土木水利学院 建设管理系
一、A 类会议
ACM SIGKDD数据挖掘及知识发现会议
![ACM SIGKDD数据挖掘及知识发现会议](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d83f6ed16f1aff00bed51e32.png)
ACM SIGKDD数据挖掘及知识发现会议1清华大学计算机系王建勇1、KDD概况ACM SIGKDD国际会议(简称KDD)是由ACM的数据挖掘及知识发现专委会[1]主办的数据挖掘研究领域的顶级年会。
它为来自学术界、企业界和政府部门的研究人员和数据挖掘从业者进行学术交流和展示研究成果提供了一个理想场所,并涵盖了特邀主题演讲(keynote presentations)、论文口头报告(oral paper presentations)、论文展板展示(poster sessions)、研讨会(workshops)、短期课程(tutorials)、专题讨论会(panels)、展览(exhibits)、系统演示(demonstrations)、KDD CUP赛事以及多个奖项的颁发等众多内容。
2011年的KDD会议(即第17届KDD 年会)共收到提交的研究论文(Research paper)714篇和应用论文(Industrial and Government paper)73篇,参会人数也达到1070人。
第一档:SIGCOMM, MobiComSIGCOMM是ACM老牌会议,其首席地位无可置疑。
MobiCom 专注于无线网络,每年收录30篇左右,录用率在10%~15%。
2010年MobiCom的一位组委会成员感叹:MobiCom is becoming highly imbalanced. The systems guys clearly dominate the entire conference. Most of them don’t have the patience to read theory papers… If you don’t have any running code, it’s very hard to get in.第二档:MobiHoc, MobiSys, SIGMETRICSMobiHoc, MobiSys两个会议可以说是MobiCom下比肩而立的两兄弟。
SCI、EI、ISTP、SSCI、CSSCI和CSCD介绍美国《科学引文索引》的英文简称,其全称为:Science Citation Index,,创刊于1961年,它是根据现代情报学家加菲尔德(Engene Garfield) 1953年提出的引文思想而创立的,由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961年创办出版的引文数据库,其覆盖生命科学、临床医学、物理化学、农业、生物、兽医学、工程技术等方面的综合性检索刊物,尤其能反映自然科学研究的学术水平,是目前国际上三大检索系统中最著名的一种,其中以生命科学及医学、化学、物理所占比例最大,收录范围是当年国际上的重要期刊,尤其是它的引文索引表现出独特的科学参考价值,在学术界占有重要地位。
SCI是由ISI(Institute for Scientific Information Inc.)美国科学情报所出版。
ISTP (Index to Scientific &Technical Proceeding)也由其出版。
SCI 以《期刊目次》(Current Content)作为数据源,目前自然科学数据库有五千多种期刊,其中生命科学辑收录1350种;工程与计算机技术辑收录1030种;临床医学辑收990种;农业、生物环境科学辑收录950种;物理、化学和地球科学辑收录900种期刊。
计算机科学与技术重要国际学术会议计算机科学与技术重要国际学术会议一、A 类会议序号英文名称英文简称中文名称备注1. International Symposium on Computer ArchitectureISCA 计算机体系结构国际会议2. ACM SigcommACM Sigcomm3. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory IEEE ISIT IEEE 信息理论国际会议4. The Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing STOCACM 计算理论年会5. International Conference on V ery Large DatabasesVLDB6. ACM Siggraph: Computer Graphics and Interactive techniquesACM Siggraph ACM 计算机图形与交互技术会议发表在ACM Trans. onGraphics 上。
7. Design Automation ConferenceDAC 设计自动化会议8. International Conference on Computer VisionIJCV计算机视觉国际会议9. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI人工智能联合国际会议二、B 类会议序号英文名称英文简称中文名称备注10. International Conference on Parallel Processing ICPP并行处理国际会议 11. IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium IPDPS并行与分布处理国际会议12. International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer SystemsIPTPS13. ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing CCGridU S S T CCEand the Grid 14. IEEE InfocomIEEEInfocom15. IEEE International conference on communications ICCIEEE 通讯国际会议 16. IEEE GlobecomIEEE Globecom17. Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer ScienceFOCSIEEE 计算机科学基础年会18. The IEEE international conference on Web Service ICWS19. International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE软件工程国际会议20. EurographicsEurographics 欧洲图形学会议发表在Computer Graphics Forum 杂志上。
国外计算机核心期刊2010-09-272 IEEE transactions on image processing IEEE 图象处理汇刊美国12 IEEE computer graphics and applications IEEE 计算机图示与应用美国17 ACM transactions on graphics 美国计算机学会图形学汇刊美国18 Computer vision and image understanding 计算机视觉与图形理解美国23 IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics IEEE 可视化与计算机图示学汇刊美国36 Computers & graphics 计算机与图形学英国39 Image and vision computing 图像与视觉计算荷兰图形学领域的杂志(主要发表三维重构与可视化的一般理论方面的论文)对图形学领域的杂志,国外一个专家有一个很好的评价,我基本上按照其的意思翻译,加上自己的一点理解:(1)很牛、具有开创性的结果自然首选每年的Siggraph。
发表快,影响大而且很快就能传播开(2)很牛的结果投杂志可选下面的两个:ACM Transaction on Graphics(图形学所有方向重要的基础结果)IEEE Transaction on V isualization & Computer Graphics(集中在可视化领域)(现在这两个杂志的SCI吸引子很高的,但国内土生土长的研究者,似乎很难发表到这些杂志)(3)V ery goodIEEE Computer Graphics & ApplicationGraphics Model(这两个杂志对国内研究者也比较难的,但在后一个杂志已经有几篇国内研究者的论文)(4)goodThe V isual Computer(国内有一些研究者发)(5)fairJournal of V isualization and Computer Animation(其为SCI核心杂志)Computer Graphics Forum(每年的EUROGRAPH会议论文作为该杂志的一期发表。
但是这个排名是大概2000的时候做的,后来没有更新,所以像ISWC 这个会议在其中就看不到。
---------------附,会议排名(from .sg/home/assourav/crank.htm)Computer Science Conference RankingsSome conferences accept multiple categories of papers. The rankings below are for the mos t prestigious category of paper at a given conference. All other categories should be treat ed as "unranked".AREA: DatabasesRank 1:SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of DataPODS: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Principles of DB SystemsVLDB: Very Large Data BasesICDE: Intl Conf on Data EngineeringICDT: Intl Conf on Database TheoryRank 2:SSD: Intl Symp on Large Spatial DatabasesDEXA: Database and Expert System ApplicationsFODO: Intl Conf on Foundation on Data OrganizationEDBT: Extending DB TechnologyDOOD: Deductive and Object-Oriented DatabasesDASFAA: Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsCIKM: Intl. Conf on Information and Knowledge ManagementSSDBM: Intl Conf on Scientific and Statistical DB MgmtCoopIS - Conference on Cooperative Information SystemsER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling (ER)Rank 3:COMAD: Intl Conf on Management of DataBNCOD: British National Conference on DatabasesADC: Australasian Database ConferenceADBIS: Symposium on Advances in DB and Information SystemsDaWaK - Data Warehousing and Knowledge DiscoveryRIDE WorkshopIFIP-DS: IFIP-DS ConferenceIFIP-DBSEC - IFIP Workshop on Database SecurityNGDB: Intl Symp on Next Generation DB Systems and AppsADTI: Intl Symp on Advanced DB Technologies and Integration FEWFDB: Far East Workshop on Future DB SystemsMDM - Int. Conf. on Mobile Data Access/Management (MDA/MDM)ICDM - IEEE International Conference on Data MiningVDB - Visual Database SystemsIDEAS - International Database Engineering and Application Symposium Others:ARTDB - Active and Real-Time Database SystemsCODAS: Intl Symp on Cooperative DB Systems for Adv AppsDBPL - Workshop on Database Programming LanguagesEFIS/EFDBS - Engineering Federated Information (Database) Systems KRDB - Knowledge Representation Meets DatabasesNDB - National Database Conference (China)NLDB - Applications of Natural Language to Data BasesFQAS - Flexible Query-Answering SystemsIDC(W) - International Database Conference (HK CS)RTDB - Workshop on Real-Time DatabasesSBBD: Brazilian Symposium on DatabasesWebDB - International Workshop on the Web and DatabasesWAIM: Interational Conference on Web Age Information ManagementDASWIS - Data Semantics in Web Information SystemsDMDW - Design and Management of Data WarehousesDOLAP - International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAPDMKD - Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryKDEX - Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange WorkshopNRDM - Workshop on Network-Related Data ManagementMobiDE - Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile AccessMDDS - Mobility in Databases and Distributed SystemsMEWS - Mining for Enhanced Web SearchTAKMA - Theory and Applications of Knowledge MAnagementWIDM: International Workshop on Web Information and Data ManagementW2GIS - International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems CDB - Constraint Databases and ApplicationsDTVE - Workshop on Database Technology for Virtual EnterprisesIWDOM - International Workshop on Distributed Object ManagementOODBS - Workshop on Object-Oriented Database SystemsPDIS: Parallel and Distributed Information SystemsAREA: Artificial Intelligence and Related SubjectsRank 1:AAAI: American Association for AI National ConferenceCVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern RecognitionIJCAI: Intl Joint Conf on AIICCV: Intl Conf on Computer VisionICML: Intl Conf on Machine LearningKDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningKR: Intl Conf on Principles of KR & ReasoningNIPS: Neural Information Processing SystemsUAI: Conference on Uncertainty in AIAAMAS: Intl Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (past: ICAA)ACL: Annual Meeting of the ACL (Association of Computational Linguistics)Rank 2:NAACL: North American Chapter of the ACLAID: Intl Conf on AI in DesignAI-ED: World Conference on AI in EducationCAIP: Inttl Conf on Comp. Analysis of Images and PatternsCSSAC: Cognitive Science Society Annual ConferenceECCV: European Conference on Computer VisionEAI: European Conf on AIEML: European Conf on Machine LearningGECCO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (used to be GP)IAAI: Innovative Applications in AIICIP: Intl Conf on Image ProcessingICNN/IJCNN: Intl (Joint) Conference on Neural NetworksICPR: Intl Conf on Pattern RecognitionICDAR: International Conference on Document Analysis and RecognitionICTAI: IEEE conference on Tools with AIAMAI: Artificial Intelligence and MathsDAS: International Workshop on Document Analysis SystemsWACV: IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer VisionCOLING: International Conference on Computational LiguisticsEMNLP: Empirical Methods in Natural Language ProcessingEACL: Annual Meeting of European Association Computational LingusticsCoNLL: Conference on Natural Language LearningDocEng: ACM Symposium on Document EngineeringIEEE/WIC International Joint Conf on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology Rank 3:PRICAI: Pacific Rim Intl Conf on AIAAI: Australian National Conf on AIACCV: Asian Conference on Computer VisionAI*IA: Congress of the Italian Assoc for AIANNIE: Artificial Neural Networks in EngineeringANZIIS: Australian/NZ Conf on Intelligent Inf. SystemsCAIA: Conf on AI for ApplicationsCAAI: Canadian Artificial Intelligence ConferenceASADM: Chicago ASA Data Mining Conf: A Hard Look at DMEPIA: Portuguese Conference on Artificial IntelligenceFCKAML: French Conf on Know. Acquisition & Machine LearningICANN: International Conf on Artificial Neural NetworksICCB: International Conference on Case-Based ReasoningICGA: International Conference on Genetic AlgorithmsICONIP: Intl Conf on Neural Information ProcessingIEA/AIE: Intl Conf on Ind. & Eng. Apps of AI & Expert SysICMS: International Conference on Multiagent SystemsICPS: International conference on Planning SystemsIWANN: Intl Work-Conf on Art & Natural Neural NetworksPACES: Pacific Asian Conference on Expert SystemsSCAI: Scandinavian Conference on Artifical IntelligenceSPICIS: Singapore Intl Conf on Intelligent SystemPAKDD: Pacific-Asia Conf on Know. Discovery & Data MiningSMC: IEEE Intl Conf on Systems, Man and CyberneticsPAKDDM: Practical App of Knowledge Discovery & Data MiningWCNN: The World Congress on Neural NetworksWCES: World Congress on Expert SystemsASC: Intl Conf on AI and Soft ComputingPACLIC: Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and ComputationICCC: International Conference on Chinese ComputingICADL: International Conference on Asian Digital LibrariesRANLP: Recent Advances in Natural Language ProcessingNLPRS: Natural Language Pacific Rim SymposiumMeta-Heuristics International ConferenceRank 3:ICRA: IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics and AutomationNNSP: Neural Networks for Signal ProcessingICASSP: IEEE Intl Conf on Acoustics, Speech and SPGCCCE: Global Chinese Conference on Computers in EducationICAI: Intl Conf on Artificial IntelligenceAEN: IASTED Intl Conf on AI, Exp Sys & Neural NetworksWMSCI: World Multiconfs on Sys, Cybernetics & InformaticsLREC: Language Resources and Evaluation ConferenceAIMSA: Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, ApplicationsAISC: Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic ComputationCIA: Cooperative Information AgentsInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation Pattern MatchingECAL: European Conference on Artificial LifeEKAW: Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and ManagementEMMCVPR: Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionEuroGP: European Conference on Genetic ProgrammingFoIKS: Foundations of Information and Knowledge SystemsIAWTIC: International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commer ceICAIL: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and LawSMIS: International Syposium on Methodologies for Intelligent SystemsIS&N: Intelligence and Services in NetworksJELIA: Logics in Artificial IntelligenceKI: German Conference on Artificial IntelligenceKRDB: Knowledge Representation Meets DatabasesMAAMAW: Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent WorldNC: ICSC Symposium on Neural ComputationPKDD: Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoverySBIA: Brazilian Symposium on Artificial IntelligenceScale-Space: Scale-Space Theories in Computer VisionXPS: Knowledge-Based SystemsI2CS: Innovative Internet Computing SystemsTARK: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge MeetingMKM: International Workshop on Mathematical Knowledge ManagementACIVS: International Conference on Advanced Concepts For Intelligent Vision Systems ATAL: Agent Theories, Architectures, and LanguagesLACL: International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational LinguisticsAREA: Hardware and ArchitectureRank 1:ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Prog Lang and OSISCA: ACM/IEEE Symp on Computer ArchitectureICCAD: Intl Conf on Computer-Aided DesignDAC: Design Automation ConfMICRO: Intl Symp on MicroarchitectureHPCA: IEEE Symp on High-Perf Comp ArchitectureRank 2:FCCM: IEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing MachinesSUPER: ACM/IEEE Supercomputing ConferenceICS: Intl Conf on SupercomputingISSCC: IEEE Intl Solid-State Circuits ConfHCS: Hot Chips SympVLSI: IEEE Symp VLSI CircuitsCODES+ISSS: Intl Conf on Hardware/Software Codesign & System SynthesisDATE: IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe ConferenceFPL: Field-Programmable Logic and ApplicationsCASES: International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Syste msRank 3:ICA3PP: Algs and Archs for Parall ProcEuroMICRO: New Frontiers of Information TechnologyACS: Australian Supercomputing ConfISC: Information Security ConferenceUnranked:Advanced Research in VLSIInternational Symposium on System SynthesisInternational Symposium on Computer DesignInternational Symposium on Circuits and SystemsAsia Pacific Design Automation ConferenceInternational Symposium on Physical DesignInternational Conference on VLSI DesignCANPC: Communication, Architecture, and Applications for Network-Based Parallel Computing CHARME: Conference on Correct Hardware Design and Verification MethodsCHES: Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded SystemsNDSS: Network and Distributed System Security SymposiumNOSA: Nordic Symposium on Software ArchitectureACAC: Australasian Computer Architecture ConferenceCSCC: WSES/IEEE world multiconference on Circuits, Systems, Communications & Computers ICN: IEEE International Conference on Networking Topology in Computer Science ConferenceAREA: Applications and MediaRank 1:I3DG: ACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D GraphicsSIGGRAPH: ACM SIGGRAPH ConferenceACM-MM: ACM Multimedia ConferenceDCC: Data Compression ConfSIGMETRICS: ACM Conf on Meas. & Modelling of Comp SysSIGIR: ACM SIGIR Conf on Information RetrievalPECCS: IFIP Intl Conf on Perf Eval of Comp \& Comm Sys WWW: World-Wide Web ConferenceRank 2:IEEE VisualizationEUROGRAPH: European Graphics ConferenceCGI: Computer Graphics InternationalCANIM: Computer AnimationPG: Pacific GraphicsICME: Intl Conf on MMedia & ExpoNOSSDAV: Network and OS Support for Digital A/VPADS: ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel \& Dist Simulation WSC: Winter Simulation ConferenceASS: IEEE Annual Simulation SymposiumMASCOTS: Symp Model Analysis \& Sim of Comp \& Telecom Sys PT: Perf Tools - Intl Conf on Model Tech \& Tools for CPE NetStore: Network Storage SymposiumMMCN: ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and NetworkingJCDL: Joint Conference on Digital LibrariesRank 3:ACM-HPC: ACM Hypertext ConfMMM: Multimedia ModellingDSS: Distributed Simulation SymposiumSCSC: Summer Computer Simulation ConferenceWCSS: World Congress on Systems SimulationESS: European Simulation SymposiumESM: European Simulation MulticonferenceHPCN: High-Performance Computing and NetworkingGeometry Modeling and ProcessingWISEDS-RT: Distributed Simulation and Real-time Applications IEEE Intl Wshop on Dist Int Simul and Real-Time Applications ECIR: European Colloquium on Information RetrievalEd-MediaIMSA: Intl Conf on Internet and MMedia SysUn-ranked:DVAT: IS\&T/SPIE Conf on Dig Video Compression Alg \& TechMME: IEEE Intl Conf. on Multimedia in EducationICMSO: Intl Conf on Modelling, Simulation and OptimisationICMS: IASTED Intl Conf on Modelling and SimulationCOTIM: Conference on Telecommunications and Information MarketsDOA: International Symposium on Distributed Objects and ApplicationsECMAST: European Conference on Multimedia Applications, Services and TechniquesGIS: Workshop on Advances in Geographic Information SystemsIDA: Intelligent Data AnalysisIDMS: Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication ServicesIUI: Intelligent User InterfacesMIS: Workshop on Multimedia Information SystemsWECWIS: Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web/based Information Systems WIDM: Web Information and Data ManagementWOWMOM: Workshop on Wireless Mobile MultimediaWSCG: International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization LDTA: Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and ApplicationsIPDPSWPIM: International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Issues in Wireless N etworks and Mobile ComputingIWST: International Workshop on Scheduling and TelecommunicationsAPDCM: Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational ModelsCIMA: International ICSC Congress on Computational Intelligence: Methods and Applications FLA: Fuzzy Logic and Applications MeetingICACSD: International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System DesignICATPN: International conference on application and theory of Petri netsAICCSA: ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and ApplicationsCAGD: International Symposium of Computer Aided Geometric DesignSpanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image AnalysisInternational Workshop on Cluster Infrastructure for Web Server and E-Commerce Applications WSES ISA: Information Science And Applications ConferenceCHT: International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat TransferIMACS: International Conference on Applications of Computer AlgebraVIPromCom: International Symposium on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications PDMPR: International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Multimedia Processing & Retrieval International Symposium On Computational And Applied PdesPDCAT: International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications, and Tec hniquesBiennial Computational Techniques and Applications ConferenceSymposium on Advanced Computing in Financial MarketsWCCE: World Conference on Computers in EducationITCOM: SPIE's International Symposium on The Convergence of Information Technologies and Com municationsConference on Commercial Applications for High-Performance ComputingMSA: Metacomputing Systems and Applications WorkshopWPMC : International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications WSC: Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications HERCMA: Hellenic European Research on Computer Mathematics and its Applications PARA: Workshop on Applied Parallel ComputingInternational Computer Science Conference: Active Media TechnologyIW-MMDBMS - Int. Workshop on Multi-Media Data Base Management SystemsAREA: System TechnologyRank 1:SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures, Protocols & AppsINFOCOM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm SocSPAA: Symp on Parallel Algms and ArchitecturePODC: ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed ComputingPPoPP: Principles and Practice of Parallel ProgrammingRTSS: Real Time Systems SympSOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS PrinciplesSOSDI: Usenix Symp on OS Design and ImplementationCCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications SecurityIEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyMOBICOM: ACM Intl Conf on Mobile Computing and NetworkingUSENIX Conf on Internet Tech and SysICNP: Intl Conf on Network ProtocolsPACT: Intl Conf on Parallel Arch and Compil TechRTAS: IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium ICDCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Distributed Comp SystemsRank 2:CC: Compiler ConstructionIPDPS: Intl Parallel and Dist Processing SympIC3N: Intl Conf on Comp Comm and NetworksICPP: Intl Conf on Parallel ProcessingSRDS: Symp on Reliable Distributed SystemsMPPOI: Massively Par Proc Using Opt InterconnsASAP: Intl Conf on Apps for Specific Array ProcessorsEuro-Par: European Conf. on Parallel ComputingFast Software EncryptionUsenix Security SymposiumEuropean Symposium on Research in Computer SecurityWCW: Web Caching WorkshopLCN: IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer NetworksIPCCC: IEEE Intl Phoenix Conf on Comp & CommunicationsCCC: Cluster Computing ConferenceICC: Intl Conf on CommWCNC: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking ConferenceCSFW: IEEE Computer Security Foundations WorkshopRank 3:MPCS: Intl. Conf. on Massively Parallel Computing SystemsGLOBECOM: Global CommICCC: Intl Conf on Comp CommunicationNOMS: IEEE Network Operations and Management SympCONPAR: Intl Conf on Vector and Parallel ProcessingVAPP: Vector and Parallel ProcessingICPADS: Intl Conf. on Parallel and Distributed SystemsPublic Key CryptosystemsAnnual Workshop on Selected Areas in CryptographyAustralasia Conference on Information Security and PrivacyInt. Conf on Inofrm and Comm. SecurityFinancial CryptographyWorkshop on Information HidingSmart Card Research and Advanced Application ConferenceICON: Intl Conf on NetworksNCC: Nat Conf CommIN: IEEE Intell Network WorkshopSoftcomm: Conf on Software in Tcomms and Comp NetworksINET: Internet Society ConfWorkshop on Security and Privacy in E-commerceUn-ranked:PARCO: Parallel ComputingSE: Intl Conf on Systems Engineering (**)PDSECA: workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing with Appli cationsCACS: Computer Audit, Control and Security ConferenceSREIS: Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information SecuritySAFECOMP: International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and SecurityIREJVM: Workshop on Intermediate Representation Engineering for the Java Virtual Machine EC: ACM Conference on Electronic CommerceEWSPT: European Workshop on Software Process TechnologyHotOS: Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating SystemsHPTS: High Performance Transaction SystemsHybrid SystemsICEIS: International Conference on Enterprise Information SystemsIOPADS: I/O in Parallel and Distributed SystemsIRREGULAR: Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured ProblemsKiVS: Kommunikation in Verteilten SystemenLCR: Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Systems for Scalable ComputersMCS: Multiple Classifier SystemsMSS: Symposium on Mass Storage SystemsNGITS: Next Generation Information Technologies and SystemsOOIS: Object Oriented Information SystemsSCM: System Configuration ManagementSecurity Protocols WorkshopSIGOPS European WorkshopSPDP: Symposium on Parallel and Distributed ProcessingTreDS: Trends in Distributed SystemsUSENIX Technical ConferenceVISUAL: Visual Information and Information SystemsFoDS: Foundations of Distributed Systems: Design and Verification of Protocols conference RV: Post-CAV Workshop on Runtime VerificationICAIS: International ICSC-NAISO Congress on Autonomous Intelligent SystemsITiCSE: Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science EducationCSCS: CyberSystems and Computer Science ConferenceAUIC: Australasian User Interface ConferenceITI: Meeting of Researchers in Computer Science, Information Systems Research & Statistics European Conference on Parallel ProcessingRODLICS: Wses International Conference on Robotics, Distance Learning & Intelligent Communic ation SystemsInternational Conference On Multimedia, Internet & Video TechnologiesPaCT: Parallel Computing Technologies workshopPPAM: International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied MathematicsInternational Conference On Information Networks, Systems And TechnologiesAmiRE: Conference on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and EdutainmentDSN: The International Conference on Dependable Systems and NetworksIHW: Information Hiding WorkshopGTVMT: International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques AREA: Programming Languages and Software EngineeringRank 1:POPL: ACM-SIGACT Symp on Principles of Prog LangsPLDI: ACM-SIGPLAN Symp on Prog Lang Design & ImplOOPSLA: OO Prog Systems, Langs and ApplicationsICFP: Intl Conf on Function ProgrammingJICSLP/ICLP/ILPS: (Joint) Intl Conf/Symp on Logic ProgICSE: Intl Conf on Software EngineeringFSE: ACM Conf on the Foundations of Software Engineering (inc: ESEC-FSE) FM/FME: Formal Methods, World Congress/EuropeCAV: Computer Aided VerificationRank 2:CP: Intl Conf on Principles & Practice of Constraint ProgTACAS: Tools and Algos for the Const and An of SystemsESOP: European Conf on ProgrammingICCL: IEEE Intl Conf on Computer LanguagesPEPM: Symp on Partial Evalutation and Prog ManipulationSAS: Static Analysis SymposiumRTA: Rewriting Techniques and ApplicationsIWSSD: Intl Workshop on S/W Spec & DesignCAiSE: Intl Conf on Advanced Info System EngineeringSSR: ACM SIGSOFT Working Conf on Software ReusabilitySEKE: Intl Conf on S/E and Knowledge EngineeringICSR: IEEE Intl Conf on Software ReuseASE: Automated Software Engineering ConferencePADL: Practical Aspects of Declarative LanguagesISRE: Requirements EngineeringICECCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Eng. of Complex Computer SystemsIEEE Intl Conf on Formal Engineering MethodsIntl Conf on Integrated Formal MethodsFOSSACS: Foundations of Software Science and Comp StructAPLAS: Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and SystemsMPC: Mathematics of Program ConstructionECOOP: European Conference on Object-Oriented ProgrammingICSM: Intl. Conf on Software MaintenanceHASKELL - Haskell WorkshopRank 3:FASE: Fund Appr to Soft EngAPSEC: Asia-Pacific S/E ConfPAP/PACT: Practical Aspects of PROLOG/Constraint TechALP: Intl Conf on Algebraic and Logic ProgrammingPLILP: Prog, Lang Implentation & Logic ProgrammingLOPSTR: Intl Workshop on Logic Prog Synthesis & TransfICCC: Intl Conf on Compiler ConstructionCOMPSAC: Intl. Computer S/W and Applications ConfTAPSOFT: Intl Joint Conf on Theory & Pract of S/W DevWCRE: SIGSOFT Working Conf on Reverse EngineeringAQSDT: Symp on Assessment of Quality S/W Dev ToolsIFIP Intl Conf on Open Distributed ProcessingIntl Conf of Z UsersIFIP Joint Int'l Conference on Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification, Tes ting, And VerificationPSI (Ershov conference)UML: International Conference on the Unified Modeling LanguageUn-ranked:Australian Software Engineering ConferenceIEEE Int. W'shop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Sys. (WORDS)IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems EngineeringThe Northern Formal Methods WorkshopsFormal Methods PacificInt. Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical SystemsJFPLC - International French Speaking Conference on Logic and Constraint ProgrammingL&L - Workshop on Logic and LearningSFP - Scottish Functional Programming WorkshopLCCS - International Workshop on Logic and Complexity in Computer ScienceVLFM - Visual Languages and Formal MethodsNASA LaRC Formal Methods WorkshopPASTE: Workshop on Program Analysis For Software Tools and EngineeringTLCA: Typed Lambda Calculus and ApplicationsFATES - A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of SoftwareWorkshop On Java For High-Performance ComputingDSLSE - Domain-Specific Languages for Software EngineeringFTJP - Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java ProgramsWFLP - International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic ProgrammingFOOL - International Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented LanguagesSREIS - Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information SecurityHLPP - International workshop on High-level parallel programming and applicationsINAP - International Conference on Applications of PrologMPOOL - Workshop on Multiparadigm Programming with OO LanguagesPADO - Symposium on Programs as Data ObjectsTOOLS: Int'l Conf Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and SystemsAustralasian Conference on Parallel And Real-Time SystemsPASTE: Workshop on Program Analysis For Software Tools and EngineeringAvoCS: Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical SystemsSPIN: Workshop on Model Checking of SoftwareFemSys: Workshop on Formal Design of Safety Critical Embedded SystemsAda-EuropePPDP: Principles and Practice of Declarative ProgrammingAPL ConferenceASM: Workshops on Abstract State MachinesCOORDINATION: Coordination Models and LanguagesDocEng: ACM Symposium on Document EngineeringDSV-IS: Design, Specification, and Verification of Interactive SystemsFMCAD: Formal Methods in Computer-Aided DesignFMLDO: Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and ObjectsIFL: Implementation of Functional LanguagesILP: International Workshop on Inductive Logic ProgrammingISSTA: International Symposium on Software Testing and AnalysisITC: International Test ConferenceIWFM: Irish Workshop in Formal MethodsJava GrandeLP: Logic Programming: Japanese ConferenceLPAR: Logic Programming and Automated ReasoningLPE: Workshop on Logic Programming EnvironmentsLPNMR: Logic Programming and Non-monotonic ReasoningPJW: Workshop on Persistence and JavaRCLP: Russian Conference on Logic ProgrammingSTEP: Software Technology and Engineering PracticeTestCom: IFIP International Conference on Testing of Communicating SystemsVL: Visual LanguagesFMPPTA: Workshop on Formal Methods for Parallel Programming Theory and Applications WRS: International Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming FATES: A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software FORMALWARE: Meeting on Formalware Engineering: Formal Methods for Engineering Software DRE: conference Data Reverse EngineeringSTAREAST: Software Testing Analysis & Review ConferenceConference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific ComputingInternational Testing Computer Software ConferenceLinux Showcase & ConferenceFLOPS: International Symposum on Functional and Logic ProgrammingGCSE: International Conference on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering JOSES: Java Optimization Strategies for Embedded Systems。
中文名称:国际电信联盟英文名称:International Telecommunications Union(ITU)ITU定义:联合国于1865年成立的制定国际电信标准的专门机构。
部组织机构:无线电通信部门(ITU-R)电信标准化部门(ITU-T)电信发展部门(ITU-D)ITU-T官网http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/index.htmlITU-T标准下载http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC/e中文名称:互联网工程任务组英文名称: Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF)IETF定义:成立于1985年底,是全球互联网最具权威的技术标准化组织,主要任务是负责互联网相关技术规范的研发和制定,当前绝大多数国际互联网技术标准出自IETF。
组织机构:互联网工程指导小组IESG(Internet Engineering Steering Group)因特网结构委员会IAB(Internet Architecture Board)国际互联网协会ISOC(Internet Society)互联网数字分配机构IANA(The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) IETF官网。
/下载官方RFC的地方/rfc.html/中文名称:国际标准化组织英文名称: International Organization for Standardization(ISO)ISO定义:1947年2月23日,国际标准化组织正式成立。
组织机构:合格评定委员会(CASCO)消费者政策委员会(COPOLCO)发展中国家事务委员会(DEVCO)信息系统和服务委员会(INFCO)特别咨询小组 ISO的组织结构技术管理局技术委员会TC理事会中央秘书处ISO全体大会合格评定委员会(CASCO)消费者政策委员会(COPOLCO)发展中国家事务委员会(DEVCO)信息系统和服务委员会(INFCO)ISO官网/iso/home.htmISO标准下载(要钱的)/iso/iso_catalogue.htm中文名称:美国电气和电子工程师协会英文名称: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)IEEE定义:IEEE(美国电气电子工程师学会)于1963年1月1日由AIEE(美国电气工程师学会)和IRE(美国无线电工程师学会)合并而成,是美国规模最大的专业学会。
国际上一些知名的综合性期刊有:•Nature:以自然科学领域为主,涵盖自然科学的各个方面,包括物理学、化学、生物学等;•Science:涵盖多个学科领域,包括自然科学、社会科学等;•Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS):美国国家科学院的期刊,涵盖自然科学和社会科学领域。
各个学科领域都有自己的专业性期刊,一些具有代表性的专业性期刊有:•Journal of Finance:金融学领域的权威期刊,发表高质量金融学研究;•Journal of Marketing:市场营销学领域的重要期刊,发表权威市场营销学研究;•Journal of Computer Science and Technology:计算机科学与技术领域的主流期刊,发表计算机科学研究成果。
ACM SIGKDD数据挖掘及知识发现会议1清华大学计算机系王建勇1、KDD概况ACM SIGKDD国际会议(简称KDD)是由ACM的数据挖掘及知识发现专委会[1]主办的数据挖掘研究领域的顶级年会。
它为来自学术界、企业界和政府部门的研究人员和数据挖掘从业者进行学术交流和展示研究成果提供了一个理想场所,并涵盖了特邀主题演讲(keynote presentations)、论文口头报告(oral paper presentations)、论文展板展示(poster sessions)、研讨会(workshops)、短期课程(tutorials)、专题讨论会(panels)、展览(exhibits)、系统演示(demonstrations)、KDD CUP赛事以及多个奖项的颁发等众多内容。
2011年的KDD会议(即第17届KDD 年会)共收到提交的研究论文(Research paper)714篇和应用论文(Industrial and Government paper)73篇,参会人数也达到1070人。
ACM SIGKDD数据挖掘及知识发现会议1清华大学计算机系王建勇1、KDD概况ACM SIGKDD国际会议(简称KDD)是由ACM的数据挖掘及知识发现专委会[1]主办的数据挖掘研究领域的顶级年会。
它为来自学术界、企业界和政府部门的研究人员和数据挖掘从业者进行学术交流和展示研究成果提供了一个理想场所,并涵盖了特邀主题演讲(keynote presentations)、论文口头报告(oral paper presentations)、论文展板展示(poster sessions)、研讨会(workshops)、短期课程(tutorials)、专题讨论会(panels)、展览(exhibits)、系统演示(demonstrations)、KDD CUP赛事以及多个奖项的颁发等众多内容。
2011年的KDD会议(即第17届KDD 年会)共收到提交的研究论文(Research paper)714篇和应用论文(Industrial and Government paper)73篇,参会人数也达到1070人。
第二届机器人、自动化和计算机工程国际会议参考文献第二届机器人、自动化和计算机工程国际会议参考文献1. 引言第二届机器人、自动化和计算机工程国际会议作为一项重要的学术盛会,汇集了来自世界各地的专家学者,共享他们在机器人、自动化和计算机工程领域的最新研究成果。
2. 文献综述2.1 《机器人技术的前沿发展》在会议中,第一篇参考文献介绍了机器人技术的前沿发展。
2.2 《自动化系统设计与控制》第二篇参考文献主要介绍了自动化系统设计与控制的相关内容。
3. 总结与展望通过对第二届机器人、自动化和计算机工程国际会议的参考文献进行综合评估,我对机器人技术、自动化系统设计和控制等内容有了更深入的认识和理解。
4. 个人观点对于机器人、自动化和计算机工程领域的发展,我认为随着科学技术的不断进步和创新,这些领域将会迎来更多的发展机遇和挑战。
三、 中国教育和科研计算机网(CERNET)
国内与国际控制学科知名会议⾃动控制【ICACC】全称:The International Conference on Advanced Computer Control⽹络评价:会议主题包括⼈机系统、数据库系统、混合动⼒系统、机器⼈与⾃动化、多媒体通信系统等【CCDC】全称:Chinese Control and Decision Conference⽹络评价:全国性⼤型学术会议,每年⼀届【IEEE ICCA】全称:IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation⽹络评价:控制及⾃动化领域的⼤型学术会议【ECC】全称:European Control Conference⽹络评价:欧洲控制论和⾃动化学界的重要学术会议【CT】全称:SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications⽹络评价:⿎励⽆歧视地畅所欲⾔,为参会者营造宽松舒适的研讨环境,两年⼀届【ACC】全称:The American Control Conference⽹络评价:控制领域顶级会议【WCICA】全称:World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation⽹络评价:两年⼀届,由IEEE控制系统学会、IEEE机器⼈与⾃动化学会、国家⾃然科学基⾦委、中国⾃动化协会和中国科学院⾃动化研究所提供技术⽀持【IFAC ADCHEM】全称:10th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes⽹络评价:过程控制领域全球顶级盛会,⾸次在中国⼤陆召开【CCC】全称:The Chinese Control Conference⽹络评价:控制理论与技术领域的国际性学术会议,每年⼀届【CPCC】全称:Chinese Process Control Conference⽹络评价:由中国⾃动化学会过程控制专业委员会主办的国际性系列学术年会,每年⼀届【SMC】全称:The Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electrics Society⽹络评价:每年⼀届【CAC】全称:The Chinese Congress of Automation⽹络评价:国内最⾼层次的⾃动化、信息与智能科学领域的⼤型综合性学术会议【CDC】全称:IEEE Conference on Decision and Control⽹络评价:控制领域顶级会议,每年⼀届机器⼈【ICRA】全称:IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation⽹络评价:机器⼈及⾃动化领域国际顶级会议【ICIEA】全称:IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications⽹络评价:IEEE新加坡分会举办【IEEE/ASME AIM】全称:IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics⽹络评价:每年⼀届【ICMA】全称:IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation⽹络评价:是世界上机电⼀体化、⾃动化领域的著名会议,在国际机器⼈及⾃动化领域具有重要的影响⼒【IROS】全称:IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems⽹络评价:智能机器⼈系统领域国际顶级会议【Humanoids】全称:IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots⽹络评价:每年⼀届【ROBIO】全称:IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics⽹络评价:国际机器⼈领域有影响⼒的学术会议之⼀,每年⼀届⼈⼯智能 & 模式识别 & 计算机视觉【AAAI】全称:AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence⽹络评价:全称:International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing⽹络评价:世界最⼤声学、语⾳与信号处理及应⽤顶级会议,每年⼀届【VALSE】全称:Vision And Learning Seminar⽹络评价:计算机视觉、模式识别、机器学习、多媒体技术等相关领域华⼈青年学者最具影响⼒的交流平台,每年⼀届【ICCV】全称:International Conference on Connected Vehicles⽹络评价:智能交通领域跨学科交流会议【NCIG】全称:International Conference on Image and Graphics⽹络评价:是中国图象图形学学会主办的最⾼级别的系列国内会议,每两年举办⼀届【ACII Asia】全称:The Asian Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction⽹络评价:⾸次召开【PAKDD】全称:The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining⽹络评价:数据挖掘领域知名会议【CVPR】全称:IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition⽹络评价:计算机视觉领域三⼤顶会之⼀,每年⼀届【COLT】全称:Annual Conference on Learning Theory⽹络评价:机器学习最好的会议之⼀,每年⼀届【WCCI】全称:IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence⽹络评价:智能计算领域顶级技术盛会,两年⼀届【ICML】全称:International Conference on Machine Learning⽹络评价:机器学习⽅⾯最好的会议之⼀,每年⼀届数据挖掘重要的国际会议之⼀,每年⼀届【IJCAI】全称:International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence⽹络评价:国际顶级⼈⼯智能联合⼤会,每年⼀届【CCBR】全称:Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition⽹络评价:国内⽣物特征识别领域的学术盛会【SIGGRAPH】全称:Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics⽹络评价:计算机图形学领域最权威、影响⼒最⼤的国际会议,每年⼀届【KDD】全称:ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining⽹络评价:知识发现与数据挖掘⽅⾯最好的会议,每年⼀届【ICPR】全称:International Conference on Pattern Recognition⽹络评价:模式识别领域权威会议,⾸次在中国举办【ICAC】全称:IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing⽹络评价:英国旅英华⼈⾃动化与计算学会的年会。
其中期刊论文又可分为SCI 源期刊、EI源期刊、(国内)权威期刊、核心期刊和普通期刊论文5类;会议论文也可分国际会议和国内会议2类。
例如根据2008年发布的信息,计算机领域影响因子最高的是ACM COMPUT SURV(ACM计算综述),其IF=9.920。
按照最新(2009年)SCI源期刊分区,一区有15种左右计算机期刊(IF一般在3以上)、二区有40余种计算机期刊(IF一般在2以上)、其余300余种计算机期刊分为三区(IF一般在1以上)和四区(IF一般在1以下,如SCI CHINA SER F(中国科学F辑英文版,IF=0.664)、J COMPUT SCI TECHNOL(JCST/计算机科学与技术学报(英文版),IF=0.576))。
如2009年3月9日公布的EI中国源期刊共有176种(其中英文刊36种,中文刊140种),部分相关期刊目录如下:0253-4827 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)1022-4653 Chinese Journal of Electronics1673-7350 Frontiers of Computer Science in China1006-6748 High Technology Letters1004-0579 Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition)1005-9784 Journal of Central South University of Technology1672-5220 Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)1005-9113 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series)1007-1172 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science)1003-7985 Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)1004-4132 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics1009-6124 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity1000-2413 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology -Materials Science Edition1673-565X Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A1005-8885 The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications1005-1120 Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics1006-4982 Transactions of Tianjin University1007-0214 Tsinghua Science and Technology Editor Information0254-0037 北京工业大学学报 1001-5965 北京航空航天大学学报 1001-053X 北京科技大学学报 1001-0645 北京理工大学学报 1007-5321 北京邮电大学学报 1000-8608 大连理工大学学报 1005-0388 电波科学学报 1000-6753 电工技术学报 1007-449X 电机与控制学报 1000-1026 电力系统自动化 1006-6047 电力自动化设备 1001-0548 电子科技大学学报 0372-2112 电子学报 1009-5896 电子与信息学报 1005-3026 东北大学学报 (自然科学版) 1001-0505 东南大学学报(自然科学版) 1002-0470 高技术通讯 0253-2239 光学学报 1001-2486 国防科技大学学报 1006-7043 哈尔滨工程大学学报 0367-6234 哈尔滨工业大学学报 1000-6893 航空学报 1000-2472 湖南大学学报(自然科学版) 1000-565X 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) 1671-4512 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版) 1002-0446 机器人 0577-6686 机械工程学报 1671-5497 吉林大学学报(工学版) 1003-9775 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 1006-5911 计算机集成制造系统 0254-4164 计算机学报 1000-1239 计算机研究与发展 1671-7775 江苏大学学报(自然科学版) 1009-3443 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版) 1000-8152 控制理论与应用 1001-0920 控制与决策 1003-6059 模式识别与人工智能 1005-2615 南京航空航天大学学报 1005-9830 南京理工大学学报(自然科学版) 1000-0054 清华大学学报(自然科学版) 1000-9825 软件学报 1006-2467 上海交通大学学报 1000-2618 深圳大学学报(理工版) 1009-3087 四川大学学报(工程科学版) 0493-2137 天津大学学报 1000-436X 通信学报 0253-374X 同济大学学报(自然科学版) 1671-8860 武汉大学学报(信息科学版) 1001-2400 西安电子科技大学学报 0253-987X 西安交通大学学报 1000-2758 西北工业大学学报 0258-2724 西南交通大学学报 1000-6788 系统工程理论与实践 1001-506X 系统工程与电子技术 0254-3087 仪器仪表学报 1005-0930 应用基础与工程科学学报 1008-973X 浙江大学学报(工学版) 1000-1964 中国矿业大学学报 1673-5005 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版) 1672-7207 中南大学学报(自然科学版) 0254-4156 自动化学报有关EI源期刊的详细信息可上网(如EI主页、学校科技处或研究生部等网站)或到我这里查询。
中国计算机学会学术⼯作委员会2015年12⽉21⽇CCF 推荐期刊会议:(2015-最新版)整本下载:分篇下载:详细列表:会议列表: (计算机系统与⾼性能计算)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ASPLOS Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems ACM2FAST Conference on File and Storage Technologies USENIX3HPCA High-Performance Computer Architecture IEEE4ISCA International Symposium on Computer Architecture ACM/IEEE5MICRO MICRO IEEE/ACM⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1HOT CHIPS A Symposium on High Performance Chips IEEE2SPAA ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures ACM3PODC ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing ACM4CGO Code Generation and Optimization IEEE/ACM5DAC Design Automation Conference ACM6DATE Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference IEEE/ACM7EuroSys EuroSys ACM8HPDC High-Performance Distributed Computing IEEE9SC International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and AnalysisIEEE10ICCD International Conference on Computer Design IEEE10ICCD International Conference on Computer Design IEEE11ICCAD International Conference on Computer-Aided Design IEEE/ACM12ICDCS International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems IEEE13HiPEAC International Conference on High Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers ACM14SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems ACM15ICPP International Conference on Parallel Processing IEEE16ICS International Conference on Supercomputing ACM17IPDPS International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium IEEE18FPGA ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays ACM19Performance International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation ACM20LISA Large Installation system Administration Conference USENIX25USENIX Annul Technical Conference USENIX26VEE Virtual Execution Environments ACM三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CF ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers ACM2NOCS ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip ACM/IEEE3ASP-DAC Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference ACM/IEEE4ASAP Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors IEEE5CLUSTER Cluster Computing IEEE6CCGRID Cluster Computing and the Grid IEEE7Euro-Par European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Springer8ETS European Test Symposium IEEE9FPL Field Programmable Logic and Applications IEEE10FCCM Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines IEEE11GLSVLSI Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI Systems ACM/IEEE12HPCC IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications IEEE13MASCOTS IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication SystemsIEEE14NPC IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing Springer 15ICA3PP International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing IEEE 16CASES International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems ACM 17FPT International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology IEEE18CODES+ISSSInternational Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign & System Synthesis ACM/ IEEE19HiPC International Conference on High Performance Computing IEEE/ ACM 20ICPADS International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems IEEE 21ISCAS International Symposium on Circuits and Systems IEEE 22ISLPED International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design ACM/IEEE 23ISPD International Symposium on Physical Design ACM 24ITC International Test Conference IEEE25HotInterconnectsSymposium on High-Performance Interconnects IEEE26VTS VLSI Test Symposium IEEE中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议 (计算机⽹络)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1MOBICOM ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking ACM2SIGCOMM ACM International Conference on the applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communicationACM3INFOCOM IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications IEEE⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址2CoNEXT ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies ACM3SECON IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications andNetworksIEEE4IPSN International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks IEEE/ACM5ICNP International Conference on Network Protocols IEEE6MobiHoc International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing ACM/IEEE7MobiSys International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services ACM8IWQoS International Workshop on Quality of Service IEEE9IMC Internet Measurement Conference ACM/USENIX10NOSSDAV Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video ACM11NSDI Symposium on Network System Design and Implementation USENIX三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ANCS Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems ACM/IEEE2FORTE Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems Springer3LCN IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks IEEE4Globecom IEEE Global Communications Conference, incorporating the Global Internet Symposium IEEE5ICC IEEE International Conference on Communications IEEE6ICCCN IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks IEEE7MASS IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems IEEE8P2P IEEE International Conference on P2P Computing IEEE9IPCCC IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference IEEE10WoWMoM IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks IEEE11ISCC IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications IEEE12WCNC IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference IEEE12WCNC IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference IEEE13Networking IFIP International Conferences on Networking IFIP14IM IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management IFIP/IEEE 15MSWiM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems ACM16NOMS Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium IFIP/IEEE中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议 (⽹络与信息安全)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CCS ACMConferenceonComputerand CommunicationsSecurityACM2CRYPTO International Cryptology Conference Springer 3EUROCRYPT European Cryptology Conference Springer 4S&P IEEESymposiumonSecurityandPrivacy IEEE5USENIXSecurity Usenix Security Symposium USENIXAssociation⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ACSAC Annual Computer Security ApplicationsConferenceIEEE2ASIACRYPT Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and InformationSecuritySpringer3ESORICS EuropeanSymposiumonResearchinComputerSecuritySpringer4FSE Fast Software Encryption Springer 5NDSS ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium ISOC6CSFW IEEE Computer Security FoundationsWorkshop 7RAID International Symposium on Recent Advancesin Intrusion DetectionSpringer8PKC International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography Springer9DSN The International Conference on DependableSystems and NetworksIEEE/IFIP10TCC Theory of Cryptography Conference Springer 11SRDS IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems IEEE12CHES Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems Springer 三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1WiSec ACM Conference on Security and PrivacyinWireless and Mobile NetworksACM2ACMMM&SECACM Multimedia and Security Workshop ACM3SACMAT ACM Symposium on Access Control Modelsand TechnologiesACM4ASIACCS ACM Symposium on Information, Computerand Communications SecurityACM5DRM ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management ACM 6ACNS Applied Cryptography and Network Security Springer7ACISP AustralasiaConferenceonInformation SecurityandPrivacySpringer8DFRWS Digital Forensic Research Workshop Elsevier 9FC Financial Cryptography and Data Security Springer10DIMVA Detection of Intrusions and Malware &Vulnerability AssessmentSIDAR、GI、Springer11SEC IFIP International Information SecurityConferenceSpringer12IFIP WG11.9IFIP WG 11.9 International Conferenceon Digital ForensicsSpringer13ISC Information Security Conference Springer14SecureCommInternational Conference on Security andPrivacy in Communication NetworksACM15NSPW New Security Paradigms Workshop ACM 16CT-RSA RSA Conference, Cryptographers' Track Springer 17SOUPS Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security ACM 18HotSec USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security USENIX 19SAC Selected Areas in Cryptography Springer20TrustCom IEEE International Conference on Trust, Securityand Privacy in Computing andCommunicationsIEEE中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议 (软件⼯程、系统软件与程序设计语⾔)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1FSE/ESEC ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundation of Software Engineering/ European Software Engineering ConferenceACM2OOPSLA Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications ACM3ICSE International Conference on SoftwareEngineeringACM/IEEE4OSDI USENIX Symposium on Operating SystemsDesign and ImplementationsUSENIX5PLDI ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design & Implementation ACM 6POPL ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages ACM 7SOSP ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles ACM ⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ECOOP European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming AITO2ETAPS European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software Springer3FM Formal Methods, World Congress FME4ICPC IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension IEEE5RE IEEE International Requirement Engineering Conference IEEE6CAiSE International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering Springer7ASE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering IEEE/ACM8ICFP International Conf on Function Programming ACM9LCTES International Conference on Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory for EmbeddedSystemsACM10MoDELS International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems ACM, IEEE 11CP International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming Springer 12ICSOC International Conference on Service Oriented Computing Springer 13ICSM International. Conference on Software Maintenance IEEE14VMCAI International Conference on Verification,Model Checking, and Abstract InterpretationSpringer15ICWS International Conference on Web Services(Research Track)IEEE16SAS International Static Analysis Symposium Springer 17ISSRE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering IEEE18ISSTA International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis ACM SIGSOFT19Middleware Conference on middleware ACM/IFIP/ USENIX20WCRE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering IEEE21HotOS USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems USENIX三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1PASTE ACMSIGPLAN-SIGSOFTWorkshoponProgram AnalysisforSoftwareToolsandEngineeringACM2APLAS Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems Springer3APSEC Asia-Pacific Software EngineeringConferenceIEEE4COMPSAC International Computer Software and ApplicationsConferenceIEEE5ICECCS IEEE International Conference on Engineeringof Complex Computer SystemsIEEE6SCAM IEEE International Working Conferenceon Source Code Analysis and ManipulationIEEE7ICFEM International Conference on FormalEngineering MethodsSpringer8TOOLS International Conference on Objects, Models,Components, PatternsSpringer9PEPM ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation andSemantics Based Programming ManipulationACM10QSIC International Conference on Quality Software IEEE11SEKE International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge EngineeringKSI12ICSR International Conference on Software Reuse Springer 13ICWE International Conference on Web Engineering Springer14SPIN International SPIN Workshop on ModelChecking of SoftwareSpringer15LOPSTR International Symposium on Logic-basedProgram Synthesis and TransformationSpringer16TASE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software EngineeringIEEE17ICST The IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and ValidationIEEE18ATVA International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis19ESEM International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineeringand MeasurementACM/IEEE20ISPASS IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and SoftwareIEEE21SCC International Conference on Service Computing IEEE22ICSSP International Conference on Software and System Process ISPA中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议 (数据库,数据挖掘与内容检索)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1SIGMOD ACM Conference on Management ofDataACM2SIGKDD ACM Knowledge Discovery and DataMiningACM3SIGIR International Conference on ResearchanDevelopment in Information RetrievalACM4VLDB International Conference on Very LargeData BasesMorganKaufmann/ACM5ICDE IEEE International Conference on Data EngineeringIEEE⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CIKM ACM International Conference onInformationand Knowledge ManagementACM2PODS ACM SIGMOD Conference on Principlesof DB SystemsACM3DASFAA Database Systems for AdvancedSpringer3DASFAA Database Systems for AdvancedApplicationsSpringer4ECML-PKDDEuropean Conference on Principles andPractice of Knowledge Discovery inDatabasesSpringer5ISWC IEEE International Semantic WebConferenceIEEE6ICDM IEEE International Conference on DataMiningIEEE7ICDT International Conference on DatabaseTheorySpringer8EDBT International Conference on ExtendingDBTechnologySpringer9CIDR International Conference on InnovationDatabase ResearchOnlineProceeding10WWW International World Wide WebConferencesSpringer11SDMMiningSIAM三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1WSDM ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data MiningACM2DEXA Database and Expert SystemApplicationsSpringer3ECIR European Conference on IR Research Springer4WebDB International ACM Workshop on Weband DatabasesACM5ER International Conference on Conceptual ModelingSpringer6MDM International Conference on Mobile Data ManagementIEEE7SSDBM International Conference on Scientificand Statistical DB ManagementIEEE8WAIM International Conference on Web Age Information ManagementSpringer9SSTD International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal DatabasesSpringer10PAKDD Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningSpringer11APWeb The Asia Pacific Web Conference Springer12WISE Web Information Systems Engineering Springer13ESWC Extended Semantic Web Conference Elsevier中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(计算机科学理论)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1STOC ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing ACM2FOCS IEEE Symposium on Foundations ofComputer Science IEEE3LICS IEEE Symposium on Logic in ComputerScienceIEEE⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1SoCG ACM Symposium on ComputationalGeometryACM2SODA ACM-SIAM Symposium on DiscreteAlgorithmsSIAM3CAV Computer Aided Verification Springer4CADE/IJCAR Conference on Automated Deduction/The International Joint Conference onAutomated ReasoningSpringer5CCC IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity IEEE6ICALP International Colloquium on Automata,Languages and ProgrammingSpringer7CONCUR International Conference onConcurrency TheorySpringer三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CSL Computer Science Logic Springer2ESA European Symposium on Algorithms Springer3FSTTCS Foundations of Software Technologyand Theoretical Computer ScienceIndianAssociationfor Researchin ComputingScience4IPCO International Conference on Integer Programming and CombinatorialOptimizationSpringer5RTA International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and ApplicationsSpringer6ISAAC International Symposium onAlgorithms and ComputationSpringer7MFCS Mathematical Foundations ofComputer ScienceSpringer8STACS Symposium on Theoretical Aspectsof Computer ScienceSpringer9FMCAD Formal Method in Computer-Aided Design ACM/9FMCAD ACM/10SAT Springer中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(计算机图形学与多媒体)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ACM MM ACM International Conference on Multimedia ACM2SIGGRAPH ACM SIGGRAPH Annual Conference ACM3IEEE VIS IEEE Visualization Conference IEEE⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ICMR ACM SIGMM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval ACM2i3D ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics ACM3SCA ACM/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation ACM4DCC Data Compression Conference IEEE5EG Eurographics Wiley/ Blackwell6EuroVis Eurographics Conference on Visualization ACM7SGP Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing Wiley/ Blackwell8EGSR Eurographics Symposium on Rendering Wiley/ Blackwell9ICME IEEE International Conference onMultimedia &ExpoIEEE10PG Pacific Graphics: The Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications Wiley/ Blackwell11SPM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling SMA/Elsevier三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CASA Computer Animation and Social Agents Wiley2CGI Computer Graphics International Springer3ISMAR International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality IEEE/ACM4PacificVis IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium IEEE5ICASSP IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and SP IEEE6ICIP International Conference on Image Processing IEEE7MMM International Conference on Multimedia Modeling Springer8GMP Geometric Modeling and Processing Elsevier9PCM Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia Springer10SMI Shape Modeling International IEEE中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(⼈⼯智能与模式识别)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1AAAI AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence AAAI2CVPR IEEE Conference on Computer Vision andPattern RecognitionIEEE3ICCV International Conference on ComputerVisionIEEE4ICML International Conference on MachineLearningACM5IJCAI International Joint Conference on ArtificialIntelligenceMorgan Kaufmann⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1COLT Annual Conference on ComputationalLearning TheorySpringer2NIPS Annual Conference on Neural InformationProcessing SystemsMIT Press3ACL Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL4EMNLP Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language ProcessingACL5ECAI European Conference on ArtificialIntelligenceIOS Press6ECCV European Conference on Computer Vision Springer7ICRA IEEE International Conference on Roboticsand AutomationIEEE8ICAPS International Conference on AutomatedPlanning and SchedulingAAAI9ICCBR International Conference on Case-BasedReasoningSpringer10COLING International Conference on Computational LinguisticsACM11KR International Conference on Principles ofKnowledge Representation and ReasoningMorgan Kaufmann12UAI International Conference on Uncertaintyin Artificial IntelligenceAUAI13AAMAS International Joint Conferenceon Autonomous Agents and Multi-agentSystemsSpringer三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ACCV Asian Conference on Computer Vision Springer1ACCV Asian Conference on Computer Vision Springer 2CoNLL Conference on Natural Language Learning CoNLL3GECCO Genetic and Evolutionary ComputationConferenceACM4ICTAI IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial IntelligenceIEEE5ALT International Conference on AlgorithmicLearning TheorySpringer/6ICANN International Conference on Artificial Neural NetworksSpringer7FGR International Conference on Automatic Faceand Gesture RecognitionIEEE8ICDAR International Conference on DocumentAnalysis and RecognitionIEEE9ILP International Conference on Inductive Logic ProgrammingSpringer10KSEM International conference on KnowledgeScience,Engineering and ManagementSpringer11ICONIP International Conference on NeuralInformation ProcessingSpringer12ICPR International Conference on PatternRecognitionIEEE13ICB International Joint Conference on Biometrics IEEE14IJCNN International Joint Conference on NeuralNetworksIEEE15PRICAI Pacific Rim International Conference onArtificial IntelligenceSpringer/16NAACL The Annual Conference of the NorthAmerican Chapter of the Associationfor Computational LinguisticsNAACL17BMVC British Machine Vision Conference British MachineVision Association中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(⼈机交互与普适计算)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CHI ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ACM2UbiComp ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing ACM⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CSCW ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing ACM2IUI ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces ACM3ITS ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces ACM/4UIST ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology ACM5ECSCW European Computer Supported Cooperative Work Springer6MobileHCI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services ACM三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1GROUP ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work ACM2ASSETS ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work ACM3DIS ACM Conference on Designing InteractiveSystemsACM4GI Graphics Interface conference ACM 5MobiQuitous International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services Springer6PERCOM IEEE International Conference onPervasive Computing and CommunicationsIEEE7INTERACT IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-ComputerInteractionIFIP8CoopIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems Springer9ICMI ACM International Conference on MultimodalInteractionACM10IDC Interaction Design and Children ACM 11AVI International Working Conference on Advanced User Interfaces ACM12UIC IEEE International Conference on UbiquitousIntelligence and ComputingIEEE中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(前沿、交叉与综合)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1RTSS Real-Time Systems Symposium IEEE⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1EMSOFT International Conference on Embedded Software ACM/IEEE/IFIP2ISMB International conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology Oxford Journals3CogSci Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference Psychology Press4RECOMB International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology Springer5BIBM IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine IEEE三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1AMIA American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium AMIA2APBC Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference BioMed Central3COSIT International Conference on Spatial Information Theory ACM3COSIT International Conference on Spatial Information Theory ACM。
其中期刊论文又可分为SCI 源期刊、EI源期刊、(国内)权威期刊、核心期刊和普通期刊论文5类;会议论文也可分国际会议和国内会议2类。
例如根据2008年发布的信息,计算机领域影响因子最高的是ACM COMPUT SURV(ACM计算综述),其IF=9.920。
按照最新(2009年)SCI源期刊分区,一区有15种左右计算机期刊(IF一般在3以上)、二区有40余种计算机期刊(IF一般在2以上)、其余300余种计算机期刊分为三区(IF一般在1以上)和四区(IF一般在1以下,如SCI CHINA SER F(中国科学F辑英文版,IF=0.664)、J COMPUT SCI TECHNOL(JCST/计算机科学与技术学报(英文版),IF=0.576))。
如2009年3月9日公布的EI中国源期刊共有176种(其中英文刊36种,中文刊140种),部分相关期刊目录如下:0253-4827 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)1022-4653 Chinese Journal of Electronics1673-7350 Frontiers of Computer Science in China1006-6748 High Technology Letters1004-0579 Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition)1005-9784 Journal of Central South University of Technology1672-5220 Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)1005-9113 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series)1007-1172 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science)1003-7985 Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)1004-4132 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics1009-6124 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity1000-2413 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology -Materials Science Edition1673-565X Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A1005-8885 The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications1005-1120 Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics1006-4982 Transactions of Tianjin University1007-0214 Tsinghua Science and Technology Editor Information0254-0037 北京工业大学学报 1001-5965 北京航空航天大学学报 1001-053X 北京科技大学学报 1001-0645 北京理工大学学报 1007-5321 北京邮电大学学报 1000-8608 大连理工大学学报 1005-0388 电波科学学报 1000-6753 电工技术学报 1007-449X 电机与控制学报 1000-1026 电力系统自动化 1006-6047 电力自动化设备 1001-0548 电子科技大学学报 0372-2112 电子学报 1009-5896 电子与信息学报 1005-3026 东北大学学报 (自然科学版) 1001-0505 东南大学学报(自然科学版) 1002-0470 高技术通讯 0253-2239 光学学报 1001-2486 国防科技大学学报 1006-7043 哈尔滨工程大学学报 0367-6234 哈尔滨工业大学学报 1000-6893 航空学报 1000-2472 湖南大学学报(自然科学版) 1000-565X 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) 1671-4512 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版) 1002-0446 机器人 0577-6686 机械工程学报 1671-5497 吉林大学学报(工学版) 1003-9775 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 1006-5911 计算机集成制造系统 0254-4164 计算机学报 1000-1239 计算机研究与发展 1671-7775 江苏大学学报(自然科学版) 1009-3443 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版) 1000-8152 控制理论与应用 1001-0920 控制与决策 1003-6059 模式识别与人工智能 1005-2615 南京航空航天大学学报 1005-9830 南京理工大学学报(自然科学版) 1000-0054 清华大学学报(自然科学版) 1000-9825 软件学报 1006-2467 上海交通大学学报 1000-2618 深圳大学学报(理工版) 1009-3087 四川大学学报(工程科学版) 0493-2137 天津大学学报 1000-436X 通信学报 0253-374X 同济大学学报(自然科学版) 1671-8860 武汉大学学报(信息科学版) 1001-2400 西安电子科技大学学报 0253-987X 西安交通大学学报 1000-2758 西北工业大学学报 0258-2724 西南交通大学学报 1000-6788 系统工程理论与实践 1001-506X 系统工程与电子技术 0254-3087 仪器仪表学报 1005-0930 应用基础与工程科学学报 1008-973X 浙江大学学报(工学版) 1000-1964 中国矿业大学学报 1673-5005 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版) 1672-7207 中南大学学报(自然科学版) 0254-4156 自动化学报有关EI源期刊的详细信息可上网(如EI主页、学校科技处或研究生部等网站)或到我这里查询。
1960年开始主持IBM/360 机的设计。
1999年获得图灵奖,1980 年获得首届计算机先驱奖。
部分首届计算机先驱奖获得者: IBM系列机的功臣和”插接兼容式”计算机创始
人吉纳·阿姆达尔(Gene Amdahl ) “霍夫曼编码”的发明人戴维·霍夫曼(David Albert
计算机发展史中的里程碑人物 世界计算机界的两个重大奖项 重要获奖人物介绍 计算机发展史中的重大事件 计算机界的华裔杰出人士 中国计算机发展简史
艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing ) 冯·诺依曼( John Von Neumann)
1822年:英国科学 家巴贝奇制造出了第一 台差分机, 它可以处 理3个不同的5位数,计 算精度达到6位小数。
1834年:巴贝奇又 提出了分析机的概念 , 并制造出分析机。
1890年:美国在第 12次人口普查中使用了 由统计学家霍列瑞斯博 士发明的制表机,从而 完成了人类历史上第一 次大规模数据处理。此 后霍列瑞斯根据自己的 发明成立了自己的制表 机公司,并最终演变成 为IBM公司。
1980年获得计算机先驱奖。 1
霍夫曼1925年生于俄亥俄州, 在俄亥俄州立大学毕业时只有 17岁。然后他进入MIT一边工作, 一边深造,霍夫曼编码就是他 在1952年做博士论文时发明的。 这是一种根据字母的使用频率 而设计的变长码,能大大提高 信息的传输效率,至今仍有广 泛的应用。
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62 第 5 卷 第 2 期 2009 年 2 月
A.计算理论, 算法, 密码与安全1
SODA: ACM/SIAM Symp on Discrete Algorithm, Jan. 2
EUROCRYPT: European Cryptology Conference, Apr. 3
STOC: ACM Symp on Theory of Computing, May 4
S&P: IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 5
USENIX Security Symposium, Jul. 6
CRYPTO: Advances in Cryptology, Aug. 7
FOCS: IEEE Symp on Foundations of Computer Science, Oct. 8
CCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications Security, Oct. B.体系结构9
HPCA: IEEE Symp on High-Perf Comp Architecture, Feb.10
ASPLOS: ACM Intl Conf on Architectural Support for Programming Lang and Operating Sys, Mar. 11
DAC: Design Automation Conference, Jun. 12
ISCA: ACM/IEEE Symp on Computer Architecture, Jun.13
ICCAD: IEEE/ACM Intl Conf on Computer-aided Design, Nov. 14
MICRO: Intl Symp on Microarchitecture, Nov. C. 计算机系统
IPDPS: Intl Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp, Apr. 16
ICDCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Distributed Comp Systems, Jun. 17
USENIX: USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Jun. 18
SOSP: ACM Symp on Operating Systems Principles, Oct. (Odd year only)19
SC: ACM/IEEE Intl Conf on Supercomputing, Nov. 20OSDI: USENIX Symp on Operating System Design & Implementation, Dec.50个重要的
63 第 5 卷 第 2 期 2009 年 2 月
D. 网络与通信
21INFOCOM: Annual IEEE Conf on Computer Communications, Apr.
22MOBIHOC: ACM Intl Symp on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, May 23MOBISYS: ACM Intl Conf on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, Jun. 24SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Communication Architectures, Protocols & Apps, Aug. 25MOBICOM: ACM Intl Conf on Mobile Computing and Networking, Sep.
E. 数据库, 信息系统及其应用
26RECOMB: Intl Conf on Comp Molecular Biology, Mar.
27ICDE: Intl Conf on Data Engineering, Apr.
28WWW: World-Wide Web Conference, Apr.
29SIGMOD: ACM Conf on Management of Data, Jun.
30PODS: ACM Conf on Principles of Database Systems Jun.
31ISMB: Intl Conf on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, Jul.
32SIGIR: ACM Conf on Information Retrieval, Jul.
33VLDB: Intl Conf on Very Large Data Bases, Aug.
34SIGKDD: ACM Conf on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Aug.
35UbiComp: ACM Intl Conf on Ubiquitous Computing, Sep.
36ICDM: IEEE Intl Conf on Data Mining, Dec.
F. 智能, 图形与多媒体
37SIGMETRICS: ACM Conf on Measurement & Modeling of Comp Systems, Jun. 38CVPR: IEEE Conf on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Jun.
39ICML: Intl Conf on Machine Learning, Jul.
40AAAI: American Association for Arti fi cial Intelligence National Conference, Jul. 41IJCAI: Intl Joint Conf on Arti fi cial Intelligence, Jul.
43ACM-MM: ACM Multimedia Conference, Oct.
44ICPR: Intl Conf on Pattern Recognition, Dec.
G. 程序语言与软件工程
45POPL: ACM-SIGACT Symp on Principles of Programming Languages, Jan.
46ICSE: Intl Conf on Software Engineering, May
47PLDI: ACM-SIGPLAN Symp on Programming Language Design & Implementation, Jun. 48ECOOP: European Conf on Object-Oriented Programming, Jul.
49OOPSLA: ACM SIGPLAN Intl Conf on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems,
Languages, and Applications, Oct.
50SIGSOFT/FSE: ACM Intl Symp on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Nov.。