Kemet_Time management
02-Time Management
The basic of time management
Specific implantation of time management
正文 . 第一章-Text - chapter 1-Why time management
Time is the only resource we have that is fair to everyone
要 时
间 管
Everyone has their own dream, or have their own ideal life goals. In professional terms, have your own life plan. Life planning is nothing more than wanting to be able to do what you want to do, be who you want to be, and achieve the goals you set.
Nothing can be done without it.没有它,
什么事情都做不成。 ——Voltaire-伏尔泰
时 间 与 时 间 管 理 概 述
正文 . 第二章-Text - chapter 2-Overview of time and time management
第 12 页
Manage yourself
Manage your time
These are the time killers are around
All kinds of interference Poor communication
No plans
Requirement No fengrossment
Tip 2
Tip 3 Break the unreasonable down into little reasonable chunks. A big goal is only
achieved when every little thing that you do everyday, gets you
Tip 1
Stop multitasking. It merely kill your focus.
No two tasks ever hold the
same importance. Always prioritize. Be really careful with to-do lists.
Time Killer
No goals No deadline Distraction No good rest
Take on all things
I don’t have time
it’s not a priority
Respect your time and make it respected
Tip 6
More work hours doesn’t mean more productive. Use constraints as opportunities.
Kemro K2KeMotion Robotics FunctionsTutorial V2.55 Translation of the original manualDocument:V2.55 / article no.: 1005202Filename:KeMotion_RoboticsFunctions_en.pdfPages:44© KEBA 2012Specifications are subject to change due to further technical developments. Details presented may be subject to correction.All rights reserved.KEBA AG Headquarters:Gewerbepark Urfahr, A-4041 Linz, Phone: +43 732 7090-0, Fax: +43 732 7309-10, keba@ For information about our subsidiaries please look at .Record of Revision Version DateChange in chapter Description changed by V2.1010-2009newly created mit V2.4021.09.2011Kemro_Automation 2.40nmr V2.5011.04.2012Kemro_Automation 2.50pend V2.5519.12.2012Kemro_Automation 2.55nmr KeMotion Record of Revision © KEBA 2012Tutorial V2.553Table of Contents1 Preliminary notes (9)1.1 Purpose of the document, target group, pre-requirements (9)1.2 Contents (9)1.3 Documents for further reading (10)2 Overview (11)2.1 System overview (11)2.2 Integration of robot controller and PLC (11)2.3 Robotics functions (11)2.4 Open architecture (12)3 SW components (13)3.1 UOS (13)3.2 IO-System (13)3.3 Robot control (13)3.3.1 Teach-In system (13)3.3.2 Robot operating functions (14)3.3.3 Path planning (14)3.4 RC interface (14)3.5 Motion Library (14)4 Application range (15)4.1 Axis control (15)4.2 Path control (15)5 Robot axis control (16)5.1 Configuration (16)5.2 Path positions (16)5.3 Acceleration profiles (16)5.4 Velocity, Acceleration, Jerk (17)5.5 Path blending (17)5.5.1 relative specification (17)5.5.2 absolute specification (17)5.6 Summary programming (18)5.7 Differences to single axis control (18)6 Cartesian path control (19)6.1 Robot configuration (19)6.2 Generic robot transform (21)6.3 Auxiliary joints (22)6.4 Geometry of the path (22)6.5 Orientation (22)6.6 Path positions (23)6.6.1 Simplified orientation (23)6.6.2 Robot configuration (23)KeMotion Table of Contents© KEBA 2012Tutorial V2.5556.7Interpolation modes............................................................................................... 246.8Path blending........................................................................................................ 246.9Triggers on path.................................................................................................... 246.10Drive limits............................................................................................................. 246.11Singularities........................................................................................................... 256.12Tool change.......................................................................................................... 256.13External tool.......................................................................................................... 256.14Workspace monitoring.......................................................................................... 267 Tracking, Sensor Integration .. (27)7.1 Joint Tracking (27)7.2 Cartesian 6-D Tracking (27)7.3 Line- and Rail Tracking (27)7.4 Application Optimized Filters (27)7.5 Tracking for PTP Paths (28)7.6 Time-optimal Tracking Paths (28)7.7 Sensor Correction (28)8 Model-based Control (29)8.1 Dynamic Robot Model (29)8.2 Torque Limiter (29)8.3 Torque Feed Forward (30)8.4 Compensation of Elasticity (30)9Online Programming (Teach-In) (31)9.1 Jogging (31)9.2 Program Development (Teach-In) (31)9.3 Program Execution & Test (31)9.4 Variable View........................................................................................................ 3210 Operating Modes .. (33)10.1 Operating Mode T1 – Reduced Speed (33)10.2 Operating Mode T2 – Full Speed (33)10.3 Operating Mode Automatic (33)11 Remote Interface (34)12 Diagnosis (35)12.1 Message system (35)12.2 Software oscilloscope (35)12.3 Status report (35)13 Virtual Engineering (36)13.1 Virtual controller (36)13.2 Virtual engineering (36)13.3 Dynamic simulation (37)14 System extensions (38)14.1 Modification of the instruction set (38)14.2 Process integration (38)14.3 Operation functions (38)14.4 Modification of user interface................................................................................ 38Table of Contents KeMotion© KEBA 2012Tutorial V2.55615 Glossary (39)15.1 Application (39)15.2 Acceleration limiter (39)15.3 Firmware (39)15.4 Configuration (39)15.5 IO-System (39)15.6 Limiter (39)15.7 Torque limiter (40)15.8 MotionControl (40)15.9 TeachView (40)15.10 TeachTalk (40)15.11 TeachControl (40)15.12 UOS (40)15.13 Look ahead (41)15.14 XML-Masks (41)16 Addendum- A: Differences V5/V6 (42)Index (43)KeMotion Table of Contents© KEBA 2012Tutorial V2.5571 Preliminary notes1.1 Purpose of the document, target group, pre-requirementsThe documents gives a short introduction to the KeMotion control system. Itgives an overview of the functions and the components of the control system.Besides an overview of the functions available, also the benefits and the rele-vance of the robotics functions for applications are explained shortly.The document is intended for any user of the KeMotion control system to pro-vide an overview of the control system. It may serve as a quite detailed surveyof functions for a potential user as well as a starting point for a user requiringdetailed knowledge.It is assumed that the reader has knowledge of basics of robotics. For begin-ners in this area the document …KeMotion – Basics of Robotics“ is recommen-ded.1.2 ContentsAfter a first overview of functions and components of the control system thisdocument gives an introduction to the functions of path control. Subsequentlyfunctions of robot operation and programming are explained. Finally functionsin the environment are treated like diagnosis, remote operation and simulation.At the end of the document is a glossary which explains the most importantterms in KeMotion-Systems.Contained are specific functions of the KeMotion robot controller as an over-view.Not contained are explanations of basic notions of robotics and treatment ofsingle axis motion control. Complete surveys of functions and detailed de-scriptions can be found in the documents for further reading.KeMotion Preliminary notes© KEBA 2012Tutorial V2.5591.3 Documents for further readingPreliminary notes KeMotion© KEBA 2012Tutorial V2.5510KeMotion Overview 2 Overview2.1 System overviewKeMotion provides a turn-key comprehensive solution for robot automation.The system comprises a robot controller with drives, safety, handheld terminalsand visualization components. The system is rounded off with software toolsfor configuration, programming and diagnosis.KeMotion is based on KEMRO - a modular building block system for automa-tion providing a wide range of controllers, IO-components, drives and compo-nents for visualization. KEMRO offers different performance classes ofcontrollers leading to optimum solutions for any application. Applications builton KeMotion are portable to any controller of the family easily.KeDrive, the drives of the KEMRO system, are connected to the controller viaSERCOS. A number of additional drives using CANOpen is available. Mostused fieldbus protocols are supported for connecting process-IO (Profibus,CAN, Interbus-S, ASI).Mobile handheld terminals of the KeTop series or stationary panels can beused for operating and visualization.2.2 Integration of robot controller and PLCThe KeMotion controller is a unique integration of a robot controller with a PLC,both being on a par. Depending on the application the robot part or the PLCpart may dominate.The robot controller is adjusted to a task just by configuration and parameter-ization. Motion sequences can be programmed with the online programmingsystem (teach-in). This leads to very short commissioning times for the robot.Furthermore it is easy to expand the functions of the controller or to adapt themto construct a specialized and optimized control solution for very specific ap-plications.2.3 Robotics functionsThe KeMotion system comes with robotics function on highest level providedonly by leading robot manufacturers. The functions serve as a basis for highprecision and highest speed path movement without elaborate manual opti-mization. In particular this is also true for manipulation or processing of movingworkpieces.Functions of the controller are scalable. This way also simple applications canbe realized with an optimized controller at reduced costs. Limits are definedprimarily by the power of the controller hardware.Overview KeMotion2.4 Open architectureIn spite of the comprehensive and sophisticated robotics functions the openarchitecture of the system provides a plenty of potential for application specificmodifications and extensions, concerning hardware as well as software. If re-quired, KeMotion can be a base for a specialized and optimized controllercomprising for example special drives or a special process but also specializedoperating and programming functions.A PLC programmable according to IEC-61131-3 provides an important contri-bution of the open system. It serves for completion and extension of controlfunctions in a standard programming language. It can be used for example forimplementing process control tightly coupled with motion control. However theintegrated PLC can also serve as a master controller for the robot controllermanaging and starting robot control programs. Furthermore the PLC can beused as a controller for devices in the environment of the robot like e.g. posi-tioners or conveyors.Corresponding to the open control system also operation and visualization canbe extended. Process specific masks can be easily designed and integratedin the operating interface. Also complex operation concepts can be realized byprogramming in Java.However the open system is not restricted to completion and expansion of thecontrol functions only. The special software architecture of the controller ena-bles designing great parts of the controller according to ones own require-ments. This holds for the whole command set of the controller as well as basicrobot functions like jogging, operating modes or safety functions. Control func-tions already available in the KeMotion standard can be used as a base andtemplate for the development.12Tutorial V2.55KeMotion SW components3 SW componentsThe control software contains four main components:●The base system (UOS) provides a hardware abstraction layer and ena-bles easy porting to different operating systems and processors.●The IO-system keeps control software independent of used input and out-put modules and of process peripherals.●The robot control provides functions for motion control an for operating andprogramming of the robot.● A PLC runtime system provides a programming platform for extensionsand process control.3.1 UOSThe base system – called UOS (Universal Operating System) – contains func-tions for multitasking, communication and synchronization, furthermore func-tions for configuration and diagnosis. Currently implementations of UOS basedon vxWorks (WindRiver), Win32/RTX (IntervalZero, former Ardence, formerVenturCom) and Win32 (non realtime) are available. Linux is in preparation.3.2 IO-SystemThe IO system provides sensors and actors to the control components in a HWindependent way. HW endpoints for analogue and digital IOs, drives, positionsensors and several special IOs are offered. But also a direct access of thefieldbuses is possible.3.3 Robot controlRobot control can be subdivided in three functional units:●Teach-In system●Robot operation functions●Path planning3.3.1 Teach-In systemThe Teach-In system serves for operation and programming of the robot viathe handheld terminal. Essential basic functions are creation and managementof robot programs and manual jogging of the robot.Robot programs contain a sequence of motion commands and technologyspecific commands describing the task in a way to understand easily and ar-ranged clearly. The programs can be created dialog-driven with the handheldterminal. In Teach-In programming the robot is guided to the desired positionsSW components KeMotion by jogging manually and storing corresponding motion commands. Programmanagement allows starting, interrupting and continuing programs or also ex-ecution step-by-step.3.3.2 Robot operating functionsOperating functions of the controller define different operating modes for pro-gramming, testing or automatic execution of programs, as defined in theaccording safety standards. Additionally the behavior of the controller whenswitching drives on and reactions to an error of a component or on emergencystop is defined.3.3.3 Path planningPath planning transforms the commands contained in the robot programs tocorresponding motions. This requires geometry calculations, planning of dy-namics, path interpolation and the coordinate transform of the robot. In additionto the motion relevant calculations several monitoring functions for checkingjoint and drive limits or handling of exceptional situations (e.g. singularities),triggering of process functions along the path and workspace monitoring arerequired.The path planning component also provides functions for operating functionslike resetting and continuing on an interrupted path or backward motion on apath.3.4 RC interfaceThe PLC can communicate with the robot control via a programming interface.The PLC can control program execution of robot programs using the interface.Furthermore the state of the robot can be interpreted in the PLC for imple-mentation of functional extensions. Error or trigger events from motion controlcan be used for tailoring the control behavior for any special process.3.5 Motion LibraryBesides the robot control, which serves for a coordinated movement of axeson a defined path, KeMotion also has a motion planning component for singleaxes according to the Motion Function Blocks defined by PLC-Open. Coordi-nated motions can be realized using electronic gears and cams. Functions ofthe motion library can be used from robot programs as well as from the PLC. 14Tutorial V2.55KeMotion Application range4 Application rangeKeMotion satisfies a wide range of motion applications. KeMotion containsfunctions for control of single axes as well as highly complex robot applications.4.1 Axis controlFor single axes and coordinated axes motion function blocks according toPLCOpen are provided. They can be used for position or velocity controlledsingle axes. For coordinated axis motion electronic gears and cams are pro-vided. Motion function blocks according to PLCOpen are not explained in detailin this document. In the following only robotics functions are explained.4.2 Path controlRobot applications are centered around programming of a path the robotmoves along. Depending on the application several levels of complexity arepossible. In the most simple cases path control in joint space is sufficient. Inmany cases path planning in Cartesian space is required. Often an externalmodification of the robot path by sensors is necessary, too. Finally, for appli-cations with high demands concerning robot speed and path accuracy ad-vanced control algorithms are required that imply detailed models of thedynamic behavior of the robot.KeMotion provides corresponding control functions for the whole range of ro-botics.Robot axis control KeMotion5 Robot axis controlIn most simple robot applications only positioning of the robot to defined posi-tions is required without any restrictions on the path the robot moves along. Inthese cases control at joint or axis level is sufficient.Examples for such applications are simple pick&place tasks with SCARA ro-bots. When pick and place positions are fixed and can be defined with the robotitself by teach-in, only the joint positions have to be stored. Defined by the linearjoint the vertical movement is a line anyway, the path of the horizontal move-ment is uncritical in many cases.Also for Cartesian or linear robots, as they are used e.g. for extracting parts ofcasting machines, consideration of robot kinematics is not necessary, as jointpositions here directly correspond with Cartesian coordinates. So a synchro-nous joint interpolation results in lines as paths, which are the preferred pathgeometry.5.1 ConfigurationFor pure axis control applications the controller has no knowledge about theconnection with Cartesian coordinates. Therefore only end positions and max-imum values for velocity, acceleration and jerk have to be configured.5.2 Path positionsPositions of the path are programmed only with joint positions at the desiredrobot poses. For Cartesian robots the interrelationship with Cartesian coordi-nates can be calculated easily. In pick&place applications with SCARA robotsthe robot can be moved to the positions and the positions are taught in.A sequence of positions can be combined to a path. Parts of the path from onedefined position to the next are called segments in the following.5.3 Acceleration profilesDifferent acceleration profiles are available for acceleration and deceleration.●Trapezoid●Sine●Squared sine●Minimum jerkAll profiles have constrained jerk. They begin and end with an acceleration ofzero and there are no acceleration steps inside. The trapezoid is well suitedfor fast positioning. For smooth motions a minimum jerk profile is optimal. Itminimizes the jerk during the acceleration time, i.e. it works with the smallestmean acceleration changes.16Tutorial V2.55KeMotion Robot axis control5.4 Velocity, Acceleration, JerkFor axis interpolated motions the dynamic limits for the drives relative to theparameterized maximum values are specified.5.5 Path blendingPath blending provides the possibility to move over intermediate points withouta stop. This helps to reduce cycle time for the movement and to preserve themechanics.The maximum distance for path blending is restricted to the half way betweentwo points. Path blending starts at the earliest in the middle of the segmentbefore the intermediate point and ends at the latest in the middle of the segmentafter.The size the path blending zone can be adjusted continuously. KeMotion offerstwo variants to do this:●relative specification (velocity specification)●absolute specification (distance specification)5.5.1 relative specificationWith relative specification the velocity planning builds the base for the calcu-lation of the blending zone. One hundred percent mean that the blending zoneis chosen such that within the blending zone the change from the maximumvelocity of the predecessor segment to the maximum velocity of the successorsegment is possible using the programmed acceleration. The blending zonecan be reduced with a percentage value. For smaller blending zones the ve-locity has to be reduced to avoid exceeding accelerations. That means thereis a deceleration before entering the blending zone and an acceleration after-wards, to be able to fulfill the acceleration limits. Blending value of 0 % meansthat the robot moves to the intermediate point exactly and comes to a stop.The percentage can even be made greater that 100 to result in a smoothermovement. A maximum value of 200% means that the maximum allowed dis-tance i.e. half the segment is used for blending.5.5.2 absolute specificationWith absolute specification a distance to the intermediate position is given forthe joints. All joints must have approached to the intermediate position to thegiven distance before blending may begin. The same way the blending has tobe ended before the first joint has moved away the given distance from theintermediate position. The distance is given in length units (mostly millimeters)for the linear joints and in degrees for rotational joints. Absolute specificationgives more precise control over the blending zone. The given distance is al-ways used to full extent. For big blending zones this results in reducedaccelerations. For small blending zones the velocity at the entry and the exitRobot axis control KeMotion of the blending is reduced so that programmed accelerations limits are regar-ded.5.6 Summary programmingTo adapt the robot to different applications with axis interpolation only posi-tions, dynamics, acceleration ramps and blending have to be programmed.Often blending, acceleration ramps and dynamics can be constant for thewhole application. So only the sequence of positions is necessary for pro-gramming of the robot path. Of course in addition commands for gripper or toolcontrol are necessary.5.7 Differences to single axis controlAlthough the differences between single axis control and robot axis control looksmall at the first glance, there are a number of advantages of path controlprovided by robot axis control:●Synchronous interpolation: Synchronous interpolation results in a me-chanics protecting motion. Only one axis is used at its limits at a time. Theother axes are slowed down automatically as required to reach the targetat the same time. Furthermore synchronous interpolation leads to a uni-form geometry of the path, e.g. exact lines result with Cartesian robots.Asynchronous interpolation as provided with single axis control can resultin bends and hooks along the path.●Easy programming: For path programming only positions are needed inthe simple cases. The controller deals with planning of dynamics and thesynchronization of the axes.●Blending: Path control can use path blending at intermediate positions.The size of the blending zone can adjusted exactly. This is especially im-portant for applications which are critical with respect to collision.●Path conserving exception handling: The path control allows a stop anda continue at any time without leaving the defined path. After an interruptof path execution the robot path can be restored and continued. This pro-vides safety for collision risks. Also any path can be executed at reducedspeed using exactly the geometry of the path as with full speed.18Tutorial V2.556 Cartesian path controlPart of robot applications can be covered by axis control, mainly pick&placeapplications and applications using linear robots. The majority of applications,however, require positions or paths defined in Cartesian space, and transfor-mation between joint positions and Cartesian positions calculated by thecontroller.When positions have to be calculated, like e.g. individual deposit positions ofa palette, Cartesian coordinates are used usually. Also a variable place of apalette can be programmed easily using Cartesian reference systems. Finally,the usage of CAD data or data from a vision system require treatment of Car-tesian coordinates.Not only the definition of path positions can call for Cartesian path control, butalso a predefined geometry of the path. An according example for a SCARArobot are movements along a line that is neither vertical nor radial or movementalong a circle of course.KeMotion provides all functions needed for path control in Cartesian space.6.1 Robot configurationFor Cartesian path control one has to make sure that a robot transformation isavailable for the robot kinematics on hand. The KeMotion standard containsfollowing kinematic models:●Cartesian Kinematics (2-3 linear joints)●SemiScara (2 linear joints, 1 rotational joint)●Scara (1 linear joint, 2 rotational joints)●Articulated arm (6 rotational joints)●Delta robot, TripodKeMotion Cartesian path controlCartesian path control KeMotionFig.6-1:Linear robot, Semi-Scara and Scara20Tutorial V2.55KeMotion Cartesian path controlFig.6-2:Articulated arm and Delta robotRobot types can be adjusted by specification of arm lengths or joint distances,zero positions for the joints and directions of joint movement. The robot typescan be extended with special types on demand.6.2 Generic robot transformKeMotion offers the facility for serial kinematic robots to use a general algo-rithm for robot transform. Only the Denavit-Hartenberg parameters are re-quired in this case.Cartesian path control KeMotion The algorithm uses a numerical approximation method. So it needs far morecomputation time than a specialized computation method for a defined robottype. Furthermore the algorithm can not handle different possible configura-tions of a robot properly. Therefore no change of the robot configuration canbe done for Cartesian targets; target positions in joint coordinates are neededfor this. Additionally the numerical stability near singularities is worse than withspecialized algorithms and a detection of singular areas is not possible.The generic robot transform is well suited for prototypes and experimentalstudies, as no special transform algorithm has to be developed. But there isno use intended for industrial products.6.3 Auxiliary jointsBesides the robot main joints contained in the robot transform, any robot canuse additional joints the are interpolated synchronously with the path motion.The additional joints can be free joints or drives or joints that are in the kine-matic chain of the robot.Free auxiliary joints are joints than have no relation to the position of the robotor the workpiece. They only are changed synchronously with the path move-ment. Application examples are position controlled drives in the tool or thegripper or holding or transport devices for the workpiece, that shall be movedsynchronously with the robot.Auxiliary joints in the kinematic chain are for example linear joints that therobot is mounted on to extend the working area of the robot. Auxiliary joints inchain have to be regarded in path interpolation of the robot. But the positionsof the auxiliary joints are defined explicitly and are interpolated linear on a pathsegment, i.e. on a line with constant path speed also the velocity of the auxiliaryjoint is constant.6.4 Geometry of the pathAs elementary path geometry of the position following types are available:●Line●Circle●Spline6.5 OrientationAlso the orientation chance can be defined in several different ways:●Rotation with pivot and turn (…Z-Rotation“)●Reorientation along a circle●Wrist-joint interpolation22Tutorial V2.55。
Time Management -1 Presentation
15 30
Analyze patterns of time use
What kinds of activities are consuming most of my
time. Where are certain kinds of activities clustering Does this use of time match my most important objectives How much of my day is spent on A- and B-priority activities. Mark C-Priority activities with colored ink Find the room for improvement
Break Goals Into Tasks
Identify required tasks
Take each of the goals which need to achieve List all the key tasks required to achieve each goal Figure out how much time each tasks will requite
Prioritize tasks
A priorities
support your critical goals. They are tasks with high value and are of primary concern. B priorities support your enabling goals and indirectly support your critical goals. They are tasks with medium value and a high degree of urgency. C priorities include both urgent and non-urgent tasks with little value and little importance.
大学英语作文:time management电子版本
大学英语作文:t i m e m a n a g e m e n t精品资料When it comes to time management, many college students, especially the freshmen complained that they don’t know how to use their time efficiently and wisely.Generally speaking, I’m very satisfied with the present state of my time management, which benefits from having been a time manager. It means that I always have a weekly schedule and finish all the tasks on time. What’s more, I try to do the most important tasks during my most energetic periods of the day.Mike, a friend of mine, finds that he is always behind schedule and easy to become overwhelmed by a large number of tasks he need to finish. This is one of the signs of bad time management and the reason for that is complex. I think the greatest problem for him are passion and motivation. Take learning as an example: He was mainly pushed to study hard by external forces in high school, such as school discipline and the influence of parents. As soon as he came to the college, the above-mentioned forces are reduced significantly. He has no power any more. In addition, there are also others reasons, such as the fear of outcome, Rebellion and laziness.仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢2。
How To Manage your time 如何管理你的时间
• • • • Do Delegate Delay Delete
Time Management
1. Address the urgent 2. Accomplish what you can early 3. Attach deadlines to things you delay
Too many things at once Stress and fatigue All work and no play
Time Management 5
What can we do?
Recognize that obstacles exist Identify them
Employ strategies to overcome
Time Management 6
Set goals
• Specific • Measurable
Time Management
Set goals
•Specific •Measurable • Achievable • Realistic • Time-based
Time Management 8
Time Management 18
The Big Rocks of Life
Time Management
Time Management 3
Obstacles to effective time management
Interruptions More interruptions Periods of inactivity
Time Management 4
Obstacles to effective time management
Time Management时间管理(PPT 72页)
部门经理 部门经理 全体 部门经理
3 6 8 6 6 4 2 2 4 2 2
本周 本周 本周 本周 周三 本周三 本周 本周 周一、周 四 周五
紧急 重 要
危机 急迫的问题 有限期的任务,会议 筹备事项
准备及预防工作 计划 关系的建立 培训,授权,创新
下面重点介绍"待办事项"清单:一份有效的"待 办事项"清单包括以下按优先顺序排列的工作 事项: •你需要做出的决定; •你需要起草的总结报告; •你正在等待的信息; •你需要拨打或你期待接听的电话; •你需要发送的信函和电子邮件; •你应该参加的会议和约会;
分析一段时间内各工作事项的紧急程度并填入下表。 说明:“紧急性”的标准如下: • • • • 非常紧急 A —现在就做(马上放下其他事情开始做) 紧急 B —短时间内需要做(一般为当天要做) 不太紧急 C —可放一放再做(可纳入计划中去安排) 不紧急 D —什么时候干都行(无需计划)
3% 10%
二 十 五 年 后 :
大都生活在社会的中上层。他们的共同特点是,那些短期目 标不断被达成,生活状态稳步上升,成为各行各业的不可或 缺的专业人士。如医生、律师、工程师、高级主管等等
几乎都生活在社会的中下层面,他们能安稳地生活与工作, 但都没有什么特别的成绩
几乎都生活在社会的最底层,他们的生活都过得很不如 意,常常失业。靠社会救济,并且常常都在抱怨他人, 抱怨社会,抱怨世界
不 重 要
干扰,一些电话 一些会议 一些紧急事件 符合别人期望的事
细琐的工作 浪费时间的闲聊 无关紧要的信件 无关紧要的私人电话
College Students' Time ManagementCorrelations With Academic Performance and Stress
Therese Hoff Macan
Comila Shahani
Hofstra University
Robert L. Dipboye and Amanda Peek Phillips
Many college students may find the academic experience very stressful (Swick, 1987). One potential coping strategy frequently offered by university counseling services is time management. One hundred and sixty-five students completed a questionnaire assessing their time management behaviors and attitudes, stress, and self-perceptions of performance and grade point average. The study revealed 2 major findings. The Time Management Behavior Scale consists of 4 relatively independent factors; the most predictive was Perceived Control of Time. Students who perceived control of their time reported significantly greater evaluations of their performance, greater work and life satisfaction, less role ambiguity, less role overload, and fewer job-induced and somatic tensions. Findings are consistent with theory and advice on time management (e.g.f Schuler, 1979) but also indicate that the dynamics of time management are more complex than previously believed.
Randy Pausch Carnegie Mellon University
At this talk you will learn to:
• Clarify your goals and achieve them • Handle people and projects that waste your
“If you can dream it, you can do it”
Walt Disney
• Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to first day open to the public.
• Failing to plan is planning to fail
• Plan Each Day, Each Week, Each Semester
• You can always change your plan, but only once you have one!
time • Be involved in better delegation • Work more efficiently with your boss/advisor • Learn specific skills and tools to save you time • Overcome stress and procrastination
Due Due Soon
2 4
• Clutter is death; it leads to thrashing. Keep desk clear: focus on one thing at a time
Study Time
Students who spend more hours studying..
– – – –
Liked and stayed in college Improved their thinking skills Graduated with honors Got into graduate school
Labeling myself as lazy only brings me down. My work is really separate from who I am as a person. Getting started is the key to finishing.
I'm just lazy.
– 30-3-2 schedule
• 30 minutes study • 3 minute break • 2 minute review
Do the homework for your most difficult course first.
Make up your to-do list before bed or first thing in the morning
– Estimate time required for each task
Try to do top priority things first
– Try to get them done in the morning
Keep your priorities in focus Challenge yourself to finish the list that day
Time Management
成功关键:时间管理 Time Management : The key to Success
• 想象一下这样的画面:
– 每天银行会往您的账号存进86400元 Each day your bank deposits $86,400 in your checking account.
目标 : Objective
了解影响工作效率的因素 Identify and understand typical time manageLeabharlann ent problem areas.
掌握有效利用时间的工具与方法 Effective strategies and plans to be implemented in your work.
• A代表acceptable(可实现的),思考目标实现的可行性有多 大?
• R代表realistic(现实可行的),思考目标是否和其他目标具有 关联。
• T代表timetable(有时限的)。人为的设置计划时间轴,什么 时间开始?什么时间结束?什么时候又是计划的关键节点?
花时间在计划上才是最节省时间的作法 Spend time in the planning is the most time-saving practices
成功关键:时间管理 Time Management : The key to Success
Daily planning is on the pervious day
工作拖延的应对要决 Avoid Delays
✓ Do it right the first time to save a lot of time. ✓ Develop the habit of finishing what you start.
Step 3: Get over it! • Do the worst task first. • Break things up into bite-sized pieces. • Consider your energy level. • Reward yourself.
Valuable Time Management Hints
Time Management
1. Youth will describe the importance of good time management.
2. Youth will define a strategy to set priorities.
3. Youth will identify steps to overcome barriers to effective time management.
Begin to prioritize tasks by:
Assigning each task a value (for example, rank each task from 1 to 3, with 1 being the most important and 3 being a task that can wait). You will have several tasks with each number.
专利名称:TIME MANAGEMENT DEAKIYAMA, Ryota,ISHIBASHI, Masamichi 申请号:J P 2004 001271 申请日:2004 0206 公开号:WO04 /107064 P 1 公开日:2004 1209
摘要:There are provided a time management device and a time management method for reducing the chance for intentional false modification by a third person. In order to achieve this object, the time management device includes: external time acquisition means for acquiring external time within a predetermined time width; local clock means for outputting the self-running time; and time difference judgment means for calculating a difference between the external time acquired by the external time acquisition means and the self-running time output by the local clock means and setting the external time on the local clock means if the difference is smaller than a predetermined value but not setting the external time on the local clock means if the difference is equal to or greater than the predetermined value.
时间管理 Time Management 道德话题 英语作文范文
Time Management>Time Management Essay Introduction:A time management essay is an important concept for students to learn. Time management is one of the most crucial skills any student must possess. This skill is also extremely important when a student progresses onto into a professional setting. There are many implications if an individual may not manage time efficiently.Time management essay aims to educate students and help them discover how to makethe best use of their time. Moreover, there are certain aspects of time management that one needs to consider. Students will need to emphasize these aspects in their essays to secure marks. Following these tips and guidelines will help you secure more marks in the exam.Time Management Essay Tips and TricksConsider adopting the following tips and tricks when writing a time management essay, or any other essay for that matter:Use the first paragraph about the essay to provide an introduction or background information about the given topic.An academic essay should always employ a formal style of writing, hence, no slang should be used.Use specifics, such as dates, names, places to provide a clearer pictureThe usage of jargon may complicate the essay. Use it if really required.Content should be written in short, digestible chunks.Present information in bulleted points wherever possible.Always have a conclusion paragraph summarizing crucial points.Read through the essay if time permits. Perform a spell check and grammar check before submission.Time Management Essay –Sample 1 (200 Words)Everyone has the same 24 hours, however, some make better use of their time than others. This is one of the reasons why we have people who excel at the things they do. In other words, people may become busy; but that necessarily does not mean they are effective at their task. Hence, time management plays a crucial role in personal and professional life.What is the Importance of Time Management?Time management is a conscious effort to spend a specific amount of time to perform a task with efficiency. Furthermore, productivity is the key focus here. The more productive thework, the better are the results. Moreover, time management requires a careful balancing between professional life, social life, any other hobbies or activities. From an academic perspective, time management is a necessity. Students have many subjects to cover, therefore, efficiently managing time is an important skill.Around the world, time management has two views –linear time view and multi-active time view. In a linear time view, the focus is given to complete one task at a time. In a multi-active view, the focus is given to a complete number at once. The linear time view is predominant incountries such as America, Germany and England. A multi-active time view is predominant in countries such as India, Spain and Portugal.Nevertheless, students are advised to follow whichever is convenient for them. Because time management is one of the key traits of a successful individual.Time Management Essay –Sample 2 (300 Words)Time management is one of the most important skills an employer seeks in today’s competitive world. Hence, it is advisable for students to startinculcating these skills as soon as possible. Even in an academic setting, time management helps to accomplish tasks with efficiency and effectiveness.What Exactly is Time Management?Time management can be defined as the process of planning and performing predetermined activities over a specific duration of time, primarily with the goal of increasing productivity, effectiveness and efficiency.Different cultures have different views on time management. However, there are twopremodinanant views in existence – multi-active time view and linear time view. In a linear time view, the focus is given to complete one particular task at a time. In a multi-active view, the focus is given to complete a greater number of tasks at once. In both views, the emphasis of given on productivity and effectiveness. However, students are free to choose their own view of time management.Why Time Management Is Important?Time management helps to set a timeline and better align ourselves with the goal. Moreover, time management can help increase theefficiency of tasks at hand. A working professional may have to balance their personal and professional life. There may not be time to give attention to each and every detail; in such cases, multi-active time is one of the most obvious methods that may be chosen.Time Management Essay ConclusionTime management works best when a goal or target is set. For instance, a student becomes far more effective at learning when they decide to assign 2 hours for learning a particular concept. This is effectively a method of benchmarking progress. So every time theactivity is performed, one can measure themselves and improve upon various aspects of their tasks.In conclusion, time management is an important skill, everyone –from students to working professionals are required to time management practices to improve productivity and efficiency of tasks.FAQ’s On Time Management EssayQuestion 1.What is time management?Answer:Time management is the process of planning and performing predetermined activities over a specific duration of time, primarily with the goal of increasing productivity, effectiveness and efficiency of the tasks at hand.Question 2.What are the various views of time management?Answer:There are two views of time management –multi-active time view and linear time view. In linear time view, the focus is given to perform one particular task at a time. In a multi-active view, the focus is given to perform a number of tasks at once.Question 3.Why is time management Important?Answer:Time management is important as it helps us achieve our goals and targets in the mostefficient and effective manner. Furthermore, it is one of the key skills to personal and professional success. Hence, every successful individual, from an entrepreneur to a doctor utilizes time in the most productive manner.。
Time Management Workshop20130802
Open Question Q 1: From what you learned, what do you plan to apply back on the job? A:Meke a schedule for each week and check it regullarly. A:制定周计划,及时反省。 A:Timemanagement tool. A:Try to make a plan and schedule, but maybe I can't do it for a long time. A:Implemention of time management weekly/monthly plan. A:The most interesting part is 迷失丛林 and the most useful is 日程记录。 A: 合理制定工作计划表 A:可增加更多小游戏。 Q 2: Do you have any other opinion or suggestion for the training? A:More detail. A:时间太短了。
Time Management Workshop
General Information Course Title Session Dates Duration Trainer Vendor Participant Number Content and Objectives (5 Points Total) I felt the exercises and activities were relevant to my job role. I felt the material is relevant to my job role. I felt the training met my expectations in terms of difficulty level. I understood the Course Objectives. I will be able to immediately apply what I learned. I felt the course materials aided in my learning.(Visual Aids, PPT, Handouts) Average Trainer Effectiveness (5 Points Total) I felt the trainer displays energy and enthusiasm and inspires participation. I felt the trainer demonstrates in-depth knowledge of the subject. I felt the trainer met the Course Objectives. I felt the trainer is always composed and in control. I felt engaged during the session. I felt the trainer addresses problems promptly and intelligently. I felt the trainer uses different models and examples to generate interest and to relate my experience to the subject. I felt the trainer is a role model in terms of manner of speaking, eye contact and body language. I felt the trainer applies training methodology flexibly to accommodate individual learning preferences. I felt the trainer handles stress and differences of opinion calmly. Average Facilities and Administration (5 Points Total) I felt the room’s facilities work well and gained timely efficient logistics support. Overall Score Time Management Workshop 2-Aug-13 4 Hous Stanely Sun Internal 23 Score 4.32 4.45 4.41 4.64 4.45 4.45 4.45 Score 4.68 4.45 4.64 4.68 4.36 4.41 4.32 4.59 4.59 4.55 4.53 Average 4.59 4.52
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Anticipate QI activities by spending time in QII 花费时间在QII 可预见QI的活动
• •
What keeps you from spending more time in QII? 什么使你避免花费更多时间在QII? Which of the above responses are the result of a lack of private and public victories? 以上响应中的哪些是缺乏公私双赢的结果? Identify a potential QII activity you will have to face sometime during the coming week. What can you do in QI to better prepare for and reduce the impact of the QII activity? 判定一个你会在将来的一周中需要面对的潜在的QII 活动。在QI 你能做些什么能 够更好的准备并能够减少QII 的影响?
I Big Rock o Preparation 准备 o Prevention 预防 o Values clarification 价值澄清 o Planning 计划 o Relationship building 关系构建 o True re-creation 重建真理 o Empowerment 授权
Identify which things are the “most” important (辨别哪件事是最重要的) Have the strength to subordinate temporary, transient things for the long lasting goals (为了长期持久的目标,把暂时发生的事情授权给下属 去做)
• 以下是基美某维修主管周一上班工作內容:
A. 收/发 e-mail, 0.5hour B. 9:30-10:00 去生产线了解周末机器的工作状况,30minutes C. 10:00-11:00 daily meeting, 1hour D. 13:00-15:00 Weekly operation meeting, 2hours E. 整理周三召开的周会的内容, 1hours F.16:00去生产线了解机器一天的工作状况, 40minutes L:.网站浏览 , 20minutes G. 老板约见讨论MBO’s的事情, 20minutes H. 晨会后,去生产线调查由机器造成的NCN的原因/对策的有效性, 20分钟 I. 供应商约见14:00, 0.5 hour J. 朋友电话20分钟 K.处理某员工离职事宜谈话20分钟 M.内部文件和PR批阅, 10minutes N. 客户投诉分析会, 0.5 hour
What’s urgency?什么是紧急
An activity is urgent if your or others feel that it requires immediate attention. (如果一件事你或他人感觉它需要立即关注的,它就是紧急)
The Urgent and Important / 重要和紧急
Urgent and Important (This is crisis management – keep it small)这 是危机管理,把它控制在小的范围内。
Important but not Urgent (This is where you want to spend your energy) 这是你需要花费精力的地方。
• • • •
第一代时间管理---备忘录式 第二代时间管理---事先规划安排行程 第三代时间管理---规划,制定优先顺序 操之在我 第四代时间管理--1.注重单位时间的价值,而非单位时间的效率(一、二象限) 2.超越時空(今天要管理明天的时间,第二象限) 3.以人为本的时间观 4.系统的、非个人的时间管理
I. 供应商约见14:00, 0.5 hour
第四步 问题与措施
第一象限:重点做;按计划有步骤做;为明天准备 第二象限:抓紧做﹐返回第一象限 第三象限:平衡好被支配的事情;不被迷惑,争取自由返回第一﹑二象限 第四象限:不花;少花时间;授权部下做
big barrel based on the maximum average principle? 问题:你能不能找出一个最合理的方法,把这些东西尽最大的限度放进桶 里?
Time Management Matrix 管理矩阵
II o Crises 危机
Distinguish between the “Urgent” and the “Important” (区别“紧急”和“重要”) Prioritize your work (区分工作的先后顺序)
Importance & Urgency 重要和紧急
What’s importance?什么是重要
不急迫 第一象限 准备工作计划 预防措施 价值观的澄清 人际关系的建立 增强自己的能力 第四象限 忙碌琐碎的事 广告函件 电话 浪费时间 逃避性活动
重 要
第三象限 造成干扰的事﹑电话 信件﹑报告 会议 许多迫在眉急的急事 符合別人期望的事
不 重 要
• 第三步 对基美某员工的工作定位,并分析其工作现状
% of
How Do I Spend My Time? 我怎么安排我的时间?
% of 2020-25
Time 6565-80
• • •
Proactive (制变)
Effectiveness (成效)
Reactive (应变)
Efficiency (效率)
Proactive = Initiatives + Accountable 制变 = 主动选择 + 承担责任
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”
G. 老板约见讨论MBO’s的事情, 20minutes H. 晨会后,去生产线调查由机器造成的 NCN的原因/对策的有效性, 20分钟 K.处理某员工离职事宜谈话20分钟 N. 客户投诉分析会, 0.5 hour 不急 A.收/发 e-mail, 0.5hour B.9:30-10:00 去生产线了解周末机器的工 作状况,30minutes C. 10:00-11:00 daily meeting, 1hour D. 13:00-15:00 Weekly operation meeting, 2hours E. 整理周三召开的周会的内容, 1hours F.16:00去生产线了解机器一天的工作状 况, 40minutes M.内部文件和PR批阅, 10minutes J. 朋友电话20分钟 L:.网站浏览 , 20minutes
An activity is important if you personally find it valuable, and if it contributes to your mission, values, and high-priority goals (如果一件事你发现它是有价值的,并且它可以对你的使命、价值和最 优先目标有贡献,那么它就是重要)
Silver Sand
紧迫的事 设备故障,生产停机 重伤害急救 员工产生肢体冲突 顾客抱怨 停电 制定计划 提升技能 关系促进 问题调查 健康检查不紧迫的事碎石大石头重要的事
有些电话 有些不速之客到访 有些会议出列席 有些无谓的请托 有些临时的邀请
有些交际应酬 有些文件的处理 处理属下之工作 自我干扰 个人嗜好的沉迷
Effectiveness Vs Efficiency 成效和效率
Do the right things(做正确的事)
Do the things right(把事情做对)
Put First things First 把最重要事放第一位
Time Management 时间管理
Put First things First 把最重要事放第一位
The Gold Rule/ 黄金规则
The Gold Rule 黄金规则
• Begin With the End in Mind • 从结局出发
Proactive Vs Reactive 制变和应变
o Trivia, busywork 琐事,作业
o Pressing problems 紧迫问题 o Deadline-driven projects, meetings,
preparations 最后期限-驱动项目,会 议,准备
o Interruptions, some telephone calls 中断
• What happens to your body, mind, and organization if you stay in