



★实施配线或需要更换零部件,请务必关闭电源。 ★变频器内部的电子元器件对静电特别敏感,因此不可 将异物置入其内部或触摸电路板。 ★切断交流电源后,变频器内线路板上指示灯未熄灭
及零部件。 ★变频器接地端“ ”务必正确接地。
1.3.2 存放
本产品存放时应注意以下事项: z 置于无尘和干燥通风的场所; z 环境温度在-20℃~+60℃范围内; z 远离腐蚀性气体、液体; z 相对湿度不大于 90%,且无凝露现象;
z 变频器长时间存放会导致电解电容老化,如需长期存放时,必须保 证至少一年内通电一次(建议半年一次),通电应在 1~2 小时以上, 输入时电压必须用调压器缓缓升高至额定电压值。
1.1 简 介 …………………………………………2 1.2 技术指标 ……………………………………2 1.3 开箱、存放、搬运 …………………………3 第二章 规 格 及 尺 寸 … … … … … … … … … … … … 5 2.1 铭牌说明………………………………………5 2.2 产品外形 ……………………………………6 2.3 安装尺寸 ……………………………………7 第三章 安 装 及 配 线 … … … … … … … … … … … … 9 3.1 安装……………………………………………9 3.2 标准接线图 …………………………………10 第四章 使 用 说 明 … … … … … … … … … … … … … 1 3 4.1 操 作 面 板 示 意 图 …………………………13 4.2 参数设置………………………………………15 第五章 功 能 及 参 数 … … … … … … … … … … … … 1 6 5.1 功能码一览表…………………………………16 5.2 部分功能介绍…………………………………25 第六章 常 见 对 策 及 维 护 … … … … … … … … … … 4 9 6.1 故障诊断 ……………………………………49 6.2 检查与维护 …………………………………51 第七章 订 货 须 知 … … … … … … … … … … … … … 5 3

KBZ-200 400II说明书(万泰)word资料12页

KBZ-200 400II说明书(万泰)word资料12页

1 用途和适用范围1.1 用途KBZ-200、400/1140Ⅱ矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关用于煤矿井下,在交流50HZ,额定电压为660V或1140V,额定电流至200A、400A三相中性点不接地的供电系统中,作为总开关或分支开关用,也可作为大容量电动机不频繁起动控制之用。



2 工作条件2.1 海拔高度不超过2000米;2.2 环境温度-5℃-+40℃;2.3 空气相对湿度不大于95%(+25℃);2.4 在无强烈震动和冲击振动的地方;2.5 与垂直面的安装倾斜度不超过15°;2.6 含有沼气和煤尘的空气中,但无足以腐蚀金属和破坏绝缘的气体和蒸气;2.7 无滴水或水侵的地方;2.8 污染等级:3级;2.9 安装类别:Ⅲ类。

3 主要技术特征3.1 额定电压:660V、1140V;3.2 保护测量单元正常工作电压范围:75~110%3.3 额定工作频率:50HZ;3.4 额定电流:200A(400A);3.5 极限分断电流:15KA/660V,12.5KA/1140V;3.6 短路保护动作时间:<100 ms;3.7 电寿命:3×103次;3.8 机械寿命:1.5×104次;3.9 防爆型式:矿用隔爆型;防爆标志:ExdI。

3.10 型号含义:K B Z-200、400/1140 Ⅱ设计序号(智能型)额定电压额定电流真空隔爆型馈电开关3.11 外形尺寸及重量3.11.1 外形尺寸:780mm×550mm×850mm(长×宽×高)3.11.1 重量:310kg4 保护功能4.1短路保护:动作时间<100ms 。



KBZ2-200/1140V智能型馈电开关配件浙江恒泰科技有限公司KBZ2—200/1140(660)矿用隔爆型真空智能馈电开关使用说明书目录1、概述 (1)2、结构特征与工作原理 (1)3、技术特性 (3)4、尺寸、重量 (5)5、安装、调试 (5)6、使用、操作 (5)7、故障分析与排除 (8)8、保养、维修 (8)9、运输、贮存 (9)10、订货须知 (9)11、售后服务及承诺 (9)12、附件 (9)13、电气接线图、原理图、控制板原理图 (12)浙江恒泰科技有限公司1、概述、主要用途KBZ2-200/1140(660)矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关(以下简称馈电开关)适用于具有爆炸性危险气体(甲烷)和煤尘的矿井中,在交流50Hz,电压1140V和660V中性点不接地供电系统中,额定电流为400A(200A),作为配电系统的总开关或分开关使用,当电路中出现过载、短路、漏电和欠压故障时,馈电开关能自动切断电源。


1.2、正常工作条件(a)、周围环境温度为-5 ~ +40℃;(b)、海拔高度不超过2000m;(c)、周围空气相对湿度不大于95%(+25℃时);(d)、在有瓦斯,煤尘爆炸性气体混合物的环境中;(e)、与水平的安装倾斜度不超过15°;(f)、在无破坏绝缘的气体或蒸汽的环境中;(g)、能防止滴水的地方;(h)、污染等级:3级;(i )、安装类别:Ⅱ类。







在安装使用本矿用隔爆型无功功率自动补偿装置前,必须仔细阅读安装使用说明书一.概述1.1 本说明书适用于BBW1-200/1140(180/660)矿用隔爆型无功功率自动补偿装置。

1.2 主要用途及适用范围:矿用隔爆型无功功率自动补偿装置(以下简称装置),是一种用于具有爆炸性气体环境的煤矿井下。

对交流50Hz,额定电压为1140V,额定有功功率不大于315Kw(或额定电压为660V,额定有功功率不大于250Kw )的井下用电设备中的无功功率进行自动补偿。


1.3.2 由于本装置采用了特殊的控制方式,所以在电力电容器投入时涌流很小,不会对电容器本身和系统造成冲击。





1.4 额定容量:矿用隔爆型无功功率自动补偿装置的额定容量,是指装置内电容器组的额定容量。



1.5 额定电压:矿用隔爆型无功功率自动补偿装置的额定电压,是指装置拟接入供电系统的额定电压。


1.6 装置的规格:(见表一)表一1.7 产品执行标准及特征:1.7.1 产品执行下列标准:GB3836.1-2000 爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第1部分:通用要求GB3836.2-2000 爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第2部分:隔爆型“d”GB3836.3-2000 爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第3部分:增安型“e”GB/T 15576-1995低压无功功率静态补偿装置总技术条件Q/CG03-2006 矿用隔爆型无功功率自动补偿装置技术条件。



ZJHT馈电II 型保护器(ZYK-10型)使用说明书Version 1.33 2013-03-30 23:19:00浙江恒泰科技有限公司ZJHT 【目录】目录1【概述】 (1)2【原理】 (2)3【保护功能说明】 (3)3.1保护整定内容 (3)3.2保护技术参数 (3)3.3测量技术参数 (4)3.4通讯功能 (5)3.5显示部分 (5)3.6故障查询 (5)3.7累计信息查询 (6)3.8试验功能 (6)3.9系统说明 (7)4【保护器接线图】............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5【电源尺寸】 (8)6【电流互感器尺寸】 (9)7【保护器尺寸】 (9)8【保护器配件表】 (9)9【注意事项及一般故障排查】 (9)10 【关于选漏的说明】 (11)ZJHT 【概述】1【概述】ZYK-10型II(馈电II型)保护器(以下简称保护器),是可适用于含有爆炸性气体(甲烷)和煤尘的煤矿井下智能化多功能综合保护器,能与380V、660V、1140V电压等级,额定电流可至1000A的各种型号的馈电开关配套使用,以实现供电系统的各种保护功能。






检测、通信于一体,主要应用于工业系统交流 50Hz,标称电压在 660V 及以上电网中,改 善供电电压质量的控制装置。本装置以 32 位单片机为核心,辅以工业级外围芯片,精密 小型互感器,小型专用继电器,以及科学的算法,保护可靠灵敏,测量精度高。采用多种
漏电动作电阻整定值 KΩ 3.5 11 20
漏电闭锁电阻整定值 KΩ 7 22 40
注:若外加有零序电抗器或电感电容滤波器补尝时动作时间可放宽到≤200ms。 4.2 在馈电开关负载侧合闸前能对供电线路对地绝缘情况进行检测,当绝缘电阻低于 40K+20%(1140V)、22K+20%(660V)、7K+20%(380V)时能可靠地实现漏电闭锁功能, 使馈电开关不能合闸。 4.3 在馈电开关合闸后,装置将检测漏电动作值,其值为:20 KΩ(1140V)、11 K Ω(660V)、3.5 KΩ(380V);用户若不需要合闸后检测漏电动作值功能,可将漏电检测 线拆除。 4.4 漏电动作时间 漏电动作时间可根据需要设定,精度为±5%。 4.5 漏电保护和漏电闭锁保护动作后,应手动复位。 5、低电压保护 当电网电压降低到额定值的 30%~70%时可靠保护。 低电压保护动作时间可设为 1~5 秒。 6.电网实时电压显示:线电压(伏) 量程:380V、660V、1140V。精度±5%。 7.相平衡 任一相电源断路,低于或高于其他两相负载电流 50%时,经 5~30 秒延时可调,保护 动作。 8.风电闭锁: 配合瓦斯断电仪使用,瓦斯断电仪动作输出后,馈电开关断电,并显示瓦斯超限。用 户须用此功能,请直接与厂家联系。 9.三相电压 可实时测量三相电压,三相电流。



生产许可证号:XK06-O14-00012防爆合格证号:1082775煤安标志证号:KBZ-400 MAD080846KBZ-200 MAD080847KBZ-400(200)/1140(660)矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关使用说明书新泰科源电气有限公司X i n Ta i K e Y u a n E l e c t r i c a l C o.L t d.目录1用途及使用条件 (1)2基本参数 (1)3结构 (2)4保护器的使用 (2)4.1 定值整定 (2)4.2 按键操作说明 (2)4.3 菜单结构及操作 (3)4.4 菜单总体结构及说明 (10)5主要配件明细表 (11)6安装注意事项 (11)7常见故障处理 (11)8包装 (11)9订货须知 (11)10附图 (11)使用前请认真阅读本使用说明书1用途及使用条件4.1用途KBZ-400(200)/1140(660)矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关(以下简称馈电开关),适用于煤矿井下和其它周围介质中含有爆炸性气体(甲烷混合物)的环境中,在交流50HZ,电压1140V电流至400A、200A的中性点不接地的三相电网中,作为配电总开关或分开关之用。










ZJHT馈电II 型保护器(ZYK-10型)操作手册Version 1.36 2013-04-18 08:47:00浙江恒泰科技有限公司目录1【基本操作】 (1)1.1按键说明 (1)1.2系统说明 (1)2【实时显示】 (3)2.1实时信息显示 (3)2.2故障显示界面 (4)2.3分合闸电源故障警示 (5)3【操作员菜单】 (6)3.1保护试验 (6)3.2累计信息 (8)3.3故障查询 (8)3.4保护功能查询 (9)3.5检修模式 (9)3.6实时显示观察窗 (10)4【工程师菜单】 (11)4.1保护功能设置 (11)4.2装置设置 (15)4.2.1日历设定 (17)4.3工程师密码设置 (17)5【工厂菜单】 (19)5.1出厂参数 (19)5.2各项微调 (20)5.3工厂密码设置 (23)5.4恢复初始设置 (23)1【基本操作】1.1 按键说明ZYK-10型II保护器共有四个键:“上行”、“下行”、“确认”、“复位”。







1.2 系统说明●主菜单本保护器在初始上电时会显示初始化界面(具体内容可以根据厂家需求制定),然后进入实时显示界面。




Belimo PRXUP-MFT-T-200 电子调节阀技术数据表说明书

Belimo PRXUP-MFT-T-200 电子调节阀技术数据表说明书

MFT/programmable, Non fail-safe, 24...240 VTechnical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC 24...240 V / DC 24...125 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzRemark about nominal voltage range AC 19.2...264 V / DC 19.2...137.5 VPower consumption in operation20 WPower consumption in rest position7 WTransformer sizing with 24 V 20 VA / with 240 V 52 VAAuxiliary switch2x SPDT, 1 mA...3 A (0.5 A inductive), DC 5 V...AC250 V (II, reinforced insulation), 1x 10° / 1x0...90° (default setting 85°)Switching capacity auxiliary switch 1 mA...3 A (0.5 A inductive), DC 5 V...AC 250 V(II, reinforced insulation)Electrical Connection Terminal blocks, (PE) Ground-ScrewOverload Protection electronic thoughout 0...90° rotation Data bus communication Communicative control BACnet MS/TPModbus RTUMP-BusFunctional data Torque motor160 NmOperating range Y 2...10 VOperating range Y note 4...20 mAInput impedance100 kΩ for 2...10 V (0.1 mA), 500 Ω for 4 (20)mA, 1500 Ω for On/OffOperating range Y variable Start point 0.5...30 VEnd point 2.5...32 VOperating modes optional variable (VDC, on/off, floating point)Position feedback U 2...10 VPosition feedback U note Max. 0.5 mAPosition feedback U variable VDC variableDirection of motion motor reversible with appManual override7 mm hex crank, suppliedAngle of rotation90°Running Time (Motor)35 s / 90°Running time motor variable30...120 sNoise level, motor68 dB(A)Position indication integral pointerSafety data Power source UL Class 2 SupplyDegree of protection IEC/EN IP66/67Safety dataDegree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 4XEnclosure UL Enclosure Type 4XAgency ListingcULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-14, CAN/CSA E60730-1:02, CE acc. to 2014/30/EU and 2014/35/EU Quality Standard ISO 9001Ambient humidity Max. 100% RH Ambient temperature -22...122°F [-30...50°C]Storage temperature -40...176°F [-40...80°C]Servicingmaintenance-free Weight Weight13 lb [6.0 kg]MaterialsHousing material Die cast aluminium and plastic casingApplicationOperationProduct featuresPR Series valve actuators are designed with an integrated linkage and visual position indicators. For outdoor applications, the installed valve must be mounted with the actuator at or above horizontal. For indoor applications the actuator can be in any location including directly under the valve.The PR series actuator provides 90° of rotation and a visual indicator shows the position of the valve. The PR Series actuator uses a low power consumption brushless DC motor and is electronically protected against overload. A universal power supply is furnished to connect supply voltage in the range of AC 24...240 V and DC 24...125 V. Included is a smart heater with thermostat to eliminate condensation. Two auxiliary switches are provided; one set at 10° open and the other is field adjustable. Running time is field adjustable from 30...120 seconds by using the Near Field Communication (NFC) app and a smart phone.†Use 60°C/75°C copper wire size range 12...28 AWG, stranded or solid. Use flexible metal conduit. Push the listed conduit fitting device over the actuator’s cable to butt against the enclosure. Screw in conduit connector. Jacket the actuators input wiring with listed flexible conduit. Properly terminate the conduit in a suitable junction box. Rated impulse Voltage 4000 V. Type of action 1. Control pollution degree 3.AccessoriesGatewaysDescriptionType Gateway MP to BACnet MS/TP UK24BAC Gateway MP to Modbus RTU UK24MOD Gateway MP to LonWorksUK24LON Electrical accessoriesDescriptionType Service tool, with ZIP-USB function, for programmable andcommunicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH USMechanical accessoriesDescriptionType Hand crank for PR, PKR, PM ZG-HND PR ToolsDescriptionTypeConnecting cable 10 ft [3 m], A: RJ11 6/4 ZTH EU, B: 3-pin Weidmüller and supply connectionZK4-GEN Service tool, with ZIP-USB function, for programmable and communicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH USSensorsDescriptionType Duct/Immersion sensor Temperature 6" [150 mm] x 0.24" [6 mm] Pt100001DT-5BN Duct/Immersion sensor Temperature 19.7" [500 mm] x 0.24" [6 mm] Pt100001DT-5BH Duct/Immersion sensor Temperature 4" [100 mm] x 0.24" [6 mm] Pt100001DT-5BL Duct/Immersion sensor Temperature 8" [200 mm] x 0.24" [6 mm] Pt100001DT-5BP Duct/Immersion sensor Temperature 18" [450 mm] x 0.24" [6 mm] Pt100001DT-5BT Duct/Immersion sensor Temperature 19.7" [500 mm] x 0.24" [6 mm] Ni1000 (JCI)01DT-5EH Duct/Immersion sensor Temperature 4" [100 mm] x 0.24" [6 mm] Ni1000 (JCI)01DT-5EL Duct/Immersion sensor Temperature 6" [150 mm] x 0.24" [6 mm] Ni1000 (JCI)01DT-5EN Duct/Immersion sensor Temperature 8" [200 mm] x 0.24" [6 mm] Ni1000 (JCI)01DT-5EP Duct/Immersion sensor Temperature 12" [300 mm] x 0.24" [6 mm] Pt100001DT-5BR Duct/Immersion sensor Temperature 12" [300 mm] x 0.24" [6 mm] Ni1000 (JCI)01DT-5ER Duct/Immersion sensor Temperature 18" [450 mm] x 0.24" [6 mm] Ni1000 (JCI)01DT-5ETElectrical installationMeets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Universal Power Supply (UP) models can be supplied with 24 V up to 240 V.Disconnect power.Provide overload protection and disconnect as required.Two built-in auxiliary switches (2x SPDT), for end position indication, interlock control, fan startup, etc.Only connect common to negative (-) leg of control circuits.Actuators may be controlled in parallel. Current draw and input impedance must be observed.Warning! Live electrical components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessary to work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individual who has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks. Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical components could result in death or serious injury.Wiring diagrams On/OffWiring diagrams On/Off BACnetModulating Floating PointWiring diagrams Temperature SensorsAuxiliary SwitchesElectrical installation。

电磁保护设备TeSys GV系列产品参数表说明书

电磁保护设备TeSys GV系列产品参数表说明书

C i r c u i t b r e a k e r sCircuit breakersTeSys GV, GBC ontrol and P rotection C omponentsChapterB60.75g g 1.1g g 1.5375 2.533.5 LR2 K0308GV2LE071.1g g –––––– 2.533.5 LR2 K0308GV2LE071.5g g 1.5g g 3375451 LR2 K0310GV2LE08––– 2.2g g –––451 LR2 K0312GV2LE082.2g g 3501004375 6.378 LR2 K0312GV2LE103g g 410100 5.537510138 LR2 K0314GV2LE144g g 5.510100–––10138 LR2 K0316GV2LE14––––––7.537510138 LRD 14GV2LE14––––––937514170 LRD 16GV2LE165.515507.56751137514170 LR2 K0321GV2LE167.5155096751537518223 LRD 21GV2LE20915401147518.537525327 LRD 22GV2LE2211154015475–––25327 LRD 22GV2LE2215105018.54752237532416LRD 32GV2LE32(1) As % of Icu.g ) > 100 kA.GV2 LE10D F 526144.t i fC i r c u i t b r e a k e r s0.09––––––0.45LRD 03GV2L030.12g g –––0.37g g 0.638LRD 04GV2L040.18g g ––––––0.638LRD 04GV2L04––––––0.55g g 113LRD 05GV2L050.25g g ––––––113LRD 05GV2L05––––––0.75g g 113LRD 06GV2L050.37g g 0.37g g –––113LRD 05GV2L050.55g g 0.55g g 1.1g g 1.622.5LRD 06GV2L06–––0.75g g ––– 1.622.5LRD 06GV2L060.75g g 1.1g g 1.54100 2.533.5LRD 07GV2L07Example: GV3 L32 becomes GV3 L326.(1) As % of Icu. Associated current limiter or fuses, where required. See characteristics page B6/33.g > 100 kA.GV2 L10D F 526145.t i fGV3 L65D F 526146.t i fTeSys GVThermal-magnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 ME0.06gg––––––0.16…0.252.4GV2ME020.09g g––––––0.25…0.405GV2ME030.12 0.18g g g g – –– –– – 0.37 –g–g –0.40…0.638GV2ME040.25gg––– 0.55gg0.63…113GV2ME050.37 0.55 –g g –g g –0.37 0.55 0.75g g g g g g – 0.75 1.1– g g – g g 1…1622.5GV2ME060.75g g1.1gg1.5375 1.6...2.533.5GV2ME071.1 1.5g g g g 1.5 2.2g g g g 2.2 3 3 375 75 2.5 (4)51GV2ME082.2gg350100 43754...6.378GV2ME103 4g g g g 4 5.510 10100 100 5.5 7.5 3 375 756 (10)138GV2ME145.5 –15 –50 –7.5 – 6 –75 – 9 11 3 375 759…14170GV2ME167.5155096751537513…18223GV2ME209154011475 18.537517…23327GV2ME2111154015475 –––20…25327GV2ME22 (3)15105018.54752237524 (32)416GV2ME32Motor circuit breakers from 0.06 to 15 kW / 400 V, with lugsTo order thermal magnetic circuit breakers with connection by lugs, add the digit 6 to the end of reference selected above.Example: GV2 ME08 becomes GV2 ME086.Thermal magnetic circuit breakers GV2 ME with built-in auxiliary contact block With instantaneous auxiliary contact block (composition, see page B6/11):b GV AE1, add suffix AE1TQ to the motor circuit breaker reference selected above. Example: GV2 ME01AE1TQ .b GV AE11, add suffix AE11TQ to the motor circuit breaker reference selected above. Example: GV2 ME01AE11TQ .b GV AN11, add suffix AN11TQ to the motor circuit breaker reference selected above. Example: GV2 ME01AN11TQ .These circuit breakers with built-in contact block are sold in lots of 20 units in a single pack.(1) As % of Icu.(2) The thermal trip setting must be within the range marked on the graduated knob.(3) Maximum rating which can be mounted in enclosures GV2 MC or MP , please consult your Regional Sales Office. g > 100 kA.GV2 ME10D F 526134.t i fC i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVTeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 MEReferences0.06g g ––– 0.16…0.25 2.4GV2ME0230.09g g ––– 0.25…0.405GV2ME0330.120.18g g g g –––0.40…0.638GV2ME0430.250.37g g g g 0.37g g 0.63…113GV2ME0530.370.55g g g g 0.370.550.75g g g g g g 1…1.622.5GV2ME0630.75g g1.1g g 1.6…2.533.5GV2ME0731.11.5g g g g 1.52.2g g g g 2.5…451GV2ME0832.2g g 350100 4…6.378GV2ME10334g g g g 45.510101001006…10138GV2ME1435.515507.5675 9…14170GV2ME1637.515509675 13…18223GV2ME203911151540401147517…23327GV2ME2131115401547520 (25)327GV2ME223Contact blocksDescription Mounting Maximum number Type of contacts Sold in lots of Unitreference Instantaneous auxiliary contactsFront 1N/O + N/C 10GVAE113N/O + N/O 10GVAE203LH side2N/O + N/C 1GVAN113N/O + N/O1GVAN203AccessoryDescriptionApplicationSold in lots of Unitreference Cable end reducerFor connection of conductors from 1 to 1.5 mm 220LA9D99(1) For connection of conductors from 1 to 1.5 mm 2, the use of an LA9 D99 cable end reducer is recommended.(2) Maximum rating which can be mounted in enclosures GV2 MC or MP , please consult your Regional Sales Office (3) The thermal trip setting must be within the range marked on the graduated knob.g > 100 kA.GV2 ME pp 3D F 526135.t i fLA9 D99D F 533898.e p sTeSys GVReferencesTeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic motor circuit breakersGV2 P, GV3 P and GV3 ME80GV2 P10D F 526137.t i fGV3 P65D F 526139.t i fGV3 P651D F 526140.t i fC i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVReferences93610011181001581007.59707010010091150501001001115101010010012…20GV7RS20 2.0109113636100100111518181001001518.58810010015…25GV7RE25 2.0109117070100100111550501001001518.5101010010015…25GV7RS25 2.01018.53610018.522181810010022810025…40GV7RE40 2.01018.57010018.550100221010025…40GV7RS40 2.0102236100301810030810030…50GV7RE50 2.01522701003050100301010030 (50)GV7RS502.01537361004555181810010055810048...80GV7RE80 2.040377010045555050100100551010048...80GV7RS80 2.0404536100–1810075810060...100GV7RE100 2.0404570100–50100751010060...100GV7RS100 2.0405575353510010075903030100100901108810010090 (150)GV7RE1502.020557570701001007590505010010090110101010010090…150GV7RS150 2.02090110353510010011013216030303010010010016020088100100132…220GV7RE220 2.3509011070701001001101321605050501001001001602001010100100132…220GV7RS220 2.350(1) As % of lcu.TeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic motor circuit breakers GV7 RGV7 RE40D F 526138.t i fGV7 RS220D F 526141.t i f0.12––0.370.40…0.6313GV2RT040.…122GV2RT050.180.250.370.550.370.550.370.550.750.751.11…1.633GV2RT060.370.750.751.1…2.551GV2RT070.550.75 1.11.5 2.23 2.5…478GV2RT081.12.22.23344…6.3138GV2RT101.52.234445.5 5.57.56…10200GV2RT142.23…14280GV2RT1647.57.5991513…18400GV2RT205.5911111118.517…23400GV2RT21(1) The thermal trip setting must be within the range marked on the graduated knob.GV2 RTD F 526142.t i fC i r c u i t b r e a k e r sblack handle, blue legend plate(1) The thermal trip setting must be within the range marked on the graduated knob.(2) Other accessories such as mounting, cabling and marking accessories are identical to those used for GV2 ME motor circuit breakers, see page B6/13.GV2 RTD F 526142.t i fD F 526340.e p sC i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVDescription Mounting Maximum number Type of contacts Sold inlots of Unitreference Instantaneous auxiliary contactsFront (1)1N/O or N/C (2)10GVAE1N/O + N/C 10GVAE11N/O + N/O10GVAE20Side (LH)2N/O + N/C1GVAN11N/O + N/O1GVAN20Fault signalling contact + instantaneous auxiliary contact Side (3) (LH)1N/O (fault)+ N/O1GVAD1010+ N/C1GVAD1001N/C (fault)+ N/O1GVAD0110+ N/C1GVAD0101Short-circuit signalling contactSide (LH)1C/O common point1GVAM11(1 block on RH sideof circuit breaker GV2 ME)50 Hz GVAX11560 Hz GVAX116127 V60 Hz GVAX115220…240 V 50 Hz GVAX22560 Hz GVAX226380…400 V50 Hz GVAX38560 Hz GVAX386415…440 V 50 Hz GVAX415440 V60 Hz GVAX385Add-on contact blocksDescriptionMountingMaximum number Reference Visible isolation block (5)Front (1)1GV2AK00 (6)LimitersAt top(GV2 ME and GV2 P)1GV1L3Independent1LA9LB920(1) Mounting of a GV AE contact block or a GV2 AK00 visible isolation block on GV2 P and GV2 L .(2) Choice of N/C or N/O contact operation, depending on which way round the reversible block is mounted.(3) The GV AD is always mounted next to the circuit breaker.(4) To order an undervoltage trip: replace the dot (p ) in the reference with a U , example: GV AU025. To order a shunt trip: replace the dot (p ) in the reference with an S , example: GV AS025.(5) Visible isolation of the 3 poles upstream of circuit breaker GV2 P and GV2 L .Visible isolation block GV2 AK00 cannot be used with motor circuit breakers GV2 P32 and GV2 L32 (Ith max = 25 A).(6) Ie Max = 32 A.ReferencesTeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic and magnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 with screw clamp connectionsAdd-on blocks and accessoriesCharacteristics:pages B6/89 and B6/94Dimensions, schemes:pages B6/70 to B6/82LA9LB920D B 126629.e p sC i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVTerminal blockfor supply to one or more GV2 G busbar setsConnection from the top1GV1G09Can be fitted with current limiter GV1 L3 (GV2 ME and GV2 P)1GV2G05Cover for terminal block For mounting in modular panels10LA9E07Flexible 3-pole connection for connecting a GV2 to a contactor LC1-D09…D25 Centre distance between mounting rails: 100…120 mm10GV1G02Set of connections upstream/downstream For connecting GV2 ME to a printed circuit board 10GV2GA01“Large Spacing” adapter UL 508 type EFor GV2 P pp H7 (except 32 A)1GV2GH7Clip-in marker holders (supplied with each circuit breaker)For GV2 P , GV2 L, GV2 LE and GV2 RT (8 x 22 mm)100LA9D92ReferencesTeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic and magnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 with screw clamp connectionsAccessoriesDimensions, schemes:pages B6/70 to B6/82D B 417942.e p sTeSys GVD B 126631.e p sD B 126630.e p sD B 126632.e p s7P B 106297_45.e p sExtended Rotary HandleAllows a circuit breaker or a starter-controller installed in back of an enclosure to be operated from the front of the enclosure.A rotary handle can be black or red/yellow, IP54 or IP65. It includes a function for locking the circuit breaker or the starter in the O (Off) or I (On) position(depending of the type of rotary handle) by means of up to 3 padlocks with a shank diameter of 4 to 8 mm. The extended shaft must be adjusted to use in different size enclosures. The IP54 rotary handle is fixed with a nut (Ø22) to make easierthe assembling. The new Laser Square tool brings the accuracy to align the circuit breaker and the rotary handle.device(padlocks not included)ReferencesTeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic and magnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 with screw clamp connectionsC i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVDescriptionMounting Maximum number Type of contacts Sold inlots of Unitreference Instantaneous auxiliary contactsFront1N/O or N/C (1)10GVAE1N/O + N/C 10GVAE11 (2)N/O + N/O10GVAE20 (2)Side (LH)2N/O + N/C1GVAN11 (2)N/O + N/O1GVAN20 (2)Fault signalling contact + instantaneous auxiliary contactFront 1N/O (fault)+ N/O1GVAED101 (2)N/O (fault)+ N/C1GVAED011 (2)Side (3) (LH)1N/O (fault)+ N/O1GVAD1010+ N/C1GVAD1001N/C (fault)+ N/O1GVAD0110+ N/C1GVAD0101Short-circuit signalling contact Side (LH)1C/O common point 1GVAM11(4)MountingVoltage ReferenceSide(1 block on RH side of circuit breaker)24 V 50 Hz GVA p 02560 Hz GVA p 02648 V 50 Hz GVA p 05560 Hz GVA p 05610050 Hz GVA p 107100…110 V 60 Hz GVA p 107110…115 V 50 Hz GVA p 11560 Hz GVA p 116120…127 V 50 Hz GVA p 125127 V 60 Hz GVA p 115200 V50 Hz GVA p 207200…220 V 60 Hz GVA p 207220…240 V 50 Hz GVA p 22560 Hz GVA p 226380…400 V 50 Hz GVA p 38560 Hz GVA p 386415…440 V 50 Hz GVA p 415415 V 60 Hz GVA p 416440 V 60 Hz GVA p 385480 V 60 Hz GVA p 415500 V 50 Hz GVA p 505600 V60 HzGVA p 505AccessoriesDescription Reference Sets of 3-pole 115 A busbars Pitch: 64 mm2 tap-off GV3 P pp and GV3 L pp GV3G2643 tap-off GV3 P pp and GV3 L pp GV3G364Cover “Large Spacing” UL 508 type E (Only one cover required on supply side)GV3 P ppGV3G66(1) Choice of N/C or N/O contact operation, depending on which way round the reversible block is mounted.(2) Contact blocks available in version with spring terminal connections. Add a figure 3 at the end of the references selected above. Example: GV AED101 becomes GV AED1013.(3) The GV AD pp is always mounted next to the circuit breaker.(4) To order an undervoltage trip: replace the dot (p ) in the reference with a U , example: GV AU025. To order a shunt trip: replace the dot (p ) in the reference with an S , example: GV AS025.Add-on blocks and accessoriesGV3 G66D F 537424.e p sTeSys GVD B 126637.e p sD B 126636.e p sD B 126632.e p s7P B 106297_45.e p sExtended Rotary HandleAllows a circuit breaker or a starter-controller installed in back of an enclosure to be operated from the front of the enclosure.A rotary handle can be black or red/yellow, IP54 or IP65. It includes a function for locking the circuit breaker or the starter in the O (Off) or I (On) position(depending of the type of rotary handle) by means of up to 3 padlocks with a shank diameter of 4 to 8 mm. The extended shaft must be adjusted to use in different size enclosures. The IP54 rotary handle is fixed with a nut (Ø22) to make easierthe assembling. The new Laser Square tool brings the accurency to align the circuit breaker and the rotary handle.For English 10-GVAPSEN For German 10-GVAPSDE For Spanish10-GVAPSES For Chinese 10-GVAPSCN For Portuguese 10-GVAPSPT For Russian 10-GVAPSRU For Italian10-GVAPSITD F 526342.e p sB6/21C i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVfor locking the Start button (on open-mounted product)using up to 3 padlocks(padlocks to be ordered separately)External operator for mounting on enclosure door.Red Ø40 knob on yellow plate, padlockable in position O (with up to 3 padlocks). Door locked when knob in position I, and when knob padlocked in position O.GK3AP03(1) 1 voltage trip OR 1 fault signalling contact to be fitted inside the motor circuit breaker.Other versions24 to 690 V, 50 or 60 Hz voltage trips for circuit breakers GV3 ME80.Please consult your Regional Sales Office.ReferencesTeSys protection componentsMotor circuit breakers GV3 ME80 and GK3 EF80Add-on blocks and accessoriesCharacteristics:pages B6/89 and B6/92Dimensions:page B6/47B6/22D F 526344.e p sB6/23C i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVThese allow remote indication of the circuit breaker contact states. They can be used for signalling, electrical locking, relaying, etc. They are available in two versions: standard and low level. They include a terminal block and the auxiliary circuits leave the circuit breaker through a hole provided for this purpose.They perform the following functions, depending on where they are located in the circuit breaker:Low levelGV7AB11Fault discrimination devicesThese make it possible to:b either differentiate a thermal fault from a magnetic fault,b or open the contactor only in the event of a thermal fault.VoltageReference a 24...48 and c 24…72 V GV7AD111 (1)z 110…240 VGV7AD112 (1)Electric tripsThese allow the circuit breaker to be tripped via an electrical control signal.b Undervoltage trip GV7 AUv Trips the circuit breaker when the control voltage drops below the tripping threshold, which is between 0.35 and 0.7 times the rated voltage.v Circuit breaker closing is only possible if the voltage exceeds 0.85 times the rated voltage. Circuit breaker tripping by a GV7 AU trip meets the requirements of IEC 60947-2.b Shunt trip GV7 ASTrips the circuit breaker when the control voltage rises above 0.7 times the rated voltage.b Operation (GV7 AU or GV7 AS)v When the circuit breaker has been tripped by a GV7 AU or AS, it must be reset either locally or by remote control. (For remote control, please consult your Regional Sales Office).v Tripping has priority over manual closing: if a tripping instruction is present, manual action does not result in closing, even temporarily, of the contacts.v Durability: 50 % of the mechanical durability of the circuit breaker.TypeVoltageReference Undervoltage trip48 V, 50/60 HzGV7AU055 (1)110…130 V, 50/60 Hz GV7AU107 (1)200…240 V, 50/60 Hz GV7AU207 (1)380…440 V, 50/60 Hz GV7AU387 (1)525 V, 50 HzGV7AU525 (1)Shunt trip48 V, 50/60 HzGV7AS055 (1)110…130 V, 50/60 Hz GV7AS107 (1)200…240 V, 50/60 Hz GV7AS207 (1)380…440 V, 50/60 Hz GV7AS387 (1)525 V, 50 HzGV7AS525 (1)(1) For mounting of a GV7 AD or a GV7 AU or AS.ReferencesTeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic motor circuit breakers GV7 R with screw clamp connectionsAdd-on blocks and accessoriesCharacteristics:pages B6/51, B6/52 and B6/56Dimensions:pages B6/79 to B6/81Schemes:page B6/83B6/24B6/25C i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVDescription ApplicationFor use on contactors Sold in lots of Unitreference Clip-on connectors for GV7 RUp to 150 A, 1.5…95 mm 2–3GV7AC021Up to 220 A, 1.5…185 mm 2–3GV7AC022Spreader 3-pole (1)To increase the pitch to 45 mm–1GV7AC03Terminal shields IP 405 (1)Supplied with sealing accessory–1GV7AC01Phase barriersSafety accessories used when fitting of shields is impossible –2GV7AC04Insulating screens Ensure insulation between the connections and the backplate –2GV7AC05Kits for combination with contactor (2)Allowing link between thecircuit breaker and the contactor. The cover provides protection against direct finger contactLC1 F115…F1851GV7AC06LC1 F225 and F2651GV7AC07LC1 D115 and D1501GV7AC08Replaces the circuit breaker front cover; secured by screws. It includes a device for locking the circuit breaker in the O (Off) position by means of up to 3 padlocks with a shank diameter of 5 to 8 mm (padlocks not included). A conversion accessory allows the direct rotary handle to be mounted on the enclosure door. In this case, the door cannot be opened if the circuit breaker is in the “ON” position. Circuit breaker closing is inhibited if the enclosure door is open.Description TypeDegree of protection Reference Direct rotary handleBlack handle, black legend plate IP 40GV7AP03Red handle, yellow legend plateIP 40GV7AP04Adapter plate (3)Four mounting direct rotary handle on enclosure doorIP 43GV7AP05Allows a circuit breaker installed in the back of an enclosure to be operated from the front of the enclosure. It comprises:b a unit which screws onto the front cover of the circuit breaker,b an assembly (handle and front plate) to be fitted on the enclosure door,b an extension shaft which must be adjusted (distance between the mounting surface and the door: 185 mm minimum, 600 mm maximum). It includes a device for locking the circuit breaker in the O (Off) position by means of up to 3 padlocks with a shank diameter of 5 to 8 mm (padlocks not included). This prevents the enclosure door from being opened.DescriptionTypeDegree of protection Reference Extended rotary handleBlack handle, black legend plate IP 55GV7AP01Red handle, yellow legend plateIP 55GV7AP02Allows circuit breakers not fitted with a rotary handle to be locked in the O (Off) position by means of up to 3 padlocks with a shank diameter of 5 to 8 mm (padlocks not included).Description ApplicationReference Locking deviceFor circuit breaker not fitted with a rotary handleGV7V01(1) Terminal shields cannot be used together with spreaders.(2) The kit comprises links, a protective shield and a depth adjustable metal bracket for the breaker.(3) This conversion accessory makes it impossible to open the door if the device is closed and prevents the device from being closed if the door is open.ReferencesTeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic motor circuit breakers GV7 R with screw clamp connectionsAccessoriesGV7 AC07D F 537429.e p sGV7 AC08D F 537428.e p sDimensions:pages B6/79 to B6/81B6/260.5 6.63GB2DB051143GB2DB062263GB2DB073403GB2DB084503GB2DB095663GB2DB106833GB2DB1281083GB2DB14101383GB2DB16121653GB2DB20162203GB2DB21202703GB2DB22(1) Conforming to IEC 60947-1.GB2 CBppD F 526243.t i fGB2 CD ppD F 526244.t i fGB2 DBppD F 526245.t i fPresentation, selection :page B6/84Characteristics :pages B6/85 to B6/87Dimensions :page B6/88Schemes :page B6/88B6/27C i r c u i t b r e a k e r s(1) Conforming to IEC 60947-1.Accessories for circuit breakers GB2-CB, DB and CSDescriptionSold in lots of Unitreference Busbar set for supply to 10 GB2 DB or20 GB2 CB or GB2 CS with 2 connectors1GB2G210Supply connector 10GB2G01GB2 CS ppD F 526246.t i fPresentation, selection :page B6/84Characteristics :pages B6/85 to B6/87Dimensions :page B6/88Schemes :page B6/88B6/28B6/29B6/30TeSys GVCharacteristicsTeSys protection componentsMagnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 LE and GV2 LReferences:pages B6/2 and B6/3Dimensions:pages B6/43 to B6/47Schemes:page B6/48add-on contact blocks. Side by side mounting is possible up to 40 °C.(2) When mounting on a vertical rail, fit a stop to prevent any slippage.(1) As % of Icu.Average operating times at 20 °C related to multiples of the setting currentD F 534092.e p s1 3 poles from cold state2 2 poles from cold state3 3 poles from hot stateDynamic stressI peak = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 VD F 534093.e p s1 Maximum peak current2 32 A3 25 A4 18 A5 14 A6 10 A7 6.3 A8 4 A9 2.5 A 10 1.6 A11 Limit of rated ultimate breaking capacity on short-circuit of GV2 LE (14, 18, 23 and 25 A ratings).Dynamic stressI peak = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 VD F 534094.e p s1 Maximum peak current2 32 A3 25 A4 18 A5 14 A6 10 A7 6.3 A8 4 A9 2.5 A 10 1.6 A11 Limit of rated ultimate breaking capacity on short-circuit of GV2 LE (14, 18, 23 and 25 A ratings).Thermal limit in kA 2s in the magnetic operating zone Sum of I 2dt = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V22Prospective Isc (kA)D F 534095.e p s1 32 A 2 25 A3 18 A4 14 A5 10 A6 6.3 A7 4 A8 2.5 A9 1.6 AThermal limit in kA 2s in the magnetic operating zone Sum of I 2dt = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V22D F 534096.e p s1 25 A and 32 A 2 18 A3 14 A 4 10 A5 6.3 A6 4 A7 2.5 A8 1.6 AThermal limit in kA 2s in the magnetic operating zone Sum of I 2dt = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V22D F 534097.e p s1 32 A (GV2 LE32)2 25 A and 32 A (GV2 L32)3 18 A4 14 A5 10 A6 6.3 A7 4 A8 2.5 A9 1.6 A10 Limit of rated ultimate breaking capacity on short-circuit of GV2 LE (14, 18, 23 and 25 A ratings).Average operating time at 20 °C without prior current flowx the setting current (Ir)D F 534098.e p s1 3 poles from cold state2 2 poles from cold state3 3 poles from hot stateA Thermal overload relay protection zoneB GV3 L protection zoneDynamic stressI peak = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 VProspective Isc (kA)D B 418280.e p s1 Maximum peak current2 GV3 L653 GV3 L504 GV3 L405 GV3 L326 GV3 L25Thermal limit in A 2sSum of I 2dt = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V2Prospective Isc (kA)D B 418279.e p s1 GV3 L652 GV3 L503 GV3 L404 GV3 L325 GV3 L25TeSys GVDimensions, mountingD F 537440.e p sD F 537441.e p sD F 537444.e p sTeSys protection componentsMagnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 L and GV2 LETeSys GVDimensions, mounting TeSys protection componentsMagnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 L and GV2 LED B 127415.e p sD B 127414.e p sa b Mini Maxi Mini Maxi GV2 APN pp140250GV2 APN pp + GV APH02151250GV2 APN pp + GV APK11250434--GV2 APN pp + GV APH02 + GV APK11--250445TeSys GVDimensions,mounting Sets of busbars GV2 G445, GV2 G454, GV2 G472, with terminal block GV2 G05D F 537451.e p sGV2 G445224269314359GV2 G454260314368422GV2 G472332404476548D F 537452.e p sD F 537454.e p sGV2 G345 (3 x 45 mm)134GV2 G354 (3 x 54 mm)152TeSys protection componentsMagnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 L and GV2 LED F 537480.e psD F 537435.e p sD F 510637.e p sD F 510638.e p sD B 127416.e p sD B 127417.e p sa b Mini Maxi Mini Maxi GV3 APN pp189300--GV3 APN pp + GV APK12300481GV3 APN pp + GV APH03--200300GV3 APN pp + GV APH03 + GV APK12--300492TeSys GVSchemesTeSys protection componentsMagnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 L, GV2 LE, GV3 LD F 537474.e p sD F 537475.e p sD F 537476.e p sGV2 ME, GV2 P , GV3 ME, GV3 P and GV7 R motor circuit breakers are 3-pole thermal-magnetic circuit breakers specifically designed for the control and protection of motors , conforming to standards IEC 60947-2 and IEC 60947-4-1.Connection GV2GV2 ME and GV2 P circuit breakers are designed for connection by screw clamp terminals.Circuit breaker GV2 ME can be supplied with lugs or spring terminal connections.Spring terminal connections ensure secure, permanent and durable clamping that is resistant to harsh environments, vibration and impact and are even more effective when conductors without cable ends are used. Each connection can take two independent conductors.GV3GV3 circuit breakers feature connection by BTR screws (hexagon socket head), tightened using a n° 4 Allen key.This type of connection uses the Ever Link ® system with creep compensation (1) (Schneider Electric patent).This technique makes it possible to achieve accurate and durable tightening torque, in order to avoid cable creep.GV3 circuit breakers are also available with connection by lugs. This type of connection meets the requirements of certain Asian markets and is suitable for applications subject to strong vibration, such as railway transport.GV7GV7 circuit breakers: with connection by screw clamp terminals (for bars and lugs) and by clip-on connectors.OperationControl is manual and local when the motor circuit breaker is used on its own.Control is automatic and remote when it is associated with a contactor.GV2 ME and GV3 ME80Pushbutton control.Energisation is controlled manually by operating the Start button “I” 1.De-energisation is controlled manually by operating the Stop button “O” 2, or automatically by the thermal-magnetic protection elements or by a voltage trip attachment.GV2 P , GV3 P and GV7 Rb Control by rotary knob: for GV2 P and GV3 P b Control by rocker lever: for GV7 R.Energisation is controlled manually by moving the knob or rocker lever to position “I” 1.De-energisation is controlled manually by moving the knob or rocker lever to position “O” 2.De-energisation due to a fault automatically places the knob or rocker lever in the “Trip” position 3.Re-energisation is possible only after having returned the knob or rocker lever to position “O”.(1) Creep: normal crushing phenomenon of copper conductors, that is accentuated over time.GV2 MEwith screw clamp terminals124D F 526134.t i fGV2 MEwith spring terminals connections124D F 526135.t i fGV3 P1324D F 526136.t ifGV2 P1342D F 526137.t i fGV7 R132D F 526138.t i f。

KBZ-200、400 1140(660)(A)(电气合闸)_

KBZ-200、400 1140(660)(A)(电气合闸)_
3 人机界面 3.1 键盘操作说明
本装置可通过按键进行定值查询,定值修改、出口选择,现场测试,事件记录和信号复归等操作。各按键 的作用如下: a.“↓”(下移),“→”(右移)用于改变光标位置,从而选择所需的操作项目; b.“+”(增加)用于改变光标处的数字的增加; C.“确定”“取消”用于确认或取消所进行的操作、进行翻页或返回。 d.电压、电流、漏电电阻、密码可通过“+” 、“→”按位修改,“+”至“9”,再加将返回“0”; e.电流保留三位小数,电压保留一位小数,漏电电阻保留二位小数,功率保留一位小数; f.装置在10分钟左右没有按键操作,将自动取消液晶背光,并返回模拟量显示切换界面。 3.2 菜单结构 上电显示:
3 WZB-6型微机监控保护装置的应用范围 装置集控制、保护、监测、通信于一体,适用于工业系统交流50Hz,标称电压在660V/1140 V/3300V电网 中,改善供电电压质量的控制装置。通讯规约灵活,可与其他自动化设备或系统接口。
1 海拔高度不超过2000米; 2 环境温度-5℃-+40℃ 3 空气相对湿度不大于95%(+25℃) 4 在无强烈震动和冲击振动的地方; 5 与垂直面的安装倾斜度不超过15°; 6 含有沼气和煤尘的空气中,但无足以腐蚀金属和破坏绝缘的气体和蒸气。
1 额定电压:660V、1140V; 2 额定电流:200、400A; 3 极限分断电流:9000A/660V,7500A/1140V; 4 短路保护动作时间:<100毫秒。 5 漏电保护: 5.1 经1KΩ电阻漏电动作时间:作分支开关时≤50毫秒(无延时);200-400毫秒(有延时);此值可调。 5.2 在电网每相对地电容不大于1μf,分支每相对地电容不大于0.3μf时,漏电电阻在20K(1140V)、11K



恒泰开关说明书恒泰‎开关说明书‎篇一:‎恒泰KJZ‎1说明书 KJZ—系‎列 KJZ1—系列‎矿用隔爆兼本质安全型‎真空馈电开关浙江恒‎泰科技有限公司使‎用说明书目‎录1、概述‎..............................‎..............................‎ (1)2、‎结构特征与工作原理‎..............................‎ (1)‎3、技术特性……‎…………………………‎……………………….‎34、尺寸‎、重量.....................‎..............................‎. (5)5‎、安装、调试………‎…………………………‎………………….5 ‎6、使用、操‎作...........................‎..............................‎. (5)7、‎故障分析与排除.........‎..............................‎.. (8)‎ 8、保养、维修‎..............................‎..............................‎..8 9、‎运输、贮存...............‎..............................‎.. (9)‎ 10、订货须知‎..............................‎............................‎.. (9)1‎1、售后服务‎及承诺.....................‎............................‎.. (9)1‎2、附件......‎..............................‎............................‎.. (9)1‎3、原理图...‎..............................‎..............................‎. (12)安装使用前‎请详细阅读使用说明书‎1、概述‎1.1、‎主要用途 KJZ-系‎列和KJZ1-系列矿‎用隔爆兼本质安全型真‎空馈电开关(以下简称‎馈电开关)适用于具有‎爆炸性危险气体(甲烷‎)和煤尘的矿井中,在‎交流50Hz,电压1‎140V和660V中‎性点不接地供电系统中‎,额定电流为630A‎(500A、400A‎、200A),作为配‎电系统的总开关或分开‎关使用,当电路中出现‎过载、短路、漏电和欠‎压故障时,馈电开关能‎自动切断电源。

KBZ-400,200,说明书PIR-3 2216-02.

KBZ-400,200,说明书PIR-3 2216-02.

2216-02KBZ—400,200/1140、660矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关产品使用说明书甘肃容和矿用设备集团有限公司2009.03.16出版1. 产品型号及意义K B Z ——□ / □额定电流(A)/额定电压(V)真空隔爆型馈电开关2. 产品执行标准MT871-2000《矿用隔爆真空馈电开关》Q/RH 012—2008 《KBZ—630(500,400,200)矿用隔爆型低压交流真空馈电开关》3. 防爆形式: 矿用隔爆型防爆标志:ExdI。

4. 用途及使用条件4.1 用途KBZ—400,200/1140、660矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关(以下简称馈电开关),使用于煤矿井下和其它周围介质中含有爆炸性气体(甲烷混合物)的环境中,在交流50Hz,电压660V、1140V,电流至400A(200A)的中性点不接地的三相电网中,作为配电总开关或分支开关,也可作大容量电动机不频繁起动之用。


4.2 使用条件4.2.1 海拔高度不超过2000m;4.2.2 周围环境温度为-25~+40℃;4.2.3 周围环境湿度不大于95%(+25℃);4.2.4 无破坏性绝缘气体或蒸气的环境中;4.2.5无显著振动或冲击振动的地方;4.2.6能防止雨雪与滴水的地方;4.2.7与水平面的安装倾斜度不超过15°;5. 主要技术特征5.1 额定工作电压:660V、1140V;额定工作电流:400A,200A;5.2 额定工作制:长期工作制;5.3 最大分断能力:1140V(COSø=0.3)7.5KA;5.4 操作方式:电动合、分闸,机械保持。

5.5 馈电开关保护功能的特性参数:详见附录保护器使用说明书。

5.6 进出线口:主回路进出线喇叭口4只,可穿入ø32~ø78的橡套电缆;控制线路喇叭口2只,可穿入ø12~ø19橡套电缆。


KBZ─ 400/1140II 矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关操作手册

第一章 第一节 第二章 第一节 第二节 第三节 第四节

关于本手册.......................................................................................................................................... 3 开始工作前.....................................................................................................................................4 个人安全.............................................................................................................................................. 6 操作人员..........................................................................................................................................7 操作条件..........................................................................................................................................7 安全指南..........................................................................................................................................8 安全指南综述..................................................................................................................................9



KBZ2-400/1140矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关使用说明书KBZ2-200/1140(660)KBZ2-400/1140矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关使用说明书1 用途及使用条件1.1用途KBZ2-200/1140(600)、KBZ2-400/1140矿用隔型真空馈电开关(以下简称馈电开关),适用于煤矿井下和其它周围介质中含有爆炸性气体(甲烷混合物)的环境中,在交流50Hz,电压660V、1140V,电流至400A的中性点不接地的三相电网中,作为配电总开关或分支开关之用。




1.3型号含义额定电压V额定电流A设计序号真空隔爆型馈电开关12 主要技术特征a)额定工作电压:(200A)/1140(660)V;(400A)/1140Vb)额定工作电流:200、400Ac)额定工作制:长期工作制d)最大分断能力:1140V、7.5kAe)操作方式:电动合闸、电动分闸f)馈电开关保护功能的特性参数2.1保护功能2.1.1漏电闭锁功能:在馈电开关合闸前,能对供电线路对地绝缘情况进行检测。













二、技术要求设备使用地点:XX煤矿井下配套主机及用途:掘进面工作面风机双回路配电供电* 2.1、额定工作电压:660V/1140V,允许电源电压波动范围:75%-110%。

* 2.2、额定工作电流: 200A。

* 2.3、频率:50HZ。

* 2.4、额定工作制:长期工作制;* 2.5、额定短路接通与分断能力:不小于7KA/660V,6.5KA/1140V。

* 2.6、额定短时耐受电流:不小于5KA,持续时间:不小于1S。

* 2.7、额定工频耐受电压:2.5KV/660V,4.2KV/1140V,一分钟无闪络。

* 2.8、断路器闭合时间:不大于100ms,断路器断开时间:不大于30ms。

* 2.9、操作方式:电动合、分闸,手动分闸。

* 2.10、保护系统要求采用先进的DSP微处理器和大容量新型芯片进行双芯片工作,配以高精度的数据处理及先进的保护算法,保护精度高,反应速度快。


* 2.11显示装置要求为中文菜单,液晶汉字显示运行参数和故障信号。




QJZ-400/1140 矿用隔爆兼本质安全型真空电磁起动器使用说明书浙江恒泰科技有限公司目录1、概述2、结构特征及工作原理3、技术特性4、尺寸、重量5、安装、调试6、使用、操作7、故障分析与排除8、运输贮存9、保养、维修10、订货、须知11、售后服务及承诺12、附件1、概述1.1用途QJZ-200、300、400/1140(660)矿用隔爆兼本质安全型真空电磁起动器(以下简称起动器)适用于具有爆炸性危险气体(甲烷)和煤尘的矿井中,在交流50Hz、额定电压1140V和660V的供电系统中,控制额定电流至400A的三相鼠笼式异步电动机的直接起动、停止及反转,同时对电动机及有关电路进行保护。









1.3型号的组成及其代表意义Q J Z—□ /□额定电压额定电流真空隔爆兼本质安全型起动器2、结构特征与工作原理2.1起动器安装由撬型底架上的方形隔爆外壳和芯架小车组成。








KBZ-200,400-DT5说明书 2215-01

KBZ-200,400-DT5说明书 2215-01

2215-01KBZ—400、200/1140、660矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关产品使用说明书甘肃容和矿用设备有限公司2006.04.16出版1. 产品型号和含义K B Z ——□ / □额定电流(A)/额定电压(V)真空隔爆型馈电开关2. 用途及使用条件2.1用途KBZ——400(200)/1140、660矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关(以下简称馈电开关),适用于煤矿井下和其它周围介质中含有爆炸性气体(甲烷混合物)的环境中,在交流50HZ,电压660V、1140V,电流至400A(200A)的中性点不接地的三相电网中,作为配电总开关或分支开关,也可作大容量电动机不频繁起动工具。



2.2 使用条件2.2.1 海拔不超过2000m;2.2.2 环境温度为-5~+40℃;2.2.3 空气相对湿度不大于95%(+25℃);2.2.4 在有瓦斯、煤尘爆炸性气体混合物的环境中;2.2.5 在无显著摇动和冲击振动的地方;2.2.6 与水平面的安装倾斜度不超过15°;2.2.7 在无破坏绝缘的气体和蒸汽的环境中;2.2.8 能防止滴水的地方;2.2.9 安装类别:Ⅲ类;2.2.10 污染等级:3级。

3. 产品执行标准MT871-2000《矿用隔爆低压交流真空馈电开关》Q/GKD 003—2006 《KBZ—400、200矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关》4. 防爆型式及标志3.1防爆型式:隔爆型;3.2 防爆标志:ExdI .5. 技术参数5.1 额定电压: 1140V、660V、380V;5.2 额定电流: 400A、200A;5.3 最大分断能力: 7500A;5.4 分断时间小于100ms;5.5 电寿命:3000次;5.6 机械寿命: 10000次;5.7 工作制:长期工作制;5.8 操作方式:电动合,分闸;5.9 馈电开关保护功能的特性参数5.9.1 欠压保护:整定值为35%——70%Ue,动作时间在1S-3S-5S可调;5.9.2 过载保护:整定值为0.4 Ie, 0.5 Ie, 0.6 Ie, 0.7 Ie, 0.8 Ie, 0.9 Ie,1.0 Ie。


1.1.4 采用液晶汉显智能保护器,操作直观简便,适用范围广、保护精度高。
1.1.5 保护器采用了先进的微处理器,具有高精度的数据处理及先进的保护算法,保护精度高,反应速度快。
1.1.6 能实时显示系统电压、电流及时钟、日期功能。
1.1.7 具有记忆功能,能记忆故障类型、故障时间、故障时电流值及系统电压等,使检修、维护更方便。
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KBZ2-200/1140V智能型馈电开关配件浙江恒泰科技有限公司KBZ2—200/1140(660)矿用隔爆型真空智能馈电开关使用说明书目录1、概述 (1)2、结构特征与工作原理 (1)3、技术特性 (3)4、尺寸、重量 (5)5、安装、调试 (5)6、使用、操作 (5)7、故障分析与排除 (8)8、保养、维修 (8)9、运输、贮存 (9)10、订货须知 (9)11、售后服务及承诺 (9)12、附件 (9)13、电气接线图、原理图、控制板原理图 (12)浙江恒泰科技有限公司1、概述1.1、主要用途KBZ2-200/1140(660)矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关(以下简称馈电开关)适用于具有爆炸性危险气体(甲烷)和煤尘的矿井中,在交流50Hz,电压1140V和660V中性点不接地供电系统中,额定电流为400A(200A),作为配电系统的总开关或分开关使用,当电路中出现过载、短路、漏电和欠压故障时,馈电开关能自动切断电源。


1.2、正常工作条件(a)、周围环境温度为-5 ~ +40℃;(b)、海拔高度不超过2000m;(c)、周围空气相对湿度不大于95%(+25℃时);(d)、在有瓦斯,煤尘爆炸性气体混合物的环境中;(e)、与水平的安装倾斜度不超过15°;(f)、在无破坏绝缘的气体或蒸汽的环境中;(g)、能防止滴水的地方;(h)、污染等级:3级;(i )、安装类别:Ⅱ类。

1.3、产品分类1.3.1、产品防爆型式:矿用隔爆型防爆标志:ExdⅠ1.3.2、产品型号及编制意义200 / 1140额定电压额定电流设计序号低压真空矿用隔爆型馈电开关1.4、产品执行标准:MT871-2000。














2.2、工作原理:2.2.1、指示灯说明PWR(绿色)——电源指示灯COM(蓝色)——通讯状态指示灯RUN(白色)——运行指示灯OVE(黄色)——过载预警指示灯FLT(红色)——故障指示灯a.接通电源后,电源指示灯PWR亮;b.系统正常运行时,Run运行指示灯亮;c.系统进入通讯状态通讯指示灯COM亮;d.当系统过载时,过载指示灯OVE每秒闪亮一次,同时显示停机倒计时;e.当系统出现故障,正处于延时中时FLT闪亮,延时结束或短路故障时指示灯FLT常亮;2.2.2、整机工作原理电源变压器具有127V及50V和220V三组独立绕组,127V绕组提供断路器合闸电源及控制板电源、50V绕组提供断路器失压及分励线包闭锁继电器用,220V绕组提供保护器用,36V 绕组提供HZ、LD、BH继电器工作用。














MODBUS输出: JX7 、JX8 RS485接口。






3.5、保护、控制、通讯功能:3.5.1、过载保护3.5.2、短路3-10 Ie,动作时间:≤100ms3.5.3、过压U>120%Ue, 延时时间:20 s3.5.4、欠压70%Ue~35%Ue, 延时时间:5s。




















33#和52#线为外接高压闭锁,风电闭锁之用,A 和B线为外接网络通讯之用。









