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Unit 2
课题Unit 2 Section B (2a-2d ) 授课类型Reading

1) 掌握本课时出现的生词及表达方式。




教学 2.通过规定时间内完成阅读任务,锻炼学生的阅读策略,找读,利用作者教学

3. 训练学生的语言学习习惯。



介绍知识目标图片 A G 拓展知识2分钟下载
单词句型知识目标文本 D C 熟练运用5分钟下载

②媒体的使用方式包括:A.设疑—播放—讲解;B.设疑—播放—讨论;C.讲解—播放—概括;D. 讲解—播放—举例;E.播放—提问—讲解;F.播放—讨论—总结;G.边播放、边讲解;H.设疑_
Step I Revision
1.Revise the phrasal verbs that taught last class by
asking students to make sentences with them again.复习上节课
2.Check homework by asking students to read their 的内容,有助于
sentences and conversations to the class.Tell them t o对阅读2b做好
hand in their homework.铺垫。

3.Revise the story about Jimmy.Ask two or t h ree 获得相关信息、
students to tell the story to the class, showing the 完成阅读各项
picture of repairing bikes to remind them.任务,提高综合教学过
Step Ⅱ2a 阅读能力。

This activity provides before reading to practice using
the target language.
Activity 2b.Please read the article once quickly and
tell me the answer.
Have the students scan the passage and catch the main idea 主要细节推
of i t.After a round t wo m inutes, A sk t he q uestion a gain.断题或者是据
Step Ⅲ2c-2e 常识回答问题,
This a ctivity p rovides reading a nd w riting p ractice u sing 训练学生根据
the target language.上下句推断出
Read the instructions to the students.答案。

Ask a student to read the sample sentence in the
book.Tell them to write out.Use the sample sentence
as a model.And they can reread the article to search for
the answers.Let the students complete the work on their
own.复述课文熟Walk around the room while they are writing, checking 悉不定时表达progress and correcting the mistakes they may make while 方式
After they all finish writing, ask a few students to give
their answers.Point out the mistakes they may have made
in writing.
They can answer in their own language.
After that, write the following words and phrases on the
Tell them to note these new words and phrases in the
article, a sk s tudents t o r ead t he a rticle a gain.Tell t hem
to read in context, guessing the meanings of new words
and phrases from the other words around them.
Students read the article again for comprehension this
time.Allow them to read a little longer this time.
After a while, point to the new words and phrases on the
blackboard a nd l et t he s tudents g uess t he m eanings o f t hem.
The teacher does some explanation at the same time.
Look a t t he b lackboard n ow.Let’s e xplain t hese n ew w ords
and phrases one by one.
Ask s everal s tudents t o t ell t he m eaning o f i t b y g uessing.
Some of the children might get the correct meaning.Say
congratulations to any students who can tell the right
meaning.If n o o ne c an t ell t he c orrect m eaning.Explain
it to the class.
Ask the students to make some sentences with it if time permits.Let them do it as homework if there is no enough time in class.
Do the same with the other new words and phrases on the blackboard.Explain e ach o ne a nd g ive a t l east o ne e xample for each new word or phrase.
Get the students to read the instructions together.
Say, Read the article a third time now.
Please underline all the phrasal verbs while you are reading.
Ask students to complete the work on their own.
Get some students to tell the class their answers.Check the answers with the whole class.
Then have them work in pairs.Tell them to check each oth
er’s answers carefully and point out the mistakes their
pa r tners m ay h ave m ade.Tell t hem t o h elp e ach o ther l ike this as often as possible.
Write t he c orrect a nswers o n t he b lackboard t o h elp t hem.After checking the answers, ask the students to read the article loudly.Teach them to read the new words or even the whole text before they start reading if necessary.Ask them to read for a while, ask one or two to read it
to t he c lass, c orrecting a ny p ronunciation e rrors t hey m ay make.
Then ask the whole class to practice reading in pairs.Tell them to read the article loudly in turns in pairs.The one who is listening has to point out his or
her partner’s pronunciation errors and help to correct them.If they are not sure about any words, tell them to
ask for help from the teacher.
After practice reading the article, ask if they have any words or sentences they don’t understand.Tell them to raise their hands and say which words and sentences they don’t understand.
Help solve the problems.
Step ⅣSummary
Say, In this class, we’ve read an article .We have done some reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language through groupwork.
Step V.Homework.
绩优学案P 8 .9 基础题(必做)
