Output impedance
Offset level
Note 8
Note) 1. For the sensitivity test light is applied with a uniform intensity of illumination. 2. Light source: LED λ = 660nm 3. PRNU is defined as indicated below. Ray incidence conditions are the same as for Note 1.
Note) This is applied to the all pulses applied externally. (φ CLK, φ ROG)
Item Input capacity of φ CLK pin
Dummy signal (32 pixels)
Optical black (18 pixels)
Effective picture elements signal (2048 pixels)
Dummy signal (6 pixels)
1-line output period (2086 pixels)
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D30 D31 D32 S1 S2 S3 S4 S2045 S2046 S2047 S2048 D33 D34 D35 D36 D37 D38
JAPANUNIX优尼耗材型号汇总Unix 型号汇总:unicon-107S 型 50WB型U300204BU300207BBC型U300107BCU300110BCU300115BCC型U302110CU302120CU302123CD型U300307DU300310DU300315DM型 70WBU500202BEU500204BEU500207BEU500204BU500207BBC型U500110BCU500115BC U500120BC U500140BC C型U502110C U502120C U502123C U502130C D型U500310D U500316D2 U50320D U500320DE U500330D U500340D W型U500520W U500540W K型U500440K K型(矢视)U500410K U500415KL型90WU710BU715BU720BCU730BCU730CU750CU730DU750D发热芯70AH-100S-71L100AH-200S-79L130AH-300S-97L烙铁手柄:HANDY MAX(S)HANDY MAX(M)HANDY MAX(L)HANDY MAX(LL)自动焊锡机LS-5TPSⅢ电源LN3-02显示器LN3-03利世达科技UNIX焊锡机烙铁头TEL: 136********UNIX 焊锡机器人UNIX-414R UNIX 焊锡机器人UNIX-412R UNIX 焊锡机器人UNIX-413R UNIX 焊锡控制器USP-870 UNIX 焊锡控制器USK-880 UNIX 电焊台UNICON-107S UNIX 氮气电焊台UNICON-107SF UNIX 氮气发生装置UNX-100S UNIX 氮气发生装置UNX-200 UNIX 锡膏搅拌机UM-103UNIX 电焊台UNICON-108LII UNIX 电焊台UNICON-108XLII UNIX 电焊台UNICON-108LL UNIX 电焊台UNICON-109SUNIX 电焊台UNICON-109M UNIX 烙铁温度计UNI-SENSOR701A UNIX 自动出锡系统SOLDER Jr.III UNIX电焊台UNICON-207UNIX 电烙铁HANDY MAX(S) UNIX 电烙铁HANDY MAX(M) UNIX 电烙铁HANDY MAX(L) UNIX 电烙铁HANDY MAX(LL) UNIX 位置补正机LS-5TPSIIIUNIX 电焊台UNICON-107M UNIX 电焊台UNICON-107LUNIX 氮气电焊台UNICON-107MF UNIX氮气发生装置UNX-100 UNIX 吸烟仪UAC-1000AUNIX 熔锡炉USS-350EUNIX熔锡炉USS-250E(ET)UNIX 熔锡炉USS-180E(ET)UNIX 熔锡炉USS-60HAUNIX熔锡炉USS-170HE(HET) UNIX 熔锡炉USS-350HE(HET) UNIX 熔锡炉USS-60HEUNIX 熔锡炉USS-100HEUNIX 优琳烙铁头P2D-NUNIX 优琳烙铁头P3D-NUNIX 优琳烙铁头P4D-NUNIX 优琳烙铁头P2D-SUNIX 优琳烙铁头P3D-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P4D-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P5D-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P6D-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P2D-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P25D-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P3D-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P4D-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P5D-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P6D-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P3PC-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P4PC-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P6PC-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P9PC-S UNIX 优琳烙铁头P12DVAP UNIX 优琳烙铁头P13DVAP UNIX 优琳烙铁头P16DVAP UNIX 优琳烙铁头P120BCPC UNIX 优琳烙铁头P125BCPC UNIX 优琳烙铁头P130BCPC UNIX 优琳烙铁头P10DCN-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P15DCN-R UNIX 优琳烙铁头P10DCN-L UNIX 优琳烙铁头P15DCN-L UNIX 优琳烙铁头P6V08-18 UNIX 优琳烙铁头P1V08-18 UNIX 优琳烙铁头P1V10-20 UNIX 优琳烙铁头P1V10-23 UNIX 优琳烙铁头P1V12-23UNIX 优琳发热芯70AH-100S-71L UNIX 优琳发热芯100AH-200S-79L UNIX 优琳发热芯130AH-300S-97L UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300202B UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300204BUNIX 优琳烙铁头U300207B UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300107BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300110BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300115BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U302110C UNIX 优琳烙铁头U302120C UNIX 优琳烙铁头U302130C UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300307D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300310D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U300315D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500202BE UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500204BE UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500207BE UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500204B UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500207B UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500110BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500115BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500120BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500130BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500140BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U502110C UNIX 优琳烙铁头U502120C UNIX 优琳烙铁头U502123CUNIX 优琳烙铁头U500310D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500316D2 UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500320D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500320DE UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500330D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500340D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500520W UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500540W UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500440K UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500410K UNIX 优琳烙铁头U500415K UNIX 优琳烙铁头U710B UNIX 优琳烙铁头U715B UNIX 优琳烙铁头U720BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U730BC UNIX 优琳烙铁头U730C UNIX 优琳烙铁头U750C UNIX 优琳烙铁头U730D UNIX 优琳烙铁头U750D UNIX优琳烙铁头U1020B UNIX优琳烙铁头U1012B UNIX优琳烙铁头U1030BC UNIX优琳烙铁头U1040BC UNIX优琳烙铁头U1040C UNIX优琳烙铁头U1060C UNIX优琳烙铁头U1040D UNIX优琳烙铁头U1060D UNIX优琳烙铁头U1313B UNIX优琳烙铁头U1325BUNIX优琳烙铁头U1360BCUNIX优琳烙铁头U1360CUNIX优琳烙铁头U1380CUNIX优琳烙铁头U1360DUNIX优琳烙铁头U1380DUNIX 自动出锡系统USJ3-770PN 4 UNIX 自动出锡系统USJ3-770PN 7 UNIX 自动出锡系统USJ3-770PS 4 UNIX 自动出锡系统USJ3-770PS 7 UNIX 自动出锡系统USJ3-780PN 5 UNIX 自动出锡系统USJ3-780PN 7 UNIX 自动出锡系统USJ3-780PN 10 UNIX 自动出锡系统USJ3-780PN 15 UNIX 自动出锡系统USJ3-780PS 10 UNIX 自动出锡系统USJ3-780PS 15 UNIX 自动出锡系统USJ3-781PS 15 UNIX 自动出锡系统USJ3-781PS 30 UNIX 电焊台UNICON-207 S&S UNIX 电焊台UNICON-207 S&M UNIX 电焊台UNICON-207 M&M UNIX 电焊台UNICON-207 S&L UNIX 电焊台UNICON-207 M&L UNIX 电焊台UNICON-207 L&L UNIX 烙铁温度计UNI-SENSOR701F UNIX 烙铁温度计UNI-SENSOR701R UNIX 烙铁温度计UNI-120UNIX 传感器UNI-9UNIX 传感器UNI-1UNIX 传感器UNI-8AUNIX 传感器UNI-2UNIX 传感器UNI-15BUNIX 延长线UNI-4UNIX 锡膏搅拌机UM-113S UNIX 锡膏搅拌机UM-117UNIX 锡膏搅拌机UM-118UNIX 锡膏搅拌机UM-125UNIX无铅焊台UNICON35 UNIX无铅焊台流量计UNICON35F UNIX温度调节器U35-ST-10 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SICK 简介 :
SICK成立于1946年,公司名称取自于公司创始人欧文·西克博士(Dr. Erwin Sick)的
超过50个子公司和众多的销售机构。在2014年,雇员总数超过6,900人, 销售业绩
接近 11亿欧元。
公司创始人 欧文·西克博士(Dr. Erwin Sick)
西克中国简介 :
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从 单一 的采 集 工 作到 复 杂生 产 过程 中 使 用 的 关键 传 感器 技 术: SICK 所 提供的 每一 款传 感 器解 决 方 案,都 具 有最 佳 的性 价 比和 安全 性。
Data Sheet 26185.2008-BIT SERIAL-INPUT, CONSTANT-CURRENT LATCHED LED DRIVERAlways order by complete part number, e.g., A6275EA .The A6275EA and A6275ELW are specifically designed for LED-display applications. Each BiCMOS device includes an 8-bit CMOS shift register, accompanying data latches, and eight npn constant-current sink drivers. Except for package style and allowable package power dissipation, the two devices are identical.The CMOS shift register and latches allow direct interfacing with microprocessor-based systems. With a 5 V logic supply, typical serial data-input rates are up to 20 MHz. The LED drive current is deter-mined by the user’s selection of a single resistor. A CMOS serial data output permits cascade connections in applications requiring additional drive lines. For inter-digit blanking, all output drivers can be disabled with an ENABLE input high. Similar 16-bit devices are available as the A6276EA and A6276ELW.Two package styles are provided for through-hole DIP (suffix A) or surface-mount SOIC (suffix LW). Under normal applications, copper lead frames and low logic-power dissipation allow these devices to sink maximum rated current through all outputs continuously over the operating temperature range (90 mA, 0.9 V drop, +85°C). Bothdevices are also available for operation over the standard temperature range of -20°C to +85°C. To order, change the suffix letter ‘E’ to ‘S’.6275FEATURESI To 90 mA Constant-Current Outputs I Under-Voltage LockoutI Low-Power CMOS Logic and Latches I High Data Input RateIPin-Compatible with TB62705CP115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-********8-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,CONSTANT-CURRENT LATCHED LED DRIVER2Copyright © 2000, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.5075100125150AMBIENT TEMPERATURE IN °C25Dwg. GP-018BA L L O W AB L E P AC K A G E P O W E RD I S S I P A T I O N I N W A T T SFUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMGROUNDLATCH ENABLEOUTPUT ENABLE (ACTIVE LOW)SERIAL DATA OUTCLOCK SERIAL DATA IN SERIAL-PARALLEL SHIFT REGISTERLATCHESLOGIC SUPPLY REXT01Dwg. FP-013-32N62758-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,CONSTANT-CURRENT LATCHED LED DRIVER3CLOCK and SERIAL DATA INSERIAL DATA OUTLATCH ENABLEOUTPUT ENABLE (active low)Dwg. EP-010-6IN Dwg. EP-010-7INDwg. EP-010-5INTRUTH TABLEL = Low Logic (Voltage) Level H = High Logic (Voltage) Level X = Irrelevant P = Present State R = Previous State115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-500062758-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,CONSTANT-CURRENT LATCHED LED DRIVER4ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at T A = +25°C, V DD = 5 V (unless otherwise noted).LimitsCharacteristic Symbol Test Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit Supply Voltage Range V DD Operating 4.5 5.0 5.5V Under-Voltage Lockout V DD(UV)V DD = 0 ¡ 5 V3.4–4.0V Output Current I OV CE = 0.7 V, R EXT = 250 Ω64.275.586.8mA (any single output)V CE = 0.7 V, R EXT = 470 Ω34.140.045.9mAOutput Current Matching ∆I O0.4 V ≤ V CE(A) = V CE(B) ≤ 0.7 V:(difference between any R EXT = 250 Ω–±1.5±6.0%two outputs at same V CE )R EXT = 470 Ω–±1.5±6.0%Output Leakage Current I CEX V OH = 15 V– 1.0 5.0µA Logic Input VoltageV IH 0.7V DD –V DD V V ILGND –0.3V DD V SERIAL DATA OUT V OL I OL = 500 µA ––0.4V VoltageV OH I OH = -500 µ4A 4.6––V Input ResistanceR IENABLE Input, Pull Up 150300600k ΩLATCH Input, Pull Down100200400k ΩSupply CurrentI DD(OFF)R EXT = open, V OE = 5 V –0.8 1.4mA R EXT = 470 Ω, V OE = 5 V 3.5 6.08.0mA R EXT = 250 Ω, V OE = 5 V6.51115mA I DD(ON)R EXT = 470 Ω, V OE = 0 V 5.01014mA R EXT = 250 Ω, V OE = 0 V8.01624mATypical Data is at V DD = 5 V and is for design information only.62758-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,CONSTANT-CURRENT LATCHED LED DRIVER5RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSCharacteristic Symbol ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit Supply Voltage V DD 4.5 5.0 5.5V Output Voltage V O - 1.0 4.0V Output CurrentI O Continuous, any one output --90mA I OH SERIAL DATA OUT ---1.0mA I OLSERIAL DATA OUT -- 1.0mA Logic Input VoltageV IH 0.7V DD -V DD + 0.3V V IL-0.3-0.3V DD V Clock Frequencyf CKCascade operation --10MHzSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS at T A = 25°C, V DD = V IH = 5 V, V CE = 0.4 V, V IL = 0 V,R EXT = 470 Ω, I O = 40 mA, V L = 3 V, R L = 65 Ω, C L = 10.5 pF.LimitsCharacteristicSymbol Test Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit Propagation Delay Timet pHLCLOCK-OUT n –3501000ns LATCH-OUT n –3501000ns ENABLE-OUT n–3501000ns CLOCK-SERIAL DATA OUT–80110ns Propagation Delay Timet pLHCLOCK-OUT n –3001000ns LATCH-OUT n –3001000ns ENABLE-OUT n–3001000ns CLOCK-SERIAL DATA OUT–80110ns Output Fall Time t f 90% to 10% voltage 1503501000ns Output Rise Timet r10% to 90% voltage150300600ns115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-500062758-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,CONSTANT-CURRENT LATCHED LED DRIVER6TIMING REQUIREMENTS and SPECIFICATIONS(Logic Levels are V DD and Ground)A.Data Active Time Before Clock Pulse(Data Set-Up Time), t su(D).......................................... 60 ns B.Data Active Time After Clock Pulse(Data Hold Time), t h(D).............................................. 20 ns C.Clock Pulse Width, t w(CK)............................................... 50 ns D.Time Between Clock Activationand Latch Enable, t su(L)............................................ 100 ns tch Enable Pulse Width, t w(L)................................... 100 ns F.Output Enable Pulse Width, t w(OE)................................ 4.5 µs NOTE – Timing is representative of a 10 MHz clock.Significantly higher speeds are attainable.—Max. Clock Transition Time, t r or t f .............................. 10 µsInformation present at any register is transferred to the respective latch when the LATCH ENABLE is high (serial-to-parallel conversion). The latches will continue to accept new data as long as the LATCH ENABLE is held high. Applica-tions where the latches are bypassed (LATCH ENABLE tied high) will require that the OUTPUT ENABLE input be high during serial data entry.When the OUTPUT ENABLE input is high, the output source drivers are disabled (OFF). The information stored in the latches is not affected by the OUTPUT ENABLE input. With the OUTPUT ENABLE input low, the outputs are controlled by the state of their respective latches.OUT Dwg. WP-029-1OUT Dwg. WP-030-162758-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,CONSTANT-CURRENT LATCHED LED DRIVER7ALLOWABLE OUTPUT CURRENT AS A FUNCTION OF DUTY CYCLEA6275EA A6275ELW20DUTY CYCLE IN PER CENT 1000 Dwg. GP-062-5A L L O W AB L E O U T P U TC U R R E N T I N m A /B I T6040204060100808020DUTY CYCLE IN PER CENT1000 Dwg. GP-062-3A L L O W AB L E O U T P U TC U R R E N T I N m A /B I T6040204060100808020DUTY CYCLE IN PER CENT1000 Dwg. GP-062-2A L L O W AB L E O U T P U TC U R R E N T I N m A /B I T6040204060100808020DUTY CYCLE IN PER CENT1000 Dwg. GP-062-4A L L O W AB L E O U T P U TC U R R E N T I N m A /B I T60402040601008080115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-500062758-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,CONSTANT-CURRENT LATCHED LED DRIVER820DUTY CYCLE IN PER CENT 1000 Dwg. GP-062-1A L L O W AB L E O U T P U TC U R R E N T I N m A /B I T6040204060100808020DUTY CYCLE IN PER CENT1000 Dwg. GP-062A L L O W AB L E O U T P U TC U R R E N T I N m A /B I T60402040601008080ALLOWABLE OUTPUT CURRENT AS A FUNCTION OF DUTY CYCLE (cont.)A6275EA A6275ELWTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS0.5Dwg. GP-0631.01.5V CE IN VOLTS06040O U T P U T C U R R E N T I N m A /B I T2062758-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,CONSTANT-CURRENT LATCHED LED DRIVER9TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONTerminal No.Terminal NameFunction1GND Reference terminal for control logic.2SERIAL DATA INSerial-data input to the shift-register.3CLOCK Clock input terminal for data shift on rising edge.4LATCH ENABLEData strobe input terminal; serial data is latched with high-level input.5-12OUT 0-7The eight current-sinking output terminals.13OUTPUT ENABLE When (active) low, the output drivers are enabled; when high, all output drivers are turned OFF (blanked).14SERIAL DATA OUTCMOS serial-data output to the following shift-register.15R EXT An external resistor at this terminal establishes the output current for all sink drivers.16SUPPLY(V DD ) The logic supply voltage (typically 5 V).The products described here are manufactured under one or more U.S. patents or U.S. patents pending.Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. reserves the right to make, from time to time, such departures from the detail specifications as may berequired to permit improvements in the performance, reliability, or manufacturability of its products. Before placing an order, the user is cautioned to verify that the information being relied upon is current.Allegro products are not authorized for use as critical components in life-support devices or systems without express written approval.The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. assumes no responsi-bility for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-500062758-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,CONSTANT-CURRENT LATCHED LED DRIVER10The load current per bit (I O ) is set by the external resistor (R EXT ) as shown in the figure below.300500700 1 k 2 k CURRENT-CONTROL RESISTANCE, R EXT IN OHMS1000100Dwg. GP-061O U T P U T C U R R E N T I N m A /B I T200 3 k 20406080Package Power Dissipation (P D ). The maximum allowable package power dissipation is determined asP D (max) = (150 - T A )/R θJA .The actual package power dissipation isP D (act) = dc(V CE • I O • 8) + (V DD • I DD ).When the load supply voltage is greater than 3 V to 5 V,considering the package power dissipating limits of these devices, or if P D (act) > P D (max), an external voltage reducer (V DROP ) should be used.Load Supply Voltage (V LED ). These devices are designed to operate with driver voltage drops (V CE ) of 0.4 V to 0.7 V with LED forward voltages (V F ) of 1.2 V to 4.0 V. If higher voltages are dropped across the driver,package power dissipation will be increased significantly.To minimize package power dissipation, it is recom-mended to use the lowest possible load supply voltage or to set any series dropping voltage (V DROP ) asV DROP = V LED - V F - V CEwith V DROP = I o • R DROP for a single driver, or a Zener diode (V Z ), or a series string of diodes (approximately0.7 V per diode) for a group of drivers. If the available voltage source will cause unacceptable dissipation and series resistors or diode(s) are undesirable, a regulator such as the Sanken Series SAI or Series SI can be used to provide supply voltages as low as 3.3 V.For reference, typical LED forward voltages are:Blue 3.0 – 4.0 V Green 1.8 – 2.2 V Yellow 2.0 – 2.1 V Amber 1.9 – 2.65 V Red 1.6 – 2.25 V Infrared 1.2 – 1.5 V Pattern Layout. This device has a common logic-ground and power-ground terminal. If ground pattern layout contains large common-mode resistance, and the voltage between the system ground and the LATCHENABLE or CLOCK terminals exceeds 2.5 V (because of switching noise), these devices may not operate correctly.Dwg. EP-064V LEDVV FV CEApplications Information62758-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,CONSTANT-CURRENT LATCHED LED DRIVER11A6275EADimensions in Inches (controlling dimensions)Dimensions in Millimeters (for reference only)NOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor’s option within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative3.Lead thickness is measured at seating plane or below.Dwg. MA-001-16A mmDwg. MA-001-16A in115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-500062758-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,CONSTANT-CURRENT LATCHED LED DRIVER12A6275ELWDimensions in Inches (for reference only)Dimensions in Millimeters (controlling dimensions)NOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor ’s option within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.。
外观色泽Fixture color
发光角Beam angle
电气防护等级Electrical protection grade
技术参数Technic Parameters
光源品牌Light source brand
型号Model NO.
光源Led quantity
Led 18 pcs
色温Color temperature
环境温度Ambient temperature
寿命Llife time
发射管IR204-A, IR204/H16/L10, SIR204-A, HIR204-A, HIR204/H0,IR204C-A, IR323, IR323/H0-A,SIR323-5,IR333-A,IR333C-A, IR333C-6-A,SIR333-A,HIR333,IR333C/H0/L10,HIR333/H0-A,HIR333C/H0,IR7373C,HIR7373C,IR7393C,HIR7393C ,IR533C,IR1503,IR383,SIR383,HIR383C/L212,HIR8323/C16,HIR30-01C/S16,HIR38-01C,HIR36-01C/S32,HI R5393C/L223,HIR35-03C,HIR-A07/L183-P01,HIR-HX08L, IR11-21C/TR8, IR91-21C,IR91-21C/TR7, IR91-21C/TR9,IR91-21C/TR10,IR11-21C/TR8, HIR11-21C/TR8, IR15-21C/TR8, IR15-21C/L10/TR8, SIR15-21C/TR8, IR17-21C/TR8,IR19-21C/TR8, SIR19-21C/TR8, HIR19-21C/TR8, HIR19-21C/L11/TR8, IR19-315C/TR8,SIR19-315/TR8,IR26-21C/TR8,IR42-21C/TR8, IR67-21C/TR8,SIR67-21C/TR8,SIR67-21C/B/TR8,SIR67-21C/L9/TR10,IR908-7C-F,IR928-6C-F, HIR928-6C-F,SIR928-6C-F, IR958-8C,IR958-8P.接收管PD57-21B/TR8,PD15-22C/TR8,PD93-21C/TR8,PD70-01B/TR7,PD70-01C/TR7, PD70-01B/TR10,PD70-01C/TR10,PT204-6B, PT204-6C,PT28-21B/TR8,PD204-6C/L3, PD204-6B, PD438B,PD438B/L1,PD438B/S46,PD438C,PD638B,PD638C, PD333-3C/H0/L2,,PD334-6B,PD333-3B/L3, PT91-21B,PT91-21B/TR7,PT91-21B/TR10, PT11-21C/L41/TR8, PT12-21C/TR8, PT12-21B/TR8,PT26-51B/TR8,PT15-21C/TR8,PT15-21B/TR8,PT17-21C/TR8, PT17-21C/L41/TR8,PT17-21B/L41/TR8,PT26-21B/TR8, PT42-21B/TR8,PT57-21B/TR8,PT67-21B/C14/TR8,PT67-21C/L41/TR8,PD15-22C/TR8,PD93-21C/TR8,PT908-7C,PT958-8C,PT928-6C,PT928-6B,PT5529B/L2,PT5529B/L2/H2,PT5529B/L2/S3,PT5529B/L2/H3.Etc接收头:IRM-8601S, IRM-8601S-1, IRM-8601S-2, IRM-8601S-5, IRM-8602S, IRM-8602S-1, IRM-8602S-2, IRM-8602S-5IRM-8607S, IRM-8607S-1, IRM-8607S-2, IRM-8607S-5, IRM-8608S, IRM-8608S-1, IRM-8608S-2, IRM-8608S-5, IRM-8751,IRM-8751-1, IRM-8751-2, IRM-8751-5, IRM-8752, IRM-8752-1, IRM-8752-2, IRM-8752-5, IRM-8753, IRM-8753-1, IRM-8753-2, IRM-8753-5, IRM-8755, IRM-8755-1, IRM-8755-2, IRM-8755-5, IRM-8861S, IRM-8871S, IRM-8881S, IRM-2638A, IRM-2638T, IRM-3638A, IRM-3638T, IRM-3638N3, IRM-2738, IRM-3738, IRM-2738T, IRM-3738T, IRM-3638TF4,IRM-2638F4,IRM-2638S5F4,IRM-2638S6F3,IRM-2638S8F5,IRM-2638S18,IRM-2638S17,IRM-V038T,IRM-H238/TR2,IRM-H238T/TR2,IRM-V538/TR2,IRM-V538T/TR2,IRM-H 538/TR2,IRM-H538T/TR2, IRM-H638T/TR2光耦又分为:槽型光耦、反射式光耦、安规光耦等,品名例举:安规光耦EL3H7 /A/B/C/D, EL354A, EL357 /A/B/C/D, EL357N/A/B/C/D, EL124N, EL817 /A/B/C/D, EL816 /A/B/C/D, EL814 /A, EL815,4N29-30/31/32/33,H11B1/2/3/225,TIL113,H11AA1/2/3,H11A1/2/3/4/5,4N25/26/27/28,4N35/36/37,TIL111/117,CNY17-1/-2/-3/-4, MCT2/2E,CNY17F-1/-2/-3/-4,EL3031, EL3032, EL3033, EL3041, EL3041, EL3042, EL3043,EL3061, EL3062, EL3063, EL3081, EL3082, EL3083,EL3010, EL3012, EL3021, EL3022, EL3023, EL3051, EL3052, EL3053,H11L1, H11L2, H11L3,EL827槽型光耦ITR8010, ITR8102, ITR8103, ITR8104, ITR8105, ITR8117, ITR9803, ITR9809-F/T, ITR9813, ITR9901, ITR9907,ITR20005-F, ITR20006, ITR20402, ITR20403, ITR9608/F, ITR9702-F, ITR9707, ITR8402-F-A, ITR9606-F反射式光耦ITR8307, ITR8307/L24, ITR8307/TR8, ITR8308/L24/TR8, ITR8307/F43, ITR8307/L24/F43, ITR9904, ITR9909, ITR9908, ITR20001/T, ITR20002, ITR20004, ITR20004/L24, ITR20510/TR8, ITR2050Φ3圆头白光LED: 204-15/T2C2-1PSA, 204-15/F1C2-1RTA, 204-15/T2C3-1LQA, 204-15/T1C3-1QSA, 234-15/T2C3-1PSB, 234-15/T2C6-1LNA, 234-15/T1C6-1NQA, 234-15/X2C6-1LPA,204-15AUTC/S400-X9,204-15UTC/S400-X9,204-15UTC/S400-X10, 234-15RUTC/H5/S400-X9, 234-15UTC/H5/S400-X9, 234-15UTC/H0/S400-X9,etc.φ5圆头白光LED: 334-15/T2C1-1UWA, 334-15/F1C1-4WYA, 334-15/X2C1-1SUA, 334-15/X1C1-1TWA, 334-15/T2C2-1SUA, 334-15/F1C2-1VWA, 334-15/X1C1-1UWA, 334-15/T2C3-1RTA, 334-15/F1C3-1UWA, 334-15/X2C3-1PSA, 334-15/X1C3-1QTA, 334-15/T2C5-1MQA, 334-15/F1C5-1RTA, 334-15/X2C5-1MQA, 334-15/X1C5-1QSA, 334-15UTC/S400-X9,334-15UTC/S400-X10, 333-2UTC/S400-S14, 333-2UTC/S400-S15,333-2UTC/S400-S16,334-15UTC/S400-S15,424/T2C9-1FJA,424/X1C9-1GKA,424/X2C9-1BEA,3384-15UTC/S400-X9,3384-15U TC/S400-X10,3383-2UTC/S400-S15,etcφ4.6草帽头白光LED:7324/T2C9-1FJA, 7324/T1C9-1HMA,7324-15UTC/S400-X10, 7324-15UTC/S400-X11,7323-2UTC/S400-S16,etc.φ4.8钢盔头白光LED规格有:6324/F1C9-1LNA, 6324/T2C9-1HLA, 6324/X1C9-1HLA,6324/F1C9-4LNA,6324-15UTC/S400-X10, ,6324-15UTC/S400-X11,etc.光纤发射头PLT133/T,PLT133/T1, PLT133/T2,PLT133/T5A, PLT133/T5H,PLT133/T5P, PLT133/T6,PLT133/T6A,PLT133/T7,PLT133/T8, PLT133/T9,PLT133/T10, PLT153/K5HT,PLT153/K9T,PLT132,PLT133,PLT532,PLT152,PLT153,PLT552,光纤接收头PLR135/T,PLR135/T1, PLR135/T2,PLR135/T5A, PLR135/T5P,PLR135/T6, PLR135/T6A,PLR135/T7,PLR135/T8,PLR135/T9, PLR135/T10,PLR135,PLR233,PLR155,PLR2530603贴片LED有两个尺寸规格:19-21系列1.6*0.8*0.8mm(长*宽*厚)、19-21系列1.6*0.8*0.8mm(长*宽*厚)、19-213系列1.6*0.8*0.6mm(长*宽*厚) 、19-217系列1.6*0.8*0.4mm(长*宽*厚) 、19-218系列1.6*0.8*0.3mm(长*宽*厚) 、19-219系列1.6*0.8*0.2mm(长*宽*厚),正向发光,一般用于信号源设计,发光角度分别为100°~130°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:19-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 19-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 19-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8,19-21/T1D-ANPHY/3T,19-21/BHC-AN1P2/3T, 19-21/GHC-YR1S2/3T, 19-21UBC/C430/TR8; 19-213SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 19-213SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 19-213UYC/S530-A3/TR8,19-213/T1D-ANPHY/3T, 19-213/BHC-AN1P2/3T, 19-213/GHC-YR1S2/3T, 19-213UBC/C430/TR8;19-217/R6C-AP1Q2/3T, 19-217/G7C-AL1M2B/3T, 19-217/Y5C-AP1Q2/3T,19-217/T1D-APQHY/3T, 19-217/BHC-AN1P2/3T,19-217/GHC-YR1S2/3T, 19-217UBC/C430/TR8;19-218/BHC-EL1M2QY/3T,19-218/W1D-AP1Q2QY/3T,19-219/B6C-ZM1N2QY/3T,19-219/T3D-AQ2R2TY/3T0805贴片LED有两个尺寸规格:17-21系列2.0*1.25*1.0mm(长*宽*厚)、17-215系列2.0*1.25*0.8mm(长*宽*厚),正向发光,一般用于信号源设计,发光角度130°~150°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:17-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 17-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 17-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8,17-21/T1D-ANPHY/2T, 17-21/BHC-AN1P2/2T, 17-21/GHC-YR1S2/2T,17-21UBC/C430/TR8, 17-215SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 17-215SYGC/S530-E2/TR8,17-215UYC/S530-A3/TR8,17-215/T1D-ANPHY/2T, 17-215/BHC-AN1P2/2T, 17-215/GHC-YR1S2/2T, 17-215UBC/C430/TR80402侧发光LED尺寸规格为:1.0*0.5*0.3mm(长*宽*厚),侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度130°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:16-916/T1D-AP1Q2QY/3T,16-916/R6C-AL1M2VY/3T0402正向发光有2种厚度的规格,16-213系列LED的尺寸规格:1.0*0.5*0.45(厚)mm,一般用于信号源设计,发光角度120°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:16-213SYGC/S530-E3/TR8, 16-213SURC/S530-A5/TR8,16-213SUYC/S530-A6/TR8; 16-216系列LED的尺寸规格:1.0*0.5*0.3(厚)mm,常用品名规格有:16-216/Y5C-BL2N1BY/3T, 16-216/S3W-AM1N2BY/3T, 16-216/T3D-AQ1R2TY/3T1206 LED为15-21系列的尺寸规格:3.2*1.5*1.0mm,正向发光,一般用于信号源设计,发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格有:15-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 15-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8,15-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8,15-21/T1D-APQHY/2T, 15-21/BHC-AN1P2/2T, 15-21/GHC-YR1S1/2T, 15-21UBCC430/TR8,侧向发光贴片LED系列分为:A. 12-21系列LED为3020的尺寸规格:3.0*2.0*1.0mm,侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格有:12-21UBC/C430/TR8, 12-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8,12-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 12-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 12-21/BHC-AN1P2/2C, 12-21/GHC-YR2S2/2C; B. 12-21C系列LED为3015的尺寸规格:3.0*1.5*1.0mm,侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度100°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格有:12-21C/BHC-ANQ/2C,,12-21C/GHC-YR2T1/2C; C. 12-215系列LED为2110的尺寸规格:2.1*1.0*0.6mm,侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度130°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:12-215UBC/C430/TR8,12-215SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 12-215SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 12-215UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 12-215/BHC-AN1P2/2C,12-215/GHC-YR2S2/2C,12-215/T1D-ANPHY/2C; D. 22-21侧发光系列LED尺寸规格:2.7*1.3*1.2mm(长*宽*厚),发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格有:22-21UBC/C430/TR8,22-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 22-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 22-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 22-21/BHC-AN1P2/2C, 22-21/GHC-YR2S2/2C; E. 27-21侧发光系列LED尺寸规格:1.7*1.1*0.6mm(长*宽*厚),发光角度130°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:27-21UBC/C430/TR8,27-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 27-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 27-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 27-21/BHC-AN1P2/2C, 27-21/GHC-YR2T1/2C, 27-21/T1D-ANQHY/3C; F.48-21侧发光系列LED尺寸规格:1.8*1.1*0.5mm(长*宽*厚),发光角度140°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:48-21/T1D-ANPHY/3C; G. 48-213侧发光系列LED尺寸规格:1.8*1.0*0.3mm(长*宽*厚),发光角度130°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格有:48-21/T7D-AQ1R2QY/3C; H.57-21系列尺寸规格为:4.0*4.0*3.55mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于按键设计,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:57-21/B7C-AS1T2M/BF, 57-21/GHC-AT1U2M/EF, 57-21/G6C-AM1P2BZ/EF, 57-21/R6C-AP1Q2B/BF, 57-21/Y2C-AQ2S1B/BF, 57-21/T2C-UV2W1M/BF; I. 94-22系列尺寸规格为:9.2*1.9*1.6mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:94-22UBC/C430/S2,94-22SUBC/S400-A6/S2, 94-22SUGC/S400-A6/S2,94-22SYGC/S530-E2/S2, 94-22SURC/S530-A3/S2,94-22UYCC/S530-A3/S2, 94-22UYOC/S530-A3/S2; J. 97-22系列尺寸规格为:11*1.4*1.4mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度145°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:97-22UBC/C430/S2,97-22SUBC/S400-A6/S2, 57-22SUGC/S400-A6/S2,97-22SYGC/S530-E2/S2, 97-22SURC/S530-A3/S2,97-22UYCC/S530-A3/S2, 97-22UYOC/S530-A3/S2; K. 96-22系列尺寸规格为:14.7*1.1*1.2mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度145°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:96-22UBC/C430/TR8,96-22SUBC/S400-A6, 96-22SUGC/S400-A6, 96-22SYGC/S530-E2, 96-22SURC/S530-A3, 96-22UYC/S530-A3,96-22UYOC/S530-A3, L. 99-116系列2806尺寸规格为:2.8*0.6*0.88mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度110°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:99-116/T2C-AV2W1N/2AE; M. 99-213系列2808尺寸规格为:2.8*0.8*1.2mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度110°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:99-213UMC/3640010/TR8; N. 99-216系列3506尺寸规格为:3.5*0.6*1.2mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度110°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:99-216UMC/3438010/TR8; H. 99-217系列3805尺寸规格为:3.8*0.5*1.0mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度110°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:99-217UMC/3134010/TR8; O. 99-218系列3804尺寸规格为:3.8*0.4*1.1mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度110°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:99-218UMC/2529010/TR8; P. 99-135系列3409尺寸规格为:3.4*0.9*1.25mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向全彩发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:99-135/RSGHBHC-A01/FD11-21系列LED为1206的尺寸规格:3.0*1.5*1.5MM,正向发光,带有内陷的聚焦Lens,发光角度为60°,常用规格有:11-21UBC/C430/TR8,11-21/BHC-AP2R1/2T,11-21/GHC-YT1U2/2T,11-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8,11-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8,11-21S URC/S530-A3/TR8大功率LED系列:AX08B(1W), AX08F(1W), AX08LS(1W), AX08EL(1W), AX08EL(3W), AX08LS(3W), AX08EL(5W),AX08LS(5W),A07(1W,3W),A09(0.5W),A18(4W),A21(0.5W,1W),B02(3W),B03LS(5W),C04(2W),C06(1W)为新款Shuen系列;插件型大功率LED系列:1103(1W),5393(1W),6393(1W)Series多芯白光贴片LED,分别有5050、4530、4040、3528、3632、3333等尺寸规格(例如5050为5.0mm*5.0mm外形尺寸),常用品名规格分别有:40-25AUTD/TR8,47-23UTD/TR8,47-24UTD/TR8,59-14UTD/TR8, 59-146UTD/TR8,59-23UTD/TR8, 67-23/T2C-EY2Z0/2T, 67-235/T2C-PX2Y2/2T, 69-23UTD/TR8RGB三色贴片LED分别有正向发光和侧向发光之区分,依尺寸规格规格区分料号,主要有12-23A/R6GHBHC-A01/2D,12-23C/R6GHBHC-A01/2C,12-23C/S2GHBHC-A01/2C,15-13D/R6GHBHC-A01/2C ,22-23A/R6GTB3C-D01/2C,22-23B/R6GTBTC-D01/2C,15-23B/R6GHBHC-A01/2C,19-137/R6GHBHC-A01/2C,19-237/R6GHBHC-A01/2C,19-237/S2GHBH C-A01/2C,19-337/R6GHBHC-A01/2C, 19-337/S2GHBHC-A01/2C, 22-23/R6GHBHC-A01/2C,23-23B/R6GHBHC-A01/2A,61-23/R6GHBHC-A01/ET,67-23/R6GHBHC-B06/2C双色贴片LED有较多规格:A. 3.0*2.5*1.5mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度60°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:11-22/R6G6C-A01/2T; B. 3.0*2.0*1.0mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:12-22SURSYGC/S530-A3/E2/TR8; C. 3.2*2.7*1.1mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度140°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:15-22SURSYGC/S530-A3/E2/TR8; D. 0603尺寸规格1.6*0.8*0.5mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度120°,MPQ:3000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:18-225SURSYGC/S530-A4/E4/TR8; E.1.9*1.6*0.8mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:19-22SURSYGC/S530-A3/E2/TR8; F. 1.6*1.5*0.6mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:19-223SURSYGC/S530-A3/E2/TR8; G. 1.6*1.3*0.4mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:19-226/R6G7C-A01/2T; H. 3.2*1.25*1.1mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,反向安装LED,发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:23-22BSURSYGC/S530-A5/E3/TR8; I. 3528系列3.5*2.8*1.9mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度130,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:67-22/R6G6C-B09/2T; J.3.4*2.69*1.5mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:93-22SURSYGC/S530-A3/TR8;φ1.8mm圆头SMT LED: 尺寸规格为:3.2*2.4*2.5mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度30°,MPQ:1000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:42-21UBC/C430/TR8,42-21/BHC-AUW/1T,42-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 42-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8,42-21UYCC/S530-A3/TR8φ1.9mm小蝴蝶LED灯,以其PIN脚弯曲形状即焊锡安装不同而设计为多种规格:“Gull Wing”、“Yoke”、“Z-Bend”等PIN脚弯曲规格,常用的规格有91-21& 95-21系列:91-21UBC/C430/TR7,91-21SUBC/S400-A6/TR7,91-21SUGC/S400-A6/TR7, 91-21SURC/S530-A3/TR7, 91-21UYC/S530-A3/TR7, 91-21UYOC/S530-A3/TR7,91-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR7; 91-21UBC/C430/TR9,91-21SUBC/S400-A6/TR9, 91-21SUGC/S400-A6/TR9,91-21SURC/S530-A3/TR9, 91-21UYC/S530-A3/TR9, 91-21UYOC/S530-A3/TR9, 91-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR9;91-21UBC/C430/TR10,91-21SUBC/S400-A6/TR10, 91-21SUGC/S400-A6/TR10, 91-21SURC/S530-A3/TR10,91-21UYC/S530-A3/TR10, 91-21UYOC/S530-A3/TR10, 91-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR10;95-21UBC/C430/TR7,95-21SUBC/S400-A6/TR7, 95-21SUGC/S400-A6/TR7, 95-21SURC/S530-A3/TR7,95-21UYC/S530-A3/TR7, 95-21UYOC/S530-A3/TR7, 95-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR7;95-21UBC/C430/TR9,95-21SUBC/S400-A6/TR9, 95-21SUGC/S400-A6/TR9, 95-21SURC/S530-A3/TR9,95-21UYC/S530-A3/TR9, 95-21UYOC/S530-A3/TR9, 95-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR9;95-21UBC/C430/TR10,95-21SUBC/S400-A6/TR10, 95-21SUGC/S400-A6/TR10, 95-21SURC/S530-A3/TR10,95-21UYC/S530-A3/TR10, 95-21UYOC/S530-A3/TR10, 95-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR103528贴片LED规格:一种带有聚焦透镜头,常规SMT安装,1正3负共4电极, 3.5*2.9*3.25mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度60°(67-31H系列发光角度30°),MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:67-23BUTC/TR8,67-31B/B7C-AV2X1MZ3/BT, 67-31B/GHC-YX2Y2MZ3/BT, 67-31B/RSC-AW2Y1B9Z5/BT,67-31B/YSC-AW1X2B9Z5/BT, 67-31H/B2C-AY1Z0MZ3/BT, 67-31H/GBC-AZ0Z2EZ3/BT, 67-31H/RSC-AZ0Z2B9Z5/BT,67-31H/YSC-AZ0Z2B9Z5/BT3.0*2.2*1.5mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度130°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:93-21UBC/C430/TR8,93-21SUBC/S400-A6/TR8, 93-21SUGC/S400-A6/TR8, 93-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8,93-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 93-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 93-21UY0C/S530-A3/TR8A. 一种沉于PCB孔内安装,可降低PCBA整体厚度或使PCBA表面平整,正负电极,3.2*2.7*1.8mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:67-21/B7C-AS2U1N/2AA,67-21/GBC-YV2W2N/2AA,67-21/G6C-FN2P2B/2AA,67-21/R6C-AP2R1B/2AA,67-21/Y2C-AP2R2L/2AA,67-21/T2C-YV2W2B22/ 2AA;B. 一种常规SMT安装,正负电极, 3.5*2.7*1.9mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:67-21/B7C-AS2U1N/2T,67-21/GBC-YV2W2N/2T,67-21/G6C-FN2P2B/2T,67-21/R6C-AP2R1B/2T,67-21/Y2C-AP2R2L/2T,67-21/T2C-YV2W2B22/2T;C. 一种带有聚焦透镜头,常规SMT安装,正负电极, 3.5*2.9*3.25mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度60°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:67-21B/BHC-XS1T2M/BT, 67-21B/GBC-YX2Z0M/BT, 67-21B/G6C-BRIS2T/BT,67-21B/R6C-AU2W1B/BT, 67-21B/Y2SC-AT1U2B/BT;D. 一种带有聚焦透镜头,常规SMT安装,1正3负共4电极, 3.5*2.9*3.25mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度60°(67-31H系列发光角度30°),MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:67-23BUTC/TR8,67-31B/B7C-AV2X1MZ3/BT, 67-31B/GHC-YX2Y2MZ3/BT, 67-31B/RSC-AW2Y1B9Z5/BT, 67-31B/YSC-AW1X2B9Z5/BT, 67-31H/B2C-AY1Z0MZ3/BT,67-31H/GBC-AZ0Z2EZ3/BT, 67-31H/RSC-AZ0Z2B9Z5/BT, 67-31H/YSC-AZ0Z2B9Z5/BT;E. 一种常规SMT安装,1正3负共4电极,3.5*2.7*1.8mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:67-31A/B7C-AT1U2MZ3/2T, 67-31A/GHC-YV1W2EZ3/2T, 67-31A/RSC-AV1W2B9Z5/2T,67-31A/YSC-AU2W1B9Z5/2T, 67-31A/T7C-AW1X1MZ3/2TF. 一种RGB全彩的LED,3正3负共6电极,3.5*2.8*1.4mm(长*宽*厚)、正向发光,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:64-135/R6GHBHC-A01/2T, 64-135/REGHB7C-B01/2T3014贴片LED尺寸规格有两款,分别为正向发光:3.0*1.4*1.2mm(长*宽*厚)、侧向发光:3.0*1.4*1.4mm(长*宽*厚),一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格分别有:50-215UJC/2631010/TR8,50-215TUJC/2631010/TR83020贴片LED尺寸规格为:3.0*2.0*1.3mm(长*宽*厚),Top View正向发光,一般用于侧背光设计,发光角度120°,MPQ:2000Pcs,常用品名规格有:45-21/B7C-FS1T2G/2T, 45-21/GBC-YV2W2G/2T, 45-21/G6C-AM2P2B/2T,45-21/R6C-AQ1R2B/2T, 45-21/Y2SC-AS1T2B/2T, 45-21UMC/3237010/TR8,反向贴片SMT LED一般是将LED Lens透过PCB孔安装,以使PCBA整体厚度较小或者需求PCBA发光面平整而设计采用,规格分为23-21系列、23-21B系列、23-215系列、24-21系列、24-216系列、25-21系列、26-21系列,常用品名规格有:23-21UBC/C430/TR8,23-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 23-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 23-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 23-21/BHC-AN1P2/2A, 23-21/GHC-YR2T1/2A, 23-21B/BHC-AN1P2/2A, 23-21B/GHC-YR2T1/2A, 23-21B/T1D-ANQHY/2A,23-215A/BHC-DN2P2/3T, 23-215A/T1D-AQ2R2N/3T, 24-21UBC/C430/TR8,24-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8,24-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 24-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 24-21/BHC-AN1P2/2A, 24-21/GHC-YR2T1/2A, 24-216/T1D-APQHY/2A, 25-21UBC/C430/TR8,25-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 25-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 25-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8, 25-21/BHC-AN1P2/2C, 25-21/GHC-YR2S2/2C, 25-21/T1D-ANQHY/2C, 26-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8, 26-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8, 26-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8食人鱼LED主要分为:φ3头、φ5头、平头、椭圆头、凹头规格,以及插件型和贴片型,主要的型号:30-01/T4C-4PRB, 30-01/T4C-4PRB, 30-01/Y5C-ARTB, 30-01/G4C-ARTB, 30-01/A5C-ASUC/AM, 30-01/R5C-AQSC, 31-01/T4C-4PRB,31-01/B4C-4KNB, 31-01/Y5C-ARTB, 31-01/G4C-ARTB, 31-01/A5C-ASUC, 31-01/R5C-AQSC, 30-02/YAC-AUWC/AM,30-02/AAC-AUWC/AM, 30-02/RAC-AUWC/AM,33-01/T4C-4PRB, 33-01/B4C-4KNB, 33-01/Y5C-ARTB, 33-01/G4C-ARTB,33-01/A5C-ASUC, 33-01/R5C-AQSC, 34-01/T4C-4PRB, 34-01/B4C-4KNB, 34-01/Y5C-ARTB, 34-01/G4C-ARTB,34-01/A5C-ASUC/AM, 34-01/R5C-AQSC, 32-01/T4C-4PRB, 32-01/B4C-4JMB, 32-01/Y4C-AQSB, 32-01/G4C-AQSB,32-01/A5C-ARTC, 32-01/R5C-AQSC, 36-01/Y3C-ARTC, 36-01/A5C-ARTC, 36-01/R3C-ARTC, 38-01/Y3C-AQSC,38-01/A5C-AQSC, 38-01/R3C-AQSC,34-02/YAC-AUWC/AM, 34-02/AAC-AUWC/AM, 34-02/RAC-AUWC/AM,35-01/Y3C-ARTC, 35-01/A5C-ASUC, 35-01/R3C-ARTC,34-04/R1G2B2C-C01,37-01/Y7C-ARTC/AM, 37-01/A7C-ARTC/AM,37-01/R7C-ARTC/AM,34-03/YAC-AUWC/AM, 34-03/AAC-AUWC/AM, 34-03/RAC-AUWC/AM,34-03/Y5C-ARTC,34-03/A5C-ARTC, 34-03/R5C-AQSC,41-07/Y7C-ASUC/AM, 41-07/A7C-ASUC/AM, 41-07/R7C-ARTC/AM,42-07/Y7C-ASUC/AM, 42-07/A7C-ASUC/AM, 42-07/R7C-ARTC/AM,35A-03/YAC-AUWC/AM, 35A-03/AAC-AUWC/AM,35A-03/RAC-AUWC/AM,35A-03/Y7C-ARTC/AM, 35A-03/A7C-ASUC/AM, 35A-03/R7C-ARTC/AM,39-01/B4C-AJLB,39-01/G4C-APRB, 39-01/A5C-AQSC, 39-01/Y5C-AQSB, 39-01/E4C-10,。
VCE=5 V, f=1 MHz
VCE=24 V
TA=85°C, VCE=24 V
1 to 1
3 to 1
IF=5 mA, VCE=5 V
IF=1 mA, VCE=0.4 V IF=5 mA, VCE=5 V IF=8 mA, ICE=2.4 mA
Switching Times Figure 1. Non-saturated switching timing
Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition
1.15 1.3
IF=10 mA
0.01 10
VR=6 V
VF=0 V, f=1 MHz
Collector-Emitter Reverse Voltage ...................70 V Collector Current .......................................... 50 mA Collector Current (t <1 ms)..........................100 mA Power Dissipation.......................................150 mW Derate from 25°C .................................... –2 mW/°C
日立灯泡DT01121 日立灯泡DT01123 日立灯泡DT01141 日立灯泡Leabharlann T01171 日立灯泡DT01181
HCP-Q5/Q7 HCP-Q51/Q55/Q71 HCP-2250X/2700X/2750X/3250X/U27E/U27S/U32S HCP-4060X/5000X HCP-A81/A82/A85W/A101
灯泡型号 日立灯泡DT00331 日立灯泡DT00401 日立灯泡DT00431 日立灯泡DT00461 日立灯泡DT00471 日立灯泡DT00491 日立灯泡DT00511 日立灯泡DT00521 日立灯泡DT00531 日立灯泡DT00581 日立灯泡DT00601 日立灯泡DT00621 日立灯泡DT00671 日立灯泡DT00691 日立灯泡DT00701 日立灯泡DT00731 日立灯泡DT00751 日立灯泡DT00757 日立灯泡DT00771 日立灯泡DT00781 日立灯泡DT00821 日立灯泡DT00841 日立灯泡DT00871 日立灯泡DT00873 日立灯泡DT00891 日立灯泡DT00893 日立灯泡DT00911 日立灯泡DT01001 日立灯泡DT01021 日立灯泡DT01051 日立灯泡DT01091
适用机型 CP-HS2000 CP-HS1000 CP-HS2010/HX2000/HX2020 CP-HX1080/HX1080A CP-HX2080/HX2080A CP-HX3000/HX6000 CP-HS1050/HS1060/HX1095/HX1098 CP-HX1090 CP-HX5000 CP-HS800 CP-HX6300/HX6500/HX6500A/HSX8500 ,HCP-7500X CP-HS900 CP-HX1085/HS2050/HX2060/HX2060A CP-HX3080/HX4050/HX4060/HX4080/HX4090 ,HCP6200X CP-HS980/HS982/HS982C/HS985/HX990/HX992/HX995 , HCP-35S CP-HX2075/HX2175 CP-HX3180/HX3280 ,HCP-500X/580X CP-HX2075A/HX2090 ,HCP-50X HCP-6600X/6800X/7000X HCP-60X/70X/75X/76X HCP-600X/610X/78WX HCP-80X/800X/810X/880X/890X HCP-7100X/7600X/7700X/8000X/8050X HCP-7200WX HCP-A7/A8 HCP-A6/A7/A10 HCP-90X/900X/960X/6680X/6780X HCP-EX7K/WX7K/SX7K HCP2200X/2600X/2650X/2720X/3000X/3020X/3050X/3200X/ HCP-4000X HCP-Q3/Q3W
深圳成兴光电子科技有限公司 1615-T0.6 RGB 贴片式发光二极管 产品名称: XL-1615
产品承认书产品名称:1615-T0.6RGB贴片式发光二极管产品型号:XL-1615RGBC-RF客户名称:客户料号:承认日期:深圳市成兴光电子科技有限公司制定审核核准客户承认栏确认审核核准一、产品描述:●外观尺寸(L/W/H): 1.6x1.5x0.6mm●颜色:高亮度RGB●胶体:透明胶体●EIA规范标准包装●环保产品,符合ROHS要求●适用于自动贴片机●适用于红外线回流焊制程二、外形尺寸及建议焊盘尺寸:备注:1.2.单位公差:毫米(mm):如无特别标注则为±0.10mm三、建议焊接温度曲线:有铅制程无铅制程四、最大绝对额定值(Ta=25℃):参数符号最大额定值单位消耗功率Pd红55mW 蓝80绿80最大脉冲电流(1/10占空比,0.1ms 脉宽)I FP红100mA 蓝100绿100正向直流工作电流I F红25mA 蓝25绿25反向电压V R 红5V 蓝5绿5工作环境温度Topr -30°C ~+85°C 存储环境温度Tstg -40°C~+90°C焊接条件Tsol 回流焊:260°C ,10s 手动焊:300°C ,3s抗静电能力ESD2000V五、光电参数(Ta=25℃):参数符号颜色最小值代表值最大值单位测试条件光强IV 红80/135mcd IF=20mA 蓝132/223绿480/811半光强视角2θ1/2//120/deg IF=20mA主波长λD 红620/625nm IF=20mA 蓝463/473绿510/520正向电压VF 红 1.9/ 2.2V IF=20mA 蓝 2.8/ 3.4绿 2.8/ 3.4反向电流IR 红//1uA VR=5V 蓝//1绿//1备注:1.发光强度是由光纤和过滤器的组合测定的,因此接近视觉感应曲线;2.半光强视角是轴向发光强度一半时的离轴角;3.主波长λd源自CIE色度图,代表单一的波长,它定义了器件的颜色。
TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (L 2−π−MOSV)2SK2615DC −DC Converter, Relay Drive and Motor Drive Applicationsz Low drain −source ON resistance : R DS (ON) = 0.23 Ω (typ.) z High forward transfer admittance : |Y fs | = 2.0 S (typ.)z Low leakage current : I DSS = 100 μA (max) (V DS = 60 V) z Enhancement mode : V th = 0.8~2.0 V (V DS = 10 V, I D = 1 mA)Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)Characteristics Symbol Rating UnitDrain −source voltageV DSS 60 VDrain −gate voltage (R GS = 20 k Ω) V DGR 60 V Gate −source voltage V GSS ±20 V DC (Note 1) I D 2Drain currentPulse (Note 1)I DP 6ADrain power dissipation P D 0.5 WDrain power dissipation (Note 2)P D 1.5 W Channel temperature T ch 150 °C Storage temperature rangeT stg−55~150 °CNote 1: Ensure that the channel temperature does not exceed 150°C. Note 2: Mounted on a ceramic substrate (25.4 mm × 25.4 mm × 0.8 mm)Note 3: Using continuously under heavy loads (e.g. the application of high temperature/current/voltage and the significant changein temperature, etc.) may cause this product to decrease in the reliability significantly even if the operating conditions (i.e. operating temperature/current/voltage, etc.) are within the absolute maximum ratings. Please design the appropriate reliability upon reviewing the Toshiba Semiconductor Reliability Handbook (“Handling Precautions”/Derating Concept and Methods) and individual reliability data (i.e. reliability test report and estimated failure rate, etc).Thermal CharacteristicsCharacteristics Symbol Max UnitThermal resistance, channel toambientR th (ch −a)250°C / WThis transistor is an electrostatic-sensitive device. Please handle with caution.MarkingUnit: mmJEDEC ― JEITA―TOSHIBA 2-5K1B Weight: 0.05 g (typ.)lead (Pb)-free finish.Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C)Characteristics SymbolTest ConditionMin Typ. Max Unit Gate leakage current I GSS V GS = ±16 V, V DS = 0 V — — ±10μA Drain cut −off currentI DSS V DS = 60 V, V GS = 0 V — — 100μA Drain −source breakdown voltage V (BR) DSS I D = 10 mA, V GS = 0 V 60 — — V Gate threshold voltage V th V DS = 10 V, I D = 1 mA 0.8 — 2.0 V VGS = 4 V, ID = 1 A — 0.33 0.44Drain −source ON resistance R DS (ON)VGS = 10 V, ID = 1 A— 0.23 0.30Ω Forward transfer admittance |Y fs | V DS = 10 V, I D = 1 A1.02.0—SInput capacitanceC iss — 150 —Reverse transfer capacitance C rss — 25 — Output capacitanceC ossV DS = 10 V, V GS = 0 V, f = 1 MHz — 70 —pF Rise timet r — 25 —Turn −on timet on — 30 —Fall timet f — 50 — Switching timeTurn −off timet off — 150 — nsTotal gate charge (gate −source plus gate −drain) Q g— 6.0 — Gate −source charge Q gs — 4.6 — Gate −drain (“miller”) ChargeQ gdV DD ≈ 48 V, V GS = 10 V, I D = 2 A— 1.4 —nCSource −Drain Ratings and Characteristics (Ta = 25°C)Characteristics SymbolTest ConditionMin Typ. Max UnitContinuous drain reverse current(Note 1)I DR —— — 2 A Pulse drain reverse current(Note 1) I DRP —— — 6 A Forward voltage (diode) V DSF I DR = 2 A, V GS = 0 V ——−1.5VReverse recovery time t rr — 100 — ns Reverse recovery chargeQ rrI DR = 2 A, V GS = 0 VdI DR / dt = 50 A / μs— 40 — nCRESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE20070701-EN •The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.•TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the “Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” or “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” etc.• The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications (computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.).These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in his document shall be made at the customer’s own risk.•The products described in this document shall not be used or embedded to any downstream products of which manufacture, use and/or sale are prohibited under any applicable laws and regulations.• The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA for any infringements of patents or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patents or other rights of TOSHIBA or the third parties.• Please contact your sales representative for product-by-product details in this document regarding RoHS compatibility. Please use these products in this document in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled substances. Toshiba assumes no liability for damage or losses occurring as a result of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations.。
VISHAY ILD615 ILQ615 数据手册
Document Number Optocoupler, Phototransistor Output (Dual, Quad Channel)Features•Identical Channel to Channel Footprint •Dual and Quad Packages Feature: - Reduced Board Space - Lower Pin and Parts Count- Better Channel to Channel CTR Match - Improved Common Mode Rejection•Isolation Test Voltage from Double Molded Pack-age, 5300 V RMS•Lead-free component•Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/ECAgency Approvals•UL1577, File No. E52744 System Code H or J, Double Protection •CSA 93751•BSI IEC60950 IEC60965•DIN EN 60747-5-2 (VDE0884)DIN EN 60747-5-5 pending Available with Option 1DescriptionThe ILD615/ ILQ615 are multi-channel phototransis-tor optocouplers that use GaAs IRLED emitters and high gain NPN phototransistors. These devices are constructed using over/under leadframe optical cou-pling and double molded insulation technology result-ing a withstand test voltage of 7500 VAC PEAK and a working voltage of 1700 V RMS .The binned min./max. and linear CTR characteristics make these devices well suited for DC or AC voltage detection. Eliminating the phototransistor base con-nection provides added electrical noise immunity from the transients found in many industrial control envi-ronments.Because of guaranteed maximum non-saturated and saturated switching characteristics, the ILD615/ILQ615 can be used in medium speed data I/O and control systems. The binned min./max. CTR specifi-cation allow easy worst case interface calculations forboth level detection and switching applications. Inter-facing with a CMOS logic is enhanced by the guaran-teed CTR at I F = 1.0 mA. Document Number 83652ILD615/ ILQ615Vishay Semiconductors Order InformationFor additional information on the available options refer to Option Information.PartRemarksILD615-1CTR 40 - 80 %, Dual Channel, DIP-8ILD615-2CTR 63 - 125 %, Dual Channel, DIP-8ILD615-3CTR 100 - 200 %, Dual Channel, DIP-8ILD615-4CTR 160 - 320 %, Dual Channel, DIP-8ILQ615-1CTR 40 - 80 %, Quad Channel, DIP-16ILQ615-2CTR 63 - 125 %, Quad Channel, DIP-16ILQ615-3CTR 100 - 200 %, Quad Channel, DIP-16ILQ615-4CTR 160 - 320 %, Quad Channel, DIP-16ILD615-1X007CTR 40 - 80 %, Dual Channel, SMD-8 (option 7)ILD615-2X006CTR 63 - 125 %, Dual Channel, DIP-8 400 mil (option 6)ILD615-2X009CTR 63 - 125 %, Dual Channel, SMD-8 (option 9)ILD615-3X006CTR 100 - 200 %, Dual Channel, DIP-8 400 mil (option 6)ILD615-3X007CTR 100 - 200 %, Dual Channel, SMD-8 (option 7)ILD615-3X009CTR 100 - 200 %, Dual Channel, SMD-8 (option 9)ILD615-4X006CTR 160 - 320 %, Dual Channel, DIP-8 400 mil (option 6)ILD615-4X009CTR 160 - 320 %, Dual Channel, SMD-8 (option 9)ILQ615-1X009CTR 40 - 80 %, Quad Channel, SMD-16 (option 9)ILQ615-2X007CTR 63 - 125 %, Quad Channel, SMD-16 (option 7)ILQ615-3X006CTR 100 - 200 %, Quad Channel, DIP-16 400 mil (option 6)ILQ615-3X009CTR 100 - 200 %, Quad Channel, SMD-16 (option 9)ILQ615-4X007CTR 160 - 320 %, Quad Channel, SMD-16 (option 7)ILQ615-4X009CTR 160 - 320 %, Quad Channel, SMD-16 (option 9)ILD615/ ILQ615Document Number 83652Vishay SemiconductorsAbsolute Maximum RatingsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedStresses in excess of the absolute Maximum Ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the operational sections of this document. Exposure to absolute Maximum Rating for extended periods of the time can adversely affect reliability.InputOutputCouplerParameterTest conditionSymbol Value Unit Reverse voltage V R 6.0V Forward current I F 60mA Surge current I FSM 1.5A Power dissipation P diss100mW Derate linearly from 25°C1.33mW/°CParameterTest conditionSymbol Value Unit Collector-emitter breakdown voltageBV CEO 70V Emitter-collector breakdown voltageBV ECO 7.0V Collector currentI C 50mA t < 1.0 msI C 100mA Power dissipation P diss150mW Derate linearly from 25°C2.0mW/°CParameterTest conditionSymbol Value Unit Storage temperature T stg - 55 to + 150°C Operating temperature T amb - 55 to + 100°C Junction temperature T j 100°C Soldering temperature 2.0 mm distance from case bottomT sld260°C Package power dissipation, ILD615400mW Derate linearly from 25°C 5.33mW/°C Package power dissipation, ILQ615500mW Derate linearly from 25°C 6.67mW/°C Isolation test voltage t = 1.0 sec.V ISO5300V RMS Creepage ≥ 7.0mm Clearance≥ 7.0mm Isolation resistanceV IO = 500 V, T amb = 25°C R IO ≥ 1012ΩV IO = 500 V, T amb = 100°CR IO≥ 1011Ω Document Number 83652ILD615/ ILQ615Vishay Semiconductors Electrical CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedMinimum and maximum values are testing requirements. Typical values are characteristics of the device and are the result of engineering evaluation. Typical values are for information only and are not part of the testing requirements.InputOutputCouplerCurrent Transfer RatioParameterTest conditionSymbol Min Typ.Max Unit Forward voltage I F = 10 mA V F 1.0 1.15 1.3V Breakdown voltage I R = 10 µA V BR 6.030V Reverse current V R = 6.0 VI R 0.0110µA CapacitanceV R = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHzC O 25pF Thermal resistance, junction to leadR THJL750K/WParameterTest conditionSymbol MinTyp.MaxUnit Collector-emitter capacitance V CE = 5.0 V, f = 1.0 MHz C CE 6.8pF Collector-emitter leakage current, -1, -2V CE = 10 V I CEO 2.050nA Collector-emitter leakage current, -3, -4V CE = 10 V I CEO 5.0100nA Collector-emitter breakdown voltageI CE = 0.5 mA BV CEO 70V Emitter-collector breakdown voltageI E = 0.1 mABV ECO 7.0V Thermal resistance, junction to leadR THJL500K/WPackage transfer characteristics Channel/Channel CTR matchI F = 10 mA, V CE = 5.0 VCTRX/CTRY1 to 12 to 1ParameterTest conditionSymbol MinTyp.MaxUnit Capacitance (input-output)V IO = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz C IO 0.8pF Insulation resistance V IO = 500 V, T A = 25°CR S10121014ΩChannel to channel isolation500VACParameterTest conditionPart Symbol MinTyp.MaxUnit Current Transfer Ratio(collector-emitter saturated)I F = 10 mA, V CE = 0.4 VILD615-1 ILQ615-1CTR CEsat 25%ILD615-2 ILQ615-2CTR CEsat 40%ILD615-3 ILQ615-3CTR CEsat 60%ILD615-4 ILQ615-4CTR CEsat100%ILD615/ ILQ615Document Number 83652Vishay SemiconductorsSwitching Non-saturatedSwitching SaturatedCommon Mode Transient ImmunityCurrent Transfer Ratio (collector-emitter)I F = 10 mA, V CE = 5.0 V ILD615-1 ILQ615-1CTR CE 406080%I F = 1.0 mA, V CE = 5.0 V ILD615-2 ILQ615-2CTR CE 1330%I F = 10 mA, V CE = 5.0 V ILD615-3 ILQ615-3CTR CE 6380125%I F = 1.0 mA, V CE = 5.0 V ILD615-4 ILQ615-4CTR CE 2245%I F = 10 mA, V CE = 5.0 V ILD615-1 ILQ615-1CTR CE 100150200%I F = 1.0 mA, V CE = 5.0 V ILD615-2 ILQ615-2CTR CE 3470%I F = 10 mA, V CE = 5.0 V ILD615-3 ILQ615-3CTR CE 160200320%I F = 1.0 mA, V CE = 5.0 VILD615-4 ILQ615-4CTR CE5690%ParameterTest conditionPart Symbol Min Typ.Max Unit Parameter CurrentTurn-on timeRise timeTurn-off timeFall timePropagationH-LPropagationL-HTest condition V CC = 5.0 V, R L = 75 Ω, 50 % of V PP Symbol I F t on t r t off t f t PHL t PLH Unit mA µs µs µs µs µs µs ILD615-1103. CurrentTurn-on timeRise timeTurn-off timeFall timePropagationH-LPropagationL-HTest condition V CC = 5.0 V, R L = 1.0 k Ω, V TH = 1.5 V Symbol I F t on t r t off t f t PHL t PLH Unit mA µs µs µs µs µs µs ILD615-1 ILQ615-120 3.0 2.01811 1.68.6ILD615-2 ILQ615-210 4.3 2.82514 2.67.2ILD615-3 ILQ615-310 4.3 2.82514 2.67.2ILD615-4 ILQ615- conditionSymbol MinTyp.MaxUnit Common mode rejection output high V CM = 50 V P-P , R L = 1.0 k Ω, I F = 0 mA CM H 5000V/µs Common mode rejection output low V CM = 50 V P-P , R L = 1.0 k Ω, I F = 10 mA CM L 5000V/µs Common mode coupling capacitanceC CM0.01pF Document Number 83652ILD615/ ILQ615Vishay SemiconductorsTypical Characteristics (Tamb = 25 °C unless otherwise specified)Figure 1. Non-saturated Switching Timing Figure 2. Saturated Switching Timing Figure 3. Non-saturated Switching Timing iild615_01O =5V75ΩF =DF I F =iild615_02O=5Viild615_03V I onoffFigure 4. Saturated Switching TimingFigure 5. Maximum LED Current vs. Ambient TemperatureFigure 6. Maximum LED Power Dissipationiild615_04IV O-60-40-20020406080100120100806040020Ta -Ambient Temperature -°CI F -M a x i m u m L E D C u r r e n t -m Aiild615_05iild615_06-60-40-2002040608010020010050Ta -Ambient Temperature -°CP L E D -L E D P o w e r -m W150ILD615/ ILQ615Document Number 83652Vishay SemiconductorsFigure 7. Forward Voltage vs. Forward Current Figure 8. Peak LED Current vs. Pulse Duration, TauFigure 9. Maximum Detector Power Dissipationiild615_07IF -Forward Current -mA100101. F -F o r w a r d V o l t a g e -Viild615_0810-610-510-410-310-210-110010110000100010010t -LED Pulse Duration -sI f (p k )-P e a k L E D C u r r e n t -m Aiild615_0950Ta -Ambient Temperature -°CP D E T -D e t e c t o r P o w e r -m WFigure 10. Maximum Collector Current vs. Collector VoltageFigure 11. Normalization Factor for Non-saturated and SaturatedCTR vs. I FFigure 12. Normalization Factor for Non-saturated and SaturatedCTR vs. I Fiild615_10.1101001000100101.1V CE -Collector-Emitter Voltage -VI C E -C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t -m A1iild615_11C T R N F -N o r m a l i z e d C T R F ac t o r.11101002. F -LED Current -mAiild615_12C T R N F -N o r m a l i z e d C T R F a ct o r.11101002. F -LED Current -mA Document Number 83652ILD615/ ILQ615Vishay SemiconductorsFigure 13. Normalization Factor for Non-saturated and SaturatedCTR vs. I FFigure 14. Normalization Factor for Non-saturated and SaturatedCTR vs. I FFigure 15. Collector-Emitter Current vs. Temperature and LEDCurrentiild615_13C T R N F -N o r m a l i z e d C T R F a c t o r.11101002. F -LED Current -mAiild615_14C T R N F -N o r m a l i z e d C TR F a c t o r.11101002. F -LED Current -mAiild615_15605030201005101520253035I F -LED Current -mAI C E -C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t -m A40Figure 16. Collector Emitter Leakage vs. TemperatureFigure 17. -1, Propagation Delay vs. Collector Load ResistorFigure 18. -2, -3, Propagation Delay vs. Collector Load Resistoriild615_161010101010101010-2-1012345T A -Ambient Temperature -°CI C E O -C o l l e c t o r -E m i t t e r -n Aiild615_17R L -Load Resistor -k Ω100101.111010010001. p L H -P r o p a g a t i o n L o w -H i g h µst p H L -P r o p a g a t i o n H i g h -L o w µs2.53.03.5iild615_18R L -Collector Load Resistor -k Ω100101.111010010001. p L H -P r o p a g a t i o n L o w -H i g h µst p H L -P r o p a g a t i o n H i g h -L o w µsILD615/ ILQ615Document Number 83652Vishay SemiconductorsPackage Dimensions in Inches (mm)iild615_19R L -Collector Load Resistor -k Ω100101.111010010001. p L H -P r o p a g a t i o n L o w -H i g h µst p H L -P r o p a g a t i o n H i g h -L o w µsFigure 19. -4, Propagation Delay vs. Collector Load Resistor Document Number 83652ILD615/ ILQ615Vishay SemiconductorsPackage Dimensions in Inches (mm)ILD615/ ILQ615Document Number 83652Rev. 1.3, 19-Apr-04Vishay Semiconductors 11Ozone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to 1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution andoperatingsystems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personaldamage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyTelephone: 49 (0)7131 67 2831, Fax number: 49 (0)7131 67 2423。
REF 615产品指南
馈线保护继电器REF615用户指南目 录1概述...................................42标准配置...............................43保护功能...............................54应用...................................75控制功能...............................96测量功能...............................97故障录波...............................98事件记录...............................99故障数据记录...........................910断路器监视.............................911跳闸回路监视..........................1012自检功能 (1013)访问控制 (10)14输入和输出............................1015通信..................................1116技术数据..............................1217显示选项..............................2818安装方法..............................2919继电器外壳和继电器插件单元............2920整机订货号............................3021配件订货号............................3322工具..................................3323端子图................................3524认证..................................3725参考资料 (3726)功能、代码和符号 (38)免责声明本文件中的信息可能会更改,恕不另行通知。
delvo 电动螺丝刀所有型号
日本 DELVO DLV7140-FJE 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO DLV3151-EJN 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO 日本 DLV8130-JKC 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO DLV7020-SPC 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO DLV7120-JKC电动螺丝刀日本DELVO 电动螺丝刀 DLV7030-SPC DELVO 日本 DLV8120-JKC电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV7031-SPC 电动螺丝刀日本 DLV8120-JJC电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV8020-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7130-EJC电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV8030-SPC DELVO日本 DLV8130-EJC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV8031-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7130-SPC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV7120-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7231-SPC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV8120-SPC DELVO日本 DLV8150-SPC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVODLV8130-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7130-JJC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV7140-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7120-JJC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV8140-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7130-JKC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV8231-SPC DELVO日本 DLV8130-JJC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV7241-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7120-EJC DLV8241-SPC DELVO 日本 DLV8120-EJC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV7251-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7140-EJC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV8251-SPC DELVO日本 DLV8140-EJC 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO DLV7140A-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7140-JJC DLV7140HA-SPC DELVO 日本 DLV8140-JJC 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO DLV7420A-SPC DELVO日本 DLV8140-JKC 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO DLV7321-SPC DELVO日本 DLV8150-EKC 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO DLV7331-SPC DELVO日本 DLV8150-JJC DLV7321-CMC DELVO 日本 DLV8150-JKC 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO DLV7331-CMCDELVO 日本 DELVO DLV7140-FJE 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO DLV3151-EJN 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO 日本 DLV8130-JKC 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO DLV7020-SPC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO 日本 DELVO DLV7120-JKC电动螺丝刀日本DELVO 电动螺丝刀 DLV7030-SPC DELVO日本 DLV8120-JKC电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV7031-SPC 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO 日本 DLV8120-JJC电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV8020-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7130-EJC电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV8030-SPC DELVO日本DLV8130-EJC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV8031-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7130-SPC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV7120-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7231-SPC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV8120-SPC DELVO日本 DLV8150-SPC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVODLV8130-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7130-JJC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV7140-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7120-JJC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV8140-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7130-JKC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV8231-SPC DELVO日本 DLV8130-JJC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV7241-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7120-EJC DLV8241-SPC DELVO 日本 DLV8120-EJC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV7251-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7140-EJC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV8251-SPC DELVO日本 DLV8140-EJC 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO DLV7140A-SPC DELVO日本 DLV7140-JJC DLV7140HA-SPC DELVO 日本 DLV8140-JJC 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO DLV7420A-SPC DELVO日本 DLV8140-JKC 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO DLV7321-SPC DELVO日本 DLV8150-EKC 电动螺丝刀日本 DELVO DLV7331-SPC DELVO日本 DLV8150-JJC DLV7321-CMC DELVO日本 DLV8150-JKC 电动螺丝刀日本DELVO DLV7331-CMC。
Product GuideT: 0115 964 1305E:***************.ukW: www.oshino /LEDsforSignsProductPart No.LED ColourColour Temp/ Wavelength range LEDs per per Metre (approx)BeamLumens perWatts (Typical) Lumens / WattMaxDimensions(LxWxH)Driver choicesWattage: Maximum number of modulesPack qty //max modulesin a serieschainB -LED121CWCool White 7500K 1 20 160o30 0.3 100 18.2x11 x9.9 12V DC150 // 50B -LED221CWB -LED221RDCool WhiteRed 7500K620~625nm 26174o65 7 0.72 0.72 90 1038.8x19.3 x10.5 12V DC30 // 3050 // 50B -LED321CWCool White7500K3 5174o931.029160.8x19.3 x10.512V DC30 // 30BFL 333-DW12-MXBFL 333-DR12-MXBFL 333-DG12BFL 333-DB12Pure WhiteRed Green Blue6500K 620~625nm 525~530nm 465~470nm3 5170o76 21 35 12 0.66115 31 53 1855.5x13.3 x7.512V DC50 // 50BFL 333-DW12-MX -HO BFL 333-DN12-MX -HOPure WhiteNatural White6500K 4000K 3 5170o115111555.5x13.3 x7.512V DC50 // 50BFL 358-DW12Pure White6500K7 818o x70o212 11011062x23 x12.324V DC30W: 13 // 60W: 26 //100W: 44 //150W: 66 // 200W: 8830 // 30 Nano 3 WNano 3 NWNano 3 WW Pure WhiteNatural WhiteWarm White 6500K 4000K 3000K 3in1 20 Diffused25 23 21 0.3083 76 70 18x9x512V DC100 // 40 M912 White M912 White M912 White M912 White M912 Red M912 BlueCool White Daylight White Natural White Warm WhiteRed Blue 6900K 5000K 4000K 3000K 620~625nm 465~470nm 2 8160o 70 65 60 55 13 50.7297 90 83 76 18 745x13x9.5 12V DC50 // 50(150crs)OLUTW060BOLUTN060BPure WhiteNatural White6500K 4000K 16 170o60 60 0.48125 12529.5x21.5x712V DC50 // 50(200crs)OLUTW100BOLUTN100BPure WhiteNatural White6500K 4000K 15170o100 100 0.96104 10429.5x21.5x712V DC30 // 30OLUTW100BOLUTN100BPure WhiteNatural White6500K 4000K 22 170o180 1.810075x23x712V DC25 // 25OL -SOL3-6500-1OL -SOL3-5000-1OL -SOL3-4000-1Pure WhiteDaylight WhiteNatural White6500K 5000K 4000K12Super Wide300 290 290 2.05146 141 14140x51x7.7700ma max20 pack or 80 reel // depends on driver optionE -LED 6E -LED 9E -LED 12E -LED 14 Pure White6500K6 9 12 142 1 1 0106o408 612 816 9524.32 6.48 8.64 10.08 94 94 94 94 495x19x7 740x19x7 990x19x7 1160x19x7 24V DCSingularly // 54 LEDsRGB -702 LEDRed Green Blue620~625nm 525~530nm 465~470nm3x 3in1 512036 (white)0.725066x15x4.912V DC20 // 20Z6003WDZ6005WDPure White6500K3 5na10 x 40o720 1200 6.8 11.0110 114297 / 518X27.5x1524V DC60W: 7 // 100W: 13 // 150W: 19 // 200W: 2560W: 4 // 100W: 8 // 150W: 12 // 200W: 16Singularly // 100WZ7003XBDZ7005XBDPure White6500K3 5na10 x 40o660 12006.8 11.097 100323 / 543x22x3024V DC60W: 7 // 100W: 13 // 150W: 19 // 200W: 2560W: 4 // 100W: 8 // 150W: 12 // 200W: 16Singularly // 100WFlexiLED -0BA PremiumLED tape on a reel(Indoor)FlexiLED -BA Premium LED tape on a reel(Outdoor)Pure WhiteWarm White6500K 3000K300 / reel300 / reel 60 60120925 / m925 / m6 / m154 1625000 x 10 x 1.4 24V DC60W: 1 // 100W: 2 // 150W: 41 reel 5m //5mB -LED121B -LED221H -LED 333-MXH -LED 333-MX -HOH -LED 358M -LED Nano 3M -LED 912Mini Orbis LED 60 Mini Orbis LED 100Mini Orbis LED 180 RGB -LED 702Eco -LED (E -LED)Z -LED 6 (Indoor)Z -LED 7 (Outdoor)FlexiLED Premium Super Orbis LED Gen 3high output30W: 35 // 60W: 70 //100W: 118 //150W: 117 // 200W: 236See data sheet for all options30: 14 // 60W: 28 //100W: 47 // 150W: 70 // 200W: 9430W: 26 // 60W: 53 // 100W: 88 //150W: 132 // 200W: 17730W: 53 // 60W: 106 // 100W: 177 //150W: 265 // 200W: 35430W: 35 // 60W: 70 // 100W: 118 //150W: 177 // 200W: 23630W: 85 // 60W: 170 // 100W: 283 // 150W: 42530W: 25 // 60W: 51 // 100W: 85 //150W: 127 // 200W: 17030W: 37 // 60W: 77 // 100W: 128 //150W: 193 // 200W: 25730W: 85 // 60W: 170 //100W: 283 30W: 35 // 60W: 70 //100W: 118 //150W: 177 // 200W: 23630W: 25 // 60W: 50 //100W: 83 //150W: 125 // 200W: 166B -LED32136W: 5min & 17max 60W: 15min & 25max 96W: 24min & 40max 150W: 39min & 62max 240W: 57min & 100maxProductDistance between module mtgsurface and lit face →>20>30>40>50>60>70>80>90>100>110>120>130>140>150>160>170>180>200B -LED 121X (mm) - - 40 40 50 Y (mm) - - 40 40 50 Qty--625pcs625pcs400pcsLumens187501875012000B -LED 221 X (mm) - - 80 80 100 120 150 150 150 Y (mm) - - 80 80 100 120 150 200 200 Qty-- 156pcs156pcs100pcs69pcs44pcs33pcs33pcsLumenscd/m 210140-10140-6500153044851095286067021455202145500B -LED 321X (mm) - - - - - - - 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 - Y (mm) - - - - - - - 130 200 200 250 300 350 350 350 350 350 - Qty-- - --- - 38pcs25pcs25pcs20pcs16pcs14pcs14pcs14pcs14pcs14pcs-Lumenscd/m 23500790230057023005501800380150034013003101300305130030013002951300290X (mm) - - - - 100 120 150 150 150 150 Y (mm) - - - - 100 120 120 150 150 200 Qty-- --100pcs69pcs55pcs44pcs44pcs33pcsLumenscd/m 2760018005244129041801020334481533447952500570X (mm) 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Y (mm) 150 150 200 200 250 300 300 350 350 350 350 Qty44pcs 44pcs38pcs25pcs20pcs13pcs13pcs11pcs11pcs11pcs11pcsLumenscd/m 25060122550601200437090028757002300625149544014951265400126539512653901265385430M -LED Nano 3 X (mm) 20 25 35 50 Y (mm) 202535 50 Qty2500pcs 1600pcs814pcs400pcsLumens62500400002035010000M -LED 912 X (mm) - - - 80 80 100 120 120 120 120 Y (mm) - - - 80 80 100 120 140 150 150 Qty- - - 156pcs156pcs100pcs69pcs58pcs54pcs54pcsLumens109201092070004830406037803780X (mm) - - 100 120 150 150 150 150 - - - - Y (mm) - - 100 120 150 200 200 250 - - - - Qty- - 100pcs68pcs44pcs33pcs33pcs26pcs- - - - Lumens600040802640198019801560X (mm) - - 120 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Y (mm) - - 120 150 200 200 250 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Qty--68pcs 44pcs33pcs25pcs20pcs16pcs16pcs16pcs16pcs16pcs16pcs16pcsLumenscd/m 2680044003300770250056020004201600350160034016003301600320160031016003001600290X (mm) - - - - - - - - 300 375 Y (mm) - - - - - - - - 350 375 Qty--------9pcs 7pcsLumenscd/m 216204601260390Super Orbis LED Gen3X (mm) - - - - - - 215 250 250 265 265 350 350 400 400 450 500 500 Y (mm) - - - - - - 215 250 250 265 265 350 350 400 400 450 500 500 Qty- - - - - - 22pcs16pcs16pcs14pcs14pcs8pcs8pcs6pcs6pcs5pcs4pcs4pcsLumens660049604960420042002400240018001800150012001200X (mm) - na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Y (mm) - 75* 100* 125 150 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Qty-13pcs 10pcs8pcs6pcs5pcs3pcs3pcs3pcs3pcs3pcs3pcs3pcs3pcs3pcsLumens119009160732061004580305030503050305030503050305030503050cd/m 22480 205014101110870600580560540520500480460440X (mm) - - - - - - - - - 90 90 110 110 130 130 150 150 200 Y (mm) - - - - - - - - - 90 90 110 110 130 130 150 150 200 Qty- - - - - - - - - 121pcs121pcs81pcs81pcs59pcs59pcs44pcs*44pcs25pcs*Lumens (white)---------43564356291629162124212415841584900Design GuideEDGE LIGHTING a single -sided boxSuitable depths D : H -LED 358 min 50mm & max 120mm Z -LED series 90 min & 300 max (all internal dims)H -LED 358 suitable where H = up to 500mm with one edge litH -LED 358 suitable where H = up to 1000 with two edges litZ -LED suitable where H = up to 800 with one edge lit Z -LED suitable where H = up to 2000 with two edges lita = 70mm from lit face. For number of modules divide L by H -LED module spacing of 120mm or by length of Z -LED moduleEDGE LIGHTING a double -sided boxSuitable depths D : H -LED 358 min 100mm & max 200mm Z -LED series 140 min & 300 max (all internal dims)H -LED 358 suitable where H = up to 500mm with one edge litH -LED 358 suitable where H = up to 1000 with two edges litZ -LED suitable where for H = up to 800 with one edge lit Z -LED suitable where H = up to 2000 with two edges lita = half of D . For number of modules divide L by H -LED module spacing of 120mm or length of Z -LED moduleOptical and luminance data is typical - see data sheets available at our website for more details. All data is intended as a design guide and the ideal lit appearance should be checked with a lit trial. Dimensions in mm. Other modules and driver types are available. Products showing the Amari Plastics PLC logo alongside are available exclusively from branches of Amari nationwide. Data subject to change without notice. E&OE. Subject to our Terms and Conditions Sale. © Oshino Lamps (UK) Limited 2/2020Oshino Lamps (UK) LimitedMini Orbis LED 60 Edge Lighting with H -LED 358 and Z -LED seriesEco -LED (E -LED)Mini Orbis LED 180 Module to module spacing guide for illuminated area per sq metre at a range of return depths shown and rounded to the nearest module. Tested for uniformity and perceived brightness (luminance in candelas per square metre cd/m 2) using Amari 5mm opal acrylic with 53% light transmission on a lightbox with matt white painted interior. Actual results may vary. Oshino recommends Seta -LED® and Acrycast® LED from AMARI PlasticsLED driver 24VLED driver 24VZ -LED or H -LED 358doublesidedsingle sidedH -LED 333-MX H-LED 333-MX -HO NEED HELP WITH LIGHTING A SIGN? SEND YOUR VECTOR GRAPHIC PDF. OR .EPS FILE WITH A ***********************************************************.UK SUBJECT LINE: LED WIZARD AND WE WILL DO THE RESTRGB -702 LEDMini Orbis LED 100 *ELED: beware of clearance to edges all around // RGB -702 LED: adding more modules increases colour saturation and gives a more vibrate, attractive appearance.。
Base Current基极电流
Collector Power Dissipation耗散功率
Junction Temperature结温
Storage Temperature贮藏温度
手电式 LED 紫外线灯系列产品说明书
手电式LED紫外线灯LED冷光源超高照度超长工作时间沈阳宇时先锋检测仪器有限公司特点及性能◆本产品采用日本NICHIA 公司大功率365nm 紫外波段LED 灯珠,100%不含UV-B 和UV-C 成分,光谱纯正。
●防尘防水标准可达IEC 60529-IP66级,使用环境更广,安全可靠。
参数VM10VM30VM50VM7038cm 处最大紫外线强度10000uW/cm ²13000uW/cm ²低亮8000uW/cm ²高亮20000uW/cm ²20000uW/cm ²38cm 处照射面积(≥1200uw/cm²)Φ63mm Φ55mm φ55mm Φ105mm 可见光照度2.91lux3.4lux 3.14lux 5.8lux 黑色滤光片●●●●光源365nm UV-A LED灯珠数量1113电池ICR 18650锂电池●●ICR 26650锂电池●●电池容量 3.7V 2600mAh 3.7V 3800mAh3.7V 3800mAh 3.7V 2600mAh电池数量1个1个2个4个连续工作时间4个小时5个小时低亮18个小时5个小时高亮8个小时充电时间5个小时6个小时7个小时5个小时外形尺寸灯头直径28mm 40mm 62mm 60mm 透光窗直径22mm 34mm55mm 50mm 长度128mm 144mm 240mm 143mm 重量(含电池)140g240g520g610g配置清单紫外线灯电池充电器仪器箱防护眼镜说明书合格证保修卡装箱单VM10111101111VM30111111111VM50121111111VM70141111111可选配置VM10VM30VM50VM70三角支架1型号参数。
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Document Number Optocoupler, Phototransistor Output (Dual, Quad Channel)Features•Identical Channel to Channel Footprint •Dual and Quad Packages Feature: - Reduced Board Space - Lower Pin and Parts Count- Better Channel to Channel CTR Match - Improved Common Mode Rejection•Isolation Test Voltage from Double Molded Pack-age, 5300 V RMS•Lead-free component•Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/ECAgency Approvals•UL1577, File No. E52744 System Code H or J, Double Protection •CSA 93751•BSI IEC60950 IEC60965•DIN EN 60747-5-2 (VDE0884)DIN EN 60747-5-5 pending Available with Option 1DescriptionThe ILD615/ ILQ615 are multi-channel phototransis-tor optocouplers that use GaAs IRLED emitters and high gain NPN phototransistors. These devices are constructed using over/under leadframe optical cou-pling and double molded insulation technology result-ing a withstand test voltage of 7500 VAC PEAK and a working voltage of 1700 V RMS .The binned min./max. and linear CTR characteristics make these devices well suited for DC or AC voltage detection. Eliminating the phototransistor base con-nection provides added electrical noise immunity from the transients found in many industrial control envi-ronments.Because of guaranteed maximum non-saturated and saturated switching characteristics, the ILD615/ILQ615 can be used in medium speed data I/O and control systems. The binned min./max. CTR specifi-cation allow easy worst case interface calculations forboth level detection and switching applications. Inter-facing with a CMOS logic is enhanced by the guaran-teed CTR at I F = 1.0 mA.Order InformationPart RemarksILD615-1CTR 40 - 80 %, Dual Channel, DIP-8ILD615-2CTR 63 - 125 %, Dual Channel, DIP-8ILD615-3CTR 100 - 200 %, Dual Channel, DIP-8ILD615-4CTR 160 - 320 %, Dual Channel, DIP-8ILQ615-1CTR 40 - 80 %, Quad Channel, DIP-16ILQ615-2CTR 63 - 125 %, Quad Channel, DIP-16ILQ615-3CTR 100 - 200 %, Quad Channel, DIP-16ILQ615-4CTR 160 - 320 %, Quad Channel, DIP-16ILD615-1X007CTR 40 - 80 %, Dual Channel, SMD-8(option 7)ILD615-2X006CTR 63 - 125 %, Dual Channel, DIP-8 400mil (option 6)ILD615-2X009CTR 63 - 125 %, Dual Channel, SMD-8(option 9)ILD615-3X006CTR 100 - 200 %, Dual Channel, DIP-8400 mil (option 6)ILD615-3X007CTR 100 - 200 %, Dual Channel, SMD-8(option 7)ILD615-3X009CTR 100 - 200 %, Dual Channel, SMD-8(option 9)ILD615-4X006CTR 160 - 320 %, Dual Channel, DIP-8400 mil (option 6)ILD615-4X009CTR 160 - 320 %, Dual Channel, SMD-8(option 9)ILQ615-1X009CTR 40 - 80 %, Quad Channel, SMD-16(option 9)ILQ615-2X007CTR 63 - 125 %, Quad Channel, SMD-16(option 7)ILQ615-3X006CTR 100 - 200 %, Quad Channel, DIP-16400 mil (option 6)ILQ615-3X009CTR 100 - 200 %, Quad Channel, SMD-16(option 9)ILQ615-4X007CTR 160 - 320 %, Quad Channel, SMD-16(option 7)ILQ615-4X009CTR 160 - 320 %, Quad Channel, SMD-16(option 9)For additional information on the available options refer toOption Information. Document Number 83652Document Number Absolute Maximum RatingsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedStresses in excess of the absolute Maximum Ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the operational sections of this document. Exposure to absolute Maximum Rating for extended periods of the time can adversely affect reliability.InputOutputCouplerParameterTest conditionSymbol Value Unit Reverse voltage V R 6.0V Forward current I F 60mA Surge current I FSM 1.5A Power dissipation P diss100mW Derate linearly from 25°C1.33mW/°CParameterTest conditionSymbol Value Unit Collector-emitter breakdown voltageBV CEO 70V Emitter-collector breakdown voltageBV ECO 7.0V Collector currentI C 50mA t < 1.0 msI C 100mA Power dissipation P diss150mW Derate linearly from 25°C2.0mW/°CParameterTest conditionSymbol Value Unit Storage temperature T stg - 55 to + 150°C Operating temperature T amb - 55 to + 100°C Junction temperature T j 100°C Soldering temperature 2.0 mm distance from case bottomT sld260°C Package power dissipation, ILD615400mW Derate linearly from 25°C 5.33mW/°C Package power dissipation, ILQ615500mW Derate linearly from 25°C 6.67mW/°C Isolation test voltage t = 1.0 sec.V ISO5300V RMS Creepage ≥ 7.0mm Clearance≥ 7.0mm Isolation resistanceV IO = 500 V, T amb = 25°C R IO ≥ 1012ΩV IO = 500 V, T amb = 100°CR IO≥ 1011Ω Document Number 83652Electrical CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedMinimum and maximum values are testing requirements. Typical values are characteristics of the device and are the result of engineering evaluation. Typical values are for information only and are not part of the testing requirements.InputOutputCouplerCurrent Transfer RatioParameterTest conditionSymbol Min Typ.Max Unit Forward voltage I F = 10 mA V F 1.0 1.15 1.3V Breakdown voltage I R = 10 µA V BR 6.030V Reverse current V R = 6.0 VI R 0.0110µA CapacitanceV R = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHzC O 25pF Thermal resistance, junction to leadR THJL750K/WParameterTest conditionSymbol MinTyp.MaxUnit Collector-emitter capacitance V CE = 5.0 V, f = 1.0 MHz C CE 6.8pF Collector-emitter leakage current, -1, -2V CE = 10 V I CEO 2.050nA Collector-emitter leakage current, -3, -4V CE = 10 V I CEO 5.0100nA Collector-emitter breakdown voltageI CE = 0.5 mA BV CEO 70V Emitter-collector breakdown voltageI E = 0.1 mABV ECO 7.0V Thermal resistance, junction to leadR THJL500K/WPackage transfer characteristics Channel/Channel CTR matchI F = 10 mA, V CE = 5.0 VCTRX/CTRY1 to 12 to 1ParameterTest conditionSymbol MinTyp.MaxUnit Capacitance (input-output)V IO = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz C IO 0.8pF Insulation resistance V IO = 500 V, T A = 25°CR S10121014ΩChannel to channel isolation500VACParameterTest conditionPart Symbol MinTyp.MaxUnit Current Transfer Ratio(collector-emitter saturated)I F = 10 mA, V CE = 0.4 VILD615-1 ILQ615-1CTR CEsat 25%ILD615-2 ILQ615-2CTR CEsat 40%ILD615-3 ILQ615-3CTR CEsat 60%ILD615-4 ILQ615-4CTR CEsat100%Document Number Switching Non-saturatedSwitching SaturatedCommon Mode Transient ImmunityCurrent Transfer Ratio (collector-emitter)I F = 10 mA, V CE = 5.0 V ILD615-1 ILQ615-1CTR CE 406080%I F = 1.0 mA, V CE = 5.0 V ILD615-2 ILQ615-2CTR CE 1330%I F = 10 mA, V CE = 5.0 V ILD615-3 ILQ615-3CTR CE 6380125%I F = 1.0 mA, V CE = 5.0 V ILD615-4 ILQ615-4CTR CE 2245%I F = 10 mA, V CE = 5.0 V ILD615-1 ILQ615-1CTR CE 100150200%I F = 1.0 mA, V CE = 5.0 V ILD615-2 ILQ615-2CTR CE 3470%I F = 10 mA, V CE = 5.0 V ILD615-3 ILQ615-3CTR CE 160200320%I F = 1.0 mA, V CE = 5.0 VILD615-4 ILQ615-4CTR CE5690%ParameterTest conditionPart Symbol Min Typ.Max Unit Parameter CurrentTurn-on timeRise timeTurn-off timeFall timePropagationH-LPropagationL-HTest condition V CC = 5.0 V, R L = 75 Ω, 50 % of V PP Symbol I F t on t r t off t f t PHL t PLH Unit mA µs µs µs µs µs µs ILD615-1103. CurrentTurn-on timeRise timeTurn-off timeFall timePropagationH-LPropagationL-HTest condition V CC = 5.0 V, R L = 1.0 k Ω, V TH = 1.5 V Symbol I F t on t r t off t f t PHL t PLH Unit mA µs µs µs µs µs µs ILD615-1 ILQ615-120 3.0 2.01811 1.68.6ILD615-2 ILQ615-210 4.3 2.82514 2.67.2ILD615-3 ILQ615-310 4.3 2.82514 2.67.2ILD615-4 ILQ615- conditionSymbol MinTyp.MaxUnit Common mode rejection output high V CM = 50 V P-P , R L = 1.0 k Ω, I F = 0 mA CM H 5000V/µs Common mode rejection output low V CM = 50 V P-P , R L = 1.0 k Ω, I F = 10 mA CM L 5000V/µs Common mode coupling capacitanceC CM0.01pF Document Number 83652Typical Characteristics (Tamb = 25 °C unless otherwise specified)Figure 1. Non-saturated Switching Timing Figure 2. Saturated Switching Timing Figure 3. Non-saturated Switching Timing iild615_01O =5V75ΩF =DF I F =iild615_02O=5Viild615_03V I onoffFigure 4. Saturated Switching TimingFigure 5. Maximum LED Current vs. Ambient TemperatureFigure 6. Maximum LED Power Dissipationiild615_04IV O-60-40-20020406080100120100806040020Ta -Ambient Temperature -°CI F -M a x i m u m L E D C u r r e n t -m Aiild615_05iild615_06-60-40-2002040608010020010050Ta -Ambient Temperature -°CP L E D -L E D P o w e r -m W150Document Number Figure 7. Forward Voltage vs. Forward Current Figure 8. Peak LED Current vs. Pulse Duration, TauFigure 9. Maximum Detector Power Dissipationiild615_07IF -Forward Current -mA100101. F -F o r w a r d V o l t a g e -Viild615_0810-610-510-410-310-210-110010110000100010010t -LED Pulse Duration -sI f (p k )-P e a k L E D C u r r e n t -m Aiild615_0950Ta -Ambient Temperature -°CP D E T -D e t e c t o r P o w e r -m WFigure 10. Maximum Collector Current vs. Collector VoltageFigure 11. Normalization Factor for Non-saturated and SaturatedCTR vs. I FFigure 12. Normalization Factor for Non-saturated and SaturatedCTR vs. I Fiild615_10.1101001000100101.1V CE -Collector-Emitter Voltage -VI C E -C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t -m A1iild615_11C T R N F -N o r m a l i z e d C T R F ac t o r.11101002. F -LED Current -mAiild615_12C T R N F -N o r m a l i z e d C T R F ac t o r.11101002. F -LED Current -mA Document Number 83652Figure 13. Normalization Factor for Non-saturated and SaturatedCTR vs. I FFigure 14. Normalization Factor for Non-saturated and SaturatedCTR vs. I FFigure 15. Collector-Emitter Current vs. Temperature and LEDCurrentiild615_13C T R N F -N o r m a l i z e d C T R F a c t o r.11101002. F -LED Current -mAiild615_14C T R N F -N o r m a l i z e d C T RF a c t o r.11101002. F -LED Current -mAiild615_15605030201005101520253035I F -LED Current -mAI C E -C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t -m A40Figure 16. Collector Emitter Leakage vs. TemperatureFigure 17. -1, Propagation Delay vs. Collector Load ResistorFigure 18. -2, -3, Propagation Delay vs. Collector Load Resistoriild615_161010101010101010-2-1012345T A -Ambient Temperature -°CI C E O -C o l l e c t o r -E m i t t e r -n Aiild615_17R L -Load Resistor -k Ω100101.111010010001. p L H -P r o p a g a t i o n L o w -H i g h µst p H L -P r o p a g a t i o n H i g h -L o w µs2.53.03.5iild615_18R L -Collector Load Resistor -k Ω100101.111010010001. p L H -P r o p a g a t i o n L o w -H i g h µst p H L -P r o p a g a t i o n H i g h -L o w µsDocument Number Package Dimensions in Inches (mm)iild615_19R L -Collector Load Resistor -k Ω100101.111010010001. p L H -P r o p a g a t i o n L o w -H i g h µst p H L -P r o p a g a t i o n H i g h -L o w µsFigure 19. -4, Propagation Delay vs. Collector Load ResistorPackage Dimensions in Inches (mm) Document Number 83652ILD615/ ILQ615Document Number 83652Rev. 1.3, 19-Apr-04Vishay Semiconductors 11Ozone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to 1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution andoperatingsystems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personaldamage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyTelephone: 49 (0)7131 67 2831, Fax number: 49 (0)7131 67 2423元器件交易网。