



大华录像机说明书大华录像机说明书篇一:大华硬盘录像机操作说明大华录像机简单操作说明鼠标操作 * 本文档以右手使用鼠标习惯为例 :除前面板键操作菜单外,用户可用鼠标进行菜单功能操作。

将USB 接口鼠标插入机器面板的 USB 接口即可。

如果用户还没有登录系统则先弹出密码输入框 ; 实时画面监视时,单击鼠标左键进入主菜单对某功能菜单选项图标鼠标左键单击进入该菜单内容执行控件上指示的操作改变复选框或动态检测块的状态点击数字框或密码框时弹出数字面板,直接点击面板上的数字即可完成数字的输入。

X 表示清零, ? 表示确定输入的数值,并关闭面板单击鼠标左键点击组合框时弹出下拉列表执行控件的特殊操作,例如双击录像文件列表的某一项,回放该段录像双击鼠标左键多画面时对某通道画面双击鼠标左键使该画面全屏 ; 再次双击该单画面恢复到以前的多画面状态实时画面监视时,弹出快捷菜单 :多画面模式,多画面模式与机器路数有关,如 4 路只显示单画面、四画面 ; 及云台控制、图像颜色、录像查询、手动录像、主菜单等快捷方式。


进入系统菜单正常开机后,按 Enter 确认键(或单击鼠标左键)弹出[登录对话框],用户在输入框中输入用户名及相关密码。






一、通用代号1. YGSL:表示该轴承为易格斯直线轴承的通用代号;2. 22:表示轴承的系列代号,例如22代表薄壁型系列。

二、型号代号1. 22 0411:其中22表示该型号属于薄壁型系列;0411为该型号的具体代号。

三、封边、封盖和密封代号1. TSU:表示轴承无封边;2. TSS:表示轴承有封边;3. LS:表示具有外部封盖;4. ZZ:表示具有外部金属封盖;5. RS:表示具有内部密封;6. 2RS:表示具有内、外部密封。

四、内部结构代号1. M:表示轴承的内部结构为“单列滚珠”;2. S:表示轴承的内部结构为“双列滚珠”;3. E:表示轴承的内部结构为“一对单列滚珠”。

五、清洗、润滑代号1. P0:表示不清洗不润滑;2. P6:表示预润滑;3. P5:表示轴承经过清洗;4. P6:表示轴承经过磷化处理并预润滑。

六、加强式代号1. C:表示轴承采用加强式设计。

七、稳固性代号1. H:表示轴承为高可靠性稳固性设计。



一、通用代号1. YGSL:易格斯直线轴承的通用代号。



2. 22:这个数字是轴承产品的系列代号。



ELAN EM78F811N 8位微控制器 产品规格书说明书

ELAN EM78F811N 8位微控制器 产品规格书说明书

产品规格书版本1.5义隆电子股份有限公司2021.07商标告之:IBM 为一个注册商标,PS/2是IBM 的商标之一。

Windows 是微软公司的商标。

ELAN 和ELAN 标志是义隆电子股份有限公司的商标。

版权所有 © 2021义隆电子股份有限公司所有权利保留台湾印制本规格书内容如有变动恕不另作通知。










义隆电子股份有限公司 总公司:地址: 30076新竹科学工业园区创新一路12号电话: +886 3 563-9977 传真: +886 3 563-9966 *****************.tw http :// 香港分公司:义隆电子(香港)股份有限公司 地址:九龙观塘巧明街95号世达 中心19楼A 室电话: +852 2723-3376 传真: +852 2723-7780美国:Elan InformationTechnology Group (U.S.A.) 地址: 10268 Bandley Drive Suite 101 , Cupertino , CA 95014,USA 电话: +1 408 366-8225 传真: +1 408 366-8225深圳分公司:义隆电子(深圳)有限公司地址:518057深圳市南山区高新技术产业园南区高新南六道迈科龙大厦8A电话: +86 755 2601-0565 传真: +86 755 2601-0500 ******************.cn上海分公司:义隆电子(上海)有限公司地址:上海市浦东新区盛荣路88弄3号703室(盛大天地源创谷内)电话:+86 21 5080-3866 ******************.cn目录目录1 综述 (1)2 特性 (1)3 引脚配置 (2)3.1 10-Pin MSOP (2)3.2 16-Pin DIP/SOP (2)3.3 14-Pin SOP (2)4 引脚描述 (3)5 系统概述 (5)5.1 内存图 (5)5.2 模块图 (6)6 功能描述 (7)6.1 操作寄存器 (7)6.1.1 R0:IAR (间接寻址寄存器) (7)6.1.2 R1 :TCC(定时器时钟) (7)6.1.3 R2:PC (程序计数器和堆栈) (7)6.1.4 R3 :SR(状态寄存器) (10)6.1.5 R4 :RSR(RAM选择寄存器) (10)6.1.6 Bank 0 R5 ~ R6, R8 (Port 5 ~ Port 6, Port 8) (10)6.1.7 Bank 0 R9:TBLP (指令TBRD表指针寄存器) (11)6.1.8 Bank 0 RA:WUPC (唤醒控制寄存器) (11)6.1.9 Bank 0 RB:EECR (EEPROM控制寄存器) (12)6.1.10 Bank 0 RC: EEPA (128 字节 EEPROM 地址) (12)6.1.11 Bank 0 RD: EEPD (128字节EEPROM 数据) (12)6.1.12 Bank 0 RE: OMCR (模式选择寄存器) (12)6.1.13 Bank 0 RF: ISR1 (中断状态寄存器 1) (15)6.1.14 R10 ~ R3F (15)6.1.15 Bank 1 R5~R7 (16)6.1.16 Bank 1 R8 (IRC 选择寄存器) (16)6.1.17 Bank 1 R9: TM1CR1 (定时器/计数器 1控制寄存器1) (16)6.1.18 Bank 1 RA: TM1CR2(定时器/计数器 1控制寄存器 2) (17)6.1.19 Bank 1 RB: TM1DAH (定时器/计数器 1数据缓冲A高字节) (18)6.1.20 Bank 1 RC: TM1DAL (定时器/计数器 1数据缓冲A低字节) (18)6.1.21 Bank 1 RD: TM1DBH (定时器/计数器 1数据缓冲B高字节) (18)6.1.22 Bank 1 RE: TM1DBL (定时器/计数器 1数据缓冲B低字节) (18)6.1.23 Bank 1 RF: ISR2 (中断状态寄存器 2) (19)6.1.24 Bank 2 R5:AISR (ADC输入选择寄存器) (19)6.1.25 Bank 2 R6: ADCON (A/D控制寄存器) (20)6.1.26 Bank 2 R7: ADCON2 (A/D控制寄存器2) (21)6.1.27 Bank 2 R8 : ADDH (AD高 8位数据缓存) (22)6.1.28 Bank 2 R9 : ADDL (AD低4位数据缓存) (22)6.1.29 Bank 2 RA: URCR (UART控制寄存器) (22)6.1.30 Bank 2 RB: URS (UART 状态寄存器) (23)6.1.31 Bank 2 RC: URTD (UART 发送数据缓冲寄存器) (24)6.1.32 Bank 2 RD: URRDL (UART 接收数据低位缓冲寄存器) (24)目录6.1.33 Bank 2 RE: URRDH (UART 接收数据高位缓冲寄存器) (24)6.1.34 Bank 2 RF (24)6.1.35 Bank 3 R5 (24)6.1.36 Bank 3 R6 : TBHP(指令TBRD的表指针寄存器) (24)6.1.37 Bank 3 R7: CMP2CON(比较器2控制寄存器) (25)6.1.38 Bank 3 R8 ~ RC (25)6.1.39 Bank 3 RD :TC3CR (定时器3控制) (25)6.1.40 Bank 3 RE :TC3D (定时器 3 数据缓存) (27)6.1.41 Bank 3 RF (27)6.2 特殊功能寄存器 (28)6.2.1 A (累加器) (28)6.2.2 CONT (控制寄存器) (28)6.2.3 IOC5 ~ IOC6, IOC8 (I/O端口控制寄存器) (28)6.2.4 IOC7, IOC9 (28)6.2.5 IOCA:WDTCR (WDT 控制寄存器) (29)6.2.6 IOCB: P6PDCR (下拉控制寄存器2) (29)6.2.7 IOCC: P6ODCR (漏极开路控制寄存器) (30)6.2.8 IOCD: P9PHCR (上拉控制寄存器2) (30)6.2.9 IOCE:IMR2 (中断屏蔽寄存器2) (31)6.2.10 IOCF: IMR1(中断屏蔽寄存器1) (31)6.3 TCC/WDT 与预分频器 (33)6.4 I/O 端口 (34)6.4.1 使用端口6输入状态改变唤醒/中断功能 (36)6.5 复位和唤醒 (37)6.5.1 复位 (37)6.5.2 总结唤醒和中断模式操作 (39)6.5.3 寄存器初始值的总结 (42)6.5.4 状态寄存器的T和P状态 (49)6.6 中断 (50)6.7 数据EEPROM (52)6.7.1 数据EEPROM控制寄存器 (52)6.7.2 编程步骤 / 举例示范 (52)6.8 模拟数字转换器(ADC) (53)6.8.1 A/D 取样时间 (53)6.8.2 A/D 转换时间 (54)6.8.3 睡眠期间的A/D转换 (54)6.8.4 编程步骤/注意事项 (55)6.9 定时器/计数器1 (TM1) (58)6.9.1 定时器/计数器模式 (58)6.9.2 窗口模式 (59)6.9.3 捕捉模式 (60)6.9.4 可编程分频输出模式和脉冲宽度调制模式 (62)6.9.5 蜂鸣器 (63)6.10 定时器/计数器3 (63)6.11 UART (65)6.11.1 UART 模式 (66)6.11.2 发送 (67)目录6.11.3 接收 (67)6.11.4 波特率发生器 (68)6.11 .5 UART 时序 (68)6.12 比较器 (69)6.12.1 外部参考信号 (69)6.12.2 内部参考电压 (70)6.12.3 比较器输出 (70)6.12.4 中断 (70)6.12.5 从睡眠至唤醒 (70)6.12.6 比较器初始化步骤 (71)6.13 振荡器 (71)6.13.1 振荡模式 (71)6.13.2 晶振 / 陶瓷谐振器(晶体) (72)6.13.3 外部RC振荡模式 (73)6.13.4 内部 RC 振荡模式 (74)6.14 代码选项寄存器 (75)6.14.1 代码选项寄存器 (Word 0) (75)6.14.2 代码选项寄存器(Word 1) (77)6.14.3 客户ID寄存器(Word 2) (78)6.15 上电注意事项 (79)6.16 外部上电复位电路 (79)6.17 残留电压保护 (80)6.18 指令集 (81)7片上调试系统(OCDS) (84)7.1 片上调试的限制 (84)8 时序图 (85)9 绝对最大额定参数 (86)10 DC电气特性 (87)11 AC电气特性 (92)A 编码与制造信息 (93)B 封装类型 (94)C 封装结构 (95)C.1 EM78F811NMS10 (95)C.2 EM78F811NSO14 (96)C.3 EM78F811NAD16 (97)C.4 EM78F811NASO16A (98)D 品质保证和可靠性 (99)D.1 地址缺陷检测 (99)目录规格修订历史目录用户应用注意事项(使用此IC前,应注意如下描述的注意事项,它包含重要信息)1. 如果IRC频率从A频率变为B频率,MCU需要等待一些时间才可以工作。



UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTDLR1108CMOS IC1A FAST ULTRA LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATORDESCRIPTIONThe UTC LR1108 operate from a +2.5V ~ +7.0V input supply as fast ultra low-dropout linear regulators. Wide output voltage range options are available. The fast response characteristic to make UTC LR1108 suitable for low voltage microprocessor application.The low quiescent current operation and low dropout quality caused by the CMOS process.The UTC LR1108 has ultra low dropout voltage; 300mV at 600mA load current typically.The ground pin current is typically 200uA at 1mA load current. ERROR Flag: When the output voltage drops 10% below nominal value Error flag goes low.Output Voltage Precision: Multiple output voltage options are available and ranging from 1.2V ~ 5.0V at room temperature with a guaranteed accuracy of ±1.5%, and ±3.0% when varying line, load and temperature.FEATURES* Ultra low dropout voltage * Low ground pin current * 0.04% load regulation* The guaranteed output current is 1A DC * Output voltage accuracy ± 1.5%* Low output capacitor required* Overtemperature protection and overcurrent protection*Pb-free plating product number: LR1108LORDERING INFORMATIONOrdering NumberPin AssignmentNormal Lead Free Plating Package12 3 4 5 PackingLR1108-xx-AB3-A-R LR1108L-xx-AB3-A-R SOT-89G O I - - Tape Reel LR1108-xx-AB3-C-R LR1108L-xx-AB3-C-R SOT-89G I O - - Tape Reel LR1108-xx-AF5-R LR1108L-xx-AF5-R SOT-25I G SD ERROR O Tape ReelMARKING INFORMATIONSPXXBLOCK DIAGRAMV INSDV OUTERRORELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Cont.)Note 1. Conditions for which the device is intended to be functional is indicated by operating ratings, but specific performance limits isn’t be guaranteed. To make sure of specifications and test conditions, read ElectricalCharacteristics. Only for the test conditions listed the guaranteed specifications can be applied. When thedevice is not operated under the listed test conditions some performance characteristics may degrade.2. Devices must be derated based on package thermal resistance at elevated temperatures.3. The most likely parametric norm represents at 25 .4. The LR1108 output must be diode-clamped to ground. If used in a dual-supply system where the regulatorload is returned to a negative supply.5. Between the V IN and V OUT terminals the output PMOS structure contains a diode. This diode is reversebiased normally. If the voltage at the output terminal is forced to be higher than the voltage at the input terminal this diode will get forward biased. This diode can withstand 1Amp of peak current and 200mA of DC current typically.6. Output voltage line regulation is the change in output voltage from the nominal value which is due to changein the input line voltage. Which is defined as the change in output voltage from the nominal value due to change in load current is output voltage load regulation. The load regulation and line regulation specification include the typical number only. But, the limits for load and line regulation are included in the output voltage tolerance specification.7. Error Flag hysteresis and threshold are specified as regulated output voltage’s percentage.8. At which the output drops 2% below the normal value dropout voltage is defined as the minimum input tooutput differential voltage. Only to output voltages of 2.5V and above dropout voltage specification applies.For output voltages below 2.5V, since the minimum input voltage is 2.5V, the drop-out voltage is nothing but the input to output differential.9. Specification has been tested at −40 ≤ T J≤ 85 cause under shutdown conditions the temperature rise ofthe device is negligible.10. The minimum operating V IN value is equal to [V OUT(NOM) + V DROPOUT] or 2.5V, just the greater.TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT。



外接 EEPROM 的 SCK 外接 EEPROM 的 SDA CF 计数脉冲输入(最大频率为 30HZ,高电平脉宽>30mS) 外接 EEPROM 内容清 0 端 电表常数设置 上电显示设置 消隐设置 LCD 驱动输出 LCD 驱动输出 LCD 显示亮度调节 +5V 地
w w w . t i t a n m e c . c o m
T M 1 1 0 8
5 0 % 占空比
8 . 4时序特性(T a=2 0~ + 7 0 ℃,V D D=5V )
参数 时钟脉冲宽度 数据建立时间 数据保持时间 符号 P W C L K t S E T U P t H O L D 最小 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 典型 最大 单位 n s n s n s 测试条件 -
w w w . t i t a n m e c . c o m
6 . 2 2 L C D 驱动波形 以s e g 0 c o m 3点亮 其它段灭为例子, 给出驱动波形图
T M 1 1 0 8
七. 典型应用电路
w w w . t i t a n m e c . c o m
DIS2 0 1 高位为 0 时显示”0” 高位为 0 时不显示
l 注:引脚悬空为“ 1 ”,引脚接G N D为“ 0 ” 5 . 3常数设置
C2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 C1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 C0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 常数 400 800 1000 16000 2000 3200 6400 1600
w w w . t i t a n m e c . c o m


电机功率:500W/ 230V/50Hz
电机功率:350W,230V/50Hz空载速度:580~2650RPM调速档位:5 speeds
带 锯
砂带尺寸:100 X914mm



UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTDLR1108CMOS IC1A FAST ULTRA LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATORDESCRIPTIONThe UTC LR1108 operate from a +2.5V ~ +7.0V input supply as fast ultra low-dropout linear regulators. Wide output voltage range options are available. The fast response characteristic to make UTC LR1108 suitable for low voltage microprocessor application.The low quiescent current operation and low dropout quality caused by the CMOS process.The UTC LR1108 has ultra low dropout voltage; 300mV at 600mA load current typically.The ground pin current is typically 200uA at 1mA load current. ERROR Flag: When the output voltage drops 10% below nominal value Error flag goes low.Output Voltage Precision: Multiple output voltage options are available and ranging from 1.2V ~ 5.0V at room temperature with a guaranteed accuracy of ±1.5%, and ±3.0% when varying line, load and temperature.FEATURES* Ultra low dropout voltage * Low ground pin current * 0.04% load regulation* The guaranteed output current is 1A DC * Output voltage accuracy ± 1.5%* Low output capacitor required* Overtemperature protection and overcurrent protection*Pb-free plating product number: LR1108LORDERING INFORMATIONOrdering NumberPin AssignmentNormal Lead Free Plating Package12 3 4 5 PackingLR1108-xx-AB3-A-R LR1108L-xx-AB3-A-R SOT-89G O I - - Tape Reel LR1108-xx-AB3-C-R LR1108L-xx-AB3-C-R SOT-89G I O - - Tape Reel LR1108-xx-AF5-R LR1108L-xx-AF5-R SOT-25I G SD ERROR O Tape ReelMARKING INFORMATIONSPXXBLOCK DIAGRAMV INSDV OUTERRORELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Cont.)Note 1. Conditions for which the device is intended to be functional is indicated by operating ratings, but specific performance limits isn’t be guaranteed. To make sure of specifications and test conditions, read ElectricalCharacteristics. Only for the test conditions listed the guaranteed specifications can be applied. When thedevice is not operated under the listed test conditions some performance characteristics may degrade.2. Devices must be derated based on package thermal resistance at elevated temperatures.3. The most likely parametric norm represents at 25 .4. The LR1108 output must be diode-clamped to ground. If used in a dual-supply system where the regulatorload is returned to a negative supply.5. Between the V IN and V OUT terminals the output PMOS structure contains a diode. This diode is reversebiased normally. If the voltage at the output terminal is forced to be higher than the voltage at the input terminal this diode will get forward biased. This diode can withstand 1Amp of peak current and 200mA of DC current typically.6. Output voltage line regulation is the change in output voltage from the nominal value which is due to changein the input line voltage. Which is defined as the change in output voltage from the nominal value due to change in load current is output voltage load regulation. The load regulation and line regulation specification include the typical number only. But, the limits for load and line regulation are included in the output voltage tolerance specification.7. Error Flag hysteresis and threshold are specified as regulated output voltage’s percentage.8. At which the output drops 2% below the normal value dropout voltage is defined as the minimum input tooutput differential voltage. Only to output voltages of 2.5V and above dropout voltage specification applies.For output voltages below 2.5V, since the minimum input voltage is 2.5V, the drop-out voltage is nothing but the input to output differential.9. Specification has been tested at −40 ≤ T J≤ 85 cause under shutdown conditions the temperature rise ofthe device is negligible.10. The minimum operating V IN value is equal to [V OUT(NOM) + V DROPOUT] or 2.5V, just the greater.TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT。

FS-N10_中文说明书 11-08

FS-N10_中文说明书 11-08
z 两点校准
两点校准是基本的校准方式。 您可以自动设置灵敏度,只需按两次 [SET(] 设置)按钮。 在放置和未放置工件时各按一次。
在无工件的情形下按 [SET](设置) 按钮
按 [MODE(] 模式)按钮的同时按 [SET(] 设置)按钮,用以启用饱和恢复功能。 此时会自动校准光传输电平与光强度增益。
按 [MODE](模式)按钮的同 时按 [SET](设置)按钮。
设定值为 “”
按 [PRESET(] 预设置)按钮改变设定值与当前值,如下所示。
• 禁用预设置时应用预设置:
按住 [PRESET(] 预设置)按钮禁用预设置功能。 禁用预设置功能后,设定值与当前值之比保持原状。
预设置功能发挥的便捷作用 此 功 能 最适 用 于 使 用对 照 型 光纤单 元执 行简单检测 的 情 形(例 如,完 全 阻 断 式 检测,如光纤单元所有光轴均被非透明工件阻断的情形)。
同时使用多个 FS-N10 系列模块时,此功能可轻松令所有显示值保持一致。
• 启用预设置时应用预设置:
当前值为 “”
• 预设置功能与零点迁移功能不能一同使用。若要使用零点迁移功能,必须先禁 用预设置功能。
• 此模式不适用于透明工件以及其它光强差较低的检测情形。
z 禁用预设置功能
PST 指示灯 DTM 指示灯
数字显示 手动按钮( )
当前值 (显示为红色)


由于产品版本升级或其他原因,本文档内容会不定期进行更新。除非另有约定,本文档仅作 为使用指导,本文档中的所有陈述、信息或建议不构成任何明示或暗示的担保
4 附录.....................................................................................................................................................................11
≤0.5Ω(联合接地方式) 0℃~55℃ 5%~80%(非凝结) -20℃~+85℃ 0%~95%(非凝结)
3 技术指标
4 附录
4.1 技术/销售支持
当您在使用产品的过程中,有任何的问题,都可以联系我们,我们将竭尽全力为您解决问题, 诚心为您服务 联系方式
性能特点.............................................................................................................................................. 6



FEATURES• Extremely Low Supply Current(50µA,Typ.)• Very Low Dropout Voltage • 300mA Output Current• High Output Voltage Accuracy +/- 1.4 %• Standardor Custom Output Voltages• Over Currentand Over Temperature Protection • Small input/output differential : 0.3V for full loadAPPLICATIONS• Battery Operated Systems • Portable Computers• Portable Cameras and Video Recorders• Medical Instruments • Instrumentation• Cellular/GSM/PHS Phones• Linear Post-Regulators for SMPSORDERING INFORMATION• Pagers(Note : "XX" is Output Voltage for SOT-23 Pkg, DESCRIPTION1.5V=H15, 1.8V=H18….3.3V=H33)TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITLM1108 SF5HXX SOT-25LM1108 F 1108 X.X SOT-89PackageMarking LM1108 SF HXXSOT-23 DeviceThe LM1108 is a fixed output,high accuracy(typically ±0.5%) C MOS low drop-out regulator.Total supply current is typically 50µA at full load (20 to 60 times lower than in bipolar regulators).LM1108 key features include ultra low noise operation, very low dropout voltage (typically 240mV at full load), and fast response to step changes in load.The LM1108 in corporates both over temperature and over current protection.The LM1108 is stable with an output capacitor of only1µF and has a maximum out put current of 300mA.It is available in a SOT-23 & SOT-89 packageSOT-23-5L (SOT-25)SOT-891.Vss2.Vin3.Vout4. NC5. NC①SOT-23②①ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING (Note 1)Supply Voltage (Vin) +6.5VOutput Current (Iout) 300 mAOutput Voltage (Vout) Vss-0.3 to Vin+0.3VTotal Power Dissipation (Pd) SOT-89 500 mWSOT-23 230 mWOperating Ambient Temperature (Topr) -30 ~ +80 °CLead Temperature (soldering, 5 sec) 260°CStorage Temperature (Tstg) -40 ~ +125 °CELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSNote.1 : Load Regulation is measured using pulse techniques with duty cycle<5%Detail Description- The LM1108 is aprecision, fixed output LDO.Un like bipolar regulators, the LM1108’s supply current does not increase with load current.In addition,VOUT remains stable and with in regulation over theen tire 0mA to IOUT MAX operating load currentrange, (an important consideration in RTC and CMOS RAM battery back-up applications). Figure3-1shows a typical application circuit.1. Output Capacitor1uF(min) capacitor from VOUT to ground is required.The output capacitor hould have an effective series resistance greater than 0.1Ω and less than .0Ω. 1uF capacitor should be connected from VIN to GND if there is more than 10 inche sofwire between the regulator and the AC filter capacitor ,or if a battery is used as the power source. Aluminum electrolytic or tantalum capacitor types can be used. (Since many aluminum electrolytic capacitors freeze at approximately -30°C, solid tantalums are recommended for applications operating below -25°C.)When operating from sources other than batteries,supply-noise rejection and transient response can be improved by increasing the value of the input and output capacitors and employing passive filtering techniques.2. THERMAL CONSIDERATIONS2.1 Thermal ShutdownIntegrated thermal protection circuitry shuts the regulator off when die temperature exceeds150°C. The regulator remains off until the die temperature drops to approxi mately 140°C.2.2 Power DissipationThe amount of power the regulator dissipate is primarily a function of input and output voltage, and output current. The following equation is used to calculate worst case actual power dissipation: EQUATION 2-1: TABLE 2-1 :The maximum allowable power dissipation (Equation2-2) is a function of the maximum ambienttemperature(TAMAX), the maximum allowable dietemperature(TJMAX) and the thermal resistancefrom junction-to-air(θJA).EQUATION 2-2:Table 2-1 shows various values of θJA for the LM1108 versus board copper area. TABLE 2-1 : THERMAL RESISTANCE GUIDELINES FOR LM1108Equation 2-1can be used in conjunction with Equation 2-2 to ensure regulator thermal operation is within limits. Forexample:In this example, the LM1108 dissipates a maximum of 260mW; below the allow able limit of 508 mW . In a similar manner, Equation 2-1 and Equation 2-2 can be used to calculate maximum current and/or input voltage limits. For example, the maximum allowable VIN, is found by sustituting the maximum allowable power dissipation of 508 mW into Equation 2-1, from which VINMAX = 4.6V.。



RNS200系列网络电力仪表1、 产品概述RNS200系列网络电力仪表是针对于对电力品质、电力安全有较高要求的场合以及有自动化需要的场合而设计。



2、产品特点■ 可任意设定PT/CT 变比; ■ 全系标配RS485通讯/MODBUS 通讯协议; ■ LED 或高清晰LCD 显示,可视度高; ■ 全系可选蜂鸣器越限告警,具备声光提示; ■ 电能脉冲输出,4~20mA 模拟量输出 ■ 支持开关量输入,继电器输出 ■ 仪表采用专用失电保护电路,在失电情况下,数据保存不丢失,恢复电源后,仪表继续运行; ■ 面板嵌入安装,卡条固定;背插式端子接线设计,安装方便,接线简单;3、产品型号选配功能:J:继电器输出L:LCD液晶显示 AO:模拟量输出功能代码:详见型号一览表测量相数:1:单相3:三相仪表功能:9:多功能8:可编程成都国瑞华能电气有限公司网络电力仪表外形尺寸:48方形、48槽形、 72方形、96方形M:脉冲量输出 O:蜂鸣器告警4、产品功能选型配置表4.1 多功能网络电力仪表2、三相多功能仪表中,开关量输入和继电器输出各提供2路选配,若需增加至4路,则订货时需特殊备注。

24.2 RNS28系列可编程网络电力仪表说明:1、当选择48形多功能仪表时,功能输出项选配项继电器输出与模拟量(脉冲)输出只能任选其一。


5、RNS 200系列网络电力仪表性能指标技术参数 技术指标精度等级 电流、电压0.2级;功率、电能0.5级;频率:±0.05HZ输 入适用网络 单相、三相三线制、三相四线制 电压额定值 AC100V、AC220V(订货请说明)过 载 持续1.2倍,瞬间2倍/1秒电流额定值 AC5A或AC1A(订货请说明)过 载 持续1.2倍,瞬间电流10倍/1秒 频率 45Hz ~ 55Hz输 出通讯 RS485-Modbus协议开关量输入 AC220V/DC220V/DC110V ± 25%输入继电器输出 触点容量250VAC、5A,220VDC、0.5A,110VDC、1A,30VDC、5A 显示方式 可编程、切换;LED/LCD显示工作电源 宽 压 型 AC85V ~ AC265V, DC100V ~ DC300V 功 耗 小于3VA绝缘强度 2kV(各回路之间,测试电压为交流有效值) 绝缘电阻 ≥ 50MΩ工作条件环境温度:-20℃~+70℃ 储存温度:-30℃~+85℃ 相对湿度: 5%~95%,无凝露6、外形及安装尺寸48槽形96方形4RNS100系列智能数显仪表1、产品概述RNS100系列数显仪表采用交流采样技术,适用于高、低压配电系统的单、三相电流、电压、频率、功率及功率因数和电能等参数的测量与显示;该系列仪表可在线设置变比,并提供开关量输入、继电器输出及RS-485通讯等选配功能。













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SDP1108 中文

SDP1108 中文

-100 to -500 Pa 每年零点漂移(7)
零点转化的温度变化(8) [5 to 50°C]
满量程温度变化(8) [5 to 50°C]
350 to 500 Pa
150 to 350 Pa
0 to 150 Pa
2.00 -1.90
Inch water
Data Sheet – v1.0
SDP1108 产品
气体差压传感器 SDP1108 是 Sensirion 公司 在成 功 推 出 SDP1000/ SDP2000 后 的 一 款 新 产 品 . SDP1108 的响应速度已优化至可以满足医疗呼吸 机的要求 SDP1108 可达到的测量范围如下:
输出差压值 [Pa] = (SDP1108-Lbi 电压输出值 – 零点漂移值) / (4零点漂移值) *500 Pa. 零点电压输出典型值为: 2.1 V
输出电压值 [Pa] = ((SDP1108-Lbi 电压输出值 – 零点漂移值) / (4零点漂移值))2 *500 Pa. 零点电压输出典型值为: 2.1
1 性能曲线 1
输出差压值 [Pa] = (SDP1108-L 电压输出值–零 Pa 电压输出值) /(4-零 Pa 电压输出值) *500 Pa. 零点电压输出典型值为: 0.25 V
输出差压值 [Pa] = ( (SDP1108-R 电压输出值–零点漂移值) / (4-零点 漂移值) )2 *500 Pa. 零点电压输出典型值为: 0.25 V
350 to 500 Pa
150 to 350 Pa

NRL ELX1108 NTC 热敏电阻产品介绍说明书

NRL ELX1108 NTC 热敏电阻产品介绍说明书

NRLEpoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistorProduct features• Faster thermal response• Epoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor with UL3656 XLPE insulation lead wire• Non-linear change in resistance vs temperature Applications• Industrial process control• Commercial appliances• Battery, supercapacitor and energy storage systems• Uninterruptible power supplies• Consumer appliances• Medical devices• Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, refrigeration (HVACR)•Food service equipment• IoTEnvironmental compliance and general specificationsPb HALOGENHFFREEPackaging information• Bulk: 400 parts per poly bagT able 1. Part numberingNRL x xxy x xxxx Bx x zFamily nameNRL Wire size1= #30 AWG, 2= #28 AWG, 3=#26AWGResistancex.x * 10y Ω; ex: 3.4 * 105 Ω = 345Resistance toleranceF = ±1%, , J= ±5%Beta toleranceF = ±1%, J = ±5%Beta typeB1=25/50, B2=25/85Beta valueex: 3465, 4215, etcCustom (optional)Different chip sizeor lead dimensions2Technical Data ELX1108Effective March 2022NRL Epoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor/electronicsMechanical parameters- mm/inchesMillimetersInches Dimension MinimumMaximumMinimumMaximumA2.0 4.00.07870.157B 2.0 4.00.07870.1575D 9.0150.3540.591L27331.0631.299Electrical specificationsPart numberRatedtemperatureResistance (kΩ)Beta value (K)Beta typeNRL#233?3935B1*+25°C 2.2523935B25/50NRL#303?3950B1*+25°C 33950B25/50NRL#503?3300B2*+25°C 53300B25/85NRL#503?3470B1*+25°C 53470B25/50NRL#503?3950B1*+25°C 53950B25/50NRL#104?3380B1*+25°C 103380B25/50NRL#104?3435B2*+25°C 103435B25/85NRL#104?3500B2*+25°C 103500B25/85NRL#104?3950B1*+25°C 103950B25/50NRL#104?4100B1*+25°C 104100B25/50NRL#154?4150B1*+25°C 154150B25/50NRL#234?4200B1*+25°C 234200B25/50NRL#504?3950B1*+25°C 503950B25/50NRL#105?3950B1*+25°C 1003950B25/50NRL#105?4150B1*+25°C 1004150B25/50NRL#105?4200B1*+25°C 1004200B25/50NRL#105?4450B1*+25°C 1004450B25/50NRL#353?3435B2*+50°C 3.45133435B25/85NRL#324?4550B2*+50°C 31.7654550B25/85NRL#203?4250B2*+86°C2.0284250B25/85#= Enter wire size designation (1= #30 AWG, 2= #28 AWG, 3= #26AWG)= Enter resistance tolerance codes (F = ±1%, J = ±5%)*= Enter Beta tolerance codes (F = ±1%, J = ±5%)Dissipation coefficient: ≈1.8 mW/ °C Thermal time constant: ≤15 sWithstand voltage: 500 Vac/1 mA/60 s Insulation resistance: 50 Vdc/50 MΩ/60 s Operation temperature: -40 °C to +125 °CLead wire: UL3656 XLPE Insulated hook up wire3Technical Data ELX1108Effective March 2022NRLEpoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor /electronicsPart number NRL#233?3935B1*NRL#303?3950B1*NRL#503?3300B2*NRL#503?3470B1*NRL#503?3950B1*Resistance 2.252K(25 °C)3K(25 °C)5K(25 °C)5K(25 °C)5K(25 °C)Beta Value B25/50=3935B25/50=3950B25/85=3300B25/50=3470B25/50=3950Temperature (°C)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)-4068.4591.1893.37110.53154.07-3964.485.7988.32104.22144.64-3860.6280.7583.5898.32135.85-3757.0776.0379.1392.78127.65-3653.7571.6174.9587.6119.98-3550.6467.4771.0182.74112.83-3447.7363.5867.3178.19106.14-334559.9463.8373.9199.88-3242.4356.5360.5569.994.03-3140.0353.3257.4666.1388.56-3037.7750.3154.5562.5983.44-2935.647.4351.859.2778.68-2833.5844.7349.2156.1574.22-2731.6742.246.7653.2170.03-2629.8939.8244.4550.4466.11-2528.2237.5942.2747.8462.42-2426.6435.4940.2245.3858.96-2325.1733.5338.2743.0755.71-2223.7831.6836.4340.8952.65-2122.4829.9534.738.8449.78-2021.2528.3233.0536.947.08-1920.126.7731.4935.0744.56-1819.0125.3330.0133.3542.18-1717.9923.9628.6131.7239.94-1617.0322.6827.2930.1837.83-1516.1221.4826.0328.7235.85-1415.2720.3424.8527.3433.97-1314.4619.2723.7226.0432.2-1213.7118.2622.6524.8130.54-1112.9917.3121.6423.6428.96-1012.3216.4120.6822.5427.47-911.6915.5719.7621.4926.05-811.0914.7718.920.5124.72-710.5214.0218.0819.5723.45-69.9913.317.318.6822.26-59.4812.6316.5517.8421.13-49.011215.8517.0420.07-38.5611.415.1716.2819.06-28.1310.8314.5415.5518.12-17.7310.313.9314.8717.2207.359.7913.3514.2216.371 6.989.312.7913.5915.552 6.648.8512.271314.783 6.318.4111.7612.4314.064 6.01811.2911.913.375 5.727.6210.8311.3912.726 5.447.2510.3910.912.117 5.18 6.99.9810.4411.538 4.9351 6.579.581010.989 4.7019 4.4812 5.978.849.189.9611 4.2719 5.698.58.89.512 4.0737 5.438.178.449.0613 3.8858 5.187.868.098.6414 3.7076 4.93917.567.778.2415 3.5386 4.71397.277.457.8616 3.3781 4.500177.157.5117 3.2259 4.2974 6.73 6.877.1718 3.0814 4.1049 6.48 6.59 6.8419 2.944 3.9218 6.24 6.33 6.5420 2.8137 3.7483 6.01 6.09 6.25T emperature characteristics4Technical Data ELX1108Effective March 2022NRL Epoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor/electronics21 2.6897 3.5831 5.79 5.85 5.9722 2.5719 3.4262 5.58 5.62 5.7123 2.4599 3.277 5.38 5.41 5.4624 2.3534 3.1351 5.19 5.2 5.2325 2.252355526 2.1555 2.8714 4.8222 4.8104 4.785627 2.0627 2.7478 4.6503 4.627 4.579428 1.9743 2.6301 4.4857 4.4518 4.383529 1.8903 2.5182 4.3279 4.2844 4.197130 1.8105 2.4119 4.1766 4.1243 4.019831 1.7345 2.3106 4.0316 3.9712 3.851132 1.6621 2.2142 3.8925 3.8247 3.690633 1.5932 2.1224 3.7591 3.6845 3.537734 1.5276 2.035 3.6311 3.5504 3.392135 1.4651 1.9517 3.5082 3.4219 3.253436 1.4056 1.8725 3.3903 3.2989 3.121237 1.3488 1.7968 3.277 3.1811 2.995138 1.2946 1.7246 3.1682 3.0682 2.87539 1.243 1.6559 3.0637 2.9599 2.760440 1.1937 1.5902 2.9633 2.8562 2.65141 1.1467 1.5276 2.8668 2.7567 2.546742 1.1018 1.4678 2.774 2.6613 2.44743 1.059 1.4107 2.6848 2.5699 2.351944 1.018 1.3561 2.599 2.482 2.261450.979 1.3042 2.5164 2.3977 2.1742460.9415 1.2542 2.437 2.3168 2.0912470.9059 1.2068 2.3606 2.2391 2.0119480.8717 1.1612 2.287 2.1644 1.9361490.839 1.1177 2.2161 2.0927 1.8635500.8078 1.0761 2.1478 2.0238 1.7942510.7778 1.0361 2.0814 1.9561 1.7271520.74910.9979 2.0174 1.891 1.6629530.72160.9613 1.9557 1.8282 1.6013540.69530.9262 1.8961 1.7679 1.5424550.67010.8927 1.8387 1.7098 1.4859560.6460.8606 1.7833 1.6538 1.4318570.62280.8297 1.7299 1.5999 1.3799580.60070.8002 1.6783 1.548 1.3301590.57940.7718 1.6286 1.498 1.2824600.5590.7447 1.5805 1.4498 1.2366610.53940.7186 1.5341 1.4034 1.1928620.52060.6935 1.4893 1.3586 1.1506630.50260.6695 1.446 1.3154 1.1101640.48540.6466 1.4042 1.2738 1.0713650.46870.6244 1.3638 1.2337 1.0341660.45280.6032 1.3248 1.1950.9983670.43750.5828 1.2871 1.15760.9639680.42270.5631 1.2506 1.12160.9308690.40860.5443 1.2153 1.08680.8991700.3950.5262 1.1812 1.05330.8685710.38190.5087 1.1483 1.02090.8392720.36930.492 1.11640.98960.811730.35730.476 1.08550.95940.7838740.34560.4604 1.05560.93030.7578750.33450.4456 1.02670.90220.7326760.32370.43120.99870.8750.7085770.31330.41740.97170.84870.6852780.30330.4040.94550.82330.6629790.29370.39130.92010.79880.6413800.28450.3790.89550.77510.6206T emperature characteristics, cont.5Technical Data ELX1108Effective March 2022NRLEpoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor /electronics 810.27560.36710.87160.75210.6006820.26690.35560.84860.73010.5814830.25870.34460.82620.70870.5628840.25070.3340.80450.68790.5449850.2430.32370.78350.66790.5277860.23570.3140.76320.64830.5115870.22850.30440.74360.62940.4959880.22160.29520.72450.61110.4809890.2150.28640.7060.59340.4664900.20870.2780.68810.57640.4523910.20250.26980.67070.55980.4388920.19650.26180.65380.54370.4258930.19070.2540.63740.52820.4132940.18520.24670.62160.51310.4011950.17980.23950.60610.49860.3893960.17460.23260.59120.48440.378970.16960.22590.57670.47080.3671980.16480.21950.56260.45750.3566990.16020.21340.54890.44470.34631000.15560.20730.53570.43230.33651010.15130.20160.52280.42020.32681020.1470.19580.51020.40870.31751030.14290.19040.49810.39740.30841040.13890.1850.48620.38640.29971050.13520.18010.47470.37580.29131060.13150.17520.46360.36550.28311070.12790.17040.45260.35570.27521080.12440.16570.4420.34630.26761090.1210.16120.43160.33710.26021100.11770.15680.42150.32820.25311110.11450.15250.41180.31960.24621120.11150.14850.40220.31120.23941130.10850.14450.3930.30310.23291140.10560.14070.3840.29520.22671150.10280.13690.37520.28750.22061160.10010.13330.36670.280.21471170.09750.12990.35840.27280.2091180.09490.12640.35030.26570.20351190.09240.12310.34240.25890.19811200.090.11990.33470.25220.19291210.08770.11680.32730.24590.18791220.08560.1140.320.23960.1831230.08340.11110.3130.23360.17831240.08130.10830.30610.22760.17361250.07920.10550.29940.22190.1692T emperature characteristics, cont.6Technical Data ELX1108Effective March 2022NRL Epoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor/electronicsPart number NRL#104?3380B1* NRL#104?3435B2*NRL#104?3500B2*NRL#104?3950B1*NRL#104?4100B1*NRL#154?4150B1*Resistance 10K(25 °C)10K(25 °C)10K(25 °C)10K(25 °C)15K(25 °C)Beta Value B25/50=3380 B25/85=3435B25/85=3500B25/50=3950B25/50=4100B25/50=4150Temperature (°C)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)-40200.79216.45307.57335.5612.12-39189.87204.19288.79315.56572.57-38179.61192.7271.27296.9535.77-37169.98181.94254.91279.42501.54-36160.92171.86239.63263.04469.66-35152.4162.4225.36247.69439.98-34144.38153.53212.02233.3412.32-33136.84145.2199.55219.8386.55-32129.74137.38187.88207.14362.51-31123.05130.03176.96195.26340.09-30116.74123.12166.73184.11319.16-29110.76116.61157.18173.85299.47-28105.13110.49148.23164.19281.09-2799.81104.73139.84155.1263.94-2694.899.31131.96146.54247.92-2590.0794.2124.58138.48232.95-2485.6189.39117.64130.89218.97-2381.3984.86111.13123.74205.89-2277.4180.58105.02117193.66-2173.6476.5599.27110.64182.22-2070.0972.7593.87104.65171.51-1966.7369.1788.8498.93161.56-1863.5665.7984.1193.55152.23-1760.5662.679.6688.47143.49-1657.7159.5875.4683.69135.28-1555.0256.7371.579.18127.58-1452.4654.0367.7774.93120.35-1350.0451.4764.2570.92113.57-1247.7549.0560.9267.14107.19-1145.5746.7657.7963.58101.21-1043.544.5954.8360.2195.58-941.5442.5252.1157.0590.36-839.6840.5549.5454.0685.44-737.9138.6947.151.2380.81-636.2236.9344.7848.5776.45-534.6335.2642.5946.0572.33-433.1133.6740.5143.6668.45-331.6632.1738.5341.4164.8-230.2930.7436.6639.2861.35-128.9929.3834.8837.2758.09027.7428.133.235.3655.02126.5526.8731.5133.4751.97225.4125.7129.9331.6949.12324.3324.6128.4330.0146.44423.323.5527.0228.4443.93522.3222.5625.6926.9641.57621.3921.624.4325.5739.36720.5120.723.2424.2537.27819.6619.8422.1223.0235.32918.8619.0121.0521.8533.481018.0918.2320.0520.7631.751117.3617.4919.119.7230.121216.6616.7818.218.7428.58131616.117.3517.8227.141415.3615.4516.5416.9525.781514.7614.8315.7816.1324.491614.1814.2515.0515.3523.281713.6213.6814.3714.6222.141813.113.1513.7213.9321.061912.5912.6313.113.2720.04T emperature characteristics7Technical Data ELX1108Effective March 2022NRLEpoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor /electronics 2012.1112.1412.5112.6519.082111.6511.6811.9612.0618.172211.2111.2311.4311.517.312310.7910.810.9310.9716.52410.3910.3910.4510.4715.73251010101015269.639.639.579.5514.31279. 6.9910.41347.177.13 6.79 6.699.9635 6.92 6.88 6.51 6.419.5336 6.68 6.63 6.25 6.149.1337 6.45 6.46 5.888.7438 6.22 6.18 5.76 5.648.3739 6.01 5.96 5.53 5.48.0240 5.81 5.75 5.31 5.187.6841 5.61 5.56 5.1 4.97177.3742 5.42 5.37 4.9028 4.77047.0643 5.24 5.18 4.7127 4.5786 6.7744 5.07 5.01 4.5311 4.3956 6.545 4.898 4.8411 4.3576 4.2209 6.2446 4.7374 4.6798 4.1917 4.0542 5.9947 4.583 4.5248 4.0331 3.8953 5.7548 4.4345 4.3759 3.8815 3.7433 5.5249 4.2917 4.2327 3.7365 3.5981 5.350 4.1544 4.0951 3.5978 3.4595 5.0951 4.0207 3.961 3.4636 3.3254 4.893452 3.8919 3.8319 3.3353 3.1973 4.702553 3.7679 3.7076 3.2122 3.0746 4.520254 3.6484 3.588 3.0944 2.9573 4.34655 3.5333 3.4728 2.9814 2.845 4.179256 3.4223 3.3618 2.8732 2.7375 4.019957 3.3154 3.2549 2.7695 2.6346 3.867458 3.2124 3.152 2.6699 2.5361 3.721559 3.1131 3.0527 2.5745 2.4417 3.581960 3.0173 2.957 2.4829 2.3513 3.448261 2.925 2.8649 2.3951 2.2647 3.320362 2.8359 2.776 2.3108 2.1816 3.197663 2.7499 2.6902 2.2298 2.1021 3.080264 2.6669 2.6076 2.1521 2.0258 2.967865 2.5869 2.5278 2.0775 1.9526 2.8666 2.5096 2.4509 2.0059 1.8824 2.756667 2.4349 2.3766 1.937 1.8151 2.657568 2.3628 2.3049 1.8709 1.7504 2.562569 2.2933 2.2357 1.8073 1.6884 2.471370 2.2261 2.169 1.7463 1.6289 2.383971 2.1611 2.1044 1.6875 1.5717 2.372 2.0984 2.0422 1.631 1.5168 2.219473 2.0378 1.982 1.5767 1.4641 2.142174 1.9792 1.9239 1.5243 1.4134 2.067975 1.9225 1.8677 1.474 1.3648 1.996676 1.8677 1.8134 1.4256 1.3181 1.928177 1.8148 1.761 1.3792 1.273 1.862378 1.7636 1.7102 1.3343 1.2299 1.799179 1.714 1.6612 1.2911 1.1882 1.7382801.66611.61381.24951.14831.6798T emperature characteristics, cont.8Technical Data ELX1108Effective March 2022NRL Epoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor/electronics81 1.6197 1.568 1.2095 1.1098 1.623782 1.5748 1.5236 1.1709 1.0728 1.569683 1.5314 1.4807 1.1337 1.0373 1.517784 1.4892 1.4392 1.0979 1.003 1.467785 1.4485 1.399 1.06340.97 1.419686 1.4094 1.361 1.03010.9388 1.372887 1.3716 1.32430.99820.9088 1.327888 1.335 1.28870.96730.8798 1.284489 1.2995 1.25420.93750.852 1.242690 1.2651 1.22080.90880.8251 1.202391 1.2318 1.18860.88110.7993 1.163692 1.1995 1.15720.85440.7744 1.126393 1.1683 1.12690.82860.7503 1.090394 1.1379 1.09750.80370.7272 1.055795 1.1085 1.06910.77960.7049 1.022396 1.08 1.04150.75640.68320.990197 1.0523 1.01470.7340.66250.95998 1.02550.98870.71230.64250.9291990.99950.96360.69140.62310.90021000.97430.93920.67120.60440.87241010.94980.91560.65170.58640.84551020.9260.89260.63280.5690.81951030.90290.87040.61450.55210.79451040.88050.84870.59680.53590.77031050.85880.82780.57980.52020.74691060.83770.80740.56330.50510.72441070.81730.78710.54740.49030.70331080.79740.76750.53210.4760.68291090.77820.74830.51720.46210.66321100.75940.72970.50290.44880.64411110.74120.71160.4890.43590.62571120.72360.69410.47540.42340.60791130.70640.67710.46250.41130.59071140.68970.66050.44980.39970.57411150.67350.64440.43760.38840.5581160.65770.62890.42570.37740.54251170.64240.61370.41430.36690.52741180.62740.59890.40330.35660.51291190.61290.58460.39240.34680.49881200.59880.57060.3820.33710.48511210.58510.5570.37190.32780.47191220.57170.54380.36210.31890.45921230.55870.5310.35260.31020.44681240.54610.51850.34340.30170.43481250.53380.50640.33450.29350.4232T emperature characteristics, cont.9Technical Data ELX1108Effective March 2022NRLEpoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor /electronicsPart number NRL#234?4200B1*NRL#504?3950B1*NRL#105?3950B1*NRL#105?4150B1*NRL#105?4200B1*Resistance 23K(25 °C)50K(25 °C)100K(25 °C)100K(25 °C)100K(25 °C)Beta Value B25/50=4200B25/50=3950B25/50=3950B25/50=4150B25/50=4200Temperature (°C)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)-40937.761619.433324.33780.993776.61-39875.811519.853119.093542.473533.28-38818.321426.962927.683320.213307.03-37764.951340.272749.073113.033096.56-36715.361259.332582.342919.822900.7-35669.281183.732426.632739.572718.33-34626.431113.092281.152571.352548.46-33586.571047.042145.172414.292390.16-32549.48985.282018.032267.592242.58-31514.94927.491899.12130.532104.93-30482.77873.411787.82002.411976.49-29453822.511683.671875.431854.6-28425.22774.871586.151757.361740.96-27399.29730.241494.781647.541634.97-26375.09688.431409.151545.331536.07-25352.47649.231328.851450.161443.74-24331.34612.481253.541361.491357.5-23311.58578.011182.881278.841276.93-22293.11545.661116.551201.761201.61-21275.82515.291054.281129.851131.17-20259.64486.77995.791062.711065.28-19243.96460.36941.191004.031003.72-18229.32435.5889.83948.8946.08-17215.66412.09841.51896.82892.07-16202.9390.05796.04847.87841.44-15190.98369.29753.23801.77793.98-14179.83349.72712.91758.33749.45-13169.41331.28674.93717.41707.67-12159.66313.89639.14678.84668.44-11150.53297.49605.41642.47631.61-10141.98282.02573.6608.19597-9134.05267.67544.15576.38564.19-8126.6254.1516.31546.31533.37-7119.61241.26489.98517.89504.42-6113.05229.11465.07491.01477.21-5106.89217.61441.52465.59451.62-4101.09206.73419.23441.55427.56-395.65196.42398.13418.8404.91-290.52186.66378.16397.28383.6-185.7177.41359.26376.91363.52081.17168.66341.36357.63344.62176.88159.95323.53338.37326.89272.85151.75306.76320.28310.17369.05144.03290.98303.27294.39465.47136.75276.12287.27279.5562.09129.9262.12272.23265.43658.91123.43248.93258.07252.15755.92117.33236.5244.73239.6853.09111.57224.77232.18227.73950.42106.13213.7220.34216.521047.9100.99203.26209.19205.911145.5296.14193.39198.67195.881243.2791.55184.08188.75186.381341.1487.22175.27179.39177.41439.1383.11166.95170.55168.891537.2379.23159.08162.2160.831635.4475.55151.63154.31153.191733.7472.07144.58146.86145.961832.1368.77137.91139.81139.11930.665.65131.59133.15132.62029.1662.69125.6126.84126.43T emperature characteristics10Technical Data ELX1108Effective March 2022NRL Epoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor/electronics2127.7959.88119.93120.88120.582226.557.21114.54115.23115.032325.2754.68109.44109.87109.762424.1152.28104.6104.8104.752523501001001002621.9547.8395.6495.4495.482720.9445.7891.5191.1291.112819.9943.8387.5987.0286.962919.0941.9783.8683.1283.033018.2340.280.3179.4379.33117.4138.5276.9375.9275.763216.6436.9273.7272.5972.43315.9135.470.6669.4269.223415.2133.9467.7466.4166.193514.5532.5664.9763.5663.313613.9231.2462.3260.8460.573713.3229.9859.858.2557.973812.7528.7857.3955.7955.53912.2127.6455.153.4553.154011.6926.5552.9151.2250.914111.225.550.8249.148.784210.7424.5148.8347.0746.754310.2923.5646.9345.1544.82449.8722.6545.1143.3142.98459.4721.7843.3741.5641.22469.0820.9541.7139.8939.55478.7220.1640.1338.2937.96488.3719.438.6136.7736.44498.0318.6837.1635.3234.98507.7117.9835.7733.9433.6517.4117.3134.4332.5832.25527.1216.6733.1431.2930.9653 6.8416.0531.9130.0529.7254 6.5715.4630.7328.8728.5455 6.3114.8929.627.7427.4156 6.0714.3528.5226.6526.3357 5.8413.8327.4825.6225.358 5.6113.3326.4924.6224.3159 5.412.8525.5323.6723.3660 5.212.3924.6222.7722.4661511.9523.7421.8921.5962 4.81511.5322.921.0620.7663 4.63611.1222.0920.2619.9664 4.464510.7321.3119.519.265 4.300310.3620.5718.7618.4766 4.14291019.8518.0617.7767 3.99219.6519.1717.3817.168 3.84759.3218.516.7416.4669 3.7089917.8716.1215.8570 3.57598.6917.2615.5215.2671 3.44848.416.6814.9514.6972 3.32618.1116.1114.414.1573 3.20877.8415.5713.8813.6374 3.0967.5815.0513.3713.1375 2.98797.3314.5512.8912.6576 2.8847.0814.0712.4312.1977 2.7843 6.8513.611.9811.7578 2.6885 6.6313.1511.5511.3279 2.5964 6.4112.7311.1410.9280 2.508 6.212.3110.7410.5281 2.423611.9110.3610.15822.34135.8111.53109.79T emperature characteristics, cont.T emperature characteristics, cont.83 2.2627 5.6211.169.659.4484 2.1871 5.4410.89.319.1185 2.1144 5.2710.468.988.7986 2.0443 1.9767 4.93269.798.388.1988 1.9118 4.77419.488.097.9189 1.8492 4.62129.177.827.6490 1.789 4.47388.887.557.3891 1.731 4.33168.67.37.1392 1.6752 4.19458.337.05 6.8993 1.6214 4.06228.06 6.82 6.6694 1.5696 3.93457.81 6.59 6.4495 1.5196 3.81137.57 6.37 6.2396 1.4718 3.69237.33 6.16 6.0297 1.4258 3.57757.1 5.95 5.8298 1.3814 3.4666 6.88 5.76 5.6399 1.3386 3.3596 6.67 5.57 5.45100 1.2973 3.2562 6.46 5.39 5.27101 1.2574 3.1563 6.27 5.21 5.1102 1.219 3.0599 6.07 5.04 4.9323103 1.1819 2.9667 5.89 4.8816 4.7734104 1.1462 2.8767 5.71 4.7246 4.6202105 1.1116 2.7897 5.54 4.5733 4.4724106 1.0783 2.7056 5.37 4.4273 4.33107 1.0464 2.6265 5.21 4.2894 4.1928108 1.0155 2.55 5.06 4.1563 4.06041090.9857 2.4761 4.9068 4.0278 3.93271100.957 2.4045 4.7622 3.9038 3.80941110.9292 2.3353 4.6224 3.7841 3.69061120.9023 2.2684 4.4872 3.6686 3.57571130.8764 2.2037 4.3564 3.5571 3.46491140.8513 2.141 4.2298 3.4493 3.3581150.827 2.0804 4.1074 3.3452 3.25471160.8036 2.0217 3.989 3.2447 3.1551170.7809 1.9649 3.8742 3.1475 3.05871180.7589 1.9099 3.7633 3.0536 2.96561190.7377 1.8566 3.6559 2.963 2.87581200.7172 1.805 3.5519 2.8753 2.7891210.6973 1.7551 3.4513 2.7906 2.7051220.6781 1.7066 3.3538 2.7086 2.6241230.6595 1.6598 3.2593 2.6295 2.54561240.6415 1.6144 3.1679 2.5528 2.46991250.624 1.5704 3.0793 2.4787 2.396611/electronicsPart number NRL#105?4450B1*NRL#353?3435B2*NRL#324?4550B2*NRL#203?4250B2* Resistance100K(25 °C) 3.4513K(50 °C)31.765K(50 °C) 2.028K(86 °C) Beta Value B25/50=4450B25/85=3435B25/85=4550B25/85=4250Temperature (°C)Resistance(kΩ)Resistance(kΩ)Resistance(kΩ)Resistance(kΩ)-404673.96166.814754.69930.3 -394360.69157.744436.01868.85 -384070.07149.224140.37811.82 -373800.33141.213865.97758.86 -363549.88133.693611.19709.67 -353317.22126.613374.52663.96 -343101.01119.953154.57621.45 -332899.99113.682950.08581.91 -322713.02107.782759.88545.11 -312539.05102.222582.9510.85 -302377.196.982418.16478.93 -292225.8892.022264.33449.4 -282085.0487.342121.06421.84 -271953.8282.921987.57396.12 -261831.5278.761863.15372.1 -251717.4774.831747.13349.67 -241611.0971.121638.91328.7 -231511.8167.621537.92309.1 -221419.1464.311443.65290.78 -211332.5961.181355.61273.63 -201251.7458.231273.36257.58 -191175.755.441196242.02 -181104.6652.81123.74227.5 -171038.2750.311056.2213.94 -16976.1947.95993.05201.28 -15918.1445.71934189.46 -14863.8243.58878.74178.4 -13812.9841.57827.02168.06 -12765.3839.67778.6158.39 -11720.837.86733.25149.33 -10679.0336.14690.76140.85 -9639.934.51650.95132.98 -8603.2132.96613.63125.6 -7568.831.49578.63118.66 -6536.5130.09545.78112.15 -5506.2128.77514.95106.04 -4477.7527.5486100.29 -3451.0326.31458.8294.88 -2425.9225.16433.2789.8 -1402.3224.08409.2785.02 0380.1423.05386.780.52 1358.9722.05365.1776.27 2339.121.11344.9572.27 3320.4420.21325.9768.5 4302.9119.36308.1464.95 5286.4418.55291.3861.6 6270.9517.77275.6358.45 7256.3917.04260.8255.47 8242.6916.33246.8852.66 9229.7915.67233.7650.02 10217.6515.03221.4147.52 11206.2214.42209.7845.15 12195.4513.84198.8342.92 13185.313.29188.540.82 14175.7312.76178.7738.82 15166.7112.26169.5936.94 16158.1911.78160.9335.16 17150.1611.32152.7533.47 18142.5810.88145.0431.87 19135.4210.46137.7630.36 20128.6510.06130.8728.93 T emperature characteristics/electronicsT emperature characteristics, cont.21122.269.68124.3727.5722116.229.31118.2326.2923110.518.96112.4225.0724105.118.63106.9223.91251008.31101.7322.822695.14896.78521.782790.557.792.1120.782886.27.4287.68619.832982.087.1583.49918.933078.19 6.8979.53418.083174.49 6.6475.77817.283271 6.472.2216.513367.68 6.1868.84815.783464.54 5.9665.65115.093561.56 5.7562.61914.433658.73 5.5559.74313.813756.05 5.3557.01413.213853.5 5.1754.42412.653951.08 4.992751.96512.114048.79 4.822749.6311.64146.61 4.659547.41211.124244.54 4.502945.30410.654342.57 4.352443.30110.214440.69 4.207941.3969.7924538.91 4.06939.5859.3914637.22 3.935637.8629.014735.61 3.807336.2238.6464834.08 3.68434.6648.2994932.62 3.565433.1797.9685031.23 3.451331.7657.6525129.9 3.340230.4197.3495228.64 3.233229.1367.0595327.44 3.130227.914 6.7825426.29 3.030926.749 6.5175525.2 2.935325.638 6.2645624.16 2.843124.579 6.0225723.17 2.754323.568 5.7915822.22 2.668822.605 5.575921.32 2.586221.685 5.3586020.45 2.506720.807 5.1566119.63 2.429919.968 4.9626218.84 2.355919.168 4.7776318.09 2.284518.403 4.5996417.37 2.215517.673 4.4296516.69 2.14916.975 4.2666616.03 2.084816.308 4.116715.4 2.022815.67 3.966814.8 1.96315.06 3.8176914.23 1.905214.477 3.6797013.68 1.849313.919 3.5487113.16 1.795413.385 3.4217212.66 1.743312.874 3.37312.17 1.692912.385 3.1837411.71 1.644211.917 3.0717511.27 1.597111.468 2.9647610.85 1.551611.039 2.8617710.45 1.507610.627 2.7627810.06 1.465110.233 2.667799.69 1.42399.855 2.576809.33 1.38419.493 2.488818.99 1.34559.145 2.40413/electronicsT emperature characteristics, cont.828.66 1.30838.812 2.323 838.35 1.27228.493 2.245 848.05 1.23728.186 2.17 857.76 1.20347.892 2.098 867.48 1.17097.612 2.028 877.22 1.13957.343 1.96188 6.96 1.10917.084 1.89789 6.72 1.0796 6.836 1.83590 6.49 1.051 6.597 1.77591 6.26 1.0234 6.368 1.71792 6.040.9965 6.148 1.66293 5.840.9705 5.936 1.60994 5.640.9453 5.733 1.55795 5.440.9209 5.538 1.50896 5.260.8972 5.35 1.4697 5.080.8743 5.169 1.41498 4.91030.852 4.9952 1.3799 4.7460.8304 4.828 1.328 100 4.58790.8094 4.6671 1.287 101 4.43250.789 4.5091 1.247 102 4.2830.7693 4.3571 1.209 103 4.13920.7501 4.2107 1.173 104 4.00070.7315 4.0699 1.137 105 3.86730.7135 3.9341 1.103 106 3.73890.6959 3.8036 1.07 107 3.61530.6789 3.6778 1.038 108 3.49630.6625 3.5567 1.0074 109 3.38150.6464 3.440.9779 110 3.2710.6309 3.32750.9494 111 3.16450.6158 3.21920.9218 112 3.06190.6011 3.11480.8952 113 2.9630.5868 3.01410.8694 114 2.86760.573 2.91710.8445 115 2.77560.5595 2.82360.8204 116 2.6870.5464 2.73340.7972 117 2.60150.5336 2.64640.7747 118 2.5190.5212 2.56250.7529 119 2.43940.5092 2.48160.7319 120 2.36270.4975 2.40350.7115 121 2.28860.4861 2.32810.6918 122 2.21710.475 2.25540.6727 123 2.1480.4642 2.18520.6542 124 2.08140.4537 2.11740.6364 125 2.01720.4435 2.0520.6191 /electronicsEatonElectronics Division 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States/electronics © 2022 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. ELX1108March 2022Life Support Policy: Eaton does not authorize the use of any of its products for use in life support devices or systems without the express writtenapproval of an officer of the Company. Life support systems are devices which support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.Eaton reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Eaton also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin.T e m p e r a t u r eTimeT T T T Wave solder profileReference EN 61760-1:2006Profile featureStandard SnPb solderLead (Pb) free solderPreheat • Temperature min. (T smin )100 °C 100 °C • Temperature typ. (T styp )120 °C 120 °C • Temperature max. (T smax )130 °C 130 °C • Time (T smin to T smax ) (t s )70 seconds 70 seconds D preheat to max Temperature150 °C max.150 °C max.Peak temperature (T P )*235 °C – 260 °C 250 °C – 260 °C Time at peak temperature (t p )10 seconds max5 seconds max each wave 10 seconds max5 seconds max each wave Ramp-down rate~ 2 K/s min ~3.5 K/s typ ~5 K/s max ~ 2 K/s min ~3.5 K/s typ ~5 K/s maxTime 25 °C to 25 °C4 minutes4 minutesManual solder+280 °C ±20 °C (less than 2 seconds by soldering iron at ≥9 mm distance from the thermistor head), generally manual/hand soldering is not recommendedEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Follow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.。

Nailor 1110 1120 系列钢丝风泄流器说明说明书

Nailor 1110 1120 系列钢丝风泄流器说明说明书

CONTROL DAMPER OPTIONSC O N T R O LD A M PE R SOPTION CODESFF FLANGED FRONT FFB FLANGED FRONTWITH BOLT HOLESOPTION CODES FR FLANGED REAR FRB FLANGED REARWITH BOLT HOLESOPTION CODESFD DOUBLE FLANGE FDB DOUBLE FLANGEWITH BOLT HOLESAvailable as an option on Series 1000, 1100 and 2000 steel hat channel frame control dampers, the 1 1/2" (38) flanged frames allow for direct fastening to wall or unit housings as well as flanged ductwork. Damper inside dimension can be sized to match ductwork inside dimension, providing a smooth transition that produces lower pressure drop and less turbulence across the damper. Flange frames are also available with optional 9/32" (7) dia. bolt holes on 6" (152) centers for fast, convenient installation.SINGLE SECTION DAMPER SHOWN WITH FRB OPTION:FLANGED REAR FRAME WITH 9/32" (7) DIA.BOLT HOLES ON 6" (152) CENTERS.MULTIPLE SECTION DAMPER SHOWN WITH FR OPTION:FLANGED REAR FRAME (JACKSHAFT NOT SHOWN)CONTROL DAMPERSCONTROL DAMPERS • LOW LEAKAGE • STEEL AIRFOILNailor Industries Inc. certifies that the Models 1110 and 1120 Dampers shown herein are licensed to bear the AMCA seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCALEAKAGE CLASS:Maximum leakage permitted for Class rating is as follows:Class 1A: 3 cfm/sq. ft. @ 1" w.g. (15.2 l/s/m 2 @ 0.25 kPa)Class 1:8 cfm/sq. ft. @ 4" w.g.(41 l/s/m 2 @ 1.0 kPa)Leakage tested in accordance with AMCA Standard 500-D. Data based on a torque of 7" lbs./sq. ft. (m inimum 20" lbs.) applied to hold the damper in closed position. Leakage class is based on operation between 50°F and 104°F (10°C and 40°C). Data corrected to standard air density of 0.075 lbs/ft 3.Pressure drop tested per AMCA Standard 500-D, Figure 5.3.Data corrected to standard air density of 0.075 lbs/ft 3.The 1100 Series with its standard maximum single section and multiple section sizing limitation may be used in applications with system pressures of up to 8.0" w.g.. The 1100 Series may also be used in systems with higher total pressures by reducing the damper section width as shown in the table.DYNAMIC LIMITATIONS:PERFORMANCE DATA:MODELS: 1110 AND 1120(2)(4)(5)(10)(15)(30)(35)Air Velocity in feet per minute (m/s).01(3).2(50).02(5).03(8).1(25).04(10).08(20).05(13).06(15) t a t i c P r e s s u r e D r o p i n i n c h e s w .g . (P a )(3)PRESSURE DROP (damper fully open):Damper Width Maximum System Pressure Maximum System Velocity in.mm 4812198.0" w.g.4000 fpm 3691410.0" w.g.4500 fpm 2461012.0" w.g.5000 fpm 1230514.0" w.g.6000 fpmDamper Width @ 1" w.g.(0.25 kPa)@ 4" w.g.(1.0 kPa)12" (305)1A 124" (610)1A 136" (914)1A 148" (1219)1A1CONTROL DAMPERSPressure drop tested per AMCA Standard 500-D, Figure 5.3. Data corrected to standard air density of 0.075 lbs/ft.3.Nailor Industries Inc. certifies that the Model 2020 Damper shown herein is licensed to bear the AMCA seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply with The 2000 Series with its standard maximum single section and multiple section sizing limitation may be used in applications with system pressures of up to 5.0" w.g..The 2000 Series may also be used in systems with higher total pressures by reducing the damper section width as shown in the table.PERFORMANCE DATA:MODELS: 2010 AND 2020Damper @ 1"w.g. @ 4"w.g. Width (0.25 kPa) (1.0 kPa)12"(305) 1A 1 24"(610) 1A 1 36"(914) 1A 1 48"(1219) 1A 1 60"(1524) 1A 1LEAKAGE CLASS:Damper Maximum Maximum Width System System Pressure Velocity in. mm 60 1524 5.0" w.g. 3000 fpm 48 1219 8.0" w.g. 4000 fpm 36 914 10.0" w.g. 4500 fpm 24 610 12.0" w.g. 5000 fpm 12 305 14.0" w.g. 6000 fpmDYNAMIC LIMITATIONS:Maximum leakage permitted for Class rating is as follows:Class 1A: 3 cfm/sq. ft. @ 1" w.g. (15.2 l/s/m 2@ 0.25 kPa)Class 1: 8 cfm/sq. ft. @ 4" w.g. (41 l/s/m 2@ 1.0 kPa)Leakage tested in accordance with AMCA Standard 500-D. Data based on a torque of 8" lbs./sq. ft. (m inimum 20"lbs.) applied to hold the damper in closed position. Leakage class is based on operation between 50°F and 104°F (10°C and 40°C). Data corrected to standard air density of 0.075 lbs./ft.3(2)(4)(5)(10)(15)(30)(35)Air Velocity in feet per minute (m/s).01(3).008(1).2(50).02(5).03(8).1(25).04(10).08(20).05(13).06(15) t a t i c P r e s s u r e D r o p i n i n c h e s w .g . (P a )(3)PRESSURE DROP (damper fully open):C O N T R O LD A M PE R SNailor Industries Inc. certifies that theModel 2020-EAF Damper shown herein is licensed to bear the AMCA seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified The 2000 Series with its standard maximum single section and multiple section sizing limitation may be used in applications with system pressures of up to 5.0" w.g..The 2000 Series may also be used in systems with higher total pressures by reducing the damper section width as shown in the table.PERFORMANCE DATA:MODELS: 2010-EAF AND 2020-EAFDamper @ 1"w.g. @ 4"w.g. Width (0.25 kPa) (1.0 kPa)12"(305) 1A 1 24"(610) 1A 1 36"(914) 1A 1 48"(1219) 1A 1 60"(1524) 1A 1LEAKAGE CLASS:Damper Maximum Maximum Width System System Pressure Velocity in. mm 60 1524 5.0" w.g. 3000 fpm 48 1219 8.0" w.g. 4000 fpm 36 914 10.0" w.g. 4500 fpm 24 610 12.0" w.g. 5000 fpm 12 305 14.0" w.g. 6000 fpmDYNAMIC LIMITATIONS:Maximum leakage permitted for Class rating is as follows:Class 1A: 3 cfm/sq. ft. @ 1" w.g. (15.2 l/s/m 2@ 0.25 kPa)Class 1: 8 cfm/sq. ft. @ 4" w.g. (41 l/s/m 2@ 1.0 kPa)Leakage tested in accordance with AMCA Standard 500-D. Data based on a torque of 8" lbs./sq. ft. (m inimum 20"lbs.) applied to hold the damper in closed position. Leakage class is based on operation between 50°F and 104°F (10°C and 40°C). Data corrected to standard air density of 0.075 lbs./ft.3Pressure drop tested per AMCA Standard 500-D, Figure 5.3. Data corrected to standard air density of 0.075 lbs/ft.3.300(2)700(4)1000(5)2000(10)3000(15)6000(30)7000(35)Air Velocity in feet per minute (m/s).01(3).2(50).02(5).03(8).1(25).04(10).08(20).05(13).06(15) t a t i c P r e s s u r e D r o p i n i n c h e s w .g . (P a )500(3)PRESSURE DROP (damper fully open):CONTROL DAMPERS • AIRFOIL • INSULATEDCONTROL DAMPERSBNailor Industries Inc. certifies that the Model 2020-IBF Damper shown herein is licensed to bear the AMCA seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply The 2000 Series with its standard maximum single section and multiple section sizing limitation may be used in applications with system pressures of up to 5.0" w.g..The 2000 Series may also be used in systems with higher total pressures by reducing the damper section width as shown in the table.PERFORMANCE DATA:Damper @ 1"w.g. @ 4"w.g. Width (0.25 kPa) (1.0 kPa)12"(305) 1A 1 24"(610) 1A 1 36"(914) 1A 1 48"(1219) 1A 1 60"(1524) 1A 1LEAKAGE CLASS:Damper Maximum Maximum Width System System Pressure Velocity in. mm 60 1524 5.0" w.g. 3000 fpm 48 1219 8.0" w.g. 4000 fpm 36 914 10.0" w.g. 4500 fpm 24 610 12.0" w.g. 5000 fpm 12 305 14.0" w.g. 6000 fpmDYNAMIC LIMITATIONS:Maximum leakage permitted for Class rating is as follows:Class 1A: 3 cfm/sq. ft. @ 1" w.g. (15.2 l/s/m 2@ 0.25 kPa)Class 1: 8 cfm/sq. ft. @ 4" w.g. (41 l/s/m 2@ 1.0 kPa)Leakage tested in accordance with AMCA Standard 500-D. Databased on a torque of 8" lbs./sq. ft. (m inimum 20"lbs.) applied to hold the damper in closed position. Leakage class is based on operation between 50°F and 104°F (10°C and 40°C). Data corrected to standard air density of 0.075 lbs./ft.330070010002000300060007000.01(3).008(1).2(50).02(5).03(8).1(25).04(10).08(20).05(13).06(15) t a t i c P r e s s u r e D r o p i n i n c h e s w .g . (P a )500PRESSURE DROP (damper fully open):。












主要技术指标:温度显示范围: -50~150︒C温度设定范围: 10~55︒C,可在0-100︒C内自行限定设置范围电源电压: 220V±10%使用环境:温度-10℃~50℃,湿度≤85%,无凝露输出负载能力:压缩机10A/250VAC,其它2A/250VAC温度传感器类型: NTC R25=5kΩ,B(25/50)=3470K执行标准: Q/320585 XYK 01-2004 (NA8647-HTDX)操作指南一、显示功能控制器平时显示的是水箱中的水温,按“ ”键显示排气温度,按“ ”键显示外机温度。




RADIAL TWIN-ISO 双通道线级隔离转换器说明书

RADIAL TWIN-ISO 双通道线级隔离转换器说明书

9TWIN-ISO SPECIFICATIONS Frequency response 10Hz to 50kHz +/- 1dB Max output level +21dBu (20Hz, 1% THD)Phase distortion0.3° at 20HzTotal harmonic distortion 0.001% THD @1k, +4dBu (0.035% at 20Hz)Common-mode rejection 94dB @ 60Hz (83dB @ 3kHz)Inputs Balanced, line-level, pin-2 hot OutputsBalanced, line-level, pin-2 hot Power requirement None, completely passive Size 3.25” x 5” x 1.875”Weight2 lbs.8INPUT PANEL1. Ground lift (inputs) Liftsthe ground pin-1 on both XLR input connectors. 2. Input-1 & 2 For lowimpedance, balanced line-level signals.3.Bookend design14gauge steel outer shellcreates protective zonearound connectors and switches.OUTPUT PANEL4. Output-1 & 2 line-leveltransformer-isolated outputs.5. Polarity reverse 180°-Polarity reverse switch for outputs-1 & 2.6. Full-bottom no-slip padThis provides electrical isolation and plenty of "stay-put" friction to keep the Twin-ISO in one place.CONSTRUCTION7. Ultra rigid steel I-beamenclosure eliminates stress that could torque the PC board and cause solder joint failure.8. Jensen transformersoffer outstanding audio performance.9. Military-grade double-sided PCB with plated through-holes is bolted to welded steel standoffs.10. Sturdy high-cycle PCBmounted switches are rated for long life.w w w .r a d i a l e n g .c o Radial Engineering Ltd.1588 Kebet Way, Port Coquitlam BC V3C 5M5 Tel: 604-942-1001 Fax: 604-942-1010 email:******************Twin-Iso™True to the MusicRadial Twin-Iso user guide - Part #: R870 1025 00 / 06-2017Appearances and specifi cations subject to change without notice.Copyright © 2017, all rights reserved.1723Twin-Iso ™ User Guide Radial Engineering Ltd.Twin-Iso ™ User GuideRadial Engineering Ltd.RADIAL LIMITED THREE YEAR TRANSFERABLE WARRANTYRADIAL ENGINEERING LTD. (“Radial”) warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship and will remedy any such defects free of charge according to the terms of this warranty. Radial will repair or replace (at its option) any defective component(s) of this product (excluding fi nish and wear and tear on components under normal use) for a period of three (3) years from the original date of purchase. In the event that a particular product is no longer available, Radial reserves the right to replace the product with a similar product of equal or greater value. To make a request or claim under this limited warranty, the product must be returned prepaid in the original shipping container (or equivalent) to Radial or to an authorized Radial repair center and you must assume the risk of loss or damage. A copy of the original invoice showing date of purchase and the dealer name must accompany any request for work to be performed under this limited and transferable warranty. This limited warranty shall not apply if the product has been damaged due to abuse, misuse,misapplication, accident or as a result of service or modifi cation by any other than an authorized Radial repair center.THERE ARE NO EXPRESSED WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THOSE ON THE FACE HEREOF AND DESCRIBED ABOVE. NO WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL EXTEND BEYOND THE RESPECTIVE WARRANTY PERIOD DESCRIBED ABOVE OF THREE YEARS. RADIAL SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSS ARISING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, WHICH MAY VARY DEPENDING ON WHERE YOU LIVE AND WHERE THE PRODUCT WAS PURCHASED.User GuideTrue to the Music®®10456J-RAKThe optional J-RAK is a high density rackshelf for Radial DI’s and splitters.It’s a 2RU rack chassis that allows up to 8 Radial devices in one neat high density 19” package. The DI’s can be mounted with either the input side or output side facing the front. Ideal for studio or touring. Constructed of 14 gauge steel with a baked enamel fi nish.J-CLAMPThe optional J-CLAMP can mount a single Radial device to virtually any surface. Perfect for hiding away inside racks, on podiums or under tables. Constructed of 14-gauge steel with a baked enamel fi nish.TWIN-ISO BLOCK DIAGRAMLEFT INLEFT OUTRIGHT IN RIGHT OUTPOLARITYGND LIFTPOLARITYWELCOMECongratulations on your purchase of the Radial Twin-Iso stereo (dual mono) line-level isolator. The Twin-Iso is a handy device that will allow you to isolate audio equipment and eliminate troublesome noise caused by ground loops.The Radial Twin-Iso employs two high-performance Jensen isolation transformers to ensure the best signal transfer is enjoyed without artifacts or distortion. This makes the Twin-Iso a perfect choice where multiple consoles need to be sub-mixed, when isolating amplifi er distribution racks and for connecting remote speaker towers. The Twin-Iso can also eliminate ground loop problems where equipment must be connected to alternate power sources such as generators.As with all Radial products, the Twin-Iso is made with 14 gauge steel and features an internal welded I-beam frame for maximum rigidity. Switches and jacks are protected by our unique bookend construction, making the Twin-Iso virtually impossible to damage even in the most abusive touring environments.We have purposely written this manual to be short, as most users will likely be familiar with the Twin-Iso’s applications. We do suggest that you take a moment to read through this document to familiarize yourself with the features that have been built in. For more detailed information, please visit the Radial website. This is also where we post questions and answers that come from users after the product is released. If you do not fi nd an answer, we invite you *************************************************************your query in a prompt and professional manner.The Radial Twin-Iso is a wonderful device that will surely provide you with years of problem-solving connectivity. Enjoy!INTRODUCTIONThe Radial Twin-Iso has been designed to provide electrical isolation between two line-level devices such as between two mixing consoles, remote speakers, crossovers and amplifi er racks. Use the Twin-Iso anywhere source and destination devices may cause system noise because of different ground potentials (often referred to as ground loops).So-called ground loops are caused by differing voltage references from various pieces of equipment that, when connected together, can introduce a 60 cycle hum in the sound system. Although there are various solutions that can be engineered to eliminate noise, the simplest and most effective is to isolate the source and destination with an audio transformer.The Radial Twin-Iso employs two high-quality Jensen transformers to do the task. Jensen is renowned for their quality and the ability of their transformers to handle high signal levels without saturation and transfer the signal without introducing phase distortion or group delay. Although the cost is higher, a good quality transformer will assure the signal remains true to the source, resulting in better sound.When you fi rst pick up the Radial Twin-Iso, you will immediately notice the weight. This ‘hefty’ device employs a welded steel I-beam internal construction to assure the internal PCB will not torque, preventing part failure. Besides the heavy-duty enclosure, the extra-large transformers add to the Twin-Iso’srobustness. As a rule, the larger the transformer, the more signal handling capacity it will have and the Jensen transformers can drive loads of 600 ohms up to +21dBu at 20Hz.The Radial Twin-Iso is equipped with two XLR inputs and two XLR outputs. Each channel is 100% isolated from the other to eliminate cross-talk or interaction, thus allowing two completely different audio sources to use the Twin-Iso at the same time. Although the Twin-Iso is designed for +4dB professional line-level signals, the transformers will actually handle over 20dB without choking.Each of the Twin-Iso’s outputs feature a 180° polarity reverse switch to ensure both consoles are ‘in phase’ and pushing the speakers in the same direction. This allows the Twin-Iso to feed a sub-group or auxiliary input of a console where polarity reversals are generally not provided. Finally, the Twin-Iso is equipped with a ground lift switch to further reduce system noise should it be present.USING THE TWIN-ISOAs with all Radial products, using the Twin-Iso is simple and straight forward. Make sure the sound system is turned off and all levels are set to zero before making audio connections. This will avoid any pops in the sound system that could cause damage to speakers.The Twin-Iso is completely passive and does not require a power supply of any kind. Connect the source device to the Twin-Iso inputs. Connect the Twin-Iso outputs to the destination device. Turn the system up slowly and listen for noise. In the unlikely event you should encounter noise, simply depress the ground lift switch. That’s all there is to it.Twin-Iso ™ User GuideTwin-Iso ™ User Guide Twin-Iso ™ User GuideRadial Engineering Ltd.Radial Engineering Ltd.Radial Engineering Ltd.AUX CONSOLE master outputsconnect to Twin-Iso inputs.MAIN CONSOLE Twin-Isooutputs feed main console.。















离合器内轮毂通常位于设备的轴上,通过键槽序号1系列0600-424/-474扭矩Nm 9至1600轮毂mm 10至80外径mm 70至21020600-070/-07290至9000030至300210至750307009至160010至8070至270…Hub version“outer driver ofplug -in type2Series0600-0700600-072…Housing version“inner driverof plug-in type弹簧(1)产生摩擦连接。


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TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type (PCT process) (Bias Resistor built-in Transistor)RN1107FS,RN1108FS,RN1109FSSwitching, Inverter Circuit, Interface Circuit and Driver Circuit Applications• Incorporating a bias resistor into a transistor reduces parts count.Reducing the parts count enable the manufacture of ever more compact equipment and save assembly cost. • Complementary to RN2107FS~RN2109FSEquivalent Circuit and Bias Resistor ValuesAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C) (Q1, Q2common)Characteristics Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage V CBO 20 V Collector-emitter voltageRN1107FS~RN1109FSV CEO 20 VRN1107FS 6RN1108FS 7 Emitter-base voltageRN1109FSV EBO 15V Collector currentI C 50 mA Collector power dissipation P C 50 mW Junction temperature T j 150 °C Storage temperature rangeRN1107FS~RN1109FST stg−55~150°CNote: Using continuously under heavy loads (e.g. the application of high temperature/current/voltage and thesignificant change in temperature, etc.) may cause this product to decrease in the reliability significantly even if the operating conditions (i.e. operating temperature/current/voltage, etc.) are within the absolute maximum ratings.Please design the appropriate reliability upon reviewing the Toshiba Semiconductor Reliability Handbook (“Handling Precautions”/“Derating Concept and Methods”) and individual reliability data (i.e. reliability test report and estimated failure rate, etc).Unit: mmWeight: 0.0006g (typ.)BType No.R1 (k Ω) R2 (k Ω)RN1107FS 10 47 RN1108FS 22 47 RN1109FS 4722Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C) (Q1, Q2 common)Characteristics Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max UnitI CBO V CB = 20 V, I E = 0 ⎯ ⎯ 100Collector cut-off currentRN1107FS~1109FSI CEOV CE = 20 V, I B = 0⎯ ⎯ 500nARN1107FS V EB = 6 V, I C = 00.088 ⎯ 0.131RN1108FS V EB = 7 V, I C = 0 0.085 ⎯ 0.126Emitter cut-off currentRN1109FSI EBO V EB = 15 V, I C = 00.182⎯ 0.271mA RN1107FS 120 ⎯ ⎯RN1108FS 120 ⎯ ⎯ DC current gainRN1109FSh FEV CE = 5 V, I C = 10 mA100⎯⎯Collector-emittersaturation voltageRN1107FS~1109FS V CE (sat)I C = 5 mA, I B = 0.25 mA⎯⎯ 0.15VRN1107FS0.7 ⎯ 1.5RN1108FS 0.8 ⎯ 2.2 Input voltage (ON)RN1109FS V I (ON)V CE = 0.2 V, I C = 5 mA 1.6 ⎯ 5.0 V RN1107FS0.5 ⎯ 1.0 RN1108FS 0.6 ⎯ 1.1 Input voltage (OFF)RN1109FSV I (OFF)V CE = 5 V, I C = 0.1 mA1.3⎯ 2.6V Collector output capacitanceRN1107FS~1109FS C obV CB = 10 V, I E = 0, f = 1 MHz⎯ 1.2 ⎯pFRN1107FS8 10 12 RN1108FS 17.6 22 26.4Input resistorRN1109FS R1⎯37.6 47 56.4k ΩRN1107FS0.17 0.213 0.255RN1108FS 0.374 0.468 0.562Resistor ratioRN1109FSR1/R2⎯1.712.14 2.560.1110100IC - VI(ON)0.11101000.1110100IC - VI(ON)0.11101000.11101000. - VI(OFF)101001000100000. - VI(OFF)101001000100000.611. VOLTAGE VI(ON) (V)INPUT VOLTAGE VI(OFF) (V)INPUT VOLTAGE VI(ON) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (m A )INPUT VOLTAGE VI(ON) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (m A )INPUT VOLTAGE VI(OFF) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (μA )INPUT VOLTAGE VI(OFF) (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T I C (μA )RN1108FS RN1108FSRN1109FS RN1109FShFE - IC101001000110100hFE - IC101001000110100RN1108FShFE - IC101001000110100RN1109FSVCE(sat) - IC101001000110100VCE(sat) - IC101001000110100RN1108FSVCE(sat) - IC101001000110100RN1109FSCOLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)D C C U R RE N T G A I N hF ECOLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)C O L L E C T O R -E M I T T E R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E V C E (s a t ) (m V )COLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)D C C U R RE N T G A I N hF ECOLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)D C C U R RE N T G A I N hF ECOLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)C O L L E C T O R -E M I T T E R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E V C E (s a t ) (m V )COLLECTOR CURRENT IC (mA)C O L L E C T O R -E M I T T E R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E V C E (s a t ) (m V )RN1107FSRN1107FSHANDLING PRECAUTIONWhen handling individual devices (which are not yet mounted on a circuit board), be sure that the environment is protected against electrostatic electricity. Operators should wear anti-static clothing, and containers and other objects that come into direct contact with devices should be made of anti-static materials.RESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE20070701-EN GENERAL •The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.•TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the “Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” or “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” etc.• The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications (computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.).These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in his document shall be made at the customer’s own risk.•The products described in this document shall not be used or embedded to any downstream products of which manufacture, use and/or sale are prohibited under any applicable laws and regulations.• The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA for any infringements of patents or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patents or other rights of TOSHIBA or the third parties.• Please contact your sales representative for product-by-product details in this document regarding RoHS compatibility. Please use these products in this document in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled substances. Toshiba assumes no liability for damage or losses occurring as a result of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations.。
