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第 13 卷
affect the change of the trend. Different optical element surface materials, defect particle types, and defect particle size have certain effects on the polarization scattering models of the two surface defects, but the overall relationship remains unchanged. In order to distinguish between the two types of surface defects described in this article, the incident angle and the detection scattering angle are both 45° and an incident light with a smaller wavelength is used in an experiment. Key words: rayleigh particles;defect types;polarization scattering model;scope of model application;optim-
表面纳米粒子缺陷的偏振散射特性区分 高萍萍 陆敏 王治乐 郭继锴 何晓博 Differentiation of polarization scattering characteristics of surface nanoparticle defects GAO Ping-ping, LU Min, WANG Zhi-le, GUO Ji-kai, HE Xiao-bo
表面缺陷中的表面上方颗粒物脏污与表面下 方气泡粒子经常呈现球形或椭球形状,在通用的 检测识别光强图像中有着极其相似的轮廓、相同 的点状纹理,并且对于纳米量级的缺陷尺度,其分 布的密度非常小,常规的光学技术很难直接检测 到,加大了检测识别的难度。
近年来,针对超光滑光学元件等精密仪器的 表面缺陷检测识别越来越重要,越来越多的学者 从传统的非接触式光散射法入手,通过添加暗场 条件进行散射成像、在计算机分析中寻找更精密 的算法等逐步提高检测精度 。 [2-5] 但这些方法只 利用了电磁波的辐射强度和几何特性,可分析的 信息量较少,逐渐进入瓶颈期。后续很多学者在 原有散射光强信息的基础上添加光波的另一 特 性 — 偏 振 信 息 [6], 来 进 行 分 析 。 1997 年 , Thomas A. Germer 提出利用偏振散射特性检测基 片表面存在的缺陷[7];2014 年,巩蕾同样利用光散
第 13 卷 第 5 期 2020 年 10 月
文章编号 2095-1531(2020)05-0975-13
中国光学 Chinese Optics
Vol. 13 No. 5 Oct. 2020
高萍萍,陆 敏,王治乐*,郭继锴,滨 150001)
在线阅读 View online: https:///10.37188/CO.2020-0083
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度和探测散射角度均为 45°,采用较小波长入射光进行实验。
关 键 词:瑞利粒子;缺陷类型;偏振散射模型;模型适用范围;最佳观测条件
Differentiation of polarization scattering characteristics of surface nanoparticle defects
um observation condition
1 引 言
表面缺陷的检测识别是评价光学元件质量的 重要步骤之一[1]。随着超光滑光学元件等精密光 学仪器的广泛应用,纳米量级的表面缺陷检测识 别越来越受到重视。对于不同类型的表面缺陷, 对应的修复技术差异很大:表面损伤是光学表面 的真实损伤,一经发现将需要复杂的技术来修复, 难以修复或损伤极大的可能直接弃置;而表面上 方的异物颗粒可以通过简单的清洗轻松去除,准 确识别在一定程度上可节约成本。对表面缺陷分 类错误,将会影响其后续操作,对于高端精密仪器 来说会造成不必要的浪费。因此,表面缺陷的高 精度有效分类具有重要意义。
GAO Ping-ping,LU Min,WANG Zhi-le*,GUO Ji-kai,HE Xiao-bo (School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China)
* Corresponding author,E-mail: wangzhile@
础上,通过仿真分析得到不同缺陷环境、不同观测条件对两种表面缺陷粒子偏振散射特性的影响。结果表明:利用 p 偏
振光入射表面,而后探测 p 偏振光的双向反射分布函数值随散射方位角的变化趋势可区分两种表面缺陷;无论表面下方
引用本文: 高萍萍,陆敏,王治乐,郭继锴,何晓博. 表面纳米粒子缺陷的偏振散射特性区分[J]. 中国光学, 2020, 13(5): 975-987. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0083 GAO Ping-ping, LU Min, WANG Zhi-le, GUO Ji-kai, HE Xiao-bo. Differentiation of polarization scattering characteristics of surface nanoparticle defects[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(5): 975-987. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0083
Abstract: In order to distinguish between the two types of surface defects such as dust on the surface and bubble particles below the surface, and to obtain the applicable environmental range and optimal observation conditions of the method, we established and verified two polarization scattering models for surface defects based on Rayleigh scattering theory and a polarization bidirectional reflection distribution function. On this basis, the effects of the different defect environments and different observation conditions on the polarization scattering characteristics of the two surface defect particles were obtained through simulation analysis. The results show that by detecting the changing trend of the bidirectional reflection distribution function value of the p-polarized light incident on the surface with the scattering azimuth angle, we can distinguish between the two surface defects; no matter how the position of the bubble particles under the surface change, it will not
收稿日期:2020-05-03;修订日期:2020-05-27 基金项目:中国航空研究院航空科学基金(No. 20160177007)
Supported by Aviation Science Foundation of China Aviation Research Institute (No. 20160177007)