

福特Focus RS技术参数说明书

福特Focus RS技术参数说明书

Overall length (mm) Overall width with mirror / folded mirror / without mirrors (mm) Overall height unladen (with base tyre) (mm) Wheelbase (mm) Front track (mm) Rear track (mm) Luggage capacity (gallons) 5-seat mode (laden to parcel shelf) 2-seat mode (laden to roof) Luggage Compartment dimensions (mm) Load opening height max Load opening width max Max loading height (to roof / to parcel shelf) Loading width between wheelhouses Loading length at floor to 2nd row Loading length to first row Lift over height at curb load condition (unladen) Fuel tank capacity (gallons) Petrol (gallons) Interior 1st row (mm) Legroom (maximum with seat in rearmost mid-height position) Shoulder room Interior 2nd row (mm)
Front Brembo four-piston monoblock calliper
350 x 25mm ventilated disc 4 x 38mm diameter



JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTDSOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate TransistorsMMBT4403 TRANSISTOR (PNP) FEATURES Switching transistor MARKING :2Ta ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T a =25℃ unless otherwise specified)ParameterSymbol Test conditions M in M ax Unit Collector-base breakdown voltageV (BR)CBO I C =-100μA , I E =0 -40 V Collector-emitter breakdown voltageV (BR)CEO I C = -1mA , I B =0 -40 V Emitter-base breakdown voltageV (BR)EBO I E =-100μA, I C =0 -5 V Collector cut-off currentI CBO V CB =-35V, I E 0 -0.1 μA Collector cut-off currentI CEO V CE =-35 V, I B 0 -0.1 μA Emitter cut-off currentI EBO V EB =-4V,I C =0 -0.1 μA DC current gainh FE V CE =-2V, I C = -150mA 100 300 Collector-emitter saturation voltageV CE(sat) I C =-150mA, I B =-15mA -0.4 V Base-emitter saturation voltageV BE(sat) I C =- 150mA, I B =-15mA -0.95 V Transition frequencyf T V CE = -10V, I C = -20mA f = 100MHz 200 MHz Detay timet d 15 ns Rise timet r V CC =-30V,V EB =-2V, I C =-150mA.I B1=-15mA 20 ns Storage timet s 225 ns Fall time t f V CC =-30V, I C =-150mA. I B1= I B2=-15mA 30 nsB,Jun,2012 【南京南山半导体有限公司 — 长电贴片三极管选型资料】-1-100255075100125150h ——I -3-30COLLECTOR CURRENT I C (mA)MMBT4403Typical Characterisitics AMBIENT TEMPERATURE T a ()℃B,Jun,2012 【南京南山半导体有限公司 — 长电三极管选型资料】The bottom gasketThe top gasket3000×1 PCS 3000×15 PCS Label on the Reel Label on the Inner Box Label on the Outer Box QA Label Seal the boxwith the tape Seal the boxwith the tape Stamp “EMPTY”on the empty box Inner Box: 210 mm × 208 mm ×203 mm Outer Box: 440 mm × 440 mm × 230 mm。

NJR2-T 系列软起动器技术参数及性能说明书

NJR2-T 系列软起动器技术参数及性能说明书

1 概述2 型号及含义N J R 2-□ T表示软起动器控制单元,三相220V等级额定功率(适配电机功率:kW)设计序号软起动交流电动机企业特征号NJR2-T 系列软起动器3 技术参数及性能NJR2-T系列软起动器适合于三相220V电压等级的软起动器,是以先进的双CPU控制技术为核心,控制可控硅模块,实现(鼠笼式)三相交流异步电动机的软起动、软停止功能,同时具有过载、输入缺相、负载短路、起动限流超时、过压、欠压等多项保护功能。

该产品主要与成套控制柜配套使用,使用中必须配接相应规格的旁路用交流接触器.产品规格覆盖7.5 kW~160 kW乮(鼠笼式)三相交流异步电动机,广泛应用于冶金、消防、矿山、供水、市政、食品、水泥、石化等领域的电机传动设备,是传统的Y -△起动、自耦降压起动最理想的更新换代产品。

符合标准:GB 14048.6、IEC 60947-4-2。

3.1 电源电压:三相交流AC220V(±15%),50Hz/(±2%)3.2 起动电流:从0.5~5倍的起动电流限制3.3 斜坡下降时间:0s~60s3.4 软起基值电压:30%Ue~70%Ue 3.5 突跳起动时间:0.1s 3.6 环境要求海拔超过1000米,应相应降低容量使用, 1000米以上每增加100m电流降低0.5%;环境温度在-10℃~40℃之间;40℃以上每升高1℃, 电流降低2%;相对湿度不超过95%(20℃~65℃); 无凝露、无易燃、易爆气体、无导电尘埃、 通风良好的室内环境中。

60Hz4 基本接线原理图4.1 基本接线原理图4.2 外部端子接线说明B A GND AO A124V COM X3X2K3K2K1RS485通讯端子RS485通讯端子模拟地(0~20)mA电流输出备用端子+24V输出公共端子瞬停端子备用端子故障继电器输出,常开;触点容量(5A/250VAC)可编程继电器输出,常开;触点容量(5A/250VAC)旁路继电器输出,常开;触点容量(5A/250VAC)需用RS485通讯时,请与厂家联系。



1.塑封整流二极管序号型号 IF VRRM VF Trr 外形A V V μs1 1A1-1A7 1A 50-1000V 1.1 R-12 1N4001-1N4007 1A 50-1000V 1.1 DO-413 1N5391-1N5399 1.5A 50-1000V 1.1 DO-154 2A01-2A07 2A 50-1000V 1.0 DO-155 1N5400-1N5408 3A 50-1000V 0.95 DO-201AD6 6A05-6A10 6A 50-1000V 0.95 R-67 TS750-TS758 6A 50-800V 1.25 R-68 RL10-RL60 1A-6A 50-1000V 1.09 2CZ81-2CZ87 0.05A-3A 50-1000V 1.0 DO-4110 2CP21-2CP29 0.3A 100-1000V 1.0 DO-4111 2DZ14-2DZ15 0.5A-1A 200-1000V 1.0 DO-4112 2DP3-2DP5 0.3A-1A 200-1000V 1.0 DO-4113 BYW27 1A 200-1300V 1.0 DO-4114 DR202-DR210 2A 200-1000V 1.0 DO-1515 BY251-BY254 3A 200-800V 1.1 DO-201AD16 BY550-200~1000 5A 200-1000V 1.1 R-517 PX10A02-PX10A13 10A 200-1300V 1.1 PX18 PX12A02-PX12A13 12A 200-1300V 1.1 PX19 PX15A02-PX15A13 15A 200-1300V 1.1 PX20 ERA15-02~13 1A 200-1300V 1.0 R-121 ERB12-02~13 1A 200-1300V 1.0 DO-1522 ERC05-02~13 1.2A 200-1300V 1.0 DO-1523 ERC04-02~13 1.5A 200-1300V 1.0 DO-1524 ERD03-02~13 3A 200-1300V 1.0 DO-201AD25 EM1-EM2 1A-1.2A 200-1000V 0.97 DO-1526 RM1Z-RM1C 1A 200-1000V 0.95 DO-1527 RM2Z-RM2C 1.2A 200-1000V 0.95 DO-1528 RM11Z-RM11C 1.5A 200-1000V 0.95 DO-1529 RM3Z-RM3C 2.5A 200-1000V 0.97 DO-201AD30 RM4Z-RM4C 3A 200-1000V 0.97 DO-201AD2.快恢复塑封整流二极管序号型号 IF VRRM VF Trr 外形A V V μs(1)快恢复塑封整流二极管1 1F1-1F7 1A 50-1000V 1.3 0.15-0.5 R-12 FR10-FR60 1A-6A 50-1000V 1.3 0.15-0.53 1N4933-1N4937 1A 50-600V 1.2 0.2 DO-414 1N4942-1N4948 1A 200-1000V 1.3 0.15-0.5 DO-415 BA157-BA159 1A 400-1000V 1.3 0.15-0.25 DO-416 MR850-MR858 3A 100-800V 1.3 0.2 DO-201AD7 EU1-EU2 0.25A-1A 100-1000V 1.3 0.4 DO-418 20DF1-20DF10 2A 100-1000V 1.3 0.2 DO-159 30DF1-30DF10 3A 100-1000V 1.3 0.2 DO-201AD10 RU1-RU4 0.25A-3A 100-1000V 1.3 0.411 ERA22-02~10 0.5A 200-1000V 1.3 0.4 R-112 ERA18-02~10 0.8A 200-1000V 1.3 0.4 R-113 ERB43-02~10 0.5A 200-1000V 1.3 0.4 DO-4114 ERB44-02~10 1A 200-1000V 1.3 0.4 DO-1515 ERC18-02~10 1.2A 200-1000V 1.3 0.4 DO-1516 ERD28-02~10 1.5A 200-1000V 1.3 0.4 DO-201AD17 ERD29-02~10 2.5A 200-1000V 1.3 0.4 DO-201AD18 ERD32-02~10 3A 200-1000V 1.3 0.4 DO-201AD19 ERD09-13~15 3A 1300-1500V 1.5 0.6 R-5(2)SK、2CG系列快恢复整流二极管1 SK1-02~30 1.5A 200-3000V 1.3-4 0.5-1 DO-152 SK2-02~30 1A 200-3000V 1.3-4 0.5-1 DO-413 SK3-02~30 2A 200-3000V 1.3-4 0.5-1 DO-154 SK4-02~30 0.5A 300-3000V 1.3-4 0.5-1 DO-415 2CG04-2CG30 0.2A 300-3000V 1.3-4 0.5-1 DO-41 (3)快恢复塑封阻尼二极管1 2CN1-2CN1C 1A 200-1200V 1.32 DO-412 2CN2D-2CN2M 0.5A 200-1000V 1.3 2 DO-413 2CN3D-2CN3M 1A 200-1000V 1.3 6 DO-414 2CN4D-2CN4M 1.5A 200-1000V 1.3 0.8 DO-155 2CN5D-2CN5M 1.5A 200-1000V 1.0 1 DO-156 2CN6D-2CN6M 1A 200-1000V 1.3 6 DO-417 2CN12D-2CN12M 3A 200-1000V 1.3 1 DO-201AD8 RH1Z-RH1C 0.6A 200-1000V 1.3 4 DO-419 TVR4J-TVR4N 1.2A 600-1000V 1.2 20 DO-153.超高频塑封二极管1 ERA34-10 0.1A 1000V 3 0.15 R-12 ERA32-02~10 1A 200-1000V 1.3 0.1 DO-413 ERB32-02~10 1.2A 200-1000V 1.3 0.1 DO-154 ERC30-02~10 1.5A 200-1000V 1.3 0.1 DO-155 ERC32-02~10 3A 200-1000V 1.3 0.1 DO-201AD6 EG01E-EG01C 0.5A 200-1000V 2 0.1 DO-417 EG1E-EG1C 1A 200-1000V 1.8 0.1 DO-418 RG10Z-RG10C 1.2A 200-1000V 2 0.1 DO-159 RG2Z-RG2C 1.5A 200-1000V 1.8 0.1 DO-1510 RG4Z-RG4C 3A 200-1000V 2 0.1 D0-201AD4.超快恢复塑封二极管序号型号 IF VRRM VF Trr 外形A V V ns(1)超快恢复塑封二极管1 SF10-SF50 1-5A 50-1000V 0.95-1.7 352 SF80-SF160 8-16A 50-600V 0.95-1.4 35 TO-2203 EGP10-EGP50 1-5A 50-200V 1.1 354 ERC38~04-ERC38~10 1A 400-1000V 1.7 50 DO-415 RL2-RL2C 2A 400-1000V 1.7 50 DO-156 RL3-RL3C 3A 400-1000V 1.7 50 DO-201AD7 1H1-1H8 1A 50-1000V 1.1-1.7 50-75 R-18 HER10-HER60 1-6A 50-1000V 1.1-1.7 50-759 HER80-HER160 8-6A 50-1000V 1.1-1.7 50-75 TO-22010 UF10-UF60 1-6A 50-1000V 1.1-1.7 50-7511 EL1Z-EL1 1.5A 200-350V 1.3 50 DO-15(2)MUR超快恢复整流二极管1 MUR120-MUR1120 1A 200-1200V 0.95-1.5 35-50 DO-412 MUR420-MUR4120 4A 200-1200V 0.95-1.6 35-75 DO-201AD3 MUR820-MUR8120 8A 200-1200V 1.3-2.1 35-75 TO-220AC4 MUR1020-MUR10120 10A 200-1200V 1.3-2.1 35-75 TO-220AC5 MUR1520-MUR15120 15A 200-1200V 1.3-2.1 35-75 TO-220AC6 MUR2020-MUR20120 20A 200-1200V 1.3-2.1 35-75 TO-220AB7 MUR3020-MUR30120 30A 200-1200V 1.3-2.1 35-75 TO-247AD8 MUR6020-MUR60120 60A 200-1200V 1.3-2.1 35-75 TO-247AD (3)RHRP、RHRG超快恢复二极管1 RHRP820-RHRP8120 8A 200-1200V 2.1-3.2 35-70 TO-220AC2 RHRP1520-RHRP15120 15A 200-1200V 2.1-3.2 40-75 TO-220AC3 RHRP3020-RHRP30120 30A 200-1200V 2.1-3.2 45-75 TO-220AC4 RHRG3020-RHRG30120 30A 200-1200V 2.1-3.2 45-75 TO-247AC5 RHRG5020-RHRG50120 50A 200-1200V 2.1-3.2 50-100 TO-247AC6 RHRG6020-RHRG60120 60A 200-1200V 2.1-3.2 45-75 TO-247AD (4)BYV29~79、BYT28~79超快恢复二极管1 BYW29-100~200 8A 100-200V 1.1 25 TO-220AC2 BYV29-300~500 9A 300-500V 1.25 60 TO-220AC3 BYQ28 -100~200 10A 100-200V 1.1 20 TO-220AB4 BYT28-300~500 10A 300-500V 1.4 60 TO-220AB5 BYV79-100~200 14A 100-200V 1.3 30 TO-220AC6 BYT79-300~500 14A 300-500V 1.4 60 TO-220AC7 BYV32-100~200 20A 100-200V 1.1 25 TO-220AB8 BYV34-300~500 20A 300-500V 1.1 60 TO-220AB9 BYV42-100~200 30A 100-200V 1.1 28 TO-220AB10 BYV44-300~500 30A 300-500V 1.25 60 TO-220AB5.肖特基整流二极管序号型号 IF VRRM VF 外形A V V(1)肖特基塑封整流二极管1 1N5817-1N5819 1A 20-40V 0.45-0.6 DO-412 1N5820-1N5822 3A 20-40V 0.45-0.6 DO-201AD3 SRT12-SRT100 1A 20-100V 0.55-0.85 R-14 SR10-SR50 1-5A 20-100V 0.55-0.855 SB120-SB1B0 1A 20-100V 0.55-0.85 DO-416 SB220-SB2B0 2A 20-100V 0.55-0.85 DO-157 SB320-SB3B0 3A 20-100V 0.55-0.85 DO-201AD8 SB520-SB5B0 5A 20-100V 0.55-0.85 D0-201AD9 ERA81-002~009 1A 20-90V 0.55-0.9 DO-4110 ERB81-002~009 2A 20-90V 0.55-0.9 DO-1511 ERC81-002~009 3A 20-90V 0.55-0.9 DO201AD12 EK03-EK09 1A 20-90V 0.55-0.81 DO-4113 EK13-EK19 1.5A 20-90V 0.55-0.81 DO-1514 EK33-EK39 2A 20-90V 0.55-0.81 DO-1515 EK43-EK49 3A 20-90V 0.55-0.81 DO-201AD(2)MBR、PBYR系列大电流肖特基整流二极管1 MBR1020-MBR1060 10A 20-60V 0.57-0.8 TO-220AC2 MBR1620-MBR1660 16A 20-60V 0.57-0.8 TO-220AC3 MBR2020CT-2060CT 20A 20-60V 0.57-0.8 TO-220AB4 MBR2520CT-2560CT 25A 20-60V 0.57-0.8 TO-220AB5 MBR3020PT-3060PT 30A 20-60V 0.57-0.8 TO-247AD6 MBR4020PT-4060PT 40A 20-60V 0.57-0.8 TO-247AD7 MBR6020PT-6060PT 60A 20-60V 0.57-0.8 TO-247AD8 PBYR735-745 7A 20-45V 0.56-0.66 TO-220AC9 PBYR1020-1060 10A 20-60V 0.56-0.77 TO-220AC10 PBYR1635-1660 16A 20-60V 0.56-0.77 TO-220AC11 PBYR2020CT-2045CT 20A 20-45V 0.56-0.65 TO-220AB12 PBYR3035PT-3060PT 30A 20-60V 0.56-0.77 TO-247AD 6.玻球快恢复二极管、玻钝芯片塑封二极管序号型号 IF VRRM VF Trr 外形A V V ns(1)BYV、BYT、BYM、BYW玻球快恢复二极管1 BYV26A-BYV26E 1A 200-1000V 1.5 0.03 DO-204AP2 BYV12-BYV16 1.5A 100-1000V 1.5 0.3 DO-204AP3 BYV96A-BYV96E 1.5A 100-1000V 1.5 0.3 DO-204AP4 BYV27-50~200 2A 50-200V 1.1 0.025 DO-204AP5 BYV28-50~200 3.5A 50-200V 1.1 0.03 G36 BYT52A-BYT52M 1A 50-1000V 1.3 0.2 DO-204AP7 BYT54A-BYT54M 1.25A 50-1000V 1.5 0.1 DO-204AP8 BYT53A-BYT53M 1.5A 50-1000V 1.1 0.05 DO-204AP9 BYT56A-BYT56M 3A 200-1000V 1.4 0.1 G310 BYM26A-BYM26M 2.3A 200-1000V 1.5 0.03 G311 BYM36A-BYM36M 3A 200-1000V 1.1 0.15 G312 BYW32-BYW38 2A 200-1000V 1.1 0.2 DO-204AP13 BYW52-BYW56 2A 200-1000V 1.1 4 DO-204AP14 BYW72-BYW76 3A 200-600V 1.1 0.2 G315 BYW96A-BYW96E 3A 200-1000V 1.5 0.2 G316 BY228 3A 1500V 1.5 20 G3(2)GP、RGP系列玻钝芯片塑封二极管17 GP10-GP30 1-3A 50-1000V 1.118 RGP01-10~RGP01-20 0.1A 1000-2000V 2 0.2-0.5 DO-4119 RGP05-10~RGP05-20 0.5A 1000-2000V 2 0.2-0.5 DO-4120 RGP10-RGP60 1-6A 50-2000V 1.3 0.15-0.57.PD、TR、PR系列高压塑封二极管1 PD0112-PD0160 0.1A 1200-6000V 1.2-5 DO-412 PD0312-PD0360 0.3A 1200-6000V 1.2-5 DO-153 PD0512-PD0560 0.5A 1200-6000V 1.2-5 DO-154 PD112-PD130 1A 1200-3000V 1.2-4 DO-155 PD1512-PD1530 1.5A 1200-3000V 1.2-4 DO-156 PD212-PD220 2A 1200-2000V 1.2-2.5 DO-201AD7 PD312-PD320 3A 1200-2000V 1.2-2.5 DO-201AD8 PD612-PD620 6A 1200-2000V 1.2-2.5 R-69 TR0112-TR0160 0.1A 1200-6000V 1.5-8 0.5-0.8 DO-4110 TR0312-TR0360 0.3A 1200-6000V 1.5-8 0.5-0.8 DO-1511 TR0512-TR0560 0.5A 1200-6000V 1.5-8 0.5-0.8 DO-1512 TR112-TR130 1A 1200-3000V 1.5-6 0.5-0.8 DO-1513 TR1512-TR1530 1.5A 1200-3000V 1.5-6 0.5-0.8 DO-1514 TR212-TR220 2A 1200-2000V 1.5-2.7 0.5-0.8 DO-201AD15 TR312-TR320 3A 1200-2000V 1.5-2.7 0.5-0.7 DO-201AD16 TR612-TR620 6A 1200-2000V 1.5-2.7 0.5-0.8 R-617 PR01-PR1 0.1-1A 1200-3000V 1.5-4 0.1-0.5 DO-1518 RC2 0.3A 2000V 3 0.5 DO-4119 RU4D-RP3F 1.5A-2A 1300-1500V 1.5 0.3 DO-201AD8.稳压二极管序号名称型号 PZM VZW V稳压二极管1 BZX55 0.5W 2.4V-47V2 1N5985B~1N6031B 0.5W 2.4V-200V3 1N4728~1N4764 1W 3.3V-100V4 1N5911B~1N5956B 1.5W 2.7V-200V5 2CW37-2.4~36 0.5W 2.4V-36V6 2CW51-2CW68 0.25W 3V-28.5V7 2CW101-2CW121 1W 3V-37.5V8 2DW50-2DW64 1W 41V-190V9 2DW80-2DW190 3W 41V-190V10 2DW110-2DW151 10W 4.3V-470V11 2DW170-2DW202 50W 4.3V-200V12 温度补偿稳压二极管 2DW230-2DW236 0.2W 5.8V-6.6V9.高速开关二极管序号型号 IC VRM Trr 外形mA V ns1 1N4148 150 100V 4 DO-352 1N4149-1N4154 150 35-100V 2-4 DO-353 1N4446-1N4454 150 40-100V 1-4 DO-354 1N914 75 100V 4 DO-355 BAV17-BAV21 250 25-250V 50 DO-356 BAW75-BAW76 300 35-75V 4 DO-357 2CK70-2CK79 10-280 20-60V 3-10 DO-358 2CK80-2CK85 10-300 20-60V 5-10 DO-359 1S1553-1S1555 100 70-35V 3 DO-3510 1S2471-1S2473 130-110 90-40V 3 DO-35几种常用二极管的特点1.整流二极管整流二极管结构主要是平面接触型,其特点是允许通过的电流比较大,反向击穿电压比较高,但PN结电容比较大,一般广泛应用于处理频率不高的电路中。




1. 产品型号:内策尔提供多种型号的容栅编码器,如DS25、DS37、DS58、DS70、DS90和DS130等,以满足不同应用场景的需求。

2. 外径尺寸:这些编码器的外径范围从16mm到300mm不等,适用于各种不同的机械尺寸和空间限制。

3. 分辨率:分辨率是指编码器能够区分的最小角度变化,这通常取决于编码器的设计和内部结构。

4. 工作温度:编码器能够在一定的温度范围内正常工作,这个范围定义了其适用的环境条件。

5. 输出接口:编码器可能提供多种输出接口,如模拟信号、数字信号、SSI或SPI等,以便于与不同的控制系统连接。

6. 电源电压:编码器工作时所需的电源电压范围。

7. 最大转速:编码器能够承受的最大旋转速度,超过此速度可能会影响其性能或损坏设备。

8. 防护等级:编码器的防尘防水等级,如IP65或IP67,表示其对环境条件的适应能力。

红岩 RR121系列TMR数字推挽磁敏感器说明书

红岩 RR121系列TMR数字推挽磁敏感器说明书

1 DescriptionThe RedRock ™ RR121 Series is a magnetic sensor with digital push-pull output ideal for use in medical, industrial, automotive, and con-sumer applications. Based on patented Tunneling Magnetoresistance (TMR) technology with seamless CMOS integration, the RR121 offers multiple configurations of several parameters to enable applications like proximity sensing, rotary sensing, and level detection.The RR121 features available operate sensitivities from 9 G (0.9 mT) to 70 G (7 mT), and either omnipolar, unipolar, or bipolar magnetic field response. It has the world’s lowest average current drain (200 nA) for an active magnetic sensor, as well as operatingfrequencies up to 10 kHz and high operating temperature ranges from -40°C up to 125°C.2 FeaturesuOperate sensitivity from 9 G to 70 G u Lowest Average Current < 200 nAu Omnipolar, Unipolar and Bipolar Latching Responses Available u Operating Frequencies up to 10 kHz u Temperature Rated up to 125°C u RoHS & REACH Compliant3 ApplicationsuProximity Detection u Rotary Sensingu Fluid Level Detectionu Door & Lid Closure Detection u Utility Metersu Portable Medical Devices u Motor Controllers u Consumer Electronics u Wake-Up m ProcessorFunctional Block DiagramV DDDIGITAL PUSH-PULL OUTPUTGNDS OT -23-3L GA-4L ea ded L G A -4Device PackagesDevice InformationTable of Contents1. Description (1)2. Features (1)3. Applications (1)4. Specifications for all RR121 Series Sensors (4)4.1 Absolute Environmental Ratings for all RR121 Series Sensors (4)4.2 Absolute Electrical Ratings for all RR121 Series Sensors (4)4.3 Operating Electrical Characteristics for all RR121 Series Sensors (4)5. Operating Characteristics for RR121-1B13-311 and RR121-1B13-312 (5)6. Operating Characteristics for RR121-1A23-311 (5)7. Operating Characteristics for RR121-1F23-31 (6)8. Operating Characteristics for RR121-1B53-311 (6)9. Operating Characteristics for RR121-1A53-311 (7)10. Operating Characteristics for RR121-1E73-311 (7)11. Operating Characteristics for RR121-1B93-312 (7)12. Operating Characteristics for RR121-2A32-364 (8)13. Operating Characteristics for RR121-3C63-311 (8)14. Operating Characteristics for RR121-3C73-311 (8)15. Operate & Release Lobe Plots (9)15.1 RR121-1B13-311 (9)15.2 RR121-1B13-312 (9) (9)15.3 RR121-1A23-31115.4 RR121-1B53-311 (9)16. Graphs - Typical Electrical Characteristics (10)16.1 RR121-1B13-311 & RR121-1B13-312 Average Supply Current vs Supply Voltage vs Temperature (10)16.2 RR121-1B13-311 & RR121-1B13-312 Average Supply Current vs Temperature vs Supply Voltage (10)16.3 RR121-1B13-311 & RR121-1B13-312 Sampling Frequency vs Supply Voltage vs Temperature (10)16.4 RR121-1B13-311 & RR121-1B13-312 B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs Supply Voltage at +25ºC (11)16.5 RR121-1B13-311 & RR121-1B13-312 B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs Supply Voltage at +25ºC (11)16.6 RR121-1B13-311 & RR121-1B13-312 B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs Operating Temperature at V DD=3.0 V (11)16.7 RR121-1B13-311 & RR121-1B13-312 B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs Operating Temperature at V DD=3.0 V (11)16.8 RR121-1A23-311 & RR121-1F23-311 & RR121-2E23-311 Average Supply Current vs Supply Voltage vs Temperature (12)16.9 RR121-1A23-311 & RR121-1F23-311 & RR121-2E23-311 Average Supply Current vs Temperature vs Supply Voltage (12)16.10 RR121-1A23-311 & RR121-1F23-311 & RR121-2E23-311 Sampling Frequency vs Supply Voltage vs Temperature (12)16.11 RR121-1A23-311 B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs Supply Voltage at +25ºC (13)16.12 RR121-1A23-311 B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs Supply Voltage at +25ºC (13)16.13 RR121-1A23-311 B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs Operating Temperature at V DD=3.0 V (13)16.14 RR121-1A23-311 B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs Operating Temperature at V DD=3.0 V (13)16.15 RR121-1B53-311 & RR121-1A53-311 Average Supply Current vs Supply Voltage vs Temperature (14)16.16 RR121-1B53-311 & RR121-1A53-311 Average Supply Current vs Temperature vs Supply Voltage (14)16.17 RR121-1B53-311 & RR121-1A53-311 Sampling Frequency vs Supply Voltage vs Temperature (14)16.18 RR121-1B53-311 B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs Supply Voltage at +25ºC (15)16.19 RR121-1B53-311 B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs Supply Voltage at +25ºC (15)16.20 RR121-1B53-311 B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs Operating Temperature at V DD=3.0 V (15)16.21 RR121-1B53-311 B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs Operating Temperature at V DD=3.0 V (15)16.22 RR121-3C63-311 Average Supply Current vs Supply Voltage vs Temperature (16)16.23 RR121-3C63-311 Average Supply Current vs Temperature vs Supply Voltage (16)16.24 RR121-3C63-311 Sampling Frequency vs Supply Voltage vs Temperature (16)16.25 RR121-1E73-311 & RR121-3C73-311 Average Supply Current vs Supply Voltage vs Temperature (17)16.26 RR121-1E73-311 & RR121-3C73-311 Average Supply Current vs Temperature vs Supply Voltage (17)16.27 RR121-1E73-311 & RR121-3C73-311 Sampling Frequency vs Supply Voltage vs Temperature (17)16.28 RR121-1B93-312 & RR121-3C73-311 Sampling Frequency vs Supply Voltage vs Temperature (17)16.29 RR121-1B93-312 B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs Supply Voltage at +25ºC (18)16.30 RR121-1B93-312 B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs Supply Voltage at +25ºC (18)16.31 RR121-1B93-312 B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs Operating Temperature at V DD=3.0 V (18)16.32 RR121-1B93-312 B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs Operating Temperature at V DD=3.0 V (18)16.33 RR121-1B93-312 Average Supply Current vs Supply Voltage vs Temperature (19)16.34 RR121-1B93-312 Average Supply Current vs Temperature vs Supply Voltage (19)17. Application Information (20)17.1 Application Circuit (SOT-23-3) (20)17.2 Application Circuit (LGA-4) (20)17.3 Application Circuit (Leaded LGA-4) (20)18. Part Selection & Ordering Information (21)18.1 Part Selection Table (21)18.2 Device Nomenclature Ordering Information (21)19. Axis of Sensitivity (21)20.Dimensions (22)20.1 LGA-4 Package Dimensions (22)20.2 SOT-23-3 Package Dimensions (22)20.3 Leaded LGA-4 Package Dimensions (22)21. T MR Sensor Location (23)21.1 LGA Package (23)21.2 SOT Package (23)21.3 Leaded LGA Package (23)22. Magnetic Flux Response Diagrams (24)22.1 Omnipolar Magnetic Flux Response (Active Low Option) (24)22.2 Bipolar Magnetic Flux Response (Active Low Option) (24)22.3 Unipolar Magnetic Flux Response (Dual Active Low Option) (24)23. Output Behavior vs. Magnetic Field Diagrams (25)23.1 Output Behavior vs. Magnetic Field - Omnipolar (25)23.2 Output Behavior vs. Magnetic Field - Bipolar (25)23.3 Output Behavior vs. Magnetic Field - Unipolar (Dual Output) (25)24. TMR Sensor & Switch Packaging (26)24.1 SOT-23-3 Tape & Reel Packaging (26)24.2 LGA-4 & Leaded LGA-4 Tape & Reel Packaging (27)25. Suggested Pb-Free Reflow Profile (28)26. Suggested Solder Pad Layout (29)26.1 SOT-23-3 Solder Pad Layout (29)26.2 LGA-4 Solder Pad Layout (29)26.3 Leaded LGA-4 Solder Pad Layout (29)4 Specifications for all RR121 Series Sensors4.1 Absolute Environmental Ratings for all RR121 Series Sensors14.2 Absolute Electrical Ratings for all RR121 Series Sensors14.3 Operating Electrical Characteristics for all RR121 Series Sensors2Notes:1. Exceeding Absolute Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure at the maximum rated conditions for extended periods of time mayalso affect device reliability.2. Unless otherwise specified, all characteristics are measured at 25ºC.3. See "Magnetic Field vs. Output Status" for more details.ESD Note: This product uses semiconductors that can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD). When handling, proper ESD precautions should be taken to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. Damage due to inappropriate handling is not covered under warranty.5 Operating Characteristics for RR121-1B13-311 and RR121-1B13-3121Notes:1. Unless otherwise specified, V DD =2.7 V to3.6 V, T A = -40ºC to +125ºC. Typical values are V DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25ºC.2. Conditions: t = 10 seconds3. Conditions: B HYST = | B OP -B RP |6 Operating Characteristics for RR121-1A23-3111Notes:1. Unless otherwise specified, V DD =2.7 V to3.6 V, T A = -40ºC to +125ºC. Typical values are V DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25ºC.2. Conditions: t = 10 seconds3. Conditions: B HYST = | B OP -B RP |Notes:1. Unless otherwise specified, V DD =2.7 V to3.6 V, T A = -40ºC to +125ºC. Typical values are V DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25ºC.2. Conditions: t = 10 seconds3. Conditions: B HYST = | B OP -B RP |8 Operating Characteristics for RR121-1B53-3111Notes:1. Unless otherwise specified, V DD =2.7 V to3.6 V, T A = -40ºC to +125ºC. Typical values are V DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25ºC.2. Conditions: t = 10 seconds3. Conditions: B HYST = | B OP -B RP |10 Operating Characteristics for RR121-1E73-311111 Operating Characteristics for RR121-1B93-3121Notes:1. Unless otherwise specified, V DD =2.7 V to3.6 V, T A = -40ºC to +125ºC. Typical values are V DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25ºC.2. Conditions: t = 10 seconds3. Conditions: B HYST = | B OP -B RP |13 Operating Characteristics for RR121-3C63-311114 Operating Characteristics for RR121-3C73-3111Notes:1. Unless otherwise specified, V DD =2.7 V to3.6 V, T A = -40ºC to +125ºC. Typical values are V DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25ºC.2. Conditions: t = 10 seconds3. Conditions: B HYST = | B OP -B RP |15 Operate & Release Lobe PlotsOperate and release distances show are relative. The actual operate and release distances will depend on the type of magnet that is used.15.1 RR121-1B13-31115.2 RR121-1B13-312–––– Operate Distance (mm)–––– Release Distance (mm)–––– Operate Distance (mm)–––– Release Distance (mm)15.3 RR121-1A23-311–––– Operate Distance (mm)–––– Release Distance (mm)15.4 RR121-1B53-311–––– Operate Distance (mm)–––– Release Distance (mm)16 Graphs - Typical Electrical CharacteristicsV DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25 ºC, C DD = 1.0 µF (unless otherwise specified)A v e r a g e S u p p l y C u r r e n t (n A )010*******4005006002. Voltage (V)S a m p l i n g F r e q u e n c y (H z ) v e r a g e S u p p l y C u r r e n t (n A )010020030040050060020-15-505590125160Ambient Temperature (ºC)16.1 RR121-1B13-311 and RR121-1B13-312Average Supply Current vs.Supply Voltage vs. Temperature16.2 RR121-1B13-311 and RR121-1B13-312Average Supply Current vs.Temperature vs. Supply VoltageS a m p l i n g F r e q u e n c y (H z ) Voltage (V)16.3 RR121-1B13-311 and RR121-1B13-312Sampling Frequency vs.Supply Voltage vs. Temperature16 Graphs - Typical Magnetic CharacteristicsV DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25 ºC, C DD = 1.0 µF (unless otherwise specified)B O P (G )-45-30-1501530452.9-2.7-2.5 Voltage (V)B R P (G )-30-20-10010203010-20-504070100130Operating Temperature (ºC)B R P (G )-30-20-1020302.9-2.7-2.53.1 3.3 3.5 3.7Supply Voltage (V)B O P (G )-45-30-1515304510-20-504070100130Operating Temperature (ºC)B R P (G )-30-20-10010203010-20-504070100130Operating Temperature (ºC)16.4 RR121-1B13-311 and RR121-1B13-312B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs. Supply Voltage at +25ºC16.6 RR121-1B13-311 and RR121-1B13-312B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs. Operating Temperature at V DD =3.0 V16.5 RR121-1B13-311 and RR121-1B13-312B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs. Supply Voltage at +25ºC16.7 RR121-1B13-311 and RR121-1B13-312B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs. Operating Temperature at V DD =3.0 V16 Graphs - Typical CharacteristicsV DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25 ºC, C DD = 1.0 µF (unless otherwise specified)A v e r a g e S u p p l y C u r r e n t (n A )0100200300400500600Supply Voltage (V)A v e r a g e S u p p l y C u r r e n t (n A )0100200300400500600Ambient Temperature (ºC)16.8 RR121-1A23-311 and RR121-1F23-311Average Supply Current vs.Supply Voltage vs. Temperature16.9 RR121-1A23-311 and RR121-1F23-311Average Supply Current vs.Temperature vs. Supply VoltageS a m p l i n g F r e q u e n c y (H z ) Voltage (V)16.10 RR121-1A23-311 and RR121-1F23-311Sampling Frequency vs.Supply Voltage vs. Temperature16 Graphs - Typical Magnetic CharacteristicsV DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25 ºC, C DD = 1.0 µF (unless otherwise specified)B O P (G )-12-8-4048122.9-2.7-2.5 Voltage (V)B O P (G )-15-10-505101510-20-504070100130Operating Temperature (ºC)B R P (G )-7.5-5.0-2.502.55.07.510-20-504070100130Operating Temperature (ºC)B R P (G )-9-6-33692.9-2.7-2.53.1 3.3 3.5 3.7Supply Voltage (V)16.11 RR121-1A23-311 B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs. Supply Voltage at +25ºC16.12 RR121-1A23-311 B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs.Supply Voltage at +25ºCB O P (G )-15-10-505101510-20-504070100130Operating Temperature (ºC)B R P (G )-7.5-5.0-2.502.55.07.510-20-504070100130Operating Temperature (ºC)16.13 RR121-1A23-311 B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs. Operating Temperature at V DD =3.0 V16.14 RR121-1A23-311 B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs. Operating Temperature at V DD =3.0 V16 Graphs - Typical CharacteristicsV DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25 ºC, C DD = 1.0 µF (unless otherwise specified)A v e r a g e S u p p l y C u r r e n t (µA ) Voltage (V)A v e r a g e S u p p l y C u r r e n t (n A ) Temperature (ºC)16.15 RR121-1B53-311 and RR121-1A53-311Average Supply Current vs.Supply Voltage vs. Temperature16.16 RR121-1B53-311 and RR121-1A53-311Average Supply Current vs.Temperature vs. Supply VoltageS a m p l i n g F r e q u e n c y (H z )1501802102402703003302. Voltage (V)16.17 RR121-1B53-311 and RR121-1A53-311Sampling Frequency vs.16 Graphs - Typical Magnetic CharacteristicsV DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25 ºC, C DD = 1.0 µF (unless otherwise specified)B O P (G )-45-30-1501530452.9-2.7- Voltage (V)B O P (G )-45-30-15015304510-20-504070100130Operating Temperature (ºC)B R P (G )-30-20-10010203010-20-504070100130Operating Temperature (ºC)B R P (G )-30-20-101020302.9-2.7- Voltage (V)16.18 RR121-1B53-311 B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs. Supply Voltage at +25ºC16.19 RR121-1B53-311 B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs.Supply Voltage at +25ºCB O P (G )-45-30-15015304510-20-504070100130Operating Temperature (ºC)B R P (G )-30-20-10010203010-20-504070100130Operating Temperature (ºC)16.20 RR121-1B53-311 B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs. Operating Temperature at V DD =3.0 V16.21 RR121-1B53-311 B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs. Operating Temperature at V DD =3.0 VV DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25 ºC, C DD = 1.0 µF (unless otherwise specified)A v e r a g e S u p p l y C u r r e n t (µA ) Voltage (V)A v e r a g e S u p p l y C u r r e n t (µA ) Temperature (ºC)A v e r a g e S u p p l y C u r r e n t (µA ) Temperature (ºC)Average Supply Current vs.Temperature vs. Supply VoltageS a m p l i n g F r e q u e n c y (H z )3203804405005606206902. Voltage (V)16.22 RR121-3C63-311 Average Supply Current vs.Supply Voltage vs. Temperature16.24 RR121-3C63-311 Sampling Frequency vs.Supply Voltage vs. Temperature16.23 RR121-3C63-311 Average Supply Current vs.Temperature vs. Supply VoltageV DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25 ºC, C DD = 1.0 µF (unless otherwise specified)A v e r a g e S u p p l y C u r r e n t (µA )0246810122. Voltage (V)A v e r a g e S u p p l y C u r r e n t (µA )02468101220-15-505590125160Ambient Temperature (ºC)16.25 RR121-1E73-311 and RR121-3C73-311Average Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage vs. Temperature16.26 RR121-1E73-311 and RR121-3C73-311Average Supply Current vs. Temperature vs. Supply VoltageS a m p l i n g F r e q u e n c y (k H z ) Voltage (V)16.27 RR121-1E73-311 and RR121-3C73-311Sampling Frequency vs. Supply Voltage vs. TemperatureS a m p l i n g F r e q u e n c y (k H z ) Voltage (V)16.28 RR121-1B93-312 Sampling Frequency vs. Supply Voltage vs. TemperatureV DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25 ºC, C DD = 1.0 µF (unless otherwise specified)B O P (G )-45-30-1501530452.9-2.7-2.5 Voltage (V)B R P (G )-30-20-10010203010-20-504070100130Operating Temperature (ºC)B R P (G )-30-20-101020302.9-2.7-2.53.1 3.3 3.5 3.7Supply Voltage (V)16.29 RR121-1B93-312 B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs. Supply Voltage at +25ºC16.30 RR121-1B93-312 B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs. Supply Voltage at +25ºCB O P (G )-45-30-1515304510-20-504070100130Operating Temperature (ºC)B R P (G )-30-20-10010203010-20-504070100130Operating Temperature (ºC)16.31 RR121-1B93-312 B OPN (Blue) and B OPS (Red) vs. Operating Temperature at V DD =3.0 V16.32 RR121-1B93-312 B RPN (Blue) and B RPS (Red) vs. Operating Temperature at V DD =3.0 VV DD = 3.0 V and T A = +25 ºC, C DD = 1.0 µF (unless otherwise specified)A v e r a g e S u p p l y C u r r e n t (µA )0714212835422. Voltage (V)A v e r a g e S u p p l y C u r r e n t (µA )07a142128354220-15-505590125160Ambient Temperature (ºC)16.33 RR121-1B93-312 Average Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage vs. Temperature16.34 RR121-1B93-312 Average Supply Current vs. Temperature vs. Supply Voltage17.1 Application Circuit(SOT-23-3)17.2 Application Circuit(LGA-4)17.3 Application Circuit(Leaded LGA-4)GNDRR121V OUTV DD2131.0m FGNDRR121V OUTV DD3241.0m FGND1.0m FRR121V OUT1V DD4321V OUT2RR121 Push-Pull Output Application CircuitThe output voltage on the RR121 is active low, meaning that while a sufficiently strong magnetic field is present, the output voltage is low. The output voltage can be connected to a digital I/O pin on a microcon-troller. A decoupling capacitor between the supply voltage and ground is required with placement close to the magnetic sensor. A typical capacitor value of 1.0 m F will suffice.17 Application InformationGNDV DDOUTSOT-23-3 PackageDDLGA-4 Package (Active Low)OUT1 43 V DD2 GNDOUT2 1Leaded LGA-4 Package (Dual Active Low)19 Axis of Sensitivity18 Part Selection and Ordering Information18.1 Part Selection TableNote:1. Custom options available for Sensitivity, Frequency, Temperature Rating, Supply Voltage, Output Response & more. ************************************************.Ordering InformationRR121-X X X X-Y Y YSeriesMagnetic Sensitivity A: Op 9, Rel 5 E: Op 15, Rel 10 B: Op 30, Rel 20 F: Op 70, Rel 50C: Op 10, Rel -10Temp Rating (ºC)2: -40- +853: -40-+125Clock Frequency (Hz)1: 2 Hz 5: 250 Hz 9: 10000 Hz 2: 10 Hz 6: 500 Hz 3: 20 Hz 7: 2500 HzMagnetic Polarity Response 1 = Omnipolar 3 = Bipolar/Latch 2 = UnipolarSupply Voltage/Output 3: 3V Output Response 1: Active Low 6: Dual Active Low Package 1: SOT-23-32: LGA-44: Leaded LGA-4(Dual Active Low Output Only)18.2 Device Nomenclature20 Dimensions Millimeters (Inches)20.2 SOT-23-3 Package2.80±Top ViewEnd View20.1 LGA-4 Package20.3 Leaded LGA-4 Package0.650.35±.05±.002)0.20±.05(0.014±.002)0.20(0.008(0.005)Top ViewSide ViewBottom View0.150.35±.05±.002)0.20±.05±.002)0.55±.05(0.022±.002)(0.005)Top ViewSide ViewBottom View21.1 LGA Package 21.3 Leaded LGA Package 21.2 SOT Package21 TMR Sensor Location1.60 mm2.90 mm22 Magnetic Flux Response Diagrams22.1 Omnipolar Magnetic Flux Response(Active Low Option)22.3 Unipolar Magnetic Flux Response(Dual Active Low Option)RPOPHYSOPRPHYSN-PoleS-Pole22.2 Bipolar Magnetic Flux Response(Active Low Option)0HYS23 Output Behavior vs. Magnetic Field Diagrams23.1 Output Behavior vs. Magnetic Field - Omnipolar23.2 Output Behavior vs. Magnetic Field - Bipolar23.3 Output Behavior vs. Magnetic Field - Unipolar (Dual Output)OUTPUT2: North FieldOUTPUT1: South Field24.1 SOT-23-3 Tape & Reel PackagingStandard packaging is Tape & Reel containing 3,000 pieces. MSL Rating is 1.see Fig. B below2.0 ± 0.05Ø1.1 ± 0.14.0 ± 0.014.0 ± 0.011.75 ± 0.13.5 ± 0.058.0 ± 0.22.75Ø1.5+0.1-01.1 ± 0.1Ao3.3 ± 0.15º MAX.(2X)5º MAX.(2X)R 0.3R 0.3Ko1.47 ± 0.10.20 ± 0.055º MAX.(2X)5º MAX.R 0.3R0.30.6B o 3.2 ± 0.12.55 ± 0.1see Fig. A belowFig. A Fig. B24.2 LGA-4 & Leaded LGA-4 Tape & Reel PackagingStandard packaging is Tape & Reel containing 3,000 pieces. MSL Rating is 3..±.55.±..5seeFig. Bbelow1.5+0.1+0 4.0±0.102.0±0.054.0±0.101.75 ± 0.13.5 ± 0.058.±.21.65±0.55º MAX.0.65±0.051.65±0.050.25±0.025º MAX.seeFig. AbelowFig. A Fig. BNotes:1. Fully compatible with standard no-lead solder profile, 260 ºC for 30 seconds max (3 cycles max).2. Profile shown as example. Users are advised to develop their own board-level profile.3. Suggested Pb-free reflow profile derived from IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020E.4. Temperature tolerance: +0 ºC, as measured at any point on the package or leads5. MSL rating of 1 (SOT-23-3 only) compatible with J-STD-020 or equivalent.6. MSL rating of 3 (LGA-4 and Leaded LGA-4) compatible with J-STD-020 or equivalent.7. All temperatures refer to the center of the package, measured on the package body surface that is facing up during assembly reflow (e.g., live-bug). If parts are reflowed in other than the normal live bug assembly reflow orientation (i.e., dead-bug), Tp shall be within ± 2 °C of the live bug Tp and still meet the Tc requirements, otherwise, the profile shall be adjusted to achieve the latter. To accurately measure actual peak package body temperatures, refer to JEP140 for recommended thermocouple use.8. Reflow profiles in this document are for classification/preconditioning and are not meant to specify board assembly profiles. Actual board as-sembly profiles should be developed based on specific process needs and board designs and should not exceed the parameters in this table.25 Suggested Pb-Free Reflow Profile25TimeT e m p e r a t u r e26 Suggested Solder Pad Layout26.1 SOT -23-3 Solder Pad Layout26.2 LGA-4 Solder Pad Layout26.3 Leaded LGA-4 Solder Pad Layout0.650.384X 0.55(0.022)Dimensions in mm (inches)。



J J -160 -40 -60 -70 50 -60 -120 -100 50 -300 -170 -30 -60 -100 -100 -60 -60 -100 -100 -60 -60 -100 -60 50 50 -50 -60 -60 -100 -100 -60 -60 -50 -50 -100 -100
2SJ117 2SJ118 2SJ119 2SJ120(L) 2SJ122 2SJ123 2SJ125 2SJ126 2SJ127 2SJ128,128 Z 2SJ129 2SJ130(L)( S) 2SJ131 2SJ132,132 Z 2SJ133,133 Z 2SJ134 2SJ135 2SJ136 2SJ137 2SJ138 2SJ139 2SJ140 2SJ141 2SJ142 2SJ143 2SJ144 2SJ145 2SJ146 2SJ147 2SJ148 2SJ151 2SJ152 2SJ153 2SJ154 2SJ155 2SJ156 2SJ157 2SJ158
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SA12中⽂资料SA5.0thruSA170AFEATURES:ECONOMICAL SERIESAVAILABLE IN BOTH UNIDIRECTIONAL AND BI-DIRECTIONAL CONSTRUCTION 5.0 TO 170 STAND-OFF VOLTAGE AVAILABLE ? 500 WATTS PEAK PULSE POWER DISSIPATION ?QUICK RESPONSEDESCRIPTION:This Transient Voltage Suppressor is an economical, molded, commercial product used to protect voltage sensitive components from destruction or partial degradation.The response time of their clamping action is virtually instantaneous (1 x 10-12seconds) and they have a peak pulse power rating of 500 watts for 1 ms as depicted in Figure 1 and 2. Microsemi also offers a great variety of other Transient Voltage Suppressor's to meet higher and lower power demands and special applications. MAXIMUM RATINGS:Peak Pulse Power Dissipation at 25°C: 500 WattsSteady State Power Dissipation: 2.5 Watts at T L = +75°C3/8" Lead Lengtht clamping (0 volts to BV Min.):Unidirectional <1x10-12 Seconds: Bi-directional <5x10-9Seconds.Operating and Storage Temperature: -55° to +175°C8700 E. Thomas Road Scottsdale, AZ 85252Phone: (480) 941-6300Fax: (480) 947-15035.0 thru 170 volts500 Watts Transient Voltage Suppressors2 x ?.032 ± .002[.81 ± .05].107[2.72]max.POLARITYMark {cathode}.205[5.21]MAX.NOTE: DIMENSIONS IN [ ] =MILLIMETERSP E A K P U L S E P O W E R (P p p ) O R C O N T I N U O U S P O W E R I N P E R C E N T O F 25°C R A T I N G FIGURE 1DERATING CURVE50100150175255075100TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC CURVEST L LEAD TEMPERATURE °CPulse Time Duration (tp) is Defined as that point where Ip decaysto 50% of I surgePeak Value Ipp 100501234TIME (t) IN MILLISECONDSFIGURE 2PULSE WAVEFORM FOR EXPONENTIAL SURGEP U L S E C U R R E N T I N P E R C E N T O F I p pMECHANICALCHARACTERISTICSCASE: Void free transfer molded thermosetting plastic.FINISH: Readily solderable.POLARITY: Band denotes cathode. Bi-directional not marked.WEIGHT: 0.7 gram (Appx.).MOUNTING POSITION: AnyDO-412 X1.10[27.94]MIN.SA170A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AT 25°C PART NUMBERBREAKDOWNVOLTAGE V(BR)MIN.MAXTESTCURRENTI TRATEDSTANDOFFVOLTAGEV WMMAX. REVERSESTANDBYCURRENTI D @V WMMAX.PEAKREVERSEVOLTAGEV C MAX.@ I PPMAX. PEAKPULSECURRENTI PP(Figure 2)MAX.TEMP.COEFFICIENTOF V(BR)-55°C TOαV(BR) VOLTS VOLTS mA VOLTSµ ADC VOLTS AMP% / °CSA5.0 6.407.3010 5.06009.652.057 SA5.0A 6.407.0010 5.06009.254.3.057 SA6.0 6.678.1510 6.060011.443.9.059 SA6.0A 6.677.3710 6.060010.348.5.059 SA6.57.228.8210 6.540012.340.7.061 SA6.5A7.227.9810 6.540011.244.7.061SA7.07.789.51107.015013.337.8.065 SA7.0A7.788.60107.015012.041.7.065 SA7.58.3310.217.55014.335.0.067SA7.5A8.339.2117.55012.938.8.067 SA8.08.8910.918.02515.033.3.070 SA8.0A8.899.8318.02513.636.7.070SA8.59.4411.518.5515.931.4.073 SA8.5A9.4410.418.5514.434.7.073 SA9. SA1011.113.6110118.826.6.078 SA10A11.112.3110117.029.4.078SA1112.214.9111120.124.9.081 SA11A12.213.5111118.227.4.081 SA1213.316.3112122.022.7.082SA12A13.314.7112119.925.1.082 SA1314.417.6113123.821.0.084 SA13A14.415.9113121.523.2.084SA1415.619.1114125.819.4.086 SA14A15.617.2114123.221.5.086 SA1516.720.4115126.918.8.087SA15A16.718.5115124.420.6.087 SA1617.821.8116128.817.6.088 SA6A17.819.7116126.019.2.088SA1718.923.1117130.516.4.090 SA17A18.920.9117127.618.1.090 SA1820.024.4118132.215.5.092SA18A20.022.1118129.217.2.092 SA2022.227.1120135.813.9.093 SA20A22.224.5120132.415.4.093thruSA170A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AT 25°CPART NUMBERBREAKDOWNVOLTAGE V(BR)MIN.MAXTESTCURRENTI TRATEDSTANDOFFVOLTAGEV WMMAX. REVERSESTANDBYCURRENTI D @V WMMAX.PEAKREVERSEVOLTAGEV C MAX.@ I PPPULSECURRENTI PP(Figure 2)MAX.TEMP.COEFFICIENTOF V(BR)-55°C TO175°CαV(BR) VOLTS VOLTS mA VOLTSµ ADC VOLTS AMP% / °CSA2224.429.8122139.412.7.094 SA22A24.426.9122135.514.1.094 SA2426.732.6124143.011.6.096SA24A26.729.5124138.912.8.096 SA2628.935.3126146.610.7.097 SA26A28.931.9126142.111.9.097SA2831.138.0128150.09.9.098 SA28A31.134.4128145.411.0.098 SA3033.340.7130153.59.3.099SA30A33.336.8130148.410.3.099 SA3336.744.9133159.08.5.100 SA33A36.740.6133153.39.4.100SA3640.048.9136164.37.8.101 SA36A40.044.2136158.18.6.101 SA4044.454.3140171.47.0.101SA40A44.449.1140164.57.8.101 SA4347.858.4143176.7 6.5.102 SA43A47.852.8143169.47.2.102 SA4550.061.1145180.3 6.2.102 SA45A50.055.3145172.7 6.9.102 SA4853.365.1148185.5 5.8.103 SA48A53.358.9148177.4 6.5.103SA5156.769.3151191.1 5.5.103 SA51A56.762.7151182.4 6.1.103 SA5460.073.3154196.3 5.2.104SA54A60.066.3154187.1 5.7.104 SA5864.478.71581103.0 4.9.104 SA58A64.471.2158193.6 5.3.104SA6066.781.51601107.0 4.7.104 SA60A66.773.7160196.8 5.2.104 SA6471.186.91641114.0 4.4.105SA64A71.178.61641103.0 4.9.105 SA7077.895.11701125.0 4.0.105 SA70A77.886.01701113.0 4.4.105SA7583.3102.01751134.0 3.7.105 SA75A83.392.11751121.0 4.1.105thruSA170A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AT 25°CPART NUMBERBREAKDOWNVOLTAGE V(BR)MIN.MAXTESTCURRENTI TRATEDSTANDOFFVOLTAGEV WMMAX. REVERSECURRENTI D @V WMMAX.PEAKREVERSEVOLTAGEV C MAX.@ I PPMAX. PEAKPULSECURRENTI PP(Figure 2)MAX.TEMP.COEFFICIENTOF V(BR)-55°C TO175°CαV(BR) VOLTS VOLTS mA VOLTSµ ADC VOLTS AMP% / °CSA7886.7106.01781139.0 3.6.106 SA78A86.795.81781126.0 4.0.106 SA8594.4115.01851151.0 3.3.106SA85A94.4104.01851137.0 3.6.106 SA90100.0122.01901160.0 3.1.107 SA90A100.0111.01901146.0 3.4.107SA100111.0136.011001179.0 2.8.107 SA100A111.0123.011001162.0 3.1.107 SA110122.0149.011101196.0 2.6.107SA110A122.0135.011101177.0 2.8.107 SA120133.0163.011201214.0 2.3.107 SA120A133.0147.011201193.0 2.0.107SA130144.0176.011301231.0 2.2.108 SA130A144.0159.011301209.0 2.4.108 SA150167.0204.011501268.0 1.9.108SA150A167.0185.011501243.0 2.1.108 SA160178.0218.011601287.0 1.7.108 SA160A178.0197.011601259.0 1.9.108SA170189.0231.011701304.0 1.6.108 SA170A189.0209.011701275.0 1.8.108 Note: For Bi-directional construction, indicate a C or CA suffix after the part number, i.e. SA5.0CAthru SA170A10010C -C A P A C I T A N C E - P I C O F A R AD S1001001000V (BR)- BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE - VOLTSFIGURE 3TYPICAL CAPACITANCE VS BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE107.********0.20.5 2.0 5.020*********tw - Pulse Width µsFIGURE 4PEAK PULSE POWER VS. PULSE TIME(P P P ) - P e a k P u l s e P o w e r , (k W )20305070。



Designation:B122/B122M–01Standard Specification forCopper-Nickel-Tin Alloy,Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy(NickelSilver),and Copper-Nickel Alloy Plate,Sheet,Strip,andRolled Bar1This standard is issued under thefixed designation B122/B122M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope*1.1This specification establishes the requirements forcopper-nickel-tin alloy,copper-nickel-zinc alloy(nickel sil-ver),and copper-nickel alloy plate,sheet,strip,and rolled bar.The following alloys are covered:PreviouslyCopper Alloy Used Nominal Composition,UNS No.2Designation%Copper Nickel Zinc Tin Chro-miumC70600...9010.........C70620...8610.........C7100068020.........C7150057030.........C71520...6531.........C72200...8515......0.5 C72500...899...2...C735001721810......C740009701020......C745003651024......C752002651817......C762008591229......C770004551827......N OTE1—Plates of copper-nickel alloy Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C70600,C70620,C71500,C71520,and C72200for use as tube plates in surface condensers and heat exchangers are covered by Specification B171/B171M.1.2The values stated in either inch-pound units of SI units are to be regarded separately as standard.Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents;therefore,each system shall be used independently of the bining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specifi-cation.1.2.1When the product is ordered in inch-pound units,the inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard except grain size is always specified in millimetres.1.2.2When the product is ordered in SI units,the SI units are to be regarded as the standard.2.Referenced Documents2.1The following documents of the issue in effect on date of material purchase form a part of this specification to the extent referenced herein:2.2ASTM Standards:B171/B171M Specification for Copper-Alloy Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vessels,Condensers,and Heat Ex-changers3B248Specification for General Requirements for Wrought Copper and Copper-Alloy Plate,Sheet,Strip,and Rolled Bar3B248M Specification for General Requirements for Wrought Copper and Copper-Alloy Plate,Sheet,Strip,and Rolled Bar(Metric)3B601Practice for Temper Designations for Copper and Copper Alloys—Wrought and Cast3B846Terminology for Copper and Copper Alloys3E8Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials4 E8M Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Mate-rials[Metric]4E112Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size4 E255Practice for Sampling Copper and Copper Alloys for Determination of Chemical Composition51This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B05on Copper and Copper Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B05.01on Plate, Sheet,and Strip.Current edition approved May10,2001.Published August2001.Originally published as B122–st previous edition B122–95.2The UNS system for copper and copper alloys(see Practice E527)is a simpleexpansion of the former standard designation system accomplished by the addition of a prefix“C”and a suffix“00.”The suffix can be used to accommodate composition variations of the base alloy.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol02.01.4Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.01.5Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.05. 1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.E 478Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper Alloys 6E 527Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)73.General Requirements3.1The following sections of Specification B 248constitute a part of this specification:3.1.1Terminology—Definitions,3.1.2Materials and Manufacturing,3.1.3Workmanship,Finish,and Appearance,3.1.4Sampling—except for chemical analysis,3.1.5Number of Tests and Retests,3.1.6Specimen Preparation,3.1.7Test Methods—except for chemical analysis,3.1.8Significance of Numerical Limits,3.1.9Inspection,3.1.10Rejection and Rehearing,3.1.11Certification,3.1.12Test Reports (Mill),3.1.13Packaging and Package Marking,and 3.1.14Supplementary Requirements,3.2In addition,when a section with a title identical to that referenced in4.1appears in this specification,it contains additional requirements,which supplement those appearing in Specification B 248.4.Terminology4.1Definitions —For standard terms related to copper and copper alloys,refer to Terminology B 846.5.Ordering Information5.1Orders for products under this specification should include the following information:5.1.1ASTM designation and year of issue (B 122/B 122M–01),5.1.2Copper (alloy)UNS number designation,5.1.3Temper (Section 8),5.1.4Dimensions:thickness and width (see Section 12),5.1.5Type of edge,if required:slit,sheared,sawed,square corners,rounded corners,rounded edges,or full rounded edges,5.1.6How furnished:flat or rolls,5.1.7Length (see Section 12),and 5.1.8Weight:total for each size.5.2In addition,when material is purchased for agencies of the ernment,it shall conform to the Supplementary Requirements as defined in Specification B 248when specified in the contract or purchase order.6.Materials and Manufacture 6.1Material6.1.1The material of manufacture shall be a cast bar,cake,slab,and so forth of Copper Alloy UNS No.C70600,C70620,C71000,C71500,C71520,C72200,C72500,C73500,C74000,C74500,C75200,C76200,or C77000as specified in the ordering information.6.1.2In the event that heat identification or traceability is required,the purchaser shall specify the details desired.N OTE 2—Because of the discontinuous nature of the processing of castings into wrought products,it is not always practical to identify a specific casting analysis with a specific quantity of finished material.6.2Manufacture :6.2.1The product shall be manufactured by such hot-working,cold-working,and annealing processes as to produce a uniform wrought structure in the finished product.6.2.2The product shall be hot or cold worked to the finished size and subsequently annealed,when required,to meet the temper properties specified in the ordering information.6.2.3Edges —Slit edges shall be furnished unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order.7.Chemical Composition7.1The material shall conform to the chemical composition prescribed in Table 1.6Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 03.06.7Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 01.01.TABLE 1Chemical RequirementsCopper Alloy UNS position,%Copper,incl Silver Nickel,incl Cobalt Lead,max Iron,max Manganese,maxZinc Tin Chro-mium Other Named ElementsC70600remainder 9.0–11.0A 0.05B 1.0–1.8 1.0 1.0B max ......B C7062086.5min 9.0–11.00.02 1.0–1.8 1.00.50max ......C C71000remainder 19.0–23.00.05B 1.0max 1.0 1.0B max ......B C71500remainder 29.0–33.0A 0.05B 0.40–1.0 1.0 1.0B max ......B C7152065.0min 28.0––1.0 1.00.50max ......C C72200remainder 15.0–18.00.05B 0.50–1.0 1.0 1.0B...0.30–0.70B C72500remainder 8.5– 1.8–2.8...DC7350070.5–73.516.5– 0.50remainder .........C7400069.0–73.59.0– 0.50remainder .........C7450063.5–66.59.0– 0.50remainder .........C7520063.5–66.516.5– 0.50remainder .........C7620057.0–61.011.0– 0.50remainder .........C7700053.5–56.516.5– Copper plus elements with specific limits,99.5%min.BWhen the product is for subsequent welding applications and so specified by the purchaser,zinc shall be 0.50%max,lead 0.02%max,phosphorus 0.02%max,sulfur 0.02%max,and carbon 0.05%max.CPhosphorus at 0.2%max,sulfur at 0.02%max,and carbon at 0.05%max.DSilicon and titanium each at 0.03%max.7.2These specification limits do not preclude the presence of other elements.Limits may be established for unnamed elements by agreement between manufacturer or supplier and purchaser.7.2.1For copper alloys for which copper is specified as a remainder,copper may be taken as the difference between the sum of all the elements analyzed and100%.When all the elements in Table1are analyzed,their sum shall be as follows:Copper Alloy UNS No.Copper Plus Named Ele-ments,%minC7060099.5C7062099.5C7100099.5C7150099.5C7152099.5C7220099.8C7250099.87.2.2For copper alloys for which zinc is specified as a remainder,either copper or zinc may be taken as the difference between the sum of all elements analyzed and100%.When all elements in Table1are analyzed,their sum shall be as follows:Copper Alloy UNS No.Copper Plus Named Ele-ments,%minC7350099.5C7400099.5C7450099.5C7520099.5C7620099.5C7700099.58.Temper8.1As Hot-Rolled(M20)Tempers—The standard temper of sheet and plate produced by hot rolling and is as designated in Table2.8.2Cold Rolled(H)Tempers—The standard tempers of cold rolled tempers are as designated in Table2with the prefix“H.”Former designations and the standard designations as defined in Practice B601are shown.Special or nonstandard tempers are subject to negotiation between manufacturer and purchaser (See5.1.2).8.3Annealed Tempers—The standard tempers are indicated in Table3.9.Grain Size for Annealed Tempers9.1Grain size shall be the standard requirement for all products in the annealed tempers.9.2Acceptance or rejection based upon grain size shall depend only on the average grain size of test specimens taken from each of two sampling portions and each specimen shall be within the limits prescribed in Table3when determined in accordance with Test Methods E112.9.3Grain size shall be determined on a plane parallel to the flat surfaces of the product.10.Mechanical Property Requirements10.1Tensile Strength Requirements:10.1.1Products ordered to this specification in inch-pound units shall be tested in accordance with Test Methods E8and shall conform to tensile strength requirements prescribed in ksi units in Table2.10.1.2Products ordered to this specification in SI units shall be tested in accordance with Test Methods E8M,and shall conform to tensile strength requirements prescribed in MPa units in Table2.10.1.3Acceptance or rejection based on mechanical prop-erties shall depend only on the tensile strength.10.1.4The tension test specimens shall be taken so the longitudinal axis of the specimens is parallel to direction of rolling.10.2Rockwell Hardness:10.2.1The approximate Rockwell hardness values given in Tables2and4are for general information and assistance in testing and shall not be used as a basis for product rejection. N OTE3—The Rockwell hardness test offers a quick and convenient method of checking for general conformity to the specification require-ments for temper,tensile strength,and grain size.11.Other Requirements11.1Purchases for ernment Agencies—When identified in the contract or purchase order,product purchased for agencies of the ernment shall conform to the special government requirements stipulated in the supplemen-tal requirements given in Specification B248.12.Dimensions,Mass,and Permissible Variations12.1The inch-pound dimensions and tolerances for prod-ucts covered by this specification shall be as prescribed in the current edition of Specification B248,and the SI dimensions and tolerances covered by this specification shall be as pre-scribed in the current edition of Specification B248M.12.2Thickness—When special thickness tolerances for Copper Alloy UNS No.C72500are required,see appropriate table.12.3Width:12.3.1Slit Metal and Slit Metal with Rolled Edges.12.3.2Square-Sheared Metal.12.3.3Sawed Metal.12.4Length:12.4.1Specific and Stock Lengths With and Without Ends.12.4.2Schedule of Lengths(Specific and Stock)with Ends.12.4.3Length Tolerances for Square-Sheared Metal.12.4.4Length Tolerances for Sawed Metal.12.5Straightness:12.5.1Slit Metal or Slit Metal Either Straightened or Edge-Rolled.12.5.2Square-Sheared Metal.12.5.3Sawed Metal.12.6Edges.12.6.1Square Edges.12.6.2Rounded Corners.12.6.3Rounded Edges.12.6.4Full-Rounded Edges.13.Workmanship,Finish and Appearance13.1The product shall be free of defects,but blemishes ofa nature that does not interfere with the intended application areacceptable.TABLE2Tensile Strength Requirements and Approximate Rockwell Hardness Values for Rolled TempersN OTE1—Plate is generally available in only the as hot–rolled(M20)tempers.Required properties for other tempers shall be agreed upon between manufacturer and purchaser at the time of placing the order.Temper Designation Tensile Strength,ksi A[MPa B]Approximate Rockwell Hardness C,DStandard Former Min Max G Scale B Scale Superficial30-TCopper Alloy UNS No.C70600†and C70620M20as hot-rolled40[275]62[425].........H01quarter hard51[350]67[460]...51–7852–70H02half hard58[400]72[495]...66–8161–72H04hard71[490]83[570]...76–8667–74H06extra hard73[505]85[585]...80–8871–77H08spring78[540]88[605]...83–9172–78Copper Alloy UNS No.C71000M20as hot-rolled38[260]56[385].........H01quarter hard47[325]63[435]...45–7246–65H02half hard56[385]70[485]...64–7859–69H04hard67[460]79[545]...76–8467–73H06extra hard72[495]84[580]...79–8769–75H08spring76[525]87[600]...82–8871–75Copper Alloy UNS No.C71500and C71520M20as hot-rolled45[310]65[450].........H01quarter hard58[400]72[495]...67–8161–71H02half hard66[455]80[550]...76–8567–74H04hard75[515]88[605]...83–8972–76H06extra hard80[550]92[635]...85–9173–77H08spring84[580]94[650]...87–9174–77Copper Alloy UNS No.C72200M20as hot-rolled42[290]62[425].........H01quarter hard55[380]67[460]...63–7858–70H02half hard58[400]72[495]...66–8561–73H04hard71[490]85[585]...76–8867–78H06extra hard73[505]90[620]...79–9069–78H08spring78[540]91[625]...81–9171–79Copper Alloy UNS No.C72500M20as hot-rolled50[345]70[485].........H01quarter hard55[380]75[515]...Up to85Up to72 H02half hard65[450]80[550]...70–9062–75H04hard75[515]90[620]...75–9066–75H06extra hard80[550]95[655]...80–9570–80H08spring85[585]100[690]...85–9572–80H10extra spring90[620]105[725]...87–9576–80H14super spring100[690]125[860]...92and over78and overCopper Alloy UNS No.C73500M20as hot-rolled48[330]63[435].........H01quarter hard56[385]69[475]20–4766–8060–70H02half hard63[435]75[515]38–5375–8467–73H04hard73[505]84[580]51–6183–8872–75H06extra hard79[545]90[620]57–6586–9074–76Copper Alloy UNS No.C74000M20as hot-rolled48[330]63[435].........H01quarter hard55[380]70[485]...60–80...H02half hard63[435]77[530]...70–85...H04hard73[505]87[600]...79–91...H06extra hard79[545]91[625]...83–93...Copper Alloy UNS No.C74500M20as hot-rolled48[330]65[450].........H01hard56[385]73[505]...51–8050–70H02half hard67[460]82[565]...72–8765–75H04hard80[550]94[650]...85–9273–78H06extra hard89[615]102[700]...90–9476–79H08spring95[655]108[740]...92–9677–80Copper Alloy UNS No.C75200M20as hot-rolled52[355]65[450].........H01quarter hard58[400]72[495]...50–7549–6714.Sampling14.1Chemical Analysis:14.1.1The sample for chemical analysis shall be taken from the pieces selected and combined into one composite sample in accordance with Practice E255for product in itsfinal form. The minimum weight of the composite sample shall be150g.14.1.2Instead of sampling in accordance with Practice E255,the manufacturer shall have the option of taking samples at the time the castings are poured or by taking samples from the semifinished product. composition of the material has been deter-mined during the course of manufacture,sampling of the finished product by the manufacturer is not required.14.1.3The number of samples to be taken for determination of chemical composition shall be as follows: sampled at the time the castings are poured, at least one sample shall be taken for each group of castings poured from the same source of molten metal. sampled from the semifinished product,at least one sample shall be taken to represent each10000lb,or fraction thereof,except that not more than one sample shall be required per piece. one sample need be taken from the semifin-ished product of one cast bar from a single furnace melt charge continuously processed. the material is cast in the horizontal continu-ous casting mode,at least one sample will be taken to represent the composition of the holder per cast coil.15.Test Methods15.1Chemical Analysis:15.1.1Chemical composition shall be determined,in case of disagreement,by the following appropriate methods: Element Test MethodCopper E478Nickel E478(gravimetric)Chromium E478(AA)Tin E478(photometric)Zinc E478(AA)15.1.2Test methods(s)used for the determination of other element(s)required by contractual or purchase order agreement shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.16.Keywords16.1copper-nickel plate;copper-nickel rolled bar;copper-nickel sheet;copper-nickel strip;copper-nickel-tin plate; copper-nickel-tin rolled bar;copper-nickel-tin sheet;copper-nickel-tin strip;copper-nickel-zinc plate;copper-nickel-zinc rolled bar;copper-nickel-zinc sheet;copper-nickel-zinc stripTABLE2ContinuedTemper Designation Tensile Strength,ksi A[MPa B]Approximate Rockwell Hardness C,DStandard Former Min Max G Scale B Scale Superficial30-TH02half hard66[455]80[550]...68–8262–72H04hard78[540]91[625]...80–9070–76H06extra hard86[595]98[675]...87–9474–79H08spring90[620]101[700]...89–9675–80Copper Alloy UNS No.C76200M20as hot-rolled55[380]75[515].........H01quarter hard65[450]81[560]...61–8557–74H02half hard75[515]91[625]...78–9169–77H04hard90[620]105[720]...90–9576–79H06extra hard99[685]114[790]...94–9879–81H08spring107[740]122[840]...97–10080and overCopper Alloy UNS No.C77000M20as hot-rolled60[415]80[550].........H01quarter hard69[475]87[600]23–6270–8863–75H02half hard78[540]95[655]51–6981–9271–78H04hard92[635]109[750]67–7690–9676–80H06extra hard102[700]117[810]73–8095–9979–82H08spring108[740]123[850]77–8397–10080and overA ksi=1000psi.B See Appendix X1.C Rockwell hardness values apply as follows:The B and G scale hardness values apply to metal0.020in.(0.508mm)and over in thickness,and the30-T scale hardness values apply to metal0.012in.(0.305mm)and over in thickness.D Standard designation defined in Practice B601.TABLE3Grain Size Requirements for Annealed MaterialCopper Alloy UNS No.StandardTemperDesigna-tion AGrain Size,mmNomi-nalMin MaxC70600,C70620,C71000,C71500,C71520,C72200,C72500,C73500,and OS0350.0350.0250.050C76200OS0150.015B0.025C74000,C74500,OS0700.0700.0500.100 C75200,and OS0350.0350.0250.050 C77000OS0150.015B0.025A Standard designation defined in Practice B601.B Although no minimum grain size is required,this material shall be fullyrecrystallized.APPENDIX(Nonmandatory Information)X1.METRIC EQUIV ALENTSX1.1The SI unit for strength properties now shown is in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).The derived SI unit for force is the newton (N),which is defined as that force which when applied to a body having a mass of one kilogram gives it an acceleration of one metre per second squared (N =kg·m/s 2).The derived SI unit for pressure orstress is the newton per square metre (N/m 2),which has been named the pascal (Pa)by the General Conference on Weights and Measures.Since 1ksi =6894757Pa,the metric equiva-lents are expressed as megapascal (MPa),which is the same as MN/m 2and N/mm 2.TABLE 4Approximate Rockwell Hardness of Annealed MaterialTemper Approximate Rockwell Hardness AStandard Designation Nominal Grain Size,mm B Scale F ScaleSuperficial30-TCopper Alloy UNS No.C70600and C70620OS0350.03510–2755–7215–34OS0150.01516–4865–8325–45Copper Alloy UNS No.C71000OS0350.03518–3567–7628–40OS0150.01535–5876–9040–55Copper Alloy UNS No.C71500and C71520OS0350.03523–4570–8531–46OS0150.01537–6374–9340–58Copper Alloy UNS No.C72200OS0350.03514–31...24–36OS0150.01518–42...26–41Copper Alloy UNS No.C72500OS0350.03524–3970–8132–42OS0150.01537–6178–9241–58Copper Alloy UNS No.C73500OS0350.03520–3570–8029–40OS0150.01528–5576–9034–53Copper Alloy UNS No.C74000OS0700.0705–20......OS0350.03520–40......OS0150.01535–55......Copper Alloy UNS No.C74500OS0700.07015–3063–7326–36OS0350.03523–4170–8031–44OS0150.01541–5980–9044–56Copper Alloy UNS No.C75200OS0700.07025–4070–8032–43OS0350.03535–5575–8840–53OS0150.01545–7083–9346–64Copper Alloy UNS No.C76200OS0350.03520–3570–80...OS0150.01528–5576–90...Copper Alloy UNS No.C77000OS0700.07029–4572–8335–46OS0350.03537–6076–9141–57OS0150.01547–7384–9847–65ARockwell hardness values apply as follows:The B and F scale hardness values apply to metal 0.020in.(0.508mm)and over in thickness and the 30-T scale hardness values apply to metal 0.015in.(0.381mm)and over inthickness.SUMMARY OF CHANGESCommittee B05has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (B122/B122M-95)that may impact the use of this standard.(1)Changed scope(covers).(2)Added terminology section.(3)Changed ordering information to match outline of form.(4)Added section on materials and manufacturing.(5)Revised sections on grain size and mechanical properties.(6)Added section on other requirements.(7)Added section on sampling.(8)Added alloys C70620and C71520to this standard in Section1(Scope)and Tables1-4.ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website().。

实力系列固态开关配件,电线,类型 RCS说明书

实力系列固态开关配件,电线,类型 RCS说明书
Material Thermal resistance
Electroplated steel 12.3 °C/W (>10W)
81 65 50
2 x M4
Dimensions in mm
Specifications are subject to change without notice (09.11.2021)
Specifications are subject to change without notice (09.11.2021)
Solid State Relays Accessories, DIN Adaptors
DIN Adaptors for PCB SSRs
DIN rail adaptor module for mounting RP series SSRs on DIN rail. The RPM1 is intended for max. operational voltage of 250V, whilst the RPM2 can be used up to 600V.
- Packing qty. 10 pcs.
- Graphite thermal pad for RG series with adhesive on one side
- Width x Height x Thickness = 14 x 35 x 0.13 mm
- Packing qty. 10 pcs.
Solid State Relays Accessories, Thermal Interface
Thermal Pads
Ordering Key

RS-EVA-N01-2 蒸发量变送器 用户手册说明书

RS-EVA-N01-2 蒸发量变送器 用户手册说明书

RS-EV A-N01-2蒸发量变送器用户手册文档版本:V1.7目录1.产品介绍 (3)1.1产品简介 (3)1.2功能特点 (3)1.3技术指标 (3)2.产品选型 (4)3.设备安装及介绍 (4)3.1设备接线 (4)3.2设备安装调试 (4)3.3设备尺寸 (6)4.通信协议 (6)4.1通信基本参数 (6)4.2数据帧格式定义 (6)4.3寄存器地址 (7)4.4通讯协议示例以及解释 (7)5.联系方式 (8)6.文档历史 (8)1.产品介绍1.1产品简介RS-EVA-N01-2蒸发量变送器是我公司研发的一款用来观测水面蒸发的仪器,产品采用双层不锈钢结构设计,可以防止太阳直晒导致的蒸发量误差,测量精度更加准确,且产品整机采用304不锈钢材质制作,外观精美,耐腐蚀,可有效保证传感器的使用寿命。










RS2A, RS2B, RS2D, RS2G, RS2J, RS2KSurface Mount Fast Switching RectifierFEATURES•Low profile package•Ideal for automated placement •Glass passivated pallet chip junction •Fast switching for high efficiency •High forward surge capability•Meets MSL level 1, per J-STD-020, LF maximum peak of 260 °CTYPICAL APPLICATIONSFor use in fast switching rectification of power supply, inverters, converters, and freewheeling diodes for consumer, automotive, and telecommunication.MECHANICAL DATACase: DO-214AA (SMB)Molding compound meets UL 94 V-0 flammability rating Base P/N-E3 - RoHS-compliant, commercial grade Base P/NHE3 - RoHS-compliant, AEC-Q101 qualifiedBase P/NHE3_X - RoHS-compliant, AEC-Q101 qualified (“_X” denotes revision code e.g. A, B,.....)Terminals: Matte tin plated leads, solderable per J-STD-002 and JESD 22-B102E3 suffix meets JESD 201 class 2 whisker test, HE3 suffix meets JESD 201 class 2 whisker test Polarity: Color band denotes cathode endPRIMARY CHARACTERISTICSIF(AV) 1.5 AV RRM 50 V, 100 V, 200 V, 400 V, 600 V, 800 VI FSM 50 At rr 150 ns, 250 ns, 500 nsV F 1.3 V T J max.150 °C Package DO-214AA (SMB)Diode variationSingle dieDO-214AA (S MB)MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 °C unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERSYMBOL RS2A RS2B RS2D RS2G RS2J RS2K UNIT Maximum repetitive peak reverse voltage V RRM 50100200400600800V Maximum RMS voltage V RMS 3570140280420500V Maximum DC blocking voltageV DC 50100200400600800V Maximum average forward rectified current at T L = 100 °C I F(AV) 1.5A Peak forward surge current 8.3 ms single half sine-wave superimposed on rated loadI FSM 50A Operating junction and storage temperature rangeT J , T STG-55 to +150°CNote(1)Thermal resistance from junction to ambient and from junction to lead mounted on PCB with 0.27" x 0.27" (7.0 mm x 7.0 mm) copper padNote(1) AEC-Q101 qualifiedRATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS CURVES (T A = 25 °C unless otherwise noted)Fig. 1 - Forward Current Derating Curve Fig. 2 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge CurrentELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25 °C unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONS SYMBOLRS2ARS2BRS2DRS2GRS2JRS2KUNIT Maximum instantaneous forward voltage1.5 AV F 1.3V Maximum DC reverse current at rated DC blocking voltage T A = 25 °C I R 5.0μA T A = 125 °C200Maximum reverse recovery time I F = 0.5 A, I R = 1.0 A, I rr = 0.25 A t rr 150250500ns Typical junction capacitance4.0 V, 1 MHzC J2017pFTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25 °C unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERSYMBOL RS2ARS2BRS2DRS2GRS2JRS2KUNIT Typical thermal resistanceR θJA (1)55°C/WR θJL (1)18ORDERING INFORMATION (Example)PREFERRED P/N UNIT WEIGHT (g)PREFERRED PACKAGE CODEBASE QUANTITYDELIVERY MODERS2J-E3/52T 0.09652T 7507" diameter plastic tape and reel RS2J-E3/5BT 0.0965BT 320013" diameter plastic tape and reel RS2JHE3/52T (1)0.09652T 7507" diameter plastic tape and reel RS2JHE3/5BT (1)0.0965BT 320013" diameter plastic tape and reelRS2JHE3_A/H (1)0.096H 7507" diameter plastic tape and reel RS2JHE3_A/I (1)0.096I320013" diameter plastic tape and reelFig. 3 - Typical Instantaneous Forward Characteristics Fig. 4 - Typical Reverse CharacteristicsFig. 5 - Typical Junction CapacitancePACKAGE OUTLINE DIMENSIONS in inches (millimeters)。



Installation InstructionsDocument No. 129-512October 12, 2009Duct Averaging SensorsLong Bendable Probe, 4 to 20 mAItem Number 129-512, Rev. AA Page 1 of 4Product DescriptionThe temperature transmitter equipped DuctAveraging Sensor assembly senses the average air temperature in ductwork where mixing baffles are not provided or where stratification occurs. Each sensor assembly mounts on sheet metal ducts.Contents• Long, bendable, platinum RTD averaging element• 4 to 20 mA transmitter•Electrical box for wiring connectionsProduct NumbersWarning/Caution NotationsRequired Tools• Wire cutters• Small, 1/8-inch wide flat-blade screwdriver • Medium flat-blade screwdriver• Four No. 10 × 1-inch sheet metal screws • Electric drill• 1/2-inch (13 mm) and 7/8-inch (22 mm) drill bits• No. 27 drill bit for screw holes • Tin snips•Wire ties suitable for service in the ductworkExpected Installation Time2.4 hoursRecommended Bulb ConfigurationFigures 1 and 2 show the sensing elementarrangements. They provide the fastest response when the element is exposed to cold temperatures. Figure 1 shows the most practical mountingarrangement; it does not require inside access to the duct. The other sensing element arrangements require inside access to the duct.Mounting HardwareRequired for limited access duct mounting option (Figure 1):• Two mounting flanges (P/N 808-412). • 16 No. 10 × 1-inch sheet metal screws. • Tin snips.• Pre-cut and drilled 8 × 4-inch (200 × 100 mm) piece of sheet metal.•Support rod of 3/8-inch OD copper or suitable equivalent, long enough to fit diagonally across the duct.Required for walk-in duct mounting option (Figure 2):• Perforated steel hanger strap long enough to traverse the duct at least twice.• Wire ties suitable for service in the ductwork. •Four No. 10 × 1-inch sheet metal screws.Prerequisites•The signal wiring must be pulled to the installation site and enclosed in 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) flexible conduit.•For the limited access duct option, mount one P/N 808-412 mounting flange and the sensor on the 8 × 4-inch sheet metal plate.Document No. 129-512 Installation Instructions October 12, 2009Page 2 of 4Siemens Industry, Inc.Instructions for Limited AccessDuct Mounting OptionCAUTION: The duct sensing element is used to detect temperature stratification in the duct. For proper operation, be sure to mount the sensing element at an angle, as shown in Figure 1.When uncoiling the sensing element, do NOT severely bend or kink the element. The diameter of any bend should be no less than six inches (152 mm).1.Position one P/N 808-412 mounting flange on the opposite side of the duct (near the bottom) from where the 8 × 4-inch (200 mm × 100 mm) mounting plate is to be mounted. See Figure 1. Mark the four screw holes and the 1/2-inch (13 mm) center hole of the mounting flange. 2. Drill the screw holes with the No. 27 drill bit. 3. Drill the center hole using a 1/2-inch (13 mm) drill bit.4. Mount the mounting flange on the duct.5.Cut a vertical access hole 6 inches high ×2 inches wide (150 × 50 mm) (near the top of the duct) on the side opposite of the previously mounted mounting flange. See Figure 1. Mark and drill mounting screw holes for the sheetmetal plate.Figure 1. Limited Access Duct Mounting Option.6. Cut a length of 3/8-inch OD hard copper tubing tofit diagonally across the duct. Insert the tube through the mounting flange on the 8 × 4-inch (200 mm × 100 mm) mounting plate. Stretch out the sensing element and fasten it to the copper tube using the cable ties. 7. Insert the tubing and attached sensing elementthrough the access hole and into the mounting flange on the opposite side. Insert the attached sensing element through the hole located on the mounting plate. 8. Fasten the sheet metal plate to the duct. Tightenthe securing screws on each of the mounting flanges.NOTE:If leakage occurs around the sheet metal plate, use caulking, glue or liquid gasket to seal the leak.9. Attach the junction box and conduit; pull wiresand terminate (see Figure 3). Replace cover. The installation is now complete.NOTE:Inserting the duct sensing element into a round duct requires modification of these instructions.Instructions for Large Walk-in Ducts Mounting OptionNOTE: The duct sensing element should bemounted in a horizontal, serpentine manner as shown in Figures 2. 1.Position and mark the screws holes for the twoor more steel straps, as shown in Figure 2CAUTION:The wide part of the hanger strap must be parallel to the airflow in the duct to ensureminimum airflow resistance.Figure 2 Large Walk-In Duct Mounting Option.Document No. 129-512 Installation InstructionsOctober 12, 2009Siemens Industry, Inc. Page 3 of 42. Use the No. 27 drill bit to drill holes for the hanger straps.3. Mount the two perforated steel strap hangers inside the duct.4.Position the sensor junction box on the duct and mark the four mounting holes and center hole. Use a No. 27 drill bit to drill the mounting holes and a 7/8-inch (22 mm) drill bit to drill the center hole.5.With the sensing element still coiled, thread the sensing element through the center hole using a rotary movement.6.When the sensing element has been completely inserted into the duct, mount the sensor junction box on the duct.7.Carefully uncoil the sensing element, avoidingsharp bends or kinks.CAUTION: When uncoiling the sensing element, do NOT severely bend or kink the element. The diameter of any bend should be no less than six inches (152 mm).8.Attach the junction box and conduit; pull wiresand terminate (see Figure 3).Figure 3. Analog Temperature TransmitterWiring Connections.NOTE: For individual panel wiring details, see theappropriate hardware manual.9.Strip the field wires with wire cutters and connect the positive (+) 26V lead wire to the transmitter's PWR wire. Connect the signal lead wire to the transmitter's SIG wire. See Figure 3 and Table 1.10. Replace the 2-inch × 4-inch electrical box coveron the transmitter assembly box. The installation is now complete.Table 1 Transmitter Lead Wire Color Codes.NOTE: 1. Wire colors vary by transmittersupplier. 2. The 4 to 20 mA transmitter located inthe sensor junction box must be within an ambient temperature of 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C) and 5 to 99% rh. If local conditions exceed theserequirements, relocate the transmitter to an area that meets the ambient requirements. 3. The transmitter can be connected tothe RTD element over a distance of up to 25 feet (7.5 m) using a shielded twisted pair of 16 AWG wires which results in a +1°F (0.56°C) error.Document No. 129-512Installation InstructionsOctober 12, 2009Information in this publication is based on current specifications. The company reserves the right to make changes in specifications and models as design improvements are introduced. Products or company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.© 2009 Siemens Industry, Inc.Siemens Industry, Inc. Building Technologies Division 1000 Deerfield Parkway Buffalo Grove, IL 60089+ 1 847-215-1000 Your feedback is important to us. If you havecomments about this document, please send them to***************************************Document No.129-512Printed in the USAPage 4 of 4Figure 4 Mounting Hole Locations and Dimensions of Sensor Junction Box.。


1.4 mm~1.6 mm
155kg(定子总成-91 kg、转子总成-64 kg)
1.4 mm~1.6 mm
150kg(定子总成-86 kg、转子总成-64 kg)
1200 N.m
1300 N.m
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Unit mW ℃ ℃
Electrical characteristics (Ta=25°C)
Param eter Zener voltage Revers e current Capacitance between term inal Sym bol VZ IR Ct Min. 9.6 Typ. 1 Max. 14.4 0.10 Unit V µA pF IZ=5m A VR =9V f=1MHz,VR =0V Conditions
13.8 Ta=25℃ IZ=5mA n=30pcs
10 9 REVERSE CURRENT:IR(nA) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 AVE:0.3089nA CAPACITANCE BETWEENTERMINALS:Ct(pF) Ta=25℃ VR=9V n=30pcs
1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Ct DISRESION MAP AVE:0.996pF Ta=25℃ f=1MHz VR=0V n=10pcs
Electrical characteristics curve
10 REVERSE CURRENT:IR (nA) 10000 1000 1 Ta=25℃ Ta=75℃ Ta=125℃ 0.1 Ta=-25℃ Ta=150℃ 100 Ta=75℃ 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.001 12 13 14 15 16 ZENER VOLTAGE:Vz(V) Vz-Iz CHARACTERISTICS 17 0.0001 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 REVERSE VOLTAGE:VR(V) VR-IR CHARACTERISTICS 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 REVERSE VOLTAGE:VR(V) VR-Ct CHARACTERISTICS Ta=25℃ Ta=-25℃ CAPACITANCE BETWEEN TERMINALS:Ct(pF) ZENER CURRENT:Iz(mA) Ta=150℃ Ta=125℃ 10 f=1MHz
*Please make 3 and 6 Pin open in circuit u
φ1.5 −0
1.65±0.1 5.5±0.2 0~0.1 3.5±0.05 8.0±0.2
1PIN 4.0±0.1
1.0 0.5 0.5
Features 1) Ultra small mold type. (EMD6) 2) Low capacitance 3) Bi direction
0.25 0.15 0.45
0.3 0.15 0.25
(2) 0.5
Construction Silicon Epitaxial Planar
0.5 1.0±0.1
(6) (5) (4)
ROHM : EMD6 JEITA : SC-75A Size dot (year week factory)
(1) (2) (3)
Taping specifications (Unit : mm)
13.5 AVE:13.572V 13.4
1000 Rth(j-a)
Mounted on epoxy board IM=10mA IF=100mA
1ms time
1 0.001
Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25°C) Param eter Sym bol
Power dis s ipation Junction tem perature Storage tem perature P Tj Ts tg
Lim its 150 150 -55 to +150
No technical content pages of this document may be reproduced in any form or transmitted by any means without prior permission of ROHM CO.,LTD. The contents described herein are subject to change without notice. The specifications for the product described in this document are for reference only. Upon actual use, therefore, please request that specifications to be separately delivered. Application circuit diagrams and circuit constants contained herein are shown as examples of standard use and operation. Please pay careful attention to the peripheral conditions when designing circuits and deciding upon circuit constants in the set. Any data, including, but not limited to application circuit diagrams information, described herein are intended only as illustrations of such devices and not as the specifications for such devices. ROHM CO.,LTD. disclaims any warranty that any use of such devices shall be free from infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, and further, assumes no liability of whatsoever nature in the event of any such infringement, or arising from or connected with or related to the use of such devices. Upon the sale of any such devices, other than for buyer's right to use such devices itself, resell or otherwise dispose of the same, no express or implied right or license to practice or commercially exploit any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights owned or controlled by ROHM CO., LTD. is granted to any such buyer. Products listed in this document are no antiradiation design.
Low Capacitance Protection Device
Application ESD Protection Dimensions (Unit : mm)
1.6±0.1 0.22±0.05 0.13±0.05 (5) (4)
Land size figure (Unit : mm)
The products listed in this document are designed to be used with ordinary electronic equipment or devices (such as audio visual equipment, office-automation equipment, communications devices, electrical appliances and electronic toys). Should you intend to use these products with equipment or devices which require an extremely high level of reliability and the malfunction of with would directly endanger human life (such as medical instruments, transportation equipment, aerospace machinery, nuclear-reactor controllers, fuel controllers and other safety devices), please be sure to consult with our sales representative in advance. About Export Control Order in Japan Products described herein are the objects of controlled goods in Annex 1 (Item 16) of Export Trade Control Order in Japan. In case of export from Japan, please confirm if it applies to "objective" criteria or an "informed" (by MITI clause) on the basis of "catch all controls for Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.