



A. It dorsn 11 matter.B. Not 1 can't.C. Surct why do you need it? 5. 一I bet that Mike wished you had told him that earlier.A. We should also find what the customers keep in their minds-B. So be careful with our job.C. WclL Mike isn f f a fool. he won 1: do thnt again.二、阅汇与结构(共计30分,每小JB 2分)6—20 B :ffi )读下面的句子,从A 、B.C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,井将答 案序号写在答IE 纸上。

6. You won't choose this brand namjA. wtll youB< won't youC ・ don'i you7. There WHKin the meeting room n 、 the gcncrnl munogcr predicted the compuny 1* niilcB iurgrhA. silenceC. silently8. rd like to know whnt time wc enn 帝 the contninrr it IH in the parh 国家开放大学电大专科《商务英语1》2024期末试题及答案(试卷号:3897)一,交际用语(共计10分.每小题2分)1一5 Jffi :选择正确的语句完成下面对话,井将答案序号写在答题纸上。

L — Could you give me an example of good tcamwarking there?A- Sorry. 1 can see from yaur resume.B- Surc> I was the treasurer of the Students 1 Union.C ・ Not at all. 1 was in charge of saleji for Corporate Pan-Asia-2. - Thr senior managers need the results from Iasi month straight way ,so I can't stop to talk. P ve got tohurry.A. Stay longer.C. Ck ・ see you laten3. Hello* I'm Susan. Nice to meet you.B. Nice to meet you. too<C. How are you?4.Sally • could you lend me your calculator? Mine is not working.B. Go sluwly. A- Are you?% 1 have finished _________ your project plnn.A. read B- to readC. rrAdingl()> Price* niuy chnngc quickly if supply or dcmnnd _________ 一•A. changes B- changeC. will chnngc11. The re exAtninntian rr»ult!» indiente that onr-third of the good^ arc not ___________________ sundiirci.A・ up to withinC on12. The ten doy dtspUy and JHI I C_________ finished tomorrow.A. i»B. would beQ will beI3a ril __ ____ the rcmittoncc (or you in our rccor<h>A. check in Vk check outC. check up14. _______ i. very important thnT you don't make any mi?<tnkc^ when you calculntcthose figuresA. ThatC. Wh/it15a But fhr chnrKc will be and it aho Town down delivery^At more vjilunble B. cheaper(*. highrr16. Aftvr thin, we have to pout ___________ iettern.At A set of B. n lovI7> At iinivcrMfy I __________ never _________ my osMRnmentN in late.A. huvc^dinndB. hovc*w< handed(?• handedI土When a compnny necdai io HCM |jcoplr f ii rnny advcrtiMt the job in nnrwhpoper <n on ■ wHElcA. employB. retain('• use19. We'll let you know when we ____________ u decision.At take B> giveC> EAke20. - ____ your check in received within a week we shall have no altcrnnttvr.A. Unless AsC.If三■阅读理解(共40分.督小JE 4分)2)-25矩:阅读下列短文.从A,B、C三个选项中选出一个正璃答案•弁将答案序号写在答髓纸上.Passage IAccounting is More 1 han NumbersAccounting could date back to nbuut 7.000 years ago. People of thnt time relied on old accounting mcthoch to record the growth of crops and herds. Accounting Ms greiitly developed with the growth of joint-stock companies.When you think of Accountings you may find of table* nnd numbers. Thai imuRr (loe»n*• usually K»vt you loo much cxciTrmcnt When you have your own business t thought ihg numbers come to inran the world to you bccnwsv they Rive you the record of how much money you1 vr earned or IghActunlly• nccountinn IM not simply ubout strAngc dolbir timountA or boring numbers) they're your nalrn Sure, your co5t»t nnd your profits In other war(U t nccnuntinft is a hngungc of bu^incKH. Once you know how to wotk with ihone numbenif hew to rend fhonr THirnbtr5 nnd how to read the story ihry rcIL yon will be Able to your huMinrMfttoward grcutrr2L Accouniing could date back to nbout ________ ___ years ago.A.7.000 R 6,000G 5.000:22. I^ople in the old dnya rrlird on old accounting methods to record _______________ •A. how much money they hadK the mnnnKcmrnt of their businesA(二the growth of crops and herds23. Accounting hx伟grrwtly changed with the development o( ___________ .A. crop# nnd hrrda K joint stock compnnicAC・ internrf cnmpAmeA24. Accounting is very important in your business because it show,A. how much money you1 ve earned or lostK pwz full of rubles and nunthersC. Mrnngr dollor Amounts or boring numbers25> Accurding to thr writer, accounting is ___________ _ .A. o language al businessK your sales figurcst your cost«r and your profitsC» Both A and B26—30H:倜根!KMJ文内容判断始出的谓句是否正《l,正碗的的瑁并将答案可在答81纸上。



国家开放大学电大专科《民法学(2)》2024期末试题及答案(试卷号:2098)一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分,每小题备选答案中,有一项或二项以上的正确答案,请将正确答案的序号填在题中的括号内,多选、少选或错选均不给分)1.根据多数人一方主体各个当事人享受债权或负担债务的情况及其相互间的关系,债可分为()oA.按份之债和连带之债B.单一之债和多数人之债C.主债和从债D.简单之债和选择之债2.招标方式订立合同,招标是合同的()cA.要约B.承诺C.要约邀请D.新要约3.甲乙订立买卖合同,约定由买方自提货物,交货时间为当年1月20日,合同订立后,甲于1月4 日通知乙1月20日前提货,但乙一直未去提货。










1.操作制约理论是由( )创立的。

2.关于人在情景中的反映讨论,下列说法正确的是( )。

3.下列属于社会工作者的现实性反应的是( )。

A. 个案工作者的反移情
C 个案工作者对案主产生过分的认同
4.下列不属于结案的原因的是( )。

5.下列问题中,哪些属于封闭式提问?( )
A. 你家中有什么人
6.下列关于个案工作的特点下列说法正确的是( )。

A. 个案社会工作特别重视案主对待困难和问题的个人感受与看法。



《国家开放大学电大专科《行政管理学(A)》2023期末试题及答案(试卷号:2202)》摘要:D.韦伯 E.费富纳 12.下列实行内阁制的国家有( ), D.泰国 E.印度尼西亚 13.行政领导者素质的构成主要有( ),C.身体素质 D.心理素质 E.政治素质 14.在我国,根据国家职能的区别,将财政支出区分为( )国家开放大学电大专科《行政管理学(A)》2023期末试题及答案(试卷号:2202)盗传必究一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共10分,每小题只有一项答案正确,请将正确答案的序号填在括号内) 1.我国第一部行政学著作是() A《行政学》 B《论译书》 C《行政学原理》 D 《行政学的理论与实际》 2.里格斯认为处于农业社会向工业社会过渡期间的一种公共行政模式是() A棱柱型 B融合型 C衍射型 D分散型 3.政府为公共服务的服务性特点首先表现在其()上。

A公平性 B平等性 C普遍性 D非赢利性 4.典型的行政体地方政府是()国的地方政府 A 加拿大 B印度 C德国 D英国 5.由立法机关或其他任免机关经过考察而直接任命产生行政领导者的制度是() A聘任制 B考任制 C选任制 D委任制 6.西方国家公务员制度是资本主义制度的产物,它源于中国古代的科举制,而始于()国资产阶级革命后建立的文官制度。

A英 B日本 C法 D美 7.为了实现目标而制定的方案,称为( ),这是构思和设计的主要方案。

A.积极方案 B.临时方案 C.应变方案 D.追踪方案 8.平行沟通是一种同级部门或同事之间的信息沟通,亦称( )。

A.网上沟通 B.元反馈沟通 C.横向沟通 D.纵向沟通 9.《中华人民共和国政府采购法》正式生效的日期是( )。

A. 2003年5月1日 B.2003年1月1日 C.2002年10.月1日 D.2002年1月1日 10.目标管理方法是( )于20世纪50年代,应用系统论、控制论、信息论和人际关系理论而提出的一种新的管理方法。





每小题3分,共21分)1.过失致人死亡罪与过失致人重伤罪的根本区别在于( )。

A.实施的危害行为不同 B.使用的手段不同C.造成的危害结果不同 D.行为人的主观心理态度不同 2.王某驾车时不小心将李某撞至马路边沿上,李某当即失血休克。



对王某的行为应当以( )论处。

A.过失致人死亡罪 B.交通肇事罪 C.故意杀人罪D.重大责任事故罪 3.侵犯著作权罪的行为方式表现为( )。

A.出版他人享有专有出版权的图书 B.未经著作权人许可,复制发行其文字作品、音乐、电影、电视、录像作品、计算机软件及其他作品 C.未经录音录像制作者许可,复制发行其制作的录音录像 D.制作、出售假冒他人署名的美术作品 4.滥用职权罪的主体通常是指( )。

A.国家机关工作人员 B.国家工作人员 C.司法工作人员 D.行政执法人员 5.某甲为某车站存包处职员。



某甲的行为构成( )。

A.贪污罪 B.盗窃罪 C.职务侵占罪 D.侵占罪 6.某仓库被盗时,吴某正与刘某等人一起吃饭,没有作案时间。


刘某的行为( )。

A.构成诬告陷害罪 B.构成伪证罪 C.构成妨害作证罪 D.不构成犯罪 7.构成挪用公款罪的行为有( )。

A.个人挪用公款进行非法活动的 B.个人挪用公款进行营利活动的 C.个人挪用公款进行营利活动,数额较大的D.个人挪用公款,数额较大,超过三个月未还的二、填空题(每小题2分.共20分) 8.危害公共安全罪侵犯的客体是社会的公共安全,包括不特定多数人的生命健康和重大公私财产安全。



国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语1》2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:2204) 第一部分交际用语(共计10分.每小HI 2分)1-5 H :阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当.恰当的遗A ( Kight) t不恰当的选B (Wrong),并将答宴写在答/纸上.L — Could I speak to Harry t please?—He 13 not in. I'm afraicLA. RightB. Wrong2. — Excuse met where in the nenrest bank* please9—Go along this street and rum right al the first crussroad. TFun is where it is.A. RightB. Wrong3. — What arc your parents doing nghl now?— My mother is retired My father is a miinngcr.A. RifthiB. Wrong4. —Could you sign the register• pleaxe?—Of course.A, Right H. Wrong5. — How much doeA the fl«t cost a month?—The cheapest one is on the tenth floor.A. RightB. Wrong第二部分伺it:与结构(共计30分.每小整2分)6-20 ff: K)读下面的句子.从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个能堵入空白处的最隹迭项.并在答JB蛾上写出所选的字毋符号/6. He often ________ lunch in the canteen.A. hasB. haveC> is having7. You like nwimmmgt but 1 ____________ .A. am notB. don'tC. doesn'i8. — _______ arc you from?—Pm from NanjingA・ What B. WhenC. Where9. _______ any yagH classes in the evenings?A. Is thereB. Are thereC. Have10, Pm _________ a b5t of things to buy.A. doingB. makingC. having11. She h心o problem ________ thr lint ndvcrtmcmenl.A. with H> forI2> People in London oftrn travel _________ n n hour to K()I O work every dny・A. m K 如C. (or13. Who k thftt lady over there? Do you know ____________ nomn?A> her H・ hernCL nhe*«14. She liken playing the violin• but he . 一•A. 19 not Bt don'tC. docsn* l15. It ______ hrAvIly here at thin murnenLN rain H・ ruin*(.in nilning16. I gucM thrrr will ___________ more than urvrnty people nt tomorrow meeting,A> be beingC« are\7. I don f t need _nunrral wNter« hut Pd like ______________________ Ma. thanksA> «ny> Mtiy B. ony t »omeC> wmr f Rome18. ___ people are my friends. ______________ people arc my hunhnnd1* friendsA. The»c. Thone B, Thi^. ThutC・ Here» I herc19. There ______ three plants in the cornrr» of the room.A< i> B. areC. have20. Hilly i* _________ than Ben.A> aitr»ciive tt more attractiveC. very attractiveK3K分句熨变揍(共计15分.每小・3分)21—25小・:■■框号里的提示改写下列句子,弁料菩髯耳在答上.2L There arr • lot of problems in thia company1* manAftemmt. (aS A—22. She will accept a great chailenge«(改为含定句)Z3. He doesn't want to break the rule.(改为村定旬)24. They arr going to invite the aftbt io their pAHy> (用who 分舞同》25. Tm intcrrMcd in finding the truth. (JM wtul 对酵分H同)第四部分阅读理解(20分,每小BH分)26-30 18:阅或下列短文.从AJkC三个选项中选出一个正确答系•并在答购纸上耳出所选的字毋符号.What should I do at M party In England7What do t do at the party?You should always offrr to grt drinks for other people when you go to get n dnnk for yoursclL You should introduce yourHell tu new [>eoplr m the gruup< You should Avoid persanHl qurMiuns ^bout family until yau know thrrn bcttpr. Good topics of conversation arc nim?>t books, television programmea t holidays> jobsi the town you are in* and etc.You should Rsk for permission to smoke« say "h it alrighl il 1 smoke?M Or. bc(t<?r> you should go outjiidr tn wmokc. Many |>cople don f t like the smell uf smoke inside.Yau shouldn't drink loo much! And never get drunk.What do I do when I leave?1( you nrc not a close friend of the hosts* you should" be the last io Icave^You should My " Thank you M to the hosts and say * It WE a lovely party. I really enjoyed my«clf. ” And then you should go back to people you talked to and fuiy M h very nice to meet you.”2tk When you 日。



主语从句1. was needed at that time, she told me, was some good luck.A. ThatB. AsC. ItD. What【答案解析】 D【详解】考查主语从句。


在这句话中she told me做插入语不影响句子结构,所以在其次个was之前是主语从句作句子主语。



2. Anyone who wants to can call any timepiece a clock, but technically speaking, only _________ ones ring out the time actually deserve the name.A. whateverB. wheneverC. whicheverD. wherever【答案解析】 C【详解】考查名词性从句。


分析句子结构可知,空白处与其后的ones ring out the time一起作主语,须要一个连接词,其中考虑空白处作定语修饰主语ones,要用whichever 表示“无论哪个”。

在意义上大致相当于 the person or the thing that。


3. It is _______ he said _______ is very important to me.A. what; thatB. that; thatC. all that; whatD. which; that【答案解析】 A【详解】考查主语从句和强调句型。


该句是一个强调句型“It is/was +强调部分+that+其他”,被强调的部分是一个主语从句,主语从句的连接词既起引导作用又做主语从句谓语动词的宾语,由what充当。



1.下列描述错误的是( )
2.关于问诊,错误的描述是:( )
3.二部分护理诊断的陈述多用于:( )
4.正常人的体温保持相对恒定,其调节中枢是( )
5.肾源性水肿的特点为:( )
6.干性咳嗽常见于:( )




每小题2分,共20分)1.罪刑法定原则、无罪推定原则等法律原则,可以被看作是( )。


在这里,“法的渊源”一词通常被理解为法的( )。


”关于该条文的下列选项,错误的是( )。

A.该条规定属于吩咐性规范B.该条规定属于相对确定性规范C.该条规定属于授权性规范D.该条规定不属于法律原则4.关于法律说明和法律推理的下列说法,正确的是( )。

A. 法律说明不能独立于法律推理,有推理才有说明B.法律推理完全独立于说明,有推理未务必要说明C.司法过程中必需运用推理,也必定涉及到说明D.法律推理和法律说明都不受人的价值观影响5.关于法系问题的如下表述,错误的是( )。



这种看法的推理方式属于( )。




国家开放大学电大专科《英语语法》2023期末试题及答案(试卷号:2154)Information for the ExamineesP«n I Grammar in ReadingQuestions I —10 are baiscd on Part [ .Directions » In the following t<?xt f Ihc num!>cn ( 1-10 In brackcU refer to the underlined ports of the lext (hut come after thrm t and to the questions below. Read the text flr^t f and then answer the questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.The media (1 ) c —Mntly bomhnrd us with products nnd services that are mennt to E&ke you (2) look younger* But do looks really matter more than the way you feel? A team of Australian scientists (3) has recently nhown that the quality of life improves with agei pnrticulnrly nmong women. (4) Thip is an (5) interestinR finding* becuuhe it goes aRmniit th e nrcepted wisdom that quality of life worsens the older you get• nnd because women arc the most common targcia of 1 fountain of youth 1 advertmcmentiu The researrhcrji found (6> that old»?r women have more time to socialise with IrirndH* and that the feeling of being suppoitedt (7) imdmtood and valued among prern wun H significant factor in (8) lheir well- hrhig. Erirmiji can help you feel good« and (9) it true thut ()0) if you feel good* you will look good!L Can you rrplnce this by a cnn5itHni 9 here?2. Can you replace this by e to look' here?3. Can you IJMC thr word ^have 1 here?<.Can you replace thin by 'h' here?5. Can you replace this by a interested 1 here?6. (4in you leave out the word A thnt 1 here?7. Can you use the word * under5Und , here?8. Whal docs 'their' refer to in thin sentence?9> Can you replace this by 'whin' here?IO. Can you replace (his by e when 1 here?Pnrt |1 Gmmmnr in RendingQurvlionsi 11 —15 arc bused on Part J] .This examination consists of five parts. These are :(20 points) (20 points) (20 points) (20 points) (20 points) Pan Part Part Part I : Grammar in Reading|| : Grammar in ReadingIII : ClozeIV : Error CorrectionV : Grammar in WritingPari The total marks for this examination are 100 points.Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.Directions • In the following tekt r the numbers 11-15 in brockets refer to the underlined parts <>f the text tMt ernne after thrm t und to the questions below. Read the text first t and then unxHcr the qucAtion^ Write your answers on the Answer Sheet(H) Iht hou^e next to thehas chnnK^d owner, atul hm been under renovation for the past few weeks. (12) The new owner wnntedmore nunlight to reach the rooms, RD the workem nrc tennnR down aevcral wolls^ The noise is deA(eninK« ao thnt it in impossible to〈hop when work nt the Mtt IN goinx on. The supermarket mAru氏er decided to complaint to try to meue hts shrinking income. The site supervisor explained that his deadline wg t»o tight that he could not stup work At any timet except nt nighte However t (13) h<? undmtood〔he miUMger F probl—m. MI he promised〔hut he would,peed up the work AM much as possible^ He manAged the work in Much ・ ftkilfu! way that the noi»y part of the renovation was finiBhed rnrlier than predicted. (14) They ore painiing w』h» now, and (15) the ・upcrtnnrket cuslDmcrs don11 complnin about the smell of the paint<I L Rewrite this sentence by adding *n uppropnate tag question. Follow the example. Er am file 1 She hkeimusic. She lik^i muitc . doean 91 she?12. Chnngr thift Mentencc into negative form. Follow the exAtnple.Exam pie 1 Shr likei munc. She doe^n、like niuiic.13. Change this compound sentence into a complex one>14. Chnnge this sentence from active voice into passive voice-15. Build one question about the underlined pnrt in the sentencePart IQ (lojfcQuestions 16一20 are based on Part 01.Direction* 1 Choose the best answer fnim A, B, C or I) to fill in each blnnk In I he text below. Write your answrn on the Answer Sheet.When I wan in the third grade• I wn» chosen to be the princena in the school piny. For week,my mother had helped me praciicc my line、But once on the stngc< every word _16 (ram my hud. Then my tcncher nnked me to chnnRr my rolr to be a nnrrator (解说哲)(or the piny. 17 I didn r f tell my mother what had happened thnt d・y・ ahr noticed my 18 and usked if 1 wuntcd to take a walk in the garden.h was a lovely spring day* We could see dundelionB (楠公英> 19 through the grant in bunches* 1 watched my mother bend down by one of the bunchen. M l think I 'll cliff up all these wccdnt H she mid. "From now 20 . we11! only have ronca in this garden."16. A. hud di«Appeared R hnd left a left D. d inappeared17. A. If R When a Though D. A nd18. A・unhippy B. h 叩pint”C・happy D・u nhappinena19. A・popping 11 to pop c.popped D. P OP20. A・in K onc.h<er D・b ackPart IV Error CorrectionQuestions 21—30 art based on Part |V.Directions 1 In the following text, there are altogether 10 crmr«t which nre numbered and underlined. Correct the errors Write yoar answers on the Answer Sheet(21) Much years before the United States was founded* AmcricBns had already invented barbecues. But the first barbecues« in fact, were the invention of the Taino Indians of Haiti, who dried (22)his meat on raised frames of sticks over fires. Spanish explorers spelled the Taino word as barbacoa# and as time passed• English settlers (23) among the Atlantic coast had their own barbecues*One summer thy in 1773. Benjamin Lynde, a citixen of Massachusetts• (24) had wrilten in his diary• "Fair and hot: Browne? hack overset. " That in. on A bright and hot day he went to the Browne's to attend a barbecue• and his carriage fell oven It shows thnt the barbecue had its socinl oecnxion by that time. Large Animals would be (25) roosting whole on frames (26) in hot fire, and neighbours would be invited to dinnerIn later centuries> as settlers moved to the west, rhe barbecue went along with them, reaching an especially large size in Texas f (27) which a pit for fuels such as tree branches might be over ten feet deep. Today# the barbecue grills (烧烤架)(28) whnt are fueled (29) on charcoal《木炭)or electricity are likely to be small nnd easy to move ■ and can cook only parts of an animal at a time> but people still have barbecues out of doors and always (30) invsd thrir neighbours or fnendu ovenPart V Gmmmar in WritingQuestions 31—40 are based on Part V.Directions > Below arc 12 words and phra*$ Select 10 nf them and use their proper form lo fill in the gaps In the text. Each word or phrase can only be used <)nce> Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.an hour or two > feci better • little« they. as well • have an ef feet on .o special chemical • which • for example« make. because • bestFor hundreds of years, wnentists have been trying to answer what things have an effect on peopled emotions 《情感). Your emotions can be afketed by your personality> by the actions of others nnd by events around you. Perhaps you don't know your emotions can be influenced by the weather (3D .People often uy they feel good when the sun i* shininx and Fnd when it " cloudy. In fncte sunlight (32) UN (eel good. When sunliRht hits our skin«t our bodies produce . vitamin. ViMminn arc natural chemicals (化¥物质)(33) we all need to »iay healthy. Sunlight helpn our bodies produce vitAfnin D. Vtiarnin D hrlpA our bodies mike (34) •Thin special chemical affecin our hrninii and makes u、feel hoppy. (3£) , there arc long,dark winters of Httlr !iiinlight in Sweden and Norwny> mnny people in these countri(-!i often feel Had. Without much sunlight» their bodies produce (36) vitamin D, Without enough vitamin D. their bodies make less o( this special chemical which makes thvrn feel good. To help the people in these countries (37) • npedhl "qunrooins" with artificinl(人造的)lights have been built. People cun go there and get ^sunlight** for (38) IH OT weather con make people nngry because people fcrl uncomfonable when they are hot< tn the wmewny> rain cxn make people nngry (39) being wet can be unplcasant> As you can 心,the weather can (40) rhe chcmicjils which conTrol our brains Through thc^e ways, the weather can influence our emotions.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)Hurt J (20 points, 2 points cnch.)1. No.2. Na3. No.L、'E5. No.6. Yea.7. No.8. thr older women15.9. Na.10. Yes.Purl [] (20 points, I points earh.)1R Hie house next to the supermnrket han chflnged owner• hasn11 it?12. The new owner didn'i w«nr marc sunhghr to reach the roornM<13. Ikcnuecr hr un<(erBlood I he mantigerS problem • he promised that he would 叩而up the work mmuch nn po«ftiblr«H. W A II H are being pninted now-15. Who don complain about the smell of the paint?Port 0 (20 pciinlii 4 points each.)16, D !7.C 18. D 19. A 20. BPort (V (20 points t2 points each.)2\. mnny22. their23. along24. wrote25, roMtcd26. over27.whrrc28. which/thnt29. by30. invite Part V (20 ^ints, 2 p<»int» cuch< )31. UH well32. maken33. which3It ・ upecial chemicnl35. For example36. lean37. (erl better38. nn hour or two39. because40. hnvc MH effect on。



国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语1》2020期末试题及答案(试卷号:2204)第一部分交际用塔(共计2分.每小题2分)1-5胜:倒读下面的小对话.判断答话是否恰当,恰当的选A (Right】.不怡当的迭B(Wron R).并将答案写在答题纸上•!1. — How do you do?— ! work in insurance.A. RightB. Wrong2. — I low much oil do you need?—h com aboul 50 pounds.A. RightB. Wrong3. — Excuse me・ where ix thr nearest bank* please?—(JO ulong thin street and turn right nt the first crossroad. Thai where n isA. RightB. Wrong4. — Are you free on Frtdfty?— Yes> Friday is fine.A. RightB. Wrong5・一Whm do you think of the invitations?—Thm •、A good idea.A. RightB. Wrong第二部分词正与培构(共计30分,每小箍2分)6—2()18:|®读下面的句子.从A、B、C三个选项中迭出一个能填入空白处的18佳选项,井在答18纸上写出所选项的字母符号。

6. She is 、only accountant in my son's company^A. a B・ ahC. the1.any yoga classes in the evening、?A- In there B・ Are thereC・ Have8. [,tn _______ ・ list of thing* to buy,A. doing 氏C・ havitiK9. She han • problem _________ lhe flit •dvettmrmcnt.A. with Gof10. They ununlly discuss busiincH* __________ E n/mh.A> by.li. with GinIL He can _________ Hood Englifih,A. speakB. tnlkC. imy12. It oftenin nurnrner in thr miurh of Chm A. rain R ruinx (\ raining13. WhmH ・HoC> doe» (v hns worried about the prcMmintum Ifts! wcck°C ・ Were15. My Aunt cnjoyw ________ for her (rirndh at hnnmA. cockFt to cook C. cooking16. 1 hnvc two brothrnu One a driver. «ndn poli 抵mm A. oneB< other C. the other17. — I think the pnrkn are lovely.— So ________ LA. urnB. doC. hnvc1S< Pnul in _________ enntren on __________ t hird (loor»A< the# ii B. a a the 19. Would you like to ―・ rrrtervntion for dinner in the restAurnnt thin rvcning?A. mukcB# give C< hold20. — I have got a poin in my chest. fnt U.— You _______ to see the doctor-A. have & needC・ should第三部分句型变换(共计15分,弟小逸3分)21-25小题;根据括号里的提示改写下列句于,并将答案写在答题纸上.2L They have enough money for this house.(改为—问句)22. There arc some interesting books in this bookstore# (改为一般疑问句)23. My Mon wants to watch TV after dinner every day.(改为否定句)24. She UMially goes home abcnit 5 o'clock.《用when 对划线部分提问〉25. The meeting will take two hours* (用how long 对划线部分提间)第四部分房读理解(20分.每小贱4分)26—30题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并在答赃蛾上与出所选项的字母符号。



单元语法专练(定语从句)基础知识夯实Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.The man Cao Shengkang,________ lost his eyesight at the age of eight in a car accident, crossed 40 cities and counties in three provinces.2.I can tell you all ________ he told me last week.3.This is the museum ________ we saw an exhibition the other day.4.This is the museum ________ you saw the other day.5.Don't do such things ________ you are not sure about.6.It is the third time ________ you have arrived late this month.7.The reason ________ he didn't come was ________ he was injured.8.He must be from Africa, ________ can be seen from his skin.9.Kim Cobb is one of a small but growing minority of academics ________ are cutting back on their air travel because of climate change.10.The GPNP is intended to provide stronger protection for all the species ________ live within the Giant Panda Range.11.The place ________ you are going to visit is the ruin of a palace.12.The factory ________ I am going to is the place ________ my mother used to work many years ago.13.Is oxygen the only gas ________ helps fire burn?14.Air, ________ we breathe every day, is around us all the time.15.This is the very place ________ I wish to live in.16.I have bought the same dress ________ she is wearing.17.We often think of the days ________ we spent together on the island.18.He has left for Hefei, ________ a meeting is to be held.Ⅱ.选词填空(用上定语从句相关知识)1.①The invention ________ she spent 2 years will do good to the w orld.which/on which②The invention ________ took her 2 years will do good to the world.which/不填2.①The day ________ she spent with us was never to be forgotten.不填/when②The day ________ she played with us was never to be forgotten.when/不填3.①She broug ht forward a plan ________ we couldn't agree.which/to which②She brought forward a plan ________ we couldn't accept.不填/for which4.①The story happened on a day ________ the weather was wet and cold.when/which②The story happened on a day ________ was we t and cold.which/when5.①Tom, ________ we had expected, got first place in the competition (比赛).as/who②Tom, ________ we had expected to help us, didn't even show his face.as/whom6.①Is this the factory ________ you visited last week?where/which②Is th is factory ________ you visited last week?which/the oneⅢ.疑难考点专练:在下列小题中填上适当的词1.I can still remember the sitting­room ________ my mother and I used to sit in the evening.2.He paid the boy $ 10 for washing ten windows, most of ________ hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.3.________ is known to all, failure is the mother of success.4.Tom's mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but ________didn't help.5.Alice received an invitation from her boss, ________ came as a surprise.6.The man ________ you borrowed the camera has left for Shanghai.7.They paid a visit to a factory ________ makes toys for children.8.Uncle Tom lives in a mountainous village, ________ is two hours' ride from here.9.She wouldn't marry ________ was rich but not honest.10.I don't know the reason ________ you were absent from the meeting, but I'm sure that someone will tell me the reason ________ you haven't told me.Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子1.众所周知,胡夫金字塔是世界八大奇迹之一。



国家开放大学电大专科《财经英语》2024-2025期末试题及答案(试卷号:2655)第一部分交际用国(共计2分)】一5 ■:阅读下面的小对话.从A、B、C三个选项中炫出一个能填入空白处的■佳选项,井在答题纸上写出所选的字毋符号。

(每H2分.共10分)1. — Would you like to see the menu?A. 1 hear the food here is tasty.R Your menu is very clear.Q No# thanks. I already know what to order-2. — I think it' getting late>A- Why do you think so? K Yes. Let's go home.C. No. It's not.3. — I think the Internet is very helpfuLA. Yes> so do \.B. That's a very good idea.C. Neither do 1.4. —Thank you very much for the present.A. Don't mention it.B. Oh・ thank you too-C. Yes> please> 1 like presents.5. —Please give me A receipt.A. Okay. That's finc>B. Sure. Here you are.C Yes. You are right>第二部分词汇与结构(共计30分)6-15小・:0S读下面的句子,从A.B.C、D四个选项中选出一个能垣入空白处的最隹选项,井在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。

(每・2分,共20分)6. ______ you not tired last night?A. Are C. Were1. ImpruvinK efficiency should16—20 ■:将左栏所列英文财绶术僵与右栏中文*思相匹配,弁将答*写在答n»±p («■ 2分,共1。

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