




















A、大于B、小于C、等于D、小于或等于正确答案:A、2、BG006大港油田生产的YLⅡ—100型螺杆钻具中有一种最大排量为300L rain其扭矩为A、A、22555N·mB、27459N·mC、32555N·mD、37459N·m正确答案:A、3、BM007安全带金属配件上应打上A、标志。





井下作业 英语

井下作业 英语

井下作业英语English:Underground work refers to any type of work that takes place beneath the surface of the earth, such as mining, tunneling, or drilling. These types of jobs often present unique challenges and hazards that must be carefully managed to ensure the safety of workers. Common hazards associated with underground work include unstable rock formations, exposure to harmful gases or chemicals, and the risk of cave-ins or collapses. To mitigate these risks, employers must provide comprehensive training to workers, enforce strict safety protocols, and supply appropriate protective equipment. Additionally, regular monitoring and inspections of underground worksites are essential to identify and address potential hazards before they escalate into serious incidents. By prioritizing safety and taking proactive measures to mitigate risks, underground work can be carried out successfully and safely.中文翻译:井下作业指的是在地下表面进行的任何类型的工作,例如采矿、隧道挖掘或钻孔等。



井下作业工理论知识试题(中级)一、单项选择题(共25小题,每小题2分,共50分)1、BA027如果用r表示套管内径半径(m)h表示人工井底深度(m)k表示附加量(取50~100)则压井液用量V计算公式为C、A、V=πr2h*kB、V=πr3h*kC、V=πr2h*(k+1)D、V=πr3h+k正确答案:A、2、BJ001铅模下至鱼顶以上5m时开泵大排量冲洗排量不小于500L min边冲洗边慢下油管下放速度不超过B、A、1m minB、2m minC、3m minD、5m min正确答案:B、3、BH002关于安装抽油机防喷盒的注意事项中说法不确切的是C、A、安装抽油机防喷盒是在活塞进入泵筒后已调整完井内抽油杆的情况下进行的B、用抽油杆吊卡提光杆时由于其上部有防喷盒必须有专人扶起防喷盒防止将光杆压弯C、放人胶皮填料时上下两块切口位置应对齐并朝向同一个方向D、防喷盒各部件多为铸铁因此上扣时注意不能过紧以防挤裂正确答案:C、4、BC001套管刮削过程中接近刮削井段前应D、A、始终保持反循环洗井B、始终保持正循环洗井C、正循环和反循环交替洗井D、一刮到底中间不得洗井正确答案:D、5、BF001潜油电泵机组的井下部分由A、组成。







井下作业专业英语答辩题库1、什么是打捞?What is “fishing”?打捞是指打捞扭断或其它原因造成的井下落物。

“Fishing”is the term used for recovery of pipe twisted off or otherwise lost downhole.2、管柱卡有哪些类型?How many types of pipe sticking are there?有机械卡、泥浆卡、键槽卡、水泥卡、井喷卡、井眼坍塌卡、小井眼卡、井漏卡和压差卡。

There are mechanical sticking, mud sticking, key seat sticking, cement sticking, blowout sticking, sloughing hole sticking, undergauge hole sticking, lost circulation sticking, and differential pipe sticking.3、哪一种打捞工具使用得最普遍?Which one is the most popular of all fishing tools?卡瓦打捞筒。

The overshot.4、大多数卡瓦打捞筒由什么组成?What do most overshots consist of?大多数卡瓦打捞筒由筒体、上接头、导向器、卡瓦、控制器、密封装置、限位器和某些附件组成。

Most overshots consist of a bowl, top sub, guide and the grapple or slip, a control, packoff, stop, and perhaps some additional accessory.5、震击器是什么工具?What tool are jars?震击器是一种对被卡落雨进行上下强震击的冲击工具。



井下作业工试卷及答案一、判断题(共100题,共200分)1. 试油不仅能为编制油田开发方案提供依据,而且能为新区勘探指明方向(江南博哥)正确答案:正确2. 原油全分析项目中原油物理性质包括密度、粘度正确答案:错误3. 天然气分析项目中的物理性质包括相对密度、粘度、临界温度、临界压力正确答案:正确4. 井身结构主要是由下入井内的各类套管及各层套管外的水泥环组成正确答案:正确5. 井身结构中,表层套管与油层套管之间的套管叫技术套管正确答案:正确6. 完钻井深指的是从第一根套管接箍到钻井完成时钻头所钻进的最后位置之间的距离正确答案:错误7. 杆式抽油泵包括定筒式顶部固定杆式泵、定筒式底部固定杆式泵、动筒式底部固定杆式泵、动筒式顶部固定杆式泵正确答案:错误8. 斜井泵能用于水平井段正确答案:错误9. 螺杆泵的扬程受液体粘度影响大。

粘度越高,泵效越好,所以扬程就越大正确答案:错误10. 无游梁式抽油机都是靠砝码平衡的正确答案:错误11. 特形双驴头游梁式抽油机正转时驴头慢提快放,适用于抽稀油正确答案:正确12. 游梁式抽油机中的“四连杆机构”是指抽油机的曲柄、连杆、横梁及游梁正确答案:错误13. 常规复合平衡抽油机中复合平衡是指曲柄平衡加游梁平衡正确答案:正确14. 异相曲柄复合平衡抽油机中异相是指曲柄中心与平衡重中心线间有一相位角正确答案:正确15. 链条式抽油机平衡方式是砝码平衡正确答案:错误16. 采油树是指油管头上法兰及以上的设备正确答案:正确17. 油管头就是油管悬挂器正确答案:错误18. 潜油电泵装置抽油工作流程由下至上依次为分离器、潜油泵、泄压阀、单向阀、井口装置正确答案:错误19. 潜油泵包括潜油电机、保护器、分离器和离心泵正确答案:错误20. 潜油电泵悬挂在油管底部正确答案:正确21. 潜油电泵标准管柱由下至上依次为潜油电机、保护器、分离器、潜油泵正确答案:正确22. 潜油电机与保护器之间的壳体是用花键套连接的正确答案:错误23. 潜油电机的转子是分节的正确答案:正确24. 潜油电机是用油路循环系统来实现冷却和润滑正确答案:正确25. 大功率潜油电机可采用并联运行正确答案:错误26. 潜油电泵的保护器有防止电机过载的功能正确答案:错误27. 潜油电泵的保护器有防止井液进入电机的功能正确答案:正确28. 潜油电泵的连通式保护器,可实现井液与电机油直接接触正确答案:错误29. 潜油电泵的沉淀式保护器,可实现井液与电机油直接接触正确答案:正确30. 潜油电泵分离器是利用钢网进行分离的正确答案:错误31. 潜油泵叶轮的级数很多,可达到几百级正确答案:正确32. 潜油泵的叶轮是全部固定在轴上正确答案:错误33. 潜油电泵动力电缆有特殊的电缆头用于连接电机引线正确答案:错误34. 起下潜油电缆时,必须使用导向轮正确答案:正确35. 潜油电泵安装作业时,可将装配好的潜油电泵立在井架内36. 潜油电泵单向阀,应装在泵以上的第一个油管接头处正确答案:错误37. 起出潜油电缆时,应先将电缆卡子撬断后再上提油管正确答案:错误38. 当潜油电缆起出后,重新绕到电缆盘上时,应使用手锤将电缆排齐正确答案:错误39. 潜油电泵测压阀安装在单向阀下方正确答案:错误40. 潜油电泵测压阀具有泄油阀的作用正确答案:正确41. 底部吸入口可以增加潜油电泵的排量正确答案:正确42. 电缆悬挂式潜油电泵,是应用标准管柱形式抽油正确答案:错误43. 底部排出口管柱结构的封隔器安装在排出口上正确答案:正确44. 气体含量过大,会造成潜油电泵的泵效降低正确答案:正确45. 潜油电泵分离器反正转时,分离效果是相同的正确答案:错误46. 井液粘度大会减小泵的漏失量,使泵效提高正确答案:错误47. 在打捞脱落堆积的潜油电缆时,应先将电缆压实后,再整体打捞正确答案:错误48. 当潜油电泵无法用震击解卡时可采用磨铣处理正确答案:正确49. 打捞潜油电泵时,应使用活动外钩正确答案:错误50. 潜油电泵所需的功率与水相对密度成反比正确答案:错误51. 潜油电缆的压降与压降系数成正比正确答案:正确52. 潜油泵的级数与泵的总动压头成正比正确答案:正确53. 穿提升大绳,爬井架的人必须系好安全带正确答案:正确54. 穿提升大绳,准备活动扳手要适合规格要求55. 天车上的操作人员负责调整引绳及提升大绳入滑轮槽工作正确答案:正确56. 地面人员要观察天车上人员而进行穿大绳操作正确答案:正确57. 新启用的提升大绳应在穿大绳前松劲,以免穿大绳时打扭正确答案:正确58. 患有高血压人员可以上井架工作正确答案:错误59. 卡提升大绳活绳头使绳环直径小于10cm正确答案:正确60. 卡好的活绳环,不磨碰滚筒护罩为好正确答案:正确61. 电弧焊焊接时,采用交流电焊机,两极加热不一样,必须注意接线方法正确答案:错误62. 外径千分尺是用来测量精密工件外形尺寸的工具正确答案:正确63. 磨削钢件时,广泛采用的切削液是煤油正确答案:错误64. 对于直径大而长度短的重型零件,多用卧式车床加工正确答案:错误65. 表面热处理主要分为表面淬火和表面化学热处理正确答案:正确66. 淬火的目的主要是为消除和降低零件的内应力正确答案:错误67. 正火与退火的区别是前者的冷却速度慢,过冷度小正确答案:错误68. 铜合金分为黄铜、青铜和白铜正确答案:正确69. 工业纯铜常用来制造电线、电器零件正确答案:正确70. 机械制造用合金钢的机械性能均比优质碳素结构钢高正确答案:正确71. 45钢是属于中碳钢的一种正确答案:正确72. Q235-AF是球墨铸铁的一种正确答案:错误73. 铸铁中,球墨铸铁比较常见74. 低合金结构钢是一类可焊接的低合金工程结构用钢正确答案:正确75. 设计打捞工具时,可以不用了解井况,只要设计出的工具便于操作即可正确答案:错误76. 设计打捞工具时,不需要考虑工具的可退性,只要能捞住落鱼即可正确答案:错误77. 在打捞作业中,应尽可能设计新的打捞工具,以满足打捞工作的顺利进行正确答案:错误78. 在整个修井作业过程中,应注意保护周边环境,防止废液落地正确答案:正确79. 在设计打捞工具时,工具的功能要尽量满足打捞处理意见的要求。



井下作业工中级(理论知识)模拟试卷2(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 判断题请判断下列各题正误。

3. 简答题 4. 计算题单项选择题下列各题的备选答案中,只有一个是符合题意的。

1.通井规下入井后,油管的下放速度应控制在( )。

A.5~10m/minB.10~20m/minC.20~30m/minD.30~40m/min正确答案:B2.若油层口袋较短,长度在100m以内,应将替喷管柱完成在距井底( )的位置。

A.0.5~1.0mB.1.5~2.0mC.2~5mD.5~10m正确答案:B3.临界速度测气时注意分离器油标上升情况,防止分离器压力( )。

A.上升B.下降C.过高D.过低正确答案:C4.裸眼井通井,通井规的下放速度应小于( )。

A.0.3m/sB.0.4m/sC.0.5m/sD.0.8m/s正确答案:C5.替喷前要对进口管线进行试压,试压压力为预计工作压力的( )倍,稳压5min不刺不漏为合格。

A.1.2B.1.3C.1.5D.2.0正确答案:C6.分离器是借助流体彼此间( )不同而达到分离油气、水的目的。

A.重量B.密度C.质量D.溶解度正确答案:B7.闸板防喷器封闭不严的应( )。







A.(1)(3)(4)(5)B.(1)(2)(4)(6)C.(1)(2)(3)(3)(6)D.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)正确答案:D8.某井选用型号为GX-T127的刮管器,则该井的套管外径为( )。

A.114.3mmB.127mmC.139.7mmD.146mm正确答案:B9.在进行混气水或泡沫冲砂施工时,井口应装( )。

A.单流阀B.针形阀C.封井器D.高压封井器正确答案:D10.水化学分析法找水是根据水中游离的( )含量,判断是地层水还是注入水。
















1.5 倍计算,需要准备多少压井液(单位为立方米取小 数点后两位)?
? 已知:井深 3352m ,套管内径 d套内 =123.7mm ,油管外径 D油外 =73mm ,油管内径 d油内 =62mm ,附加系数 K=1.5,求压井液用量 V。
? 解: V液=∏/4(d套内 2-d油外 2+ d油内 2).H.k= 3.14/4×( 0.1237 20.0732+0.0622)× 3352×1.5≈54.58( m3)
1、某井套管(tào ɡu1ǎ4n0)m外m ,径每为米容积(ró1n2g.j0ī7)L为,下
入φ73mm油管2850m ,油管壁(ɡuǎn bì)厚1每.1米7L体,积水
泥车以 350L/min 的排量替喷,需要多长时间可完成
已知:已知每米套管容积 V套=12.07L,油管每米体
? 解: V液 =∏/4(d油 2-d内2).H.k= 3.14 /4×( 0.073 2- 0.062 2) ×3145.8 ×1.2≈4.45( m3)
? 答:起出油管最少需要 4.45m3的压井液。
11 、某井用 φ73mm平式油管通井,探得人工(réngōng)井底
3352m ,井内套管(tào ɡu1ǎ2n)3内.7m径m为,若按井筒(jǐnɡ tǒnɡ
? 求平均日产液量Q液和平均日产油量 Q油。
5、某井油层(yóucéng)中2部32深5度.8m为,用密度(1mì.2d1ù)g/cm 3的
泥浆压井,射孔后井口溢流,装上采油(cǎi yóu)树,井口稳定
力为3.2MPa ,求地层中部压力。放喷后挤压井应选择
多大密度的泥浆(附加压力为 1.5MPa ,取小数点后两



井下作业工理论知识试题(中级)一、单项选择题(共25小题,每小题2分,共50分)1、BA026如果用H表示油层中部深度(m)p表示地层压力(MPa)k表示附加量压井液密度ρ计算公式为A、A、ρ=(1+k)B、ρ=C、ρ=D、ρ=H正确答案:C、2、BA031 D、排液是一种最安全的排液方法。









井下作业工试卷(A 卷)注 意 事 项 一、单项选择(第1题~第50题。



) 1. 储集空间不包括 ( )。

A 、井底 B 、孔隙 C 、裂缝 D 、溶洞 2. 流体在储油、气层内部运移时,起主要作用的是( )。

A 、压力 B 、重力 C 、弹性力 D 、水动力 3. 达西定律可作为估算油井( )、分析油井产量影响因素的基本定律。

A 、储量 B 、产量 C 、生产压差 D 、地层压力 4. 下列不属于油藏驱动方式的是( )。

A 、溶解驱动 B 、弹性驱动 C 、水力驱动 D 、气顶驱动 5. 年代地层单位的界、系、统相当于地质年代单位的( )。

A 、纪、世、期 B 、代、纪、世 C 、世、期、时 D 、代、世、时 6. 外径为139.7mm 的套管清水增压试压标准为( ),观察时间30min ,压力降落不大于0.2MPa 。

A 、10MPa B 、15MPa C 、20MPa D 、25MPa 7. 目前油气井常见的完井方法有四种,即裸眼完井法、砾石充填完井法、( )。

A 、硬岩石完井方法和贯眼完井法 B 、射孔完井法和贯眼完井法 C 、贯眼完井法和尾管射孔完井法 D 、割缝衬管完井法和射孔完井法 8. 固定阀关,游动阀关,活塞底部压力低于活塞顶部压力。

根据提供工作状态,判断管式泵中活塞所处位置在( )。

A 、上死点 B 、下死点 C 、上冲程 D 、下冲程 9. 型号为QYDB119-100/1000A 的潜油电泵,适用油井温度为( )。

A 、90℃ B、50℃ C、119℃ D、100℃ 10. 潜油电泵保护器用符号( )表示。

A 、QYDB B 、YQY C 、QYH D 、QYB 11. 潜油电缆验收时,电缆外径尺寸误差不大于( )为合格。

A 、1mm B 、2mm C 、3mm D 、5mm 12. 潜油电泵底部吸入口管柱的吸入口位于整个机组的最底部,排出口位于( )。










A、0.1MPaB、0.2MPa24 C、0.3MPa D、0.4MPa正确答案:8、发生溢流后有两种关井方法,一是硬关井,二是()。











1. 粘土岩类生油层主要包括( )。

A. 泥岩、页岩、粘土岩B. 细砂岩、中砂岩C. 砂质泥岩、泥质粉砂岩D. 生物灰岩、泥灰岩。

2. 油、气田开发生产所部署的井统称为( )。

A. 开发井B. 预探井C. 详探井D. 参数井3. 如图所示游梁式抽油机为( )。

A. 偏轮式游梁抽油机B. 摆杆式游梁抽油机C. 双四杆游梁式抽油机D. 异相曲柄复合平衡抽油机4. 将潜油电缆固定在油管上时,一个卡子打在接头的( ),另一个打在油管接箍以上0.6~0.9m处。

A. 上部B. 下部C. 中部D. 任意位置上5. 井下作业施工18m井架穿8股大绳,所需提升大绳长度为( )。

A. 160mB. 180mC. 210mD. 230m6. 井架校正后,花篮螺栓余扣不少于( )扣,以便随时调整。

A. 8B. 10C. 12D. 157. 井架本体包括井架支柱、横斜角钢拉筋、连杆板、连接螺栓、( )等。

A. 底盘B. 护栏C. 顶架D. 井架梯子8. 常用YC-50型游动滑车的起重量是( )。

A. 400kNB. 450kNC. 500kND. 550kN9. 修井转盘在处理事故时,还可以进行( )等作业。

A. 倒扣、封井、堵水B. 倒扣、套铣、磨铣C. 打捞、封窜、套铣D. 旋转、打捞、封井10. 管钳是上、( )扣的工具。

A. 下B. 拉C. 卸D. 拽11. 采油树的安装和使用选择首先考虑的是( )工作压力。

A. 最高B. 最低C. 平均D. 安全12. 对含H2S的井说法正确的是( )。

A. 油管易氢脆B. 卡管柱C. 产量较低D. 含水较高13. 连续抽油杆可以大幅度降低抽油杆的失效频率,一般可降低( )。

A. 50%~60%B. 60%~65%C. 65%~80%D. 80%~90%14. 检泵起出的抽油杆,应摆放在有( )道油管桥架的抽油杆桥上。



井下作业工高级(理论知识)模拟试卷5(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 判断题请判断下列各题正误。

3. 简答题 4. 计算题单项选择题下列各题的备选答案中,只有一个是符合题意的。

1.常温注水泥塞施工,现场不应使用( )以上的热水配浆。

A.38℃B.27℃C.15℃D.55℃正确答案:A2.油井水泥的主要氧化物二氧化硅通常占熟料中的( )。

A.15%~99%B.20%~24%C.26%~30%D.30%~65%正确答案:B3.套管壁越( )、水泥环越致密,声波幅度的衰减就越( )。

A.薄小B.薄大C.厚小D.厚大正确答案:B4.找窜时,在油层部位采用( )或原油,防止污染油层。


A.钻井液B.盐水C.卤水D.活性水正确答案:D5.双向卡瓦封隔器的支撑方式代号为( )。

A.1B.3C.4D.5正确答案:C6.KQS-110配产器(甲)的工作筒内径为( )。

A.38mmB.42mmC.48mmD.54mm正确答案:D7.闸板防喷器封闭井口要同时有( )处密封起作用,才能达到有效的密封。

A.3B.4C.5D.10正确答案:B8.平底磨鞋磨铣桥塞时,选用钻压为( )。

A.10~40kNB.50NC.600kND.700kN正确答案:A9.使用钻头磨铣时,钻压一般不超过( ),转数控制在80r/min以内。

A.10kNB.15kNC.30kND.50kN正确答案:B10.正扣可退捞矛退出鱼腔的方法是( )。

A.下击钻具提至悬重正转B.下击钻具提至悬重反转C.提放D.旋转正确答案:A11.一把抓( )应根据落物种类选择或设计,若选用不当会造成打捞失败。

A.长度B.筒体C.上接头D.齿形正确答案:D12.螺旋式外钩从上至下依次为接头、( )。

A.钩杆、钩齿、螺锥B.钩齿、钩杆、螺锥C.钩杆、螺锥、钩齿D.螺锥、钩齿、钩杆正确答案:A13.聚能切割弹耐压为( )。

海外石油钻井当地雇员英文版考试题 井架工 1

海外石油钻井当地雇员英文版考试题 井架工 1


2、Please fill in the blanks on the left of the standard sealing line according to therequest of invigilator.3、Please read the requirement for all kinds of questions carefully, write youranswers in the right position.4、Don 't scribble on the examination paper; Don't write anything irrelevant in thestandard sealing place.一、 Single Selection (Form 1~80 questions. Please choose the best answer and fill the corresponding letter into the parentheses of this question)1. An increase in penetration rate of a drilling break can be caused:A By an increase in formation porosity.B By an increase in permeability.C By an increase in formation pressure.D By a change in one OR all of the above.2. To increase mud weight, (C) is often added into drilling fluidA 、bentoniteB 、crude oilC 、barite powerD 、water 3. The occasional derrick climber should be permitted by(B) before climbing,and safety belt should also be used properly. A 、rig manager B 、driller C 、technician D 、derrick man4. (D)as possible in the process of coring 。



井下作业工高级(理论知识)模拟试卷14(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 判断题请判断下列各题正误。

3. 简答题 4. 计算题单项选择题下列各题的备选答案中,只有一个是符合题意的。

1.注水泥塞施工前,对井口和管线的要求是( )。

A.连好即可B.畅通即可C.试压合格D.可以不试压正确答案:C2.H级油井水泥属于( )。

A.低抗硫酸盐型B.中抗硫酸盐型C.高抗硫酸盐型D.中、高抗硫酸盐型正确答案:D3.用封隔器封窜其管柱结构自下而上由( )组成。

A.球座+节流器+K344封隔器+油管B.节流器+球座+K44封隔器+油管C.K344封隔器+节流器+油管D.球座+K344封隔器+油管正确答案:A4.堵水施工必须用通井规通井至人工井底或设计深度( )以下。

A.8mB.2mC.0D.50m正确答案:D5.大港Y411-114封隔器主要用于( )。

A.堵水、找水B.分层试油C.压裂、酸化D.以上都对正确答案:C6.砂岩油田油井堵水选井时,要优先选择油层纵向渗透率级差大于( )的油井。

A.1B.1.5C.2D.5正确答案:C7.测卡仪能精确地测出( )的应变值。

A.3.54×10-3mmB.2.54×10-4mmC.2.54×10-3mmD.1.54×10-5mm正确答案:C8.φ139.7mm套管(壁厚7.72mm)内磨铣铸铁桥塞时,选择磨鞋直径( )。

A.120mmB.116mmC.121 mmD.110mm正确答案:B9.母锥依靠( )在钻具压力与扭矩作用下,吃入落物外壁造扣,将落物捞出。

A.滑块B.卡瓦C.打捞螺纹D.篮式卡瓦正确答案:C10.DLT-114卡瓦打捞筒的卡瓦是( )卡瓦。

A.鼠笼式B.螺旋式C.双片D.篮式正确答案:C11.可退式抽油杆打捞筒是专门用来打捞断脱在油管或套管内( )的工具。

A.电缆B.钻杆C.油管D.抽油杆正确答案:D12.关于局部反循环打捞篮的使用,下列不正确的说法是( )。



油田生产事业部钻井专业高级英语题库一、专业词汇英译汉(125题)1Drilling Superintendent 钻井监督2OIM海上设施经理3Senior Toolpusher 高级队长4Junior Toolpusher 值班队长5Driller 司钻6Assistant Driller(简AD)副司钻7Derrick Man 井架工8Floor Man (或roughneck)钻工9Barge Master(或captain)船长10First Mate(或Barge Engineer)大副11Chief Engineer 轮机长12Flag Man(或Head of Roustabout) 甲板班长13Crane Operator 吊车工14Roustabout 甲板工15Mechanic 机械师16Electrician 电气师17Motorman 轮机员18Welder 焊工19Warehouse Man (或Material Man)材料员20Medic 医生21Safety Supervisor 安全监督22Interpreter(或translator)翻译23Chief Steward 管事24Cook 厨师25Steward 厨工26Laundry Man 洗衣工27Company Man (或Operator’s Representative)公司代表28Geologist 地质师29Mud Logging Engineer(或Mud logger)泥浆录井工程师30Mud Engineer 泥浆工程师31Cementer 固井工32Cement Engineer 固井工程师33Testing Engineer 试油工程师34Wireline Logging Engineer 电测工程师35Drawworks 钻井绞车36Top Drive System(简TDS) 顶驱37Crown Block 天车38Traveling Block 游车39Pipe Spinning Wrench 钻杆气动扳手40Cat Head 液压猫头41Fishing Tool 打捞工具42Power Tong 动力大钳43Air Winch(或Air Tugger)气动绞车44Crown Block Saver 防碰天车装置45Mud Pump 泥浆泵46Shale Shaker 振动筛47Desilter 除泥器48Desander 除沙器49Degasser 除气器50Centrifuge 离心机51Mud Agitator 泥浆搅拌器52Mud Mixing System 泥浆混合系统53Centrifugal Pump 离心泵54Rotary Hose 水龙带55Bulk Air System and Tank 吹灰系统和灰罐56Pipe Ram Preventer管子闸板防喷器57Annular Preventer 万能防喷器58BOP Stack 防喷器组59Gate Valves 闸阀60Standpipe Manifold 立管管汇61Choke and Kill Manifold 阻流压井管汇62Remotely Operated Panel 远程控制面板63Choke Control Panel 阻流控制面板64Diverter 转喷器65Vent 通风口、通气口66Air Supply Fan 供气扇67Mooring System 锚泊系统68Communication Equipment 通讯设备69Jacking System 升降系统70Skidding System 井架滑移系统71Windlass 锚机72Anchor 锚73Buoy 浮标74Emergency Generator 应急发电机75Water Maker(或desalinization unit) 造淡机76Boiler 锅炉77Air-conditioningSystem 空调系统78Sea Water Service Pump 海水供给系统79Transformer 变压器80MCC 马达控制中心81VFD 变频器82Fire Control System 消防控制系统83Portable Extinguisher 移动灭火器84Fire-Fighting Equipment 消防设备85Lifeboat 救生艇86(Inflatable) Life Raft (气胀式)救生筏87Breathing Apparatus(或breather)呼吸器88Life Jacket (或life vest)救生衣89Life Buoy 救生圈90Mud Logging Unit 泥浆录井房91Standby Boat 值班船92Day (night) Shift 白(夜)班93Sack Storage Area 散装材料储存区94BHA:Bottom Hole Assembly下部钻具组合95TVD:True Vertical Depth (定向井的)垂直深度96SCR:Silicon Controlled Rectifier 可控硅97WOW:Wait on Weather 等候天气98WOC:Wait on Cement 候凝99WOB:Weight On Bit 钻压100RPM:Revolution Per Minute 转速/分钟101SWL:Safe Working Load 安全工作负荷102API:American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会103IADC:International Association of Drilling Contractors 国际钻井承包商协会104drilling under pressure/under balance pressure drilling 欠平衡钻井105drilling over pressure 过平衡钻井106near-balance pressure drilling近平衡钻井107DST---drilling stem test 中途测试108ECD---equivalent circulating density 等效/当量循环密度109gas-cut mud/气侵泥浆110fault 断层111filter cake 滤饼112filter loss 滤失量113flow check 溢流检测114formation breakdown pressure 地层破裂压力115formation competency test 地层承压能力测试116formation fracture gradient地层破裂压力梯度117hydrostatic pressure静液压力118ICP(initial circulating pressure) 初始循环压力119FCP (final circulating pressure) 终了循环压力120 permeability 渗透性121pit gain 泥浆池增量122rate of penetration (ROP)机械钻速 m/hr123snub 不压井起下钻124stripping in/out 强行起/下钻125swab 抽汲二.专业词汇汉译英(100题)1.异常压力 abnormal pressure2.储能器瓶 accumulator bottle3.酸化压裂 acid fracture(AF)4.可调节流阀 adjustable choke5.环空压力(套压) annular pressure/casing pressure6.立压 drillpipe pressure7.环空上返速度 annular velocity8.倒扣/卸扣 back off9.回压 back-pressure10.防喷器控制系统blowout preventer control unit(Closing unit)11.上返时间 bottoms-up time12.迟到时间 lag time13.套管破裂压力 casing burst pressure14.单向阀 check valve15.节流阀 choke16.关井压力 closed-in pressure (shut-in pressure)17.司钻法 driller’s method18.等待加重法/工程师法 wait-and-weight method19.钻具内防喷器 inside blowout preventer20.井涌 kick /overflow21.压井管线kill line22.堵漏剂 lost circulation additives23.泥浆压力梯度mud gradient24.返出物returns25.浅层气shallow gas26.井塌 cave in27.循环池 Active tank28.沉砂池 Settling pit29.空气包 Air chamber30.套管割刀 Casing cutter31.刮管器 Casing scraper32.井口甲板 Cellar deck33.灌注泵 Charging pump34.回压凡尔 Check valve35.离合器 Clutch36.冷却水泵 Cooling-water pump37.变换接头 Crossover joint(x/o)38.滚筒 Drum39.指梁 Finger board40.打捞震击器Fishing jars41.铣鞋 Milling shoe42.近钻头扶正器 Near-bit stabilizer43.非磁钻铤 Non-magnetic drilling collar44.鹅颈管 Goose neck pipe45.内外加厚 Internal external upset46.内平钻杆接头 Internal flush joint47.打捞杯 Junk sub48.方钻杆保护接头 Kelly protective sub49.键槽破坏器 Key seat reamer50.弯管 Knee pipe51.锁紧螺栓 Lock bolt52.开口扳手 Open-ended spanner53.梅花扳手 Ring spanner54.钳子 Pincers55.铆钉 Rivet56.套筒扳手 Socket57.虎钳 vice(vise)缸套 Liner58.活塞 Piston59.活塞皮碗 Piston cup60.活塞杆 Piston rod61.旋塞阀 Plug valve62.气动工具 Pneumatic tool63.滑轮 Pulley64.反循环打捞篮 Reverse circulation junk basket65.钢圈 Ring gasket66.立根盒 Setback67.螺旋钻铤 Spiral drill collar68.盘根盒 Stuffing box69.井架大门 v-door70.冲管 wash pipe71.耐磨补芯 wear bushing72.造斜器,斜向器 whip stock73.钻杆排放区 Pipe Rack Area74.坡道 Ramp75.餐厅 Mess(也称Dining) Room76.娱乐室 Recreation Room77.工衣房 Change Room78.厨房 Kitchen79.套管扶正台 Casing Stabbing Board80.通管器 Rabbit81.尾管 Liner82.导管 Conductor83.扩眼钻头 Reamer84.打捞筒 Overshot85.打捞篮 Junk Basket86.打捞矛 Spear87.打捞公锥 Fishing Tap88.下部钻具组合 Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA)89.重晶石 Barite90.般土 Bentonite91.润滑油 Lubricant (Lube/Lube Oil)92.黄油 Grease93.添加剂 Additive94.烧碱 Caustic Soda95.稀释剂 Thinner96.氧气 Oxygen97.氮气 Nitrogen98.乙炔 Acetylene99.万用表 Multimeter100.焊机 Welding Machine三.专业英语阅读理解(25题)1. Power SystemThe main function of a rotary rig is to drill a hole, or asit is known in the industry, to make hole. Making hole with arotary rig requires not only qualified personnel, but a lot ofequipment as well. In order to learn about the components that it takes to make h ole, it is convenient to divide them into four main systems: power, hoisting, rotating, and circulating. Various components comprise the last three systems, but allrequire power to make them work.Practically every rig uses internal-combustion engines as its prime power source, or its prime mover. A rig's engines aresimilar to the one in a car except that rig engines are bigger, more powerful, and do not use gasoline as a fuel. Also, rigsrequire more than one engine to furnish the needed power. Most rig engines today ate diesels, although some are still aroundthat burn natural or liquefied gas as a fuel. Gas engines usespark plugs to ignite the fuel-air mixture in their combustion chambers to produce power.On the other hand, diesel engines do not have spark plugs.Instead, the fuel-air mixture is ignited by the heat that isgenerated by compression inside the engine. Any time a gas is compressed, its temperature rises; compress it enough (as ina diesel engine), and, if it's flammable, it gets hot enoughto ignite. Therefore, diesel engines are sometimes called compression-ignition engines, while gas and gasoline are called spark-ignition engines. Diesel engines have almosttotally supplanted gas engines because diesel engines are generally less expensive to operate.A rig, depending on its size and how deep a hole it must drill, may have from two to four engines. Naturally, the bigger therig, the deeper it can drill and the more power it will need.Thus, the big rigs have three or four engines, all of themtogether developing up to 3000 or more horsepower. Of course,once all the horsepower is develop, it must be sent, or transmitted, to the components to be put to work. Two common methods are used to transfer the power electrical and mechanical.1. Compared with a rig's engines the one in a car is bigger and morepowerful.(F)2. A rig needs two or more engines for the required power.(T)3. Diesel engines are different from gas engines in that diesel enginesuse spark plugs to ignite the fuel-air mixture in their combustion chambers to produce power.(F)4. Gas engines are less expensive to operate than diesel engines.(F)5. Three or four engines in a big rig will produce up to 30 000 or more horsepower. (F)2. The Drawworks and the Cat-headsThe drawworks is a big, heavy piece of machinery. It consistsof a revolving drum around which the wire rope called the drilling line is spooled or wrapped. It also has a cat shafton which the cat-heads are mounted. Further, it has severalother shafts, clutches, and chain-and-gear drives for speed and direction changes. It also contains a main brake, which has the ability to stop and prevent the drum from turning. When heavyloads are being raised or lowered, the main brake is assistedby an auxiliary hydraulic or electric brake to help absorb the momentum created by a heavy load.Typically, four cat-heads are mounted on the cat shaft of the drawworks. A cat-head looks somewhat like a cat's head whenviewed end on. Two different types of cat-heads are mounted on each end of the cat shaft, which extends out from both sidesof the drawworks. On the very ends of the cat shaft are thefriction cat-heads and right next to them are the automatic or mechanical cat-heads.A friction cat-head is a relatively small, spool-shaped device. Using a large fiber rope (called the catline) wrapped severaltimes around the spool of the friction cat-head, a crew member can use the cat-head to hoist pieces of equipment that have to be moved around on the rig floor. Many rigs are now equippedwith small air-powered hoists that are used in place of thefriction cat-heads. Air hoists are items of equipment separate from the drawworks and are much safer and easier to use thana cat-head.A mechanical cat-head can be employed to make up or break outthe drill string when it is being taken out or being put intothe hole, or when a length of drill pipe is added as the holedeepens. The mechanical cat-head located on the side of the drawworks near the driller's position is the makeup cat-headbecause it plays a part when drill pipe is made up. The mechanical cat-head on the other side of the drawworks is the breakout cat-head because it plays a part when drill pipe isbroken out.1. Which of the following is not a part of the draw-works?(c)a. Clutchesb. Revolving drumc. Catd. Cat-shaft2. ________ is used to stop the revolving drum from turning.(a)a. A main brakeb. An auxiliary brakec. A hydraulic braked. An electric brake3. Which kind of cat-heads can be mounted on the cat shaft?(d)a. Friction cat-headsb. Automatic cat-headsc. mechanical cat-headsd. all of the above4. _________can be used to replace the friction cat-heads?(d)a. Automatic cat-headsb. Mechanical cat-headsc. Spool-shaped deviced. Air-powered hoists5. Which of the following is not true?(d)a. A mechanical cat-head can be used to make up the drill string.b. A mechanical cat-head can be used to brake up the drill string.c. A mechanical cat-head on the other side of the drawworks near thedriller's position plays a part when drill pipe is made up.d. A mechanical cat-head on the other side of the drawworks near thedriller's position plays a part when drill pipe is broken out.3. The Blocks and Drilling LineA drilling line is made o f wire rope that generally ranges from 1? To 1? inches in diameter. Wire rope is similar to common fiber rope, but wire rope, as the name implies, is made out of steelwires and is a fairly complex device. It looks very much likewhat ordinary folks call "cable" but is designed especially for the heavy loads encountered on the rig.For wire rope to be useful as the drilling line, it has to bestrung up, for it arrives at the rig wrapped on a large supplyreel. So, the first step in stringing up the drilling line isto take the end of the line off the supply reel and raise theend up to the very top of the mast or derrick where a large,multiple pulley is installed. This large set of pulley is called the crown block. The pulleys are called sheaves (pronounced "shivs" ). The drilling line is reeved (threaded) over a crown block sheave and lowered down t o the rig floor. On t he rig floor rests (only temporarily for now) another very large set ofpulleys or sheaves called the traveling block. The end of theline is reeved through one of the traveling block sheaves, and is raised again up to the crown block. There the line is reeved over a sheave in the crown block, lowered back down, reevedagain through the traveling block, taken back up to the crownblock, brought back down to the traveling block, and so on,until the correct number of lines has been strung up.The number of lines, of course, is only one; but, since thedrilling line is reeved several times over the crown blocksheaves and through the traveling block sheaves, the effect is that of several lines. The number of lines strung depends onhow much weight needs to be supported. For example, if a deephole is going be drilled, more lines are strung (say, eight or ten) than would be strung for a shallower well. It takes morepipes and thus a heavier load to drill a deep hole than it does to drill a shallow hole.Once t he last line has been strung over the crown block sheaves, the end of the line is lowered down t o the rig floor and attached to the drum in the drawworks. Several wraps of line are thentaken around the drawworks drum. The part of the drilling line running out of the drawworks up to the crown block is calledthe fastline---fast because it moves a s the traveling block israised or lowered in the derrick. The end of the line that runs from the crown block down to the wire-rope supply reel is then secured. This part of the line is called the deadline-deadbecause, once it is secured, it does not move. Mounted in therig substructure is a device called a deadline anchors. Thedeadline is firmly clamped to the anchor. Now the travelingblock can be raised up off the rig floor and into the derrickby taking in line with the drawworks. To lower the travelingblock, line is let out of the drawworks drum.Crown blocks and traveling blocks usually look smaller thanthey actually are because of the distance from which they areseen. The sheaves around which the drilling line passes areoften 5 feet or more in diameter, and the pins on which thesheaves rotate may be 1 foot or so in diameter. The number of sheaves needed on the crown block is always one more than the number needed in the traveling block. For example, a ten-linestring requires six sheaves in the crown block and five in the traveling block. The extra sheave in the crown block is needed for reeving the deadline. Attachments to the traveling blockinclude a large hook to which the equipment for suspending the drill string is attached.1. The diameter of a drilling line may not be _________.(c)a. 1?b. 1?c. 1? D. 1?2. _______ is put temporarily on the rig floor.(a)a. Traveling blockb. Crown blockc. Mastd. Derrick3. If one drilling line is reeved 5 times over the crown block sheavesand through the traveling block sheaves, the effect of that of ______ lines.(b)a. 1b. 5c. 10d. 154. The part of the drilling line running out of the drawworks up to thecrown block is called ________.(d)a. deadlineb. cablec. wire roped. fast line5. A ten-line string requires _______ sheaves in the crown block and_______ in the traveling block.(c)a. 5…6b. 5…5c. 6…5d. 6…64. The BitDiamond bits function the same as drag bits, particularly inthe fact that both weight and rotary speed are directly related to drilling speed. The diamonds must be kept clean and cool,this hydraulic effort is just as important for diamond bitperformance as when using roller bits. Under some condition diamond bits can drill almost as fast as roller types. They will often stay in good condition times longer, thus hole cost footwill be less notwithstanding the higher price of the diamondbit. Analysis of performance using total cost per foot is important regardless of the type of bits employed.Roller cone, or rock, bits have cone-shaped, steel devicescalled cones that are free to turn as the bit rotates. Mostroller cone bits have three cones, although some have two andsome have four. Bit manufacturers either cut teeth out of thecones or insert very hard tungsten carbide buttons into thecones. The teeth are responsible for actually cutting or gouging out the formation as the bit is rotated. All bits have passages drilled through them to permit drilling fluid to exit. Jet bits have nozzles that direct a high velocity stream or jetof drilling fluid to the sides and bottom of each cone, so that rock cuttings are swept out of the way as the bit drills.Diamond b its do not have cones; nor do they have teeth. Instead several diamonds are embedded into the bottom and sides of the bit. Since diamonds are so hard, diamond bits are sometimes used to efficiently drill rock formations that are quite hard. They are also used to drill soft formation effectively.Dull bits should be pulled when they are ready, based on reduction of drilling rate, drill pipe torque, or other indication. Drilling time, related to the weight and RPMemployed and to previous runs of similar bits under similar conditions, is a good reference as to the general condition of a bit. The driller's opinion in this regard is usually the best guide.1. Hydraulic effort is important for roller bit performance.(T)2. The hole cost per foot with roller bits is less than that with diamond bits.(F)3. Roller cone bits usually have two to four cones.(T)4. Diamond bits with cones are used efficiently both for hard formations and soft formations.(F)5. According to this passage drilling time is the best reference to thegeneral condition of a bit for judging whether a bit is dull enough tobe pulled.(F)5.Drilling FluidsDrilling fluid --- mud --- is usually a mixture of water, clay, weighting material, and a few chemicals. Sometimes oil may beused instead of water, or a little oil is added to the waterto fice the mud certain desirable properties. Drilling mudserves several very important functions. Mud is used to raisethe cuttings made by the bit and lift them to the surface fordisposal. But equally important, mud a lso provides a means f or keeping underground pressures in check. Since a hole full ofdrilling mud exerts pressure (just as a swimming pool full ofwater exerts pressure, which is why a person's ears sometimeshurt when he dives to the bottom in the deep end of a pool),the mud p ressure can be used to contain pressure in a formation. The heavier or denser the mud is, the more pressure it exerts. Weighting materials --- barite is the most popular --- are added to the mud t o make i t exert as much p ressure as needed to contain formation pressures. Clay is added to the mud so that it cankeep the bit cuttings in suspension as they move up the hole.The clay also sheaths the wall of the hole. This thin veneerof clay called wall cake makes the hole stable so it will notcave in or slough (pronounced "sluff"). Numerous c hemicals are available to give the mud t he exact properties it needs to make it as easy as possible to drill the hole.In certain areas, several formations contain a large amount of shale. Although fairly easy to drill, shale causes many problems for the drilling-fluid engineer. It dispersed easily into the mud, large lumps "slough" and fall into the hole, and frequently the pores of the shale contain fluid trapped underquite high pressure. To counter this, new fluids have beendeveloped with a different concept to the conventional mud.These new fluids are clear solutions of polymerized viscositybuilding agents (either polysaccharides or polyacrylamides)that give hole cleaning capacity to a solution of potassiumchloride in sea-water. It has been found that these "no-solids"C p olymer systems are the most efficient for drilling difficult shale sections.In other areas including some p arts of the southern North Sea, in order to drill rock salt, the drilling fluid is first saturated with salt; this avoids leaching out the salt formation which would cause enlarged hole development and consequent collapse of interbedded formations. Salt-saturated mud do not respond to thinning by conventional chemical meanand viscosity control is generally carried out by dilutionmethod and mechanical separation of dispersed frilled solids; organic additives are used for filtration control.Other drilling-fluid chemical control methods include the application of suitable additives to counteract the contaminating influence of cement left in the borehole after cementation operations, the use of corrosion inhibitors in salt mud and aerated mud, and the application of emulsifiers whenoils is added to the mud improve its lubricating properties.When a potential production zone is penetrated, production can be serious impeded by invasion of the wall of the borehole bydrilling-fluid solids and water filtrate id strict control,commensurate with sate drilling practice, is not exercised.Oil-base mud, or special (invert) oil-emulsion mud, are sometimes used to avoid the damaging influence on well productivity by aqueous filtrate.1. Which of the following is not in the mixture of drilling fluid?(d)a. Waterb. Oilc. Clayd. Lighting material2. Drilling mud serves the following functions except ____.(c)a. raising the cutting made by the bitb. lifting the cutting to the surfacec. dilutingd. controlling under ground pressure3. Which of the following is not true?(c)a. Adding enough weighting materials to the mud may contain formation pressures.b. Adding clay to the mud m ay k eep the bit cuttings suspended as they move up the holec. Adding much oil to the mud r ather than water may increase the pressure of the mudd. Adding enough salt to the mud m ay avoid leaching our the salt formation4. Shales tend to _______.(b)a. cause many problems for the drilling-fluid engineeringb. be not easy to drillc. disperse easily into the mudd. come off in large lumps and fall into the hole5. Drilling-fluid chemical control methods include the following except________.(b)a. the application of suitable additives to oppose the contaminatingeffect of cement after cementationb. the application of suitable additives to counteract the contaminating influence of the clay left in the borehole after cementation operationsc. the application of corrosion inhibitors in slat mud and aerated mudd. the application of emulsifiers when oil is added to the mud t o improve its lubricating properties6.Mud Pumps and Conditioning EquipmentAt one time the principal surface feature of the mud circulating system of a drilling rig was merely a hole dug inthe ground adjacent to the well. Such a large variety of mechanical mud c ontrol devices are to be found on today's rigs between the mud d ischarge line from the well and the standpipe. The derrick man is generally responsible for the proper operation and maintenance of this equipment.The main components of a fluid circulating system for rotary drilling involve: the pump, hose and swivel, drill string, mud return line, and pits. Mud conditioning equipment includesshale shakers, mud agitators, desanders, desilters, mud centrifuges, mud-gas separators, degassers, dry mud handling facilities, water supply equipment, and storage equipment foroil used in the mud. Accessory equipment includes the standpipe, chemical tank, mixing hopper, mud storage, and mud pit instrumentation.The mud pump is the primary component of any fluidcirculating system. Almost all mud pumps today are powered bydiesel or gas engines or electric motors. Mud p umps f or rotary drilling have ratings up to 1750 input horsepower (hp). Theyare capable of moving large volumes of fluid at pressures ashigh as 5000 pounds per square inch (psi), depending on the size of the pistons and the power rating of the pump. Mud pumps for drilling are usually duplex, double-acting. Reciprocating types; but triplex, single-acting pumps h ave become p opular in recent years and are available in sixes from 350 to 1700 hp. Centrifugal pumps i n sizes up to 100 hp have almost completely replaced reciprocating units for general service on rotarydrilling rigs. General service includes supplying water for washdown; brake cooling; mud mixing; pump supercharging; andmud circulation through various mud conditioning devices including desanders, desilters, and degassers.1. The main components of a fluids circulating system for rotary drilling do not involve _____.(d)a. the pumpsb. the hose and swivelc. the drill stringd. the mud agitator2. Mud conditioning equipment excludes ________.(b)a. shale shakersb. mud return linec. desanders and desiltersd. mud-gas separators3. Which of the following does not belong to accessory equipment of a fluid circulating system for rotary drilling?(c)a. The chemical tankb. The standpipec. The mud centrifuged. The mixing hopper4. Almost all mud pumps today are powered by ______.(d)a. electric motorsb. diesel enginesc. gas enginesd. All of the above5. Centrifugal pumps in sizes up to _____ hp have almost completelyreplaced reciprocating units for general service on rotary drilling rigs.(a)a. 100b. 350c. 500d. 17007.Jobs on the RigDrilling is one of those jobs where a man has to work hisway up. Even if a man h as a university or a polytechnic education, most oil companies will want him to get rig experience byworking on the floor with then rotary crew for a certain period.A boo weevil, even if he is well-educated, can be a highlydangerous person around the rotary table. He may be a dangerperson around the rotary table, he may be a danger to himself(by braking a leg in the mouse-hole, for example), and he maybe a hazard to the other members of the crew. What m ight happen, for instance, if he opened the wrong valve or misunderstood an urgent instruction?On some rigs, the first step up the ladder is the job ofroustabout. A roustabout does semi-skilled labor such asscraping rust hosing down, painting, carrying cans of dope,unloading materials and supplies, etc.Having worked for a time as a roustabout, a man m ight be ready for the job of roughneck. Among a roughneck's duties are suchthings as operating the cat-head, handling the slips and tongs, standing pipe back in the derrick, assisting in mixing the slush, and so on. Like a roustabout, a roughneck may have to be toldwhat to do. In general, though, roughnecks know their job well enough to get on wit hot for the minimum number of spoken instructions. It is noisy around the Kelly bushing, and events frequently take place too fast for verbal orders to be given.Much o f the time, roughnecks are expected to know automatically what must be done.Next, between the positions of roughnecks and drillers, isthe job of derrickman. The derrickman works from about 60 ft.t0 90 ft. above the rig floor, near the top of the casing isrun into or pulled out of the hole. The height at which he works depends on the length of the sections of pipe, casing or tubing what have to be handled. These may be in doubles, trebles or fourbles. The derrickman also cleans, oils, greases, inspects and repairs the pulley blocks and cables which are used to raise and lower section of pipe and casing. When he isn't busy on his。

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t=V液/Q=25571÷500≈51(min) 答:循环洗井,51min可循环一周。
9、某井套管内径为123.7mm,油层井段为2978.5~ 3005.6m,射孔未下油管井喷,如要挤满压井至少要准 备多少压井液(按井筒容积的1.5倍计算,单位为立方
已知:套管内径d套内=123.7mm,油层井段为2978.5~3005.6m,附加 系数K=1.5,求挤压井液用量V。
已知:井深3352m,套管内径d套内=123.7mm,油管外径D油外 =73mm,油管内径d油内=62mm,附加系数K=1.5,求压井液用量 V。
1、某井套管内径d=140mm,预在该井用密度为 1.85g/cm3的水泥注30m水泥塞,试求干水泥用量及 清水用量 (现场普通油井水泥配浆表:干水泥密度 为3.15 g/cm3, 50kg /袋,配制密度为1.85g/cm3 的水泥浆,每袋干水泥可配40L水泥浆,需水24L。 实配水泥浆为理论数的1.2倍,结果取整数)。
7、某井补孔试油准备用水泥车压井,测得中部油层 压力为18.5 MPa,该层中部深度为1628m,如附加压 力按1.5 MPa计算,应选用多大密度的泥浆(取小数
8、某井套管内径d套内=124mm,井内用φ 73mm平式油管刮 削,油管深度H=2345m,如果泵车排量为Q=500L/min, 循环洗井,多少分钟可循环一周(取整数位)?
解:依题意可知: 内径φ62mm的油管其内容积为q=3.019m3/Km 顶替液量 V=q·H=3.019m3/Km×1000m=3.019 m3 顶替液量在方池内占有的高度 H=V/S =3.019 m3÷(5.00m×2.00m)
=0.3019m=302mm 答:顶替到位后方池液面下降302毫米。
5、某井油层中部深度为2325.8m,用密度1.21g/cm3的 泥浆压井,射孔后井口溢流,装上采油树,井口稳定压 力为3.2MPa,求地层中部压力。放喷后挤压井应选择 多大密度的泥浆(附加压力为1.5MPa,取小数点后两 位,g=10m/s2)?
已知:油层中部深度H=2325.8m,压井液密度ρ1=1.21 g/cm3, 井口压力p井口=3.2MPa。求地层中部压力p地和放喷后挤压井 泥浆密度ρ挤。
2、某井套管内径为161.7mm,预在该井用密度为 1.85g/cm3的水泥浆注50m水泥塞,试求干水泥用量 及所需清水量(已知1袋干水泥50kg,密度为3.15 g/cm3,,配成1.85g/cm3的水泥浆40L需清水24L, 内径φ161.7mm的套管内容积为20.5L/m,配制水泥 浆为理论数的1.1倍,结果取整袋数和整“升”数)。
的压力。 地层压力系数:实测地层压力与静水柱压力之比。数值大小等于
其当量密度。 静止压力:采油(气)井关井后,井底压力回升到稳定状态时所
测得的油层中部压力,简称静压。 地层压力梯度:即单位垂深液柱压力的增量。表示深度增加1m
(或100m)所增加的地层压力。 即地层压力随深度的变化率。
已 气知举:效套率管为容90积%,V井 g==1101mL//sm2,;气举压力p=12MPa,
解:根据挤压井质量标准要求,挤压井深度在油层顶界以上50m,故挤 压井深度H=2978.5-50=2828.5(m)
井筒容积V液=∏/4d套内.H.k=3.14/4×0.12372×2828.5×1.5≈52.77(m3) 答:如要挤满压井至少要准备52.77m3的压井液。
10、某井套管内径d套内=124.3mm,井内用φ 73mm平式 油管通井,油管深度H=3145.8m,压井液密度ρ =1.21 g/cm3,问起出油管最少需要多少压井液(附件系数K
3、某井采用清水压差垫圈流量计测气,孔板直 径d=40mm,U形管水柱平均压差H=87mm, t=25℃时天然气的相对密度ρ=0.675,求日产 量Q(取小数点后两位)。
已知:孔板直径d=40mm,平均压差H=87mm, 天然气温度t=25℃,天然气相对密度ρ=0.675; 求日产量Q。 解:
解:根据现场套管内容积常数表可知: 内径φ161.7mm的套管其内容积为q=20.5L/m 灰塞的体积V塞=L·q=50m·20.5L/m=1025L 灰浆用量V浆=k·V塞=1.1·1025L=1127.5L 需干水泥量G=V浆÷40 L/袋=1127.5L÷40L/袋=28.2(袋) 取整数28(袋)
ρ =P地+P附/gH=31.34+1.5/0.01×2325.8=1.41(g/cm3)
答:地层中部压力为31.34MPa,放喷后挤压井应选择密度 1.41g/cm3的泥浆。
6、某井油层深度为1350.5~1325.4m,测得地层中 部压力为p静 =11.6MPa,则该井选用什么冲砂液冲砂 才能做到不喷不漏(取小数点后两位,g取10m/s2)。
解:根据现场套管内容积常数表可知: 内径φ161.7mm的套管其内容积为q=20.5L/m 灰塞的体积V塞=L·q=100m·20.5L/m=2050L 灰浆用量V浆=k·V塞=1.1·2050L=2255L 需干水泥量G=V浆÷40 L/袋=2255L÷40L/袋=56.4(袋) 取整数56(袋) G =N·m =56袋×50kg/袋=2.8(吨)
需清水量m水=G·24=28袋·24L/袋=672(L) 答:需干水泥量28袋,配淡水浆需清水量672 升。
3、某井套管内径为161.7mm,预在该井用密度 为1.85g/cm3的水泥注100m水泥塞,试求需袋装 干水泥多少L?已知1袋干水泥50kg,密度为 3.15 g/cm3,配成1.85g/cm3的水泥浆40L,内径 φ161.7mm套管内容积为20.5L/m,配浆为理论 数的1.1倍,袋数用整数)。
1、某井套管外径为140mm,每米容积为12.07L,下 入φ 73mm油管2850m,油管壁厚每米体积1.17L,水 泥车以350L/min的排量替喷,需要多长时间可完成 一周循环(不计管路损失,取整数)?
已知:已知每米套管容积V套=12.07L,油管每米体 积V 油=1.17L,油管下入深度H =2850m,水泥车排 量Q=350L/min;求循环洗井一周时间t。 解:井筒容积V=(V 套—V 油)×H =(12.07-1.17)
×2850=31065(L) 所需时间=31065÷350=88.757≈89(min)
循环洗井一周时间 t=89(min) 答:循环洗井一周要89min。
2、某井套管外径为140mm,其流通容积每米 11L。清水替喷后,采用反气举诱喷。如果液面 在井口,压风机压力为12MPa,求压风机打到 工作压力后可举出清水体积(气举效率为 90%)。井内液面可降多少米(取小数点后两 位,g取10m/s2)?
已知:套管内径d套内=124.3mm,井内为φ 73mm平式油管,油 管深度H=3145.8m,附加系数K=1.2,压井液密度ρ =1.21 g/cm3=1.21×103kg/m3。求起油管后要罐压井液多少m3, 液面 才能到井口?如不灌压井液,最低会减少多少对地层的回压?
4、新到散装油井水泥50t,密度为3.15g/cm3, 欲装入体积为20m3的容器中,该容器能否 装下?
解:50吨油井水泥的体积 V=m/γ=50t÷3.15t/m3=15.87 m3<20m3 答:该容器能装下。
5、某井下油管1100m注水泥塞,油管内径为 62mm,设计顶替水泥浆至1000m ,采用方池和 板尺计量,方池长5.00m,宽2.00m,高1.20m。 方池摆放水平,里面盛满顶替液。求顶替到位后 方池液面下降多少毫米。(内径为62mm 的油管 内容积为3.019m3/km,地面管线和油补距忽略, 结果取毫米整数)。
已知:套管内径d套内=124mm,井内为φ 73mm平式油管,油管 深度H=2345m,泵车排量为Q=500L/min。求循环一周时间t。
6、某井下油管3600m注水泥塞,油管内径为 62mm,设计顶替水泥浆至3550m ,采用 水泥车自动计量,求需顶替液量(内径为 62mm 的油管内容积为3.019m3/km,地面 管线和油补距忽略,结果取体积“升”的 整数)。
解:依题意可知: 内径φ62mm的油管其内容积为q=3.019m3/Km 顶替液量 V=q·H=3.019m3/Km×3550m=10.71745 m3=10717.45L 取整数10717L
答:该井日产气量3209.34 m3 。 P121-49
已知: 分离器直径D=800mm, 玻璃管上升高度H=40cm=0.4m 的时间分别为t1=130s,t2=110s,t3=140s,原油含水70%,清 水密度ρ=1t/m3 。
7、某井注水泥塞,钻杆下深1900m,油管下深 2100m。油管内径为62mm,钻杆内径为55mm。 设计顶替水泥浆至3930m ,采用水泥车自动计量, 求需顶替液量(内径为55mm 的钻杆内容积 2.375m3/km,内径为62mm 的油管内容积 3.019m3/km,地面管线和油补距忽略,结果取体积 “升”的整数)。