



OTS=off tooling samples 即全工装状态下非节拍生产条件下制造出来的样件用于验证产品的设计能力.(用于验证设计出来的产品是否符合客户要求,同时也是对生产工装的验证)同时OTS也可以叫模具样品。

LH 要求汇总书(一个项目的所有资料)TPB 产品技术描述(图纸、技术供货条件等等)DKM 数据控制模型(汽车形状1:1的基准样车)PP认可=计划认可(决定投入批量生产)BB认可=采购认可(对生产手段的投资认可)D D认可=零件生产和供应认可(为零批量)BMG 产品工程性能认可EM 进行首批样件检验的首批样件,首批样件检验也称首批样件认可。

EMPB EMPB=首批样件检验报告(供货商对其样件检验的文件)2TP两日生产(供货厂的批量预生产,用来验证批量能力)PVS 生产试制批量0S零批量(在批量生产条件下的总演习)SF 批量认可(对批量生产的产品认可)EPF 批(量供货)计划认可KAF 集团路试验收(质量方面的批量认可)SOP 生产启动(批量生产启动)ME 市场导入(提供给销售商)CAD 计算机辅助设计COP 沿用件(与先前车型通用的零件)CKD 全部拆散SKD 部分拆散HT 自制件KT 外购件(外部供货厂生产的零件)KD 售后服务OTS 用批量生产的模具生产的零件TE 技术开发部PE (合资厂中的)产品工程部TL 技术供货条件TS 产品零件表ZP 检查点ZSB 总成AEKO 产(品)改动的控制组织转载请注明出自六西格玛品质论坛http: 英文缩写ETPTISIRQFD 英文对照Engineering TrialProduction TrialInitial Sample Inspection ReportQuality Faction Deployment 中文对照工程试制生产试制初始样件测试报告品质机能展开FMEAFTAES TESTQDCVDRVESNDSNESQICMQICL-PESN-PESU-PESEESEES-GEES-SSNPCKDTQMSOP Failure Mode and Effect AnalysisFault Tree AnalysisEngineering Specification TestQuality Delivery CostVender Design ReviewVehicle Evaluation SystemNissan Design StandardNissan Examinational StandardQuality Information CenterMarket Quality Information CenterLocal parts-Prepared Evaluation SystemNissan new model-Prepared Evaluation SystemUnit Prepared Evaluation SystemEngine Evaluation SystemEngine Evaluation System G(General)Engine Evaluation System S(Static)Standard Number of PackageCompleted Knock DownTotal Quality ManagementStart Of Production 潜在缺陷模式及后果分析故障树分析工程测试质量交货成本外包零件设计审查整车评价日产设计标准日产试验标准质量信息中心市场质量信息中心零件准备评价系统日产新车型准备评价系统新引擎(零件)准备评价系统引擎评价系统整体引擎评价系统静态引擎评价系统标准数量包装进口件全面质量管理开始量产OSM- Outside of MaterialOTC Over The Counter 非处方药,可在柜台上卖的药PA Program Approvalpallet n. 托盘Passenger Vehicle 乘用车PAT- Program Attributes Team 产品属性小组PDL Product Design LetterPH Proportions&HardpointsPIPC- Perce ntage of In dexes with Process Capability 力指数百分比PIST- Perce ntage of In specti on points Satisfy ing Tolera nc检测点满意工差百分比PMT- Program Moudle Team 产品模块小组PO Purchase OrderPPAP- Production Part Approval Process生产件批准程序PPSR Production Preparation Status ReportPQA Process Quality AssurancePR Program ReadinessPre-Launch 试生产price-driven costing 价格引导成本Production Preparation-Final Nissan - PT2/Renault - PP Production Preparation-Initial Nissan - PT1/Renault - PPP3 Production Trial Run 试生产Protype 样件QFD Quality Funtion Deploy 质量功能展开QFTT Quality Functional Task TeamQR- Quality Reject 质量拒收QS Quality StandardRAN Release Authorisation Numberreverse 倒车档RFQ Request For Quotation 询价RKD Reverse Knock DownRLQ Receiving Lot QuantityROC Rate of ClimbROI return on investment 报酬率ROP Re-Order PointRTO Required To OperateSAIS Supplier Assessment & Improvement SystemSC Strategic Confirmation/significant CharacteristicsSDS- System/ Desig n Specificatio n系统/ 设计说明second gear 二档SFMEA System FMEAShipping Date 出货日、Invoice Date 发票日或On Board Date 装船日Side Windshield 侧窗玻璃SJ Strategic IntentSNP Standard Number of Parts1PP- First Phase of Production Prove-Ou第一次试生产3C Customer顾客导向)、Competio n(竞争导向)、Compete nee (专长导向)4S Sale, Spare pai备件,Service, Survey(信息反馈5S整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养8D- 8 DisciplineABS Anti-lock Braking SystemAIAG 美国汽车联合会ANPQP Alliance New Product Quality ProcedureApportionment 分配APQP Advanced Product Quality PlanBacklite Windshield 后窗玻璃Benchmark Data 样件资料bloodshot adj.充血的,有血丝的BMW Bavarian Motor WorksSOW- state of work 工作申明SPC Statistical Process ControlSQA Supplier Quality AssuranceSREA- Supplier Request for Engineering Approva供应商工程设计更改申请ST Surface TranferSTRS Supplier Test Report SystemSubcontractor 分承包商Sunroof Windshield 天窗玻璃SUV Sports Utility VehicleTAG Test Aptitude GraphiqueTCO Total Cost of Ownership 总持有成本TCRA Total Cost Reduction ActivityTGR Things Gone RightTGW Things Gone WorstTM Techinical ManualTPM Total Preventive MaintenanceTTO-Tool Try Out 工装验证UOM Unit Of MeasureVES Vehicle uation SystemVO- Vehicle Operation 主机厂VPP- Vehicle Program Plan 整车项目计划VQA Vehicle Quality AssuranceVTTO- Ven dor Tool Try-Out 供应商工装验证WERS- World Wide Engineering Release System WVTA Whole Vehicle Type Approval凹坑concave车床lathe抽查试验spot check test出厂试验delivery test次品defective product调幅amplitude modulation (AM)调频Frequency Modulation断差offset对讲机interphone法平面normal plane翻车rollover返工re-doing防滑地板no-skid floor仿真emulation副作用side effect改装厂refitting factory隔热板heat shield后围侧板rear wall side cover划痕scratchC.P.M Certified Purchasi ng man ger 认证采购经理人制度CB- Confirmation Build 确认样车制造CC- Cha nge CutOff S 计变更冻结CCSC- critical/significant characteristicCCR Concern & Countermeasure RequestCCT Cross Company TeamCharacteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图COD Cash on Delivery 货到付现预付货款(T/T in advance) CP1- Confirmation Protype 1st 第一次确认样车CP2- Confirmation Protype 2nd 第二次确认样车Cpk 过程能力指数Cpk=Zmin/3CPO Complementary Parts OrderCraftsmanship 精致工艺Cross-f un cti onal teams 跨功能小组CUV Car-Based Ultility VehicleD1:信息收集;8DD2:建立8D小组;D3:制定临时的围堵行动措施,避免不良品流出;D4:定义和证实根本原因,避免再发;D5:根据基本原因制定永久措施;D6 :执行和确认永久措施;D7:预防再发,实施永久措施;D8 :认可团队和个人的贡献。



Photo Modules for PCM Remote Control Systems Available types for different carrier frequenciesTypeTSOP1130KD1TSOP1136KD1TSOP1138KD1TSOP1156KD1DescriptionThe TSOP11..KD1 – series are miniaturized receiversfor infrared remote control systems. PIN diode andpreamplifier are assembled on lead frame, the epoxypackage is designed as IR filter.The demodulated output signal can directly be de-coded by a microprocessor. The main benefit is theoperation with short burst transmission codes (e.g.RECS 80) and high data rates.UnitVmAVmA°C°C°CmW°CMax Unit 1.5mAmA 5.5VDocument Number 82008Suitable Data FormatThe circuit of the TSOP11..KD1 is designed in that way that unexpected output pulses due to noise or disturbance signals are avoided. A bandpassfilter, an integrator stage and an automatic gain control are used to suppress such disturbances.The distinguishing mark between data signal and disturbance signal are carrier frequency, burst length and duty cycle.The data signal should fullfill the following condition:•Carrier frequency should be close to center frequency of the bandpass (e.g. 38kHz).•Burst length should be 6 cycles/burst or longer.•After each burst which is between 6 cycles and 70cycles a gap time of at least 10 cycles is neccessary.•For each burst which is longer than 1.8ms a corresponding gap time is necessary at some time in the data stream. This gap time should have at least same length as the burst.•Up to 2200 short bursts per second can be received continuously.Some examples for suitable data format are:NEC Code, Toshiba Micom Format, Sharp Code, RC5Code, RC6 Code, RCMM Code, R–2000 Code,RECS–80 Code.When a disturbance signal is applied to the TSOP11..KD1 it can still receive the data signal.However the sensitivity is reduced to that level that no unexpected pulses will occure.Some examples for such disturbance signals which are suppressed by the TSOP11..KD1 are:•DC light (e.g. from tungsten bulb or sunlight)•Continuous signal at 38kHz or at any other frequency•Signals from fluorescent lamps with electronic ballast (an example of the signal modulation is in the figure below).05101520time [ms]IR Signal from Fluorescent Lamp with low Modulation2.0/m ) Figure 4. Sensitivity vs. Electric Field Disturbances1 kHzE etpi *V O V OH V OLOptical Test Signal( IR diode TSAL6200, I Output Signalt d 1 )12* t E eOptical Test Signal Document Number 8200895 11339p20.°30°10°20°40°50°60°70°80° rel – Relative Transmission Distance Figure 13. Vertical Directivity ϕy 95 11340p20.°30°10°20°40°50°60°70°80° rel – Relative Transmission DistanceFigure 14. Horizontal Directivity ϕxDimensions in mm12823Document Number 82008Ozone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operating systems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical design and may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay-Telefunken products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay-Telefunken against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P .O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, Germany Telephone: 49 (0)7131 67 2831, Fax number: 49 (0)7131 67 2423。



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mix-2010年第四辑(DJ星星作品经典珍藏)CD1.cue|1442|D8C16189B9B4DE0B04867D409C37F841|h=UKLG2Y7GYFXPB6O62ZEJMAL T2G74COPW|/ed2k://|file|DJ YiXiu电音骑士中文Non-stop mix-2010年第四辑(DJ星星作品经典珍藏)CD2.ape|536327728|BC2A3278F4208C6A68D1FE9F0B2C32A4|h=TMEDE3VQRZNT6S3LG5 GHJZJ5ZCB67FZ4|/ed2k://|file|DJ YiXiu电音骑士中文Non-stop mix-2010年第四辑(DJ星星作品经典珍藏)CD2.cue|1561|EFCAC1E537FB9D12C4553939EE97F266|h=HGPXY AT44CZP3SXMYF5457G BMYEGAJ3R|/ed2k://|file|DJ YiXiu电音骑士中文Non-stop mix-2010年第四辑(DJ星星作品经典珍藏)CD2.mp3|175719552|84E8CAF76645B0D355DC3C70ACC7EFC0|h=XVOXVRBTDXX46BTN QHOJ4U4AIQ5IQ5LB|/ed2k://|file|DJ YiXiu电音骑士中文Non-stop mix-2010年第四辑(DJ星星作品经典珍藏)CD3.ape|569872040|996C201517E7FCFBC67EA8638A201F0D|h=F7ZWH6BAF2U4BWX4KH OBIONCRKLMPX6S|/ed2k://|file|DJ YiXiu电音骑士中文Non-stop mix-2010年第四辑(DJ星星作品经典珍藏)CD3.mp3|180864630|5B275BCFB1772C12051EFFB9598CE76F|h=CMVVLXG3RKM7GJFIE6 3XUVQWWNN6BSPJ|/ed2k://|file|DJ YiXiu电音骑士中文Non-stop mix-2010年第四辑(DJ星星作品经典珍藏)CD3.cue|1451|9ED4AB55EED3818DD5597950F869B9F4|h=5OXLC22CT7IIYQDVQAIG5DP3 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YiXiu电音骑士中文舞曲串烧-2010年第二辑.mp3|177383030|67B75B3FA26503F9D3B4A72EA7FD7E45|h=GH6K7QZUJIN3WXHSV2IY HIQOY5UBC5V7|/ed2k://|file|DJ YiXiu电音骑士中文舞曲串烧-2010年第二辑.cue|1594|3BB1A0F671587C8AB55BF05262372B80|h=TJMEBEFXKYQQ52CYYLJA3IBJW ZI6VN6Y|/ed2k://|file|DJ YiXiu电音骑士中文HOUSE舞曲串烧-2010年第一辑.ape|561005092|F6701105D114EEDFB29BBD58363256BA|h=AT52WZN7F3FJKPLIOY7HR J3LG4VP2SHH|/ed2k://|file|DJ YiXiu电音骑士中文HOUSE舞曲串烧-2010年第一辑.cue|1472|5E34E8B4C26BEB84ABE76DEC386B7217|h=ZILWHF4ZE473YU323DHRMVVI 2WQYTSFK|/ed2k://|file|DJ YiXiu电音骑士中文舞曲串烧-09年第六辑.ape|531863928|99A913FCD89206D661050E10D955A64D|h=FYK2XCZ3YNXSBZZHBEHH KNJX3HNEQYJD|/ed2k://|file|DJ.YiXiu电音骑士中文舞曲串烧-09年第六辑.cue|1574|fd984f8db9a225204980a1aad3362212|/ed2k://|file|DJ YiXiu电音骑士中文舞曲串烧-09年第四辑.mp3|182703180|B66EB64E3F9E34E17FE044D5ACD0AD9C|h=UKMBPN56GOVBZQZB3 WDR4SZSD6YQGY4H|/ed2k://|file|DJ YiXiu电音骑士中文舞曲串烧-09年第五辑.mp3|178186836|32D525A9C7D0A29B31CC1BC3FD1C455B|h=QG4UBUT5O2CGFW7JRX E7DCWFRZ5DUJ2K|/[ed2khr=大连麦莎宣传串烧CD]ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-16(3周年店庆经典回顾)修复版.mp3|144531438|E2622DBA2CB179EF61B9FA8A85956379|h=JYLDRJ7AEATDDYOUVKP NPUGTA5HP4OEY|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-16(3周年店庆经典回顾)修复版.ape|435855232|C80CCF54AA278A8CD0D8E2AE15C8D2B7|h=PHIA4UX65PPOBGKX5QC GPA2XPCTAH7Y6|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传碟MA TSAⅡ-15(2010年8月发行).mp3|135909012|9C8BF9CF0B98E96BE8DC2EC5A48A45FE|h=QAIYIPF74NC6F3T3SHT 2YPNSC5AGGDOY|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传碟MA TSAⅡ-15(2010年8月发行).ape|414777000|499C4E78ADBDFD7B45876FCB85967A33|h=QLEOHFLZ6IB7BXXVCJ BGBDTPEC3B5RFK|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-14.ape|419615840|9DA6B256293466AA744A8B4D65EFFF8C|h=M2PI73YCS23MDEVIRTXL XSVNSAREKNHQ|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-14.mp3|133843980|BBC2D748E37FAC6B79E940EAB24DC5FC|h=EF2WSL6LK6XGLN5V AD ZRORFIF4FALWJN|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-13春节.ape|287658584|4AAE53B4235DC1A51BC8DACE03BFAD72|h=V6WCJD3U4HCNWX5WB HAKDN3FKHTAAAR5|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-12圣诞.ape|359821536|A0C6E4F33F09BBE22105CBAE6547B4C4|h=NUP3BKROTPMJY7BS3XU DRJTT6DJS4ENW|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-11店庆HOUSE.ape|411779152|F9757DD80C158827B8C036B886F9B998|h=ZTUQ6IZGJVPCKS74SS2 XQ6YJ73RRV2JX|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-11店庆RNB.ape|299435944|B63AFACF3CBB511A4FEC3A8FB25607A7|h=BN2F5IU5KDPSL27KKQ 5UGAUIHSEXFLDD|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-10.ape|439343464|625b7e781dd3ba87934eaf0e82c9c1bf|h=qrjuun4aajyqtkvj7zwmm6nlwqua6ge s|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-9.ape|403028412|1735353EA67A483BA4A1C6B6DB743A69|h=UMJKR6D2VN3HNZNZFX4 CDATQRMGZIDLN|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-08春节.mp3|169390092|7D63A63557832A1AE8D66EA9ADD30830|h=M7BUY335WYITFX2WVD EJUBVSIIM46EAI|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-07圣诞.mp3|155519508|EE3B1DEA8C84BBB646A46689900DA4CB|h=3G2BQFE5BTA TNS5Y7IP BJECYG2X4N2ST|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-06店庆中文.mp3|182031888|245FFAF419F5F8672242FE0483D0C854|h=7F4SEOM3Z2B2UP7SM7G4BE PJM4OFBA5B|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-06店庆外文.mp3|140307384|20D5FAAA7F7DB7ACF77F9543C4C68A60|h=FCPQDAKOIMFN7P7DJCC ADTYPUOGM5ORG|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA 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ZBHKXX6|/ed2k://|file|DJ.YiXiu电音骑士外文RNB&HipHop non-stop mix-2010年第四辑.mp3|176933723|D768FED3B20FF155D490DFE3AC28F997|h=VLPHWVIYHA6E2WCV AX WJ6VSCXFBGUCJJ|/ed2k://|file|DJ.YiXiu电音骑士外文舞曲串烧-2011年第一辑.ape|564058388|EDED83178F4AF20DE74434F8640192FF|h=F2A2YBQBAIEIYOYJ7GXPB VINCJII4QY3|/ed2k://|file|DJ.YiXiu电音骑士外文舞曲串烧-2011年第一辑.cue|1934|9C094B836D96D9D5D5313F1ABF749467|h=IBUVU6EFRIKAGDIMHU2MFM57 WGDQOS73|/ed2k://|file|DJ.YiXiu电音骑士外文舞曲串烧-2011年第一辑.mp3|179385054|320427C3FECB06F1BD25A06C5F259B64|h=VH2XH6WHEBYP7L7TA4V DPVE4XG62PL4U|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-17(2010年圣诞).mp3|146953488|BA7AB20D14381664ECD9B18DE74AC92A|h=IEQ7QMT6DLVMUTWC W5OV4MA56REO6M4R|/ed2k://|file|大连麦莎宣传舞曲串烧MA TSAⅡ-17(2010年圣诞).ape|449922152|D5383D707BEF44FF33BF14B3BE8884A2|h=TRMC4YWTXGTGJNGJO GT5PQMGGVSJZF22|/ed2k://|file|DJ.YiXiu电音骑士外文舞曲串烧-2011年第二辑.mp3|180782083|53B8BC0963CC9A7AFEFA0FCE358DB642|h=UZTWTAUMY2BOVQ7YT 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Ojeda CT90商业冷冻器说明书

Ojeda CT90商业冷冻器说明书

Ojeda USA, Inc460 Southport Commerce Blvd.Spartanburg, SC 29306864 574-6004 Fax 864 574-6005•••• ••••Part Number 100330039INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONMANUALCT90Congratulations! You have just purchased the finest commercialrefrigeration available.You have selected one of the finest commercial refrigeration units made. It is manufactured under strict quality controls with only the best quality materials available. Your Ojeda cooler, when installed correctly and properly maintained will give you many years of trouble-free operation.Table of ContentsINSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL (1)APPLICATION (3)DIRECTIONS FOR STORAGE AND HANDLING OF THE EQUIPMENT (3)STORAGE OF THE EQUIPMENT (3)UNCRATING (3)MOVING THE EQUIPMENT (4)PLACING AND INSTALLING THE EQUIPMENT (4)ENERGY SAVINGS IDEAS (4)ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS (5)PRODUCT LOADING (5)SHELF SPECIFICATIONS (5)UNIT OPERATION (6)POWER FAILURE/FREEZER FAILURE (6)SERVICE CHECKLIST (7)PRESCRIPTIONS, PROHIBITIONS AND OTHER USES FOR THE EQUIPMENT (8)MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES (9)REMOVAL OF FROST (9)CLEANING THE UNIT (9)STANDARD WARRANTY (11)TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (12)WARNING!U SE THIS APPLIANCE FOR ITS INTENDED PURPOSE AS DESCRIBED IN THIS MANUALWhen using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:∙Use this appliance for its intended purpose as described in this Owner Manual.∙This freezer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions.∙We strongly recommend that any servicing be performed by a qualified individual. ∙Do not allow children to climb, stand, or hang on the shelves in the refrigerator.They could damage the refrigerator and seriously injure themselves.∙Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.∙Unplug the freezer before cleaning and making repairs•••• • *****************• Pg. 2 ••••Warning Child Safety!Destroy carton, plastic bags, and any exterior wrapping material immediately after the freezer is unpacked. Children should never use these items for play. Cartons covered with rugs, bedspreads, plastic sheets or stretch wrap may become airtight chambers and can quickly cause suffocation.A child might suffocate if he crawls into a freezer to hide or play. Remove the door of a freezer when not in use, even if you plan to discard the freezer. Many communities have laws requiring you to take this safety precaution.Remove and discard any spacers used to secure the shelves during shipping. Small objects are a choke hazard to children.CAREFULLY READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS. This manual provides instructions in how to best locate, operate, and maintain this equipment.It is recommended to keep this manual for any future reference.APPLICATIONThe CT series of freezers have a sanitation listing permitting the merchandising of packaged food product.PRODUCT REGISTRATIONWrite down the Serial number of your new unit for future reference. The Serial Number is found on the data plate located on the back of the unit.MODEL: ________________________SERIAL NUMBER:_______________DIRECTIONS FOR STORAGE AND HANDLING OF THE EQUIPMENTSTORAGE OF THE EQUIPMENTIf the equipment will be kept in storage, it is suggested to keep it in its original packing.In case you need your equipment to be inactive for a long period of time after being used, verify that it has been unplugged. After cleaning it thoroughly with a damp cloth, lukewarm water and neutral soap and carefully drying it, cover it with a polyethylene film or similar waterproof material.UNCRATINGThe following procedure is recommended for uncrating the unit:Remove the outer package by carefully cutting the banding and removing the cardboard box.Inspect for concealed damage. Immediately file a claim with the freight carrier if there is damage. Move your unit as close to the final location as possible before removing the wooden skid.MOVING THE EQUIPMENTDisconnect the power cord plug from the wall outlet. Remove product, then defrost, and clean the freezer. Secure all loose items such as shelves and fix the door by taping it securely in place to prevent damage. In the moving vehicle, secure the freezer in an upright position and cover it to protect the outside of the cabinet.PLACING AND INSTALLING THE EQUIPMENTT HIS UNIT CANNOT BE INSTALLED IN ENVIRONMENTS WITH EXPLOSIVE GASES.T HE EQUIPMENT ISDESIGNED ONLY FOR INDOOR OPERATION.The unit must be located in an indoor environment.For the correct performance of the refrigerating system, it is very important to leave at least 10 cm (4") of free space both at the sides and back to allow proper air circulation. Do not block the grills on the back of the cabinet.ENERGY SAVINGS IDEASThe location of the cooler must be kept away from sources of heat and humidity including direct sunlight, toasters, ovens, coffee warmers, other appliances condenser air discharge, infrared heaters, or other heat generating appliances.Overloading the freezer forces the compressor to run longer. Do not exceed the load limit according to labels fixed on the inner cabinet.Product to be loaded should be at -4° F (-20° C) since the equipment is intended for maintaining a cool product at 0° F (-18° C) at load level rather than freezing a warm productKeep the lids closed to avoid warm air and moisture getting into the freezer.ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTSThe power cord of this appliance is equipped with a 3-prong(grounding) plug which mates with a standard 3-prong (grounding)wall outlet to minimize the possibility of electric shock hazard fromthis appliance.The use of extension cords is not permitted and will void thewarranty.Before connecting your equipment, check that the electrical data onthe data plate match your electrical output. If voltage varies by 10percent or more, freezer performance may be affected. Operating thefreezer with insufficient power can damage the compressor. Suchdamage is not covered under the warranty. If you suspect voltage ishigh or low, consult your power company for testing.To prevent the freezer from being turned off accidentally, do not plug unit into an outlet controlled by a wall switch or pull cord.Do not pinch, knot, or bend the power cord in any manner.IMPORTANT NOTICE:P LUG THE EQUIPMENT INDEPENDENTLY TO A LOAD CENTER WITH AN APPROPRIATE CIRCUIT BREAKER ACCORDING TO THE NAMEPLATE AMPS. PRODUCT LOADINGThe CT series of units are not intended to be a pull down freezer and as such the product must be loaded at their intended merchandising temperature.Before loading products, allow the equipment to operate empty for at least four hours.SHELF SPECIFICATIONSThe shelves have been designed to withstand the rigors of normal use. Avoid product overloading to prevent deforming the shelves.UNIT OPERATIONSETTING THE TEMPERATURE CONTROLTo access the temperature control, the rear grill should be removed using a Phillips screw driver.The temperature control is factory pre-set to provide satisfactory product storage products. However, the temperature control is adjustable to provide a range of temperatures for your personal satisfaction. If a colder temperature is desired, turn the control clockwise. Allow several hours for temperature to stabilize between adjustments.POWER FAILURE/FREEZER FAILURENote: Do not open the freezer door unnecessarily if power to the freezer is off for several hoursIf a power failure occurs, frozen foods will stay frozen for at least 2 hours if the freezer is kept closed. If the power failure continues, pack seven or eight pounds of dry ice into the freezer every 24 hours. Cover the product with a cardboard sheet or one inch polyurethane sheet and close the lids. Always wear gloves and use caution when handling dry ice.If the freezer has stopped operating, see "Freezer does not run" in the Service Checklist Section of this manual. If you cannot solve the problem, call an authorized service immediately. Do not allow inexperience people to repair or modify the electrical wiring and/or refrigeration components.SERVICE CHECKLISTBefore calling for service, review this list. It may save you both time and expense. This list includes common occurrences that are not the result of defective workmanship or materials in this appliance. OCCURRENCE SOLUTIONFreezer does not run Check to ensure that freezer is not plugged into a circuit that has ground fault interrupt. If you are unsure about the outlet, have it checked by a certified technician.Temperature control is in the OFF position. See Setting the Temperature Control Section.Freezer may not be plugged in, or plug may be loose. Be sure plug is tightly pushed into electrical outlet.House fuse has blown, or circuit breaker has tripped. Check/reset circuit breaker, or replace fuse with 15 amp. Time delayfusePower outage. Check house lights. Call local electric company.Freezer runs too much ortoo longRoom or outside weather is hot. It is normal for the freezer to work harder under these conditions.Freezer had recently been disconnected for a period of time. Freezer requires 4 hours to cool down completely.Large amounts of warm or hot product have been stored recently. Warm product will cause the freezer to run more until thedesired temperature is reached.Door is kept open too long or too frequently. Warm air enters the freezer every time the door is opened. Open the door lessoften.Freezer door may be slightly open.Temperature control is set too cold. Turn the control knob to a warmer setting. Allow several hours for the temperature tostabilize.Temperatures inside thefreezer are too coldTemperature control is set too cold. Turn the control to a warmer setting. Allow several hours for the temperature to stabilize.Temperatures inside thefreezer are too warmTemperature control set too warm. Turn the control to a colder setting. Allow several hours for the temperature to stabilize.Door is kept open too long or is opened too frequently. Warm air enters the freezer every time the door is opened. Open thedoor less oftenDoor may be open slightly.Freezer has recently been disconnected for a period of time. Freezer requires 4 hours to cool down completely.Temperature of external freezer surface is warm The exterior freezer walls can be as much as 30° F warmer than room temperature. This is normal while the compressor works to transfer heat from inside the freezer cabinet.Sound and noise The fan motor in the compressor compartment is damaged or has a loose connectionLouder sound level whenever freezer is on Modern freezers have increased storage capacity and more even temperatures. They require a high efficiency compressor. When the surrounding noise level is low, you might hear the compressor running while it cools the interior.Louder sound levels when compressor comes on Freezer operates at higher pressures during the start of the ON cycle. This is normal. Sound will level off or disappear as freezer continues to run.Popping or cracking sound when compressor comes on Metal parts undergo expansion and contraction, as in hot water pipes. This is normal. Sound will level or disappear as freezer continues to run.Bubbling or gurglingsound, like water boilingRefrigerant (used to cool freezers) is circulating throughout the system. This is normal.Vibrating or ratting noise Freezer is not level. It rocks on the floor when it is moved slightly. Level the unit.Floor is uneven or weak. Freezer rocks on the floor when it is moved slightly. Be sure floor can adequately support freezer.Level the freezer by putting wood or metal shims under art of the freezer.Moisture forms on insidefreezer wallsWeather is hot and humid, which increases internal rate of frost build-up. This is normal.Door is slightly open.Door is kept open too long, or is opened too frequently.Door is slightly open, causing the cold air from inside the freezer to meet warm moist air from outside.Odor in freezer Interior needs to be cleaned. Clean interior with sponge, warm water, and baking soda.Product with strong odors are in the freezer. Cover the product tightly.PRESCRIPTIONS, PROHIBITIONS AND OTHER USES FOR THE EQUIPMENTThe equipment has been exclusively designed to maintain the proper temperature of packaged food products. Because the unit is not designed to cool the product down quickly, the product must be loaded at its appropriate temperature.Displaying pharmaceutical products in this unit is prohibited.CAUTION- Do not remove grilles or panels that require using tools to be accessed- Do not keep the unit running unloaded. UNPLUG IT when you are not planning to use it.Using any electrical or electronic equipment entails the compliance with some fundamental rules.- Do not touch the unit with wet hands or feet.- Do not install the equipment outdoors.- Do not remove or ignore safety devices.- Do not leave objects on top of the unit.- Do not climb on top of the unit.- Never use direct or indirect water jets on the unit.- Do not allow the electronic control to be adjusted by customers or unqualified personnel.- Under no circumstance should you block the back grille of the unit.THE MANUFACTURER DOES NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY ARISING FROM DAMAGES CAUSED BY IMPROPER, INCORRECT OR ERRONEOUS USE.It is important to instruct the user on the operation of the equipment according to this instruction manual, and to make sure that said manual is within reach of any operator that might use the unit.MAINTENANCE GUIDELINESRegularly and carefully cleaning and defrosting the equipment prevents deterioration and product alteration.REMOVAL OF FROSTIt is recommended to remove the frost accumulated before reloading the freezer or anytime when one quarter inch of frost has accumulated.The unit will have to be manually defrosted. The manual defrost frequency will depend on the units usage, environment, and the amount of frost accumulated.1.Make sure the unit is moved close to a floor drain or a means of collecting or containing thewater is used.2.Unplug the unit until all the frost is gone.3.When the ice has melted wipe up any water left on the freezer floor.4. Allow the freezer to refrigerate and cycle before placing the product back into the freezerTo defrost while keeping the freezer plugged in place a clean dry soft cloth over the product to catch the frost that will be removed. Remove the frost using a plastic scrapper trying to eliminate as much frost as possible.CLEANING THE UNITWash any removable parts, the freezer interior, and exterior with mild detergent and warm water. Wipe dry. DO NOT USE HARSH CLEANERS ON THESE SURFACES. Do not use razor blades or other sharp instruments, which can scratch the appliance surface.Cleaning the InsideWARNING!D AMP OBJECTS STICK TO COLD METAL SURFACES.D O NOT TOUCH THE INTERIOR METAL SURFACES WITH WET OR DAMP HANDS.After defrosting, wash the inside surfaces of the freezer with a solution of two tablespoons of baking soda in one quarter of a gallon(1.1 liters) warm water. Rinse and dry. Wring excess water out of the sponge or cloth when cleaning in the area of the controls, or any electrical parts.Wash the removable parts and door with the baking soda solution, or mild detergent and warm water. Rinse and dry. Never use metallic scouring pads, brushes, abrasive cleaners, or alkaline solutions on any surface. Do not wash removable parts in a dishwasher. Do not shower water with a hose nor use ammonia based cleaners.W ARNING T HE LOWER SIDE OF THE GLASS LIDS IS PROVIDED WITH A SPECIAL FILM.D O NOT USE RAZOR BLADES OR OTHER SHARP INSTRUMENTS WHICH CAN SCRATCH THIS SURFACE AND DAMAGE THE FILM.Cleaning the OutsideWash the cabinet with warm water and mild liquid detergent. Rinsewell and wipe dry with a clean soft cloth. Do not shower waterwith a hose nor use ammonia based cleaners.Clean every week with only a damp piece of cloth and neutral soapeach external and internal surface, and dry them with a clean softcloth.Never use flammable or abrasive products. The unit must never becleaned with water jets.IMPORTANT: During maintenance and cleaning operations, makesure that good visibility conditions exist in the working area, usingother light sources in case it is needed. Be very careful whenworking with moving and/or high-temperature parts.STANDARD WARRANTYCT90 COUNTER TOP FREEZEROjeda USA INC. warrants to the original purchaser of an CT90, that the cabinet and all of its parts be free of defects in material and manufacture under normal use and service for a period of 1 year from the date of shipment to the original purchaser.Ojeda USA shall for the first 1 year of the above warranty, provide and pay for reasonable straight time labor charges to install the named parts. After such year, no labor or costs shall be provided free of charge.The compressor part is covered for a total of 5 years from date of shipment.An Authorized Service Agent must perform Ojeda USA’s obligations for service and parts under the warranty. The user must give the Authorized Service Agent prompt notice when service is needed.The sealed refrigeration system is limited to repairing and replacing at Ojeda USA’s option any component with a similar component when, upon our examination and to our satisfaction, it is determined to be defective.This warranty only applies to Ojeda CT90 COUNTER TOP FREEZER when operated in normal conditions and with electrical power supplies as indicated on the serial plate (115 Volts 60 Hertz). The warranty is voided when the serial number is missing or when a unit or any part has been subject to defacing, vandalism, misuse, neglect, alteration without proper authorization, accident or damage caused by transportation, flood, civil disorder, fire, or any other actions beyond the control of Ojeda USA Inc.Standard warranty does not cover glass and frame, lamps or light bulbs.Standard warranty does not cover loss or spoilage of food or any other contents of the cabinet. The Standard Warranty shall apply only within the boundaries of the continental United States and Canada.Effective January 1, 2007•••• • *****************• Pg. 11 •••••••• • *****************• Pg. 12 ••••Part Number 100330039TECHNICAL ASSISTANCEIf technical personnel assistance is required, you must immediately contact your distributor, specifying the kind of problem and clearly indicating the equipment model and serial number. If replacing parts is required, do it through your distributor.WARNING: Always ask for original spare partsAUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR:_____________________________________COMMERCIAL NAME:_____________________________________ADDRESS:_____________________________________TELEPHONE:_____________________________________E-MAIL:_____________________________________。



部分电视机CPU型号及简单代换部分电视机CPU型号及简单代换8879CPBNG6V38 海信CPU8873CPBNG6U73 创维CPUTOSHIBA-HAY-22、8873CSCNG6PR6 通用CPUTDA9373PS/N2/AI1115 SVA CPU13-TB73-TM1V001、LC863332A-5T25、LC863332A-5S97 夏华CPU88CS38N-3P48、TMP88PS38 夏华K2918、K2926,解码TB1251TDA9381PS/N3/2/1741 索尼CPUTDA9381PS/N2/3I0837 LG CPUTDA9381PS/N2/3I0975 三星CPUTDA9373PS/N2/AI0939(Haier9373-V2.0)Haier9373-V1.0 海尔CPU V1.0的可以换空白存储器,按遥控器数字8、V+ 进总线LC863324B-54M2、LC863324A-5W21、LC863324C-55M5 海信CPUOM8370-A-3NC、NOM8370-A-1NC 海信、西湖、夏华、彩星CP-2156TCL-M18V3PNICAN、TCL-M11V1P 王牌CPUH13V02-T0、8829CSNG5CJ2、H13V01-T0 TCL CPUTDA9370PS/N2/AI1429(4706-D93705-64)3P36、4P36 创维CPU 4706-D83702-64CH05T1501 长虹CHD2590M37210M3-551SP日立25M8C CPUTDA9373PS/N2/AI0911(A01V01-PH)TDA9373PS/N2/AI0996 TCL 2990UHD0401、S3F880AXZZ 创维(3S30/5S30/5S31)MN152811TJS 松下CPU 85元LC863524C-55L7、53P4、52Y7、TH-50J2 杂牌CPULC863524C-55L6、55Y5、55K8 杂牌CPU87CK38N-3647(TMP87CK38N-3675、1C48)澳柯玛、松王M37221M6-309S 厦华R2920 CPUTDA9380PS/N1/IS0380(TCL-UOC-V01)王牌CPU,用TDA9383PS代替要把60脚接地13-T00S23-03M01、8879CSBNG6K02 乐华25G6BCH08T2602(8873CSANG6JH8)长虹CPUOM8373PS/N3/2/1870(4706-D83732-64)创维短管机专用CPULC863328A-51J8 嘉华CPU8803CPAN-3PE8(8823CPNG4JR6)换存储器、39脚,C205换1UF,ST6378B1/FKF 4S02-3008 创维数码3008TMP47C434N-3526 通用王牌TCL M14VBC 王牌CPUST6367BB1/BFX 不详LC863324A-5N09 海信CPULC864512V-5C77 海信CPUM34300N4-565SPKY88C94 夏华CPUM34300N4-555SP 日立CPULC863328A-5S15 高路华、海信CPUMC8902A-5Y83 熊猫、高路华CPUMC8904A-5Z25 熊猫、高路华、海信、西湖CPUM37210M3-807SP 康力CPUT-P-16 8823CPNG5RH6 熊猫CPU SAA5647HL/M1 飞利蒲CPUOM8373PS/N3/A/1914(OM8373PS/N3/A/1854)康佳短管CPUTMP47C634AN RC18 厦华CPUHAIER1132S、HAIER1532S 海尔21T8D-S、21F9G-Shisense 8803-1(8803CPBNG3VG6)8823CPNG3PE8 海信TC2111A 换存储器、39脚,C205换1UF,OM8370PS/N3/1(HZ10V01)(TOUL 12-02M00)TCL CPUHAIER8829-V2.0(8829CPNG4PG3)海尔CPUCH0504、CH0503 长虹CPUM34302M8-612SP SONY CPUCH04T1306 长虹CPUNOM8370-A-11B 西湖CPUTCL-T00Y12-02M01(LA76931)、TOOY12-01M01 TCL CPUCKP1302S1(8829CPNG6FP6)CKP1302S 康佳CPUP88P8432N、S3C8849X13-AQB7 嘉华CPU OM8373-B-3NC 海信TF2507FLC863328C-55N6、5T45 康佳CPUTDA9373PS/N2/AI0889、4706-D93731-64 5P30 创维CPULC863328B-53P5、LC863328C-56M9、LC863328B-52E4、50J1 SVA CPUR2J10160G8-A12FP、R2J1016008-A06FP 数源S21A07 等13-TOOS13-08M01、8873CSBNG6N15 TCL CPU8873CPANG6HV9 数源TJ21A23 CPU87CM38N-1K45、87CM38N-1U87 夏华XT-259ATAVC139 三洋CPULC863320A-5N94、LC863320A-5N17(3Y01)创维CPUCH05T1604(TDA9370PS/N2/AI0848)长虹超级芯片CH05T1607(TDA9370PS/N2/AI1092)TDA9370PS 长虹超级芯片CH05T1606(TDA9373PS/N2/AI1087)TDA9373PS 长虹超级芯片CH05T1630、OM8373PS/N3/A/1842(CH05T1621)长虹,按键功能错乱,伴音失控。



ABSHUMID ACIDITY ANIL-API ANILCRV ANILPT ANIL-R API APICRV APICRVWT API-R APISTD APPMCON APPWCON AROMATIC AROMCRV APOM-V APOM-W ASPHACRV ASPHAL-R ASPHALTE AVAIL AVAILMX BASIC-N2 BAS-N2-R BAS-NCRV BETA BOD BODMX BROMICRV BROMINE C5-VC5-W CARBCRV CARBON CETANCRV CETANE CETANENO CETANE-R CETN4737 CHRATIO CHRATI-R CIDX4737 CIX976-1 CIX976-2 CLOUDCRV CLOUDPT CLOUD-R1 CLOUD-R2 CO2E-AR4 CO2E-SAR CO2E-US COCARBON COCARB-RCODMX COMB-O2 COPPER CP CPCV CPCVMX CPIG CPIGMX CPMX CPMX-M CSATMX CUTS-E CUTS-M CV CVMXD1160CRV D1160CVW D1160LV D1160T D1160TWT D1160WT D2887-10 D2887-30 D2887-5 D2887-50 D2887-70 D2887-90 D2887-95 D2887-C D2887CRV D2887T D2887WT D86-10 D86-30 D86-5D86-50 D86-70 D86-90 D86-95 D86CRK D86CRV D86CRVWT D86-FBP D86-IBP D86LVD86LVCK D86TD86TCKD86TWTD86TWTCK D86WTD86WTCKDG DGMIX DGMX DGPCDH DHMX DHPC DHVL DMX DON-C DRIVEIDX DRYCONC DS DSMX ELECCOND FAPP FAPP2 FLASHCRV FLASHPT FLPT-API FLPT-PM FLPT-R1 FLPT-R2 FLPT-R3 FLPT-R4 FLPT-TAG FREEZCRV FREEZEPT FREEZE-R FTRUEG GAMMA GAMPC GAMUS GAMUSAQ GIG GIGMX GMTRUE GMX GRVCRV GRVCRVWT GXS GXTRUE HH2ODEW-R HCDEWPT HFLMX HHV-0 HHV-15 HHVML-0 HHVML-15 HHVMS-0HIGMX HMX HNRYMX HXS HYDROCRV HYDROGEN IONSM IONSX IRON IRONCRV IRON-R K KINVISC KLL2 KMX KNOCKCRV KNOCKIDX KVISC KVISCCRV KVLKVL2 LFRAC LHV-0 LHV-15 LHVML-0 LHVML-15 LHVMS-0 LHVMS-15 LUMI-NO LUMINO-R LUM-NCRV MABP MABP-API MABP-R MAPP MAPP2 MASSCONC MASSFLAR MASSFLBR MASSFLC MASSFLCL MASSFLF MASSFLH MASSFLHE MASSFLI MASSFLMX MASSFLMX MASSFLO MASSFLOW MASSFLS MASSFRAC MASSFRARMASSFRC MASSFRCL MASSFRF MASSFRH MASSFRHE MASSFRI MASSFRN MASSFRO MASSFRS MASSHMX MASSRHO MASSRHOM MASSSFRA MASSSMX MASSVFRA MERCAPTA MERCCRV METAL METALCRV ML-LOAD MOCNCRV MOC-NO MOLECONC MOLEFLAR MOLEFLBR MOLEFLC MOLEFLCL MOLEFLF MOLEFLH MOLEFLHE MOLEFLI MOLEFLMX MOLEFLN MOLEFLO MOLEFLOW MOLEFLS MOLEFRAC MOLEFRAR MOLEFRBR MOLEFRC MOLEFRCL MOLEFRF MOLEFRH MOLEFRHE MOLEFRI MOLEFRN MOLEFRO MOLEFRS MON-C-R1 MON-C-R2 MON-C-R3 MON-LMU MUMX MVLSTD MVLSTDMX MVVSTD MVVSTDMX MW MWCRV MWCRVWT MWMXN+2A-V N+A-VN2-R NAPHCRV NAPHTHEN NAPHTH-V NAPHTH-W NICKCRV NICKEL NICKEL-R OLEFCRV OLEFIN OLEFIN-V OLEFIN-W OSMOT OXYGCRV OXYGEN PARACRV PARAFFIN PARAFF-V PARAFF-W PBUB PCMX PDEWPHPH25PH20TDEW PHI PHIMX PHIPC PHYDRATE PLPOH POH25 POURCRV POURP-R1 POURP-R2 POURPT PPMXPR PRES PRMX PRPT-APIRAT-VLFR RE REFICRV REFIDX-R REFINDEX REIDVP RELHUMID RHO RHOLSTD RHOMX RHOST-O RHOST-15 RHOSTD-R RIDX-API ROCNCRV ROC-NO RON-C-R1 RON-C-R2 RON-C-R3 RON-L RVPRVP-API RVP-ASTM RVPCRV RVP-P2 RVP-RS SFRAC SG SGAIR SG-R SGSTD SIG SIGMA SIGMAMX SIGMX SMOKCRV SMOKEPT SMOKPT-R SMX SODIUM SOLINDEX SONVEL SONVELMX SSOLFACT SSOLUB STRMCOST SULFCRV SULFUR SULFUR-WSUM-MSFR SUM-VLFR TBTBP-0 TBP-10 TBP-100 TBP-30 TBP-5 TBP-50 TBP-70 TBP-90 TBP-95 TBPCRV TBPCRVWT TBPLV TBPT TBPTWT TBPWT TBUB TCMX TDEW TEMP TFAPP TFAPP2 TFREEZ TFRZMARG TFTRUE TG THRMDIFF THYDRATE TLVCONC TM TOTAL-N2 TOT-NCRV TRMX TRUEFLOW TRUEFRAC TRUEMW TWAPP TWAPP2 TWTRUE UUMX UOPKCRV VVABP VACCRV VACCRVWT VACLV VACTVACWT VANACRV VANADIUM VANA-R VCMX VFRAC VISC VISCCRV VISINDEX VLOCKCRV VLOCKIDX VLSTD VLSTDFR VLSTDMX VMX VOLFLMX VOLFRAC VOLHMX VVSTD VVSTDFR VVSTDMX WAPP WAPP2 WARMICRV WARMIDX WAT WATER WAT-R WAX WOBBE-0 WOBBE-15 WT-LOAD WTRUE WXAPP WXAPP2 WXTRUE XAPP XAPP2 XEVAP XTRUE ZCMX ZMX绝对湿度在给定的液相体积百分比下,石油混合物的酸度,RefSYS 关联式物性(仅当运行Aspen HYSYS Refining 时可用)基于API方法的石油混合物的苯胺点石油混合物的苯胺点曲线,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性组石油混合物的苯胺点,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性值石油混合物的苯胺点,RefSYS 关联式物性(仅当运行Aspen HYSYS Refining 时可用)石油混合物的API比重指数基于液相体积的石油混合物的API比重指数曲线基于重量的石油混合物的API比重指数曲线石油混合物的API比重指数,RefSYS 关联式物性石油混合物的API比重指数(同API)液相混合物中指定组分的表观摩尔浓度,针对指定组分的表观摩尔流率的总和对基于表观摩尔分率的指定液相混合物中指定组分的表观质量浓度,针对指定组分的表观质量流率的总和对基于表观摩尔分率的指定基于重量的石油混合物的芳烃含量,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性组基于重量的石油混合物的芳烃含量曲线,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性组在给定的液相体积百分比下,石油混合物的芳烃含量,RefSYS 关联式物性(仅当运行Aspen HYSYS Refining 时可在给定的重量百分比下,石油混合物的芳烃含量,RefSYS 关联式物性(仅当运行Aspen HYSYS Refining 时可用)基于重量的石油混合物的沥青质含量,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性组在给定的重量百分比下,石油混合物的沥青含量,RefSYS 关联式物性(仅当运行Aspen HYSYS Refining 时可用)基于重量的石油混合物的沥青质含量,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性组纯组分的有效能:H-ToS 其中To=298.15K混合物的有效能:H-ToS 其中To=298.15K基于重量的石油混合物的基本氮含量,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性组在给定的重量百分比下,石油混合物的基本氮含量,RefSYS 关联式物性(仅当运行Aspen HYSYS Refining 时可用基于重量的石油混合物的基本氮含量曲线,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性组混合物中第一个液相占全液相的分数纯组分的生物化学氧需求混合物的生物化学氧需求石油混合物的溴值曲线,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性组石油混合物的溴值,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性组在给定的液相体积百分比下,石油混合物的C5含量,RefSYS 关联式物性(仅当运行Aspen HYSYS Refining 时可用在给定的重量百分比下,石油混合物的C5含量,RefSYS 关联式物性(仅当运行Aspen HYSYS Refining 时石油混合物的残炭曲线,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性组石油混合物的残炭,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性组石油混合物的十六烷值曲线,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性组石油混合物的十六烷值,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性组石油混合物的十六烷值在给定的重量百分比下,石油混合物的十六烷值,RefSYS 关联式物性式石油混合物的十六烷值(D4737),RefSYS 关联式物性石油混合物的碳氢比在给定的重量百分比下,石油混合物的碳氢比,RefSYS 关联式物性(仅当运行Aspen HYSYS Refining 时石油混合物的十六烷指数(D4737),RefSYS 关联式物性石油混合物的十六烷指数(D976,方法1),RefSYS 关联式物性石油混合物的十六烷指数(D976,方法2),RefSYS 关联式物性(仅当运行Aspen HYSYS Refining 时可用)石油混合物的蚀点曲线,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性值石油混合物的蚀点,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性值石油混合物的蚀点(方法1),RefSYS 关联式物性(仅当运行Aspen HYSYS Refining 时可用)石油混合物的蚀点(方法2),RefSYS 关联式物性(仅当运行Aspen HYSYS Refining 时可用)碳当量-IFPP第四评估报告(2007)碳当量-IFPP第二评估报告(1995)碳当量-US EPA(2009)基于重量的石油混合物的康拉特逊碳含量,仅在Assay Data Analysis 中指定数据时,才可请求物性值在给定的重量百分比下,石油混合物的康拉特逊碳含量,RefSYS 关联式物性(仅当运行Aspen HYSYS Refining 时纯组分的化学氧需求化合物的化学氧需求完全燃烧给定材料的需氧量在给定的重量百分比下,石油混合物的铜含量,RefSYS 关联式物性(仅当运行Aspen HYSYS Refining 时纯组分的恒压热容纯组分的热容比率(CP/CV)混合物的热容比率(CPMX/CVMX)纯组分的理想气体热容混合物的理想气体热容混合物的恒压热容混合物的恒压质量热容饱和混合物的比热100华氏温度区间内石油馏分及轻端馏分的流率50华氏温度区间内石油馏分及轻端馏分的流率纯组分的恒容热容混合物的恒容体积热容多个压力下,基于液相体积的使用混合物的ASTM D1160蒸馏曲线,当在Qualifer 页上选择 Sysytem pressure 框多个压力下,基于重量的石油混合物的ASTM D1160蒸馏曲线,当在Qualifer 页上选择 Sysytem pressure 框时,多个压力下,石油混合物的ASTM D1160液相体积百分比,当在Qualifer 页上选择 Sysytem pressure 框时多个压力下,石油混合物的ASTM D1160的温度,当在Qualifer 页上选择 Sysytem pressure 框时,Defau多个压力下,石油混合物的ASTM D1160的温度,当在Qualifer 页上选择 Sysytem pressure 框时,Defau多个压力下,石油混合物的ASTM D1160重量百分比,当在Qualifer 页上选择 Sysytem pressure 框时,D在10%的重量百分比下,石油混合物的 ASTM D2887 温度,RefSYS 物性关联式。



MD00153630A BRKT.-SEAT,B,,RH

ASME锅炉及压力容器规范国际性规范 Ⅷ 第三册 高压容器建造规则 2005增补

ASME锅炉及压力容器规范国际性规范 Ⅷ 第三册 高压容器建造规则 2005增补











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GAPOWR 盟军发电厂GAREFN 盟军矿厂GAPILE 盟军兵营GAWEAP 盟军兵工厂GAAIRC 盟军空军指挥部AMRADR 美国空军指挥部--AmericanParaDropSpecial GADEPT 盟军维修厂GAYARD 盟军船厂GATECH 盟军实验室GAROBO 控制中心---GAOREP 矿精鍊器GAWALL 盟军围墙GAPILL 机枪碉堡---Vulcan2NASAM 爱国者飞弹--RedEye2GAGAP 裂缝产生器ATESLA 光棱塔----PrismShot / PrismSupport GASPYSAT 间谍卫星GACNST 盟军建造场GTGCAN 法国巨炮GrandCannonWeapon GACSPH 超时空传送仪--- ChronoSphereSpecial GAWEAT 天气控制器--- LightningStormSpecial NAPOWR 磁能反应炉NAREFN 军矿厂NAHAND 军兵营NAWEAP 军兵工厂NARADR 军雷达--- SpyPlaneSpecialNADEPT 军维修厂NAYARD 军造船厂NATECH 军实验室NANRCT 核子反应堆--- NukePayloadNAINDP 工业工厂NAWALL 军围墙NABNKR 战斗碉堡NALASR 哨戒炮--VulcanNAFLAK 防空炮--FlakWeaponTESLA 磁暴线圈-- CoilBolt / OPCoilBolt NACNST 军建造厂NAIRON 铁幕--- IronCurtainSpecialNAMISL 核弹发射井-- NukeSpecialYAPOWR 生化反应炉YAREFN 奴隶矿厂YABRCK 尤里兵营YAWEAP 尤里兵工厂NAPSIS 心灵感应器--- PsychicRevealSpecialYAYARD 尤里船厂YAGRND 部队回收厂YATECH 尤里实验室GAFWLL 尤里围墙NATBNK 坦克碉堡YAGGUN 盖特机炮YAPSYT 心灵控制塔----MultipleMindControlTowerNACLON 复制中心YAGNTC 基因突变器--- GeneticConverterSpecialYAPPET 心灵控制增幅器--- PsychicDominatorSpecialYACNST 尤里建造场GASAND=沙墙CAAIRP=科技机场---ParaDropSpecialCAOILD=科技钻油厂--- ProduceCashStartup= @ ProduceCashAmount= @ ProduceCashDelay=CAHOSP=市民医院[RA2]CAMACH=科技机器商店CAOUTP=科技前哨站----HoverMissileCAPOWR=科技电厂CASLAB=秘密科技实验室CATHOSP=科技医院[YR]CATIME01=时间机器CATIME02=时间机器CALAB=爱因斯坦实验室GATE1=闸门CABUNK01-04 =燃料库CABHUT=桥梁维修小屋CAGARD01=警卫哨CAMIAM04=救生员休息亭CAUSFGL=美国国旗CACUFGL=古巴国旗CAFRFGL=法国国旗CAGEFGL=德国国旗CAIRFGL=伊拉克国旗CALBFGL=利比亚国旗CARUFGL=俄国国旗CAUKFGL=英国国旗CASKFGL=国国旗CALOND04=英国国会CALOND05=大笨钟CALOND06=伦敦塔CAMORR06=理克酒馆CAEGYP01=金字塔CAEGYP02=金字塔CAEGYP03=金字塔CASEAT01=西雅图太空针塔CASEAT02=巨软园区CASTL04=拱门CASYDN03=雪梨歌剧院CAEAST01=复活岛像CAEAST02=尤里雕像----PrismShot CATRAN03=尤里要塞CAEGYP03=人面狮身像CALUNR01=登月小艇CAMIAM08=亚历桑那纪念馆CAPRS03=世界惊奇博物馆CACHIG04=芝加哥协会大楼CAEURO05=雕像CAFARM06=灯塔CAPARS01=艾菲尔铁塔CAPARS11=巴黎凯旋门CAWASH14=杰佛逊纪念馆CAWASH19=胜利纪念碑CAWASH15=林肯纪念馆CARUS03=克里姆林宫CAWASH01=白宫CATRAN01=地窖CAWASH19=胜利纪念碑CACOLO01=空军学院礼拜堂CARUS08 - 11 =球状戏院CAMISC06=V3 飞弹CAARMY01-04 =军队营帐CAFRMB =移动式厕所CATECH01 =通讯中心AMMOCRAT =弹药箱CAMISC01-02 =油桶中文名------------------注册名---------第一武器/ 第二武器终结者------------------ARND-----------TERMIGUN蓝波--------------------STLN-----------STALGUN / STALGREN快枪手------------------CLNT-----------CLINTGUN月球飞行兵-------------LUNR-----------Lunarlaser美国大兵----------------E1---M60 / Para /UCPara,UCElitePara盟军警犬----------------ADOG--GoodTeeth / VirtualScanner盟军工程师--------------ENGINEER--DefuseKit / VirtualScanner重装大兵----------------GGI------M60 / MissileLauncher火箭飞行兵--------------JUMPJET---20mm间谍--------------------SPY--MakeupKit海豹部队----------------GHOST -- MP5 / Sapper / C4=yes谭雅--------------------TANY--DoublePistols / Sapper超时空军团兵------------CLEG----NeutronRifle超时空突击队------------CCOMAND[隐藏]--ChronoMP5 / FakeC4心灵突击队--------------PTROOP [YR][隐藏]--MindControl狙击手------------------SNIPE---AWP动员兵------------------E2====M1Carbine / UCM1Carbine,UCEliteM1Carbine军警犬----------------DOG--BadTeeth / VirtualScanner防空步兵----------------FLAKT -- FlakGuyGun / FlakGuyAAGun军工程师--------------SENGINEER--DefuseKit / VirtualScanner磁爆步兵----------------SHK -- ElectricBolt / AssaultBolt疯狂伊文----------------IVAN--IvanBomber特工--------------------SJJD--没有这个人鲍裏斯------------------BORIS--AKM / Flare超时空伊文--------------CIVAN[隐藏]--IvanBomber恐怖分子----------------TERROR--TerrorBomb辐射工兵----------------DESO--RadBeamWeapon / RadEruptionWeapon 尤里新兵----------------INIT--PsychicJab / UCPsychicJab,UCElitePsychicJab奴隶矿工----------------SLAV--SHOVEL尤里工程师--------------YENGINEER狂兽人------------------BRUTE--Punch / Smash病毒狙击手--------------VIRUS--Virusgun克隆尤里----------------YURI--MindControl / PsiWave超级尤里----------------YURIPR--SuperMindControl / SuperPsiWave心灵突击队--------------YURIPT--[RA2]尤里改------------------YURIPP--[RA2]平民--------------------CIV1 黄衣服女-------CIV2 白衣服-------CIV3 技师-------CIVA 工人样-------CIVB 牛仔-------CIVC 黑衣蓝裤-------CIVBBP 棒球员-------CIVBFM 海滩胖男-------CIVBF 海滩女-------CIVBTM 海滩瘦男-------CIVSFM 老人-------CIVSF 红衣服女-------CIVSTM 黑衣服黄衣服将军---------------VLADIMIR绿衣服将军---------------PENTGEN联卫兵----------------CTECH-------WEEDGUY骆驼--------------------CAML =YR奶牛--------------------COW鄂鱼--------------------ALL --- AlligatorBite / VirtualScanner北极熊------------------POLARB --- BearBite / VirtualScanner暴龙------------------DNOA =YR腕龙--------------------DNOB =YR猴----------------------JOSH --- ChimpBite / VirtualScanner终级保镖----------------SSRV -- Pistola总统--------------------PRES洛马诺夫总理------------RMNV =YR爱因斯坦----------------EINS =YR木乃伊-----------------MUMY =YR-------------WWLF =YR灰熊坦克----------------MTNK--105mm多功能步兵车------------FV -----HoverMissile幻影坦克----------------MGTK----MirageGun光陵坦克----------------SREF----Comet/SuperComet战斗要塞----------------BFRT--20mmRapid盟军基地车--------------AMCV超时空矿车(倒矿)-------CMON **超时空矿车--------------CMIN机器人坦克--------------ROBO--Robogun坦克杀手----------------TNKD--SABOT榴弹炮--------------HOWI[隐藏,要修改ini]--HowitzerGun 恐怖机器人--------------DRON--DroneJump / VirtualScanner 防空车------------------HTK --FlakTrackGun / FlakTrackAAGun 犀牛坦克----------------HTNK--120mmV3火箭发射车------------V3 -- V3Launcher / V3ROCKET天启坦克----------------APOC 120mmx / MammothTusk军基地车--------------SMCV军矿车(倒矿)--------HORV **军矿车----------------HARV--20mmRapid磁爆坦克----------------TTNK --TankBolt自爆卡车----------------DTRUCK--Demobomb / none 狂风坦克----------------LTNK--ATGUN格林机炮坦克------------YTNK--AGGattling / AAGattling磁电坦克----------------TELE--MagneticBeam / MagneShake策划者------------------MIND--MultipleMindControlTank镭射幽浮----------------DISK--DiskLaser / DiskDrain神经突击车--------------CAOS--ChaosAttack / VirtualScanner尤里基地车--------------PCV---奴隶矿车----------------SMON--[卸矿]奴隶矿车----------------SMIN--20mmRapid汽车----------CAR 黄色------EUROC 黑色-------SUVB 包厢型-------STANG 跑车型-------SUVW 包厢型校车---------BUS野营车-------WINI小货车-------PICK 东风型-----PTRUCK 皮卡型卡车--------TRUCKA 自爆卡车型--------JEEP =YR卡车(载货)--TRUCKB 东风型豪华轿车-----LIMO计程车-------TAXI警车---------COP挖土机-------CONA宣传车-------PROPA巴士----------DDBX =YR黑色计程车-----BCAB =YR黄色计程车-----YCAB =YR摄影车---------DOLY =YR电车----------CBLC =YR救火车--------FTRK =YR救护车--------AMBU =YR盟军气垫艇--------------LCRF驱逐舰------------------DEST--155mm / ASWLauncher,ASW海豚--------------------DLPH--SonicZap神盾巡洋舰--------------AEGIS--Medusa航空母舰----------------CARRIER--HornetLauncher / HORNET 军气垫船--------------SAPC海蝎--------------------HYD--FlakTrackGun / FlakWeapon台风潜艇----------------SUB--SubTorpedo巨型乌贼----------------SQD--SquidGrab / SquidPunch无畏级战舰--------------DRED-- DredLauncher / DMISL尤里气垫船--------------YHVR雷鸣潜艇----------------BSUB --BoomerTorpedo / CruiseLauncher CMISL 海岸巡逻船--------------CDEST拖船--------------------TUG游船--------------------CRUISE尼米兹号航空母舰--------CARRIERB将军无畏级战舰----------DREDB维拉迪摩指挥舰----------VLAD============飞机类==============夜鹰直升机--------------SHAD--BlackHawkCannon入侵者战机--------------ORCA--Maverick舰载反潜机--------------ASW ** --ASWBomb大黄蜂------------------HORNET **--HornetBomb / HornetCollision 黑鹰战机----------------BEAG--Maverick2围攻直升机--------------SCHP -- BlackHawkCannon 160mm 基洛夫飞艇--------------ZEP--BlimpBomb米格战机----------------BPLN **--Maverick3间谍飞机----------------SPYP **--SpyCameraWeaponV3火箭------------------V3ROCKET **无畏级导弹--------------DMISL ·雷鸣导弹------------------ ------- CMISL **运输机-----------------PDPLANE鼠标动作(在原版里没用上的)PsychicReveal 心灵揭露NoForceShield 不能加载力场护盾无效ForceShield 力场护盾GeneticConverter 基因突变SpyPlane 侦察机PsychicDominator 心灵震荡AmerParaDrop 伞兵Demolish 红叉AttackMoveTar 移动攻击(CTRL+SHIFT)AttackMoveNav 移动攻击(CTRL+SHIFT)SelectBeacon 选取感叹号PlaceBeacon 放置感叹号AttackSupport 红叉SelectNode 正常指针DisarmBomb 拆弹DetonateAll C4Detonate C4NoIvanBomb 不能放置IVAN炸弹IvanBomb IVAN炸弹AreaAttack 部署PatrolWaypoint 红叉EnterWaypoint 红叉AttackWaypoint 红叉DragWaypoint 红叉LoopWaypointPath 红叉SelectWaypoint 红叉FollowWaypoint 红叉EnterWaypointMode 红叉TibSunBug 红叉PlaceWaypoint 红叉ParaDrop 伞兵ChronoWarp 时空传送选取目的地ChronoSphere 时空传送发动LightningStorm 闪电风暴IronCurtain 铁幕NoEnterTunnel 不能占领无效EnterTunnel 占领NoTogglePower 红叉NoGRepair 不能K维修NoEnter 不能进入NoDeploy 不能部署GRepair K维修Heal 医疗GuardArea 蓝盾(CTRL+ALT)Nuke 核弹Tote 红叉NoRepair 不能FV维修NoSell 不能变卖SellUnit 小绿变卖Sell 变卖ToggleSelect 悬停无效Select 悬停无效Self 部署NoMove 不能移动到目的地武器:105mm 105毫米口径0级灰熊坦克主武器105mmE 105毫米口径升级3级灰熊坦克主武器120HE 120HE120mm 120毫米口径0级犀牛坦克主武器120mmE 120毫米口径升级3级犀牛坦克主武器120mmx 120毫米口径X 0级天启坦克主武器120mmxE 120毫米口径X升级3级天启坦克主武器155mm 155毫米口径0级cdest主武器155mmE 155毫米口径升级3级cdest主武器20mm 20毫米口径0级火箭飞行兵主武器20mmE 20毫米口径升级3级火箭飞行兵主武器20mmRapid 20毫米口径快速20mmRapidE 20毫米口径快速升级75mm 75毫米口径90mm 90毫米口径轻坦克主武器AlliedOccupyW 盟军占领W 玛雅遗迹02主武器|建筑主武器AlligatorBite 鳄鱼咬鳄鱼主武器AssaultBolt 攻击线圈磁爆步兵辅武器AssaultCannon 攻击大炮ASWBomb ASW炸弹asw主武器ASWCollision ASW碰撞asw辅武器ASWLauncher ASW发射器cdest辅武器AWP 重狙0级狙击手主武器AWPE 重狙升级3级狙击手主武器BadTeeth 坏牙联军犬主武器BAZOOKA 火箭筒BearBite 熊咬北极熊主武器BikeMissile 摩托车导弹BlackHawkCannon 黑鹰机关炮雌鹿直升机主武器|0级夜鹰直升机主武器BlackHawkCannonE 黑鹰机关炮升级3级夜鹰直升机主武器BlimpBomb 飞艇炸弹0级基洛夫空艇主武器BlimpBombE 飞艇炸弹升级3级基洛夫空艇主武器Bomb 炸弹ChemLauncher 化学发射器ChimpBite 黑猩猩咬猴子主武器ChronoMP5 Chrono-MP5冲锋枪0级超时空突击队主武器ChronoMP5E Chrono-MP5冲锋枪升级3级超时空突击队主武器CoilBolt 线圈磁暴(Tesla=Coil)主武器Comet 棱镜坦克CometFragment 棱镜坦克碎片CowShot 奶牛枪杀CRAWP CR-重狙CRBAZOOKA CR-火箭筒CRElectricBolt CR-导电磁爆CRFlakGuyGun CR-步兵高射炮CRM1Carbine CR-M1卡宾枪CRM60 CR-轻机枪CRMakeupKit CR-构造工具包CRMindControl CR-精神控制CRMP5 CR-MP5冲锋枪CRNeutronRifle CR-超时空步枪CRNuke CR-核多功能步兵车死亡武器CRRadBeamWeapon CR-RAD束武器CRTerrorBomb CR-恐怖炸弹CyCannon Cy大炮DefuseKit 拆炸弹工程师主武器Demobomb 卡车炸弹自爆卡车主武器|自爆卡车死亡武器DoublePistols 双手枪0级谭雅主武器DoublePistolsE 双手枪升级3级谭雅主武器Dragon 鳄鱼DredCollision Dred碰撞DredLauncher Dred发射器无畏级战舰主武器DroneJump 雄蜂跳跃恐怖机器人主武器EiffelBolt 艾菲尔磁爆艾菲尔铁塔主武器ElectricBolt 导电磁爆0级磁爆步兵主武器ElectricBoltE 导电磁爆升级3级磁爆步兵主武器ElectricFragment 导电碎片EMPulseWeapon EM脉冲武器FakeC4 假的C4 超时空突击队辅武器FiendShard 恶魔碎片FireballLauncher 火球发射器FlakGuyAAGun 加固高射炮0级防空步兵辅武器FlakGuyAAGunE 加固高射炮升级3级防空步兵辅武器FlakGuyGun 步兵高射炮0级防空步兵主武器FlakGuyGunE 步兵高射炮升级3级防空步兵主武器FlakTrackAAGun 轨道高射炮0级防空履带车辅武器FlakTrackAAGunE 轨道高射炮升级3级防空履带车辅武器FlakTrackGun 轨道枪0级海蝎主武器|0级防空履带车主武器FlakTrackGunE 轨道枪升级3级海蝎主武器|3级防空履带车主武器FlakWeapon 核武器0级海蝎辅武器|防空炮主武器FlakWeaponE 核武器升级3级海蝎辅武器GoodTeeth 好牙盟军军犬主武器GrandCannonWeapon 大火炮武器巨炮主武器Grenade 手榴弹HarpyClaw 悍妇爪Heal 治愈Hellfire 地狱之火HornetBomb 黄蜂炸弹0级大黄蜂主武器HornetBombE 黄蜂炸弹升级3级大黄蜂主武器HornetCollision 大黄蜂碰撞大黄蜂辅武器HornetLauncher 大黄蜂发射器航空母舰主武器HoverMissile 悬停导弹0级多功能步兵车主武器|科技前哨站主武器HoverMissile2 悬停导弹2HoverMissile2e 悬停导弹2升级HoverMissileE 悬停导弹升级3级多功能步兵车主武器HowitzerGun 榴弹炮榴弹炮主武器IvanBomber 伊文炸弹0级疯狂伊文主武器|超时空伊文主武器IvanBomberE 伊文炸弹升级3级疯狂伊文主武器JumpCannon 跳跃大炮LaserFire 激光枪LaserFire2 激光枪2LtRail 电网M1Carbine M1卡宾枪0级动员兵主武器M1CarbineE M1卡宾枪升级3级动员兵主武器M60 轻机枪0级美国大兵主武器M60E 轻机枪升级3级美国大兵主武器MakeupKit 构造工具包间谍主武器MammothTusk 巨大的长牙天启坦克辅武器Maverick 小牛0级入侵者战机主武器Maverick2 小牛2 0级黑鹰战机主武器Maverick2E 小牛2升级3级黑鹰战机主武器MaverickE 小牛升级3级入侵者战机主武器MayanPrism 玛雅棱镜玛雅金字塔主武器|墨西哥玛雅金字塔主武器MechRailgun 机械铁枪Medusa 水母0级宙斯盾战舰主武器MedusaE 水母升级3级宙斯盾战舰主武器MindControl 精神控制尤里主武器|0级伞兵主武器MindControlE 精神控制升级3级伞兵主武器Minigun 迷你枪MirageGun 幻影枪0-3级幻影坦克主武器MirageGunE 幻影枪升级3级幻影坦克辅武器MP5 MP5冲锋枪0级海豹部队主武器MP5E MP5冲锋枪升级3级海豹部队主武器NeutronRifle 超时空步枪0级超时空军团主武器NeutronRifleE 超时空步枪升级3级超时空军团主武器Nukebomb 核炸弹NukeCarrier 核媒介物Weedguy主武器NukePayload 核弹头OPCoilBolt 线圈磁爆(Tesla=Coil)辅武器OutpostMachineGun 前哨机枪Para 重机枪ParaDropWeapon 重机枪空投武器运输机主武器paraE 重机枪升级Pistola 皮斯托拉技师主武器|VLADIMIR主武器|PENTGEN主武器|Ssrv主武器PrismShot 棱镜不连光棱塔主武器PrismSupport 棱镜连光棱塔辅武器Proton 质子PsiWave 污染波尤里辅武器|尤里改辅武器QuadCannon 四倍火炮RadBeamWeapon 雷得束武器0级生化步兵主武器RadBeamWeaponE 雷得束武器升级3级生化步兵主武器RadEruptionWeapon 雷得喷发武器生化步兵辅武器RaiderCannon 入侵者机关炮RedEye2 红眼2 爱国者导弹主武器RepairBullet 修复子弹RPGTower 火箭塔SABOT 炮弹软壳0级坦克杀手主武器SABOTE 炮弹软壳升级3级坦克杀手主武器Sapper 挖掘器海豹部队辅武器|谭雅辅武器SlimeAttack 软泥攻击Sniper 狙击手SonicZap 声波摧毁0级海豚主武器SonicZapE 声波摧毁升级3级海豚主武器SovietOccupyW 联占领W 玛雅遗迹02辅武器|建筑辅武器SquidGrab 乌贼抓取0级乌贼主武器SquidGrabE 乌贼抓取升级3级乌贼主武器SquidPunch 乌贼推挤0级乌贼辅武器SquidPunchE 乌贼推挤升级3级乌贼辅武器SubTorpedo 潜水艇鱼雷0级飓风级战舰主武器SubTorpedoE 潜水艇鱼雷升级3级飓风级战舰主武器SuicideBomb 自杀炸弹SuperComet 超级棱镜坦克SuperCometFragment 超级棱镜坦克碎片SuperMindControl 超级精神控制尤里改主武器TankBolt 坦克磁爆0级磁爆坦克主武器TankBoltE 坦克磁爆升级3级磁爆坦克主武器TankMakeupKit 坦克构造工具包TerrorBomb 恐怖炸弹恐怖分子主武器|恐怖分子死亡武器TeslaFragment 特斯拉碎片V3Airburst V3空气爆裂V3Cluster V3集群Weedguy辅武器V3Launcher V3发射器VirtualScanner 虚拟扫描恐怖机器人辅武器|工程师辅武器|联军犬辅武器|鳄鱼辅武器|盟军军犬辅武器|北极熊辅武器|猴子辅武器Vulcan 火焰哨戒炮主武器Vulcan2 火焰2 碉堡主武器Vulcan3 火焰3VulcanTower 火焰塔装甲:concrete--混凝土flak -- 防弹片heavy--重型light--轻型medium-- 中型none -- 无plate-- 金属板special_1 --特别_1special_2 -- 特别_2steel -- 钢铁wood -- 木头。



常用软件序列号大全WINDOWS ME 简体中文正式零售版(序列号)S/N: HJPFQ-KXW9C-D7BRJ-JCGB7-Q2DRJWINDOWS ME 正式英文零售版S/N: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMGWindows 2000 Server简体中文服务器版(序列号)H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VMWindows 2000 Professional : PQHKR-G4JFW-VTY3P-G4WQ2-88CTW TQ4CV-XPJR3-KPG3Q-HGH74-BMYWTWindows 2000 Server : H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VMEWIN97 S/N: 00100-OEM-0123456-00100PWIN97 S/N: 00100-OEM-0123456-00100CWIN98 S/N: DC688-DET96-5SCN7-E5RLK-XL413EWIN98 S/N: K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3PWIN98 S/N: VR9TR-74M8W-YPT9C-4VDF4-R7PD8PWIN98 OEM(第二版) S/N: BBH2G-D2VK9-QD4M9-F63XB-43C33PWIN98 2A 2222版S/N: QY7TT-VJ7VG-7QPHY-QXHD3-B838Q MB9HY-M4JGJ-B3RV2-FPH8D-FP8KYWHWGP-XDR8Y-GR9X3-863RP-67J2TWindows98:Upgrade98:G2FGT-6HYRW-X2W2C-RT7HW-RF7WXWindows98:HGBRM-RBK3V-M9FXV-YCXDK-V38J4Windows98 SE:CMGRR-XCBMG-4P8TB-DR9FW-62PFBWindows98(第三版)th OEM 升级程序密码:1Windows98(第三版)th OEM 密码:QY7TT-VJ7VG-7QPHY-QXHD3-B838QWINDOWS ME 简体中文正式零售版(序列号)S/N: HJPFQ-KXW9C-D7BRJ-JCGB7-Q2DRJWINDOWS ME 正式英文零售版S/N: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMGWindows 2000 Server简体中文服务器版(序列号)H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VMWindows 2000 Professional : PQHKR-G4JFW-VTY3P-G4WQ2-88CTW TQ4CV-XPJR3-KPG3Q-HGH74-BMYWTWindows 2000 Server : H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VM Windows 2000 Advanced Server: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMGwin2000序列号:rbdc9-vtrc8-d7972-j97jy-prvmgWIN2000 PRO: PQHKR-G4JFW-VTY3P-G4WQ2-88CTWwindows NT Server 4.0 序列号: 727-1111111windows NT WorkStation 4.0 序列号: 727-1111111Windows2003简体中文正式零售版(序列号)JB88F-WT2Q3-DPXTT-Y8GHG-7YYQYcky24-q8qrh-x3kmr-c6bcy-t847ywin2003 Enterprise Server: QW32K-48T2T-3D2PJ-DXBWY-C6WRJ win2003 Standard Server: M6RJ9-TBJH3-9DDXM-4VX9Q-K8M8M win2003 Web Server: D42X8-7MWXD-M4B76-MKYP7-CW9FD Win2003 enterprise edition english version cPROduct KEY:QW32K - 48T2T - 3D2PJ - DXBWY - C6WRJ可以Updata,但不可以激活Windows 2003 servr序列号:JK6JC-P7P7H-4HRFC-3XM7P-G33HMJCGMJ-TC669-KCBG7-HB8X2-FXG7M企业版: QW32K-48T2T-3D2PJ-DXBWY-C6WRJ标准版: C4C24-QDY9P-GQJ4F-2DB6G-PFQ9W企业VLK: JB88F-WT2Q3-DPXTT-Y8GHG-7YYQY标准VLK: JB88F-WT2Q3-DPXTT-Y8GHG-7YYQYEnterprise Retail: QW32K-48T2T-3D2PJ-DXBWY-C6WRJStandard Retail..: M6RJ9-TBJH3-9DDXM-4VX9Q-K8M8MAll VOL..........: JB88F-WT2Q3-DPXTT-Y8GHG-7YYQYAll OEM DELL.....: TPPJH-FG9MV-KQPXW-HVHKJ-6G728Windows Server 2003 for Small Business Server 的CD-KEY:BBGC6-TXDG9-J9CDW-J XK3R-GTMMBWindowsXP:简体中文正式零售版DRV9Y-XD3HY-GW4M8-4TJJC-XMT7JDXY82-M7W29-XKG9W-Q2GDM-TM7TMCFVYD-GDP9X-GGY8T-9PQ8Y-6273DVRKYC-RXK3B-H7HW2-B3J9D-TMQGDR9BCP-VF23P-BB6YM-JPYGQ-CT48YHM936-QBMRV-Y2QKP-FV4BG-XX38YJYG8K-HTJDM-GK6JC-RDRYG-J8BBGPWFT4-24BFM-YFX6T-QJJ48-Q9968XKTQX-9J7YK-HRHCM-CW6HW-XV9V6F6DXK-4YM2R-TJKM2-KHRGY-C7DCWB9QXV-QCHR4-CVGR3-4DDKQ-KK7VQQCMGX-P44QJ-872MM-T82M3-4VWDWTB4JQ-PMG2C-32C9J-4FX3P-9FDTGBD9HC-83KR8-DMT9M-69RPQ-CW9FMQ3GHH-PBFB8-GGMWT-KXBPM-HWQVQWD6GB-Y6X67-RKPGJ-W2RH2-WFD7QQDTMY-HT7JG-XMTT8-R9K9H-26Y2BTBKF7-8PCDP-72487-7MV4W-7KTV3HFYQM-3QBBB-WG3QG-XW9HH-7GTMQH7W7J-J8DKC-2WMF8-9JCRQ-BK6VTHG9P2-FRQYD-66FVJ-MTPVQ-QCVW3QYP7J-WQ76Q-R2J8K-2VCPP-VPD88BHX24-8486D-2W99H-VQCXJ-Y6B3MQ48G9-YCJ78-X4QT8-TYXJ2-YDXD8C3BC9-TT4YX-3BMVK-XP7H8-G3QXWRKR78-X3QXT-R39X9-69PJ6-KDGT8WG7J4-KWJP7-WDBKG-X7QG4-FRYBMHG24K-JX984-QFQ4X-BR2XM-2C4H3H6QTC-6YHK2-HX7YT-VD4HP-BBTWJHWT63-P9QBW-XQD88-4CHY9-3BTDMQFJYQ-MT473-K4W7Y-W4KJB-9D2X8FTXBD-MYPY4-WH8CX-QM48P-8BVHBS/N:FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8Windows XP 专业版: CCC64-69Q48-Y3KWW-8V9GV-TVKRMWindows XP 家庭版: BQJG2-2MJT7-H7F6K-XW98B-4HQRQwindows XP sp2 3KHMJ-DW7BX-77XHM-DFCW3-J4GHWWindows XP Professional序列号:BX6HT-MDJKW-H2J4X-BX67W-TVVFG安装后激活码只需全输"0"韩文版Windows Xp ProFessional序列号Sn:FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8Windows XP Professional Sp1: CCYFQ-CYK72-HTB3Y-MF37F-DHXQK Windows XP Pro Legend OEM FCDGH-QW3DJ-VBC6C-9BYTX-4GKQJEng Windows XP Pro FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8红旗: DEE595223-ywbfwzund-HGLZUTLEDRedhat: 4ccf-b908-9969-cd0doffice2000中文版序列号:J2MV9-JYYQ6-JM44K-QMYTH-8RB2WG6G9J-XMD7D-XKCFB-PM8Q2-C7T2MPHOTOSHOP滤镜大全序列号Number:1234567 Code:123HJLJ544PhotoTools3.0 S/N:HCE-300-000-607-233233alphastrip SN:ASP 0000123567 9734EyeCandy4 SN:BFNMMHPENCCIEffects 2.0 name:DASavant Code:12LJPN1GLPphotographics SN:GCI-100-000-653-000000MaskPro v2.0 S/N: MCE-200-111-541-111111Xenofex1.0 S/N:JKGDDBEEKLCHPhotoFrame v1.0 sn: BCE-100-254-840-921951EyeCandy3.0.1 s/n:IIIGEBFHMJNBPluginManager 2.0 sn: KG02508803ICNEElasticReality3.0 SN:40-50712-31241-26627RealPlayer8序列号: 0444-90-4466Winzip8.1 Name: czgllmf Code: 605508C1PVfp60: 111111...Autocad2000 序列号:220-60220732 CDKEY:1ERYS5Protel 99se: 990005336 S/N:Y7ZP-5QQG-ZWSF-K858金山毒霸2001序列号:101100-110000-138180-717709金山毒霸2003序列号: 102400-010246-642302-645569注册表终结者序列号: 用户名 注册码60940847 Windows优化大师序列号: 1D39FEDC-D110CFF4-47A8416D-B239C819 WinDVD5 eMail: *****************Password: ttdownKey: VZ255CZV-8ZBWEM2C-4RH5WYS5-TBPT3JBP2 Card: 5346AltoMP3 Maker: 用户名:Sponge Uk 注册码:2509556074ACDS 3.0: 911913243408102441NERO: 1502-0956-3584-2202-3767-601815067-95541-09043-03130-3690CloneCD Name: crskyCode: 385181001-2-2019125875-1993238403Flash mx序列号: FLW600-09531-57240-83750Flash5.0序列号: FLW500-03143-77238-80660Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 序列号: DWW600-54622-26755-01760 Photoshop6.0序列号: PWW600R7105467-948Photoshop7.0序列号: 1045-1209-6738-4668-7696-2783Adobe Photoshop CS v8.0 安装序列号1045-0502-9715-8471-5218-79251045-1999-8526-0973-1557-29711045-1633-7471-9911-3842-17651045-1423-6436-0168-7941-17391045-1189-6296-3291-6041-10481045-1084-6341-6905-7261-71541045-1380-6674-5614-0950-9671AutoCAD200 序列号:220-60220732 CDKEY:1ERYS5isobuster序列号: ID:UfTIMmUNvcSyMYT0oEOMGRsn:14ADDF48-F9CCCC12-182C0636-0AB6E27F-021305FE-05BB5580 CorelDRAW 10.0: CorelDRAW 10.03DMark2001SE 序列号Name: Tom Solen Serial: 9US0Y-B6H47-C4DYX-FZRKN瑞星2004: KJN7MG-D4UQUK-39DBS0-0P5200 4AK8NP66WA4X胜新人事软件序列号:ID 180363833 SN 3546-1124-1681 永恒家具有限公司2003.10.07UltraEdit v10.10c 简繁中文版Name:Code:C4I5R-X3H2H-I8I4B-D9W1E超级兔子魔法设置序列号v5.88 Name:crsky Code:MSCNC-MSOCW-VIODJ-NWQPD-RRYYI----------------------------------------操作系统注册码WindowsXP可以无限次激活的号码:CXGDD-GP2B2-RKWWD-HG3HY-VDJ7J或者RK7J8-2PGYQ-P47VV-V6PMB-F6XPQWindowsXP 2520 Pro 英文版--60天免激活序列号:RK7J8-2PGYQ-P47VV-V6PMB-F6XPQWindows XP 2505 RC1--序列号:DTWB2-VX8WY-FG8R3-X696T-66Y46Q3R8Y-MP9KD-3M6KB-383YB-7PK9Q 411Y0-URB45-34R3B-310N6-70U51F0R6R-347JU-57IC3-M0V34-11Z16 50M38-0DY53-7UPU5-7H380-M8111WindowXP(windows whistler) Beta2 build 2428--CD Key:RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMGMicrosoft WindowsNT Server4.0--CDKEY:727-1111111Microsoft WindowsNT workstation-输入任意合适数目的数码后,最后一位从0到9试一遍,最多试十次即可Windows Mellinium(Windows Me)简体中文最终正式版--s/n:B6BYC-6T7C3-4PXRW-2XKWB-GYV33Windows Me简体中文正式版SN: K9KDJ-3XPXY-92WFW-9Q26K-MVRK8Windows2000 Professional 中文版--SN:PQHKR-G4JFW-VTY3P-G4WQ2-88CTWWindows2000 Professional英文正式版--s/n:RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMGWindows2000 Server 简体中文完全正式版--S/N:XF7DK-7X2WM-2QRCT-Y9R23-4BHDGWindows2000 Server--CD-KEY:H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VMwin2000专业版的序列号 PQHKR-G4JFW-VTY3P-G4WQ2-88CTWWindows 98 SE 标准正式版--s/n: HMTWJ-VPPWP-9BXP8-WD73Y-GGT6M Windows98序列号--K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3Windows 98第三版-联想OEM升级专版安装密码为:1Windows Power Tools 3.95-Code:JPX785-GT56F-KPL98-RTWQ9常用软件注册码Dreamwaver MX-sn: DWW600-54622-26755-01760Dreamwaver 4.03-sn:DWW400-00470-47289-60450&DWW400-03771-57289-73501Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0 完全正式版--安装授权号:DWW400-03771-57289-73501Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev 4.0-- 安装授权号:UDW400-06066-07241-71420Macromedia FreeHand 9.02-- sn:FHW900-00010-47278-88947Macromedia Freehand 10--SN:FHW100-00654-47258-19356Macromedia Fireworks 4.0完全正式版-- 安装授权号:FWW400-02666-67248-02548Micromedia Flash 6.0-序列号:FLW600-50034-46340-47907Macromedia Flash 5.0最终正式版-- serialFLW500-13547-37838-54321 或者FLW500-03143-77238-80660Premiere 6.0 final--sn:MBF500B7205104-998Premiere 5.1--sn:MXX500R145503-500-448Premiere RT 5.1 for 9x/NT--sn: MBF420U3000205-940Photoshop 7.0-sn: 1045-1209-6738-4668-7696-2783Photoshop 6.1-sn: PWC601R3382269-296PhotoShop v6.01 中文版--PWC601R3382269-296或者PWC601R4999617-923或者PWW600R7105467-948或者PWW550R7162534-100Photoshop 6.0--sn: PWW600R7105467-948或者EXX600B6311279-428 Photoshop 5.0--sn: PWW400R7106337-339Photoshop 4.0--sn: PWW250R3107069-312OFFICE XP 简体中文正式版-序列号:P2KDC-9HMXH-9QFVK-PMQCB-V2XMM Office 2000 简体中文企业版-序列号:J2MV9-JYYQ6-JM44K-QMYTH-8RB2W office 2000 Full-s/n: GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8office 2000 Permium-s/n: DT3FT-BFH4M-GYYH8-PG9C3-8K2FJoffice 2000 Porfessional-s/n: XVG79-Q2WK3-JRPMD-9H26V-7TBYToffice 2000 Small Buiness Edition-s/n: TW2RX-PPYX4-MW4FQ-YVYDQ-7CCCQ office 2000 Upgrade-s/n: RMYXR-DJ6FK-M8WBR-FKMB4-JXCCCWPS Office/原WPS 2001正式零售版--sn:KSW026-110000-428123-8076003DS MAX R4 最终零售版软件预安装密码为--cdkey:226-19791979 &key:XLSQBQ3DS MAX 3.1-Serial: 110-12345678 CDKey: S4ED6W Authorization Code: a84983813D Morfit 3D WorldBuilder v3.9--SN:M-2000-MVR-1737 智能陈桥五笔5.03正式版--注册信息码:CCJXQ7X5S智能狂拼II正式版--序列号:350-00161634365653智能狂拼完全正式版--sn:300-812522036449中文之星 2001--SN:310-121964037443 WinZip 8.1 beta Build 4180--Name:x SN:00020000或者Name:cTRLd SN:1D4C036CWinzip v8.0 build3105-注册名:among 注册码:514A0431 或者注册名:wang qiang注册码:c97b0c33 或者注册名:ldr 注册码:77940148或者name:wangds code:529c0641WinZip v7.0 SR-1--注册码:Name:The Krazy Nomad [DEViANT] sn:0BB3629F WinDVD v2.3 DTS ISO--sn:4432GHT7C7R84E0万能五笔2000+通用注册码-用户名:shenwei168 PASSWORD: 2546781324578124(可以是十六个任意数字)万能五笔注册码-用户名:cniti 用户码:3821-076433-0764瑞星杀毒软件千禧世纪版-序列号:I49ISF-RUNLD3-OV3CD1-S30000 或者CRMLLL-518AI4-H20JII-640000瑞星千禧世纪版升级序列号-name:qdj pass:1789882 n:csxk p:2298915n:a p:2671367 n:b p:2570049 n:cq p: 2547100瑞星千禧世纪版ID:TAIHN5YJ TAK4KTNK TAK4N5AV TAPJ5UBU TAQ484SF TA94DIZK TA54HA2E TALIVVR8TA6HM4J1 TAGIYWCQ TAZ4MDK7 TAWI5LL9 TAEIM62X TAP4IED4 TAVHMEUYTAQ4726QTABH9K1Q TAQHPJYV TA6IX48P TAU4ED8B TAU4GVRJ TA74IQ26 TA7IJF9W TAVIFUMZTA1ISG6F TAB417N2 TAHIW2PB TA1IPVRT TA64G64K TA24HC33 TA64FJLNTAS444VNTASHT5MX TAR42DEC TAXIXHBR TAMIKJTQ TAB4NJUS TAZI69Y7 TAV43UWK TAUJM6ATTARIRBK6 TA54HA2E金山毒霸II 2001正式标准版--SN:KAV026-110000-428123-807600金山毒霸 钻石会员版--安装serial:KAV00-69254-10624金山毒霸正式版--serial:KAV00-55610-58546 美萍反黄专家2.26版--软件serial:88888888 注册号:35355美萍反黄专家 V1.1--软件serial:88888888 注册号:35355--------------------------------------------------图形图像注册码Photoshop 7.0-sn:1045-1209-6738-4668-7696-2783Photoshop 6.1-sn: PWC601R3382269-296PhotoShop v6.01 中文版--PWC601R3382269-296或者PWC601R4999617-923或者PWW600R7105467-948或者PWW550R7162534-100Photoshop 6.0--sn: PWW600R7105467-948或者EXX600B6311279-428 Photoshop 5.0--sn: PWW400R7106337-339Photoshop 4.0--sn: PWW250R3107069-312Photo deluxe--sn:HTW200R7100048-493Adobe Illustrator 9.0繁体中文版--sn:ABT800R7100102-625Adobe Illustrator 8.0中文版--sn:ABW800X7102095-685或者sn:EXX500R5900103198-517AcdSee 3.1 build 921 Retail--sn:243478918944730541ACDsee SR1 PowerPack Retail--sn:243478918944730541ACDsee 3.1--sn:132728175249781441Adobe After Effects V5.0-sn:EWE780A7645038-389-588或者SN:EWW471R7080005-040-498Adobe After Effects V4.1--sn:EWW400R4000123-666-922Adobe Acrobat 5.0.1 简体中文版--SN:KWC500R6538415-885Adobe Acrobat 5.0 正式完全版--sn:AEB100R3498245-291或者sn:KWW500R7150122-128Adobe Acorobat full 4.0--sn:AOW301R7136978-298Adobe Acorobat read 1.2--sn:ARM100R3100034-100-397Adobe Acorobat distiller 2.1--sn: DEE100R3001172-010-496Adobe Acorobat capture--sn:WCW100R3101909-171FreeHand 9.02--SN:FHW900-00010-47278-88947FreeHand 10--SN:FHW100-00654-47258-19356我行我素3.0 注册码: 12903-53000-21838287Ulead Photo Express(我形我速) 4.0 Trial-sn:12903-54000-87045955 Ulead Photo Explorer Pro 7.0 iso--sn:11103-67000-00262910网页工具注册码Dreamwaver MX-sn: DWW600-54622-26755-01760Dreamwaver 4.03-sn: DWW400-00470-47289-60450&DWW400-03771-57289-73501 Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0 完全正式版--安装授权号:DWW400-03771-57289-73501Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev 4.0-- 安装授权号:UDW400-06066-07241-71420Macromedia FreeHand 9.02-- sn:FHW900-00010-47278-88947Macromedia Freehand 10--SN:FHW100-00654-47258-19356Macromedia Fireworks 4.0完全正式版-- 安装授权号:FWW400-02666-67248-02548Micromedia Flash 6.0-序列号:FLW600-50034-46340-47907Macromedia Flash 5.0最终正式版-- serialFLW500-13547-37838-54321 或者FLW500-03143-77238-80660Frontpage2000 简体中文正式版--序列号:K3KT9-267PT-4THHF-Q69R3-FRXY6 或者 J2MV9-JYYQ6-JM44K-QMYTH-8RB2W 或者00120804-78E1-11D2-B60F-006097C998E7HTML (Un)Compress 6.1.2--Name:stcsr Code:yJ9A5R0W或者Name:CZY Code:n1KqBy0MDHTML Menu Builder v3.0.x--Name:king_KINK Company:CORECode:E7E81B2ED721025B64D1B47235BA0131FlashGet(网际快车) v0.96广告破解--姓名FLASHGET 注册码:22029EC2M7 FlashGet(网际快车) v0.95广告破解--姓名FLASHGET 注册码:22029EC2M7 FlashGet(网际快车) v0.94广告破解--姓名FLASHGET 注册码:22029EC2M7或者Name:among Code:39065EG6Q5FlashGet(网际快车) v0.93广告破解--姓名FLASHGET 注册码:22029EC2M7LeapFTP 2.71.580--Name:CZY Code:MOD1-MO2D-M3OD-NOPQ32-bit FTP f9.31.1--Name:stcs Code:3033353B353932-bit FTP f9.28.01--Name:FTP Code:30323B373D3B32-bit FTP f9.26.15--Name:FTP Code:30323B373D3B网络工具注册码OICQ图形留言系统3.20--Name:1key Code:50466173 或者 Name:stcsrSn:-1818884247OICQ图形留言系统3.0--Name:伪装者 SN:1232282124 Name:gfh[CCG]SN:1560124846 或者 name:alixcao code:1496111681全新QQ声音 V2.60 SN:blwaa-23456-fffOICQ登录号码清除器 2.21注册名:随便填写注册码:QQ-HideNum-220-HqSx联众密码监听器1.0注册名 fpxfpx 注册码 121501QQ密码记者V5.5Name:flyfox Code:52268746拓易邮件特快 v2001用户名:ufg 信箱:*************注册码:HXv#?eHQ----}aEt^~NZ----KMK2QbSJ魔装网神3.3用户名 CRACK 注册码16616CC---------------视听工具注册码Audio Converter 3.0(0402)特别版--Use Name:chaoruan Company:china Licenses:1 Serial key:08199-04923680536126119550AudioCD MP3 Studio 2000 V2.3--SN:CSN77B-174094802faAltoMP3 Maker 2.2--Name:Free User SN:1LfDE2UKh1F5i9fCCDOK音乐贝贝--Name:洋白菜Comp.: Email:*********************sn:CA9C8419或者Name:copyyour Comp.:CCGE-:*****************:7E868430MP3 CD Maker 1.40多语言版--Name:CZY Code:3543442950天音怒放 3.0--Name: PaulYoung[CCG] Code:613-95285-0865-058天音怒放V2.15--用户名:fpxfpx 注册码:505-0853-45天音怒放V2.14--Name: SN:443-7672-13天音怒放V2.13b--Name: SN:443-7672-13天音怒放V2.13--注册名:世纪动力注册码:999-1962-28 或者注册名:师大附中注册码:974-8525-71 或者注册名:RIRI 注册码:632-0390-88天音怒放2.1修正版--用户名:密码:685-4091-45友情强档 5.82.0999(08.01)--Name:getfox SN:172392-EIVJYH友情强档5.82.999国际版--Name:getfox SN:172392-EIVJYH友情强档5.80.978国际版--Name:getfox SN:172392-EIVJYH友情强档V5.63国际版--Name:wind[CCG] SN:196350-XIEVVQVIRRealPlayer v8.0 Basic Build中文版-sn:0444-90-4466 或sn:0094-32-4766RealPlayer V8.0 Basic Build中文版-sn:0094-32-4766 或SN:1356-04-4068RealPlay助理1.0.0--name:2000yeah code:0411225518Real 格式文件压缩至尊v1.3 -注册码:TianYusoftware is good音乐贝贝(CDOK)-Name:洋白菜Comp: Email:*********************sn:CA9C8419 或者Name:copyyour Comp:CCG 信箱:*****************:7E868430其它工具注册码Audio Converter 3.0(0402)特别版--Use Name:chaoruan Company:china Licenses:1 Serial key:08199-04923680536126119550AudioCD MP3 Studio 2000 V2.3--SN:CSN77B-174094802faAltoMP3 Maker 2.2--Name:Free User SN:1LfDE2UKh1F5i9fCCDOK音乐贝贝--Name:洋白菜Comp.: Email:*********************sn:CA9C8419或者Name:copyyour Comp.:CCGE-:*****************:7E868430MP3 CD Maker 1.40多语言版--Name:CZY Code:3543442950天音怒放 3.0--Name: PaulYoung[CCG] Code:613-95285-0865-058天音怒放V2.15--用户名:fpxfpx 注册码:505-0853-45天音怒放V2.14--Name: SN:443-7672-13天音怒放V2.13b--Name: SN:443-7672-13天音怒放V2.13--注册名:世纪动力注册码:999-1962-28 或者注册名:师大附中注册码:974-8525-71 或者注册名:RIRI 注册码:632-0390-88天音怒放2.1修正版--用户名:密码:685-4091-45友情强档 5.82.0999(08.01)--Name:getfox SN:172392-EIVJYH友情强档5.82.999国际版--Name:getfox SN:172392-EIVJYH友情强档5.80.978国际版--Name:getfox SN:172392-EIVJYH友情强档V5.63国际版--Name:wind[CCG] SN:196350-XIEVVQVIRRealPlayer v8.0 Basic Build中文版-sn:0444-90-4466 或sn:0094-32-4766RealPlayer V8.0 Basic Build中文版-sn:0094-32-4766 或SN:1356-04-4068RealPlay助理1.0.0--name:2000yeah code:0411225518Real 格式文件压缩至尊v1.3 -注册码:TianYusoftware is good。

WHO药品不良反应术语集 累及的系统-器官代码检索0410

WHO药品不良反应术语集 累及的系统-器官代码检索0410

0 0 0 0 41 2 0
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脑脊髓 炎 脑病 高血压性脑病 新生儿脑病
锥体外 系病 眼睑 回缩 大便失禁
O l 40 0 1 1 3 4 0 8 0 0 1 4 0 ( l ) 0 4 O l 40 0 0 4l O l 40 O l 40 O 0 4l 0 0 41 0 0 41 0 0 41 0 0 41 O 0 4l
培 训园 地 T ∞ n: il r Ii f d o
惊厥 惊厥加重 癫痫大发作 局限性 抽搐 新生儿惊厥 协调异常
0 9 o 3
O 9 0 4 (J5 x9 0 6 09
O 0 4l O 0 4l 0 0 4l O 0 4l








应该说明的是,上述划分只是一个应用KD 指标的初步过程,仅仅是信号,完全按这种方法进行操作很容易招致损失。





















µA µA nA nA
On Characteristics
VGS(th) RDS(on)
Gate Threshold Voltage
Static Drain-Source On-Resistance
Forward Transconductance
VDS = VGS, ID = 250 µA
Maximum Continuous Drain-Source Diode Forward Current
Maximum Pulsed Drain-Source Diode Forward Current
-- 23.6
Drain-Source Diode Forward Voltage VGS = 0 V, IS = 5.9 A
Parameter Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient
FQAF9N90 900 5.9 3.73 23.6 ± 30 900 5.9 11.3 4.0 113 0.91
-55 to +150
45 100
-- 100 210
-- 135 280
(Note 4, 5)
80 170
VDS = 720 V, ID = 8.6 A,
-- 55
VGS = 10 V
-- 12



KDJ指标stochastic oscillator (KDJ指标旳中文名称是随机指数)最早来源于期货市场。

随机指标是由乔治·莱恩首创旳, 它在通过当天或近来几日最高价、最低价及收盘价等价格波动旳波幅, 反映价格趋势旳强弱.随机指标在图表上共有三根线, K线、D线和J线。

随机指标在计算中考虑了计算周期内旳最高价、最低价, 兼顾了股价波动中旳随机振幅, 因而人们觉得随机指标更真实地反映股价旳波动, 其提示作用更加明显。

随机指标KD线旳意义:KD线称之为随机指标, K为迅速指标, D为慢速指标, 当K线向上突破D线时, 表达为上升趋势, 可以买进;当K线向下突破D线时, 可以卖出, 又当KD值升到90以上时表达偏高, 跌到20如下时表达偏低。

太高就有下跌旳也许, 而太低就有上涨旳机会。

一、KDJ旳计算(N日收盘价- N日内最低价) ÷(N日内最高价- N日内最低价) ×100 = N日RSV 当天K值= 1/3当天RSV + 2/3前1日K值;当天D值= 2/3前1日D值+ 1/3当天K值;当天J值= 3当天K值- 2当天D值.若无前一日K 值与D值, 则可分别用50来替代。


一方面须计算出近来9日旳RSV值, 即未成熟随机值, 计算公式为9日RSV=(9日旳收盘价-9日内旳最低价)÷(9日内旳最高价-9日内旳最低价)×100 (计算出来旳数值为当天旳RSV)K值=2/3×前一日K值+1/3×当天RSVD值=2/3×前一日D值+1/3×当天旳K植若无前一日K值与D值, 则可以分别用50替代。




DS07-13747-1EFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDATA SHEETCopyright©2006 FUJITSU LIMITED All rights reserved“Check Sheet” is seen at the following support pageURL : /global/services/microelectronics/product/micom/support/index.html“Check Sheet” lists the minimal requirement items to be checked to prevent problems beforehand in system development.Be sure to refer to the “Check Sheet” for the latest cautions on development.16-bit Proprietary MicrocontrollerCMOSF 2MC-16LX MB90340E SeriesMB90F342E(S), MB90F342CE(S), MB90F343E(S), MB90F343CE(S), MB90F345E(S), MB90F345CE(S), MB90F346E(S), MB90F346CE(S), MB90F347E(S), MB90F347CE(S), MB90F349E(S), MB90F349CE(S),MB90341E(S), MB90341CE(S), MB90342E(S), MB90342CE(S), MB90346E(S), MB90346CE(S), MB90347E(S), MB90347CE(S), MB90348E(S), MB90348CE(S), MB90349E(S), MB90349CE(S), MB90V340E-101/102■DESCRIPTIONThe MB90340E-series with up to 2 FULL-CAN* interfaces and Flash ROM is especially designed for automotive and other industrial applications. Its main feature are the on-board CAN Interfaces, which conform to V2.0 Part A and Part B, while supporting a very flexible message buffer scheme and so offering more functions than a normal full CAN approach. With the new 0.35 µm CMOS technology, Fujitsu now offers on-chip Flash ROM program memory up to 512 Kbytes.The power to the MCU core (3V) is supplied by a built-in regulator circuit, giving these microcontrollers superior performance in terms of power consumption and tolerance to EMI.* : Controller Area Network (CAN) - License of Robert Bosch GmbH Note : F 2MC is the abbreviation of FUJITSU Flexible Microcontroller.MB90340E Series2■FEATURES• CPU•Instruction system best suited to controller- Wide choice of data types (bit, byte, word, and long word)- Wide choice of addressing modes (23 types)- Enhanced functionality with signed multiply and divide instructions and the RETI instruction- Enhanced high-precision computing with 32-bit accumulator•Instruction system compatible with high-level language (C language) and multitask- Employing system stack pointer- Various enhanced pointer indirect instructions- Barrel shift instructions•Increased processing speed- 4-byte instruction queue• Serial interface•UART (LIN/SCI) : up to 4 channels- Equipped with full-duplex double buffer- Clock-asynchronous or clock-synchronous serial transmission is available•I2C interface*1 : up to 2 channels (only for devices with a C suffix in the part number)- Up to 400 Kbits/s transfer rate• Interrupt controller•Powerful 8-level, 34-condition interrupt feature•Up to 16 external interrupts are supported•Automatic data transfer function independent of CPU- Expanded intelligent I/O service function (EI2OS) : up to 16 channels• I/O ports•General-purpose input/output port (CMOS output)- 80 ports (for devices without an S suffix in the part number - i.e. devices that support the sub clock) - 82 ports (for devices with an S suffix in the part number - i.e. devices that do not support the sub clock)• 8/10-bit A/D converter : 16 channels24 channels (only for devices with a C suffix in the part number)•Resolution is selectable between 8-bit and 10-bit.•Activation by external trigger input is allowed.•Conversion time : 3 µs (at 24-MHz machine clock, including sampling time)• Program patch function•Detects address matches against 6 address pointers• Timer•Time-base timer, watch timer, watchdog timer : 1 channel•8/16-bit PPG timer : 8-bit × 16 channels, or 16-bit × 8 channels•16-bit reload timer : 4 channels•16-bit input/output timer- 16-bit free-run timer : 2 channels(FRT0 : ICU 0/1/2/3, OCU 0/1/2/3, FRT1 : ICU 4/5/6/7, OCU 4/5/6/7)- 16-bit input capture: (ICU): 8 channels- 16-bit output compare: (OCU): 8 channelsMB90340E Series3• Full-CAN controller*2•Up to 2 channels•Compliant with Ver2.0A and Ver2.0B CAN specifications •16 built-in message buffers •CAN wake-up function• Low power consumption (standby) mode•Sleep mode (a mode that halts CPU operating clock)•Timebase timer mode (a mode where only the oscillation clock, sub clock, timebase timer and watch timer operate)•Watch mode (a mode that operates sub clock and clock timer only)•Stop mode (a mode that stops oscillation clock and sub clock)•CPU intermittent operation mode • Technology•0.35 µm CMOS technology*1 : I 2C license :Purchase of Fujitsu I 2C components conveys a license under the Philips I 2C Patent Rights to use, these com-ponents in an I 2C system provided that the system conforms to the I 2C Standard Specification as defined by Philips.*2 : Controller Area Network (CAN) - License of Robert Bosch GmbH.MB90340E Series4■PRODUCT LINEUP(Continued) Part NumberParameterMB90V340E-101,MB90V340E-102MB90F342E(S), MB90F342CE(S),MB90F343E(S)*1, MB90F343CE(S)*1,MB90F345E(S), MB90F345CE(S),MB90F346E(S), MB90F346CE(S),MB90F347E(S), MB90F347CE(S),MB90F349E(S), MB90F349CE(S)MB90341E(S)*1, MB90341CE(S)*1,MB90342E(S)*1, MB90342CE(S)*1,MB90346E(S), MB90346CE(S),MB90347E(S), MB90347CE(S),MB90348E(S)*1, MB90348CE(S)*1,MB90349E(S)*1, MB90349CE(S)*1 Type Evaluation products Flash memory products MASK ROM productsCPU F2MC-16LX CPUSystem clockOn-chip PLL clock multiplier (×1, ×2, ×3, ×4, ×6, 1/2 when PLL stops)Minimum instruction execution time : 42 ns (4 MHz osc. PLL × 6)ROM External512 Kbytes :MB90F345E(S), MB90F345CE(S)384 Kbytes :MB90F343E(S), MB90F343CE(S)256 Kbytes :MB90F342E(S), MB90F342CE(S),MB90F349E(S), MB90F349CE(S)128 Kbytes :MB90F347E(S), MB90F347CE(S)64 Kbytes :MB90F346E(S), MB90F346CE(S)256 Kbytes :MB90342E(S), MB90342CE(S),MB90349E(S), MB90349CE(S)128 Kbytes :MB90341E(S), MB90341CE(S),MB90348E(S), MB90348CE(S),MB90347E(S), MB90347CE(S)64 Kbytes :MB90346E(S), MB90346CE(S) RAM30 Kbytes20 Kbytes :MB90F343E(S), MB90F343CE(S),MB90F345E(S), MB90F345CE(S)16 Kbytes :MB90F342E(S), MB90F342CE(S),MB90F349E(S), MB90F349CE(S)6 Kbytes :MB90F347E(S), MB90F347CE(S)2 Kbytes :MB90F346E(S), MB90F346CE(S)16 Kbytes :MB90341E(S), MB90341CE(S),MB90342E(S), MB90342CE(S),MB90348E(S), MB90348CE(S),MB90349E(S), MB90349CE(S)6 Kbytes :MB90347E(S), MB90347CE(S)2 Kbytes :MB90346E(S), MB90346CE(S)Emulator-specificpower supply*2Yes⎯Technology0.35 µm CMOS withregulator for built-inpower supply0.35 µm CMOS with built-in power supply regulator +Flash memory with Charge pump for programming voltageOperatingvoltage range5 V ± 10%3.5 V to 5.5 V : When normal operating (not using A/D converter)4.0 V to5.5 V : When using the A/D converter/Flash programming4.5 V to5.5 V : When using the external busTemperature range⎯−40 °C to +105 °CPackage PGA-299QFP-100, LQFP-100UART5 channels 4 channelsWide range of baud rate settings using a dedicated reload timerSpecial synchronous options for adapting to different synchronous serial protocolsLIN functionality working either as master or slave LIN deviceI2C (400 kbps) 2 channelsDevices with a C suffix in the part number : 2channelsDevices without a C suffix in the part number : ⎯MB90340E Series5(Continued)Part NumberParameterMB90V340E-101, MB90V340E-102MB90F342E(S), MB90F342CE(S),MB90F343E(S)*1, MB90F343CE(S)*1,MB90F345E(S), MB90F345CE(S),MB90F346E(S), MB90F346CE(S),MB90F347E(S), MB90F347CE(S),MB90F349E(S), MB90F349CE(S)MB90341E(S)*1, MB90341CE(S)*1,MB90342E(S)*1, MB90342CE(S)*1,MB90346E(S), MB90346CE(S),MB90347E(S), MB90347CE(S),MB90348E(S)*1, MB90348CE(S)*1,MB90349E(S)*1, MB90349CE(S)*1A/D Converter24 input channelsDevices with a C suffix in the part number : 24 channels Devices without a C suffix in the part number : 16 channels10-bit or 8-bit resolutionConversion time : Min 3 µs include sample time (per one channel)16-bit Reload Timer (4 channels)Operation clock frequency : fsys/21, fsys/23, fsys/25 (fsys = Machine clock frequency)Supports External Event Count function 16-bit I/O Timer (2 channels)Generates an interrupt signal on overflowSupports Timer Clear when the output compare finds a matchOperation clock freq. : fsys, fsys/21, fsys/22, fsys/23, fsys/24, fsys/25, fsys/26, fsys/27(fsys = Machine clock freq.)I/O Timer 0 (clock input FRCK0) corresponds to ICU 0/1/2/3, OCU 0/1/2/3I/O Timer 1 (clock input FRCK1) corresponds to ICU 4/5/6/7, OCU 4/5/6/716-bit Output Compare (8 channels)Generates an interrupt signal when one of the 16-bit I/O timer matches the output compare registerA pair of compare registers can be used to generate an output signal.16-bit Input Capture (8 channels)Rising edge, falling edge or rising & falling edge sensitive Signals an interrupt upon external event8/16-bitProgrammable Pulse Generator8 channels (16-bit) /16 channels (8-bit)Sixteen 8-bit reload countersSixteen 8-bit reload registers for L pulse width Sixteen 8-bit reload registers for H pulse widthSupports 8-bit and 16-bit operation modesA pair of 8-bit reload counters can be configured as one 16-bit reload counter or as 8-bit prescaler plus 8-bit reload counterOperating clock freq. : fsys, fsys/21, fsys/22, fsys/23, fsys/24 or 128 µs@fosc = 4 MHz (fsys = Machine clock frequency, fosc = Oscillation clock frequency)CAN Interface3 channels2 channels :MB90F342E(S), MB90F342CE(S),MB90F343E(S), MB90F343CE(S),MB90F345E(S), MB90F345CE(S)1 channel :MB90F346E(S), MB90F346CE(S),MB90F347E(S), MB90F347CE(S),MB90F349E(S), MB90F349CE(S)2 channels :MB90341E(S), MB90341CE(S),MB90342E(S), MB90342CE(S)1 channel :MB90346E(S), MB90346CE(S),MB90347E(S), MB90347CE(S),MB90348E(S), MB90348CE(S),MB90349E(S), MB90349CE(S)Conforms to CAN Specification Version 2.0 Part A and B Automatic re-transmission in case of errorAutomatic transmission in response to Remote Frames Prioritized 16 message buffers for data and ID’s Supports multiple messagesFlexible configuration of acceptance filtering :Full bit compare/Full bit mask/Two partial bit masks Supports up to 1 MbpsMB90340E Series6(Continued)*1 : These devices are under development.*2 : It is setting of Jumper switch (TOOL VCC) when Emulator (MB2147-01) is used.Please refer to the Emulator hardware manual for details.*3 : Embedded Algorithm is a trade mark of Advanced Micro Devices Inc.Part NumberParameterMB90V340E-101,MB90V340E-102MB90F342E(S), MB90F342CE(S),MB90F343E(S)*1, MB90F343CE(S)*1,MB90F345E(S), MB90F345CE(S),MB90F346E(S), MB90F346CE(S),MB90F347E(S), MB90F347CE(S),MB90F349E(S), MB90F349CE(S)MB90341E(S)*1, MB90341CE(S)*1,MB90342E(S)*1, MB90342CE(S)*1,MB90346E(S), MB90346CE(S),MB90347E(S), MB90347CE(S),MB90348E(S)*1, MB90348CE(S)*1,MB90349E(S)*1, MB90349CE(S)*1 External Interrupt(16 channels)Can be used rising edge, falling edge, starting up by H/L level input, external interrupt,expanded intelligent I/O services (EI2OS) and DMAD/A converter 2 channels⎯Sub clock(maximum 100kHz)Only forMB90V340E-102Devices with sub clock : devices without an S suffix in the part numberDevices without sub clock : devices with an S suffix in the part number I/O PortsVirtually all external pins can be used as general purpose I/O portAll ports are push-pull outputsBit-wise settable as input/output or peripheral signalCan be configured 8 as CMOS schmitt trigger/ automotive inputs (in blocks of 8 pins)TTL input level settable for external bus (32-pin only for external bus)Flash Memory⎯Supports automatic programming, Embedded Algorithm TM*3Write/Erase/Erase-Suspend/Resume commandsA flag indicating completion of the algorithmNumber of erase cycles : 10000 cyclesData retention time : 20 yearsBoot block configurationErase can be performed on each blockBlock protection with external programming voltageFlash Security Feature for protecting the content of the Flash (exceptfor MB90F346E(S) and MB90F346CE (S) )MB90340E Series ■PIN ASSIGNMENTS7MB90340E Series8MB90340E Series •MB90F342E(S) / MB90F343E(S) / MB90F345E(S) / MB90F346E(S) / MB90F347E(S) / MB90F349E(S) /9MB90340E Series10•MB90F342CE(S) / MB90F343CE(S) / MB90F345CE(S) / MB90F346CE(S) / MB90F347CE(S) /MB90F349CE(S) / MB90341CE(S) / MB90342CE(S) /MB90346CE(S) / MB90347CE(S) / MB90348CE(S) /111213■PIN DESCRIPTION(Continued)Pin No.Pin nameI/O Circuit type*3FunctionQFP100*1LQFP100*21 to 499 to 2P24 to P27GGeneral purpose I/O pins. The register can be set to selectwhether to use a pull-up resistor.In external bus mode, the pin is enabled as a general-purpose I/O port when the corresponding bit in the external address output control register (HACR) is 1.A20 to A23Output pins of the external address bus. When the corresponding bit in the external address output control register (HACR) is 0, the pins are enabled as high address output pins (A20 to A23).IN0 to IN3Trigger input pins for input captures.53P30G General purpose I/O pin.The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor.This function is enabled in single-chip mode.ALE Address latch enable output pin. This function is enabled when the external bus is enabled.IN4Trigger input pin for input capture.64P31G General purpose I/O pin.The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor.This function is enabled in single-chip mode.RD External read strobe output pin. This function is enabled when the external bus is enabled.IN5Trigger input pin for input capture.75P32GGeneral purpose I/O pin. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor. This function is enabled either in single-chip mode or when the WR/WRL pin output is disabled.WR / WRLWrite strobe output pin for the external data bus. This function is enabled when both the external bus and the WR/WRL pin output are enabled. WRL is used to write-strobe 8 lower bits of the data bus in 16-bit access while WR is used to write-strobe 8 bits of the data bus in 8-bit access.INT10R External interrupt request input pin.86P33GGeneral purpose I/O pin. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor.This function is enabled either in single-chip mode or when the WRH pin output is disabled.WRHWrite strobe output pin for the upper 8 bits of the external data bus. This function is enabled when the external bus is enabled, when the external bus 16-bit mode is selected, and when the WRH output pin is enabled.14(Continued)Pin No.Pin nameI/O Circuit type*3FunctionQFP100*1LQFP100*297P34GGeneral purpose I/O pin. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor. This function is enabled either in single-chip mode or when the hold function is disabled.HRQ Hold request input pin. This function is enabled when both the external bus and the hold function are enabled.OUT4Waveform output pin for output compare.108P35G General purpose I/O pin. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor. This function is enabled either in single-chip mode or when the hold function is disabled.HAK Hold acknowledge output pin. This function is enabled when both the external bus and the hold function are enabled.OUT5Waveform output pin for output compare.119P36G General purpose I/O pin. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor. This function is enabled either in single-chip mode or when the external ready function is disabled.RDY External ready input pin. This function is enabled when both the external bus and the external ready function are enabled.OUT6Waveform output pin for output compare.1210P37G General purpose I/O pin. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor. This function is enabled either in single-chip mode or when the clock output is disabled.CLK Clock output pin. This function is enabled when both the external bus and clock output are enabled.OUT7Waveform output pin for output compare OCU713, 1411, 12P40, P41F General purpose I/O pins.(devices with an S suffix in the part number and or MB90V340E-101)X0A , X1AB Oscillation pins for sub clock(devices without an S suffix in the part number and or MB90V340E-102)1513V CC ⎯Power (3.5 V to 5.5 V) input pin 1614V SS ⎯GND pin1715C K This is the power supply stabilization capacitor This pin should be connected to a ceramic capacitor with a capacitance greater than or equal to 0.1 µF. 1816P42F General purpose I/O pin.IN6Trigger input pin for input capture.RX1RX input pin for CAN1 Interface(MB90F342E/F343E/F345E/341E/342E only)INT9RExternal interrupt request input pin15(Continued)Pin No.Pin name I/O Circuit type*3FunctionQFP100*1LQFP100*21917P43FGeneral purpose I/O pin.IN7Trigger input pin for input capture.TX1TX Output pin for CAN1(MB90F342E/F343E/F345E/341E/342E only)2018P44HGeneral purpose I/O pin.SDA0Serial data I/O pin for I 2C (devices with a C suffix in the part number)FRCK0Input pin for the 16-bit I/O Timer 02119P45HGeneral purpose I/O pin.SCL0Serial clock I/O pin for I 2C (devices with a C suffix in the part number)FRCK1Input pin for the 16-bit I/O Timer 2220P46HGeneral purpose I/O pin.SDA1Serial data I/O pin for I 2C (devices with a C suffix in the part number)2321P47HGeneral purpose I/O pin.SCL1Serial clock I/O pin for I 2C (devices with a C suffix in the part number)2422P50OGeneral purpose I/O pin.AN8Analog input pin for the A/D converter SIN2Serial data input pin for UART22523P51I General purpose I/O pin.AN9Analog input pin for the A/D converter SOT2Serial data output pin for UART22624P52I General purpose I/O pin.AN10Analog input pin for the A/D converter SCK2Clock I/O pin for UART22725P53I General purpose I/O pin.AN11Analog input pin for the A/D converter TIN3Event input pin for the reload timer 2826P54I General purpose I/O pin.AN12Analog input pin for the A/D converter TOT3Output pin for the reload timer 2927P55I General purpose I/O pin.AN13Analog input pin for the A/D converter 30, 3128, 29P56, P57J General purpose I/O pins.AN14, AN15Analog input pins for the A/D converter 3230AV CCKAnalog power input pin for the A/D Converter16(Continued)Pin No.Pin nameI/O Circuit type*3FunctionQFP100*1LQFP100*23331AVRH L Reference voltage input pin for the A/D Converter. This power supply must be turned on or off while a voltage higher than or equal to AVRH is applied to AV CC .3432AVRL K Lower reference voltage input pin for the A/D Converter 3533AV SS KAnalog GND pin for the A/D Converter 36 to 4334 to 41P60 to P67IGeneral purpose I/O pins.AN0 to AN7Analog input pins for the A/D converter PPG0, 2, 4, 6, 8, A, C, EOutput pins for PPGs4442V SS ⎯GND pin45 to 5043 to 48P70 to P75IGeneral purpose I/O pins.AN16 to AN21Analog input pins for the A/D converter (devices with a C suffix in the part number)INT0 to INT5External interrupt request input pins 5149MD2D Input pin for specifying the operating mode.52, 5350, 51MD1, MD0C Input pins for specifying the operating mode.5452RST EReset input55, 5653, 54P76, P77IGeneral purpose I/O pins.AN22, AN23Analog input pins for the A/D converter (devices with a C suffix in the part number)INT6, INT7External interrupt request input pins 5755P80FGeneral purpose I/O pin.TIN0Event input pin for the reload timer ADTG Trigger input pin for the A/D converter INT12R External interrupt request input pin 5856P81FGeneral purpose I/O pin.TOT0Output pin for the reload timer CKOT Output pin for the clock monitor INT13R External interrupt request input pin 5957P82MGeneral purpose I/O pin.SIN0Serial data input pin for UART0TIN2Event input pin for the reload timer INT14R External interrupt request input pin 6058P83F General purpose I/O pin.SOT0Serial data output pin for UART0TOT2Output pin for the reload timer17(Continued)Pin No.Pin name I/O Circuit type*3FunctionQFP100*1LQFP100*26159P84FGeneral purpose I/O pin.SCK0Clock I/O pin for UART0INT15RExternal interrupt request input pin6260P85M General purpose I/O pin.SIN1Serial data input pin for UART16361P86F General purpose I/O pin.SOT1Serial data output pin for UART16462P87F General purpose I/O pin.SCK1Clock I/O pin for UART16563V CC ⎯Power (3.5 V to 5.5 V) input pin 6664V SS ⎯GND pin67 to 7065 to 68P90 to P93FGeneral purpose I/O pin PPG1, 3, 5, 7Output pins for PPGs 71 to 7469 to 72P94 to P97FGeneral purpose I/O pinOUT0 to OUT3Waveform output pins for output compares. This function is enabled when the OCU enables waveform output.7573PA0FGeneral purpose I/O pin.RX0RX input pin for CAN0 Interface INT8RExternal interrupt request input pin7674PA1FGeneral purpose I/O pin.TX0TX Output pin for CAN077 to 8475 to 82P00 to P07GGeneral purpose I/O pins. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor. This function is enabled in single-chip mode.AD00 to AD07I/O pins for 8 lower bits of the external address/data bus. This function is enabled when the external bus is enabled.INT8 to INT15External interrupt request input pins.8583P10GGeneral purpose I/O pin. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor.This function is enabled in single-chip mode.AD08I/O pin for the external address/data bus.This function is enabled when the external bus is enabled.TIN1Event input pin for the reload timer18(Continued)Pin No.Pin nameI/O Circuit type*3FunctionQFP100*1LQFP100*28684P11GGeneral purpose I/O pin. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor. This function is enabled in single-chip mode.AD09I/O pin for the external address/data bus. This function is enabled when the external bus is enabled.TOT1Output pin for the reload timer8785P12N General purpose I/O pin. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor.This function is enabled in single-chip mode.AD10I/O pin for the external address/data bus. This function is enabled when the external bus is enabled.SIN3Serial data input pin for UART3INT11R External interrupt request input pin8886P13G General purpose I/O pin. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor.This function is enabled in single-chip mode.AD11I/O pin for the external address/data bus. This function is enabled when the external bus is enabled.SOT3Serial data output pin for UART38987P14G General purpose I/O pin. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor.This function is enabled in single-chip mode.AD12I/O pin for the external address/data bus. This function is enabled when the external bus is enabled.SCK3Clock I/O pin for UART39088V CC ⎯Power (3.5 V to 5.5 V) input pin 9189V SS ⎯GND pin9290X1A Main clock output pin 9391X0Main clock input pin9492P15G General purpose I/O pin. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor.This function is enabled in single-chip mode.AD13I/O pin for the external address/data bus. This function is enabled when the external bus is enabled.9593P16G General purpose I/O pin. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor.This function is enabled in single-chip mode.AD14I/O pin for the external address/data bus. This function is enabled when the external bus is enabled.19(Continued)*1 : FPT-100P-M06*2 : FPT-100P-M05*3 : For I/O circuit type, refer to “■ I/O CIRCUIT TYPE”.Pin No.Pin nameCircuit type*3FunctionQFP100*1LQFP100*29694P17GGeneral purpose I/O pin. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor.This function is enabled in single-chip mode.AD15I/O pin for the external address/data bus. This function is enabled when the external bus is enabled.97 to 10095 to 98P20 to P23GGeneral purpose I/O pins. The register can be set to select whether to use a pull-up resistor.In external bus mode, the pin is enabled as a general-purpose I/O port when thecorresponding bit in the external address output control register (HACR) is 1.A16 to A19Output pins of the external address bus. When thecorresponding bit in the external address output control register (HACR) is 0, the pins are enabled as high address output pins (A16 to A19).PPG9,PPGB,PPGD,PPGFOutput pins for PPGs■I/O CIRCUIT TYPE(Continued) 20■HANDLING DEVICES1.Preventing latch-upCMOS IC chips may suffer latch -up under the following conditions:•A voltage higher than V CC or lower than V SS is applied to an input or output pin.•A voltage higher than the rated voltage is applied between V CC and V SS pins.•TheAV CC power supply is applied before the V CC voltage.Latch-up may increase the power supply current drastically, causing thermal damage to the device.For the same reason, also be careful not to let the analog power-supply voltage (AV CC , AVRH) exceed the digital power-supply voltage.2.Handling unused pinsLeaving unused input pins open may result in misbehavior or latch-up and possible permanent damage to the device. Therefore they must be pulled up or pulled down through resistors. In this case those resistors should be more than 2 k Ω .Unused bidirectional pins should be set to the output state and can be left open, or the input state with the above described connection.3.Power supply pins (V CC /V SS )•If there are multiple V CC and V SS pins, that are designed to be set to the same potential are connected the inside of the device to prevent malfunctions such as latch-up.T o reduce unnecessary radiation, prevent malfunctioning of the strobe signal due to the rise of ground level,and observe the standard for total output current, be sure to connect the V CC and V SS pins to the power supply and ground externally. Connect V CC and V SS pins to the device from the current supply source at a low imped-ance.•As a measure against power supply noise, connect a capacitor of about 0.1 µF as a bypass capacitor between V CC and V SS pins in the vicinity of V CC and V SS pins of the device4.Mode Pins (MD0 to MD2)Connect the mode pins directly to V CC or V SS pins. To prevent the device unintentionally entering test mode due to noise, lay out the printed circuit board so as to minimize the distance from the mode pins to V CC or V SS pins and to provide a low-impedance connection.Vcc VssVss VccVssVcc MB90340E SeriesVcc VssVccVss。



集成电路英文代码及中文对照〔一〕我的文摘2021-11-21 11:32:53 阅读111 评论0 字号:大中小订阅产品名称型号规格性能说明LMLM24J 四运放(军用级)LM148J 通用四运放LM1875T 无线电控制/接收器LM224J 四运放(工业级)LM258N 别离式双电源双运放LM2901N 四电压比拟器LM2904N 四运放LM301AN 通用运算放大器LM308N 单比拟器LM311P 单比拟器LM317L 可调三端稳压器/100mALM317TLM317K 可调三端稳压器/3ALM318 高速宽带运放LM324K 通用四运放LM331N V-F/F-V转换器基准电压电路LM336 5V 基准电压电路LM337T 基准电压电路1ALM338K 可调三端稳压器5ALM339N 四比拟器LM348N 四741运放LM358N 低功耗双运放LM361N 高速差动比拟器LM386N 声频功率放大器LM3914N 十段点线显示驱动LM393N 低功耗低失调双比拟器LM399H 精细基准源(6.9)LM723CN 可调正式负稳压器LM733CN 视频放大器LM741J 单运放LM741CN 双运放NENE521 高速双差分比拟器NE5532 双运放NE5534 双运放NE555N 单运放NE555J 时基电路军品极NE556 双级型双时基电路NE564 锁相环NE565 锁相环NE567 音调译码器NE592 视频放大器OPOP07 低噪声运放OP27 超低噪声精细运放OP37 超低噪声精细运放光电耦合4N25 晶体管输出4N25MC 晶体管输出4N26 晶体管输出4N27 晶体管输出4N28 晶体管输出4N29 达林顿输出4N30 达林顿输出4N31 达林顿输出4N32 达林顿输出4N33 达林顿输出4N33MC 达林顿输出4N35 达林顿输出4N36 晶体管输出4N37 晶体管输出4N38 晶体管输出4N39 可控硅输出6N135 高速光耦晶体管输出6N136 高速光耦晶体管输出6N137 高速光耦晶体管输出6N138 达林顿输出6N139 达林顿输出MOC3020 可控硅驱动输出MOC3021 可控硅驱动输出MOC3023 可控硅驱动输出MOC3030 可控硅驱动输出MOC3040 过零触发可控硅输出MOC3041 过零触发可控硅输出MOC3061 过零触发可控硅输出MOC3081 过零触发可控硅输出TLP521-1 单光耦TLP521-2 双光耦TLP521-4 四光耦TLP621 四光耦TIL113 达林顿输出TIL117 TLL逻辑输出PC814 单光耦PC817 单光耦H11A2 晶体管输出H11D1 高压晶体管输出H11G2 电阻达林顿输出LFLF347N 宽带JFET输入四运放LF351N 宽带JFET输入运放LF353N JFET输入宽带运放LF355N JFET输入运放LF357N JFET宽带非全裣运放LF398N 采样/保持电路LF412N 低偏向飘移输入运放MCMC1377 彩色电视编码器MC1403 精细电压基准源(2.5)MC1413 周边七段驱动阵列MC1416 周边七段驱动陈列MC14409 二进制脉冲拨号器MC14433 3位半A/D转换器MC14489 多字符LED显示驱动器MC145026 编码器VD5026 编码器MC145027 译码器VD5027 译码器MC145028 译码器MC145030 编码译码器MC145106 频率合成器MC145146 4位数据总线TLTL062 低功耗JEFT输入双运放TL072 低噪声JEFTTL082TL084TL431TL494ULNULN2003 周边七段驱动陈列ULN2004 周边七段驱动陈列ULN2803 周边八段驱动陈列ULN2804 周边八段驱动陈列ICLICL7106 3位ADC/驱动LCDICL7107 3位半ADC/驱动LEDICL7109 4位半ADC/驱动LEDICL7129 4位半ADC/LCD驱动ICL7135 ADC/LCD驱动BCD输出ICL7136 3位半CMOSADC/LCD驱动ICL7218 CMOS低功耗运算放大器ICL7650 整零运放斩波ICL7652 整零运放斩波ICL7660 CMOS直流-直流转换器ICL8038 函数信号发生器ICL8049 反对数放大器CACA3140 单BIMOS运行CA3240 单BIMOS运行UCUC3842 WM电流型控制器UC3845 PWM电流型控制器DSDS12887 非易失实时时钟芯片L3845 中继接口电路SGSG3524 PWM解调调制器SG3525 PWM解调调制器20216 前置放大器MTMT8814 8x12模拟交换矩阵MT8816 8x模拟交换矩阵MT8870 综合DTMF接收器MT8870 综合DTMF接收器MT8880 综合DTMF发生接收器MIC24LC01 128x8串行EEPROM24LC02 256x8串行EEPROM24LC04 512x8串行EEPROM24LC16 2Kx8串行EEPROM93LC46 64x16串行EEPROM93LC56 256x16串行EEPROM93LC66 512x8 256x16 EEPROMPIC16C52 384x12 单片机PIC16C54 512x12 单片机PCI16C56 512x12 单片机PIC16C57 2048x12 单片机ATAT24C01 128x8串行EEPROMAT24C02 256x8串行EEPROMAT24C04 512x8串行EEPROMAT24C16 2Kx8串行EEPROMAT93C46 64x16串行EEPROMAT93C56 256x16串行EEPROMATF16V8 FLASH200门ATF20V8 FLASH300门高速ATF22V10 FLASH500门高速低电流AT28C16 2Kx8CMOS并行EEPROMAT28C17 2Kx8CMOS并行EEPROMAT28C64 8Kx8并行EEPROMAT28C256 32Kx8并行EEPROMAT28F010 128Kx8并行EEPROMA29C040 512Kx8 FLASH EEPROMHM6116 2Kx8 CMOS 静态PAMHY6264 8Kx8 CMOS 静态RAMHM6264 8Kx8 CMOS 静态RAMIS62C64 8Kx8 高速CMOS 静态RAMHY62256 32Kx8 CMOS 静态RAMHM62256 32Kx8 CMOS 静态RAMHM628128 128Kx8 CMOS 静态RAMHM628256 256Kx8 CMOS 静态RAMHM628512 512Kx8 CMOS 静态RAMHM628512 512Kx8 CMOS 静态RAM TCMTCM5087 双音调发生器MM5832 实时钟电路TCTC14433 3位半A/D转换器TC232 并行/串行接口电路TC7106 3位半ADC/LCD驱动TC7107 3位半ADC/LED驱动TC7116 3位半ADC/LCD驱动带保TC7129 4位半ADC/LCDTC7135 4位半ADC/LCD,BCD输出TC7650 整零运放斩波7575107 四差分线驱动器75174 四差分线驱动器75175 三态四差分接收器75176 差分总线接收器75188 四线驱动器75189 四线驱动器75451 双外围驱动器75452 双外围驱动器集成电路英文代码及中文对照〔二〕我的文摘2021-11-21 11:37:11 阅读191 评论0 字号:大中小订阅。

Cascade 90F Roll Clamp Parts Manual

Cascade 90F Roll Clamp Parts Manual

Model Catalog Number Parts Manualc For Technical Assistance call: 800-227-2233, Fax: 888-329-8207To Order Parts call: 888-227-2233, Fax: 888-329-023490F Paper Roll Clamp90F-RC-02C_(SN_206691)cascadecorporation612345Safety DecalsREF QTY PART NO.DEScRiPTiON16665595No Hand Hold Decal23660269Short Arm Rotation Position Decal 34656038Caution Decal 44679150No Step Decal54665677Trapped Pressure Decal 61679059Quick-Change Hook DecalF-SERiES ROll clAmPPART NO.DEScRiPTiON674512Service Manual210135Operators Guide – Fixed Frame 676268Operators Guide – Swing Frame674510Installation Instructions – Fixed Frame 674511Installation Instructions – Swing Frame 677555Driver Training Video – VHS 678363Troubleshooting – VHS680664Servicing Cascade Cylinders – VHS 679929Tool Catalog673964Literature Index Order FormPublicationsBase Unit Group90FREF QTY PART NO DESCRIPTION206769Frame Group11670931Seal21206703Faceplate31681004Baseplate424681473Washer, M1251681010Bearing Assembly6 13209684 Capscrew, M12 x 507 11211736 Capscrew, M12 x 4081795492Drive Group q91605761Fitting, 8-8101601250Fitting, 8-8111601377Fitting, 8-8124763021Capscrew, M12 x 30 1346290Lockwasher1416605Plug1524753221Capscrew, M12 x 50 1617401Grease Fitting 178675007Bushing672483Bearing Service Kitq See Drive Group page for parts breakdown. Reference: Common Parts Group 681009, SK-5286.REF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION795492Drive Group with 2.8 c.i. Motor 16769570Capscrew, M12 x 2521676855Cover31604510Fitting, 64●670574Shim – .010” (brown)5●671757Shim – .015” (pink)6●671758Shim – .020” (yellow)72670579Bearing81670582Key91670556Pinion101775551Housing111686465Gasket121675608Worm1322705O-Ring141670549Check Valve ◆1546444Lockwasher, 5/16 164607059Capscrew, 5/16 NC x 1.75 1716063316Check Valve ◆1816097945Drive Motor – 2.8 c.i. ■191206392Drive Motor – 2.8 c.i. ■●Quantity as required.◆See Valve page for parts breakdown.REF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION 2013014870Seal2116033892Bearing ★221675609Worm Gear231670581Bearing2417214Snap Ring251643423O-Ring261775552Cover271783609Seal281783608Capscrew, M10 x 16294200882Capscrew, M8 x 20301644010Relief Fitting3144468Capscrew, 3/8 NC x .75 321775553Adapter331670575Gasket344768798Capscrew, M8 x 40354787384Lockwasher, M8364221494Washer, M8371656300Gear Box Lube – 48 oz. 381668184Sealant670578Shim Service Kit (items 4-6,11,25,38)■See Drive Motor page for parts breakdown.★For service replacement use Bearing 670580.Check ValveREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION670549Check Valve Assembly H 12609453Fitting, 1022670552Spring32670551Guide427020Ball52602580Fitting, 862673989Spring71670550Body H81670553SpoolH No longer available, replaced by 6063316 Valve Assembly.REF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION6063316Check Valve Assembly 116063282Valve Body226038929Check Valve – PO32667516Service KitDrive Motorn S ee Nameplate under valve for correct part number of Gerotor Set and Flange.l Compatible with water glycol based hydraulic fluids.Cascade provides service replacement parts for the listed parts only. Due to cost, if other parts need replacement, the complete drive motor should be replaced.l Compatible with water glycol based hydraulic fluids.Cascade provides service replacement parts for the listed parts only. Due to cost, if other parts need replacement, the complete drive motor should be replaced.Hosing GroupCylinder90FREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION681287Hosing Group12680114Insert21208767Revolving Connection v32673417Segment42209019Washer52209210Shoulder Bolt64214567Hose, 65 in.72208764Grommetv See Revolving Connection page for parts breakdown.Reference: Common Parts Group 208784.Revolving Connection Fixed Short Arm90FREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION208767Revolving Connection 12768798Capscrew, M8 x 4521687300End Block36604511Fitting, 6-6417341Snap Ring51687288Shaft61681585Service Kit76663694Fitting, 381208942Body913138Snap Ring104604510Fitting, 6Common ComponentsREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION206686Components Group18660200Shim224768809Capscrew, M10 x 16-8.8 38206589Retainer (1.25 Pin) 48680651Pin, 1.25 x 9.758673385Drive Pin64206591Retainer (1.75 Pin) 74675022Pin, 1.75 x 15.7584681673Spacer916673379Shim104675086Drive PinReference: SK-5314, SK-5315.Cylinder Assembly - Long ArmREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION580171Cylinder Assembly 11674843Bearing 21560997Nut31660769u Nylon Ring 41662462u Seal52638295u Back-Up Ring 62604511Fitting, 6-671556852Fitting, 481557212Check Valve 916025373u O-Ring101615144u Back-Up Ring 111554598u Seal 121564930u Wiper 131557405Rod 141555724Retainer 151557389Piston 1612722u O-Ring 171558353Shell181667516Check Valve Service Kit 191—Spacer − Rod 201—Spacer − Head 212675006Bearing221669243u Seal Loader 555725Service Kits Included in Service Kit 555725.Reference: S-5320, S-5321.REF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION12675098LinkLink90FREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION206682Short Arm Assembly 11206672Short Arm22674994u Link32682978u Clevis Pin426525u Cotter Pin52674993u Pin61674962u Contact Pad72689900u Plug81676810Arm Tip Repair Kitu Included in Contact Pad Group 674948.90FREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION206683Long Arm Assembly 11206673Long Arm22674994u Link32682978u Clevis Pin426525u Cotter Pin52674993u Pin61206601u Contact Pad72689900u Plug81676810Arm Tip Repair Kitu Included in Contact Pad Group 206598.Bolt-On Mounting GroupClass IV, 1.8°REF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION684880Mounting Group11684877Upper Hook – LH21675061Upper Hook – RH31670704Stop Kit48679082Capscrew, M20 x 3552768810Capscrew, M10 x 3062680030Lockwasher, M1071681057Center Spacer84676854Capscrew, M20 x 6094670692Washer102679832Lower Hook112681056SpacerReference: SK-5286.P A R T S O R D E R I N G L O GP U R C H A S E S E R I A L R E F C A S C A D E C U S T O M E R D A T EO R D E R N U M B E RP A G E N O .Q T Y P A R T N O .P A R T N O .D E S C R I P T I O N P R I C EDo you have questions you need answered right now? Call your nearest Cascade Parts Department.Visit us online at AMERICASCascade CorporationParts Sales2501 Sheridan Ave. Springfield, OH 45505Tel: 888-CASCADE (227-2233) Fax: 888-329-0234Cascade Canada Inc.5570 Timberlea Blvd.Mississauga, OntarioCanada L4W-4M6Tel: 905-629-7777Fax: 905-629-7785Cascade do BrasilRua João Guerra, 134Macuco, Santos - SPBrasil 11015-130Tel: 55-13-2105-8800Fax: 55-13-2105-8899EUROPE-AFRICACascade Italia S.R.L. European Headquarters Via Dell’Artigianato 137030 Vago di Lavagno (VR) ItalyTel: 39-045-8989111Fax: 39-045-8989160Cascade (Africa) Pty. Ltd. PO Box 625, Isando 1600 60A Steel Road Sparton, Kempton Park South AfricaTel: 27-11-975-9240 Fax: 27-11-394-1147ASIA-PACIFICCascade Japan Ltd. 2-23, 2-Chome, Kukuchi Nishimachi Amagasaki, Hyogo Japan, 661-0978 Tel: 81-6-6420-9771 Fax: 81-6-6420-9777Cascade Korea121B 9L Namdong Ind.Complex, 691-8 Gojan-DongNamdong-KuInchon, KoreaTel: +82-32-821-2051Fax: +82-32-821-2055Cascade-XiamenNo. 668 Yangguang Rd.Xinyang Industrial ZoneHaicang, Xiamen CityFujian ProvinceP.R. China 361026Tel: 86-592-651-2500Fax: 86-592-651-2571Cascade India MaterialHandling Private LimitedNo 34, Global Trade Centre1/1 Rambaugh ColonyLal Bahadur Shastri Road,Navi Peth, Pune 411 030(Maharashtra) IndiaPhone: +91 020 2432 5490Fax: +91 020 2433 0881Cascade Australia Pty. Ltd. 1445 Ipswich Road Rocklea, QLD 4107 AustraliaTel: 1-800-227-223Fax: +61 7 3373-7333Cascade New Zealand15 Ra Ora DriveEast Tamaki, AucklandNew ZealandTel: +64-9-273-9136Fax: +64-9-273-9137Sunstream IndustriesPte. Ltd.18 Tuas South Street 5Singapore 637796Tel: +65-6795-7555Fax: +65-6863-1368c。



Document Number: 94352For technical questions, contact: ind-modules@Three Phase Bridge(Power Modules), 90/110 A90-110MT.KPbF SeriesVishay High Power ProductsFEATURES•Package fully compatible with the industry standard INT-A-PAK power modules series •High thermal conductivity package, electrically insulated case•Excellent power volume ratio, outline for easy connections to power transistor and IGBT modules •4000 V RMS isolating voltage •UL E78996 approved •Totally lead (Pb)-free•Designed and qualified for industrial levelDESCRIPTIONA range of extremely compact, encapsulated three phase bridge rectifiers offering efficient and reliable operation. They are intended for use in general purpose and heavy duty applications.ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS PRODUCT SUMMARYI O90/110 AMTKMAJOR RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICSSYMBOL CHARACTERISTICS90MT.K 110MT.K UNITS I O 90 (120)110 (150)A T C 90 (61)90 (57)°C I FSM 50 Hz 770950A 60 Hz 8101000I 2t 50 Hz 30004500A 2s 60 Hz27004100I 2√t 30 00045 000A 2√s V RRM Range 800 to 1600V T Stg Range - 40 to 150°CT JVOLTAGE RATINGSTYPE NUMBERVOLTAGE CODEV RRM , MAXIMUM REPETITIVE PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGEVV RSM , MAXIMUM NON-REPETITIVE PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGEVI RRM MAXIMUM AT T J = MAXIMUMmA90-110MT..K808009001010010001100120120013001401400150016016001700元器件交易网90-110MT.KPbF SeriesVishay High Power Products Three Phase Bridge(Power Modules), 90/110 AFORWARD CONDUCTIONPARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS90MT.K110MT.K UNITSMaximum DC output current at case temperature I O120° rect. conduction angle90 (120)110 (150)A90 (61)90 (57)°CMaximum peak, one-cycle forward, non-repetitive surge current I FSMt = 10 ms No voltagereappliedInitialT J = T J maximum770950A t = 8.3 ms8101000t = 10 ms100 % VRRMreapplied650800 t = 8.3 ms680840Maximum I2t for fusing I2t t = 10 ms No voltagereapplied30004500A2s t = 8.3 ms27004100t = 10 ms100 % VRRMreapplied21003200t = 8.3 ms19002900Maximum I2√t for fusing I2√t t = 0.1 to 10 ms, no voltage reapplied30 00045 000A2√sLow level value of threshold voltage V F(TO)1(16.7 % x π x I F(AV) < I < π x I F(AV)), T J maximum0.890.81VHigh level value of threshold voltage V F(TO)2(I > π x I F(AV)), T J maximum 1.050.99Low level value of forward slope resistance r f1(16.7 % x π x I F(AV) < I < π x I F(AV)), T J maximum 5.11 4.37mΩHigh level value of forwardslope resistancer f2(I > π x I F(AV)), T J maximum 4.64Maximum forward voltage drop V FM I pk = 150 A, T J = 25 °Ct p = 400 µs single junction1.6 1.4VRMS isolation voltage V ISOL T J = 25 °C, all terminal shortedf = 50 Hz, t = 1 s4000THERMAL AND MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSPARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS90MT.K110MT.K UNITS Maximum junction operating andstorage temperature rangeT J, T Stg- 40 to 150°CMaximum thermal resistance, junction to case R thJCDC operation per module0.210.18°C/W DC operation per junction 1.26 1.07120° rect. conduction angle per module0.250.21120° rect. conduction angle per junction 1.47 1.25Maximum thermal resistance,case to heatsink per moduleR thCS Mounting surface smooth, flat and greased0.03Mounting torque ± 10 %to heatsink A mounting compound is recommended andthe torque should be rechecked after a periodof 3 hours to allow for the spread of thecompound. Lubricated threads.4 to 6Nm to terminal 3 to 4Approximate weight176g 元器件交易网 For technical questions, contact: ind-modules@ Document Number: 94352Document Number: 94352For technical questions, contact: ind-modules@90-110MT.KPbF SeriesThree Phase Bridge (Power Modules), 90/110 AVishay High Power ProductsFig. 1 - Current Ratings Characteristics Fig. 2 - Forward Voltage Drop CharacteristicsFig. 4 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge CurrentFig. 5 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current元器件交易网 For technical questions, contact: ind-modules@Document Number: 9435290-110MT.KPbF SeriesVishay High Power ProductsThree Phase Bridge (Power Modules), 90/110 AFig. 6 - Current Ratings CharacteristicsFig. 7 - Forward Voltage Drop CharacteristicsFig. 9 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge CurrentFig. 10 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current元器件交易网元器件交易网Three Phase BridgeVishay High Power Products(Power Modules), 90/110 AthJCORDERING INFORMATION TABLE•To order the optional hardware go to /doc?95172CIRCUIT CONFIGURATIONLINKS TO RELATED DOCUMENTSDimensions and pin out positions /doc?95004Document Number: 94352For technical questions, contact: ind-modules@ Disclaimer Legal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网Document Number: 。

Honeywell FS90 Retrofit Kit说明书

Honeywell FS90 Retrofit Kit说明书

2FS90 Retrofit Kit Installation Instructions Form Number 95-7793-1 P/N 54704:A1 6/14/11FS90 Retrofit Kit Installation Instructions Form Number 95-7793-1 P/N 54704:A1 6/14/11 3Figure 3 Large Retrofit KitWhen mounting your power supply in the bottom of the cabinet, refer to the appropriate power supplyFigure 4 Small Cabinet with Door, Dress Panel & Backbox4FS90 Retrofit Kit Installation Instructions Form Number 95-7793-1 P/N 54704:A1 6/14/11FS90 Retrofit Kit Installation Instructions Form Number 95-7793-1 P/N 54704:A1 6/14/11 56FS90 Retrofit Kit Installation Instructions Form Number 95-7793-1 P/N 54704:A1 6/14/112.6 List of partsPart Number Quantity Description189271HBS FS-90 Retrofit sheet metal plate mounting189281HBS FS-90 Retrofit bottom hinge bracket188841HBS FS-90 Retrofit top hinge bracket189261HBS FS-90 Retrofit sheet metal dress panel, large standard053131HBS FS-90 Retrofit, large door standard234291HBS FS-90 Retrofit window door308891HBS FS-90 Retrofit overlay door170591Snap-in Lock, 3 Series750722Ground wire cable170511Key Set Honeywell (2)8Self Tapping Screw #8 8x3/8, PFHD, 82D,Type-F Steel/Zinc3Hex nut, 6-32 KEPS, Ext. L’Washer4Hex nut 8-32 KEPS, Ext L’Washerd1-004-050-0102Stud, slotted 1/4 turnd1-004-000-0102Retainer 1/4 turn, D1 seriesd1-004-912-0102Front Mount, 1/4 turn receptacleTable 1 XLS-LSP Large KitPart Number Quantity Description189271HBS FS-90 Retrofit sheet metal plate mounting189281HBS FS-90 Retrofit bottom hinge bracket188841HBS FS-90 Retrofit top hinge bracket189291HBS FS-90 Retrofit sheet metal dress panel, large standard053151HBS FS-90 Retrofit, large audio door standard234291HBS FS-90 Retrofit window door308891HBS FS-90 Retrofit overlay door170591Snap-in Lock, 3 Series750722Ground wire cable170511Key Set Honeywell (2)8Self Tapping Screw #8 8x3/8, PFHD, 82D,Type-F Steel/Zinc3Hex nut, 6-32 KEPS, Ext. L’Washer4Hex nut 8-32 KEPS, Ext L’Washerd1-004-050-0102Stud, slotted 1/4 turnd1-004-000-0102Retainer 1/4 turn, D1 seriesd1-004-912-0102Front Mount, 1/4 turn receptacleTable 2 XLS-LSPA Large Kit with AudioFS90 Retrofit Kit Installation Instructions Form Number 95-7793-1 P/N 54704:A1 6/14/11 7Automation and Control Solutions Honeywell International Inc.Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limitée 1985 Douglas Drive North 35 Dynamic DriveGolden Valley, MN 55422Scarborough, Ontario M1V 4Z9® U.S. Registered Trademark© 2005 Honeywell International Inc.95-7793-1 A1. Rev. 06-118Table 3 XLS-SSP Small KitPart Number Quantity Description189681HBS FS-90 Retrofit sheet small metal plate mounting 189281HBS FS-90 Retrofit bottom hinge bracket 188841HBS FS-90 Retrofit top hinge bracket189701HBS FS-90 Retrofit sheet metal dress panel, small standard 053221HBS FS-90 Retrofit, small door standard 234351HBS FS-90 Retrofit, single row window 308891HBS FS-90 Retrofit, overlay door 170591Snap-in Lock, 3 Series 170511Key Set Honeywell (2)750722Ground wire cable4Self Tapping Screw #8 8x3/8, PFHD, 82D,Type-F Steel/Zinc 3Hex nut, 6-32 KEPS, Ext. L’Washer 3Hex nut 8-32 KEPS, Ext L’Washer d1-004-050-0102Stud, slotted 1/4 turn d1-004-000-0102Retainer 1/4 turn, D1 series d1-004-912-0102Front Mount, 1/4 turn receptacle。

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UL;E76102 M Power Diode Module DD90F series are designed for various rectifier circuits. DD90F has two diode chips connected in series in 25mm (1inch) width package and the mounting base is elctrically isolated from elements for simple heatsink construction. Wide voltage rating up to, 1600V is avaiable for various input voltage. Isolated mounting base Two elements in a package for simple (single and three phase) bridge connections Highly reliable glass passivated chips High surge current capability Applications Various rectifiers, Battery chargers, DC motor drives
DD90F120 1200 1300
Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage Item Average Forward Current R.M.S. Forward Current Surge Forward Current It
2- 6 20 20 92 20 25 12.5 12
M5X10 31max 19.5 4.0
80 0.2
Unit a
Maximum Ratings
Symbol VRRM VRSM Symbol IF
Tj 25 Item Ratings DD90F40 400 480 DD90F80 800 960 Conditions Single phase, half wave, 180 conduction, Tc 93 Single phase, half wave, 180 conduction, Tc 93
Value for one cycle of surge current A.C.1minute
VISO Tj Tstg
Isolation Breakdown Voltage R.M.S Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Mounting Torque Mass Mounting M5 Terminal M5
50 Seaview Blvd. Port Washington, NY 11050-4618 PH.(516)625-1313 FAX(516)625-8845 E-mail: semi@
SanRex 50 Seaview Blvd. Port Washington, NY 11050-4618 PH.(516)625-1313 FAX(516)625-8845 E-mail: semi@
1 2 cycle, 50/60HZ, peak value, non-repetitive
unless otherwise specified DD90F160 1600 1700 Ratings 90 140 2100/2300 22000 2500 40 to 40 to 125 125 N m f B g Unit V V Unit A A A A2S V
Recommended Value 1.5-2.5 15-25 Recommended Value 1.5-2.5 15-25
2.7 28 2.7 28 170
Electrical Characteristics
Symbol IRRM VFM Rth j-c Item Repetitive Peak Reverse Current, max. Forward Voltage Drop, max. Thermal Impedance, max. Conditions at VDRM, single phase, half wave. Tj 125 Forward current 285A Tj 25 Junction to case Inst. measurement Ratings 20 1.40 0.27 Unit mA V /W