keysight msos604a使用说明书
keysight msos604a使用说明书msos604a有一个很大的缺点,就是使用摄像头的,要把msos604a和相机一起放在电脑上,这样可以通过它来控制摄像头的焦距和自动对焦。
canon eos m5中文使用手册说明书
基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知2223232424262728293131 (33)34 (37) (37)37基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知5353 (53)5556) (56)) (57)5858) (58)) (59)) (59)) (59)) (60)(以1分鐘的短片為例) (60)) (61)61 (62)63636464656566) (66)在混合自動拍攝模式下拍攝 .播放短片摘要靜止影像/短片靜止影像短片場景圖示 .螢幕上的方框 ......................................................................................常用的便捷功能 ...............................................................................42使用自拍 ..............................................................................................使用自拍功能以避免相機震動 .....................................................自訂自拍 .........................................................................................輕觸螢幕進行拍攝(輕觸式快門) .......................................................連續拍攝 ..............................................................................................影像自訂功能 ...................................................................................45變更影像畫質 ......................................................................................拍攝RAW 格式的影像 ....................................................................使用選單 .........................................................................................變更長寬比 ..........................................................................................變更短片影像畫質 ..............................................................................實用的拍攝功能 ...............................................................................48使用雙軸電子水平儀 ..........................................................................使用自動程度 ......................................................................................自訂相機操作 ...................................................................................49避免自動對焦輔助光發光 ..................................................................關閉防紅眼燈 ......................................................................................變更拍攝後影像的顯示時間 ..............................................................其他拍攝模式.....................................................................使用您喜愛的設定進行拍攝(創意輔助儲存/載入設定.儲存設定載入設定基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知8181818182828283 (83)84 (84)85858686 (87)8889) (89) (91)929292 (93).............................93調整影像亮度(曝光補償關閉曝光模擬鎖定影像亮度/曝光(自動曝光鎖變更測光方法 .變更ISO 感光度調整自動ISO 設定 .自動包圍曝光(自動包圍曝光拍攝) ...................................................自動校正亮度及對比度(自動亮度優化) ...........................................拍攝明亮主體(高光色調優先) ...........................................................影像色彩 ...........................................................................................71調整白平衡 ..........................................................................................自訂白平衡 .....................................................................................手動校正白平衡 .............................................................................手動設定白平衡色溫 .....................................................................自訂色彩(相片風格) ...........................................................................自訂相片風格 .................................................................................儲存自訂相片風格 .........................................................................對焦 ...................................................................................................75選擇自動對焦方式 ..............................................................................單點自動對焦 .................................................................................+追蹤............................................................................................流暢區域自動對焦 .........................................................................選擇要對焦的主體(觸控自動對焦使用自動對焦鎖拍攝 ..........................................................................使用伺服自動對焦拍攝 ......................................................................變更對焦設定 ......................................................................................微調焦點 ..............................................................................................使用手動對焦模式拍攝 .輕鬆辨識對焦區域(手動對焦突出輪廓) .閃光燈 ...............................................................................................80變更閃燈模式 .自動 .................................................................................................基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式107108108109109110110110111111111111112112113113114115115116117117119120120將功能指定給按鈕及轉盤將功能指定給速控轉盤自訂快速設定選單 .選擇要包含在選單中的項目重新排列選單項目儲存拍攝設定 ......................................................................................可儲存的設定 .................................................................................儲存常用拍攝選單項目(我的選單) ...................................................重新命名我的選單設定頁 .............................................................刪除我的選單設定頁 .....................................................................將我的選單設定頁或項目全部刪除 .............................................自訂我的選單設定頁顯示 .............................................................播放模式..........................................................................檢視 .................................................................................................100輕觸式螢幕操作 ................................................................................切換顯示模式 ....................................................................................自訂顯示的拍攝資訊 ...................................................................過度曝光警告(影像的光亮部份) .顯示自動對焦點 ...........................................................................顯示格線 .......................................................................................亮度直方圖 ...................................................................................RGB 直方圖 ...................................................................................拍攝靜止影像時檢視建立的短片按日期檢視 ...................................................................................瀏覽及篩選影像 .............................................................................104使用索引搜尋影像 .輕觸式螢幕操作輕觸兩下放大尋找符合特定條件的影像 .使用主轉盤在影像之間跳轉 .輕觸式螢幕操作基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式141141142142142143發送的影像 ........................143 .............................144 ................................................144144144145146146147 ...................................................147148 ............................................................148 ....................................................149150150150151151152152152縮減檔案大小 .編輯短片摘要 .無線功能.可用的無線功能使用Wi-Fi 功能使用藍牙®功能 ..................................................................................將影像傳輸至智能手機 .................................................................124將影像傳輸至具備藍牙功能的智能手機 ........................................將影像傳輸至兼容NFC 的智能手機 ................................................相機處於拍攝模式時透過NFC 連接............................................相機處於播放模式時透過NFC 連接............................................透過Wi-Fi 選單連接至智能手機.......................................................使用其他存取點 ................................................................................確認存取點的兼容性 ...................................................................使用兼容WPS 的存取點 ...............................................................連接至列出的存取點 ...................................................................以前使用過的存取點 ...................................................................發送影像至註冊的網絡服務 .........................................................132註冊網絡服務 ....................................................................................註冊CANON iMAGE GATEWAY ...............................................註冊其他網絡服務 .......................................................................上傳影像至網絡服務 ........................................................................使用媒體播放器檢視影像 .............................................................136從連接的打印機無線打印影像 .....................................................137發送影像至其他相機影像發送選項發送多張影像 .逐張選擇影像選擇範圍發送評分的影像基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知164164165166166166167167 (169169169)170171171171171172173174 ...........................................174175175175176176176 ...........................................................177 ...........................................177 .. (177)使用省電模式 .省電調整 .螢幕亮度 .切換螢幕資訊顏色 .世界時鐘 .日期及時間 .顯示的語言 ........................................................................................關閉相機聲音 ....................................................................................開啟相機聲音 ....................................................................................隱藏提示 ............................................................................................按圖示列出拍攝模式 ........................................................................調整輕觸式螢幕面板 ........................................................................清潔影像感應器 ................................................................................關閉自動清潔 ...............................................................................啟動清潔感應器 ...........................................................................手動清潔感應器 ...........................................................................查看認證標誌 ....................................................................................設定要記錄在影像中的版權資訊 ....................................................刪除全部版權資訊 .......................................................................調整其他設定 ....................................................................................回復相機的預設設定 ........................................................................回復相機的所有預設值 ...............................................................回復個別功能的預設值 ...............................................................配件 .................................................................................系統圖 .............................................................................................161另購配件 .. (162)鏡頭 ....................................................................................................電源 ....................................................................................................閃光燈 ................................................................................................麥克風 ................................................................................................其他配件 ............................................................................................打印機 ................................................................................................基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知清除打印清單的所有影像將影像加入相簿 .指定選擇的方法逐張加入影像將所有影像加入相簿移除相簿的所有影像附錄 .................................................................................疑難排解 .........................................................................................179螢幕提示 .........................................................................................183螢幕資訊 .. (185)拍攝時 ................................................................................................電量 ...............................................................................................播放時 ................................................................................................資訊顯示1 .....................................................................................資訊顯示2 .....................................................................................資訊顯示3 .....................................................................................資訊顯示4 .....................................................................................資訊顯示5 .....................................................................................資訊顯示6 .....................................................................................資訊顯示7 .....................................................................................資訊顯示8 .....................................................................................短片控制介面的總覽 ...................................................................功能及選單表 (188)各拍攝模式下的可用功能 ................................................................快速設定選單 ....................................................................................拍攝設定頁 .C.Fn 設定頁INFO.速控.設定設定頁 .我的選單設定頁 .播放設定頁 .播放模式下的快速設定選單 .206206206206206207207207207208209209210210210210210210211)的注意事項 ...............................214214214215 . (215215215)基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知用前須知基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式用前須知基本指南進階指南相機的基本操作自動模式/混合自動拍攝模式其他拍攝模式播放模式無線功能設定選單配件附錄索引P 模式Tv 、Av 、M 、C1及C2模式升起閃光燈],請按下起閃光燈。
当使用远程控制模式时,可能会测量到无关的目标。 预防: 当在遥控模式时,请经常检查测量结果。
负责仪器的人员有以下职责: • 了解仪器的安全指南和用户手册指南。 • 确保按照指南操作仪器。 • 熟悉当地的安全条例和意外防护措施。 • 当仪器和程序不安全时立即通知 Leica Geosystems。 • 为了确保国家法律,法规和条件的操作,例如无线电发射器或激光器得到尊重。
仪器被碰撞、误操作、改装、长期保存、运输后,应检查是否会出现不正确的测量结果。 预防: 定期检查仪器,或按照用户手册上的指示进行户外定期检校,尤其在不正常使用仪器或重 要测量任务的前后更应如此。
Leica MS60/TS60
版本 1.0 中文
仪器标识 商标
本手册的有效性 可用文档
祝贺您购买了 MS60/TS60 系列仪器。
本手册包括了重要的安全指南,可指导您安全地安装并使用仪器。 详情请参见 "1 安全指 南 "。 请您在使用本产品之前仔细阅读用户手册。
仪器的型号和序列号标注在仪器标签上。 当您联系代理商或 Leica Geosystems 授权维修机构时,请引用该信息。
您可以创建产品支持请求,您当地的 Leica Geosystems 支持团队会 答复您。 查看您的支持历史,如果您需要参考以前的支持请求,可 以查看其详细信息。
丰富您的产品使用知识 Leica Geosystems Campus - Information, Knowledge, Training. 学习最新的在线培训材料或下载关于您的产 品的培训材料。 获取关于您产品的最新信息并申请参加在您国家所 开展的研讨班或培训课程。
收到设备后,请先给设备进行充电,建议前三次给予完全的充放电循环,以确保电 池获得最佳状态。充电时,当充电器绿灯点亮后,还应继续为设备充电 2 小时左右, 方可完全充满。由于设备内部 Li 电池有保护芯片一直运行,故长时间不使用设备, 有可能电池会因过度放电失去部分容量,为防止此类现象发生,建议 3 个月给设备 进行一次充放电作业。 另需特别注意,切勿直接使用车载 12V 电源给设备电池充电 , 仅能使用本云台配套 专用充电器!
当外出拍摄或之前忘记给设备充电,在拍摄过程中遇到电量报警时(控制器状态灯 长亮),即表示设备将很快会自动关机,此时为完成拍摄作业,可即刻插入外接电 池临时给设备进行供电以完成后续拍摄任务。(外接电池需另行购买)
首先将底部转台安装在脚架之上,务必注意的是:脚架的 3/8 连接螺丝冒出的高度 切勿太高(11 mm 内),适当调整 3/8 螺丝的高度后再连接底部转台(见右图脚架 蓝色部分)。若螺丝太高会顶死底部转台内部的齿轮轴,以至于底部转台无法正常 运转。 如果您的脚架连接螺丝高度不能调节,同时又过高时,请制作一个垫片套上再连接 底部转台,垫片的直径最好大于或等于底部转台的外径。
1 3 2
47Leabharlann 1、上部转台 2、底部转台 3、控制器 4、相机及镜头快装连接座 5、快门线(根据用户相机选择对应型号快门线,标配为有线快门,推荐使用无线快门) 6、充电电源 7、控制器手拧固定螺丝
设备型号:S1 固件版本:V1.01 设备自重:3.5KG(不含充电器和快门线) 负载能力:5KG
尺寸 (mm) 线缆外径
外壳材料 L S1 Max Min
ø 23
105 15 9.5 8.9 黄铜镀铬
139 20 12.5 11.6
FXW.3K.93C.CLM FXW.3K.93C.TLM准F2母光纤插芯PSS.F2.BA2.LCT10需另外订购。
ø 22.5 ø 38
˜101 ˜71
S 15
线缆外径 Max Min
ø 3.4
ø 18 ø 23
黄铜镀铬 不锈钢
EBW 固定式插座,前端带方法兰(4个螺丝固定)
29 23
ø 3.4
ø 23 ø 23
3K.93C 系列高清电视连接系统 HDTV 高清电视光纤连接器全球标准
瑞士雷莫(LEMO)在高清电视(HDTV)引入早期就开发 了 3K.93C 系列连接器,并使之成为了高清电视的连接 标准。目前在全球应用的连接器中,是唯一能完全匹配 SMPTE、ARIB 和 EBU 标准的连接器。具有超过 2 万次 插拔使用寿命,且性能优越,插入损耗仅 0.1dB 。LEMO 3K.93C 系列连接器被各个国内外知名的转播公司作为 高清摄像系统的标准接口。
MZH 604 电子麦克风说明书
e 604 Manual de instruçõesMaterial fornecido Material fornecido• e 604• suporte para microfone MZH 604• bolsa• instruções resumidas• instruções de segurançaVista geral do produto1. Grelha do microfone2. Tomada XLR-33. Suporte do microfoneInstalaçãoFixar o microfoneFixe o suporte ao microfone com o parafuso.Ligar o microfoneLigue o conector XLR-3 do cabo microfone (acessório opcional) à tomada XLR-3 do microfone.OperaçãoColocar o microfone num tamborFixar o e 604 com o auxílio do respetivo suporte do microfone no aro do tambor.Coloque o microfone no tambor a uma distância de 3 a 5 cm sobre a pele.3 – 5 cm(1.2 – 2")Tenha sempre em consideração as seguintes indicações:Pos.Resultado sonoro ObservaçãoAmuitos tons fundamentais poucos harmónicosPosicionamento no tambor:3 a 5 c m sobre a peleA relação entre tons fundamentais e harmónicos pode ser ajustada através do ângulo. Os resultados mais equilibrados podem ser alcançados com um ângulo entre 30 e 60°.Bpoucos tons fundamentais muitos harmónicosCUtilização de um segundo e 604 para captação da pele ressonante e dos bordões. Se necessário, ativara inversão de fase de um dos microfones.A B CLimpeza e manutenção do e 604Posicionar os monitoresPosicione os monitores no ângulo de maior cancelamento (135°) para evitar feedback e interferên-cias.Limpeza e manutenção do e 604CUIDADOOS LÍQUIDOS PODEM DANIFICAR O SISTEMA ELETRÓNICO DO PRODUTO!Podem penetrar na carcaça do produto e provocar um curto-circuito no sistema eletrónico.Mantenha todo o tipo de líquidos afastado do produto.Nunca utilize produtos de limpeza nem solventes.Desligue os produtos da rede elétrica e remova as baterias e as pilhas antes de iniciar a limpeza.Use apenas um pano seco e macio para limpar todos os produtos.Dados técnicosDados técnicosPrincípio do conversor dinâmico Intervalo de transmissão 40 - 18.000 Hz Característica direcionalcardioide Sensibilidade em campo livre, sem carga 1,8 mV/Pa Impedância nominal (a 1 kHz)350 ΩImpedância terminal mín. 1 kΩConector XLR-3Peso 60 gDimensõesØ 33 x C 59 mmDiagrama polar125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1,000 Hz 2,000 Hz 4,000 Hz8,000 Hz 16,000 Hz30°0°180°150°120°60°90°0510152025dB30°0°180°150°120°60°90°Resposta em frequênciadBV50100200501,0002,0005,0010,00020,000H z- 50- 60- 70- 80- 90- 400°, 1 m 0°, 5 cmVista geral das aplicaçõesOcupação das fichasUNBALANCEDBALANCEDVista geral das aplicaçõesAplicação principal Aplicação secundária。
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感谢您购买本产品。本手册讲述了如何使用 FUJIFILM X-E1 数码照相机及安装附带的软件。 在使用照相机之前,请确定您已阅读并理解了本 手册内容。
使用之前 开始步骤 基础拍摄与回放 基础动画录制与回放 Q(快速菜单)按钮 有关拍摄和回放的详细信息 菜单
部件名称 外壳(金属部件) 外壳(树脂部件) 传感器部件 显示部件 光学部件 基板部件 外壳(金属部件) 外壳(树脂部件) 基板部件 电缆 电池 光盘 电池充电器 电缆部件
铅* (Pb) × ○ ○ ○ × × × ○ × × × × 汞 (Hg) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 有毒有害物质或元素 镉 六价铬 (Cd) (Cr (VI)) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 多溴联苯 (PBB) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 多溴二苯醚 (PBDE) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
在常温下,电池大约可以充电 300 次。当电池可容纳电量的使用时间长度明 显减少时,表明电池已达最终使用寿命,需要进行更换。
■ 存放
电池在充满电时若长期闲置不用,其性能可能会被削弱。存放电池前请先 将其电量放尽。
MONITOUCH V 系列画面编辑用软件 V-SFT-5 使用说明书
印刷日期使用說明書編號改版內容2008年5月1055NT0初版印刷序言感謝購買MONITOUCH V系列的畫面編輯用軟體 "V-SFT-5"。
注意1.該軟體的著作權歸Hakko Electronics Co., Ltd.所有。
•時序控制裝置 (PLC) 的各設備名是各個公司的產品。
手冊的種類和用途本書是MONITOUCH V8系列相關的手冊中,對V8系列的功能進行詳細說明的手冊。
在和MONITOUCH V8系列相關的手冊中,還有其他如下的手冊。
手冊名使用說明書編號用途V8 系列參考手冊(本書)1055NTx對MONITOUCH V8系列的功能、進行詳細說明V 系列巨集參考1056NTx對V-SFT Ver. 5的巨集的概要、巨集編輯器的操作方法,巨集指令的內容等進行詳細說明V8系列引進手冊1057NTx對MONITOUCH V8系列的概要、製作編輯畫面時的基本操作方法、進行詳細說明V8 Series Operation Manual1058NEx對V-SFT Ver. 5 的結構、各個專案的編輯方法,限制事項等操作的相關內容進行詳細說明的手冊V8 Series Hardware Specifications2016NEx對MONITOUCH V8系列的硬體規格、使用方法等進行說明V8 Series Connection Manual2201NEx對MONITOUCH V8系列和其他公司的設備進行連接的方法,佈線圖等進行說明V Series DLL Function Specifications1059NEx對EthernetDLL (HKEtn20.dll)、CF卡DLL(VCFAcs.dll) 的概要、內容進行詳細說明關於V8系列的種類和記述形式MONITOUCH V8系列有以下種類。
Nissin Air 10s 无线闪光灯控制器指南说明书
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Thank you for purchasing a Nissin productBefore using this commander unit, please read this instruction manual and refer to the manual of camera owner carefully to get a better understanding of the proper operation to enjoy flash photography.The commander Nissin Air 10s (Canon/ Nikon/ Sony) is an advanced commander for wireless flash shooting.It controls up to 8 groups of NAS (Nissin Air System) flash (Canon/ Nikon/ Sony) that have a wireless multiple flash shooting function using NAS (radio transmission). Please note that Nissin Air 10s (Canon/ Nikon/ Sony) are not usable with other branded cameras for TTL operation.Please refer to Nissin’s compatibility chart shown here:/download.htmlNissin Air System (NAS) is a Nissin wirelessly remote control flash light system, designed by Nissin. It consists of a Nissin radio commander (NAS commander) and the Nissin wireless flash (NAS flash) and Nissin radio receiver (NAS receiver) as remote slave units.Insert Air 10s on the camera hot shoe as a NAS commander.The signal of Air 10s is transmitted by using 2.4 GHz transmission.Transmission distance is approx. 100m (330 ft.)(Metal/ Wire/ Wall/ another 2.4 GHz radio frequency may cause areduction in the NAS transmission distance)These safety instructions refer to important information on how to use this product safely and properly. Please read the following instructions before using the product.This sign refers to conditions which may cause damage or defect.Do not touch the inside parts from the opening when the unit was dropped or broken.Place the batteries correctly in position. Placing the batteries in wrong polarity maycause leakage, exothermic heat or explosion.Do not leave or store the commander unit in the temperature over 40ºC/ 104ºF, such as in the automobile.The commander unit is not water resistance. Keep the unit away from rain, snow and humidity.Do not use benzene, thinner or other alcoholic agents to clean the unit.Do not use this commander unit with cameras which are not recommended in thecompatibility list at official website, otherwise it may damage the camera’s circuitry(*).Remove the batteries when not in use for a longer period of time.Do not use the Nissin Air 10s to pick up whole camera system when it installed on your camera. To pick up the whole camera system, you should hold the handle of camera body or the lens..* Please refer Nissin’s compatibility chart shown here:/download.htmlGroup selection buttonGroup on/off buttonModeling light button(Basic/Advanced Groups button)Shutter cable socket (2.5mm)M/TTL Mode Button123456LCD panelSelect dial with buttonsChannel buttonHSS buttonBuzzer buttonM.Zoom buttonPanel Lock/Unlock button (hold 1sec.)789101112131415(1) The AF-assists lamp supports the digital SLR (D-SLR) type camera using for auto focus only. It does not support other camera brands, other types of Canon, Nikon and Sony cameras or camera models without our compatibility test.(2) The strap hole made for carrying the Air 10s around the neck.Pilot button (Test flash button)Power On/Off button Unlock button Micro SD card slot(for firmware update)Strap hole (2) (strap is not included)Battery compartment door AF-assist light (1)Hotshoe contactsInserting batteries1. Open the battery compartment door andinsert 2 x size AAA batteries as shown in the picture.2. Make sure the + and - battery contacts arecorrectly inserted in the battery compartment.3. Close the battery compartment door andslide it back in place.It is recommended to use 2 batteries of the same brand and type, and replace them all at the same time.Wrong insertion of each battery would not make electric contact.(*) Air 10s has an energy saving power off functionTo save battery energy, the screen of Air 10s display dims in about 30 seconds and turns off in about 2 minutes automatically after the setting job is terminated. While Air 10s is in the stand-by mode, a blinking signal will be shown on the Pilot Button. To turn on Air 10s again, press any button on the Commander. In case of not in use for over 60 minutes, Air 10s will be turned off completely. To turn on Air 10s again, press Power button on the Commander.Press power on to activate Nissin Air 10s,hold the Pilot button for 5 seconds to reset to factory default setting Default setting:1. TTL mode: +/- 0EV2. M Manual mode: 1/2563. Zoom setting: Manual, 24mm4. Channel Setting: no. 25. HSS mode: off6. Buzzer: off7. Group Mode: Basic Groups8. Group status: all onDo not use the Air 10s as a holder to pick up the whole camera system.Mounting Air 10s on the cameraRemoving Air 10s from the cameraTurn off Air 10s.Turn off Air 10s.Insert the mounting foot of Air 10s into thehotshoe of the camera.1.2.Make sure that the mounting foot will lock(with a “click”) when it has been insertedcompletely.3.Hold the unlock button andslide the mounting foot of Air 10s off the hotshoe of camera.1.2.Pairing SettingStep 1: Set all NAS flashes and NAS receivers to pairing mode.To perform wireless shooting, set the Nissin Air 10s commander andNAS slave unit with the following procedure. After pairing is completed, both of them will memorize the data and there will be no need to pair again after the units are switched on and off.1. Make sure the Nissin Di700A is off.2. Hold the "Set" and Power “ON/OFF” buttons for 3 seconds at the same time.4. Nissin Di700A will automatically be changed to wireless slave modeafter Pairing completed.Nissin flash Di700AFor Sony Camera3. “Beep” sound persists until the Pairing signal from commander is received. When the "beep" sound stops, the pairing is complete.1. Switch on your Nissin i60A, hold the "Channel" button for 2 seconds to check and make sure the channel setting in the display is in the "A" Auto channel mode.2. Turn off the Nissin i60A.4. “Beep” sound persists until the Pairing signal from commander is received. When the "beep" sound stops, the pairing is complete.Nissin flash i60A3. Hold the Panel Lock key and the “On & Off” button of Nissin i60Aat the same time for 3 seconds..5. After Pairing process is completed, turn the Mode Dial of Nissin i60Ato Wireless mode groups (A / B / C).1. Make sure the Nissin MG10 is off.2. Rotate the "Ch" channel dial to "Auto" auto channel mode.4. “Beep” sound persists until the Pairing signal from commander is received. When the "beep" sound stops, the pairing is complete.Nissin flash MG103. Hold the "Open" button and the power button for 3 seconds.Before usiung Commander Air 10s, please install Air 10s oncamera and change the Flash mode to “WL” in camera menu.Step 1: Set all NAS flashes and NAS receivers to pairing mode one by one.Nissin Air R Receiver1. Make sure the Nissin Air R is off.2. Rotate the "Ch" channel dial to "Auto" auto channel mode.3. Hold the power button for 3 seconds4. “Beep” sound persists until the Pairing signal from commander is received.When the "beep" sound stops, the pairing is complete.5. After Pairing process is completed, turn off the Nissin Air R. Install a compatible flash onto the Air R and make sure that both the Air R and the Flash are turned off. Then turn on the Nissin Air R and the paired flash.6. Set the flashgun on the Nissin Air R to TTL mode (or set the Nissin flashto “A” fully automatic mode), Auto zoom mode and+/- 0EV exposure compensation setting(*).7. According to the GN value of the flash to set the GN mode of Nissin Air Rto high / low output mode (*)(*) Please refer to the instruction manual for the modelCAUTIONSIf there are many NAS flashes and NAS receivers as slave units, you can do the pairing one by one or several slave units at the same time by using NAS commander.Step 2: Channel Setting on Nissin Air 10s commander1. Start the Pairing mode of all slave units and the "beep" sound are constantly heard.2. Turn off Nissin Air 10s then hold the Panel Lock key andthe power “On/Off” button for 3 seconds at the same time.The Pilot LED will blink about ten seconds (the display will not light up while pairing). When Nissin Air 10s Pairing mode has stopped, slave units around the commander will also complete the pairing process one by one, and stop the "beep" sound.3. To check the pairing between Nissin Air 10s and slave units,press the “Pilot LED” button on Nissin Air 10s for test and let NAS flash andthe flash on NAS receiver emit a weak output test flash.(*) Nissin Di700A, i60A ash and Nissin Air R receiver do not support the Channel 1 in Nissin Air 10s. Please use Channel 2 to 8 to pair with those 3 NAS slave unit models.CAUTIONSIf strobes still have "beep" sound constantly after finishing the pairing process, this means the pairing process is not complete. Please move your Air 10s towards the Beeping strobes, then turn off the Air 10s and re-do the pairing process by holding Panel Lock key and the “On/Off” button again for 3 seconds.1. Power on Nissin Di700A and switch to wireless slave mode, press “Set ” several times until the (Group mode in the display),Air 10s, provides individual control of 4 groups (strobes), you can set these 4 groups in different settings. Before shooting, you have to set each strobes to be one of these 4 groups.A B C //A B C //1. Use Mode Dial to chang group . 1. Use Mode Dial to chang group .A B C //1. Use Mode Dial to chang group .In testing or changing the flash effect of different slave units group,you can turn on or turn off any group.will be appeared on the right side of the group. When the group is switched off, only "---" is shown.2. Press the “Group Selection” button when finish setting.The NAS system is using an independent identity (ID) function to access strobes, the NAS strobes will not be affected by other commanders when-ever they are using the same channel in the same location. A slave unit of Nissin flash or Nissin receiver can only be controlled by one and only one NAS commander with pairing in default setting.Air 10s offers “Open Mode” ,a new function (only works with MG10), on the pairing setting. Open Mode can let two or more camera using same set MG10 in one place.1. Hold the button of Nissin Air 10s for 1 seconds,the word “OPEN" lights up on the top of in the LCD display which means Open Mode is on. Now hold the for 1 seconds again to turn off.There are basic groups and advance groups for controlling the Nissin Air10s. They allow the user to pair an unlimited amount of slave units. They mainly divided into two kinds of groups:Basic groups and advance groups can beuse at the same time for different strobes.Example:Use the i60A in basic group A on manual,use two MG10 in advance group A & D inTTL and manual mode.M modeM/TTL modeTTL modeWhen the NAS flash is set to the wireless mode, all exposure settingfunctions will be controlled by the NAS commander.In Basic groups mode: Press the button.In Advanced groups mode:To set different exposure in each group:1. Press the Group Selection button. When the letter “A” blinks,press M / TTL mode button to change the exposure(the same procedure works with groups B, C, and D).2. After completing the exposure setting,press the Group Selection button again to stop the blinking.1. Press the Group Selection button, the group letters blink.2. Rotate the Operation Dial to increase or decrease the TTL flash exposure compensation.The settings of TTL auto exposure compensation on Nissin Air 10s startsfrom -2EV to + 2EV and controlled by 1 / 3EV step interval.3. When the exposure compensation setting is completed,press the group selection button again.Switching Air 10s from TTL mode to M mode, the last flash power settingwill be saved in TTL control. Flash power value will also remain unchanged in M mode.If you do not press any group selection button which means all group letters in the display do not blink, rotate the Operation Dial to increase/ decrease the power of all groups. For example, A: 0EV, B: + 0.6EV, C: + 1EV, D: -1EV, do not select anygroup then turn the Operation Dial clockwise in 2 click intervals, will cause to A:+ 0.6EV, B: + 1.3EV, C: 1.6EV, D: -0.3EV.1. Press the Group Selection button, the group letter blinks.2. Rotate the Operation Dial to increase or decrease the flash power of the group selected.The setting of M mode on Air 10s starts from 1/256 (minimum) to 1/1 (Full), andcontrolled by 1/3 step intervals. The value digi displayed next to the grouponly shows the integer step value (*).If you do not press any group selection button which means all group letters in the display do not blink, rotate the Operation Dial to increase/ decrease the power of all groups. For example, A: 1/256, B: 1/8 + 0.6EV, C: 1/4, D: 1/2, do not select anygroup then rotate the Operation Dial clockwise with 2 intervals, it becomesA: 1/256 + 0.6EV , B: 1/4 + 0.3EV, C: 1/4 + 0.6EV, D: 1/2 + 0.6EV.Nissin Air 10s offers "A" auto zoom mode and manual zoom mode.1. Hold the for 2 seconds.2. Press the group selection button until the the desired letter(s) blink.Rotate the Operation Dial to change the Zoom head position setting.The focal length is representing the flash angle. Rotate the Operation Dialin anti-clockwise direction to decrease the value of the focal length of zoom head.Keep rotating anti-clockwise to change the "A" automatic zoom mode at the end.Rotate the Operation Dial in a clockwise direction to leave.The “A” auto zoom mode will increase the value of the focal length value of zoom head. Coverage range supports 24mm, 28mm, 35mm, 50mm, 70mm, 85mm,105mm, 135mm and 200mm focal length lenses.3. Press the group selection button again after completion of the zoom setting.Hold for 2 seconds again when all groups zoom settings are completed.If you do not press any group selection button, which means all group letters in the display do not blink, rotating the Operation Dial to increase or decrease the flashzoom head focal length will affect all groups; A, B, C and D.Normal flashguns have a very short flash duration. In order to estimate and control the flash more efficiently, the modeling light on slave unit can be used. It is a constant light for the user to estimate and preview the lightbefore shooting(flash emitting).(*) Modeling light is a new feature of the NAS system.Nissin Di700A, i60A, i40 flash and other discontinuedmodels do not support this feature.1. Press the Group Selection button(s), the group letter(s) blink.2. Press to switch the group’s modeling on/off.3. Press the Group Selection button again when setup completed.1. Press on Air 10s for 1 second to switch to theadvanced groups.2. Press to change to M mode.2. Press to turn on modeling light.If you do not press any group selection button, which means all group letter in the display do not blink, pressing the modeling light button will invert the modeling on/off setting of all groups. For example, A & C: On and B & D: off, press the modelinglight button without selecting any group, will cause to A & C: Off, and B & D: On.Flashgun supports shutter speed limitation on X-Sync (maximum speed synchronizeto flash) on SLR / DSLR /Mirrorless Cameras in general. If it does not supportHSS function of the camera, faster shutter speed settings than the maximum synchronize speed will block the flash gun. With faster shutter speeds than the maximum sync speed some part(s) of the image area would be shaded by the moving shutter leaves withinthe flash duration. As a result the image is only partially exposed by the flash light.”. HSS allows flashgun works under high speed shutter (max 1/8000s).Method A (for Canon & Sony)Hold button for 2 seconds to turn on or off.Method B1. Insert Air 10s to Canon camera shoe.2. Switch on both Air 10s and Camera,For Canon: Menu setting External Flash setting HSS mode in the sync settingFor Nikon: Custom setting menu Flash Flash sync speed Auto FPThe flash emitting operation in HSS mode is different from the normal flash mode.With the HSS function, users can get a faster shutter speed which will result ina lower guide number. This is equivalent to a lower flash output. The flash of HSScannot be measured by an external light meter. When HSS is on,the exposure compensation setting of TTL mode offers the same -2EV to +2EV ofbasic mode. Using the power control of "M" Manual mode under HSS,the Air 10s offers 1/32 to 1/1 power range only. If power is set from 1/256 to 1/64+0.3EV, “M” manual power setting will automatically change to 1/32 in HSS mode.All settings of strobes are controlled by the commander wirelessly after the pairing is completed. If the strobes buzzer is on, a “Beep” sound will be heard when the Strobe is charging and not ready to flash. The “Beep” sound will be heard everytime when there is any change made through the commander.Hold button to switch the buzzer (on strobes) on or off.When “no buzzer” logo is displayed in LCD, it means that the beep sound is off.When the “no buzzer” logo disappears, then the buzzer function is turned on.To start the firmware update procedure, you need to have:The computer (Windows or Mac) connected to the InternetA Micro SD/SDHC card (recommend 4GB-32GB) and Micro SD card reader.Air 10s with 2pcs of full re-charged AAA batteries.1. Download the Firmware file(s). Click here to download firmware files:http: ///firmware.html2. Insert Micro SD/SDHC card to the card reader and connect to the computer.3. Format Micro SD/SDHC card under FAT32 format (Please backup before format).4. Copy all Firmware file(s) to Micro SD/SDHC card.5. Eject the Micro SD/SDHC and remove from the card reader.6. Insert AAA batteries into Air10s and switch on it.7. Then switch off the Air 10s.8. Remove the Micro SD/SDHC cover of Air 10s, insert the Micro SD/SDHC whichcontains the latest firmware update files into the Air 10s.9. Switch on the Air 10s. A LED light inside the Micro SD card slot of Air 10s will blink, it will blink and the light will change orange to red and stop blinking oncethe update is finished.10. The green light will emit when the firmware update procedure is completed.Remove the batteries and remove the Micro SD/SDHC.11. Insert the batteries again and switch on the Air 10sPress and hold the Power on/off button for 5seconds. LCD display will show 2 differentfirmware versions. Stop holding the Power buttonfor 2 seconds, firmware version page willdisappear and returns to the front operation page.(1) This is a testing result record, it may be affected by equipment and environmental factors.(2) This is a new feature which supports a coming new NAS flash.TypeWireless systemRadio specificationsChannelFlash GroupsTransmission distanceRemote flash control systemWireless flash exposure mode Supporting TTL Exposure controlFlash sync modeZoom mode (Flash coverage area)Special featuresAF-assist beam effective rangeDisplayFirmware updatePower supplyContinuous flash speedBattery LifeHot shoeSizeWeightAccessories included Canon / Nikon / Sony NAS 2.4GHz ISM band (to obtain technical standards certification)8 channels (channel setting in Air 10s)8 groups (2) : A , B , C , D & Ȧ ,Ḃ , Ċ ,Ḋ100 meters (1)TTL automatic flash exposure mode with +/-2EV compensation and in 1 / 3EV step intervals;M manual flash output mode, offers 1/256 to 1/1control with 1/3 step intervals[TTL] i-TTL ( Nikon) / E-TTL II / E-TTL (Canon)[manual]/ ADI/ PTTL (Sony)1st curtain & 2nd curtain sync., red-eye reduction HSS (up to 1 / 8000s ), slow shutter sync.Auto Zoom, 24mm, 28mm, 35mm, 50mm, 70mm, 85mm, 105mm, 135mm and 200mm Modelling light on remote flash , Advanced groups , TTL memory 0.7 to 5 meters (1)LCD color display Micro SD / SDHC (up to 32GB) (Not included)2 x AAA (not included)Up to 10 shots per second Approx. 3,000 shots (using alkaline batteries)(1)Metal shoe (3) with quick release lock Approx. 65(W) x 60(H) x 60(D) mm 73g / 2.6 oz (without battery)Protection case, shutter release cableWarrantyIn case of the following reason of the defect, it may void the warranty.1. The product is not used in accordance with the instruction of the owner’s manual.2. The product is repaired or modified by the one who is not an authorized repair service.3. When the product is used with the cameras not applicable, lens, adaptors or such accessories produced by the third party.4. Fault or defect caused by fire, earthquake, flood, public pollution and such natural accident.5. In case that the product is stored in dust, moisture, extremely high temperature or such poor condition.6. Scratch, blemish, crush or worn out by a violent use or treatment.7. Guarantee card without name of place purchased or date of purchase stamped, or no guarantee card.Please refer the respective warranty condition for details which depends on the country of purchase and contact our official distributors who distributed this product for the warranty arrangement details.Nissin Japan Ltd., Tokyo Nissin Marketing Ltd., Hong Kong 。
神牛摄影器材有限公司 TTL无线引闪器 705-X2TC00-00 用户说明书
Instruction ManualTTL 无线引闪器TTL Wireless Flash Trigger地址/Add: 深圳市宝安区福海街道塘尾社区耀川工业区厂房2栋1层至4层、4栋1层至4层1st to 4th Floor, Building 2/ 1st to 4th Floor, Building 4, Yaochuan Industrial Zone, Tangwei Community, Fuhai Street, Bao’an District, Shenzhen 518103, China 电话/Tel: +86-755-29609320(8062) 传真/Fax: +86-755-25723423邮箱/E-mail:***************深圳市神牛摄影器材有限公司GODOX Photo Equipment Co., Ltd.Foreword Warning Names of PartsBody LCD Panel BatteryInstalling BatteriesBattery Level Indication Setting the Flash TriggerPower SwitchAutomatically Enter Power Saving Mode Power Switch of AF Assist Beam Channel Settings Wireless ID Settings Mode Settings Output Value SettingsFlash Exposure Compensation Settings Multi Flash Settings (Output Value, Times and Frequency) Modeling Lamp Settings ZOOM Value Settings Shutter Sync Settings Buzz SettingsSync Socket Settings SHOOT Function Settings C.Fn: Setting Custom Functions Using the Flash TriggerAs a Wireless Camera Flash Trigger As a Wireless Outdoor Flash Trigger As a Wireless Original Flash Trigger As a Wireless Studio Flash Trigger As a Wireless Shutter Release Trigger As a Flash Triggerwith 3.5mm Sync Cord JackConnect to Smartphone through Bluetooth Compatible Smartphone Models Compatible Flash Models Compatible Camera Models T echnical DataRestore Factory Settings Firmware Upgrade Attentions Caring for Flash TriggerContentsThanks for your purchase of this X2T-C wireless flash trigger.This wireless flash trigger is suitable for using Canon cameras to control Godox flashes with X system e.g. camera flash, outdoor flash, and studio flash. It can also control Canon original speedlites with the coordination of X1R-C receiver. Featuring multi-channel triggering, stable signal transmission, and sensitive reaction, it gives photographers unparalleled flexibility and control over their strobist setups. The flash trigger applies to hotshoe-mounted Canon EOS series cameras, as well as the cameras which have PC sync sockets.With X2T-C wireless flash trigger, high speed synchronization is available for most of camera flashes in the market which support E-TTL II. The max flash synchronization speed is up to 1/8000s *.*: 1/8000s is achievable when the camera has a max camera shutter speed of 1/8000s.2425262829374445464748484950Do not disassemble. Should repairs become necessary, this product must be sent toan authorized maintenance center.Always keep this product dry. Do not use in rain or in damp conditions.Keep out of reach of children.Do not use the flash unit in the presence of flammable gas. In certain circumstance,please pay attention to the relevant warnings.Do not leave or store the product if the ambient temperature reads over 50℃.Turn off the flash trigger immediately in the event of malfunction.Observe precautions when handling batteries- Use only batteries listed in this manual. Do not use old and new batteries orbatteries of different types at the same time.- Read and follow all warnings and instructions provided by the manufacturer.- Batteries cannot be short-circuited or disassembled.- Do not put batteries into a fire or apply direct heat to them.- Do not attempt to insert batteries upside down or backwards.- Batteries are prone to leakage when fully discharged. To avoid damage to theproduct, be sure to remove batteries when the product is not used for a long time orwhen batteries run out of charge.- Should liquid from the batteries come into contact with skin or clothing, rinseimmediately with fresh water.BodyPower SwitchPower Off)do not output)Cord JackPortAll SelectionNote: All the buttons have backlight, which is convenientfor usage in dark environment.LCD Panel1. Channel (32)2. Camera Connection3. Modeling Lamp Master Control4. High-Speed/Rear Curtain Sync5. Sound6. Battery Level Indication7. Group8. Mode9. Power 10. ZOOM Value 11. Version Installing BatteriesAs shown in the illustration, slide the batterycompartment lid of the flash trigger and insert twoAA batteries separately.Battery IndicationCheck the battery level indication on the LCD panelto see the remaining battery level during the usage.AA alkaline batteries are recommended.Battery Level Indication3 grids2 grids1 gridBlank gridBlinkingMeaningFullMiddleLowLow battery, please replace it.< 2.5V The battery level is goingto be used out immediately (pleasereplace new batteries, as low powerleads to no flash or flash missing incase of long distance).The battery indication only refers to AA alkaline batteries. As the voltage of Ni-MH battery tends to below, please do not refer to this chart.Group Display MenuSlide the Power Switch to ON, and the device is on and status indicator lamp will not reveal.Note: In order to avoid power consumption, turn off the transmitter when not in use. Power Switch1. The system will automatically enter standby mode after stop operating thetransmitter over 60 seconds. And the displays on the LCD panel disappear now.2.Press any button to wake up. If the flash trigger is attached to the hot shoe ofCANON EOS camera, half press the camera shutter can also wake the system up.Note: If do not want to enter power saving mode, press the <MENU> button to enter C.Fn custom settings and set STBY to OFF.Automatically Enter Power Saving ModeSlide the AF-assist beam switch to ON, and the AF lighting is allowed to output.When the camera cannot focus, the AF assist beam will turn on; when the camera can focus, the AF assist beam will turn off.Power Switch of AF Assist BeamChannel Setting1. Short press the <MENU> button and choose CH to set the channel value.2. Turn the select dial to choose the appropriate channel. The channel value will beconfirmed after exiting the menu.3. This flash trigger contains 32 channels which can be changed from 1 to 32. Set thetransmitter and the receiver to the same channel before usage.Change the wireless channels and wireless ID to avoid interference for it can only be triggered after the wireless IDs and channels of the master unit and the slave unit are set to the same.Press the <MENU> button to enter C.Fn ID. Press the <SET> button to choose OFF channel expansion shutdown, and choose any figure from 01 to 99.Note: It can only be used when the slave units have the wireless ID settings functions. If they do not have, please set the ID to OFF.Wireless ID SettingsMode Setting1. After pressing the group button to select onegroup, press the <MODE> button and all the currentgroup’s mode will be changed by the order ofTTL/M/--.2. In normal situation, press the <MODE> button toswitch the multi-group mode to MULTI mode. Pressthe group selection button and then press the<MODE> button can set the MULTI mode to ON orOFF.Output Value SettingsIn the M mode1 . Press the group button to choose the group, turn the select dial, and the power output value will change from Min to 1/1 in 0.3 stop increments. Press the <SET> button to confirm the setting.2. Press <ALL> button to choose all groups’ power output value, turn the select dial, and all groups’ power output value will change from Min to 1/1 in 0.3 stop increments. Press <ALL> button again to confirm the setting.Note: Min. refers to the minimum value that can be set in M or Multi mode. The minimum value can be set to 1/128 0.3, 1/256 0.3, 1/128 0.1, 1/256 0.1, 3.0(0.1) and 2.0(0.1) according to C.Fn-Min.For most of camera flashes, the minimum output value is 1/128 and cannot be set to 1/256. However, the value can change to 1/256 when using in combination with Godox strong power flashes e.g. AD600, etc.In the TTL modePress the group button to choose the group, turn the select dial, and the FEC value will change from -3 to ~3 in 0.3 stop increments. Press the <SET> button to confirm the setting.Flash Exposure Compensation Settings1. In the multi flash (TTL and M icon are not displayed).2. The three lines are separately displayed as power output value, Hz(flash frequency) and Times(flash times).3. Press the <SET> button and turn the Select Dial to change the power output value from Min. to 1/4 in integer stops.4. Press the <SET> button again and choose Hz to change flash frequency. Turn the select dial to change the setting value.5. Press the <SET> button again and choose Times to change flash times. Turn the select dial to change the setting value.6. Until all the amounts are set. Or during any value setting, short press the <SET> button to exit the setting status.7. In the multi flash setting submenu, short press the <MODE> button to return to main menu when no values are blinking.Multi Flash Settings (Output Value, Times and Frequency)Note: As flash times are restricted by flash output value and flash frequency, the flash times cannot surpass the upper value that permitted by the system. The times that transported to the receiver end are a real flash time, which is also related to the camera’s shutter setting.Modeling Lamp Settings1. Long press the <MENU> button for 2 seconds tocontrol the ON/OFF of the modeling lamp.1. High-speed sync: short press the <MENU> button to enter the SYNC menu. Choose high-speed sync icon and is displayed on the LCD panel.2. Second-curtain sync: short press the <MENU> button to enter the SYNC menu. Choose second-curtain sync icon and is displayed on the LCD panel.Shutter Sync SettingsPress the <MENU > button to enter C.Fn BEEP and press the <SET > button. Choose ON to turn on the BEEP while OFF to turn off it. Press the <MENU > button again to back to the main menu.Buzz SettingsZOOM Value SettingsShort press the <MENU> button to enter the ZOOM menu. Short press the <SET> button and turn the select dial, and the ZOOM value will change from AUTO/24 to 200. Choose the desired value and back to the main menu.Note: The flash’s ZOOM should be set to Auto (A) mode beforeresponding.1. Press the <MENU > button to enter C.Fn SYNC and press the <SET > button to choose IN or OUT.Press the <MENU > button again to back to the main menu.1.1 When choosing IN, this sync socket will enable X2T-C to trigger flash.1.2 When choosing OUT, this sync socket will send trigger signals to trigger other remotecontrol and flash.Sync Socket SettingsSHOOT Function SettingsPress the <MENU> button to enter C.Fn SHOOT. Press the <SETshoots, and press the <MENU> button again to back to the main menu.One-shoot:M and Multi mode, the master unit only sendstriggering signals to the slave unit, which is suitable for one person photography for the advantage ofpower saving.Multi-shoots: When shooting, choose multi-shoots, and the master unit will send parameters andtriggering signals to the slave unit, which is suitable for multi person photography. However, thisfunction consumes power quickly.APP: Only send triggering signal when camera is shooting (control the flash's parameters bysmartphone APP).The following table lists the available and unavailable custom functions of this flash.C.Fn: Setting Custom Functions1. As a Wireless Camera Flash Trigger Take TT685C as an example:1.1 Turn off the camera and mount the transmitter on camera hotshoe. Then, power on the flash trigger and the camera.Using the Flash Trigger1.2group, mode and parameters (refers to the contents of “Setting the Flash Trigger”).1.3 Turn on the camera flash, press the wireless setting button and the wirelessicon and <SLAVE > slave unit icon will be displayed on the LCD panel. Press the <CH> button to set the same channel to the flash trigger, and press the <Gr> button to set the same group to the flash trigger (Note: please referto the relevant instruction manual when setting the camera flashes of other models).1.4 Press the camera shutter to trigger and thestatus lamp of the flash trigger turns red synchronously. 2. As a Wireless Outdoor Flash Trigger Take AD600B as an example:2.1 Turn off the camera and mount the transmitter on camera hotshoe. Then,power on the flash trigger and the camera.2.2 Short press the <MENU> button to set channel, group, mode and parameters (refers to the contents of “Setting the Flash Trigger”).2.3 Power on the outdoor flash and press the wireless setting button and the wireless icon will be displayed on the LCD panel. Long press the < > < >< >< >3. As a Wireless Original Flash Trigger Take 600EX-RT as an example:3.1 Turn off the camera and mount the transmitter on camera hotshoe. Then, power on the flash trigger and the camera.3.2 Short press the <MENU> button to set channel, group, mode and parameters (refers to the contents of “Setting the Flash Trigger”).3.3 Attach the original flash to the X1R-C receiver. Press the <CH > button on the receiver to set the same channel to the flash trigger, and press the <Gr > button to set the same group to the flash trigger (Note: please refer to the relevant instruction manual when setting the original camera flashes).3.4 Press the camera shutter to trigger. And the status lamp of the camera flash and the flashtrigger both turn red synchronously.<GR/CH > button to set the same channel to the flash trigger, and short press the < GR/CH > button to set the same group to the flash trigger (Note: please refer to the relevant instruction manual when setting the oudoor flashes of other models).2.4 Press the camera shutter to trigger and the status lamp of the flash trigger turns red synchronously.4. As a Wireless Studio Flash Trigger Take GS400II as an example:4.1trigger and the camera.4.2 Short press the <MENU> button to setto the contents of “Setting the Flash Trigger”).4.3 Connect the studio flash to power source andpower it on. Synchronously press down the <G R/CH > button and <S1/S2>button and the wireless icon will be displayed on the LCD panel. Long press the <GR/CH > button to set the same channel to the flash trigger, and short press the < GR/CH > button to set the same group to the flash trigger (Note: please refer to the relevant instruction manual when setting the studio flashes of other models). 4.4 Press the camera shutter to trigger. And thestatus lamp of the camera flash and the flash trigger both turn red synchronously.Note: As the studio flash’s minimum output value is1/32, the output value of the flash trigger should be set to or over 1/32. As the studio flash do not have TTL and stroboscopic functions, the flash trigger should be set to M mode in triggering.< >5. As a Wireless Shutter Release Trigger Operation method:5.1 Turn off the camera. Take a camera remotecable and insert one end into the camera’s shutter socket and the other end to the shutter release port of X1R-C to connect. Power on the camera and the receiver.5.2 Short press the <MENU> button to set channel, group, mode and parameters (refers to the contents of “Setting the Flash Trigger”).5.3 Press the receiver’s <CH > button to set the same channel to the flash trigger, and press the <Gr > button to set the same group to the flash trigger.5.4 Half press the button to focus and full press the <TEST > button to shoot. Release the button until the status lamp turns to red.6. As a Flash Trigger with 3.5mm Sync Cord Jack Operation method:6.1 The connection method please refers to thecontents of “As a Wireless Studio Flash Trigger” and “As a Wireless Shutter Release”.6.2 Set the transmitter end’s sync cord jack as an output port. Operation: press the <MENU> button on the transmitter end to enter C.Fn settings. Then, set PC SYNC to OUT mode.6.3 Press the shutter normally and the flashes will be controlled by sync cord jack's signal.7. Connect to Smartphone through Bluetooth Using method:7.1 Short press the <MENU> Button to enterwill displayed under the ON.7.2 Search“Godox Photo”in iPhone’s APP Store and download the APP . Or install the APP by scanning the QR Code with your smartphone.7.3 Open the APP and choose .7.4 Connect the transmitter to the responded Bluetooth ID and enter the password to match(the initial password is “000000”).SYNC V0.2BLUE.T.BEEP OFF ON"GodoxPhoto"7.5 Full match and back to APP main interface.7.6 When started the Bluetooth function, theBluetooth icon will be displayed on thetransmitter’s panel.7.7 Set the channels of the slave flash and thetransmitter to the same, and parameters e.g.slave flash mode, power value, modeling lampand beep can be controlled on the APP of thesmartphone.7.8 Use the APP of the smartphone for shootingafter setting all the parameters.Note: When successfully connected the flash trigger and smartphone APP, the auto sleep of the flash trigger can be set to 30 min.iPhone 6S iPhone 6S Plus iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 7 iPhone 8 Plus iPhone 8 iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 6 iPhone XHUAWEI P9 HUAWEI P10 HUAWEI P10 Plus HUAWEI Mate 9 Pro HUAWEI Mate 9 HUAWEI Mate 10 Pro HUAWEI Mate 10HUAWEI P20 HUAWEI P20 ProSamsung galaxy S8 Samsung galaxy Note8 Samsung galaxy S91.This table only lists the tested Smartphone models, not all Smartphone. For the compatibility of other Smartphone models, a self-test is recommended.2. Rights to modify this table are retained.This flash trigger can be used on the following Smartphone models:Compatible Flash ModelsReceiver --X1R-C XTR-16 XTR-16S FlashAD600 series/AD400 series/AD360II seriesAD200 series/V860II series/V850IIV350C/TT685 series/TT600/TT350CQuickerII series/QTII/SK II seriesDP II series/GSII600EX-RT/580EXII/580EX/430EXIIV860CAD360/AR400Quicker series/SK series/DP series/GT/GS series/Smart flash seriesV860CV850NoteAs there are so many camera flashes inthe market which are compatible withCanon speedlites, we do not test one by one.The flashes with Godox wireless USB portCan only be triggeredTransmitterX2T-CNote: The range of support functions: the functions that are both owned by X2T-C and flash.The relationship of XT wireless system and X2 wireless system:1.This table only lists the tested camera models, not all Canon EOS series cameras. For the compatibility of other camera models, a self-test is recommended.2. Rights to modify this table are retained.3.The cameras which are released before 2012 do not have TTL mode in their D and E group.4. 1500D(2000D/T7), 3000D(4000D): When the high-speed shutter is higher than 1000, there will belunimance edge on the photo.This flash trigger can be used on the following Canon EOS series camera models: Compatible Camera Models1Dx Mark II 1Dx 5Ds/5Dsr 5DⅣ 5D Mark III 5D Mark II 5D7D Mark II 7D 6D 80D 70D 60D 50D 6D MarkII 77D 800D40D 30D 750D/760D 700D 650D 600D 550D 500D 450D 400D Digital 350D DIGITAL 100D1200D1000D1100D M5 M3 EOS RM501500D(2000D/T7)3000D(4000D)Restore Factory SettingsHold the MODE button and power the flash trigger on, and all the parameters will restore the factory settings.Firmware UpgradeThis flash trigger supports firmware upgrade through the Type-CUSB port. Update information will be released on our official website.1. Unable to trigger flash or camera shutter. Make sure batteries are installedcorrectly and Power Switch is turned on. Check if the transmitter and the receiver are set to the same channel, if the hotshoe mount or connection cable is wellconnected, or if the flash triggers are set to the correct mode.2. Camera shoots but does not focus. Check if the focus mode of the camera or lens is set to MF. If so, set it to AF.3. Signal disturbance or shooting interference. Change a different channel on thedevice.4. Operating distance limited or flash missing. Check if batteries are exhausted. If so, change them.The Reason & Solution of Not Triggering in Godox 2.4G Wireless1. Disturbed by the2.4G signal in outer environment (e.g. wireless basestation, 2.4G wifi router, Bluetooth, etc.)→ To adjust the channel CH setting on the flash trigger (add 10+ channels) and use the channel which is not disturbed. Or turn off the other 2.4G equipment in working.2. Please make sure that whether the flash has finished its recycle or caughtup with the continuous shooting speed or not(the flash ready indicator islighten) and the flash is not under the state of over-heat protection or other abnormal situation.→ Please downgrade the flash power output. If the flash is in TTL mode, please try to change it to M mode(a preflash is needed in TTL mode).3. Whether the distance between the flash trigger and the flash is too close ornot→ Please turn on the “close distance wireless mode” on the flash trigger (<0.5m):→ Please set the C.Fn-DIST to 0-30m.Avoid sudden drops. The device may fail to work after strong shocks, impacts, or excess stress.Keep dry. The product isn’t water-proof. Malfunction, rust, and corrosion may occur and go beyond repair if soaked in water or exposed to high humidity.Avoid sudden temperature changes. Condensation happens if suddentemperature changes such as the circumstance when taking the transceiver out of a building with higher temperature to outside in winter. Please put the transceiver in a handbag or plastic bag beforehand.Keep away from strong magnetic field. The strong static or magnetic fieldproduced by devices such as radio transmitters leads to malfunction.4. Whether the flash trigger and the receiver end equipment are in the lowbattery states or not → Please replace the battery(the flash trigger is recommended to use 1.5Vdisposable alkaline battery).A. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.B. Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the part responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.C. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.。
Rexroth IndraDrive Cs ACS01 伺服驱动器 产品手册说明书
Rexroth IndraDrive Cs ACS01伺服驱动器版本03产品手册R912008283Rexroth IndraDrive Cs ACS01伺服驱动器产品手册DOK-INDRV*-ACS01******-PR03-ZH-PRS-6d0559b3a9217a2a0a347e8600d30991-3-zh-CN-7●Rexroth IndraDrive Cs 系统概述●Rexroth IndraDrive Cs 系统组件组合方式说明●Rexroth IndraDrive Cs 系统组件选择●操作规范●系统特性应用说明出版颁发日期备注012020-01第一版022020-04功能新增032020-06参数更新版权© 博世力士乐(西安)电子传动与控制有限公司 2020保留所有权利, 也保留包括任何使用、利用、翻印、编辑、转让以及申请知识产权的权利。
题目文件类型文件类型代号内部存档附注文件用途更改过程Rexroth IndraDrive Cs ACS01伺服驱动器Rexroth IndraDrive Cs ACS01伺服驱动器 I目录目录页数1 系统介绍 (1)1.1 Rexroth IndraDrive Cs 系列 (1)1.1.1 概述–Rexroth IndraDrive Cs (1)1.1.2 行业应用 (2)1.1.3 特性 (3)1.2 系统配置 (5)1.2.1 系统结构 (5)1.2.2 驱动器组件 (6)2 安全使用说明 (9)2.1 合理使用 (9)2.1.1 使用须知 (9)2.1.2 应用场合 (9)2.2 不当使用 (10)2.3 使用安全说明 (10)2.3.1 安全使用要求 (10)2.3.2 使用不当引发的危险 (10)2.3.3 与电气元件和外壳接触的防护 (10)2.3.4 危险动作的防护 (11)2.3.5 与高温部件接触的防护 (12)2.3.6 电池安全 (12)2.4 警示词和安全提示符号 (13)3 组件组合 (15)3.1 各组件简介 (15)3.1.1 ACS01---简要说明及设计构成 (15)3.2 配置驱动系统 (15)3.2.1 伺服驱动器 (15)3.2.2 设备功能 (16)3.2.3 电机 (16)3.2.4 电机电缆 (21)3.3 安装条件 (21)3.3.1 安装条件与操作环境 (21)3.3.2 控制柜设计结构与散热 (24)3.4 机械项目规划 (25)3.4.1 驱动器 (25)3.5 电气项目规划 (31)3.5.1 连接图 (31)3.5.2 控制电压项目规划 (32)3.5.3 电源连接电源电压 (36)3.5.4 直流母线耦合 (60)3.6 验收测试及认证 (67)R912008283_版本03 Bosch Rexroth AG页数4供货、标签、运输及存放 (69)4.1 供货................................................................................... 694.1.1 出厂测试.............................................................................. 694.1.2 用户测试.............................................................................. 694.2 标签................................................................................... 704.2.1 铭牌.................................................................................. 704.2.2 包装清单.............................................................................. 714.3 组件运输............................................................................... 724.4组件存放 (72)5安装 (73)5.1 控制柜内安装ACS01...................................................................... 735.2 电气连接............................................................................... 745.2.1 连接图................................................................................ 745.2.2 连接点................................................................................ 755.2.3 板载连接点............................................................................ 765.2.4设计与安装过程中的电磁兼容措施 (96)6组件参数 (105)6.1 控制单元.............................................................................. 1056.1.1 EC-多类型编码器接口.................................................................. 1056.1.2 ET-多协议实时以太网网口.............................................................. 1296.1.3 数字量输入/输出...................................................................... 1356.1.4 电压型模拟量输入..................................................................... 1406.1.5 电流型模拟量输入..................................................................... 1416.1.6 模拟量输出........................................................................... 1416.1.7 继电器触点........................................................................... 1426.2 控制面板.............................................................................. 1436.2.1 设计................................................................................. 1436.3 电源.................................................................................. 1446.3.1 控制电压............................................................................. 1446.3.2 电源电压............................................................................. 1456.3.3 直流母线............................................................................. 1496.3.4 集成制动电阻......................................................................... 1516.3.5逆变器 (151)7电缆、配件及附加组件 (155)7.1 概述.................................................................................. 1557.1.1 电缆................................................................................. 1557.1.2 配件................................................................................. 1557.1.3 附加组件............................................................................. 1567.2 配件.................................................................................. 1577.2.1 安装及配件连接(HAS09).............................................................. 1577.2.2 直流母线连接器(RLS0778/K06)........................................................ 1637.2.3RKB0013,以太网通讯 (164)II 目录Rexroth IndraDrive Cs ACS01伺服驱动器Bosch Rexroth AG R912008283_版本03Rexroth IndraDrive Cs ACS01伺服驱动器 III目录页数7.3 附加组件 (165)7.3.1 电源滤波器NFD / NFE (165)7.3.2 电源电抗器 (168)7.3.3 HLR外部制动电阻 (172)7.3.4 直流侧电容单元HLC (179)8 环境保护及废弃处置 (183)8.1 环境保护 (183)8.2 废弃处置 (183)9 服务与支持 (185)10 附录 (187)10.1 电缆横截面及保险丝尺寸选型 (187)10.2 测量泄露电容 (194)10.3 电容泄露 (195)10.3.1 电机电容泄露 (195)10.3.2 电力电缆电容泄露 (196)索引 (199)R912008283_版本03 Bosch Rexroth AGIV Rexroth IndraDrive Cs ACS01伺服驱动器Bosch Rexroth AG R912008283_版本03Rexroth IndraDrive Cs ACS01伺服驱动器 1/201系统介绍1 系统介绍1.1 Rexroth IndraDrive Cs 系列1.1.1 概述–Rexroth IndraDrive Cs表格1-1:Rexroth IndraDrive Cs 系列组件R912008283_版本03 Bosch Rexroth AG1.1.2行业应用通用自动化、搬运、组装自动化组装及搬运系统码垛系统、取放系统、物流......机床小型机(例如木材加工)、辅机......食品及包装行业灌装及密封、码垛、装箱、封箱、贴标......印刷机械标签打印、贴标、数字印刷、定位......半导体行业半导体/晶圆生产、处理、金属化、清洗、太阳能电池生产......表格1-2:目标应用2/201系统介绍Rexroth IndraDrive Cs ACS01伺服驱动器Bosch Rexroth AG R912008283_版本031.1.3 特性功能特性●结构紧凑●防护等级IP20●具有存储和控制功能的操作面板●多类型编码器接口支持多种主流编码器(ACUROlink、HIPERFACE®、EnDat2.1、EnDat2.2、SSI、TTL、 sin/cos 、旋转变压器、MS2N 编码器、MSC编码器 )●直流母线连接●1个模拟量输入 (14位, ±10 V)●8个数字量输入–2个探针输入–1个组合式数字量端口,可配置为数字量输入或输出●可调节的风扇控制●集成制动电流测量和监控●电机输出端绕组短路触发停机保护机制●支持MSC永磁同步伺服电机●霍尔传感器适配盒SHL03.1,用于操作带有数字霍尔传感器的MCL直线电机性能特征规格(宽:50 mm;高:215 mm)规格(宽:70 mm;高:268 mm)规格(宽:130 mm;高:268 mm)ACS1-W00...→0818283654主电源V 3 AC 200 … 500 V最大输出电流(4kHz)A rms818283654表格1-3:ACS01伺服驱动器规格参数Rexroth IndraDrive Cs ACS01伺服驱动器 3/201系统介绍R912008283_版本03 Bosch Rexroth AG接口概述●兼容IndraDrive 平台●支持以下协议的实时以太网通讯:–sercos III –EtherCAT(SoE)–EtherCAT(CoE)–PROFINET IO –EtherNet/IP●多类型编码器接口●模拟量输入●可自由配置的数字量输入/输出可用编码器可用编码器供电电压为5 V 和12 V 的编码器:●MSC 电机编码器●MSK 电机编码器●MS2N 电机编码器●ACUROlink 编码器●1V pp 正弦编码器,HIPERFACE®●1V pp 正弦编码器,EnDat 2.1、EnDat 2.2●1V pp 正弦编码器(配置参考信道)●省线式TTL 编码器●SSI●组合式编码器SSI(SSI 及1V pp 正弦编码器)●旋转变压器●SHL02.1霍尔传感器适配盒●数字霍尔传感器与SHL03.1霍尔传感器适配盒可配合使用4/201系统介绍Rexroth IndraDrive Cs ACS01伺服驱动器Bosch Rexroth AG R912008283_版本031.2系统配置1.2.1系统结构*可选项24V 控制电压COM 通讯DST 自耦变压器F 保险丝ACS01伺服驱动器HLC 直流母线电容单元(用于连接直流母线的设备)HLR 外部制动电阻HNL 电源电抗器NF 电源滤波器K1外部电源接触器M 电机RB内部制动电阻(位于驱动器后方)插图1-1:Rexroth IndraDrive Cs 驱动系统系统介绍系统介绍1.2.2 驱动器组件ACS01 伺服驱动型号系统介绍表格1-4:ACS01型号说明HAP01 键盘图示插图1-2:HAP01 键盘型号表格1-5:HAP01型号说明系统介绍2安全使用说明2.1合理使用2.1.1使用须知Bosch Rexroth 产品代表着先进的开发和制造水平。
Light A
90% Dimmer 1
Shutter 2
Light B
30% Dimmer 2 OFF
User 2
Room Temperature
Shutter 1
U.motion 10寸触摸屏
Previous Floor Plan Living Room Bathroom Bedroom Nursery 1 Nursery 2
Light A
90% Dimmer 1
Shutter 2
Light B
30% Dimmer 2 OFF
User 2
Room Temperature
Shutter 1
U.motion 15寸触摸屏
在离开房间的时候,您是否希望 通过按下某个按键来确保所有的灯和 电器都已经关闭?您是否希望在早晨 按下某个按键放下百叶窗从而营造出 良好的光线氛围?
款式 黄色/奶白
干线连接端子由两个互相啮合的端子部件(黄色和 白色)租车组成,每个部件带4个插接式端口。适合 直径在0.6到0.8mm的实心导线。 用于为总线电缆的黄/白芯线布线。
FinePix S1000fd 用户手册
使用 [ 设置 ] 菜单 ...................................... 109 [ 设置 ] 菜单选项 ....................................... 110
([ 幻灯片式播放 ])............................... 89 DPOF 设置画面 ([ 打印预约 (DPOF) ]).................... 89 [ 回放菜单 ] .......................................................... 94 修正图像中的红眼现象 ([ 红眼修正 ])...................................... 94 旋转图像 ([ 图像旋转 ])......................... 95 保护图像 ([ 保护 ])................................ 96 复制图像 ([V 复制 ])............................... 97 为图像增加语音注释 ([ 语音注释 ])...................................... 99 裁剪图像 ([ 裁剪 ]).............................. 102
设置语言、日期和时间 ................................ 20 修改日期时间 ...................................................... 22 选择语言.............................................................. 23
Speedlite Transmitter ST-E2感谢您购买佳能产品。
它自动兼容相机的闪光测光模式(E-TTL ll、E-TTL或TTL)。
1. E-TTL II自动闪光(带有预闪读数/镜头距离信息的评价闪光测光)2. E-TTL自动闪光(带有预闪读数的评价闪光测光)3. TTL自动闪光(实时闪光测光的胶片平面反射光测光)有关相机的可用闪光测光模式,请参阅相机使用说明书“规格”中“外接闪光灯”规格部分。
相机使用说明书中有关闪光摄影的章节将具备上述1和2测光模式的相机称为A型相机(兼容E-TTL II或E-TTL)。
* 此使用说明书假定您正在使用安装于A型相机上的ST-E2。
2部件名称 (4)安装电池 (6)把闪光灯安装到相机上 (6)打开电源开关 (7)全自动无线闪光 (8)E-TTL II的闪光光比 (10)故障排除指南 (13)规格 (14)本说明书中使用的约定此使用说明书中的操作步骤假定相机和ST-E2的电源开关已开启。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1. RF-604产品是使用
2. 采用FSK制式更有效保证速度、距离及其稳定性
3. 遥控距离远达100M
4. 快门同步速度高达1/250秒
5. 兼容性广,可兼容RF-602的接收器
6. 支持机顶TTL
7. 可以通过另购闪光灯连接线,控制各类型的闪光灯和影室灯
8. 更多的扩展功能,可以通过另购相机连接线控制各类型相机进行拍照产品参数
类型: FSK 2.4GHz无线遥控系统
传送距离: 100米
电源: 2.4-3.3V(AAA X2节)
同步: 1/250S(跟据相机和闪光灯型号不同)支持机顶TTL模式快门:支持相机控制相机单次拍摄
组别: 3个
接口: 3.5mm三段输入端子
体积(宽×高×深): 39.5x 80.52 x39.5mm
发射器 1 个(可切换为TX 或 RX)
接收器 1 个(可切换为TX 或RX)
说明书: 1 份