

2014年上海 政治高考试卷word 版

2014年上海  政治高考试卷word 版



)1、我国的国家主权是()A. 国家机关有关人口、领土、政权的最高权力B. 国家权力机关独立行使的内政外交方面的最高权力C. 中央政权机关所固有的处理国内国际事务的最高权力D. 国家最高行政机关行使对内外国家职能的最高权力2、人民军队在新形势下的强军目标是:听党指挥、能打胜仗、作风优良。

这意味着人民军队要加强()A. 革命化、现代化、正规化B. 现代化、正规化、实战化C. 实战化、信息化、革命化D. 革命化、信息化、正规化3、公安机关是人民民主专政的重要工具。

一下体现我做公安机关职责的是()A. 制定《道路交通安全法》B. 防范堵截电信网络诈骗C. 解决居民房屋财产纠纷D. 对行贿犯罪提起诉讼4、以下属于权或人大常委在全国人大必会期间行使的职权的有()①领导地方各级国家行政机关的工作②执行农村义务教育薄弱学校改造计划③通过确定中国人民抗日战争胜利纪念日的决定④听取审议国家财政科技资金分配和使用情况报告A.①②B. ②③C. ③④D. ①④5、人大代表是人民权利的受托者。

一下体现人大代表履行职责的行为是()A. 为灾区组织慈善义卖活动B. 参加所在社区居委会换届选举C. 联名向本级人大提交环境保护议案D. 应邀列席党支部群众路线教育活动6. 2014年全国政协会议上,政协委员们围绕互联网金融这一话题各抒己见,为政府出台相应政策出谋划策。

这是政协委员在()A. 行使国家权力B. 参政议政C. 制定政策法规D. 实践基层民主自治7、建立地方各级政府及其工作部门的权利清单制度,依法公开权利运行流程,是党的十八届三中全会提出的重要举措。

这一举措旨在使政府权利()①纳入制度化轨道②按法定程序运行③得到进一步监督④与政府责任相统一A. ①②③B. ②③C. ①②③④D. ①④8. 2013年5月,中共中央公布了两部党内新法规,其中增设了党内法规审议和撤销程序,为党纪与国法的衔接开设了制度通道。



上海市吴淞中学2014届高三10月月考物理试题考生注意:1.本试卷中重力加速度2/10s m g .2.第30 ~ 33题要求写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤。






)1.关于物理学思想方法,下列说法中正确的是( )A 、著名的伽利略斜面实验,主要应用了控制变量方法B 、在定义“速度”、“加速度”等物理量时,主要应用了比值的方法C 、在研究加速度a 和外力F 、质量m 的关系时,主要应用了等效替代的方法D 、在研究气体的温度不变时,压强与体积的关系时,主要应用了理想实验方法2.下列关于机械振动和机械波的说法正确的是( )A 、有机械波一定有机械振动,有机械振动一定有机械波B 、横波在介质中的传播速度由介质本身的性质决定C 、在波传播方向上的某个质点的振动速度和波的传播速度是一致的D 、机械波的频率由介质和波源共同决定【答案】B3.下列关于牛顿运动定律的说法正确的是()A、牛顿第一、第二、第三定律都可以通过实验进行检验B、牛顿第一定律是描述惯性大小的,因此又叫惯性定律C、根据牛顿第二定律可知,物体朝什么方向运动,则在这一方向上必定有力的作用D、依据牛顿第三定律,跳高运动员起跳时,地面对人的支持力等于人对地面的压力4.密闭有空气的薄塑料瓶因降温而变扁,此过程中瓶内空气(不计分子势能)()A、内能增大,放出热量B、内能减小,吸收热量C、内能增大,对外界做功D、内能减小,外界对其做功【答案】D【解析】试题分析:气体的内能由温度决定,当温度降低时,内能减小,而塑料瓶变扁,内部气体体∆=+,它会放出热量,D正确。

,A、积减小,外界对它做了功,根据热力学第一定律U W QB、C错误考点:热力学第一定律5.关于分子运动,下列说法中正确的是()A.布朗运动就是液体分子的热运动B、布朗运动图示中不规则折线表示的是液体分子的运动轨迹C、反映分子热运动的宏观物理量是温度D、物体温度改变时物体内分子的平均动能不一定改变6.用力拉同一物体由静止沿粗糙水平面运动。









1.以下图片所反映的文明,出现最晚的是:A B C D2.下列希腊文化成就中,不属于古典时代的是:A希罗多德的《历史》B荷马的史诗C柏拉图的《理想国》D雅典的帕特农神庙3.从罗马帝国建立到东罗马帝国灭亡,其时间跨度是:A约500年B约1000年C近1300年D近1500年4.黑格尔《历史哲学》中说:“……平凡的土地,平凡的平原把人类束缚在土壤上,把他卷入无穷的依赖性里边,但是大海却挟着人类超越了那些思想和行动的有限的圈子。

”从古希腊看,下列不能反映“大海却挟着人类超越了那些思想和行动的有限的圈子”的成果的是A.不断发展的民主制度B.强调人的价值、人的决定作用C.高度发达的商业文明D.小国寡民的城邦制度5. 古代雅典城邦平民能在反对贵族的斗争中逐渐取得胜利,最重要的社会因素是A.平民开展暴力斗争B.代表平民利益的领袖不断改革C.平民中不再有债奴D.平民中新兴工商业者力量壮大6.中世纪是黑暗的,但也有光亮。

其中,“光亮”之处有:①基督教神学统治②城市的自治③大学的兴起④等级君主制A ①②③B ②③④C ②③D ③④7.罗马法是欧洲历史上第一种比较系统完整的法律体系,它经历了一个不同寻常的发展历程。











我国人民检察院的专门职能是A. 管理户口、居民身份证等事宜B.解决民事、经济和行政纠纷C.从事法律监督,保证国家法律统一实施 D.监督国家权力机关及其工作人员2.全国假日办于2013年10月和11月先后两次就2014年节假日安排面向社会征求意见。




这说明A.科学技术的进步是公民政治权利和自由的根本保障B.人民知情权、表达权、监督权的充分行使是权利正确运行的重要保证C. 网络反腐已经成为反腐的根本渠道D. 发挥网络的作用是让权力在阳光下运行的决定性因素6.我国改革开放三十多年来,党和政府领导、支持各少数民族地区发展取得了辉煌成就,提高了各少数民族地区人民的生活水平,巩固了民族团结。



上海市宝山区吴淞中学2014届高三上第二次月考英语试题I. Listening Comprehension (30分)Part A Short ConversationsDirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. This afternoon B. Tomorrow C. Next month D. Next week2. A. Tidy up the place B. Get more food and drinksC. Hold a partyD. Ask his friend to come over3. A. Call a repairman B. Get out the paper stuckC. Turn to her colleague for helpD. Restart the machine4. A. She is sorry the man will not come. B. She will ask David to talk less.C. She has to invite David to the party.D. She will meet the man halfway.5. A. 25 minutes B. 15 minutes C. 20 minutes D. 30 minutes6. A. Relieved B. Worried C. Confused D. Depressed7. A. By bus B. By underground C. On foot D. By bicycle8. A. She will drive the man to the supermarket.B. The man needn’t go shopping every week.C. The man should buy a car of his own.D. She can pick the man up at the grocery.9. A. The first-round talks should start as soon as possible.B. He should change his schedule to meet John Smith.C. The talks can be held any day except this Friday.D. The woman should contact John Smith first.10. A. He lost his way. B. He received a traffic ticket.C. He worked very carefully.D. He drove in heavy traffic.Part B PassagesDirections: In Part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. .When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four12. A. Auditory learners B. Hands-on learners C.Self-teaching learners D. Visual learners13. A. One should find his or her own learning style.B. Make full preparations for the lessons to be taught.C. Use a tape recorder instead of taking detailed notes.D. Organize notes with charts and pictures.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. To inform parents and schools B. To pick out good studentsC. To compare teachersD. To expose poor schools15. A. They have no trust in doctors. B. They can’t afford the medical fee.C. They fear things like injections.D. They doubt the medical treatment.16. A. Teachers’ difficult life B. Harm of divorce to familiesC. Ways to become loveable kidsD. Kids’ attention-seeking behaviourPart C Longer ConversationsDirections: In Part C, you will hear two longer conversations. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Reading Section A (16分)Directions: Read the following two passages. Fill in each blank with one proper word or the proper form of the given word to make the passage coherent. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.AWhen I was 8 years old, I once decided to run away from home. With my suitcase(25) ____________ (pack) and some sandwiches in a bag, I started for the front door and said to Mom, “I’m leaving.”“If you want to run away, that’s all right,” she said. “But you came into this home without anything and you can leave the same way.” I threw sandwiches in my suitcase on the floor heavily and started for the door again.“Wait a minute,” Mom said. “I want your clothes back. You didn’t wear anything when you (26) ________ (bear).” This really angered me. I tore my clothes off—shoes, socks, underwear and all—and shouted, “Can I go now?” “Yes,” Mom answered, “but(27) ______ ______ you close that door, don’t expect to come back.”I was so angry (28) ____________ I slammed (砰地关上) the door and stepped out on the front porch (走廊). Suddenly I realized that I was outside, with (29) ____________ on. Then I noticed that down the street, two neighbor girls were walking nearer. I (30) ____________ run to hide behind a big tree in our yard at once. After a while, I was sure the girls had passed by. I dashed to the front door and banged (砰地关上) on it loudly.“Who’s there?” I heard.“It’s Billy! Let me in!”The voice behind the door answered, “Billy doesn’t live here anymore. He ran away from home.” Glancing behind me to see if anyone else was coming, I begged, “Aw, Mom! I’m still your son. Let me in!”The door inched open and revealed Mom’s (31) ____________ (smile) face. “Did you change your decision about running away?” she asked.“What’s (32) ____________ supper?” I answered.BTo celebrate the end of our exams, my friends and I went to a fast food restaurant. We ordered hamburgers and Coca Cola at the counter. When our food came, I started walking towards(33)____________ empty table. By bad luck, my purse strap (带子) (34)____________(catch) ona chair and the tray I was holding slipped from my hands and went flying in the air. The tray, and its contents, fell on a man (35)____________ was just about (36)____________(take) a bite of his sandwich. I stared, greatly shocked, (37)____________ the drinks soaked (浸湿) his white shirt.Then I closed my eyes and prepared myself for his burst of anger. Instead, he said “It’s OK” to comfort me (38)____________ he disappeared into the washroom.Still shaky and unsure (39)____________ to do next, my friends and I went to a table and sat there, trying our best to look calm, A moment later, the man came out of the washroom and approached our table. My heart almost stopped beating, I thought he was going to ask for my father’s number and call him.To my surprise, he merely smiled at us, handed us some cash and said, “Buy yourself new hamburgers.” He then walked away without even finishing his food.He could have made what was already an uncomfortable situation (40)____________ (bad), but he chose a different way and gave us a reason to believe that there is still kindness in his world, I’ll never forget his actions.Section B (10分)Directions: Complete the passage with the words in the box.. Each word can only be used once.Smell always means more to me than just what it is. Every time I smell roses I can see myself again in the garden of the large house in Cornwell. And when I smell a 41 type of oil, I am back again on the island. Or it’s the smell of jasmine which 42 me of the days when I stayed with my grandmother and had the flower all around the house.Smell produces 43 , but it’s the most difficult to remember. This is because only a small area of the 44 is used in smell. Most people, however, can 45 at least 4,000 different smells, and women usually have a better 46 of smell than men.It seems that our idea of what smells are pleasant or unpleasant is something that we learn at about the age of three or four. It is not something we are 47 with. How do we know that some smells, like the smell of burning, mean 48 ?Flowers such as jasmine and roses are one thing, but what about the smell of people?Each has a 49 smell. A one-month-old baby can recognize its mother by smell. 50 shaking hands when meeting each other, people in many parts of the world kiss the face or the hands, probably for smell.III. Reading ComprehensionSection A (15分)Louis Chan is not dead. The 83-year-old writer, who uses the pen name Jin Yong, was havinga quiet dinner at home when a 51 called him up. The reporter was trying to confirm the news52 on a microblog that the 53 writer of martial arts fiction had died. Mr. Cha was happy to inform the reporter that, like Mark Twain, the reports of his 54 were exaggerated. After the call, Mr. Cha went back to his dinner and the reporter, supposedly, went back to his microblogging site to look for more “news”.Microblogging is 55 popular in China and around the world. This social networking platform keeps millions of “friends” 56 each other on a minute-to-minute basis. The short messages 57 information of a person’s thoughts and activities throughout the day. It’s a fun way to keep connected with your fr iends. It’s also a good way to pass on information about the 58 trends and news. But microblogging does have its 59_.Some people are becoming microblog zombies. The amount of information on these short-message sites is 60. Some people spend hours 61 the routine activities of their “friends” to the point where th eir own lives are 62. The only thing real in their lives becomes the mobile phone in their hands which they stare at all the time.There is also an element of danger in microblogging. Telling people where you are and what you are doing has 63 cases of stalking(跟踪) and bullying. And then there is the danger that a comment you make can be 64. Zhou Libo, the popular Shanghai comedian, became an overnight villain when his post about the Jiaozhou Road apartment fire was considered insensitive.The stories of Mr. Cha and Mr. Zhou are lessons that some common sense should be used when microblogging: be careful what you say and don’t65 everything you read.51. A. relative B. reporter C. professor D. die-hard fan52. A. reminded B. supported C. opposed D. posted53. A. respectable B. infamous C. respectful D. amateur54. A. fame B. success C. death D. failure55. A. enormously B. hardly C. hopelessly D. comparatively56. A. touch up B. touch off C. in touch with D. out of touch with57. A. purchase B. provide C. preserve D. propose58. A. mysterious B. synthetic C. urgent D. latest59. A. drawbacks B. advantages C. strength D. merits60.A. overbearing B. overtaken C. overcharged D. overwhelming61.A. listening to B. following C. glancing at D. acting62.A. neglected B. killed C. promoted D. improved63.A. resulted from B. made the most ofC. took inD. led to64.A. misleading B. miscalculated C. misunderstood D. misdirecting65.A. impress B. believe C. overlook D. recordDirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words and phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Section B (2X12=24)(A)It’s no secret that mo st busy American mothers use the TV set as a live-in babysitter. In some households the tube holds a child’s attention for the odd half hour or two while mom works on dinner; in others it is the child’s constant daytime companion. Is there any harm in this?Debate continues violently over the question, and at intervals research is published showing that TV reduces attention span (范围), makes children jumpy or leads them to violence. In today’s cartoon, David Horsey makes fun of theclaims of “children’s TV”, the specialprogramming that supposedly usesentertainment to help youngsters to learn toread and take their first steps in the big,varied world outside their family. What dochildren really get from this programming?Horsey’s suspecting is that children’sprogramming chiefly turns kids into TVaddicts, not into readers or happy mixers.The toddler(初学走路的孩子) in thecartoon, still at the age of pacifiers(橡皮奶嘴)and stuffed animals, is held spellbound(入迷) by the figure on the screen. What is the stimulating message of this creature specifically designed to fascinate small children? “Can you say TV?” The sooner the kid learns the word, the more effectively he can remind his mother to turn on the TV.A child hooked on TV is a viewer open to commercial messages, and there are plenty of those targeting children of all ages. Thus, at the very least, mom’s search for peace and quiet sets the stage for her child’s transformation(变化)into an American consumer — and, of course, soaks up time that could be used for other, perhaps more desirable, transformations.66. What does the underlined phrase “soaks up” in Paragraph 4 mean?A. takes inB. gets inC. sets upD. uses up67. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the influence on children brought byTV?A. Paying less attention to other messages.B. Being close to violence.C. Gaining practical knowledge.D. Forming consuming awareness.68. What information can we g et from David Horsey’s cartoon?A. Children’s TV programs can teach children how to pronounce some words effectively.B. Little children are addicted to Children’s TV programs which are actually not instructional.C. American parents depend too much on TV to help educate their children.D. These children’s TV programs can make toddlers quiet and spare time for moms to work.69. Which word can best describe the writer’s tone to parents’ using TV to search for peace?A. Positive.B. Appreciated.C. Supportive.D. Concerned.(B)A brand is a name, word, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these, intended to identify the goods or services of a company or a group of companies. Another purpose of a brand is to contrast one company from another. The most important skill of professional marketers is the ability to create, maintain, protect, and enhance the brands of their products and services. Branding has become so important that today hardly any company or product is without one. Therefore, brand management is an increasingly important element in marketing.Brand power refers to the relative strength of a company’s brand in the minds of consumers, and can influence consumers’ choice of products. Brands are powerful to the extent that they give high brand loyalty and strong brand associations, name recognition, perceived quality and other assets to a company. A strong brand can be one of a company’s most important assets.High brand power provides a company with many competitive advantages. A powerful brand enjoys a high level of consumer brand awareness and loyalty. Because consumers expect stores to carry the brand, the company has more bargaining power when negotiating with retailers (零售商). And because the brand name brings high credibility, a company with a strong brand can more easily launch new products with the same brand name.Many companies use the advantage of a strong brand power strategically to expand their business. When a company introduces an additional item with a new flavour, form, colour or package size in a given product category and under the same brand name, it is called a line extension. Another strategy is called brand extension. This involves the use of a successful brand name to launch new or modified products in a new category, thereby employing brand recognition in order to increase sales of new products.Brand recognition is certainly important. Because consumers often hold long-standing perceptions about brands, high brand power ensure a company continued sales of its products.70. What does the word “assets” in the 2nd paragraph mean?A. pointsB. advantagesC. aspectsD. elements71. All of the following statements are the advantages of a high brand power EXCEPTthat______.A. a high brand wins the loyalty of consumersB. a high brand usually sets a much higher priceC. it’s easy for a high brand com pany to launch new productsD. a high brand company is more competitive when doing business with retailers72. A brand extension ______.A. happens when the company is developing a new productB. means the expansion of a company’s business in its establis hed fieldC. takes place when the company introduces a similar item but with a new colourD. refers to the use of an established brand name to promote a new product in a newcategory73. What might be the best title of this passage?A. Brand PowerB. Famous BrandsC. Company BrandsD. Brand Products(C)Petroleum, consisting of crude oil(原油)and natural gas, seems to originate from organic matter in marine sediment(海洋沉淀物).Tiny organisms settle to the seafloor and gather in marine mud. The organic matter may partially break down, using up the dissolved oxygen in the sediment. As soon as the oxygen is gone, decay stops and the remaining organic matter is preserved.Continued sedimentation buries the organic matter and subjects it to higher temperatures and pressures, which change the organic matter to oil and gas. As muddy sediments are pressed together, the gas and small drops of oil may be squeezed out of the mud and may move into sandy layers nearby. Over millions of years, accumulations of gas and oil can collect in the sandy layers. Both oil and gas are less dense than water, so they generally tend to rise upward through rock and sediment.Oil pools are valuable underground accumulations of oil, and oil fields are regions underlain by one or more oil pools. When an oil pool or field is discovered, wells are drilled into the ground. When the well reaches a pool, oil usually rises up the well because of its density difference(密度差)with water beneath it or because of the pressure of expanding gas trapped above it. Although this rise of oil is almost always carefully controlled today, strong natural flows of oil were common in the past. Gas pressure gradually dies out, and oil is pumped from the well. Water or steam may be pumped down neighboring wells to help push the oil out.As oil becomes increasingly difficult to find, the search for it is extended into more unfriendly environments. The development of the oil field on the North Slope of Alaska and the construction of the Alaska pipeline are examples of the great expense and difficulty involved in new oil discoveries. Offshore drilling platforms extend the search for oil to the ocean’s continental shelves. More than one-quarte r of the world’s oil and almost one-fifth of the world’s natural gas come from offshore, even though offshore drilling is six to seven times more expensive than drilling on land.Of course, there is far more oil underground than can be recovered. Even given the best exploration techniques, only about 30 to 40 percent of the oil in a given pool can be brought to the surface. The rest is far too difficult to reach and has to remain underground.74. Which of the following is true about petroleum formation?A. Microscopic organisms that live in mud produce crude oil and natural gas.B. Large amounts of oxygen are needed for petroleum formation to begin.C. Petroleum is formed when organic material in sediments combines with decayingorganisms.D. Petroleum formation appears to begin in marine sediments where organic matter exists.75. What does the development of the Alaskan oil field mentioned illustrate?A. More petroleum is extracted from the sea than from land.B. Drilling for oil requires huge financial investments.C. The global demand for oil has been increasing over the years.D. The North Slope of Alaska has substantial amounts of oil.76. What does the author mainly intend to tell us in the passage?A. The formation, processing and exploration of petroleumB. The specific techniques involved in oil exploration.C. The changing relationships between countries.D. The future intense situation in oil product markets.77. What can we infer from the passage?A. Available exploration techniques serve our purpose of exploring oil very well.B. More and more public regions will be further protected from being drilled in the future.C. Countries may suffer from unpleasant relationships for respective benefits in exploring oil.D. Powerful flows of oil is a phenomenon which can be witnessed rarely now.Section C (8分)( D )This article is designed to help you understand why you should always call the authorities to the scene of an accident in which you were injured and why the insurance company you may be facing will hate that you did so!When you call the police to the scene of your accident, then the police will require the drivers involved to exchange insurance and identification information. The police may also obtain witness information and preserve statements about the event, including descriptions of what occurred and complaints of injury. All of this information will very likely assist you in the future with your claim and hurt the insurance company's ability to deny your claim. By calling the police, you have made an official record of the event and can be relatively sure that the information you receive about the other driver is accurate and truthful.This official record will effectively prevent the other driver's insurance company from arguing that the incident did not occur or that their insured driver was not involved in the cause of your injuries. (Yes, insurance companies will deny responsibility at every opportunity, including whether their driver was even in the accident with you.)Finally, statements from witnesses or the other driver may contain valuable facts that may be later forgotten or can be used to make up a "changed story." I don't know how many times I have been told by my clients that the other person admitted fault at the scene, but later hear from the insurance company that no such statement was made and that the cause of the accident was contested. (You may not be aware of th is, but I will bet that your own automobile insurance card contains the following instruction: Do not admit fault for the accident. Remember, the insurance companies hate it when their drivers take responsibility for the accident because it damages their ability to deny or effectively defend your claim. After all, these companies are in business to make lots of money, not to pay it to you!) If you follow this rule, then you are a step ahead in the game and you will have a much better chance of successfully making your automobile accident personal injury claim.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVEWORDS.)78. The information related to a car accident is collected by the police to ______.79. If witness statements are not recorded officially, the relevant facts may ______.80. What can you do when you have called the police to the scene?81. Why don’t the insurance companies want you to admit?第II卷(共45分)I. Translation(22分)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 充分利用时间并不意味着从早到晚不停地看书。




每小题只有一个正确选项)1. 下列激素与内环境稳态的维持无.直接关系的是…………………………………………()A.抗利尿激素B.雄激素C.肾上腺素D.甲状腺素2.利用紫色洋葱鳞叶的外表皮细胞进行质壁分离和复原实验时,盖玻片下的紫色细胞可以进行的是……………………………………………………………………………………()A.蒸腾作用 B.呼吸作用C.化能合成作用D.光合作用3.下图是铁硫杆菌体内发生的生化反应,与其同化作用类型相同的生物是……………()A.酵母菌 B.水稻C.乳酸菌D.山羊4.下列生理现象中,没有..涉及细胞间信息交流的是………………………………………()A.精子和卵细胞融合完成受精作用B.细胞分泌的胰岛素与肝细胞表面的糖蛋白结合C.致敏T淋巴细胞消灭抗原细胞D.兴奋在神经纤维上的传导5.某种植物细胞在浓度分别为200mmol∕L和400mmol∕L的M物质溶液中,细胞吸收M 的速率都是10mmol∕min,通入空气后,吸收速率不变。


相关叙述错误..的.是………………………………………………………………………………………()A .图一可以得出酶具有高效性B .图一bc 段产生的原因可能是底物数量(浓度)有限C .图二bc 段产生的原因可能是过氧化氢酶数量(浓度)有限D .图三可以得出pH 越小或越大酶活性越高 7.下列生命科学史的经典实验中,运用了同位素示踪技术的是…………………………( )A .摩尔根利用果蝇证明基因在染色体上B .卡尔文利用小球藻探索CO 2在光合作用中转化为有机碳的途径C .艾弗里利用肺炎双球菌证明DNA 是肺炎双球菌的遗传物质D .温特利用燕麦胚芽鞘证明植物体内存在生长素8.若向鱼醥内注入适量的20%蔗糖溶液,排出鱼鳔内的空气,扎紧开口,将其浸没在盛有10%蔗糖溶液的烧杯中,下列能正确表示烧杯内蔗糖溶液浓度随时间变化趋势的示意图是……………………………………………………………………………………………( )9.对绿色植物细胞某细胞器组成成分进行分析,发现A 、T 、C 、G 、U 五种碱基的相对含量分别约为35%、0、30%、20%、15%,则该细胞器能完成的生理活动是……………( )A .吸收氧气,进行有氧呼吸B .发出星射线,形成纺锤体C .结合mRNA ,合成蛋白质D .吸收并转换光能,完成光合作用10.下图表示雄果蝇细胞分裂过程中DNA 含量的变化。























【新课标版】2014届高三上学期第二次月考 政治 Word版含答案

【新课标版】2014届高三上学期第二次月考 政治 Word版含答案







分析该数据可看出()表1 2004~2012年我国GDP及三大产业占GDP比重年份GDP(亿元)第一产业(%)第二产业(%)第三产业(%)2004 159878 13.4 46.2 40.42006 210871 11.7 48.9 39.42008 314045 10.7 47.5 41.82010 401513 10.1 46.7 43.22012 519322 10.1 45.3 44.6A.三大产业结构渐趋优化B.农业的基础地位在逐渐减弱C.第二产业产值有所减少D.GDP增长必然优化产业结构3.2012年12月14日iPhone5在中国上市,触屏手机、平板电脑通过技术创新超越了传统手机和电脑,为人们提供了更加完美视听效果和娱乐享受,推动了产品和产业升级,提高了人们的消费水平和质量。

这表明( )①生产决定消费的对象和水平②生产是消费的目的和归宿③消费为生产创造出新的劳动力④消费对生产的升级起着导向作用A.①②B.①④C.①③D.③④4.被网友称为“世纪光棍节”的2012年11月11日,让无数网络消费者不眠不休。















此举体现了上海市加快建设A.政治文明 B.生态文明 C.社会文明 D.精神文明2.2012年,我国科技经费投入继续保持稳定增长,全社会研究与试验发展经费投入首次突破万亿元大关,投入强度(全国研究与试验发展经费投入与国内生产总值之比)再创历史新高。

这表明A.科技对经济增长的贡献将大幅提高 B.科技是联结性要素,是第一生产力C.我国科研经费投入过多 D.科研经费投入与GDP增长无直接关系3.6月5日是世界环境日。


全球每年约有13亿吨食物被浪费,造成食物浪费的原因有①消费者未能适度合理消费②食物生产加工过程的科技水平不高③制约浪费的有效机制没有形成④增加了对资的消耗和环境的污染A.① B.①② C.①②③ D.①②③④4.根据我国《劳动法》规定,仲裁是解决劳动争议的途径之一。


上海市宝山区吴淞中学2014届高三上学期10月月考化学试题 Word版含答案

上海市宝山区吴淞中学2014届高三上学期10月月考化学试题 Word版含答案



有关次氯酸的化学用语正确的是A.B.C.D.3.如果把2FeCl3+ Cu → 2FeCl2 + CuCl2设计成原电池,则在正极上生成的离子是A.Cl-B.Fe3+C.Cu2+D.Fe2+4.生活中常用一些化学知识,下列分析或结论正确的是A.加碘食盐中添加的是碘化钾B.将甲醛稀溶液喷在白菜上可以保鲜C.牛奶中掺入三聚氰胺可以提高蛋白质含量D.人体中维持血液的pH值稳定的主要离子是HCO3-5.“结构决定性质”,有关物质结构的下列说法中正确的是A. 碘熔化破坏了共价键B. 从石墨剥离得石墨烯(如右图)需克服范德华力C. 含极性键的共价化合物一定是电解质D. HF的分子间作用力大于HCl,故氟化氢比氯化氢更稳定二、选择题(共36分,每小题只有1个正确答案)6. 关于反应CaO + 3C→CaC2 + CO,下面哪种表述能最好地说明该反应是一个氧化还原反应A. CaO失氧变为CaC2B. C的状态发生了变化C. Ca的化合价在反应前后发生了改变D. C失去了电子,同时也得到了电子7.下列离子在溶液中能够共存并且在加入少量的Na2O2固体后原离子浓度能基本保持不变的是A.NH4+、Ba2+、Cl—、NO3—B.K+、AlO2—、Cl—、SO42—C.Ca2+、Mg2+、NO3—、HCO3—D.Na+、Cl—、CO32—、NO3—8.测定Na2CO3和NaHCO3混合物中Na2CO3质量分数的实验方案不合理的是A.取a克混合物充分加热,减重b克B.取a克混合物与足量稀盐酸充分反应,加热、蒸干、灼烧,得b克固体C.取a克混合物与足量稀硫酸充分反应,逸出气体用碱石灰吸收,增重b克D.取a克混合物与足量Ba(OH)2溶液充分反应,过滤、洗涤、烘干,得b克固体9. 将a L(标准状况)CO2通入100mL 3mol/L NaOH溶液中,下列各项为通入CO2过程中溶液内发生反应的离子方程式,其中错误的是A. a =3.36时(0.15mol ),CO 2 + 2OH -→ CO 32-+ H 2OB. a =4.48时(0.2 mol ),2CO 2 + 3OH -→ CO 32-+ HCO 3-+ H 2OC. a =6.72时(0.3 mol ),CO 2 + OH -→ HCO 3-D. a =8.96时(0.4 mol ),3CO 2 + 4OH -→ CO 32-+ 2HCO 3-+ H 2O10. 下列图像表达正确的是时间0能量n(H 2)2H 2(g)+ O2(g)H 2O (g)2O S Se Te加水的量沸点A. 氨水的稀释B. 等质量锌粉与 足量盐酸反应C. 氢气与氧气反应 中的能量变化D. 气态氢化物沸点11. 设N A 为阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列叙述正确的是A.0.1 mol 组成为C 2H 6O 的有机物,所含C —H 键数目一定为0.5N AB. 8.7 g MnO 2与40 mL 10 mol/L 的浓盐酸充分反应,生成的氯气分子数为0.1N AC. 0.1 mol N 2与0.3 mol H 2在密闭容器中,在催化剂作用下充分反应,生成氨分子数为0.2N AD. 标准状况下,22.4 L HF 所含的分子数目为N A12. 已知NH 4CuSO 3与足量的10mol/L 硫酸液混合微热,产生下列现象:①有红色金属生成、②产生刺激性气味的气体、③溶液呈现蓝色。



(满分:150分考试时间:120分钟)相对原子质量:K-39 O-16 C-12 S-32 H-1 Cr-52 Na-23 Cl-35.5Al-27 Cu-64 Br-80第I卷(共66分)一、选择题(本题共10分,每小题2分,每题只有一个正确选项)1、血液能输送氧气,是因为血红蛋白分子中含有A. Fe3+B. Fe2+C. Na+D. Ca2+2、关于石油和石油化工的说法错误的是A.石油的主要成分是碳氢化合物B. 石油分馏得到的各馏分仍是混合物C. 石油裂解气和水煤气的主要成分都是甲烷D. 石油裂解是为得到乙烯、丙烯、丁二烯等化工原料3、下列物质的水溶液经加热浓缩,蒸干灼烧仍能得到原物质的是A.FeCl3 B. Cu(NO)3 C. Na2SO3 D.NaAlO24、某烃的一种同分异构体只能生成1种一氯代物,该烃分子式可以是A.C3H8 B. C4H10 C. C5H12 D.C6H145、类比归纳是学习化学的重要方法,对如下类比的说法正确的是A.CO2、SO2都是酸性氧化物,都能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色B. MgO、Al2O3都是高熔点离子化合物,熔化时都能导电C. CO2、SiO2都是第IVA族的最高价氧化物,则他们的物理性质相似D. Al2O3、Fe2O3化学式相似,都是不溶于水的碱性氧化物二、选择题(本题共36分,每小题3分,每题只有一个正确选项)6、有关下列说法正确的是A.若原子X的质子数为a,则X的质量数一定不为aB. 若两种元素形成的离子M2-和N+电子层结构相同,则离子半径M2->N+C. 同周期非金属氧化物对应水化物酸性从左到右依次增强D. 由两种元素组成的化合物,若含离子键,就没有共价键7、钛被誉为“21世纪金属”。


下列关于该反应的说法正确的是A.TiO2是氧化剂 B. 氧化剂与还原剂的物质的量之比为1:1C. Cl2发生氧化反应D.当2molC参加反应时,转移电子数目为2mol8、铁铝矾[Al2Fe(SO4)4·XH2O]有净水作用,将其溶于水中得到浅绿色溶液,有关溶液的叙述正确的是A.该溶液呈中性B. 该溶液中:2c(Al3+)+c(Fe2+)+c(H+)=4c(SO42-)+c(OH-)C. 在空气中蒸干并灼烧该溶液,最后所得残留固体为氧化铝和氧化铁D. 向该溶液中加入氢氧化钡溶液,当SO42-完全沉淀是,Al3+、Fe2+恰好被完全沉淀9、短周期元素X和Y的原子序数相差6,下列有关判断错误的是A.X和Y可能位于同一周期或相邻周期B. X和Y可能位于同一主族或相邻主族C. X和Y可能形成离子晶体XYD. X和Y可能形成原子晶体XY210、某烃与氢气发生反应后能生成(CH3)2CHCH2CH3,该烃不可能是A.2-甲基-2-丁烯B. 3-甲基-1-丁烯C. 2,3-二甲基-1-丁烯D. 2-甲基-1,3-丁二烯11、下列物质的转化在给定条件下能实行的是A.①③⑤B.②③④C.②④⑤D.①④⑤12、某元素原子核外的电子排布式为1s2…(n-1)d10ns2np2,下列对该元素的判断错误的是A.一定不是短周期元素B. 可能属于过渡元素C. 一定位于元素周期表的第14列上D. 一定不是非金属元素13、已知氧化性:Cl 2 >IO 3- > Fe 3+ >I 2,以下实验的结论或实验的预测合理的是 A .往溶液中加入过量的氯水再加淀粉,振荡不出现蓝色,说明没有I - B. 向Fe 2+溶液中滴加碘水,所得溶液中加入KSCN 溶液呈红色C. 向淀粉碘化钾试纸上滴加白醋和加碘盐的溶液,试纸变蓝,说明加碘盐中有IO 3-D. 往FeI 2溶液中滴加少量氯水,溶液变成棕黄色,说明有Fe 3+生产14、Fe 2O 3、ZnO 、CuO 的固体混合粉末a 克,在加热条件下用足量CO 还原,得到金属混合物2.41克,将生成的CO 2气体用足量的澄清石灰水吸收后,产生5.00克白色沉淀,则a 的数值为 A .7.41 B .3.59 C .3.21 D .2.4615、向用盐酸酸化的MgCl 2、FeCl 3混合溶液中逐滴滴入NaOH(aq),生成沉淀的质量与滴入NaOH(aq)的体 积关系如右图。

【新课标地区】2014届高三上学期政治月考二(B卷) Word版含解析.pdf

【新课标地区】2014届高三上学期政治月考二(B卷) Word版含解析.pdf

见 [2013·江苏卷] 2012 年,某县开始实施以“阳光理财、民主议事、群众公决”为主要内容的村级财务事务“两公
开一会审”工作法,探索如何把村级权力关进“制度笼子”。这一做法( )是村民自治的基础有利于推进基层民主的
民公布。这一做法表明 A.政府工作的透明度进一步提高
牌被进口品牌D1)和国产中低档品牌的需求曲线(D)发生变动。不考虑其他因素,能正确反映这一变化的图形是( )
A. ①②. B. ①③ C②④. D③④
D. [2013·新课标全国卷Ⅰ] 十一届全国人大常委会第二十三次会议修改通过新



A在标准状况下,L空气中约有NA个分子B. 在含4molSi—O键的石英晶体中,氧原子的数目为2NA
A.KAlSiO4 B.KAlSi2O6 C.KAlSi3O8D.KAlSi4O4
20. 如下表所示,为提纯下列物质(括号内为少量杂质),所选用的除杂试剂与主要分离方法都正确的是 不纯物质
C.化合物与碱性氧化物属于包含关系 D.氧化还原反应与分解反应属于并列关系
3.下列物质的水溶液能导电,但属于非电解质的是. 下列有关化学用语或名称,表达错误的是



第一部分(做到答题卡上) 一、单项选择题(共60分,每小题2分,每小题只有一个正确的选项) 1.经济生活包括物质资料的生产、交换、分配和消费四个环节,其中经济活动的最终目的是A.生产B.消费C.交换D.分配 2.党的十一届三中全会作出了把党和国家的工作中心转移到经济建设上来、实行改革开放的历史性决策。


那么,社会生产赖以进行的最基本、最活跃的要素是A.劳动者的劳动 B资本C.科学技术 D经营管理生产力和生产关系互相联系,密不可分。

对这种相互关系的正确表述是 生产力发展水平决定生产关系 生产力就是人类改造自然的能力 生产关系就是社会的生产、分配、交换和消费过程 生产关系形成后又会反作用于生产力 A B、②③ C、①④ D、②④ 努力实现从“中国制造”向“中国创造”转变的关键是A.扩大企业的资本投入B.制定合理的营销计划C. 培养高素质的劳动者D.树立良好的信誉和形象 GDP是一个重要的经济增长统计指标,按照GDP统计的方法,美国可口可乐中国分公司在2012年内新创造的价值应A.计入美国GDPB.计入中国GDPC.分别计入两国GDPD.不计入GDP 12.下列哪项经济指标能够帮助我们了解社会经济结构的变动情况和发展趋势 A.人均GDP的变化 B.国民经济各部门创造的价值总和的变化 C.GDP增速变化 D.国民经济各部门创造的价值在GDP中所占比例的变化 13. 发展生产与改善生活是密切联系着的。

对此,正确的理解是 ① 发展生产是改善人民生活的最终目的 ② 发展生产是改善人民生活的物质前提 ③ 改善人民生活是发展生产的根本目的 ④ 改善人民生活是发展生产的基本前提A. ①④B.②③C.①③D. ②④ 14.当积累用一定的价值量表现出来时,称积累资金。


请选择适当选项完成下图 A.第三产业的增加值 B.企业的利润留成 C.产业布局的调整 D.个体私营企业上缴的税收艰苦朴素是中华民族的传统美德。





























1.以下图片所反映的文明,出现最晚的是:A B C D2.下列希腊文化成就中,不属于古典时代的是:A希罗多德的《历史》 B荷马的史诗 C柏拉图的《理想国》 D雅典的帕特农神庙3.从罗马帝国建立到东罗马帝国灭亡,其时间跨度是:A约500年 B约1000年 C近1300年 D近1500年4.黑格尔《历史哲学》中说:“……平凡的土地,平凡的平原把人类束缚在土壤上,把他卷入无穷的依赖性里边,但是大海却挟着人类超越了那些思想和行动的有限的圈子。

”从古希腊看,下列不能反映“大海却挟着人类超越了那些思想和行动的有限的圈子”的成果的是A.不断发展的民主制度 B.强调人的价值、人的决定作用C.高度发达的商业文明 D.小国寡民的城邦制度5. 古代雅典城邦平民能在反对贵族的斗争中逐渐取得胜利,最重要的社会因素是A.平民开展暴力斗争B.代表平民利益的领袖不断改革C.平民中不再有债奴D.平民中新兴工商业者力量壮大6.中世纪是黑暗的,但也有光亮。

其中,“光亮”之处有:①基督教神学统治②城市的自治③大学的兴起④等级君主制A ①②③B ②③④C ②③D ③④7.罗马法是欧洲历史上第一种比较系统完整的法律体系,它经历了一个不同寻常的发展历程。

阅读右图,对此理解正确的是①习惯法不属于成文法②《十二铜表法》在一定程度上维护了平民利益③公民法是罗马法的成熟阶段④罗马法是古罗马帝国时期法律的总称A.①②③④ B.①③ C.①②④ D.①②8.《左传》记载,晋国赵鞅率军与郑国交战于铁,临战发表誓词:“克敌者,上大夫受县,下大夫受郡,士田十万。

”这反映出当时晋国A.分封制度受到冲击 B.郡县制度全面推行C.宗法等级秩序变动 D.国家政权趋向松散9.“孔子的弟子冉耕,字伯牛;司马耕,字子牛。

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2013.12 考生注意:1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分。

2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分,试卷包括试题与答题要求。


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下列体现这一职能的是( )A.习近平主席访问俄罗斯B.设三沙市管辖南海岛屿C.我国渔政船巡航钓鱼岛D.制定特别行政区基本法2.我国尊重和保障人权,中国人民最根本的人权是人民当家作主的权利。

这是由我国①国家性质决定的 ( )②社会主义的经济制度决定的③经济发展水平和文化发展水平决定的④社会主义宪法规定的A.①②B.①④C.①②③D.①②④3.我国地方各级政府在行使其职权时要接受下列领导 ( )①同级人大②上级政府③中国共产党④同级政协A.①②③B.②③C.①③D.①②④4. 全面实施依法治国,加快建设社会主义法治国家( )A.必须用法律规范人们的思想和行为B.要把有法可依作为法制建设的中心环节C.要求行政部门独立司法、不受干涉D.必须坚持党的领导和实现人民当家作主5. 在扩大公民有序的政治参与中,任何急于求成的举措都会阻碍社会主义民主建设的进程,影响整个社会主义现代化建设事业,甚至导致社会动荡。

这说明扩大公民有序的政治参与必须坚持( )A.法治化的原则B.党的领导原则C.群众参与的原则D.渐进式的原则6. 我国是一个统一的多民族国家,促进民族地区的经济发展、维护社会稳定始终是国家一项重要工作。

促进民族地区的发展与稳定是( )A.我国民族区域自治制度的核心B.我国处理民族关系的前提C.实现民族平等和民族团结的保证D.实行民族区域自治制度的基础7.下图是1953年到2012年我国选举进程的变化图。

下列说法正确的是( )A.从a点到b点的变化充分考虑了当选者结构的合理性B.从b点到c点的变化为扩大党内民主提供了法律保障C.从c点到d点的变化扩大了党员的选举权D.从d点到e点的变化扩大了选举党员代表的选择空间8.今年的全国政协十二届一次会议共收到委员提案5641件,提案围绕环境保护、加快推进城镇化提高城镇化质量、深化科技体制改革增强自主创新能力、创新社会管理方式等方面的问题提出了许多有益的意见和建议。

这表明 ( )A人民政协通过履行参政议政的政府职能广泛反映人民群众的意见和建议B人民政协的积极参与有利于促进政府决策科学化C人民政协的民主决策有利于经济的发展和人民的利益的实现D人民政协是与人民民主专政相适应的政权构成形式9.近年来,公共外交越来越受到各国普遍关注。


由图可以得出如下结论( )①政府外交是对外国政府,公共外交则包括外国公众②公共外交增加了本国公众政治参与的民主权利③发展公共外交的目的是促进国家外交政策的合法化④公共外交通过多层次交流宣传赢得外国公众的理解A.③④B.①②④C.①②③D.①④10.下列对国家主权内容的理解正确的有 ( )①国家的政治独立是经济自主的保证②国家的经济自主是政治独立的前提条件③破坏领土完整就是严重侵犯国家主权④文化主权也是国家主权的主要内容A.③B.④C.①②D.③④11.高一学生小郑为制定家庭近期投资理财方案欲收集一些经济数据。

为此,小郑应收集的数据有()①城乡居民恩格尔系数②银行利率变化情况③相关金融产品市场变化情况④家庭人均闲暇时间⑤地区人均国内生产总值⑥家庭拥有财产数量A.①②③④B.②③⑥C.①③④⑥D.①④⑤12.下述图表表明,该时期 ( )A.我国居民的食品消费水平有所提高B.我国居民的可支配收入下降C.非食品价格上涨幅度超过食品价格上涨幅度D.如其他条件不变,我国居民的恩格尔系数提高13、2013年12月4日工信部正式向三大运营商发布4G牌照,中国移动、中国电信和中国联通均获得TD-LTE牌照.随着4G(第4代移动通信)时代的到来,一个由设备生产、终端制造、信息服务等构成的庞大产业链必将不断发展与壮大。

这表明( )①消费对生产的调整和升级起着导向作用②消费量的增加带产品质量的提高③消费热点的出现能带动相关产业的成长④消费是社会再生产过程中的决定环节A.①②B.①③C.②③D.③④14、社会保障制度是由国家依据一定的法律和法规,为保证社会成员的基本生活权利而提供救助和补贴的一种制度。

以下属于社会保障制度范围的是 ( )A.国外政府和个人为我国受灾地区群众直接提供救援物资B.离退休人员购买人身意外保险C.银行为生活困难群众办理储蓄兑现D.民间公益事业团体组织慈善救助15、蓝皮书《2013年中国大学生就业报告》指出,从总体就业去向分布上看,2012届大学毕业生仍有近57万人处于失业状态,10多万人选择“啃老”。

导致大学生就业形势严峻的因素可能是( )①就业市场不完善②劳动者素质提升,经济发展滞后③劳动者择业观念不正确④对外贸易增长,外向型企业发展A.①③B.②④C.①②D.③④16.阿里巴巴旗下的支付宝平台与某投资基金联手推出新业务——余额宝,用户可将暂时闲置的资金放入其中,以每日结算的方式获得收益,收益率随基金的收益额波动,帐户中的钱可以随时用于消费和转帐。


( )A.活期储蓄B.商业保险C.股票D.国家债券17.克强经济学是外资机构巴克莱资本公司提出的新词,用来指代李克强总理为中国制定的经济增长计划。



下列措施符合“李克强经济学”的是 ( )①强调政府与市场“换手”,政府不越位、不缺位,政府减少微观干预②减税促进投资,完善福利制度,调整国内利益分配,依靠利益分配引导资源配置③强化投资型政府角色,刺激经济增长④调整当前的分税制度,中央严格控制地方财权,加强监督A.①②B.①③C.②④ D.③④18.“家庭农场”首次出现在今年的中央一号文件。


家庭农场 ( )①促进我国农村私营企业发展②将吸引更多的劳动力向农村转移③有助于提高农业劳动生产率④对缩小城乡收入差距有积极作用A.①③B.①②C.②④D.③④19.下图是经济学中著名的微笑曲线,图中微笑嘴型的一条曲线,两端朝上。


微笑曲线给我国政府的启示是( )①提升产品的质量和服务水平②依靠技术进步形成自己的竞争优势③加大对企业研发的鼓励和支持④注重对知名品牌的培育和保护A.①②B.②③C.①④D.③④20.奥巴马签发行政命令,以国家安全为由禁止中国三一集团关联公司在美建风力发电厂。



此处的市场观念是( )A.完善规范市场的法律B.认识市场经济的作用C.遵守市场要求的道德D.把握市场特征和原则21.马克思主义哲学给人们提供了有效改造客观世界的观点与方法,可见其最根本的本质属性是具有高度的( )A.实践性B.严谨性C.方法性D.科学性22.我们把整体分解为部分,把复杂的事物分解为简单的要素,加以研究。

这种方法在哲学上称之为( )A.分析B.综合C.矛盾分析法D.演绎23.中国式过马路,是指部分中国人集体闯红灯的一种现象,即凑够一撮人就可以走,和红绿灯无关。




这种观点认为( )A.一切以时间、地点和条件为转移B.实践是检验认识的真理性的标准C.矛盾双方在一定条件下相互依赖D.事物发展是前进性和曲折性的统一25.“中国梦、雾霾天、神舟十号、厉行节约”等2013年春夏季中国主流报纸十大流行语在客观、真实地记录了2013年春夏国内外重大事件和社会变革的同时,也反映了这个时代的中国风貌。


这强调了在反对腐败的过程中( )A.要坚持共性和个性的辩证统一B.既要抓住主要矛盾又不能忽视次要矛盾C.既要抓住矛盾主要方面又不能忽视次要方面D.要既肯定又否定,既克服又保留,坚持辩证否定观27.实践是人们能动的改造客观世界的活动。

据此判断,以下属于人类实践活动的有( )①建设有中国特色的社会主义②通过学习提高思想道德觉悟③我国积极推行文化产业改革④袁隆平领衔的超级杂交水稻试验A.①④B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ①②③④28.金融危机正将世界推入一个萧条时期。


材料主要体现了( )A.现象与本质的辩证关系B.内因是事物变化发展的根据C.“一分为二”是普遍现象D.发展是指事物的前进性变化29.右侧漫画体现了( )A.世界上存在着不可认识的事物B.人们对事物的认识受到主客观条件的限制C.认识来源于头脑D.认识的正确与否无法检验30.“先生不应该专教书,他的责任是教人做人;学生不应该专读书,他的责任是学习人生之道。

”陶行知这句名言体现了( )A. 世界观和方法论的统一B. 矛盾普遍性和特殊性的统一C. 相对静止和绝对运动的统一D. 两点论和重点论的统一二、简答题(32分)31.仔细读图并用经济常识回答问题(1)上图反映了哪些经济现象?(4分)(2)2010年我国颁布了《关于鼓励和引导民营企业积极开展境外投资的实施意见》。





