



LAUREL ELECTRONICS, INC.MAGNA Series Large Digit Displays for Frequency, Rate or Flow InputFeatures•Choice of 2-1/4", 4", 6" or 8" digit heights •Choice of 4 or 6 digits with decimal points •Choice of normal or outside viewing brightness •Frequency range from 0-100 kHz •Configurable for most industrial pulse signals •Choice of panel mount, wall mount or suspension mount •Choice of 95-264 Vac or 11-30 Vdc power•Sealed to NEMA-4 (IP65)•Only 3.0" (75 mm) deep•Programmable from front panel•Optional dual 5A relay outputs, analog output, serial I/ODescriptionMAGNA Series Frequency & Rate Input Large Digit Displays accept frequencies from 0 to 100 kHz. They accept the most common industrial pulse inputs, namely contact closures, NPN or PNP proximity sensors, 5V logic pulses, 24V PLC pulses, and quadrature encoders. The units are easily scaled to display frequency in Hz or rate in engineering units such as feet/sec, gallons/minutes, liters/sec, etc. An isolated 24V excitation output is standard to power active sensors and encoders.A quartz-crystal controlled timing reference provides excellent long-term stability. Scaling is digital for excellent precision. Scale factors can be non-whole numbers, such as 1.245.Displayed values can be smoothed by averaging multiple readings over a preset time. The units accept extremely low input frequencies, such as production rate from an assembly line which only produces two items per hour.Viewing distances up to 320 feet (100 m) are achieved with oversize digits. A rule of thumb is that viewing distance in feet is 40 times digit height in inches, or in metric terms, that viewing distance in meters is digit height in millimeters divided by 2.Four digit heights are available: 57 mm (2-1/4"), 102 mm (4.0"), 150 mm (5.9"), and 200 mm (7.9"). Solid segments are used for normal brightness 2.2" and 4.0" digits. Individual 5 mm LED pixels are used for larger digits and outdoor brightness versions. The number of digits can be 4 or 6.Indoor or Outdoor Viewing: MAGNA Series Displays with normal brightness LEDs can be read across an entire plant floor to keep workers informed without leaving their work area. Displays with outdoor brightness LEDs can be read across an industrial yard, parking lot or roadway, for example to display vehicle load. Available mounting options are panel mount, wall mount and suspension mount. Environ-mental sealing to IP65 (NEMA-4X) is standard. Available Options are dual 5A relays, an analog output, an RS-232 or RS485 serial data output, and 95-264 Vac or 11-30 Vdc power.Intuitive Setup is normally provided by means of built-in front panel switches, which can be locked. It is also possible to remotely wire four pushbuttons to the display.SpecificationsApprovalsTypes Produced to IPC 610 Class 2 StandardUL ISO9001:2008 QAPulse InputsNumber of Inputs Signal Types Frequency Range Accuracy Tempco Debounce Timing Reference 1Configurable for contact closures, NPN or PNP proximity switches, 5V logic pulses, 24V pulses, quadrature0-100 kHz in rate mode± 0.5% of range, quartz crystal reference± 20 ppm/°CProgrammable to eliminate false counting from contact bounce. Temperature-controlled quartz crystal.DisplayNumber of Digits Digit HeightDigit Color BrightnessDisplay Update Rate 4 or 657 mm (2-1/4"), 102 mm (4.0"), 150 mm (5.9"), or 200 mm (7.9") RedVariable3 readings/second above 3 Hz, otherwise signal pulse rate.User ControlsScaling Filtering Rounding Linearization Digital direct or theoretical scaling with scale & offset. Digital filtering, time constants adjustable from 0 to 25 sec. Selectable last-digit rounding of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 units. Up to 10 points, direct or theoretical calibration.Logic InputsFront Panel Controls Logic Functions Logic Levels Four buttons to set time, date, alarms, etc.Three logic inputs, individually configurable for Hold, Reset, Tare, Peak / Valley, Net/Gross, Memory Address.Normally open, NPN or contact closure input to activate.5V open circuit, 1 mA switched current.PowerAC Power (standard) DC Power (option) Max Consumption 100-240 Vac 11-30 Vdc 30 VAAnalog Output OptionOutput Levels Resolution Accuracy StabilityOutput Isolation ScalingSpecial Features 0-20 / 4-20 mA into 0 to 500Ω, 0.4 µA resolution. 0-10V into loads > 600Ω, 0.2 mV resolution.-10 to+10V into loads > 600Ω, 0.4 mV resolution.16 bits0.1% of range50 ppm/°CIsolated from input and powerDigitally scalableForward or reverse action possible.Can be set to operate from net or gross value.Alarm Output OptionRelay Type Special Features 2 Alarms rated 5A, 250VAC, SPDTAdjustable hysteresisIn-flight compensation facility.Energize or de-energize on trip.Adjustable timers to set energize and de-energize delays. Can also be set to pulse for applications needing less than 100% duty cycle.In-band and out-of-band alarm function.Manual and automatic in-flight compensation.Can be set to operate from net or gross value.Serial Data Output OptionOutput Types Special Features RS232 or RS485, addressable, on demand or continuous output. Can include time and date with RTC option fitted.Can be set to operate from net or gross value.EnvironmentalStorage Temperature Operating Temperature SealingMounting -20°C to +70°C0°C to 50°C, non-condensing-25°C to 50°C, non-condensing, with MHTR AC heater option NEMA-4 (IP65) standard, all-roundWall mount, suspension mount, panel mountNumber of Digits & Case DimensionsDisplay FormatDigit Height 4-Digit Case Width x Height 6-Digit Case Width x Height57 mm (2.2") digits 280 x 155 mm (11.0" x 6.1") 376 x 155 mm (14.8" x 6.1")102 mm (4.0") digits 434 x 196 mm (17.1" x 7.7") 616 x 196 mm (24.3" x 7.7")150 mm (5.9") digits 580 x 247 mm (22.8" x 9.8") 820 x 248 mm (32.3" x 9.8")200 mm (7.9") digits 750 x 290 mm (29.5" x 11.4") 1072 x 290 mm (42.2" x 11.4")Case depth 75 mm (3.0")Notes:Models with 57 mm (2.2") digits, 4 digits and 4 relays require the larger 6-digit case.For panel mount versions, add 18 mm (0.7") to case width and height for the bezel and25 mm (1.0") for cable glands in back of the case.Ordering GuideCreate a model a model number in this format: M24-MCR-MT1Base Model M24 2” (57 mm) digit height, 4 digits. Display to 2” (57 mm) digit height, 4 digits. Display to includes needed extra width to fit relay, analog or serial output options)M262” (57 mm) digit height, 6 digits. Display to” (102 mm) digit height, 4 digits. Display to” (102 mm) digit height, 6 digits. Display to” (150 mm) digit height, 4 digits. Display to” (150 mm) digit height, 6 digits. Display to" (200 mm) digit height, 4 digits, Display to" (200 mm) digit height, 6 digits, Display to Input(one required, select one)MCR Frequency, rate, total, quadrature inputAnalog Output Board (one optional) MAO1 4-20 mA MAO2 0-10VMAO3 -10V to +10VRelay Output Board (one optional) MRL1 Two 5A, 250 Vac relays MRL2 Four 5A, 250 Vac relaysSerial Data Output Board (one optional) MO232 RS232MO485 RS485 with Modbus ASCIICase and Mounting (one required) MT1 Panel mount, black NEMA-4 (IP65) caseMT2 Wall mount, black NEMA-4 (IP65) caseMT3 Suspension mount, black NEMA-4 (IP-65) caseMeter Modifying Options (not shippable separately from meter) MRDLV Daylight viewing brightness instead of normal indoor brightness MHTR AC heater for operation down to -25°C (-13°F)MPS2 11-30 Vdc power instead of normal 85-265 Vac powerAdd-on Option (shippedseparately from meter)MRP MAGNA remote programmer (wire connection to display unit)。

Trane XStream Excellent GVWF系列水暖型冷藏机说明书

Trane XStream Excellent GVWF系列水暖型冷藏机说明书

Refrigerant R134aGVWF 190 - 760 (395 to 2660 kW)Refrigerant R1234zeGVWF 135 G - 505 G (310 to 1820 kW)CTV-PRC019C-GBTable of ContentsIntroduction (3)Features and benefi ts (4)Base unit description (7)Options description (8)General Data (10)Operating Map (12)Pressure drop (13)Electrical Data (17)Acoustic Data (18)Introduction The new T rane XStream™ Excellent series is the resultof a search for higher reliability and higher energyeffi ciency, for today’s environment.XStream Excellent come in two versions to allowcustomers to make the best choice according to his maincriteria, whether they are economical or environmental:XStream Excellent GVWF with R134a refrigerantXStream Excellent GVWF G with R1234ze refrigerantXStream™ Excellent GVWF G chillers with R1234zelow GWP refrigerants are part of the Ingersoll RandEcoWise™ portfolio of products that are designed tolower their environmental impact with next-generation,low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants andhigh-efficiency operation.In an effort to reduce energy consumed by cooling andto continually operate, T rane has developed the XStreamExcellent chillers with higher effi ciencies and a morereliable design than any other water-to-water equipmentavailable on the market today.The XStream Excellent uses the High Speed Centrifugalcompressors.The industrial-grade design of this chillers is ideal forboth industrial and commercial markets, in applicationssuch as offi ce buildings, hospitals, schools, retailbuildings, and industrial facilities.The major advantages of the XStream Excellent are:• Very low environmental impact thanks to near zeroGWP (<1) R1234ze refrigerant.• High effi ciencies specially at part load• Great versatility to adapt to varying applicationsrequirementsHigh Speed Centrifugal Compressors• T wo stages, high speed centrifugal compressors with higher aerodynamic effi ciency• Magnetic bearings provide quiet, reliable and 100% oil free operation• Soft start module signifi cantly reduces high in-rush current at startup• Integrated variable frequency drive• Variable speed adjusts to changes in load and/or condensing temperature• One main moving part. The two impellers are keyed directly to the motor rotor.CHIL evaporatorTrane developed an evaporator specially designedfor XStream Excellent chillers. Compact - High performance - Integrated design - Low charge (CHIL) evaporator optimizes the fl ow of the refrigerant to get an excellent heat exchange with water in every operatingcondition and minimize the quantity of refrigerant used; Features and benefitsVariable Primary FlowAn attractive chilled-water system option may be a variable primary fl ow (VPF) system. VPF systems present building owners with several cost-saving benefi ts that are directly related to the pumps. T he most obviouscost savings result from eliminating the secondary distribution pump, which in turn avoids the expense incurred with the associated piping connections (material, labor), electrical service, and variable-frequency drive.Building owners often cite pump related energy savings as the reason that prompted them to install a VPF system. With the help of a T RANE software analysis tool, you can determine whether the anticipated energy savings justify the use of variable primary fl ow in a particular application. It may also be easier to apply variable primary fl ow in an existing chilled-water plant. Unlike the “decoupled” design, the bypass can be positioned at various points in the chilled-water loopand an additional pump is unnecessary. T he evaporator in the XStream Excellent series can withstand up to50% percent water fl ow reduction as long as this fl ow is equal to or above the minimum fl ow-rate requirements. The microprocessor and capacity control algorithmsare designed to handle a maximum of 10% change in water fl ow rate per minute in order to maintain ±0.3°C leaving evaporator temperature control. For applications in which system energy savings is most important and tight temperature control is classifi ed as ±1.1°C, up to 30% changes in fl ow per minute are possible.Factory T esting Means T rouble-Free Start-up All XStream Excellent chillers are given a complete functional test at the factory. T his computer-based test program completely checks the sensors, wiring, electrical components, microprocessor function, communication capability, expansion valve performance, and fans. In addition, each compressor is run-tested to verify capacity and effi ciency. Where applicable, each unit is factory preset to the customer’s design conditions. An example would be the leaving-liquid temperature set point. T he result of this test program is that the chiller arrives at the job site fully tested and ready for operation.Factory-Installed and T ested Controls and Options Speed InstallationAll XStream Excellent chiller options are factory installed and tested. Some manufacturers send accessories in pieces to be fi eld installed. With T rane, the customer saves on installation expense and has assurance that ALL chiller controls and options have been tested and will function as expected.Superior Control with UC 800™ Chiller controlsThe Adaptive Control™ microprocessor system enhances the XStream Excellent chiller by providing the very latest chiller control technology. With the Adaptive Control microprocessor, unnecessary service callsand unhappy tenants are avoided. T he unit does not nuisance-trip or unnecessarily shut down. Only when the chiller controls have exhausted all possible corrective actions and the unit is still violating an operating limit, will the chiller shut down. Controls on other equipment typically shut down the chiller, usually just when it isneeded the most.Features and benefitsSmartFlow controlXStream Excellent series units are fully compatiblewith variable fl ow operation both on evaporator and condenser sides. T he modulation of the pump speedis managed to ensure that chiller ΔT stays constant. Entering and leaving temperatures at the evaporator will be measured directly by the chiller controller, through the factory-supplied sensor. A ΔT setpoint will be present on the unit controller. T he option for constant ΔT is intended to be used with 3-way valves on water systems, or 2-way valves on water system but constant fl ow at the by-pass.Series counterfl ow chiller confi guration When considering multiple chillers plant, designers conventionally go for parallel-piped chillersconfi guration. Nevertheless, there are ways to bring more effi ciency by using a different chiller lay-out.An effective alternative to consider is to pipe the chillers in series. Larger ΔT and low fl ow design save energyon the pumping. Series chiller confi guration allows as well, to get a better effi ciency from the upstream chiller, more lightly loaded. Combining this confi guration with Variable Primary Flow (VPF) will further increase system effi ciency.Series piping principle can also be applied tocondenser side. T his is called Series-Series counterfl ow confi guration. T his will result in similar advantageson the condenser side, enlarging the opportunity for savings on the overall system.For more information on Series chillers arrangements, refer to T rane Application Engineering Manual about Multiple-Chiller system design and control (SYS-AP M001). Product certifi cationTrane as a Global leader in the HVAC industry participates to both Eurovent and AHRI chillers certifi cation programs. Through this third party certifi cations, T rane commits todeliver units that comply with the declared performance. Features and benefitsBase unit descriptionCompressor type High Speed CentrifugalCompressor technology Magnetic bearings – Oil freeNumber of circuits2Compliance CE - PEDRefrigerant R134a R1234zeRelief valve Single relief valve on condenserEvaporator water connections Direct Connection - Grooved pipesEvporator water side pressure10 barsCondenser water connections Direct Connection - Grooved pipesCondenser water side pressure10 barsFlow Control Constant Flow - Pump signal On/Off (Condenser + Evaporator)Power protection FusedElectrical IP protection Enclosure with Dead Front protectionInstallation accessories OptionalOptions descriptionOptions description● Factory mounted ▲ Accessory (not fi tted)Product groupsGeneral DataGVWF (R134a)Mac Cooling Cap kW684828972105612301425103111671424143916971582177620691924212324302662Gross Performances (1)Cooling Cap at OptimumkW546.0661.0776.0859.01089.01425.0721.0871.01280.01115.01271.01106.01347.01861.01538.01909.01943.01863.0 SEERPower Input kW99.5120.8138.8150.5187.8244.0122.4152.1222.3192.1210.9190.2233.8312.9265.5341.6326.1326.0EER5.495.475.595.715.805.845.895.735.765.81 6.035.825.765.955.795.595.965.71ESEER (Not certifi ed)8.608.488.498.709. Performances (1) (2)Cooling Cap at OptimumkW545.5660.5775.4858.41088.31424.3720.6870.41279.41114.31270.41105.31346.31860.41537.21908.11942.41862.4 SEERPower Input kW103.9125.3144.2157.4193.0249.9124.9156.0226.9197.7215.4195.7239.0317.8272.8352.4331.6331.0EER5.255.275.385.455.645.705.775.585.645.645.905.655.635.855.645.425.865.63Eurovent Energy class -A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A CoolingESEER (Not certifi ed)7.217.317. (3) Cooling Effi ciency(%)320313309322335345343340343343347339345355349351352352ηs,c (3)CompressorCircuit 1111111222222222222Circuit 2111111111111112222EvaporatorPass222211111111111111Nominal Flow (1)l/s18.822.826.929.642.161.126.432.246.543.156.539.850.781.752.169.786.699.6Pressure Drop (1)kPa282324243030152317322527201522291723Minimum Flow l/s11.815.518. Flow l/s43.256.866.773.385.1124.774.874.8124.785.1124.785.1124.7234.0124.7144.5234.0234.0Water Connection T ype Grooved endWater Connection Size in566668668686810881010CondenserPass222211111111111111Nominal Flow (1)l/s22.327.031.935.249.972. Drop (1)kPa25.821.523.532.211.414.88.510.28.511.812.710.110.312.310.717.513.818.4Minimum Flow l/s13.018.020.520.545.85329.934.35345.85345.853915356.49191Maximum Flow l/s47.666.075.275.2167.9194.5109.5125.7194.5167.9194.5167.9194.5333.0194.5206.8333.0333.0Water Connection T ype Grooved endWater Connection Size in666668668686810881010RefrigerantType R134aCharge Circuit 1kg71838591213205219216205213205213205315205230315315Charge Circuit 2kg7183859193205104992059320593205310205230315315Dimensions & weightLength mm297629762976347647304804473047304804473048044730480452454804480454445444Width mm112511251125112517001800170017001800170018001700180021411800180021412141Height mm192019201920192020322135203220322135203221352032213523152135213523152315Operating weight kg231028103020337040944954411041025177431751774317517780765401557482638323(1) E vaporator 12/7°C and 0.0 m²K/kW, and condenser at 30/35°C and 0.0 m²K/kW.(2) N et performances calculated as per EN 14511-2013.(3) ηs,c / SEER as defi ned in Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard toEcodesign requirements for Comfort Chillers with 2000 kW maximum capacity - COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) N° 2016/2281 of 20 December 2016.General Data GVWF G (R1234ze)Mac Cooling Cap kW42253061365978785076494211201018135613521672Gross Performances (1)Cooling Cap at OptimumkW422.0530.0613.0659.0787850.0764.0942.01120.01018.01356.01352.01672.0 SEERPower Input kW771001131215.32155128164204166240245280EER5.455.285.445.448.465.505.995.735.48 6.125.655.535.98ESEER (Not certifi ed)8.398.358.398. Performances (1) (2)Cooling Cap at OptimumkW421.6529.5612.4658.5786.0849.4763.5941.41119.31017.51355.31351.41669.0 SEERPower Input kW80105118126154161131168210170247249283EER5. Energy class -A A A A A A A A A A A A A CoolingESEER (Not certifi ed)7.247.00 6.93 6.97 6.25 6.948.398.037.908.688.148.498.65SEER (3)7.887.887.907.737.637.538.788.588.509.008.858.758.83Space Cooling Effi ciency(%)307307308301297293343335332352346342345ηs,c (3)CompressorCircuit 11111112222222Circuit 21111111112222EvaporatorPass2222221111111Nominal Flow (1)l/s14.917.120.723.730.738.028.333.246.537.756.369.779.64Pressure Drop (1)kPa20.222.629.525.030.940.017.418.936.916. Flow l/s10.811.812.615.518.220.020.423. Flow l/s39.643.246.256.866.773.374.885.185.1103.4113.0144.5234Water Connection T ype Grooved endWater Connection Size in55566666688810CondenserPass2222221111111Nominal Flow (1)l/s17.620.224.528.236.645.433.339.255.744.266.583.193.94Pressure Drop (1)kPa22.825.030.629.630.050.59.810.914.38.517.217.811.59Minimum Flow l/s10.911.913.015.420.520.529.934.345.841.444.256.491.0Maximum Flow l/s40.043.847.656.575.275.2109.5125.7167.9151.6162.0206.8333.0Water Connection T ype Grooved endWater Connection Size in66666666688810RefrigerantType R1234zeCharge Circuit 1kg676565778089210206204169176221303Charge Circuit 2kg6765657780891009289169176221303Dimensions & weightLength mm2976297629762976297634764730473047304804480448045444Width mm1125112511251125112511251700170017001800180018002141Height mm1920192019201920192019202032203220322135213521352315Operating weight kg2130228024202740300033804025408543045002512855568239(1) E vaporator 12/7°C and 0.0 m²K/kW, and condenser at 30/35°C and 0.0 m²K/kW.(2) N et performances calculated as per EN 14511-2013.(3) ηs,c / SEER as defi ned in Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard toEcodesign requirements for Comfort Chillers with 2000 kW maximum capacity - COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) N° 2016/2281 of 20 December 2016.152025303540455055600246810121416182022L e a v i n g C o n d e n s e r W a t e r T e m p . (°C )Leaving Evaporator Water T emp. (°C)Low Lift units High Lift unitsOperating MapPressure dropEvaporator pressure dropGVWF - Evaporator pressure dropPressure dropGVWF G - Evaporator pressure dropPressure dropCondenser pressure dropGVWF - Condenser pressure dropPressure dropGVWF G - Condenser pressure dropElectrical Data GVWFGVWF GAcoustic DataGVWF 19087559159 GVWF 21588569160 GVWF 26089579361 GVWF 30092609665 GVWF 32596649866 GVWF 390996710068 GVWF 27588569260 GVWF 32089579361 GVWF 37095639866 GVWF 38091599462 GVWF 41096649866 GVWF 42093619866 GVWF 480966410068 GVWF 5901006910270 GVWF 51592609663 GVWF 57096649967 GVWF 695996710169 GVWF 7601016910371 GVWF 135G86559058 GVWF 160 G8******* GVWF 185G89579260 GVWF 210 G9******* GVWF 220 G9******* GVWF 250G97669866 GVWF 270 G9******* GVWF 290 G9******* GVWF 350 G996710068 GVWF 375G91599563 GVWF 405G95639865 GVWF 465 G1006810169 GVWF 505 G1016810270NotesTrane optimizes the performance of homes and buildings around the world. A business of Ingersoll Rand, the leader in creating and sustaining safe, comfortable and energy effi cient environments, Trane offers a broad portfolio of advanced controls and HVAC systems, comprehensive building services and parts. For more information visit www.Trane.euTrane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifi cations without notice.© 2019 T rane All rights reserved CTV-PRC019C-GB_0119 Supersedes CTV-PRC019B_GB_0218We are committed to using environmentally conscious print practices that reduce waste.。



3.2.3 Keyboard code of the operator panel WS 400-22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.4 Keyboard code of the alpha block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Equipment for special machines WS 400-10/20/22 Operator panels
Edition 11.91
Siemens AG Automation Group Automation Systems for Machine Tools, Robots and Special-Purpose Machines P.O. Box 31 80, D-91050 Erlangen Federal Republic of Germany
EL-Display (Built-in version) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alpha block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This publication was produced on the Siemens 5800 Office System. Subject to change without prior notice. The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.



The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Before using this document, please confirm that this is the latest version.Not all products and/or types are available in every country. Please check with an NEC Electronics sales representative for availability and additional information.DATA SHEETDocument No. G16950EJ1V0DS00 (1st edition)Date Published July 2004 NS CP(K) Printed in Japan2004DESCRIPTIONThe µ PA2717GR is P-Channel MOS Field Effect Transistor designed for power management applications of notebook computers and Li-ion battery protection circuit.FEATURES• Low on-state resistanceR DS(on)1 = 5.5 m Ω MAX. (V GS = –10 V, I D = –7.5 A) R DS(on)2 = 8.9 m Ω MAX. (V GS = –4.5 V, I D = –7.5 A) • Low C iss : C iss = 3550 pF TYP. • Built-in gate protection diode• Small and surface mount package (Power SOP8)ORDERING INFORMATIONPART NUMBERPACKAGEµ PA2717GR Power SOP8ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T A = 25°C, All terminals are connected.)Drain to Source Voltage (V GS = 0 V) V DSS –30 V Gate to Source Voltage (V DS = 0 V) V GSS m 20 V Drain Current (DC) I D(DC) m 15 A Drain Current (pulse)Note1I D(pulse)m 150 ATotal Power Dissipation Note2P T1 2 W Total Power DissipationNote3P T2 2 W Channel Temperature T ch 150 °C Storage TemperatureT stg–55 to + 150°CSingle Avalanche Current Note4I AS –15 A Single Avalanche EnergyNote4E AS 22.5 mJNotes 1. PW ≤ 10 µs, Duty Cycle ≤ 1%2. Mounted on ceramic substrate of 1200 mm 2 x 2.2 mm3. Mounted on glass epoxy board of 1 inch x 1 inch x 0.8 mm, PW = 10 sec4. Starting T ch = 25°C, V DD = –15 V, R G = 25 Ω, L = 100 µH, V GS = –20 → 0 VRemark The diode connected between the gate and source of the transistor serves as a protector against ESD. Whenthis device actually used, an additional protection circuit is externally required if a voltage exceeding the rated voltage may be applied to this device.PACKAGE DRAWING (Unit: mm)1.8 M A X .EQUIVALENT CIRCUITBody DiodeData Sheet G16950EJ1V0DS2ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C, All terminals are connected.)CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOLTEST CONDITIONSMIN. TYP. MAX.UNIT Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current I DSS V DS = –30 V, V GS = 0 V –1 µA Gate Leakage Current I GSS V GS = m 20 V, V DS = 0 Vm 10 µAGate Cut-off Voltage V GS(off)V DS = –10 V, I D = –1 mA –1.0–2.5VForward Transfer AdmittanceNote| y fs | V DS = –10 V, I D = –7.5 A 13S Drain to Source On-state Resistance NoteR DS(on)1 V GS = –10 V, I D= –7.5 A 4.7 5.5 m Ω R DS(on)2 V GS = –4.5 V, I D = –7.5 A 6.1 8.9 m ΩR DS(on)3 V GS = –4.0 V, I D = –7.5 A 6.9 10.4 m Ω Input Capacitance C iss V DS = –10 V 3550 pF Output CapacitanceC oss V GS = 0 V 1260 pF Reverse Transfer Capacitance C rss f = 1 MHz600pFTurn-on Delay Time t d(on) V DD = –15 V, I D = –7.5 A 17 ns Rise Timet r V GS = –10 V32 nsTurn-off Delay Time t d(off)R G = 10 Ω 920 nsFall Timet f 510 ns Total Gate Charge Q G V DD = –24 V 130 nC Gate to Source Charge Q GS V GS = –10 V 11 nC Gate to Drain Charge Q GDI D = –15 A36 nC Body Diode Forward Voltage NoteV F(S-D) I F = 15 A, V GS = 0 V 0.82 V Reverse Recovery Time t rr I F = 15 A, V GS = 0 V500nsReverse Recovery ChargeQ rrdi/dt = 50 A/µs 1320 nCNote PulsedTEST CIRCUIT 1 AVALANCHE CAPABILITYV GS = −20 →DDTEST CIRCUIT 3 GATE CHARGETEST CIRCUIT 2 SWITCHING TIMEV LDDτ = 1 sµDuty Cycle ≤ 1%L DD−Data Sheet G16950EJ1V0DS3TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C)DERATING FACTOR OF FORWARD BIAS SAFE OPERATING AREATOTAL POWER DISSIPATION vs. AMBIENT TEMPERATUREd T - Pe r c e n t a g e of R a t e d P o w e r - %T A - Ambient Temperature - °CP T - T o t a l P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n - WT A - Ambient Temperature - °CFORWARD BIAS SAFE OPERATING AREAI D - D r a i n C u r r e n t - AV DS - Drain to Source Voltage - VTRANSIENT THERMAL RESISTANCE vs. PULSE WIDTHr t h (t ) - T r a n s i e n t T h e r m a l R e s i s t a n c e - °C /WPW - Pulse Width - sData Sheet G16950EJ1V0DS4DRAIN CURRENT vs.DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGEFORWARD TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICSI D - D r a i n C u r r e n t - AV DS - Drain to Source Voltage - VV GS - Gate to Source Voltage - VGATE CUT-OFF VOLTAGE vs. CHANNEL TEMPERATUREFORWARD TRANSFER ADMITTANCE vs. DRAIN CURRENTV G S (o f f ) - G a t e C u t -o f f V o l t a g e - V| y f s | - F o r w a r d T r a n s f e r A d m i t t a n c e - SI D - Drain Current - ADRAIN TO SOURCE ON-STATE RESISTANCE vs. R D S (o n ) - D r a i n t o S o u r c e O n -s t a t e R e s i s t a n c e - m ΩI D - Drain Current - AR D S (o n ) - D r a i n t o S o u r c e O n -s t a t e R e s i s t a n c e - m ΩV GS - Gate to Source Voltage - VData Sheet G16950EJ1V0DS5DRAIN TO SOURCE ON-STATE RESISTANCE vs. CHANNEL TEMPERATURECAPACITANCE vs. DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGER D S (o n ) - D r a i n t o S o u r c e O n -s t a t e R e s i s t a n c e - m ΩT ch - Channel Temperature - °CC i s s , C o s s , C r s s - C a p a c i t a n c e - p FV DS - Drain to Source Voltage - VSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICSDYNAMIC INPUT/OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICSt d (o n ), t r , t d (o f f ), t f - S w i t c h i n g T i m e - n sI D - Drain Current - AV D S - D r a i n t o S o u r c e V o l t a g e - VQ G - Gate Charge - nCV G S - G a t e t o S o u r c e V o l t a g e - VSOURCE TO DRAIN DIODE FORWARD VOLTAGEREVERSE RECOVERY TIME vs. DIODE FORWARD CURRENTI F - D i o d e F o r w a r d C u r r e n t - AV F(S-D) - Source to Drain Voltage - Vt r r - R e v e r s e R e c o v e r y Ti m e - n sI F - Diode Forward Current - AData Sheet G16950EJ1V0DS6SINGLE AVALANCHE CURRENT vs. INDUCTIVE LOADSINGLE AVALANCHE ENERGY DERATING FACTORI A S - S i n g l e A v a l a n c h e C u r r e n t - AL - Inductive Load - mHE n e r g y D e r a t i n gF a c t o r - %Starting T ch - Starting Channel Temperature - °CThe information in this document is current as of July, 2004. The information is subject to change without notice. For actual design-in, refer to the latest publications of NEC Electronics data sheets or da ta books, etc., for the most up-to-da te specifica tions of NEC Electronics products. Not a ll products a nd/or types a re a va ila ble in every country. Plea se check with a n NEC Electronics sa les representative for availability and additional information.N o part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of N EC Electronics. N EC Electronics assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.N EC Electronics does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of third parties by or arising from the use of NEC Electronics products listed in this document or any other liability arising from the use of such products. N o license, express, implied or otherwise, is granted under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of NEC Electronics or others.Descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided for illustrative purposes in semiconductor product operation and application examples. The incorporation of these circuits, software and information in the design of a customer's equipment shall be done under the full responsibility of the customer. N EC Electronics assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of these circuits, software and information.While N EC Electronics endeavors to enhance the quality, reliability and safety of N EC Electronics products, customers agree and acknowledge that the possibility of defects thereof cannot be eliminated entirely. To minimize risks of damage to property or injury (including death) to persons arising from defects in N EC Electronics products, customers must incorporate sufficient safety measures in their design, such as redundancy, fire-containment and anti-failure features.N EC Electronics products are classified into the following three quality grades: "Standard", "Special" and "Specific".The "Specific" quality grade applies only to N EC Electronics products developed based on a customer-designated "quality assurance program" for a specific application. The recommended applications of an NEC Electronics product depend on its quality grade, as indicated below. Customers must check the quality grade of each NEC Electronics product before using it in a particular application."Standard":Computers, office equipment, communications equipment, test and measurement equipment, audioand visual equipment, home electronic appliances, machine tools, personal electronic equipment and industrial robots."Special":Transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships, etc.), traffic control systems, anti-disastersystems, anti-crime systems, safety equipment and medical equipment (not specifically designed for life support)."Specific":Aircraft, aerospace equipment, submersible repeaters, nuclear reactor control systems, lifesupport systems and medical equipment for life support, etc.The quality grade of N EC Electronics products is "Standard" unless otherwise expressly specified in N EC Electronics data sheets or data books, etc. If customers wish to use NEC Electronics products in applications not intended by N EC Electronics, they must contact an N EC Electronics sales representative in advance to determine NEC Electronics' willingness to support a given application.(Note)(1)"NEC Electronics" as used in this statement means N EC Electronics Corporation and also includes itsmajority-owned subsidiaries.(2)"NEC Electronics products" means any product developed or manufactured by or for NEC Electronics (asdefined above).••••••M8E 02. 11-1。

MAXIM MAX727 MAX728 MAX729 说明书

MAXIM MAX727 MAX728 MAX729 说明书

现货库存、技术资料、百科信息、热点资讯,精彩尽在鼎好!_______________General DescriptionThe MAX727/MAX728/MAX729 are monolithic, bipolar,pulse-width modulation (PWM), switch-mode, step-down DC-DC regulators. Each is rated at 2A. Very few external components are needed for standard operation because the power switch, oscillator, feedback, and control circuitry are all on-chip. Employing a classic buck topology, these regulators perform high-current step-down functions.These regulators have excellent dynamic and transient response characteristics, while featuring cycle-by-cycle cur-rent limiting to protect against overcurrent faults and short-circuit output faults. They also have a wide 8V to 40V input range.Each regulator is available in a 5-pin TO-220 package.These devices have a preset 100kHz oscillator frequency and a preset current limit of 2.6A. See the MAX724/MAX726 data sheet for more applications information._______________________ApplicationsDistributed Power from High-Voltage BusesHigh-Current, High-Voltage Step-Down Applications Multiple-Output Buck ConverterMAX727/MAX728/MAX7295V/3.3V/3V 2A Step-Down, PWM,Switch-Mode DC-DC Regulators________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products 1__________________Pin Configuration__________Typical Operating CircuitCall toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.19-0149; Rev 2; 9/95___________________________Featureso Input Range:Up to 40V o 2A On-Chip Power Switch o Fixed Outputs:5V (MAX727)3.3V (MAX728)3V (MAX729)o 100kHz Switching Frequencyo Excellent Dynamic Characteristics o Few External Components o 8.5mA Quiescent Current o TO-220 Package______________Ordering InformationM A X 727/M A X 728/M A X 7295V/3.3V/3V 2A Step-Down, PWM,Switch-Mode DC-DC Regulators 2_______________________________________________________________________________________Input Voltage..................................................45V Switch Voltage with Respect to Input Voltage................50V Switch Voltage with Respect to GND Pin (V SW negative)(Note 1).....................................................35V SENSE Pin Voltage...................................-0.3V, +10V Operating Temperature RangesMAX72_CCK .....................................0°C to +70°C MAX72_ECK....................................-40°C to +85°CJunction Temperature Ranges:MAX72_CCK....................................0°C to +125°C MAX72_ECK..................................-40°C to +125°C Storage Temperature Range ...................-65°C to +160°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec)....................+300°CELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V IN = 25V, T j = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted.)Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSMAX727/MAX728/MAX7295V/3.3V/3V 2A Step-Down, PWM,Switch-Mode DC-DC Regulators_______________________________________________________________________________________3ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V IN = 25V, T j = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted.)Note 1:Do not exceed switch-to-input voltage limitation.Note 2:For switch currents between 1A and 2A, maximum switch-on voltage can be calculated via linear interpolation.Note 3:By setting the SENSE pin to 5.5V, the V C pin is forced to its low clamp level and the switch duty cycle is forced to zero,approximating the zero load condition.Note 4:For proper regulation, total voltage from V IN to GND must be ≥8V after start-up.Note 5:To avoid extremely short switch-on times, the switch frequency is internally scaled down when V SENSE is less than 2.6V(MAX727), 2.0V (MAX728), or 1.8V (MAX729). Switch current limit is tested with V SENSE adjusted to give a 1µs minimum switch-on time.Note 6:Guaranteed, not production tested.0% duty cycle0% duty cycle V C Voltage Temperature Coefficient mV/°C Thermal Resistance Junction to Case (Note 6)°C/W 4.0V -4T j = T MIN to T MAXV C Voltage1.5T j = +25°C Output Voltage Line Regulation %/V 0.0050.0208V ≤V IN ≤40V ±1.0±3.0T j = T MIN to T MAX V OUT (nominal) = 5V (MAX727),3.3V (MAX728), or 3V (MAX729); all conditions of input voltage,output voltage, and load current Output Voltage Tolerance%±0.5±2.0T j = +25°C MAX729MAX728MAX727MAX729MAX728MAX727CONDITIONS2.23.8 6.5T j = +25°CSENSE Pin Divider Resistance 2.5 4.27.0k Ω3.0 3.00 3.10V C = 2VSENSE Voltage3.20 3.30 3.40V4.855.00 5.15UNITS MIN TYP MAX PARAMETER______________________________________________________________Pin Description5V IN supplies power to the internal circuitry and also connects to the collector of the internal power switch. V IN must be bypassed with a low-ESR capacitor, typically 200µF or 220µF.Internal Power Switch Output. The S witch output can swing 35V below ground and is rated for 2A.Ground requires a short, low-noise connection to ensure good load regulation. The internal refer-ence is referred to GND, so errors at this pin are multiplied by the error amplifier.Error-Amplifier Output. A series RC network connected to this pin compensates theMAX727/MAX728/MAX729. Output swing is limited to about 5.8V in the positive direction and -0.7V in the negative direction. V C can also synchronize the MAX727/MAX728/MAX729 to an external TTL clock in the 115kHz to 170kHz range. See MAX724/MAX726 data sheet.SENSE Input is the internal error amplifier's input, and should be directly connected to V OUT .SENSE also aids current limiting by reducing oscillator frequency when V OUT is low.4321PIN V INV SW GND V CSENSEFUNCTIONNAMEMaxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are M A X 727/M A X 728/M A X 7295V/3.3V/3V 2A Step-Down, PWM,Switch-Mode DC-DC Regulators implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.4___________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 737-7600©1995 Maxim Integrated ProductsPrinted USAis a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.________________________________________________________Package Information。



BATTERY MANAGEMENT Jul 09, 1998 Switch-Mode Battery Charger Delivers 5AThe fast-charge controller IC3 (Figure 1) normally directs current to the battery via an external pnp transistor. In this circuit, the transistor is replaced with a 5A switching regulator (IC1) that delivers equivalent power with higher efficiency.Figure 1. By controlling the PWM duty cycle of switching regulator IC1, the fast-charge controller (IC3) makes efficient delivery of the battery's charging current.IC1 is a 5A buck switching regulator whose output is configured as a current source. Its internal power switch (an npn transistor) is relatively efficient because V CE(SAT) is small in comparison with the 15V-to-40V inputs. (For applications that require 2A or less, the low-saturation, non-Darlington power switch of a MAX726 offers better efficiency.)R6 senses the battery-charging current and enables IC3 to generate an analog drive signal at DRV. The signal is first attenuated by the op amp to assure stability by reducing gain in the control loop. It then drives IC1's compensation pin (VC), which gives direct access to the internal PWM comparator. IC3 thus controls the charging current via the PWM duty cycle of IC1. The Q1 buffer provides current to the DRV input.Loop stability is also determined by the feedback loop's dominant pole, set by C4 at the CC terminal of IC3. If you increase the value of the battery filter capacitor (C5), you should make a proportional increase in the value of C4. Lower values, however, assure good transient response. If your application produces load transients during the fast-charge cycle, check the worst-case response to a load step. To assure proper termination of the charge, battery voltage should settle within 2msec to 5mV times N (where N is the number of battery cells). More InformationMAX713:QuickView-- Full (PDF) Data Sheet-- Free Samples。



rupt, the host (Bus Master) interrogates the bus slave devices via a special receive-byte operation that includes the alert response address. The data returned by this receive-byte operation is the address of the offending slave device. The interrupt pointer address can activate several different slave devices simultane-ously. If more than one slave attempts to respond, bus arbitration rules apply, with the lowest address code going first. The other device(s) will not generate an acknowledge and will continue to hold the ALERT line low or repeat the START-STOP interrupt until serviced.Clearing Interrupts via Alert ResponseWhen a fault occurs, ALERT asserts and latches low. Ifthe fault is momentary and disappears before the device is serviced, ALERT remains asserted. Normally,the master sends out the Alert Response address fol-lowed by a read bit (00011001). ALERT clears whenthe device responds by successfully putting its address on the bus. Reading the Alert Response address is the only method for clearing hardwareand software interrupt latches.Clearing the interrupthas no effect on the state of the status registers. MAX1661/MAX1662/MAX1663Serial-to-Parallel/Parallel-to-Serial Converters and Load-Switch Controllers with SMBus InterfaceFigure 3. SMB Serial-Interface Timing—Acknowledge and Data ValidFigure 4. I/O Read Timing DiagramM A X 1661/M A X 1662/M A X 1663START-STOP Software Interrupt The START-STOP interrupt is a method for the slave device to initiate a signal over the 2-wire interface with-out the need for a third (interrupt) wire. A START-STOP interrupt is a start condition followed by a stop condi-tion; in other words, SMBDATA goes low and then high with SMBCLK high (Figure 5 shows the START-STOP interrupt and a subsequent Alert Response transmis-sion used to clear the interrupt). The START-STOPfunction can be disabled (masked) by setting the dataregister mask SS (bit 6) high.In order to avoid bus collisions, the START-STOP inter-rupt will not occur when the bus is busy. If the devicebegins a start condition simultaneously with anothertransmitter on the bus, it recognizes the falling SMB-CLK as a collision and re-transmits the interrupt whenthe bus becomes available. Upon thermal shutdown ora transition on an I/O line, the device issues only oneSTART-STOP interrupt, and won’t repeat it unless therehas been a collision. However, thermal-shutdown faults,not being edge triggered, may result in a continuousstream of START-STOP bits.Input/Output PinsEach input/output (I/O) is protected by an internal20mA (typical) current-limit circuit. The I/O current limitdepends on the supply voltage and the voltage appliedto the I/O pins (see Typical Operating Characteristics ).The typical I/O bias current is 0.5µA to V I/O_= 28V.The ability of the I/Os to sink current depends on V CC as well as the voltage on the I/O. Typical pull-down on-resistance at V CC = 2.7V and 5.5V is 106Ωand 66Ω,respectively. I/O source and sink capability can affectthe rise and fall times of external power MOSFETs com-monly used in power-switching applications. Other fac-tors include the V GS , the input capacitance of the MOS-FET, and the pull-up resistor value used in the circuit.Typical MOSFET gate capacitance ranges from 150pF to 2000pF. Increasing the RC time constant slows down the MOSFET’s response, but provides for a smoother transition.Power-On Reset The power-on reset circuit keeps the external MOSFETs off during a power-up sequence. When the supply volt-age falls below the power-on reset threshold voltage,the MAX1662/MAX1663’s outputs reset to a high-impedance state, and the MAX1661’s outputs reset to a low state. During the initial power-up sequence, as V CC increases, the ALERT pin goes low and then high,which indicates the device is powered on. The time between the low and high state on ALERT is the power-on delay time. Below V CC = 0.8V (typical) the POR states can’t be enforced, and the I/O pins of all ver-sions exhibit increasingly weak pull-down current capa-bility, eventually becoming high impedance.Thermal Shutdown These devices have internal thermal-shutdown circuitry that turns off all output stages (I/O pins) when the junc-tion temperature exceeds +140°C typical. Thermal shutdown only occurs during an overload condition on the I/O pins. The device cycles between thermal shut-down and the overcurrent condition until the overload condition is removed. This could cause a sustained START-STOP interrupt and, in the extreme case, tie up the master controller. However, the device asserts ALERT low, indicating this fault status.Serial-to-Parallel/Parallel-to-Serial Converters and Load-Switch Controllers with SMBus InterfaceFigure 5. START-STOP Software Interrupt Timing Diagram and Alert Response。

建伍 tm-271A使用说明书

建伍 tm-271A使用说明书








本手册适用的机型TM-271A:VHF FM调频对讲机特点·通过菜单能够方便地控制和选择各项功能,·最多200个记忆信道可供编程频率和其它各种数据。




·对于1200 bps或9600 bps数据包操作,提供专用的DATA(数据)连接器。











用于Peltier模块的集成温度控制器概论MAX1978 / MAX1979是用于Peltier热电冷却器(TEC)模块的最小, 最安全, 最精确完整的单芯片温度控制器。

片上功率FET和热控制环路电路可最大限度地减少外部元件, 同时保持高效率。

可选择的500kHz / 1MHz开关频率和独特的纹波消除方案可优化元件尺寸和效率, 同时降低噪声。

内部MOSFET的开关速度经过优化, 可降低噪声和EMI。


直接控制输出电流而不是电压, 以消除电流浪涌。


MAX1978采用单电源供电, 通过在两个同步降压调节器的输出之间偏置TEC, 提供双极性±3A输出。

真正的双极性操作控制温度, 在低负载电流下没有“死区”或其他非线性。

当设定点非常接近自然操作点时, 控制系统不会捕获, 其中仅需要少量的加热或冷却。

模拟控制信号精确设置TEC 电流。


提供斩波稳定的仪表放大器和高精度积分放大器, 以创建比例积分(PI)或比例积分微分(PID)控制器。

仪表放大器可以连接外部NTC或PTC热敏电阻, 热电偶或半导体温度传感器。


此外, 单独的过热和欠温输出表明当TEC温度超出范围时。


MAX1978 / MAX1979采用薄型48引脚薄型QFN-EP 封装, 工作在-40°C至+ 85°C温度范围。




WDM, DWDM激光二极管温度控制光纤网络设备EDFA光放大器电信光纤接口ATE特征♦尺寸最小, 最安全, 最精确完整的单芯片控制器♦片上功率MOSFET-无外部FET♦电路占用面积<0.93in2♦回路高度<3mm♦温度稳定性为0.001°C♦集成精密积分器和斩波稳定运算放大器♦精确, 独立的加热和冷却电流限制♦通过直接控制TEC电流消除浪涌♦可调节差分TEC电压限制♦低纹波和低噪声设计♦TEC电流监视器♦温度监控器♦过温和欠温警报♦双极性±3A输出电流(MAX1978)♦单极性+ 6A输出电流(MAX1979)订购信息* EP =裸焊盘。



General DescriptionThe MAX220–MAX249 family of line drivers/receivers is intended for all EIA/TIA-232E and V.28/V.24 communica-tions interfaces, particularly applications where ±12V is not available.These parts are especially useful in battery-powered sys-tems, since their low-power shutdown mode reduces power dissipation to less than 5µW. The MAX225,MAX233, MAX235, and MAX245/MAX246/MAX247 use no external components and are recommended for appli-cations where printed circuit board space is critical.________________________ApplicationsPortable Computers Low-Power Modems Interface TranslationBattery-Powered RS-232 Systems Multidrop RS-232 Networks____________________________Features Superior to Bipolaro Operate from Single +5V Power Supply (+5V and +12V—MAX231/MAX239)o Low-Power Receive Mode in Shutdown (MAX223/MAX242)o Meet All EIA/TIA-232E and V.28 Specifications o Multiple Drivers and Receiverso 3-State Driver and Receiver Outputs o Open-Line Detection (MAX243)Ordering InformationOrdering Information continued at end of data sheet.*Contact factory for dice specifications.MAX220–MAX249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products 1Selection Table19-4323; Rev 9; 4/00Power No. of NominalSHDN RxPart Supply RS-232No. of Cap. Value & Three-Active in Data Rate Number (V)Drivers/Rx Ext. Caps (µF)State SHDN (kbps)FeaturesMAX220+52/24 4.7/10No —120Ultra-low-power, industry-standard pinout MAX222+52/2 4 0.1Yes —200Low-power shutdownMAX223 (MAX213)+54/54 1.0 (0.1)Yes ✔120MAX241 and receivers active in shutdown MAX225+55/50—Yes ✔120Available in SOMAX230 (MAX200)+55/04 1.0 (0.1)Yes —120 5 drivers with shutdownMAX231 (MAX201)+5 and2/2 2 1.0 (0.1)No —120Standard +5/+12V or battery supplies; +7.5 to +13.2same functions as MAX232MAX232 (MAX202)+52/24 1.0 (0.1)No —120 (64)Industry standardMAX232A+52/240.1No —200Higher slew rate, small caps MAX233 (MAX203)+52/20— No —120No external capsMAX233A+52/20—No —200No external caps, high slew rate MAX234 (MAX204)+54/04 1.0 (0.1)No —120Replaces 1488MAX235 (MAX205)+55/50—Yes —120No external capsMAX236 (MAX206)+54/34 1.0 (0.1)Yes —120Shutdown, three stateMAX237 (MAX207)+55/34 1.0 (0.1)No —120Complements IBM PC serial port MAX238 (MAX208)+54/44 1.0 (0.1)No —120Replaces 1488 and 1489MAX239 (MAX209)+5 and3/52 1.0 (0.1)No —120Standard +5/+12V or battery supplies;+7.5 to +13.2single-package solution for IBM PC serial port MAX240+55/54 1.0Yes —120DIP or flatpack package MAX241 (MAX211)+54/54 1.0 (0.1)Yes —120Complete IBM PC serial port MAX242+52/240.1Yes ✔200Separate shutdown and enableMAX243+52/240.1No —200Open-line detection simplifies cabling MAX244+58/104 1.0No —120High slew rateMAX245+58/100—Yes ✔120High slew rate, int. caps, two shutdown modes MAX246+58/100—Yes ✔120High slew rate, int. caps, three shutdown modes MAX247+58/90—Yes ✔120High slew rate, int. caps, nine operating modes MAX248+58/84 1.0Yes ✔120High slew rate, selective half-chip enables MAX249+56/1041.0Yes✔120Available in quad flatpack packageFor free samples & the latest literature: , or phone 1-800-998-8800.For small orders, phone 1-800-835-8769.M A X 220–M A X 249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/ReceiversABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS—MAX220/222/232A/233A/242/243ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX220/222/232A/233A/242/243(V CC = +5V ±10%, C1–C4 = 0.1µF‚ MAX220, C1 = 0.047µF, C2–C4 = 0.33µF, T A = T MIN to T MAX ‚ unless otherwise noted.)Note 1:Input voltage measured with T OUT in high-impedance state, SHDN or V CC = 0V.Note 2:For the MAX220, V+ and V- can have a maximum magnitude of 7V, but their absolute difference cannot exceed 13V.Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Supply Voltage (V CC )...............................................-0.3V to +6V Input VoltagesT IN ..............................................................-0.3V to (V CC - 0.3V)R IN (Except MAX220)........................................................±30V R IN (MAX220).....................................................................±25V T OUT (Except MAX220) (Note 1).......................................±15V T OUT (MAX220)...............................................................±13.2V Output VoltagesT OUT ...................................................................................±15V R OUT .........................................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)Driver/Receiver Output Short Circuited to GND.........Continuous Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)16-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 10.53mW/°C above +70°C)....842mW 18-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 11.11mW/°C above +70°C)....889mW20-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 8.00mW/°C above +70°C)..440mW 16-Pin Narrow SO (derate 8.70mW/°C above +70°C)...696mW 16-Pin Wide SO (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C)......762mW 18-Pin Wide SO (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C)......762mW 20-Pin Wide SO (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C)....800mW 20-Pin SSOP (derate 8.00mW/°C above +70°C)..........640mW 16-Pin CERDIP (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C).....800mW 18-Pin CERDIP (derate 10.53mW/°C above +70°C).....842mW Operating Temperature RangesMAX2_ _AC_ _, MAX2_ _C_ _.............................0°C to +70°C MAX2_ _AE_ _, MAX2_ _E_ _..........................-40°C to +85°C MAX2_ _AM_ _, MAX2_ _M_ _.......................-55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +160°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°CMAX220–MAX249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers_______________________________________________________________________________________3Note 3:MAX243 R2OUT is guaranteed to be low when R2IN is ≥0V or is floating.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX220/222/232A/233A/242/243 (continued)(V= +5V ±10%, C1–C4 = 0.1µF‚ MAX220, C1 = 0.047µF, C2–C4 = 0.33µF, T = T to T ‚ unless otherwise noted.)M A X 220–M A X 249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers 4_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Typical Operating CharacteristicsMAX220/MAX222/MAX232A/MAX233A/MAX242/MAX243108-1051525OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs. LOAD CURRENT-4-6-8-2642LOAD CURRENT (mA)O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )1002011104104060AVAILABLE OUTPUT CURRENTvs. DATA RATE65798DATA RATE (kbits/sec)O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A )203050+10V-10VMAX222/MAX242ON-TIME EXITING SHUTDOWN+5V +5V 0V0V 500µs/div V +, V - V O L T A G E (V )MAX220–MAX249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers_______________________________________________________________________________________5V CC ...........................................................................-0.3V to +6V V+................................................................(V CC - 0.3V) to +14V V-............................................................................+0.3V to -14V Input VoltagesT IN ............................................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)R IN ......................................................................................±30V Output VoltagesT OUT ...................................................(V+ + 0.3V) to (V- - 0.3V)R OUT .........................................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)Short-Circuit Duration, T OUT ......................................Continuous Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)14-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C)....800mW 16-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 10.53mW/°C above +70°C)....842mW 20-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 11.11mW/°C above +70°C)....889mW 24-Pin Narrow Plastic DIP(derate 13.33mW/°C above +70°C)..........1.07W24-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 9.09mW/°C above +70°C)......500mW 16-Pin Wide SO (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C).........762mW20-Pin Wide SO (derate 10 00mW/°C above +70°C).......800mW 24-Pin Wide SO (derate 11.76mW/°C above +70°C).......941mW 28-Pin Wide SO (derate 12.50mW/°C above +70°C) .............1W 44-Pin Plastic FP (derate 11.11mW/°C above +70°C).....889mW 14-Pin CERDIP (derate 9.09mW/°C above +70°C)..........727mW 16-Pin CERDIP (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C)........800mW 20-Pin CERDIP (derate 11.11mW/°C above +70°C)........889mW 24-Pin Narrow CERDIP(derate 12.50mW/°C above +70°C)..............1W24-Pin Sidebraze (derate 20.0mW/°C above +70°C)..........1.6W 28-Pin SSOP (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C).............762mW Operating Temperature RangesMAX2 _ _ C _ _......................................................0°C to +70°C MAX2 _ _ E _ _...................................................-40°C to +85°C MAX2 _ _ M _ _ ...............................................-55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +160°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°CABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS—MAX223/MAX230–MAX241ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX223/MAX230–MAX241(MAX223/230/232/234/236/237/238/240/241, V CC = +5V ±10; MAX233/MAX235, V CC = 5V ±5%‚ C1–C4 = 1.0µF; MAX231/MAX239,V CC = 5V ±10%; V+ = 7.5V to 13.2V; T A = T MIN to T MAX ; unless otherwise noted.)Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.M A X 220–M A X 249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers 6_______________________________________________________________________________________ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX223/MAX230–MAX241 (continued)(MAX223/230/232/234/236/237/238/240/241, V CC = +5V ±10; MAX233/MAX235, V CC = 5V ±5%‚ C1–C4 = 1.0µF; MAX231/MAX239,V CC = 5V ±10%; V+ = 7.5V to 13.2V; T A = T MIN to T MAX ; unless otherwise noted.)MAX220–MAX249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers_______________________________________________________________________________________78. OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V OH ) vs. V CC7.08.0V CC (V)V O H (V ) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V OH )vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE AT DIFFERENT DATA RATES6. CAPACITANCE (pF)V O H (V )1500100050020006.86.612.04.02500TRANSMITTER SLEW RATE vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE6. CAPACITANCE (pF)S L E W R A T E (V /µs )1500100050020008.07.0-6.0- OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V OL ) vs. V CC-8.0-8.5-6.5-7.0V CC (V)V O L (V )5.0-7.5-6.0-7.62500TRANSMITTER OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V OL )vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE AT DIFFERENT DATA RATES-7.0-7.2-7.4-6.2-6.4LOAD CAPACITANCE (pF)V O L (V )150010005002000-6.6-6.810-105101520253035404550TRANSMITTER OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V+, V-)vs. LOAD CURRENT-2-6-4-886CURRENT (mA)V +, V - (V )420__________________________________________Typical Operating CharacteristicsMAX223/MAX230–MAX241*SHUTDOWN POLARITY IS REVERSED FOR NON MAX241 PARTSV+, V- WHEN EXITING SHUTDOWN(1µF CAPACITORS)MAX220-13SHDN*V-O V+500ms/divM A X 220–M A X 249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers 8_______________________________________________________________________________________ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS—MAX225/MAX244–MAX249ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX225/MAX244–MAX249(MAX225, V CC = 5.0V ±5%; MAX244–MAX249, V CC = +5.0V ±10%, external capacitors C1–C4 = 1µF; T A = T MIN to T MAX ; unless oth-erwise noted.)Note 4:Input voltage measured with transmitter output in a high-impedance state, shutdown, or V CC = 0V.Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Supply Voltage (V CC )...............................................-0.3V to +6V Input VoltagesT IN ‚ ENA , ENB , ENR , ENT , ENRA ,ENRB , ENTA , ENTB ..................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)R IN .....................................................................................±25V T OUT (Note 3).....................................................................±15V R OUT ........................................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)Short Circuit (one output at a time)T OUT to GND............................................................Continuous R OUT to GND............................................................ContinuousContinuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)28-Pin Wide SO (derate 12.50mW/°C above +70°C).............1W 40-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 11.11mW/°C above +70°C)...611mW 44-Pin PLCC (derate 13.33mW/°C above +70°C)...........1.07W Operating Temperature RangesMAX225C_ _, MAX24_C_ _ ..................................0°C to +70°C MAX225E_ _, MAX24_E_ _ ...............................-40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +160°C Lead Temperature (soldering,10sec)..............................+300°CMAX220–MAX249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers_______________________________________________________________________________________9Note 5:The 300Ωminimum specification complies with EIA/TIA-232E, but the actual resistance when in shutdown mode or V CC =0V is 10M Ωas is implied by the leakage specification.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX225/MAX244–MAX249 (continued)(MAX225, V CC = 5.0V ±5%; MAX244–MAX249, V CC = +5.0V ±10%, external capacitors C1–C4 = 1µF; T A = T MIN to T MAX ; unless oth-erwise noted.)M A X 220–M A X 249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers 10________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Typical Operating CharacteristicsMAX225/MAX244–MAX24918212345TRANSMITTER SLEW RATE vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE86416LOAD CAPACITANCE (nF)T R A N S M I T T E R S L E W R A T E (V /µs )14121010-105101520253035OUTPUT VOLTAGEvs. LOAD CURRENT FOR V+ AND V--2-4-6-88LOAD CURRENT (mA)O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )64209.05.012345TRANSMITTER OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V+, V-)vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE AT DIFFERENT DATA RATES6.05.58.5LOAD CAPACITANCE (nF)V +, V (V )–MAX249Drivers/Receivers______________________________________________________________________________________11Figure 1. Transmitter Propagation-Delay Timing Figure 2. Receiver Propagation-Delay TimingFigure 3. Receiver-Output Enable and Disable Timing Figure 4. Transmitter-Output Disable TimingM A X 220–M A X 249Drivers/Receivers 12______________________________________________________________________________________ENT ENR OPERATION STATUS TRANSMITTERSRECEIVERS00Normal Operation All Active All Active 01Normal Operation All Active All 3-State10Shutdown All 3-State All Low-Power Receive Mode 11ShutdownAll 3-StateAll 3-StateTable 1a. MAX245 Control Pin ConfigurationsENT ENR OPERATION STATUS TRANSMITTERS RECEIVERSTA1–TA4TB1–TB4RA1–RA5RB1–RB500Normal Operation All Active All Active All Active All Active 01Normal Operation All Active All Active RA1–RA4 3-State,RA5 Active RB1–RB4 3-State,RB5 Active 1ShutdownAll 3-StateAll 3-StateAll Low-Power Receive Mode All Low-Power Receive Mode 11Shutdown All 3-State All 3-StateRA1–RA4 3-State,RA5 Low-Power Receive ModeRB1–RB4 3-State,RB5 Low-Power Receive ModeTable 1b. MAX245 Control Pin ConfigurationsTable 1c. MAX246 Control Pin ConfigurationsENA ENB OPERATION STATUS TRANSMITTERS RECEIVERSTA1–TA4TB1–TB4RA1–RA5RB1–RB500Normal Operation All Active All Active All Active All Active 01Normal Operation All Active All 3-State All Active RB1–RB4 3-State,RB5 Active 1ShutdownAll 3-StateAll ActiveRA1–RA4 3-State,RA5 Active All Active 11Shutdown All 3-State All 3-StateRA1–RA4 3-State,RA5 Low-Power Receive ModeRB1–RB4 3-State,RA5 Low-Power Receive ModeMAX220–MAX249Drivers/Receivers______________________________________________________________________________________13Table 1d. MAX247/MAX248/MAX249 Control Pin ConfigurationsM A X 220–M A X 249_______________Detailed DescriptionThe MAX220–MAX249 contain four sections: dual charge-pump DC-DC voltage converters, RS-232 dri-vers, RS-232 receivers, and receiver and transmitter enable control inputs.Dual Charge-Pump Voltage ConverterThe MAX220–MAX249 have two internal charge-pumps that convert +5V to ±10V (unloaded) for RS-232 driver operation. The first converter uses capacitor C1 to dou-ble the +5V input to +10V on C3 at the V+ output. The second converter uses capacitor C2 to invert +10V to -10V on C4 at the V- output.A small amount of power may be drawn from the +10V (V+) and -10V (V-) outputs to power external circuitry (see the Typical Operating Characteristics section),except on the MAX225 and MAX245–MAX247, where these pins are not available. V+ and V- are not regulated,so the output voltage drops with increasing load current.Do not load V+ and V- to a point that violates the mini-mum ±5V EIA/TIA-232E driver output voltage when sourcing current from V+ and V- to external circuitry. When using the shutdown feature in the MAX222,MAX225, MAX230, MAX235, MAX236, MAX240,MAX241, and MAX245–MAX249, avoid using V+ and V-to power external circuitry. When these parts are shut down, V- falls to 0V, and V+ falls to +5V. For applica-tions where a +10V external supply is applied to the V+pin (instead of using the internal charge pump to gen-erate +10V), the C1 capacitor must not be installed and the SHDN pin must be tied to V CC . This is because V+is internally connected to V CC in shutdown mode.RS-232 DriversThe typical driver output voltage swing is ±8V when loaded with a nominal 5k ΩRS-232 receiver and V CC =+5V. Output swing is guaranteed to meet the EIA/TIA-232E and V.28 specification, which calls for ±5V mini-mum driver output levels under worst-case conditions.These include a minimum 3k Ωload, V CC = +4.5V, and maximum operating temperature. Unloaded driver out-put voltage ranges from (V+ -1.3V) to (V- +0.5V). Input thresholds are both TTL and CMOS compatible.The inputs of unused drivers can be left unconnected since 400k Ωinput pull-up resistors to V CC are built in (except for the MAX220). The pull-up resistors force the outputs of unused drivers low because all drivers invert.The internal input pull-up resistors typically source 12µA,except in shutdown mode where the pull-ups are dis-abled. Driver outputs turn off and enter a high-imped-ance state—where leakage current is typically microamperes (maximum 25µA)—when in shutdownmode, in three-state mode, or when device power is removed. Outputs can be driven to ±15V. The power-supply current typically drops to 8µA in shutdown mode.The MAX220 does not have pull-up resistors to force the ouputs of the unused drivers low. Connect unused inputs to GND or V CC .The MAX239 has a receiver three-state control line, and the MAX223, MAX225, MAX235, MAX236, MAX240,and MAX241 have both a receiver three-state control line and a low-power shutdown control. Table 2 shows the effects of the shutdown control and receiver three-state control on the receiver outputs.The receiver TTL/CMOS outputs are in a high-imped-ance, three-state mode whenever the three-state enable line is high (for the MAX225/MAX235/MAX236/MAX239–MAX241), and are also high-impedance whenever the shutdown control line is high.When in low-power shutdown mode, the driver outputs are turned off and their leakage current is less than 1µA with the driver output pulled to ground. The driver output leakage remains less than 1µA, even if the transmitter output is backdriven between 0V and (V CC + 6V). Below -0.5V, the transmitter is diode clamped to ground with 1k Ωseries impedance. The transmitter is also zener clamped to approximately V CC + 6V, with a series impedance of 1k Ω.The driver output slew rate is limited to less than 30V/µs as required by the EIA/TIA-232E and V.28 specifica-tions. Typical slew rates are 24V/µs unloaded and 10V/µs loaded with 3Ωand 2500pF.RS-232 ReceiversEIA/TIA-232E and V.28 specifications define a voltage level greater than 3V as a logic 0, so all receivers invert.Input thresholds are set at 0.8V and 2.4V, so receivers respond to TTL level inputs as well as EIA/TIA-232E and V.28 levels.The receiver inputs withstand an input overvoltage up to ±25V and provide input terminating resistors withDrivers/Receivers 14Table 2. Three-State Control of ReceiversMAX220–MAX249Drivers/Receivers______________________________________________________________________________________15nominal 5k Ωvalues. The receivers implement Type 1interpretation of the fault conditions of V.28 and EIA/TIA-232E.The receiver input hysteresis is typically 0.5V with a guaranteed minimum of 0.2V. This produces clear out-put transitions with slow-moving input signals, even with moderate amounts of noise and ringing. The receiver propagation delay is typically 600ns and is independent of input swing direction.Low-Power Receive ModeThe low-power receive-mode feature of the MAX223,MAX242, and MAX245–MAX249 puts the IC into shut-down mode but still allows it to receive information. This is important for applications where systems are periodi-cally awakened to look for activity. Using low-power receive mode, the system can still receive a signal that will activate it on command and prepare it for communi-cation at faster data rates. This operation conserves system power.Negative Threshold—MAX243The MAX243 is pin compatible with the MAX232A, differ-ing only in that RS-232 cable fault protection is removed on one of the two receiver inputs. This means that control lines such as CTS and RTS can either be driven or left floating without interrupting communication. Different cables are not needed to interface with different pieces of equipment.The input threshold of the receiver without cable fault protection is -0.8V rather than +1.4V. Its output goes positive only if the input is connected to a control line that is actively driven negative. If not driven, it defaults to the 0 or “OK to send” state. Normally‚ the MAX243’s other receiver (+1.4V threshold) is used for the data line (TD or RD)‚ while the negative threshold receiver is con-nected to the control line (DTR‚ DTS‚ CTS‚ RTS, etc.). Other members of the RS-232 family implement the optional cable fault protection as specified by EIA/TIA-232E specifications. This means a receiver output goes high whenever its input is driven negative‚ left floating‚or shorted to ground. The high output tells the serial communications IC to stop sending data. To avoid this‚the control lines must either be driven or connected with jumpers to an appropriate positive voltage level.Shutdown—MAX222–MAX242On the MAX222‚ MAX235‚ MAX236‚ MAX240‚ and MAX241‚ all receivers are disabled during shutdown.On the MAX223 and MAX242‚ two receivers continue to operate in a reduced power mode when the chip is in shutdown. Under these conditions‚ the propagation delay increases to about 2.5µs for a high-to-low input transition. When in shutdown, the receiver acts as a CMOS inverter with no hysteresis. The MAX223 and MAX242 also have a receiver output enable input (EN for the MAX242 and EN for the MAX223) that allows receiver output control independent of SHDN (SHDN for MAX241). With all other devices‚ SHDN (SH DN for MAX241) also disables the receiver outputs.The MAX225 provides five transmitters and five receivers‚ while the MAX245 provides ten receivers and eight transmitters. Both devices have separate receiver and transmitter-enable controls. The charge pumps turn off and the devices shut down when a logic high is applied to the ENT input. In this state, the supply cur-rent drops to less than 25µA and the receivers continue to operate in a low-power receive mode. Driver outputs enter a high-impedance state (three-state mode). On the MAX225‚ all five receivers are controlled by the ENR input. On the MAX245‚ eight of the receiver out-puts are controlled by the ENR input‚ while the remain-ing two receivers (RA5 and RB5) are always active.RA1–RA4 and RB1–RB4 are put in a three-state mode when ENR is a logic high.Receiver and Transmitter EnableControl InputsThe MAX225 and MAX245–MAX249 feature transmitter and receiver enable controls.The receivers have three modes of operation: full-speed receive (normal active)‚ three-state (disabled)‚ and low-power receive (enabled receivers continue to function at lower data rates). The receiver enable inputs control the full-speed receive and three-state modes. The transmitters have two modes of operation: full-speed transmit (normal active) and three-state (disabled). The transmitter enable inputs also control the shutdown mode. The device enters shutdown mode when all transmitters are disabled. Enabled receivers function in the low-power receive mode when in shutdown.M A X 220–M A X 249Tables 1a–1d define the control states. The MAX244has no control pins and is not included in these tables. The MAX246 has ten receivers and eight drivers with two control pins, each controlling one side of the device. A logic high at the A-side control input (ENA )causes the four A-side receivers and drivers to go into a three-state mode. Similarly, the B-side control input (ENB ) causes the four B-side drivers and receivers to go into a three-state mode. As in the MAX245, one A-side and one B-side receiver (RA5 and RB5) remain active at all times. The entire device is put into shut-down mode when both the A and B sides are disabled (ENA = ENB = +5V).The MAX247 provides nine receivers and eight drivers with four control pins. The ENRA and ENRB receiver enable inputs each control four receiver outputs. The ENTA and ENTB transmitter enable inputs each control four drivers. The ninth receiver (RB5) is always active.The device enters shutdown mode with a logic high on both ENTA and ENTB .The MAX248 provides eight receivers and eight drivers with four control pins. The ENRA and ENRB receiver enable inputs each control four receiver outputs. The ENTA and ENTB transmitter enable inputs control four drivers each. This part does not have an always-active receiver. The device enters shutdown mode and trans-mitters go into a three-state mode with a logic high on both ENTA and ENTB .The MAX249 provides ten receivers and six drivers with four control pins. The ENRA and ENRB receiver enable inputs each control five receiver outputs. The ENTA and ENTB transmitter enable inputs control three dri-vers each. There is no always-active receiver. The device enters shutdown mode and transmitters go into a three-state mode with a logic high on both ENTA and ENTB . In shutdown mode, active receivers operate in a low-power receive mode at data rates up to 20kbits/sec.__________Applications InformationFigures 5 through 25 show pin configurations and typi-cal operating circuits. In applications that are sensitive to power-supply noise, V CC should be decoupled to ground with a capacitor of the same value as C1 and C2 connected as close as possible to the device.Drivers/Receivers16______________________________________________________________________________________。


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–10 °C ~ 50 °C 密封、以色彩区分功能的键盘,带有触感及声音反馈 防撞击、防水、装有密封垫的机壳,机壳上的接口密封。 设计符合IP65。 84.0 mm x 152.4 mm x 39.6 mm 340 g 3节AA碱性电池 电池供电时间一般为150小时;如使用背光,可连续供电 30个小时 可在国家防火协会规范(NFPA 70)500节I级2分段D组 规定的爆炸性气氛环境中安全操作,并且通过了美军标准 MIL-STD-810F 511.4程序1中规定的测试 设计符合EN15317标准 可编程高/低报警设定点,带有声音和视觉指示器
测量后显示保持或空白的屏显模式 场致发光显示,可以选择“开启”或者“自动开启” 1 MHz ~ 18 MHz(–3 dB) 公制或英制单位 英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语、葡萄牙语、俄 语、波兰语和瑞典语
•• 27MG数字式超声测厚仪
•• 双晶探头
•• AA碱性电池
•• 试块和耦合剂
•• 便携箱
要了解更多信息,请访问以下网页, 查找联系方式: /contact-us
北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路10号 恒通商务园(UBP)三期B12C座1层-2层 邮编:100016 • 电话:010-59756116
已获ISO 9001及14001质量管理体系认证。



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2-3-12 RS485 ID 输入 (选配功能)
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命令格式说明 ...................................................................................................................... 39
2-3-9 RS232 一般或简易输出重量 6 位或 7 位选择
..................... 35
2-3-10 RTC 时间调整
............................................................... 36
2-3-11 调整打印时年月日或日月年显示方式
2-3-3 输出格式选择
.................................................................... 29
2-3-4 传送方式设定
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一. 请将本机放置于稳固且平坦之桌面上使用,勿放于摇动或振动之台架上。 二. 避免将本机放置于温度变化过大或空气流动剧烈之场所,如日光直射或冷气机之出风口。 三. 请使用独立之电源插座,以避免其它电器用品干扰。 四. 打开电源时,秤盘上请勿放置任何东西。 五. 产品使用时,秤物之重心须位于秤盘之中心点,且秤物不超出秤盘范围,以确保其准确度。 六. 使用本机前,请先温机 15 ~ 20 分钟。 七. 请注意当低电源警示之符号( )闪烁时,则表示须再行充电。 八. 如对本产品有任何建议,请不吝指正。



MAX266中文数据手册MAX266/265中文数据手册By Hi_Cracker @whu引脚电阻可编程通用高效滤波器-----MAX266/265General Description和MAX265是高效的容滤波器,专门设计用于需要高精度滤波的应用MAX266场合。


中心频率或者截止频率的控制需要外接电阻以及6 Pin-Strapped 的输入特性来编程实现,然而,Q值仅用电阻连接实现。



MAX265可以将中心/截止频率可以最高调到40Khz,然而,MAX266,通过使用一个低范围的fclk/fo比例系数,可以将fos 调到140Khz。



Application:声纳电子设备Anti-Aliasing 滤波器数字信号处理震动音频分析远程通信测试仪器Features滤波器参数设置软件化256bit的频率控制字电阻调整Q值和fo140Khz频率调节范围±5V或者单电源﹢5V操作电压Introduction每个MAX266/265都包含的两个可配置滤波器模块已经显示在数据手册前面的功能框图上。





Leaderway CNC Technologies V42iW 垂直机器中心产品清单说明书

Leaderway CNC Technologies V42iW 垂直机器中心产品清单说明书

VERTICAL MACHININGCENTERPARTS LISTV42iWLEADERWAY CNC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.NO. 36, Ln. 211, Taiming Rd.,Wuri Dist, TAICHUNG 41468, TAIWANTEL: +886-4-2335-0711FAX: +886-4-2335-0986台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F11051主軸頭+立柱單元SPINDLE HEAD + COLUMN UNITV42iW00103500010B0調整檔塊ADJUSTABLE STOPPER3140\SS41200203500012B0滑座壓塊SLIDING BLOCK,ADJUSTABLE BRA3210\SS41400303582170A0主軸頭SPINDLE HEAD1010\3582170A2\FC30100403582171A0立柱COLUMN 1020\3582171A2\FC-30100503582196A0Z軸下摺動罩LOWER TELESCOPIC COVER, Z 9400\SPCCZ100603582197A0Z軸防屑擋板PLATE FOR CHIP 7210\200703582198A0碰塊座支撐架RIGHT DOG BRACKET SUPPORTER SS41100803582199A0微動開關座(Z)MICRO SWITCH BRACKET, Z AXIS 3160\SS41100904800143204微動開關MICRO SWITCH BNS819-B02-D12-61-12-10BALLU1010********B0碰塊座DOG BRACKET 4140\AL(125m/m*3軌)201103500081A0碰塊DOG 3140\SS41(42m/m)201203540007A0碰塊DOG 4140\AL 外購65L101303985075A0線性滑軌-Z軸LINEAR GUIDE9840\#35滾柱型101404080106015直銷(軸承鋼針)PINφ6x15L5801503582201A0主軸頭右側蓋板RIGHT COVER, SPINDLE HEAD7510\SPCC101603582202A0主軸頭左側蓋板LEFT COVER, SPINDLE HEAD7510\SPCC101703582203A0主軸頭前蓋板FRONT COVER,SPINDLE HEAD7510\SPCC101803582204A0主軸聯動管支架CONDUIT BRACKET7210\SPCC101903582205A0主軸頭側壓克力板ACRYLIC PLATE, SIDE OF SPIND4360\ACRY1020********A0主軸頭右側架RIGHT BRACKET, SPINDLE HEAD7510\SPCC1021********A0主軸頭外側蓋板SIDE COVER,SPINDLE HEADSTOCK7510\SPCC102204640065133方型聯動管WIRE CONDUITK Y-CE(CBS65.2)-65x133-(22目)102304210550003總流量控制組COOLANT NOZZLE MANIFOLD J TM-01控制組\5/8"插心1024********B0近接開關座PROXIMITY SWITCH BRACKET 7160\SPCC1025********A0刀具釋放指示牌NAME PLATE4350\AL1<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F16015配重單元COUNTER BALANCE UNITV42iW00103582190A0配重COUNTER BALANCE3070\SS41100203500006C0鏈輪軸固定座SPROCKET SHAFT BRACKET1210\FC-25\3500006A2200303500021A0鏈條滾輪ROLLER3260\S45C400403500022C0鏈輪軸SHAFT SPROCKET 3260\S45C400504060700025C型扣環(軸用)C TYPE RETAINER RING S-25800604400206205深槽滾珠軸承BEARING 6205ZZ800703500416A0配重滑塊SLIDING BLOCK,COUNTER BALANC 4370\MC200803582191A0配重導桿GUIDING ROD, COUNTER BALANCE 4290\圓棒100904062006025軸心固定座SHAFT BRACKET SHF25-M61010********C0滑軌下固定板LOWER FIXED PLATE, GUIDING R 7180\SPCC101103582192A0滑軌上固定板UPPER FIXED PLATE, GUIDING R 7180\SPCC101203582193A0滑軌上固定板支架BRACKET FOR UPPER FIXED PLAT 7180\SPCC101303582194A0鏈條保護蓋(左)PROTECTING COVER FOR CHAIN7510\SPCC101403582195A0鏈條保護蓋(右)PROTECTING COVER FOR CHAIN7510\SPCC101503500023A0鏈條連結螺絲CHAIN CONNECTING BOLT4310\SCM4401604610050073鏈條CHAIN50x73P (含2鏈目)2<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁規 格用量主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名2F27004打刀單元V450/V33i/V42iBOSSTING CYLINDER UNIT3180\SS411 00113500008B0增壓缸固定座TOOL RELEASE CYLINDER BRACKE00213500009B0浮動打刀拉座3250\S45C1TOOL RELEASE CYLINDER SEAT00313500019B0固定軸套3290\S45C4FIXED ROD00403980001A0增壓缸(3Tx13L)98801TOOL RELEASE CYLINDER<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F28046主軸皮帶輪單元SPINDLE BELT UNITV42iW/SJ-V15-01ZT-S02(F)00103500011B0主軸馬達固定板FIXED PLATE FOR MOTOR3170\SS41100203971061A0齒型皮帶輪PULLEY3270\S45C染黑\5GT-72T\ψ66100303600135A0軸壓蓋(∮48)SHAFT END COVER3240\S45C100404061248055迫緊環PACKING RING TLK300 48x55200504601035920齒型皮帶(剖溝)PULLEY BELT5GT*35*9201<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F28047主軸皮帶輪單元SPINDLE BELT UNITV42iW/β8i*8000rpm00103500011B0主軸馬達固定板FIXED PLATE FOR MOTOR3170\SS41100203971008A0齒型皮帶輪(5GT-75T)PULLEY3270\S45C100303580161A0馬達軸端蓋SHAFT END COVER3170\S45C100404061232036迫緊環PACKING RING TLK300 32x36200504601035935齒型皮帶(剖溝)PULLEY BELT5GT*35*935mm1<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F13026底座+鞍座+工作台單元BASE + SADDLE + TABLE UNITV42iW00103582172A0底座BASE1030\3582172A2\FC-30100203580410A0地基螺絲(M36*2P)FOUNDATION BOLT3310\S45C600303580411A0地基螺帽(M36*2P)FOUNDATION BOLT3310\S45C600403600047B0墊塊 (地基螺絲)FOUNDATION PAD 3230\S45C600503582001A0噴水座NOZZLE TUBE BRACKET 3150\SS41200603582184A0大護罩前支架FRONT BRACKET, GUARD 7210\SPCC200703582212A0導油槽OIL TROUGH 7520\SPCC100803582173A0鞍座SADDLE 1040\FC-30100903985073A0線性滑軌-Y主LINEAR GUIDE 9840\市購品1010********A0線性滑軌-Y副LINEAR GUIDE 9840\市購品101103582006A0壓塊SLIDING BLOCK 412010601203582183A0螺絲襯套BUSHING 4230\不鏽綱801303582185A0Y軸前摺動罩Y AXIS TELESCOPIC COVER UNIT7400\SPCCZ101403582186A0Y軸後摺動罩Y AXIS TELESCOPIC COVER UNIT7400\SPCCZ101503582187A0Y軸摺動罩支架(上)TELESCOPIC COVER BRACKET7210\SPCC201603582188A0Y軸摺動罩支架(下)TELESCOPIC COVER BRACKET7210\SPCC201703582189A0鞍座下擋屑板BAFFLE PLATE7510\SPCC201803582245A0聯動管連結座CONDUIT BRACKET7210\SPCC101904640015090方型聯動管WIRE CONDUITCECBO02-26x58-222(15P)/R901020********A0碰塊DOG3140\SS41(42m/m)4021********B0碰塊座DOG BRACKET4140\AL(125m/m*3軌)1022********A0碰塊座DOG BRACKET4140\AL(90m/m*3軌)1023********A0碰塊DOG 4140\AL 外購65L2024********B0碰塊座DOG BRACKET 4140\AL(300m/m*2軌)202504800143204微動開關MICRO SWITCH BNS819-B02-D12-61-12-10BALLU202603582168B0微動開關固定座-Y上SWITCH BRACKET 7160\SPCC1027********B0微動開關固定座-Y下SWITCH BRACKET 7160\SPCC1028********A0工作台TABLE 1050\3582174A2\FC-301029********D0螺帽座BALLSCREW HOUSING 1080\FC-25\3581025A2103003560121B0塞頭(工作台)TABLE SEALED CORK3310\SS4116<續下頁>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第2頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F1302603103985050A0X軸線性滑軌LINEAR GUIDEBRH35AL2-P-ZZ-L1800 II103203582179A0X軸摺動罩X AXIS TELESCOPIC COVER UNIT7400\SPCCZ203303582180A0X軸摺動罩上支架TELESCOPIC COVER BRACKET7180\SPCC403403582181A0X軸摺動罩支架(左)TELESCOPIC COVER BRACKET7180\SPCC20350*******A0X軸摺動罩支架(右)TELESCOPIC COVER BRACKET 7180\SPCC203603582175A0碰塊座連結塊(X)CONDUIT FOR DOG(X)3180\SS4120370*******A0微動開關座(X)MICRO SWITCH BRACKET, X AXIS 7160\SPCC103803582178A0工作台後飾板REAR PLATE,TABLE 7510\SPCC103903582177A0工作台前飾板FRONT PLATE, TABLE 7510\SPCC104003582065C0X軸分油座OIL DISTRIBUTOR BRACKET 7210\SPCC10410*******B0油分配器座(Y軸)DISTRIBUTOR BRACKET 7210\SPCC104204640028849塑鋼製鏈條式聯動管ELECTRICAL CONDUIT UNIT1台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F21028X軸傳動單元X AXIS TRANSMISSION UNITV42iW00103170053B0軸承隔環BEARING SPACER3230\SCM4100203170054B0前迷宮環座LAMINAL RING BRACKET3250\SCM4200303170057B0軸承隔環BEARING SPACER3230\SCM4100403170067A0預拉彈簧檔片PRELOAD SPRING STOPPER 3230\S45C100503170070A0Z軸尾端軸承座REAR BEARING HOUSING 1080\S45C100603560016B0軸承壓蓋BEARING CAP 3240\SCM4100703560017B0防撞膠塊RUBBER CUSHION 4370\請改下3560017C0200803560018G0防撞膠塊固定座RUBBER CUSHION BRACKET 3240\SCM4100903560019B0防撞膠固定座RUBBER CUSHION BRACKET 3230\S45C1010********F0Z軸尾端軸承座壓板PUSHING PLATE,BEARING HOUSI 3120\SCM4101103560132B0尾端座蓋板REAR BEARING HOUSING COVER 3180\SPCC101203581022B0尾端座(X軸)REAR BEARING HOUSING 1080\FC-25\3581022B2101303581027B0傳動座TRANSMISSION HOUSING1080\FC-25\3581027B2101403984063A0滾珠導螺桿(X軸)BALL SCREW9860\V42iW101504020401030鎖緊螺帽LOCK NUTMK30101604020403035鎖緊螺帽LOCK NUTMF35(M35xP1.5)101704050175012壓縮彈簧COMPRESSIVE SPRINGφ1.25Xφ7.5X12L801804061306828迷宮環LAMINAL RINGFK3-AS 62/2.8/0.82601904402030062螺桿軸承BALL SCREW BEARINGBS30M62/15-P4A.DUM102004402435072螺桿軸承BALL SCREW BEARINGBS35/72/15TUM1021********A0傳動座蓋板TRANSMISSION HOUSING COVER7180\SPCC1022********D0迷宮環座LAMINAL RING BRACKET3250\SCM4102304061300001迷宮環LAMINAL RING FK3-AS 68/2.8/0.82302404080508050斜梢SLIDE PIN#8x50L(附內牙)4台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F22024Y軸傳動單元Y AXIS TRANSMISSION UNITV42iW00103170053B0軸承隔環BEARING SPACER3230\SCM4100203170054B0前迷宮環座LAMINAL RING BRACKET3250\SCM4200303170057B0軸承隔環BEARING SPACER3230\SCM4100403170067A0預拉彈簧檔片PRELOAD SPRING STOPPER 3230\S45C100503170070A0Z軸尾端軸承座REAR BEARING HOUSING 1080\S45C100603560016B0軸承壓蓋BEARING CAP 3240\SCM4100703560018G0防撞膠塊固定座RUBBER CUSHION BRACKET 3240\SCM4100803560019B0防撞膠固定座RUBBER CUSHION BRACKET 3230\S45C100903560023F0Z軸尾端軸承座壓板PUSHING PLATE,BEARING HOUSI 3120\SCM41010********B0尾端座蓋板REAR BEARING HOUSING COVER 3180\SPCC101103560374A0防撞膠塊RUBBER CUSHION 4370\PU201203581022B0尾端座(X軸)REAR BEARING HOUSING 1080\FC-25\3581022B2101303581027B0傳動座TRANSMISSION HOUSING1080\FC-25\3581027B2101403984062A0滾珠導螺桿BALL SCREW9860\市購品4150H\Y軸101504020401030鎖緊螺帽LOCK NUTMK30101604020403035鎖緊螺帽LOCK NUTMF35(M35xP1.5)101704050175012壓縮彈簧COMPRESSIVE SPRINGφ1.25Xφ7.5X12L801804061306828迷宮環LAMINAL RINGFK3-AS 62/2.8/0.82601904402030062螺桿軸承BALL SCREW BEARINGBS30M62/15-P4A.DUM102004402435072螺桿軸承BALL SCREW BEARINGBS35/72/15TUM1021********A0傳動座蓋板TRANSMISSION HOUSING COVER7180\SPCC1022********D0迷宮環座LAMINAL RING BRACKET3250\SCM4102304061300001迷宮環LAMINAL RING FK3-AS 68/2.8/0.82302404080508050斜梢SLIDE PIN#8x50L(附內牙)4台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F23020Z軸傳動單元Z AXIS TRANSMISSION UNITV42iW00103170053B0軸承隔環BEARING SPACER3230\SCM4100203170054B0前迷宮環座LAMINAL RING BRACKET3250\SCM4200303170057B0軸承隔環BEARING SPACER3230\SCM4100403560022A0預拉彈簧擋片PRELOAD SPRING STOPPER 3230\S45C100503170070A0Z軸尾端軸承座REAR BEARING HOUSING 1080\S45C100603560016B0軸承壓蓋BEARING CAP 3240\SCM4100703560019B0防撞膠固定座RUBBER CUSHION BRACKET 3230\S45C200803560023F0Z軸尾端軸承座壓板PUSHING PLATE,BEARING HOUSI 3120\SCM4100903560132B0尾端座蓋板REAR BEARING HOUSING COVER 3180\SPCC1010********A0防撞膠塊RUBBER CUSHION 4370\PU201103581022B0尾端座(X軸)REAR BEARING HOUSING 1080\FC-25\3581022B2101203581027B0傳動座TRANSMISSION HOUSING 1080\FC-25\3581027B2101313984064A0滾珠螺桿(Z)Z AXIS BALL SCREW9860\市購品101404020401030鎖緊螺帽LOCK NUTMK30101504020403035鎖緊螺帽LOCK NUTMF35(M35xP1.5)101604050175012壓縮彈簧COMPRESSIVE SPRINGφ1.25Xφ7.5X12L801704061306828迷宮環LAMINAL RINGFK3-AS 62/2.8/0.82601804402030062螺桿軸承BALL SCREW BEARINGBS30M62/15-P4A.DUM101904402435072螺桿軸承BALL SCREW BEARINGBS35/72/15TUM1020********A0傳動座蓋板TRANSMISSION HOUSING COVER7180\SPCC1021********B0軸承隔環BEARING SPACER3230\SCM4102204020402035鎖緊螺帽LOCK NUTMR35(M35xP1.5)1 02304080508050斜梢SLIDE PIN#8x50L(附內牙)4英文品名2F50038外型護罩單元LOWER ENCLOSURE GUARD UNITV42iW00103582231A0大護罩LARGE COVER7500\SPCC100203582229A0左後護罩(L) REAR GUARD7500\SPCC100303582230A0右後護罩(R) REAR GUARD7500\SPCC100403582232A0左前門(L) FRONT DOOR 7480\SPCC100503582233A0右前門(R) FRONT DOOR 7480\SPCC100603582234A0前門側擋水板FRONT DOOR PLATE 7210\SPCC200703581295A0前門定位板ORIENTATION PLATE 7210\SPCC200803582236A0護罩前飾條RUBBER RIBBON, TELESCOPIC BA 4510\SUS 303100903582235A0下門軌LOWER DOOR GUIDE 7130\SPCC1010********A0前門下門輪支架LOWER DOOR WHEEL BRACKET 7110\SPCC401103520054C0門輪DOOR WHEEL 3260\S45C401203520055A0門輪DOOR WHEEL 3260\S45C401304060600028C型扣環(孔用)C TYPE RETAINER RINGR-28401404060700012C型扣環(軸用)C TYPE RETAINER RINGS-12401504400206001深槽滾珠軸承BEARING6001ZZ 12x28x8401604300460100管型把手(加高)HAHDLEU1-600L-100H201703560146B0前門壓克力ACRYLIC PLATE, FRONT DOOR4360\ACRY201803560169B0壓克力壓板LOCKING PLATE, DOOR ACRYLIC7120\SPCC201903582049A0上門輪座DOOR WHEEL BRACKET7110\SPCC202004402000628軸承BEARING628ZZ 8*24*8 日本12021********D0護罩壓克力SIDE DOOR ACRYLIC PLATE4360\ACRY2022********A0側門飾條RUBBER RIBBON4510\SUS303光面2023********B0側門把手座SIDE DOOR HANDLE BRACKET 7180\SPCC402404300401421把手 (染黑)HAHDLE A-42-A402504090500403鎖頭LOCK C-403(長型)七星小S402604720700081工作燈WORKING LIGHT HT-S81/24V 70W1027********A0工作燈座WORKING LIGHT BRACKET 7210\SPCC1028********A0右上蓋板RINGHT SIDE COVER 7510\SPCC1029********A0伸臂蓋板OUTSTRETCHED ARM COVER 7180\SPCC103003582238A0左後飾板REAR PLATE7510\SPCC1英文品名2F5003803103582239A0左後飾板支撐座BRACKET, REAR PLATE7180\SPCC103203582240A0右後飾板後蓋板BRACKET, REAR PLATE7180\SPCC103303582241A0油冷機門DOOR OF OIL COOLER7510\2t SPCC103404300421602門扣把手DOOR LOCKB-010長軸(六角型)+B-1602(取手103504300401024門扣把手檔板DOOR LOCK PLATE B-01024103603582242A0電器箱下飾板REAR BRACKET POWER CABINET 7450\10370*******A0右下飾板(R) LOWER PLATE 7510\SPCC103803582244A0前下飾板LOWER PLATE 7510\SPCC103903560696A0水槍座WATER GUN SEAT 7210\SPCC104003560697A0風槍座AIR GUN SEAT7210\SPCC1台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F51038水箱單元(螺旋式排屑)COOLANT TANK UNIT(COIL TYPEV42iW00103582228A0導屑槽(螺旋式)CHIP TRAUGH7520\SPCC100203582068B0螺旋捲屑器CHIP CONVEYOR9570100304440800015排屑器馬達CONVEYOR MOTOR1/4HP 1:100 FME22100403582069B0排屑炮管(附蓋及防漏膠墊)CHIP THROUGH TUBE 7570\SPCC100503582072E0水箱COOLANT TANK 7580\SPCC100603582073E0水箱蓋COOLANT TANK COVER 7510\SPCC100703582125A0過濾擋水板WATER BAFFLE 7210\SPCC100803582102B0蓄屑盤CHIP PLATE 7520\SPCC100903582103C0蓄屑槽FILTER NET 7590\SPCC1010********B0水箱遮水板DASH BOARD 7180\SPCC101103500428A0管接頭座CONNECTOR BRACKET 3150\S45C101204300401421把手 (染黑)HAHDLE A-42-A201304430040303切削液泵浦(直立式)COOLANT PUMPTPHK4T3-2S101404510100001油表COOLANT LEVEL GAUGE3''101504530012424水用電磁閥KSDSOLENOID VALVEJB4K-24V(1/2")2<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F52025電氣箱單元POWER CABINET UNITV42iW00103582207A0電氣箱POWER CABINET7450\SPCC100203582208A0電氣箱左門(L) DOOR, POWER CABINET7450\SPCC100303582209A0電氣箱右門(R) DOOR, POWER CABINET7450\SPCC100403582210A0電氣箱門調整組ADJUSTING SET FOR POWER CAB 7450\SPCC400503582211A0電氣箱支架BRACKET FOR POWER CABINET 7450\SPCC100603582220A0I/O基板(上)I/O BOARD(UPPER)7560\3t SPCCZ100703582221A0I/O基板(下)I/O BOARD(LOWER)7560\SPCCZ100803500149B0主電源開關座MAIN POWER SWITCH BRACKET 7160\SPCC100903500150C0左右調整座ADJUSTABLE BRACKET 7160\SPCC1010********A0電器箱聯動管支架CONDUIT BRACKET 7210\SPCC101103582219A0聯動管支架蓋板COVER FOR CONDUIT BRACKET 7210\SPCC101203582215A0電磁閥配置板VALVE BRACKET 7210\SPCC101304090500403鎖頭LOCKC-403(長型)七星小S301404560300010熱交換器HEAT EXCHANGERHPW-10AR/EA-2A1<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F53054操作箱單元 三菱-70MOPERATION CABINET UNITV42iW00103582222A0伸臂OUTSTRETCHED ARM7470\SPCC100203582223A0伸臂上蓋板(A)OUTSTRETCHED ARM COVER7180\SPCC100303582224A0伸臂上蓋板(B)OUTSTRETCHED ARM COVER7180\SPCC100403582225A0伸臂出線連結座OUTSTRETCHED ARM CONNECTING 7210\SPCC100503582226A0伸臂連結蓋板OUTSTRETCHED ARM CONNECTING 7180\SPCC100603582227A0伸臂側蓋板OUTSTRETCHED ARM COVER 7180\SPCC100703500129A0旋轉座ROTATION BRACKET 3240\S45C100803580264B0操作箱OPERATION CABINET 7460\SPCC100903560523B0操作箱後蓋CABINET REAR COVER 7460\SPCC1010********C0洩放電阻座(大)BLEEDER RESISTANCE BRACKET 7210\SPCC101103581310E0洩放電阻座蓋COVER,BLEEDER RESISTANCE BRA 7210\SPCC101204300400400管型把手(自然色)HAHDLE U1-400L101304720632243警示燈(三層)WARNING LIGHTGSL-24V-3-B1<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F53055操作箱單元 Fanuc-0iMDOPERATION CABINET UNITV42iW00103582222A0伸臂OUTSTRETCHED ARM7470\SPCC100203582223A0伸臂上蓋板(A)OUTSTRETCHED ARM COVER7180\SPCC100303582224A0伸臂上蓋板(B)OUTSTRETCHED ARM COVER7180\SPCC100403582225A0伸臂出線連結座OUTSTRETCHED ARM CONNECTING 7210\SPCC100503582226A0伸臂連結蓋板OUTSTRETCHED ARM CONNECTING 7180\SPCC100603582227A0伸臂側蓋板OUTSTRETCHED ARM COVER 7180\SPCC100703500129A0旋轉座ROTATION BRACKET 3240\S45C100803500432E0操作箱(FANUC Oi MC)OPERATION CABINET 7460\SPCC100903500433C0操作箱後蓋CABINET REAR COVER 7460\SPCC101004300400400管型把手(自然色)HAHDLE U1-400L101104720632243警示燈(三層)WARNING LIGHTGSL-24V-3-B1<結 束>。

WHELEN 电子蜂窝系统说明 说明书

WHELEN 电子蜂窝系统说明 说明书

©1995 Whelen Engineering Company Inc.Form No.13014D (110206)For warranty information regarding this product, visit /warranty•Proper installation of this product requires the installer to have a good understanding of automotive electronics, systems and procedures.•Whelen Engineering requires the use of waterproof butt splices and/or connectors if that connector could be exposed to moisture.•Any holes, either created or utilized by this product, should be made both air- and watertight using a sealant recommended by your vehicle manufacturer.•Failure to use specified installation parts and/or hardware will void the product warranty.•If mounting this product requires drilling holes, the installer MUST be sure that no vehicle components or other vital parts could be damaged by the drilling process. Check both sides of the mounting surface before drilling begins. Also de-burr the holes and remove any metal shards or remnants. Install grommets into all wire passage holes.•If this manual states that this product may be mounted with suction cups, magnets, tape or Velcro®, clean the mounting surface with a 50/50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and water and dry thoroughly.•Do not install this product or route any wires in the deployment area of your air bag. Equipment mounted or located in the air bag deployment area will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag, or become a projectile that could cause serious personal injury or death. Refer to your vehicle owner’s manual for the air bag deployment area. The User/Installer assumes full responsibility to determine proper mounting location, based on providing ultimate safety to all passengers inside the vehicle.•For this product to operate at optimum efficiency, a good electrical connection to chassis ground must be made. The recommendedprocedure requires the product ground wire to be connected directly to the NEGATIVE (-) battery post (this does not include products that use cigar power cords).•If this product uses a remote device for activation or control, make sure that this device is located in an area that allows both the vehicle and the device to be operated safely in any driving condition.•Do not attempt to activate or control this device in a hazardous driving situation.•This product contains either strobe light(s), halogen light(s), high-intensity LEDs or a combination of these lights. Do not stare directly into these lights. Momentary blindness and/or eye damage could result.•Use only soap and water to clean the outer lens. Use of other chemicals could result in premature lens cracking (crazing) and discoloration. Lenses in this condition have significantly reduced effectiveness and should be replaced immediately. Inspect and operate this product regularly to confirm its proper operation and mounting condition. Do not use a pressure washer to clean this product.•It is recommended that these instructions be stored in a safe place and referred to when performing maintenance and/or reinstallation of this product.•FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT OR VEHICLE AND/OR SERIOUS INJURY TO YOU AND YOUR PASSENGERS!A u t o m o t i v e : Warnings to InstallersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices must be properly mounted and wired in order to be effective and safe. Read and follow all of Whelen’s written instructions when installing or using this device. Emergency vehicles are often operated under high speed stressful conditions which must be accounted for when installing all emergency warning devices. Controls should be placed within convenient reach of the operator so that they can operate the system without taking their eyes off the roadway. Emergency warning devices can require high electrical voltages and/or currents. Properly protect and use caution around live electrical connections.Grounding or shorting of electrical connections can cause high current arcing, which can cause personal injury and/or vehicle damage, including fire. Many electronic devices used in emergency vehicles can create or be affected by electromagnetic interference. Therefore, after installation of any electronic device it is necessary to test all electronic equipment simultaneously to insure that they operate free of interference from other components within the vehicle. Never power emergency warning equipment from the same circuit or share the same grounding circuit with radio communication equipment. All devices should be mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and securely fastened to vehicle elements of sufficient strength to withstand the forces applied to the device. Driver and/or passenger air bags (SRS) will affect the way equipment should be mounted. This device should be mounted by permanent installation and within the zones specified by the vehicle manufacturer, if any. Any device mounted in the deployment area of an air bag will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag and may damage or dislodge the device. Installer must be sure that this device, its mounting hardware and electrical supply wiring does not interfere with the air bag or the SRS wiring or sensors. Mounting the unit inside the vehicle by a method other than permanent installation is not recommended as unit may become dislodged during swerving; sudden braking or collision. Failure to follow instructions can result in personal injury. Whelen assumes no liability for any loss resulting from the use of this warning device. PROPER INSTALLATION COMBINED WITH OPERATOR TRAINING IN THE PROPER USE OF EMERGENCY WARNING DEVICES IS ESSENTIAL TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF EMERGENCY PERSONNEL AND THE PUBLIC.Warnings to UsersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices are intended to alert other operators and pedestrians to the presence and operation of emergency vehicles and personnel. However, the use of this or any other Whelen emergency warning device does not guarantee that you will have the right-of-way or that other drivers and pedestrians will properly heed an emergency warning signal. Never assume you have the right-of-way. It is your responsibility to proceed safely before entering an intersection, driving against traffic, responding at a high rate of speed, or walking on or around traffic lanes. Emergency vehicle warning devices should be tested on a daily basis to ensure that they operate properly. When in actual use, the operator must ensure that both visual and audible warnings are not blocked by vehicle components (i.e.: open trunks or compartment doors), people, vehicles, or other obstructions. It is the user’s responsibility to understand and obey all laws regarding emergency warning devices. The user should be familiar with all applicable laws and regulations prior to the use of any emergency vehicle warning device. Whelen’s audible warning devices are designed to project sound in a forward direction away from the vehicle occupants. However, because sustained periodic exposure to loud sounds can cause hearing loss, all audible warning devices should be installed and operated in accordance with the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association.Safety FirstThis document provides all the necessary information to allow your Whelen product to be properly and safely installed. Before beginning the installation and/or operation of your new product, the installation technician and operator must read this manual completely. Important information is contained herein that could prevent serious injury or damage.WARNING: This product may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, visit /regulatory.Installation Guide:BL2150 Headlight Flasher51 Winthrop RoadChester, Connecticut 06412-0684Phone: (860) 526-9504Internet: Salese-mail:*******************CustomerServicee-mail:*******************®ENGINEERING COMPANY INC.Selecting a mounting location...The logical choice for a mounting area would be one where access to the vehicle’s headlight wiring harness can be easily achieved. However, due to the wide variety of vehicles onto which the BL2150 could be installed, this is not always possible.The following guidelines will help the installer select an acceptable alternative:A)Do not select a location where the BL2150 will be exposed to potential damage from any unsecured or loose equipment in the vehicle.B)If possible, try to situate the BL2150 as close to the headlights as possible.C)When routing the BL2150’s wires, it is important to choosea path that will keep these wires away from excessive heat and from any vehicle equipment that could compromise the integrity of the wires (ex. hood springs, door jams, etc.).WARNING! All customer supplied wires that connect to the positive terminal of the battery must be sized to supply at least 125% of the maximum operating current and FUSED at the battery to carrythat load. DO NOT USE CIRCUIT BREAKERS WITH THIS PRODUCT!WARNING!When extending the communication wires(BLUE & GREY), similar “twisted pair” wires MUST be used! Refer to your MPCxx operating manual for information on how to operate the BL2150 headlight flasher.IMPORTANT: It is the responsibility of the installation technician to make sure that the installation and operation of this product will not interfere with or compromise the operation or efficiency of any vehicle equipment! Before returning the vehicle to active service, visually confirm the proper operation of this product, as well as all vehicle components/equipment.。

PHILIPS 273G3D 说明书

PHILIPS 273G3D 说明书
• 使用略微蘸湿的布清洁显示器时,应拔掉 显示器电源线插头。电源关闭时,可以使 用干布擦拭屏幕。但是,切勿使用有机溶 剂(如酒精)或含氨水的液体清洁显示器。
• 为避免电击或本机永久性损坏,不要在 多尘、下雨、水附近或过分潮湿的环境 中使用显示器。
• 如果显示器被弄湿了,应尽快用软布擦 拭干净。
• 如果异物或水进入显示器,请立即关闭 电源,并拔掉电源线。然后,取出异物 或擦干水,并送到维修中心进行检修。
1. 重要
警告 严重的“烙印”、“残像”或“余像”不会 消失,不能修复。上面提到的损坏不在保修 范围内。
维修 • 只有专业的维修人士可以打开机壳盖。 • 如果在维修或集成时需要任何文档,请与
您当地的服务中心联系。(请参见“消费者 信息中心”一章) • 关于运输信息,请参见“技术规格”。 • 不要将显示器放在阳光直接照射的车内。
3. 图像优化...............................................11
3.1 SmartImage.....................................................11 3.2 SmartContrast ..............................................12 3.3 Philips SmartControl Premium ...........12
注 如果显示器工作不正常,或者当您参照本手 册中的操作说明而不知道应执行哪个步骤 时,请与服务技术人员联系。
1.2 标志说明
在此指南中,文字段落配有图标并以黑体或 斜体书写。这些段落含有 “注”、“注意” 或“小心”字句。其使用如下:

Optix MAG272CQR游戏监视器说明书

Optix MAG272CQR游戏监视器说明书

See beyond the Game.Visualize your victory.Selling PointsDisplay da gaming curvo (1500R): la miglioreimmersione di gioco.Mystic Light: la migliore esperienza di gioco.< ...Picture and logos1.Power Jack2.1x Display Port 1.2a3.2x HDMI 2.0b1x USB Type C (For DP and Charge)4.5.1x Earphone6.2x USB 3 .2 Gen1 Type A7.1x USB 3.2 Gen1 Type B (PC to Monitor)8.1x Kensington Lock9.Headset HangerSpecificationScreen Size27" (69 cm)Active Display Area (mm)596.736 (H) x 335.664 (V) Curvature Curve 1500RPanel Type VAResolution2560x1440 (WQHD)Aspect Ratio16:9Dynamic Refresh Rate technology FreeSyncHDR (High dynamic range)HDR readySDR Brightness (nits)250Contrast Ratio3000:1DCR (Dynamic Contrast Ratio)100000000:1Signal Frequency70.56~214.56 KHz(H) / 48~165 Hz(V) Refresh Rate165HZResponse Time (MPRT)1ms(MPRT)Response Time (GTG)4msResponse Time (Tr + Tf)N/AView Angles178°(H)/178°(V)Surface Treatment Anti-glareNTSC (CIE1976 area percentageoverlap)100.6% / 86.0%NTSC (CIE1931 area percentageoverlap)85.1% / 79.5%sRGB (CIE1976 area percentageoverlap)115.4% / 98.7%sRGB (CIE1931 area percentageoverlap)120.1% / 99.7%Adobe RGB (CIE1976 area percentageoverlap)98.9% / 89.9%Adobe RGB (CIE1931 area percentageoverlap)89.0% / 83.2%DCI-P3 (CIE1976 area percentageoverlap)91.9% / 91.8%DCI-P3 (CIE1931 area percentageoverlap)89.0% / 83.2%Rec.709 (CIE1976 area percentageoverlap)115.4% / 98.7%Rec.709 (CIE1931 area percentageoverlap)120.1% / 99.7%Display Colors 1.07BColor bit10 bits (8 bits + FRC)Note_DP2560 x1440 (Up to 165Hz)Note_HDMI2560 x1440 (Up to 165Hz)Note_DVI N/AHDMI2HDMI version 2.0HDMI HDCP version N/ADisplayPort1DisplayPort version 1.2aDisplayPort HDCP version N/AThunderbolt version N/AThunderbolt HDCP version N/AUSB Type C (DisplayPort Alternate)1DVI NAD-Sub NAMic-in NAHeadphone-out1Audio Combo NALock type Kensington LockUSB 2.0 Type B NAUSB 3.2 Gen 1 Type B1Thunderbolt N/AUSB 2.0 Type A NAUSB 2.0 Type C NAUSB 3.2 Gen 1 Type A2USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type C NAUSB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type C NAUSB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type A NACard Reader NAPower Type Power CablePower Input100~240V, 50/60HzAdapter's KC safety Number N/APower Cord Type N/AQC Output N/AQC Output Power N/APD Output N/APD Output Power N/AAdjustment (Tilt)-5° ~ 20°Adjustment (Swivel)NAAdjustment (Height)0 ~ 130 mm Adjustment (Pivot)NAVESA Mounting100x100mm Frameless Design YesOuter Carton Dimension (WxDxH) (mm)770 x 183 x 595 Outer Carton Dimension (WxDxH) (inch)30.31 x 7.2 x 23.43 Product Dimension with Stand (WxDxH) (mm)611.5 x 267 x 560 Product Dimension with Stand (WxDxH) (inch)24.07 x 10.51 x 22.05611.5 x 87.5 x 372.74 Product Dimension without Stand (WxDxH)(mm)Product Dimension without Stand (WxDxH)24.07 x 3.44 x 14.67 (inch)Stand Dimension (WxDxH) (mm)453 x 225 x 263.5 Stand Dimension (WxDxH) (inch)17.83 x 8.86 x 10.37 Inside Carton Dimension (WxDxH) (mm)770 x 183 x 595 Inside Carton Dimension (WxDxH) (inch)30.31 x 7.2 x 23.43 Weight (Net kg) 5.9Weight (Gross kg)13.1DisplayPort Cable1HDMI Cable1DVI Cable0USB Type A to Type B Cable1USB Type C to Type A Cable N/AUSB Type C to Type C Cable0Thunderbolt Cable N/AVGA Cable03.5mm audio Cable03.5mm combo audio Cable0Power Cord1AC Adaptor0Warranty Card1Quick Guide1Warranty36MSKU Number0Color ID1/Black-BlackEAN4719072682040。



MAX7221的资料MAX72211 概述MAX7221 是Maxim(美信)公司专为LED 显示驱动而设计生产的串行接口八位LED 显示驱动芯片.该芯片包含有七段译码器、位和段驱动器、多路扫描器、段驱动电流调节器、亮度脉宽调节器及多个特殊功能寄存器.该芯片采用串行接口方式,可以很方便地和单片机相连,未经扩展最多可用于8 位数码显示或64 段码显示.经实际使用发现,该芯片具有占用单片机I/O 口少(仅三线)、显示多样、可靠性高、简单实用、编程灵活方便的特点.2 MAX7221 功能简介2.1 MAX7221 的功能特点(1)10MHz 的串行接口;(2)BCD 译码/非译码模式选择;(3)耗电仅150uA 的省电模式(显示关闭);(4)数字和模拟双重亮度控制;(5)SPI、QSPI、Microwire 等多种串行接口;(6)显示位数可方便地进行扩展.2.2 MAX7221 引脚介绍(见图1)Din 脚,串行数据输入端,数据存入内部16 位移位寄存器.DIG0~DIG7 脚,8 位共阴极数码管的控制输入端,显示关闭时输出高电平.GND 脚,接地端,4 和9 脚都要接地.CS 脚,片选输入端,当CS=0 时,串行数据存入移位寄存器,当CS 为上升沿时锁存最后16 位数据.CLK 脚,串行时钟输入端,最高频率10MHz,在时钟上升沿数据移位存入内部移位寄存器,当时钟下降沿时,数据由Dout 输出,CLK 输入仅当CS=0 时有效.SEGA~SEGG,SEGDP 脚,数码管七段驱动和小数点驱动端,关闭显示时各段驱动输出为高电平.收稿日期:2003-11-20作者简介:张华林(1973-),男,福建诏安县人,讲师,学士.44漳州师范学院学报(自然科学版)2004 年Iset 脚,连接到Vdd 的电阻连接端,用来模拟设定各段驱动电流.Vdd 脚,5V 正电压输入端.Dout 脚,串行数据输出端,数据由Din 输入,经16.5 个时钟延迟后由Dout 引脚输出,此引脚用来扩展MAX7221.2.3 MAX7221 功能2.3.1 串行数据输入和控制寄存器串行数据输入输出时CS 必须为低电平,串行数据由Din 送入一个16 位的数据包,并在每个时钟上升沿时存入内部16 位移位寄存器.数据经16.5 个周期后,在时钟的下降沿由Dout 引脚输出.16 位数据D0~D15 的排列见表1.D0~D7 包含数据,D8~D11 包含寄存器地址,D12~D15 为未定义位,芯片最先接收D15 位.控制寄存器的地址图见表2.表1表22.3.2 省电模式MAX7221 允许工作在省电模式(显示关闭,见表3),在该模式下,供电电流可降低到150uA. 器件在这种模式下上电时,250us 内即可进入正常工作模式.在测试状态下,省电模式被屏蔽.表32.3.3 译码/非译码模式译码模式寄存器可以设置对每一位数字的BCD 译码模式或非译码模式,寄存器的每一位对应一个数字,高电平代表译码,低电平代表旁路译码器.见表4.当芯片处于译码模式时,数据位只有D0~D3 有效,D4~D6 位为无效位,D7 为小数点位,见表5.当芯片处于非译码模式时,数据D0~D7 位对应8 个笔划段,见表6.第1 期张华林:MAX7221 的原理与应用45 表4表5表62.3.4 亮度控制寄存器本芯片允许由外加在Vdd 和Iset 之间的电阻Rset 调节LED 亮度,Rset 阻值至少为9.53K,它也允许由亮度控制寄存器进行设置,通过设置每一笔划的扫描脉冲占空比达到调整亮度的目的,见表7.2.3.5 扫描位数控制寄存器扫描位数控制寄存器可以设置显示1~8 位(见表8),多路扫描器在显示8 位时典型的扫描频率为800Hz.显示位数减少时,扫描频率上升为8f/N(f 为扫描频率,N 为显示位数).当显示位数为3 位、2 位、1 位时,Rset 应至少增大为15K、20K、40K.46漳州师范学院学报(自然科学版)2004 年表7表82.3.6 显示测试模式和空操作模式显示测试寄存器操作有两种模式:正常模式和显示测试模式(见表9).显示测试时屏蔽所有功能设置,全部8 位的每一笔划的扫描脉冲占空比均为15/16.空操作模式用于芯片扩展,后面的芯片要显示的数据经过前面的芯片时,前面的芯片应处于空操作模式.表93 MAX7221 与PIC 单片机的连接MAX7221 与PIC16C73 单片机的接口电路如图2 所示,该电路是某型号打码机的显示部分电路,U1、U2、U3 分别用来显示打码速度、打码碳带温度、打码位置.U1、U2、U3 共占用7 个数码管,另有4 个指示灯,分别为工作指示、测试指示、温度过高报警指示、碳带用完报警指示.PIC 单片机的RC3、RC4、RC5 分别接MAX7221 的CLK、DATAIN、CS 引脚.本文介绍的显示电路应用于某型号打码机,经实践证明,其显示简单,运行可靠.该芯片还第1 期张华林:MAX7221 的原理与应用47 可以广泛应用于段曲线显示、工业控制、LED 矩阵显示等.图2。

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