national security)。捏造、歪曲事实(fabricate or distort facts),发表、散布危害国家安全的信息(issue information that harms China's national security)的境内外组织、个人要受到惩罚。


间谍组织espionage organization

敌对势力hostile forces

专业间谍器材specialized espionage device

危害国家安全undermine national security

espionage[ˈespiənɑ:ʒ] n-uncount

Espionage is the activity of finding out the political, military, or industrial secrets of your enemies or rivals by using spies.

The authorities have arrested several people suspected of espionage.


industrial espionage工业间谍活动

counterespionage[ˌkaʊntə'espjənɑ:dʒ] n-uncount

Counter-espionage is the same as counter-intelligence.

confiscate[ˈkɒnfiskeit] v.

If you confiscate something from someone, you take it away from them, usually as a punishment.

There is concern that police use the law to confiscate assets from people who have committed minor offences.


They confiscated weapons, ammunition and propaganda material.


fabricate[ˈfæbr ikeit] v.

If someone fabricates information, they invent it in order to deceive people.

All four claim that officers fabricated evidence against them.

4 人全都声称警察捏造证据陷害他们。

Eleven key officials were hanged on fabricated charges.


fabricate[ˈfæbr ikeit] v.

If something is fabricated from different materials or substances, it is made out of those materials or substances.

All the tools are fabricated from high quality steel.

