cir-4-three phase



Copper – Silicon – Zinc
Nataliya Bochvar, Tatyana Dobatkina Introduction [1906Gui, 1912Car, 1930Gou, 1930Vad1, 1930Vad2, 1931Vad1, 1931Vad2, 1942Mas, 1945Smi, 1974Smi] investigated the Cu rich part of the Cu-Si-Zn system containing up to 40 mass% Zn and 6 mass% Si. The boundaries of the (Cu) field have been determined at 800°C by [1930Gou], at 750°C by [1930Vad1, 1930Vad2] and at 400, 600, 800°C by [1945Smi]. [1974Smi] shows the variation of the limiting solubility of the (Cu) region as a function of the composition at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 (mass%) Zn and up to 5 mass% Si and temperature from 1050 to 300°C. At 800°C, the boundaries of the + and phase fields have also been determined [1930Gou]. These authors report lower solubility of Si in the Cu-Zn alloys than in later investigations [1957Mim, 1962Pop, 1964Pop1]. A part of the Cu-Si-Zn diagram, up to 30 at.% Si and 90 at.% Zn, has been investigated in detail by [1956Mim, 1957Mim, 1960Mim1, 1960Mim2, 1964Mim1, 1964Mim2]; another part, up to 20 at.% Si and 50 at.% Zn, has been studied by [1962Pop, 1964Pop1]. The projection of the liquidus surface has been constructed by [1956Mim]. The range near solid solution has been investigated by [1960Mim1, 1960Mim2] in detail. Isothermal sections at 700, 600, 400°C were constructed by [1957Mim, 1960Mim1, 1960Mim2] and by [1962Pop, 1964Pop1] at 847, 760, 600 and 482°C. [1985Far] quotes a ternary eutectic between “Cu4Si and two unidentified ternary phases” at 19 mass% Zn, 7 mass% Si and 765°C. This is very near to the quasibinary peritectic minimum L + found by [1957Mim] at 21.5 mass% Zn, 6.9 mass% Si and 775°C, which contains only two solid solution phases and . [1969Gue, 1979Dri, 1979Cha] give the review of the Cu-Si-Zn system. [2003Bor] used the thermodynamic calculation for construction of isothermal sections at 670, 720, and 760°C in the composition range up to 60 mass% Zn and 10 mass% Si and vertical section at 1 mass% Si. Phase diagram information from [1964Pop1] and the personal experimental data were used by [2003Bor] in optimization. Experimental methods used in different works are summarized in Table 1. Binary Systems The binary systems Cu-Zn, Cu-Si and Si-Zn are accepted from [2006Leb], [2002Leb] and [1996Jac] respectively. The , , and J phases of the Cu-Si binary system [2002Leb] are designated here as 1, 1, and J1, respectively. Solid Phases Ternary phases do not form. The phase of the binary Cu-Si and Cu-Zn systems forms continuous series of solid solutions at high temperatures [1956Mim, 1957Mim, 1962Pop, 1964Pop1]. Reported by [1956Mim, 1957Mim, 1964Pop1] the formation of the continuous solid solution between phase of Cu-Zn system and high temperature 1 phase of Cu-Si system is not accepted, because they have different crystal structure. The phase has very wide homogeneity range towards Cu-Si system up to alloy with the composition of 1.7 at.% Zn and 17.3 at.% Si in equilibrium with 1 phase at 760°C. The solubility of Zn in the phase is significant; it reaches ~16 at.% Zn at 700°C. The solubility of Zn in the phase is 2.9 at.% at the eutectic temperature, 530°C. In the J1 and 1 phases it is about 2 at.% Zn. The data on the solid phases are summarized in Table 2. Quasibinary Systems Based on metallographic and thermal analyses, [1956Mim] established that along the - Si section at 721°C, 58 mass% Zn and 3.7 mass% Si, a eutectic L + (Si) occurs. However this section can not considered as quasibinary because phase forms by peritectic reaction.


1.1 SMT-AOI 的简介......................................................................................................................4 1.1.1 什么是 SMT-AOI.............................................................................................................. 4 1.1.2 SMT-AOI 的实施目标...................................................................................................... 4 1.1.3 SMT-AOI 的放置位置...................................................................................................... 4
4.5.1 新建程序....................................................................................................................... 13 4.5.2 创建 PCB 缩略图........................................................................................................... 13 4.5.3 离线图.........................

ABB 新式紧凑型电缆保护设备说明书

ABB 新式紧凑型电缆保护设备说明书

Compact and reliable switching Smaller, more efficient and simpler gas-insulated switchgearHANS-DIETER SCHlEMPER – Gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) operates invisibly – no movement, just a faint hum, betrays the flow of bulk AC power. At first sight uncomplicated-look-ing, a closer examination reveals the complexity in the variety of configurations, engineering investment and installation effort found in a typical GIS installation. Now, however, ABB’s new compact GIS switchgear makes everything much simpler. Even at 420 kV ratings, the switch-gear is assembled as a complete bay in the factory, includ-ing wiring and testing. Installation is fast and easy: Bays move on wheels to their final destination and they can be assembled in a day. The compact dimensions leave more space for access, fit in even smaller buildings and save on resources such as SF6and metals.11Compact and reliable switching12ABB review special reportThe first GIS was installed in 1965 and used sulfur hexafluoride gas (SF 6) as in-sulation. Today, GIS switchgear is avail-able from 52 to 1,200 kV rated voltage [1]. C urrent trends and needs in GIS i nclude:− Less complex, more standardized designs that inherently improve reliability and ease project engineer-ing, production, installation and maintenance. Purchase and use of GIS should become simpler, delivery times shorter and service life longer. − Smaller dimensions that save resourc-es, provide more convenient access to the equipment and enable installa-tion in smaller buildings or containers. − Digital controllers and electronicmeasuring equipment that provide comprehensive monitoring, supervi-sion and control functions. − Higher continuous current and short-circuit current ratings.− Less use of SF 6 and reduction of SF 6emissions.Much electrical switchgear is found out in the open, so the electrical breakdown prop-erties of air have to be takeninto account in its design. As a result, switchgear installations can take up substantial real estate. Where space is costly or limited, or where the environ-ment is challenging, GIS is an ideal alter-native. In GIS equipment, switching is done inside a gas-filled sealed vessel. The gas has much better insulation properties than air, so equipment can be made a lot smaller. Substations located underground in cities, inside hydropow-er dams, in high-value real-estate areas or in containers could not be realized without GIS technology.GIS is suitable for use in harsh environ-ments such as deserts, high-altitude lo-cations or offshore oil platforms. Its lownoise levels and low electromagneticemissions allow operation in residentialareas or in sensitive industrial plants.GIS also improves the grid’s efficiency as it enables power to be transmittedat higher voltages closer to the loadcenters in cities.ABB’s new GIS products for 72.5 kV, 245 kV and 420 kV, launched in 2010, 2011 and 2012 respectively, address these trends. The entire family is built on common design principles and the family members share many common components.Compact and efficientThe new products mark a significanta dvance in footprint reduction – be it in terms of dimensions or use of raw mate-rial and SF 6.The new portfolio is based on advanced circuit breakers with small dimensions and small drives. The ELK-14 compact, 245 kV GIS features an advanced dou-ble-motion Auto-Puffer TM (self-blast) cir-cuit breaker. A single pole requires less than 900 J of stored energy to interrupt a short-circuit current of 50 kA. The ELK-14 compact has 43 percent less volume and weighs 2 tons less than the prede-cessor product ➔1. The result is a com-pact bay that fits into containers that are used for shipment or even as a perma-nent housing.The ELK-3 compact, 420 kV GIS fea-tures a new, single-interrupter puffer breaker with an excellent two-cycle per-formance at 63 kA/60 Hz and plenty of reserve for short-line faults and other duties. The ELK-3 compact circuit breaker uses just one interrupter where two interrupters in series and a larger drive were needed in the past. The sav-ings in dimensions and weight are sig-nificant ➔2.Title pictureABB’s new GIS products greatly speed up and simplify installation. The GIS ELK-3 compact product is shown here.GIS is suitable for harsh environments such as deserts, high-altitude loca-tions or offshore platforms.1 Elk-14 compact, 245 kV compared with its predecessor13Compact and reliable switchingSimplicityABB’s new GIS consists of a set of high-ly-standardized building blocks that can be configured to the specific user r equirements at a very late stage of the production process. This reducesdelivery time. Even at 420 kV, the GIS is equipped with integrated local control panels mounted directly on the steel sup-port carrying the bay. Instead of wiring the bay on-site to a distantcontrol panel, all the cabling is done at the factory in a controlled environment with automated testing facilities. Any wiring mistakes are corrected before the bay leaves the factory.Installation time nearly halvedThe new GIS designs enable complete wired bays to be shipped in containers or on flat racks. A typical 420 kV substa-tion now requires only 44 shipping units and 53 coupling steps compared with the 80 shipping units and 74 coupling steps of the predecessor product.On site, 420 kV bays are wheeled from the unloading platform into the building to their final destination. After leveling, coupling adjacent bays and connecting them to the substation control systems takes only a few hours. Before leaving the factory, bays are prefilled with SF 6 at a transport pressure slightly above1bar, which significantly reduces time and effort for on-site gas handling. Low-pressure aluminum die casting and 3-D finite-element stress calculations enable the design of enclosures with complex shapes that still meet pressur-ized vessel standards at high safety margins. The result is “skinny” enclo-sures that minimize the enclosed vol-ume and, thus, the SF 6 content. A good example is the ENK GIS type for 72.5 kV rated voltage that uses a mere 27 kg SF 6 per bay (for a typical double busbar bay with cable connections) – less than half that used by traditional designs. Or the ELK-14, which uses 115 kg SF 6, 32 kg less than the predecessor prod-uct.Best of both worlds Traditional GIS often uses single-phase enclosed designs for 245 kV. Although they would reduce complexity, three-phase enclosed GIS components for 245 kV are large and difficult to design. ELK-14 compact is innovative: All com-ponents are three-phase-enclosed but, instead of three-phase partition insula-tors, as used at 145 kV, it uses single-phase insulators. Together with skinny enclosures, ELK-14 is somewhere in between traditional single-phase and three-phase design and combines the best of the two approaches.GIS improves the grid’se fficiency as it enables power to be transmitted at higher voltages closer to the load centers in cities.The entire family is built on common design principles and the family members share many common components.2 Elk-3 compact, 420 kV compared with its predecessor14ABB review special reportIn all, installation time is cut by some 40 percent.Easy access operation Although there is little maintenancer equired, all relevant parts, such as drives, view ports, gas density sensors, gas filling valves and terminal blocks are easily accessible – thus shortening maintenance or repair times.A unique feature is that the drives and position indicators for disconnectors and grounding switches are locatedu nderneath the local control panel ➔3. The user can access the drives from the operator’s aisle for emergency manual operation with a hand crank or to lock them with a padlock. Access laddersor scaffolding is no longer required.B esides, drives are plug-in units and they can be easily pulled out of the c abinet for inspection or maintenance.C onvenient access to viewports, gas valves and monitors is provided by plat-forms and catwalks. These are an inte-gral part of the GIS and no longerr equire custom designs.Digital sensors and smart switchgearToday’s practice of measuring basicp arameters using inductive current transformers (C Ts) and voltage trans-formers (VTs) has parallels with the changeover from vinyl records to C Ds: Gone was the distortion created by ana-log reproduction as C Ds and optical links ensured low-cost, interference-free audio reproduction every time.C urrent and voltage measurement in substations is undergoing a similartransformation. The old problems caused by transient performance and saturation of C Ts, over/under-burden-ing, cable length or cross section and troublesome relay input impedance are being banished by the adoption of elec-tronic precision transducers for current(ECTs) and voltage (EVTs). These comewith digital interfaces and connect as easily as a C D player to protection r elays with digital inputs. Their stability, dynamic range and precision are out-standing – a single EC T provides both class 0.2 metering data and precision current data in the kiloampere range. Consequently, most of ABB’s GIS equip-ment is now available with compact EC Ts and EVTs employing Rogowski coils and capacitive voltage transducers[2]➔4. They connect to any relay with anIEC 61850-9-2-compatible digital opti-cal interface, eg, ABB’s Relion series. Although not yet commonly used, ECTsand EVTs, together with intelligent bay controllers, such as ABB’s REC670, and protection devices, form the basis of a digital control panel. Replacing bulky hardwired controls and a sizeable bind-er of schematics, a digital control panel has a network interface based on IEC 61850 data models and communi-cation protocols. The GIS bay is deliv-ered with an electronic capability de-scription in XML – ready to be loaded,The GIS consists of a set of highly-standardized build-ing blocks that can be configured to the specific user requirements at a very late stage ofproduction.3 Frontal access to drives (Elk-14 compact) 4Combined ECT/EVT for 420kV15Compact and reliable switching grate renewable energy sources andf ocuses on providing Denmark with green energy. selected GIS technology for new 420 kV substationsto reduce space consumption and visu-al impact. A project currently underway is the con-struction of a new 400kV connection between Kassø, near Aabenraa, and Tjele. A 400 kV double-circuit line, in-stalled on tubular towers designed to blend into the landscape, will reinforce and renew Jut-land’s grid. The line will replace the approximately 45-year-old sin-gle-circuit line op-erating on the section today. The project received funding from theEuropean Union’s trans-European ener-gy networks program. Part of the project is Revsing substa-tion. It forms a node with other 420 kV connections along the line. selected the ELK-3 compact based on a comprehensive list of selection criteria that reflect the company’s demands.Decisive features were the low SF 6 gas content, the compactness (resulting in a small building, crane and basement) and the short installation time.browsed and integrated into the substa-tion automation system ➔5.As part of the new portfolio, ABB’s engi-neers have developed a comprehensive but simple-to-operate gas monitoring sys-tem called modular switchgear monitoring (MSM) that can be added to conventional controls or digital control panels ➔6.MSM’s main task is to detect even small leaks at rates as low as 0.5 percent per year with a set of linear prediction filters. The filters are tuned so as to distinguish leaks from natural density variations stemming from inhomogeneous temper-ature distributions in gas compart-ments. Unlike traditional gas density monitors, which would flag an alarm first when 5 to 10 percent of the SF 6 had already leaked, MSM alerts the operator when as little as 1 to 2 percent of the gas has escaped.Case study: Revsing owns and operates the transmission grid and the natural gassystem in Denmark. The company builds intelligent infrastructure to inte-Revsing substation will be commis-sioned in 2013. The new line is sched-uled to commence operation in 2014.Though established more than 40 years ago, GIS technology is still rapidly de-veloping. It continues to serve as a key element in growing grids. The installa-tion of GIS is becoming faster and the operation easier. C ompact designs useless raw materials and SF 6. Safeguard-ed by digital controls and monitoring functions, GIS technology is steadilyi mproving its excellent environmental compatibility.Hans-Dieter Schlemper ABB Power Products, High Voltage Products Zurich, Switzerland****************************.com References[1] Holaus, W., Stucki, F. “Breaking news:High-voltage switchgear to power China.”ABB Review Special Report: Dancing with the Dragon , pp. 33 – 37. (2008).[2] Schlemper H.-D et al., “Test and application ofnon-conventional multi-purpose voltage andcurrent transducers” Cigré, Paris, 2004, paperA3-108.6 Gas density monitoring system, MSMOn site, 420 kV bays arewheeled from the unloading platform into the building to their final destination.5 Schematic diagram of a digital control system for a GIS bay。



Domestic Distributors
KORCHIP INC #219 - 8 Gasan - dong, Gumchun - gu, Seoul, Korea Te l: +82 - 2 - 838 - 5588 E-mail:hjh0064@ CHUNG HAN #16-96 Hangang - lo 3, Youngsan - Gu, Seoul, Korea Te l: +82 - 2 - 718 - 3322 E-mail:james - SAMTEK #154-16 Samsung- dong Kangnam- Gu, Seoul, Korea Te l: +82- 2- 3458- 9340 CHUNGMAC #53-5 Wonhyolo3 Youngsan- gu, Seoul, Korea Te l: +82- 2- 716 - 6428~9 APEXINT #1258 Gulo - dong Gulo-Gu, Seoul, Korea Te l: +82- 2- 6679- 5116, 5118

Manufacturing Site
Suwon Plant 314, Maetan 3- dong, Youngtong- gu, Suwon, Kyonggi Province 442- 743, Korea Te l: +82- 31- 218- 2063 Pusan Plant 1623-2, Songjong-dong, Kangso - gu, Pusan 618 - 270, Korea Te l: +82- 51- 970 - 7741 Tianjin Plant 27, Heiniu, Cheng - Road, Tianjin, China 300210 Te l: +86 - 22 - 2830 - 3333(3450) E-mail:gk.ryu@ Philippines Plant Calamba Premiere International Park, Batino, Calamba, Laguna, manila Te l: +63 - 2 - 809 - 2873 E-mail:ksj1445@

基于北斗三频宽巷组合的RTK 单历元定位方法

基于北斗三频宽巷组合的RTK 单历元定位方法

基于北斗三频宽巷组合的RTK 单历元定位方法张超;闻道秋;潘树国;高旺;张小国【摘要】为发挥北斗三频超宽巷或宽巷模糊度易于固定的优势,提出一种利用宽巷观测值的北斗单历元定位方法。

首先使用载波伪距组合求解最容易固定的(0,-1,1)组合模糊度,其次基于模糊度已固定的(0,-1,1)组合观测值通过CIR 方法单历元求解第二个宽巷模糊度(1,-1,0)组合模糊度。



%As for the advantage that triple-frequency extra-wide-lane or wide-line ambiguities are easily fixed ,a single epoch algorithm of short baseline RTK based on triple-frequency wide-lane combination is proposed .First the extra-wide-lane ambiguities (0 ,-1 ,1) are resolved by carrier-pseudo combination method ,then the wide-lane ambiguities (1 ,-1 ,0) by CIR (Cascade Integer Resolution) with the fixed ambiguities .The influence of noise and ionosphere delay of the wide-lane ambiguities (0 ,-1 ,1 ) are smallest ,so this combination is chozen to resolve the coordinates based on single epoch data .Experimental results show that the single epoch algorithm proposed is feasible to calculate the coordinates ,with the statistical positioning error in plane 2 cm ,and the error in up direction about 5cm .【期刊名称】《测绘工程》【年(卷),期】2015(000)006【总页数】5页(P28-32)【关键词】北斗三频;宽巷;单历元定位;RTK;短基线【作者】张超;闻道秋;潘树国;高旺;张小国【作者单位】东南大学交通学院,江苏南京 210096;东南大学交通学院,江苏南京 210096;东南大学仪器科学与工程学院,江苏南京 210096;东南大学交通学院,江苏南京 210096;东南大学仪器科学与工程学院,江苏南京 210096【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P228.4(1.School of Transportation,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;2.School of Instrument Science and Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China)Key words:triple frequency of BDS;wide-lane;single epoch algorithm;RTK;short baseline北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,BDS)是我国独立发展、自主运行并与其他卫星导航系统兼容的卫星导航定位系统,并于2012-12-27正式向亚太大部分地区提供连续无源定位、导航、授时等服务[1]。


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SIMATIC S7-1500 ET 200MP 自动化系统 系统手册说明书

SIMATIC S7-1500 ET 200MP 自动化系统 系统手册说明书

SIMATICS7-1500/ET 200MP 自动化系统系统手册01/2023A5E03461186-AKSiemens AG Digital Industries Postfach 48 48 90026 NÜRNBERG 德国Ⓟ 02/2023 本公司保留更改的权利Copyright © Siemens AG 2013 - 2023.保留所有权利法律资讯警告提示系统为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。












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离散事件仿真基本原理赵问道浙江大学信息与通信工程研究所目录一、离散事件仿真的基本概念 (3)1. 基于事件的(event-based)离散事件仿真 (3)2. 基于活动的(activity-based)离散事件仿真 (3)3. 基于进程的(process-based)离散事件仿真 (3)4. 三阶段(three-phase)离散事件仿真 (3)二、离散事件仿真系统的组成 (4)1. 时钟(Clock) (4)2. 事件列表(Events List) (4)3. 随机数发生器(Random-Number Generators) (5)4. 统计(Statistics) (5)5. 结束条件(Ending Condition) (5)三、仿真引擎逻辑(Simulation Engine Logic) (5)1. 开始(Start) (5)2. 循环(“Do loop” or “While loop”) (6)3. 结束(End) (6)离散事件仿真基本原理一、离散事件仿真的基本概念在离散事件仿真中,系统的操作通过按时间顺序排列的一组事件序列来表示。




系统事件是“顾客到达”(CUSTOMER-ARRIV AL)和“顾客离开”(CUSTOMER-DEPARTURE)(事件“出纳员开始服务”(TELLER-BEGINS-SERVICE )可以是到达和离开事件逻辑的组成部分) 。

可以由这些事件改变的系统状态有“队列中的顾客数量”(NUMBER-OF-CUSTOMERS-IN-THE-QUEUE (是一个从0到n的整数) )和“出纳员状态”(TELLER-STATUS (忙或空闲))。



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model电流current电流密度current density电流互感器current transformer电阻resistance电阻器resistor电阻性电路resistive circuit电阻率resistivity电导conductance电导率conductivity电容capacitance电容器capacitor电容性电路capacitive circuit电感inductance电感器inductor电感性电路inductive circuit电桥bridge电机electric machine电磁转矩electromagnetic torque电角度electrical degree电枢armature电枢反应armature reaction电工测量electrical measurement电磁式仪表electromagnetic instrument 电动式仪表electrodynamic instrument 平均值average value平均功率average power正极positive pole正方向positive direction正弦量sinusoid正弦电流sinusoidal current结点node结点电压法node voltage method对称三相电路symmetrical three-phase circuit 主磁通main flux外特性external characteristic发送机transmitter他励发电机separately excited generator可编程控制器programmable controller(PLC)安培Ampere电流表currenter安匝ampere-turns伏特V olt电压表valeage伏安特性曲线volt-ampere characteristic有效值effective value有功功率active power交流电路alternating current circuit (a-ccircuit) 交流电机alternating-current machine自感self-inductance自感电动势self-induced emf自耦变压器autotransformer自励发电机self-excited generator自整角机selsyns自动控制automatic control自动调节automatic regulation自锁self-locking负极negative pole负载load负载线load line负反馈negative feedback动态电阻dynamic resistance并联parallel connection并联谐振parallel resonance并励发电机shunt d-c generator并励电动机shunt d-c motor并励绕组shunt field vending同步发电机synchronous generator同步电动机synchronous motor 同步转速synchronous speed同相in phase机械特性torque-speed characteristic过励overexcitation执行元件servo-unit传递函数transfer function传感器transducer闭环控制closed loop control回路loop网络network导体conductor导纳admittance阶跃电压step voltage全电流定律law of total current全响应complete response麦克斯韦Maxwell基尔霍失电流定律Kirchhof f’s current law (KCL)基尔霍失电压定律Kirchhof’s voltage law(KVL)库仑Coulomb亨利Henry角频率angular frequency串联series connection串联谐振series resonance串励绕组series field winding阻抗impedance阻抗三角形impedance triangle阻转矩counter torque初相位initial phase时间常数time constant时域分析time domain analysis时间继电器time-delay relay励磁电流exciting current励磁机exciter励磁绕组field winding励磁电流exciting current励磁变阻器field rheostat两相异步电动机two-phase induction motor两功率表法two-powermeter method伺服电动机servomotor步进电动机stepping motor步距角stepangle汽轮发电机turboalternator直流电路direct current circuit (d-c cir-cuit)直流电机direct-current machine法拉Farad空载no-load空载特性open-circuit characteristic空气隙air gap非线性电阻nonlinear resistance非正弦周期电流nonsinusoidal periodic受控电源controlled source变压器transformer变比ration of transformation变阻器rheostat线电压line voltage线电流line current线圈coil线性电阻linear resistance周期period参考电位reference potential参数parameter视在功率apparent power定子stator转子rotor转子电流rotor current转差率slip转速speed转矩torque组合开关switchgroup制动braking单相异步电动机single-phase induction motor 相phase相电压phase voltage相电流phase current相位差phase difference相位角phase angle相序phase sequence相量phasor相量图phasor diagram响应response星形联接star connection复数complex number阻抗impedance 导纳admittance复励发电机compound d-c generator欧姆Ohm欧姆定律Ohm's law等效电路equivalent circuit品质因数quality factor绝缘insulation绝缘体insulator显极转子salient poles rotor测速发电机tachometer generator绕组winding绕线式转子wound rotor起动starting起动电流starting current起动转矩starting torque起动按钮start button容抗capacitive reactance容纳capacitive susceptance诺顿定理Norton's theorem高斯Gauss原动机prime mover原绕组primary winding铁心core铁损core loss矩形波rectangular wave特征方程characteristic equation积分电路integrating circuit效率efficiency振荡放电oscill tory discharge继电器relay热继电器thermal overload relay(OLR)换向器commutator调节特性regulating characteristic调速speed regulation继电接触器控制relay-contactor control 副绕组secondary winding铜损copper loss基波fundamental harmonic谐波harmonic谐振频率resonant frequency通频带bandwidth理想电压源ideal voltage source理想电流源ideal current source减幅振荡attenuated oscillation常开触点normally open contact常闭触点normally closed contact停止stopping停止按钮stop button接收机receiver接触器contactor控制电动机control motor控制电路control circuit旋转磁场rotating magnetic field隐极转子nonsalient poles rotor涡流eddy current涡流损耗eddy-current loss焦耳Joule奥斯特Oersted短路short circuit锯齿波sawtooth wave幅值amplitude最大值maximum value最大转矩maximum(breakdown)torque 滞后lag超前lead傅里叶级数Fourier series暂态transient state暂态分量transient component等幅振荡unattenuated oscillation联锁interlocking感抗inductive reactance感纳inductive susceptance感应电动势induced emf楞次定则Lenz's law频率frequency频域分析frequency domain analysis频谱spectrum输入input输出output微法microfarad微分电路differentiating circuit叠加原理superposition theorem零状态响应zero-state response零输入响应zero-input response 罩极式电动机shaded-pole motor滑环slip ring鼠笼式转子squirrel-cage rotor截止角频率cutoff angular frequency 滤波器filters磁场magnetic field磁场强度magnetizing farce磁路magnetic circuit磁通flux磁感应强度flux density磁通势magnetomotive force(mmf)磁阻reluctance磁导率permeability磁化magnetization磁化曲线magnetization curve磁滞hysteresis磁滞回线hysteresis loop磁滞损耗hysteresis loss磁极pol磁电式仪表magnetoelectric instrument 漏磁通leakage flux漏磁电感leakage inductance漏磁电动势leakage emf赫兹Hertz稳态steady state稳态分量steady state component静态电阻static resistance碳刷carbon brush额定值rated value额定rated voltage额定功率rated power额定转矩tated torque瞬时值instantaneous value戴维宁定理Thevenin's theorem激励excitation满载full load槽fuse熔断器fuse。

巴黎圣母院音乐剧歌词 法语

巴黎圣母院音乐剧歌词 法语

巴黎圣母院音乐剧歌词法语虽然看不懂吧…… 作者:郑昱ACTIOuvertureLe Temps des cathédralesGringoire :C'est une histoire qui a pour lieuParis la belle en l'an de DieuMil-quatre-cent-quatre-vingt-deuxHistoire d'amour et de désirNous les artistes anonymesDe la sculpture ou de la rimeTenterons de vous la transcrirePour les siècles à venirIl est venu le temps des cathédralesLe monde est entréDans un nouveau millénaireL'homme a voulu monter vers les étoilesEcrire son histoireDans le verre ou dans la pierrePierre après pierre, jour après jourDe siècle en siècle avec amourIl a vu s'élever les toursQu'il avait baties de ses mainsLes poètes et les troubadoursOnt chanté des chansons d'amourQui promettaient au genre humainDe meilleurs lendemainsIl est venu le temps des cathédralesLe monde est entréDans un nouveau millénaireL'homme a voulu monter vers les étoilesEcrire son histoireDans le verre ou dans la pierreIl est venu le temps des cathédralesLe monde est entréDans un nouveau millénaireL'homme a voulu monter vers les étoiles Ecrire son histoireDans le verre ou dans la pierreIl est foutu le temps des cathédralesLa foule des barbaresEst aux portes de la villeLaissez entrer ces pa?ens, ces vandales La fin de ce mondeEst prévue pour l'an deux milleEst prévue pour l'an deux millebackLes Sans-PapiersClopin et les Sans-Papiers :Nous sommesDes étrangersDes sans-papiersDes hommesEt des femmesSans domicileOh ! Notre-DameEt nous te demandonsAsile ! Asile !Nous sommesDes étrangersDes sans-papiersDes hommesEt des femmesSans domicileOh ! Notre-DameEt nous te demandonsAsile ! Asile !Nous sommes plus de mille Aux portes de la villeEt bient?t nous seronsDix mille et puis cent milleNous serons des millionsQui te demanderontAsile !Asile !Nous sommesDes étrangersDes sans-papiersDes hommesEt des femmesSans domicileOh ! Notre-DameEt nous te demandonsAsile ! Asile !Nous sommes des va-nu-pieds Aux portes de la villeEt le ville est dans l'?leDans l'?le de la CitéLe monde va changerEt va se mélangerEt nous irons jouerDans l'?leNous sommesDes étrangersDes sans-papiersDes hommesEt des femmesSans domicileNous sommesDes étrangersDes sans-papiersDes hommesEt des femmesSans domicileDes sans-papiersSans domicileNous sommesDes étrangersDes sans-papiersDes hommesEt des femmesSans domicileNous sommesDes étrangersDes sans-papiersNous sommesDes étrangersDes sans-papiersDes hommesEt des femmesSans domicileNous sommesDes étrangersDes sans-papiersDes hommesEt des femmesSans domicileOh ! Notre-DameEt nous te demandonsAsile ! Asile ! Asile ! Asile !backIntervention de FrolloFrollo :Monsieur Phoebus de Chateaupers Capitaine des archers du roiJe vous ordonne de faire taireLa voix de cette EsméraldaIl faut à tout prix empêcherCette cohorte d'étrangersDe venir troubler la vieDu bon peuple de ParisPhoebus :A vos ordres Monseigneur l'ArchidiacreAu nom de Dieu j'irai jusqu'au massacreJe vais chasser de votre vueTous ces vauriens, tous ces tout-nusLes soldats de Phoebus chassent les sans-papiers au milieu desquels se trouve Esméralda... Phoebus s'attarde auprès d'elle.backBohémiennePhoebus :D'où viens-tu belle étrangèreFille du ciel ou de la terreBel oiseau de paradisQue viens-tu faire pas ici ?Esméralda :BohémienneNul ne sait le pays d'où je viensBohémienneJe suis fille de grands cheminsBohémienne, bohémienneQui peut dire où je serai demainBohémienne, bohémiennec'est écrit dans les lignes de ma mainMa mère me parlait de l'EspagneComme si c'était son paysEt des brigands dans les montagnesDans les montagnes d'AndalousieDans les montagnes d'AndalousieJe n'ai plus ni père ni mèreJ'ai fait de Paris mon paysMais quand j'imagine la merElle m'emmène loin d'iciVers les montagnes d'AndalousieBohémienneNul ne sait le pays d'où je viensBohémienneJe suis fille de grands cheminsBohémienne, bohémienneQui peut dire qui j'aimerai demain Bohémienne, bohémienneC'est écrit dans les lignes de ma mainJ'ai passé toute mon enfancePieds nus sur les monts de Provence Pour les gitans la route est longue La route est longueJe continuerai mon erranceAu-delà des chemins de FranceJe les suivrai au bout du mondeAu bout du mondeUn fleuve d'AndalousieCoule dans mon sangCoule dans mes veinesLe ciel d'AndalousieVaut-il la peineQu'on y revienneBohémienneNul ne sait le pays d'où je viens BohémienneJe suis fille de grands cheminsBohémienne, bohémienneQui peut dire ce que sera demain Bohémienne, bohémienneC'est écrit dans les lignes de ma main C'est écrit dans les lignes de ma main backEsméralda tu saisClopin :Esméralda tu saisTu n'es plus une enfantIl m'arrive maintenantDe te regarder différemmentTu n'avais pas huit ansQuand ta mère est partie Emportée par la mortVers son AndalousieEll't'a confiée à moiEt avec jalousieJ'ai veillé sur ta vieJusqu'au jour d'aujourd'huiEsméralda tu saisLes hommes sont méchants Prend garde quand tu cours Dans les rues, dans les champs Est-ce que tu me comprends ?Tu arrives maintenantA l'age de l'amourRien n'est plus comme avant Phoebus revient vers Fleur-de-Lys backCes Diamants-làFleur-de-Lys :Mes quatorze printempsSont à toiCe collier de diamantsEst pour moiLes mots de tes sermentsSi tu mensJe n'y croirai pasPhoebus :Ton coeur de jouvencelleEst à moiTes yeux de tourterelleSont pour moiLes étoiles étincellesDans le cielMoins que ces diamants-làFleur-de-Lys :Celui que mon coeur aime Est un beau chevalierQui ne sait pas lui-même Combien je peux l'aimerPhoebus :Si je ne le sais pasJe le vois dans tes yeux Celui qui t'aimeraSera un homme heureuxFleur-de-Lys :Ne cherches plus l'amourIl est là pour toujoursCe sera un beauQue le jourOù l'on se mariera Phoebus : Il est làJe le croisPhoebus :Tout l'or qui dort encore Sous le lit de la terreJ'en couvrirai ton corpsQue tu m'auras offertFleur-De-Lys :Tous les mots de l'amour Tous les mots du désir Mieux que les troubadours Tu sauras me les diresPhoebusNe cherches plus l'amourIl est là pour toujoursCe sera un beauQue le jourOù l'on se mariera Fleur-de-Lys Il est làJe le croisLes deux :Ne cherche plus l'amourIl est làIl est là pour toujoursJe le croisCe sera un beau jourQue le jourOù l'on se marieraCe sera un beau jourQue le jourOù l'on se marieraOù l'on se marierabackLa Fête des FousGringoire et la foule :La fête des fous !La fête des fous !La fête des fous !La fête des fous !Laissez-moi présiderCette Fête des FousComme on en fait chez nousOù l'on sait s'amuserLa fête des fous !La fête des fous !Choisissez le plus laid Parmi les gens qui passent Faites-les paraderAu milieu de la placeDe toute la populace Celui qui nous feraLa plus belle grimaceC'est lui qu'on éliraLe Pape des fous !Le Pape des fous !C'est lui qu'on élireC'est lui qu'on éliraLe Pape des fousLa...Fête...Des...Fous...La fête des fousLa fête des fousLa fête des fousLa fête des fousLa fête des fousLa fête des fousMais qui est celui-làQui se cache là-bas ?Ce monstre n'est-il pas Celui qu'on élira ?Le Pape des fous !Le Pape des fous !C'est lui qu'on éliraC'est lui qu'on éliraLe Pape des fousC'est le sonneur de cloches Avec sa bosse au dosC'est bien lui le plus mocheC'est le QuasimodoVoilà qu'en plus il lorgneLa pauvre EsméraldaBossu, boiteux et borgneC'est lui qu'on éliraLe Pape des fous !Le Pape des fous !C'est lui qu'on éliraC'est lui qu'on éliraQua-si-mo-do !C'est lui qu'on éliraC'est lui qu'on éliraLe Pape des Fous !C'est lui qu'on éliraC'est lui qu'on éliraQua-si-mo-do !Le Pape des Fous !backLe Pape des FousQuasimodo :Petites fillesVous ne vous moquerez plusQuand vous verrez dans la rue Quasimodo le bossuIls m'ont éluLe Pape des FousC'est aujourd'hui le jour de la fête des Rois Et pour un jour cela me donne tous les droitsM'aimeras-tuEsméralda ?M'aimeras-tu ?Mais tu t'en fousEsméraldaOh ! tu t'en fousQu'ils m'aient éluLe Pape des FousPetites fillesQui récitez des rondeauxEn mimant QuasimodoAvec sa bosse au dosQu'est-ce que ?a vous faitQue je sois si laid ?je hais la femme et l'homme qui m'ont donné le jour Et m'ont abandonné sans donner d'amourM'aimeras-tuEsméralda ?M'aireras-tu ?Mais tu t'en fousEsméraldaOh ! tu t'en fousQu'ils m'aient éluLe Pape des FousLe Pape des FousLe Pape des FousLe Pape des FousFrollo s'avance vers Quasimodo et lui arrache sa tiare.backLa SorcièreFrollo :Attention !Cett'fille est étrangèreC'est une bohémienneUne sorcièreC'est une chienneUne chatte de gouttièresUn animal qui tra?nePieds nus sur les pavésC'est un péché mortel à regarderIl faudrait la mettre en cageQu'elle ne fasse plus de ravagesDans les coeurs des les amesDes fidèles de Notre-DameCe soir nous la suivrons dans les ruelles Et nous l'enlèveronsNous l'emporteronsNous l'emprisonnerons dans une tourelle Et nous lui montreronsLa religion de Jésus-ChristEt de sa sainte Mère MarieQuasimodo :Tu me demanderaisN'importe quoiJe le ferais pour toiTout ce que tu voudrasTu le saisTout ce que tu voudrasJe le ferais pour toiJe le ferais pour toibackL'Enfant trouvéQuasimodo :Toi qui m'as recueilliAdopté et nourriMoi l'enfant trouvéL'enfant rejetéPar ceux qui avaient honteD'avoir mis au mondeUn monstreToi qui m'as vu grandirToi qui m'as vu souffrirToi qui m'as protégéContre le monde entierTu m'as fait le bonheurDe me nommer sonneurDes clochesTu m'as appris à parlerA lire et à écrireMais je ne sais pas lireLe fond de tes penséesJe t'appartiensDe tout mon êtreComme jamais un chienN'a aimé son ma?treJe t'appartiensDe tout mon êtreComme jamais un chienN'a aimé son ma?trebackLes Portes de ParisGringoire :Les portes de ParisDéjà se ferment sur la nuitLe nuit de tous les crisDe tous les riresEt de tous les désirsLa nuit de tous les vicesQui s'assouvissentDans le lit de ParisCabaret de tous les déliresSur le Pont-au-ChangeCe soir j'ai rencontré un ange Qui m'a souriEt qui loin de ma vue a disparuDans les rues de ParisJe l'ai suivie, je l'ai perdueJ'ai poursuivi la nuitDe tous les riesEt de tous les désirsLa nuit de tous les vicesQui s'assouvissentDans le lit de ParisCabaret de tous les déliresLes portes de ParisDéjà se ferment sur la nuitLa nuit de tous les crimesDe tous les riresEt de tous les désirsFrollo et Quasimodo suivent Esméralda dans les ruelles. Mais Phoebus fait le guet. Esméralda marche dans la nuit en fredonnant. Quasimodo tente d'enlever Esméralda. Phoebus et ses gardes interviennent. Frollo se sauve. Les gardes arrêtent Quasimodo. Phoebus s'empare d'Esméralda. backTentative d'enlèvementPhoebus à ses soldats :Arrêtez-leC'est le bossu de Notre-DamePauvre de lui !Le voilà qui s'attaque aux femmesPhoebus (à Esméralda) :Je suis le capitaineChargé de la sécuritéDe tous les citoyensEt de toutes les citoyennesPermettez que je vous ramèneHors des murs de la CitéOù vivent les bohémiensOù vivent les bohémiennesEsméralda :Passez tout droitVous vous trompez sur moi je croisEsméralda,Monsieur, n'est pas fille à soldatsPhoebus :Entre chien et loupDemain à la tombée du jourJe te donne rendez-vousAu Cabaret du Val d'AmourEsméralda :Au Cabaret du Val d'AmourEsméralda s'enfuit.backLa cour des miraclesClopin et le choeur des Exclus:Ici on est tous des frèresDans la joie dans la misèreVous ne trouverez chez nous ni le Ciel ni l'Enfer Ni le Ciel ni l'EnferNous sommes comme des versComme des vers dans le ventre de la terreLa sang et le vin ont la même couleurA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miracleLes filles de joie dansent avec les voleursA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miracleMendiants et brigands dansent la même danseA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miraclePuisque nous sommes tous des gibiers de potence A la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miracleNous sommes de la même raceLa race des gens qui passentVous ne trouverez chez nous ni religion ni nationNi religion ni nationNos oripeaux pour drapeauxLa couleur de ma peau contre celle de ta peauTruands et Gitans chantent la même chansonA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miraclePuisque nous sommes tous évadés de prisonA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miracleVoleurs et tueurs boivent au même caliceA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miraclePuisque nous sommes tous repris de justiceA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miraclePoète GringoireVous serez penduPour avoirComme un intrusPénétré le CénacleDe la Cour des miraclesPénétré le CénaclePénétré le CénacleDe la Cour des miraclesA moins qu'une femmeNe vous prenne pour épouxGarde à vousJe le proclameLes poètes en FranceSont bons pour le potenceLes poètes en FranceLes poètes en FranceSont bons pour la potenceLes trois premières femmes à qui Clopin propose Gringoire disent "non".Arrive Esméralda...Et toi le belle que voilàMa belle EsméraldaVeux-tu prendre pour épouxCe poète de quatre sous ?Ce poète de quatre sous ?Ou tu le prends ou je le pendEsméralda :S'il est a prendre je le prendsClopin :Je te le donne pour mari, mais certes pas pour amant Je vous déclare donc mariés pour trois ansA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miraclePendant tout ce temps vous vous tiendrez distants De la Cour des miracleDe la Cour des miracleLe sang et le vin ont la même couleurA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miracleLes filles de joie dansent avec les voleursA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miracleMendiants et brigands dansent la même danseA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miraclePuisque nous sommes tous des gibiers de potence A la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miracleTruands et Gitans chantent la même chansonA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miraclePuisque nous sommes tous évadés de prisonA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miracleVoleurs et tueurs boivent au même caliceA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miraclePuisque nous sommes tous des repris de justice A la Cour des miracle7A la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miracleA la Cour des miraclebackLe Mot PhoebusEsméralda :Maintenant pourrais-je savoirQui j'ai l'honneur d'avoir pour mariGringoire :Je suis le poète GringoireJe suis prince des rues de Paris !Esméralda :Il est le prince des rues de Paris !Gringoire :Je ne suis pas un homme à femmesi tu veux je ferai de toiMon égérie, ma muse, ma DameEsméralda :Toi qui sais lire et écrireToi le poète peux-tu me direCe que veut dire PhoebusGringoire :Par JupiterQui donc sur terreOse porter un nom pareil ?Esméralda :C'est celui pour qui mon coeur batGringoire :Si je m'souviensDe mon latinLe mot Phoebus veut dire soleilEsméralda :Phoebus veut dire soleilbackBeau comme le soleilEsméralda :Il est beau comme le soleilEst-ce un prince un fils de roiJe sens l'amour qui s'éveilleAu fond de moiPlus fort que moiIl est beau comme le soleilC'est un prince, un fils de roiDe roi... je croisFleur-de-Lys (en apparté) :Il est beau comme le soleilC'est un voyou, un soldat Quand il me serre contre luiJe voudrais fuir mais je ne puisIl est beau comme le soleilC'est un voyou, un soldat Soldat... du roiLes deux :Il est beau comme le soleilMa merveille, mon homme à moi Il me prendra dans ses brasEt pour la vie, il m'aimeraIl est beau comme le soleilMa merveilles, mon homme à moi Il est beau comme le soleilBeau comme le soleilbackDéchiréPhoebus :DéchiréJe suis un homme partagéDéchiréEntre deux femmes que j'aimeEntre deux femmes qui m'aimentFaut-il que je me coupe le coeur en deux ?DéchiréJe suis un homme dédoubléDéchiréEntre deux femmes que j'aimeEntre deux femmes qui m'aimentEst-ce ma faute si je suis un homme heureux ?L'une pour le jourEt l'autre pour la nuitL'une pour l'amourEt l'autre pour la vieL'une pour toujoursJusqu'à la fin des tempsEt l'autre pour un tempsUn peu plus courtDéchiréJe suis un homme partagéDéchiréEntre deux femmes que j'aimeEntre deux femmes qui m'aimentMais ce n'est pas à moi qu'?a fait du malDéchiréJe suis un homme dédoubléDéchiréEntre deux femmes que j'aimeEntre deux femmes qui m'aimentEst-ce ma faute si je suis un homme normal ?L'une pour le cielEt l'autre pour l'enferL'une pour le mielEt l'autre pour l'amerL'une à laquelleJ'ai fait tous les sermentset l'autre avec laquelleJe les démensDéchiréJe suis un homme partagéDéchiréEntre deux femmes que j'aimeEntre deux femmes qui m'aimentFaut-il que je me coupe le coeur en deux ?DéchiréJe suis un homme dédoubléDéchiréEntre deux femmes que j'aimeEntre deux femmes qui m'aimentEst-ce ma faute si je suis un homme heureux ?DéchiréJe suis un homme partagéDéchiréEntre deux femmes que j'aimeEntre deux femmes qui m'aimentFaut-il que je me coupe le coeur en deux ?DéchiréJe suis un homme dédoubléDéchiréEntre deux femmes que j'aimeEntre deux femmes qui m'aimentEst-ce ma faute si je suis un homme heureux ? backAnarkiaFrollo :Qui est cette filleQui vient danserSes danses infamesDevant Notre-DameGringoire :Cette fille est ma femmeElle m'a été donnéePar le roi des gitansFrollo :L'avez-vous touchéeVassal de Satan ?Gringoire :Je n'me s'rais pas permisFrollo :Je vous l'interdisGringoire :Je voudrais vous montrerUne inscription gravéeSur une pierre au-delàDe la galerie des RoisDites-moi ce qui veut direCe mot Anarkia ?Frollo :Tu es un possédéLe grec AnarkiaVeut dire FatalitéGringoire :N'est-ce pas QuasimodoQu'on amène là-basFrollo :Il s'est fait arrêter l'idiotAllez savoir pourquoi !Quasimodo est soumis au supplice de la roue.Frollo et la foule :Boussu ! boiteux ! borgne ! violeur ! Sonneur de cloches de malheurFrollo :Priez pour lui, pauvre pécheurAyez pitié de lui SeigneurbackQuasimodo :Pitié pour le pauvre QuasimodoQui porte déjà sur son dosTous les malheurs du mondeEt qui ne vous demandeQu'une goutte d'eauPitié badaudspour votre bedeauUne goutte d'eauPour QuasimodoA boire !Donnez-moi à boire !A boire ! A boire !Donnez-moi à boire !Quasimodo voit s'écarter la populace. Esméralda s'avance pour lui donner à boire.backBelleQuasimodo :BelleC'est un mot qu'on dirait inventé pour elleQuand elle danse et qu'elle met son corps à jour, telUn oiseau qui étend ses ailes pour s'envolerAlors je sens l'enfer s'ouvrir sous mes piedsJ'ai posé mes yeux sous sa robe de gitaneA quoi me sert encore de prier Notre-DameQuelEst celui qui lui jettera la première pierreCelui-là ne mérite pas d'être sur terreO Lucifer !Oh ! Laisse-moi rien qu'une foisGlisser mes doigts dans les cheveux d'EsméraldaBelleEst-ce le diable qui s'est incarné en ellePour détourner mes yeux du Dieu éternelQui a mis dans mon être ce désir charnelPour m'empêcher de regarder vers le CielElle porte en elle le péché originelLa désirer fait-il de moi un criminelCelleQu'on prenait pour une fille de joie une fille de rien Semble soudain porter la croix du genre humainO Notre-Dame !Oh ! laisse-moi rien qu'une foisPousser la porte du jardin d'EsméraldaPhoebus :BelleMalgré ses grands yeux noirs qui vous ensorcellentLa demoiselle serait-elle encore pucelle ?Quand ses mouvements me font voir monts et merveilles Sous son jupon aux couleurs de l'arc-en-cielMa dulcinée laissez-moi vous être infidèleAvant de vous avoir mené jusqu'à l'autelQuelEst l'homme qui détournerait son regard d'elleSous peine d'être changé en statue de selO Fleur-de-Lys,Je ne suis pas homme de foiJ'irai cueillir la fleur d'amour d'EsméraldaQuasimodo, Frollo et Phoebus :J'ai posé mes yeux sous sa robe de gitaneA quoi me sert encore de prier Notre-DameQuelEst celui qui lui jettera la première pierreCelui-là ne mérite pas d'être sur terreO Lucifer !Oh ! laisse-moi rien qu'une foisGlisser mes doigts dans les cheveux d'EsméraldaEsméraldabackQuasimodo prend Esméralda par la main et l'amène vers la Cathédrale. Ma maison, c'est ta maisonQuasimodo :Mes amies les gargouilles qui veillent sur toite protègeront de tous les imbécilesQuand tu auras besoin d'un abritu n'auras qu'à venir demander asileNotre-Dame de ParisC'est ma maison, mon nidC'est ma ville, c'est ma vieMon air, mon toit, mon litC'est ma chanson, mon criMa raison, ma folieMa passion, mon paysMa prison, ma patrieEsméralda :Tes amies les gargouilles sont aussi mes amiesC'est elles qui me font rire le jour quand je m'ennuieEt toi tu leur ressembles et tu me plais pour ?aMême si j'ai peur de toi toujours quand je te voisQuasimodo :Dans ma maison à moiIl y fait toujours beauL'hiver il fait moins froidL'été il fait moins chaudTu viendras quand tu veuxQuelle que soit la saisonMa maison si tu veuxCe sera ta maisonQuand tu auras besoin d'un abriTu n'auras qu'à venir demander asileQuasimodo : Esméralda :Dans ma maison à moiIl y fait toujours beauL'hiver il fait moins froidL'été il fait moins chaudTu viendras quand tu veuxQuelle que soit la saisonMa maison si tu veuxCe sera ta maisonDans ta maison à toiIl y fait toujours beauL'hiver il fait moins froidL'été il fait moins chaudJe viendrai quand je veuxQuelle que sois la saisonTa maison si je veuxCe sera ma maisonEsméralda pénètre pour la première fois dans Notre-Dame. Frollo observe Esméralda du haut du jubé.backAve Maria pa?enEsméralda :Ave MariaPardonne-moiSi devant toiJe me tiens deboutAve Mariamoi qui ne sais pas me mettre à genouxAve MariaProtège-moiDe la misère, du mal et des fousQui règnent sur la terreAve MariaDes étrangers il en vient de partoutAve MariaEcoute-moiFais tomber les barrières entre nous Qui sommes tous des frèresAve MariaVeille sur mes jours et sue mes nuitsAve MariaProtège-moiVeille sur mon amour et ma vie Ave MariabackJe sens ma vie qui basculeFrollo :Je sens ma vie qui basculeVers une terre inconnueJe vois la foule qui reculeQuand je marche dans la rueJe suis un homme mis à nuUn homme mis à nubackTu vas me détruireFrollo :Cet océan de passionQui déferle dans mes veinesQui cause ma déraisonMa déroute, ma déveine。

3GPP 5G基站(BS)R16版本一致性测试英文原版(3GPP TS 38.141-1)

3GPP 5G基站(BS)R16版本一致性测试英文原版(3GPP TS 38.141-1)

BS type 1-H.................................................................................................................................................. 26
Base station classes............................................................................................................................................27
1 Scope.......................................................................................................................................................13
All rights reserved. UMTS™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members 3GPP™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners LTE™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM® and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM Association


To aid users the index includes a reference to the supplement in which the latest version of a text can be found. For example : Amikacin sulfate...............................................7.5-4579 means the monograph Amikacin sulfate can be found on page 4579 of Supplement 7.5. Note that where no reference to a supplement is made, the text can be found in the principal volume.
English index ........................................................................ 4707
Latin index ................................................................................. 4739
Numerics 1. General notices ................................................................... 7.5-4453 2.1.1. Droppers...................



通信专业英文缩略语缩略语英语解释中文解释AAM/CMAdministrationModule/Communication Module管理和通信模块BBA BCCH Allocation BCCH分配BAM Back Administration Module后管理模块BCC BTS? Color Code基站色码BCCH Broadcast Control CHannel广播控制信道BCHBroadcast channel (transportchannel)广播信道(传输信道)BIE Base Station Interface Equipment基站接口设备BITSBuilding Integrated TimingSupply 大楼综合定时供给系统BM Basic Module基本模块BS Base Station基站BS1Abis Interface Abis接口BSC Base Station Controller基站控制器BSIU Base Station Interface Unit基站接口单元BSS Base Station Subsystem基站子系统BTS Base Transceiver Station基站收发信台CCA Cell Allocation小区分配CBCH Cell Broadcast Channel小区广播信道CC Country Code国家码CCCH Common Control Channel公共控制信道CCS Common Channel Signaling共路信令方式CDU Combiner and Divider Unit合分路单元CGI Cell Global Identification全球小区识别码CIC Circuit Identification Code电路识别码CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check循环冗余校验CS-1Code Scheme-1编码模式-1(s)CS-2Code Scheme-2编码模式-2(s)CS-3Code Scheme-3编码模式-3(s)CS-4Code Scheme-4编码模式-4(s)CTN Central Switching Network Board中央交换网板DDBF Database File数据库文件Destination (Signaling) Point目的信令点编码DPCCodeDRX Discontinuous Reception非连续接收DTX Discontinuous Transmission非连续性发射EE3M E3 Sub-Multiplexer E3子复用设备EAC External Alarm Collection外部告警采集ECSC Early Classmark Sending Control早期类标发送控制EDU Enhanced Duplexer Unit增强型双工单元增强型全速率语音编EFR Enhanced full rate speech code解码EST Establishment建立FFACCH Fast Associated Control Channel快速随路控制信道FBC Photoelectric Conversion Board光电转换板FBI Optical Fiber Interface Board光接口板FPU Frame Processing Unit帧处理单元全速率码变换器、全FTC Full Rate Transcoder速率变码器FTP File Transfer Protocol文件传输协议FUL Radio Signaling Link无线信令链路GGALM Alarm board告警板GCKS Clock source时钟板GCTN Central switching Network board中心交换网板GEMA Emergency Action board双机倒换板GFBI Fiber Interface board光纤接口板GLAP LAPD Protocol Process board LAPD协议处理板Inter-Module CommunicationGMC2模块通信板board,Module Communication and Control模块通信控制板GMCCboardGMEM Memory board数据库接口板GMPU Main Process Unit主处理单元GNET Switching Network board交换网板GNOD Node Communication Board节点通信板GOPT Local Optical Interface Board光纤通信板GPRS General Packet Radio Service通用分组无线业务GPS Global Position System全球定位系统Global System for MobileGSM全球移动通信系统CommunicationsGSM Signaling Switching Network信令交换网板GSNTBoardHHDLC High-level Data Link Control高级数据链路控制HO Handover切换High magnification Power高增益功放板HPAAmplifier boardHSN Hopping Sequence Number跳频序列号HW Highway母线IID IDentification/IDentity识别IND Indication指示IOMUiSite Operation and MaintenanceUnit操作维护单元板IP Internet Protocol互联网协议、网际协议LLAPDLink Access Protocol on theD-channel D信道上的链路访问协议LPN7Common Channel SignalingProcessing Board公共信道信令处理板MMA Mobile Allocation移动台(频率)分配MAIO Mobile Allocation Index Offset移动分配索引偏移MCC Mobile Country Code移动国家码MCK Main Clock board主时钟板MFU Microcell Frame Unit微蜂窝帧处理单元Multiplication and Management复用管理单元MMUUnit移动网编号、移动网MNC Mobile Network Code编码MS Mobile Station移动台(手机)MSC Mobile Switching Center移动交换中心MSM MSC Subrate channel Multiplexer MSC侧子复用板MTP Message Transfer Part消息传递部分NNCC Network Color Code网络色码NSS Network SubSystem网络子系统OOM Opration and Maintenance操作维护OMC Operation and MaintenanceCenter操作维护中心OML Operation and Maintenance Link操作与维护链路OMU Operation and Maintenance Unit操作维护单元OPC Originating Point Code源信令点编码PPb Pb Interface Pb接口PBCCH Packet Broadcast Control Channel分组广播控制信道PBGT Power Budget功率预算PBU Power Boost Unit功率增强单元PCCCH Packet Common Control Channel分组公共控制信道PCIC Packet Circuit Identity Code分组电路标识码PCM Pulse-Code Modulation脉冲编码调制PCU Packet Control Unit分组控制单元Plesiochronous? DigitalPDH准同步数字系列HierarchyPDTCH Packet Data Traffic Channel分组业务数据信道公用陆地移动(通信)PLMN Public Land Mobile Network网Power and Environment MonitoringPMU电源环境监测板UnitPSU Power Supply Unit供电单元PWC Secondary Power Supply Board二次电源板RRACH Random Access CHannel随机接入信道RSL Radio Signaling Link无线信令链路SSACCH Slow Associated Control Channel慢速随路控制信道SAPI Service Access Point Identifier业务接入点标识Signaling Connection Control信令连接控制部分SCCPPartSCU Simple Combiner Unit简单合路单元Stand-alone Dedicated ControlSDCCH独立专用控制信道ChannelSITE Site站点SM Sub-Multiplexer Interface子复用板Short Message Service CellSMBCB短消息业务小区广播BroadcastSMI Sub-Multiplexer Interface 子复用板SP Signaling Point信令点SS7Signaling System Number 7七号信令STP Signaling Transfer Point信令转接点TTA Timing Advance时间提前量TC Transcoder码变换器TCH Traffic CHannel业务信道TCSM Transcoder and Sub-Multiplexer码变换与子复用单元(器)TEI Terminal Equipment Identifier终端设备标识Transmission Extension powerTES传输扩展供电单元Supply unitTEU Transmission Extension Unit传输扩展单元TFO Tandem Free Operation免汇接运营Timing/Transmission and定时/传输管理单元TMUManagement Unit码变换器/速率适配TRAU Transcoder & Rate Adaptation Unit单元TRX Transceiver收发信机TS Timeslot时隙TSC Training Sequence Code训练系列号(编码)VVSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio电压驻波比WWS Workstation操作台A, Asub A-interface A接口AC Alternating Current 交流AC Access Class (C0 to C15) 接入级别(C0到C15)ACCH Associated Control Channel 随路控制信道ACELP Algebraic code excitation linear prediction 代数码激励线性预测ACOM Antenna Combiner 天线合路器AGCH Access Grant Channel 接入允许信道AM/CM Administration Module/ Communication Module 管理和通信模块ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准组织APC Automatic Power Control 自动功率控制API Application Program Interface 应用程序接口APL Advanced Phase Locking 高级时钟锁相ARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number 绝对射频信道号ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit 专用集成电路AuC Authentication Center 鉴权中心BBA BCCH Allocation BCCH分配BAM Back Administration Module 后管理模块BCC BTS Color Code 基站色码BCCH Broadcast Control CHannel 广播控制信道BCF Base Control Function 基本控制功能BCH Broadcast channel (transport channel) 广播信道BER Bit Error Rate 误码率BHCA Busy Hour Call Attempt 忙时尝试呼叫BIE Base station Interface Equipment (board) 基站接口设备(板)BIOS Basic Input Output System 基本输入输出系统BITS Building Integrated Timing Supply 大楼综合定时供给系统BM Basic Module 基本模块BP Burst Pulse 突发脉冲BQ Bad Quality 质量差BS Base Station 基站BS1 Abis Interface Abis接口BSC Base Station Controller 基站控制器BSIC Base Station Identity Code 基站识别码BSMU Base Station Interface Unit 基站接口单元BSS Base Station Subsystem 基站子系统BSSAP Base Station Subsystem Application Part 基站子系统应用部分BSSGP Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol 基站系统GPRS协议BSSMAP Base Station Subsystem Management Application Part 基站子系统管理应用部分BSSOMAP Base Station Subsystem Operation and Maintenance Application Part 基站子系统操作与维护应用部分BTS Base Transceiver Station 基站收发信台BTSM Base Transceiver Station Management BTS管理BVC BSSGP Virtual Connection BSSGP虚拟连接CCA Cell Allocation 小区分配CAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic 移动网络增强逻辑的客户化应用CBA Cell Bar Access 小区禁止接入CBC Cell Broadcast Center 小区广播中心CBCH Cell Broadcast CHannel 小区广播信道CBCCH Cell Broadcast Control Channel 小区广播控制信道CBQ Cell Bar Qualify 小区禁止限制CBSM Cell Broadcast Short Message 小区广播短消息CC Country Code 国家码CC Calling Control 呼叫控制CC Connection Confirm 呼叫控制CCB Call Control Block 呼叫控制块CCBS Completion of Calls to Busy Subscribers 遇忙回呼CCCH Common Control Channel 公共控制信道CCH Control Channel 控制信道CCS Common Channel Signaling 共路信令方式CD Call Deflection 呼叫偏移CDB Cell Broadcast Database 小区广播数据库CDU Combining and Distribution Unit 合分路单元CELP Code Excited Linear Prediction 码激励线性预测CGI Cell Global Identity 小区全球识别码CI Cell Identity 小区识别CIC Circuit Identify Code 电路识别码CIC Carrier Interface Controller board 载频接口控制器CIR Carrier to Interference Ratio 载干比CKSN Ciphering Key Sequence Number 密钥序列号CKV Clock Drive board 时钟驱动板CM Connection Management 接续管理CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理单元CR Connection Request 连接请求CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余校验CRO Cell Reselect Offset 小区重选偏移CS Coding Scheme (信道)编码方式CS-1 Code Scheme-1 编码模式-1(s)CS-2 Code Scheme-2 编码模式-2(s)CS-3 Code Scheme-3 编码模式-3(s)CS-4 Code Scheme-4 编码模式-4(s)CTN Central Switching Network Board 中央交换网板DDB DataBase 数据库DBF Database File 数据库文件DBMS Database Management System 数据库管理系统DC Direct Current 直流DCCH Dedicated Control Channel 专用控制信道DCL Diagnostic Control Link 诊断控制链路DDN Digital Data Network 数字数据网DL Downlink 下行链路DLC Data Link Connection 数据链路连接DLCEP Data Link Connection End Point 数据链路连接端点DLCEPI Data Link Connection End Point Identifier 数据链路连接端点标识DLCI Digital Link Connection Identity 数据链路连接标识DNS Domain Name Server 域名服务器DPC Destination (Signaling) Point Code 目的信令点编码DRDBMS Distributed Relational DBMS 分布式关系数据库管理系统DRX Discontinuous Reception (mechanism) 不连续接收DSC Downlink Signaling fault Count 下行信令故障计数DSP Digital Signal Processor 数字信号处理器DTAP Direct Transfer Application Part 直接传输应用部分DTMF Dual Tone Multi-frequency 双音多频(收号器)DTX Discontinuous transmission (mechanism) 不连续发送(机制)EE-Abis Enhanced Abis 增强型AbisE3M E3 Sub-Multiplexer 增强型E1子复用设备EA Early Allocation 预分配EAC External Alarm Collection 外部告警采集EC Emergency Call 紧急呼叫ECSC Early Classmark Sending Control 早期类标发送控制ECT Explicit Call Transfer 显示呼叫转移EDU Enhanced Duplexer Unit 增强型双工单元EFR Enhanced full rate speech code 增强型全速率语音编解码EIR Equipment Identity Register 设备识别寄存器EM Extended Measurement 扩展测量EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility 电磁兼容性EST Establishment 建立ETS European Telecommunication Standard 欧洲电信标准ETSI European Telecommunication Standard Institute 欧洲电信标准组织FFACCH Fast Associated Control CHannel 快速随路控制信道FBC Photoelectric Conversion Board 光电转换板FBI Optical Fiber Interface Board 光接口板FCCH Frequency Correction CHannel 频率校正信道FCS Frame Check Sequence 帧校验序列FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址FH Frequency Hopping 跳频FIR Finity Impulsion Response 有限冲击响应FN Frame Number 帧号FPU Frame Processing Unit 帧处理单元FR Frame Relay 帧中继FTAM File Transfer Access and manipulation 文件传输、接入及使用FTC Full Rate Transcoder 码变换板FTP File Transfer Protocol 全速率码变换器FUC Frame Unit Controller 帧单元控制器FUL Radio Signaling Link 无线信令链路GG-Abis GPRS Abis GPRS AbisGALM Alarm board 告警板GCKS Clock source 时钟板GCTN Central switching Network board 中心交换网板GEMA Emergency Message Automatic Transmission System 双机倒换板GFBI Fiber Interface board 光纤接口板GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node 网关GPRS支持节点GLAP LAPD Protocol Process board LAPD协议处理板GMC2 Inter-Module Communication board 模块通信板GMCC Module Communication and Control board 模块通信控制板GMEM Memory board 数据库接口板GMM GPRS Mobility Management GPRS移动性管理GMPU Main Processing Unit 主处理单元GMSC Gateway Mobile Switching Center 关口局GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift-frequency Keying 高斯滤波最小移频键控GNET Intra-module switching network board 交换网板GNOD Node Communication Board 节点通信板GOPT Local Optical Interface Board 光纤通信板GPRS General Packet Radio Service 通用分组无线业务GPS Global Position System 全球定位系统GPWS GSM Secondary Power board 二次电源板GSM, GSM900, GSM1800 Global System for Mobile communications 全球移动通信系统,900MHz的GSM系统,1800MHz的GSM系统GSN GPRS Support Node GPRS支持节点GSNT GSM Signaling Switching Network Board 信令交换网板GT Global Title 全局码GTP GPRS Tunnelling Protocol GPRS隧道协议HHC/HY COM Hybrid Combiner 混合桥型合路器HCS Hierarchical Cell Structure 小区分层结构HDLC High level Data Link Control 高级数据链路控制HDSL High speed Digital Subscriber Line 高速数字用户线HLR Home Location Register 归属位置寄存器HO Handover 切换HPA High magnification Power Amplifier board 高增益功放板HSC Hot Swap Controller 热倒换控制器HSN Hopping Sequence Number 跳频序列号HW Highway 高速通路IID IDentification/IDentity 识别IEC International Electrotechnical Commission 国际电工委员会IMEI International Mobile station Equipment Identity 国际移动终端设备标识IMSI International Mobile Station Identity 国际移动用户识别码IND Indication 指示IOMU iSite Operation and Maintenance Unit 操作维护单元板IP Internet Protocol 互联网协议ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 综合业务数字网ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织ISR Interrupt Service 中断服务程序ISUP Integrated Services Digital Network User Part/ISDN User Part (七号信令之)ISDN用户部分ITU International Telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟ITU-T International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector 国际电信联盟-电信标准部IWF Inter-working Function 互连功能J- -KLL2ML Layer 2 Management Link 层2管理链路L3MM Layer-3 Mobility Management 层三移动管理LA Location Area 位置区LAC Location Area Code 位置区码(LAC)LAI Location Area Identity 位置区标识LAP Link Access Protocol 协议处理板LAPD Link Access Protocol on the D-channel D信道上的链路访问协议LAPDMAIL LAPD Mail Box LAPD邮箱LAPDm Link Access Protocol on the Dm channel Dm信道上的链路访问协议LLC Logical Link Control 逻辑链路控制LMT Local Maintenance Terminal 本地维护终端LNA Low Noise Amplifier 低噪声放大器LPN7 Common Channel Signaling Processing Board 公共信道信令处理板MMA Mobile Allocation 移动台(频率)分配MAC Media Access Control 媒质接入控制MAIO Mobile Allocation Index Offset 移动分配索引偏移MAP Mobile Application Part 移动应用部分MBR Multiband Report 多频报告MCC Mobile Country Code 移动国家码MCK Main ClocK board 主时钟板MCP Multiple Communication-Protocol Processor 多重通信协议处理器MDC Message Discrimination 消息鉴别MDSL Medium Bit-rate Digital Subscriber Loop 中速数字用户环线MDT Message Distribution 消息分配ME Mobile Equipment 移动设备MFU Microcell Frame Unit 微蜂窝帧处理单元MM Mobility Management 移动性管理MMU Multiplication and Management Unit 复用管理单元MNC Mobile Network Code 移动网号MNS Mobile Network Signaling 移动网信令MR Measurement Result 测量结果MR Measurement Report 测量报告MRP Multiple Reuse Pattern 多重复用方式MRT Message Routing 消息路由MS Mobile Station 测量报告MSC Mobile services Switching Centre, Mobile Switching Centre 移动交换中心MSISDN Mobile Station International ISDN Number 移动台国际ISDN 号码MSM MSC Subrate channel Multiplexer MSC侧子复用板MT Mobile Terminal 移动终端MTBF Mean Time Between Failure 平均无故障时间MTP Message Transfer Part 消息传输部分NNC Network Control 网络控制NCC Network Color Code 网络色码NCH Notification Channel 通知信道NE Network Equipment 网络设备NM Network Management 网络管理NS Network Service 网络服务NSE Network Service Entity 网络服务实体NSS Network SubSystem 网络子系统OO&M, OM Operations & Maintenance 操作与维护OACSO Off Air Call Set up 不占用空中通道的呼叫启动OAM Operation Administration and Maintenance 运行管理和维护OMAP Operation and Maintenance Application Part 操作维护应用部分OMC Operations & Maintenance Centre 操作维护中心OML Operation and Maintenance Link 操作与维护链路OMU Operations & Maintenance Unit (board) 操作维护单元(板)OOP Object Oriented Programming 面向对象的程序设计OPC Originating Point Code 源信令点编码OPT Optic Interface board 光纤通信板OS Operation System 操作系统OSI Open System Interconnection 开放系统互连模型PPA Power Amplifier 功率放大器PAGCH Packet Access Grant Channel 分组接入允许信道PBCCH Packet Broadcast Control Channel 分组广播控制信道PBGT Power Budget 功率预算PBU Power Boost Unit 功率增强单元Pb Pb Interface Pb接口PbSL PCU-BSC Signaling Link PCU-BSC间信令链路PCCCH Packet Common Control Channel 分组公共控制信道PCH Paging CHannel 寻呼信道PCIC Packet Circuit Identity Code 分组电路标识码PCM Pulse-Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制PCU Packet Control Unit 分组控制单元PD Protocol Discrimination 协议识别码PDCH Packet Data Channel 分组数据信道PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy 准同步数字系列PDN Packet Data Network 分组数据网PDP Packet Data Protocol 分组数据协议PDTCH Packet Data Traffic Channel 分组业务数据信道PI Peripheral Interface 外设接口部件PIN Personal Identity Number 个人识别码PLL Phase Locked Loop 锁相环路PLMN Public Land Mobile Network 公用陆地移动网络PMU Power and Environment Monitoring Unit 电源环境监测板PNCH Packet Notification Channel 分组通知信道POMU Packet Operation & Maintenance Unit 分组操作维护单元PON Passive Optical Network 无源光网络PPCH Packet Paging Channel 分组寻呼信道PRACH Packet Random Access Channel 分组随机接入信道PSDN Public Switched Data Network 公用数据交换网PSI Packet System Information 分组系统消息PSK Phase Shift Keying 相移键控PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network 公用电话交换网PSU Power Supply Unit 供电单元PT Penalty Time 惩罚时间PTCCH Packet Timing advance Control Channel 分组定时提前控制信道PTM Point To Multipoint 点到多点PTM-M Point To Multipoint Multicast 点对多点广播PTM-SC Point to Multipoint Service Center 点到多点数据服务中心PTP Point To Point 点对点PWC Secondary Power Supply Board 电源控制板QQoS Quality of Service 业务质量RRACH Random Access Channel 随机接入信道RE Reestablishment 呼叫重建RF Radio Frequency 射频RLC Radio Link Control 无线链路控制RLM Radio Link Management 无线链路管理RPE-LTP Regular Pulse Excitation-Long Term Prediction 规则脉冲激励-长期预测RPPU Radio Packet Process Unit 无线分组处理单元RR Radio Resource 无线资源RSA Rivest-Shamir-Adleman 通用关键子密码方法RSL Radio Signaling Link 无线信令链路RTE Radio Test Equipment 天线测试设备RX Receiver/Reception 收信机/接收RXLEV Received signal level 接收信号等级RXQUAL Received Signal Quality 接收信号质量SSABM Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode 置异步平衡模式SACCH Slow Associated Control Channel 慢速随路控制信道SACCH/C4 Slow Associated Control Channel/SDCCH/4 慢速随路控制信道/SDCCH/4SACCH/C8 Slow Associated Control CHannel/SDCCH/8 慢速随路控制信道/SDCCH/8SACCH/T Slow Associated Control CHannel/Traffic channel 慢速随路控制信道/业务信道SACCH/TF Slow Associated Control Channel/Traffic channel Full rate 慢速随路控制信道/全速率业务信道SAP Service Access Point 服务接入点SAPI Service Access Point Identifier 业务接入点标识SCCP Signaling Connection Control Part 信令连接控制部分SCH Synchronization CHannel 同步信道SCMG SCCP Management SCCP管理SCU Simple combining Unit 简单合路单元SDCCH Stand-alone Dedicated Control CHannel 独立专用控制信道SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字系列SDU Service Data Unit 业务数据单元SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node 服务GPRS支持节点SID Silence Descriptor 静噪指示SIG Signaling 信令SIM Subscriber Identity Module 用户识别卡SITE Site 站点SLM Signaling Link Management 信令链路管理SLS Signaling Link Selection 信令链路选择码SM Sub-Multiplexer Interface 子复用板SM-SC Short Message - Service Center 短消息中心SMBCB Short Message Service Cell Broadcast 短消息业务小区广播SMC Short Message Center 短消息中心SMI Sub-Multiplexer Interface 子复用板SMS Short Message Service 短消息业务SMS-GMSC Short Message Service - Gateway MSC 短消息关口MSC SMS-IWMSC Short Message Service Interworking MSC 短消息互联MSC SMSCB Short Message Service Cell Broadcast 短消息小区广播SMUX Sub-Multiplexer 子复用器SNDCP SubNetwork Dependent convergence Protocol 子网相关的收敛协议SOR Support Optimization Routing 支持优选路由SP Signaling Point 信令点SRM Signaling Route Management 信令路由管理SS Supplementary Service 补充业务SS7 Signalling System 七号信令SSN SubSystem Number 子系统号STM Signaling Traffic Management 信令业务管理STP Signaling Transfer Point 信令转接点TTA Timing Advance 定时提前量TAI Timing Advance Index 时间提前量索引TBF Temporary Block Flow 临时数据块流TC Transcoder 码变换器TCH Traffic Channel 业务信道TCH/F A full rate TCH 全速率业务信道TCH/F2.4 A full rate data TCH s) 全速率数据业务信道(s)TCH/F4.8 A full rate date TCH s) 全速率数据业务信道(s)TCH/F9.6 A full rate data TCH s) 全速率数据业务信道(s)TCH/FS A full rate Speech TCH 全速率话音业务信道TCI Terminal Interface board 终端接口板TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议TCSM TransCoder & Sub-Multiplexer 码变换与子复用单元TDMA Time Division Multiple Access 时分多址TE Terminal Equipment 终端设备TEI Terminal Equipment Identifier 终端设备识别码TES Transmission Extension power Supply unit 传输扩展供电单元TEU Transmission Extension Unit 传输扩展单元TFI Transport Format Indicator 传输格式指示TFO Tandem Free Operation 免汇接运营TLLI Temporary Link Level Identity 临时链路等级标识TMSC Tandem Mobile Switching Centre 汇接移动交换中心TMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identifier 临时移动用户标识符TMU Timing/Transmission and Management Unit 定时/传输管理单元TN Timeslot Number 时隙号TNI Terminal Network Interface 终端网络接口部件TO Temporary Offset 临时偏移TRAU Transcoder & Rate Adaptation Unit 码变换器/速率适配单元TRX Transceiver (board) 收发信机TS Timeslot 时隙TSC Training Sequence Code 训练系列号(编码)TUP Telephone User Part(SS7) 电话用户部分UUA Unnumbered Acknowledge 无编号证实UDP User Datagram Protocol 用户数据报协议UDT Unit Data 单位数据UI Unnumbered Information (frame) 无编号信息帧Um 空中接口USF Uplink State Flag 上行链路状态标识USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data 非结构化补充业务数据VVAD Voice Activity Detection 话音激活检测VBS Voice Broadcast Service 话音广播呼叫业务VEA Very Early Allocation 很早分配VGCS Voice Group Call Service 话音组呼业务VLR Visitor Location Register 拜访用户位置寄存器VM Voice Mailbox 语音邮箱VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal 甚小天线卫星地球站WWDT Watchdog Timer 看门狗WS Workstation 操作台XxDSL x Digital Subscriber Line x数字用户线YZ爱尔兰表:某基站站型为S4/4/4。









另外,在高铁中的电能计量研究较少,分析较为特殊,文献[6]、文献[7]分别对110kV铁路牵引站与220kV高铁牵引站的高线损进行了故障排查与分析,并由此获知110kV铁路牵引站与220kV 高铁牵引站的供电方式有所不同,220kV高铁牵引站存在公共相供电的特征等;文献[8]研究了高铁负序电压、电流对电力系统产生的影响,然后讨论有功功率电能计量方式存在的问题;文献[9]研究了220kV高铁站内计量回路二次线接地造成的计量误差,但不涉及到负荷运行特性。







NotePrior to making any measurements, always familiarize yourself with the equipment you will be using. Read the instrument users manual paying particular attention to the WARNING and CAU-TION sections. Do not use the measurement instruments in appli-cations for which they are not intended. Always be aware that if the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufac-turer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.Application NotePower qualitytroubleshooting at theservice panelVoltage sags, tripping breakers,overheated electrical panels, and excessive voltage levels are all indications of possible trouble in an electrical distribution system.It is helpful to understand that these symptoms are telling us something is wrong with the power system. But where oh where do you begin the search to isolate the exact cause of these power quality problems?Just like cars have a single connection point to monitor vital functions, the electrical system has a similar connection point:the electrical service panel. As a common point for branch circuit distribution, the service panel is also a convenient place to take the pulse of your electrical sys-tem. A number of problems can be located right in the service panel itself. For problems else-where in the system, measure-ments at the service panel can tell you where to look next.Some problems can be caught by a quick visual inspection, while others require that measure-ments be taken.Finding the cause of the problemThis article outlines a step-by-step process for locating and fixing potential trouble spots.1.Voltage level (steady state)and voltage stability (sags)2.Current balance and loading 3.Harmonics 4.Grounding5.Hot spots: loose connections/terminals6.Bad or marginal branch circuitbreakersDepending on the voltage and measurement requirements, you can use a variety of tools for power quality troubleshooting, from digital multimeters to handheld single and three phase power quality analyzers that perform many calculations automatically.Voltage level and stabilityThe first step in checking to see if voltage levels and stability are the culprits is to measure voltage levels of the branch circuits, phase-to-neutral, at the load side of the branch circuit breakers. Note:For safety’s sake, when making voltage measurements always keep a circuit breaker between you and the fault cur-rent ampacity of the feeders.If voltage levels are low at the breaker, they’ll be even lower at the receptacle. This could be caused by low tap settings at the transformer. Other likely culprits include loose connections, long feeder runs, and overloaded transformers, which create excessively high source imped-ance (impedance from the load to the source). Source impedance and voltage drop are two sides of the same coin.If intermittent voltage sags aresuspected, start at the panel to isolate the cause of sags: Are the sags the result of loads on the same branch circuit or are they caused by loads elsewhere in the distribution system (including utility-generated sags)? We can start to isolate the source ofthe sag with a multi channel recording instrument, such as a Fluke power quality analyzer, that can trend voltage and cur-rent simultaneously.Connect the instrument’s volt-age probes and current clampson the load side of the breaker,as shown in Figure 1. Using asingle phase analyzer’s Sags &Swells mode, voltage events canbe trended on the top half-screen and current events on thebottom half-screen (Figure 2).Each point on the trendplot (240total points for the full-screentrend) represents three values inthe sample period: The lowestsingle cycle(min or sag), thehighest single cycle(max orswell/surge), as well as the aver-age value of all the cycles in thesample period. The sampleperiod is the elapsed timebetween one point and the next.The analyzer allows you to selectthe sample time you want, withone second being the minimumperiod (this corresponds to arecording time of four minutes).The cursor can be moved to thedesired point on the trend and,along with the min/max/averagevalues, the real-time stamp ofthe event is displayed.On a three phase power qual-ity analyzer, the dips and swellsfunction can measure all threephases simultaneously (Figure 3). Figure 1.Isolating source of disturbance.Figure 2.Voltage on top, current on thebottom. Real-time stamp on top.Figure 3.Voltage dip on three phases.Upstream, downstream What information are youlooking for from the trendplots?•If a voltage sag occurs simul-taneously with a currentsurge, the sag was caused bya load on the branch circuit(Figure 2). In other words, thecause of the sag was down-stream of the measurementpoint and therefore can bethought of as a load-relateddisturbance.•If, on the other hand, the volt-age sag coincides with a verysmall change in current, thesag was likely caused bysomething upstream of themeasurement point and canbe thought of as a source-related disturbance. Typicalsource-related disturbancesare heavily loaded three-phase motors started across-the-line or sags originating on the utility feed. If the sag isdeep and approaches an out-age, the cause is more likelyto be the utility. The eventprobably reflects a fault andbreaker trip followed by auto-matic breaker reclosure. Current balance andloadingTo check current balance andloading, measure each feederphase as well as current on eachbranch circuit. When makingthese measurements, it is criti-cally important to use a true-rmsclamp or true-rms digital multi-meter (DMM) with a clamp-onaccessory. An average respondingclamp-on meter will not providean accurate measurement as thecombination of fundamental andharmonic current makes this adistorted waveform. A lower-costaverage-sensing meter will tendto read low, which would leadyou to assume that the circuitsare more lightly loaded than theyactually are. Here’s what we’relooking for when making thismeasurement:•The loading among the threephases should be as balancedas possible. Unbalanced cur-rent will return on the neutraland, as we shall see, the neu-tral already has enough todeal with.•Neither feeder nor branch cir-cuits should be loaded to themaximum allowable limit.There should be some deratingto allow for harmonics.This is a pretty straightforwardconcept. Crest Factor (CF) is theratio of peak to rms. For a sinewave, that value is 1.4. So for asine wave, which by definitionhas no harmonic content and nodistortion, HDF = 1, meaning thatno derating is necessary. It onlygoes downhill from there. If CF =2, which is a more likely value forbranch circuits in offices, thenHDF = 1.4 / 2 = 0.70. So a con-ductor rated for 20 A should onlybe loaded to 70 percent capacity,or 14 A max.Figure 4.Crest factor (CF).So how do you measure forCF? You need a true-rms DMM orclamp, and in addition, the meterneeds to be able to measure thepeak value of the current wave-form. Harmonics analyzers orScopeMeter®test tools will alsogive you this measurement.A three phase power qualityanalyzer will calculate crest fac-tor and balancing automatically(Figure 4).HarmonicsTo check for the presence and level of harmonics, measure current on the feeder neutral. This will typically be in the 80 to 130 percent range of the feeder current, due to the fact that the third harmonic will add up in the neutral. Figure 5a shows some readings that were made in an office, at a lightly loaded panel. These waveforms were captured with a single phase power qual-ity analyzer. Note that the neutral current (Figure 5b) is far in excess of what would be expected from unbalanced currents alone.Although most of us are increasingly aware of the fact that third harmonic currents (also called triplen or zero sequence) generated by non-linear, single-phase loads add up in the neu-tral, we often wonder why. Figure 6 tries to explain this phenomenon with an idealized graphic. Basically, while there is a 120-degree phase shift between the three phases of the fundamental, the third harmonic on all three feeders are in-phase with each other. That is, they all reach their peaks and zero-crossing points at about the same time (in reality, there issome phase shift, but it is very little as compared with higher order harmonics, and therefore there is not much cancellation). This means that, first of all, the triplens have nowhere to go but the neutral, and secondly, on the neutral all the peaks and all the valleys add up.The size of the feeder neutral conductor becomes a matter of concern. The neutral must now return not only unbalanced fun-damental current, but the sum of all the third harmonic current. The 2002 NEC 310.15(8)(4)(c) states that “On a four-wire, three-phase wye circuit where the major portion of the load consists of nonlinear loads, har-monic currents are present in the neutral conductor; the neutral shall therefore be considered. In effect, this requires that the neu-tral conductor at least equal the size of the phase conductor. But this may well be inadequate: For example, a 1990 survey of 146 sites nationwide found that 22.6percent of them had neutral cur-rent in excess of 100 percent ofphase current! The strong recom-mendation from the power qual-ity community therefore is thatthe neutral be double the size ofthe phase conductor.Count the black and whitewires and if there are more blackthan white wires, there is a goodpossibility of shared neutrals. Atthat point, we should definitelymeasure the branch neutral cur-rents. Basically, the same thingis probably happening on thebranch circuit as on the feederlevel; i.e., third harmonic cur-rents will add up and possiblyoverload the shared neutral con-ductor. This is a distinct fire haz-ard. The neutral, after all, has nocircuit breaker to protect it.A neutral ground voltagemeasurement will also show ifthe neutral is too heavily loaded,or if its source impedance is toogreat. The neutral ground volt-age is usually in the 0.25 Vrange at the panel, while theFigure 5a.Top screen shows waveform and rms amplitude of feeder phase current, bottomscreen shows amplitude of third harmonic.Figure 5b.Neutral current.Figure 6.Why third harmonic adds up on the neutral.third harmonic in each feeder is in-phase. There is novector cancellation as there is with the fundamentalcurrents (which are 120 degrees out-of-phase).actual value depends on the dis-tance to the transformer. Any-thing above 0.5 V should be noted, and investigation made about whether loads fed from that panel have experienced problems. What if, under normal loading, the neutral ground volt-age is close to zero? That leads us to the problem of illegal neu-tral ground bonds. GroundingNeutral ground bonds in subpan-els are a violation of the NEC as well as of power quality per-formance wiring, but they are also quite common. Neutral ground bonds should be made at the transformer (although the NEC permits it to be made at the main panel). In any case, it should never be made down-stream of the main panel, whether at a subpanel or a receptacle. When a neutral ground bond is made at a sub-panel or receptacle, the ground path becomes a parallel return path for normal load current resulting in measurable current on the ground.What is normal ground cur-rent and what is abnormal? A logical approach is to measure the neutral current and then the current on the green wire. If the neutral current is, let’s say, 70 A, and the ground current is 2 A, the ground current is more likely to be normal leakage (and there-fore unavoidable). If the neutral is 40 A and the ground current is 20 A, there are likely to be some hard-wired neutral ground bonds. The smaller the ratio of neutral to ground current, the more likely that an illegal neutral ground bond exists. Neutral ground bonds can also exist in receptacles and even in load equipment, so we might have to use this same technique to measure for individual branch circuit ground currents.If an illegal neutral ground bond is found in one panel at a site, it’s a good bet we’ll find it at others as well. The installer may have been thinking that all panels are wired like residential service panels, or that the quick-est way to reduce neutral ground voltage was to install a jumper. Or maybe he just felt that the more grounds, the better. In anycase, remove all illegal neutralground bonds - no exceptions.This is also a good time tocheck the tightness of conduitconnections, especially if theconduit is being used exclusivelyas the grounding conductor. Therecommended practice is for agreen wire to be installed.Hot spotsPoor connections and the result-ing heat losses are the singlegreatest source of system ineffi-ciency (according to a 1995study by the then WashingtonState Energy Office). From thepower quality point of view,loose terminations are a majorcontributor to excessive sourceimpedance. Fortunately, they areeasy to locate with a simpleinfrared thermometer.Infrared (IR) measurementswith tools like the Fluke 60Series are a safe and effectivetechnique for non-contact detec-tion of panel hot spots. However,there are some key concepts thatare crucial to understand if we’remaking these measurements:•How big or small an area arewe measuring?Optical resolution is the ratioof the distance from themeasured object to the sam-pling spot size. If the ratio is4:1, it means that if you arefour inches from the surfacebeing measured, you’re meas-uring a spot with a one-inchdiameter.•Handheld infrared probes likethe Fluke 80PK-IR are mosteasily used for comparativetemperature measurements,not absolute measurements.For example, if we scan aseries of breakers or lugs withthe probe, we can easilydetermine if one is signifi-cantly hotter than another.•If we really need to makeaccurate measurements ofabsolute temperature withlower cost infrared instru-ments, the process gets morecomplicated. The short story isthat electrical tape should beused to cover any highly pol-ished metallic surfaces. Theissue here is emissivity. Emis-sivity indicates the ability ofan object to emit infraredenergy. Emissivity is theopposite of light reflection, inthe sense that darker, non-polished surfaces have higheremissivity. Furthermore, mostlow-cost infrared instrumentsare fixed at an emissivity of0.95, and the closer the sur-face being measured comes tothis level of emissivity, themore accurate the measure-ment. That’s why the surfaceof black electrical tape willresult in more accurate read-ings than polished metal.Circuit breakersA lot of people don’t think ofbreakers as having finite life-times. In reality, contacts andsprings wear out. Measurementsof circuit breaker voltage dropcan help us determine the condi-tion of the breaker. Measureacross the line-to-load side ofthe branch breaker. If the voltagedrop exceeds 100 mV, thebreaker should be replaced. Inthe 35 to 100 mV range, read-ings should be documented andtrended.In summary, the service panelis the crossroad of the building’selectrical system and the placewhere an experienced electricaltroubleshooter can start downthe right path to locate and fixany problems.Fluke would like to thankSteve Uhrich of Valley Electric,Mt. Vernon, WA, for sharing hisexperience and insight in thewriting of this article.Fluke CorporationPO Box 9090, Everett, WA USA 98206Fluke Europe B.V.PO Box 1186, 5602 BDEindhoven, The NetherlandsFor more information call:In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 orFax (425) 446-5116In Europe/M-East/Africa (31 40) 2 675 200 orFax (31 40) 2 675 222In Canada (800) 36-FLUKE orFax (905) 890-6866From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 orFax +1 (425) 446-5116Web access: ©2004 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.Printed in U.S.A. 10/2004 1989143 A-US-N Rev BFluke.Keeping your worldup and running.。


Daniel Zhou 学习笔记
7 运行仿真
Daniel Zhou 学习笔记
.MODEL DX D(IS=1E-12) .MODEL DY D(IS=1E-12 BV=50) .MODEL QN1 NPN(BF=10E3 KF=0.7E-15 AF=1) .MODEL QN2 NPN(BF=250 KF=0.5E-14 AF=1) .ENDS AD620
Daniel Zhou 学习笔记
如何使 Cir 文件进行 PSPice 仿真
Daniel Zhou 学习笔记
R16 25 98 57.296E9 C2 25 98 4.167E-12 G1 98 25 (12,15) 52.360E-6 V6 99 26 1.53 V7 27 50 1.33 D7 25 26 DX D8 27 25 DX * * POLE AT 10MHZ * R17 40 98 1 C3 40 98 15.916E-9 G2 98 40 (25,98) 1 * * COMMON MODE STAGE WITH ZERO AT 100HZ * E3 36 98 POLY(2) (1,98) (2,98) 0 0.5 0.5 R18 36 38 1E6 R19 38 98 1 C5 36 38 1.592E-9 * * OUTPUT STAGE * GSY 99 50 POLY(1) (99,50) 0.7725E-3 3.125E-6 RO1 99 45 250 RO2 45 50 250 L1 45 46 1E-6 GO1 45 99 (99,40) 4E-3 GO2 50 45 (40,50) 4E-3 GC1 43 50 (40,45) 4E-3 GC2 44 50 (45,40) 4E-3 F1 45 0 V4 1 F2 0 45 V5 1 V4 41 45 1.65 V5 45 42 1.65 D9 50 43 DY D10 50 44 DY D11 99 43 DX D12 99 44 DX D13 40 41 DX D14 42 40 DX * * MODELS USED *
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对称三相Y接法电路,其线电压也是一组对称的三相电 压。线电压是相电压有效值的 3倍,线电压超前相应相电 压30。。
& IA
& UA & IA = Z & UB . o & = IB = I A ∠ − 120 Z
. & UC = I A ∠120 o I&C = Z
B` C`
220∠00 = = 10.3∠ − 59.00 A 1 + j1 + 20∠600
负载相电流 & ′ ′ = 1 I ∠300 = 5.95∠ − 29.00 A & IAB A 3 等效星形负载相电压 1 & & U A′N ′ = ZI A = 20∠600 × 10.3∠ − 59.00 = 206∠10 V 3 负载线电压(三角形负载相电压)
& & U A 3U A & = IA = 1 Z Z 3
& U YA N & U YB
& U ΔC & U ΔA
& U YC
& U ΔB
& = 1 U ∠ − 300 & U YA ΔA 3
& = 1 U ∠ − 300 & U YB ΔB 3
& = 1 U ∠ − 300 & U YC ΔC 3
& IB
& IA
& UA & N UB & & UC I C
A′ & & I C′A′ I A′B′ Z Z & Z I B′C′ ′ C
& IB
& IA
Z Al I&A
& U A′
& UA
A′ 1 Z 3
& UA & IA = 1 Z Al + Z 3
& & U A′B′ = 3U A′N ′∠300 = 356.8∠310 V
& & U Al = Z Al I A = (1 + j1) × 10.3∠ − 59.00 = 14.6∠ − 140 V
步骤: 1. 变换为Y/Y/Y 2. 取任一相等效电路,计算一相的电压、电流 & IA Z Al A′ A
U& B = Zl + Z
U& C = Zl + Z
& & & & I N = I A + I B + IC = 0
3. 一相等效电路
& UA
& IA & U A′
& UA
& IA & U A′
四、 Y/
& UA & UC
& IA & I C′A′
& I C′A′
& & U C′A′ U CA = = Z Z
& & & & I A = I A′B′ − I C ′A′ = 3 I A′B′ ∠ − 300
& & & & I B = I B′C ′ − I A′B′ = 3 I B′C ′ ∠ − 30
& & & & I C = I C ′A′ − I B′C ′ = 3 I C ′A′ ∠ − 3009;N '
& IB & IC
& U N ′N =
I& A = U& A Zl + Z
& UA Zl + Z 1 Zl + Z
& UB Zl + Z
& UC Zl + Z
1 Zl + Z
1 Zl + Z
1 ZN
I& B
I& C
Y ⇔ Δ
其他计算方法 1.负载的等效变换
& UA & N UB & UC & IC & IA
& IB
1 Z 3
A′ 1 Z 3 N′ 1 Z 3 B′
& UA
& IA & U A′
A′ 1 Z 3 N′
& & U A′N ′ = U A
& & & U A′B′ = 3U A′N ′∠300 = 3U ∠300
& U CA = = I& AB ∠ 120 Z
对称 3.负载线电流
& IC
& I CA
& I AB
& IA
& & & & I A = I AB − I CA = 3 I AB ∠ − 300
& & & & I B = I BC − I AB = 3 I BC ∠ − 300
& IA
Zl = 1 + 求 Ω j2
& UA & N UB & & UC I C
A′ N′
& IB
& U A = 220∠00 V
& UA
& IA & U A′
& UA 220∠00 & = IA = 100∠300 + 1 + j2 Zl + Z
& IB
& I BC
& & & & I C = I CA − I BC = 3 I CA ∠ − 30 0
线电流为相电流的 3 倍,相位滞后相应相电流30°。
三、 YO/YO电路
& UA
& IA
& IN
Z N′ Z
& I A' N ' & I B'N '
& UC
& IA
& UA
& UC
& UZ ′ N N
& I A' N ' & I B'N '
& U A′
& IN
& UB
& IC'N ' Z C′ & U C′
& IB
& U B′
& IC
N, N′等 电位
& U N ′N
& & & & & & U AYA + U BYB + U CYC U AY + U BY + U CY = = 3Y YA + YB + YC
220∠00 = = 2.159∠ − 30.7 0 A 101.9∠30.7 0
& I B = 2.159∠ − 150.7 0 A
& I C = 2.159∠89.30 A
& UA
Zl & U
& IA
& U A′
& & U A′ = ZI A = 100∠300 × 2.159∠ − 30.7 0
& ⎫ U A = U ∠0 0 & = U ∠ − 1200 = U ∠ − 1200 ⎪ & UB ⎬ A ⎪ & & U C = U ∠1200 = U A∠1200 ⎭
300 & UA
& UB & U BC