

Word Excel PPT 办公应用从入门到精通

Word Excel PPT 办公应用从入门到精通
Word Excel PPT 办公应用从入 门到精通
01 思维导图
03 目录分析 05 精彩摘录
02 内容摘要 04 读书笔记 06 作者介绍
数据 行业
图 分析 技能
通过精选案例引导读者深入学习,系统地介绍了Word 2007、Excel 2007和PowerPoint 2007的相关知识和 应用方法。内容包括基本文档的制作、文档的美化、页面版式的设计、文档的审阅与处理、Excel 2007的基本操 作、输入和编辑数据、流程图的制作、公式与函数的应用、数据透视表和数据透视图、Excel的数据分析功能、 查看与打印工作表、基本幻灯片的制作、幻灯片的美化、设置幻灯片的动画与交互效果、幻灯片的放映幻灯片的 打印与发布、文秘办公、人力资源管理、行政办公、Office组件的协同应用、辅助工具和使用手机移动办公等。
第0章 Word/Excel/PPT最
第3篇 PPT办公应用 篇
第4篇行业应 用篇
第5篇办公秘 籍篇
0.1 Word/Excel/PPT都可以在哪些地方应用 0.2不同行业对Word/Excel/PPT技能的要求 0.3万变不离其宗:兼顾Word/Excel/PPT多个版本 0.4必须避免的Word/Excel/PPT办公使用误区 0.5如何成为Word/Excel/PPT办公高手
第1章快速上手—Office 2007的安装与设置 第2章 Word的基本操作 第3章使用图和表格美化Word文档 第4章 Word高级应用—长文档的排版



9.2 供应链
针对如下环节的组织和流程的网络 物料采购, 把物料加工成产品, 并把产品分销出
去 上游供应链 公司的供应商、供应商的供应商, 以及管理这
些供应商关系的业务流程 下游供应链 负责配送产品到客户那里的组织和业务流程 内部供应链
签约 供应商
• CRM软件产 品主要支持销 售、客户服务 和市场营销流 程, 集成多个 来源的客户信 息, 同时支持 运营与分析两 个层面
账目管理 潜在客户管理
订单管理 销售计划 现场销售 销售分析
营销活动管理 促销渠道管理
事件管理 市场计划 市场运营 市场分析
开篇案例: 斯酷凯蒂公司在云端运行ERP
快速的全球增长 不完善的配送模型 落伍的人工流程
调整业务流程 SAP Business ByDesign 云计算平台
斯酷凯蒂公司使用SAP Business ByDesign集成业务流程 与决策
本案例说明了为何公司需要企业应用 本案例表明了ERP系统可以显著提升运营效率和决策的能力
应用系统更加柔性、基于Web应用、能与其他系统 集成
SOA标准 开源软件应用 随需应变的解决方案 具有基于云计算的版本 提供基于移动平台的更多功能
社交型CRM 利用社交网络技术 公司社会化网络 通过脸谱网与客户互动 例如: Buzzient平台把企业应用和社会化媒体
分析型CRM利用客户数据仓库与数据分析平台工具, 分析公司直接



Windows10原创知识题100道(有答案)Windows 10原创知识题选择题(100道)1、Windows 10首个正式版发布日期是什么时候?A、2012年10月26日B、2013年10月17日C、2015年7月29日D、2016年8月3日2、Windows 10内置哪两种浏览器?A、谷歌浏览器和IE11B、Microsoft Edge和IE11浏览器C、Microsoft Edge和谷歌浏览器D、谷歌浏览器和360安全浏览器3、2015年4月30日,微软宣布内置代号为“Project Spartan”的全新浏览器正式命名,因此又叫做Spartan浏览器。

它是一款全新、轻量级的浏览器,其内置于Windows 10版本中,这款浏览器叫什么名字?A、Internet ExplorerB、SafariC、Microsoft EdgeD、Google Chrome4、下列关于Microsoft Edge浏览器的描述,正确的有哪些?A、省略了ActiveX插件B、支持Web笔记功能C、支持阅读视图D、支持“搁置标签”(创意者更新及以上版本)E、与Cortana高度集成F、排版引擎为EdgeHTMLG、支持HTML5H、是一款全新、轻量级的浏览器I、它实质上是一款Modern应用,因此相较于其他浏览器更加节省内存资源。

J、Edge浏览器能运行在Windows 10操作系统上K、2018年12月,微软正式确认,新的Edge浏览器将从EdgeHTML内核迁移为Chromium内核,同时还会登陆到Windows 7/8/8.1和macOS平台[2]。


Microsoft Edge采用的渲染引擎是什么?A、GeckoB、wibkitC、tridentD、EdgeHTML6、安装Office 2010或Office 2016时,有必要更改哪些选项?A、安装选项和用户信息B、安装选项和文件位置C、文件位置和用户信息D、不更改选项注意:“安装选项”是指自定义office程序的运行方式。

Microsoft Office在办公自动化中的应用技巧

Microsoft Office在办公自动化中的应用技巧

秦川广智贵州航天职业技术学院在现代化信息技术水平不断提高的背景下,各行各业对于办公软件的使用需求也逐渐提高,根据当前办公软件应用情况来看,Microsoft Office的应用范围十分广泛。

Microsoft Office是一个庞大高效的集合体,对其熟练掌握和使用是每个办公室工作人员的必须技能,它能让你在工作中更游刃有余。

本文重点探究了办公自动化背景下的Microsoft Office应用技巧。

本文主要介绍相关的Microsoft Office办公软件在自动化办公中的使用技巧,为工作人员提供更便捷的操作。











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Growth Pathway of Pt Clusters on r-Al2O3(0001)SurfaceChenggang Zhou,†,‡Jinping Wu,‡T.J.Dhilip Kumar,†Naduvalath Balakrishnan,*,†Robert C.Forrey,§and Hansong Cheng|Department of Chemistry,Uni V ersity of Ne V ada Las Vegas,Las Vegas,Ne V ada89154,Institute of Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Materials Science,China Uni V ersity of GeosciencesWuhan,Wuhan,China430074,Department of Physics,Penn State Uni V ersity,Berks Campus,Reading,Pennsyl V ania19610,and Air Products and Chemicals Inc.,7201Hamilton Boule V ard,Allentown,Pennsyl V ania18195Recei V ed:April23,2007;In Final Form:July2,2007We report first-principles density functional theory calculations of the interaction between platinumsubnanoclusters and the R-Al2O3(0001)surface.Energetically the most favorable adsorption sites were identifiedand substantial structural relaxation upon adsorption was observed.The optimized adsorption structures andthe calculated average adsorption and adhesion energies were found to be size dependent.Results show thatthe clusters can be stably anchored on the surface with the driving force arising from the charge transfer fromPt atoms to O atoms of the substrate.Calculations of Pt atom agglomeration vs wetting suggest that metalclustering is strongly preferred.I.IntroductionOxide supported transition metal catalysts are used in a wide variety of heterogeneous catalytic processes such as hydrogena-tion/dehydrogenation and noxious pollutants reduction.In a typical heterogeneous catalytic system,nanoparticles of metal catalysts are dispersed on oxide surfaces such as alumina (Al2O3),zirconia(ZrO2),MgO,and ceria(CeO2).1-9It has been widely recognized that reactions often occur at the sharp corners, edges,and defect sites of catalyst surfaces and that the catalytic performance is largely dependent on the catalyst surface area, which is determined not only by the size of the catalyst particles but also by how strong the particles are anchored or dispersed on support materials.10It is known that a weak anchoring force would result in particle agglomeration,leading to shrinkage of catalyst surface area and decrease of catalytic efficiency. One of the most important industrial catalysts is alumina-supported platinum,which has been utilized to catalyze a large variety of chemical reactions.11-27In general,platinum catalysts allow many chemical processes to occur at moderate conditions and alumina possesses superior mechanical and thermal stabil-ity.28,29Recent scanning tunneling microscopy studies by Sartale et al.30on growth of Pt nanoclusters on the Al2O3/NiAl(100) substrate revealed that the nanoclusters are mostly randomly distributed on surfaces,with a few exceptions in which some nanoparticles on surfaces are aligned.Theoretically,the catalytic systems are usually represented with a few extremely thin layers, often monolayer,of platinum on the support.8Using small Pt clusters on exceedingly small surface unit cells of supports,the interaction between catalysts and support materials was calcu-lated in several theoretical studies.16,21,25It is expected that chemical reactivity of molecular species on the thin layers of catalytic systems would be considerably different from the ones with higher catalyst loading on the same support due to the support effects.Indeed,theoretical studies showed that in the case of low catalyst loading electron transfer from platinum to the substrate occurs and catalytic activity changes accordingly. In the case of high loadings,the catalysts are often modeled with crystalline surfaces without support because the effects of support on catalytic activity are deemed negligible.Nevertheless, regardless of catalyst loading,understanding of the interaction between catalyst and support is of fundamental importance. Indeed,even in the case of high loading,a weak catalyst-support interaction will eventually lead to catalyst segregation and a shortened catalyst life cycle.Platinum nanoparticles have received much attention due to their superior catalytic activities.The activity of a catalyst to a specific reaction is largely dictated by the local electronic environments of the catalyst.Pure transition metal nanoparticles or clusters generate significant charge localization compared to their bulk crystal surfaces.31The active components of dispersed metal catalysts are small clusters,and therefore the cluster properties are responsible for the observed characteris-tics.32Dai et al.33have calculated the electronic structures of Pt4clusters using complete active space multiconfiguration self-consistent field(CAS-MCSCF)followed by multireference configuration interaction computations employing relativistic effective core potentials(RECPs)for Pt atoms.Xiao and Wang34 studied both planar and three-dimensional Pt clusters,and their results show that planar Pt clusters of up to nine atoms are as stable as their three-dimensional isomers.In more recent work they reported35a density functional theory(DFT)study of methane activation reaction on Pt atoms and Pt4clusters. However,the interaction between Pt clusters and support materials has received much less theoretical attention.In a previous study,we investigated the growth patterns of small Pt n(n)2-15)nanoclusters using the DFT method and identified energetically the most stable isomers.36In this paper, we present a systematic study using the DFT method to understand the adhesion of small Pt n clusters for n up to5on*Corresponding author.E-mail:naduvala@.†University of Nevada Las Vegas.‡China University of Geosciences Wuhan.§Penn State University.|Air Products and Chemicals Inc.13786J.Phys.Chem.C2007,111,13786-1379310.1021/jp073131w CCC:$37.00©2007American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web08/23/2007the R -Al 2O 3(0001)surface.We chose only the highest binding energy clusters or isomers obtained in the previous study and place them on the reconstructed R -Al 2O 3(0001)surface.Unlike previous computational studies,16,21,25we chose a relatively larger surface unit cell that could accommodate various sizes of Pt clusters,which minimizes the lateral interaction between Pt clusters and yields information only on the interaction between the catalyst and the support substrate.It is understood that the present model does not represent a realistic catalytic system.However,the model allows us to obtain useful physical insights into the interaction between small Pt clusters and R -Al 2O 3support.The relatively large support surface also allows us to systematically examine the effect of increased size of Pt clusters on the substrate to gain understanding of adhesion via platinum loading.In particular,we attempt to address whether the Pt atoms prefer agglomeration or wetting upon deposition on the substrate.II.Theoretical Model and Computational Method The present study employs a slab model to represent the R -Al 2O 3(0001)surface with the selected supercell duplicated by 2×2from the primitive unit cell.The supercell comprises six layers of the substrate containing 24Al atoms and 36O atoms.The (0001)surface orientation alternates with Al and O layers with the top layer comprised only by O atoms and the bottom layer terminated by Al atoms.The minimum distance between adjacent slabs in all cases was set to 23Åto minimize the interaction between slabs.The supercell parameters used in our calculations as well as the structure of the R -Al 2O 3(0001)surface are displayed in Figure 1.Each Al atom is covalently bonded with six O atoms,except for the bottom layer,at which the Al atom connects with only three O atoms.Likewise,eachO atom forms a bond with four neighboring Al atoms with an exception at the top layer,for which an O atom connects with only two Al atoms in the second layer.A similar surface model with a smaller supercell has been used in previous calcula-tions.16,21Several studies have suggested that the alumina surfaces are usually hydroxylated under typical experimental conditions.37-39However,little information is available on the detailed surface structure.To simplify the computation,we assume that the environment in which the Pt clusters are deposited on the substrate is water-free.As shown in Figure 1a,two types of oxygen atoms can be identified in the top layer:atoms forming a zigzag pattern shown in the box with the solid black line and atoms aligned linearly between two zigzag rows shown in the black dashed box.The oxygen atoms also form three types of triangles on the surface as highlighted with circles in Figure 1a.This surface structural arrangement gives rise to multiple adsorption sites for Pt clusters.However,our numerical studies suggest that only three adsorp-tion sites are energetically the most favorable:Al atop site (Al T ),O3hollow site (O 3h ),and O3vacuum sites (O 3v ).We will therefore only discuss adsorption of Pt clusters at these sites.The Al atop site is formed by two zigzag O atoms and one linear O atom attached to a single Al atom,which is a slightly distorted equilateral triangle with the O -O bond distances in the range of 2.34-2.66Å.The O3hollow site is formed by two zigzag O atoms and one linear O atom but supported by two different Al atoms with O -O bond lengths of 2.34,2.66,and 3.47Å,respectively.The O3vacuum site is surrounded by a linear O atom and two O atoms from adjacent zigzag rows,which form an equilateral triangle with the O -O distance of 3.46Å.Pt clusters up to n )5were then placed on the selected unit cell at these adsorption sites.In addition,we also examined the adhesion of a Pt monolayer as well as an aggregated Pt monolayer on the substrate.Possible binding sites of the clusters at the three adsorption sites were sampled to obtain the energetically most favorable configurations.All the electronic structure calculations were done with density functional theory method under the generalized gradient approximation (GGA)with the exchange-correlation functional proposed by Perdew and Wang (PW91)as implemented in the VASP code.40-43The projector augmented wave pseudopoten-tials 44,45were employed to describe the core electrons,and the valence electronic states are represented with a plane-wave basis set with a kinetic energy cutoff of 400eV.A spin-polarization scheme was utilized to deal with the electronically open-shell system.The Brillouin zone integration was performed using a grid of 2×2×1Monkhorst -Pack special k -points.Structure optimization was carried out using the conjugate gradient algorithm.Atoms in the top two layers of the R -Al 2O 3(0001)surface as well as the Pt clusters or monolayer were fully optimized.Atoms in the middle two layers of the slab were allowed to relax only along the direction normal to the surface,and the bottom two layers were kept fixed.The adhesion energy of the clusters on the substrate was calculated using the following expression:where E Pt n +substrate and E substrate are the total energies of the substrate with and without Pt n clusters and E Pt n is the total energy of the Pt n clusters.Here,m is the number of atoms in the Pt n cluster in direct contact with the surface.With this definition,the adhesion energy accounts for only the cluster -substrate interface interaction.Alternatively,we can also define the adsorption energy in terms of the average of all clusteratomsFigure 1.Structure of R -Al 2O 3(0001)surface.White balls represent aluminum and the red balls represent oxygen,while the top O layer is highlighted with larger orange balls.(a)Top view.The black box highlights the zigzag row,and the dashed box shows the linear row.(b)Side view.E adhesion )-(E Pt n +substrate -E substrate -E Pt n )/m(1)Growth of Pt Clusters on R -Al 2O 3(0001)Surface J.Phys.Chem.C,Vol.111,No.37,200713787ainvolved regardless of whether the cluster atoms are in direct contact with the substrate:To differentiate the two definitions,we name the energy defined by eq 2as the adsorption energy.Obviously,the magnitude of both adhesion energy E adhesion and adsorption energy E adsorption depends on how the energy of the clusters is referenced.Several studies made use of the cohesive energy of bulk platinum to estimate the adsorption energy.16,25However,to be consistent,we use the calculated gas-phase Pt n cluster energy E Pt n rather than nE cohesive (including n )1)as the reference,where E cohesive is the Pt cohesive energy per atom.In the case of platinum monolayer,we use the average cohesive energy of the pure monolayer to evaluate the adhesion energy.The selected Pt n clusters were first fully optimized to obtain the gas-phase energies and structures.Subsequently,the clusters were placed on the R -Al 2O 3substrate and structural optimization was performed.The calculations of gas-phase clusters were done by placing the clusters in a sufficiently large box to prevent interaction between clusters.The optimized cluster structures are shown in Figure 2,where the main bond distances and energy are also given.The average binding energy per atom of the cluster is calculated using the expression E b )E Pt -E Pt n /n ,where E Pt is the energy of the isolated Pt ing the value of E Pt )-0.54eV from our calculations and the values of E Pt n given in Figure 2,we obtain E b )1.88,2.43,2.72,2.71,2.96,and 2.96eV for structures a,b,c,d,e,and f in Figure 2,in close agreement with the values of 1.76,2.33,2.62,2.68,2.89,and 2.91eV for structures a -f reported by Xiao and Wang.34Our results are also in close agreement with the results of Huda et al.46To further test the accuracy of the computational method,we calculated the cohesive energy of platinum,which yielded -5.88eV per atom,in excellent agreement with the experi-mental value of -5.84eV.47The calculated R -Al 2O 3(0001)surface structure agrees well with the reported literature results.16,21,37-39III.Results and DisscussionThe adsorption of Pt n clusters on the R -Al 2O 3(0001)surface was studied systematically.The results are summarized in Table 1and discussed in detail in the following.We first investigated the adsorption of a single Pt atom at the three possible sites shown in Figure 1a.The optimized structures and the calculated Pt -O distance distribution are shown in Figure 3.At the Al T site,the Pt atom resides at the 3-fold hollow formed by the top layer O atoms but above the Al atom of the second layer.Three Pt -O bonds are formed with distances of approximately 1.980Å.The calculated distance between the Pt atom and the Al atom underneath is 2.415Å.The calculated electron density is shown in Figure 4a.Signifi-cant electron density around the Pt -O bonds is readily visible.As expected,higher electron density is around the O atoms,indicating charge flows from the Pt atom to the O atoms nearby,and consequently the Pt atom is positively charged.At the O 3h site,the Pt atom is placed above the O atom in the third layer and is surrounded by four O atoms in the top layer.Structural optimization yielded four Pt -O bonds between the Pt atom and the four neighboring O atoms in the first layer,as shown in Figure 3b.In addition,although no bond was formed,the calculated distance between the Pt atom and the underneath O atom in the third layer is 3.045Å.Of the four Pt -O bonds,one is considerably shorter than the ones at the Al T site and two are comparable to them.The fourth bond with a distance of approximately 2.068Åprovides additional stability for the adsorption of the Pt atom.The calculated electron density shown in Figure 4b clearly indicates significant electron density around the four Pt -O bonds with higher density toward the O atoms,suggesting that the Pt atom loses charge to the O atoms.At the O 3v site,the Pt atom was initially placed at the center of the 3-fold hollow above the Al atom in the second year.The subsequent geometry optimization resulted in shifting nearly horizontally the Pt atom from the center of 3-fold hollow site toward the O 3h site.The resulting optimized geometry is given in Figure 3c.Indeed,the optimized structure is nearly identical to the structure at O 3h .The calculated adhesion energy is also similar to the value for adsorption at the O 3h site.We therefore conclude that adsorption at the O 3v site is equivalent to one at the O 3h site.Of the three adsorption sites,Pt atom adhesion at the Al T site is the ing the gas-phase energy of Pt atom as the reference state,the calculated adhesion energy is 7.26eV.Platinum binding at the O 3h site is much stronger with the calculated adhesion energy of 13.01eV.It is worth noting that the calculated adhesion energies at these adsorption sites are much larger than those reported in previous calculations.16This should not be surprising because the values of theadhesionFigure 2.Geometric structures and energies of isolated Pt n clusters (n )2-5).The main bond lengths are labeled on the corresponding bonds.For three-dimensional clusters,the planes in the dashed ellipse are placed in direct contact with the surface initially.TABLE 1:Energetics and Magnetic Properties of Pt -Alumina Systemadsorption siteadhesion energy (eV)adsorption energy (eV)magnetization Pt 1Al T 7.267.26 4.511O 3h 13.0113.01 2.997O 3v13.0113.01 2.901Pt 2Al T -Al T 5.53 5.530.666O 3-O 39.089.08-0.270Pt 3equilateral triangle 4.27 4.27 3.022Pt 4planar3.99 3.99-0.088tetrahedron4.52 3.39-0.440Pt 5square pyramid3.90 3.12-1.837triangular bipyramid4.95 2.97 4.040Pt 12monolayer1.40 1.400.094tetrahedron film3.732.800.670E adsorption )-(E Pt n +substrate -E substrate -E Pt n )/n(2)13788J.Phys.Chem.C,Vol.111,No.37,2007Zhou et al.energies are sensitive to the reference energy of Pt atom used.If we were to use the cohesive energy of platinum as the reference state for the energy of Pt atom,our results would be in good agreement with the reported values by Yourdshahyan et al.16A comparison of the adhesion energies from the present calculation and literature data is shown in Table 2,in which the cohesive energy of Pt is used for the reference energy.For a consistent comparison with adsorption of other Pt n clusters,from now on we use the gas-phase cluster energies to evaluate the adhesion energies.The significantly higher adhesion energy at the O 3h site is largely attributed to the fact that the charge transfer from the Pt atom to the O atoms makes the Pt atom positively charged.At the Al T site,the Al atom underneath the Pt atom is also positively charged.The repulsion between the two positively charged atoms,Pt and Al,leads to much weaker binding at this site.At the O 3h site,however,the Pt atom forms four bonds with the top layer O atoms.This combined with the relatively weaker attractive interaction with the underneath O atom in the third layer makes the adsorption substantially stronger.The reason adsorption at the O 3h site is more stable than adsorption at the O 3v site is that at the O 3h site the Pt atom interacts not only with the four O atoms on the top layer but also with the O atom underneath the third layer,while at the O 3v site the position beneath the Pt atom in the third layer is vacant.The Pt atom originally placed at the O 3v site can readily “slip”into theadjacent O 3h site upon structural optimization to take advantage of the additional stability provided by the O atom of the third layer.Indeed,the calculated electron density maps (Figure 4b,c)exhibit large electron densities between the Pt atom and the neighboring O atoms,indicative of strong bonding between Pt and O atoms.We next examined the adsorption of a platinum dimer on the substrate.The dimer can be adsorbed on the surface either vertically or horizontally.Our numerical studies indicated that the vertical configuration is much less stable because the cluster cannot take full advantage of surface binding.For the horizontal configuration,two adsorption structures were obtained.First,the dimer was placed on top of two adjacent Al T -Al T sites with an initial separation of 2.452Å(the gas-phase Pt -Pt bond length).Structural optimization results in significant bond relaxation with the dimer bond elongated by 0.271Å.One Pt atom remains at the 3-fold hollow site,and another is pulled out from the adjacent Al T site to maintain a much relaxed dimer structure.Consequently,there are only five Pt -O bonds that range from 1.915to 2.091Å,as shown in Figure 5a.The calculated average adhesion energy per atom is 5.53eV,significantly smaller than the single atom adsorption.The much reduced adhesion energy arises from the fact that Pt dimer is much more stable than two separated Pt atoms in the gas phase,which results in weaker adhesion of the dimer.At the proximity of two adjacent O 3h sites,the dimer undergoes dissociative adsorption with each Pt atom occupying an O 3h adsorption site,as shown in Figure 5b.The calculated average adhesion energy is 9.08eV.Again,compared with single Pt atom adsorption at this site,the average adhesion energy is much reduced.To get a better understanding of the bonding between Pt atoms in the cluster and the oxygen atoms of the substrate,in Figure 5c we show the distance distribution of the Pt -O bond.TheFigure 3.Local bonding of a Pt atom absorbed on selected adsorption sites:(a)Al T site;(b)O 3h site;(c)O 3vsite.Figure 4.Electron density map of single Pt atom deposited on R -Al 2O 3(0001)reconstructed surface.TABLE 2:Comparison of Adhesion Energies of Pt Atom on r -Al 2O 3from the Present Work and Literature Data 16adsorption site calcd adsorption energy a (eV)reported adsorption energy b (eV)Al T-1.96-1.92O 3h /O 3v-7.70-8.20aThis work.b Reference 16.Growth of Pt Clusters on R -Al 2O 3(0001)Surface J.Phys.Chem.C,Vol.111,No.37,200713789distance is defined as the direct Pt -O distance between Pt atom-(s)of the cluster and the oxygen atoms in the first layer.The shortest Pt -O distance in the distribution represents the bond length,while other peaks in Figure 5c describe the nonbonding Pt -O distances.It is seen that for both the Al T -Al T site and the O 3h -O 3h site the shortest Pt -O distances are in the neighborhood of 2.0Å.In the remainder of the paper,we will only present results for adsorption of larger clusters at the O 3h site since our numerical studies suggest that adsorption at this site is much more stable than at the Al T site.Figure 6a displays the optimized adsorption structure of a Pt 3cluster.The cluster reorients itself parallel to the (0001)surface,forming an equilateral triangle with each Pt atom occupying an O 3h pared with the gas-phase value,the Pt -Pt bond distance on the surface is elongated slightly by approximately 0.120Å,indicative of the bond weakening upon interacting with the substrate.Strong Pt -O bonds are formed with bond distances ranging from 1.897to 2.054Å,as observed in Figure 6b,where the Pt -O distance distribution of the adsorption system is displayed.In particular,the Pt -O bonds,on average,are slightly longer than those of the smaller clusters.Significant surface relaxation occurs upon cluster adsorption.The oxygen atoms participating in the bonding with the cluster are pushed downward,while the Al atoms nearby move slightly upward.The calculated average adhesion energy is 4.26eV,significantly lower than that of Pt and Pt 2.Nevertheless,the magnitude of the adhesion energy suggests that the cluster still remains strongly anchored on the alumina surface.For Pt 4,we examined two energetically stable isomers:a planar rhombus and a tetrahedron.Upon structural optimization,the rhombus cluster is decomposed into an equilateral triangle and an isolated atom,as shown in Figure 7a.The equilateral triangle occupies three O 3h sites with a structure nearly the same as the one for Pt 3.The Pt -Pt bond distances range from 2.533to 2.728Å,considerably elongated from the gas-phase valuesby about 0.2Å.The isolated Pt atom,originally above the Al T site,is now displaced to a neighboring O 3h site,forming four Pt -O bonds with the surrounding O atoms with bond lengths of 1.906,1.923,1.962,and 2.061Å.The calculated average adhesion and adsorption energies for the rhombus cluster are the same (3.99eV),slightly lower than that of the Pt 3cluster on the substrate,since all Pt atoms are in direct contact with the substrate.For the Pt 4cluster with a tetrahedral geometry,the structure is slightly distorted upon geometryoptimizationFigure 5.Pt 2deposition:(a)Al T -Al T ;(b)O 3-O 3.(c)Pt -O distancedistribution.Figure 6.(a)Pt 3equilateral triangle adsorption structure.(b)Pt -O distancedistribution.Figure 7.Pt 4adsorption configurations:(a)planar;(b)tetrahedron.(c)Pt -O distance distribution.13790J.Phys.Chem.C,Vol.111,No.37,2007Zhou et al.(Figure 7b).The cluster resides above three adjacent O 3h sites similar to the adsorption configuration of Pt 3,except that the fourth atom is on top of the triangle.The bond lengths between the top Pt atom and the bottom three Pt atoms are approximately 2.627Å,slightly shorter than the gas-phase value of 2.686Å,36indicating higher bond strength.The calculated average adhesion energy is 4.52eV,slightly higher than that of the Pt 3cluster,which is attributed mostly to the smaller number of Pt atoms in direct contact with the substrate.In contrast,the calculated average adsorption energy (3.39eV)in this case is smaller than that of Pt 3because it also accounts for the top Pt atom that is not in direct contact with the surface.It is worth noting from Figure 7c that the Pt atoms of the tetrahedron structure directly interacting with the substrate have slightly smaller Pt -O bond lengths than those of the rhombus cluster,consistent with the calculated adhesion energies.In both cases,the Pt -O bond distances are elongated slightly compared with those observed in smaller clusters,suggesting weaker cluster -substrate bonding.For Pt 5,we consider adsorption of two isomers with comparable binding energies,triangular bipyramid and square pyramid.In the gas phase,the triangular bipyramid structure is slightly more stable than the square pyramid structure by 0.03eV.Upon adsorption on the substrate,the square pyramid cluster becomes distorted with one Pt atom at the bottom shifted to an adjacent O 3h site forming three Pt -O bonds with bond distances ranging from 1.913to 1.990Å.The other four Pt atoms adopt a distorted triangular pyramid structure on the surface (Figure 8a).The calculated average adhesion and adsorption energies are 3.90and 3.12eV,respectively,further declining from those of the Pt 4cluster.Nevertheless,the adhesion of this cluster to the substrate is still rather strong.For adsorption of the triangular bipyramid geometry,we observed significant structural relax-ation with one triangular face,highlighted in Figure 2f,interacting with the substrate directly and another atom coming off the cluster to reside in a nearby O 3site.Consequently,the triangular bipyramid structure is pulled apart and partially dissociated,leading to a stronger adhesion of the cluster on the surface (Figure 8b).Indeed,the calculated adhesion energy of 4.95eV is about 1.0eV higher than that of the square pyramid structure.The computed Pt -O distance distributions (Figure8c)clearly indicate that the bond distance between Pt and O located around 2.0Åis slightly shorter for the triangular bipyramid than for the square pyramid.However,on average,the bonds are elongated compared to those of smaller clusters,indicating weaker adhesion on the substrate.An interesting issue on Pt loading on the R -Al 2O 3(0001)substrate is whether Pt atoms prefer wetting or clustering upon adsorption.To address this issue,we investigated adhesion of a Pt monolayer and three islands of Pt 4tetrahedral clusters on the substrate shown in Figure 9a,b.For the monolayer,all atoms,originally placed at the O 3hollow sites,now shift to the on-top sites of O atoms upon energy minimization with a Pt -O bond distance of 2.011Å.This should not be surprising because each O atom interacts with a Pt atom in this case regardless of where the Pt atom is located.At the O 3site,the bonding between the Pt atom and the neighboring three O atoms is not as effective as the one at the on-top site due to the structural constraint of the substrate.The on-top mode allows the Pt atoms to maximally approach the O atoms.To examine whether agglomeration could occur from the Pt monolayer,we placed three tetrahedral Pt 4clusters on the substrate.We found that while stable adsorption structure was formed upon structural optimization the tetrahedral configurations are somewhat distorted,as shown in Figure 9b.The calculated Pt -O distance distribution is displayed in Figure 9c.While for the perfectly aligned monolayer structure distinct Pt -O distances are clearly visible,for the Pt 4clusters the distance appears to spread out with the Pt -O bond lengths centered around 2.10Åbut with fewer Pt -O bonds than in the case of the monolayer.The Pt -Pt bonds are essentially dissociated with an average distance of 2.77Åin the case of the monolayer,indicating weak metallic interaction.In the case of cluster film,the calculated Pt -Pt bond distance ranges from 2.639to 2.847Åwithin a cluster.The calculated adhesion energy and adsorption energy for the Pt monolayer are the same,1.40eV.However,for the cluster film,these quantities are much higher (3.73and 2.79eV,respectively),indicating a strong preference for clustering over wetting.The stronger adsorption of the clusters arises from the greater Pt -Pt bonding than Pt -O bonding,and the higher adhesion energy reflects the factthatFigure 8.Pt 5adsorption:(a)square pyramid;(b)triangular bipyramid;(c)Pt -O distancedistribution.Figure 9.Adsorption of (a)Pt monolayer and (b)tetrahedron film.(c)Pt -O distance distribution.Growth of Pt Clusters on R -Al 2O 3(0001)Surface J.Phys.Chem.C,Vol.111,No.37,200713791。


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GHOST XP SP3 精品系统 V2014.10(运行流畅,集成office2007

GHOST XP SP3 精品系统 V2014.10(运行流畅,集成office2007

GHOST XP SP3 精品系统V2014.10(运行流畅,集成office2007)■ 系统特色:==============================================================◇源安装盘是Windows XP Pro SP3官方简体中文正式版。










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Office 95、Office 97等版本 的推出,功能逐渐丰富
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介绍如何选择和设置字体 、字号,以及加粗、斜体 等格式。
讲解如何调整行间距、段 间距,以及如何设置段落 的对齐方式。
介绍如何在Word文档中插 入图片和形状,以及如何 调整其大创建与编辑表格
目录 Contents
• Office软件概述 • Word应用 • Excel应用 • PowerPoint应用 • Outlook应用
Microsoft Office的雏形 Office 1.0诞生


应用集成配置 - RSS 频道管理 关联系统管理 扩展栏目配置
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系统维护 - 应用日志 系统日志 消息管理 服务停止通知
组织信息管理- 单位管理 部门管理 职务级别管理 岗位管理 人员管理 组管理 兼职管理 角色管理 工作范围控制 单位标识配置 应用功能设置-协同应用设置 公文应用设置 文档中心设置 公共信息设置 移动应
组织机构同步 单点登录 消息互通 消息任务链接 支持在 WORD、EXCEL、WPS 上使用,具有公章或签名的密码管理、真伪性校验、支持 USBkey 硬件方式 加密 支持协同 ,会议 ,计划 ,日程 ,公告 ,新闻 ,文档 中心的 检索
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一 级功 能 协 同工 作
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而现在,深受大家喜爱的Office应用程序正式通过包括百度手机助手、91 助手、360 手机助手、腾讯应用宝、豌豆荚和小米应用商店6个本土应用商店登陆Android平板,大家可以在Android平板上使用功能丰富的Word、Excel和PowerPoint。










1、支持的操作系统:win7 32位或者64位,win8 64位,不支持xp及vista。


3、solidworks2014将会是支持32位操作统的最后一个版本,以后的solidworks2015将会只支持64位操作系统1、为了不联网验证,小编建议安装软件前先断开网络,以跳过远程验证,最简单就是拨了网线即可;2、下载后将安装包解压,找到“setup.exe”文件开始安装;3、win8系统可以打开sldim文件夹,运行sldim.exe开始安装;4、选择“单机安装”;5、输入solidworks2014序列号;序列号列表:SolidWorks Serial0000 0000 0000 3486 Q5HF FG98 或者 0001 0001 0736 0361 JK3Q HDJ3 其他产品的序列号(用户可以根据需要选择安装):SolidWorks Simulation9000 0000 0001 8043 TB9T SGD9SolidWorks Motion9000 0000 0002 7942 9KW4 9FBCFlow Simulation9000 0000 0003 3107 V8F3 PG44SolidWorks Composer9000 0000 0021 4754 DCB4 HC3JSolidWorks ComposerPlayer9000 0000 0022 1655 536J H9KHSolidWorks Electrical 2D9000 0000 0000 1616 MDZ8 R8J2小编这里只安装solidworks2014软件,所以只填写一个序列号;6、断网验证以后,会出现以下提示,选择取消即可;7、在这个界面,用户可以选择要安装的产品、安装位置等等,点击更改即可修改;8、正在检查安装选定的产品,已经开始安装;9、漫长的等待,请稍后;10、软件安装成功,点击完成即可结束安装;11、下一步,我们开始对solidworks2014进行破解;12、暂时不重启电脑,先注册软件;13、双击文件“SW2010-2014.Activator.GUI.SSQ”,选择“activate solidworks 2014”,点击Activate 按纽即可成激活软件;14、弹出“ALL done,Enjoy!”表示软件已经注册成功。









《Office 365 for Business》的企业应用案例分析

《Office 365 for Business》的企业应用案例分析

《Office 365 for Business》的企业应用案例分析随着信息时代的快速发展,企业的运营模式也在发生着巨大的变化。


为了解决这些问题,一些企业管理者开始引入Office 365 for Business作为一种企业应用软件。

本文将就Office 365 for Business的企业应用案例进行分析,并探讨其在企业管理中的重要性与应用前景。

一、Office 365 for Business的基本概念和功能Office 365 for Business是一种以云计算为基础的企业应用软件,适用于中小型企业在日常管理和生产活动中的各种需求。


Office 365 for Business包含多种丰富的应用程序,其中包括Word、Excel、PowerPoint、OneNote、Outlook、SharePoint、OneDrive等等。


在这些应用程序的基础上,Office 365 for Business还提供了多种实用的工具和功能,如Lync、Yammer等等,这些工具和功能都帮助企业管理者更好地管理企业和企业人员。

二、Office 365 for Business的应用案例分析1.提高企业运营效率对企业来说,提高运营效率可以带来巨大的经济利益。

Office365 for Business的应用能够帮助企业实现自动化的业务流程和任务管理,从而提高工作效率。


2.降低运营成本Office 365 for Business的云计算功能为企业带来了新的运营模式。


缺乏合作:某公司与上级业 务部门缺乏合作,未能形成
建立合作关系:某公司应与 上级业务部门建立合作关系,
Part Six
重要性:上级业 务部门支持是项 目成功的关键因 素之一,能够提 供技术、资金、 人才等方面的支
沟通不畅:某公司与上级业 务部门沟通不畅,导致信息 传递不准确,影响决策效率。
提升创新能力:某公司应提 升创新能力,跟上市场变化,
加强沟通:某公司应加强与上 级业务部门的沟通,确保信息
公司背景:某公司是一家中 型企业,主要业务领域为电
提供技术支持:协助解决技术难 题,提高产品质量
提供培训支持:提供专业技能培 训,提高员工素质
提供资源支持:提供资金、人才、 渠道等资源支持,助力业务拓展
提供专业培训:为下级部门提供专业技能 培训,提高员工素质
提供技术支持:为下级部门提供技术支持 和解决方案,提高工作效率
提供资金支持:提 供资金支持,帮助 公司扩大规模和投 资研发
提供人才支持:提 供人才培训和招聘 服务,帮助公司提 高员工素质和留住 人才
提高公司知名度:上级业务部门的支持和认可,有助于提高公司的知名度和影响力。 提升公司信誉:上级业务部门的支持和认可,有助于提升公司的信誉和口碑。 增强公司竞争力:上级业务部门的支持和认可,有助于增强公司的竞争力和优势。 促进公司发展:上级业务部门的支持和认可,有助于促进公司的发展和壮大。



在word中插入表格。 编辑表格的边框和底纹。 在表格中应用公式。
2014年国民经济主要指标。 企业员工考核表。 畅销书排行榜。 区域销售表。 高级筛选。
在Excel表格中录入文本、数字。 编辑单元格的边框、底纹、行高。 编辑单元格内的文字。
凡是利用计算机软件为需要或者可能 需要它的人提供服务的可能用到它的人提供一定的服务。
1.平面设计 2. VB程序设计语言 3.SQL SERVER数据库应用 4.3DS软件应用 5.网页制作 6.计算机网络 7.Visual FoxPro应用基础 8.计算机组装与维护 9.工具软件
Word文档操作。 Excel表格操作 Powerpoint演示文稿操作。
制作邀请函。 制作简历。 工资报表。
输入文字。 插入文本框。 设置文本框边框和填充颜色。 在文本框中输入文字。 在文本框中输入竖排文字。 插入艺术字。 设置图片叠放次序。
插入表格。 设置单元格格式。 合并单元格。 拆分单元格。 在单元格中插入图片。
华东 1% 西南 1%
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WPS Office 安全整合方案北京金山软件有限公司2010-5目录1 WPS Office产品兼容功能及安全特性介绍 (3)1.1 背景情况 (3)1.2 WPS兼容微软Office的功能介绍 (3)1.3 WPS Office高级安全功能介绍 (7)1.3.1 概述 (7)1.3.2 WPS Office安全接口功能定位 (8)1.3.3 WPS Office高级API功能特性介绍 (8)1.3.4 使用WPS高级API接口的典型用户——广东联通 (10)2 WPS Office安全应用解决方案——金格电子印章系统 (11)2.1 目标 (11)2.2 适应需求 (11)2.3 解决方案介绍 (11)2.4 系统功能设计 (12)2.4.1 签章服务器设计 (12)2.4.2 WPS Office文档签章设计 (13)1WPS Office产品兼容功能及安全特性介绍1.1 背景情况WPS Office 是最好的国产Office产品。

金山公司20多年来一直致力于WPS 桌面Office软件产品的研发,WPS Office是目前全球范围内最近接微软Office 的办公软件产品。

目前的WPS Office 2009,已经全面实现兼容微软Office 2003文件格式和操作习惯,并且兼容程度高、速度快、体积小、自动进行互联网在线升级,包括在二次开发API接口的对象模型方面,也与微软Office完全一致,能快速实现和企业OA等业务系统整合,能够很好的满足各类企业日常办公需求。


WPS Office具有100%的自主知识产权,无论在文档格式还是在功能操作方面与微软Office兼容度非常高,同时该产品还能提供本土化的服务,因此具有极高的性价比优势,在企业正版化应用方面已经成为微软Office的最佳替换产品。

1.2 WPS兼容微软Office的功能介绍双向精确兼容——历史数据尽呈现为满足用户对于微软Office文件的兼容需要,WPS Office 2009重新架构、重写引擎,在文字排版、表格计算、演示动画三大核心上做到底层兼容、“引擎”级兼容,彻底解决了一批技术难题,成果显著。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。











1. 内部报告和对外演讲型报告的区别2. 内部报告要点a) 根据报告的目的设计报表的结构b) 内部报告的平面排版三要素c) 内部报告的一些误区详解d) 金字塔式的写作原则是正确的吗?如何增强报告的逻辑性。

3. 演讲型报告a) 演讲型幻灯片应该注意些什么?b) 如何增加画面的专业度,抓住重点c) 人的记忆特性,如何给观众留下深刻印象d) 演讲的心理学,幻灯片的画面应该和演讲过程相配合*二、文字型报告的快速布局文字型画面经常会出现画面枯燥、表现力差,逻辑不清的特点。



1. 文字的行文要诀:如何写出简短、有力的文字2. 了解常用的文字逻辑机构3. 利用SmartART 10秒之内完成文字的结构布局4. 利用SmartART的metro效果提升画面的专业度5. 利用SmartART的定制能力突出显示重要内容6. 在对外演示的幻灯片上添加丰富的SMARTART动画,增加画面的表现力!*三、图形画面的快速实现1. 图片素材的高效处理a) 快速剪裁照片,获取所需要的素材b) 2秒给照片/图片制作专业边框c) 重点画面的精雕细琢:如何快速去掉图片的瑕疵d) 实现Focus效果,吸引观众注意力2. 整体造型的构造i. 全图型ii. 对齐型iii. 十字型b) 快速制作构图基块c) 高效利用辉光、柔化边缘、棱台和3-D 旋转3. 辅助工具的使用a) 真正的剪贴画使用方法b) 超链接c) 截图工具*四、利用PPT动画增加演示效果动画是PPT的魅力源泉,好的动画胜过千言万语。

1. 添加动画的方法2. 应用举例a) 应用一:控制演示顺序,加强逻辑b) 应用二:突出重要内容c) 应用三:文字生动化d) 应用四:展示图表的顺序3. 为会议增加片头音乐和背景音乐*五、利用母版简化幻灯片设计1. 什么是母版和版式,对幻灯片的制作有什么帮助?2. 如何为每个版式:标题/正文/结尾设置不同的背景3. 利用母版控制每个页面的文字段落和格式*六、快速配色追求完美型的员工经常为了更好的配色浪费大量时间,这里介绍快速配色的方法1. 配色方案及应用技巧2. 结合效果和配色方案第二天Excel效率提升的利器*一、快速输入的技巧简化数据的输入过程,可以为您减节约大量的时间。

1. 使用智能标记简化数据输入2. 快速设定数据的格式3. 使用下拉菜单规范和加快输入4. 各种快捷方式,加速数据处理5. 快速设置打印布局*二、使用数据透视表快速统计报表数据透视表把数据统计从小时缩短到分钟。

1. 如何制作统计表2. 轻松实现多级分类汇总3. 动态数据过滤,如何使用切片器4. 数据在年、季度、月、日不同时间级别上的汇总5. 自动计算各种统计指标a) 求和、平均值、频数b) 最大值、最小值d) 自定义指标6. 数据可视化分段和频数统计7. 如何自动识别新增加的行和列*三、快速定位自己所需的数据1. 高级筛选和筛选的区别2. 如何对比两个表查找相同数据3. 如何找到两个表不同的部分4. 如何同时查找多个条件,提高效率公式和函数是Excel的核心功能,以下环节精选Excel最经典常用的函数,系统的介绍不同类别的函数应用,让您掌握公式和函数的真正用途,深入了解Excel的强大之处。

*四、公式基础1. 3种不同的单元格引用方式2. 命名的用途和使用方法3. 插入函数的时候如何查看参数功能4. 如何使公式更优美并且易于理解*五、使用逻辑函数加快判断过程1. 常用的逻辑函数2. 灵活使用与、或、非逻辑解决多条件判断3. 嵌套使用IF来处理多分支,以及太多分支应如何处理*六、使用文本函数加速文本的处理1. 如何批量抽取文字中的内容,例如抽取身份证的出生日期2. 如何批量抽取文字中包含的数值3. 如何随意组合文本4. 数值转换:将文本转换成所需其他类型的数据a) 数值型b) 日期型*七、应用查找函数简化工作1. VLOOKUP和HLOOKUP的区别2. 如何根据关键字在另一个表中查找数据3. 如何根据多个关键字在另一个表中查找匹配项4. 如何利用公式自动处理绩效考核评定5. 不用学习编程也可以写一个数据查询程序6. MA TCH和INDEX的使用方法*八、时间函数应用1. 由日期数据中抽取年月日时间数据2. 根据入职时间自动计算工龄3. 计算两个日期之间有多少工作日4. 计算到截止时间还剩几年零几个月零几天*九、财务函数1. 等额本金和等额本息贷款方式的本金和利息计算2. 固定资产折旧的计算方法3. 如何计算内部收益率4. 如何计算投资回报的边际数据*十、常用统计函数和统计方法2. 如何实现多条件分类汇总3. Excel2007新增统计函数4. 利用数组公式实现快速的频数分析5. 利用公式实现快速多条件汇总*十一、快速制作美观的图表所有的领导都喜欢生动的图表,厌烦枯燥的数据,学习高效的图表制作方法从这里开始。

1. 首先掌握不同图表的应用场合:了解9种类型的图表及特点。

2. 图表的制作演练,由浅入深掌握各种类型图表技巧3. 如何快速美化图表,做出专业的外观4. 生成自定义图表类型,让你2秒完成图表制作5. Excel图表插入PPT的相关技巧【部分学员评价】·本身对数据分析有一定的基础,本次培训让我更上一个台阶,并且学习到了一个重要理念就是数据分析需要技能和业务相结合,案例分析让我扩展了思维,认识到了分析前需要先做好业务理解,这样可以分析事半功倍。



---博物天下张小姐·综合案例及实践操作利于理解和消化,对数据的理解与分析将更加深入---福州市勘测院冯小姐很多是工作中用到的,有一些更是工作中有困惑的,通过陈老师的讲解明白许多---海曼星电气有限公司钱女士·大部分培训内容利于理解,便于我工作中的实际运用,讲师授课时不乏味、幽默、有效控制课堂气氛---中石化壳牌(江苏)石油销售有限公司胡小姐·亮点及收获:学习到了做营销分析的思路,通过案例拓宽了思维,了解了协助软件ECEL、SPASS 分析数据的一些方法,此外还了解了许多分析模型。


---焦作市科瑞森机械制造有限公司林小姐·结合管理体制和营销思路,主要从数据分析方面来预测分析业务的情况,并且了解到一些EXCEL 方面的操作技巧---嘉兴朝聚眼科医院预约报名表参会单位资料单位名称:_______________________地址:_______________________(快递)参会人员资料姓名:____________职位:________电邮:______________________手机:_______________姓名:____________职位:________电邮:______________________手机:_______________姓名:____________职位:________电邮:______________________手机:_______________联系人资料姓名:____________________职位:____________________QQ:_______________________ 电话:____________________传真:____________________电邮:_______________________课题:Office在企业效能提升上的应用班2014版日期:□深圳4月11-12日;□北京4月17-18日;□上海4月19-20日□深圳6月20-21日;□北京6月26-27日;□上海6月28-29日付款方式:□汇款汇款日期:;□现金如选择汇款,请汇款至以下指定帐户:发票信息:发票抬头:_____________________________________;代办住宿:□是(入住时间:____月____日离开时间:____月____日);□否相关事项。
