
英语作文高级短语及高级词汇1、tend to=opt to =incline to 倾向于例:People tend to hold parties,date at cinemas,go to picnic,etc. 译:人们会举办派对,去电影院约会或去野餐等度过闲暇时光。
2、Ignore =have an oversight of 忽略,忽视3、make use of =take advantage of 利用4、get refreshed 恢复生机5、downside =disadvantage =negative aspect =negative =drawback =harmfulness 坏处6、Moreover=furthermore=in addition =additionally=besides 好处7、Widespread phenomenon 普遍存在的现象8、wipe out 消除例:As far as I am concerned,excessive packing is a harmful phenomenon,which is a waste of resources and ought to be totally wiped out.译: 在我看来,过度包装是一种有害的现象,它是一种资源浪费,应该被彻底消除。
9、first...furthermore...首先.......其次......10、Come down to 归结于11、equal to等同于例:Consumers’ awareness that excessive packing doesn’t equal to high quality should be aroused.译:必须让消费者认识到过度包装不等于高质量。
12、contribute to 促成;对......有贡献13、appealing 吸引人的例:in appealing boxes 在吸引人的盒子里14、make it more productive 使......更有成效例:Therefore,to make it more productive,both the museums and the public should work and coordinate in concert.译:因此,为了使这项举措更有成效,博物馆和公众应该共同协作、一起努力。

【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】词汇篇 单词可以说一个人单词量的展现,如果总停留在使用very good 等小学词汇,那老师把你当成发育不完全也正常.所以要使用一些高级词汇(就象是给文章穿上了成人内衣),我不建议大家用考纲以外的词汇(当然你能用更好),这里可以教你用高级替换简单词汇~~ severe 替换掉serious (严重的) a severe water shortage 严重缺水 needy 替换掉 ppor ( 贫穷的) wealthy 替换掉 rich ( 富裕的) benificial 替换掉 good (有益的) undesirable 替换掉 bad (不好的,不受欢迎的) nevertheless 替换掉 however (然而,不过) fundamental / significant 替换掉 important ( 重要的) relevant 替换掉 related (有关的) ....is highly relevant to....... extraodinary 替换掉 surprising (惊人的,非凡的) provided/providing (that )替换掉 if (如果.....) promote /strengthen 替换掉 improve (提高,加强) More should be done to strengthen industry's links with universities. 应该做更多的事情加强工业界和大学的联系. cope with 替换掉 solve ( 解决) motivate 替换掉 encourage ( 激励) We are looking for someone who will be able to motivate the staff to work hard.我们在寻找能激励职员们努力工作的人. jeopardize 替换掉 be bad to (损害,危及) Failing exams could jeopardize her future. 考试不及格危及她的前程. ease 替换掉 relieve (减轻,缓解) To ease the problem of ..... 为了缓解....的问题..... well-being 替换掉 happiness (幸福,安康) pros and cons 替换掉 advantages and disadvantages (好处和坏处) You must consider all the pros and cons of the matter before you make a decision.在你做决定之前,必须考虑这个问题的正反两个方面. approach / method 替换掉 way (方法,方案) adopt 替换掉 use (采用,采取) the aged 替换掉 old people (老人) adolescents 替换掉 the young (青少年) employment 替换掉 job (就业) affair 替换掉 thing (事情,东西) bent 替换掉 gift (天赋,爱好) catastrophe 替换掉( disaster 灾难) subscribe to 替换掉 agree with ( 同意) tend 替换掉 want (趋向于..想要.....) I am tending to another customer at he moment. acquire 替换掉 gain (获得(尤指知识上的)) administration 替换掉 government (政府部门) contribute to 替换掉 cause (引起) extremely 替换掉 very (非常的) frown on sth 替换 disagree with sth ( 不同意) for instance 替换掉 for example (例如) advocate 倡导 compensate for 弥补..... Spare no efforts for 努力 In contemporary society 在当今社会 A vast amount of 大量的 be abundant in 富有... on ones own account 为了某人自己的利益 at ones own risk 自行负责 on account of 由于 On no account 绝不要 arise from 由....引起 Are these any matters arising from the last meeting ? 这些事情都是由上次的会议引起的吗? assess 评估,评价 Examinations are not the only means of assessing ones ability. 考试不是评价一个人能力的唯一方法. authentic 真实的,可信的 gradual 逐渐的 There has been a gradual improvment in ...over the last two years. 过去的两年中...逐渐改善. ....multiply rapidly ...迅速增加. ripe 时候成熟的 The country is ripe for change. 国家已是时候改变. trend 趋势,趋向,潮流 The trend at the moment is that .... 现在..是一个趋势..... emphrasize 强调,重视 I ’d like to emphrasize how important it is to .... sustainable development 可持续发展 句型篇 语里面常用的句型也就那么几个,尽量往里套。

高考英语作文高级词汇一、换掉常用的形容词或副词1.veryterribly 非常,极度地extremely 极度、极其surprisingly 令人惊讶地pretty 非常greatly 很,大大地,非常highly 高度地,非常badly 非常,很,严重地quite 很,相当,完全perfectly 完全地totally 完全地2.goodgreat/wonderful 好极了excellent 极好的,卓越的fantastic 非常出色的,了不起的brilliant 卓越的,杰出的fabulous 极好的,绝妙的superb 最佳的,极好的terrific 极好的,有趣的meaningful 有意义的educational 有教育意义的3.beautifulattractive 有吸引力的appealing 有吸引力的,有趣的fascinating 吸引人的,迷人的eye-catching 惹人注目的,抢眼的gorgeous 极美的,华丽的4.surprisingamazing 令人惊异的extraordinary 特别的,非凡的miraculous 不可思议的5.importantsignificant 重要的essential 基本的,必要的crucial 重要的,决定性的critical 决定性的indispensible 绝对必要的,必不可少的decisive 决定性的dominant 支配的predominant 主要的determinant 决定性的6.bigenormous 庞大的,巨大的tremendous 巨大的,惊人的gigantic 庞大的,不可思议的vast 广阔的,巨大的boundless 无限的,无边无际的二、单词变短语1.表达“关于”之意,除了 about 之外,还有一些短语可替换,如:as toas forin regards towith respect toin respect toin relation toin terms of2.表达“喜欢”之意,除了 like 之外,也有一些短语可替换,如:care forbe fond ofbe crazy aboutbe mad aboutbe keen onbe addicted tobe hooked onhave a passion forhave a great enthusiasm for3.表达“处理”之意,除了 solve 之外,还有一些单词或短语,如:settledeal withcope withhandledo with4.表达“使用”之意,除了 use 之外,还有:make use of…make good/proper use of…make the most of…take advantage of...5.表达“帮助”之意,除了help之外,还有:do sb.a favorgive sb.a hand三、换掉常见表达1.替换 I thinkI take the attitude that… 我持有这个态度,那就是……I harbor the idea that… 我持有这个观点,那就是……2.替换 I believeI have the confidence that… 我有信心,那就是……3.替换 In my opinionPersonally, … 个人认为……From my point of vie w, … 从我的角度说,……As far as I am concerned, … 就我目前想到的,……From my own perspective, … 从我的角度认为,……4.替换 want to do sth.plan to do sth.计划去做某事desire to do sth.渴望去做某事have a great desire to do sth.有巨大的渴望去做某事be thirsty/longing for doing sth.渴望做某事look forward to doing sth.期待做某事。

19. facet, dimension, sphere替换aspect
26. enjoy, possess替换have(注意process是过程的意思) 27. interaction替换communication
二、短语优先 英语短语层出不穷,变换使用不同的短语表达同一概念是英语
书面表达又一精彩的招数。 表达“关于”之意,除了about, on等这些词之外。还有多种短
1. I don’t care for baseball. 我不喜欢棒球。
2. She is fond of playing the piano.她爱好弹钢琴。 3. Many football fans are crazy about Beckham.许多球迷疯狂地迷上了贝 克汉姆。
5. Even if dinner looks a little bit terrible, it doesn’t mean it will taste that way. (换作高级词汇:Even if dinner looks disgusting, it doesn’t mean it will taste that way.)
英语中表示“很”、“非常”的词也有10多个。 1. She is very happy. 她十分高兴。 2. I am terribly sorry.实在抱歉。 3. The movie was pretty good. 那部电影非常精彩。
10. The performance was simply marvelous.演出十分精彩。
7. affair, business, matter替换thing 8. shared替换common 9. reap huge fruits替换get many benefits

Not only di he speak correctly,but he spoke easily.
Here comes a bus.
Seldom have we felt as comfortable as here .
The postman never fails to come on time .
单词可以说一个人单词量的展现,如果总停留在使用very good等小学词汇,那老师把你当成发育不完全也正常.所以要使用一些高级词汇(就象是给文章穿上了成人内衣),我不建议大家用考纲以外的词汇(当然你能用更好),这里可以教你用高级替换简单词汇~~
severe 替换掉serious(严重的)
a severe water shortage严重缺水
from the …point of view 从…角度来看
最近, XXXXX现象引起了人们的广泛关注
Recently, the phenomenon of (that) ……has aroused wide public concern
Along with the advance of the society (science and technology), people are attaching much importance to ……
人们对..பைடு நூலகம்不同的态度.
When it comes to ..., some think ...
There is a public debate today that ...

词汇篇单词可以说一个人单词量的展现,如果总停留在使用verygood 等小学词汇,那老师把你当成发育不完全也正常.所以要使用一些高级词汇(就象是给文章穿上了成人内衣),我不建议大家用考纲以外的词汇(当然你能用更好),这里可以教你用高级替换简单词汇~~severe 替换掉serious (严重的)aseverewatershortage 严重缺水needy 替换掉ppor (贫穷的)wealthy 替换掉rich (富裕的)benificial 替换掉good (有益的)undesirable 替换掉bad (不好的,不受欢迎的)important relevant 非凡的)果.....)高,加强)系.copewith motivate jeopardize ease 为了缓解well-being 处)个方面.adopt 替换掉use (采用,采取)theaged 替换掉oldpeople (老人)adolescents 替换掉theyoung (青少年) employment 替换掉job (就业)affair 替换掉thing (事情,东西)bent 替换掉gift (天赋,爱好)catastrophe 替换掉(disaster 灾难)subscribeto 替换掉agreewith (同意) tend 替换掉want (趋向于..想要.....) Iamtendingtoanothercustomerathemoment .acquire 替换掉gain (获得(尤指知识上的))administration 替换掉government (政府部门)contributeto 替换掉cause (引起) extremely 替换掉very (非常的)frownonsth 替换disagreewithsth (不同意)forinstance 替换掉forexample (例如)advocate 倡导compensatefor 弥补.....Sparenoeffortsfor 努力Incontemporarysociety 在当今社会Avastamountof 大量的beabundantin 富有...ononesownaccount 为了某人自己的利益atonesownrisk 自行负责on accountof 由于Onnoaccount 绝不要arisefrom 由....引起Thepostmanneverfailstocomeontime. 被动: Manythingscanbedonetosolvethisproblem. 非限定: ThemanisfromtheUK ,whichwecantellfromhisaccent. 定从:Thisisthereasonwhyhecamelate.Thisisthereasonforwhichhecamelate. Theschool(that/which)heoncestudiedinisveryfamous 让步:Childasheis ,hecanspeakmanyforeaignlanguages. 独立主格: (With )Therebeingnobus,wehadtogohomeonfoot. Themenmovedslowlyforward,neckdeepinth ewater,withtheirofficersguidingthem. ③常用句子篇——起到一个首饰的作用,让文章更销魂~~~~这个有点头疼,多背一背吧~~~Somechangeshavetakenplaceinthepastfiv eyears .在过去的5年中这里发生的一些变化. Agreatchangewillcertainlybeproducedin theworld ’scommunications .在世界的沟通与交流方面产生了巨大的变化....to ... assume ). . . . .cance.这个故事很有现实意义.Butsomeothershavejusttheoppositeopini on.一些人有相反的意见.Buteverycoinhastwosides. 每个硬币都有两面.(即每件事情都有两面) Asforme,I'minfavourofthelatteropinion.我支持后者.promotethepublicawarenessof 增强了...的公共认识Thegovernmentshouldtakeeffectivemeasu resandimmediateactions. 政府应该采取及时有效的措施.Tounderstandthetruthof...,itisalsoimp ortanttosee...②Myhometownisnolongerwhatitusedtobe.◆(非限制性)定语从句①TheflatisinabuildingonFangcaoStreet.I tisnotfarfromJianxinChineseSchool.→TheflatisinabuildingonFangcaoStree t,whichisnotfarfromJianxinChineseSchool.(NMET2003)②Itwasquiteanexperienceforusboth,whichI’llneverforgetfortherestofmylife.(2002北京卷)◆分词结构①Idon’◆巧妙的改写(1).Only改成noonebutOnlyTompassedtheexamlastweek.→NoonebutTompassedtheexam.(2).assoonas…改成Nosooner…than…/Hardly…when…/Immediately…/ThemomentNosoonerhadwearrivedatthecinemathanthefilmstarted.(3).havesb/sthdo/doneThegirlwasknockedoffherbicycleandhadherlegbroken(herlegwasbroken.).’’全国))1).表示时间顺序:first,then,afterwards,meanwhile,later,firstofall,finally,atlast…2).表示空间顺序:near,nextto,farfrom,infrontof,ontheleft,ononeside…3).表示比较、对照:like,unlike,suchas,but,however,ontheotherhand,onthecontrary,nevertheless,otherwise…4).表示因果关系:because,for,asaresult,therefore,thus…5).表示递进关系:besides,what’smore,whatwasworse,moreover,furthe rmore,inaddition,ontopof…6).表示并列关系:and,aswellas,also…7).表示总结性:ingeneral,inaword,inshort,onthe whole,tosumup,inbrief,toconclude…提高英语写作分数的88个词组1.经济的快速发展therapiddevelopmentofeconomy2.人民生活水平的显着提高/稳步增长theremarkableimprovement/steadygrowth ofpeople’slivingstandard3.先进的科学技术advancedscienceandtechnology4.面临新的机遇和挑战befacedwithnewopportunitiesandchallen ges5.人们普遍认为Itiscommonlybelieved/recognizedthat…6.社会发展的必然结果theinevitableresultofsocialdevelopmen t7.引起了广泛的公众关注arousewidepublicconcern/drawpublicatt ention8.不可否认Itisundeniablethat…/Thereisnodenyingthat…9.热烈的讨论/争论aheateddiscussion/debate10.有争议性的问题acontroversialissue11.完全不同的观点atotallydifferentargument12.一些人…而另外一些人…Somepeople…whileothers…13.就我而言/就个人而言AsfarasIamconcerned,/Personally,14.就…达到绝对的一致reachanabsoluteconsensuson…15.有充分的理由支持besupportedbysoundreasons16.双方的论点argumentonbothsides17.发挥着日益重要的作用playanincreasinglyimportantrolein…18.对…必不可少beindispensableto…19.正如谚语所说Astheproverbgoes:20.…也不例外…benoexception21.对…产生有利/不利的影响exertpositive/negativeeffectson…22.利远远大于弊theadvantagesfaroutweighthedisadvanta ges。

高考英语作文高级句型词汇整理一、高级句型1.It is undeniable that…(不可否认的是)e.g. It is undeniable that technology has greatly changed our lives.2.There is no denying that…(不可否认的是)e.g. There is no denying that studying abroad can broaden our horizons.3.It is widely believed that…(广泛认为)e.g. It is widely believed that a healthy lifestyle is the key to longevity.4.It is universally acknowledged that…(普遍认为)e.g. It is universally acknowledged that education plays a vital role in individual development.5.There is a growing concern that…(越来越关注的是)e.g. There is a growing concern that climate change will have a detrimental impact on our environment.6.It is imperative that…(非常重要的是)e.g. It is imperative that we take immediate action to combat air pollution.7.It goes without saying that…(不言而喻的是)e.g. It goes without saying that success comes from hard work and perseverance.8.It is worth noting that…(值得注意的是)e.g. It is worth noting that social media has revolutionized the way we communicate.9.It is a common misconception that…(普遍误解的是)e.g. It is a common misconception that money can buy happiness.10.It is of vital importance to…(具有重要意义的是)e.g. It is of vital importance to protect endangered species from extinction.二、高级词汇1.exponentially(指数地)e.g. The use of smartphones has grown exponentially in recent years.2.indispensable(不可或缺的)e.g. The Internet has become an indispensable part of our daily lives.3.stimulate(刺激)e.g. Reading can stimulate our imagination and creativity.4.detrimental(有害的)e.g. The overuse of plastic bags is detrimental to the environment.5.profound(深远的)e.g. The invention of the Internet has had a profound impact on society.6.alleviate(缓解)e.g. Planting more trees can help alleviate the problem of air pollution.7.innovation(创新)e.g. Technological innovation has revolutionized various industries.8.implication(影响)e.g. The widespread use of social media has significant implications for privacy.9.counterpart(相对应的人或物)e.g. The CEO met with his foreign counterpart to discuss business collaboration.10.conducive(有利的)e.g. A positive learning environment is conducive to academic achievement.以上是高考英语作文常用的高级句型和词汇整理,希望对你的写作有所帮助!。

热点话题一:爱好与兴趣01基本词汇favorite(最喜欢的);taste(爱好,志趣);read novels(读小说);surf the Internet(上网);chat online(在线聊天);collect stamps(集邮);make friends(交网友);climb mountains(爬山);enjoy pop music(喜欢流行音乐)02亮点词汇hobby(业余爱好);be fond of(喜欢);be keen on(对…着迷);have a taste in(喜爱);be interested in(对…感兴趣);have a great love for(非常喜爱…);develop an interest in(在某方面培养兴趣)热点话题二:友谊01基本词汇friendly(友好的);personal matters(私事);trust each other (互相信任);share...with sb.(与某人分享);a friend in need(患难之交);a strong personality (个性强);a close friend(一个亲密的朋友);make friends with sb.(和某人交朋友);keep in touch with sb. (与某人保持联系);stay best friends with sb. (和某人保持很好友谊)02亮点词汇precious(珍贵的);worthy(有价值的);be loyal to(对……忠诚);get to know sb.(认识某人);know sb. very well(熟知某人);understanding(善解人意的);keep sb. company.(陪伴,做伴)热点话题三:招聘与求职01基本词汇good grades(良好的成绩);employ(雇用);subject(课程);degree(学位);health(健康状况);confident(自信的);full time(全职的);part time(兼职的);scholarship(奖学金);well paid(薪水高的);be good at(擅长);experienced(有经验的);graduate from(毕业于);working experience(工作经验);present address(目前的地址);be paid by the hour(按小时发工资);English and computer ability(英语和计算机能力)02亮点词汇resume(简历);apply for(申请);major in(主修);minor in(辅修);requirement(要求);schooling(学校教育);qualification(资格,学历);transcript (学生成绩报告单);be skilled in/at(在……方面熟练)热点话题四:中学生健康问题01基本词汇strong(强壮的);nutrition(营养);fat(太胖的);thin(瘦的);lose weight(减肥) ;nearsighted/short/sighted(近视的);normal(正常的);abnormal(不正常的);stay/keep healthy/fit(保持健康);good living habit(良好的生活习惯);energetic(精力旺盛的); eating habit(饮食习惯);eat too much junk food (吃太多的垃圾食品);physical and mental condition(身体与精神状况);enough sleep(充足的睡眠);unhealthy/healthy(不健康的/健康的);02亮点词汇be/go on a diet(节食);overweight(太胖的);proper diet(合理的饮食);ease the burden(减轻负担);be good for/do good to(对……有益处)take regular exercise(进行有规律的运动);build up one's body(强身健体);improve one's health(强身健体)热点话题五:校园文明与安全问题01基本词汇get in line (排队);behave well(表现良好);break the rules(违反规定);cheat in the exam(考试作弊);fight with sb.(与某人打架);punish sb. for (因……处罚某人);be neatly dressed(穿戴整洁);be on time(准时);spit(吐痰);school rules and regulations(学校规章制度);respect one's teachers and parents(尊敬师长);keep the environment clean(保持环境干净)02亮点词汇civilized(文明的);be expected to(被期望);observe discipline(遵守纪律);be of no good to (对……毫无益处)热点话题六:环境保护01基本词汇pollute(污染);waste water(废水);save energy(节省能源);cut down trees(砍伐树木);throw rubbish around(乱扔垃圾);protect the surroundings(保护周边环境);02亮点词汇do great harm to(给……带来很大危害)protect rare animals(保护稀有动物);improve the environment(改善环境)热点话题七:和谐社会01基本词汇build(创建);honest(诚实的);credible (可信的);peaceful(和平的);balanced(平衡的);social order(社会秩序);harmonious(和谐的);have a liking for (喜爱);help each other(互助);care for each other(互相关心);cherish(珍惜); public morals(社会道德);sustainable development(可持续发展)02亮点词汇devote to(献身);be concerned with (关心);live in harmony(和谐共处);be public spirited(有公德心的);。
高中英语作文句型 高级词 短语

一、表示递进关系的关键词语additionally 加之;又besides 此外;除……之外equally important 同样重要的是furthermore 此外;而且in addition 另外in other words 换句话说last but not least 最后但同样重要的是moreover 而且;此外that is to say 即;就是;换句话说what’s more 而且;此外二、表示转折关系的关键词语although 虽然;尽管at the same time 同时;但是despite 不管;尽管;不论even if 即使even though 即使however 然而;可是in spite of 不管instead 代替;而不是nevertheless 然而;不过on the contrary 正相反otherwise 另外;不同地regardless of 不管;不顾still 依然;仍然though 虽然;可是while 而yet 然而;但是;仍三、表示选择关系的关键词语either…or………或……instead of………,而不是……neither…nor………和……都不……not…but…不是……而是……rather than…宁可;胜过whether…or not 是否四、表示比较关系的关键词语compare with/to 与……比较equally 相等地;平等地in comparison with 与……比较in contrast 相反;大不相同in contrast to 和……对比in the same way 同样地instead 代替;改为on the contrary 正相反while 而五、表示因果关系的关键词语accordingly 因此;从而as a result of 作为结果because (of)因为consequently 从而;因此due to 由于;应归于hence 因此;从此in that 由于;因为;既然now that 因为;既然on account of 由于owing to 由于;因……的缘故so 所以so that 所以thanks to 由于therefore 因此;所以thus 因此六、用于表示总结的关键词语above all 最重要的是accordingly 于是as a consequence 因此as has been noted 如前所述at last 最后briefly 简要扼要地by doing so 如此certainly 当然地;无疑地consequently 因此eventually 最后hence 因此in a word 总之in brief 简言之in conclusion 总之;最后in short 简而言之in summary 简要地说in sum 总之;简而言之obviously 显然on the whole 总体说来;整个看来to conclude 总而言之to speak frankly 坦白地说to sum up 总而言之to summarize 总而言之1.随着经济的快速发展with the rapid development of economy2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard3.先进的科学技术advanced science and technology4.面临新的机遇和挑战be faced with new opportunities and challenges5.人们普遍认为It is commonly believed/ recognized that…6.社会发展的必然结果the inevitable result of social development7.引起了广泛的公众关注arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention8.不可否认It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that…9.热烈的讨论/ 争论a heated discussion/ debate10. 有争议性的问题a controversial issue11.完全不同的观点a totally different argument12.一些人…而另外一些人… Some people… while others…13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言As far as I am concerned, / Personally,14.就…达到绝对的一致reach an absolute consensus on…15.有充分的理由支持be supported by sound reasons16.双方的论点argument on both sides17.发挥着日益重要的作用play an increasingly important role in…18.对…必不可少be indispensable to …19.正如谚语所说As the proverb goes:20.…也不例外…be no exception21.对…产生有利/不利的影响exert positive/ negative effects on…22.利远远大于弊the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.23.导致,引起lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in24.复杂的社会现象a complicated social phenomenon25.责任感/ 成就感sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement26. 竞争与合作精神sense of competition and cooperation27. 开阔眼界widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision28.学习知识和技能acquire knowledge and skills29.经济/心理负担financial burden / psychological burden30.考虑到诸多因素take many factors into account/ consideration31. 从另一个角度from another perspective32.做出共同努力make joint efforts33. 对…有益be beneficial / conducive to…34.为社会做贡献make contributions to the society35.打下坚实的基础lay a solid foundation for…36.综合素质comprehensive quality37.无可非议blameless / beyond reproach39.致力于/ 投身于be committed / devoted to…40. 应当承认Admittedly,41.不可推卸的义务unshakable duty42. 满足需求satisfy/ meet the needs of…43.可靠的信息源a reliable source of information44.宝贵的自然资源valuable natural resources46.方便快捷convenient and efficient47.在人类生活的方方面面in all aspects of human life48.环保(的) environmental protection / environmentally friendly49.社会进步的体现a symbol of society progress50.科技的飞速更新the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology51.对这一问题持有不同态度hold different attitudes towards this issue52.支持前/后种观点的人people / those in fovor of the former/ latteropinion53.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence54.在一定程度上to some extent/ degree / in some way55. 理论和实践相结合integrate theory with practice56. …必然趋势an irresistible trend of…57.日益激烈的社会竞争the increasingly fierce social competition58.眼前利益immediate interest/ short-term interest59.长远利益. interest in the long run60.…有其自身的优缺点… has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages61.扬长避短Exploit t o the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones62.取其精髓,取其糟粕Take the essence and discard the dregs.63.对…有害do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息exchange ideas/ emotions/ information65.跟上…的最新发展keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast withthe latest development of …66.采取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth.67.…的健康发展the healthy development of …68.有利有弊Every coin has its two sides.No garden without weeds.69.对…观点因人而异Views on …vary from person to perso n.70.重视attach great importance to…71.社会地位social status72.把时间和精力放在…上focus time and energy on…73.扩大知识面expand one’s scope of knowledge74.身心两方面both physically and mentally75.有直接/间接关系be directly / indirectly related to…76. 提出折中提议set forth a compromise proposal77. 可以取代“think”的词believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that78.缓解压力/ 减轻负担relieve stress/ burden79.优先考虑/发展… give (top) priority to sth.80.与…比较compared with…/ in comparison with81. 相反in contrast / on the contrary.82.代替replace/ substitute / take the place of83.经不起推敲cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water84.提供就业机会offer job opportunities85. 社会进步的反映mirror of social progress86.毫无疑问Undoubtedly, / There is no doubt that…87.增进相互了解enhance/ promote mutual understanding88.充分利用make full use of / take advantage of89.承受更大的工作压力suffer from heavier work pressure90.保障社会的稳定和繁荣guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society91.更多地强调put more emphasis on…92.适应社会发展adapt oneself to the development of society93.实现梦想realize one’s dream/ make one’s dream come true94. 主要理由列举如下The main reasons are listed as follows:95. 首先First,Firstly,In the first place, To begin with96.其次Second, Secondly, In the second place97. 再次Besides,In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore98. 最后Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,99. 总而言之All in all, To sum up, In summary, In a word,100.我们还有很长的路要走We still have a long way to go.一.高级词汇1.occur 替换think of 2.devote替换spend 3.seek替换want / look for4.average 替换ordinary 5.but替换very 6.seat 替换sit 7.suppose 替换should 8.appreciate 替换thank 9.the case替换true 10.on替换as soon as 11.due to替换because of 12.cover替换walk/read 13.contribute to替换be helpful/useful 14.round the corner 替换coming soon/ nearby 15.come to light替换discover16.have a ball替换have a good time/ enjoy oneself 17.come up with替换think of18.set aside替换save 19.be of + n. 替换adj. 20.refer to 替换talk about/of, mention 21.can not but / can not help but替换have to do 22.more often than not替换usually23.lest替换so that /inorder that24.be long for sth. / belong to do sth. 替换wantto do sth./wish for25.be caught up in/becrazy about/be absorbedin/be addicted to替换beinterested in26.more than替换very27.perfect (ly) 替换good/ very well28.do sb a/the favor 替换help29.the other day替换afew days ago30.in the course of替换during31.the majority of替换most32.consist of替换bemade up of33.be worn out替换betired / broken34.become of替换happen 35.attendto替换look after36.on condition that替换as long as37.nevertheless替换however38.express one’ssatisfaction with替换besatisfied with39.spare no efforts to do替换try one’s best to do40.many a 替换many41.be rushed off one’sfeet 替换be busy indoing42.a handful of替换alittle / some43.meanwhile替换at thesame time44.get to one’s feet替换stand up45.beneath替换under46.occasionally替换sometimes /once in while47.for instance替换forexample 48.seldom替换not often49.wealthy替换rich50.amazing替换surprising51.as a matter of fact 替换in fact二.高级句型结构◆巧妙的改写(1).Only 改成no one but(2).as soon as …改成No sooner…than…/Hardly…when…/Immediately…/The moment (3).have sb/sth do/done◆◆相关过渡语1). 表示时间顺序: first, then, afterwards, meanwhile, later,first of all, finally, at last…2). 表示空间顺序: near, next to, far from, in front of, on the left, on one side…3). 表示比较、对照: like, unlike, such as, but, however, on the other hand, on the contrary, nevertheless, otherwise…4). 表示因果关系: because, for, as a result, therefore, thus…5). 表示递进关系: besides, what’s more, what was worse, moreover, furthermore, in addition, on top of…6). 表示并列关系: and, as well as, also…7). 表示总结性: in general, in a word, in short, on the whole, to sum up, in brief, to conclude…1人的各种感受乐happy delighted t o one’s joy pleased amused悲sad unhappy painful bitter平静calm quiet silent/still peaceful烦bother bored be fed up with震惊surprised astonished shocked /amazed怕in fear be frightened /scared /afraid失望desperate disappointed hopeless be depressed满意be satisfied with /be content to do生气Annoyed angry disgusting burst into rage2 表程度的副词类narrowly/ Nearly/ almost hardly/ hard extremely/ very very/ quite Accidently/ once in a while occasionally/ once far / by farFarther/ further better/ worse be well/ good however/ therefore/so/thuscover up 掩饰,掩盖 cut across 走捷径,抄近路deal with 处理,对付,安排 do without 没有……也行 fill in/out 填充,填写get at 得到,接近;意思是 get into 进入,陷入 go after 追求 go into 进入;研究,调查go for 竭力想取得;喜爱;支持,拥护 go through 经历,经受;详细检查go with 伴随,与……协调go without 没有……也行 improve on 改进keep to 保持,坚持 lie in 在于 live up to 不辜负live on/by 靠……生活,以……为食live through 度过,经受过 look after 照管,照料look at 看望,注视look for 寻找,寻求look into 调查,观察,过问;窥视look over 检查,查看,调查look through 仔细查看,浏览,温习make for 走向,驶向;有助于 occur to 被想到,被想起play with 以……为消遣,玩弄 refer to 参考,查阅,涉及,提到run for 竞选run into 撞上,偶然碰见 see to 注意,负责,照料,修理send for 派人去请,召唤;索取 send in 呈报,递交,送来serve as 作为,用作set aside 挑出,拨出,留出;拒绝sit for 参加 stand by 支持,帮助;袖手旁观stand for 代替,代表,意味着stand against 反抗,抵抗stick to 坚持,忠于,信守take after 与……相像 take for 把……认为是,把……看成是take in 接受,吸收;了解,理解 take to 喜欢,亲近touch on 关系到,涉及 turn into 变成turn to 变成;求助于,借助于turn off 关上;出产;解雇be/get/become used to 习惯于be given to 喜欢;癖好be related to 与…有关系be addicted to 沉溺于;对…上瘾be opposed to 反对devote oneself to献身于;专心于be devoted to 致力于;忠诚于be admitted to 被…录取;准进入be reduced to 沦为reduce…to…使…沦为be attached to附属于;喜欢;依恋be adjusted to 适应be known to 为…所知be married to 和…结婚be sentenced to被判处be connected to 和…连在一起be exposed to 暴露于;遭受be compared to 被比喻成c ompare… to…把…比作…be/become/ get accustomed to//accustomed to 惯于;有…习惯be engaged to 与…订婚get down to 着手做lead to 导致object to反对;不喜欢;不赞成put one’s mind to全神贯注于give rise to 引起look forward to 盼望pay attention to 注意stick to 坚持attend to 专心;注意;照料;see to 负责;注意contribute to对…作贡献;有助于make contributions to对…作贡献apply oneself to 致力于come close to几乎;将近reply to 回答add to 增加add up to 加起来in addition to除…之外turn to转向;求助于feel up to 能胜任于look up to 尊敬admit to承认belong to 属于take to 喜爱;开始cling to 附着fall to 开始respond to 回答;对…作出回应accustom oneself to 使自己习惯于amount to等于set an example to 给…树立榜样refer to 谈到;参考;查阅agree to sth. 同意某事(比较:agree to do sth. 同意做某事)prefer… to…更喜欢take/make a trip to到…地方去join…to…把…和…连接起来turn a blind eye to对…视而不见turn a deaf ear to 对…充耳不闻show honor to向…表示敬意put a n end to(bring… to an end) 结束drink (a toast) to 为……干杯propose a toast to 提议……set fire to 放火烧……happen to… 发生了……事occur to sb. 想起;想到total up to 总计达be close to 几乎;将近hold to 坚持;抓住help oneself to 随便用…… hold on to 抓住;固守do harm to 对……有害处do wrong to 冤枉某人date back to 追溯到come to 来到;达到;结果为(比较:come to do sth逐渐做某事)when it comes to… 谈到……时give an eye to着眼于have an eye to doing 打算describe to 向……描述treat sb. to sth. 请某人吃……trust sth. to sb.把某物委托给某人pay a visit to 参观……the key to ……的答案access to 进入;取得的方法on one’s way to 在去某处的路上;在达成某事的过程中be a stranger to 不习惯;对……陌生be kind to 对……和善be important to 对……重要be senior to 年龄长于……be junior to年龄小于……be equal to 和……相等be particular to ……所特有的(比较:be particular about 对……过于讲究;挑剔)be subject to 服从;隶属;易遭\受\患be familiar to 为……熟悉be similar to 和……相似be open to 对……开放be loyal to 对……忠诚be helpful to对……有益处 be useful to对……有用be good to sb对某人好(比较:be good for 对……有益处)be bad to 对……不好be bad for(比较:对……有害处)be new to 对……不习惯;对……陌生next to(否定词前)几乎;next to ……的旁边due to 由于;归因于……be due to do sth.预定要做某事owing to 由于;因……的缘故thanks to 多亏了;由于as to 关于;至于in/with regard to 关于in/with relation to 关于;就……而论according to 根据subject to 在……条件下;依照1.as an old saying goes,....正如一句古老的谚语所说2....be nothing but... ....不过就是...3.from where i stand.... 从我的立场来说4.give oneself a chance to.....给某人一个机会去...5.i feel sure that...我坚信...6....is the best way to make sure that....确保...的最好办法是...7.we must do our absolute best to....我们必须竭尽全力做...8.there is no denying the fect that...无可否认....9.nothing is more+adj.+than to+v.没有比...更重要的了10.主语+cannot emphasize the importance of....too much 再怎么强调..的重要性也不为过11....pose a great threat to... ...对..造成了一大威胁(eg.Pollution poses a great threat to our existance.)12.stole the spotlight from...从...获得大众的瞩目13....touch sb. on the raw ....触到某人的痛处14.it is not uncommon that... 这是常有的事儿。

高考英语作文必背之高级词汇、短语、句型第一:to begin/start with第二:in addition/what’s more最后:last but not least总之:to sum up/in conclusion/in summary机会:opportunity选择:alternative考虑:take …into account/considerationcome up 接近、靠近make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会carry on doing sth. 坚持做某事be divided into 被分成get involved in 涉及、参与as far as I’m concerned 我认为as far as I know 就我所知as for me 对于我来说from my point of view 从我的观点来看personally speaking 个人认为for instance 例如take …for an example 以……为例as to 关于senior high school (美国)高中make an impression 留下好印象concentrate on 集中精力于junior high school (美国)初级中学look forward to 盼望、期待prefer …to …喜欢……多于……suitable for 对……合适的sign up ( for sth. ) 报名(参加课程)be responsible for 对……负责be attracted to 喜爱focus on 集中、特别关注addicted to 对……很入迷apply for 申请take control of 控制、接管check in (在旅馆、机场等)登记set an example 树立榜样fall apart 破裂、破碎、崩溃pretend to do sth. 假装做某事rather than 而不是compare …with …与……比较in ruins 严重受损、破败不堪in shock 震惊、吃惊sweep away 消灭、彻底消除refer to 指的是、描述、提到、查阅relate to 与……相关、涉及、谈到keep balance 保持平衡have sb./sth. doing sth. 让某人/使某事一直……、容忍某人做某事have sb. do sth. 叫某人做某事have sth. done 让别人做某事、使遭受……have sth. to do 有某事要做bring up 教养、抚养keep a check on 检查a reasonable student 挺好的学生with the assistance ofIt is time that sb. did sth.是某人做某事的时候了。

在高考英语作文中,考生还可以丰富自己的表达方式,使用更加地道的短语。比如,可以将“a lot of”替换为“a considerable number of”,将“very happy”替换为“over the moon”,将“very important”替换为“of great significance”等。这样的替换可以让作文的逻辑更加严密,表达更加清晰。


⾼考英语作⽂的⾼级词汇和短语分析 在⾼考英语作⽂上多运⽤⾼级的词汇和短语,会使得作⽂更加⾼级,拿到的分数也会更加的多,下⾯店铺的⼩编将为⼤家带来⾼考英语中的⾼级词汇和短语的介绍,希望能够帮助到⼤家。
⾼考英语作⽂的⾼级词汇和短语 1、引出开头 It is commonly believed that…⼈们⼀般认为 Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus最近……问题引起了关注 It is universally acknowledged that + 句⼦全世界都知道... A lot of people seem to think that……很多⼈似乎认为… 2、表⽰结尾 In short, it can be said that…总之,他的意思是… From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that…从上⾯提到的,我们可以得出结论… Only in this way can we …只有这样,我们才能… Spare no effort to + V 不遗余⼒的 There is no doubt that 有优点也有缺点 3、学校⽣活及学习成绩 Be getting on well with one’s study某⼈的学习越来越好 put one’s heart into…专⼼于;致⼒于 arise from 由....引起 Some people… while others…⼀些⼈ …⽽另外⼀些⼈ acquire knowledge and skills学习知识和技能 make joint efforts做出共同努⼒ 4、彼此沟通信息 Write sb a letter saying…给某⼈写信说... express one’s idea (feelings) in English⽤英语表达⼀个⼈的思想(感情) Views on …vary from person to person对…观点因⼈⽽异 set forth a compromise proposal提出折中提议 enhance/ promote mutual understanding 增进相互了解 5、其他 be in good shape be angry about…为某事⽣⽓ Thank you for your letter. Looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you. 不可否认 It is undeniable that不可否认 an irresistible trend of必然趋势 realize one’s dream实现梦想 The main reasons are listed as follows主要理由列举如下 ⾼考英语作⽂的名⼈名⾔介绍 Things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose to from and dignity: love looks not with the eyes, but with mind. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1.1) 卑贱和劣⾏在爱情看来都不算数,都可以被转化成美满和庄严:爱情不⽤眼睛辨别,⽽是⽤⼼灵来判断/爱⽤的不是眼睛,⽽是⼼。

热点话题一:爱好与兴趣01基本词汇favorite(最喜欢的); taste(爱好,志趣);read novels(读小说); surfthe Internet(上网);chat online(在线聊天);collect stamps(集邮); makefriends(交网友); climbmountains(爬山);enjoy pop music(喜欢流行音乐)02亮点词汇hobby(业余爱好);be fond of(喜欢);be keen on(对⋯着迷);have a taste in(喜爱);have a great love for(非常喜爱⋯);be interested in(对⋯感兴趣);have a great love for(非常喜爱⋯);develop an interest in (在某方面培养兴趣 )基本词汇friendly ( 友好的 );personal matters ( 私事 );trust each other ( 互相信任 );share...with sb.( 与某人分享 );a friend in need ( 患难之交 ) ;a strong personality ( a closefriend ( make friends with sb.( keep in touch with sb.( stay best friends with sb.(亮点词汇热点话题二: 01友谊 02个性强 );个亲密的朋友 ); 和某人交朋友 ); 与某人保持联系 );和某人保持很好友谊 )develop an interest in(在某方面培养兴趣)precious(珍贵的);be paid by the hour ( 按小时发工资 );worthy ( 有价值的 ); be loyal to ( 对⋯⋯忠诚 );get to know sb.( know sb. very well (understanding ( keep sb. company.(热点话题三:招聘与求职01基本词汇good grades ( 良好的成绩 );employ ( 雇用 );subject ( 课程 ); degree ( 学位 );health ( 健康状况 );confident ( 自信的 );full time ( 全职的 ); part time ( 兼职的 );scholarship ( 奖学金 ); well paid ( 薪水高的 );be good at ( 擅长 ); experienced ( 有经验的 );graduate from ( 毕业于 );认识某人 ); 熟知某人 ); 善解人意的 ); 陪伴,做伴 )working experience(工作经验); present address(目前的地址);stay/keep healthy/fit(保持健康);stay/keep healthy/fit ( 保持健康 );亮点词汇resume (简历 );apply for(申请 );major in ( 主修 );minor in(辅修 ) ;requirement ( 要求 );schooling (学校教育qualification ( 资格,学历 ); transcript ( 学生成绩报告单 ); be skilled in/at ( 在⋯⋯方面熟练 )基本词汇strong ( 强壮的 );nutrition ( 营养 ); fat ( 太胖的 );thin ( 瘦的 );lose weight ( 减肥 ) ; nearsighted/short/sighted ( 近视的 );normal ( 正常的 );abnormal ( 不正常的 );02热点话题四: 01中学生健康问题good living habit ( 良好的生活习惯 );energetic ( 精力旺盛的 ); eating habit ( 饮食习惯 );eat too much junk food (physical and mental condition(enough sleep ( unhealthy/healthy (吃太多的垃圾食品 );身体与精神状况 ) ;充足的睡眠 );不健康的 / 健康的 );亮点词汇be/go on a diet ( 节食 ); overweight ( 太胖的 );proper diet ( 合理的饮食 );ease the burden ( be goodfor/do good to ( take regular exercise ( build up one's body ( improve one's02减轻负担 );对⋯⋯有益处 )进行有规律的运动 )强身健体 ); 强身健体 )01基本词汇health(热点话题五:校园文明与安全问题get in line (排队);behave well(表现良好);break the rules(违反规定); cheat in the exam(考试作弊);fight with sb.(与某人打架); punish sb. for (因⋯⋯处罚某人);be neatly dressed(穿戴整洁); be on time(准时);spit(吐痰);school rules and regulations(respect one's teachers and parents (keep the environment clean(学校规章制度);尊敬师长);保持环境干净)0201基本词汇亮点词汇civilized(文明的);be expected to(被期望); observe discipline(遵守纪律); be of no good to (对⋯⋯毫无益处)亮点词汇 do great harm to( 给⋯⋯带来很大危害 ) protect rare animals( 保护稀有动物 ); improve the environment( 改善环境 ) build ( 创建 );honest ( 诚实的 ); credible ( 可信的 );热点话题六:环境保护 01基本词汇pollute( waste water( save energy( cut down trees( throw rubbish around( protect the 污染 ); 废水 ); 节省能源 ); 砍伐树木 ); 乱扔垃圾 ); 保护周边环境 ) 02热点话题七:和谐社会01基本词汇peaceful(和平的);balanced(平衡的);social order(社会秩序);harmonious(和谐的);have a liking for (喜爱);help each other(互助);care for each other(互相关心); cherish(珍惜); public morals(社会道德);sustainable development(可持续发展)02亮点词汇devote to(献身);be concerned with (关心);live in harmony(和谐共处);be public spirited(有公德心的);。

高考英语作文的高级词汇和短语分析高考英语作文的高级词汇和短语1、引出开头It is commonly believed that…人们一般认为Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus最近……问题引起了注重It is universally acknowledged that + 句子全世界都知道...A lot of people seem to think that……很多人似乎认为…2、表示结尾In short, it can be said that…总来说之,他的意思是…From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that…从上面提到的,我们能够得出结论…Only in this way can we …只有这样,我们才能…Spare no effort to + V 不遗余力的There is no doubt that 有优点也有缺点3、学校生活及学习成绩Be getting on well with ones study某人的学习越来越好put ones heart into…专心于;致力于arise from 由....引起Some people… while others…一些人 …而另外一些人acquire knowledge and skills学习知识和技能make joint efforts做出共同努力4、彼此沟通信息Write sb a letter saying…给某人写信说...express ones idea (feelings) in English用英语表达一个人的思想(感情)Views on „vary from person to person对„观点因人而异set forth a compromise proposal提出折中提议enhance/ promote mutual understanding 增进相互了解5、其他be in good shapebe angry about…为某事生气Thank you for your letter.Looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you.不可否认 It is undeniable that不可否认an irresistible trend of必然趋势realize ones dream实现梦想The main reasons are listed as follows主要理由列举如下高考英语作文的名人名言介绍Things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose to from and dignity: love looks not with the eyes, but with mind. (A Midsummer Nights Dream 1.1)卑贱和劣行在爱情看来都不算数,都能够被转化成美满和庄严:爱情不用眼睛辨别,而是用心灵来判断/爱用的不是眼睛,而是心。

一、高考英语作文常用高级句型词汇2.其次, 第二, 第三, 第四……:furthermore, moreover, in addition, besides3.最后:finally;last but not least:(提及最后的人或事物时说)最后但同样重要的4.现在(当前), XXXX现象是不可避免且难以否认的Currently, there is an inevitable and undeniable fact that ……At present, it is inevitable and undeniable that …..例句:Currently, there is an inevitable and undeniable fact that computer is playing a significant role in our daily livesAt present, it is inevitable and undeniable that advertisement has been flooding into our daily lives5.随着社会(科技)的发展,人们开始注意到XXXX的重要性Along with the advance of the society (science and technology), people are attaching much importance to ……例句:Along with the advance of the society, people are attaching more and more importance to the interview in the job-hunting6.最近, XXXXX现象引起了人们的广泛注重Recently, the phenomenon that …… has aroused wide public concern例句:Recently, the phenomenon that CPI keeps increasing has aroused wide public concern7.一部分人认为……., 而另一部分人认为……Some people argue that….., whereas others maintain that….8. 就我个人来说(老实说), 我全力支持前者(后者eg. As for me, I am in high favor of the former (latter).Personally, I side with the former (latter)Frankly speaking/ To be frank/ To be honest/ Honestly speaking, it is the former (latter) that I approve of9.我认为(在我看来,就我看来,我的观点是, 我想….)I am convinced that….As far as I am concerned, …..From my point of view, …..From where I stand, ……11.所以, 基于以上讨论, 我们很容易得出……的结论Based on the discussion above, it is easy for us to draw the conclusion that…..12.作文中一些可用来替换常用词汇的高级词汇important—significant; good—stunning/ fabulous/ sensational ; way—approach/ methoduse—adopt; understand/know—figure… out ; but—nevertheless; so—consequently/ thereforebecause of—due to; like to do/want to do— be willing to do; finish—accomplish;13.According to the statistics provided by..., it can be seen that...14. There is good/sufficient evidence to show that...15. No one can ignore/overlook the fact that...二、用于文章结尾的句型:1) From what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that ...综上所述,我们能够得出结论2) It is high time that we put considerable/great/special emphasis on ...是时候我们该注重…了3) There is no immediate solution to the problem of..., but... might be helpful/beneficial.没有立即的问题解决办法,但是…或许有用.4 )In short,... we should learn to...; Only in this way can the most difficult problems be solved properly.总来说之,我们应该学会去…,只有这样最困难的麻烦才会被恰当解决。

高级词汇:To my mind/As far as I know you'd better arrive on time because being punctual is considered polite in China.2.普通词汇:(全国卷I)Some famous Chinese artists will appear and perform at the exhibition.高级词汇:Some famous Chinese artists will turn up and perform at the exhibition.出现3.普通词汇:We will leave for the nursing home at8:00a.m.on Saturday to accompany the elderly for the Double Ninth Festival.高级词汇:We will set off for the nursing home at8:00a.m.on Saturday to accompany the elderly for the Double Ninth Festival.动身去4.普通词汇:(全国卷I)I sincerely hope that you will consider my suggestions.高级词汇:I sincerely hope that you will take my suggestions into account.采纳我的建议5.普通词汇:When you are in trouble,you can ask me for help.高级词汇:When you are in trouble,you can turn to me.向我寻求帮助6.普通词汇:First of all,remember that you had better arrive punctually or some time earlier than the appointed time.高级词汇:First of all,bear in mind that you had better arrive punctually or some time earlier than the appointed time.记得7.普通词汇:Global warming is greatly affecting hundreds of plant and animal species around the world.高级词汇:Global warming is having a great impact on hundreds of plant and animalspecies around the world.有影响8.普通词汇:The senior students are strongly against being treated unfairly by others.高级词汇:The senior students are opposed strongly to/strongly objected to being treated unfairly by others.强烈反对9.普通词汇:So many students join in ihe competition,so it is difficult for you to defend your championship.高级词汇:With so many students participating in the competition,it is difficult for you to defend your championship.10.普通词汇:Few of us teenagers think our phones are much more important than our friends.高级词汇:Few of us teenagers attach much more importance to our phones than to our friends.认为……更重要11.普通词汇:When I'm feeling sad,my mother tells me funny stories to make me happy.高级词汇:When I'm depressed my mother tells me funny stories to cheer me up.沮丧;让我开心12.普通词汇:Standing at the top of the hill,you can see the whole city.高级词汇:Standing at the top of the hill,you can catch sight of the whole city.看见13.普通词汇:I would like to express my sincere thanks to you for your help.高级词汇:l would like to convey my sincere appreciation to you for your assistance.表达谢意;帮助14.你是如此的勤奋以至于我尽量去了解更多的唐诗。

高考英语作文帮助(高级词汇+常用句型+好词好句+优秀范文+整体提升和提示)一.高级词汇1.occur 替换think ofSuddenly I had an idea that someone had broken into my house. →An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.2.devote替换spendHe spends all his spare time in reading. →He devotes all his spare time to reading.3.seek替换want / look forThey sought ( wanted ) to hide themselves behind the trees.4.average 替换ordinaryI’m an average ( ordinary ) student.5.but替换veryThe film we saw last night was very interesting. →The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting.The film we saw last night was anything but boring.6.seat 替换sitOn his way to school, he found an old lady seated (sitting) by the road, looking worried.7.suppose 替换shouldHe is supposed to ( should ) have driven more slowly.8.appreciate 替换thankThank you very much for you help. →We appreciate your help very much. / Your help is much appreciated.9.the case替换trueI don’t think it is the case ( true ).10.on替换as soon asAs soon as he arrived, he began his research. →On his arrival, he began his research..11.due to替换because ofHe arrived late due to ( because of ) the storm.12.cover替换walk/readAfter covering (walking) 10 miles, we all felt tired.13.contribute to替换be helpful/usefulPlenty of memory work is undoubtedly helpful to English study. →Plenty of memory work will undoubtedly contribute to English study.14.round the corner 替换coming soon/ nearby① The summer vacation is round the corner ( coming). Do you have any plans?② Li Ming studies in a school round the corner (nearby).15.come to light替换discoverThe family were so pleased when they discovered the lost jewels. →The family were so pleased when the lost jewels came to light.16.have a ball替换have a good time/ enjoy oneselfAfter visiting the workshop, we went back to school. Every one of us had a ball ( hada good time ).17.come up with替换think ofJack is very clever. He often comes up with ( thinks of ) new ideas.18.set aside替换saveSome students think that they should set aside some of their pocket money for books. (2004天津卷)19.be of + n. 替换adj.The products are of high quality (very good ) and are sold everywhere in China. 20.refer to 替换talk about/of, mentionThe professor you referred to (talked about ) is very famous.21.can not but / can not help but替换have to doI could not but (had to) go home.22.more often than not替换usuallyMore often than not (Usually), the meaning of many words can be easily guessed. 23.lest替换so that /in order thatI wrote down his telephone number so that I would not forget it. →I wrote down his telephone number lest I (should) forget it.24.be long for sth. / be long to do sth. 替换want to do sth./wish forI want to see you very much. →I am long to see you.25.be caught up in/be crazy about/be absorbed in/be addicted to替换be interested in He is caught up in ( very interested in ) collecting stamps.26.more than替换very① I’m very glad to learn that you are coming in September. →I’m more than glad to learn that you are coming in September. ( NMET 2003 )② If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help.(2004全国卷) 27.perfect (ly) 替换good/ very wellHe speaks perfect ( good ) English./ He speaks English perfectly ( very well ).28.do sb a/the favor 替换helpWould you please do me the favor ( help me ) to turn down the radio?29.the other day替换a few days agoThe other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle. ( NMET 1997 )30.in the course of替换duringIn the course of (During) the mountain-climbing, please help each other and pay special attention to your safety.31.the majority of替换mostThe majority of (Most of ) the interviewees prefer watching TV at home to going to the cinema.32.consist of替换be made up ofOur class consists of ( is made up of ) 50 students.33.be worn out替换be tired / broken① After five hours’ non-stop work, we were all worn out (tired).② My shoes are worn out (broken). Please buy me a new pair.34.become of替换happenWhat do think has become of ( happened to ) him ?35.attend to替换look after36.on condition that替换as long as37.nevertheless替换however38.express one’s satisfaction with替换be satisfied with39.spare no efforts to do替换try one’s best to do40.many a 替换many41.be rushed off one’s feet 替换be busy in doing②用非谓语动词形式开头ⅰ)In order to improve our English, our school held an English contest.ⅱ)Walking towards the cinema, he met a foreigner.(2)长短句交错使用(注意:应突出主题句;长句子并非越长越好)◆◆相关过渡语1). 表示时间顺序: first, then, afterwards, meanwhile, later,first of all, finally, atlast…2). 表示空间顺序: near, next to, far from, in front of, on the left, on one side…3). 表示比较、对照: like, unlike, such as, but, however, on the other hand, on thecontrary, nevertheless, otherwise…4). 表示因果关系: because, for, as a result, therefore, thus…5). 表示递进关系: besides, what’s more, what was worse, moreover, furthermore, in addition, on top of…6). 表示并列关系: and, as well as, also…7). 表示总结性: in general, in a word, in short, on the whole, to sum up, in brief, to conclude…[英语作文常用句型]在英语写作中,有一些句型的搭配能力非常强,基本上可以用在各种话题的议论文中,如果能将这些句型掌握并熟练应用一定会使你的英文写作得心应手。
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It is commonly believed that人们一般认为
Recently the problem of has been brought into focus最近问题引起了关注
It is universally acknowledged that + 句子全世界都知道...
A lot of people seem to think that很多人似乎认为
In short, it can be said that总之,他的意思是
From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论
Only in this way can we 只有这样,我们才能
Spare no effort to + V 不遗余力的
There is no doubt that 有优点也有缺点
Be getting on well with ones study某人的学习越来越好
put ones heart into专心于;致力于
arise from 由....引起
Some people while others一些人而另外一些人
acquire knowledge and skills学习知识和技能
make joint efforts做出共同努力
Write sb a letter saying给某人写信说...
express ones idea (feelings) in English用英语表达一个人的思想(感情)
Views on vary from person to person对观点因人而异
set forth a compromise proposal提出折中提议
enhance/ promote mutual understanding 增进相互了解
be in good shape
be angry about为某事生气
Thank you for your letter.
Looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you.
不可否认It is undeniable that不可否认
an irresistible trend of必然趋势
realize ones dream实现梦想
The main reasons are listed as follows主要理由列举如下
Things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose to from and dignity: love looks not with the eyes, but with mind. (A Midsummer Nights Dream 1.1) 卑贱和劣行在爱情看来都不算数,都可以被转化成美满和庄严:爱情不用眼睛辨别,而是用心灵来判断/爱用的不是眼睛,而是心。
The course of true love never did run smooth. (A Midsummer Nights Dream 1.1) 真爱无坦途。
Lord, what fools these mortals be! (A Midsummer Nights Dream 3.2)
The lunatic, the lover and the poet are of imagination all compact. (A Midsummer Nights Dream 5.1)
Since the little wit that fools have was silencd, the little foolery that wise men have makes a great show. (As You Like It, 1.2)
as you like it,All the worlds a stage,And all the men and women merely players;They have their exits and their entrances;And one man in his time plays many parts.(As You Like It)