史力卡 XILICA XA 4080 4进8出音箱数字处理器
EAW 音箱技术参数
Avalon -- 娱乐场所系列DC系列DC 系列是为舞厅、夜总会等娱乐场所扩声而度身定制的高水准固定安装型扬声器系统。
DC1全频三分频扬声器系统;4x15”低频单元, 10”号筒中频单元,2 ”高频单元;非对称下倾式涵盖;包括3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点;双路功放驱动 (采用数字信号处理)频响范围: . . . . . . 46Hz-16 kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . 90°x 40°(+10°- -30°垂直) 功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗低频1: . . . . . . . . 1600W/129dB/4Ω低频2: . . . . . . . . 1600W/129dB/4Ω低频1+ 低频2: . .3200W/135dB/2Ω中频/高频: . . . . .350 W/133dB/8Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . NL4和NL8 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . 1016高x1770前/1133后宽x652深重量(kg): . . . . . . .182.3产品编号: . . . . . . .999968选件DC1系统悬吊杆将低频部分与中/高频部分固定为一体 , 每一DC1系统需要2个产品编号 . . . . . . . 179114DC2全频三分频扬声器系统;2x15”低频单元, 10”号筒中频单元,1.4 ”高频单元;配有3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点; 双路功放驱动 (采用数字信号处理)频响范围: . . . . . . 45 Hz - 18 kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . .90° x 40°功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗低频: . . . . . . . . . 1600W/132dB/4Ω中频/高频: . . . . 350 W/133dB/8Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . NL4 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . 572前高/489后高x1449宽x483 深重量(kg): . . . . . . 86.4产品编号 . . . . . . . 999969DC3全频三分频扬声器系统;2x12”低频单元, 8”号筒中频单元,1”高频单元;配有3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点;双路功放驱动 (采用数字信号处理)频响范围: . . . . . . 50 Hz - 18 kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . 90°x 40°功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗低频: . . . . . . . . . 800W/128dB/4Ω中频/高频: . . . . 250W/128dB/8Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . NL4 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . 476前/406后高x 1321宽 x406 深重量(kg): . . . . . . 54.5产品编号 . . . . . . .999970DC4全频三分频扬声器系统;2x12”低频单元, 8”中频单元1 ”高频单元;配有3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点;双路功放驱动 (采用数字信号处理)频响范围: . . . . . . . 45 Hz - 17.5kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . . 90° x 40°功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗低频: . . . . . . . . . . .800W/128dB/4Ω中频/高频: . . . . . .220W/120dB/8Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . . NL4 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . . 486前/354后高 x959宽 x 508 深重量(kg): . . . . . . . .45产品编号 . . . . . . . . 999937DC5全频二分频扬声器系统;12”低频单元;1.4 ”高频单元;配有3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点;单路功放驱动频响范围: . . . . . . . .50 Hz - 18 kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . . .90°x 45°功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗全频: . . . . . . . . . . 500W/124dB/8Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . . NL4 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . . 395前/306后高 x 762宽 x 346深重量(kg): . . . . . . . .29.5产品编号 . . . . . . . . 999972DC6全频二分频扬声器系统;2x8”低频单元, 1”高频单元;包括3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点;单路功放驱动频响范围: . . . . . . .50 Hz - 19 kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . . 90° x 60°功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗全频: . . . . . . . . . . . 400W/121dB/4Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . . NL4 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . . 270前高/189后高x762宽x297深重量(kg): . . . . . . . .25.5kg产品编号 . . . . . . . . 997207D C S 系列EAW工程师发现,现代舞厅音乐的频谱具有这样一个特点:50Hz至60Hz低频段的声压级要比其他频段高出10-20dB。
Classe CP-800 立体声前置放大器 处理器 使用说明书
如果本设备的确对广播或电视接收造成干扰(这些干扰可通过开启和关闭设备确定),我们鼓励用户尝试通过以下一种或多种方法防止产生干扰:• 调整接收天线的方向或位置;• 增加设备和接收天线之间的距离;• 将设备和接收器连接到不同电路的插座上;• 向经销商或有经验的广播/电视技术人员寻求帮助。
Classé产品上的CE标志表示本产品符合欧洲共同体的 EMC(电磁兼容性)和LVD(低电压指令)的标准。
Classé 符合欧洲议会和理事会有关废电机电子设备( WEEE)的指令2002/96/EC。
—再按一下[Menu]便进入,限幅器[LIMIT]、[THRESH] 门限-20至+20dbu,再按下[Cursor]及旋钮键,便可设置[ATTACK]起动时间0.3-100 ms,[RELEASE]释放时间200ms-3200ms。
1. 输入信号处理Max4080接收来自音频源的输入信号,经过输入级进行放大和滤波处理。
2. 功率放大经过输入信号处理的信号进入功率放大器阶段。
3. 保护功能Max4080还具有多种保护功能,以保证其工作的可靠性和安全性。
1. 提供高质量的音频输出Max4080具有低失真和低噪声的特点,能够保证音频信号的高质量输出。
MAX4080的工作电源范围为2.7V至5.5V,工作温度范围为-40°C 至+125°C。
BOSE CSP-1248商用音频处理器产品说明
产品概述可实现快速安装的 DSP — Bose CSP -1248 商用音频处理器是包括扬声器、控制中心和软件在内的综合平台的一部分,可帮助安装人员高效地配置优质音响系统。
板载 CSP 配置实用程序和基于浏览器的直观用户界面可提供快速设置工作流。
安装后,Bose 专有算法带来可预测的性能,同时 ControlCenter 数字区域控制器和 ControlSpace Remote 远程控制应用程序等可选配件可让终端用户实现轻松操作。
关键特性连接尺寸适中,适合经济型商业安装 - 8 x 4 平衡模拟输入/输出,4 对混音单声道 RCA 输入、8 个控制输入、1 个控制输出、静音触点、以太网接口和 Bose AmpLink 连接CSP 配置实用程序具有基于浏览器的用户界面,便于实时显示和设置电平、路由、阈值、 优先级、设定事件、Bose 扬声器 EQ 、输入和区域 EQ后面板以太网接口适用于 PC/Mac 配置;同时还可以连接 ControlCenter 数字区域控制器和 ControlSpace® Remote 远程控制应用程序自动音量补偿会根据环境噪声不断调整区域输出电平,只需与 Bose AVM-1 感应麦克风 (单独出售)配合使用即可Opti -voice 寻呼功能可提供音乐和广播之间的平滑过渡Opti -source 电平管理可监控多达 4 个音源的输入电平,在切换音源时保持一致的音量SmartBass 处理可在任何音量下对支持的 Bose 扬声器扩展低音的性能和响应Bose AmpLink 输出可简单地将数字音频与兼容的功率放大器连接,减少中断和相关故障点直观的终端用户操作 — 可选的 ControlCenter CC-1D 、CC-2D 和 CC-3D (单独出售) 数字区域控制器和 ControlSpace Remote 远程控制应用程序能够提供轻松的音量控制和音源选择应用零售餐厅酒店技术数据Bose CSP -1248 商用音频处理器技术规格q RCA 输入 – 四对混音单声道用于连接非平衡音源w 平衡输入 – 八路平衡模拟麦克风/线路输入(配备可选的 +48V 幻象电源)ePBX 输入 – 用于 600 Ω 电话系统的专用寻呼控制输入r 平衡输出 – 四路平衡模拟线路输出t MOH 输出 – 标准平衡输出或用于 600 Ω 音乐保持 (Music On Hold) 电话系统的音源。
1/4©2017 A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A t l a s S o u n d a n d S t r a t e g y S e r i e s a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . A T S 004406 R e v B 5/17DSP8807Self Contained, Compact Multi-Zone Digital Controlled Sound Masking ProcessorGeneral DescriptionThe Atlas Sound DSP8807 is a self-amplified, sound masking controller with extensive digital signal processing (DSP) and telephony interface capabilities. All aspects of signal routing, processing and prioritization are administered through an intuitive Graphic User Interface (GUI) managed via a local Windows ® based laptop or desktop computer. The software has the ability to expand up to (253) systems with over 2,000 zones (2,048) with primary and secondary assignment in a zone paging dialing plan. It also provides the ability to set up “All zone” page, “Group zone“ page (up to 32 groups) and “Single zone“ page with an architectural dialing plan (2-digit DTMF) set up in the GUI. AVB (Audio Video Bridge) audio networking allows distribution of paging, BGM and line level inputs between multiple DSP8807 and/or DSP2212 units across TCP/IP data networks.The DSP8807 has 8 channels of independent on-board digital class-D amplifiers capable of delivering 50W RMS per 70.7V output. Additionally, a simultaneous line level output rated at 1V/600Ω (nominal) per zone is available for driving higher power amplifiers. The DSP8807 includes two independent, uncorrelated pink noise generators, which are random and non-repeating up to 215 hours with 1⁄3-octave EQ adjustments programmable on a per zone basis.Each DSP8807 is capable of managing remote ambient level sensing microphones (ALM-1) for each zone (x8), via a single CAT5e cable up to 1,000 feet from the DSP8807. These microphones can provide automatic adjustment of the masking level based on real- time noise levels with set up and control via the GUI.Features• A VB (Audio Video Bridge) Audio Networking Allows Distribution of Paging, BGM and Line Level Inputs Between Multiple DSP8807 and/or DSP2212 Units Across TCP/IP Data Networks • User Friendly GUI and Easy Network Setup• Built-InAmplificationforEachOutput(***********)• Line Level Outputs (x8) for Expansion to External Amplifiers • Expandable - Up to 256 Units (2048 Zones) • Non Repeating Pink Noise Sources • Front Panel Visual Status LED’s for All I/O • Parametric EQ for All Paging / Line Sources • 1⁄3 Octave EQ for All Masking Zones• C omprehensive Telco Interface Facilitates Complex Paging Scenarios for Multi Floor Buildings • Paging Mic Input for Evacuation or General Announcements • Optional Ambient Sensing Microphones for Automatic System Adjustment •UL / CUL and FCC ListedDSP8807 FrontDSP8807 Back238751461. A mplifierOutputs(***************)2. Line Level Outputs for Expansion to External Amplifiers (x8)3. R J45 Inputs for Optional Ambient Sensing Microphones (x8)4. T elco Page Input (Loop Start). Use with 2-5 Digit GUI Defined DTMF Dial Plan5. B GM, and Line Inputs6. Paging Mic Input with 32VDC Switchable Phantom Power7. Contact Closure Inputs (x4)8. TCP/IP Network Input (Parallel Input Also on Front Panel)©2017 A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A t l a s S o u n d a n d S t r a t e g y S e r i e s a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . A T S 004406 R e v B 5/17SpecificationsSystem Performance / DSP ProcessorsDynamic Range >102dB A-Weighted Frequency Response 80Hz–20kHz (±3dB) at Rated Output Distortion THD+N.001% Typical at +4dBu, 1kHz, 0dB GainInput Sensitivity ≤ 1.0% at 1kHz at Rated Output Interchannel Crosstalk > 80dB Typical Crosstalk Input To Output > 80dBChannel Separation> 100dB at 1kHz (In Thru Out) Common Mode Rejection Ration (CMRR) > 50dB, 80Hz – 20kHz Typical > 55dB at 1kHzProcessor Capacity264 MIPS, 528MFLOPS, Continuous OperationSample Rate Audio Conversion 48kHz D/A Converter Type (Audio) 24-bit Sigma Delta D/A Performance Dynamic Range (Converter) > 100dB A-Weighted A/D Performance Dynamic Range > 110dB A-WeightedNon-Volatile MemoryMemory Storage For All Programs And Set Up Protected For 24 Hours In Power Brown Out, Interruption, or Computer Shut Down. Data Settings Good for Ten Years W/O Refresh DSP Manual RestartF ront Restart Manual Button To Reload DSP’sCODEC – DSP ProtectionA ll I/O Protected With Buffers From Spikes and Transients or Sneak CurrentsSystem Inputs (Unless Noted Located On Rear Panel)Power AC MainsIEC 3-pin with Ground, 100VAC-120VAC, 50Hz-60kHz with ON/OFF Manual Switch With Replaceable FuseNetwork – Data RJ45 Module Jack (EIA 568B)Telco Loop Start2-Pin Dockable Keyed Connector Input Transformer 600ΩRing Voltage 105V – 14V (POTS – VoIP) DTM F Dial Plan Single, Group, or All Page Microphone3-Pin Dockable Keyed Connector Background MusicR CA Connector 10k Ω (Sum to Mono)Master Override2-Pin Dockable Keyed Connector (1V – 70.7V nominal)Ambient Sensing Microphones (x8)R J45 Modular Jack (EIA 568B) No PolaritySystem Outputs (Unless Noted Located On Rear Panel)Speakers (x8)2-Pin Dockable Keyed Connector (70.7V at 50 Watts RMS)Audio Line level (x8)3-Pin Dockable Keyed Connector (1v nominal) M icrophone Frequency Level 80Hz – 18kHz M usic 80Hz – 20kHz Line out 80Hz – 18kHz Telco250Hz – 4kHzNetwork system linkRJ45 Modular Jack (EIA 568B)System Amplifiers (x8)Frequency Response 80Hz – 20kHz, (±.25dB)Total Distortion.001% Typical at +4dB, 1kHz,0dB GainTransformer Output 70.7V and IV Line Level Efficiency 85% or Better Gain Control Adjustable to 34dB Power SupplyUL / CUL /CE RecognizedInput Impedance 50k ΩOutput Impedance 8ΩCarrier Frequency 400kHz Peak Current 1.2A MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) 100,000 HoursEMC / EMI RadiationF CC Part 15 Class B, EN6100,CISPR 22System Mechanical Data Length 14" (358mm)Width 19" (482.6mm)Height3.5" (88.9mm)Material (Outer Housing) C RS (Cold Roll Steel) 18AWG(.047" Nominal)FinishF lat Black Powder Coat With Zinc Undercoat Corrosion ResistantPrinted Circuit BoardsUL Recognized UL94VO Electronic Components RoHS Operating Temperature 0˚ to +50˚C Storage Temperature -40˚ to +85˚CHumidity95% Non-Condensing (Max.)©2017 A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A t l a s S o u n d a n d S t r a t e g y S e r i e s a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . A T S 004406 R e v B 5/17Specification Friendly Text1. D igital Signal Processor (DSP) with Noise Masking and Amplification – DSP shall provide multi-zone digital DSP-GUI controlled processor and digital amplifiers capable of simultaneous distribution of masking, paging, and background music signals. DSP shall include status lights on front panel. DSP shall: a. Be 2RU High.b. I nclude 8x8 I/O with 8 ambient noise sensor connections and 8channels of 50 Watts class D amplifiers. c. I nclude two independent pink/white noise generators that arerandom and non-repeating over 215 hours. d. D SP shall include parametric EQ, Graphic EQ, Volume, Tonecontrols, Network Volume Control, Telco compressor, Matrix, mixer, and ambient mic monitoring. e. Include telephone interface.f. U tilize Audio Video Bridge AVB Protocols that are IEEE802.1 standards.g. P rovide status indication of Processors running, Mute, Page Active,Masking Active, Mic Active, Amplifier channels, Emergency Audio Inputs, and System Power h. M anufacturer Atlas Sound DSP8807 with ALM-1 Ambient SensingMicrophones or approved equal.ApplicationsThe Atlas Sound DSP8807 digital processor “Privacy” system is a self contained, compact multi-zone digital DSP-GUI controlled processor and digital amplifier capable of simultaneous distribution of masking, paging, and background music signals for use in:• Hospitality• Government Facilities • Education Transportation • Corporate • Industrial • RestaurantsArchitect and Engineer SpecificationsThe Atlas Sound DSP8807 unit shall provide automatic mixing, set up and administration of all 8x8 inputs / outputs per zone (channel) via an intuitive ‘simple to use’ Graphic User Interface (GUI) managed via a local Windows ® based laptop or desktop computer. The DSP8807 shall include 8 channels of independent on-board digital class-D amplifiers that shall deliver 50 Watts RMS at 70.7V output. An audio line level output rated at 1V/600Ω (nominal) per zone shall drive higher power amplifiers. The DSP8807 shall have two (2) independent uncorrelated pink and white noise generators which are random and non-repeating up to 215 hours with EQ adjustments programmable on a per zone basis.The DSP8807 shall provide dynamic control and management based on IEEE802.1 AVB standards (Audio-Video Bridging) with independent 1⁄3 Octave (28) band EQ *(Filter type is Butterworth @ 19dB and Linkwitz-Riley at 24dB) and Parametric EQ for calibration of all PA, ambient level sensing and automatic volume control on a per zone basis. Paging (PA) presets shall be assigned in 10dB increments (10, 20, 30dB) per zone with automatic gain control (AGC) for all Telco and microphone paging inputs. The DSP8807 GUI called the ‘DSP Series Masking ControlSoftware’ shall control system setup. The software shall have the ability to expand up to (253) systems with over 2,000 zones (2,048) withprimary and secondary assignment in a zone paging dialing plan. It shall also provide the ability to set up All zone page, Group zone page (up to 32 groups) and single zone page with an architectural dialing plan (2-digit DTMF) set up in the GUI.Each DSP8807 shall be capable of managing remote ambient level sensing microphones (ALM-1) for each zone (x8) wired via a singleCAT5e cable up to 1,000 feet from the DSP8807 for automatic adjustment of the masking level based on real-time noise levels with set up and control via the GUI. Frequency response shall be 80Hz – 20kHz (±3dB) at rated output with .001% THD typical at 4dBu, 1kHz at 0dB gain and a Dynamic range of 102dB A-weighted. Mechanical dimensions shall be (L x W x H) 14" (358mm) x 19" (483mm) x 3.5" (89mm). All Power Components shall be UL Recognized, Boards Are UL94v0 and RoHS. DSP8807 shall be UL / CUL / FCC and CB (International) Listed.4/4©2017 A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A t l a s S o u n d a n d S t r a t e g y S e r i e s a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . A T S 004406 R e v B 5/17D S P 8807B l o c k D i a g r a m。
8X8 DSP数字矩阵处理器说明书
8X8 DSP DIGITAL MATRIX PROCESSOR使用说明书User’s ManualEKX-8088X8数字矩阵处理器目 录产品功能 --------------------------------------------------1前面板说明 ------------------------------------------------1后背板说明 ------------------------------------------------2PC软件 ----------------------------------------------------2-3 PC软件说明 ------------------------------------------------4-9技术指标 --------------------------------------------------10配件清单 --------------------------------------------------10背板控制端口示意图 -----------------------------------------11-13 232通信协议控制代码 ----------------------------------------14-22使用安全事项 ----------------------------------------------23英文说明 --------------------------------------------------24-45●32位DSP芯片处理,96kHz采样率,24bit AD/DA转换。
●输入处理部分包含高切,低切,参量均衡,独立反馈抑制,噪声门,增益,静音,相位,连动调节,音、 量编组调节等处理功能。
19-2562; Rev 0; 10/02
76V, High-Side, Current-Sense Amplifiers with Voltage Output
General Description
General System/Board-Level Current Sensing
Precision High-Voltage Current Sources
♦ Wide 4.5V to 76V Input Common-Mode Range ♦ Bidirectional or Unidirectional ISENSE ♦ Low-Cost, Compact, Current-Sense Solution ♦ Three Gain Versions Available
(MAX4081 Only)....-0.3V to the lesser of +18V or (VCC + 0.3V) Output Short Circuit to GND.......................................Continuous Differential Input Voltage (VRS+ - VRS-) ...............................±80V Current into Any Pin..........................................................±20mA
Xilica工程案例 Xilica工程案例
上海南汇区艺术中心剧场 南汇区艺术中心剧场是市政府十分 重视的一个项目。最后,经过专家 分析研究。一致认为加拿大天雅的 音响和Xilica处理器在性能指标、音 色和价格方面均略胜一筹 。
上海万豪虹桥大酒店 上海万豪虹桥大酒店是一间享誉世界的 五星级酒店。该酒店经过详细的分析和 调查,挑选了加拿大天雅和Xilica作为 酒店音响扩声系统。
波兰首都华沙庆典 在波兰首都华沙庆典从主扩声处理器到 备份处理器均采用加拿大Xilica公司生产 的音频处理器。
Xilica工程案例 Xilica工程案例
伦敦Comedy store 1台XP3060作为整个系统的核心 处理及英国Turbosound音箱作为 主扩声音箱
多伦多喜剧演出 主扩声系统由2台XP3060、Yorkville TX 系列音箱和Yorkville AP系列功放组成
XP3060应用如下页: XP3060应用如下页: 应用如下页
XP3060矩阵处理器应用( XP3060矩阵处理器应用(一) 矩阵处理器应用
2 X 6设置 设置
Yorkville AP1020
High L High R LOW L SUB L
High L
LOW R High R Yorkville E152
Xilica专业音频数字处理器介绍 Xilica专业音频数字处理器介绍
Xilica音频数字处理器主要有以下四大系列产品: 1、XP系列音频矩阵处理器 4、XA系列音频矩阵处理器
XP系列音频矩阵处理器简介 XP系列音频矩阵处理器简介
XP系列是XD系列的基础简化版,但是XP系列功能也十分强大。如每 输入/输出信号通道具有8段参量均衡、650ms的延时、分频。输入通道更 具有31段图示均衡、压缩器。输出通道具有限幅器、输入信号选择及电平 调节等功能。而且每个型号都具有带话筒前置的版本(如XP8080的另一个 版式本为XP8080M)。使用XP系列完全可以满足专业使用要求而具最好的性 价比。XP适用中小型演出和对音质要求高的场合。
思科 Cisco TelePresence SX80 编解码器产品手册说明书
产品手册Cisco TelePresence SX80 编解码器Cisco TelePresence SX80 编解码器 (SX80 Codec) 为打造终极视频协作体验提供强大而灵活的平台。
SX80 编解码器旨在满足集成需求,实现定制视频协作会议室的灵活性和创造性,从而满足客户需求。
SX80 用作音频和视频引擎,以将高清视频协作应用引入大型会议室、会场和专用或行业应用会议室。
SX80 最高可提供 1080p60 的端到端高清 (HD) 视频,且是业界首批支持 H.265 的产品,从而为此新标准未来可能实现的带宽效率奠定基础。
该编解码器提供丰富的输入和输出设置以及灵活的媒体引擎,且支持 3 个屏幕的功能可以支持各种使用案例,从而满足您的特定需求。
SX80 编解码器还支持多种复杂的摄像机功能,以实现视频会议中的智能查看功能:●SpeakerTrack 60 双摄像机系统采用了快速直接的独特切换方法,以跟踪实时发言者。
●PresenterTrack1 - 行业领先的功能,支持自动对视频会议室里的发言者进行检测和跟踪,可在特定的触发区域内从座位到站立位置动态跟随发言者,从而使他们可更加自由地移动(需要额外的 Cisco TelePresence Precision 60 摄像机)。
图 1. Cisco TelePresence SX80 编解码器思科提供 3 种 SX80 集成包,以降低在大型会议室中装配视频对外部设备的要求和总体成本:●SX80 编解码器和 Precision 40 摄像机,适用于大中型会议室场景●SX80 编解码器和 Precision 60 摄像机,适用于大型会议室场景,可提供市场上最好的影像质量●SX80 和 SpeakerTrack 60 双摄像机语音跟踪系统SX80 编解码器通过其强大的媒体引擎,帮您打造理想的视频协作会议室。
图 2. 配备有 Touch 10 和 SpeakerTrack 60 的 Cisco TelePresence SX80 集成包产品特性表 1 总结了 SX80 编解码器的主要特性。
Keysight 4080 Series Parametric Testers说明书
4080 Series Parametric Testers4082A Parametric Test System &4082F Flash Memory Cell Parametric Test SystemIndustry-Standard Parametric Test System over DecadesLeading-edge technologies demand high performance semiconductor devices available at the lower cost of test in high volume manufacturing. Keysight offers the higher throughput and superior measurement performance by 4082A parametric test system with the easiest migration path from 4070 tester including guaranteed 4070/SPECS program compatibilities and data correlations. 4082F flash memory cell parametric test system provides the fast and precise measurements with the built-in semiconductor pulse generator unit (SPGU), cost-effective pulse generator and optional high-frequency switching matrix.Need to Upgradeyour 4070 SeriesTesters? Array If you use 4070 Seriestester without anyservice and supportagreements, you have achance to get back toprofessional service andsupport by upgrading to4080 Series. ContactKeysight to discuss ifyou want to upgradefrom 4070 to 4080Series by reusing someof your systemcomponents with longersupport life.Keysight 4080 Series: Parametric Test System Total SolutionKeysight 4080 Series offers a wide range of measurement capabilities required for fundamental parametric test. You can easily perform DC and capacitance measurements such as Vth, Ids, Idoff, and Cox, to name just a few. 4080 Series supports three types of SMU (Source Monitor Unit) for DC measurement. Several other instruments options, such as a digital voltmeter (DVM), a spectrum analyzer and an LCR meter, provide the enhanced measurement capabilities.Hardware, Software, Accessories, and Professional ServicesYou might think the 4080 Series parametric tester as a hardware integrated system with system cabinet and test head, however, there are more essential system elements of software, accessories, and professional service by Keysight technical experts.Figure 1. Parametric Test System Total Solution4080 Series as Single Offer of Total SolutionKeysight also offers solution support and training as professional services to provide a quickerstart up, maximize your productivity, and minimize downtime of systems. Keysight experts havedeep domain knowledge of test equipment, software, standards, and regulations. Service and solutions from Keysight provide truly trusted systems that you can rely on the measurementsyou make, through the proactively structure an on-site service plan that can include an on-siterepair service, a remote response team, a scheduled calibration services, or timely software updates.•Upfront purchase: configuring available hardware and software options along with some professional Application Engineer (AE) consulting and Customer Engineer (CE) uptimeservice such as installation, repair, and calibration.o Hardware warranty and service agreements are essential for first 12 months and available to extend to 36 months.o Software subscription service is offered for first 36 months as required.•Post-sales: upgrading hardware and software with available retrofit kits and professional AE or CE services. Renewals of service agreement are available with both hardware servicesand software subscription.4080 Series has the test head and system cabinet to use with the probers in semiconductor wafer production line. Most of hardware elements are configurable per your test needs and test structure design to maximize the production capacity and for the highest throughput to archive.4080 Series ModelsChoose from two models for your parametric test requirements.More Hardware Elements to Configure 4080 SeriesThese are also configurable for the test parameters and test structure design of your wafer.4080 Series has the dedicated system controller with Linux operating system (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). This controller has the 4080 system software with fundamental capabilities to operate and control the 4080 test system. The controller can be installed with the optional but essential software such as SPECS and SPECS-FA effective in managing the semiconductor wafer production and factory automation with 4080 Series.Keysight SPECS (Semiconductor Proces Evaluation Core Software)Keysight SPECS is a test shell for Linux-based 4080 Series with code compatibility of test plans and algorithms from 4070 Series. You can minimize the transition cost, utilize existing 4070 codes, and lower the cost of ownership with the latest low-cost Linux environment.Keysight SPECS-FA (Factory Automation)Keysight SPECS-FA, the factory automation version of Keysight SPECS test shell.Figure 2. SPECS-FA operation panelOffline Debug Environment of SPECS & SPECS-FAFor test plan development and debug purpose, offline SPECS and SPECS-FA environment (running without live connection to 4080 Series parametric test system) is available for optional purchase.Virtual Mulitple Testhead (VMT) Technology to Improve Measurement ThroughputAll 4080 Series testers can enable this advanced asynchronous parallel test technology online with a software licensing. This technology allows separate measurement tasks to run independently. Unlike conventional parallel test schemes, no measurement time is ever wasted. As soon as one set of resources finishes making a measurement it can immediately start the next measurement. Net efficiency is like having independent multiple test heads in a single tester and greatly improves measurement throughput.Figure 3. Asynchronous Parallel Test with Keysight VMTAvailable Software OptionsThere are available options for 4080 Series system software, SPECS and SPECS-FA as follows. •Software media on CD-ROM•Paper manuals (English, Japanese)Software with Subscription Service4080 Series system software, SPECS and SPECS-FA have offered 36 months subscription service for each new tester at purchase. When the software media option is purchased, 36-month software media subscription is available.1. Software License-To-Use (LTU) subscription service2. Software media subscription serviceTo maintain the software with the latest enhancements and defect fixes, Keysight recommends renewing the software update subscription with 4080 Series system software, SPECS and SPECS-FA. You can access to the latest software within the subscription service as well as the remote technical support calls to local Keysight AE experts.AccessoriesOptional accessories are available for 4080 Series. All accessories are orderable with 4080 Series and retrofittable as post-sales.They are typically used for specific purpose to make the 4080 Series test system more robust for any unwanted failures or additional features with additional components like adapter and fixture.1 All new 4080 Series includes ESD resistor boxes as mandatory accessories.Keysight Professional ServicesKeysight offers numbers of services to complete the parametric tester solution including;On-site installation servicesThis is a standard service for every new parametric test system at purchase. Keysight Customer Engineer (CE) will install the system at on-site. Before installing the system, Keysight CE also performs site verification as pre-installation process.Warranty and extended services12 months of on-site repair service is offered as a standard warranty. Extended warranty service agreements are also available for sale.Calibration services12 months of on-site calibration service agreement is offered with the parametric test system. Extended calibration service agreements are also available for sale.Productivity assistanceCustomers can choose the term of productivity assistance from a day to required terms Keysight professional Application Engineer (AE) consulting services.Application software supportKeysight AE consulting is also available for specific deliverables such as software customization, software program conversion or software program optimization to assist customers programming for additional test parameters, and/or throughput improvement by optimizing software design.Startup assistanceTo correctly set up the parametric test system and check through all purchased functions to operate as soon as possible, Keysight Customer Engineer (CE) can help your smooth production ramp up with the startup assistance.Training (on-site, Keysight office, or remote)Various trainings are provided by each region or country to meet your local needs. Contact to the training coordinator in your region or country to see what trainings are available and get a quote of the right ones in local price.Post-sales professional serviceKeysight offers all above consulting services for post-sales as well. Feel free to contact Keysight representative if you need additional needs for new operator trainings and/or for tester throughput improvements for lowering cost of test.Post-sales service agreement and contract renewalWhen the initial service agreements of hardware and software subscription are expiring, Keysight contract sales team will propose you for renewals based on your current system configuration. Request your renewal quote to secure and maintain the parametric test system up and running with the minimized downtime.Upgrading Your 4080 Series Parametric Test SystemIn case you want to upgrade 4080 Series hardware elements, you can purchase several retrofit kits and necessary AE/CE consulting service as a customized single order.•Model number: N9170U•Description: Hardware retrofit set for parametric test systemo Includes hardware retrofit kits and professional AE/CE services as solution upgrade packageSolution Upgrade Package Available Retrofit SelectionsHardware elements Pin boards, SMUs, HF matrix & pulse switch, test resources, rackmount kitsAccessories Test fixture adapter, performance check fixture, breakdownprotectorProfessional services AE consulting service with training and softwareCE uptime service and custom solutionsConclusionAll parametric test designers want to improve the throughput and minimize any production downtime for the better cost of test in semiconductor wafer productions. To overcome some typical but difficult process test challenges in your semiconductor wafer production, Keysight offers the total solution on parametric test not only with hardware and software but with professional AE and CE consulting service for your 4080 Series Parametric Test System.If you need any technical consulting service on throughput improvement and/or advice on service agreements to reduce the unwanted downtime, contact Keysight as we offer the various professional service as agreement and per-incident consultation to maximize your productivity and production capacity.Learn more at: For more information on Keysight Technologies’ products, applications, or services,please contact your local Keysight office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus。
专业音频处理器 2X4 3X6 4X8(Dante 可选)使用说明书
D4表示配置了4路Dante 网络音频输入和输出接口的功能。
应用场合▲演艺厅▲体育场馆▲专业演出▲礼堂▲多功能厅▲会议系统功能特点▲96k24BIT采样率▲输入7段PEQ,输出7段PEQ,高低通滤波器▲全通滤波器AIIpass▲可配置Dante网络数字音频输入输出▲USB免驱自动连接软件,支持RS232中控控制,支持TCPIP有线和无线控制▲支持手机APP无线控制▲支持多台机器组网联调,远程监控第2章技术参数第3章功能结构前面板过载指示灯0dBu输入信号电平灯-24dBu输入信号电平灯输入编辑与静音灯限幅状态灯0dBu输出信号电平灯-24dBu输出信号电平灯输出编辑与静音灯后面板机器尺寸图上翻键下翻键菜单键回车键旁通键退出键频率Q 值增益输入:长按编辑/短按静音输出:长按编辑/短按静音USB (B 型)连接口液晶显示屏4通道卡侬母输入8通道卡侬公输出电源开关保险丝盒电源插座Dante 接口(可选)TCP/IP 控制网口RS232接口3.1LCD 显示屏功能菜单LCD菜单主界面1、设备名称:用户可以通过控制软件或下位机自定义修改名称。
DSP4000数字音频处理器特点◆ 4信号通道输入,8信号通道输出◆采用高性能的96k24Bit模拟数字转换器◆超级的音频信号处理质量◆中央处理器及数码处理日后均可以不断升级◆每一个输入及输出通道设有6个参量均衡器,均为+15dB 增益及-30dB衰减,Q值由 0.01至 2.50◆每一个输入及输出通道均设有静音键开关 (带灯显示)◆延时器可以选择时间或距离作为单位,方便计算◆可通过附送的计算机软件连接计算机作远程操控及修改参量◆可储存30个节目◆每一个通道输出的压限均可以控制启动及释放时间◆网络远程控制功能DSP4000内部流程处理图DSP4000技术参数:输入\输出4路输入,8路输出输入阻抗>10KΩ输出阻抗50 Ω最大输入、输出电平+20dBu类型电子平衡式音频性能频率响应+/- 0.1dB (20 - 20KHz)动态范围115dB typ (unweighted)共模抑制比> 60dB (50 - 10KHz)。
这台是在卡坛上卖的,价格:78000中道1000卡座sony ka7es / Nakamichi zx9 / REVOX / STUDER卡座好SONY TC-KA7ES 机芯SONY TC-K555ESJTC-K555ESJ黑色(2600)SONY银色重量级落地窗卡座TC-K777玩卡座最好不要两头的,不要双卡的,不要双向的。
狗仔的931是其顶级原装日产机A&D公司的前身是AKAI(赤井电机)87年AKAI和diatone(三菱电机的子公司的专业做音箱的)合拼于是成立了新的牌子由AKAI变为A&D.因为营销操作的关系,在海外市场牌子仍然是AKAI.而在日本销售的牌子是A&D91009100EV9100EX9100EX9100机芯AKAI机芯的局部加油有关卡座的评测1、akai gx-9100ex是93年stereo sound 排行榜的老二,第一是sony 的555esg2、9100及9100EX,差别的确只是在电源部份作了加强而已,就是供电走线要比9100好一些,所以交流噪声要小点。
4、磁头信号放大电路也不同:9100/9100EX放音部分为分立件非对称非平衡放大电路+MITSUBISHI M5238(J-FET输入)双运放放大,放音声场透明度高,细节丰富;9100EV放音部分为分立件全对称平衡放大电路MITSUBISHI M5238P(J-FET输入)双运放放大,其音频电路及排版与前面两者几乎完全不同。
95MKII放音部分也是平衡放大电路,但其核心元件只是两只JRC NJM4580DD双运放。
5、 9100是110V的,但改220V很容易,只要调换一下接线位置就行;9100是AKAI的顶级机,但555ESL上面的机器还有一大摞6、答案早就有了:9100EX>9100>9100EV但是9100EV的杜比芯片较新,性能好些。
三种音效全兼容的顶级环绕声处理器纵览作者:来源:《家庭影院技术》2015年第04期现阶段,能够做到Dolby Atmos 、Auro-3D 与DTS :X 三种环绕声解码都支持的环绕声处理可以说是屈指可数,而且都是欧美品牌中价格不菲的顶级机型,要搭建全兼容的系统,恐怕只有少数高端的玩家才有资格这么做。
不过,由于绝大部分的日系品牌都表示将会支持DTS :X解码,在将来必定会有中端甚至主流的AV放大器出现,想在最近更新家中那台AV放大器,或者准备进入家庭影院大家庭的朋友,我们还是希望大家先耐心等待一段时间,在2015年底之前必然会有大量新机涌现。
两款北美环绕声悍将的降临Theta Digital(飞腾数码)Casablanca IVa与Casablanca Ⅴ拥有超过19年音频放大器发展历程的Theta Digital最近正式宣布推出两款全新的Casablanca系列前级环绕声处理器,包括Casablanca Ⅳa与CasabIanca Ⅴ。
这两款环绕声处理器最大的特点在于能够完整支持Dolby Atmos、Auro-3D与DTS:X,要注意的是DTS:X是即将支持,也就是在日后可以通过软件升级支持。
至于Casablanca Ⅳa与CasabIanca V具体的环绕声处理能力究竟如何?Theta DigitaI方面并没有释放出详细的介绍资料,只是简单地透露了Casablanca Ⅳa可以支持7.1.4的Dolby Atmos系统,也就是起码拥有11.1通道的环绕声处理能力,而CasablancaV则最高可以支持24个通道。
不过由此就可以看到,两款机型所针对的市场是有所不同的,前者是主流中坚领域,适合中小型房间的使用,后者则是主打高端市场,可以轻松打造出20通道以上的大型沉浸式环绕声系统,更加适合发挥Dolby Atmos与DTS:X这两种沉浸式环绕声音效的潜力,实现更加丰富的声场细节与包围感。
Casablanca Ⅳa其实就是广受好评的Casablanca Ⅳ的升级版本,主要的提升在加入了三大新环绕声音效的解码处理,采用了强大的Dirac Live 96K数字房间校正与优化系统以及ThetaDigital专利的Jiter JailⅡ防抖动电路,在增强本身的处理能力的同时,还强化了音质,使得声音细节更为丰富。
Product OverviewThe DSP for quick-turn installations — the Bose CSP-1248 commercial sound processor is part of a comprehensive platform that includes loudspeakers, controls, and software that help installers deliver premium sound systems efficiently. An onboard CSP configuration utility and intuitive browser-based UI provide a quick-setup workflow. Common tasks are presented in a logical manner, so you can configure the system faster, reducing installation time while increasing setup accuracy. Once installed, Bose proprietary algorithms offer predictable performance while optional interfaces — such as ControlCenter digital zone controllers and the ControlSpace Remote app — make operation easy for end users.Key FeaturesRight-sized connectivity for cost-effective commercial installation — 8 x 4balanced analog I/O, 4 pair mono-summed RCA inputs, 8 control inputs, 1 control output, mute contact, Ethernet port, and Bose AmpLink connectivity CSP configuration utility with browser-based UI facilitates real-time display and control of levels, routing, thresholds, priorities, scheduled events, Bose loudspeaker EQs, plus input and area EQsRear-panel Ethernet port for PC/Mac configuration; also allows for connection to networks supporting ControlCenter digital zone controllers and the ControlSpace Remote appAutoVolume compensation continuously adapts zone output level based on ambient noise when paired with the Bose AVM-1 sense microphone (sold separately)Opti-voice paging provides a smooth transition between music and announcementsOpti-source level management monitors input level of up to 4 sources, maintaining consistent volume when switching sourcesSmartBass processing expands performance and response at any listening level on supported Bose loudspeakersBose AmpLink output for simplified digital audio connection to compatible power amplifiers, reducing terminations, and related points of failureIntuitive end-user operation — optional ControlCenter CC-1D, CC-2D, and CC-3D (sold separately) digital zone controllers and ControlSpace Remote app provide easy volume control and source selectionApplicationsRetail RestaurantsHospitalityTECHNICAL DATABose CSP-1248commercial sound processorTechnical Specificationsq RCA inputs – Four mono-summed pairs for connection to unbalanced sourcesw Balanced inputs – Eight balancedanalog mic/line inputs with selectable +48V phantom powere PBX input – Dedicated paging con-trol input for 600 Ω telephone systemst MOH output – Standard balancedoutput or source for 600 Ω music-on-hold telephone system. Configured by softwarey AmpLink output connector – 8-chan-nel digital audio output for use with supported Bose amplifiersu Control inputs – Eight digital controlinputs for push-to-talk microphone trig-o Mute – Contact closure connectionthat upon trigger will mute all outputs, NO defaulta Service ports Network – Ethernet connection (RJ-45) for accessing the onboard configura-tion utility, or for connecting ControlCen-ter digital controllers via a PoE network switcho a dqw e r t y uis。
—再按一下[Menu]便进入,限幅器[LIMIT]、[THRESH] 门限-20至+20dbu,再按下[Cursor]及旋钮键,便可设置[ATTACK]起动时间0.3-100 ms,[RELEASE]释放时间200ms-3200ms。
XILICA XA 2040 2进4出音箱数字处理器·2x4矩阵DSP系统控制器、提供图形用户界面的XConsole软件·可通过RS232和USB连接·24比特的AD/DA转换器·采样率为96Hz-40比特浮点DSP·每输入和输出通道具有90ms的延时·分频,压缩和限幅·每输入和输出8段PEQ(参量均衡)·相位纠正、30个预设、密码保护XA2040是我们新的基础入门级处理器。
阻抗输入阻抗: >10k欧姆输出阻抗: 50欧姆最大电平: +20dBu类型: 电子平衡音频表现频率响应: +/- 0.1dB (20 到30kHz)动态范围: 115 dB (空载)共模抑制比: >100dB (50 to 10kHz)干扰: < -100dB失真: 0.002% (1kHz @ +4dBu)数字音频表现处理器(DSP): 40-比特浮点处理器采样率: 96kHz模拟转换器: 具有优质表现24-比特转换器传播延时: 1.5ms音频控制参数增益: -40 到+15dB ,0.25 dB步进量相位(极性): +/-延时: 每输入/输出多达90ms均衡可用参量均衡: 每输入/输8段类型: 参量均衡, Hi-shelf(高频滤除), Lo-self(低频滤除), 相位(1st 和2nd顺序) 增益: -30 到+15dB,0.25 dB步进量带宽: 0.02 到 2.50倍频程(Q=0.5 to 72)分频:每输入/输出具有2个独立的滤波类型: Butterworth, Linkwitz Riley, Bessel斜率: 6到48dB每倍频程压缩器和限幅器每输入通道具有1个压缩器每输出通道具有1个限幅器阀值: -20 到+20dBu启动时间: 0.3到100ms释放时暗: 2 倍到32倍的启动时间比率: 1:1 to 1:40 (压缩器)系统参数程序数量:30延时单位: ms, ft, m频率模式: 36 steps/Oct, 1Hz步进率安全锁: 密码通道名: 6 字符前面板控制显示: 2x16字符的LCD显示屏电平表: 5 段LED按钮: 6哑音/通道控制6系统菜单控制按钮1编码旋盘连接器模拟: 3针的XLR(卡侬)RS-232: DB-9母头USB: B类电源: 标准IEC插座综述电源: 90-265V交流(50/60Hz) –20V A 体积: 19”x1.75”x9”(483x44x229mm)重量10 磅/ 4.6千克。
史力卡 XILICA XA 4080 4进8出音箱数字处理器
继成功推出 XD XP 系列后,Xilica 又特别针对简单的现场演出和工程安装市场推出集
高音质输出表现和高性价比于一身的 XA 系列 音频数字处理器。
XA 系列 传承了加拿大设计、研发概念的优良传统,只是在性价比方面更加突显对
XA 设计初衷-——入门级数字音频处理器。为满足高音质输出功效,XA 系列保留了 XP 和
模式: Butterworth, Linkwitz Riley, Bessel
波峰: 6 至 48dB/Octave
每输入配置 1 个压限器
每输出配置 1 个限幅器
阈值:-20 至 +20dBu
响应时间:0.3 至 100m
释放时间:为响应时间的 2 至 32 倍
比率:1:1 至 1:40 (仅对压限器生效)
共模抑制比: >40dB (20 至 10kHz)
串扰:< -100dB
失真:0.002% (1kHz @+4dBu)
DSP: 40 位浮点运算单元
ADC/DAC:24 位高效能芯片
增益:-40 至+15dB, 0.25dB/级
3. 输出带分频设置
4. 输出通道带限幅器
5. 输入/输出延时每个通道为 40ms
6.不支持 Xpanel 远程面板;以太网 IP 地址接口;
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理器的调控。XA 系列凭借着固有的灵活输入/输出搭配、简单易用的功能模块,同样适用
频响:+/- 0.1dB (20 至 30kHz)
动态范围:115dB typical (unweighted)
3. 输出带分频设置
4. 输出通道带限幅器
5. 输入/输出延时每个通道为 40ms
6.不支持 Xpanel 远程面板;以太网 IP 地址接口;
用户可以在面板上实现对 XA 系列的功能模块参数的单独的调控;也可以使用电脑上
的 XConsole 软件,通过 RS232 接口(需要安装驱动)的连接来实现对 XA 系列数字音频处
延时:每输入/输出最大 40ms
均衡:每输入/输出, 8 个
均衡模式:参量均衡、高通、低通、Phase-1 和 Phase-2
EQ 增益:-30 至+15dB, 0.25dB/级
EQ 带宽: 0.02 to 2.50 Oct (Q=0.5 至 72)
每输入/输出 2 个分频滤波器
模式: Butterworth, Linkwitz Riley, Bessel
波峰: 6 至 48dB/Octave
每输入配置 1 个压限器
每输出配置 1 个限幅器
阈值:-20 至 +20dBu
响应时间:0.3 至 100m
释放时间:为响应时间的 2 至 32 倍
比率:1:1 至 1:40 (仅对压限器生效)
XD 系列配备的 96kHz 采样率,40 位浮点运算 DSP 和 24 位高效能的模/数,数/模转换器;
但为兼顾到不同市场对价位方面的需求,XA 系列 主要有以下功能:
1. 带 USB 和 RS232 的软件连接端口,且 RS232 接口可接供中控制代码
2. 每个输入输出通道有 8 段参量均衡
频率单位:36 级/oct 或每 1Hz
通道名称长度:6 个字符
显示屏:2 行 16 字符背光 LCD
电平显示:5 位 LED
按键:6 个哑音键
6 个菜单项目控制键
1 个参数调节键
模拟输入/输出:3 针 XLR
共模抑制比: >40dB (20 至 10kHz)
串扰:< -100dB
失真:0.002% (1kHz @+4dBu)
DSP: 40 位浮点运算单元
ADC/DAC:24 位高效能芯片
增益:-40 至+15dB, 0.25dB/级
XA 4080 4 进 8 出数字音箱处理器
继成功推出 XD XP 系列后,Xilica 又特别针对简单的现场演出和工程安装市场推出集
高音质输出表现和高性价比于一身的 XA 系列 音频数字处理器。
XA 系列 传承了加拿大设计、研发概念的优良传统,只是在性价比方面更加突显对
XA 设计初衷-——入门级数字音频处理器。为满足高音质输出功效,XA 系列保留了 XP 和
RS-232:DB-9 母头
USB: B 类接头
电源:标准 IEC 插口
电源:90-265 VAC (50#34;x9" (483x44x229mm)
重量:10 lbs / 4.6 kg