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【英文摘要】Since current methods for classification and analysis of fruit shape and mass for Korla fragrant pear are behindhand, this study aimed to develop feasible methods to determine the classification of Korla fragrant pear shape and models for the mass predicting. The shape characters and
geometrical parameters are determined using image processing methods. The discriminate on normal and misshapen fruit shape, the classification of normal fruit shape, models for mass prediction of Korla fragrant pears based on these geometrical parameters are identified. All above can supply basis for the research of mass classification using machine vision method. Main contents and conclusions of this study were listed as follows:The study of discriminate of normal and misshapen fruit shape based on the integrated neural network ensemble (InNNE) based on clustering technology. The 20 shape characters are determined by the straight-line divided method from the edge of Korla fragrant pear, which are the input layer of the BP neural network. The activation function of output layer are the logarithm and linear on, which include 3 nodes.. It can be concluded that the average accuracy is about 80%.The study on classifying for normal fruit shape of Korla fragrant pear:three normal fruit shapes in Korla fragrant pear based on the A.R are sub orbicular, ovoid and spindle. The A.R of sub orbicular pear range from 0.98 to 1.14, and for ovoid and spindle pear is 1.15 to 1.27 and 1.28 to 1.39.The study on predicting models of the mass for Korla pear:Different linear and nonlinear regression models for mass prediction of Korla fragrant pears based on
these geometrical parameters were identified. The results indicated that among the mass prediction models of Korla
fragrant pear based on diameters, the linear model with the independent variables as major and intermediate diameter (or minor diameter) had higher correlation. Also, among the mass prediction models based on the projected area, the polynomial model with the independent variable as the projected area which includes the major diameter can be optimum. The results showed
that it is feasible to predict the mass of Korla fragrant pear
use the model M=0.0079Pab1.197, R2= 0.9899, which is more feasible.The development of automatic classification software
for Korla fragrant pear:the Object oriented programming method
is used to design the automatic classification software for
Korla fragrant pear based on MATLAB, All the modules realized
the discriminate of normal and misshapen fruit shape,
classifying of the normal fruit shape and mass predicting.
【英文关键词】Korla pear Image processing methods Fruit shape Mass predicting Classification 【目录】库尔勒香梨果形分析及外观质量自动分级方法的研究
摘要5-6Abstract6第一章绪论9-14 1.1
研究目的和意义9 1.2 国内外研究现状分析
9-11 1.2.1 果实果形分类研究现状及进展9-10 1.2.2 果实质量分级研究现状及进展10-11 1.3 研究内容
11-12 1.4 研究目标12-13 1.5 技术路线
13 1.6 本章小结13-14第二章香梨畸形果的判别方法研究14-28 2.1 引言14 2.2 材料与方法
14-27 2.2.1 香梨取样14-15 2.2.2 香梨数字图像的采集15 2.2.3 香梨数字图像的处理15-20 2.2.4 香梨果形特征参数的提取20-21 2.2.5 基于聚类分析的神经网络果形分类方法21-27 2.3 结果与分析27 2.3.1 香梨畸形果与标准果的区分27 2.4 本章小结27-28第三章
香梨标准果形分类方法研究28-37 3.1 引言28 3.2 材料与方法28-34 3.2.1 香梨的取样28-29 3.2.2 香梨三轴径参数的实测29 3.2.3 香梨三轴径参数的数字图像法测量29-33 3.2.4 香梨形状系数的确定33-34 3.3 结果与分析34-35 3.3.1 香梨的纵截面形状分析34 3.3.2 香梨的横截面形状分析34-35 3.3.3 香梨标准果形的划分
35 3.4 本章小结35-37第四章香梨质量的预测方法研究37-47 4.1 引言37 4.2 材料与方法
37-41 4.2.1 香梨取样37 4.2.2 香梨三投影面积的实测37-38 4.2.3 香梨三投影面积的数字图像法测量
38-40 4.2.4 香梨体积的确定40 4.2.5 香梨质量预测模型的构建方法40-41 4.3 结果与分析41-46 4.3.1
香梨质量预测模型的分析41-46 4.4 本章小结46-47
47-53 5.1 引言47 5.2 软件开发工具简介
47 5.3 香梨自动分级软件主体结构47-49 5.4 香梨自动分级软件工作流程设计49-52 5.4.1 香梨自动分级软件启动界面设计50 5.4.2 香梨畸形果判别模块设计
50-51 5.4.3 香梨标准果形分类和质量预测模块设计
51-52 5.5 本章小结52-53第六章结论与展望
53-55 6.1 主要结论53 6.2 主要创新之处
53-54 6.3 研究不足之处及进一步研究的建议
54-55 6.3.1 研究不足之处54 6.3.2 进一步研究建议54-55参考文献55-57附录57-62致谢