项目管理中英文 常用词汇

项目管理中英文常用词汇1. 项目管理概述(Project Management Overview)•项目(Project)•项目管理(Project Management)•项目经理(Project Manager)•项目生命周期(Project Life Cycle)•项目目标(Project Objective)•项目范围(Project Scope)•项目计划(Project Plan)•项目执行(Project Execution)•项目交付(Project Delivery)•项目控制(Project Control)2. 项目计划(Project Planning)•项目需求(Project Requirement)•可行性研究(Feasibility Study)•项目里程碑(Project Milestone)•工作分解结构(Work Breakdown Structure)•项目进度计划(Project Schedule)•资源分配(Resource Allocation)•风险管理(Risk Management)•项目预算(Project Budget)•项目变更管理(Change Management)2.1 项目需求管理(Project Requirements Management)•需求收集(Requirements Gathering)•需求分析(Requirements Analysis)•需求验证(Requirements Validation)•需求优先级(Requirements Priority)•需求冲突(Requirements Conflict)3. 项目执行(Project Execution)•任务分配(Task Assignment)•进度追踪(Schedule Tracking)•工作绩效(Work Performance)•问题解决(Problem Resolution)•里程碑评审(Milestone Review)3.1 团队管理(Team Management)•团队协作(Team Collaboration)•团队沟通(Team Communication)•人员培训(Staff Training)•人员评估(Staff Evaluation)•人员激励(Staff Motivation)4. 项目控制(Project Control)•变更管理(Change Control)•风险控制(Risk Control)•质量控制(Quality Control)•成本控制(Cost Control)•范围控制(Scope Control)•质量保证(Quality Assurance)•关键路径分析(Critical Path Analysis)5. 项目评估(Project Evaluation)•收尾活动(Project Closure)•反馈收集(Feedback Collection)•成果评估(Deliverable Evaluation)•项目总结报告(Project Summary Report)以上是项目管理中常用的中英文词汇,可以帮助你更好地理解和应用项目管理中的相关概念和方法。

项目管理基础英语词汇一、项目管理基础术语项目(Project)运营、操作(Operation)一般管理(General Management)项目管理(Project Management)大型项目(Program)子项目(Subproject)项目阶段(Project Phase)项目生命周期(Project Life Cycle)阶段出口或终止点(Phase exit or kill point)项目利益相关者/项目干系人(Stakeholder)过程(Process)控制(Control)PDCA(P—Plan,计划;D—Do,执行;C—Check,检查;A—Act,处理)项目管理知识体系(Project Management Body Of Knowledge,PMBOK)二、项目整体管理变更控制委员会(Change Control Board,CCB)综合变更控制(Integrated Change Control)配置管理(Configuration Management)经验教训(Lessons Learned)三、项目范围管理可交付成果(Deliverable)项目章程(Project Charter)产品描述(Product Description)约束(Constraint)假设(Assumptions)项目范围(Project Scope)范围变更(Scope Change)范围定义( Scope Definition)范围规划(Scope Planning)范围核实(Scope Verification)范围说明书(Scope Statement)工作分解结构(Work Breakdown Structure,WBS)工作包(Work Package)WBS 字典(WBS Dictionary)三、项目时间管理活动(Activity)虚活动(Activity Description, AD)工期(Duration, DU)项目网络图(Network Diagramming)顺序图法(Precedence Diagramming Method,PDM)箭线图法(Arrow Diagramming Method,ADM)计划评审技术(Program Evaluation and Review Technique,PERT)关键路径法(Critical Path Method,CPM)里程碑(Milestone)最早开始日期(Early Start Date,ES)最早完成日期(Early Finish Date,EF)最晚开始日期(Late Start Date,LS )最晚完成日期(Late Finish Date,LF )浮动时间(Float)资源平衡(Resource Leveling)四、项目人力资源管理组织规划(Organizational Planning)项目经理(Project Manager)项目团队(Project Team)项目型组织(Projectized Organization )项目管理办公室(Project Management Office,PMO)人员招募(Staff Acquisition)团队开发(Team Development)组织分解结构(Organizational Breakdown Structure,OBS)人员管理计划(Staffing Management Plan)权力(Power)责任分配矩阵(Responsibility Assignment Matrix,RAM)存在/相互关系/成长发展(Existence/Relatedness/Growth,ERG)五、项目成本管理净现值(Net Present Value,NPV)净现值率(Net Present Value Ratio,NPVR)资源计划(Resource Planning)成本估算(Cost Estimating)成本预算(Cost Budgets)类比估算(Analogous Estimating)应急储备(Contingency Reserve)S 曲线(S-Curve)挣值(Earned Value, EV)挣值管理(Earned Value Management,EVM)计划工作量的预算成本(Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled,BCWS)已完成工作量的实际成本(Actual Cost for Work Performed,ACWP)已完工作量的预算成本(Budgeted Cost of Work Performed,BCWP)成本执行指数(Cost Performed Index,CPI)成本偏差(Cost Variance,CV)进度执行指数(Schedule Performed Index,SPI)进度偏差(Schedule Variance,SV)竣工预算(Budget At Completion,BAC)完工尚需估算(Estimate to Completion,ETC)完工时估算(Estimate at Completion,EAC)六、项目采购管理合同(Contract)违约(Breach)终止(Termination)询价(Solicitation)工作说明书(Statement Of Work,SOW)方案邀请书(Request for Proposal,RFP)报价邀请书(request for quotation,RFQ)七、项目质量管理项目质量管理(Project Quality Manager,PQM)质量规划(Quality Planning)质量保障(Quality Assurance)质量控制(Quality Control)返工(Rework)质量功能展开(Quality Function Deployment,QFD)过程决策程序图法(Process Decision Program Chart,PDPC)上控制界限(Upper Control Limit,UCL)下控制界限(Lower Control Limit,LCL)中心线(Central Line,CL)八、项目风险管理风险(Risk)风险识别(Risk Identification)敏感性分析(Sensitivity Analysis)蒙特卡罗分析(Monte Carlo Analysis)应急规划(Contingency Planning)风险回避(Risk Avoidance)风险转移(Risk Transference)竞争优势/竞争劣势/机会/威胁(Strength/Weakness/Opportunity/Threat,SWOT)期望货币值(Expected Money Value,EMV)九、项目沟通管理沟通规划(Communication Planning)信息发布(Information Distribution)绩效报告(Performance Reporting)管理收尾(Administrative Closure)绩效测量基准(Performance Measurement Baseline)沟通障碍(Barriers)请注意,以上列出的仅为部分英文术语,仅供参考。

第24 章项目管理英语知识项目管理英语词汇考点梳理常用的项目管理英语词汇Projects ——项目。
PMBOK ——Project Management Body Of Knowledge ,项目管理知识系统。
Operations ——运作。
Process ——过程。
Activity Description ——活动描绘。
Activity Definition ——活动定义。
Activity Description ——活动描绘/说明。
Activity List ——活动清单。
Phases ——-阶段。
Approve ——允许。
Product Life Cycle ——产品生命周期。
PMO ——Project Management Office ,项目管理办公室。
Project Charter ——项目章程。
Project Manager ——项目经理。
Project Sponsor ——项目倡始人。
Project Stakeholder ——项目关连人。
Project Management Plan ——项目管理计划。
Project Team ——项目团队。
Functional Organization ——职能组织。
Matrix Organization ——矩阵型组织。
Project Organization ——项目型组织。
PMIS ——-Project Management Information System,项目管理信息系统。
Project Management Process Group ——项目管理过程组。
Initiating Process ——- 启动过程组。
Planning Process ——- 计划过程组。
Executing Process ——履行过程组。
Controlling Process ——控制过程组。
Closing Process ——扫尾过程组。

项目管理(英文版)课件Project Management (English Version) CoursewareIntroduction:Project management is a crucial process that involves planning, organizing, and managing resources to achieve specific goals and objectives within a defined timeline. It is an essential aspect of any business or organization, and it can help to ensure successful project delivery while optimizing the use of resources. This course will teach you the fundamentals of project management, including the key concepts, principles, and techniques used in this field.Course Objectives:The main objectives of this course include:1. Understanding the key concepts and principles of project management.2. Learning the different project management processes and how they work together.3. Developing the skills needed to plan, organize, and manage projects effectively.4. Understanding the importance of risk management and how to mitigate risks.5. Learning how to measure project performance and trackprogress.6. Developing effective communication and leadership skills for project management.Course Outline:The course will cover the following topics:1. Introduction to project management2. Project initiation3. Project planning4. Project execution5. Project monitoring and controlling6. Project closure7. Risk management8. Team management9. Communication and leadership skillsCourse Methodology:The course will be delivered through a combination of lectures, case studies, group discussions, and practical exercises. Participants will be required to work on a project throughout the course to apply the concepts and techniques learned in class. They will also be provided with access to project management tools and software to aid in project planning and management.Learning OutcoAfter completing this course, participants will be able to: 1. Understand the key concepts and principles of project management.2. Apply project management techniques to plan, organize, and manage projects effectively.3. Identify and mitigate project risks.4. Measure project performance and track progress.5. Develop effective communication and leadership skills for project management.6. Work effectively in a team environment.Conclusion:This course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to manage projects effectively. It is suitable for anyone who is involved in project management or interested in pursuing a career in this field. By the end of the course, participants will have a solid understanding of project management concepts and be able to apply them to real-world projects.。

pmp是什么意思pmp 是什么意思? PMP 是 project management professional 资深项目经理的缩写。
PMP 是“项目管理专业人士”资格认证的英文缩写, PMP 是美国项目管理协会(Project Management Institute)的项目管理专业资质认证的简称。
PMP 认证在全球190多个国家均有效。
PMP 认证培训课程体系由 PMBOK 指南、 PMBOK 应用指南和PMBOK 案例研究组成。
其中, PMBOK 指南包括了对项目整体知识框架的描述,以及对如何把这些知识应用到项目实践中去的建议; PMBOK 应用指南则给出了可供项目经理学习并且在实际工作中使用的具体方法和技术标准化的应用过程和相关案例; PMBOK 案例研究主要涉及了当前正在开展或者即将开展的某类项目的案例分析,这也是培养项目经理职业素养的重要手段之一。
此外, PMP 认证还强调了以下几点:1.培养具备专业知识与综合能力的项目管理者。
PMP 证书持有人不仅掌握着深厚的项目管理知识基础,而且拥有极高的沟通与协调能力,善于发现问题并且解决问题,因此能够帮助项目经理更好地进行规划、控制、执行、评估和监督,提升自身的综合素质,同时促进企业项目管理水平的整体提升2.加快人才梯队建设。
PMP 证书是全世界公认的权威的专业项目管理资质认证。
pmp 认证的有效期为三年。

Project Management Introduction 项目管理专业介绍英文

Marketing, contracting,
customer relationship
Leadership skill
Negotiating skills
Communication skills
Resource management,
human relationship
To be an excellent project manager
A project is a unique, transient endeavor, undertaken to achieve planned objectives, which could be defined in terms of outputs, outcomes or benefits.
Project Features
Projects are one-off processes with a clear life cycle
Some organizations use projects for special purposes for time to time; others organize their whole activities through projects
You will……
Marry a beauty
On top of life
Get a promotion and a raise
Become the general manager
Become CEO
Project Management
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
What’s the Project Management (P.M.)?

一、名词解释(5*2=10)PMI, Project Management Institute, 美国项目管理学会PMP, Project Management Professional, 项目管理专业人员认证PMBOK, Project Management Body of Knowledge, 项目管理知识体系PLC, project life cycle, 项目生命周期RFP, Request for proposal, 需求建议书WBS, Work Breakdown Structure, 工作分解结构CPM, Critical path method, 关键路径法PERT, Project Evaluation and Review Technique, 计划评审技术AOA, Activity-On-Arrow, 双代号网络图法AON, Activity-on-node, 单代号网络图CPI, Cost Performance Index, 成本绩效指数 (挣值(EV)/实际成本(AC)) RAM, Responsibility Assignment Matrix, 职责分配矩阵P&L, Profit and loss损益VAT, value-added tax, 加值税、增值税QA, Quality Assurance, 质量保障二、填空题(5*2=10)。
1. A project is an endeavour to accomplish a specific objective through a unique set of interrelated tasks and the effective utilization of resources.2. A project manager is responsible for planning the work and then work the plan.3. The project life cycle has four phases: initiating, planning, performing, and closing the project.4. Project selection involves evaluating potential projects and then deciding which should move forward to be implemented.5. WBS facilitates evaluation of cost, time, and technical performance of the organization on a project.6. The project network is developed from the information collected for the WBS and is a graphic flow chart of the project job plan.7. In the context of projects, risk is an uncertain event and condition that, if it occurs, has a positive and negative effect on project objectives.8. Milestones are significant project events that mark major accomplishments.9. Two important factors affecting recruitment are the importance of the project and the management structure being used to complete the project.10. The most common method for shortening project time is to assign additional staff and equipment to activities.三.选择题(15*2=30)1. Communications is best described as:A. an exchange of information.B. providing written or oral directions.C. consists of senders and receiversD. effective listening.E. All of the aboveANS: E2. The following types of costs are relevant to making a financial decision except:A. opportunity costsB. direct costsC. sunk costD. unavoidable costsE. None of the aboveANS: C3. Time management is the allocation of time in a project's life cycle through the process of:A. PlanningB. Estimating.C. Scheduling.D. ControllingE. All of the above.ANS: E4. A project element which lies between two events is called:A. An activity.B. A critical path method.C. A slack milestone.D. A timing slot.E. A calendar completion point.ANS: A5. A comprehensive definition of scope management would be:A. Managing a project in terms of its objective through the concept, development, implementation, and termination phases of a project.B. Approval of the scope baseline.C. Approval of the detailed project charter.D. Configuration control.E. Approved detailed planning including budgets, resource allocation,linear responsibility charts and management sponsorship.ANS: A6. Pure Risk differs from Business Risks because Pure Risk's _____ .A. include chances of both profit or loss associated with the business.B. include chances of loss and no chances for profit associated with the business.C. must incur personal loss with business liability.D. must incur business liability associated with loss of pure profit.E. B and CANS: BANS: D7. The most common types of schedules are Gantt charts, milestone charts, line of balance, and:A. Networks.B. Time phased events.C. Calendar integrated activities.D. A and C only.E. B and C only.ANS: A8. In preparing a good project definition, experienced project managers will:A. Concentrate mainly on the end product rather than costs or benefits. These come later.B. Realize that only the "tip of the iceberg" may be showing. As a project manager, you must get beneath it.C. Understand that a project definition/plan is a dynamic rather than static tool, and thus subject to change.D. Try to convert objectives into quantifiable terms.E. All of the aboveANS: E9. Since risk is associated with most projects, the best course of action is to:A. cover all project risks by buying appropriate insuranceB. ignore the risks, since nothing can be done about them and move forward with the project in an expeditious manner.C. avoid projects with clear and present risksD. eliminate all known risks prior to the execution phase of the projectE. identify various risks and implement actions to mitigate their potential impactANS: E10. Risk management allows the project manager and the project team to:A. eliminate most risks during the planning phase of the projectB. identify project risksC. identify impacts of various risksD. plan suitable responsesE. B, C and D onlyANS: E11. Which of the following types of cost are relevant to making financial decisions:A. sunk costB. opportunity costC. material costD. A and C onlyE. B and C onlyANS: E12. Which of the following is often overlooked in achieving effective communication?A. speaking clearlyB. listeningC. interpretingD. maintaining eye contactE. manipulating the conversationANS: B13. The highest degrees of project risk and uncertainty are associated with the following phase of the project:A. conceptualB. executionC. cut-overD. post project evaluationE. A and D onlyANS: A14. The auditing function that provides feedback about the quality of output is referred to as:A. quality control.B. quality planning.C. quality assurance.D. quality improvementE. All of the above.ANS: C15. The sending or conveying of information from one place to another is the process ofA. NetworkingB. TransmittingC. InteractingD. PromotingE. InterfacingANS: B16. Project life cycles provide a better means of measurement of progress and control. The four phases of a project are conceptual development,_____, _____, and _____.A. Preliminary planning, detail planning, closeoutB. Implementation, reporting, terminationC. Development, implementation, terminationD. Execution, reporting, finishingE. Implementation, termination, post-audit reviewANS: C17. All of the following are categories of a milestone in a schedule except:A. End date.B. Contract dates.C. Key events scheduled.D. Imposed dates.E. Task duration.ANS: E18. Uncertainty refers to a situation where:A. the outcomes are known but their probabilities are highB. the outcomes and their probabilities are knownC. neither the outcomes nor their probabilities are knownD. states of nature can change at any timeE. probabilities of various states of nature can change at any timeANS: C19. Excessive flexibility in specifying requirements will _____ the likelihood of time overruns.A. Reduce.B. Eliminate.C. DoubleD. IncreaseE. Not affectANS: D20. Which of the following is closet to Deming's definition of Quality:A. conformance to requirements.B. fitness for use.C. continuous improvement of products and services.D. customer focus.E. All of the above.ANS: C21. The key purpose of project control is to:A. Plan ahead for uncertainties.B. Generate status reports.C. Keep the project on track.D. Develop the project road map.E. All of the above.ANS: C22. Which of the following constitute Juran's "quality trilogy":A. planning, inspection, control.B. planning, improvement, control.C. planning, organization, control.D. product, price, customer.E. design, build, deliver.ANS: B23. Most project (and non-project) managers prefer _____ communications.A. OralB. WrittenC. UpwardD. DownwardE. LateralANS: A24. On a precedence diagram, the arrow between two boxes is called:A. An activity.B. A constraint.C. An event.D. The critical path.E. None of above.ANS: B25. Quality control charts show a characteristic of the product or service against:A. the specification limits.B. customer requirements.C. control limits based on three standard deviations in each direction.D. control limits based on six standard deviations in each direction.E. A and D onlyANS: C26. In the arrow diagramming method (ADM), _____ do not consume time or resources.A. Events.B. Dummy ActivitiesC. Slack elements.D. B and C only.E. All of the above.ANS: A27. Activities with zero time duration are referred to as:A. Critical path activites.B. Noncritical path activities.C. Slack time activities.D. DummiesE. None of above.ANS: D28. In the PDM, common constraints include:A. Start-to-startB. Finish-to-startC. Finish-to-finishD. B and C onlyE. A, B, and C.ANS: E29. Non-verbal communication includes:A. Body movementB. GesturesC. Facial expressionsD. The way we move our handsE. All of the aboveANS: E30. Which one of the following is not an acquisition method?A. advertisingB. invitationC. negotiationD. purchaseE. all are acquisition methodsANS: A31. For communication to occur, there must be:A. Two or more people involvedB. the transmittal of informationC. a communication processD. All of the aboveE. B and C onlyANS: D32. Job continuity would be an example of _____ in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.A. Self-actualizationB. EsteemC. PhysiologicalD. BelongingE. SafetyANS: E四、简单题(2*10=20)。

Project management in engineering is a critical discipline that involves the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to plan, execute, and control engineering projects. As the complexity of engineering projects continues to grow, effective project management has become essential to ensure successful project completion within budget, schedule, and scope. This article provides an overview of project management in engineering, covering key concepts, processes, and methodologies.Engineering projects encompass a wide range of activities, from planning and design to construction and maintenance. These projects are typically large-scale, complex, and require the coordination of multiple stakeholders, including engineers, contractors, suppliers, and clients. To manage these projects efficiently, project managers must employ various project management tools and techniques.1. Project InitiationThe project initiation phase is the first step in the project management process. During this phase, the project manager identifies the project objectives, scope, and stakeholders. This includes defining theproject's purpose, benefits, and deliverables, as well as identifying the key stakeholders and their interests. The project charter is also created, which outlines the project's authority, responsibilities, and constraints.2. Project PlanningThe project planning phase involves developing a detailed plan for executing the project. This includes defining the project scope, schedule, budget, resources, and quality requirements. Key activities in this phase include:- Scope definition: Defining the project's boundaries and deliverables.- Schedule development: Creating a timeline for project activities and milestones.- Budgeting: Estimating the project's costs and allocating resources.- Resource planning: Identifying the human, material, and financial resources needed for project execution.- Quality planning: Establishing quality standards and ensuring that project outputs meet these standards.3. Project ExecutionDuring the project execution phase, the project manager coordinates the activities of the project team to deliver the project's deliverables. This includes:- Leading the project team: Guiding and supporting team members to achieve project objectives.- Managing communication: Ensuring that stakeholders are informed of project progress and issues.- Controlling risks: Identifying, analyzing, and mitigating risks that may impact the project.- Managing quality: Ensuring that project outputs meet the established quality standards.4. Project Monitoring and ControlThe project monitoring and control phase involves tracking project progress, identifying variances from the plan, and taking corrective actions. Key activities in this phase include:- Progress tracking: Monitoring the project's performance against the plan.- Performance reporting: Communicating project status and performance to stakeholders.- Change management: Managing changes to the project scope, schedule, and budget.- Quality assurance: Ensuring that project outputs meet the established quality standards.5. Project ClosureThe project closure phase marks the end of the project's lifecycle. This phase involves:- Finalizing project deliverables: Ensuring that all project outputs have been completed and delivered.- Documenting lessons learned: Identifying what worked well and what could be improved for future projects.- Conducting project review: Evaluating the project's success againstits objectives and benefits.Project management methodologies, such as Agile, Lean, and Six Sigma, can be applied to engineering projects to improve efficiency, quality, and stakeholder satisfaction. These methodologies emphasize flexibility, continuous improvement, and customer focus.In conclusion, project management in engineering is a multifaceted discipline that requires a comprehensive understanding of project management principles, processes, and methodologies. Effective project management is essential to ensure the successful completion of engineering projects, delivering value to stakeholders and contributing to the organization's overall success.。

IntroductionProject management is a comprehensive discipline that involves the planning, execution, and control of projects to achieve specific goals and objectives. It is a critical skill set for organizations of allsizes and industries, as it ensures the successful completion ofprojects within the defined scope, time, and budget. This article provides an overview of project management, including its key principles, methodologies, tools, and benefits.Key Principles of Project Management1. Scope Management: Defining the project scope and ensuring that it remains consistent throughout the project lifecycle. This involves identifying project deliverables, managing change requests, and controlling scope creep.2. Time Management: Planning and scheduling project activities to ensure that the project is completed on time. This includes identifying project milestones, creating a project schedule, and managing time constraints.3. Cost Management: Estimating, budgeting, and controlling project costs. This involves identifying cost drivers, creating a cost estimate, and managing budget variances.4. Quality Management: Planning, implementing, and controlling quality throughout the project lifecycle. This includes defining quality standards, conducting quality assurance activities, and ensuring that project deliverables meet these standards.5. Human Resource Management: Managing project team members, including their skills, roles, and responsibilities. This involves recruiting, training, and motivating team members to ensure their effective performance.6. Communication Management: Planning, executing, and controllingproject communication to ensure that stakeholders receive the right information at the right time. This includes identifying stakeholders, establishing communication channels, and managing communication risks.7. Risk Management: Identifying, analyzing, and mitigating project risks to minimize their impact on project objectives. This involvesidentifying potential risks, assessing their likelihood and impact, and developing risk mitigation strategies.8. Procurement Management: Planning, executing, and controlling project procurement activities to ensure that the right resources are acquiredat the right time and at the right cost. This includes identifying procurement requirements, selecting vendors, and managing procurement contracts.Project Management Methodologies1. Waterfall: A linear and sequential approach to project management, where each phase of the project is completed before moving on to the next. This methodology is best suited for projects with well-defined requirements and a stable environment.2. Agile: An iterative and incremental approach to project management, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration betweenself-organizing cross-functional teams. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, are well-suited for projects with changing requirements and a need for flexibility.3. Lean: A systematic approach to identifying and eliminating wastewithin a project or organization. Lean methodologies focus on delivering value to the customer while minimizing waste, such as overproduction, waiting time, and defects.4. Six Sigma: A set of techniques and tools for process improvement that seeks to identify and eliminate defects in a project or organization.Six Sigma is often used in combination with Lean methodologies toachieve continuous improvement.Project Management Tools1. Project Management Software: Tools like Microsoft Project, Jira, and Trello help project managers plan, execute, and track project activities.These tools provide features such as task management, scheduling, resource allocation, and collaboration.2. Communication Tools: Platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and email facilitate communication between project team members and stakeholders. These tools enable real-time communication, file sharing, and status updates.3. Document Management Tools: Solutions like SharePoint, Google Drive, and Dropbox help project managers store, organize, and share project documents. These tools ensure that team members have access to the most up-to-date information.4. Risk Management Tools: Tools like RiskyProject and Microsoft Excel can be used to identify, analyze, and mitigate project risks. Thesetools help project managers prioritize risks and develop risk mitigation strategies.Benefits of Project Management1. Improved Project Success: Effective project management increases the likelihood of project success by ensuring that projects are completed on time, within budget, and within scope.2. Enhanced Stakeholder Satisfaction: By effectively managing project expectations and delivering high-quality results, project management enhances stakeholder satisfaction and builds trust.3. Increased Efficiency: Project management techniques and tools help organizations streamline project processes, reduce waste, and improve efficiency.4. Better Resource Allocation: Effective project management ensures that resources are allocated optimally, minimizing idle time and maximizing productivity.5. Continuous Improvement: Project management methodologies, such as Lean and Six Sigma, encourage organizations to identify and eliminate waste, leading to continuous improvement.ConclusionProject management is a critical discipline that plays a vital role in the success of organizations across various industries. By understanding the key principles, methodologies, tools, and benefits of project management, organizations can effectively plan, execute, and control projects to achieve their objectives. Investing in project management training and tools can help organizations improve project performance, enhance stakeholder satisfaction, and drive business success.。

Project management is a critical discipline in the engineering field, ensuring that projects are completed on time, within budget, and withthe desired quality. The use of abbreviations in project managementhelps streamline communication, enhance efficiency, and facilitate the understanding of complex concepts. This article provides a comprehensive overview of some of the most commonly used project management abbreviations in engineering, along with their definitions and applications.1. PM - Project ManagementPM is the most fundamental abbreviation in project management, referring to the overall process of planning, executing, and closing projects to achieve specific goals within defined constraints. It encompasses arange of skills, tools, and techniques to ensure successful project delivery.2. PMP - Project Management ProfessionalPMP is a certification offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). It is the most recognized and respected project management certification in the industry, demonstrating a professional's expertise in project management principles and practices.3. PMBOK - Project Management Body of KnowledgePMBOK is a comprehensive guide to project management practices developed by PMI. It provides a framework for project management processes, tools, and techniques that can be applied to any project, regardless of its size, type, or industry.4. ROI - Return on InvestmentROI is a financial metric that measures the efficiency or profitability of an investment. In project management, ROI is used to evaluate the expected benefits of a project against its costs, helping stakeholders make informed decisions about project investments.5. BAC - Budget at CompletionBAC is the total budget allocated to a project at the time of its initiation. It serves as a baseline for monitoring project financial performance and managing cost variances throughout the project lifecycle.6. EV - Earned ValueEV, also known as the budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), is a measure of the value of the work completed in a project. It is used to assess project performance and identify potential variances from the planned budget.7. CPI - Cost Performance IndexCPI is a measure of the cost efficiency of a project. It is calculated by dividing the earned value (EV) by the actual cost (AC) of the work completed. A CPI greater than 1 indicates that the project is under budget, while a CPI less than 1 suggests that the project is over budget.8. SPI - Schedule Performance IndexSPI is a measure of the schedule efficiency of a project. It is calculated by dividing the earned value (EV) by the planned value (PV) of the work scheduled. An SPI greater than 1 indicates that the project is ahead of schedule, while an SPI less than 1 suggests that the project is behind schedule.9. WBS - Work Breakdown StructureWBS is a hierarchical decomposition of the project scope into smaller, more manageable components. It helps project managers and teams organize and plan the project work, ensuring that all necessary tasks are identified and accounted for.10. MS - Milestone ScheduleMS is a project schedule that focuses on significant project events or milestones. It provides a high-level overview of the project timeline, making it easier to track progress and manage critical project milestones.11. RACI - Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, InformedRACI is a matrix used to define the roles and responsibilities of team members in a project. It helps ensure that everyone understands their respective roles, responsibilities, and the level of involvement required for project success.12. QMS - Quality Management SystemQMS is a set of policies, processes, and procedures that are used to ensure that a project meets its quality requirements. It includes activities such as quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control to ensure that the final product meets the desired standards.13. IP - IssueIP refers to a problem, concern, or challenge that arises during the project lifecycle. Managing issues effectively is crucial to project success, as it helps minimize the impact of potential risks and ensures that the project remains on track.14. RFP - Request for ProposalRFP is a document issued by a project sponsor or client to solicit proposals from potential vendors or service providers. It outlines the project requirements, objectives, and evaluation criteria, helping stakeholders select the most suitable partner for the project.15. SOQ - Statement of QualificationsSOQ is a document submitted by a vendor or service provider to demonstrate their expertise, experience, and capabilities in relation to a specific project. It is often used in conjunction with an RFP to evaluate potential partners.In conclusion, project management abbreviations play a vital role in the engineering field, facilitating efficient communication and streamlining project processes. Understanding these abbreviations can help project managers, team members, and stakeholders better navigate the complexities of project management and ensure successful project delivery. By familiarizing themselves with the definitions and applications of these abbreviations, professionals can enhance theirproject management skills and contribute to the overall success of their projects.。

项目管理专业术语中英文对照表验收- (Acceptance)指客户检查接受项目交付物的过程。
活动- (Activity)指在项目中的任何消耗资源(人力、物理和设施)、产生相应成本并且生产出一项或多项产品的过程。
现货- (Actuals)指项目或其他活动中的实际成本和消耗。
假设- (Assumption)预先接受为正确但缺乏证据的事物或定义。
基线- (Baseline)基线是一个快照:一个被记录在案的项目所处位置或状态。
预算- (Budget)经分配的、用于执行项目工作的款额及其他资源。
商业论证- (Business Case)指启动和继续一个项目的原因和依据。
商业论证同时还指出如何衡量项目的成功商业需求- (Business Requirements)指的是利益相关者对完成项目的商业要求。
变更控制- (Change Control)指按照计划的范围、工期和预算来管理控制变更。
在小型项目中变更控制可能采用非书面的、非正式的方式,但是在大型项目中,变更控制意味着一个牵涉很多项目利益相关者的、正式的过程(变更控制委员会)变更控制委员会- (Change Control Board (CCB))由利益相关者组成的团体,负责批准或否决对项目基线的变更。

第1篇IntroductionEngineering projects are complex endeavors that require meticulous planning, coordination, and execution. Effective project management is essential to ensure that these projects are completed on time, within budget, and meet the required quality standards. This guide provides an in-depth overview of the principles and practices of project management in the engineering field.1. Project Management Basics1.1 Project DefinitionA project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. In the context of engineering, projects often involve the design, construction, or improvement of physical structures, systems, or processes.1.2 Project ObjectivesThe objectives of an engineering project are typically defined by the client or sponsor. These objectives may include the following:- To meet specific performance requirements.- To achieve a certain level of quality.- To complete the project within a defined timeframe.- To stay within the allocated budget.1.3 Project PhasesEngineering projects generally follow a lifecycle that consists of several phases, including:- Initiation: Identifying the project objectives, stakeholders, and scope.- Planning: Developing a detailed project plan, including schedules, budgets, and resources.- Execution: Carrying out the project activities as per the plan.- Monitoring and Controlling: Tracking progress, managing risks, and making necessary adjustments.- Closing: Formalizing the completion of the project, including final documentation and handover to the client.2. Project Management Processes2.1 Initiating Process GroupThe initiating process group is responsible for defining the project. Key activities include:- Identifying stakeholders and their interests.- Defining the project objectives and scope.- Conducting feasibility studies.- Obtaining approval for the project.2.2 Planning Process GroupThe planning process group involves developing a detailed project plan. Key activities include:- Defining project scope and deliverables.- Developing a work breakdown structure (WBS).- Estimating resources and durations.- Creating a project schedule.- Identifying risks and developing mitigation strategies.- Developing a communication plan.2.3 Executing Process GroupThe executing process group involves carrying out the project activities as per the plan. Key activities include:- Assigning resources and responsibilities.- Coordinating the work of the project team.- Managing the project budget.- Implementing quality control measures.- Managing project risks.2.4 Monitoring and Controlling Process GroupThe monitoring and controlling process group involves tracking progress and making necessary adjustments. Key activities include:- Collecting project performance data.- Comparing actual performance against the plan.- Identifying deviations and taking corrective actions.- Managing changes to the project scope.- Updating the project plan.2.5 Closing Process GroupThe closing process group involves formalizing the completion of the project. Key activities include:- Conducting a project review.- Documenting lessons learned.- Closing contracts and agreements.- Handing over deliverables to the client.3. Key Project Management Techniques3.1 Project SchedulingProject scheduling is the process of developing a sequence of activities that need to be completed to achieve the project objectives. Key techniques include:- Critical Path Method (CPM): Identifies the longest path through the project activities and determines the minimum project duration.- Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT): Uses a probabilistic model to estimate activity durations and project completion times.3.2 Risk ManagementRisk management involves identifying, analyzing, and responding to risks that may affect the project. Key techniques include:- Risk identification: Identifying potential risks to the project.- Risk analysis: Assessing the probability and impact of risks.- Risk response planning: Developing strategies to manage risks.3.3 Quality ManagementQuality management involves ensuring that the project deliverables meet the required quality standards. Key techniques include:- Quality planning: Defining quality objectives and requirements.- Quality assurance: Implementing processes to ensure that quality standards are met.- Quality control: Monitoring and verifying that project deliverables meet the required quality standards.4. Challenges in Engineering Project Management4.1 Scope CreepScope creep refers to the uncontrolled expansion of a project's scope. This can lead to delays, increased costs, and decreased quality.4.2 Resource ConstraintsLimited resources, such as time, budget, and personnel, can pose significant challenges to project management.4.3 Communication IssuesEffective communication is crucial for the success of engineering projects. However, communication issues can arise due to language barriers, cultural differences, and other factors.5. ConclusionEffective project management is essential for the success of engineering projects. By following the principles and practices outlined in this guide, project managers can ensure that their projects are completed on time, within budget, and meet the required quality standards. The key to successful project management lies in careful planning, effective execution, and continuous monitoring and control.References- Project Management Institute (PMI). (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition.- Ivey Business Journal. (2016). Project Management in the Engineering Field.- Engineering News-Record. (2018). Top 10 Project Management Challenges in Engineering.第2篇IntroductionEngineering projects are complex endeavors that require careful planning, execution, and control to ensure successful completion. Project management plays a pivotal role in the success of any engineering project. This comprehensive guide explores the key aspects of project management in engineering, including the project lifecycle, methodologies, tools, and best practices.1. Project LifecycleThe project lifecycle is a structured framework that outlines the sequence of activities required to complete an engineering project. The typical project lifecycle consists of the following phases:1.1. Project InitiationThe initiation phase is the first step in the project lifecycle. During this phase, the project's objectives, scope, and feasibility are defined. Key activities include:- Identifying the project's purpose and objectives.- Conducting a feasibility study to assess the project's viability.- Establishing the project's boundaries and scope.- Identifying stakeholders and their interests.1.2. Project PlanningThe planning phase involves developing a detailed project plan that outlines the activities, resources, and timeline required to completethe project. Key activities include:- Defining the project scope and objectives.- Identifying the project deliverables.- Developing a work breakdown structure (WBS).- Estimating project resources and durations.- Creating a project schedule.- Identifying and managing project risks.- Developing a communication plan.1.3. Project ExecutionThe execution phase is where the project plan is put into action. This phase involves coordinating resources, managing the project team, and implementing the project activities. Key activities include:- Assigning tasks and responsibilities to team members.- Monitoring project progress and performance.- Managing project risks and issues.- Controlling project scope and changes.- Ensuring quality standards are met.- Facilitating communication among stakeholders.1.4. Project Monitoring and ControlThe monitoring and control phase involves tracking the project's progress against the planned objectives and making adjustments as necessary. Key activities include:- Collecting project performance data.- Comparing actual performance to planned performance.- Identifying deviations from the plan.- Taking corrective actions to mitigate risks and issues.- Updating the project plan as needed.1.5. Project ClosureThe closure phase is the final step in the project lifecycle. During this phase, the project is formally completed, and all resources are released. Key activities include:- Documenting the project's lessons learned.- Conducting a project review to evaluate the project's performance.- Celebrating the project's success.- Handing over the project deliverables to the client or end-users.- Closing contracts and agreements.2. Project Management MethodologiesThere are various project management methodologies that can be appliedto engineering projects. Some of the most commonly used methodologies include:2.1. WaterfallThe waterfall methodology is a linear, sequential approach to project management. It involves completing each phase of the project before moving on to the next. This methodology is best suited for projects with well-defined requirements and a stable scope.2.2. AgileAgile methodology is an iterative and incremental approach to project management. It emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and adaptability. Agile projects are divided into short, time-boxed iterations called sprints, during which a set of features are developed and delivered.2.3. ScrumScrum is a subset of the Agile methodology that focuses on managing complex projects through iterative and incremental delivery. It involves breaking the project into small, manageable pieces called user stories, which are then prioritized and developed in short sprints.2.4. LeanLean project management is based on the Lean manufacturing principles developed by Toyota. It focuses on minimizing waste and maximizing value. Lean projects are characterized by continuous improvement, just-in-time delivery, and a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction.3. Project Management ToolsProject management tools are essential for effectively managing engineering projects. Some of the most popular project management tools include:- Microsoft Project- Oracle Primavera- Atlassian Jira- Trello- AsanaThese tools help project managers to:- Create and manage project schedules.- Track project progress and performance.- Allocate resources and manage budgets.- Collaborate with team members and stakeholders.- Document project activities and lessons learned.4. Best Practices in Engineering Project ManagementTo ensure the successful management of engineering projects, project managers should adhere to the following best practices:- Communicate Effectively: Establish clear communication channels and maintain open lines of communication with all stakeholders.- Set Realistic Objectives: Define achievable project objectives and ensure they align with the organization's goals.- Plan Thoroughly: Develop a comprehensive project plan that includesall necessary activities, resources, and timelines.- Manage Risks: Identify potential risks and develop mitigationstrategies to minimize their impact on the project.- Monitor and Control: Regularly review project progress and performance, and take corrective actions as needed.- Focus on Quality: Ensure that project deliverables meet the required quality standards.- Build a Strong Team: Assemble a skilled and motivated project team and foster a positive team culture.- Utilize Project Management Tools: Leverage project management tools to streamline project activities and improve efficiency.ConclusionEffective project management is crucial for the success of engineering projects. By following the project lifecycle, selecting the appropriate methodologies, utilizing project management tools, and adhering to best practices, project managers can ensure that engineering projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the satisfaction of all stakeholders.第3篇IntroductionEngineering projects are complex endeavors that require meticulous planning, coordination, and execution to achieve successful outcomes. Effective project management plays a crucial role in ensuring that engineering projects are completed on time, within budget, and meet the desired quality standards. This article aims to provide an overview of the key aspects of project management in engineering, including project planning, execution, monitoring, and control.1. Project InitiationThe first stage of project management is project initiation, where the project objectives, scope, and feasibility are defined. This stage involves the following activities:1.1 Identifying the project: The project manager and the stakeholders should identify the project and its purpose. This involves understanding the needs and expectations of the clients, as well as the technical and financial constraints.1.2 Defining the project scope: The project scope should be clearly defined to ensure that the project deliverables are understood and agreed upon by all stakeholders. This includes identifying the project boundaries, objectives, and deliverables.1.3 Conducting feasibility study: A feasibility study should be conducted to assess the technical, economic, and operational feasibility of the project. This helps in determining whether the project is viable and whether it aligns with the organization's goals.1.4 Appointing the project team: The project manager should assemble a competent and diverse project team with the necessary skills and expertise to execute the project successfully.2. Project PlanningProject planning is a critical phase in project management, where the project objectives, activities, resources, and timelines are defined. This stage involves the following activities:2.1 Developing a project plan: The project plan should outline the project scope, objectives, deliverables, activities, timelines, resources, and budget. It should also include risk management andquality management plans.2.2 Identifying project activities: The project activities should be identified and organized in a logical sequence. This involves breaking down the project scope into smaller, manageable tasks.2.3 Estimating resources and durations: The project manager should estimate the resources required for each activity, including personnel, equipment, and materials. Durations for each activity should also be estimated to create a realistic timeline.2.4 Developing a project schedule: A project schedule should be developed using tools such as Gantt charts or critical path method (CPM) to visualize the project activities and their interdependencies.2.5 Identifying and managing risks: The project manager should identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies to minimize their impact on the project.3. Project ExecutionProject execution is the phase where the project plan is implemented, and the project activities are executed. This stage involves the following activities:3.1 Assigning tasks to team members: The project manager should assign tasks to team members based on their skills and expertise. Clear communication and collaboration are essential during this phase.3.2 Monitoring progress: The project manager should monitor the progress of the project activities and ensure that they are on schedule. This involves tracking the actual versus planned progress and addressing any deviations.3.3 Managing resources: The project manager should ensure that the required resources are available and utilized efficiently. This includes managing personnel, equipment, and materials.3.4 Controlling changes: Changes to the project scope, schedule, or resources should be managed effectively to minimize their impact on the project. This involves assessing the impact of changes, obtaining approvals, and updating the project plan accordingly.4. Project Monitoring and ControlProject monitoring and control is an ongoing process that ensures the project is progressing as planned and meets the desired objectives. This stage involves the following activities:4.1 Tracking project performance: The project manager should track the actual progress of the project activities against the planned schedule and budget. This involves comparing the actual performance with the baseline plan and identifying any deviations.4.2 Taking corrective actions: If any deviations are identified, the project manager should take corrective actions to bring the project back on track. This may involve adjusting the project plan, reallocating resources, or changing the project scope.4.3 Managing risks: The project manager should continue to monitor and manage risks throughout the project lifecycle. This involves identifyingnew risks, reassessing existing risks, and implementing mitigation strategies.4.4 Ensuring quality: The project manager should ensure that the project deliverables meet the desired quality standards. This involves implementing quality control measures and conducting audits and inspections.5. Project ClosureThe final stage of project management is project closure, where the project is formally completed. This stage involves the following activities:5.1 Conducting a project review: A project review should be conducted to evaluate the project's performance against the initial objectives and deliverables. This helps in identifying lessons learned and best practices for future projects.5.2 Delivering the final project deliverables: The project manager should ensure that all project deliverables are completed and delivered to the client or stakeholders.5.3 Obtaining client approval: The project manager should obtain formal approval from the client or stakeholders to close the project.5.4 Disbanding the project team: The project team should be disbanded, and any remaining resources should be released.ConclusionEffective project management is essential for the successful completion of engineering projects. By following a structured approach, including project initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and control,project managers can ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, and meet the desired quality standards. Implementing best practices and continuous improvement in project management can lead to the successful delivery of complex engineering projects and contribute to the organization's overall success.。

2. Modern Project Management • There are two characteristics for MPM
– Enlarged management area-from 3 to 9 areas – Expended to all projects not only the
• The work is temporary.
– Time limited – There are resource restriction.
Chapter 1 - Introduction
7. The Definition of Project Management
• Project Management is the overall planning, control and coordination of project from inception to completion.
3. The importance of learning MPM • All things start with project and then may
or may not transit into operations. • The project become the great means for a
Chapter 1 – Introduction
6. The Characteristics of a Project • Products or Service are unique – characteristics
are progressively elaborated
– Progressively: proceeding in steps – Elaborated: worked with care and detail

pmp成绩分级摘要:1.PMP 成绩分级介绍2.PMP 成绩分级标准3.PMP 成绩分级对考生的意义4.如何提高PMP 成绩正文:PMP 成绩分级介绍PMP(Project Management Professional)是指项目管理专业认证,它是由美国项目管理协会(PMI)发起的一项全球性的项目管理专业认证。
PMP 成绩分级是为了帮助考生更好地了解自己的考试水平,同时也是对考生项目管理能力的一种评估。
PMP 成绩分级标准PMP 成绩分为四个级别,分别是:1.优秀(Above Target):这个级别的成绩在700 分以上(满分800 分),表示考生具备非常优秀的项目管理知识和能力。
2.良好(Target):这个级别的成绩在500-699 分之间,表示考生具备较好的项目管理知识和能力。
3.及格(Below Target):这个级别的成绩在400-499 分之间,表示考生具备一定的项目管理知识和能力,但还需要进一步提高。
4.不及格(Not Rated):这个级别的成绩在400 分以下,表示考生的项目管理知识和能力还需努力提高。
PMP 成绩分级对考生的意义PMP 成绩分级对考生来说具有很大的意义,它可以帮助考生更好地了解自己的项目管理水平,从而有针对性地进行学习和提高。
如何提高PMP 成绩要想提高PMP 成绩,考生可以从以下几个方面入手:1.系统学习项目管理知识体系:考生需要对项目管理知识体系进行系统学习,掌握项目管理的五大过程组和十大知识领域。
3.加强英语阅读能力:PMP 考试是全英文进行的,因此考生需要具备一定的英语阅读能力,以便更好地理解和回答题目。

Project Management Professional ResumeSummaryAs a highly organized and results-driven project manager with over 5 years of experience, I am confident in my ability to lead teams and deliver successful projects. I am skilled in project planning, risk management, budgeting, and resource allocation. With strong attention to detail and excellent communication skills, I am able to work effectively with stakeholders at all levels.Professional ExperienceProject Manager at ABC Company•Manage project timelines, budgets, and resources for multiple projects simultaneously•Develop project plans and communicate expectations to cross-functional teams•Lead project meetings and ensure alignment with project goals•Collaborate with stakeholders to identify risks and develop mitigation plans•Implement project management best practices to streamline workflows and improve project outcomes Project Coordinator at XYZ Organization•Assisted project managers with project planning, scheduling, and resource allocation•Coordinated project activities and communications between cross-functional teams•Managed project documentation and ensured compliance with organizational policies and procedures•Conducted research and analyzed data to support project decision-making•Assisted with project budgeting and financial trackingEducationBachelor of Science in Project Management, University of XYZ•Graduated with honors•Completed coursework in project planning, risk management, budgeting, and resource allocation•Completed a capstone project in which I led a team of students in planning and executing a successful community service projectSkills•Project planning and management•Resource allocation and budgeting•Risk management and mitigation•Team leadership and collaboration•Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal•Proficient in MS Office and project management software Certifications•Project Management Professional (PMP)•Certified Scrum Master (CSM)ConclusionAs a highly skilled project manager with a proven track record of success, I am confident in my ability to bring value to any organization. I am dedicated to delivering projects on-time and on-budget, while maintaining a strong focus on quality and customer satisfaction. Thank you for considering my application.。

PMP英文全称Project Management Professional,指的是项目管理专业人士资格认证。
它是由美国项目管理协会(Project Management Institute(PMI)发起的,严格评估项目管理人员知识技能是否具有高品质的资格认证考试。
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Project Life Cycle defines: Technical work performed in each phase Who is involved in each phase Project Phases can overlap – “Fast Tracking” Common Characteristics of Project Life Cycles:
Phases are collected into the Project Life Cycle
Set of defined work procedures to establish management control
Chapter 2 – Project Management Context
Chapter 2 – Project Management Context
Project Phases are marked by the completion of a deliverable
Tangible, verifiable work product Review of deliverables and approval/denial are “phase exits, stage gates, or kill points”
Project Management Professional (PMP)
Certification Study Guide
PMI Certification Materials
To assist PMI candidates for completing the PMI certification exam administered by the Project Management Institute Content is from “A Guide To The Project Management Body Of Knowledge” (PMBOK)
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Project – temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service Has a definite beginning and end and interrelated activities Programs adopt new set of objectives and continue to work; projects cease when declared objectives have been attained
Recurring Themes
Historical Records – need to collect and use for planning, estimating and risk Kickoff meetings are important Work Breakdown Structures Do not introduce benefits that are not stated in requirements Needs of all stakeholders should be taken into account during all projects Team Members must be involved in project planning Project Mangers must be pro-active
Scope, time, cost, and quality Stakeholders‟ expectations Requirements (needs) vs. unidentified requirements (expectations)
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Series of repetitive or cyclical undertakings
Projects are often divided into “subprojects” for more manageability
Often contracted out to external organizations
Scope of project should remain constant even as characteristics are “progressively elaborated”
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Project Management: the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations from a defined project – balancing the following:
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Projects are unique – characteristics are progressively elaborated
Progressively: proceeding in steps Elaborated: worked with care and detail
Programs are groups of projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits not available from managing the projects individually Most programs have elements of ongoing operations