Easyline连续气体分析仪 型号EL3020,EL3040软件版本3.2安装、启动及操作手册目录前言安装和调试向导应用范围安全信息第一章 安装准备现场安装的要求,供电样气输入输出要求可燃气体测量的特殊要求Ⅱ 3G等级的防爆设计标定用的标准气机箱吹扫压力传感器安装时需要的材料(ABB不提供)供货范围仪表数据表铭牌尺寸图第二章 气体分析仪的安装取出气体分析仪气路管路连接口的连接Uras26(EL3020)的气路接口Uras26带Magnos206(EL3020)的气路接口 Uras26带Caldos27(EL3020)的气路接口 Magnos206(EL3020)的气路接口Caldos27(EL3020)的气路接口Uras26(EL3040)的气路接口Uras26带Magnos206(EL3040)的气路接口 Uras26带Caldos27(EL3040)的气路接口 Magnos206(EL3040)的气路接口Caldos27(EL3040)的气路接口气体分析仪表的安装气体管路的连接EL3020的电路连接EL3040的电路连接模拟输出模块的电路连接数字输入/输出模块的电路连接Modbus模块的电路连接信号线的连接供电电缆的连接第三章 运行气体分析仪表检查安装吹扫采样气路管路启动气体分析仪表第四章 操作气体分析仪表 显示-测量模式操作-菜单模式菜单操作信息气体分析仪与计算机之间的通讯前言操作手册的内容此本操作手册中包含了安装、启动和操作的所有信息,这对用户安全有效的安装和启动EL3000系列的气体分析仪表有很大的帮助。
1,2,3,… 图形中的参考数值Display 屏幕上的显示▲OK 功能键技术参数分析仪表的技术参数在手册的技术参数表格中,同时也可在提供的CD-ROM光盘中查询。
EL3020故障信息表(20091108, According to 42‐24‐40‐03‐EN, V1.00)错误号状态显示 信息 处理方法110 A S a 仪表正在启动116 A S a PROFIBUS模块装错位置 将模块装到X20/X21处119 A S iQ 配置不能加载。
仪表未配置,请用TCT重新配置 用TCT加载配置,如果再次出现请通知厂家120 F a 维护开关开启121 aL 极限监控器在报警状态122 A S a IO模块故障 更换IO模块123 A S a 访问IO模块时通讯故障 更换IO模块124 iQ 配置数据混乱。
125 A 极限监控器在报警状态126 W a QAL3存储器满。
请读出QAL3数据 导出QAL3数据127 W a 校正偏移超出QAL3极限 重复校正。
促使化维护AMS250 A S aQ 找不到分析仪模块 检查连接线251 A S aQ 与分析仪连接丢失 检查连接线252 A S aL 分析仪EEPROM故障 用TCT检查配置253 A S aL 与分析仪通讯故障 检查连接线错误号状态显示 信息 处理方法 254 A S a 分析仪启动程序故障!通知厂家 联系厂家 255 A S a 分析仪程序故障!通知厂家 联系厂家 300 A S aL AD装换器为采集到新的测量值!通知厂家 联系厂家 301 A S a 测量值超出AD装换器量程 检查样气浓度。
检查插接件,联系厂家302 aQ 偏移漂移超出允许范围的一半 观察偏移。
在超出偏移前通知厂家303 A S aQ 偏移漂移超出允许范围 通知厂家。
执行基本校正304 W aQ 放大器漂移超出允许范围的一半 观察偏移。
在超出指定值之前通知厂家305 W aQ 放大器漂移超出允许范围 检查器相关参数需要被更换。
/环保工程部压力传感器1压力传感器2O2传感器1或2个分析模块电源IO板AMC控制器流量传感器1必须与一个分析模块共同选用其它部件可选EL3000的分析模块可以灵活的组合:Uras26 + Mangos206Uras26 + Caldos27Mangos206 + Caldos27Uras26 + O2传感器所有的分析模块都与AMC控制器通讯AMC=Analyzer Module ControllerEL3000的分析模块以及压力传感器、流量传感器都有一个具有单独序列号的SSI板SSI=Sensor Specific Interface信号处理电路显示驱动电路及控制软件机箱电源模块线性偏差: ≤1%FS重复性: ≤0.5%FS零点漂移: ≤1%FS/7d灵敏度漂移: ≤1%测量值/7d输出波动: ≤0.2%FS检测极限: ≤0.4%FS启动时间:≤30min(无恒温)或≤2h(有恒温)响应时间:T90 ≤2.5S(气室长度为175mm,样气流量为60L/h)流量范围: 20-100L/h入口压力: 2-500hPa(即: 0.2kPa-50kPa)出口压力: 大气压力样气组份: 不含高腐蚀性气体(如Cl2,HCl)和机械杂质即水等线性偏差: ≤1%O2重复性: ≤0.5%FS零点漂移: 能长期稳定于零点灵敏度漂移: ≤1%O2FS/7d输出波动: ≤0.2%FS检测极限: ≤0.4%FS流量范围: 20-100L/h入口压力: 2-500hPa(即: 0.2kPa-50kPa)出口压力: 大气压力样气组份: 不含H2S、氯化物、氟化物、重金属、气雾剂(烟雾剂)等OK操作设置返回维护CalibrationCalibration菜单Manual CalibrationAutomatic Calibration按手动ESC 返回ESC返回返回按键选择需要校准的组份CO,键移动光标, 修改参数返回ESC返回按Manual Calibration手动ESC 返回ESC返回ESC返回按键移动光标, 修改参数ESC返回ESC返回按Automatic CalibrationManual Calibration返回Calibration返回自动校准启动功能不要随意启动,一旦选择键后,即刻执行自动校准,在没有外菜单模式(ESC 返回ESC返回按Measurement RangesCalibration Data校准参数按Device SettingsESCESC 返回Measurement RangesCalibration Data校准参数Device SettingsESC返回Autocal.SettingsESC返回Purge Times吹洗时间Autocal. ControlESC按按返回ESC返回键选择每一个测量组份COMeasurement RangesCalibration Data校准参数Device Settings ESC返回ESC返回Autocal.Settings Test Gas Set Points ESC返回按键选择每一个测量组份EnglishMeasurement RangesCalibration Data校准参数按Device Settings 返回返回网络设置LanguageEthernetESC Date/Time 按ESC返回按返回按ESC返回返回校准复位Atmospheric PressureCalibration ResetESC按菜单Maintenance SwitchBasic SettingsDiagnosisESC 返回按返回上下移动光标选择复位组份ESC返回按ESC返回仪器信息Device TestDevice infoESC返回按菜单Maintenance SwitchBasic SettingsDiagnosis Device info 返回按上下移动光标份按Device Status ESC返回显示屏测试I/O TestDisplay TestKeypad TestESC返回Drift indicationStatus messages Status messages按返回ESCStatus messages 返回ESC。
常见 PHY芯片品牌介绍2019-01-07 11:39目前市场上百兆交换机是一个非常成熟的产品,各个芯片公司对自己的产品都进行了多次的优化和精简。
下面我们将深入分析目前市场上采用的百兆交换机方案:1.Realtek 公司Realtek 公司相信大家比较熟悉,市场上百兆网卡大多采用他们公司8139芯片。
Realtek公司百兆交换机方案的芯片型号为: RTL8316 + RTL8208;24口 RTL8324 + RTL8208。
Realtek公司采用的是MAC(媒介控制芯片)与 PHY(物理层芯片)相分离的架构。
RTL8316 集成4 M 位DRAM 缓存用于数据包存储转发;RTL8324集成4 M 位缓存。
这个缓存的大小对于交换机处理数据的能力有着很大的影响!RTL8316和RTL8324 MAC地址表的深度为8K!2.ICPlus公司ICPlus公司也是台湾一家有着多年历史的网络芯片生产商。
ICPlus公司百兆交换机方案的芯片型号为:IP1726 + IP108。
同样ICPlus公司也采用MAC(媒介控制芯片)与 PHY(物理层芯片)相分离的架构。
IP1726集成1.5 M 位缓存用于数据包存储转发。
IP1726 MAC地址表的深度为4K!3.Admtek公司Admtek公司今年已经被德国英飞凌公司收购,实际上应该是德国公司。
Admtek公司百兆交换机方案的芯片型号为:ADM6926 + ADM7008。
u BDell OptiPlex 3020是戴尔出品的最新一款台式机,它经济实惠,专为满足您的用户在工作场所中的需要而设计;采用此款台式机后,您的员工队伍将如虎添翼。
它配备最新的英特尔®酷睿™ i5处理器、英特尔®核芯显卡4600以及双显示器功能,提供了改进工作效率和协作的工具,尤其是在与备受赞誉的显示器、键盘、鼠标和耳机等戴尔基本附件搭配使用时,更能带来至臻完美的计算体验。
OptiPlex 3020有两种大小的耐用型机箱可供选择,可顺畅无痕地集成到您的办公环境中。
OptiPlex 3020机箱配备指旋螺钉,无需使用工具即可维修,因而是市场上最易维修的商务级台式机之一。
拥有Dell OptiPlex 就意味着获得了稳定性、能够享受到它更长生命周期的服务并且可轻松管理产品过渡。
Dell ™OptiPlex ™3020Dell OptiPlex 3020可以给客户带来可观的价值并实现卓越的性能,它采用第4代英特尔®酷睿™处理器,可以给工作场所带来可靠的工作效率,同时还能提供一流的安全保护,从而让客户安心无虞。
Dell OptiPlex 3020凭借全面、一流的安全保护功能,可令IT 部门安心无忧。
Dell OptiPlex 3020提供戴尔数据保护 | 安全保护工具和戴尔数据保护 | 受保护的工作区以进行高级身份验证和最前沿的恶意软件防护 得益于戴尔的易管理性,有助于节省时间并提高IT 效率。
由于它可紧密集成到Microsoft System Center 中并可配备Dell KACE 设备,因此可轻松管理您的OptiPlex 机群。
此外,还可以通过屡获殊荣的ProSupport ™专业支持,依靠戴尔服务来配置、部署、管理和支持戴尔OptiPlex 台式机。
el3020 技术参数是一款电子产品的关键指标,对于了解产品的性能和适用场景具有重要意义。
以下是 el3020 技术参数的详细说明:
1.概述:el3020 是一款高性能的电子产品,具有稳定的性能和广泛的应用领域。
2.工作电压:el3020 的工作电压范围为
3.工作温度:el3020 的工作温度范围为 -40℃至 85℃,能够在恶劣的环境下稳定工作。
4.输出功率:el3020 的输出功率为 1W,可以满足大部分应用场景的需求。
5.频率范围:el3020 的频率范围为 300MHz 至 2.4GHz,覆盖了常用的无线通信频段。
6.信号噪声比:el3020 的信号噪声比为 45dB,具有较高的抗干扰能
7.应用领域:el3020 广泛应用于无线通信、物联网、智能家居等领域,为用户提供便捷、高效的服务。
Installing the Gas Analyzer
Unpacking the Gas Analyzer ......................................................................................................................31 Installing the Gas Connections ...................................................................................................................32 Gas Connections for Uras26 (Model EL3020) ...........................................................................................34 Gas Connections for Uras26 with Magnos206 (Model EL3020) ...............................................................36 Gas Connections for Uras26 with Caldos27 (Model EL3020) ...................................................................38 Gas Connections for Magnos206 (Model EL3020) ....................................................................................40 Gas Connections for Caldos27 (Model EL3020)........................................................................................41 Gas Connections for Uras26 (Model EL3040) ...........................................................................................42 Gas Connections for Uras26 with Magnos206 (Model EL3040) ...............................................................44 Gas Connections for Uras26 with Caldos27 (Model EL3040) ...................................................................46 Gas Connections for Magnos206 (Model EL3040) ....................................................................................48 Gas Connections for Caldos27 (Model EL3040)........................................................................................49 Installing the Gas Analyzer.........................................................................................................................50 Connect the Gas Lines ................................................................................................................................52 Electrical Connections for Model EL3020 .................................................................................................54 Electrical Connections for Model EL3040 .................................................................................................55 Electrical Connections for Analog Output Module ....................................................................................57 Electrical Connections for Digital I/O Module...........................................................................................58 Electrical Connections for Modbus Module ...............................................................................................61 Connect the Signal Lines ............................................................................................................................62 Connect the Power Supply Lines................................................................................................................63
PART NUMBER 10069R412009-11-25INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONMANUALSELF-GENERATING STEAM JACKETED TILTING FLOOR MOUNTED KETTLES MODELS:ELT-20ELT-30ELT-40ELT-60ELT-80ELT-100CROWN FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT LTD.70 OAKDALE ROAD, DOWNSVIEW, (TORONTO), ONTARIO, CANADA, M3N 1V9TELEPHONE: (416) 746-2358, FAX: (416) 746-8324PRINTED IN CANADAINSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL, SELF-GENERATING STEAM JACKETED TILTING FLOOR MOUNTED KETTLES, ELT-20, ELT-30, ELT-40, ELT-60, ELT-80, ELT-100 IMPORTANT NOTES FOR INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONAdequate clearances must be maintained for safe and proper operation.Intended for commercial use only. Not for household use.This manual should be retained for future reference.PART NUMBER 10069R422009-11-25TABLE OF CONTENTSDESCRIPTION PAGE Important Notes for Installation and Operation (2)1.0 Service Connections (4)2.0 Installation Instructions (5)3.0Introduction (7)4.0 Operation Instructions (9)5.0 Cleaning Instructions (11)6.0General Maintenance (14)7.0Troubleshooting (15)Appendix A, Material Safety Data Sheet (18)1.0 SERVICE CONNECTIONSINSTALLATION AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS2.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSUNPACKINGImmediately after unpacking, check for possible shipping damage. If the kettle is found to be damaged, save the packaging material and contact the carrier within 15 days of delivery.Before installing, verify that the electrical service agrees with the specifications on the rating plate located on the right side of the tilt console. If the supply and equipment requirements do not agree, contact your dealer or Crown Food Service Equipment Ltd.Select a location with drainage directly below the tangent draw-off (if so equipped). Allow sufficient rear clearance from wall for kettle cover to lift upright freely and completely without obstructions.INSTALLATION1.The kettle must be installed in accordance with:1.State and/or local codes.2.In the USA, the National Electrical code, ANSI/NFPA-70 (latest edition). In Canada, theCanadian Electrical Code, Part 1, CSA Standard C22.1 (latest edition).2.Set the kettle in the installation location.3.With the kettle in the upright position, place a carpenter’s level on top of the kettle and turnthe adjustable feet to level kettle side-to-side and front to back.4.Mark hole locations on floor through anchoring holes provided in flanged adjustable feet.5.Remove kettle and drill holes in locations marked on the floor (see installation diagram).Insert proper anchoring devices to accommodate 5/16" size lag bolts (not supplied).6.Reposition kettle. Re-level kettle by making necessary adjustments on flanged feet.7.Bolt down kettle and seal with Silastic or other equivalent sealing compound. Sealant mustbe applied not only to bolt heads but also around flanges making contact with floor surface to fulfill NSF requirements. Wipe off excess sealant immediately.2.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (Continued)ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSA Control Box with power supply equivalent to electrical rating of the kettle should be located conveniently nearby.Remove the wiring compartment cover and make electrical connections per wiring diagram located inside the control housing cover panel. A waterproof electrical connection from power supply to rear of control housing must be provided.Kettle must be grounded in accordance with requirements of the National Electrical Code or applicable local codes.Ground kettle to terminal provided in control housing.Once proper connections are made, replace wiring compartment cover, turn power ON and check for proper operation.SERVICE CONNECTIONSAll internal wiring for the kettle is complete.If faucet is provided connect water supply and check for proper operation.INSTALLATION CODES AND STANDARDSYour electric tilting kettle must be installed in accordance with:1.Provincial and local codes, or in the absence of local codes, with: C.S.A. C22.1 CanadianElectrical Code, Part 1, or in the U.S.A., the National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA-70 (latest edition).2.ANSI NFPA Standard #96, “Vapor Removal from Cooking Equipment,” (latest edition),available from the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA, 02269.3.0INTRODUCTIONDESCRIPTIONAll electrically powered kettles described and referred to in this manual are pressure vessels of a double-wall construction forming a sealed jacket (chamber) enveloping the lower two thirds of the kettle bowl surface.The kettle bowl is the container for the food product which ideally should be a liquid or semi-liquid consistency to achieve complete contact with the bowl surface. Food products will fully absorb the heat transmitted through that surface from the pressurized steam generated in the kettle jacket.The jacket is intended to function as a self contained sealed chamber with a permanent solution of water and antifreeze sufficient not only to immerse and thereby protect replaceable electric heating elements, but also provide the steam source during the steam generating process.The heating elements are thermostatically controlled to provide precise temperatures throughout the range from slow simmer to rolling boil.All tilting kettles are intended to be permanently floor mounted on legs with adjustable flanged feet.A sealed stainless steel tilt mechanism permits the kettle to tilt forward a full 90º for complete emptying. The tilting mechanism is self locking for positive stop action.CAPACITIESAll models are suffixed with either - 20, - 30, - 40, - 60, - 80 or -100 to indicate the capacity of that kettle in US gallons. Thus an ELT-40 indicates a two thirds jacketed electrically powered steam kettle mounted on legs with a capacity of 40 US gallons.FUNCTIONING MODEAll electrically powered self steam generating kettles consist of a jacket containing a permanent solution of water and antifreeze sufficient to completely immerse and protect replaceable electric heating elements.To minimize tampering, the Safety Valve is plumbed toward the rear of the kettle jacket. Should any component malfunction and cause the pressure in the jacket to reach the rated pressure of the kettle, this protective device will open automatically and release excessive pressurized steam.When the Power Switch is turned ON and the Temperature Control (Thermostat) Knob dialed, the TEMPERATURE pilot light will light and contactors will close to allow power to the elements. Steam generation will commence and continue until the preselected temperature is reached, at which point the contactors open, cutting off power to heating the elements. The TEMPERATURE pilot light will then extinguish. When the temperature of the water in the jacket drops slightly, the cycle will repeat itself thus making it possible to maintain any selected precise cooking mode temperature.The temperature required for the cooking process to function adequately must be greater than the boiling point of the liquid food product. Further, the higher the temperature, the greater the steam pressure attained in the jacket and consequently the quicker the cooking process. For example, steam pressurized at 30 p.s.i. attains a temperature of 274º Fahrenheit.Since air is an unsuitable media through which heat may be transferred, it has been removed from the kettle jacket during testing at the factory. The Pressure Gauge should indicate vacuum in the jacket in green zone on the gauge (approximately 20 - 25 inches Hg) when the kettle is cold or has been inoperative for some time. The kettle jacket is intended to function at all times as a completely sealed self-contained chamber and it is especially advisable not to trip the safety relief valve during inoperative periods since this will break the vacuum seal and allow air to enter the kettle jacket.The Temperature Controls (thermostats) used in these kettles have been calibrated to prevent the heating elements from generating steam pressure that would exceed the rated working pressure of the kettle. In the unlikely event that the Temperature Control fails and the heating elements remain energized, the Safety Valve will blow and release the excessive pressure and steam from the jacket, consequently lowering the water level in the jacket. The Safety Probe sensing depletion of the water level in the kettle jacket will not only activate the LOW WATER level indicator pilot light, but also signal the Liquid Level Control to switch off power and de-energize the circuit to the heating elements (preventing element burn outs) until the water level is adequately replenished.4.0 OPERATION INSTRUCTIONSEnsure that the external electrical service to kettle is on.Check pressure gauge for correct cold kettle reading. Reading should be in the green area of the gauge indicating 25 - 30 In. Hg (630 - 730 mm Hg) of vacuum. If reading is not low enough, follow VENTING procedure in Troubleshooting section prior to using kettle.Place power switch to ON position.Preheat kettle by placing thermostat knob at ‘10' and wait until TEMPERATURE light goes off. NOTE: Preheating should not be used when cooking milk and egg food products which adhere to hot cooking surfaces. These foods should be placed into kettle before heating has begun.Add food to be cooked into kettle.Place thermostat knob at required temperature setting from 1 to 10 coinciding with the following table:4.0 OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS (Continued)THERMOSTAT SETTING APPROXIMATE (JACKET) TEMPERATURE 1140° Fahrenheit60°Celsius2155° Fahrenheit68°Celsius3172° Fahrenheit78° Celsius4187° Fahrenheit86 °Celsius5205° Fahrenheit96° Celsius6223° Fahrenheit106° Celsius7240° Fahrenheit116° Celsius8255° Fahrenheit124° Celsius9271° Fahrenheit133° Celsius10285° Fahrenheit140° CelsiusWhen cooking is finished set thermostat knob and power switch to OFF position.Pour finished product from kettle using tilt handle. Be careful to avoid splashing.Add water to kettle for cleaning purposes.Wash kettle thoroughly. See CLEANING procedure, next section.5.0 CLEANING INSTRUCTIONSYour kettle should be cleaned immediately after each use or when cooking a different product. Before cleaning, check that the kettle has cooled enough to touch it.1.Rinse the inside of the kettle thoroughly and drain to remove any food particles.ing a nylon brush, clean the kettle with a mild detergent and water. Never use steel woolor scouring powder as it will scratch stainless steel. Plain steel wool can leave small pieces of steel which can rust.3.Rinse the inside of the kettle thoroughly with clean water. Drain the kettle by tilting or usingthe optional tangent draw-off valve to allow the detergent and water solution to drain.4.Wipe the exterior of the kettle with a clean, damp cloth.5.0 CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS (Continued)DRAW-OFF VALVE CLEANING1.If equipped with a tangent draw-off valve, turn the large hex nut on the draw-off valvecounterclockwise until it is completely disengaged from the threads. Grasp the valve knob and slowly pull out the valve stem. Wash the valve stem, disk and handle. Insert a nylon brush, wet with detergent and water, into the valve body and tangent draw-off tube. Brush vigorously.2.Replace the valve stem assembly and turn the hex nut until snug. Rinse the kettle withclean warm water.3.Leave the draw-off valve open when the kettle is not in use.DAIRY DRAW-OFF VALVE CLEANING1.Remove the plug by first removing the handle, then turn the plug to line up with the pin andpull with both hands. It is important to use both hands because the plug is heavy.2.Put the plug in a plastic pail that contains a mild soap solution. A plastic pail works best, asit reduces the possibility of nicking or scratching the plug. If the plug gets scratched it may not seal correctly and could leak.e a soft cloth or soft brush and clean all surfaces.ing both hands remove the valve from the soap and rinse well in another plastic pail thatcontains fresh water.5.Wash out the kettle as normal.6.Return the plug into the body. Be sure the plug is inserted into the notch and turned.Ensure the plug is tight and secure before letting go of it.If you are cleaning a body and plug assembly, remove the plug and follow the above procedures. When finished with the plug, follow the same instructions for washing the body. Always use both hands when handling the plugs. Reassemble the plug into the body and use as normal.5.0 CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS (Continued)WHAT TO DO IF SURFACE RUST APPEARSMetal utensils should never be used as they will scratch the surface of the equipment and rust may begin to form. To remove surface accumulation of rust from the inadvertent use of such utensils, the following procedure may be used.e undiluted white vinegar with a non-abrasive scouring pad (plastic) or cloth on theaffected area to remove the rust stain. The appliance should not be heated and remain at room temperature during the entire cleaning process.2.If the stain resists removal, additional exposure time with vinegar may be required, to amaximum of one hour.3.Thoroughly wash all of the vinegar away with fresh clear water. Dry the surface completelyand allow one hour before using the appliance to cook.Following daily and period maintenance procedures will prolong the life for your equipment. Climatic conditions - salt air - may require more thorough and frequent cleaning or the life of the equipment could be adversely affected.STAINLESS STEELTo remove normal dirt, grease or product residue from stainless steel, use ordinary soap and water (with or without detergent) applied with a sponge or cloth. Dry thoroughly with a clean cloth. Never use vinegar or any other corrosive cleaner.To remove grease and food splatters or condensed vapours that have baked on the equipment, apply cleanser to a damp cloth or sponge and rub cleanser on the metal in the direction of the polishing lines. Rubbing cleanser as gently as possible in the direction of the polished lines will not mar the finish of the stainless steel. NEVER RUB WITH A CIRCULAR MOTION.Soil and burn deposits which do not respond to the above procedure can usually be removed by rubbing the surface with SCOTCH-BRITE™ scouring pads or STAINLESS scouring pads. DO NOT USE ORDINARY STEEL WOOL as any particles left on the surface will rust and further spoil the appearance of the finish. NEVER USE A WIRE BRUSH, STEEL SCOURING PADS (EXCEPT STAINLESS), SCRAPER, FILE OR OTHER STEEL TOOLS. Surfaces which are marred collect dirt more rapidly and become more difficult to clean. Marring also increases the possibility of corrosive attack. Refinishing may then be required.5.0 CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS (Continued)STAINLESS STEEL (Continued)TO REMOVE HEAT TINT: Darkened areas sometimes appear on stainless steel surfaces where the area has been subjected to excessive heat. These darkened areas are caused by thickening of the protective surface of the stainless steel and is not harmful. Heat tint can normally be removed by the foregoing, but tint which does not respond to this procedure calls for a vigorous scouring in the direction of the polish lines using SCOTCH-BRITE™ scouring pads or a STAINLESS scouring pad in combination with a powdered cleanser. Heat tint action may be lessened by not applying or by reducing heat to equipment during slack periods.All food contact surfaces must be thoroughly drained and flushed prior to cooking in the kettle. CONTROL PANEL: The textured control panel should be cleaned with warm water and mild soap. Never use an abrasive cloth or steel wool. Never use cleaning solvents with a hydrocarbon base.6.0GENERAL MAINTENANCENo general maintenance is required other than adhering to the Cleaning Procedure instructions. NOTICE: Contact the factory, the factory representative or local service company to perform maintenance and repairs.7.0 TROUBLESHOOTING7.1 LOW WATER LEVELProper water level must be maintained within the jacket for the kettle to operate. Depletion of water may occur from excessive opening of or leakage through the safety relief valve.If water is below required operating level, either initially at start-up or during use, the kettle will automatically shut off and the LOW WATER signal light will come on.In order for the kettle to operate, the following procedure must be followed:The kettle must be cool before proceeding with the following steps.1.Trip the safety relief valve lever to relieve all pressure from the kettle jacket.2.At exterior rear of kettle jacket remove nut from Air Vent.3.Insert funnel into Air Vent opening and slowly add the indicated amount of clean water for:MODEL ADD:IF COMPLETELY EMPTY, ADD: ELT-20140 ounces 4.14 litres376 ounces11.12 litres ELT-30150 ounces 4.44 litres504 ounces14.90 litres ELT-40220 ounces 6.50 litres548 ounces16.20 litres ELT-60250 ounces7.39 litres586 ounces17.33 litres ELT-80340 ounces10.05 litres850 ounces25.12 litres ELT-100420 ounces12.42 litres1088 ounces32.17 litres4. Replace air vent nut.5. Follow AIR VENTING INSTRUCTIONS below.6. Continue normal operating procedure of kettle.7.0 TROUBLESHOOTING (Continued)7.2 EXTREMELY SLOW COOKING TIME1.If the cooking time is abnormally slow, then the difficulty may be due to air beingpresent in the kettle jacket. To remove air, follow AIR VENTING INSTRUCTIONS.2.If the kettle will not reach and maintain Pressure Gauge zone in the green area onthe gauge when cold, a slow leak may have developed in the jacket. Check allfitting connections to jacket including the heating element gasket. Tighten orreplace if necessary.3.Slow cooking time may also be due to a burnt out heating element. Test elementsand if defective, replace complete element assembly.7.3 KETTLE WILL NOT OPERATE WHEN TURNED ON1.Check that power supply is available to kettle.2.Kettle will not operate if water level is inadequate in jacket. Follow LOW WATERLEVEL instructions.3.If water level is sufficient and kettle refuses to operate, then check that Tilt InterlockSwitch in Console is fully engaged when kettle is in its normally upright position.Adjust Retaining Tilt Collar if necessary to assure complete contact with switch and ifkettle still does not operate, then check for defective switch and/or loose wiringconnections.4.When Thermostat Knob is dialed and TEMPERATURE indicator light does not comeon, then it may be due to either a defective Thermostat or loose wiring connection(s).5.Check that the Contactor(s) are being energized and power is being made available tothe heating elements when thermostat is dialed. Replace defective Contactor(s).7.4 DRAW-OFF VALVE LEAKSIf leak occurs through the valve stem, replace the “O” ring. If the leak is caused by faulty sealing between the stem disc and valve seat, this can be corrected by cleaning off dried on food residue with an extremely fine emery cloth. If the vulcanized rubber stem piece has been damaged, it must be replaced.NOTICE: Draw-Off Valve has a vulcanized rubber coated stem for better sealing. Do not over-tighten. This may cause the rubber to pull away fromstem and permanently damage it. This is not covered under warranty.7.0 TROUBLESHOOTING (Continued)7.5 AIR VENTING INSTRUCTIONSCheck vacuum/pressure gauge when the kettle is cold. Gauge should be in the green vacuum zone, indicating a vacuum between 25-30 In. Hg (630 - 730 mm Hg). If not, air must be vented (removed) for proper heating. Use the following procedures to vent air.1.Place power switch ON with kettle empty.2.Set temperature control thermostat to ‘10'. Heat kettle until indicator light goesoff.ing a 7/16" wrench, open bleed vent one full turn for 10 seconds and thenclose. (Located on back of kettle, before pressure relief valve.)4.Cool kettle. Check for proper vacuum in green area of gauge. If vacuum wasnot established, repeat steps 1 - 4.APPENDIX ‘A’MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETPREPARATION INFORMATION:Prepared for use in Canada by: E H & S Product Regulatory Management DepartmentDOW CHEMICAL CANADA INC.P.O. Box 1012Sarnia, Ontario, N7T 7K7(800) 331-64511. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONIN CASE OF EMERGENCY:Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta:(780) 998-8282Sarnia, Ontario: (519) 339-3711Varennes, Quebec: (450) 652-1000Product: DOWFROST* HD HEAT TRANSFER FLUID, DYEDProduct Code:04632Effective Date:2/20/01Date Printed: 07/10/02MSD: 002239 DOW CHEMICAL CANADA INC.P.O. Box 1012Sarnia, Ontario, N7T 7K7Prepared for use in Canada by the E H & S Product Regulatory Management Department; Phone: (800) 331-6451.POSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSPropylene Glycol CAS # 000057-55-694% Dipotassium Phosphate CAS # 007758-11-4<5% Deionized Water CAS # 007732-18-5<5%* or (R) indicates a trademark of The Dow Chemical Company.MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETProduct: DOWFROST* HD HEAT TRANSFER FLUID, DYEDProduct Code: 04632Effective Date: 02/20/01, Date Printed: 07/10/02, MSD: 0022393.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONEMERGENCY OVERVIEWClear yellow liquid. Odourless. Avoid temperatures above 450°F, 232°C.POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS (See Section 11 for toxicological data.)EYE: May cause slight transient (temporary) eye irritation. Corneal injury is unlikely. Mists may cause eye irritation.SKIN CONTACT: Prolonged contact is essentially nonirritating to skin. A single prolonged exposure is not likely to result in the material being absorbed through skin in harmful amounts. Repeated exposures may cause flaking and softening of skin.INGESTION: Single dose oral toxicity is considered to be extremely low. No hazards anticipated from swallowing small amounts incidental to normal handling operations. INHALATION: At room temperature, vapours are minimal due to physical properties. Mists may cause irritation of upper respiratory tract (nose and throat).SYSTEMIC (OTHER TARGET ORGAN) EFFECTS: Repeated excessive exposure to propylene glycol may cause central nervous system effects.CANCER INFORMATION: Did not cause cancer in laboratory animals.TERATOLOGY (BIRTH DEFECTS): Birth defects are unlikely. Exposures having no adverse effects on the mother should have no effect on the fetus.REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS: In animal studies, has been shown not to interfere with reproduction.* or (R) indicates a trademark of The Dow Chemical Company.MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETProduct: DOWFROST* HD HEAT TRANSFER FLUID, DYEDProduct Code: 04632Effective Date: 02/20/01, Date Printed: 07/10/02, MSD: 0022394. FIRST AIDEYES: Flush eyes with plenty of water.SKIN:Wash off in flowing water or shower.INGESTION: No adverse effects anticipated by this route of exposure incidentalto proper industrial handling.INHALATION: Remove to fresh air if effects occur. Consult a physician.NOTE TO PHYSICIAN:No specific antidote. Supportive care. Treatment based onjudgment of the physician in response to reactions of the patient.5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESFLAMMABLE PROPERTIESFLASH POINT:214°F, 107°C (based on a similar material)METHOD USED:PMCCAUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE: NOT DETERMINEDFLAMMABILITY LIMITSLFL: Not determinedUFL: Not determined* or (R) indicates a trademark of The Dow Chemical Company.MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETProduct: DOWFROST* HD HEAT TRANSFER FLUID, DYEDProduct Code: 04632Effective Date: 02/20/01, Date Printed: 07/10/02, MSD: 002239 HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: During a fire, smoke may contain the original material in addition to unidentified toxic and/or irritating compounds. Hazardous combustion products may include and are not limited to carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.OTHER FLAMMABILITY INFORMATION: Violent steam generation or eruption may occur upon application of direct water stream to hot liquids. Flammable concentrations of vapour can accumulate at temperatures above 214°F. Liquid mist of this product can burn. Spills of these organic liquids on hot fibrous insulations may lead to lowering of the autoignition temperatures possibly resulting in spontaneous combustion. Container may rupture from gas generation in a fire situation.EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Water fog or fine spray, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, foam. Alcohol resistant foams (ATC type) are preferred if available. General purpose synthetic foams (including AFFF) or protein foams may function, but much less effectively. Do not use direct water stream. May spread fire.MEDIA TO BE AVOIDED: Do not use direct water stream.FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: Keep people away. Isolate fire area and deny unnecessary entry. Burning liquids may be moved by flushing with water to protect personnel and minimize property damage. Burning liquids may be extinguished by dilution with water. Do not use direct water stream. May spread fire. Fight fire from protected location or safe distance. Consider use of unmanned hose holder or monitor nozzles. Use water spray to cool fire exposed containers and fire affected zone until fire is out and danger of re-ignition has passed. Immediately withdraw all personnel from area in case of rising sound from venting safety device or discolouration of the container. Move container from fire area if this is possible without hazard.PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR FIRE FIGHTERS: Wear positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and protective fire fighting clothing (includes fire fighting helmet, coat, pants, boots and gloves). If protective equipment is not available or not used, fight fire from a protected location or safe distance.* or (R) indicates a trademark of The Dow Chemical Company.MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETProduct: DOWFROST* HD HEAT TRANSFER FLUID, DYEDProduct Code: 04632Effective Date: 02/20/01, Date Printed: 07/10/02, MSD: 0022396. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES (See Section 15 for Regulatory Information) PROTECT PEOPLE: Use appropriate safety equipment. For additional information, refer to Section 8, Exposure Controls/ Personal Protection.PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT: Avoid contamination of all waterways.CLEAN-UP: See Section 13, Disposal Consideration.7.HANDLING AND STORAGESPECIAL PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: No special handling requirements data available.HANDLING: See Section 8, Exposure Controls/Personal Protection.STORAGE: See Section 10, Stability and Reactivity.8.EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONENGINEERING CONTROLS: Provide general and/or local exhaust ventilation to control airborne levels below the exposure guidelines.PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTEYE/FACE PROTECTION: Use safety glasses. Safety glasses should be sufficient for most operations; however, for misty operations wear chemical goggles.SKIN PROTECTION: Use gloves impervious to this material.RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Atmospheric levels should be maintained below the exposure guideline. When respiratory protection is required for certain operations, use an approved air-purifying respirator. In misty atmospheres, use an approved mist respirator.* or (R) indicates a trademark of The Dow Chemical Company.MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETProduct: DOWFROST* HD HEAT TRANSFER FLUID, DYEDProduct Code: 04632Effective Date: 02/20/01, Date Printed: 07/10/02, MSD: 002239 EXPOSURE GUIDELINES: Propylene glycol: AIHA WEEL is 50 ppm total, 10 mg/m3 aerosol only.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAPPEARANCE/PHYSICAL STATE:Clear yellow liquid.ODOUR:OdourlessVAPOUR PRESSURE:0.22 mmHg @ 20°CVAPOUR DENSITY: 2.6BOILING POINT:320°F, 160°CSOLUBILITY IN WATER/MISCIBILITY: CompleteSPECIFIC GRAVITY OR DENSITY: 1.058 @ 25/25°C10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYCHEMICAL STABILITY: Thermally stable at typical use temperatures.CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Avoid use temperatures above 450°F, 232°C. Product can degrade at elevated temperatures. Generation of gas during decomposition can cause pressure in closed systems.INCOMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER MATERIALS: Avoid contact with oxidizing materials. Avoid contact with strong acidsHAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Hazardous decomposition products depend upon temperature, air supply and the presence of other materials.HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION (See Section 3 for Potential Health Effects. For detailed toxicological data, write or call the address or non-emergency number shown in Section 1).SKIN:The LD50 for skin absorption in rabbits is >10,000 mg/kg.* or (R) indicates a trademark of The Dow Chemical Company.。
MODBUS规约说明MODBUS规约说明MODBUS中的7KG7000电度表通讯配置的电度数必须⼤于等于29个,否则会出现异常,7KG7000的电度系数由输⼊的I和U 共同决定如:RANGE I = 1000 ARANGE U = 2KV系数= 1000000若上传码值为1345 则实际的电度为1345*1M = 1345MWHMODBUS中的SEL主保护通讯流程及配置信息如下:在MODBUS中增加相应地址的装置,南⼭铝业的SEL保护根据需要将SEL3020 14⼝的相应通讯地址设置为3,16⼝的相应通讯地址设置为5进⾏通讯。
⾼压侧SEL-351A继电器上送数据信号:LT1,LT2,LT3,LT4,LT5,LT6,LT7,LT8,LT9.LT1: 220KV侧复压过流Ⅰ段第⼀时限出⼝动作LT2: 220KV侧复压过流Ⅰ段第⼆时限出⼝动作LT3: 220KV侧复压过流Ⅱ段保护出⼝动作LT4: 220KV侧零序⽅向过流Ⅰ段第⼀时限出⼝动作LT5: 220KV侧零序⽅向过流Ⅰ段第⼆时限出⼝动作LT6: 220KV侧零序过流Ⅱ段出⼝动作LT7: 220KV侧中性点间隙零序过流出⼝动作LT8: 220KV侧中性点零序过压出⼝动作LT9: 220KV侧⾮全相保护出⼝动作中压侧SEL-351A继电器上送数据信号:LT1,LT2,LT3,LT4,LT5,LT6,LT7,LT8.LT1: 110KV侧复压过流Ⅰ段第⼀时限出⼝动作LT2: 110KV侧复压过流Ⅰ段第⼆时限出⼝动作LT3: 110KV侧复压过流Ⅱ段保护出⼝动作LT4: 110KV侧零序⽅向过流Ⅰ段第⼀时限出⼝动作LT5: 110KV侧零序⽅向过流Ⅰ段第⼆时限出⼝动作LT6: 110KV侧零序过流Ⅱ段出⼝动作LT7: 110KV侧中性点间隙零序过流出⼝动作SEL-387A继电器上送数据信号:S1LT1,S1LT2,S1LT3,S1LT4,S2LT1,S2LT2,S2LT3,S2LT4. S1LT1:解除失灵保护复压闭锁回路信号发⽣.S1LT2: 过负荷启动冷却器信号发⽣.S1LT3: 过负荷闭锁有载调压信号发⽣.S1LT4: 启动断路器失灵保护动作发⽣S2LT1:⾼压侧CT断线信号发⽣.S2LT2:中压侧CT断线信号发⽣.S2LT3: ⽐例制动的差动元件动作.S2LT4: 差动速断元件动作.b.信息顺序及配置点数0=1#主变A屏主保护装置通讯状态1=1:S1LT12=1:S1LT23=1:S1LT34=1:S1LT45=1:S2LT16=1:S2LT27=1:S2LT38=1:S2LT49=备⽤10~16备⽤17=1:S3LT118=1:S3LT219=1:S3LT320=1:S3LT421=1:S3LT522=1:S3LT623=1:S3LT724=1:S3LT8备⽤32=1#主变B屏主保护装置通讯状态33=2:S1LT134=2:S1LT235=2:S1LT336=2:S1LT441备⽤备⽤49=2:S3LT150=2:S3LT251=2:S3LT352=2:S3LT453=2:S3LT554=2:S3LT655=2:S3LT756=2:S3LT8备⽤64=2#主变A屏主保护装置通讯状态65=3:S1LT1 66=3:S1LT267=3:S1LT368=3:S1LT469=3:S2LT170=3:S2LT271=3:S2LT372=3:S2LT473备⽤备⽤81=3:S3LT182=3:S3LT283=3:S3LT384=3:S3LT485=3:S3LT586=3:S3LT687=3:S3LT788=3:S3LT8备⽤96=4: 2#主变B屏主保护装置通讯状态97=4:S1LT1102=4:S2LT2103=4:S2LT3104=4:S2LT4105备⽤备⽤113=4:S3LT1=4:S3LT2=4:S3LT3=4:S3LT4=4:S3LT5=4:S3LT6=4:S3LT7=4:S3LT8备⽤128= 3#主变A屏主保护装置通讯状态=5:S1LT1 =5:S1LT2=5:S1LT3=5:S1LT4=5:S2LT1=5:S2LT2=5:S2LT3=5:S2LT4备⽤145=5:S3LT1=5:S3LT2=5:S3LT3=5:S3LT4=5:S3LT5=5:S3LT6=5:S3LT7=5:S3LT8160=3#主变B屏主保护装置通讯状态=6:S1LT1=6:S1LT2=6:S1LT3=6:S1LT4=6:S2LT1=6:S2LT2=6:S2LT3=6:S2LT4备⽤177=6:S3LT1=6:S3LT2=6:S3LT3=6:S3LT4=6:S3LT5=6:S3LT6=6:S3LT7=6:S3LT8备⽤以下遥信紧接着以上的从192开始,以上的⼀共0~11共12个寄存器传送遥信12*16=192个,没有定义的⽤备⽤表⽰(12-23寄存器): 存放的是本层第8 ⼝中F800H-F80BH的寄存器内容,也是下层16⼝中F800H-F80BH的寄存器内容,具体内容如下:1#主变A屏⾼后备保护装置的LT1,LT2,LT3,LT4,LT5,LT6,LT7,LT8,LT9, 1#主变A屏中后备保护装置的LT1,LT2,LT3,LT4,LT5,LT6,LT7,LT8; 1#主变B屏⾼后备保护装置的LT1,LT2,LT3,LT4,LT5,LT6,LT7,LT8,LT9, 1#主变B屏中后备保护装置的LT1,LT2,LT3,LT4,LT5,LT6,LT7,LT8; 2#主变A屏⾼后备保护装置的LT1,LT2,LT3,LT4,LT5,LT6,LT7,LT8,LT9, 2#主变A屏中后备保护装置的LT1,LT2,LT3,LT4,LT5,LT6,LT7,LT8; 2#主变B屏⾼后备保护装置的LT1,LT2,LT3,LT4,LT5,LT6,LT7,LT8,LT9, 2#主变B屏中后备保护装置的LT1,LT2,LT3,LT4,LT5,LT6,LT7,LT8; 3#主变A屏⾼后备保护装置的LT1,LT2,LT3,LT4,LT5,LT6,LT7,LT8,LT9, 3#主变A屏中后备保护装置的LT1,LT2,LT3,LT4,LT5,LT6,LT7,LT8; 3#主变B屏⾼后备保护装置的LT1,LT2,LT3,LT4,LT5,LT6,LT7,LT8,LT9, 3#主变B屏中后备保护装置的LT1,LT2,LT3,LT4,LT5,LT6,LT7,LT8;注意每个寄存器16个遥信,没有写出名称的⽤备⽤表⽰192 =1#主变A屏⾼后备保护装置000h:1;B=1:TARGET:LT1000h:2;B=1:TARGET:LT2000h:3;B=1:TARGET:LT3000h:4;B=1:TARGET:LT4000h:5;B=1:TARGET:LT5000h:6;B=1:TARGET:LT6000h:7;B=1:TARGET:LT7000h:10;B;1TARGETS=1:RB3备⽤208=1#主变A屏中后备保护装置001h:1;B=2:TARGET:LT1001h:2;B=2:TARGET:LT2001h:3;B=2:TARGET:LT3001h:4;B=2:TARGET:LT4001h:5;B=2:TARGET:LT5001h:6;B=2:TARGET:LT6001h:7;B=2:TARGET:LT7001h:8;B=2:TARGET:LT8001h:9;B=2:TARGET:LT9001h:10;B;2TARGETS=2:RB3备⽤224 =1#主变B屏⾼后备保护装置002h:1;B=3:TARGET:LT1 002h:2;B=3:TARGET:LT2002h:3;B=3:TARGET:LT3002h:4;B=3:TARGET:LT4002h:5;B=3:TARGET:LT5002h:6;B=3:TARGET:LT6002h:7;B=3:TARGET:LT7002h:8;B=3:TARGET:LT8002h:9;B=3:TARGET:LT9002h:10;B;3TARGETS=3:RB3备⽤240 =1#主变B屏中后备保护装置003h:1;B=4:TARGET:LT1 003h:2;B=4:TARGET:LT2003h:3;B=4:TARGET:LT3003h:4;B=4:TARGET:LT4003h:5;B=4:TARGET:LT5003h:6;B=4:TARGET:LT6003h:7;B=4:TARGET:LT7003h:8;B=4:TARGET:LT8003h:9;B=4:TARGET:LT9备⽤256 =2#主变A屏⾼后备保护装置004h:1;B=5:TARGET:LT1 004h:2;B=5:TARGET:LT2004h:3;B=5:TARGET:LT3004h:4;B=5:TARGET:LT4004h:5;B=5:TARGET:LT5004h:6;B=5:TARGET:LT6004h:7;B=5:TARGET:LT7004h:8;B=5:TARGET:LT8004h:9;B=5:TARGET:LT9004h:10;B;5TARGETS=5:RB3备⽤272 =2#主变A屏中后备保护装置005h:1;B=6:TARGET:LT1 005h:2;B=6:TARGET:LT2005h:3;B=6:TARGET:LT3005h:4;B=6:TARGET:LT4005h:5;B=6:TARGET:LT5005h:6;B=6:TARGET:LT6005h:7;B=6:TARGET:LT7005h:8;B=6:TARGET:LT8005h:9;B=6:TARGET:LT9005h:10;B;6TARGETS=6:RB3备⽤288 =2#主变B屏⾼后备保护装置006h:1;B=7:TARGET:LT1 006h:2;B=7:TARGET:LT2006h:3;B=7:TARGET:LT3006h:4;B=7:TARGET:LT4006h:5;B=7:TARGET:LT5006h:6;B=7:TARGET:LT6006h:7;B=7:TARGET:LT7006h:8;B=7:TARGET:LT8006h:9;B=7:TARGET:LT9006h:10;B;7TARGETS=7:RB3备⽤007h:5;B=8:TARGET:LT5007h:6;B=8:TARGET:LT6007h:7;B=8:TARGET:LT7007h:8;B=8:TARGET:LT8007h:9;B=8:TARGET:LT9007h:10;B;8TARGETS=8:RB3备⽤320 =3#主变A屏⾼后备保护装置008h:1;B=9:TARGET:LT1 008h:2;B=9:TARGET:LT2008h:3;B=9:TARGET:LT3008h:4;B=9:TARGET:LT4008h:5;B=9:TARGET:LT5008h:6;B=9:TARGET:LT6008h:7;B=9:TARGET:LT7008h:8;B=9:TARGET:LT8008h:9;B=9:TARGET:LT9008h:10;B;9TARGETS=9:RB3备⽤336 =3#主变A屏中后备保护装置009h:1;B=10:TARGET:LT1009h:2;B=10:TARGET:LT2009h:3;B=10:TARGET:LT3009h:4;B=10:TARGET:LT4009h:5;B=10:TARGET:LT5009h:6;B=10:TARGET:LT6009h:7;B=10:TARGET:LT7009h:8;B=10:TARGET:LT8009h:9;B=10:TARGET:LT9009h:10;B;10TARGETS=10:RB3备⽤352 =3#主变B屏⾼后备保护装置00Ah:5;B=11:TARGET:LT500Ah:6;B=11:TARGET:LT600Ah:7;B=11:TARGET:LT700Ah:8;B=11:TARGET:LT800Ah:9;B=11:TARGET:LT900Ah:10;B;11TARGETS=11:RB3备⽤368 =3#主变B屏中后备保护装置00Bh:1;B=12:TARGET:LT100Bh:2;B=12:TARGET:LT200Bh:3;B=12:TARGET:LT300Bh:4;B=12:TARGET:LT400Bh:5;B=12:TARGET:LT500Bh:6;B=12:TARGET:LT600Bh:7;B=12:TARGET:LT700Bh:8;B=12:TARGET:LT800Bh:9;B=12:TARGET:LT900Bh:10;B;12TARGETS=12:RB3备⽤以上共12*16=192个遥信没有定义的⽤备⽤表⽰,表⽰含义如上代表了12个保护装置紧接着存放四个字节的复归状态,没有定义的仍然⽤备⽤表⽰,仍然是⼀个寄存器16个遥信寄存器(24=8:080FH)中的0-7位代表的是8⼝中寄存器080FH中的0-7位内容:”RB1,RB2,RB3,RB4,RB5,RB6,RB7,RB8”,具体含义如下: 1#主变A屏⾼后备保护装置的复归状态, 1#主变A屏中后备保护装置的复归状态, 1#主变B屏⾼后备保护装置的复归状态, 1#主变B屏中后备保护装置的复归状态, 2#主变A屏⾼后备保护装置的复归状态, 2#主变A屏中后备保护装置的复归状态, 2#主变B屏⾼后备保护装置的复归状态, 2#主变B屏中后备保护装置的复归状态.上层F819H (25=8:0810H)中的0-3位代表的是8⼝中寄存器0810H中的0-3位内容:”RB9,RB10,RB11,RB12”,具体含义如下: 3#主变A屏⾼后备保护装置的复归状态, 3#主变A屏中后备保护装置的复归状态, 3#主变B屏⾼后备保护装置的复归状态, 3#主变B 屏中后备保护装置的复归状态. 下层12台设备的复归状态需上送以上遥信总共26个寄存器CCM配置时⾄少占点26*16=416个最后请注意遥控的定义CCM中配置⼀个任意类型的遥控就可以,原则上配置单遥控,此遥控的含义是使值班⼈员能够在保护动作的任意时刻⼿动复归所有保护,所发复归命令是保护复归总压板强制命令ON:ADD: =03 (05,⼝16的地址)COIL REFERENCE =10B7HOPERATION CODE =FF00HCRC复位命令OFF:ADD: =03 (05,⼝16的地址)FUNCTION CODE =05COIL REFERENCE =10B7HOPERATION CODE =0000HCRCMODBUS中的CD19系列智能表(功率表)通讯配置的遥测量每块表等于8个,否则会出现异常,数据传送格式为:波特率默认为4800,⽆校验,8位数据位8个遥测量顺序为:遥测序号遥测点名0Uab1Ucb2Ia3Ic4P5Q6COSφ7F系数计算⽅法为:电流--------除以(16*16*16) 转化后的格式为X.XXX,标准值为0~5.000⽆符号,双字节电压、频率------除以(16*16)转化后电压的格式为XX..XX,标准值为0~100.00⽆符号频率转化后格式为XX.XX,标准值为45.00~55.00(⽆符号)功率------除以16 转化后格式为XXX.X,标准值为0~866.0(有符号)功率因数------除以(16*16*16*16)转化后格式为0.XXXXX,标准值为0~1.000⽆符号MODBUS中的“西门⼦保护装置(7SJ62、7UT513等)通讯”、“通⽤MOD配置n(⽬前共8种标准类型)”、“西门⼦装置⽆SOE”配置说明数据通讯基本格式为:波特率可以设置,校验可以设置,8位数据位MODBUS中的寄存器的基本概念和CCMPT中的配置⽅法:*寄存器的基本概念在MODBUS规约中规定了可以定义使⽤的四类寄存器,分别为0号、1号、3号和4号寄存器,表⽰⽅法及对应的适⽤功能码为寄存器号适⽤的读寄存器功能码0X 0x01H1X 0x02H3X 0x04H各寄存器起始地址从1开始(通讯时程序⾃动-1处理)0X寄存器起始地址从00001开始(通讯时报⽂中使⽤对应功能码起始地址-1处理),填写配置表时只需要填1开始就可以了1X寄存器起始地址从10001开始(通讯时报⽂中使⽤对应功能码起始地址-10001处理),填写配置表时只需要填10001开始就可以了3X寄存器起始地址从30001开始(通讯时报⽂中使⽤对应功能码起始地址-30001处理),填写配置表时只需要填30001开始就可以了4X寄存器起始地址从40001开始(通讯时报⽂中使⽤对应功能码起始地址-40001处理),填写配置表时只需要填40001开始就可以了0X、1X寄存器每个寄存器地址表⽰⼀个⼆进制位(即⼀个单遥信);3X、4X寄存器每个寄存器地址表⽰两个字节(即16个单遥信或⼀个遥测范围-32767~32767或半个电度量)由以上的可以知道,如果⽤0X或1X寄存器表⽰单遥信,则寄存器个数与遥信个数相同;如果⽤3X或4X寄存器表⽰单遥信,由于⼀个寄存器可以表⽰16个单遥信,则寄存器个数与遥信个数/16相同;如果⽤3X或4X寄存器表⽰遥测,由于⼀个寄存器可以表⽰1个单遥信,则寄存器个数与遥测个数相同;如果⽤3X或4X寄存器表⽰电度,由于⼀个寄存器可以表⽰半个电度,则寄存器个数*2与电度个数相同;例如:1.若规约说明中已知遥信功能码⽤02H,起始地址00H,遥信个数为16个,那么在CCMPT 中的遥信配置表中各个配置项配置如下:由功能码02H依照以上的原则可以知道该规约的遥信放在1X寄存器中,那么1X寄存器实际起始地址为10001(00H+10001),使⽤的寄存器个数为16个。
EL3020分析仪器 abb
/环保工程部压力传感器1压力传感器2O2传感器1或2个分析模块电源IO板AMC控制器流量传感器1必须与一个分析模块共同选用其它部件可选EL3000的分析模块可以灵活的组合:Uras26 + Mangos206Uras26 + Caldos27Mangos206 + Caldos27Uras26 + O2传感器所有的分析模块都与AMC控制器通讯AMC=Analyzer Module ControllerEL3000的分析模块以及压力传感器、流量传感器都有一个具有单独序列号的SSI板SSI=Sensor Specific Interface信号处理电路显示驱动电路及控制软件机箱电源模块线性偏差: ≤1%FS重复性: ≤0.5%FS零点漂移: ≤1%FS/7d灵敏度漂移: ≤1%测量值/7d输出波动: ≤0.2%FS检测极限: ≤0.4%FS启动时间:≤30min(无恒温)或≤2h(有恒温)响应时间:T90 ≤2.5S(气室长度为175mm,样气流量为60L/h)流量范围: 20-100L/h入口压力: 2-500hPa(即: 0.2kPa-50kPa)出口压力: 大气压力样气组份: 不含高腐蚀性气体(如Cl2,HCl)和机械杂质即水等线性偏差: ≤0.5%FS重复性: ≤1%FS零点漂移: ≤0.1%FS/7d灵敏度漂移: ≤0.1%O2/7d 或≤1%测量值/7d输出波动: ≤0.5%FS检测极限: ≤1%FS启动时间:≤1h响应时间:T90 ≤4S(从N2变化到空气浓度,样气流量为90L/h)流量范围: 30-90L/h入口压力: 2-100hPa(即: 0.2kPa-10kPa)出口压力: 大气压力样气组份: 不含高腐蚀性气体(如Cl2,HCl,HF)和机械杂质即水等线性偏差: ≤1%O2重复性: ≤0.5%FS零点漂移: 能长期稳定于零点灵敏度漂移: ≤1%O2FS/7d输出波动: ≤0.2%FS检测极限: ≤0.4%FS流量范围: 20-100L/h入口压力: 2-500hPa(即: 0.2kPa-50kPa)出口压力: 大气压力样气组份: 不含H2S、氯化物、氟化物、重金属、气雾剂(烟雾剂)等24V压力传感器1流量传感器1其它模块TCT RS232 接口ECT以太网接口电源输入Profibus模板模拟量模板OK操作设置返回维护CalibrationCalibration菜单Manual CalibrationAutomatic Calibration按手动ESC 返回ESC返回返回按键选择需要校准的组份CO,键移动光标, 修改参数返回ESC返回按Manual Calibration手动ESC 返回ESC返回ESC返回按键移动光标, 修改参数ESC返回ESC返回按Automatic CalibrationManual Calibration返回Calibration返回自动校准启动功能不要随意启动,一旦选择键后,即刻执行自动校准,在没有外菜单模式(ESC 返回ESC返回按Measurement RangesCalibration Data校准参数按Device SettingsESCESC 返回Measurement RangesCalibration Data校准参数Device SettingsESC返回Autocal.SettingsESC返回Purge Times吹洗时间Autocal. ControlESC按按返回ESC返回键选择每一个测量组份COMeasurement RangesCalibration Data校准参数Device Settings ESC返回ESC返回Autocal.Settings Test Gas Set Points ESC返回按键选择每一个测量组份EnglishMeasurement RangesCalibration Data校准参数按Device Settings 返回返回网络设置LanguageEthernetESC Date/Time 按ESC返回按返回按ESC返回返回校准复位Atmospheric PressureCalibration ResetESC按菜单Maintenance SwitchBasic SettingsDiagnosisESC 返回按返回上下移动光标选择复位组份ESC返回按ESC返回仪器信息Device TestDevice infoESC返回按菜单Maintenance SwitchBasic SettingsDiagnosis Device info 返回按上下移动光标份按Device Status ESC返回显示屏测试I/O TestDisplay TestKeypad TestESC返回Drift indicationStatus messages Status messages按返回ESCStatus messages 返回ESC修改数字滤波时间常数配置信号保持报警值设定安装中文语言包配置自动校正参数配置模拟输出点配置数字I/O点查看分析仪中已存在模块的配置ECT带网卡的电脑点对点连接带RJ45头的网线(1-3,3-1,2-6,6-2) ECT软件器有限公司系统成套事业部/环保工程部谢谢大家!重庆川仪分析仪器有限公司系统成套事业部/环保工程部。
ABB EL3020气体分析仪 校验
10、点击ABB面板上的(1)OK------操作------校准------手动校准------零点------OK------CO------OK------输入校验的标准值(+2ppm)------OK(确认输入的数据)------OK (保存校准值)------退出,(2)OK------操作------校准------手动校准------零点------OK------O2----OK------输入校验的标准值(0 VOL%)-------OK(确认输入的数据)------OK (保存校准值)------退出。
模块名称 原理 可测气体 量程(ppm) 备注
0—100~5000 0—150 ~5000
必须跟一个分析模块共同选用,比如Uras26、 Limas23。
1、压力传感器1; 2、压力传感器2; 3、I/O板及通讯接口模块; 4、电源; 5、AMC控制器:分析模块控制器,所有的模块都要跟AMC控制器通讯; 6、O2模块:电化学氧模块,必须跟其他分析模块配合选用,比如Uras26、 Limas23; 7、Uras26:红外线分析模块,可测SO2、NO、CO、CO2、N2O、CH4; 8、Magnos206:氧分析模块,可测过程气体中的O2; 9、ZO23:氧分析模块,氧化锆原理,只能单独使用,可测纯净气体(如N2、 Ar)中的O2; 10、Caldos27:热导分析模块,可测不同热导率的对称性混合气体中一种,比 如Ar中的H2; 11、Limas23:紫外光度计分析模块,可测SO2、NO、NO2; 12、流量传感器(可选)。
0—100 ~5000
0—100 ~5000 0—100 ~5ZO23 Caldos27 Limas23
氧化锆 热导 紫外
O2 Ar中的H2 SO2 NO NO2
0—1 ~ 25%V
0—1 ~25%V 0—1%V 0—100~5%V 0—50~500 0—50~500
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Smallest Measurement Range 0– 100 ppm 0– 100 ppm 0– 150 ppm 0– 100 ppm 0– 100 ppm 0– 100 ppm
Measurement Range Limits 0–500 (NO: 750) / 1000 / 3000 ppm, 0–1/ 3 / 10 / 30 / 100 Vol.-% The measurement ranges are freely adjustable within a range ratio of max. 1: 5. An individual measurement range can be factory-set on request. Measurement ranges should not be set within ignition limits.
The integral gas feed (option) is available in two versions. It either includes
• the micro-filter and flow sensor modules
• or the micro-filter, solenoid valve, pump, coarse filter, capillary tube and flow sensor modules.
Associated Gas Effect / Cross Sensitivity The knowledge of the sample gas composition is necessary for the analyzer configuration. Selectivity measures to reduce associated gas effect (optional): Incorporation of interference filters or filter cells, internal electronic cross-sensitivity correction for one sample component by other sample components measured with the gas analyzer.
Overview of the Gas Analyzers Infrared Photometer Uras26 Oxygen Analyzer Magnos206 Thermal Conductivity Analyzer Caldos27 Electrochemical Oxygen Sensor Integral Gas Feed General Data Electrical Connections Gas Connections Certifications
eliminating the need for test gas cylinders
Customizable analog outputs, digital inputs and outputs Modbus interface
Integral gas feed (optional) Simple menu-driven operator interface Clear-text status messages Configuration of rarely required functions with included
• Magnos206 oxygen analyzer for the measurement of O2 in process gas or in N2
• Caldos27 thermal conductivity analyzer for the measurement of binary gas mixtures with different thermal conductivity e.g. Ar in O2, H2 in Ar, CH4 in N2
configuration program
Housing version for 19-inch rack mounting (3 height units,
Modular design for ease of service Self-monitoring function indicates when maintenance is
Up to five measurement components per gas analyzer Suitable for measuring flammable gases Automatic calibration including pump and valve control Simplified calibration with air or integral calibration cells
Temperature Effect Ambient temperature in permissible range – At zero-point: ≤ 2 % of span per 10 °C – On sensitivity without thermostat: ≤ 3 % of measured value per 10 °C – On sensitivity with thermostat (optional): ≤ 2 % of measured value per 10 °C Thermostat temperature = 55 °C
The analyzer has one physical measurement range per sample component. The smallest measurement ranges are shown in the following table.
Sample Component CO CO2 NO SO2 N2O CH4
EasyLine Continuous Gas Analyzers Model EL3020
Data Sheet
10/24 4.10 EN November 2005
Detectors with different measurement principles for
numerous process and emission monitoring applications
• Electrochemical oxygen sensor for the measurement of O2
The electrochemical oxygen sensor can only be used in combination with the Uras26 infrared photometer.
10/24-4.10 EN November 2005
EasyLine EL3000 Series Data Sheet
Infrared Photometer Uras26
Measurement Principle
Non-dispersive infrared absorption in the λ = 2.5–8 µm wavelength range
Repeatability ≤ 0.5 % of span
Zero Drift ≤ 1% of span per week
Sensitivity Drift ≤ 1% of measured value per week
Output Fluctuation (2 σ) ≤ 0.2 % of span at electronic T90 time (static / dynamic) = 5 / 0 sec
Note Regarding the Performance Characteristics of the Analyzers
The performance characteristics of the analyzers have been determined according to the international standard IEC 1207-1: 1994 “Expression of performance of gas analyzers”. They are based on N2 as the associated gas. Compliance with these characteristics when measuring other gas mixtures can only be assured if their composition is known.
Photometer to measure up to 4 components with 1 or 2 beam paths and 1 or 2 receivers per beam path in one gas path or two separate gas pas and Measurement Ranges
The following data apply only if all influence factors (e.g. flow rate, temperature, atmospheric pressure) are constant.
Linearity Deviation ≤ 1% of span
as well as the integrated I/O modules depending on the functional range and order
• Analog output module with 2 analog outputs,
• Digital I/O module with 4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs and