

DXI800 中文手册

DXI800 中文手册
• 样品架 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 • 计算最低样品体积 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 • 样品容器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
2005 Beckman Coulter, Inc. P/N 986266E 3/05
UniCel DxI 800 使用说明
4 样品架和样品容器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1
本手册与 UniCel DxI Access 免疫分析系统 一同使用。
Access、 AccuTnI、 DxI、 Hybritech、 Ostase、 UniCel 以及 BECKMAN COULTER 徽标是 Beckman Coulter, Inc. 的商标
UniCel DxI 800 使用说明
2 关闭和重新启动 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1



DW800多功能电力监控仪表产品说明书V1.0烟台磐能电气控制系统有限公司版权所有翻印必究目录一、产品概述: (3)1.1测量 31.2选装模块 41.3前面板 41.4控制与事件 51.5技术指标 5二、安装与接线: (6)2.1环境 62.2电源82.3接线图82.4通讯102.5开关量输入112.6继电器输出11三、测量参数 (11)3.1电压113.2电流123.3有功功率123.4无功功率123.5功率因数123.6频率12四、谐波124.1概述124.2电压谐波134.3电流谐波13五、电度及复费率统计 (13)5.1概述135.2有功电度145.3无功电度145.4复费率电度14六、事件记录 (14)6.1概述146.2事件类型146.3事件发生时间156.4事件格式15七、控制系统 (15)7.1概述157.2自控方式15八、显示操作 (17)8.1概括178.2按键功能188.3数据查询188.4就地配置23九、通讯329.1通讯介质329.2通讯协议329.3通讯参数32一、产品概述:DW800多功能电力监控仪表是一种功能强大﹑安全可靠的测控装置,可广泛应用于电力系统、环境监控、低压配电等自动化领域。





描述 :DW8535 是一个高效率的降压转换器。

DW8535 可以调节 LED 电流由外部模拟信号。

DW8535 可以传输外部模拟调整信号和 PWM 逻辑信号。

功能-6.5V 至 60V 输入电压范围-± 2.5 %led 电流精度-达 2 MHz 开关频率-各种故障检测或保护功能(开路/短路,温度、运输署牵头)-程序包: 9.90 x 1.75(mm) SOIC16 x 6.00应用程序-脱机带领的灯管和灯具-标牌和装饰照明-一般用途 LED 照明-LED 路灯,平面面板照明典型的应用程序描述 :DW8520是一个降压转换器拓扑结构LED驱动IC。





特点 :- 9V至450V电源电压-高效率高达90%- PWM /模拟调光能力-热短式功能-包装:4.90 X 6.00×1.40(毫米)SOIC8应用 :-通道标志或景观照明- DC / DC或AC / DC-通用恒流源电流稳定典型用途:描述DW8508是CC / CV(恒定电流和恒定电流)稳定在二次侧的LED驱动IC。



应用-所有的LED照明应用- AC输入LED照明应用- /室外照明,街道,道路,停车场,建筑灯特点-宽工作电压范围(8V〜30V)-无频闪0〜10个调光能力- PWM /模拟调光能力-内置5V稳压器-热降额功能-包装:4.90 X 6.00×1.40(毫米)SOIC8典型用途:描述 :DW8506是一个恒定的电流调节器,允许您控制输出电流高达100mA。



应用 :-通道标志或景观照明- DC / DC或AC / DC-通用恒流源电流稳定特点 :- 6.5V至40V电源电压-低漏失电压:最大。

0.6V @ ILED =50毫安-热降额功能-包装:2.92 2.80所述所述1.30(毫米)SOT23典型用途:描述 :DW8528是活跃的边界模式功率因数校正控制器,用于交流 - 直流(AC-DC)SMPS应用。









800 型八速粘度计

800 型八速粘度计

800 型八速粘度计中文名称:OFITE 800 型八速粘度计英文名称:OFITE Model 800 8-Speed Viscometer订货系列号:#130-10-C 带携带箱#130-10-L 可伸缩支架制造商:美国OFITE 公司简介:美国OFI 测试设备公司是专为钻井液、完井液、油井水泥、废水等石油工业提供测试仪器和试剂的专业公司。


OFITE 800 型粘度计用来在不同时间、温度和常压的条件下根据剪切速率和剪切力来测量流动特性。


800 型既适用于现场也适用于实验室,使用的马达驱动电子组件使其成为了钻井液工程师准确和多用的工具。

既可用12V 电池操作,也可用标准电源(即115V 或230V,50-60HZ)。

粘度计的马达转速被连续监控并且通过OFITE 的脉冲源电子调速器维持在不同输入功率和剪切条件下的恒定剪切速率。

八个精确的固定测试速率(转速下的剪切率)为:3(Gel),6,30,60,100,200,300 和600。


优势:◆国际上任何场合可通用,无需更换开关或电接线◆发光刻度盘使读数更容易更准确◆传统的油田转子、悬锤和扭力弹簧,使实验数据具有再现性和对比性◆可伸缩支架型供选择,使仪器方便布置于泥浆检测套件箱里面◆可选电池组增加了在现场使用的便利特性和参数:电动转速(RPM):8 固定档(600,300,200,100,60,30,6 和3)转速精度(RPM):0.001读数:直读刻度盘加热杯:标准规范,150 瓦,推荐最高温度88℃电源要求:97-250 伏交流,50/60 赫兹(12 伏操作需要一特殊缆线)最大剪切力:1680 Dyne/cm2(标配R1B1&F1.0)剪切速率范围:0.8~1021 S-1仪器尺寸:56×25×38cm仪器重量:12.6kg仪器构造:真正库艾特同轴圆筒螺纹转子:每次以相同的方式机械固定上。



部分分立元件库元件名称及中英对照AND ------------------------------------与门ANTENNA --------------------------------天线BA TTERY --------------------------------直流电源BELL -----------------------------------铃,钟BVC ------------------------------------同轴电缆接插件BRIDEG 1 -------------------------------整流桥(二极管) BRIDEG 2 -------------------------------整流桥(集成块) BUFFER--------------------------------- 缓冲器BUZZER----------------------------------蜂鸣器CAP ------------------------------------电容CAPACITOR ------------------------------电容CAPACITOR POL --------------------------有极性电容CAPV AR ---------------------------------可调电容CIRCUIT BREAKER ------------------------熔断丝COAX -----------------------------------同轴电缆CON ------------------------------------插口CRYSTAL --------------------------------晶体整荡器DB --------------------------------------并行插口DIODE ---------------------------------二极管DIODE SCHOTTKY ------------------------稳压二极管DIODE V ARACTOR ------------------------变容二极管DPY_3-SEG---------------------------- 3段LEDDPY_7-SEG---------------------------- 7段LEDDPY_7-SEG_DP -------------------------7段LED(带小数点) ELECTRO ------------------------------电解电容FUSE ----------------------------------熔断器INDUCTOR -----------------------------电感INDUCTOR IRON -------------------------带铁芯电感INDUCTOR3 -----------------------------可调电感JFET N -------------------------------N沟道场效应管JFET P --------------------------------P沟道场效应管LAMP ----------------------------------灯泡LAMP NEDN -----------------------------起辉器LED -----------------------------------发光二极管METER ---------------------------------仪表MICROPHONE ----------------------------麦克风MOSFET --------------------------------MOS管MOTOR AC -----------------------------交流电机MOTOR SERVO --------------------------伺服电机NAND ----------------------------------与非门NOR ----------------------------------或非门NOT -----------------------------------非门NPN -----------------------------------NPN----三极管NPN-PHOTO ------------------------------感光三极管OPAMP ----------------------------------运放OR ------------------------------------或门PHOTO ---------------------------------感光二极管PNP -----------------------------------三极管NPN DAR ----------------------------NPN三极管PNP DAR ----------------------------PNP三极管POT ----------------------------滑线变阻器PELAY-DPDT---------------------------- 双刀双掷继电器RES1.2 ----------------------------电阻RES3.4 ----------------------------可变电阻RESISTOR BRIDGE ? ----------------------------桥式电阻RESPACK ? ----------------------------电阻SCR ----------------------------晶闸管PLUG ?---------------------------- 插头PLUG AC FEMALE---------------------------- 三相交流插头SOCKET ? ----------------------------插座SOURCE CURRENT---------------------------- 电流源SOURCE VOLTAGE ----------------------------电压源SPEAKER ----------------------------扬声器SW ? ----------------------------开关SW-DPDY ?---------------------------- 双刀双掷开关SW-SPST ? ----------------------------单刀单掷开关SW-PB ----------------------------按钮THERMISTOR ----------------------------电热调节器TRANS1 ----------------------------变压器TRANS2 ----------------------------可调变压器TRIAC ?---------------------------- 三端双向可控硅TRIODE ? ----------------------------三极真空管V ARISTOR ----------------------------变阻器ZENER ? ----------------------------齐纳二极管DPY_7-SEG_D---------------------------- 数码管SW-PB ---------------------------- 开关7805----------------------------------LM7805CT。

D2008型 电子称重仪表 使用说明书

D2008型 电子称重仪表 使用说明书

D2008型电子称重仪表使用说明书2018年3月版●使用前请仔细阅读本产品说明书●请妥善保管本产品说明书,以备查阅目录第一章技术参数 (1)第二章常规操作说明 (2)一、开机及开机自动置零 (2)二、手动置零 (2)三、去皮 (2)四、清皮 (2)五、日期与时间查询与设置 (2)第三章称重记录的储存与打印 (2)一.称重记录的储存 (2)二. 车号皮重的设置与清除方法: (3)三、车号皮重的批量查看与清除方法: (3)四. 称重记录的打印 (3)五. 明细报表打印 (4)六.称重记录的查询与清除 (4)七.称重记录和车号皮重的全部删除操作 (5)八.查询打印 (5)第四章信息提示 (5)附录 A:打印操作举例: (6)附录 B:明细表及统计报表示例 (7)▲仪表电源接地线必须符合电气安全规定,接线盒、传感器的外壳必须接地良好。














DW 产品说明书中文版

DW 产品说明书中文版
Vol1 Voh1 Vol2 Voh2 IDD Istandby
项目 输入电压
过充检测恢复电压 过充保护延迟时间
过放阈值电压 过放检测恢复电压 过放保护延迟时间
过流阈值电压 过流保护延迟时间
短路保护电压 短路保护延迟时间 Cout Pin N 沟道导通电压 Cout Pin P 沟道导通电压 Dout Pin N 沟道导通电压 Dout Pin P 沟道导通电压
DW 01
锂电池保护 IC
静态电流 待机电流(检测到过放之后) 过充检测精度 (Topt=25℃) 过充检测精度(Topt=0 到 50℃) 过放检测精度 过放检测电压 过流保护 过充延迟(VDD=4.4V) 过放延迟(VDD=2.2V 带有内置电容) 封装
典型值:4.0uA 典型值:0.2uA ± 50mV ± 60mV ± 100mV 2.0V 到 3.0V,每步 0.005V 0.04V 到 0.32V,每步 0.04V 110mS 22mS(最小值) SOT23-6/6-pin
将电池组连接到充电器,当 VDD 电压高于 VDET2 时,Dout Pin 电位立即变为高电平。 对 DW01 来说,当 VDD 电压等于或者高于过放恢复电压/VDET2 时,过放保护情况会被 解除。 过放检测电路的延迟时间是固定的,当 VDD=2.2V 时 tVDET2 最小为 22ms。当 VDD 电压 低于 VDET2 后在一定的输出延迟时间内又重新被拉高到高于 VDET2,VD2 将不会输出一个信 号来关断放电控制的 MOSFET。 VD2 检测到过放之后,静态电流会减小到典型值 0.2uA(VDD=2.0V),此时只有充电检测 电路工作。 Dout Pin 的输出类型具有 CMOS 特性,即输出高电平为 VDD,输出低电平为 Vss。



e 31N5400G - 1N5408G3.0A GLASS PASSIVATED RECTIFIERFeaturesMaximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics@ T A = 25°C unless otherwise specified·Glass Passivated Die Construction·High Current Capability and Low Forward Voltage Drop ·Surge Overload Rating to 125A Peak ·Lead Free Finish,RoHS Compliant (Note 4)Mechanical Data·Case: DO-201AD·Case Material: Molded Plastic. UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0·Moisture Sensitivity: Level 1 per J-STD-020C ·Terminals: Finish - Tin. Plated Leads Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208·Polarity: Cathode Band·Ordering Information: See Last Page ·Marking: Type Number·Weight: 1.12 grams (approximate)Single phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load.For capacitive load, derate current by 20%.Notes:1. Valid provided that leads are kept at ambient temperature at a distance of 9.5mm from the case.2. Measured at 1.0 MHz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0V DC.3. Measured with I F = 0.5A, I R = 1.0A,I rr = 0.25A.4.RoHS revision 13.2.2003. Glass and High Temperature Solder Exemptions Applied, see EU Directive Annex Notes 5 and 7.I ,I N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A )F V ,INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Fig.2Typical Forward CharacteristicsF ,P E A K F O R W A R D S U R G E C U R R E N T (A )F S M NUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60Hz Fig.3Peak Forward SurgeCurrent10100200110100C ,T O T A L C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )T V ,REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Fig.4Typical Total CapacitanceR 0.11.01010020406080100120140PERCENT OF RATED PEAK VOLTAGE (%)Fig.5Typical Reverse Characteristics012340255075100125150175I ,A V E R A G E F O R W A R D R E C T I F I E D C U R R E N T (A )O T ,AMBIENTTEMPERATURE (°C)Fig.1Forward Current Derating CurveAOrdering Information(Note 5)Notes: 5. For packaging details, visit our website at /datasheets/ap02008.pdfIMPORTANT NOTICEDiodes Incorporated and its subsidiaries reserve the right to make modifications,enhancements,improvements,corrections or other changes without further notice to any product herein.Diodes Incorporated does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein;neither does it convey any license under its patent rights,nor the rights of others.The user of products in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Diodes Incorporated and all the companies whose products are represented on our website,harmless against all damages.LIFE SUPPORTDiodes Incorporated products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the expressed written approval of the President of Diodes Incorporated.。



DW1000用户手册翻译文档v0.22018年5月8日修订记录目录DW1000用户手册翻译文档v0.2 (1)修订记录 (2)1 介绍 (7)1.1 关于DW1000 (7)1.2 关于这个文件 (7)2 DW1000的概述 (9)2.1 引言 (9)2.2 连接到DW1000 (9)2.2.1 SPI接口 (9)2.2.2 中断 (12)2.2.3 通用I/O (12)2.2.4 同步引脚 (12)2.3 DW1000操作状态 (12)2.3.1 2.3.1状态图 (12)2.4 上电复位 (14)2.4.1 睡眠和深度睡眠 (15)2.4.2 DW1000支持的特殊状态序列 (16)2.5 上电默认设置 (16)2.5.1 默认系统设置 (17)2.5.2 默认通道设置 (18)2.5.3 默认发送器配置 (18)2.5.4 默认接收器配置 (18)2.5.5 需要修改的默认配置 (19)3 消息发送 (21)3.1 基本发送 (21)3.2 发送时间戳 (22)3.3 延迟发送 (23)3.4 扩展长度数据帧 (23)3.5 高速传输 (24)3.5.1 TX缓冲区偏移索引 (24)3.5.2 TX缓冲区在发送或接收时写入 (25)4 信息接收 (27)4.1 基本接待 (27)4.1.1 序言检测 (27)4.1.2 序言累积 (28)4.1.3 SFD检测 (28)4.1.4 PHR解调 (28)4.1.5 数据解调 (29)4.1.6 接收消息时间戳 (29)4.2 延迟接收 (29)4.3 双接收缓冲器 (30)4.3.1 启用双缓冲操作 (30)4.3.2 控制正在访问哪个缓冲区 (31)4.3.3 双缓冲的操作 (31)4.3.4 使用双缓冲时的TRXOFF (32)4.3.5 超限 (33)4.4 低功率听力 (33)4.4.1 配置低功耗监听 (34)4.5 低功耗SNIFF模式 (35)4.5.1 SNIFF模式 (36)4.5.2 低占空比SNIFF模式 (37)4.6 诊断 (37)4.7 评估接收质量和RX时间戳 (38)4.7.1 估算第一条路径的信号功率 (38)4.7.2 估算接收信号功率 (39)5 媒体访问控制(MAC)硬件功能 (41)5.1 循环冗余校验 (41)5.2 帧过滤 (41)5.2.1 帧过滤规则 (41)5.2.2 帧过滤注意事项 (42)5.3 自动确认 (42)5.3.1 自动确认帧中的前导码长度和SFD (43)5.3.2 自动接收器重新启用 (44)5.3.3 自动ACK周转时间 (44)5.3.4 帧挂起位 (45)5.3.5 主机通知 (45)5.4 发送并自动等待响应 (45)6 DW1000的其他功能 (46)6.1 外部同步 (46)6.1.1 一次性时基复位(OSTR)模式 (46)6.1.2 一次发送同步(OSTS)模式 (47)6.1.3 一次接收同步(OSRS)模式 (47)6.2 外部功率放大 (48)6.3 使用片上OTP存储器 (49)6.3.1 OTP存储器映射 (49)6.3.2 将值编程到OTP存储器中 (51)6.3.3 从OTP内存中读取一个值 (52)6.4测量IC温度和电压 (52)7 DW1000寄存器组 (54)7.1 寄存器图概述 (54)7.2 寄存器详细说明 (55)7.2.1 相关术语 (55)7.2.2 寄存器文件:0x00 - 设备标识符 (56)7.2.3 寄存器文件:0x01 - 扩展唯一标识符 (57)7.2.4 寄存器文件:0x02 - 保留 (58)7.2.5 寄存器文件:0x03 -PAN标识符和短地址 (58)7.2.6 寄存器文件:0x04 - 系统配置 (59)7.2.7 寄存器文件:0x05 - 保留 (63)7.2.8 寄存器文件:0x06 - 系统时间计数器 (63)7.2.9 寄存器文件:0x07 - 保留 (63)7.2.10 寄存器文件:0x08 - 发送帧控制 (63)7.2.11 寄存器文件:0x09 - 传输数据缓冲区 (66)7.2.12 寄存器文件:0x0A - 延迟发送或接收时间 (66)7.2.13 寄存器文件:0x0B - 保留 (66)7.2.14 寄存器文件:0x0C - 接收帧等待超时周期 (67)7.2.15 寄存器文件:0x0D - 系统控制寄存器 (68)7.2.16 寄存器文件:0x0E - 系统事件掩码寄存器 (70)7.2.17 寄存器文件:0x0F - 系统事件状态寄存器 (73)8 DW1000校准 (78)8.1 IC校准- 晶体振荡器微调 (78)8.1.1 校准方法 (78)8.2 IC校准- 发射功率和频谱 (80)8.2.1 校准方法 (80)8.2.2 其他TX调整要考虑 (82)8.3 IC校准- 天线延迟 (82)8.3.1 校准方法 (83)9 使用DW1000时的操作设计选择 (85)9.1 工作范围 (85)9.2 频道和带宽选择 (85)9.3 数据速率,前导码长度和PRF的选择 (85)9.4 能量消耗 (86)9.5 节点密度和空气利用率 (86)9.6 低工作周期- 空中时间 (87)9.7 定位方案 (87)9.8 一般考虑 (88)10 附录1:IEEE 802.15.4 UWB物理层 (90)10.1 帧结构概述 (90)10.2 数据调制方案 (90)10.3 同步头调制方案 (91)10.4 物理层头(PHY header) (92)10.5 UWB信道和前导码 (92)10.6 标准的其他细节 (93)11 附录2:IEEE 802.15.4 MAC层 (94)11.1 一般MAC消息格式 (94)11.2 MAC报头中的帧控制字段 (94)11.2.1 帧类型字段 (95)11.2.2 启用安全性字段 (95)11.2.3 帧未决字段 (96)11.2.4 确认请求字段 (96)11.2.5 PAN ID压缩字段 (96)11.2.6 目标寻址模式字段 (96)11.2.7 帧版本字段 (97)11.2.8 源寻址模式字段 (97)11.3 序号字段 (97)11.4 DW1000中的MAC级别处理 (98)12 附录3:双向测距 (99)12.1 介绍 (99)12.2 单边双向测距 (99)12.3 双边双向测距 (100)12.3.1 使用4条消息 (100)12.3.2 使用3条消息 (101)12.3.3 使用对称的回复时间 (101)12.3.4 DS与SDS双向测距比较 (102)13 附录4:缩略语和首字母缩略词 (106)14 附录5:参考文献 (110)15 文档历史记录 (111)16 更改记录 (112)17 关于Decawave (117)1介绍1.1关于DW1000DW1000是一款符合IEEE 802.15.4-2011超宽带(UWB)标准的完全集成的低功耗单芯片CMOS无线电收发器IC。


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图1,Solartron/Schlumberger 7081英国的Datron是第二个推出8位半万用表的厂商,最早型号是1271,同样采用了多斜积分技术。




图2 Datron 1271图3 Datron 1281图4 Wavetek 1281图5 Fluke 8508A德国Prema也推出过8位半万用表6048。

关于prema 我知之甚少,只了解到它是一家老牌的精密数字仪表生产厂家,代表产品为万用表。

天水长城电工仪器厂曾组装生产过其5000,6000系列5位半,6位半,以及5017 7位半万用表。


网上关于Prema 6048的介绍很少,以下链接有比较详细的介绍。

不过可惜的是,prema目前已退出测试测量市场,关注于模拟IC和混合信号ASIC和ASSP 市场,网站。


图6 Prema 6408Agilent在很早之前就推出了8位半万用表3458A,一推出就以其无与伦比的稳定性和高速测量成为实验室的传递标准,这个情况一直持续到2002年Fluke推出8508A。

但其的积分线性、的微分线性(类似No missing code)指标,目前还是无人能比。

图7 Agilent 3458AKeithely后来也推出了8位半万用表2002,这款仪表的突出优势在于直流电压档跟它的很多纳伏表一样具有1nV的灵敏度,电阻档具有100nOhm的灵敏度,以及-200℃--1820℃温度测量范围,并在整个范围内都保持了最小0.001℃分辨率,保持了8位半模式下最快的测量速度。



DW01 (中文版)DW01+(文件编号:S&CIC0664) 锂电池保护电路一、描述DW01+是一个锂电池保护电路,为避免锂电池因过充电、过放电、电流过大导致电池寿命缩短或电池被损坏而设计的。


二、主要特点, 工作电流低;3V,过充释放4.05V; , 过充检测4., 过放检测2.5V,过放释放3.0V;, 过流检测0.15V,短路电流检测1.0V;, 充电器检测;, 过电流保护复位电阻;, 工作电压范围广;, 小封装。

三、应用, 单一锂电池保护电路。

四、内部框图第 1 页共 8 页DW01+(文件编号:S&CIC0664) 锂电池保护电路五、极限参数参数符号参数范围单位电源电压 VDD VSS-0.3~VSS+12 VOC输出管脚电压 VOC VDD-15~VDD+0.3 VOD输出管脚电压 VOD VSS-0.3~VDD+0.3 VCSI输入管脚电压 VCSI VDD+15~VDD+0.3 V工作温度 Topr -40~+85 ?存储温度 Tstg -40~+125 ?六、电气特性参数(除非特别指定,Tamb=25?)参数符号测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位工作电压工作电压 VDD -- 1.5 -- 10 V 电流消耗工作电流 IDD VDD=3.9V -- 4.0 6.0 uA 待机电流 IPD VDD=2.0V -- 0.3 0.6 uA 检测电压过充电检测电压 VOCD -- 4.25 4.275 4.30 V 过充电释放电压 VOCR -- 4.05 4.075 4.10 V 过放电检测电压 VODL -- 2.40 2.50 2.60 V 过放电释放电压 VODR -- 2.90 3.00 3.10 V 过电流1检测电压 VOI1 -- 0.12 0.15 0.18 V 过电流2(短路电流)检测电压 VOI2 VDD=3.6V 0.80 1.00 1.20 V 过电流复位电阻 Rshort VDD=3.6V 50 100 150 KΩ 过电器检测电压 VCH -- -0.8 -0.5 -0.2 V 迟延时间过充电检测迟延时间 TOC VDD=3.6V~4.4V 150 340 500 ms 过放电检测迟延时间 TOD VDD=3.6V~2.0V 80 200 300 ms 过电流1检测迟延时间 TOI1 VDD=3.6V 5 13 20 ms 过电流2(短路电流)检测迟延时间 TOI2 VDD=3.6V -- 5 50 us 其他OC管脚输出高电平电压 Voh1 -- VDD-0.1 VDD-0.02 -- V OC管脚输出低电平电压 Vol1 -- -- 0.01 0.1 V OD管脚输出高电平电压 Voh2 -- VDD-0.1 VDD-0.02 -- V OD管脚输出低电平电压 Vol2 -- -- 0.01 0.1 开始向零伏电池充电的充电器电压 VOCHA DW01+ 1.50 -- -- V第 2 页共 8 页DW01+(文件编号:S&CIC0664) 锂电池保护电路七、管脚排列图管脚号符号管脚描述 I/O1 OD O 放电控制FET门限连接管脚。



D2008型电子称重仪表技术说明书2012年02月简化版●使用前请仔细阅读本产品说明书●请妥善保管本产品说明书,以备查阅柯力传感科技股份目录第一章技术参数 (1)第二章秤台调试步骤指南 (1)第三章安装联接 (2)第一节、仪表与数字传感器的连接 (2)第二节、仪表与大屏幕的连接使用 (2)第三节、仪表与电脑的连接使用 (3)第四节、仪表与蓄电池的连接使用 (3)第四章数字传感器调试 (3)第一节修改传感器通信地址和秤台数字传感器组秤 (3)第二节修改数字传感器通讯角位 (4)第三节压角识别秤台各角位下的数传地址 (5)第四节查看各角位码 (5)第五节角差修正 (6)第五章标定调试 (7)第一节标定 (7)第二节分度值自动切换和标定线性 (8)第三节标定误差的修正 (9)第六章其他操作 (9)第一节密码管理 (9)第二节日期时间设置 (10)第三节定时关机 (10)第三节系统测试 (11)第四节PC通讯参数设置 (12)第五节打印参数设置 (12)第六节自定义打印格式设置 (14)第七节仪表文本信息输入与文本信息删除 (14)第六章信息提示 (15)附录A: 通信协议 (15)附录B:称重单格式示例: (18)▲!传感器的屏蔽线必须可靠接地插拔,防止静电损坏仪表或传感器。


第一章技术参数1、型号:适用于D2008-F(A 、P、P1)不锈钢壳+橡胶按键、D2008-FB 不锈钢壳+金属按键、D2008-FJ不锈钢壳+橡胶按键D2009-FC(A、P、P1) 不锈钢壳+橡胶按键、D10(A、P1) 塑料壳+薄膜按键、D11、D11(P、P1) 和D11_B、D11_B(P、P1)塑料壳+薄膜按键2、数字传感器接口:通信方式RS485信号传输距离在接12数字传感器情况下可接至30米,如需更长,请与本公司联系传输波特率9600、19200 bps激励电源DC12V数字接口能力最多可接16个数字传感器3、显示:7位LED数码管,7个状态指示符。


KROHNE 1/2007
! DW181 DW182 DW183 DW184
!"#$% !" ! !" !"# ! !"# !
!= DW181/DW182/ DW183/DW184
DW 181 DW 182 DW 183 DW 184 !" 3/4 2 ! DN15 DN50 ! DN65 DN200 ! DN150
dia 100(3.94 )
dia 100(3.94 )
=130(5.12 )
dia 98(3.86 )
L 200(7.87 )
300(11.81 )
DW 181/182/183/184
DW181/182/183/184 !"
(mm) DW181 G(R)3/4 G(R)1 G(R)1 1/2 DN15 DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN65 DN80 DN100 DN125 DN150 DN200 DN150 h 115 120 130 115 120 130 135 135 185 185 195 210 220 250 L 135 160 180 200 200 200 300 300 300 (kg) 1.7 1.8 2.6 3 4 5.5 7.2 9.3 11.5 12.5 14 18 23 35 13.5 DW181/Ex G(R)3/4 G(R)1 G(R)1 1/2 G(R)2 DN15 DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN65 DN80 DN100 DN125 DN150 DN200 DN150 (mm) h 140 145 155 160 140 145 155 160 160 210 210 220 232 245 275 L 135 160 180 190 (kg) 2.35 2.45 2.85 3.25 3.65 4.65 6.15 7.85 9.95 12.15 13.15 14.65 18.65 23.65 35.65 14.15


1. 控制器输出端口到灯具之间如果距离过远时,建议使用485专用线或超五类以上屏蔽网线连接, 最佳接法为:
橙色-A;橙白-B;绿色-写址+(ADRI/PO+);绿白-写址-(ADRI/PO-);其他接 GND(地) 2. 每路信号的末尾即 A 和 B 间要加一个 120R 的终端电阻。 3. 切勿将缠绕在一起的两根线同时用来接信号,如橙和橙白同时接到 A+或 B-上。
MR-208DW 与脱机主控连接,如下图所示:
以 DMX512 点光源组成的 96 点×18 点的点阵屏为例,采用 MR-208DW 控制器,布线呈竖向 S 型排列,控制器每个输出口控制 3 列点光源,共需 32 个 DMX512 接口。以下图为例:
计算机 MR-BF02 主控(选配) MR-208DW-01 MR-208DW-02
地址:北京市通州区九棵树西路 78 号瑞都国际中心 1105 室
额定电压 额定功率 长度 宽度 高度 固定孔间距 标配附件
AC 100V~240V 15W
283mm 134mm 45mm 268mm;68 mm AC 电源线×1
MR-208DW 控制器与计算机的以太网端口连接,如下图所示:
地址:北京市通州区九棵树西路 78 号瑞都国际中心 1105 室




DW8单相电参数测量及控制仪表| DW8东崎Toky单相功率表
精度等级为士0. 5%FS
RS485通信接口,Modbus RTU通信协议。

DW8单相电参数测量及控制仪表| DW8东崎Toky单相功率表型号说明
DW8单相电参数测量及控制仪表| DW8东崎Toky单相功率表常用型号
DW8单相电参数测量及控制仪表| DW8东崎Toky单相功率表主要技术参数
DW8单相电参数测量及控制仪表| DW8东崎Toky单相功率表面板名称
DW8单相电参数测量及控制仪表| DW8东崎Toky单相功率表操作流程
DW8单相电参数测量及控制仪表| DW8东崎Toky单相功率表接线图
DW8单相电参数测量及控制仪表| DW8东崎Toky单相功率表外形尺寸。

柯力D2008F(A、P、P1)数字式电子称重仪表 技术说明书

柯力D2008F(A、P、P1)数字式电子称重仪表 技术说明书

D2008F(A、P、P1)数字式电子称重仪表技术说明书2010年04月版●使用前请仔细阅读本产品说明书●请妥善保管本产品说明书,以备查阅目录第一章技术参数 (1)第二章安装联接 (2)一、仪表与数字传感器的连接 (2)二、仪表与大屏幕的连接使用 (2)三、仪表与电脑的连接使用 (2)四、仪表与蓄电池的连接使用 (2)第三章秤台调试步骤简介 (3)第四章数字传感器调试 (3)第一节修改传感器通信地址和秤台数字传感器组秤 (3)第二节修改数字传感器通讯角位 (4)第三节查看各角位内码 (5)第四节角差修正 (6)第五章标定调试 (8)第一节标定 (8)第二节分度值自动切换 (10)第三节标定误差的修正 (10)第六章其他操作 (11)第一节密码管理 (11)第二节定时关机 (12)第三节系统测试 (12)第四节PC通讯参数设置 (13)第五节参数保存及还原 (13)第六节打印参数设置 (14)第七节自定义打印格式设置 (16)第七节仪表文本信息输入与文本信息删除 (20)第六章信息提示 (24)附录A: 通信协议 (25)附录B:称重单格式示例: (28)附录C:明细表及统计报表示例 (29)附录D:仪表出厂默认参数 (30)第一章技术参数1、型号:D2008F(A、P、P1)、D2008FB(A、P、P1)2、数字传感器接口:通信方式RS485信号传输距离最长1000米传输波特率9600、19200 bps激励电源DC12V数字接口能力最多可接16个数字传感器3、显示:7位LED数码管,7个状态指示符。

4、键盘数字键0 ~ 9功能键30个(10个与数字键复合)5、时钟:可显示年、月、日、时、分、秒,自动闰年、闰月;6、大屏幕显示接口传输方式电流环和RS232传输波特率600bps7、串行通讯接口传输方式RS232波特率600/1200/2400/4800/9600/19200可选8、打印接口配置标准并行打印接口,可配接ESPON LQ-300K+Ⅱ、ESPON LQ-300K、ESPONLQ-680K 、ESPON LQ-730K 、ESPON LQ-1600K(+)、KX-P1131、KX-P1121、DS-300等宽行打印机,P带热敏微打,P1带针式微打。



DW182 z 适用于水平和垂直安装的管道 z 法兰连接 DN15 至 DN50(1/2”至 2”) z 可选择 A 或 G 型指示器 z 1 或 2 个流量开关点 z C 或 E 型测量系统 z 流量范围见流量表
DW183 z 适用于水平和垂直安装的管道 z 法兰连接 DN65 至 DN200(3”至 8”) z 可选择 A 或 G 型指示器 z 1 或 2 个流量开关点 z P 型测量系统 z 流量范围见流量表
编号 P081 P082 P083 P084 P085 P101 P102 P103 P104 P105 P121 P122 P123 P124 P125 P151 P152 P153 P154 P155 P201 P202
编号 - P086 P087 P088 P089 - P106 P107 P108 P109 - P126 P127 P128 P129 - P156 P157 P158 P159 - -
尺寸(mm) h L 140 135 145 160 155 180 160 190 140 145 155 160 160 210 210 220 232 245 275 -
重 量 (kg) 2.35 2.45 2.85 3.25 3.65 4.65 6.15 7.85 9.95 12.15 13.15 14.65 18.65 23.65 35.65 14.15
Байду номын сангаас
1 1/2
50 或 65
*仅用于 G 型指示器 DW183 指示器 G DN 法兰连接 流量范围(m3/h) 80 或 65 10-24 16-40 20-50 24-60 28-70 100 16-40 24-60 32-80 40-100 48-120 125 24-60 40-100 48-120 60-150 70-180 150 40-100 60-150 70-180 90-220 100-250 200 60-150 70-180
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1IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions ContentsPage Symbols and Definitions 2Nomenclature2General Information 3A ssembly Instructions4FRED, Rectifier Diode and Thyristor Chips in Planar Design5IGBT ChipsV CESI CG-Series, Low V CE(sat) B2 Types 600 ...1200 V7 ... 20 A 6G-Series, Fast C2 Types600 V 7 ... 20 A 6S-Series, SCSOA Capability, Fast Types 600 V10 ... 20 A 6E-Series, Improved NPT³ technology1200 ... 1700 V20 ... 150 A7MOSFET ChipsV DSSR DS(on)HiPerFET TM Power MOSFET70 ...1200 V 0.005 ... 4.5 Ω8-10PolarHT TM MOSFET, very Low R DS(on)55 ... 300 V 0.015 ... 0.135 Ω11P-Channel Power MOSFET-100 ...-600 V 0.06 ... 1.2 Ω12N-Channel Depletion Mode MOSFET 500 ...1000 V30 ... 110 Ω12Layouts13-17Bipolar ChipsV RRM / V DRMI F(AV)M / I T(AV)M Rectifier Diodes 1200 ... 1800 V 12 ... 416 A 18-19FREDs600 ... 1200 V 8 ... 244 A 20-21Low Leakage FREDs 200 ... 1200 V 9 ... 148 A 22-23SONIC-FRD TM Diodes 600 ... 1800 V 12 ... 150 A 24-25GaAs Schottky Diodes 100 ... 600 V 3.5 ... 25 A 26-27Schottky Diodes8 ... 200 V 28 ... 145 A 28-31Phase Control Thyristors 800 ... 2200 V 15 ... 540 A 32-33Fast Rectifier Diodes1600 ... 1800 V10 ... 26 A34Direct Copper Bonded (DCB), Direct Alu Bonded (DAB) Ceramic SubstratesWhat is DCB/DAB?35DCB Specification362© 2004 IXYS All rights reservedSymbols and DefinitionsC ies Input capacitance of IGBT C iss Input capacitance of MOSFET-di/dt Rate of decrease of forward current I C DC collector current I D Drain currentI FForward current of diodeI F(AV)M Maximum average forward current at specified T h I FSM Peak one cycle surge forward current I GT Gate trigger current I R Reverse currentI RM Maximum peak recovery current I TForward current of thyristorI T(AV)M Maximum average on-state current of a thyristor at specified T hI TSM Maximum surge current of a thyristor R DS(on)Static drain-source on-state resistance R thjc Thermal resistance junction to case r TSlope resistance of a thyristor or diode (for power loss calculations) T case Case temperature T h Heatsink temperaturet fiCurrent fall time with inductive load T j , T (vj)Junction temperatureT jm , T (vj)m Maximum junction temperature t rrReverse recovery time of a diode V CE(sat)Collector-emitter saturation voltage V CES Maximum collector-emitter voltage V DRM Maximum repetitive forward blocking voltage of thyristorV DSS Drain-source break-down voltage V F Forward voltage of diode V R Reverse voltageV RRM Maximum peak reverse voltage of thyristor or diodeV T On-state voltage of thyristorV T0Threshold voltage of thyristors or diodes (for power loss calculation only)Chip and DCB Ceramic Substrates Data book Edition 2004Published by IXYS Semiconductor GmbH Marketing CommunicationsEdisonstraße 15, D-68623 Lampertheim© IXYS Semiconductor GmbH All Rights reserved As far as patents or other rights of third parties are concerned, liability is only assumed for chips and DCB parts per se, not for applications, processes and circuits implemented with components or assemblies. Terms of delivery and the right to change design or specifications are reserved.NomenclatureIGBT and MOSFET DiscreteIXSD 40N60A (Example)IX IXYSDie technology E NPT 3 IGBTF HiPerFETTM Power MOSFETG Fast IGBTS IGBT with SCSOA capability T Standard Power MOSFET D Unassembled chip (die)40Current rating, 40 = 40 A N N-channel type PP-channel type60Voltage class, 60 = 600 Vxx MOSFETA Prime RDS(on) for standard MOSFET Q Low gate charge dieQ2Low gate charge die, 2nd generation P PolarHTTM Power MOSFET L Linear Mode MOSFET IGBT--No letter, low VCE(sat)A Or A2, std speed type B Or B2, high speed typeCOr C2, very high speed type W-CWP 55-12/18(Thyristor Example)WPackage typeC Chip functionC = Silicon phase control thyristor W Unassembled chip PProcess designatorP = Planar passivated chip cathode on top55Current rating value of one chip in A 12/18Voltage class, 12/18 = 1200 up to 1800 VDiode and Thyristor ChipsC-DWEP 69-12(Diode Example)C Package typeD Chip functionD = Silicon rectifier diode W Unassembled chipEPProcess designatorEP = Epitaxial rectifier diodeN = Rectifier diode, cathode on top P = Rectifier diode, anode on topFN = Fast Rectifier diode, cathode on top FP = Fast Rectifier diode, anode on top69Current rating value of one chip in A -12Voltage class, 12 = 1200 V 001947 TS2/765/17557Registration No.:0019473IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions General Informations for ChipsWhen mounting Power Semiconductor chips to a header, ceramic substrate or hybrid thick film circuit, the solder system and the chip attach process are very important to the reliability and performance of the final product. This brochure provides several guidelines that describe recommended chip attachment pro-cedures. These methods have been used successfully for many years at IXYS.Available forms of chip packingsIXYS offers various options.Please order from one of the following possibilities:Packaging Options Delivery formC-...*Chips in tray (Waffle Pack);Electrically testedT-...*Chips in wafer, unsawed;Bipolar = 5" (125 mm ∅) wafer;Electrically tested, rejects are inked W-...*Chips in wafer on foil, sawed;Bipolar = 5" (125 mm ∅) wafer;Electrically tested, rejects are inked...* must be amended by the exact chip type designation.Packing, Storage and HandlingChips should be transported in their original containers. All chip transfer to other containers or for assembly should be done only with rubber-tipped vacuum pencils. Contact with human skin (or with a tool that has been touched by hand) leaves an oily residue that may adversely impact subsequent chip attach or reliability.At temperatures below 104°F (40°C), there is no limitation on storage time for chips in sealed original packages. Chips removed from original packages should be assembled immediately. The wetting ability of the contact metallization with solder can be preserved by storage in a clean and dry nitrogen atmosphere.The IGBT and MOSFET Chips are electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitive. Normal ESD precautions for handling must be observed.Prior to chip attach, all testing and handling of the chips must be done at ESD safe work stations according to DIN IEC 47(CO) 701.Ionized air blowers are recommended for added ESD protection.Contamination of the chips degrades the assembly results.Finger prints, dust or oily deposits on the surface of the chips have to be absolutely avoided.Rough mechanical treatment can cause damage to the chip.Electrical TestsThe electrical properties listed in the data sheet presume correctly assembled chips. Testing ofnon-assembled chips requires the following precautions:-High currents have to be supplied homogeneously to the whole metallized contact area.-Kelvin probes must be used to test voltages at high currents-Applying the full specified blocking or reverse voltage may cause arcing across the glass passivated junction termination, because the electrical field on top of the passivation glass causes ionization of the surrounding air. This phenomenon can be avoided by usinginert fluids or by increasing the pressure of the gas surrounding the chip to values above 30 psig (2 bars).General Rules for AssemblyThe linear thermal expansion coefficient of silicon is very small compared to usual contact metals. If a large area metallized silicon chip is directly soldered to a metal like copper, enormous shear stress is caused by temperature changes (e.g. when cooling down from the solder temperature or by heating during working conditions) which can disrupt the solder mountdown.If it is found that larger chips are cracking during mountdown or in the application, then the use of a low thermal expansion coefficient buffer layer, e.g. tungsten, molybdenum or Trimetal ®, for strain relief should be considered. An alternative solution is to soft-solder these larger chips to DCB ceramic substrates because of their matching thermal expansion coefficients.4© 2004 IXYS All rights reservedMOS/IGBT ChipsRecommended Solder SystemIXYS recommends a soft solder chip attach using a solder composition of 92.5 % Pb, 5 % Sn and 2.5 % Ag. The maximum chip attach temperature is 460°C for MOSFET and 360°C for HiPerFET TM and IGBT.Wire BondingIt is recommended to use wire of diameter not greater than 0.38 mm (0.015") for bonding to the source emitter and gate pads. Multiple wires should be used in place of thicker wire to handle high drain or emitter currents. See tables for number of recommended wire bonds. At smaller gate pads 0.15 mm is recommended.Thermal Response TestingTo assure good chip attach processing, thermal response testing per MIL STD 750, Method 3161 or equivalent should be performed.Bipolar ChipsAssemblingIXYS bipolar semiconductor chips have a soft-solderable, multi-layer metallization (Ti/Ni/Ag) on the bottom side and, on top, either the same metallization scheme or an alumunium layer sufficiently thick for ultrasonic bonding. Note that the last layer of metal for soldering is pure silver.Regardless of their type all chips possess the same glass passivated junction termination system on top of the chip. For that reason they can be easily chip bonded or they can all be simply soldered to a flat contacting electrode in accordance to the General Rules on Page 3. All kinds of the usual soft solders with melting points below 660°F (350°C) can be used thanks to their pure silver top metal.Solders with high melting points are preferable due to their better power cycling capability, i.e. they are more resistant to thermal fatigue.Soldering temperature should not exceed 750°F (400°C). The maximum temperature should not be applied for more than five minutes.As already mentioned above the electrical properties quoted in the data sheets can only be obtained with properly assembled chips.This is only possible when all contact materials to be soldered together are well wetted and the solder is practically free of voids.A simple means to achieve good solder connections is to use a belt furnace running with a process gas containing at least 10 %Hydrogen in Nitrogen.Other approved methods are also allowed, provided that the above mentioned temperature-time-limits are not exceeded and temperature shocks above 930°F/min (500 K/min) are avoided.We do not recommend the use of fluxes for soldering!Ultrasonic Wire BondingChips provided with a thick aluminium layer are designed for ultrasonic wire bonding. Wire diameters up to 500 µm can be used dependent on chip types. Setting wires in parallel and application of stitch bonding lead to surge current ratings comparable to soldered chips.CoatingAlthough the chips are glass passivated, they must be protected against arcing and environmental influences. The coating material that is in contact with the chip surface must have the following properties:- elasticity (to prevent mechanical stress)- high purity, no contamination with alkali metals - good adhesion to metals and glass passivation.Assembly Instructions5IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensionsFRED, Rectifier Diode and Thyristor Chips in Planar DesignFast Recovery Epitaxial Diodes (FRED)Power switches (IGBT, MOSFET, BJT, GTO) for applications in electronics are only as good as their associated free-wheeling diodes. At increasing switching frequencies, the proper functioning and efficiency of the power switch, aside from conduction losses,is determined by the turn-off behavior of the diode (characterized by Q rr , I RM and t rr - Fig. 1.Rectifier Diode and Thyristor ChipsThe figures 3 a-c show cross sectional views of the diode and thyristor chips in the passivation area. All thyristor and diode chips (DWN, DWFN,CWP) are fabricated using separation diffusion processes so that all junctions terminate on the topside of the chip. Now the entire bottom surfaces of all chips are available for soldering onto a DCB or other ceramic substrate without a molybdenum strain buffer. The elimination of the strain buffer and its solder joint reduces thermal resistance and increases blocking voltage stability. The junction termination areas are passivated with glass, whose thermal expansion coefficient matches that of silicon. All silicon chips increasingly use planar technology with guard rings and channel stoppers to reduce electric fields on the chip surface.The contact areas of the chips have vapor deposited metal layers which contribute substantially to their high power cycle capability. All chips are processed on silicon wafers of 5" diameter and diced after a wafer sample test which auto-matically marks chips not meeting the electrical specification.The chip geometry is square or rectangular.Fig. 3a-cCross sections of Chips in the passivation area a) Diode chip, type DWN, DWFN b) Diode chip, type DWP, DWFP c) Thyristor chip, type CWPThe reverse current character-istic following the peak reverse current I RM is another very im-portant property. The slope of the decaying reverse current di rr /dt results from design para- meters (technology and dif-fusion of the FRED chip Fig. 2. In a circuit this current slope, in conjunction with parasitic induc-tances (e.g. connecting leads, causes over-voltage spikes and high frequency interference vol-tages.The higher the di rr /dt ("hard recovery" or "snap-off" behavior) the higher is the resulting additional stress for both the diode and the paralleled switch. A slow decay of the reverse current ("soft recovery" behavior), is the most desirable characteristic, and this is designed into all FRED. The wide range of available blocking voltages makes it possible to apply these FRED as output rectifiers in switch-mode power supplies (SMPS) as well as protective and free-wheeling diodes for power switches in inverters and welding power supplies.MetalizationFig. 1:Current and voltage during turn-on andturn-offswitching of fast diodesFig. 2:Cross section of glassivated planar epitaxial diode chip with seperation diffusion (type DWEP)Epitaxie Sch ich t n -Sub stra t n+KathodeAnodeGuard ringSubstrate n+Epitaxy layer n-CathodeAnode Glasspassivation p n n +GlasspassivationGuard ring Metalization Fig. 3b)MetalizationChannel-stopperGlasspassivationGuard ring EmitterFig. 3c)Fig. 3a)18© 2004 IXYS All rights reservedRectifier DiodesTypeV RRMVDWN 5800 -DWP 51200DWN 21200 -DWN 91800DWN 17 DWP 17DWN 21DWP 21DWN 35DWP 35DWN 50DWP 50DWN 75DWP 75DWN 110DWP 110DWN 340DWN 1081600 -1Mounted on DCB19© 2004 IXYS All rights reservedDWNDWPRectifier DiodesTypeDWN 5DWP 5DWN 2•DWN 9•DWN 17 •DWP 17•DWN 21•DWP 21•DWN 35•DWP 35•DWN 50•DWP 50DWN 75•DWP 75•DWN 110•DWP 110•DWN 340•DWN 108•s o l d e r a b l e20© 2004 IXYS All rights reserved FRED - F ast R ecovery E pitaxial DiodesTypeV RRMVDWEP 27-02200DWEP 37-02DWEP 77-02DWEP 8-06600DWEP 12-06DWEP 15-06DWEP 23-06DWEP 25-06DWEP 35-06DWEP 55-06DWEP 75-06DWEP 3-101000DWEP 10-10DWEP 18-10DWEP 20-10DWEP 30-10DWEP 50-101 Mounted on DCB21© 2004 IXYS All rights reserved FRED - F ast R ecovery E pitaxial DiodesTypeDWEP 27-02•DWEP 37-02•DWEP 77-02••DWEP 8-06•DWEP 12-06••DWEP 15-06••DWEP 23-06••DWEP 25-06••DWEP 35-06••DWEP 55-06•DWEP 75-06••DWEP 3-10•DWEP 10-10•DWEP 18-10•DWEP 20-10•DWEP 30-10••DWEP 50-10•s o l d e r a b l eb o n d a b l e22© 2004 IXYS All rights reservedLow Leakage Fast Recovery Epitaxial DiodesTypeV RRM VDWLP 4-02200DWLP 15-02DWLP 15-02B DWLP 25-02DWLP 4-03300DWLP 8-03DWLP 15-03DWLP 15-03A DWLP 23-03DWLP 23-03A DWLP 55-03DWLP 75-03DWLP 8-04400DWLP 15-04DWLP 23-04DWLP 55-04DWLP 75-04DWLP 150-04DWLP 4-066001Mounted on DCB23© 2004 IXYS All rights reservedLow Leakage Fast Recovery Epitaxial DiodesTypeDWLP 4-02•DWLP 15-02•DWLP 15-02B •DWLP 25-02•DWLP 4-03•DWLP 8-03•DWLP 15-03•DWLP 15-03A •DWLP 23-03•DWLP 23-03A •DWLP 55-03••DWLP 75-03•DWLP 8-04•DWLP 15-04•DWLP 23-04•DWLP 55-04••DWLP 75-04••DWLP 150-04••DWLP 4-06•s o l d e r a b l eb o n d a b l e24© 2004 IXYS All rights reserved SONIC-FRD TMDiodesTypeV DWHP 8-06 F in design DWHP 15-06 F 600DWHP 23-06 FDWHP 56-06 F DWHP 69-06 F DWHP 150-06 F in design DWHFP 15-12 F 1200DWHFP 23-12 F DWHFP 56-12 F DWHFP 56-12 S DWHFP 69-12 F DWHFP 69-12 S DWHFP 150-12 S DLFP 55-17 S 1700DLFP 68-17 S DLFP 150-17 S DLFP 200-17 S 1Mounted on DCB25© 2004 IXYS All rights reserved SONIC-FRD TMDiodesTypeDWHP 8-06 F DWHP 15-06 F DWHP 23-06 F DWHP 56-06 F DWHP 69-06 F DWHP 150-06 F DWHFP 15-12 F DWHFP 23-12 FDWHFP 56-12 F DWHFP 56-12 SDWHFP 69-12 F DWHFP 69-12 S DWHFP 150-12 S DLFP 55-17 S DLFP 68-17 S DLFP 150-17 S DLFP 200-17 S s o l d e r a b l e26© 2004 IXYS All rights reservedGaAs Schottky DiodesTypeV RRMVDWGS04-01A 100DWGS10-01C DWGS04-018A 180DWGS04-018CDWGS10-018ADWGS10-018C DWGS20-018A DWGS20-018C DWGS04-025A 250DWGS04-025C DWGS10-025A DWGS10-025C DWGS20-025A DWGS20-025C DWGS04-03A 300DWGS04-03C DWGS10-03A27© 2004 IXYS All rights reservedGaAs Schottky DiodesD W GS04-01A D W GS10-01CD W GS04-018A D W GS04-018C D W GS10-018A D W GS10-018C D W GS20-018A D W GS20-018C D W GS04-025A D W GS04-025C D W GS10-025A D W GS10-025C D W GS20-025A D W GS20-025C D W GS04-03A D W GS04-03C D W GS10-03A s o l d e r a b l e28© 2004 IXYS All rights reservedSchottky DiodesTypeV RRMVDWS 39-08D DWS 9-15B 15DWS 19-15B DWS 29-15B DWS 7-30B 30DWS 17-30B DWS 27-30B DWS 37-30B DWS 217-30B DWS 3-45B 45DWS 4-45A DWS 13-45B DWS 14-45A DWS 23-45B DWS 24-45A DWS 33-45B 1Mounted on DCB29© 2004 IXYS All rights reservedSchottky DiodesTypeDWS 39-08D •DWS 9-15B •DWS 19-15B •DWS 29-15B •DWS 7-30B •DWS 17-30B •DWS 27-30B•DWS 37-30B •DWS 217-30B •DWS 3-45B •DWS 4-45A •DWS 13-45B •DWS 14-45A •DWS 23-45B ••DWS 24-45A •DWS 33-45B ••s o l d e r a b l eb o n d a b l e30© 2004 IXYS All rights reservedSchottky DiodesTypeV RRMVDWS 5-60A 60DWS 15-60BDWS 25-60BDWS 35-60B DWS 25-80B 80DWS 36-80A DWS 2-100A 100DWS 12-100A DWS 22-100A DWS 32-100A DWS 1-150A 150DWS 11-150A DWS 21-150A DWS 31-150A DWS 1-180A 1801 Mounted on DCB31© 2004 IXYS All rights reservedSchottky DiodesTypeDWS 5-60A •DWS 15-60B •DWS 25-60B •DWS 35-60B •DWS 25-80B •DWS 36-80A •DWS 2-100A •DWS 12-100A •DWS 22-100A •DWS 32-100A ••DWS 1-150A •DWS 11-150A •DWS 21-150A •DWS 31-150A •DWS 1-180A •s o l d e r a b l eb o n d a b l e32© 2004 IXYS All rights reservedPhase Control ThyristorsTypeV DRM V RRMVCWP 7-CG 800 -CWP 81200CWP 8-CG CWP 35CWP 16-CG 1200 -CWP 21-CG 1600 -CWP 22-CG CWP 24CWP 25-CG CWP 411200 -CWP 501800CWP 55CWP 71CWP 130CWP 180CWP 341CWP 3471Mounted on DCB33© 2004 IXYS All rights reservedPhase Control Thyristors...-CG typesTypeCWP 7-CG ••CWP 8••CWP 8-CG•CWP 35••CWP 16-CG ••CWP 21-CG ••CWP 22-CG ••CWP 24••CWP 25-CG ••CWP 41••CWP 50••CWP 55••CWP 71••CWP 130••CWP 180••CWP 341•CWP 347•s o l d e r a b l eb o n d a b l e34© 2004 IXYS All rights reservedDWFN DWFPFast Rectifier DiodesTypeV RRMVDWFN 2-16/181600 -DWFN 9-16/181800DWFN 17-16/18DWFP 17-16/18DWFN 21-16/18DWFN 35-16/181 Mounted on DCBTypeo l d e r a b l e。
