



E660 96 3840 459 144 5760 689 2.2 175° 3′ 180 13
QD1117橡胶垫 E660 86 3095 317 129 4642 476
3 175° 3′ 180 13
JFZ191密封垫 T520 107 25600 3282 160 38400 4923 1.6 175° 3′ 180 0
1364 187
3.6 175° 2′ 120 13
“□”67.8×63.5 ×2.3
1979 271
3.6 175° 2′ 120 13
8037 5×2
O形圈 F751 192 12288 525 288 18432 788 0.21 190° 2′ 120 13
大模具 小模具 小模具 小模具 小模具 大模具 小模具 小模具 大模具 小模具
单模 单模 小模具 小模具 小模具 小模具 小模具 小模具 小模具
110J橡胶插头 G540 87 3142 255 131 4713 383 0.6 175° 3′7.8×64.5 ×2.3
1′30″ 90
1′30″ 90
2′30″ 150
2′10″ 130
2′40″ 160
2′40″ 160
1′20″ 80
2′30″ 150
单价 模具类型
0.376 0.145 0.030 0.120 0.103 0.128 0.197 0.402 0.145 0.402 0.179 0.179 0.299 0.094 0.171 0.137 0.137 0.179 0.855



7091密封胶粘度资料7091密封胶粘度资料探究1. 引言7091密封胶是一种常见的工业材料,在建筑、汽车、电子等领域被广泛应用。



2. 7091密封胶的性能及特点2.1 粘度范围根据相关资料显示,7091密封胶的粘度范围为250,000至450,000 cps(粘度单位为cps,即厘泊,用于描述液体流动的阻力)。


2.2 耐温性能7091密封胶在耐温方面表现出色。


2.3 抗老化性能7091密封胶具有良好的抗老化性能,能够长时间保持其性能和黏附力。


3. 7091密封胶的适用范围3.1 建筑行业7091密封胶可用于建筑行业的密封、填缝等工作。


3.2 汽车行业7091密封胶在汽车制造和维修中也有广泛的应用。


3.3 电子行业由于7091密封胶具备优异的耐温性和抗老化性能,因此在电子行业中也常被用作电子元件的封装材料,确保元件在各种环境下的稳定性和可靠性。

4. 7091密封胶的应用建议4.1 表面处理在使用7091密封胶之前,应确保施工表面干净、干燥、无油脂和杂质。


4.2 施工温度和时间根据7091密封胶的技术资料,推荐使用温度为15°C至32°C的环境下进行施工。


National LM709 数据手册

National LM709 数据手册

TA e 25 C
0 25
0 25
0 25
V ms
Input Offset Voltage RS s 10 kX
10 mV
Average Temperature RS e 50X
TA e 25 C to TMAX
1 8 10
Coefficient of
TA e 25 C to TMIN
1 8 10
Input Offset Voltage Input Bias Current Input Offset Current Input Resistance Output Resistance Supply Current Transient Response
Risetime Overshoot
TA e 25 C RS s 10 kX TA e 25 C TA e 25 C TA e 25 C TA e 25 C TA e 25 C VS e g15V VIN e 20 mV CL s 100 pF TA e 25 C
External components are used to frequency compensate the amplifier Although the unity-gain compensation network specified will make the amplifier unconditionally stable in all feedback configurations compensation can be tailored to optimize high-frequency performance for any gain setting

瀚洲化工 水溶性聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 说明书

瀚洲化工 水溶性聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 说明书

安全技术说明书瀚洲化工安全技术说明书日期/修订:06.05.2019版本:4.1产品:水溶性聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯Petra®130FRProduct:PETRA130FR(30215362/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期16.05.20191.物质/制剂及公司信息水溶性聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯Petra®130FRPETRA130FR公司:四川瀚洲化工科技有限公司中国四川Sichuan Hanzhou Chemical Technology Co.,Ltd.眉山市经济开发区东区邮政编码620010East Economic Development Zone,Meishan City,电话:+862838603881SichuanProvince Post Code:620010传真号:+862838603686Tel:+86-28-38603881E-mail地址:**************Fax:+86-28-38603686E-mail address:**************2.危险性识别纯物质和混合物的分类:根据GHS标准,该产品不需要进行分类。

标签要素和警示性说明:根据GHS标准,该产品不需要添加危险警示瀚洲化工安全技术说明书日期/修订:06.05.2019版本:4.1产品:水溶性聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯Petra®130FRProduct:PETRA130FR(30215362/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期20.05.2019 3.成分/组分信息化学性质:混合物化合物制备基于:填料,添加剂4消防措施适宜的灭火介质:水喷雾,干粉末,二氧化碳,泡沫特殊危害:无已知特殊危害。







*This SDS for user in China - Not correspond to the regulation of other regions.梯希爱(上海)化成工业发展有限公司修订日期修订日期:: 07/12/2023化学品安全技术说明书修改号码修改号码:: 3修订日期修订日期:: 07/12/2023Page 1 of 52. 危险性概述G H S 分类 物理性危害易燃液体第2级 健康危害急性毒性(经口)第3级急性毒性(经皮)第4级 急性毒性(吸入)第3级 皮肤腐蚀/刺激第2级 严重损伤/刺激眼睛2A 类 皮肤敏感性第1级 致癌性1B 类 特异性靶器官毒性 - 单一接触 [第1级]器官 特异性靶器官毒性 - 单一接触 [第3级]呼吸道刺激 特异性靶器官毒性 - 单一接触 [第1级]呼吸系统 特异性靶器官毒性 - 单一接触 [第2级]肾脏环境危害急性水生毒性第2级 慢性水生毒性第3级G H S 标签元素 图标或危害标志信号词危险危险描述高度易燃液体和蒸气1. 化学品及企业标识产品名称产品名称::丙烯酸甲酯 (含稳定剂M E H Q )T C I 产品编码产品编码::A0145公司:梯希爱(上海)化成工业发展有限公司地址:上海化学工业区普工路96号部门:营业部电话号码:************传真号码:************e-mail:*************************应急电话应急电话::*************修改号码修改号码::3梯希爱(上海)化成工业发展有限公司修改号码修订日期::07/12/2023Page 2 of 5修改号码::3修订日期皮肤接触有害吸入或吞咽会中毒造成皮肤刺激造成严重眼刺激可能导致皮肤过敏性反应可能致癌对器官造成损害: 器官长期或反复接触会对器官造成损害: 呼吸系统长期或反复接触可能对器官造成损害: 肾脏可能造成呼吸刺激对水生生物有毒性对水生生物有害并具有长期持续影响防范说明[预防]远离热源、火花、明火和热表面。








1982年在南京召开的ISO/TC46第19届会议上,正式通过了《ISO7098信息与文献工作——中文罗马字母拼写法》(英文名称是ISO 7098 Information and Documentation-Romanization of Chinese)。



1991年,在巴黎召开的ISO/TC46第24届会议上,对“ISO7098”进行了技术修改,成为了《ISO 7098信息与文献工作——中文罗马字母拼写法(1991)》(英文名称是ISO 7098(1991)Information and documentation:Romanization of Chinese),简称“ISO7098(1991)”。


上世纪90年代初制定ISO 7098(1991)的时候,正是世界进入信息时代的关键时刻。


使用ISO 7098(1991)的汉语拼音,可以通过拼音——汉字转换的方法输入输出汉字。



存货编码存货名称存货大类编码计量单位组编码 主计量单位编码计量单位组类别启用日期存货代码规格型号F11038500001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0385-00001固化剂聚脂彩色漆固化剂 F11038500002辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0385-00002固化剂DA-1F11038600001辅料-液状类F11010040F11-0386-00001石膏粉F11038700001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0387-00001香蕉水F11038800001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0388-00001502胶水F11038900001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0389-00001淡金水F11039000001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0390-00001无水乙醇(酒精)F11039100001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0391-00001黄色漆DA-1F11039200001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0392-00001灰色漆UL800-7038F11039300001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0393-00001树脂漆F11039400001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0394-00001古像黑漆F11039500001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0395-00001内墙乳胶漆F11039600001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0396-00001彩色喷漆F11039700001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0397-00001密封胶F11039800001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0398-00001环氧树脂地坪漆F11039900001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0399-00001外墙乳胶漆F11040000001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0400-00001金属黑漆F11040100001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0401-00001稀释剂DA-1F11040100002辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0401-00002稀释剂7400F11040100003辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0401-00003稀释剂环氧沥青稀释剂F11040200001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0402-00001防锈剂WD-40F11040300001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0403-00001锁固剂F11040400001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0404-00001探伤剂F11040500001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0405-00001酸性玻璃胶F11040600001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0406-00001瞬干胶 LT406 20gF11040700001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0407-00001AB胶F11040800001辅料-液状类F11010020F11-0408-00001固持胶LT641 F11040900001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0409-00001龙胆紫F11041000001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0410-00001热胶粉F11041100001辅料-液状类F11010050F11-0411-00001黄色地漆销售默认计量单位编码采购默认计量单位编码库存默认计量单位编码成本默认计量单位编码是否委外是否销售是否外购是否自制是否生产耗用是否在制是否应税劳务是否成套件是否折扣是否质检是否切除尾数是否受托代销税率单位重量单位体积计价方式计划价或售价最高进价参考成本最新成本最低售价参考售价主要供货单位编码默认仓库编码费用率销售加成率同步BOM仓库零售价格最高库存最低库存安全库存积压标准替换件货位编码入库超额上限出库超额上限合理损耗率上次盘点日期存货ABC分类盘点周期盘点周期单位盘点日是否保质期管理保质期天数保质期预警天数是否条形码管理对应条形码编码是否批次管理是否出库跟踪入库是否呆滞积压是否单独存放净重停用日期质量要求说明建档人变更人计划策略变更日期再订货点方法批量规则保证供应天数订货点平均耗用量固定供应量固定提前期累计提前期生产国别生产地点生产企业产地通用名称国际非专利名剂型包装规格注册商标批件批准文号或注册证号注册商标合格证号生产许可证号入关证号进口药品注册证号处方药或非处方药是否特殊药品存货是否有自由项1存货是否有自由项2存货是否有自由项3存货是否有自由项4存货是否有自由项5存货是否有自由项6存货是否有自由项7存货是否有自由项8存货是否有自由项9存货是否有自由项10存货自定义项1存货自定义项2存货自定义项3存货自定义项4存货自定义项5存货自定义项6存货自定义项7存货自定义项8存货自定义项9存货自定义项10存货自定义项11存货自定义项12存货自定义项13存货自定义项14存货自定义项15存货自定义项16录入日期录入员。



化学品安全技术说明书第一部分化学品及企业标识产品中文名称:哥伦比亚CNA血琼脂基础产品英文名称:Columbia CAN Blood Agar Base产品编号:024066企业名称:广东环凯微生物科技有限公司地址:广东省广州市黄埔区广州开发区科学城神舟路788号邮编:510663公司网址电子邮件地址:*********************传真号码:************销售热线:************-8602技术热线:************-8877/8876推荐用途和限制用途:生化研究/分析第二部分危险性概述GSH危害性类别非危险物质或混合物GSH标签要素非危险物质或混合物其它危害(健康危害、环境危害)未见报道第三部分成分/组成信息混合物化学品成分:参考培养基使用说明。





















METALSTAR UV 21 6003 PALE GOLD 化学品安全技术说明书

METALSTAR UV 21 6003 PALE GOLD 化学品安全技术说明书

版本7.4修订日期:2021/12/15SDS编号:102000023619打印日期: 2022/03/04最初编制日期: 2015/10/051. 化学品及企业标识产品名称: METALSTAR UV 21 6003 PALE GOLD产品代码: 072847N20化学性质: 印刷油墨制造商或供应商信息制造商或供应商名称: 爱卡特殊效果颜料(珠海)有限公司地址: 珠海市金湾区南水镇浪屿路3号电话号码: +8607567228600应急咨询电话: National Emergency Response Hotline for Chemical Incident(China)**************国家化学事故应急咨询电话(中国)**************电子邮件地址: ***************************传真: +86075672286012. 危险性概述紧急情况概述外观与性状: 液体颜色: 金色气味: 特征的吞咽有害。





GHS危险性类别急性毒性 (经口) : 类别 4皮肤腐蚀/刺激: 类别 2严重眼睛损伤/眼睛刺激性: 类别 2A皮肤过敏: 类别 1急性(短期)水生危害: 类别 1长期水生危害: 类别 1版本7.4修订日期:2021/12/15SDS 编号:102000023619打印日期: 2022/03/04最初编制日期: 2015/10/05GHS标签要素象形图:信号词: 警告危险性说明: H302吞咽有害。









balluff bni iol-709-000-k006 bni iol-710-000-k006

balluff bni iol-709-000-k006 bni iol-710-000-k006

BNI IOL-709-000-K006 BNI IOL-710-000-K006IO-Link Sensor-Hub analogUser’s GuideContent1Notes to the user 21.1Structure of the guide 21.2Typographical conventions 2Enumerations 2 Actions 2 Syntax 2 Cross-references 21.3Symbols 21.4Abbreviations 21.5Divergent views 2 2Safety 32.1Intended use 32.2Installation and startup 32.3General safety Notes 32.4Resistance to Aggressive Substances 3Hazardous voltage 3 3Getting Started 43.1Connection overview 43.2Mechanical connection 53.3Electrical connection 53.4Function ground 53.5IO-Link connection 53.6Digital Sensors 63.7Analogue Sensors 6 4IO-Link Interface 74.1IO-Link Data 74.2Process data inputs 74.3Process data outputs 84.4Parameter data/ On-request data 8Identification data 8 Inversion 9 Switch point enable 9 Switch point 94.5Errors 104.6Events 10 5Technical Data 115.1Dimensions 115.2Mechanical data 115.3Electrical data 115.4Operating conditions 115.5Function indicators 12Module LEDs 12 Digital Input LEDs 12 Analogue Input LEDs 12 6Appendix 136.1Type designation code 136.2Order information 13IO-Link Sensor-HubBNI IOL-709-… / BNI IOL-710-…1 Notes to the user1.1 Structure of theguide The Guide is organized so that the sections build on one another. Section 2 : Basic safety information. …………1.2 Typographicalconventions The following typographical conventions are used in this Guide. EnumerationsEnumerations are shown in list form with bullet points.• Entry 1, • Entry 2.Actions Action instructions are indicated by a preceding triangle. The result of an action is indicated by an arrow.Action instruction 1. Action result.Action instruction 2. SyntaxNumbers:Decimal numbers are shown without additional indicators (e.g. 123),Hexadecimal numbers are shown with the additional indicator hex (e.g. 00hex ).Cross-references Cross-references indicate where additional information on the topic can be found.1.3 SymbolsAttention!This symbol indicates a security notice which most be observed.NoteThis symbol indicates general notes.1.4 AbbreviationsBCD BNI CV DPP I-Port EMC FE IOL LSB MSB SP SPDU VVBinary coded switch Balluff Network InterfaceCurrent Version: BNI IOL 709… Direct Parameter Page Digital input portElectromagnetic Compatibility Function ground IO-LinkLeast Significant Bit Most Significant Bit Switch PointService Protocol Data UnitVoltage version: BNI IOL 710…1.5 Divergent views Product views and images can differ from the specified product in this manual. They serve only as an illustration.2 Safety2.1 Intended use The BNI IOL-… is a decentralized sensor input module which is connected to a host IO-Linkmaster over an IO-Link interface.2.2 Installation andstartup Attention!Installation and startup are to be performed by trained technical personnel only. Skilled specialists are people who are familiar with the work such as installation and the operation of the product and have the necessary qualifications for these tasks. Any damage resulting from unauthorized tampering or improper use shall void warranty and liability claims against the manufacturer. The operator is responsible for ensuring that the valid safety and accident prevention regulations are observed in specific individual cases.2.3 General safetyNotes Commissioning and inspectionBefore commissioning, carefully read the User's Guide.The system must not be used in applications in which the safety of persons depends on the function of the device.Intended useWarranty and liability claims against the manufacturer shall be rendered void by damage from:•Unauthorized tampering•Improper use•Use, installation or handling contrary to the instructions provided in this User's Guide.Obligations of the owner/operator!The device is a piece of equipment in accordance with EMC Class A. This device can produce RF noise. The owner/operator must take appropriate precautionary measures against this for its use. The device may be used only with a power supply approved for this. Only approved cables may be connected.MalfunctionsIn the event of defects and device malfunctions that cannot be rectified, the device must be taken out of operation and protected against unauthorized use.Approved use is ensured only when the housing is fully installed.2.4 Resistance toAggressiveSubstances Attention!The BNI modules always have good chemical and oil resistance. When used in aggressive media (such as chemicals, oils, lubricants and coolants, each in a high concentration (i.e. too little water content)), the material must first be checked for resistance in the particular application. No defect claims may be asserted in the event of a failure or damage to the BNI modules caused by such aggressive media..Hazardous voltage Attention!Disconnect all power before servicing equipment.NoteIn the interest of continuous improvement of the product,Balluff GmbH reserves the right to change the technical data of the product and the content of these instructions at any time without notice.IO-Link Sensor-HubBNI IOL-709-… / BNI IOL-710-…3 Getting Started3.1 Connectionoverview1 Mounting hole2 IO-Link interface3 Analogue input-Port 14 Status-LED: Analogue port5 Analogue input port 36 Status-LED: digital input Pin 27 Digital input port 18 Status-LED: Digital port Pin 49 Digital input port 3 10 Status LED “Power Supply”11 Digital input port 212 Digital input port 013 Analogue input port 214 Analogue input port 015 Label16 Status-LED …COM“17 Function ground connection3 Getting Started3.2 Mechanicalconnection The BNI IOL modules are attached using 3 M4 screws (Item 1, Fig. 3-1/3-2).3.3 Electricalconnection The Sensor Hub modules require no separate supply voltage connection. Power is provided through the IO-Link interface by the host IO-Link Master.3.4 Function groundThe modules are provided with a ground terminal.Connect Sensor Hub module to the ground terminal.NoteThe FE connection from the housing to the machine must be low-impedance and as short as possible.3.5 IO-LinkconnectionThe IO-Link connection is made using an M12 connector (A-coded, male).IO-Link (M12, A-coded, male)Pin Function 1Supply voltage, +24 V, max. 1.6 A 2 - 3 GND, reference potential4 C/Q, IO-Link data transmission channelConnection protection ground to FE terminal, if present. Connect the incoming IO-Link line to the Sensor Hub.NoteA standard sensor cable is used for connecting to the host IO-Link Master.IO-Link Sensor-HubBNI IOL-709-… / BNI IOL-710-…3 Getting Started3.6 Digital Sensors Digital input port (M12, A-coded, female)Pin Function 1 +24 V, 100 mA 2 Standard Input 3 0 V, GND 4 Standard Input 5 -NoteFor the digital sensor inputs follow the input guideline per EN 61131-2, Type 2.3.7 AnalogueSensors Analogue input port (M12, A-coded, female)Pin Function1 +24 V, 100 mA2BNI IOL-709...: 4 - 20 mABNI IOL-710…:n.c. 3 0 V, GND4BNI IOL-710...: 0 - 10 V BNI IOL-709…:n.c 5 FE, function groundNoteUnused I/O port sockets must be fitted with cover caps to ensure IP67 protection rating.NoteOvercurrent (> 25mA) on the BNI IOL-709 Module´s inputs can distort the measurement results of the other channels and it may leads to malfunction..4 IO-Link Interface4.1 IO-Link Data Baudrate COM2 (38,4 kBaud)Frame type 1Minimum cycle time 3 msProcess data cycle 30 ms with minimum cycle time4.2 Process datainputs BNI IOL-710-…/BNI IOL-709-…(Sensor-Hub digital/analog)Process data length 10Byte:Byte 0 Byte 17 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0InputPort7Pin4InputPort6Pin4InputPort5Pin4InputPort4Pin4SwitchPoint1Port3SwitchPoint1Port2SwitchPoint1Port1SwitchPoint1PortInputPort7.Pin2InputPort6.Pin2InputPort5.Pin2InputPort4.Pin2SwitchPoint2Port3SwitchPoint2Port2SwitchPoint2Port1SwitchPoint2PortByte 2 Byte 37 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Error1Error2Error3MSBAnalogue valueLSBPort 0Byte 4 Byte 57 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Error1Error2Error3MSBAnalogue valueLSBPort 1Byte 6 Byte 77 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Error1Error2Error3MSBAnalogue valueLSBPort 2Byte 8 Byte 97 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Error1Error2Error3MSBAnalogue valueLSBPort 3IO-Link Sensor-HubBNI IOL-709-… / BNI IOL-710-…4 IO-Link InterfaceInput: Input-Signal at Port and PinSwitch Point: The switch point bits show a switch pointoverrun. The switch point can be configuredby parameter ( see 0.0 - “Switch pointenable” and 0.0 - “Switch point”)Analogue value: VV: actual voltage value between0 and 1056 (1Bit = 0.01V)CV: actual current value between0 and 2150 (1Bit = 0.01mA)Error:• Error 1 • Error 2 • Error 3 Overcurrent/short circuit on sensor supply Measurement range overflow Measurement range undercut (only CV)4.3 Process dataoutputsThere are no outputs at BNI IOL-710-... and BNI IOL-709-... modules.4.4 Parameter data/On-request dataDPP SPDU Parameter DatawidthAccess Index Index Sub-indexIdentificationData07hex Vendor ID 2 ByteReadonly 08hex09hex Device ID 3 Byte0A hex0B hex10hex0 Vendor Name 8 Byte11hex0 Vendor text 16 Byte12hex0 Product Name 34 Byte13hex0 Product ID 21 Byte14hex0 Product text 34 Byte16hex Hardware Revision 3 Byte17hex0 Firmware Revision 3 ByteIdentification data Type Device ID VersionBNI IOL-710-000-K006 050201hex Voltage versionBNI IOL-709-000-K006 050202hex Current version4 IO-Link InterfaceDPPSPDUParameter Data width Value rangeDefault- valueIndex Index Sub-index P a r a m e t e r D a t a10hex 40hex640 1-16 Inversion 2 Byte 0000hex …FFFF hex 0000hex 11hex 12hex 41hex650 1-8 Switch point enable 1 Byte 00hex …FF hex 00hex 42hex660 Switch point 1 Port 0 2 Byte 0000hex … 03E8hex 0000hex 43hex670 Switch point 1 Port 1 2 Byte 0000hex … 03E8hex 0000hex 44hex680 Switch point 1 Port 2 2 Byte 0000hex … 03E8hex 0000hex 45hex690 Switch point 1 Port 3 2 Byte 0000hex … 03E8hex 0000hex 46hex700 Switch point 2 Port 0 2 Byte 0000hex … 03E8hex 0000hex 47hex710 Switch point 2 Port 1 2 Byte 0000hex … 03E8hex 0000hex 48hex720 Switch point 2 Port 2 2 Byte 0000hex … 03E8hex 0000hex 49hex73Switch point 2 Port 32 Byte0000hex … 03E8hex0000hexInversionInversion of the input signals:Byte 0Byte 176543217654321I n v e r s i o n P o r t 7 P i n 4I n v e r s i o n P o r t 6 P i n 4I n v e r s i o n P o r t 5 P i n 4I n v e r s i o n P o r t 4 P i n 4I n v e r s i o n S P 1 P o r t 3I n v e r s i o n S P 1 P o r t 2I n v e r s i o n S P 1 P o r t 1I n v e r s i o n S P 1 P o r t 0I n v e r s i o n P o r t 7 P i n 2I n v e r s i o n P o r t 6 P i n 2I n v e r s i o n P o r t 5 P i n 2I n v e r s i o n P o r t 4 P i n 2I n v e r s i o n S P 2 P o r t 3I n v e r s i o n S P 2 P o r t 2I n v e r s i o n S P 2 P o r t 1I n v e r s i o n S P 2 P o r t 0Switch point enableEnable the switch points by setting the enable bitsByte 07654321E n a b l e s w i t c h p o i n t 2 P o r t 3E n a b l e s w i t c h p o i n t 2 P o r t 2E n a b l e s w i t c h p o i n t 2 P o r t 1E n a b l e s w i t c h p o i n t 2 P o r t 0E n a b l e s w i t c h p o i n t 1 P o r t 3E n a b l e s w i t c h p o i n t 1 P o r t 2E n a b l e s w i t c h p o i n t 1 P o r t 1E n a b l e s w i t c h p o i n t 1 P o r t 0Switch pointByte 0Byte 1 7 6 5 4 3217654321Switch pointValue range (dec) CV= 400...2000 VV= 0 (1000)BNI IOL-709-… / BNI IOL-710-…4 IO-Link Interface4.5 Errors Byte 0Byte 1Device application error: 80hex11hex Index not available 12hex Subindex not available 30hex Value out of range4.6 EventsClass/QualifierCode (high + low)Mode Type InstanceP a r a m e t e r D a t aappears Error AL Device Hardware supply Supply low voltage U2 = supply + 24VC0hex 30hex 03hex 5000hex 0100hex 0010hex 0002hex F3hex5112hex disappears ErrorAL Device Hardware supply Supply low voltage U2 = supply + 24V80hex 30hex 03hex 5000hex 0100hex 0010hex 0002hexB3hex 5112hexappears Error AL Device Hardware supply supply peripheryC0hex30hex 03hex 5000hex 0100hex0060hexF3hex 5160hexdisappears ErrorAL Device Hardware supply supply periphery80hex30hex 03hex5000hex0100hex0060hexB3hex5160hex5 Technical Data5.1 Dimensions5.2 Mechanical data Housing Material Plastic, transparentIO-Link-Port M12, A-coded, maleInput-Ports 8x M12, A-coded, femaleEnclosure rating IP67 (only when plugged-in and threaded-in)Weight 90 gDimensions(L × W × H, excluding connector)115 × 50 × 30,8 mm5.3 Electrical data Operating voltage 18 ... 30,2 V DC, per EN 61131-2Ripple < 1 %Current draw without load ≤ 40 mA5.4 Operatingconditions Operating temperature -5 °C … +55 °C Storage temperature -25 °C … +70 °CBNI IOL-709-… / BNI IOL-710-…5 Technical Data5.5 FunctionindicatorsModule LEDs LED 5, IO-Link CommunicationStatus FunctionGreen No CommunicationGreen negative pulsed Communication OKRed Communication line overloadOff Module unpoweredLED 4, Power supply statusStatus FunctionGreen Module power is OKGreen slowly flashing Short circuitGreen rapidly flashing Module power supply < 18 VOff Module unpowered Digital Input LEDs LED 3, Input Pin 4 and LED 2, Input Pin 2Status FunctionYellow Input signal = 1Off Input signal = 0Analogue Input LEDs LED 1, Analogue input portStatus Signal 709 (4-20 mA) Signal 710 (0-10 V) Green ≥ 4 mA - ≤ 20 mA> 0,05 VRed < 4 mA - > 20 mA > 10,05 V6 Appendix6.1 Type designationcode6.2 OrderinformationType Order CodeBNI IOL-709-000-K006 BNI0007BNI IOL-710-000-K006 BNI0008BNI IOL-7xx-000-K006 Balluff Network InterfaceIO-Link interfaceFunctions710 = 8 digital inputs 0,15 A + 4 analog inputs 0 - 10 V709 = 8 digital inputs 0,15 A + 4 analog inputs 4 - 20 mAVariant000 = StandardvarianteMechanical configurationK006 =Plastic housing,Connectors:- BUS and Power supply: 1x M12x1, external thread- Input ports: 8x M12x1, internal threadBNI IOL-709-… / BNI IOL-710-… NotesBalluff GmbHSchurwaldstrasse 973765 Neuhausen a.d.F. GermanyTel. +49 7158 173-0 N r . 910442-726 E •01.125277 • E d i t i o n K 17 • R e p l a c e s E d i t i o n 1311 • S u b j e c t t o m o d i f i c a t i o n。



ORANGE VINYL ESTER TOPCOATSafety Data Sheetaccording to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and RegulationsRevision date: 12/31/201912/31/2019 EN (English US) Page 1 1.1. IdentificationProduct form : MixtureTrade name : ORANGE VINYL ESTER TOPCOATCAS-No. : mixtureProduct code : 1908-045Formula : na1.2. Recommended use and restrictions on useUse of the substance/mixture : COATING1.3. SupplierDura Technologies, Inc.2720 South Willow Avenue #ABloomington, CA 92316909-546-1162ChemTrec US: 800.424.9300ChemTrec Int: +1 70 3527 38871.4. Emergency telephone numberEmergency number : ChemTrec US: 800.424.9300 Int: +1 70 3527 38872.1. Classification of the substance or mixtureGHS US classificationFlammable liquids Category 3 H226 Flammable liquid and vapourSkin corrosion/irritation Category 2 H315 Causes skin irritationSerious eye damage/eye irritation Category 2 H319 Causes serious eye irritationSkin sensitization, Category 1 H317 May cause an allergic skin reactionReproductive toxicity Category 2 H361 Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn childSpecific target organ toxicity (single exposure) Category 3 H335 May cause respiratory irritationSpecific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure) Category 1 H372 Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure Hazardous to the aquatic environment - Acute Hazard Category 2 H401 Toxic to aquatic lifeFull text of H statements : see section 162.2. GHS Label elements, including precautionary statementsGHS US labelingHazard pictograms (GHS US):Signal word (GHS US) : DangerHazard statements (GHS US) : H226 - Flammable liquid and vapourH315 - Causes skin irritationH317 - May cause an allergic skin reactionH319 - Causes serious eye irritationH335 - May cause respiratory irritationH361 - Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn childH372 - Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposureH401 - Toxic to aquatic lifePrecautionary statements (GHS US) : P201 - Obtain special instructions before use.P202 - Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood.P210 - Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. Nosmoking.P233 - Keep container tightly closed.P240 - Ground/Bond container and receiving equipmentP241 - Use explosion-proof electrical, lighting, ventilating equipmentP242 - Use only non-sparking tools.P243 - Take precautionary measures against static discharge.P260 - Do not breathe dust, mist, fume, spray, vapors.P261 - Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray.P264 - Wash EXPOSED AREA. thoroughly after handling.P270 - Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.P271 - Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.P272 - Contaminated work clothing must not be allowed out of the workplaceP273 - Avoid release to the environment.P280 - Wear eye protection, protective clothing, protective gloves.P302+P352 - If on skin: Wash with plenty of waterP303+P361+P353 - If on skin (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinseskin with water/showerP304+P340 - If inhaled: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathingP305+P351+P338 - If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contactlenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsingP308+P313 - If exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention.P312 - Call a poison center or doctor if you feel unwellP314 - Get medical advice/attention if you feel unwell.P321 - Specific treatment (see none llisted on this label)P332+P313 - If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention.P333+P313 - If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention.P337+P313 - If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.P362+P364 - Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse.P363 - Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.P370+P378 - In case of fire: Use carbon dioxide (CO2), dry chemical powder, foam toextinguish.P403+P233 - Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.P403+P235 - Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool.P405 - Store locked up.P501 - Dispose of contents/container to in accordance with local.state, and nationalregulations.2.3. Other hazards which do not result in classificationNo additional information available2.4. Unknown acute toxicity (GHS US)Not applicable3.1. SubstancesNot applicable3.2. MixturesFull text of hazard classes and H-statements : see section 16SECTION 4: First-aid measures4.1. Description of first aid measuresFirst-aid measures general : Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Suspected of causing cancer. IFexposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention.First-aid measures after inhalation : Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. Allow affected person tobreathe fresh air. Allow the victim to rest. Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in aposition comfortable for breathing. Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feelunwell.First-aid measures after skin contact : Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. Washwith plenty of soap and water. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. If skin irritationoccurs: Get medical advice/attention. Specific treatment (see supplemental first aid instructionon this label).First-aid measures after eye contact : Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy todo. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.First-aid measures after ingestion : Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Obtain emergency medical attention. Call a poisoncenter/doctor/physician if you feel unwell.4.2. Most important symptoms and effects (acute and delayed)Potential Adverse human health effects and: Harmful if inhaled.symptomsSymptoms/effects : May cause genetic defects. Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child. Causesdamage to organs.Symptoms/effects after inhalation : Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation. Harmful ifinhaled.Symptoms/effects after skin contact : Causes skin irritation.Symptoms/effects after eye contact : Causes serious eye irritation.4.3. Immediate medical attention and special treatment, if necessaryTreat symptomatically.5.1. Suitable (and unsuitable) extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishing media : Sand. Water spray. Dry powder. Foam. Carbon dioxide.Unsuitable extinguishing media : Do not use a heavy water stream.5.2. Specific hazards arising from the chemicalFire hazard : Flammable liquid and vapour.Explosion hazard : May form flammable/explosive vapor-air mixture.Reactivity in case of fire : No reactivity hazard other than the effects described in sub-sections below.5.3. Special protective equipment and precautions for fire-fightersFirefighting instructions : Use water spray or fog for cooling exposed containers. Exercise caution when fighting anychemical fire. Prevent fire-fighting water from entering environment.Protection during firefighting : Do not enter fire area without proper protective equipment, including respiratory protection. Donot attempt to take action without suitable protective equipment. Self-contained breathingapparatus. Complete protective clothing.6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresGeneral measures : Remove ignition sources. Use special care to avoid static electric charges. No open flames. Nosmoking.6.1.1. For non-emergency personnelProtective equipment : Gloves. Protective goggles. Protective clothing.Emergency procedures : Ventilate spillage area. Evacuate unnecessary personnel.6.1.2. For emergency respondersProtective equipment : Do not attempt to take action without suitable protective equipment. Equip cleanup crew withproper protection. For further information refer to section 8: "Exposure controls/personalprotection".Emergency procedures : Ventilate area.6.2. Environmental precautionsAvoid release to the environment. Prevent entry to sewers and public waters. Notify authorities if liquid enters sewers or public waters.6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning upFor containment : Dam up the liquid spill. Contain released product, pump into suitable containers.Methods for cleaning up : Take up liquid spill into absorbent material. Soak up spills with inert solids, such as clay ordiatomaceous earth as soon as possible. Collect spillage. Store away from other materials. Other information : Dispose of materials or solid residues at an authorized site.6.4. Reference to other sectionsSee Heading 8. Exposure controls and personal protection. For further information refer to section 13.7.1. Precautions for safe handlingAdditional hazards when processed : Handle empty containers with care because residual vapors are flammable.Precautions for safe handling : Wear personal protective equipment. Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap andwater before eating, drinking or smoking and when leaving work. Provide good ventilation inprocess area to prevent formation of vapor. No open flames. No smoking. Take precautionarymeasures against static discharge. Use only non-sparking tools. Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray. Obtain special instructionsbefore use. Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood.Eliminate all ignition sources if safe to do so.Hygiene measures : Wash hands, forearms and face thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke whenusing this product. Always wash hands after handling the product.7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesTechnical measures : Proper grounding procedures to avoid static electricity should be followed. Ground/bondcontainer and receiving equipment. Use explosion-proof electrical/ventilating/lightingequipment.Storage conditions : Keep only in the original container in a cool, well ventilated place away from : Keep containertightly closed. Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool.Incompatible products : Strong bases. Strong acids.Incompatible materials : Sources of ignition. Direct sunlight. Heat sources.8.1. Control parameters8.2. Appropriate engineering controlsAppropriate engineering controls : Ensure exposure is below occupational exposure limits (where available). Ensure goodventilation of the work station.Environmental exposure controls : Avoid release to the environment.8.3. Individual protection measures/Personal protective equipmentPersonal protective equipment:Avoid all unnecessary exposure.Hand protection:Wear protective gloves.Eye protection:Chemical goggles or safety glasses. Safety glassesSkin and body protection:Wear suitable protective clothingRespiratory protection:Wear appropriate maskOther information:Do not eat, drink or smoke during use.9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesPhysical state : LiquidColor : orangeOdor : characteristicOdor threshold : No data availablepH : No data availableMelting point : Not applicableFreezing point : No data availableBoiling point : 146.1 (≥ 64) °CFlash point : 30 - 34 °CRelative evaporation rate (butyl acetate=1) : No data availableFlammability (solid, gas) : Flammable liquid and vapour.Vapor pressure : No data availableRelative vapor density at 20 °C : No data availableRelative density : ≥ 1.1Specific gravity / density : 9 g/lSolubility : No data availableLog Pow : No data availableAuto-ignition temperature : No data availableDecomposition temperature : No data availableViscosity, kinematic : No data availableViscosity, dynamic : No data availableExplosion limits : No data availableExplosive properties : No data availableOxidizing properties : No data available9.2. Other informationNo additional information availableSECTION 10: Stability and reactivity10.1. ReactivityNo reactivity hazard other than the effects described in sub-sections below.10.2. Chemical stabilityPolymerization can result in formation of solid deposits, even in vapour space. Flammable liquid and vapour. May form flammable/explosive vapor-air mixture.10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactionsNot established.10.4. Conditions to avoidDirect sunlight. Extremely high or low temperatures. Open flame. Overheating. Heat. Sparks.10.5. Incompatible materialsStrong acids. Strong bases.10.6. Hazardous decomposition productsfume. Carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide. May release flammable gases.SECTION 11: Toxicological information11.1. Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicity (oral) : Not classifiedAcute toxicity (dermal) : Not classifiedAcute toxicity (inhalation) : Not classifiedSkin corrosion/irritation : Causes skin irritation.Serious eye damage/irritation : Causes serious eye irritation.Respiratory or skin sensitization : May cause an allergic skin reaction.Germ cell mutagenicity : Not classifiedCarcinogenicity : Not classified.Reproductive toxicity : Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child.STOT-single exposure : May cause respiratory irritation.STOT-repeated exposure : Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.Aspiration hazard : Not classifiedViscosity, kinematic : No data availablePotential Adverse human health effects and: Harmful if inhaled.symptomsSymptoms/effects : May cause genetic defects. Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child. Causesdamage to organs.Symptoms/effects after inhalation : Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation. Harmful ifinhaled.Symptoms/effects after skin contact : Causes skin irritation.Symptoms/effects after eye contact : Causes serious eye irritation.SECTION 12: Ecological information12.1. ToxicityEcology - general : The product is not considered harmful to aquatic organisms or to cause long-term adverseeffects in the environment.12.3. Bioaccumulative potential12.4. Mobility in soil12.5. Other adverse effectsOther information : Avoid release to the environment.SECTION 13: Disposal considerations13.1. Disposal methodsWaste treatment methods : Dispose of contents/container in accordance with licensed collector’s sorting instructions.Product/Packaging disposal recommendations : Dispose in a safe manner in accordance with local/national regulations. Dispose ofcontents/container to hazardous or special waste collection point, in accordance with local,regional, national and/or international regulation.Additional information : Handle empty containers with care because residual vapors are flammable.Ecology - waste materials : Avoid release to the environment.Department of Transportation (DOT)In accordance with DOTTransport document description : UN1866 Resin solution, 3, IIIUN-No.(DOT) : UN1866Proper Shipping Name (DOT) : Resin solutionClass (DOT) : 3 - Class 3 - Flammable and combustible liquid 49 CFR 173.120Packing group (DOT) : III - Minor DangerHazard labels (DOT) : 3 - Flammable liquidDOT Packaging Non Bulk (49 CFR 173.xxx) : 173DOT Packaging Bulk (49 CFR 173.xxx) : 242DOT Special Provisions (49 CFR 172.102) : B1 - If the material has a flash point at or above 38 C (100 F) and below 93 C (200 F), then thebulk packaging requirements of 173.241 of this subchapter are applicable. If the material has aflash point of less than 38 C (100 F), then the bulk packaging requirements of 173.242 of thissubchapter are applicable.B52 - Notwithstanding the provisions of 173.24b of this subchapter, non-reclosing pressurerelief devices are authorized on DOT 57 portable tanks.IB3 - Authorized IBCs: Metal (31A, 31B and 31N); Rigid plastics (31H1 and 31H2); Composite(31HZ1 and 31HA2, 31HB2, 31HN2, 31HD2 and 31HH2). Additional Requirement: Only liquidswith a vapor pressure less than or equal to 110 kPa at 50 C (1.1 bar at 122 F), or 130 kPa at 55C (1.3 bar at 131 F) are authorized, except for UN2672 (also see Special Provision IP8 in Table2 for UN2672).T2 - 1.5 178.274(d)(2) Normal............. 178.275(d)(3)TP1 - The maximum degree of filling must not exceed the degree of filling determined by thefollowing: Degree of filling = 97 / 1 + a (tr - tf) Where: tr is the maximum mean bulk temperatureduring transport, and tf is the temperature in degrees celsius of the liquid during filling.DOT Packaging Exceptions (49 CFR 173.xxx) : 150: 60 LDOT Quantity Limitations Passenger aircraft/rail(49 CFR 173.27): 220 LDOT Quantity Limitations Cargo aircraft only (49CFR 175.75)DOT Vessel Stowage Location : A - The material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ or ‘‘under deck’’ on a cargo vessel and on apassenger vessel.Emergency Response Guide (ERG) Number : 127Other information : No supplementary information available.Transportation of Dangerous GoodsNot applicableTransport by seaTransport document description (IMDG) : UN 1866 RESIN SOLUTION, 3, IIIUN-No. (IMDG) : 1866Proper Shipping Name (IMDG) : RESIN SOLUTIONClass (IMDG) : 3 - Flammable liquidsPacking group (IMDG) : III - substances presenting low dangerAir transportTransport document description (IATA) : UN 1866 Resin solution, 3, III UN-No. (IATA) : 1866Proper Shipping Name (IATA) : Resin solutionClass (IATA) : 3 - Flammable LiquidsPacking group (IATA) : III - Minor Danger15.1. US Federal regulations15.2. International regulationsCANADAEU-RegulationsNo additional information availableNational regulations15.3. US State regulationsSECTION 16: Other informationaccording to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and RegulationsRevision date : 12/31/2019Data sources : REGULATION (EC) No 1272/2008 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THECOUNCIL of 16 December 2008 on classification, labeling and packaging of substances andmixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amendingRegulation (EC) No 1907/2006.Other information : None.NFPA health hazard : 2 - Materials that, under emergency conditions, can causetemporary incapacitation or residual injury.NFPA fire hazard : 3 - Liquids and solids (including finely divided suspendedsolids) that can be ignited under almost all ambienttemperature conditions.NFPA reactivity : 2 - Materials that readily undergo violent chemical changeat elevated temperatures and pressures.Hazard RatingHealth : 2 Moderate Hazard - Temporary or minor injury may occurFlammability : 3 Serious Hazard - Materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperatureconditions. Includes flammable liquids with flash points below 73 F and boiling points above100 F. as well as liquids with flash points between 73 F and 100 F. (Classes IB & IC)Physical : 1 Slight Hazard - Materials that are normally stable but can become unstable (self-react) at hightemperatures and pressures. Materials may react non-violently with water or undergohazardous polymerization in the absence of inhibitors.Personal protection : HH - Splash goggles, Gloves, Synthetic apron, Vapor respiratorSDS US (GHS HazCom 2012)To the best of our knowledge this SDS is accurate. The the extent allowed by law, this statement is made in lieu of an other warranties, expressed or implied including but not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and is in lieu of any other obligations or liability on the part of Dura Technoligies, Inc.。



按照GB/T 16483、 GB/T 17519编制* * *第1部分 - 化学品及企业标识* * *产品标识: 印刷油墨 (Printing Ink) LX101-G-60-2产品名:Latex ink LX101 GreenInk Ver.:2产品制造商信息Mimaki Engineering Co., Ltd 电话号码: +81-268-64-24132182-3 Shigeno-otsu, Tomi-shi, Nagano389-0512 Japan進口商/分銷商上海御牧貿易有限公司电话号码: +86-21-3367-6651上海市桂平路555号45幢1楼紧急电话号码+86-0532-********推荐用途喷墨打印机的墨水颜料使用限制不明。

* * *第2部分-危险性概述* * *液体。






危险性分类急性经口毒性-类别5皮肤腐蚀/刺激-类别2严重眼损伤/眼刺激-类别2A特异性靶器官毒性一次接触-类别3标签要素象形图信号词警告危险性说明H303 吞咽可能有害H315 造成皮肤刺激H319 造成严重眼刺激H335 可引起呼吸道刺激防范说明预防措施P271 只能在室外或通风良好之处使用。

P261 避免吸入蒸气/喷雾。

P280 戴防护手套/穿防护服/戴防护眼罩/戴防护面具。

事故响应P312 如感觉不适,呼叫解毒中心或医生。

P305+P351+P338 如进入眼睛:用水小心冲洗几分钟。



P337+P313 如仍觉眼刺激:求医/就诊。

P302+P352 如皮肤沾染:用大量肥皂和水清洗。

P304+P340 如误吸入:将受害人转移到空气新鲜处,保持呼吸舒适的休息姿势。

P332+P313 如发生皮肤刺激:求医/就诊。

P362+P364 脱掉所有沾染的衣服,清洗后方可重新使用。

安全储存P405 存放处须加锁。




表1热轧钢板和钢带的厚度允许偏差在下列宽度时的厚度允许偏差/ mm公称厚度/mm 600〜-750 >750〜1000 >1000〜1500 >1500〜2000较高精度普通精度较高精度普通精度较高精度普通精度较高精度>0.35 〜0.50 ± 0.05 ± 0.07 ± O.05 ± O.07>0.50〜960 ± O.06 ± 0.08 ± O.06 ± O.08>0.60 〜0.75 ± 0.07 ± 0.09 ± O.07 ± 0.09>0.75〜990 ± O.08 ± O.10 ± O.08 ± O.10>0.90 〜1.10 土O.09 ± O.10 ± O.09 ± O.12>1.10 〜1.20 ± 0.10 ± O.12 ± O.11 士O.13 ± O.1l ± O.15>1.20 〜-1.30 士O.11 ± 0.13 士O.12 ± O.14 ± O.12 ± O.15>1.30 〜-1.40 ± 0.11 士O.14 ± 0.12 士O.15 ± 0.12 ± 0.18>1.40 〜-1.60 ± O.12 ± 0.15 ± O.13 ± O.15 ± O.13 士0.18>1.60 〜-1.80 ± 0.13 ± 0.15 ± 0.14 ± 0.17 ± O.14 ± O.18>1.80 〜-2.00 ± O.14 ± O.16 ± O.15 ± O.17 ± 0.16 士0.18 ± O.17>2.00 〜-2.20 ± O.15 ± O.17 ± 0.16 ± 0.18 土0.17 ± O.19 ± 0.18>2.20 〜-2.50 ± 0.16 ± O.18 士O.17 ± O.19 ± O.18 ± 0.20 ± O.19>2.50 〜7.00 ± 0.17 士O.19 ± O.18 ± O.20 士O.19 ± O.21 ± O.20>3.00〜7.50 ± 0.18 ± 0.20 ± O.19 ± O.2l ± O.20 ± 0.22 ± O.22>3.50 〜4.00 ± 0.21 ± 0.23 ± O.22 ± O.26 ± O.24 ± O.28 ± O.26 +O.10 +O.20 +O.15 +O.30 +O.10 +O.30 +O.20>4.00 〜-5.50-O.30 -0.40 -O.30 -0.40 -0.40 -O.50 -O.40+O.10 +O.20 +0.10 +O.20 +0.10 +O.25 +O.20>5.50 〜-7.50-O.40 -0.50 -0.50 -0.60 -O.50 -0.60 -O.50+O.10 +O.20 +O.10 +O.20 +O.20 +O.30 +O.20>7.50 〜10.00 -0.70 -O.80 -O.70 -O.80 -O.70 -0.80 -O.70+O.10 +O.20 +O.10 +0.20 +0.20 +O.30 +O.30>IO.00 〜-13.00-O.70 -O.80 -O.70 -O.80 -0.70 -O.80 -0.70 >0.35〜-0.50>O.50 〜0.60>0.60 〜975>0.75〜990>1.10 〜1.20>1.80 - -2.>2.00--2.>2.20 --2.>2.50-7.0O.>3.00-7.50.2>3.50 ~ 40.3>4.00 --5.>5.50 --7.>7.50 - 1O>10.00 --13± 0.29± O.33+O.45-O.50+O.45-0.60+O.45 +O.60 -O.80 -0.80 +0.50 +0.70 -0.80 -O.80+1.00-O.80>1.20 〜1.30 >1.30 〜1.40 >1.40 〜1.60>1.60 〜1.80下列宽度的厚度允许正偏差/mm 负偏差/ mm>1000>1200>1500>1700>1800>2000>2300〜1200〜1500〜1700〜1800〜2000〜2300〜25000.8 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4下列宽度的厚度允许正偏差/mm公称厚度(钢板或>2500— >2600~ >2800〜 >3000— >3200— >3400—钢带)/mm26002800 3000320034003600>3600〜3800>13 〜25 1.0 1.1 1.2>25 〜30 1.0 1.1 1.2>30 〜34 1.0 1.2 1.3>34— 40 1.1 1.3 1.4>40— 501.2 1.4 1.5>50— 601.2 1.31.5(钢板或 /mm -25 130 -34 -40 -50 -60 -80 100 750 -200± O.25>60~ 80 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 I.4>80 〜100 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 l.4 1.4>100〜150 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6>150〜200 1.7 1.71.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8表2切边钢板的宽度允许偏差公称厚度/mm < 4 >4~ 16 >16~ 60 >60 宽度/mm <800 >800 < 1500 >1500 所有宽度所有宽度宽度允许偏差/mm +6 +10 +10 +15 +30 +35表3钢带的宽度允许偏差切边钢带不切边钢带钢带宽度/mm 宽度允许偏差/mm 钢带宽度/mm 宽度允许偏差/mm 680〜1000 +5 < 1000 +20 >1000 +10 >18(D +30表4纵剪钢带的宽度允许偏差在下列厚度时的宽度允许偏差/mm公称宽度/mm< 4.0 >4.0~ 6.0 >6.0 ~ 8.0 >8.0 < 160 ± 0.5 ± 0.8 ± 1.0 ± 1.2 >160〜250 ± 0.5 ± 1.0 ± 1.2 土1.4 >250~600 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.2 ± 1.4表5热轧钢板的长度允许偏差公称厚度/mm钢板长度/mm< 1500 < 4>4~ 16>2000〜6000>6000>16 ~ 60 >60所有长度< 2000>2000>1500 < 2000~ 6000>6000长度允许偏差/m+10 +15 +10 +25 +30 +15 +30 +40 +50 m表6热轧钢板和钢带的外形钢板的平面度钢带的镰刀弯公称厚度/mm < 1.5 >1.5 〜4 >4〜10 >10〜25 >25每m不得大于3mm 平面度/(mm/ m) 15 12 10 8 7表中规定的平面度只适用于屈服点下限值不超过460MPa的钢板,屈服点超过的以及进行调质的钢板,其平面度最定的1.5倍。

ASTM D897-01

ASTM D897-01

B211Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Bar,Rod,and Wire3D907Terminology of Adhesives5E4Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines6 2.2Other Documents:AISI102073.Terminology3.1Many of the terms used in this test method are defined in Terminology D907.4.Significance and Use4.1This test method is primarily comparative.However,it does have application as a discriminator in determining varia-tions in adherend surface preparation parameters and adhesive environmental durability.The test method has found applica-tions in controlling surface preparations,primer,and adhesive systems for determining strength properties of tested systems.5.Apparatus5.1Testing Machine,has a force measurement accuracy of 61%when calibrated in compliance with Practices E4 requirements and capable of maintaining a specified rate of lading and comprising essentially the following:5.1.1Fixed Member—Afixed or essentially stationary member,carrying one grip.5.1.2Movable Member,carrying a second grip.5.1.3Grips,for holding a test specimen between thefixed member and the movable e the self-aligning type. The grips shall be attached to thefixed and movable member, respectively,in such a way that they will move into alignment as soon as any load is applied,so that the long axis of the test specimen will coincide with the direction of the applied pull through the center line of the grip assembly.While the design of grips of this type is optional,one that has been found satisfactory is shown in Fig.1.6.Test Specimens6.1Use specimens in accordance with Fig.2.Reuse of the specimens is allowed by resurfacing those surface areas that contained the adhesive.Do this by grinding the adhesive-faced surfaceflat and parallel.Metals conforming to the following ASTM specifications are recommended:Metal DesignationBrass ASTM B16,C3600;half-hard temperCopper ASTM B133,C11000;hard temperAluminum ASTM B211,A92024;G3Steel AISI1020,G10200;cold-finished barPhosphor bronze ASTM B139,C54400Magnesium ASTM B107,Alloy AZ61AF or M1A-F but see D950 Nickel silver ASTM B151,C77000;quarter-hard6.2Test10specimens.6.3Discard results if a specimen breaks at aflaw which is remote from the bond line unless such aflaw constitutes a variable,the effect of which is desired to study.Test a substitute specimen to replace the discarded result.5Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol15.06.6Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.01.7Available from American Iron and Steel Institute(AISI),110117th St.,NW, Suite1300,Washington,DC20036.Corrosion Preventive Finishin.mm1⁄16 1.53⁄16 4.750.31257.937519⁄3215.13⁄41931⁄3224.612511⁄82817⁄1636115⁄1643.323⁄470FIG.1Test Grips(Cold-RolledSteel)Metal SpecimenN OTE1—Surfaces of metal specimens shall be groundflat and parallel. It is preferable to grind all metal specimens at the same time.in.mm in.mm1⁄4 6.4 1.12960.00528.6860.135⁄815.917⁄847.6FIG.2TestSpecimen7.Adhesive7.1Prepare areas that are to be cemented in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of the adhesive. 8.Procedure8.1Place the specimen in the grips of the testing machine; taking care to align the specimen and the grips with an imaginary line joining the points of attachment of the grips to the machine.Start test loading of the specimen as quickly as possible.8.2Speed of Testing—For all materials apply a load to the specimen of544.3to635kg(1200to1400lb)/min,or adjust the crosshead speed of the testing machine so that the load can be accurately determined,but not to exceed127mm/min (0.050in./min)when the machine is running idle.8.3Record—Record the maximum load carried by the specimen at failure and also the following:8.3.1The percentage of cohesion,adhesion,and contact failures(Note1).This will be based on a visual inspection. N OTE1—Cohesive failure may be obtained by observing how much of the failure has occurred in the adhesive itself.That is,if the cement has adhered to the metal test pieces and no voids are visual,it represents a100 percent cohesive failure.Adhesion failure refers to the lack of adhering to metals being fastened.Contact failure refers to lack of glue lines being in contact due to uneven surfaces,poor pressure distribution,etc.9.Calculations9.1Tensile strength of the specimens is the breaking load. Express the result in grams per square millimetre(pounds per square inch)and if possible report to three significantfigures.9.2For each series of tests calculate the arithmetic mean of all the values obtained and report as the“average value.”10.Report10.1Report the following information:10.1.1Complete identification of the material tested,includ-ing types,source,manufacturer’s code numbers,form,etc. 10.1.2Method of preparing test specimens,10.1.3Average thickness of adhesive layer after formation of the joint,within0.025mm(0.001in.).Describe the method of obtaining the thickness of the adhesive layer including procedure,location of measurements,and range of measure-ments.10.1.4Testing room conditions,10.1.5Number of specimens tested,10.1.6Speed of testing,and10.1.7Average value of the tensile strength,with an average value of the percentage of cohesion failure for the specimens.11.Precision and Bias11.1Precision and bias for this test method is being devel-oped and will be available by September2004.12.Keywords12.1adhesive bond;tensile buttons;tensile strengthThe ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website(www.ast-).。

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709818-1 Product Details
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AMPOWER II and III/AMPOWER R Terminals and Splices
Always EU RoHS Compliant /ELV Always
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709818-1 TE Part Number: 709818-1
EU RoHS/ELV Compliant (Statement of
Compliance) Product Highlights:
Terminal Part Status is Active l Product Series = AMPOWER-R l 1 Holes Active l Wire Size = 300.00² Stranded mm² [AWG] Add to Part List l Stud Size = .551 [14.00] Add to Part List View all Features | Find Similar Products
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List all Documents Product Features (Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity) Industry Standards: Product Type Features:
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Product Type = Terminal Product Series = AMPOWER-R Wire Size (mm² [AWG]) = 300.00² Stranded Stud Size = .551 [14.00] Material = Copper
RoHS/ELV Compliance = RoHS compliant, ELV compliant Lead Free Solder Processes = Not relevant for lead free process RoHS/ELV Compliance History = Always was RoHS compliant
Packaging Related Features: Body Related Features:
l l l l
Packaging Quantity = 10
Number of Holes = 1 Plating = Tin Stud Hole Diameter (mm [in]) = 14.50 [0.571]
Brand = AMP
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