



程序 clear;clc; A=[4,3,0;3,4,-1;0,-1,4]; b=[24,30,-24]'; N=length(b); %解向量的维数 fprintf('库函数计算结果:'); x=inv(A)*b %库函数计算结果 x=[1;1;1];%迭代初始值 %-----(A=D-E-F)-----D=diag(diag(A)); E=-tril(A,-1);%下三角 F=-triu(A,1);%上三角 w=1.5; %松弛因子,一般 0<w<2 B=inv(D-w*E)*[(1-w)*D+w*F];g=w*inv(D-w*E)*b; eps=1e-8;%相邻解的距离小于该数时,结束迭代 %--------开始迭代------for k=1:100 %最大迭代次数为 100 fprintf('第%d 次迭代:',k); y=B*x+g; if abs(x-y)<eps break; end x=y end x
当比较松弛因Biblioteka 取 1.0 时当比较松弛因子取 1.25 时
当比较松弛因子取 1.5 时
作业七:编写用 SOR 方法求解线性方程组 Ax=B 的标准程序,并求下 列方程组的解, 并比较松弛因子取 1.0、 1.25、 1.5 时所需迭代的次数。 可取初始向量 X(0) =(1,1,1)’;迭代终止条件||x(k+1)-x(k)||<=10e-8
4 30 ������1 24 3 4 − 1 x2 = 30 0 − 14 x3 −24























3.求系数矩阵A的逆矩阵A^-1a. 首先,计算系数矩阵A的行列式det(A)。

b. 判断det(A)是否为0,如果det(A)=0,则该线性方程组无解或有无穷多解;如果det(A)≠0,则系数矩阵A可逆。










例如,有线性方程组:2x - 3y = -54x + y = 29将系数和常数写成矩阵的形式,得到:| 2 -3 | |x| |-5|| 4 1 | x |y| = |29|通过高斯消元法或其他方法对矩阵进行变换后,得到解x=7,y=3。



例如,有线性方程组:2x - 3y = -54x + y = 29通过初等变换,将方程组转化为上三角矩阵的形式:| 2 -3 | |x| |-5|| 0 13 | x |y| = |39|通过回代,求出解x=7,y=3。



例如,有线性方程组:2x - 3y = -54x + y = 29通过克莱姆法,求出方程组的解:x = | -5 -3 | | 29 -3 || 29 1 | / | 2 4 | = 7y = | 2 -5 | | 2 29 || 4 1 | / | -5 1 | = 3需要注意的是,克莱姆法只适用于未知数个数等于方程个数的线性方程组。





SOR方法的全称为"Successive Over-Relaxation Method",意为迭代超松弛法。

在使用SOR方法求解线性方程组时,首先需要将系数矩阵A分解为L、D和U 三个部分,其中L是A的严格下三角矩阵,D是A的对角线矩阵,U是A的严格上三角矩阵。


x(k+1) = (1-w)x(k) + w(D-wL)^(-1)(b-Ux(k))












一、高斯消元法高斯消元法是解决线性方程组的经典方法,其核心思想是通过初等行变换将系数矩阵化为一个上三角矩阵,再采用回代法求解,具体步骤如下:(1)将系数矩阵A和右端向量b合并成一个增广矩阵[ A | b]。



















解方程组的方法有很多种,其中一种常用的方法是SOR(Successive Over Relaxation)法。




对于线性方程组Ax=b,SOR法的迭代公式为:x^(k+1) = (1-w)x^(k) + w * D^(-1) * (b - L * x^(k+1) - U * x^(k))其中,x(k)表示第k次迭代的解向量,x(k+1)表示第k+1次迭代的解向量,w为松弛因子(0 < w< 2),A被分解为下三角矩阵L、上三角矩阵U和对角矩阵D。

算法流程SOR法的算法流程如下:1.初始化解向量x^(0)2.对于每次迭代k = 0, 1, 2, …–计算下一次迭代的解向量x^(k+1): x^(k+1) = (1-w)x^(k) + w * D^(-1) * (b - L * x^(k+1) - U * x^(k))–判断迭代是否收敛:如果迭代误差小于预设的阈值就停止迭代,否则继续迭代3.返回最终的解向量x^(k+1)SOR法特点SOR法具有以下几个特点:1.相对于传统的迭代法,SOR法引入了松弛因子,能够加速迭代的收敛速度。















五实验环境:Visual C++6.0。

六实验过程:1. 在程序中输入不同的数据时,会得到不同的结果。




3. 按照实验题目中的数据输入时,比较结果当w=0.6时,会出现下面的结果:当w=0.7时得当w=0.8时得当w=0.9时,会出现下面的结果当w=1.0时得七结果分析:当在一定的误差范围内,有以上运行结果可以得出答案,最优松弛因子的范围为0.8。

八逐次超松弛迭代法程序代码:#include<iostream.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>void SOR(double w, double a[3][3], double b[3], double x[3], double esp) {double t[3];int flag=0;int n=0;while(!flag){flag=1;n++;t[0]=x[0]; t[1]=x[1]; t[2]=x[2];for(int i=0;i<3;i++){double m=b[i];for(int j=0;j<3;j++){m-=(a[i][j]*x[j]);}x[i]=x[i]+w*m/a[i][i];}for(int k=0;k<3;k++){if(fabs(x[k]-t[k])>=esp){flag=0;break;}}}printf("%d\n",n);}void main(){double a[3][3];double b[3];double x[3];double w,esp;a[0][0]=2; a[0][1]=-1; a[0][2]=2;a[1][0]=1; a[1][1]=2; a[1][2]=3;a[2][0]=2; a[2][1]=-2; a[2][2]=-3;b[0]=4; b[1]=9; b[2]=-3;x[0]= x[1]= x[2]=0;w=0.6;esp=0.0001;SOR(w,a,b,x,esp);for(int i=0;i<3;i++)printf("%f\n",x[i]);}。








具体步骤如下:1. 将线性方程组写成增广矩阵的形式,即将系数矩阵和常数向量合并成一个矩阵。

2. 选取一个非零的主元(通常选取主对角线上的元素),通过初等行变换将其它行的对应位置元素消为零。

3. 重复上述步骤,逐步将系数矩阵转化为上三角形矩阵。

4. 通过回代法,从最后一行开始求解未知数,逐步得到线性方程组的解。





具体步骤如下:1. 求出系数矩阵的行列式,若行列式为零则方程组无解。

2. 对于每个未知数,将系数矩阵中对应的列替换为常数向量,再求出替换后矩阵的行列式。

3. 用未知数的行列式值除以系数矩阵的行列式值,即可得到该未知数的解。





具体步骤如下:1. 将线性方程组写成矩阵的形式,其中系数矩阵为A,未知数矩阵为X,常数向量矩阵为B。


2. 若系数矩阵A可逆,则使用逆矩阵求解,即X=A^(-1)B。

3. 若系数矩阵A不可逆,则使用伴随矩阵求解,即X=A^T(ATA)^(-1)B。




Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 123(2000)1–33www.elsevier.nl/locate/camIterative solution of linear systems in the 20th centuryYousef Saad a ;1,Henk A.van der Vorst b ;∗a Department of Computer Science and Engineering,University of Minnesota,Minneapolis,USAb Department of Mathematics,Utrecht University,P.O.Box 80.010,3508TA Utrecht,NetherlandsReceived 23January 2000;received in revised form 2March 2000AbstractThis paper sketches the main research developments in the area of iterative methods for solving linear systems during the 20th century.Although iterative methods for solving linear systems ÿnd their origin in the early 19th century (work by Gauss),the ÿeld has seen an explosion of activity spurred by demand due to extraordinary technological advances in engineering and sciences.The past ÿve decades have been particularly rich in new developments,ending with the avail-ability of large toolbox of specialized algorithms for solving the very large problems which arise in scientiÿc and industrial computational models.As in any other scientiÿc area,research in iterative methods has been a journey characterized by a chain of contributions building on each other.It is the aim of this paper not only to sketch the most signiÿcant of these contributions during the past century,but also to relate them to one another.c 2000Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:ADI;Krylov subspace methods;Multigrid;Polynomial acceleration;Preconditioning;Relaxation methods;SOR;Sparse approximate inverse1.IntroductionNumerical linear algebra is an exciting ÿeld of research and much of this research has been triggered by a problem that can be posed simply as:given A ∈C m ×n ;b ∈C m ,ÿnd solution vector(s)x ∈C n such that Ax =b .Many scientiÿc problems lead to the requirement to solve linear systems of equations as part of the computations.From a pure mathematical point of view,this problem can be considered as being solved in the sense that we explicitly know its solution in terms of determinants.The actual computation of the solution(s)may however lead to severe complications,when carried out in ÿnite precision and when each basic arithmetic operation takes ÿnite time.Even ∗Corresponding author.E-mail addresses:saad@ (Y.Saad),vorst@math.uu.nl (H.A.van der Vorst).1Work supported by NSF =CCR and by the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute.0377-0427/00/$-see front matter c 2000Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved.PII:S 0377-0427(00)00412-X2Y.Saad,H.A.van der Vorst/Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics123(2000)1–33the“simple”case when n=m and A is nonsingular,which is a trivial problem from a mathematical point of view,may become very complicated,from a computational point of view,and may even turn out to be impossible.The traditional way to solve a nonsingular linear system is to employ Gaussian elimination,and, with all its enhancements,to overcome numerical instabilities.This process can be carried out in O(n3)basic oating point operations(additions and multiplications,assuming n=m).Many applications lead to linear systems with a large n(where the notion of“large”depends,of course, on the capacity of the available computer),and it became soon evident that one has to exploit speciÿc properties of the A at hand in order to make solution of the system feasible.This has led to variants of Gaussian elimination in which the nonzero structure of A is exploited,so that multiplications with zero result are avoided and that savings in computer storage could be realized.Another direction of approach was based on the solution of a nearby linear system,with a ma-trix that admits a computationally inexpensive process(in terms of computing time and computer storage),and to embed this in an iterative process.Both approaches aim at making the impos-sible possible,and for the novice in thisÿeld this may seem to be just a collection of clever programming tricks:“in principle solving the problem is well understood but one has to be well organized to make the computational process a little faster”.For this novice it will certainly come as a big surprise that a whole,still incomplete,mathematical framework had to be developed with deep and elegant results.As a result,relevant systems could be solved many orders of magnitude faster(and also often more accurate)than by a straightforward Gaussian elimination approach.In this paper,we will sketch the developments and progress that has taken place in the20th century with respect to iterative methods alone.As will be clear,this subÿeld could not evolve in isola-tion,and the distinction between iterative methods and Gaussian elimination methods is sometimes artiÿcial–and overlap between the two methodologies is signiÿcant in many instances.Neverthe-less,each of the two has its own dynamics and it may be of interest to follow one of them more closely.It is likely that future researchers in numerical methods will regard the decade just passed as the beginning of an era in which iterative methods for solving large linear systems of equations started gaining considerable acceptance in real-life industrial applications.In looking at past literature,it is interesting to observe that iterative and direct methods have often been in competition for solving large systems that arise in applications.A particular discovery will promote a given method from one camp only to see another discovery promote a competing method from the other camp.For example,the1950s and1960s saw an enormous interest in relaxation-type methods–prompted by the studies on optimal relaxation and the work by Young,Varga,Southwell,Frankel and others.A little later,sparse direct methods appeared that were very competitive–both from the point of view of robustness and computational cost.To this day,there are still applications dominated by direct solvers and others dominated by iterative solvers.Because of the high memory requirement of direct solvers,it was sometimes thought that these would eventually be replaced by iterative solvers,in all applications.However,the superior robustness of direct solvers prevented this.As computers have become faster,very large problems are routinely solved by methods from both camps.Iterative methods were,even halfway in the20th century,not always viewed as promising.For instance,Bodewig[23,p.153],in1956,mentioned the following drawbacks of iterative methods: nearly always too slow(except when the matrix approaches a diagonal matrix),for most problemsY.Saad,H.A.van der Vorst/Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics123(2000)1–333 they do not converge at all,they cannot easily be mechanised2and so they are more appropriate for computing by hand than with machines,and do not take advantage of the situation when the equations are symmetric.The only potential advantage seen was the observation that Rounding errors do not accumulate,they are restricted to the last operation.It is noteworthy that Lanczos’method was classiÿed as a direct method in1956.The penetration of iterative solvers into applications has been a slow process that is still ongoing. At the time of this writing for example,there are applications in structural engineering as well as in circuit simulation,which are dominated by direct solvers.This review will attempt to highlight the main developments in iterative methods over the past century.It is clear that a few pages cannot cover an exhaustive survey of100years of rich devel-opments.Therefore,we will emphasize the ideas that were successful and had a signiÿcant impact. Among the sources we used for our short survey,we would like to mention just a few that are notable for their completeness or for representing the thinking of a particular era.The books by Varga[188]and Young[205]give a complete treatise of iterative methods as they were used in the 1960s and1970s.Varga’s book has several excellent historical references.These two masterpieces remained the handbooks used by academics and practitioners alike for three decades.Householder’s book[102]contains a fairly good overview of iterative methods–speciÿcally oriented towards projection methods.Among the surveys we note the outstanding booklet published by the National Bureau of Standards in1959which contains articles by Rutishauser[150],Engeli[68]and Stiefel [170].Later Birkho [21],who supervised David Young’s Ph.D.thesis in the late1940s,wrote an excellent historical perspective on the use of iterative methods as he experienced them himself from1930to1980.The more recent literature includes the books by Axelsson[7],Brezinski[29], Greenbaum[88],Hackbusch[97],and Saad[157],each of which has a slightly di erent perspective and emphasis.2.The quest for fast solvers:a historical perspectiveIterative methods have traditionally been used for the solution of large linear systems with diag-onally dominant sparse matrices.For such systems the methods of Gauss–Jacobi and Gauss–Seidel could be used with some success,not so much because of the reduction in computational work, but mainly because of the limited amount of memory that is required.Of course,reduction of the computational work was also a serious concern,and this led Jacobi(1846)to apply plane rotations to the matrix in order to force stronger diagonal dominance,giving up sparsity.Jacobi had to solve many similar systems in the context of eigenvalue computations;his linear systems were rather small:of order7.In this century,simple iterative methods were predominantly applied for solving discretized elliptic self-adjoint partial di erential equations,together with a local parameter for accelerating the iteration process.Theÿrst and simplest of these methods in Richardson’s method[146].Actually,this method2This remark was removed from the second edition(in1959);instead Bodewig included a small section on methods for automatic machines[24,Chapter9].The earlier remark was not as puzzling as it may seem now,in view of the very small memories of the available electronic computers at the time.This made it necessary to store intermediate data on punched cards.It required a regular ow of the computational process,making it cumbersome to include techniques with row interchanging.4Y.Saad,H.A.van der Vorst/Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics123(2000)1–33was later viewed as a polynomial method and many authors have sought to optimize it by selecting its parameters so that the iteration polynomials became the Chebyshev polynomials;this was work done in the period1950–1960by Young,Lanczos and others.In the second half of this decade it became apparent that using the explicit three-term recurrence relation between Chebyshev polynomials,which led to three-term recurrence iteration methods(rather than the classical methods that are two-term iterations),were numerically superior in terms of stability[87].The acceleration of the slightly more di cult to analyze Gauss–Seidel method led to point succes-sive overrelaxation techniques introduced simultaneously by Frankel[78]and by Young[203].It was shown,for rather simple Dirichlet problems,that a suitably chosen relaxation parameter could lead to drastic improvements in convergence.Young showed that these improvements could be expected for a larger class of matrices,characterized by his property A[203].Successive overrelaxation methods, and numerous variants,became extremely popular and were the methods of choice in computer codes for large practical problems,such as nuclear reactor di usion,oil reservoir modeling and weather prediction.Although their popularity has been overshadowed later,around after1980,by more pow-erful techniques,they are still used in some applications either as the main iterative solution method or in combination with recent techniques(e.g.as smoothers for multigrid or as preconditioners for Krylov methods).The successive over-relaxation(SOR)methods made it possible to solve e ciently systems within the order of20,000unknowns by1960[188],and by1965systems of the order of 100,000could be solved in problems related to eigenvalue computations in nuclear di usion codes. The success of the SOR methods has led to a rich theory for iterative methods;this could be used fruitfully for the analysis of later methods as well.In particular,many methods,including SOR, could be viewed as simple Richardson iterations for speciÿc splittings of the matrix of the linear system.In1955,Peaceman and Rachford[141]suggested a splitting that was motivated by the observation that the matrix for a three-pointÿnite di erence stencil for a one-dimensional second-order PDE is tridiagonal and this system can easily be solved.Their suggestion was to view theÿve-pointÿnite di erence approximation for a two-dimensional problem as the direct sum of two one-dimensional approximations.This led to an iteration in which alternatingly a tridiagonal associated with one of the two directions was split o ,and this became popular as the alternating direction iteration(ADI). With the inclusion of iteration parameters,that steered the inclusion of a diagonal correction to the iteration matrices,the resulting ADI iterations could be tuned into a very e ective method.Varga [188]gives a good overview of the theory for understanding ADI methods.He,as well as Birkho [21]mentions that ADI was initially derived as a by-product of numerical methods for parabolic equations(the correction to the diagonal was motivated by the e ect of the time derivative in these methods).Sheldon and Wachspress,in1957,gave an early proof for the convergence of ADI for ÿxed parameters[192].Wachspress discusses these ADI methods in his book[193]and considers also other grid-oriented acceleration techniques.One of these techniques exploits approximations obtained on coarser grids and can be viewed as a primitive predecessor to multigrid.Theÿrst half of the century begins also with simple local projection methods,in which one attempts to solve a set of equations by solving each separate equation by a correction that is small in some norm.These methods could be used for over-or underdetermined linear systems,such as those that arise in tomography problems.This has led to the methods of Cimmino[44]and Kaczmarz[106],which were later identiÿed as instances of Gauss–Jacobi and or Gauss–Seidel for related systems with A T A or AA T.Modern variants of these methods,under the name of ART andY.Saad,H.A.van der Vorst/Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics123(2000)1–335 SIRT are very popular,for instance in medical and seismic tomography.ART and SIRT can be related to SOR and Block SOR.Spakman and Nolet[168]report on the solution of292,451by 20,070systems related to structures of the upper earth mantle,with these methods(and with LSQR). The second half of the century was marked by the invention(paper published in1952)of the conjugate gradient method by Hestenes and Stiefel[101]and the Lanczos algorithm for linear systems [117].This started the era of Krylov iterative methods.Initially,these were not viewed as truly iterative techniques,but rather as direct solution algorithms since they terminated in exact arithmetic in fewer than n steps,if n is the order of the matrix(see,for instance,Householder’s book where conjugate gradients is discussed in the chapter on direct methods[102,Chapter5.7]).Hestenes and Stiefel already recognized that the method behaves as an iterative method,in the sense that the norm of the residual often decreases quite regularly,and that this might lead for some systems to acceptable approximations for the solution within n steps.A little earlier,papers by Lanczos[115] and by Arnoldi[2]had addressed the issue of transforming a matrix into simpler form for the purpose of diagonalizing it.These four papers together set the foundations of many methods that were developed later.A famous publication by Engeli et al.[69]considered the method as a truly iterative process and showed that in rounding precision arithmetic,the conjugate gradient method did not terminate in the expected number of iteration steps(equal to at most the order of the matrix).This was shown for a matrix of order64,a discretized biharmonic problem.Convergence occurred only after a few hundred steps.Notwithstanding this apparent failure,the method appeared later in the famous Wilkinson and Reinsch collection[202]as a kind of memory-friendly direct technique.It was mentioned that actual convergence might occur only after m iterations,where m could be3up toÿve times the order of the matrix.Because of this not well-understood behavior in rounded arithmetic,the method did not make it to theÿrst universal linear algebra package LINPACK(mid-1970s).In the early to mid-1960s it became clear that the convergence of the conjugate gradient method depends on the distribution of the eigenvalues of the matrix,and not so much on the order of the matrix,as was,for example, explained in a paper by Kaniel[109].Daniel[50,51]studied the conjugate gradient method as an iterative method for the minimization of functionals in(inÿnite dimensional)Hilbert spaces.This is a natural consequence of the observation that conjugate gradients,like other Krylov subspace methods, requires the action of the matrix as a linear operator and does not exploit the actual representation of the matrix(that is,the method does not require knowledge of the individual entries of the matrix). Also,Daniel expressed concerns about the convergence behavior of the method inÿnite precision, and he discussed modiÿcations with guaranteed convergence[51,p.134].Note also that much of the convergence theory developed for the conjugate gradient and the Lanczos methods was almost invariably set in the context of operators on inÿnite-dimensional spaces,see,for example[109].It was Reid[145]who suggested to use the conjugate gradient method again as an iterative technique,but now for large sparse linear systems arising in the discretization of certain PDEs. Soon after this,the notion of preconditioning(already proposed in the Hestenes and Stiefel paper) became quite popular.Thus,the incomplete Choleski decompositions of Meijerink and van der Vorst [125]led to the ICCG process,which became the de facto iterative solver for SPD systems. Hence,it took about25years for the conjugate gradient method to become the method of choice for symmetric positive-deÿnite matrices(the incomplete Choleski decompositions were shown to exist for M matrices).A good account of theÿrst25years of the history of the CG method was given by Golub and O’Leary[86].6Y.Saad,H.A.van der Vorst/Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics123(2000)1–33The unsymmetric variants of the Krylov methods required a similar amount of time to mature. The late1960s and early1970s,saw the roots for such methods.Techniques named ORTHODIR, ORTHOMIN,FOM,and others,were introduced but in their original formulations,these methods su ered from breakdowns and numerical instabilities.The GMRES variant,introduced by Saad and Schultz[158],was designed to avoid these undesirable features and became the de facto standard for unsymmetric linear systems.However,it su ered from the disadvantage of requiring increasing computational resources for increasing numbers of iterations.Bi-CG,the unsymmetric variant of con-jugate gradients,did not have these disadvantages.The method,based on the unsymmetric Lanczos method(1952),was introduced by Fletcher in1976[76],but it is mathematically equivalent to a technique that had already been described in Lanczos’paper.Bi-CG,however,su ered from other practical problems,known as breakdowns of theÿrst and second kind,which prevented early success. Moreover,the occurrence of nonorthogonal transformations led to much suspicion among numerical analysts.Nevertheless,the method became quite popular in a variant known as CGS(Sonneveld, 1984)[166]which,for virtually equal cost could essentially apply Bi-CG twice,leading often to a twice as fast convergence,but also amplifying the problems of Bi-CG.In the1980s,Parlett and co-authors[140]and later Freund and Nachtigal[81]have shown how to repair the deÿciencies in the Bi-CG method so that rather reliable software could be constructed.More recently,we have seen hybrids of the Bi-CG and GMRES approaches,with Bi-CGSTAB[186]as one of the most popular ones.Originally,the usage of iterative methods was restricted to systems related to elliptic partial di er-ential equations,discretized withÿnite di erence techniques.Such systems came from oil reservoir engineering,weather forecasting,electronic device modeling,etc.For other problems,for instance related to variousÿnite element modeling,practitioners preferred the usage of direct solution tech-niques,mainly e cient variants of Gaussian elimination,because of the lack of robustness of iterative methods for large classes of matrices.Until the end of the1980s almost none of the big commercial packages forÿnite element problems included iterative solution techniques.Simon[164]presented results,obtained for matrices of the order of55,000,for direct solution techniques.On the then fastest supercomputers,this required in the order of a few minutes of computing time.He claimed that direct sparse solvers would remain the method of choice for irregularly structured problems. Although this is certainly true if the structure of the matrix allows for an e cient elimination pro-cess,it became clear that for many PDE-related problems,the complexity of the elimination process increased too much to make realistic three-dimensional modeling feasible.Irregularly structuredÿ-nite element problems of order1,000,000,as foreseen by Simon,may be solved by direct methods –given a large enough computer(memory wise)but at tremendous cost and di culty.However, some of them can be solved with iterative techniques,if an adequate preconditioning can be con-structed.In the last decade of this century,much e ort was devoted to the identiÿcation of e ective preconditioners for classes of matrices.For instance,Pomerell[142]in1994reports on successful application of preconditioned Krylov methods for very ill-conditioned unstructuredÿnite element systems of order up to210,000that arise in semiconductor device modeling.While using iterative methods still requires know-how,skill,and insight,it can be said that enormous progress has been made for their integration in real-life applications.Still,linear systems arising from many relevant problems,for instance large electric and electronic circuits,are not easy to solve in an e cient and reliable manner by iterative methods.Steady progress is being made but theÿeld as a whole can still be viewed as being in its infancy.Y.Saad,H.A.van der Vorst/Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics123(2000)1–337 3.Relaxation-based methodsThe Gauss–Seidel iteration was the starting point for the successive over-relaxation methods which dominated much of the literature on iterative methods for a big part of the second half of this century. The method was developed in the19th century,originally by Gauss in the mid-1820s and then later by Seidel in1874(see references in[102]).In fact,according to Varga[188],the earliest mention on iterative methods is by Gauss(1823).Indeed,on December26,1823,Gauss writes a letter to Gerling,in which he describes an iterative technique for the accurate computation of angles occurring in geodesy[84,p.278].The corrections for the four angles in a quadrangle,determined by four church towers,were computed from a singular linear systems of four equations with four unknowns(the singularity comes from the observation that the four angles sum up to360◦).The technique that Gauss describes is what we now know as the Gauss–Seidel algorithm.The order of processing of the equations was determined by the unknown that helped to reduce the residual most.Gauss recognized that the singularity of the system led to convergence to the solution modulo a vector in the null space,for which he could easily make a correction.The three pages of his letter are full of clever tricks.He concludes by recommending the new method to Gerling,arguing that the method is self correcting,and that one can easily determine how far to go and then ends his letter with the remark that the computations were a pleasant entertainment for him.He said that one could do this even half asleep,or one could think of other things during the computations.In view of this remark it may hardly be a surprise that the method became so popular in the era of electronic computing.The method as it was developed in the19th century was a relaxation technique,in which relaxation was done by“hand”.It was therefore natural to eliminate the largest components,see for example [55,118].This method is referred to as Nekrasov’s method in the Russian literature[130].Referring to the more modern method in which relaxation was done in a cyclic manner,Forsythe is quoted as having stated that“the Gauss–Seidel method was not known to Gauss and not recommended by Seidel”,see[102,p.115].However,the blossoming of overrelaxation techniques seems to have been initiated by the Ph.D. work of David Young[203].Young introduced important notions such as consistent ordering and property A,which he used for the formulation of an elegant theory for the convergence of these methods.Generalizations of Young’s results to other relevant classes of matrices were due to Varga, who published his book on Matrix Iterative Analysis in1962.For decades to come this book was the standard text for iterative methods for linear systems.It covered important notions such as regular splittings,a rather complete theory on Stieltjes and M-matrices,and a treatment of semi-iterative methods,including the Chebyshev semi-iteration method.The latter method,analyzed by Golub and Varga[87],also became more widely known,especially in the period when inner products were relatively expensive.The accelerated Gauss–Seidel methods have motivated important developments in the theory of matrix linear algebra.In particular,relevant properties for M-matrices,introduced by Ostrowski [135],were uncovered and convergence results for so-called regular splittings,introduced by Varga [189]were established.A cornerstone in the convergence theory was the theorem of Stein–Rosenberg (1948)[169]which proved relations between the asymptotic rates of convergence for the successive overrelaxation methods,including the Gauss–Seidel method,and the Gauss–Jacobi method.The concept of irreducibility of a matrix,a natural property for grid-oriented problems,helped to extend8Y.Saad,H.A.van der Vorst/Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics123(2000)1–33 results for strongly diagonally dominant matrices to matrices for which the strict diagonal dominance inequality is required to hold only for one single equation at least.Another important notion is the concept of cyclic matrices:an irreducible matrix with k eigenvalues of modulus (A)is said to be of index k.Varga[188]gives a good overview of the relevant theory and the implications of this concept for iterative methods.It has a close relationship with Young’s property A[188,p.99], and provides the basis for the convergence theory of the SOR methods.Su cient conditions for the convergence of the SOR methods were given by theorems of Ostrowski[136]and Reich[144]. Lower bounds for the spectral radius of the SOR iteration matrix were derived by Kahan[107].This together provided the basis for a theory for iterative methods,published in Varga’s book[188]from which many new methods ter,in the1970s major part of this theory served well in the development of preconditioners for Krylov methods.The following is a quotation from Varga’s book(page1)“As an example of the magnitude of problems that have been successfully solved on digital computers by cyclic iterative methods,the Bettis Atomic Power laboratory of the Westinghouse Electric Corporation had in daily use in1960 a two-dimensional program which would treat as a special case,Laplacean-type matrix equations of order20,000”.So the state of the art in1960was a20;000×20;000Laplace equation.In the late1960s and early1970s a number of methods appeared in which the order of re-laxation was not prescribed or even deterministic.These were appropriately termed“chaotic”or “asynchronous”relaxations.It was established that if a variable is relaxed an inÿnite number of times,the global method would always converge for any order in which the relaxation takes place.A few of the main contributions were by Chazan and Miranker[41],Miellou[128],Robert[147] and Robert et al.[148].These methods were motivated by parallelism and were essentially ahead of their time for this reason.4.Richardson and projection methodsAnother line of development started with Richardson’s method[146].x k+1=x k+!r k=(I−!A)x k+!b;which can be viewed as a straightforward iteration associated with the splitting A=K−R,with K=(1=!)I,R=(1=!)I−A.Here r k is the residual vector of the current iterate: r k=b−Ax k:For the residual at the(k+1)th step,one obtainsr k+1=(I−!A)k+1r0=P k+1(A)r0;where P k+1(A)is a k+1degree polynomial in A,with P k+1(t)=(1−t)k+1.It is easy to see that for symmetric positive-deÿnite matrices the process will converge for!in the open interval 0¡!¡2= max where max is the largest eigenvalue of A.In addition the best!is known to be 2=( min+ max),see,e.g.,[188,157]for details.The original Richardson iteration is readily generalized by taking a di erent!=!k for each iteration,which leads to the generalized Richardson iterationx k+1=x k+!k r k:(1)。

数值计算 SOR方法

数值计算 SOR方法

一.SOR迭代法流程图:开始设置一维数组首地址设置二维数组首地址设置精度e(precision)设置系数矩阵的阶数N设置增广矩阵的各值设置初始向量设置松弛因子w设置两解向量的差的范数x_0[i]设置最大迭代次数并取到MAX中设置k记录迭代次数初值是0Temp=temp+a[i][j]*x_k[j]Temp=temp+a[i][j]*x_0[j]X_k[i]=(x_k[i]-temp)/a[i][j]X_k[i]=(1-w)*x_0[i]+w*x_k[i]X_0[i]=x_k[i]-x_0[i]YMatrix_category(x_0,n)<precisionNY X_0[i]=x_k[i]I=i+1K=k+1NK<max实验名称: 松弛法实验解题小组成员(班级:09医软(1)班):姚飞 :09713047 参与程序的编写闫化晴 :09713046 参与搜集资料与编写程序余雷 :09713049 参与搜集资料与后期运行调试张珊 :09713051 参与程序的编写实验内容:二.SOR 迭代法理论:松弛法是 Gauss -Seidel 迭代 迭代法的一种加速方法.若记△X = X (K+1) - X (K) = LX (K+1) + UX (K) + f - X (K)则X (K+1) = X (K) + △X ,这样X (K+1) 可以看作是 X (K)加上修正项 △X 而得到.若在修正项△X 前面添加一个因子ω= 1,就是Gauss -Seidel 迭代.通过选择ω可使迭代法收敛的更快.松弛法简称SOR 方法,它的计算格式为:(1)()()()111122111(1)()(1)()()222211233222(1)()(1)()1111(1)(),(1)(),(1)(),k k k k n n k k k k k n n k k k k n n n n nn n nn x x b a x a x a x x b a x a x a x a x x b a x a x a ωωωωωω+++++--=-+---=-+----=-+---这里ω称为松弛因子.当ω< 1时称为低松弛迭代,当1 < ω <2时称为超松弛迭代.实验素材及结果:三、SOR 迭代法例1、用SOR 迭代法求解线性方程组:⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---------- x x x取初始点T x )0,0,0,0()0(=,松弛因子05.1=ω,精度要求610-=ε.解 :根据上面程序运行结果如下:例2、用SOR迭代法求解方程组:8X1 + X2- 2X3 = 9,3X1 - 10X2 +X3 = 19,5X1 - 2X2 +20X3 = 72,取初始点X(0) = (0,0,0)T,松弛因子ω= 1,精度要求ε= 10-5.解:根据上面程序运行结果如下:。



aij x(jk )
a x(k 1) ij j
(k j
j 1
j i
i 1,2,L ,n
则 3.1 式可写为
x( k 1) i
x(k) i
1 aii
由此可以看出, Gauss Seidel 迭代法的第 k 1
步 ,相当于在第 k 步的基础上每一个分量增加
X (k1) (1 ) X k D1 b LX k UX (k) ,
0 a12 L
显然,A D L U.
上述定理说明,对于任何系数矩阵 A,若要 SOR
法收敛,必须选取松弛因子 0,2 , 然而,当松
弛因子满足条件 0 2 时,并不是对所有系数矩 阵 A 来说,SOR 法都是收敛的。但是,对一些特殊矩 阵来说,这一条件是充分的。
定理7 如果矩阵 A 是对称正定的,则 SOR 法 对于0 2 是收敛的。
其 Gauss Seidel 迭 代 格 式 可写为 (aii 0) :
x(k1) i
x(k) i
1 aii
a x(k1) i1 1
a x(k1) i,i1, i1










然后,我们可以使用以下步骤来进行高斯消元法:1. 选定一个主元素:选择一个非零的系数作为主元素,通常选择系数绝对值最大的行作为主元素所在的行。

2. 行变换:将主元素所在的行除以主元素的值,使主元素变为1。


3. 重复步骤1和步骤2:重复选定主元素和行变换的过程,直到将线性方程组化为上三角形式。

4. 回代求解:从最后一行开始,逐个求解未知数的值。





具体步骤如下:1. 构造增广矩阵:将线性方程组的系数矩阵和常数矩阵合并成一个增广矩阵。

2. 行变换:使用矩阵的初等行变换将增广矩阵化为行最简形式,即将其变为上三角矩阵。

3. 回代求解:从最后一行开始,逐个求解未知数的值,通过代入法可得到每个未知数的值。



初中数学 线性方程组的解如何计算

初中数学 线性方程组的解如何计算


1. 高斯消元法:高斯消元法是一种基于矩阵变换的解线性方程组的方法,其主要步骤如下:- 将线性方程组写成增广矩阵的形式,即将系数矩阵和常数项列组合成一个矩阵。

- 通过矩阵变换,将增广矩阵化简为行阶梯形矩阵或行最简形矩阵。

- 根据化简后的矩阵,判断方程组的解的情况:- 如果矩阵中的某一行全为0,且对应的常数项不为0,则方程组无解。

- 如果方程组中的未知数的个数等于矩阵中非零行的个数,则方程组有唯一解。

- 如果方程组中的未知数的个数大于矩阵中非零行的个数,则方程组有无穷多解,可以引入自由变量。

2. 矩阵法:矩阵法是一种利用矩阵运算求解线性方程组的方法,其主要步骤如下:- 将线性方程组的系数和常数项组成系数矩阵和常数矩阵。

- 计算系数矩阵的逆矩阵(如果存在)。

- 如果逆矩阵存在,方程组有唯一解,可以通过矩阵运算求解。

- 如果逆矩阵不存在,可以使用矩阵的秩来判断方程组的解的情况:- 如果系数矩阵的秩小于常数矩阵的秩,则方程组无解。

- 如果系数矩阵的秩等于常数矩阵的秩且等于未知数的个数,则方程组有唯一解。

- 如果系数矩阵的秩等于常数矩阵的秩小于未知数的个数,则方程组有无穷多解,可以引入自由变量。

3. 克莱姆法:克莱姆法是一种利用行列式求解线性方程组的方法,适用于未知数的个数与方程组的个数相等的情况。

其主要步骤如下:- 将线性方程组的系数和常数项组成系数矩阵和常数矩阵。

- 计算系数矩阵的行列式。

- 如果系数矩阵的行列式不为0,则方程组有唯一解,可以通过计算行列式的余子式和代数余子式求解。

- 如果系数矩阵的行列式为0,则方程组无解或者有无穷多解,需要进行进一步的计算来判断解的情况。









下面以一个简单的二元线性方程组为例进行说明:```math2x + 3y = 43x - y = 5```首先,我们将方程组写成增广矩阵的形式:```math[2 3 | 4][3 -1 | 5]```接下来,通过行变换,目标是将矩阵的主元素以及主元素以下的元素都变为0。

具体步骤如下:1. 交换行以使得主对角线上的元素不为0;2. 用第一行的倍数加到其他行上,使得第一列的元素都变为0;3. 用第二行的倍数加到第一行上,使得第二行的首元素变为0;4. 若还有多个变量,继续重复上述步骤。

经过一系列的行变换,我们可以得到如下的简化行阶梯形式:```math[1 0 | 2][0 1 | 1]```这样,我们就得到了方程组的解为x=2,y=1。





根据克拉默法则,方程组的解可以由以下公式给出:```mathx_i = \frac{{\det(A_i)}}{{\det(A)}}, \quad i=1,2,\ldots,n```其中,`A_i`为将系数矩阵A的第i列换成常数矩阵b所得到的矩阵,`det(A)`表示系数矩阵A的行列式。




二、实验目的:熟悉线性方程组的J-迭代,GS-迭代,SOR-迭代,SSOR-迭代方法,编程实现雅可比方法和高斯-赛德尔方法求解非线性方程组12123123521064182514x x x x x x x x +=⎧⎪++=⎨⎪++=-⎩的根,提高matlab 编程能力。


四、实验原理:1、雅可比迭代法(J-迭代法):线性方程组b X A =*,可以转变为:迭代公式(0)(1)()k 0,1,2,....k k J XXB X f +⎧⎪⎨=+=⎪⎩ 其中b M f U L M A M I B J 111),(---=+=-=,称J B 为求解b X A =*的雅可比迭代法的迭代矩阵。

以下给出雅可比迭代的分量计算公式,令),....,()()(2)(1)(k n k k k X X X X =,由雅可比迭代公式有b XU L MXk k ++=+)()1()(,既有i ni j k i iji j k iij k iij b X aXa X a +--=∑∑+=-=+1)(11)()1(,于是,解b X A =*的雅可比迭代法的计算公式为⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧--==∑∑-=+=+)(1),....,(111)()()1()0()0(2)0(1)0(i j n i j k j ij k j ij i ii k iTn X a X a b a X X X X X 2、 高斯-赛德尔迭代法(GS-迭代法):GS-迭代法可以看作是雅可比迭代法的一种改进,给出了迭代公式:⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧--==∑∑-=+=+++)(1),....,(111)1()1()1()0()0(2)0(1)0(i j n i j k j ij k j ij i ii k iTn X a X a b a X X X X X 其余部分与雅克比迭代类似。




【实验内容】1、问题重述:对于线性方程组,即:A b X = (1),1111221n 12112222n 21122nn n n n n n na x a x a xb a x a x a x b a x a x a x b +++=⎧⎪+++=⎪⎨⎪⎪+++=⎩ 其中,111212122111 0 - - 0 - 0 0 () - - - 0 n ij n nn n nn nn a a a a a a a a a a ⨯--⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥A ==--⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦ 0n D L U ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥≡--⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦()1,n b b b T= 如何运用雅克比迭代、高斯—赛德尔迭代、超松弛迭代法对线性方程组进行求解。

2、方法原理:2.1雅克比迭代迭代思想:首先通过构造形如的等式,然后给定一个初值A b X =()x f x =,再通过进行迭代。

(0)(0)(0)(0)12(,,)n x x x X = (1)()()k k f +X =X step1 :对(1)相应第行中的用其它元素表示为:i i x11111121111122,12211111()()11()()11()()n nj j j j j j n ni i ij j i j j j i j i j ii n nn n nj j n n nj j j j nn nn x b a x x b a x a a x b a x x b a x a a x b a x x b a x a a ===≠=-==⎧=-=+-⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨=-=+-⎪⎪⎪=-=+-⎪⎩∑∑∑∑∑∑ 即:()D b L U X =-+XStep 2 :进行迭代,,(0)(0)(0)(0)12(1)11()(,,)()n k k x x x D b D L U +--⎧X =⎨X =-+X ⎩0,1,2k = 取它的判断条件为小于一个确定的误差值,跳出循环。





二、解线性方程组的方法1. 列主元消元法(高斯消元法):通过消元和代入的方式逐步求解方程组,将其转化为阶梯形方程组来求解。

2. 矩阵法(向量法):使用矩阵的运算方式来求解线性方程组,转化为求解矩阵方程的问题。

3. 克拉默法则:使用行列式的性质来求解线性方程组。


三、线性方程组的解的情况1. 唯一解:当方程组的系数行列式不为0,且方程组的秩等于未知数的个数时,方程组存在唯一解。

2. 无解:当方程组的系数行列式为0,而常数项行列式不为0时,方程组无解。

3. 无穷解:当方程组的系数行列式为0,且常数项行列式为0时,方程组存在无穷多个解。

四、注意事项1. 线性方程组中的未知数个数应该与方程的个数相等,否则方程组可能没有解或存在无穷多个解。

2. 在使用列主元消元法求解时,需要注意零元素不可作为主元,否则可能会出现错误。

3. 克拉默法则适用于系数矩阵的行列式不为0的情况,否则无法使用该方法求解。

五、示例假设有如下线性方程组:2x + 3y = 74x - 5y = 2使用列主元消元法进行求解:2x + 3y = 7 (方程1)4x - 5y = 2 (方程2)首先将方程组转化为阶梯形方程组:2x + 3y = 7 (方程1)0x - 11y = -12 (方程2)由第二个方程可得到 `y` 的解为 `-12/(-11) = 12/11` ,将其代入第一个方程,可求得 `x` 的解为 `(7 - 3*(12/11))/2`。

因此,该线性方程组的解为 `x = 4/11,y = 12/11`。



简记为: Ax b
(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) A ( a ) ( a ), b b. A x b 将原方程组记为 其中 i j i j
(1) mi1 ai(1) / a (i 2,3,, m) 1 11
(k ) kk
0 计算乘数 mik a
(k ) ik
(k ) kk
(i k 1,, m)
用-mik乘上面的线性方程组的第k个方程加到第i个方程,可 以消去xk元,得到同解方程组 A( k 1) x b( k 1) ( k 1) (k ) (k ) 其中 a a m a i j i j ik k j (i k 1,, m, j k 1, n).
3 n 高斯消去法总的乘除运算量为: n2 n 3 3
定理2 约化的主元素 akk
(k )
0(k 1,2,, n) 的充要条件是
矩阵A的顺序主子式 Di 0(i 1, 2,, k ). 即
D1 a11 0 a11 a1i Di
推论 如果矩阵A的顺序主子式 Di 0(i 1, 2,, k ). 则
x1 0.1 x2 0.2 x3 0.72 x2 0.1 x1 0.2 x3 0.83 x 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.84 1 2 3
2 例题分析:
考虑解方程组 建立与式(1)相等价的形式:
10 x1 x2 2 x3 7.2 x1 10 x2 2 x3 8.3 x x 5 x3 4.2 2 1




首先,有三角形方程组的解法引入Gauss消去法,下三角方程组用前代法求解,这个很简单,就是通过第一个解第二个,然后一直这样直到解出最后一个未知数,代码如下:前代法:function [b]= qiandai_method(L,b)n=size(L,1); %n 矩阵L的行数for j=1:n-1 %前代法求解结果存放在b中b(j)=b(j)/L(j,j);b(j+1:n)=b(j+1:n)-b(j)*L(j+1:n,j);endb(n)=b(n)/L(n,n);上三角方程组用回代法,和前面一样就是从下面开始解x,代码:后代法:function [y]=houdai_method(U,y)n=size(U,1); %n 矩阵L的行数for j=n:-1:2 %后代法求解结果存放在y中y(j)=y(j)/U(j,j);y(1:j-1)=y(1:j-1)-y(j)*U(1:j-1,j);endy(1)=y(1)/U(1,1);Gauss消去的前提就是这两个算法:具体思想是把任何一个线性方程组的系数矩阵A,分解为一个上三角和一个下三角的乘积,即A=LU,其中L为下三角,U为上三角。


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此 假 定 合 理 性 的 证 明 , 文将 给 以证 明 . 本
关键词 :线性方程组 ;S R k方法 ; P 循环矩阵 O—
中图分类号:2 1 O 4. 6 文献标识码: A
1 引 言
考虑线性方程组 A = x b, () 1
其 中系数矩阵 A∈R 是 P ” 循环的非奇异矩阵, b∈R 是 已知的列向量.
第 3 卷第 4 4 期
文章编 号:03 8320) — 5—3 10- 4(080 0 30 2 46
西南民族大学学报 ・ 自然科学版
J u n l f o t we t i e st r t n l isNa u a ce c d t n o r a u h s v r i f i a i e . t r l in eE i o o S Un y o Na o t S i
mn ( = ) mn ( ) k J . ipL ) rk < ip , < P  ̄ pL) r (, 2
E as L 在假定 1 vn 和 i 中并未给出隐函数 g x 可定义 陛和可微性的证明, () 为了定理 2的完整和准确性, 下面将
给 出其证 明 .
间【, ] 2P 上连续, 在开区问 (, ) 2P 内可微. 对 V o 【, ] x ∈ 2P , 考虑Tii e  ̄g 关于 的连续函数, iU
q Y =X ,( ) (o 1 ) 0 Y 1 ( ) o Y ry =b x 一 一 , 很容易证得 g O <,O,( >,1. () () 1 ( 口) ) 这是由于 q O =0< (o 1 =rO ; () bx 一 ) () g1 = ( ) =(
用于线性方程组() S R方法称为 S R P 1 的 O O . 方法, 其迭代格式为
‘ = ’‘ ( c p ¨’ + 一o ) L
b , .
其中 ’ I o e~ ( -c I cU, L, ’,U, =(-c ) ( L I o +o ,,, ) ) = E, , , =
64 5 பைடு நூலகம்
西南民族大学学报 - 自然科学版
第 3 卷 4
其 ∑ = , = — Jl 中 』 p J l m+ _ j
jl =
在新 的划 分下 , 线性方 程组() S 用于 1的 OR方法 称为 S . ORk方法 .
把 记为 A在新划分下相应的块 Jcb矩阵, 3 e m 3 ̄ ( )和 ( )有相I的非零特征值, aoi 从[ L m a] l P , f 司 特别有 (( ) ) ( p) . =( B ) P

)g =62 () ,
P定义, 其中0<b — ) <( 为常数, 时 I 刮
P —
l 2I ) 一
假设函数 g x 是可微的. (
他 们在 上述假 定 的条件 下证 明了定理 2 .
定理 2¨如果 ( )仅有非正特征值, p B ) . P  ̄R ( <— , 则
( ( 1 等, ) i < ) 【 ・
( mn ( ’ t咄, ( 11 ’这 优 满足 i pL ) pL,= 一)一 ) 里最 参数 . i  ̄ = 、p) 1 ( ) ( ,
( ( ) ) p=(

)( ) 一 , 一1 1 , (

) ,
矩阵 称为 S R p O - 迭代矩阵.
V ra a 在文献[ 40给出了如下定理. g 3] ,
定理 1 A为 P循环的非奇异矩阵, 为 . 若
的特征值, 为 B 的特征值, 和 满足方程: / a p 则
( 一1 + ) p=
/ . a
此外, ( )的所有特征值非正, 若 p 并且 ( ) — , <— 则
2 假定 1 的证 明
证明. 0 取 <b<( ),
令 F( , =xY— ( 一1 ), x ) bx 一 2 P 0<Y<1 , . () 3 下面将充分证 明隐函数 Y=g x 在 F( , ) , x P 0<Y<1 () x Y =O2 , 的条件T -  ̄()式定义, n 3 - f 并且在闭区
A g2 8 u 00

求 解 线 性 方 程组 S R k方法 的一 个 注 记 O .
( 陕西师范大学数 学与信息科学学院,陕西西安 7 0 6 10 2)
摘 要: 考虑将p 循环矩阵划 分为k 循环矩阵 ( k P ) 解决P循环系 A = (> ) S Rk方法Eas 2 来 统 x bp 2 的 O — . n v 和L在隐函 i 数存在和可微的假定下, 较了S Rk 比 O .选代矩阵 ’ k ) ( 2 的最优谱半径. Eas i 给出 但是, n和L 并未 v
收稿 日期 :2 0 _31 0 80 .1
作者 简介 : 张伟 (9 1), 18一 男, 山东枣庄 人, 陕西j范大 学硕 J i 1 j 线性代数.
基金项 目:国家 自然科学基金资助项 N(0 70 8. 10 14 )
究 ; 畅大为 (93), 陕西西安人 ,副教授, 16. 男, 硕士研究生导 , 究方 向: 数优
若使 =L +U , 和 分别为严格的块下三角矩阵和严格的块上三角矩阵, k k其中 则相关的 S Rk迭代 O-
矩阵为 =( 一oD一 (一c I , c L ( o + , )
E as L 做了以下假定: vn 和 i
) .
假定 1 . 【 假设函数 g x 由等式 ( ¨ () —
∈( 旦

1. )
将线性方程组() 1的系数矩阵 A划分为 k 循环矩阵, 假设
2 k P 一1P > 2 , . () 2
并使整数 , , , 满足: ,

,, =1 = P, =12 … , . ,m1 , , , k
, =, +1 =12 … , + 1 , , , , k一1 .