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作者简介:张丽霞,女, 1974年10月出生,2001年9月师从于清华大学孟安明教授,于2005年1月获博士学位。



这些胚层的形成和分化涉及细胞与细胞之间的信号交流和相互作用,转化生长因子(TGF )、Wnt、成纤维生长因子(FGF)等信号通路在胚层的形成和分化中起至关重要的作用,胚胎的正常发育必需对这些信号的强度进行精确的时空调控。









给单细胞斑马鱼胚胎注射squint(sqt)基因的mRNA,可以诱导dpr2的异位表达;在包括cyclops;squint、MZoep、MZsur在内的缺失Nodal 信号的斑马鱼突变体中,dpr2在原肠期没有表达。




在斑马鱼胚胎中注射dpr2-MOs,可以使中胚层组织增加,chordin、gsc、ntl、snail、shh等中胚层标记基因的表达增强;dpr2-MOs与斑马鱼Nodal基因sqt mRNA或Nodal抑制因子lefty1的反义寡核苷酸(lft1-MO)共注射,可以进一步加强Nodal信号的作用;用dpr2-MOs注射缺失Nodal 信号的斑马鱼oep突变体胚胎,原来不在腹侧脑组织和神经管基板表达的shh基因可以恢复表达。









为了探讨Dpr2抑制TGFβ/Nodal信号转导的分子机理,通过免疫共沉淀实验发现,Dpr2能够与TGFβ/Nodal 的I型受体ALK4或ALK5结合,它与激活形式的ALK4和ALK5的结合更强;另一方面,Dpr2的过量表达导致ALK4或ALK5蛋白量的减少,说明Dpr2可能具有促进TGFβ/Nodal 的I型受体降解的功能。




过胞吞作用进入细胞质的TGF /Nodal受体的分选,或者帮助将晚期内吞体中的受体带到溶酶体中降解。

由此本研究提出Nodal信号的中胚层诱导活性的一种新的调控机制,即胚胎中有Nodal 活性的区域表达其抑制因子Dpr2,后者与激活、内吞的Nodal受体结合,促进含Nodal受体的晚期内吞体向溶酶体转运,这些受体进入溶酶体后降解,通过这种途径使Nodal信号的强度受到调控。

Expression,Regulation and Functional Mechanism on Mesoderm
Development of Zebrafish Dapper2
Zhang Li Xia
Developmental biology is currently an important discipline in life sciences, which aims to investigate gene’s expression pattern, function and regulatory networks during development of organisms. When a fertilized egg of vertebrates develops into a multicellular embryo at midblastula stage, three germ layers, endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm layers, are induced following cell differentiation. Subsequently, different germ layers will give rise to different tissues and organs along the dorsal-ventral, anterior-posterior and left-right axes. The formation and differentiation of the three germ layers involves intercellular communications and interactions. TGFβ, Wnt and FGF signals play important roles in the formation and differentiation of the germ layers and their activities have to be precisely regulated in a spatiotemporal fashion during normal embryonic development. It is known that Nodal and Nodal-related proteins, members of TGFβ superfamily, are key endogenous inducers for mesoderm and endoderm in vertebrates, and that they are involved in dorsal development of embryos. Nodal signals also play pivotal roles in left-right asymmetrical development and neuroectodermal anterioposterior patterning. However, it remains unclear how the Nodal signaling is controlled precisely during embryonic development. Zebrafish has become an important vertebrate model in developmental biology, because of its high reproductivity, external embryonic development, transparency and well-established genetic manipulation technologies. It has been found that functions of Nodal signals are well conserved between zebrafish and other vertebrates. Thus, knowledge obtained in zebrafish will also help understanding the mechanisms for embryonic development of other vertebrate animals.
In this study, a tissue-specific gene, dapper2 (dpr2), is identified during screening for genes with restricted expression patterns from an embryonic cDNA library of zebrafish using whole-mount in situ hybridization. Several lines of evidence indicate that this gene is an ortholog of
human DAPPER2, a factor with unknown functions. Zebrafish dpr2starts to express in the dorsal blastoderm of late blastulas. At the onset of gastrulation, dpr2is expressed in the entire blastodermal margin, with the highest level in the dorsal organizer (embryonic shield), which commit to mesodermal fate. It is expressed in dorsal neural tube, lateral mesoderm and the tail bud during segmentation, and it is restricted to blood progenitors and the tail bud at 24 h of development. Injecting of squint(sqt) mRNA into one-cell stage embryos induces ectopic expression of dpr2. In zebrafish mutant embryos that are deficient in Nodal signaling pathway, including cyclops;squint, MZoep and MZsur, dpr2 expression during gastrulation disappears. These results suggest that dpr2expression is activated by Nodal signaling. Furthermore, the expression of the Nodal pathway components cyclops, sqt, oep and lefty1as well as that of dpr2itself is enhanced when translation of endogenous dpr2mRNA is blocked with dpr2 antisense morpholinos (dpr2-MOs), implying that dpr2negatively regulates the expression of Nodal pathway components and dpr2 itself in a feedback fashion.
This study investigated the roles of dpr2in development of zebrafish embryos using both knockdown and overexpression approaches. Injection of dpr2-MOs in one-cell embryos results in increase of mesodermal tissues and enhances expression of mesodermal marker genes chordin, gsc, ntl, snail and shh. Injection of dpr2-MOs is able to enhance effect of overexpression of sqt, a zebrafish Nodal gene, and that of morpholino-mediated knockdown of lft1, an antagonist of Nodal signals. Knockdown of dpr2 with dpr2-MOs in oep mutant embryos that are zygotically deficient in Nodal signals can rescue shh expression in the ventral brain and the floor plate of the neural tube. In contrast, overexpression of dpr2 causes developmental defects in the midline mesodermal tissues and results in a phenotype resembling oep. These data altogether suggest that Dpr2 functions to inhibit mesoderm induction mediated by Nodal signaling. In addition, dpr2 expression increases in the embryos injected with dpr2-MO, suggesting a negative feedback regulation mechanism.
This study also investigated the potential involvement of dpr2in Bmp, Fgf and Wnt signaling pathways that play important roles in embryonic development. The fact that knockdown of dpr2 has no effect on the expression of the Bmp downstream gene gata2in the neuroectoderm and that coinjection of dpr2and bmp7mRNAs is unable to severe ventralized phenotypes by bmp7 overexpression suggests that Dpr2 is unlikely to antagonize Bmp signaling during embryogenesis. fgf8 overexpression in zebrafish embryos has an effect different from that of dpr2 knockdown and
fails to resume shh expression in the floor plate of oep mutant, excluding a possibility that Dpr2 is an antagonist of Fgf signals in development of zebrafish embryos. Similarly, effect of wnt8 overexpression results in an effect different from that of dpr2knockdown, and overexpression of wnt8or disheveled2overexpression is unable to rescue shh expression in the floor plate of oep mutant, indicating that inhibitory effect of dpr2on mesodermal development is irrelevant to Wnt signaling.
Considering that TGFβ/Nodal signal transduction is conserved among different species, roles of Dpr2 in this pathway and its underlying mechanism is investigated in mammalian cell lines. In mammalian Hep3B and NIH3T3 cells, Dpr2 overexpression inhibits expression of the ARE-luciferase reporter that is stimulated by TGFβ ligand or overexpression of the constitutively active TGFβ/Nodal type I receptor ALK4 or ALK5. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments reveal that Dpr2 physically binds to ALK4 and ALK5 with higher affinity with their activated form. The amount of ALK4 or ALK5 decreases when Dpr2 is co-expressed, implying that Dpr2 may promote degradation of these receptors. Decrease in ALK4 or ALK5 level caused by Dpr2 overexpression is not affected by addition of the proteasomal inhibitor MG132, but inhibited in the presence of the lysosomal inhibitor NH4Cl, chloroquin or Bafilomycin, suggesting that Dpr2 promotes degradation of the TGFβ/Nodal receptors via lysosomal pathway. Subcellular localization analyses by immunostaining indicate that Dpr2 primarily localizes in the late endosomes, but not in the early-endosomes, lipid-rafts or lysosomes. Thus, Dpr2 may be involved in sorting of endocytosed TGFβ/Nodal receptors in the cytoplasm, or it may help to transport of the receptors into lysosomes for degradation.
In summary, this study proposes a novel mechanism underlying regulation of mesoderm induction activity of Nodal signals. Embryos express the Nodal antagonist Dpr2 in domains with Nodal activity. Dpr2 binds to the endocytosed, activated Nodal receptors, and facilitates their transport to lysosomes for degradation. Thus, Nodal activity is regulated in this way.
Key borad:zabrafish, embryo development, dapper2, Nodal signal, TGFβreceptor, Endocytosis。
