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Uni t1 ---A
(1) duration :持续时间;期间
⑶optio n:选择
(4) definitely:明确的;肯定的;确实的
(5) actually:实际上
(8)survive 幸存;生还;幸免于
1. Econo mic crises destroy the capitalist system and they grow in size and
A. duratio n
2. Stability also depends upon the of the local economy

A. flexibility
3. He was senten ced to do hard labor without The ______ of
a fine
A. opti on
4. She states her views very ________
A. defini tely
5. Did he ______ say in so many words that there was no hope of a cure?
A. actually
6. The baby felt _____ by her pare nts
A. ignore
7. You n eed to _____ the employers that you can do the job.
A. convince
8. Compa ni eswill have to do more tha n this if they are to ____ the earthquake
如果公司想在地震中幸存,他们要做得更多A. survive
Uni t1 ---B
(1) rough:艰苦的
(2) omit:省略;删节;排除
(3) ma in tain保持;维持
(4) vital :必不可少的;及重要的
(5) emphasize 着重;强调
1. The two countries [keep] friendly foreig
n relati on ship with each other.
A. Main tai n
2. It is [absolutely necessary] for the
human beings to do something to save the earth.
A. vital
3. You can [leave out] the parts of the
story that are not in teresti ng.
A. omit
4. The little girl had a really [hard] time
whe n her father died.
A. rough
5. They [highlight] the importanee of
careful driv ing.
A. emphasize
unit 1汉译英
1 ?你的老师在评卷的时候会把你
Your teacher will take your recent illness into consideration
2. 因为他总是轻易相信别人,所以很
He is likely to get hurt because he always that's people easily
3. 他的肤色与他是不是好律师无关His color is not relevant to whether he
is a good lawyer
4. 我们需要与所有客户建立和保持积
We are required to build and maintain positive relations with all customers, and handle thecustomers' complaints
It's not what you say but what you really do what counts
Unit2 ---A
⑶endure (长时间地)忍受;忍耐;
(4) spark:火花;一丁点;丝毫
(5) promotion:提升;晋级;宣传;推

(6) keen:(感觉)强烈的;激烈的;深
(8) innocent:涉世不深的;天真的;单
1. I don'ltike this young woman; she seems a social ___
我不喜欢这个年轻女子,她象个交际花(social butterfly)
A. butterfly
2. The novel ______ the imagination of thousands of readers 这部小说弓起了千万读者的想象
A. capture
3. God knows, how can me _______ six exams a week?
A. endure
4. A tiny star cans _________ in the darkness
A. spark
5. There are good chances of this firm 这家公司里提升的机会很多A. promotion
6. Mrs. Hill is _____ on Tom'ms arrying Susan.
( keen on)
A. keen
7. Some professions are _______ with people who have not grown up 有些职业充斥着“未成年”的人(stuff with)
A. stuff
8. How should this ______ girl see the coldness of the letter?
A. innocent
Unit2 ---B
(1) flourish:昌盛;旺盛;繁荣
(2) engage:已订婚的
(3) intimate:亲密的;私人的;个人的;
(4) unique:独一无二的;唯一的
(5) proceed:继续前进;继续进行;开始
1. After years of great effort, their
company [developed] into one of the
largest in the industry.
A. flourish
2. Be careful not to [involve] yourself in
their local conflicts
(engage in 参加)
A. engage
3. They soon developed a very [close]
A. intimate
in 4. This a(n) [unusual] opportunity that will lead you to success 这是弓领你成功的唯一的机会
A. unique
5. They will [go on] build another
laboratory building
A. Proceed unit 2 汉译英
1. 我们搬了工厂以后公司就发展起来了The company has flourished since we moved over factory
2. 我们有权搜查这幢建筑
we have the authority to search the building
3. 这个计划执行时需要嫉妒小心The plan should be carried out with great caution
4. 现在学生面临着太多的压力Nowadays students are face with pressure
5. 由于资金不足,该项目未能如期完成Due to shortage of funds, the project wasn't finished on time
1. trait 显著的特点;特征
2. undermine 暗中破坏;逐渐削弱
3. grab 利用;抓住(机会)
4. facilitate 促进;促使
5. shove 乱放;胡乱丢
6. transient 暂住的;过往的;临时的
7. pop (突然或匆匆)去
8. blame 责怪;指责;责任
1. His dominant _____ was to take
all things into earnest consideration
A. trait
2. She tried to ____________ our
A. undermine
3. This was my big chance and I ___
it with both hands
A . facilitate
4. The new airport will __________
A. facilitate 5. He came over and _____ a piece of paper into my hand A. shove
6. Shanghai is a city with a large
A. transient
7. I 'll _____ over and see you this
A. pop
8. A dropped cigarette is being for
the fire
A. blame
1. hit 打;击;碰撞
2. stable 稳定的;稳固的
3. accurately 精确地
4. compensate 抵消;弥补
5. loose 没加束搏的;松散的
1. Each better has three tries. That
was his second try or _____
A. hit
2. Home prices are holding ____ in
most regions
A. stable
3. He is always ______ in what he
says and does
A. accurately
4. This country refuses stubbornly to
___ compensate___ its past war
A. compensate
5. politically, the social atmosphere is
A. loose unit 3 汉译英
1. 这家公司一年以后才能盈利,现在
It will be a year before the firm makes a profit, lout at least is breaking even
To win trust , you have to contact people face to face
3. 周围的房子都破旧不堪,这使得这房2. 为了赢得信任,你得与人面对面
The other houses get old and shabby , and that cut into the value of this house
4. 我送你的礼物只代表了我对你感情的一
The gift gave you' represents only a fraction of my feelings for you
1. envy 羡慕;妒忌
2. restore 归还;放回原处;恢复
3. intentionally 故意的;有意识的
4. breakthrough 突破;突破性进展
5. respond 回答;相应;反应
6. lessen 使减少;使减轻
7. creative 创造性的
8. effective 有效地
1. They were full of ________ when
they saw my new car
A. envy
2. The doctor tried to help ____ the
function of his limbs
A. restores
3. Let me assure you that it was not done ____
A. intentionally
4. The smooth space flight, experts say, marks a big ___ for Chinese scientists
A. breakthrough
5. He failed to _________ to the medicine
A. respond
6. This medicine can ______ the pain in no time
A. lessen
7. The boy really enjoyed the useful and ____ work in science
8. Advertising is often the most method of promotion
A. effective
1. fashion 方式;方法;时装
2. diverse 不同的;多种多样的
3. conversely 相反地
4. indicate 指示方向;指出
5. foster 促进;培养
1. Let's now carry the discussion
a bit further in a more formal
A. foster
2. Many grocery stores sell ____
of pet foods to owners eager to
please their pets
A. indicate
3. ______ it is a very stable
pattern producing results
through effort
A. converse4ly
4. In this map, the towns are by a
red dot
A. diverse
5. Her father _____ her interest
in music
A. fashion
Unit 4 汉译英
1. 在严冬季节,鲜花即使是一支独秀,也
In the depth of winter, is a miracle and
a symbol of hope even a single
2. 四个学生正在就科学家们的论断交换
Four students are comparing notes in the famous scientist'sconclusion 3. 谈到自然科学我就茫然
It is beyond my depth when it comes to natural science.
4. 当你照镜子时,镜子映出你的形象
A mirror reflects a picture of you8. In time you'll __________ the
when you look in it.beauty of this language
5. 那个粗鲁的家伙用胳膊肘把我挤 A. appreciate
到一旁,抢在我前面上了公交车UNIT 5 —B
The rude man elbowed me aside and 1. vanish 消失;减弱got on the bus ahead of me 2. execute 执行
UNIT 5 —A 3. charge 控告
1. compliment 恭维;称赞; 4. Prospect 可能成为。

2. stroll 闲逛;散步 5. Confront 使面对
3. scoffed 嘲笑;嘲弄
4. enterprise 企事业单位; 1. As soon as the sun comes out, the
公司mist wills ____
5. distribution 销售;分发
6. status 地位 A. vanish
7. fitting 适合的;适宜的;
相称的 2. But apparently it 's not one our
8. appreciate 欣赏;感激;Congressmen are brave enough
增值to_ ____ properly
1. He ________ her on her A. execute
last physics paper
A. compliment 3 We _____ _ him of taking bribes
2. After dinner , I look a A. charge
_______ around the park
A. stroll 4. I see no
__ _____ of his success
3. A hundred years ago people
___________ at the idea A. Prospect A. scoffed
4. They are determined to
5. Whatever difficulties you ___
carry forward the you can always talk to us and we will
try to help
A. enterprise
5. The conference discussed A. Confront
the fair ___________ of unit 5 汉译英
income and wealth
A. distribution 1. 她所作的评论得到大家的喝彩
6. Women's social has All her remarks were greeted with
changed much over the cheer
years 2. 昨天晚上他确实去图书馆了,但
A. status 是发现你不在那里
7. Before he could find the He went to the library in truth last
______ word she had cut night, only to find that you
him short with a question weren't there.
A. fitting
3. 如果你打算参加本周六的足球比赛,
你需要把你自己调整到最佳状态You need to condition yourse,lf if you are to play in the football
match on Saturday.
4. 她被赋予一块金表以纪念那个重大场合
She was presentedwith a gold watch to mark the occasion.。
