



五月北美新sat写作范文【SAT北美和亚洲的区别为什么都说亚洲和北美只有作文题目不一样啊....在复习前,看一些SAT写作真题有助于大家对SAT写作考试题型熟悉,洞察它的出题方向,本文为大家整理了一些真题.Prompt 1Think carefully about the issue presentedin the following excerpt and the assignmentbelow.Reality television programs,which feature real people engaged in real activities rather than professional actors performing scripted scenes,are increasingly popular.These shows depict ordinary people peting in everything from singing and dancing to losing weight,or just living their everydaylives.Most people believe that the reality these shows portray is authentic,but they are being misled.How authentic can these shows be when producers design challenges for the participants and then editors alter filmed scenes?Assignment:Do people benefit from forms of entertainment that show so-called reality,or are such forms of entertainment harmful?Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies,experience,or observations.Prompt 2Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.Photographs are very much a part of our daily lives.They show us faraway places,things tobuy,important people and happenings,and sometimes justthe ordinary.These pictures seem like frozen moments of real life.Cameras do copy what is in front of the lens,and so,in that sense,photographs show us what is real.They are at the same time,however,creations of the artist's intentions and unconscious mind.Adapted from Leslie Sills,In Real Life:Six Women PhotographersAssignment:Are photographsstraightforward representations of real life,or are they artistic creations reflecting the photographer's point of view?Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies,experience,or observations.Prompt3Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.When we are young,we learn from parents and teachers that we should wait patiently for what we want.Few people would dispute the wisdom or truth of this teaching.Our society,however,with its mad rush and hurry and its insistence on instant gratificationand quick responses,encourages and rewards impatience.Experience teaches us that we should not and do not have to wait.Assignment:Is it better for people to act quickly and expect quick responses from others rather than to wait patiently for what they want?Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Support your position with reasoning and examples takenfrom your reading,studies,experience,or observations.上面就是我列举的北美SAT写作真题,非常详细,考试的写作时间限制和考场的环境对于大家的SAT写作考试模拟效果有着非常大的影响.美国名校对新SAT写作要求发生了变化新SAT重新回到了10年前的1600分制,给分区间为400-1600。



最权威的国际教育服务平台资料来源:教育优选 /SAT 作文开头段写法指导:直奔主题对于SAT 作文如何开头,许多同学都有疑惑。

开头段无外乎常用的有以下几种:1、背景+论题+反方观点+(反方理由)+过渡+作者观点+作者理由2、事例+论题+各方观点(和理由)+作者理由和论点3、问题+论题+各方观点(和理由)+作者论点和理由4、作者观点+作者理由而对于SAT 的写作而言,究竟哪种方法才最好呢?我们可以来看几篇范文的开头。

There is always a “however”. Each situation has its benefits and drawbacks. In the field of market finance, we find a compelling example that supports this thesis.Although it is good to stand out and make one’s own decision, sometimes it isbeneficial to take the advice of others. We can see through the demise of King Lear that he should not have ignored Kent’s warning to not disown Cordelia. The ignominious lose of Sweden in the Great Northern War also demonstrate that others should listen to his advisers.相比较而言,两篇文章的共同点是,少去了托福写作中冗长的背景信息叙述,而是直接点明自己的观点。

因为SAT 考官判卷的时间每篇不超过2分钟,因此,让考官一开始就明确你要写什么是十分必要的。





Recommendatory Models for the First ParagraphModel 1:江湖救急Speaking of/When it comes to…, some people think that… while others argue that….For me, …Apply to yes or no/A or B/EnumerationModel 2: 实用有效I agree/disagree that….Admittedly,…However,…Only apply to yes or no.The college years are the best time in a person’s life.Do you agree or disagree with this statement?I disagree that the college years are the best time in a person’s life. Admittedly, college often corresponds with a time when people are young, healthy, and physically strong, and those attributes are highly regarded in Western cultures. However, the college years must also be viewed as a period of high stress and a certain uncomfortable dependence. (57) (Barron P648)Model 3: 从远处走来…:背景+主题+观点:Nowadays, the growth of economy brings a great many changes one of which is the improvement of….This has led to a consequential controversy on what generated the change. One leading view is…while another….理解1: 这种从远处走来就是把题干中的背景, 如001号题说大家上大学, 就是把这种现象的原因给出来, 经济原因是万经由(万能理由). 所以上面给出一个模板3的模板, 就是由经济起到我们教育的主题.理解2: 我们也可能采用把题干中的现象展开, 细说一下现在人物是如何的把上大学已经是作为一种义务教育一下, 而不像是十年前的一种少数人的可以实现的梦. 同时也可以强调一下学历的重要性.In today’s climate where it seems that only talents armed with honorable degrees can gain easy access to the gate towards glory success, people in growing numbers are crowding into the colleges where they will sacrifice their most valuable years in the lifetime. Yet, are the college years that have played an imperative part in a person’s life the best experience? I really doubt it.(65) (Original)Model 4: 3+1排比Nowadays, for those high students who are struggling in an abominably lot of examinations, college must be the dreaming paradise with no pressure for tests; for those who are avid for a job opportunity, college experience must be the glorious trump; for those who have never and ever roamed on any college campus for some reason, college must be the eternal regret. It seems undeniable that college years are the best time in a person’s life. But I really doubt it. (78) (Original)总之: 模板1与模板2都是比较容易的一套;模板3与模板4都是题干的背景与成因展开,模板4更为强调语言的功力,这两个模板是留给大家一点发展空间.澳际英语提醒考生,SAT写作模板的掌握可以让大家的备考更加的轻松,但是一定要在实际的写作中加入自己独特的内容,这样才能和其他考生的作文区别开来。



中智国际SAT教育CIIC SAT WRITING TRAININGSAT写作例证细节参考中智国际教育SAT教学研究中心Marbo (2013.04)SAT作文例子参考中智学生高分版:1. Lance Armstrong{1}An America former professional road cyclist who won the Tour de France a record seven consecutive times .However ,no one could imagine that he was diagnosed as having testicular cancer, with a tumor that had metastasized to his brains and lungs .Though the prognosis was originally poor ,he never gives up hopes ,keeping on trying ,thus laying the brilliance of his bicycle career. What we really esteem is his persistence .Only by this could Armstrong become the only person to win seven times.(可用之处:1.persistence 2.one's deep love to career 3.optimistic 4.是否经历苦难才能成功){2}Lance Armstrong ,an America former professional road racing cyclist ,won the Tour de France a record seven consecutive times. Unfortunately, in 2004 reporter Pierre Ballester published a book alleging Armstrong had used performance-enhancing drugs, which leads a heavy blow to his reputation .Facing with such a terrible situation, Armstrong immediately sued for libel according to legislation to prove his innocence. It is by this rapid response that enormously reduces the loss from not only his reputation but also his finance.(可用之处:1.quick response 2.面对批判该如何面对)2. Yao Ming{1} Yao Ming, the best-known basketball player in China, is the most outstanding Asia athlete along NBA history. While at the beginning of his NBA career, several commentators, including Bill Simmons and Dick Vitale, predicted that Yao would fail in the NBA. Also, famous basketball player Charles Barkley make fun on Yao, saying that he would kiss Kenny Smith's ass if Yao scored more than 19 points in one of his rookie-reason games .Under the mocking from medium, Yao is in a great calmness because he clears that if he pays more attention on arguing with them, he would have less time on training. It is by his attitude toward it that wins the respects from others.(可用之处:1.外界的干扰2.快速回应并不好3.付出汗水才会有回报)3. Iraq WarMistakes are easily taken if a proposition has been made just by ones own. For instance, the Iraq War, the war that began in 2003 with the invasion of Iraq by the United States under the administration of President George W Bush. However, about the administration had been argued for a long time. In fact, at the time when the invasion of Iraq first been put forward, most senators were indisagreement .Unfortunately, the President Bush willfully persisted doing that. As the result, such a great loss not only in large casualties but also in a depression of America economy testifies that the Iraq War at the beginning is incorrect. These great losses remind us of not being self-opinionated because usually mistakes can be taken without the help of others’.(可用之处:1.一意孤行会适得其反;2.做事应集合众人的建议)4. Challenger{1} In some cases, a tiny mistake may cause a huge catastrophe. For example, the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster occurred in 1986, when Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, leading to the deaths of its seven crew members. The spacecraft disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean. Disintegration of entire vehicle began after an O-ring seal in its right solid rocket booster (SRB) failed at liftoff .The O-ring failure caused a breach in the SRB joint it sealed, allowing pressurized hot gas from within the solid rocket motor to reach outside and impinge upon the adjacent SRB attachment hardware. It is this tiny mistake that broke up the orbiter. Therefore it is as vital to concern the situation as a whole as it is to emphasis details.(可用之处:1.细节决定成败;2.小的错误会酿成大错){2}Nothing will suspend the human exploration of the universe. For instance, the Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, leading to the deaths of its seven crew members. However, after the accident, NASA continue their project on investigation, hearing , engineering redesign of the SRBs, and other behind-the-senses technical and management reviews ,changes and preparations. In 1988, Space Shuttle Discovery lifted of with a crew of five from Kennedy Space Center, which represented a test of the redesigned boosters, a shift to a more conservative stance on safety. As a matter of fact, not all progress can easily be made under whatever situations while nothing will stop our attempts to explore new knowledge.5. Frank YangFrank Yang, a renowned physicist who won the Nobel Prize in theoretical physical. Although he won the top achievement –Nobel Prize for his non-conservation of parity theory, he struggled with what kind of physics he would choose at the start. When he was a graduate student, his major was experimental physics. At MIT, there was a joke widespread disseminated. It said “you can find Frank wherever has an explosion.” He tried hardly to improve his procedures, and repeated his experiment over and over; he still couldn’t figure out how to solve the problems. After his professor had an access to what he had done, the professor was attracted by his summary talent and steady theoretical physics knowledge. The professor suggested Frank that he should re-choose his major, and switchexperimental physics to theoretical physics. Frank adopted his professor idea. Consequently, he devoted his life to the theoretical which is more suitable for him and acquired the remarkable achievements for science and human. If he had not taken the advice from his professor, he might never stand out or accomplish any valuable things for human.6. BusinessPersistence plays an essential role in determining one's success in business. For example, Chirrs Gardner, the main character in the movie named The Pursuit of Happiness, is trying to be a stockbroker at a company because of the financially breaking. Excellent calculating skills are necessary for a good stockbroker. However, he knows nothing about it. Untalented as he is, he never gives up, squeezing time to finish his work when other competitors take a rest .Also, he always busy working between officers and customers tireless .After 6 months training, it is his persistence in working that guarantees his great success. Therefore, what I want to emphasize is that the individuals without outstanding ability can be successful by being persistent.7. John NashBefore 1950, Adam Smith was respected as “the father of Game Theory”, he wrote a famous book named The Wealth of Nations and demonstrated “perfect competition” which was commonly accepted by people. There is a sentence from the book “Individual ambition serious the common good” which means when each individual pursue his own interests, the benefits of the group will be improved most effectively. However, John Nash, a normal mathematician in Princeton University, created a theory “Nash Equilibrium” whic h laid the foundation of Game Theory in 1950. He doubted the statement from Adam Smith, and he succeeded. John Nash wrote a 28 pages dissertation to argue a new theory. Due to the fact that personal benefits conflict each other, the interest of a group will be harmed. To ensure the interests of whole group, individuals should find equilibrium between the personal and group interests. Consequently, John Nash received the Nobel Prize in economics and fundamentally reformed the arena of economics.8. Henry FordHenry ford, one of the most influential inventors in the history, was always inattentive in school. Once, he and a friend took a watch apart to probe the principle behind it. Angry and upset, the teacher punished him both to stay after school. Their punishment was to stay until they had fixed the watch. But the teacher did not know young ford’s genius, in ten minutes; this mechanical wizard had repaired the watch and was on this way home. It is imagination that invigorated Ford to make a through inquiry about things he did not know. He once plugged up the spout of a teapot and placed it on the fire. Then he waited to see what would happen. The water boiled and, of course, turned to steam. Since the steam had no way to escape, the teapot exploded. The explosion cracked a mirror and broke a window. Ford’s year of curiosity and tinkering paid off, when he built his imagination of horseless carriage into reality, thehistory of transportation was changed forever.9. Susan BoyleSusan Margaret Boyle is a Scottish singer who came to international public attention in 2009 after she appeared as a contestant on Britain's Got Talent. Boyle became known when she sang "I Dreamed a Dream" in the competition. In the final of the third series of the show, Boyle finished in second place. When she appeared on the Britain Got Talent stage for the first time, the audience and judges appeared apprehensive and judgmental of her frumpy appearances. Upon finishing her song, she received a standing ovation from the live audience and unanimous praise from the judges. Simon Cowell is reported to be setting up a contract with Boyle with Sony Music.10. Nick VujicicNick Vujicic is a preacher, a motivational speaker. He regularly gives speeches across subject of disability and hope. Vujicic was born with the Tetra-Amelia disorder: limbless, missing both arms at shoulder level and legless but with two small feet, one of which has two toes. His life was filled with difficulties and hardships. Being bullied at his school, Vujicic grew extremely depressed and started contemplating suicide. After begging God to grow arms and legs, Nick eventually began to realize that his accomplishments were inspirational to many, and began to thank God for being alive. A key turning point in his life was when his mother showed him a newspaper article about a man dealing with a severe disability. This led him to realize he wasn't the only one with major struggles. After graduation from college, he began his travels as a motivational speaker, focusing on the topics on hope and struggle. So far, he has spoken to over two million people so far, in twelve countries on four continents. In his DVD he said: "No Arms, No Legs, No Worries”,”“Attitude Is Altitude"11.Wolfgang Amadeus MozartWolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791), was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical era. He composed over 600 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concert, chamber, piano, operatic, and choral music. He is among the most enduringly popular of classical composers.Mozart showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood in Salzburg. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty; at 17 he was engaged as a court musician in Salzburg, but grew restless and traveled in search of a better position, always composing abundantly. While visiting Vienna in 1781, he was dismissed from his Salzburg position. He chose to stay in the capital, where he achieved fame but little financial security. During his final years in Vienna, he composed many of his best-known symphonies, concertos, and operas, and portions of the Requiem, which was largely unfinished at the time of Mozart's death. The circumstances of his early death have been much mythologized. He was survived by his wife Constanze and twosons.( 可用之处:天才儿童,重视天赋,培养,个人兴趣)Mozart learned voraciously from others, and developed a brilliance and maturity of style that encompassed the light and graceful along with the dark and passionate. His influence on subsequent Western art music is profound. Beethoven wrote his own early compositions in the shadow of Mozart, of whom Joseph Haydn wrote that "posterity will not see such a talent again in 100 years."( 可用之处:对后人的影响)12.海底捞的成功秘诀:(tips for its success)In year 2010, Haidilao Hot Pot has been in possession of 50 chain stores around China, with a yearly revenue of 600 million Yuan, in which the net profit reaches to 100 million Yuan and the total assets gets to 250 million Yuan. Its great success derives from its impeccable service to customers. “Quality service can enhance the flavor of our food”. This slogan is long held in the company since its start up. Queuing in line for dining proves to be a painful process, but this could be a pleasure in this catering center. The waiter send cards, board games like checkers for all to pass the time; they help to change diapers for babies whose mother are busy-handed; customers are waiting for dinner while they can enjoy TV Dramas, with free fruits provided; they also can surf online in lounge , enjoy a shoeshine service, glasses-cleansening and so on . Diners there feel like home. Its reputation quickly spreads all over china. In doing so, it has ranked first in Hot Pot Section in China whatever the number of customers or the amount of profits.。



sat作文范文The Importance of critical thinkingIn today's fast-paced and complex world, critical thinking has become an essential skill that everyone should possess. Critical thinking refers to the ability to analyze and evaluate information objectively and logically. It helps individuals make informed decisions, solve problems, and understand complex issues.One of the key benefits of critical thinking is that it enables individuals to make rational decisions. In a world filled with misinformation and biased opinions, being able to think critically allows individuals to filter through the noise and identify the most reliable and relevant information. For example, when making a financial investment, critical thinking allows individuals to evaluate different options and determine which one offers the best return on investment.Furthermore, critical thinking helps individuals solve problems effectively. It allows people to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts, and then analyze each part separately. By doing so, individuals are able to identify the root causes of the problem and develop effective solutions. For instance, critical thinking can help a healthcare professional diagnose a patient's illness by examining the symptoms, conducting tests, and analyzing the results.In addition, critical thinking helps individuals gain a deeper understanding of complex issues. It encourages individuals to question assumptions, challenge preconceived notions, andevaluate evidence objectively. By doing so, individuals are able to see the bigger picture and develop a more nuanced understanding of the issue at hand. This is particularly important in fields such as politics, where critical thinking allows individuals to separate fact from fiction and make informed decisions.Moreover, critical thinking fosters creativity and innovation. By questioning established norms and beliefs, individuals are able to think outside the box and come up with new ideas and solutions. Critical thinking encourages individuals to challenge the status quo and explore alternative perspectives. This mindset is crucial for progress and development in various fields, such as technology, art, and science.In conclusion, critical thinking is an essential skill that everyone should strive to develop. It helps individuals make rational decisions, solve problems effectively, understand complex issues, and foster creativity. In a world filled with uncertainties and complexities, critical thinking is the key to navigating the challenges and achieving success. Therefore, individuals should prioritize the cultivation of critical thinking skills in their personal and professional lives.。




来源:郑微汐Wish的日志提升地位、生活质量climb higher on the social hierarchy;upgrade/ consolidate the living quality of family members;revolutionize the way and pace of living;做出明智投资make reasonable and sicial investment on stocks, bords, equitties and real estates;税收earn a stuggering, startling, prodigious amount of tax revenue;就业机会generate/ spawn/ create a multitude of job opportunities;外汇win/ rake in a large/ huge amount of foreign currency/ income;推动相关产业promote/ underpin a wide range of related industries such as/ like ;(相关产业)cafeterias, restaurants, bookstores, hotels, logistics, transporta tion ;(推动)contribute a lot to, promote, underpin;阻碍和谐、发展mitigation, reduction and alleviation of poverty rates, unemployment rates, infant mortality rates, crime rates;be a stumbling block to the unity, security, solidarity, stability, prosperity of sociaty;技术革命、工作方式的调整technological innovations;invention and creation;charge of working methods;革命性产品earth-shattering, epoch-making, world-beating and ground-breaking produc ts;节时、节约、保证it is time-saving and energy-saving [it is time-guzzling and energy-guzzling 浪费]upgrade/fortify/consolidate productivity, serendipity, ingennity and creativit y;环境air contamination, water contamination, noise contamination;好的食品food which is rich in vitamin, protein, fiber and minerals;不好的食品food which is dangerously/excessively high-salt, high-sugar, high-fat, high-calorie and high-cholesteral;身体的方面contribute fantastically to various aspects of physical health;the elasticity of blood vessels;the flexibility of muscle;the immune system;the function of heart and lung;the blood oxygen level;激情work with passion, motivation, dedication and concentration;效率they will be armed with productivity;心理交流communicate with sb, interact with sb, exchange ideas and information wit h sb, share happiness and sorrow with others;读书absorb positive consoling, tranquil hutrients from some lovely books;分享趣闻share gossips, anecdote and hilarious, exhilarating, ravishing and screamin g stories;高兴garner enjoyment, pleasure joy, happiness, comfort, refreshment and relax ation;振奋feel rejuvenated, restored, refreshed and relaxed;遭受be revaged/demolished/wrecked by depressionisolation, desolation, frustrati on and sleep deprivation;科技an injection of adequate fund into science;an infusion of sufficient fund into science;- inject 钱into sth; invest 钱on sth;cutting-edge and technologically-leading equipment, such as +设备;人才exceptional, superb, eminent, outstanding top-tiper, talents, professionals, elites and brains;领域nanotechnology, biochemistry, bioengineering, genetic engineering, astrono my, computer science, mechanics, meteorology, marine biology;教育exceptional teachers, cutting-edge equipment and teaching facilities; peers, classmates and schoolmates;have a good command(knowledge,mastery, grasp)of sth;精华nuts and bolts of sth;the basic principles and theories of sth;语言idioms, slang, grammar, vocabulary, background, information;sandwhich cource,work-oriented course,case study method,team research,workshop,seminars,group discussion,class debate,class presentation,field trips;fascinating, challenging, rewarding, electrifying, intriguring and accademic a ctivities;intellectually demanding, psychologically challenging, physically appalling, n onetheless, academically rewarding;能力critical thinking skill;judgement skill;analytical skill;decision-making skill;negotiation skill;communication/ debate skill;public speaking skill;enterprise/ industry;larger-than-life ambition;skill=faculty=capacity=capability=ability;竞争力core competitiveness;competitive edge;marketability;employability;成才they will become the most sough-offer commodities/assets in the world; the cream of society;the salt of earth;they can get the passport/ticket/open sesame to success;美it is far from lifeless (生机勃勃的);beauty, subtlety, profundity, enormity;优雅elegance, grace and romance;精致exquisite, delicate and intricate features;沉思、启发meditation, inspiration and illumination;闪亮(思绪、观点、想法)shining, glittering, sparkling and shimmering thoughts and ideas;诚实honesty, sincerity, loyalty, fidelity, responsibility, credibility, individual acco untability;耐力endurance, patience, tolerance, persistence, perseverance;自制self-control, self-disipline, self-reliance, self-esteem, self-respect;美国诗人埃德加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe)在孩提时代曾爱上同学的妈妈,创作了他自己形容为“lines written, in my passionate boyhood, to the first, purely ideal l ove of my soul”(写作于我激情的儿童时期,献给我灵魂的第一位纯洁而又理想的爱人)的短诗《致海伦》(To Helen)。





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sat英语作文In the 21st century, technology has become an integral partof our daily lives, transforming the way we communicate, work, and learn. The field of education, in particular, has witnessed a significant shift in its approach and methodology due to the advent of various technological tools and platforms. This essay aims to explore the impact oftechnology on modern education, discussing both itsadvantages and challenges.Introduction:The traditional model of education, which primarily relied on the teacher-student interaction in a classroom setting, has evolved to include digital resources and online learning platforms. Technology has not only made education more accessible but also more interactive and personalized.Body Paragraph 1 - Advantages of Technology in Education:One of the most significant advantages of technology in education is the accessibility it provides. Students from remote areas can now attend virtual classes and access educational materials online, which was not possible a few decades ago. Moreover, technology has made learning more engaging through the use of multimedia content, such as videos, animations, and interactive simulations, which caterto different learning styles.Body Paragraph 2 - Personalized Learning:Another benefit of technological integration in education is the ability to provide personalized learning experiences. Adaptive learning software can tailor educational content to the individual needs of each student, ensuring that they learn at their own pace and focus on areas where they need improvement.Body Paragraph 3 - Challenges of Technology in Education: Despite the numerous benefits, the integration of technology in education also presents challenges. One of the primary concerns is the digital divide, where unequal access to technology can exacerbate educational inequalities. Additionally, there is the issue of information overload, where students struggle to discern credible sources from the vast amount of information available online.Body Paragraph 4 - The Role of Teachers in a Technological Era:The role of teachers in the age of technology has also transformed. They are no longer just imparters of knowledge but facilitators of learning, guiding students in navigating the digital landscape. Teachers must also be adept at using technology to enhance their teaching methods and engage students effectively.Conclusion:In conclusion, technology has revolutionized the field of education, offering unprecedented opportunities for learning and growth. While there are challenges to overcome, the potential benefits are immense. It is crucial for educational institutions to address the digital divide and equip bothstudents and teachers with the necessary skills to harness the power of technology effectively. As we continue to embrace technological advancements, the future of education promises to be more inclusive, interactive, and effective.。



SAT考试Essay作文满分SAT考试Essay作文满分范文Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.Planning lets people impose order on the chaotic processes of making or doing something new. T oo much planning, however, can lead people to follow the same predetermined course of action, to do things the same way they were done before. Creative thinking is about breaking free from the way that things have always been. That is why it is vital for people to know the difference between good planning and too much planning.Adapted from Twyla Tharp, The Creative HabitAssignment:Does planning interfere with creativity? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.Sample Student Essay of Score of 6 -Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century, once said, If I had an hour to save the world, I would spend 50 minutes planning my rescue and 10 minutes implementing my plan. Einstein recognized the importance and power of planning. Planning is a powerful tool and allows one to effectively channel his or her creativity. Planning is a crucial step of the creative process, and without it, creativity is limited. In the realms of music and writing, artists have repeatedly demonstrated that planning maximizes creativity.。



新sat作文范文og新版satog作文有范文SAT写作真题:Is it important to question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority?SAT写作范文:Every person has his or her own idea of ethics and morality, regardless of objective truth. Authority figures, whether teachers, heads of nations, or other positions of power, may not always be in line with that morality. In order to determine whether an authority figure is doing what is just, individuals must speak out when they perceive injustice. Oftentimes, that means questioning authority.Despotic novels often portray systems of national leadership in which questioning governmental authority is explicitly forbidden. George Orwell’s novel 1984 is such a story. The government is known collectively as "Big Brother," who is a symbolic entity continually watching over every citizen. The language, Newspeak, is constantlybeing updated to control people’s expression and thereby control their thoughts. Anyone caught even thinking something other than Big Brother would want them to think are arrested by the Thought Police. Under this regime, there are virtually no independent thinkers. Every piece of information given to the people es through the government, which has the power to change facts and history with utter impunity. The main character, Winston, manages to catch on, but in the end, he is finally brainwashed by torture. In this society of obedient drones, truth is irrelevant because there are no lies.When a student goes through formal education, he must be on his guard when it es to what he absorbs. In the midst of objective facts, all too often a teacher may attempt to indoctrinate him with the teacher’s own ideology. One need only look at the majority of United States universities. There are thousands of easily-aessed articles exposing documented incidences of teachers boldly instilling intheir students the liberal ideology. Universities are cesspools of leftist professors who punish students who express differences of opinion. Yet without those fewquestioning students, the rest of the student body would be subjected to unadulterated liberal lectures, with nary an opposing view in earshot. In order to form proper opinions, students must be exposed to both sides of an issue, and both sides must be questioned so as to ascertain the truth of each.Leaders of other countries must also be questioned by nonresidents so as to discover precisely what is happening under their authority.哈, 我教过这篇. 楼主说的那篇文章是难借鉴, 但是它的优点还有可以学的, 如词汇的多样话, 句型等, 当然还有organization.楼主自己说的对, 如果没法从interest写到 change, 那就得换个理由, 嗯? 再说一个理由一般也不够. 其实那个interest可以扩展一下, 从interest写到desire and drive, 就可以联系到change. 可以举一些个人生活中的例子.我是美籍华人英语老师, 这里没法细说, 有问题的话在线找我, ___也可以, 但是百度留言我有可能看不到...But是连词,最好不这么用。



新SAT写作中的Evidence新的写作评分标准主要包括reading, analysis, 和writing,其中的analysis对大家来讲应该是比较新颖的部分。

在满分的评分标准中,明确要求一篇好的文章应该能够“offers a thorough,well-considered evaluation of the author’s use of evidence, reasoning, and /or stylistic and persuasive elements, and/or features(s) of the student’s own choosing”. 换句话说,考生需要去分析作者怎样应用证据,说理或其他有说服力的风格要素来证明自己的观点。

Evidence in reading passage在仔细分析官方指南和CB公布的样题后( “Seasons of Life and Land”, “Beyond Vietnam”, “The Digital Parent Trap”, “Let There Be Dark”, “Why Literature Matters”, “Foreign News at a Crisis Point”, “Bag Ban Bad for Freedom and Environment”),我们发现其中除了两篇演讲“Seasons of Life and Land”, “Beyond Vietnam”,其他5篇都包含了大量的evidence,也就是说,evidence构成了作者行文的主要内容。

In what forms?首先我们来看一下,什么样的内容叫做evidence。

在官方指南的第178页是这样描述的,“Evidence is information and ideas that the author uses to support a claim. Evidence takes many forms, … Evidence can come in the form of facts, statistics, quotations from(other) experts, the results of experiments or other research, examples, and the like…”从这里我们不难发现evidence可能出现的形式是事实,数据,引用别人的话,实验或研究的结果,具体的例子等。

SAT考试 SAT写作内容详解

SAT考试 SAT写作内容详解




首先,我们来看看官方对于这个“改变”的建议:The task the essay asks you to complete---analyzing how an argument works---is an interesting and engaging one. The essay also gives you an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your reading, analysis, and writing skills---skills critical to readiness for and success in college and career---and the scores you’ll get back will give you insight into your strengths in these areas as well as indications of any skills that may still need work.由此可见,对于写作部分,官方给出的答案是显而易见的——可以考察学生的综合能力。





官方网站: 如何在SAT作文开头引用名人名言?摘要:如何在SAT作文开头引用名人名言?英语写作的开头,常用方式为五种,具体是:引用名人名言,摆事实讲道理,引证趣闻逸事或者运用修辞,具体描述这五种。


在考试的时候,我们可以背诵常用的名言进行改写或者引证,比如:(1). “Authority is quite degrading.”Oscar Wilde quotes (Irish Poet, Novelist, Dramatist and Critic, 1854-1900)(2). Adversity reveals genius; fortune conceals it. (Horace, ancient Roman poet)(3). Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life. (Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer)以2012年10月考题为例:Do all people need to be creative?我们可以运用名言的同时进行平行改写。

Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer, once declared that “ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, the re is no life.” From my perspective, creativity is beacon. Without creativity, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life.” Nothing comes first and is greatly needed but creativity and innovation instead.这样的开头,可以帮助考官和读者逐渐理解作者观点的同时,亦可欣赏到美文,不失为一篇佳作。

7.新SAT 5月考试写作statistics分析技巧-郭洁

7.新SAT 5月考试写作statistics分析技巧-郭洁

新SAT 5月考试写作statistics分析技巧新东方在线郭洁新SAT亚太地区首考已经结束,新东方在线SAT老师第一时间从韩国和日本考场发来了本次考试的最新咨询。




在新SAT写作的阅读文本中,数据的引用常涉及一下几点要素:author/creator (创建者/责任者)、title (标题)、publication year (发布年份)、Reliable Sources(证据来源): authorities (权威机构)、publication(出版物)、academic researches(学术研究)、surveys(调查)、polls (投票)等。

下面我们以“Foreign News at a Crisis Point”一文的前三段为例:Back in 2003, American Journalism Review produced a census of foreign correspondents then employed by newspapers based in the United States, andfound 307 full-time people. When AJR repeated the exercise in the summer of 2011, the count had dropped to 234. And even that number was significantly inflated by the inclusion of contract writers who had replaced full-time staffers.In the intervening eight years, 20 American news organizations had entirely eliminated their foreign bureaus.The same AJR survey zeroed in on a representative sampling of American papers from across the country and found that the space devoted to foreign news had shrunk by 53 percent over the previous quarter-century.在阅读完前三段,我们会发现这三段使用了一个共同的evidence (证据形式),即statistics (数据):那么我们可以在文本旁边的空白处做好标注,方便后面的写作(标注该元素具体是什么,以及简单标注其作用。






1. 字体:建议使用宋体、仿宋或楷体等比较常见且易于阅读的字体。

2. 字号:大部分正式文件的字号为小四号字,但也可以根据需要做出调整。

3. 行距:一般建议行距为1.5倍或两倍,这样更易于阅读。

4. 标题加粗:对于工作总结中的标题,建议使用加粗的字体以便突出重点。

5. 首行缩进:一般建议在每一段落第一行留白,以便于排版,在排版时更美观,同

6. 对齐:正文采用两端对齐或左对齐,标题和副标题采用居中对齐。





1. 搞清楚SAT作文的结构:总分总。



具体结构如下:(1) Introduction:Attention(引出话题)Thesis(论点)Conclude the examples(总结例子)(2) Body 1Topic sentence(主题句)Details of the example(例子细节)Reasoning(论证)Thesis-restatement(论点重述)(3) Body 2Transition(过渡句)Topic sentence(主题句)Details of the example(例子细节)Reasoning(论证)Thesis-restatement (论点重述)(4) Conclusion:Conclude Your Examples(总结例子)Thesis(论点)Further comment(升华)2. 对不同SAT作文题目进行分类。







(1) Failure →Success (失败与成功关系)(2) Personal Satisfaction: Material vs. Mental(Helping Others)(物质vs精神)(3) Cooperation vs. Competition (合作vs竞争)(4) Creativity vs. Tradition(创新vs传统)(5) Truth vs. Deception(真相vs欺骗)(6) Technology (good or not)(科技好坏)3. 不断练习。

SAT写作提分必备修辞手法 牢记这些就能使你的作文拿到高分

SAT写作提分必备修辞手法 牢记这些就能使你的作文拿到高分



比如大家熟悉的简奥斯汀的小说《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)就是个典型的alliteration。

还有阅读里经常见到的safe and sound(安然无恙)、tit for tat(以牙还牙)和谚语Dumb dogs are dangerous(不叫的狗最危险)等都是alliteration的典范。

美国的知名品牌Coca-Cola,以及笔者所在城市温哥华的一个知名品牌Best Buy都可以看做是alliteration。

TIME曾经报道中国对国有企业放权,让国企融入市场经济,该文里有一句话大意说政府让国企sink or swim,这也是个alliteration,意思是让国企自生自灭,就像进入大海一样,你要么能swim,要么就sink。


当然,即使在一些普通的文章给里,alliteration的运用也是随处可见的,如:She sells sea shells by the sea shore.The sly snake slithered slyly through the sand.下面给出一些经典的alliteration的范例,让大家更进一步熟悉这种写作中会被常常用到的修辞格。

Row row your boat.这个alliteration鼓励人们自力更生,锐意进取。

使劲地划好你的船!The world believes in the wonder worker, not in the words of wisdom.(人们只相信创造奇迹的劳动者,而不是那些智慧的说辞)本句中,wonder worker是一个alliteration,words of wisdom也是个alliteration。








College Board为什么会做这样的改变呢?首先,现行SAT的写作部分(Essay)主要依赖学生个人的自由表达,例证可以来自事实也可以来自学生个人经历。

由于不是每个人都有那么多素材可以挖掘,很多学生会瞎编乱造个人经历,严重违背了College Board一切以事实为准绳的严谨风格。



作为上游机构的大学提出异议,College Board自然也无法强行要求。
































1. 根据SAT官方的要求,作文字数范围通常在650-750个字之间,虽然没有明确的最低字数要求,但建议至少达到500个字以展现完整的思路和观点。

2. 文章字数不宜过长,过长的文章可能会使读者失去耐心,而过短的文章容易缺乏


1. 一般情况下,工作总结的字体应选择常见的宋体、黑体或楷体,并保证字体清晰、美观。


2. 字号一般选择12号,但也可根据实际需要适当调整,调整时要保持整体的统一

3. 行间距通常选择1.5或2,以使文章清晰易读。

4. 段落的格式要求按照规范的段落组织原则,即每段只写一个主要观点或主题,并

5. 工作总结的标题可以使用加粗、居中的方式进行标注,使其突出显示。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

教你如何去写SAT作文在SAT写作考试中,考生想要写出一篇完美的文章是很不容易的,那我们应该在备考时怎样去屑SAT作文呢?下面三立小编为你带来教你如何去写SAT 作文,让你学到技巧,减少分数的丢失,希望对你有所帮助,更多资讯请访问三立在线教育,专业老师为你在线解答相关疑问。

DIRECTIONSThe essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can read and comprehend a passage and write an essay analyzing the passage. In your essay, you should demonstrate that you have read the passage carefully, present a clear and logical analysis, and use language precisely.第一段提出了明确要求:1. read the passage carefully 认真阅读文章;2. present a clear and logical analysis 分析清楚有逻辑性;3. use language precisely 言简意赅。

第一段也说明了写作立场:you …read…a passage and write an essay analyzing the passage。


Your essay must be written on the lines provided in your answer booklet; except for the Planning Page of the answer booklet, you will receive no other paper on which to write. You will have enough space if you write on every line, avoid wide margins, and keep your handwritingto a reasonable size. Remember that people who are not familiar with your handwriting will read what you write. Try to write or print so that what you are writing is legible to those readers.第二段对于写作提出一些细节要求:在answer booklet上写,但是不能写在planning page上面,在横线上工工整整地写,字不要太大,别无故空行。

You have 50 minutes to read the passage and write an essay in response to the prompt provided inside this booklet.时间:50分钟Reminders如下所示(已经配上相关的中文翻译):REMINDERSDo not write your essay in this booklet. Only what you write on the lined pages of your answer booklet will be evaluated.作文一定要写在答题册的横线上,不然没有分数。

An off-topic essay will not be evaluated.跑题作文没有分数。



文本框一:As you read the passage below, consider how [the author] usesevidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims.reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence.stylistic or persuasive elements, such as word choice or appeals to emotion, to add power to the ideas expressed.文本框二:Write an essay in which you explain how [the author] builds an argument to persuade [his/her] audience that [author’s claim]. In your essay, analyze how [the author] uses one or more of the features listed above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of [his/her] argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage.Your essay should not explain whether you agree with [the author’s] claims, but rather explain how the author builds an argument to persuade [his/her] audience.(3)阅读文章:每次SAT作文都会给出一篇argument文章,长度和难度都与SAT阅读文章相似,650-750词左右。

(相关例文参见SAT Official Guide) 第2步:看清作文要求的本质仅仅熟悉作文的基本模式和要求是不够的。





同时,这个文本框能够有效地帮助考生抓住文章的中心思想:[author’s claim]这里写出的就是文章的中心思想。




阅读Reading高分打分细则:The response demonstrates thorough comprehension of the source text.这句要求等于没说。



The response shows an understanding of the text’s central idea(s)and of most important details and how they interrelate, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the text.这个标准非常重要,提示了重要的信息:要写出中心思想,写出重要的信息(如supporting evidence),写出中心思想和重要信息的关系,以及重要信息之间的关系(relationships)。


The response is free of errors of fact or interpretation with regard to the text.这个要求很容易保证。



The response makes skillful use of textual evidence (quotations, paraphrases, or both), demonstrating a complete understanding of the source text.对原文的内容要有适当的转述或者引用。



更高的分数在于对“thorough comprehension”的表现上。

第一个要求“thorough comprehension of the source text”,事实上要求考生能够把source text的中心思想的重要性、社会影响和历史背景进行简短的评价或者描述。

例如:2016年3月的作文题目改编自《华盛顿邮报》2013年7月3日的一篇文章“A Call for National Service”。




一旦没有写好,被当成off-topic or unrelated to the central claim,就会把分数降低至4分,或者一旦写成考生自己的喜好,就会把分数降得更低。
