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教育实习生个人工作总结(Summary of personal work of educational interns)

初来乍到的你是不是还不熟悉怎么写工作总结呢?下面是我搜集整理的教育实习生个人工作总结,欢迎阅读。更多资讯请继续关注工作总结格式栏目!(Are you a newcomer not familiar with how to write a work summary? The following is a personal work summary of the educational interns that I have collected. Welcome to read. For more information, please continue to pay attention to the work summary format column!)

教育实习生个人工作总结(Summary of personal work of educational interns)


(During the internship, the biggest problem I encountered was how to educate students who have been infected with bad social atmosphere and don't treat teachers---especially the intern teachers seriously. In this school, the teaching results are very unsatisfactory, and the discipline needs to be strengthened, so corporal punishment is very serious. The former head teacher also told me. Can't be kind to those students. Because they won't listen to you at all. Penalties for disobedience. But I don't agree with this view, because their age is the most rebellious stage, and it is a normal phenomenon in their growth, and evil cannot be used to control evil. Therefore, in peacetime, I pay special attention to those students, and when I have time, I communicate with them more and gradually influence them. There was a male classmate who was not good in my initial impression, but after a month, I realized that he had changed a lot, his homework was very serious, he passed the two language tests, and he was very polite to me. In my heart, the heartfelt happiness is



了很多话、第一次有人甜甜的叫我老师,第一次......。我想这些酸甜苦辣、这些第一次将是我人生中的一次伟大的经历。将是我今后走上工作岗位后的一笔财富。用我上过的第七课的一篇课文题目来说,你就是---第一次真好!(More than a month of internship life has ended. I will continue to chew, relish, explore and discover the ups and downs in my future work. In this more than a month, there have been many of my first times: the first time I really stood on the podium, the first time I spoke a lot of words to students, the first time someone called me a teacher sweetly, the first time .... I think these ups and downs, these first times will be a great experience in my life. It will be a wealth for me after I embark on the job. To use the title of a text in the seventh lesson that I have taken, you are---the first time is great!)

在此,对带队老师林老师、指导老师武老师、原班主任孙老师以及安顺六中所有支持和帮助我的老师、领导表示衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意!(Here, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and high respect to all the teachers and leaders of Anshun No. 6 Middle School who supported and helped me!)

实习生个人工作总结(Personal work summary of interns)

